nezz-cringe-crib · 19 days
i know it's a fnaf song but chat please say you see the lawlight vision please somebody i cant be the only one who sees it.
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like this is the emo sulky rain shit that L was trying to communicate to light telepathically you can't tell me otherwise it just makes sense.
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liquidpaperdraws · 3 months
@lawlightweek2024 day 7: AU
!! I do not support JKR, which is why I enjoy Harry Potter exclusively through fan content and other means that don't put any more money in her pockets !!
That being said, this idea has been kicking around in the back of my head for months.
I'm honestly surprised almost nobody has done this crossover. I looked it up and there's maybe 7 or 8 fanfics and 12 pieces of fanart on all of tumblr, deviantart, fanfiction.net, and ao3 in total that combine Death Note and Harry Potter. It seems like it should be a more popular AU considering the overlap in time period and target demographic.
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Alright, now here are some headcanons:
5th year
Was supposed to go to Slytherin, but convinced the sorting hat to put him in Gryffindor instead (that's where his father went, after all)
Gryffindor's token Evil Friend™
Wants to eliminate the death eaters and all dark wizards by any means necessary (as well as anyone who looks at him funny)
Is against unforgivable curses except when he uses them, because he totally has good reasons you guys
Nearly was able to get all three deathly hallows for himself
Avada kedavra avada kedavra avada kedavra
Good at persuasion, memory charms, and making polyjuice potion
Keeps killing so many others who are also trying to fight Voldemort for not being willing to murder as much as he is
Created the Death Note himself so he wouldn't have to keep spamming avada kedavra
7th year
The sorting hat had a hard time deciding, but eventually picked Ravenclaw
He was disappointed (he wanted to be in Hufflepuff for the snacks)
Master of mind-reading, invisibility, divination
Possible werewolf
kept breaking the dress code by "forgetting" his socks, sweater, and shoes so he mastered illusion spells solely for the purpose of cloaking it look like he was wearing the uniform correctly and not getting in trouble
frequently uses duplication charms on cake so he can eat more of it without eating more calories
Doesn't talk to anyone but somehow knows all their secrets (he was spying on them using an invisibility cloak, crystal ball, etc)
His parents are unknown and dead so nobody knows how to be blood-racist to him
L and Light constantly try to one up each other at wizard chess supposedly to show their superiority but really it's to impress each other
L got his hands on an invisibility cloak so he could follow Light around and spy on him but Light used the marauders map to figure out that L was following him
they won't admit their feelings for each other
Light started dating Misa (Hufflepuff) to beat the gay allegations but she realized what he was doing and decided to slip him a love potion to force him to love her back. L was the only person who noticed and begrudgingly decided to help Light by reporting her. Light confessed his feelings for L after that.
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dukeofdelirium · 2 months
Don't you think it's funny and sad, when someone who have finished Death Note said : "I can't understand those who ship Light and L. It's just rivalry and bromance. Clearly Light is straight and L is ace"
It’s funny, sad but most of all it’s just kind of embarrassing that they didn’t pick up on any of the subtext 😂 especially when it’s so well known atp considering the majority of the fandom are lawlight shippers. like we’re a 20 year old fandom.. this is well established lol.
Light is canonically not straight 😭 he is literally repulsed by every woman that he has to form relationships with and he internally recoils from it
And I’m also so sick of idiots being like “L is autistic coded. So he has to be ace!” as if autistic ppl don’t feel sexual desire or something lol. Literally infantilizing him like it’s so stupid and insulting. I’ve also seen them say Light HAS to be ace bc he isn’t attracted to women lmao… honey he’s gay. Gay as in homosexual. What’s not clicking? The subtext exists
Also “I don’t understand why ppl ship L and Light” what is there that you don’t get about it????? The entire story revolves around their relationship lmao. It’s literally what makes DN interesting and what draws people into the story at all. Their dynamic, the way they play on each other, the way they interact is so interesting and entertaining and written in such a way that it is extremely easy to imagine it as something more. The story had an entire arc dedicated to depicting a relationship that could’ve been on more civil terms, the author confirmed Light would have worked alongside L without the DN in an AU, it’s not hard to imagine they would’ve become great friends or lovers in such a world… in fact, it’s really the only conclusion I think anyone should come to lol. Lawlight has an inherent tragic vibe to it, a particular sense of melancholy because you know they could be something more but the narrative will not allow for it to happen and yes I think Ohba wrote it like that intentionally
Anyway… I think they should make out sloppy
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grimalkinmessor · 4 months
6, 8, 15 for lawlight pleaseee!
