#FA Nutrition
How can I lose belly fat fast?
Losing belly fat is a common goal for many people. However, it is important to note that there is no magic formula for spot-reducing fat in specific areas of the body. To lose belly fat fast, a combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes is necessary.
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Cut down on calories: To lose belly fat, you need to create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. Focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods and limit your intake of processed and high-calorie foods. Aim to consume fewer calories than you burn each day.
Increase protein intake: Protein is important for building and repairing muscle tissue and can help you feel fuller for longer. Aim to include a source of protein at every meal and snack, such as lean meat, fish, eggs, beans, or nuts.
Incorporate strength training: Strength training can help increase muscle mass, which in turn can boost metabolism and aid in fat loss. Incorporate strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks into your workout routine.
Cardiovascular exercise: Cardiovascular exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming can help burn calories and reduce belly fat. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
Reduce stress: High levels of stress can contribute to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area. Find ways to manage stress such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help reduce bloating and aid in digestion. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Are you struggling to lose weight and looking for a solution that works? Look no further! Download our free book on weight loss tips and tricks that will help you achieve your goals fast.
Inside the book, you will find practical advice on how to make healthy lifestyle choices, how to create a calorie deficit, and how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. You will also discover effective strategies for managing stress and staying motivated.
Don't let another day go by feeling unhappy with your body. Take action now and download our free book on weight loss. With the right tools and support, you can achieve your weight loss goals and live a happier, healthier life.
So, what are you waiting for? CLICK HERE to download our free book and start your journey toward a healthier you today!
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francesca-70 · 9 months
- Come faccio - mi chiese -
A lasciarlo andare ? Non vederlo piu’, non sapere piu’ niente di lui .
- perché devi figlia- rispose la curandera guardando verso l’antica quercia .
- vedi , nulla davvero ci appartiene ma chi abbiamo amato ha mescolato con noi il suo corpo astrale .
- che significa?
- che vi siete intrecciati come i rami dell’edera , ma non nel corpo , quello e’ momentaneo, nello spirito .
- ma a me non basta .
Sto male , voglio ancora vederlo e toccarlo e parlargli .
Non ce la faccio .
- non ce la devi fare - rispose sorridendo la donna di cui nessuno conosceva l’ eta’ .
- non ce la devi fare perché non sei tu a decidere : l’amore improvvisamente e senza merito arriva , come un canto di uccelli a mezzanotte .
E cosi’improvvisamente e senza motivo se ne va .
Ma non finisce mai.
Continua in quest’ altra dimensione .
- quale dimensione ?
Chiede la ragazza soffiandosi il naso avvolto dalle lacrime .
- la dimensione dell’invisibile. Dove vivono i maestri, i sacri spiriti, gli esseri di luce e le forze superiori .
I vostri spiriti congiunti e intrecciati salgono su fino a li , fino a diventare impercettibili e tuttavia continuano a vivere .
Vedi cara : l’umano non accetta che cio’ che può vedere e’ pari a un granello di sabbia a confronto dell’oceano.
- sto iniziando a capire ma fa ancora male .
- lo so bambina .
Non scacciare il demone del dolore : ogni volta che il cuore si spacca, si allarga un po’ di piu’ ma solo se lo lasci fare.
Se respingi, fingi , rigetti indietro, ti stordisci con le frivolezze , ritornera’ piu’ forte e ti chiudera’ il cuore .
E un cuore chiuso, e’ cio’ che di peggio puoi dare al mondo .
- gia’ in passato , Signora ho chiuso il mio cuore per non soffrire piu’ ed e’ stato sempre peggio !
- certo! Dimorare nelle tenebre e nella paura non e’ mai bene cara .
Non cercare di capire il dolore , lascia che ti travolga come un’onda, fatti lieve come piuma , lasciato attraversare come burro , ma se chiudi il cuore allora i demoni danzeranno sul tuo petto e ne’ gioia ne’ dolore toccheranno piu’ il tuo ventre .
E questo equivale a morire .
- si , ho capito .
Ho capito che essere forti significa stare 5 passi indietro.
Lo lascero’ andare ...
- domani sera , con la luna piena, da sola , vai in collina e pianta un ulivo .
Le sue foglie argentate saranno nutrite dalla tua leggerezza .
Qualcosa crescerà da questo strappo ma solo se lasci che la luce lo disinfetti .
E cosi sara’ per la pianta .
E la ragazza ando’ .
Con la luna calda di agosto a piantare il suo amore finito tra o cespugli di ginestra .
Scivolo’ dentro se’ per un po’
E la curendera non la perse mai di vista .
Da lontano, la vedeva con l’ occhio interiore e lei inviava ogni sera gli spiriti del bosco a vegliarle il sonno ...
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stella-rose-love · 2 months
annual recurrent flight attendant training day 1/2 [08-19-24]
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day 1 of my annual FA training is complete.
• first aid [practical]
• first aid [written]
• opening/closing exam of the eight aircrafts in our fleet [practical]
• emergency evacuation procedures [practical]
• standard operational procedures exam open/closed book [written]
• location/safety/security aircraft knowledge exam [written]
• fire extinguisher / drager smoke hood firefighting exam [practical]
• unruly passenger restraining exam [practical]
• oxygen bottle & mask application & usage exam [practical]
• medipak usage exam [practical]
all passed 90% or over.
• have the same training days as a colleague who I got hired with last year, who is one of the funniest people I've ever met. Helped ease any nerves I had
• during first aid in pairs, one of my friends/colleagues was committed to his role of "the injured patient". It was so painfully overly dramatic, I cried tears of laughter
• ran into my role model at the company ! hadn't seen him since 2023 and missed him dearly. he is currently climbing the corporate ladder with no sign of slowing down, was so nice to see him. Had a huge smile on my face the whole interaction
• got the taste of healthy stress again in an educational environment. It is great fuel
• made me that much more excited to go back to college in a couple of weeks
what I ate
• breakfast - yogurt & granola bowl + ginseng stick
• lunch - grilled cheese
• dinner - falafel veggie wrap
final thoughts
overall a packed day, but was happy to get the more difficult exams out of the way. It's a lot easier to be friendly and sociable in a classroom environment, than on the actual job, due to the trainings calm nature.
