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kropotkindersurprise · 7 months ago
Short video giving some background on Colombia's FARC-EP guerrillas. [link]
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fuckyeahmarxismleninism · 6 months ago
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September 30, 1948: Birthday of Commander Raúl Reyes, a leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army.
"Luis Edgar Devia Silva (9/30/1948-3/1/2008), aka Commander Raúl Reyes, with his simplicity, his revolutionary integrity, his internationalist vision, his fraternal spirit and his enthusiasm, continues to show us the way. Happy birthday Comrade!"
Via FARC-EP (Second Marquetalia)
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cosmonauta-14 · 2 months ago
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kolomo · 2 years ago
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@animangacreators challenge 22: summer 2023 ⋆ ↳ undead girl murder farce
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shinehalley · 1 year ago
My new favorite thing that mixes classic characters is over, I'm devastated
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fauchart · 2 months ago
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S?? E?? - 'When Snakey Met Annie...'
An early season Bob-centric episode in which Ann finds Snake again after he's robbed her diner and, charmed and stupid, she tries to get him to date her - he's entirely uninterested until she mentions living across the penitentiary. The wheels start to turn and all of a sudden, he welcomes the idea... Meanwhile, Bob had been reading self-improvement books (anger management, how to let go of grudges, revenge isn't the answer etc) and was on his very best behaviour, planning on waiting out his sentence and come back to society a changed man, ready for a fresh start... But when the opportunity to escape is presented as readily as it is here, he shrugs off all of his good decisions, throws his book above his shoulder and switches back to crazed maniac in an instant - and back to hunting Bart he goes! Though the focus of the episode will be Bob and Bart, several times throughout the episode there will be appearances of Snake trying to drop the charade with Ann now that he got what he wanted - but each time he'll have to keep up the farce for one reason or another;
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(Listen, Snake growing a conscience and suddenly refusing to violate carpool lane rules for a one-off joke is hilarious to me. Don't look at me like that)
While their B-Plot is going on and intermittently shows them fleeing the law by car in gradually stupider situations - Bob has managed to corner Bart against the big window pane of the Mall. As he lifts his knife, about to strike... Snake's car suddenly crashes through that window and flies out of the mall above Bart, before ramming straight into Bob and splattering him on the pavement. The end of a sequence parodying the Mall Car Chase scene from the Blues Brothers.
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"Dude, that was not a shortcut." Cut to both Bob and Snake getting handcuffed. Snake looks a little more sincere when he says "I'll call you!" to Ann-Doreen as the cops make him sit in the car. Mirroring that, Bob says "I'll kill you!" to Bart as the ambulance takes him away. Roll credits.
WELL THAT WAS A LONG ONE. LOL. I worked hard on this one, so for once I'll say; please reblog and give me your thoughts! I hope you liked it!!
This would be the second episode with Ann-Doreen (outside of like, crowd shots and other non-speaking appearances in the background) and the one to properly set up the relationship she has with Snake. Lots of fun for that poor bugger!
I've made all the panels rectangular because I wanted to try and work in a format that's similar to actually watching the show - it's not 16:9 (nor square like it should technically be for early seasons) but I think we get the feeling anyway :]
That one other guy in the prison is just this random unnamed prisoner from 12x10 'Pokey Mom'. His first appearance would thus be in that ep I made, since it predates season 12!
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Also here's me knowing in advance I'm putting way too much effort into this post:
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guerillas-of-history · 13 days ago
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Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC- EP)
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo (FARC–EP)
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randomidiocyncrazies · 10 months ago
i think one of the best things about Saionji and Nanami is that they're just. such losers. and the narrative never lets you forget it.
oh sure, Nanami is rich and Saionji is technically popular in-universe; but they're also the comic relief and eat shit every time they show up. They're ALSO some of the most perceptive characters in the cast, with both of them trying to leave the duel game at some point and recognizing on some level that it's bad for them. BUT they also spent most of the show thinking they can win at this bullshit farce system for sure and proceed to get outplayed every step of the way, though I'd argue this is much more a Saionji problem than a Nanami problem—once she's been made aware of what's going on, Nanami is the most resolute in leaving not just the dueling game, but Ohtori itself. (Saionji, on the other hand, only tried to leave the dueling game because he felt he was tricked; he didn't have the conviction or resolution to risk giving up his privileges and leave his comfort zone.) The most perceptive but also the most willfully blind characters.