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Well, I'm certain that neither of them apologize, at least not verbally; they're both too prideful for it. I think that L makes up by giving gifts (read: bribes) when Light is angry with him, but that rarely works so he has to resort to making Light feel powerful in some way. Whether that's through revealing a secret/weakness or simply letting him top, that's up to you :3
Light is....more complicated, because while getting L to admit he's wrong is like pulling teeth, Light won't admit he's wrong at all. He's kind of incapable of it when it's something he gives a shit about. But, then, he kinda gives a lot of shits about L himself, so therein lies the problem. On smaller matters, Light can begrudgingly take 'defeat' and admit that L was right but not that he was wrong, but for everything else.... Yeah, the most you're getting out of him is a roundabout concession over something else that is far less important but still somehow ties back to the thing they were arguing about.
But L loves his prideful little monster, so he knows what to expect in the end really lmao
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
For ME personally, L loves that Light is fucking insane. He's seen people like that before, of course, but they've never been on his level, never truly come to KNOW him like Light has, never mirrored him so exactly in intelligence and ruthlessness. Never gave him so much fun. Granted, Light's flavor of haughty insanity isn't what made L fall in love with him, but it is the biggest reason he loves him 🥰
For Light, he loves how much of a challenge L is. He never gives Light an inch, and if he does it's only to further his own goals and agenda. He's able to see through Light's lies and politeness down to the monster beneath—L is the only one who ever truly sees him. And Light can't help but love and hate him for it. But mostly love ;3
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
I actually don't have that many for them, surprisingly! And what I do have is fairly generic, but I'll try and find some of my gems for you! :D
↑ Obligatory Junie & The Hut Friends song because I have to have at least one in every playlist and this one just fits the lawlight vibe ✨
↑ A bit of a classic one for me, again. If they beat the fuck out of each other regularly then this is my go-to song :3
↑ This one is Light to me 😌 Light descending into madness because he's realized his feelings for L and is disgusted with himself and listing all the things he hates about L, berating himself for falling in the first place all while the derangement takes over as he realizes he still has to kill him 💅✨
↑ I'm so sorry, I'm not usually a k-pop groupie but my little sisters were watching the music video for this one and it just SCREAMS lawlight I don't know how else to explain it 😭
↑ Me when L singing to Light. When L singing to Light before and after his death. wHEN NOW I'M IN YOUR HEAD AND THE RENT IS DUE—
↑ Same as above but reversed POV 🙏 Light can't get him out L is in him forever now 😌
↑ 🫣🫣🫣😳😳😳🫣 This one's pretty self-explanatory once you listen to it....
↑ Again, self-explanatory, but also Light. Light-coded. For obvious reasons. But yes ✨
....Okay maybe I lied a little on accident I had more than I thought 😅
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Half-thoughts regarding scenarios involving L watching Light sleep (as of course *any* iteration of Lawlight L would do, because it's just who he is lol)... - something involving a wet dream - creepily touching Light's hair as he stares at him - orchestrating a scenario where Light is likely to have a nightmare (scary stories before bed -- maybe about murder cases lol, or watching something scary together, etc.). So that when Light wakes up scared, L will be there to comfort him, and Light will be vulnerable and more receptive/less resistant
LOOOOVE THESE I feel like wet dream plot lines are just inherent with yotsuba arc. like theres no way that didn't happen. the wet dream to somno pipeline is real btw
HAIR TOUCHING,,, he tucks light's hair behind his ear as they lay facing each other in bed, because neither will turn their back while the other is there. such a tender gesture twisted into something unnerving and creepy. my favorite trope.
this one is so elementary school light coded... theyre having a sleepover at L's apartment and L decides they should watch a horror movie, and of course light has to agree because if he doesn't he'll be acting like a wimpy little child in front of his cool older friend. conditioning light into dependence... he really should do that. somehow warp light's mind into thinking that L is his safe space.