I am grateful for the way FA training is formatted, and allows me to cram for many exams within one day. It makes going back to college feel a lot less daunting.
I want to do some research regarding how nutrition can positively impact female hormones throughout the day. I always feel lethargic when I have to attend a class after lunch (12:30-3:30), even if I haven't eaten right before. I'd love to converse with people who study these subjects, or possess this knowledge due to their field of study.
I am a bit nervous for tomorrow, because we blend with the pilots for training for "crew resource management". It helps to enhance the quality of communication amongst each other, so we will be able to work together more efficiently. It's a bit intimidating !!
Im going to do my review for a couple of hours, then go to bed early so that I can complete most of my review after a solid rest.
have a good night every one :)
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doaa92 · 2 months
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Hello 👋
I am Doaa from Gaza 💔 I live with my elderly parents under very difficult conditions due to the war. With my brothers and my young child, whom I gave birth to during the war, we were displaced to the south and live in a narrow tent. My parents need medical care and medications that I cannot provide due to the current situation. My child needs nutrition and healthy food Please help
Despite my efforts, I was unable to raise enough donations to meet our basic needs. We desperately need your support, and even small donations can make a big difference in our lives.
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art-of-manliness · 2 months
5 Fast-Food Meals That Are High in Protein and Less Than 600 Calories
If you’re trying to lose weight, one of the challenges you’ll face is what to do about those times when you find yourself at a fast-food restaurant. The offerings at these establishments are typically incredibly high in calories. A Big Mac meal at McDonald’s can set you back 1,300 calories. Damn! If your calorie goal for the day is 2,400 calories, that’s more than half your daily calories in a single meal. The typical advice for people losing weight is to just avoid fast-food restaurants altogether. And with some preparing, thinking ahead, and good decision-making, you can accomplish that most of the time. But not 100% of the time. Sometimes, life throws a wrench in your plans. Maybe you’re on a road trip, and your friends decide to stop at Carl’s Jr. for lunch. Maybe your kid’s soccer team decided to go out to dinner to Chick-fil-A after the game. Maybe you’re just really pressed for time and need to grab something fast at a drive-thru on the way from work to another engagement. What to do? Well, what if I told you you don’t have to choose between convenience and your fitness goals? You can have your fast-food burger and eat it too—all while staying on track with your weight loss. When you want to lose weight, you want to choose foods that are lower in calories and higher in satiating, muscle-building protein. Thankfully, most fast-food restaurants now offer options that meet this criteria. With a bit of creativity, you can easily select meals at pretty much all the major fast-food restaurants that will give you 30+ grams of protein (which is a good minimum goal for a meal) and only clock in at around 600 calories. Below, we provide some suggestions for meals that meet these metrics that you can get at five popular fast-food restaurants. One thing to keep in mind is that while you can reduce the calories in your fast-food orders, it’s hard to reduce the amount of sodium. These are going to be sodium bombs. So they’re not great for everyday dining, but they’ll do in a pinch. Whether you’re looking to shed a few pounds or maintain your hard-earned gains, this guide will show you how to navigate the pitfalls of fast-food menus and stay on track with your goals. General Guidelines to Keep Your Fast-Food Meals Lower in Calories Before we get into specific meals, here are some general guidelines to follow that will allow you to keep your meals lower in calories, regardless of the fast-food establishment you visit: * Food tracking apps like MyFtinessPal are your friends. I use the app all the time when I’m at fast-food restaurants. Quickly look up the calorie and macro count of foods and piece together your meal with that info. * Choose grilled over fried meats. * Choose lean proteins. While you can still enjoy a beef burger, protein sources like turkey or chicken breast generally have fewer calories. * Ask for extra protein. Adding extra protein, like extra meat, can help increase satiety while keeping calories low. * Skip the fries. If you’re looking for a side, get fruit or salad instead. Also, hot take: fries aren’t that good anyway! * Skip the high-fat sauces, dressings, and condiments. Ask for lower-calorie options instead. * Load up on veggies. Satiety is premised in part on volume; calorically dense foods won’t fill you up and will leave you feeling hungry. To increase volume and nutrition, add low-calorie veggies to your meals like extra lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. * Choose water or unsweetened drinks like diet sodas. Finally, don’t be afraid to enjoy yourself with a no-holds-barred high-calorie fast-food meal every now and then. I love getting a double cheeseburger on occasion. You can just adjust your macros and calories accordingly and eat less the rest of the day. Or just chalk it up to an anomalous indulgence, and get back to your diet the next day. You don’t have to eat perfectly 100% of the time to still lose weight and stay healthy. Fast-Food Meals That Are 600 Calories or Less With More than 30 Grams of Protein McDonald’s… http://dlvr.it/TBgWkR
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pettirosso1959 · 2 years
In una frizzante mattina d'inverno in Svezia, una graziosa bambina di nome Greta si è svegliata in un mondo perfetto, dove non c'erano prodotti petroliferi che rovinavano la terra. Gettò da parte il lenzuolo di cotone e la coperta di lana e uscì su un pavimento di terra battuta ricoperto di corteccia di salice polverizzata con pietre. "Che cos'è questo?" lei chiese.
"Corteccia di salice polverizzata", rispose la sua fata madrina.
"Cos'è successo al tappeto?" lei chiese.
"Il tappeto era di nylon, che è fatto di butadiene e acido cianidrico, entrambi a base di petrolio", è stata la risposta.
Greta sorrise, riconoscendo che gli aggiustamenti sono necessari per salvare il pianeta, e si trasferì al lavandino per lavarsi i denti dove invece di uno spazzolino da denti, trovò un salice, maciullato su un'estremità per esporre le setole di fibra di legno.
"Il tuo vecchio spazzolino da denti?" ha osservato la sua madrina, "Anche nylon".
"Dov'è l'acqua?" chiese Greta.
"Lungo la strada nel canale", rispose la sua madrina, "Assicurati solo di evitare l'acqua contenente il colera"
"Perché non c'è acqua corrente?" Chiese Greta, diventando un po 'stizzosa.