Like. It's so funny to me that Saionji smugly tells Utena the castle is just a mirage when he tries to assert his superiority over her in ep 1, and then proceeds to treat the castle as totally real and have a whole breakdown about it a few eps later—it's fake (which it is) when he can use it to belittle Utena, but it's real (which it is not) when it's about what he wants to attain. What a goddamn idiot; what an absolute clown.
And Nanami. keeps trying to bully the protagonists but the tables always turn on her in the most slapstick way possible. tries to put Anthy and Utena into humiliating situations, and gets put into the most bizarre circumstances/episodes herself. Girl who tries to make fools of others has the story present her as a fool.
(and that's why they're my faves)
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fellthemarvelous · 1 year ago
Staged and Good Omens: The discontinuity of a story within a story within a story.
I'm watching the third season of Staged again right now, and I think I've figured something out.
The discontinuity that people are talking about of Good Omens 2.
Staged 3 was a very modern version of A Christmas Carol. Ep 1. Is there a version? (David and Michael work with Simon again) Ep 2. Who's Playing Who? (Scrooge, episode was a farce) Ep 3. Past (Michael and David are co-dependent af) Ep 4. Present (Michael and David fail to write a script) Ep 5. Future (David tells everyone they are doing a live show) Ep 6. Knock, Knock (Simon gets even, ending is sad but not really because they are just taking a break and breaks don't last forever, and Simon gets a job offer based on his script for Knock, Knock, the one story he didn't write.)
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The epic trainwreck that is David and Michael's live version of A Christmas Carol is actually a hit, but everyone else has to convince them to stop the show because it can't go on forever. So they end it with Michael and David agreeing to take a break from working together even though it makes both of them sad.
But the whole premise of Staged was that everything was filmed on iPads, computers and cell phones. And it was submitted to Simon so he could piece it together.
Simon Evans wrote Staged as a love story between David and Michael. Simon writes what he sees and finds ways to incorporate fiction into reality. He saw them on Good Omens together and he saw the chemistry between David and Michael, and he turned it into a comedy about these two eccentric actors who clearly love each other. And they agreed to star in it.
They improvised most of it, but Simon laid out the framework of the plot for them to follow, and then he let them be themselves.
The entire show has layers upon layers of meta weaved into it.
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Anyway, my point is...
This post is one of several that covers the different ways discontinuity seems to occur during Good Omens 2. The evidence is very compelling.
I'm not here to point all that out because I don't have the strength of some of the meta writers in this fandom, and they're already on top of it, but if we look to Staged as an example, what is the plotline that Good Omens 2 is following?
Good Omens 2 is a modern version of.... Ep 1. The Arrival Ep 2. The Clue (A Companion to Owls) Ep 3. I Know Where I'm Going (The Resurrectionists) Ep 4. The Hitchhiker (Nazi Zombie Flesheaters) Ep 5. The Ball Ep 6. Every Day
What are the stories happening around Aziraphale and Crowley? They're the focal point of season two, but what else is happening?
Neil Gaiman has said that everything means something. They aren't just showing us these things by accident. There is a story happening outside of Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship. And we are all looking closely for that person doing a very odd thing just out of sight or objects being moved around without knowing how they got there in the first place.
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There was literally an entire scene in Staged where they are trying to figure out who is playing Scrooge and Simon is so anxious that he keeps moving his plant between two different spots in the room. It also ends up with Georgia accidentally planning her own birthday party because David is in Tokyo. But then they cut at one point and you learn David was actually in his bedroom and not a hotel room in Japan and Georgia didn't really just plan her own birthday party. That chaos was scripted. David has to change clothes, they have to go several minutes back in the scene they just did, but as Anna points out, the sun is not in the same place it was when they started the scene. And then Michael loses his shit at Simon and storms off.
You think that's the reason Simon left, but then we get the episode where Georgia tells David Michael wants to write the script and then tells Michael that David wants to write the script. She does it so she can get them alone in a room together because people love watching them argue. They find out she set them up about six hours later. They are hungry and hot and annoyed and mad at her so she gets Simon to come back to work with David and Michael. Simon comes back from cosplaying as a dentist, brings the food Michael ordered hours ago, and sits down to write. Michael gets pissed off at Simon again because Simon forgot the prawn crackers, so he throws his food at Simon.
