#FDA approved generics
emily-space · 4 months
Should you consider switching from brand-name to generics?
 Choosing generic medicines can save you money while ensuring you receive safe and effective treatment. Generic drugs are identical to brand-name drugs in dosage, safety, and strength, meeting the same rigorous FDA standards. They are often much cheaper because they don't carry the high development costs of brand-name drugs. At DiRx, we help you find affordable generic options, ensuring you get the best value for your healthcare needs.
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edwinscotte9947 · 8 days
Glipizide & Metformin HCl Generic Metaglip
Glipizide and Metformin HCl, sold under the brand name Metaglip, is a combination medication used to manage Type 2 Diabetes. This powerful duo combines two oral antidiabetic agents, Glipizide (a sulfonylurea) and Metformin (a biguanide), providing enhanced glucose control by targeting insulin production and glucose absorption.
For those seeking affordable access to diabetes medications, DiRx offers Glipizide & Metformin HCl (Generic Metaglip) at competitive prices without the need for insurance. You can easily find and order this medication on DiRx's Glipizide & Metformin HCl page for cost-effective diabetes management.
How Does Glipizide & Metformin HCl Work?
This medication effectively controls blood sugar levels through a two-pronged approach:
Glipizide: Stimulates the pancreas to release more insulin, especially after meals, which helps lower blood sugar levels.
Metformin: Reduces glucose production by the liver and improves insulin sensitivity, allowing your body to use insulin more efficiently.
Together, these actions help control high blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes, particularly when diet and exercise alone aren’t sufficient.
For individuals managing diabetes, DiRx provides this vital medication at an affordable cost, ensuring continued access to life-saving treatments.
Why Choose DiRx for Glipizide & Metformin HCl?
No Insurance Required: DiRx operates without the need for health insurance, offering savings directly to consumers.
FDA-Approved Medications: DiRx only sells FDA-approved drugs, ensuring safety and quality.
Affordable Prices: Get access to essential diabetes medications like Glipizide & Metformin HCl at significantly lower prices compared to retail pharmacies.
Visit DiRx to learn more about Glipizide & Metformin HCl and how you can save on your prescription needs.
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mybestpharmacy · 2 months
Navigating the world of medications can be overwhelming, especially when faced with the choice between generic and brand-name drugs. At our pharmacy in Boynton Beach, Florida, we aim to provide clarity and guidance to help you make informed decisions about your health.
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gwiazdaerydanu · 1 year
The decline of science at the FDA has become unmanageable (from Livestre...
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freyrsolutions · 2 years
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anarchafemme · 1 year
The way people are talking about Musk's Neuralink FDA trial approval is so frustrating to me. "Oh haha, Musk fanboys are going to get their brains fried!" But that's.... that's just not how FDA trials work. They're not things that perfectly healthy people can sign up for just for fun. FDA drug/medical device trials are for specific health conditions - I'm having a hard time finding which exact conditions Neuralink is approved to have trials for, but all I can see is they intend to treat neurological conditions in general. When you look at people who sign up for trials though it's pretty much just people who are absolutely desperate for a new treatment because what's available isn't working for them - or they have no medical insurance (medical trials usually cover not only the cost of the trial but the continued treatment with the trial drug for X months/years after) and people just desperate for money (many trials offer financial compensation). And it's like.... Sure maybe a handful of those people might be Musk bros, but they aren't going to make up the bulk of the ones killed and maimed by this. It's going to be disabled people in desperate situations, I'm sure many of whom have no idea or only a vague idea of who Musk is.
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zinniajones · 1 year
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Text of thread at https://kolektiva.social/@zinnia/110418489814171631:
Yes - this is what is happening in Florida due to SB 254, which was signed into law on Tuesday 5/17/2023, taking immediate effect. This immediately cut off 80%+ of adult trans people in Florida from having their HRT refilled, because SB 254 uniquely prohibits only nurse practitioners from prescribing only gender-affirming medications.
This has already been in effect for 7 days now.
Trans adults in Florida have already been cut off from their HRT refills for a week now, including those of us who have been stable on these medications for years or decades.
This is VERY different from the general situation of trans youth care bans in 19 states, many still working their way through the courts.
This has *already* happened, to *all* of us: all trans adults in the third most populous state in the US.
The number of trans adults on HRT massively exceeds the sliver of the population that are under 18 and are prescribed puberty blockers or hormone therapy.