"Bene", disse la sua madrina, che per caso insegnava ingegneria al MIT, "Da dove iniziamo?" È seguito un lungo monologo su come le valvole del lavandino necessitano di sedi in elastomero e su come i tubi di rame contengono rame, che deve essere estratto e su come è impossibile realizzare macchine movimento terra completamente elettriche senza lubrificazione degli ingranaggi o pneumatici e su come il minerale deve essere fuso. per fare un metallo, e questo è difficile da fare solo con l'elettricità come fonte di calore, e anche se usi solo elettricità, i fili hanno bisogno di isolamento, che è a base di petrolio, e sebbene la maggior parte dell'energia della Svezia sia prodotta in un ambiente rispettoso dell'ambiente a causa dell'idroelettrico e del nucleare, se fai un bilancio di massa ed energia attorno all'intero sistema, hai ancora bisogno di molti prodotti petroliferi come lubrificanti e nylon e gomma per pneumatici e asfalto per riempire buche e cera e plastica ed elastici per iPhone per sostenere la tua biancheria intima durante il funzionamento di un forno fusorio di rame e. . .
"Cosa c'è per colazione?" intervenne Greta, la cui testa faceva male.
"Uova di gallina fresche, nutrite in modo assortito", rispose la sua madrina. "Crudo."
"In che modo, crudo?" chiese Greta.
"Bene, . . . " E ancora una volta, a Greta è stato detto della necessità di prodotti petroliferi come l'olio per trasformatori e decine di prodotti petroliferi essenziali per la produzione di metalli per padelle e alla fine è stata educata su come non si può avere un mondo senza petrolio e poi cucinare le uova . A meno che tu non strappi il tuo recinto anteriore e accendi un fuoco e cuoci con cura il tuo uovo in una buccia d'arancia come fai nei Boy Scouts. Non che tu possa più trovare arance in Svezia.
"Ma io voglio uova in camicia come fa mia zia Tilda", si lamenta Greta.
"Tilda è morta questa mattina", ha spiegato la madrina. "Polmonite batterica."
"Che cosa?!" intervenne Greta. “Nessuno muore di polmonite batterica! Abbiamo la penicillina. "
"Non più", ha spiegato la madrina "La produzione di penicillina richiede l'estrazione chimica utilizzando acetato di isobutile, che, se conosci la tua chimica organica, è a base di petrolio. Molte persone stanno morendo, il che è problematico perché non esiste un modo semplice per smaltire i corpi poiché le terne hanno bisogno di olio idraulico e i crematori non possono davvero bruciare molti corpi usando come combustibile recinzioni e mobili svedesi, che stanno rapidamente scomparendo - utilizzati su il mercato nero per arrostire le uova e stare al caldo ".
Questa rappresenta solo una frazione della giornata di Greta, una giornata senza microfoni in cui esclamare e una giornata senza molto cibo, e una giornata senza barche in fibra di carbonio su cui navigare, ma una giornata che salverà il pianeta.
Sintonizzati domani quando Greta ha bisogno di un canale radicolare e impara come viene sintetizzata la novocaina.
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
Cup god real? Cup god real. Except it’s sweeter, and less fuckery. Maybe. I don’t know. Apologies for the break, I do not control the rate in which my body heals.
God of Night x GN!Reader, TW: none Words: 833
It was a simple life that you were living. Easy nine-to-five, hardly any traffic, incredibly easy going. Unfortunately, this made life incredibly boring as well. You were standing in your kitchen, late at night, simply making yourself a sandwich. You packed yourself lunches because the ones available in the building’s cafeteria frankly reminded you of lunch trays from elementary school. Less than ideal, and certainly not containing all the nutrition that a fully grown adult needed. There are only so many servings of Shannon’s crunchy mac and cheese that you can stand.
As you finish up making your food, you go to grab a glass of water. You search your cupboard, a bit frustrated when you find that it’s empty. You check the dishwasher, all of them inside, and get more agitated. Sure, you could hand wash a dish, but that would take extra effort. You go around the house, looking for a cup. You’re about tired enough just to go back and either drink out of the faucet directly or out of a bowl.
You walk about your apartment, finding a weird goblet thing. You can hear the voices of many people, yelling at you from beyond the imaginary screen like you’re the white girl protagonist in a b-grade horror movie. You have a cup, you’re thirsty, it is nearly the witching hours of the morning, you could not give less of a shit if you tried.
The goblet is filled up with water from the tap, and you could’ve sworn that the moon motifs on the side started glowing. But it’s late! Surely not! You finish your beverage, refilling it to get another drink. How dehydrated are you? Really, you should be drinking more water. 
You down another three goblets worth of water, panting as your witching hour water is slowly hydrating you. You flip around to be face to face with a surprised man, a red spiral swirling around his right eye. He’s above average height, dressed in a dark blue suit covered in stars, a halo crown decorated with stars and a moon on his head. 
You jump back with a scream, which startles him as well. He tries to calm you, but not in the way that you’d think would be the go-to way.
“I’m so sorry! Do you know what you just did?”
“No?? I drank water???”
“You just drank water from a ritual goblet, in which the drinker’s soul is tied to a god, namely me. Hello, I’m the God of Night, your patron.”
You simply stand there stunned, looking at the goblet in your hand, and then the clock. The motifs on the sides now glow the same red as his spiral, the clock still showing the early hours of the morning.
“I’m just as confused as you are, but unfortunately, there’s not much I can do about it. No one has drank from that goblet in centuries. You’re the only one in my entire created universe who even remotely is tied to me, or worships me.”
“So, you can’t just, undo it?”
“No, no I cannot. I’m sorry, starlight.”
The pet name catches you off guard, but you feel a sense of warmth and safety in your chest as he says it. His hand graces your shoulder, a soothing rub that brings out the tiredness that you had been fighting. 
“Starlight, have you not been sleeping?”
“No, been trying to sleep, but insomnia has been kicking my ass…”
“My star, would you allow me to help? I haven’t had a devotee in centuries, so I may be a bit rusty, but, I wish to help you.”
You consider his offer as you rest your head on his chest, his arm around your back helping keep you up so you don’t fall asleep standing up. Honestly, you don’t really have a good reason to not believe he’s a god, considering his presence isn’t exactly normal. 
“Sure, what could go wrong? I’m devoted to a god now who’s standing in my kitchen. Worse things could’ve happened.”