Some of these are of the past. Some are of the present. They were all filmed at the same time though so you don't know what happened when or why.
These scenes are all cobbled together. They tell a complete story though. The order just isn't exact.
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The story we are seeing in season 2 isn't the real story. It was happening around Aziraphale and Crowley, but with them at the focal point, you get a romantic comedy and it distracts you from what's going on in the background.
There is more than one story in season 2. It's basically a jigsaw puzzle that we can try to piece together, but we won't know what's actually happening until we get the much needed context of season 3.
There are clues all over the place in Good Omens 2. The story is being told through so many other methods except for the one that makes the most sense to us because someone doesn't want us to see what's coming, so we get distracted by Nina and Maggie, Jim, Aziraphale and Crowley.
We know Muriel and Saraqael are up to something. We know Shax and Furfur are up to something. We know the Metatron is up to something. What we don't know is where God went. We hear God's voice in Companion to Owls and we hear God's voice speaking through and with Jim when Crowley orders him to tell them what is going on. It ties directly to the first time Crowley and Aziraphale ever worked together.
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We know that Aziraphale is going to Edinburgh and he knows exactly where he's going because he and Crowley have been there before. It challenges the concept of good and evil because Crowley does the good thing and gets sucked into Hell. Right next to Gabriel's statue.
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We know that Aziraphale picks up a hitchhiker even though he doesn't want to, and it turns out to be Shax. She reminds Aziraphale of the time that Furfur caught them working together. There were zombies and human magic tricks and Aziraphale uses sleight of hand to save Crowley from being dragged back down into Hell again.
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The episode titles of Staged 3 all represent different chapters of A Christmas Carol. But it was more than that because Michael is upset with David for doing adverts without him after they were both asked to work together at first. They love each other and they love working together, but it's preventing them from doing other things they want to do. Hence the break from working together.
It's a story within another story within another story.
And I think that's what we are witnessing in Good Omens. Things aren't happening in the right order. Beyond the sadness of Aziraphale and Crowley splitting up, there is still the next apocalypse to deal with. The story we are getting in season two isn't happening sequentially. It's being manipulated to hide the signs that things are already underway by giving us a love story as a distraction.
And it works very damn well. Because the love story was beautiful.
Staged 3 ending
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Good Omens 2 ending
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kropotkindersurprise · 9 months ago
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Waarom lieg je tegen me, bol?
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fuckyeahmarxismleninism · 2 years ago
By Scott Scheffer
The bipartisan nature of imperialist aggression toward Cuba has never been more evident as President Joe Biden carries forward the Trumpist assault on Cuba via the U.S. State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list.
Cuba has been hosting talks to bring an end to the bloodshed in Colombia since 2012. In the twisted line by the White House, Havana is accused of supporting terrorism because it rejected attempts to sabotage the process that offers hope for the people of Colombia.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months ago
I think this ep confirmed to me that vivziepop is generally creatively bankrupt and her fame is a farce. Legitimately some of the worst storytelling I’ve ever seen. And reusing more outtakes for Millie’s dialogue it seems? Oh my god just cancel this thing.
In a better world, it would be.
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andorshitdaily · 9 months ago
ANDOR Best Line, Round One
"It took the combined ingredients of idiocy, ineptitude, and total disengagement for this farce to have reached the full apex of incredulous disaster!" - Lieutenant Blevin, ep. 4
["You'll hang for this."] "Seven years serving you? I deserve worse than that." - Lieutenant Gorn, ep. 6
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fleabagreact · 5 months ago
here we will analyze the complete manuscript, many, many spoilers ahead, continue with your account at risk.