These laws, advanced under the pretext of 'protecting children', are now directly impacting a far larger group of people who are not children and are not subject to those pretextual concerns.
Other arguments about withholding public Medicaid funding for transition treatment also do not apply here: SB 254 does not even allow receiving this care through private insurance or paying cash out of pocket. The care isn't simply not covered - the care itself cannot be provided regardless.
What is happening in Florida requires special attention above the situation of trans youth care bans nationally. This is having a vastly larger impact quantifiably.
It will have worse impacts qualitatively as well: adults are responsible for taking care of and protecting trans kids and making sure they do not hurt themselves.
Whereas as a trans adult, we have no one standing guard at the brink but our own self and the void to which we are accountable.
These are the facts as they stand right now. These are the facts as they have stood for a WEEK and NO ONE nationally is putting any attention on this because there are 19 trans youth care bans all across the country going on, along with everything else targeting trans people and the LGBT community broadly.
This is a specific harm that is happening now and has been happening for 168 hours.
It is not a hypothetical issue to raise awareness of, as if it were at the stage of some proposal that needs to be fought back. This has already happened and is happening right now. Active harm is happening until this law is rolled back.
For all of Florida's history since the inception of the applicable regulatory and licensing bodies, nurse practitioners have been allowed to prescribe hormone therapy, testosterone blockers and other relevant gender-affirming medications.
That has been the case since I moved here in 2011. There was no reason why this wouldn't be the case. It's also the case in every other state.
This new law is a carveout of prescriptions when used for one purpose, gender-affirming care, from nurse practitioners specifically, in a way that has never been done before. It affects all ages.
It has immediately obstructed access to HRT prescription refills for more than 80% of TRANS ADULTS in Florida.
It has also prohibited first appointments for HRT via telehealth with in-state or out-of-state MDs or DOs - first appointments must be in person. This will require expensive and time-consuming travel that is beyond most trans people's means: driving to Georgia from Florida can take 8 hours.
This was an intentional targeting of almost all trans adults in Florida, and the means by which we have received our generic, FDA-approved medications for years. And it included closing every possible door that would let us find another way to keep taking the medications we have taken for...
Well, for me it was 3,891 days when the clock stopped
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swirlygigg · 1 year
i'm a scientist and i went to a talk where they discussed... basically psychosurgery for treating mental illness? putting probes in your brain that make electrical impulses. and those electrical impulses can help manage spikes of anxiety. you get a bluetooth controller for it to manage stuff yourself, but someone else ALSO gets the control--your therapist.
and genuinely, not joking, the tool that your therapist uses to help you with it is just called the master controller.
and to test if it's working? they stimulate it in a way that makes you smile involuntarily.
okay now imagine how i felt like listening to all of that. if you answered "way too horny" you were correct
wow i really need y'all to read up on science before you start making assumptions about stuff LMAO
(putting on a scientist hat) hi everyone. please read about Deep Brain Stimulation, which was approved by the FDA in 2009 and has has 400 surgeries since then with generally positive effects. it's largely cost-prohibitive despite its useful effects for people suffering from treatment-resistant mental illness and if someone wanted to do What You Are Assuming They Would Do then you are unaware of the way that medical treatment and research is currently developed and i think you could maybe look into that instead of fearmongering on a post clearly written on a HORNY BLOG!!!!

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afeelgoodblog · 11 months
The Best News of Last Week - October 30, 2023
1. Bill to Ban Hidden Fees in California Signed into Law
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California Attorney General Rob Bonta has released a statement regarding the signing of Senate Bill 478 (SB 478). SB 478, coauthored by Senators Bill Dodd and Nancy Skinner, will eliminate hidden fees, also known as 'junk fees,' in California starting from July 1, 2024. Hidden fees are deceptive charges that sellers include in transactions, either through obscured disclosures or later revelations, impacting consumers negatively.
2. New Portable Water Treatment System Vaporizes 99% of ‘Forever Chemicals’
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A startup based Washington has devised a portable system capable of removing the vast majority of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, from water.
The system uses hydrothermal alkaline treatment, or HALT, to eliminate 99% of forever chemicals from water.
3. Tumor-destroying sound waves receive FDA approval for liver treatment in humans
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of sound waves to break down tumors—a technique called histotripsy—in humans for liver treatment. Technique developed at the University of Michigan provides a noninvasive alternative to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer
4. Japan's top court says trans sterilisation requirement unconstitutional
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Japan's Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional to require citizens to be sterilised before they can officially change genders.