He chuckles a bit, scooping you up into his arms, moving the two of you into your living room, onto the couch. He sits down, you slowly falling asleep in his arms as he readjusts you onto the couch, setting blankets and pillows around you. Then he takes a deep breath, humming lowly as his hands and spiral glow blue, waving them slowly over your body. Sleep slowly draws you in, one you cannot fight, even if you wished to.
Once he gets you asleep, he looks at you adoringly, deciding in that moment that he’d do anything to protect you, his only devotee. He’ll clarify that the goblet belongs to the holy consort at a different time, until then, he had to learn to love again. Learn to be worshipped again. It’s a process that he has all of eternity to learn.
He will wait for his little star, he’ll certainly wish on you that you’ll love him back.
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noneun · 8 months
Una codina di dietro
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Gli eucarioti sono quel gruppo di esseri viventi dotati di cellule con all'interno un nucleo contenente il DNA. Noi animali ne facciamo parte, così come le piante, i funghi e molti altri organismi unicellulari. Esclusi i batteri e gli archea, che sono procarioti: organismi unicellulari privi di nucleo. Per cui, nei procarioti, il DNA gira libero nell'intera cellula.
Bene, moltissimi organismi, eucarioti e procarioti, possiedono, almeno in uno stadio della propria vita, cellule che hanno la capacità di muoversi utilizzando una specie di microscopica codina, il cosiddetto flagello.
In moltissimi di questi organismi il flagello, o più di un flagello, è posto anteriormente. Quindi il movimento di questa codina trascina in avanti la cellula.
In un particolare gruppo di eucarioti, invece, ad un certo punto della storia della vita sulla Terra, comparve un flagello che funzionava al contrario, spingendo la cellula anziché trascinarla.
Questo gruppo è stato chiamato Opisthokonta, dall'unione di due parole greche: "opísthios" cioè retro, posteriore, e "kontós" ovvero polo, cioè flagello. Ovvero quelli con una codina di dietro.
Chiaramente ci sono opistoconti unicellulari che possiedono il flagello per tutta la vita, altri che invece ce l'hanno solo in alcuni stadi, come noi e i funghi. Questi ultimi, che quindi sono molto più imparentati a noi che alle piante, possiedono questa codina di dietro quando producono le spore. Noi quando produciamo gli spermatozoi, che tecnicamente non sono altro che la primissima e incompleta fase della vita di un individuo adulto.
I vantaggi di questa innovazione, avvenuta sicuramente più di un miliardo di anni fa, sono stati notevoli. Essere una cellula spinta, anziché trascinata, fa risparmiare energia, aumenta l'agilità, permette un più semplice sviluppo di organi sensoriali e meccanismi di cattura del cibo. Mentre, sul retro, la codina reagisce agli stimoli sensoriali e avvicina la cellula alle sostanze nutritive.
Le innovazioni nell'evoluzione degli opostoconti da quel punto in poi sono state innumerevoli, è chiaro. Ma è bello pensare che, da un certo punto di vista, la storia della vita sulla Terra si può riassumere con la seguente timeline formata da poche fondamentali pietre miliari:
niente codina > codina davanti > codina dietro > scienza aerospaziale.
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celiacandthebeast · 8 months
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susieporta · 9 months
- Come faccio - mi chiese -
A lasciarlo andare ? Non vederlo piu’,non sapere piu’ niente di lui .
- perché devi figlia- rispose la curandera guardando verso l’antica quercia .
- vedi , nulla davvero ci appartiene ma chi abbiamo amato ha mescolato con noi il suo corpo astrale .
- che significa?
- che vi siete intrecciati come i rami dell’edera , ma non nel corpo , quello e’ momentaneo, nello spirito .
- ma a me non basta .
Sto male , voglio ancora vederlo e toccarlo e parlargli .
Non ce la faccio .
- non ce la devi fare - rispose sorridendo la donna di cui nessuno conosceva l’ eta’ .
- non ce la devi fare perché non sei tu a decidere : l’amore improvvisamente e senza merito arriva , come un canto di uccelli a mezzanotte .
E cosi’improvvisamente e senza motivo se ne va .
Ma non finisce mai.
Continua in quest’ altra dimensione .
- quale dimensione ?
Chiede la ragazza soffiandosi il naso avvolto dalle lacrime .
- la dimensione dell’invisibile. Dove vivono i maestri, i sacri spiriti, gli esseri di luce e le forze superiori .
I vostri spiriti congiunti e intrecciati salgono su fino a li , fino a diventare impercettibili e tuttavia continuano a vivere .
Vedi cara : l’umano non accetta che cio’ che può vedere e’ pari a un granello di sabbia a confronto dell’oceano.
- sto iniziando a capire ma fa ancora male .
- lo so bambina .
Non scacciare il demone del dolore : ogni volta che il cuore si spacca, si allarga un po’ di piu’ ma solo se lo lasci fare.
Se respingi, fingi , rigetti indietro, ti stordisci con le frivolezze , ritornera’ piu’ forte e ti chiudera’ il cuore .
E un cuore chiuso, e’ cio’ che di peggio puoi dare al mondo .
- gia’ in passato , Signora ho chiuso il mio cuore per non soffrire piu’ ed e’ stato sempre peggio !
- certo! Dimorare nelle tenebre e nella paura non e’ mai bene cara .
Non cercare di capire il dolore , lascia che ti travolga come un’onda, fatti lieve come piuma , lasciato attraversare come burro , ma se chiudi il cuore allora i demoni danzeranno sul tuo petto e ne’ gioia ne’ dolore toccheranno piu’ il tuo ventre .
E questo equivale a morire .
- si , ho capito .
Ho capito che essere forti significa stare 5 passi indietro.
Lo lascero’ andare ...
- domani sera , con la luna piena, da sola , vai in collina e pianta un ulivo .
Le sue foglie argentate saranno nutrite dalla tua leggerezza .
Qualcosa crescerà da questo strappo ma solo se lasci che la luce lo disinfetti .
E cosi sara’ per la pianta .
E la ragazza ando’ .
Con la luna calda di agosto a piantare il suo amore finito tra o cespugli di ginestra .
Scivolo’ dentro se’ per un po’
E la curendera non la perse mai di vista .
Da lontano, la vedeva con l’ occhio interiore e lei inviava ogni sera gli spiriti del bosco a vegliarle il sonno ...