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boobook3ys · 1 month
In two by Will Paquin is lawlight coded!!
The lyrics for anyone that doesn't know:
"We could try to go
But in the end I'd never follow
Was never meant to be by your side
Is this even a game
If in the end I let you kill me?
Was never meant to be by your side
But in the end I won't escape from the sight of you
Half of me is half of you now
I'll have to cut myself in two
You sit so high
Like a cranium that rests on the spine
Darling its alright
You do the thinking and I'll do the holding
But that game is through
Can you feel me buckling beneath you?
Was never meant to keep us aligned
But in the end I won't escape from the sight of you
Half of me is half of you now
I'll have to cut myself in two
I cannot escape from the sight of you
Half of me is half of you now
I'll have to cut myself in two"
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wildflowerwillow · 3 months
guys, the second half of ‘BLUE’ by Billie Eilish is lawlight coded. like. come on. i have to make an analysis about it. hear me out.
‘You were born bluer than a butterfly
Beautiful and so deprived of oxygen’
The first lines meaning, Light was born good, raised good, but always felt something was missing. He felt the world needed justice but didn’t know how to make his feelings known.
‘Colder than your father’s eyes
He never learned to sympathize with anyone’
Even though Sorichiro isn’t necessarily cruel towards him or even his family, Light finds himself comparing what he knows about himself to his father, constantly wishing to “help” with the Kira case and letting everyone around him know he wants to follow in the footsteps of his father. He knows Sorichiro won’t give up on trying to figure out who Kira is, and knows he would be heartbroken if he found out it was actually his own son, more or less.
‘I don’t blame you, but I can’t change you
Don’t hate you, but we can’t save you’
The first line ‘I don’t blame you, but I can’t change you’ is almost like L is speaking directly to Light. I imagine L knows what Light is feeling concerning justice and how the world views it. He knows Light’s thoughts and compares them to his own view of justice. The second line, ‘Don’t hate you, but we can’t save you’ is like L has never hated Light for who he chose to become surrounding his own beliefs around the justice system. ‘But we can’t save you’ could be symbolic for the fact Light has already surrendered himself to the Death Note and risked the lives of thousands in order to become someone/ something great.
‘You were born reaching for your mothers hands
Victim of your fathers plans to rule the world”
The second line of sort of self explanatory, describing that Light is not a king, a god, nor a perpetrator. He’s the victim. He was taken hostage by his mind to “rule the world”. Maybe the first line is what Light thought of himself to always be, born to be good. Born to reach for your mothers hands and love her and love everything because you were never raised in any other way. But those things were stolen by the career his father chose, to catch the wrong. It’s not that his father ruined his outlook on his entire life, but what if his father wasn’t the chief of police? He would have never met L. He would have never outsmarted half the task force and tricked L into believing he was someone he really wasn’t. He wouldn’t have wanted justice.
‘Too afraid to step outside
Paranoid and petrified of what you’ve heard’
Again, Light obviously can’t let the world know he’s Kira. He’s not meticulous, he’s afraid to let anyone he knows discover who he actually is. Because then his whole plan would fail. His thoughts and intricate attention to detail would collapse. He’s paranoid.
The next lines are like L is talking about himself:
“But they could say the same ‘bout me
I sleep only three hours each night means only twenty-one a week, now’
When I heard the second line I immediately thought of L. Who else could this song be about? The first line explores Ls past, as if people used to say the exact same things about L, about how he was paranoid to step outside, let the world know who he was, discover his idea of justice. He’s more like Light then he would like to think. Light is the only person L has ever had to compare his intelligence to his entire life.
‘And I could say the same ‘bout you
Born blameless, grew up famous too
Just a baby born blue, now’
Like I was saying, L and Light are so similar. And L knows this. He constantly sees himself in Light, even when he doesn’t want to. Light was born blameless, like L. Light is Kira, therefore he is famous. L is L, and is also famous. Light was born blue, meaning he was born with the same thoughts L was. L never wanted to be bad. L was raised to be good. Like Light was.