The 2004 law said people could only change their gender if they have no reproductive capacity. Wednesday's ruling came after a transgender woman filed a petition challenging the law.
5. Abandoned golf courses are being reclaimed by nature
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Golf courses, despite occupying large green spaces, are not necessarily good for the environment.
Conservation nonprofits and local authorities are looking to acquire golf courses that have been abandoned due to high maintenance costs, low player numbers or other reasons, and repurpose them into landscapes that boost biodiversity and build natural defenses against climate change.
6. NSW court allows health officials to give blood transfusion to Jehovah's Witness toddler
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Regional New South Wales health officials have won a court order authorising them to give a blood transfusion to a Jehovah's Witness toddler if needed in surgery. The Supreme Court has been told the girl, three, who can only be referred to as JI, is in need of two surgical procedures. 
On such an application, the overriding criterion to be applied by the court is the best interests and welfare of the child.
7. North Atlantic right whale population has steadied, scientists say
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The population of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales appears to have levelled off after a decade of steep decline, according to updated data released this morning by Canadian and American scientists. Scientists in the consortium said Monday that the 2021 estimate of 340 North Atlantic right whales in existence has been recalculated to 365 primarily because of the number of calves born that year.
The estimate for 2022 is 356.
That's it for this week :)
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emily-space · 4 months
What can we do about the soaring cost of prescription medicine?
Satish Srinivasan, CEO of DiRx, discusses the impact of soaring prescriptionmedicine costs and how DiRx is addressing this issue by offering affordablemedications directly from manufacturers and bypassing intermediaries. DiRx's modelhelps consumers save significantly on their prescriptions, making essential medicinesmore accessible to those in need.
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macgyvermedical · 1 month
What's the history of gabapentin?
Gabapentin is a drug officially approved for partial seizures and posherpetic neuralgia (pain due to shingles).
It also represents the 10th most commonly prescribed drug in the US by number of prescriptions.
Now, that's not because that many people have epilepsy and shingles. Instead, it's because gabapentin is one of those drugs that you throw at the wall to see if it works. It is used off label for diabetic nerve pain, for anxiety, for restless leg syndrome, for alcohol (and methamphetamine, and cocaine) withdrawal, for a number of different acute and chronic pain syndromes, bipolar disorder, and migraines, and has probably been at least tried for everything else, too.
That is not to say that it actually works for everything. At most, it has about a 40% chance of being effective for things like diabetic neuropathy and anxiety, and it has a number of side effects that don't make it anywhere near a perfect drug. But if you notice, most of the things it's been tried and used for are usually treated with controlled substances. And in (most of) the US, gabapentin is not controlled. This makes it easier to prescribe and in theory that means it has less addiction/abuse risk than alternatives (only about 1% of people with an addiction history have used gabapentin recreationally).
Why gabapentin in particular? You may ask. Why not a first generation antipsychotic or a first generation antihistamine or a muscle relaxer? All of those are used as adjuncts to prevent having to prescribe controlled substances, right?
Well, that's because Pfizer broke the law. Repeatedly.
You may not know this, but if you're marketing a drug, you can only market it for what it has been approved by the FDA to treat. And Pfizer was going around telling anyone who would listen that their drug could be used for anything you didn't want to treat with a controlled substance. Which made it very attractive for prescribers and very lucrative for Pfizer.
But you know who really didn't like this situation? The insurance companies, which were paying a premium for this on-patent drug that at least according to the FDA was doing very little for things that weren't epilepsy or shingles.
So Kaiser (the insurance company) sued Pfizer and won a relatively paltry sum compared to the money Pfizer was making off of gabapentin, and Pfizer agreed to stop telling everyone that gabapentin could treat things the FDA said it couldn't. But since the cat was metaphorically out of the bag at that point, gabapentin continues to this day to be prescribed for everything.
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freyrsolutions · 2 years
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certifiedsexed · 24 days
I have a question about the barrier post you revlogged earlier. What would dental dams be for? Like, what exactly are they for? Stds? How would you use them? (Not asking for instructions, just... how do you put a dam in your mouth?)
Dental dams are typically used for protection against STI/Ds and general germs during certain types of oral sex [cunnilungus, rimming, ect]. A lot of people mistakenly believe that it's super rare to catch STI/Ds through oral sex but it's actually really common and dental dams are approved to protect against them.