(i live by agatha ghost.
agatha invented the legend of the witches' road. rio kept nicky alive as long as agatha gave her bodies. billy created the road. but when we analyze the episode more deeply, there are many gaps to be unraveled and nothing confirmed about s2.
so, questions about nicky are left open... was he a stillborn? could it be because he was literally the son of death that he never had a chance? in quicker terms, he was always hers.
agatha never told nicky much about why she killed witches, it was vague, although personal i would say. evanora you bitch.
i confess that i think it's very typical of her to create a legend to get bodies and even more typical of her to continue with this farce for centuries just to avoid feeling the loss of her own son. a comment i once saw on tiktok about her being an addict makes more sense with the character. she can control her power, although i maintain that this power is frowned upon by other witches, like a taboo.
i started talking about agatha the phantom and i loved her extremely characteristic look from the comics but i have to say that all of this makes me bitter.
billy the creator of the road? why did everything turn to him? i like the character and there was room for his development without him suppressing agatha's power as the protagonist. i found this final focus on him boring, although i like the idea of them as a coven. i don't know, i just can't buy this arc of him feeling guilty about the girls' deaths, it doesn't go down well with me, but that's my opinion. i wanted a bigger focus on agatha, and i think it was possible to have that and still focus on the remaining characters.
we can't help but talk about "how come Agatha blocked Jen?" HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN, BECAUSE ALL OF A SUDDEN NONE OF OUR TRAUMAS ARE RELEVANT??? it's the feeling i had in the middle of this entire ep...
to close, i want to talk more about agathario. i don't like how all this ends vaguely about the relationship between the two, like a beautiful kiss (really, what a beautiful thing) but i don't know... it smells like laziness and prohibitions to me.
BUT we need to talk about rio's respect for agatha. even though her heart hurts because the woman she loves doesn't understand, she still keeps agatha's space. even though she doesn't like ghosts, she prefers to leave agatha as one than to make her unhappy. does she accept this? no. their battle makes this very obvious. she wanted to end agatha because she didn't understand her all this time. i think this is perhaps the biggest problem in their relationship. rio, even though she is an entity, understands. agatha is proud and arrogant and doesn't understand. she wants her power to be greater than the power of death. the only time she seemed to understand this is when they were at the campfire talking about rio's scars.
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leejungjaes · 9 months ago
Rewatching ep 7 and the scene were they’re planning the wedding breakfast, i had thought, pen’s response to the entrapment comment would of been interesting if it was I love you Colin but if that is what you think then we should call off the engagement ( I remember women are allowed not the men), I would of loved to see Colin’s face and actions after that. He would of clung onto the fact they were intimate so they should marry being the only excuse as he knows, deep down nothing would of stopped him marrying pen, he was deflecting out of hurt and it’s almost like him finding excuses instead of owning up to the truth at the time similar to why debling wasn’t a good match “too particular & just not right for you” before he confessed.
Fan fic writers out there? 😇
yeahhhhh....something like....
"i did not mean to entrap you, colin. i love you..." penelope whispered, eyes darting quickly to their chatting mothers. "but if that is how you truly feel then perhaps we should call off the engagement now."
colin who was presently firmly looking away from her, suddenly turned his head to meet her eyes. penelope witnessed the fleeting emotions as they passed over his face and eyes, surprise, confusion, horror, anger, and a firm resolution.
"no -"
"if you remain true in your belief that i entrapped you then this marriage will be a farce from the beginning. i love you, i really truly love you, but i will not enter this marriage because of intimacy alone."
penelope bit down hard on her trembling bottom lip and drew into the courage of her heart to turn on her heel and leave the room swiftly. out of the corner of her eye, she saw colin's hand reach out for her and fall just as quickly, fingers twitching as though they wanted to grab hold of her and never let go.
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vampiric-succulent · 8 months ago
There’s a really interesting vibe to this episode…
Masquerade session!!!!
How does Twig always end up committing war crimes or like with a gun or something
Ugh yes masquerade fitsssss
“If I die like for real will you tel everyone I love them?” WOAH that got sad so fast
Torbichael Jackson and the single white glove
CandleGricko just adds to the French Revolution farce I love it
A scientist (Nikkie) will really see a mouse (Derek/Frost) and be like put that beast in a situation (a horrible outfit)
TWIG GOING UP TO KREMY AND GIDEON WITH TWO LOBSTER COSTUMES AND SAYING “did you know lobsters mate for life??” INCREDIBLE Twig is our biggest Coalecroux advocate (aside from Kremy)
The list of things I want to draw is so unbearably long at this point
Stopping early bc I’m going to get my wisdom teeth taken out and will most likely be incomprehensible afterwards wahoo
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