Maybe I’m delusional, maybe I’m crazy, but I can’t stop thinking about the coincidence. If you haven’t heard the song, PLEASE LISTEN TO IT. IT WILL MAKE SENSE.
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00queasy00 · 6 months
9 Fandom Folks To Get To Know Better
Thanks for the tag @cealesti!! :3c
Three ships you like:
oh god this is hard okay okay uuhh the ones on my mind rn 1. tomarrymort / soulseeker (hp) - i find them so iconic, you know? their ideals, their parallels, their similarities, there seems to be new things to discover about them at every turn, just keep putting them in situations and watch them wreck havoc. the soulseeker fandom is filled with so much amazing amazing people so kind and creative, i feel like i have accidently stumbled upon the holy grail, the paradise that never ends <3 2. radiodust (hazbin hotel) - i ship them as literally the queer-coded villains that have nothing in common, yet they bond over being the meanest hottest couple in the hotel together and know the ideal make-up brands to go into territory battles in. theyre like two drama queens on different ends of the spectrums. i like them toxic, i like them dramatic af, i like them in pink and red hahaha XD 3. lawlight (death note) - tbh im fairly new into the ship, despite being a longterm death note fan :0 i was more into mellodramattic before lawlight era hit me recently lol. i love how people, pretty much, turn them into their personal anime yaoi dolls and force them to kiss lol.
First ship ever:
uuummmmm im thinking hetalia ??? XD uh England and America <3 i can never get over the angst. the sunshine gay and the grumpy gay dynamic.
Last song you heard:
La Vie en rose (alastor cover) by Paranoid DJ Please check out PARANOiD DJ's fan songs for hazbin / helluva, theyre so good!!! The Lucifer, Alastor, Stiker, and Verosika songs are my faves!
Currently reading:
Vicious Circle by Bakuko, cyberslut404, estnedo I barely started chapter 1, so no thoughts yet besides I am excited to check this story out !! The Emporer and The Star by wynnebat I am rereading this story <3 I enjoy it so much and the confusing and deadly feeling Harry is having with his Seer abilities.
Currently watching:
I am actually watching a few things rn, I jump around a lot depending what I am watching with who: -Gurren Lagann - my lovely partner never seen it! i had to change that! one of my fave fave core animes. -Toilet-bound Hanako-kun - a comfort show with gorgeous. gorgeous designs and a fun twist of traditional ghost folklore. -Heartstopper Season 2 - my wife loves the comic, so here we are. -Trolls Dreamworks Movies - watching with friends <3 the designs are so adorable and are very fun! i am always so blown away with how creative the team uses different craft textiles throughout the movies! the second and third movie are my fave <3 theyre like an hour and half long each! fairly short, but i HIGHLY RECOMMEND for a good time!! -Harry Potter Movies - watching with friends on saturdays <3
Currently consuming:
Water!! Stay hydrated folks!! <3
Currently craving:
to listen to magnus archive from the beginning again -- but rather wait for the whole story to be revealed first before restarting it again x_x
Tagging (no pressure!!): @raehb336, @i-dream-of-libraries, @liquidluckandstuff, @laserswordtraining, @chaos-bear, @theonceandfuturequeenoftarts, @tommarvoloriddlesdiary, @isalisewrites, @cloverwoodss, @kagariasuha @duplicitywrites @crowcrowcrowthing and whoever wants to join! if you havent been tagged and see this, I TAG YOU! come join its fun :3
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undergoing-mitosis · 6 months
i've been listening to sofia isella's entire discography today cause im insane and it's crazy how well some of the songs fit with death note characters. or maybe im just too i deep in and im slowly losing my mind. anyhow
Death Note Characters as SOFIA ISELLA Songs
Light: I Looked The Future in the Eyes, It's Mine. a song about being high on the power trip of believing the near future is yours for the taking hello???????? 'they ask us, "how's it feel to be god's favourite?" we say, "we don't know, we've never known different."'
L: Cacao and Cocaine. more specifically fanon L. more specifically lawlight L. plus L feeling unfufilled if his life isn't riddled with the danger of detective work. 'would you like your heart to get attacked? would that feel better than boredom in another beige and bland cul de sac?'