Also people with certain allergies and/or sensitivities use dental dams to help manage their conditions during sex and still enjoy themselves!
Dental dams don't go in your mouth. You place it over the genitals/ass of whoever you're having sex with and hold it in place, so that there's a barrier between their skin and your mouth. (Or vise versa.) You can also cut up standard condoms to use for the same purpose, a cheaper alternative since dental dams can be expensive.
Lorals actually launched underwear with the same function as dental dams and got them FDA approved, though they're unfortunately expensive, with no-inclusive sizing, only in latex and have flavoring, which isn't ideal for a lot of people with allergies.
Dental dams aren't very popular or well-known but people are still working to improve them anyway, which is nice. Hope this answers your questions, I'm afraid I got a bit rambly.
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Fatal Attraction
Chapter Two
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader/Wanda Maximoff x Jarvis Stark
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic
Wanda was excited to start her first day at Oscorp, of course she never told Jarvis where she was working. Oscorp and Stark Industries are the biggest rivals in the USA, both companies sell high tech software and Oscorp also sell pharmaceuticals and weapons, something which Tony had stopped Stark Industries manufacturing. So Stark had lost a lot of investors due to lack of materials.
"Why are you up so early?" Jarvis asked his wife as she sat at the table, a cup of coffee in one hand and a slice of toast in the other.
"I have my first day today." She told him as she put the cup down, gathering her things.
"What time will you be home?" He questioned as she raised her brow. "I just want to know if I should expect dinner or not when I walk through the door."
"Seriously?" She scoffed as he gazed at her. "I am not a little housewife. It is not my job to mother you!" She left the toast and coffee on the table as she grabbed her purse, heading straight to the door. "Don't expect me to cook dinner for you tonight." She told him before she slammed the door behind her. Heading straight into the cold city air as she walked to Oscorp. Making her way up to the top floor after retrieving her I.D. badge.
"Wanda, good morning." Jean greeted her as she entered the office.
"Good morning. How are you and the little one?" She asked her as Jean smiled, resting her hand on her stomach.
"We are both great." She answered before Y/N walked in, three cups and a bag of donuts.
"Green tea for Jean, coffee for me and coffee for Wanda." They handed them the cups before placing the donuts on the desk. "And breakfast." The two women thanked them before Jean handed them a file.
"You have a meeting with Dr Stacy about the new antibiotic." Jean told them as they nodded.
"Would you spend this week showing Wanda how everything is done here?" They asked her. "I want her to know everything before you leave but if she doesn't get everything, I will always help if you need me." They told the two who just nodded. Wanda watched as they disappeared down the hall and towards the elevator.
"They don't really get a moment." Jean told Wanda who nodded, grabbing a seat beside the pregnant woman. "You seemed to be upset when you came in." Jean observed as Wanda shook her head.
"Just marital problems." Wanda shrugged as Jean looked at her shocked.
"But you're so young." She whispered as Wanda chuckled.
"We have been together forever." Wanda told her, soon interrupted by the phone ringing, watching as Jean showed her how to get into Y/N's schedule. Wanda was shocked at how many meetings they had in a day, and what time they actually finished work.
"They also never really rest." Jean told her.
"I can see." Wanda nodded as she swallowed.
"You won't be staying that long unless they need you for an emergency." Jean told her. "But the overtime is generous." The two had gone on with Jean showing Wanda how to use the company software and how to make the changes as Y/N headed towards the labs.
"So, how far along is the process?" They asked her as she looked up from her tablet.
"It is almost done, we just need to start trials soon." Gwen started. "It is supposed to be stronger than your average oral antibiotic, tackling the source of the infection. We have tried it on a test dummy but we won't get sufficient results until we open up for human trials."
"Get the FDA to sign off on the trials first." They told her as she handed them another file.
"We have also had to adjust the formula of the tranquilizers." She informed them. "The old formula was." She made a face. "It was too potent."
"Just keep me informed, inform the FDA and get that approval." They told her before they walked away with the new files in their hands. Once Y/N had made it back to the office, they spotted both Jean and Wanda chatting comfortably. "Ms Maximoff, a word please." They held the office door open for her which she had quickly moved inside. "Please, have a seat." Wanda was quick to follow their order as they placed the files down in their growing pile. "I assume that Jean has shown you most of the database."
"Yes." Wanda answered as Y/N smiled at her.
"Wanda." They stood up from their seat and looked out of the window for a brief moment before continuing. "I had to do some of my own research and it seems that your husband is none other than the son of Anthony Stark."