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Proprietà letteraria riservata:
NOTA BENE Primo: non ho mai letto la profezia della curandera
Secondo questo racconto breve e’ un Mio pezzo originale scritto nel 2020
Vi prego di NON spargerlo in giro sotto falso nome
I miei post sono firmati e protetti da diritto di autore.
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chalkrevelations · 1 year
Review guide under here, so I can cross things off as I go. Certification exam coming up soon. This is what I’m going to be doing for the next month or so. Meanwhile, queue is in charge.
disease progression and imminent death
assessment and staging scale
**FAST staging: 1. (normal adult) no difficulties; 2. (normal older adult - mild memory loss) word finding, location of objects; 3. (early dementia) decreased job function evident, decr. organizational capacity, difficult travel to new locations; 4. (mild dementia) decr. ability at complex tasks, handling finances; 5. (moderate dementia - diff with serial subtraction; date/year/home address) assistance in proper clothing choice; 6a. (moderately severe dementia - diff with names of family/friends, delusions/hallucinations/obsessions, increased anxiety, poss violent; daytime sleep/night wakefulness) assistance in dressing; 6b. assistance bathing more freq.; 6c. assistance toileting more freq.; 6d. urinary incont. more freq.; 6e. bowel incont. more freq.; 7a. (severe dementia - incontinent x2, lose speech & ability to walk; bedridden -> sepsis, pna) limited speaking ability (half dozen words in av. day/interview); 7b. single intelligible word in av. day/interview); 7c. lost amb. ability; 7d. needs assistance to sit up (i.e., arms on chairs); 7e. lost ability to smile
local coverage determination
disease-specific guidelines
SSx of imminent death - usually in clusters rather than individual SSx
weeks to months
loss of appetite (early sign) -> weight loss, cachexia (family distress: signifies decline, inability to nourish as a sign of care. educate that force feeding -> vomiting and aspiration). artificial nutrition if consistent with GOC, but educate that it does little good and may increase distressing symptoms. consider decrease if patient has in place but vomiting, aspiration, edema, CHF, pulmonary edema, other SSx fluid overload
cachexia incl. muscle wasting, anorexia, fatigue, weakness, as well as weight loss
unintentional weight loss = or >5% body weight
BMI < 20 (pt <65yo) OR <22 (pt >65yo)
<10% total body fat
increased cytokine levels (-> muscle tissue breakdown/catabolism)
albumin level <35 g/L
enourage oral fluid intake for as long as possible; team to work with family to determine if supplemental hydration. NOT USUALLY NECESSARY in terminal phase, although in some cases hypodermoclysis may ease delirium, opioid toxicity, agitation, dehydration
days to weeks
possible psychological and spiritual distress - depression, anxiety, grief, isolation in final weeks (highest levels of anxiety - COPD likely d/t dyspnea). Hopelessness, general dissatisfaction with life, overall sense of suffering in advanced dz.
increasing weakenss and dependence on caregivers
dysphagia/aphagia - if unable to take PO, consult with prescriber to d/c unnecessary meds; to promote comfort, KEEP pain meds, anxiolytics, antiemetics, anticholinergics, antipyretics (alteranate routes)
asthenia -> bedbound + incontinence, malnutrition -> risk for skin breakdown. SKIN CARE, frequent repositioning. Kennedy ulcers in final days, despite skin care (sacral, pear- or butterfly-shaped)
focus care on SYMPTOM MGMT and comfort as pt declines.
hours to days
educate family on saying goodbye/resolving conflicts, creating mementos (recording pt’s voice, hand casts, photos, etc), finalizing funeral arrangements, gathering loved ones who want to be present at TOD, normal changes in pt condition (decr. appetite, incr. somnolence, cyanosis, etc.) and that they don’t cause pain/distress for pt
aggressive and prompt symptom mgmt to alleviate distress - determine if change in meds/routines is root cause.
Some SSx may not be distressing for pt (ex. some terminal agitation) but impacts safety - address via activity as tol., thx environmen, music thx, meds (haloperidol, chlorpromazine, risperidone, lorazepam)
some distressing for family but not pt - terminal secretions (death rattle). educate family, reposition pt., suction oropharynx (NOT deep suction). if dyspnea or pt distress, anticholinergics (hyoscamine SQ, atropine SL, glycopyrrolate SL, scopolamine SQ/topical
SSx: confusion and vision of loves ones who’ve passed away; terminal agitation -> incr somnolence -> unresponsiveness; respiration changes (aphea, Cheyne-Stokes, agonal breathing, terminal secretions); temporal wasting; dehydration; pain; cyanosis (lips, extremities), cooling of extremities; HTN -> hypotension; peripheral edema; mottling; incontinence -> oliguria -> anuria. increasing asthenia and somnolence -> coma OR mutliple symptoms w/ terminal agitation period prior to coma.
pts withdraw and lose verbal ability, but THOUGHT REMAINS INTACT - caregivers should continue to talk, provide soothing sounds (music) throughout dying process
educate caregivers on nonverbal signs of pain/discomfort (often r/t tumor pressure, GI distress, frailty, siffness, immobility, bladder distention (FLACC scale)
FINAL HOURS: profound weakness/fatigue, guant/pale, withdrawal from others/reduced awareness, glassy/cloudy eyes, unable to take PO, oliguria-anuria, agonal respirations/apnea, tachycardia, unresponsive
adhere to advance care plan, avoid unnecessary interventions incl. VSx monitoring, treat FEVER, d/c unneeded routine meds
educate family re: pre-death “rally” - sudden reawakening/awareness of surroundings, coherent conversation, increased appetite -> semicomatose within hours (family distress, false hope)
if esophageal varices - prep family for poss. terminal hemorrhage (not usually painful for pt but visually distressing), provide support, focused attn during. poss. pt sedation if awake and alert. hemostatic dressings in chronic bleeding. dark towels.