Mello: Hot Gum. a slutty song with fire imagery and religious metaphors. need i say more? 'i watch us burn and fall, the heat is ten feet tall... and the flicker flames weave in through my teeth.'
Matt: Rainbow Rocket Ride. literally the mellodramattic song we've all been waiting for. with video game metaphors n references??? could something be more perfect? 'i found my joy with a runaway boy, and the cosmos is so big it won't notice we went missing'
a few more under the cut:
these next ones im less sure about but i still think they fit the vibes of the character:
Near: All of Human Knowledge Made Us Dumb. technically this is a song about the internet rotting our brains, but the general vibes of disconnection from reality and numbness, and everything making more sense in fiction and theory than reality is very near-coded in my opinion. i have always headcanoned near as a hikikomori, though less because he just doesn't want to go out and more because he physically can't function in the world. high support needs autism who???? 'and i can know every answer that's ever been known, but when everyone's together everyone's alone'
Misa: Everybody Supports Women. again a bit of a stretch, im not completely sold on it. but there are moments that make me go ugh yes. it feels like the toxicity of the idol industry along with, well, everyone around her going against misa, or at least that's how it feels to her. i think it encapsulates the isolation of her character and how people don't see her suffering cause she has a pretty face perfectly. misa is such a tragic and ultimately lonely character who lost everything she has ever loved. and she does not get enough comfort and sympathy for that."she's probably self-centred, we hate her and she's nothing, if everybody leaves her then she had it coming"
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notbeyondbirthday · 8 months
Gonna have to write a BA fic so y'all can see my vision. But essentially what if the parallels between lawlight and meronia happened a third time. prep coded and emo coded. they want to kill each other. They did kill each other actually. They've been married for 10 years. They've been divorced for 10 years. Friends to brothers to rivals to enemies to lovers and back. Their value is strictly determined by the other, their greatest fears and desires are reflected in the other. The sacrificial lamb and the knife. The chosen and the cursed. The angel and the demon. The prodigal son and the black sheep. Both playing a predestined role for the Father. B was trained to hunt, and he followed A's scent to its bloody end and after devouring the corpse, dripping with the viscera of the only thing that ever made him feel alive, the only purpose left for B is to devour the God A died for, that they would both die for. L. A was B's first obsession and L was his last. Projection and displacement. B has never stopped hunting. He doesn't know anything else. Can anyone hear me
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Those!Lawlight is so Hannibal and Will coded stop PLAYING. Especially!!! With the slow mental insanity and breakdown Light is having. That one scene where he is almost in awe of the ease in which Matsuda FEELS. The way in which he feels the sadness and remorse. The way Matsuda's face falls and creases because of the Tsukino situation and the whole "There's bad reception where he lives, I hope he's okay". Light practicing how to act like the people around him until he gets it right because he simply just doesn't feel it, almost doesn't understand is so so chilling and it's so Hannibal. Also L having feelings for this madman (not that he's sane either but by the end Will isn't as well) and killing for him but also, let's be real, for himself??? But for Light. Will coded because Will follows Hannibal to the dark side and L falls willingly to the dark side (not that he wasn’t with a foot in already but ohhhh using the death note sealed it) and skjdhshjsjss. I just like relationships like this stfu. Not that normal Lawlight isn't also Hannibal and Will coded as well but it's less so. Anways. Yes I finished Those yesterday in the year of our lord 2023 leave me alone.
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distort-opia · 2 years
Batjokes brainrot so bad that i categorize every enemies2lovers ship with them, like hmmm i wonder who hannigram would be in batjokes, who in lawlight is more joker-coded and batman-coded.
Couple: *walks next to me normally*
Me: so who's the joker and who's the batman out of the relationship? 🤔
Oh I feel you, Anon :)) These fuckers have been my blueprint since the tender age of 12, the brainrot is truly incurable.
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dukeofdelirium · 2 months
"What do you think are x and y’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?"
So, just found this kinda ask for various ships, I was thinking to ask you, if you don't mind and have free time, of course.