"I can explain." She tried, thinking she was going to lose her job.
"I know you can." They gave her a smile. "But I also have another contract for you to sign. It protects the assets of Oscorp and its investors." They reached inside their draw for a binded contract. "It pretty much states that you cannot speak of anything that happens inside of this building, or you will be facing a lawsuit." Wanda nodded in understanding, of course she hated the idea of lying to her husband but she needed to earn her way, not like anyone would understand. She held out her hand for a pen which they handed her one from their pen pot. "Just a quick question darling." They asked as they took the contract. "Why do you want to work if being Jarvis Stark's wife provides for you?"
"I want to be able to earn my own money." She told them honestly. "I don't want to be known as Jarvis Stark's pretty little wife."
"Then why did you marry him?" They questioned as she bit the inside of her cheek. A small smirk formed on their face before they smiled guiltily at her. "My apologies, it isn't my place."
"I love him." She told them, her eye contact never faltering. "I have loved him since the moment he asked me out, as nervous as he was for being the infamous Tony Stark's son. He was the complete opposite to his father, he was sweet and loyal, kind and caring."
"You said that as in the past tense." They told her. "So, you don't think he is the same man you fell in love with?"
"Are you my shrink?" Wanda questioned with a raised brow, making Y/N chuckle lightly before leaning on the desk before her.
"I just want the best for my employees Wanda." They told her, nothing but genuine affirmation of the words laced their tone. "I know the people outside of this company think I am heartless. A power hungry being but I only want what's right for every one who works for Oscorp, that is what Norman taught me before he left me as the sole successor of his company." Wanda listened as they spoke. "The company is as strong as the people who run it. I just keep everything in order, it's the employees who keep Oscorp running, their ideas, their knowledge, their creations keep Oscorp from going underground."
"I can say that I was one of those people." Wanda whispered as Y/N laughed a little.
"Wanda, you are now one of the people who keep Oscorp running too. You keep me on schedule and arrange the appointments for the investors." They rested their hand on her shoulder. "So I only have your best interests at heart." With that they grabbed their next file before heading to the door with Wanda following. "Just know you can always come to me." With that they opened the door for her before heading to Jean.
"Mr Fisk is downstairs." She informed them.
"Why don't you both order lunch? Take a break." They suggested, before they headed to the elevator, leaving Wanda pondering their last conversation.
"What is the deal with them and Norman?" Wanda asked Jean who shook her head.
"That is not my place to tell." She told her. "I only knew because I was Norman's assistant before Y/N took over."
"So you've been here longer?" She questioned as Jean shook her head.
"No, Y/N was always here, shadowing him, learning how to run the company. They even helped with the Glider Project." Jean told her. "Of course it failed, an accident happened and well, Norman scrapped it."
Wanda was most certainly drawn into the mystery that is Y/N Y/L/N.
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nikidanger · 5 months
I’m reallly bad at actually doing these but I can’t sleep so here we go.
Tagged by my boo @translucent-at-best
The last song I listened to:
Favorite color: Cherry Red at the moment
Last movie watched: Basquiat (1996) starring Jeffery Wright, David Bowie, & Benicia Del Toro
Currently watching: Engrenages (Spiral). It’s a mid 00s French drama crime mystery show
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I’ll take a blend of sweet & spicy any day. Love Savory too tho. Just food & eating in general who am I kidding?
Relationship Status: nunya lol
Current Obsession: Whitney Houston? & can I call it current if it’s never-ending? 🤣
Last thing I googled: I was doing some research on laser hair removal for black folks & was last night years old when I learned most of them are neither safe, nor FDA approved for darker skin tones??! & the one that is generally much more expensive. Of course. 🙄
Tagging (no pressure though): @sercophe-sinderwidth @darlenebtheauthor @bootyhighpriestess @medagirl @wokepassing @niesmoon @superstarsisi @undue-traveler @sleepynegress @hombredemusica @amtvisuals @ecstaticmoons & anyone else who wants to play cos I just tagged the folks who were recently in my activity lmao
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mindblowingscience · 9 months
Could the sweetened drinks we're consuming be making us feel a little more anxious? A 2022 study looking at the effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame on mice suggests that it's a possibility that's worth investigating further. Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1981, aspartame is widely used in low-calorie foods and drinks. Today, it's found in nearly 5,000 different products, consumed by adults and children.
Continue Reading.
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