inteventions: agitation (benzos, music, massage, dim lights, cool env.); dehydration (freq. oral care, ice chips as tolerated, hypodermoclysis/protoclysis if GOC consistent); dry mouth (oral care, lip balm, ice chips and oral swab as tolerated, artificial saliva); dyspnea (trx cause if poss., opioids, reposition for comfort, fan for moving air/cool env.); edema (elevate extremities as tolerated, diuretics, decrease/discontinue artificial nutrition/hydration of fluid overload SSx); fever (acetominophen PR, fan, light clothing, cool compress to head); incontinence (change promptly, skin care after each incident, reposition freq to protect skin); pain (PO meds until not tolerated -> SQ, PR; adjuvant meds PRN, reposition, distraction, massaage, heat/cold); terminal secretions (reposition, anticholinergics, oral suction); decubitus ulcers (skin care, wound care, topical lidocaine)
afterdeath care
assessment/document: general appearance, absence of heart/lung sounds on auscultation (1 full minute), lack of pupillary response to light, absence of response to verbal/tactile stimuli, TOD, who was notified of death, what time family/caregiver notified hospice agency (for home care patients), to who body released (morgue, funeral director, etc.)
postmortem care with attention to cultural/religious preferences; invite family to participate if they desire; emotional support for family with assurance team will provide bereavement support up to 1yr
prep death certificate as req. by state law, notify primary care provider
FEDERAL LAW - if death in hospital, primary decision maker must be approached re: organ donation
end-stage cancer
neuro disorders
           neurovascular (w/ cva, coma admission criteria)
cardiac disorders
pulmonary disorders
renal disorders
hepatic disorders
infx (esp. viral hepatitis), autoimmune dz, genetic predisposition to liver dz, cx, chroncia ETOH, fatty liver -> liver damage
risk factors: ETOH abuse, exposure to blood/body fluids (parenteral drug abuse, tattoos, blood transf. prior to 1982), hepatotoxic chemical exp., diabetes/obesity (Hep C #1, alc. cirrhosis #2)
irreversible dz processes -> chronic lliver failure (CLF) ->ESLD. erratic trajectory with increasingly frequent, severe exacerbations of symptoms. sudden death r/t complications.
ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, anorexia/cachexia, portal hypertension, poor immunity, n/v, lyte imbalance, pruritis, malaise, esoophageal varices, pain, muscle/extremities wasting d/t malnutrition
assessment: symptoms (pain, n/v, altered bowel, rectal bleeding, dysphagia, abd. distention, pruritis), jaundice of sclera and skin, rash, petichiae, open areas from scratching, nonhealing wounds, temporal wasting & sunken eyes d/t malnutrition; abd inspection/ausc/percussion/palpation (boardlike w/ generalized peritonitis; rebound tenderness with local inflamm)
Model of End-Stage Liver Dz (MELD) - INR, bilirubin, creatinine levels. (score 10-19 = 92% 6-month mortality)
Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) - total bilirubin, albumin, INR, degrees of encephalopathy & ascites (Class A = 95% 12-month mortality)
ascites indicates 50% 2-year mortality (6-month median survival rate when refractory)
liver failure -> renal failure (hepatorenal syndrome); HRS type 1 -> 4-week survival rate; type 2 -> 6-month survival rate
symptoms (ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, HRS, varices) are refractory to intervention
PT > 5 seconds over control OR INR > 1.5
serum albumin <2.5 gm/dL, plus one or more:
ascites, refractory or pt noncompliant
spont. bacterial peritonitis
HRS, elevated creatinine and BUN, oliguria (<400 mL/d), urine Na concentation <10mEq/L, chirrhosis and ascites
hepatic encephalopathy, refractory or pt noncompliant
recurrent variceal bleeding despite thx
SUPPORTING documentation: progressive malnutrition, muscle wasting, continued active alcoholism (>80g ETOH/d), hepatocellular carcinoma, Hep B (HBsAg) positive
dementia/neurocognitive disorders
NCDS - decline from previous function, distinct from congenital
risk factors - age (60yo, 85yo), genetic predisposition, female, poor diet/obesity/diabetes, depression, education level, multiple comorbidities
memory changes, poor recognition, word searching, decr. executive function, poor attention span, behavior/mood changes, altered perception, decreased function re: ADLs
APA diagnostic criteria (dementia): significant decline from previous level in multiple domains (complex attention, executive function, learning and memory, language, perceptual/motor, social cognition) based on concern from knowledgeable informant or clinician or documented by testing/assessment + interferes with ADL independence + not just delirium + not better explained by another mental disorder
Alzheimer’s - slow progression (6-8 years) with exacerbations of underlying illnesses; short term memory loss, decreased attn, word searching
vascular - stepwise decline; onset gen. corresponding to TIA/CVA/cerebral infarct; variability of symptoms: aphasia, motor deficits, impaired executive function/recall/problem solving
Lewy body - progressive symptoms: neurocognitive changes, movement disorders, hallucinations, parkinsonian movements, falls, delusions, sleep disturbance
frontotemporal - (umbrella - nerve cell damage) variable progression; aphasia, obstinacy, apathy, motor disturbances, disinhibition, decr. facial recognition, emotional distancing
PT/OT/ST to maintain function & speech/swallow ALAP; advance care planning, GOC, long-term management (LTC facility?) EARLY
cholinesterase inhibitors (donepazil) to impr. cholinergic transmission in early stages; NMDA receptor agonists (memantine) later stages (impr. memory, enhance reasoning, maintain physical function - can be used together
late stage - interdisciplinary team - serious motor impairment ->safety issues, dysphagia/incontinence/immobility -> skin integrity infection -> agitation, delirium/depression/lethargy, pain, SOB, limb contractures
terminal phase - per advance directive and GOC, d/c interventions if questionable benefit
FAST** Stage 7 or beyond PLUS one or more of
aspiration pna
multiple S3/S4 pressure injuries
recurrent fever
other significant condition suggesting limited prognosis
hx shows inability to maintain sufficient fluid/calorie intake in past 6 months (10% weight loss, albumin <2.5gm/dL)
**FAST staging: 1. (normal adult) no difficulties; 2. (normal older adult - mild memory loss) word finding, location of objects; 3. (early dementia) decreased job function evident, decr. organizational capacity, difficult travel to new locations; 4. (mild dementia) decr. ability at complex tasks, handling finances; 5. (moderate dementia - diff with serial subtraction; date/year/home address) assistance in proper clothing choice; 6a. (moderately severe dementia - diff with names of family/friends, delusions/hallucinations/obsessions, increased anxiety, poss violent; daytime sleep/night wakefulness) assistance in dressing; 6b. assistance bathing more freq.; 6c. assistance toileting more freq.; 6d. urinary incont. more freq.; 6e. bowel incont. more freq.; 7a. (severe dementia - incontinent x2, lose speech & ability to walk; bedridden -> sepsis, pna) limited speaking ability (half dozen words in av. day/interview); 7b. single intelligible word in av. day/interview); 7c. lost amb. ability; 7d. needs assistance to sit up (i.e., arms on chairs); 7e. lost ability to smile
endocrine disorders (most common)
thyroid dz
hypo (high TSH) - weight gain, jaundice, hoarsenes, decreased sbp/increased dbp, pericardial effusion, bradycardia, edema, fatigue, myalgia/arthralgia, blurred vision, impaired hearing, increased perspiration, fever/sore throat, depression/emotional lability, cold intolerance, paresthesia, constipation; myxedema crisis/coma - LEVOTHYROXINE 1-2 mg/kg/d.