For your fav ships: Lawlight, Kataang, Byler or Eremika (feel free to pick whichever you want to answer). 🌻🌷
Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔
For Lawlight, I’d say both of their strengths would be their intelligence. I’d also say a weakness for both is that they are in many ways cut off from other people, whether it’s like L who kind of does so intentionally or Light who puts on a mask for other ppl’s sake. I also think Light has a level of optimism that is extremely beneficial to him, as well as the willpower to do what he wants and to believe he is capable of achieving it, and his optimism isn’t something I see ppl mention a lot in regards to his character, but I view it as a strength. In the same vein, though, his willpower to achieve what he sets out to do is also a weakness, because he either grows bored of things easily once they are no longer challenging or he is too sure of himself. Not that I can really blame his mindset, considering he is a genius who has rarely if ever been challenged before meeting L, so it’s understandable as to why he possesses such a surety of himself. For L, I think his biggest weakness is how blunt he often is, and how it leads people to not cooperate with him, even the investigative team that work with him in canon. He is not an easily approachable individual, which is part of the reason he doesn’t interact with people in person. I also think L similarly has a drive to achieve what he wants just like Light, by any means necessary. We see it time and time again with his willingness to sacrifice people for answers, or with Light’s mock execution, etc. however, this is a double edged sword because that desire to win also creates more hostility
As for what I love about their dynamic? Oh god, I could go on and on. I like how effortlessly they read and understand one another. I like how they speak to each other in very strange almost coded ways. I like how they have this sort of affinity for one another despite being essentially opposing forces or opposite pieces of a chess game. I like that they’re enemies that don’t necessarily hate one another. I like how doomed they are by the narrative. I like that they are intrinsically tied to one another regardless of space, time or death. I like the melancholy to their relationship, the inherent tragedy of it. But most of all I like that they are the only person that has ever or will ever really know the other, and that they both know it but never really speak it. Because to me there is no greater intimacy than being understood.
For Kataang, I’d say one of Aang’s biggest strengths is his willingness to forgive. His compassion and empathy, too, but mainly his ability to forgive. A weakness for him would probably be his difficulty allowing people to show him affection, because it’s something he does struggle with in the show. He tends to bottle up emotions a lot, too, which is a weakness. For Katara, I’d say that her biggest strength is her willingness to help people in need, as well as her drive to be the best version of herself she can be. I’d say a weakness for her is that she has a lot of anger and tends to kind of explode and that said anger was almost a detriment to her.
As for what I love about their dynamic? I love that they balance one another. I love that they are each others best friend and confidant. I love that they really heal one another in a lot of ways through their relationship. I love how supportive they are of one another and how much they trust each other.
I’ll answer what I like dynamic wise about the other ships you listed :)
For Byler, I love that they are also childhood friends like kataang. I just love how much they care about one another, especially how much Mike cares about Will. It’s very sweet 🥹 I also love how easily they work together in the show, how Will really makes Mike feel genuinely loved and valued and how protective Mike is of Will.
For Eremika, I love how much Eren loves Mikasa 😭 I like how much he values her and how he goes from feeling jealous of her strength to valuing and accepting that. It was a really nice thing to see play out. I also love their whole backstory and how they met, and how much it meant to Mikasa. She’s so fiercely protective of him 😭😭😭 they make me emo
Thanks for the ask!! This was so fun :)
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lightyaoigami · 10 months
i’m sending komp!lawlight on vacation! where do they go? 👀
this is SUCH a good question i knew i could count on you. i had an answer immediately but decided to noodle on it further and in doing so realized my first answer was the best choice - i think they would go to monte carlo. i have probably mentioned this publicly at some point but i wanted the vibe of kompromat to be like if someone put casino royale and chungking express in a blender. i think komp light fancies himself a bit of a james bond and L (who's holding the purse strings) would get a profound kick out of him preening, playing baccarat, and getting blitzed on €25 vodka sodas. i also just feel like they would enjoy playing cards generally. furthermore as the self appointed clothing freak i feel they'd enjoy the opportunity to dress up. can't you imagine light in a crisp navy blue suit with a white oxford (no tie)?? i would be beside myself. L would enjoy breaking dress code everywhere he goes and getting away with it by tipping comically large amounts. this was sooo fun thank you for the question<3
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queersturbate · 3 years
man I just found out this feature exists wtffff anyways hiya! I came from ur light edit on tiktok and u commented that if u wanted ppl to ask questions to ask them on ur tumblr so here I am
I don’t really have a specific question might I say? Just that why do think light is gay? I’m not disagreeing I just want to know? Low-key believe that I’ll start agreeing myself haha
Sorry if this is stupid light is just one of my all time characters and I wouldn’t miss a chance to hear more information about him/how ppl see him
Have a nice day/night wherever u are !
