chirpsythismorning · 1 month
S4 revolves around El’s memories of the lab massacre, with it juxtaposing El now vs. back then.
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S5 revolves around Will’s memories of the UD, with it juxtaposing Will now vs. back then???
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recny · 2 months
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wedding ring is crazyyyyyy
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uraniumbones · 1 month
For those of you keeping up with the book of Bill and it's accompanying website and the bill cypher backstory. THE PARALLELS GOT ME FUCKED UP.
Spoilers incoming.
people love to talk about the dynamic between Stanford and Bill. Sure, interesting. But you know what people aren't talking about? Stanley and Bill. Specifically referencing the website (thisisnotawebsotedotcom.com)
If you input Stanley a bunch it will eventually open a new document instead of eBay pages. The page mocks Stanley and reveals his secrets or whatever. One of the clickable options on this page is "HOW HE BEAT ME". Each time you click into this is an increasingly deranged meltdown about how it shouldn't have been possible. Calling him a "cheap trick loving, past-denying overgrown child protected from failure only by a force field of denial and shamelessness" among other things. And when further pressed accuses you of acting like "those PREACHY INFANTILIZING AUTOMOTONS AT THE THERAPRISM who are SO OBSESSED with getting me to TALK about my "FEELINGS"." After that he spirals further eventually talking about "how much pain I'm in" and only in code admitting "I can still see through the eyes of everyone I've ever..." presumably killed.
If you don't know shit about Euclydia read the wiki page on it, it's not long. tldr Euclydia is bills home dimension, which he destroyed and killed every single inhabitant of in blood and fire. He did so (accidentally?) in an attempt to show them the third dimension which (because of a genetic mutation) only he had the ability to see (with his eye). Please also note when Stanford asks about his home dimension Bill says it was"destroyed by a monster".
In the website's many documents it repeatedly makes reference to Bill's parents and how much they loved him, his home, his childhood (he wore velcro sneakers it's actually incredibly cute), the ways in which he was different and not easily accepted.
Now knowing all these things. A pattern may emerge to you. Are you seeing it? Are you seeing the patterns yet?
Obviously Bill hates Stanley because he's stupid and still he somehow beat Bill. That's annoying, maddening even. But I believe it goes beyond that. He hates him all the more passionately because Stanley reminds him of himself. The poem at the end of the Stanley password on the website summarizes it best "always dragged his family down / One mistake, disowned, denied, / only thing to do was hide." Destruction of his own family, running and hiding from his own mistakes. "Reinvent, retry, reload" trying again in a new life. "When your actions make it worse, / When they see you as a curse," Making things worse where you have tried to make them better. "Give the wheel one last spin, / Take your chips and go all in" this is what weirdmagedon was for both of them. and this is where their lives differ "And lucky stan- the rolls on black, / he got his life and family back. / His big break it finally came, / Redemption from a life of shame." AND THERE IT IS. Stanley got his family back. Bill didn't. (Which is what it seems he was attempting). Stanley got his redemption. Bill didn't.
Stanley was a lonely kid fuck up just like Bill was. And he absolutely hates Stanley's guts for it because he hates his own guts for it. And all this time they're the same, just trying to fix those mistakes, to have their family back again, to be loved again. They both have this facade of untouchable aloof levity, the same insults Bill hurls at Stanley may as well be hurled at himself. "Protected from his failure only by a force field of denial and shamelessness"? "Cheap trick loving, past denying overgrown child"? You can see Bill goes from being outraged and insulting Stanley, to denying a deeper meaning to those feelings (and calling you a therapist), to talking about how much pain he is in (seemingly over all the people he killed in Euclydia), all without any specific prompting. Just pushing. Bill is the one that connected those things. Bill hates Stanley (at least partially) as an act of self hatred. Because he has made the same mistakes and can never forgive himself for them. AND (at least partially) because Stanley is not only just like him, but now just like him if he had succeeded. Stanley got his "Redemption from a life of shame". and in so doing actively prevented Bills.
Now do you see what I'm saying about THE PARALLELS?!
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just picturing benny's girl rocking a red lip one night and benny is just so in awe of how beautiful she looks that later in the night the guys started to tease the shit out of benny and he had no fucking clue what they were on about. so he was starting to get a little broody about it cause they weren't fessing up or telling him nothing until cal spat it out "it's written all over yo’ face benny boy! red in the face!" followed by another roar of drunken laugher.
as he takes the cigarette out of his month to say some shit back, he spots bright marks circling around the bud. it takes a second for it to click in his head, and when his does click, his face slowly softens. whatever words he was gonna say back, were just nothing but mush at this point. he was kissing you so much that night that you're red lips stamped right onto his lips (and a little on his stache) so that's why he had a subtle taste of cherry lingering in his mouth!
he pears over to you chattering with kathy, gail, and betty, and you're just close enough for him to notice that your lipstick looks a little more faded and smeared since you guys showed up to the bar. most guys would try to limit and hide that kind of affection the best they could.. but in that moment benny couldn't have given anymore of a fuck or care in the world, and neither could you. he didn't even make an effort to wipe any of it off, he was too busy biting down hard on his lower lip and the inside of his cheeks to stop the shit eating grin from plastering his face for the rest of the night, knowing that his sweet girl left her own little mark on him.
*sooooooooo this is my first time writing about anyone!! so sorry if it’s shit but i hope you guys like it :)*
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sculkshrieking · 7 months
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look at the fed assigned to my case dawggg i'm dying in this saw trap
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gargoyl3city · 8 months
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t3a-gh0st · 2 months
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rebellionsuite · 1 year
hozier made a mistake dropping unreal unearth so soon after good omens season two… look what you’ve done to the people, andrew
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tyongie · 1 year
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TEN Baggy Jeans @ Music Bank, 230901
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yumeurl · 6 months
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wildin bro
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dirtgrubroy · 1 year
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name something more ground breaking, iconic, changed the trajectory of history etc.
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bononstar · 2 months
somewhere, where only luggage would be, louis tells claudia that if she were the last vampire on earth, it would be enough. (the ghost of a family of three is shrouded in every word that comes out of his mouth. the fantasy of a lestat who loves him and loves him and loves him. the fantasy of a lestat who loves claudia and a claudia who loves him back. the fantasy of it being enough.)
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lez-13 · 9 months
My theory on the Nico/Bianca cameo in the lotus casino is that Percy or Grover mention playing mythomagic with some Italian kid and his sister wearing some old-fashioned clothes and thats how they realize what the lotus casino is
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blindmagdalena · 5 months
hey, don't be sad. homelander's little red panties, okay?
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currentlynappingg · 6 months
i HATE acne. Like get off my face silly! You don’t belong there!🤗🙏🥰
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st4rrmii · 2 months
I wanna bite Ben's nose off his face and devour it like a little snack
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