hyper  (low TSH, high T4/T3) - Grave’s disease comorbid 60-80%. nervousness, irritability, tremor, muscle weakness, bruit over thyroid, hyperactivity, heat intolerance, hair loss, palmer erythema; thyroid toxicosis/thyroid storm (antithyroid meds, inorganic iodine, bile acid sequestrants, beta-blockers, glucocorticoids) - antithyroid meds (methimazole, propylthiouracil), beta-blockers for andrenergic symptoms. radioactive idodine thx/thyroidectomy.
DM2 risk factors: age, htn, hypercholesterolemia, weight/obesity, smoking, inactivity, hyperglycemia;
increased risk of stroke, cardiac events; retinopathy, neuropathy
maintain AIC <5.7% or fasting plasma glucose <100 mg/dL
prioritize comfort/quality of life (when to d/c BG monitoring; EDUCATION of pt, family re: d/c)
immunologic disorders (w/ hiv admission criteria)
chronic pain/chronic pain syndromes
low back pain - recurrent, refractory, impaired mobility, debilitation
myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) r/t muscle, fascia, tendon injury - myositis, fibrositis, myofibrositis, myalgia,
peripheral - diabetic neuropathy, nutritional deficiency, HIV, carcinoma - activity, allodynia
central - spinal cord trauma, tumors, vascular lesions, MS, Parkinson’s, postherpetic neuralgia, phantom limb, reflex sympathetic dystropy (CRPS)
CRPS - neuropathic, allodynia (diaphoresis, vascular changes, asthenia, disuse (PT, nerve blocks)
chronic postoperative pain (CRPS) - phantom limb, chronic donor site, postthoracotomy pain syndrome, joint arthroplasty (acute + chronic -> multimodal trx)
reticular - compression of neck/spine nerve roots (sciatica, injury, herniated disk, foraminal stenosis, inflammation) - sharp, stabbing, radiating
cancer - neuropathy, parasthesia, r/t tumor growth, trx, comorbidities - frequent assessment for rapid changes, short- + long-acting
palliative & precipitating factors (what makes it better or worse)
quality (what does it feel like)
radiation (is it in one area or does it travel) (somatic gen. well-localized, visceral gen. poorly localized, neuropathic gen. radiates)
severity (can you rate it for me)
timing (better or worse at certain times, when did it start, how long does it last)
nonverbal: FLACC, Wong-Baker FACES, Faces Pian Scale Revised (FPS-R) (children 1-7), PAINAD
physical - quality, severity + related symptoms (nausea, sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety, immobility,
psychological - anxiety, depression, hopelessness; quality of life, incl. planning activities around pain/meds (Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9, depression); GAD (GAD-10) screenings)
social - isolation, social consequences of reporting pain
spiritual - FICA Spiritual History (spiritual distress)
SUD - gen. more severe pain experience, poss. require higher med dose
40% comorbid mental/emotional/behavioral disorder
serious illness as trigger for substance abuse
AUDIT-C, Opioid Risk Tool
nociceptive pain (somatic or visceral) (sharp and localized)
visceral (gnawing, ache) - multimodal mgmt; metasteses, pancreatic tumors/pancreatitis, biliary or SBO/colon obstruction
neuropathic - multimodal mgmt, incl. nonopioids, gabapentinoids, antidepressants, SNRIs, anticonvulsants, Na-channel blocking antiarrhytmics. (opiods as second/third-line; methadone; high doses for effective trx)
WHO pain ladder
Step 1 - nonopioids with or without adjuvants
Step 2 - opioids with or without adjuvants, nonopioids
Step 3 - opioids for mod-severe pain (long-acting + short-acting) + adjuvants
acetaminophen (PO, PR, IV)
NSAIDS (selective vs. nonselective COX-2 inhibitors)
constipation (gastric motility) - bowel regimen (laxative + stool softener)
n/v (gastric motility, CTZ & opioid receptor stimulation)
entiemetics to antagonize specific receptors:
haloperidol - D(2)
promethazine - H(1)
naloxone - DOR
ondansetron, tropisetron, dolasetron, granisetron - 5-HT(3)
scopalamine - ACh
aprepitant - NK-1
dronabinol - DCB(1)
pruritis (partic. MORPHINE) (histimine release; effects on mu-opioid, dopamine, serotonin receptors) - rotation, reduction, antihistimines (xerostoma, confusion, blurred vision in geriatric pt - TOPICALS instead)
sedation (difficulty clearing incl. geriatric, renal dysfunction) ->
respiratory depression (opioid naive, sleep apnea, geriatric, drug-drug interactions, obesity, cardiac/respiratory disorders, functional/psych status, comorbidities) - naloxone, education
opioid-induced neurotoxicity (accumulated opioid metabolites)
partic MORPHINE then HYDROMORPHONE (kidney excretion, i.e., risks in geriatric and renal dysfunction)
fentanyl, sufentanil
do not use meperidine in palliative/hospice d/t seizure risk
myoclonus - first, most common sign
reverse mechanism, therefore -> reduce/rotate
clonazepam, midazolam, benzos, baclofen, dantrolene
overdose - often drug-drug interaction (opoids + benzos)
confusion/delirium, n/v, pinpoint, lethargy, cyanosis, respiratory distress/failure
naloxone (IN, SL, IV, IM)
oral to parenteral - 3:1
long-acting dose - (actual TDD incl. PRNs / 2) Q12H
oral rescue dose (breakthrough pain) - 10-20% TDD Q1-2H PRN
parenteral rescue dose - 50-100% hourly rate Q15 min PRN
adjuvants (NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors, muscle relaxants, psychotropics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, anxiolytics, sedatives, amphetamines, antiarrhythmics, Ca-channel blockers, ketamine, lidocaine, capsaicin, tramadol, etc.)