i mean besides the fact that I'm gay and when i look at his behavior, attitude and mentality and have a gay recognizes gay moment, i have a few pieces of evidence that suggests he's gay-coded purely by accident since the creators of death note are homophobic lmao. they are so homophobic and so against Light being gay that every piece of evidence they try to put out to make him more straight, ends up making him gayer.
anyway to start off with the obvious and most like "LOOK" evidence, in death note how to read 13, there's a little note on one of the pages that says something along the lines of "Light cannot fall in love with women" and it specifically said women, not anyone or people in general. im too lazy to get my copy and take a picture
but anyway the way Light views women is yes misogynistic but a lot of gay men have this deep rooted misogyny ingrained in them because they have no attraction to them, they can't relate to them in a way that straight men and straight women who are romantically interested in each other relate to each other. and because society tells gay men that they should be attracted to women and be interested in them in a way that gay men just can't, especially ones with internalized homophobia, like Light, these men create a very misogynistic mindset because they start looking down on women with the thought of "i am not attracted to you like i should be, therefore you are below me"
listen to me CAREFULLY right now, i am NOT saying that every gay man is misogynistic. i am not excusing misogyny for the sake of gayness. i am not saying gay men deserve excuses for being misogynistic. I am not excusing misogyny. read that again, if you think i am trying to justify misogyny. I am Not. i am simply pointing out how internalized homophobia can lead to misogyny, and we all KNOW Light has misogynistic behavior. he looks down onto Misa, Takada, Naomi, etc. He looks down onto Misa the most because she is a very beautiful, hot model that everyone adores but who adores Him the most. But because he is not attracted to her like she is him, he sees her as far less and insufferable, especially when expressing her love for him, because he doesn't understand why he is not attracted to this super hot model of a woman who is in love with him. (Light looks down on everyone, yes, he has narcissistic personality disorder and believes he is superior to everyone, but with women it's a lot more on how i described it.)
Anyway, it's clear that Light is not attracted to women and has no desire to be with them, right? it's clearly said in the death note how to read. let me explain how he is attracted to men. SO Light, the creators, the voice actors, etc have all said that Light has never felt understood, he is too up on his own self made pedestal and he cannot relate or find himself in other people. He feels alone, not to make Light a Joker kinnie which he definitely is, but Light feels like no one understands him or sees him. Light can roll a lie off his tongue with no hesitation and get away with it. No one will see past it. Light is a hardworking honor student who is considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest, yeah? but like he's not and that's only what people see.
Not to bring lawlight into the topic of Light being gay but of course i have to because before L, Light probably wouldn't have even considered liking or enjoying a woman's, for reasons above, or a man's, for internalized homophobia and impossible standards reasons, company. L was and is the only other man who saw Light for who he is, and not only wanted to look deeper and didnt want to look away but basically said "yeah me too" at all of it. there's multiple instances of L basically going "Kira is a fucked up human with fucked up morals and he is dark and evil and so am i" but Light is Kira and they both knew that. every time L would say something like that and look directly and Light and go "Light, one of the best and brightest in Japan, I think you are those things." and Light felt seen and recognized and angry because why the hell is he doing that and relating to him and he's not supposed to be looked at this way. L is not supposed to see him.
im leaving this a but unfinished, that's my bad on my part, but you can always ask me to finish my thoughts because they're a bit of a jumbled mess in this answer, but also I have a lot of posts discussing Light's sexuality and the significance of the rain scene, the foot massage scene, L's death and how it deeply affected Light. but again you can always send me another ask i love talking about Light being a homo
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alkalinefrog · 4 years
LawLight headcanons on these settings: If L lived and was there when Kira was finally cornered, possibly collage roommates and they don't know who they really are to each other, or maybe if Light confessed to L about being Kira but L decided to hide this secret and helps him?
Omg so much to unpack, I’m stoked. General disclaimer now, I’m gonna give all of these a happy ending because that’s just how I roll. Putting it all under the cut because I don’t want to flood peoples’ feeds with a dissertation-length fluff fest.
If L had been there when Light was cornered
If you’re specifically asking about the warehouse scene, I actually read this great fanfic series by Shadow-of-Quill on AO3. It’s one of those fics that treats Light and Kira as two separate entities (favourite trope, leave me my naivety). While still being Kira, Light’s soul leads L out of Hades just like in Orpheus and Euridice. L then confronts Kira at the warehouse (and this gets a bit heavy, warning)------ he ends up executing him right then and there because he believes that there’s no traces of Light left in the man. It’s really tragic, but if you read the entire work it DOES have an incredibly joyful ending in the third part of the trilogy. (spoilers; they’re both fine in the end)
This is one of the scenarios that lives in my head rent free whenever I wanna make myself feel better about canon events. Any other headcanons would be highly circumstantial depending on how L survives.
Emotionally though, I think the more in love they are, the more L dreads the end. If L had survived he definitely would have solved the case. It’d be a train wreck in slow motion, as he watches himself barrel towards the end of his small world with Light. Even though he sees it coming, he would still feel a massive amount of betrayal because he couldn’t help hoping that he would be proven wrong against his better judgement.
College roommates
MY FAVOURITE AU ALONG WITH SOULMATES because I’m boring like that :’D
This one’s easy; L’s the worst roommate ever and Light hates it here. The computer clickity-clacks and glows all night, and L just HAS TO show Light when he solves some big equation or school project and whatnot. Every. Single. Time. Life happens though, and he finds himself seeking L and only L for comfort. Because L has absolutely no shame and no judgement, which Light desperately needs in his highly-performative life. They bond, Light being inspired to live authentically, and L being forced to sleep.
EDIT: Someone brought to my attention that L is very much autistic coded and is canonically a neat/clean freak. I’m sorry for having implied that he was ‘gross’ because of this, and sincerely apologize to anyone who might’ve been hurt by it. I’ll be more careful going forward from now on!
For a splash of hurt/comfort, one of them has nightmares they never want to address until they’re forced to sleep in the same room with another person. Later they push their twin beds together so that they can sleep in each other’s arms, and its the first time neither of them dream.
Fanfic-wise, I’ve heard great things about “Stories About Stars: Relight” by lawlietismyfavourite. It’s been on my to-read list for a while. I’m saving it for a special event; maybe if I finish a personal project I’ll reward myself with it.
Light confesses / L decides to keep his secret
The thing is that I have a hard time thinking up scenarios in which Light confesses that don’t involve some other external force. I like a lot of the soulmate fics where they’re fated for each other and that’s enough fulfilment/motivation for Light to give up being Kira. I also like a lot of AUs where Light meets L earlier on and doesn’t even become Kira in the first place.
I think my favourite storyline is just plain and simple; Light falls in love with L, Kira or not, and shows his hand to save L from dying by is own mechanisms. His love for L would outweigh his ambitions and after an internal war within himself, he throws it all away so that his love might live.
How L responds would, again, be highly circumstantial. I think, if he arrested him, he would do it in secret to avoid the death penalty. If at that point they were genuinely friends, I don’t think L would relish in parading Light around like a trophy as initially planned. It would be a waste of potential if he were to die, and I could see a timeline where he enlists Light to work with him and towards some form of redemption (in character anyway, since there’s no taking the thousands of lives back).
One of my favourite fics for this is “Is This the Way It Ends Now?” by Seastar98 on AO3. It’s a fic where the characters watch their own show during the Yotsuba arc, and Light and L witness the whole timeline from when Light picks up the death note to when he dies in the anime. It’s basically a confession, and they work together to ensure their future is better than the one they’re shown.
Thanks for sending me such a fun ask!
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