terminal cardiac diagnosis -> deteriorating status; multiorgan system failure
coagulation problems inabilty to clot or regulate clot formation d/t tumor invasion, trx SE, thrombocytpenia, nutritional deficiency, anticoag use, coag abnormalities -> bleeding disorders/internal bleeding SSx epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, melena, hematochezia, hematuria, vaginal bleeding, sings of incr ICP
bleeding/hemorrhage - if nonacute, stop bleeding (packing, compression dressing, topical hemostatic, position to decr bloodflow, astringints) and alleviate pt’s anxiety. educte pt and family for risks for bleeding (partic in liver dz). Catastrophic hemorrhage - stem further bleed IF CONSISTENT WITH GOC. Radiation thx, palliative TACE, endoscopy, vitamin K, vasopressin, antifibrinolytics, otreotide (for varices), platelet transfusion, FFP. possibly palliative sedation. Dark-colored towels to reduce visual impact for pt and caregivers.
thrombi/dvt - risk d/t immobility, orthopedic trauma, circulatory problems - use TED hose/SCDs prophylatically. DVT SSx: edema, pain, localized warmth, venous distention, localized tenderness to palpation. Dx via venogram (”gold standard” but invasive), venous doppler to detect blood flow (evaluate/compare both extremities). Trx: hepairin, low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), unfractioned heparin, fondaparinux. NO enoxoparin (Lovenox) (a LMWH) in acute renal failure.
pulmonary embolism - d/t thrombus formation, often DVT migrattion to pulmonary artery. Risks: genetic predisp., recent surgery, hx DVT/PE, immobility, hospitalization, cx, age, HF, stroke, acute respiratory failure, IBD. may be initially asymptomatic/vague symptoms. Unexplained chest pain in 97% of confirmed PE. other SSx: anxiety, diaphoresis, cought, syncope, hemoptysis, hypoxemia, hypotension, pleuritic rub.  -> pressure increase in R ventricle -> tacycardia, crackles, fever, prounounced S2 (with closure of pulmonic and aortic valves), S3 (d/t fluid overload), possible S4 gallop (d/t thickned ventricular walls 2ndry to HTN or aortic stenosis).
lab testing is not definitive. rule out differential dx w/ d-dimer, ESR, leukocyte level, dehydrogenase, BNP, troponin. rule out differential dx with chest XR. spiral CT with contrast can more accurately confirm - if non-contrast d/t allergy, renal impairment then ventilaion/perfusion (V/Q) scanning. Gold standard dx - confirmation via pulmonary angiogram (expensive and invasive)
trx: stabilize. invasive measures only if consistent with GOC (mechanical vent, intubation) - improve ventilation. BIPAP noninvasive may also improve.
pharm (IV resuscitation, vascular stabilization) - vasopressors (norepinephrine, dopamine, epinephrine), anticoags (LMWH, unfractioned heparin, fondaparinux, warfarin, rivaroxaban). in initial phase, intiate parenteral heparin, LMWH, rivaroxaban, fondaparinux - > transitioned to oral or other agent. IF NOT CONSISTENT WITH GOC: alleviate dyspnea and anxiety, incl. sedation if sever distress and symptomatic. Family education, d/t suddenness, poor prognosis
DIC - thrombi -> infarction in multiple vessels/organs -> organ damage + internal bleeding d/t platelet depletion; risks: sepsis, inflamm dz, cx, liver dz, trauma, aneurysms, vascular disorder. ssx initially subtle; bruising purpura, petechiae, hematemesis, hematuria, hematochezia, hemothorax. trx: replace blood and blood products, correct metabolic shifts. anticoags (may need cautery, cryoablation to control bleeding), synthetic protease inhibitors (block serine proteases, incl. thrombin), antifibrinolytics, IF ORGAN FAIULRE, natural protease inhibitors, but avoid antifibrinolytics
angina d/t increased cardiac O2 demand d/t activity, cardiac vessel onbstruction, MI. stable vs. unstable. ssx: sudden chest pain, tightness, heaviness, squeezing, pain radiating to jaw/arms/back, SOB, fatigue, nausea (2-3 symptoms together - atypical angina). trx: rule out MI or occlusion, treat symptomatically - discontinue precipitating activities, nitroglyc SL/PO/TD/IV/lingual spray. Possible invasive (angioplasty, stent, CABG) if benefits outweigh risks
lower extremities d/t ES organ failure (partic (R) heart/liver/kidney), med SE, superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS), vascular insufficiency, hypoalbuminemia, fluid overload. pitting vs. non-pitting. incr weight -> discomfort, decr mobility. trx: elevation, compression. diuretics may NOT be useful, particularly if refractory. interventions implemented slowly to prevent incr. cardiac symptoms.
lymphedema d/t obstruction/removal of lymph nodes (r/t cx surgeries, other trx) -> lymph accumulation -> fibrosis, sclerosis -> permanent edema. pre-fibrosis, trx with elevation, compression. diuretics generally NOT useful. SKIN CARE. manual lymphatic drainage by trained massage or PT (promoting mobility, ROM, QOL)
syncope temp. loss of consciousness d/t low blood flow to brain (hypotension, r/t (ES) cardiac dz/afib, dehydration, fluid shifts, postural changes (orthostatic)). SAFETY - educate pt and family on changing position slowly, assistance for transfers, sit/lie down at warning SSx: nausea, diaphoresis, lightheaded. Recurrent -> anxiety, somatization, panic -> fluoxetine. Testing (EKG, lab studies for lyte imbalance/dehydration, tilt table to test) for cause if GOC consistent. Pacemaker may relieve fatigue, dyspnea, syncope.
SVCS obstruction of SVS/nearby lymph nodes/vessels (usually d/tprimary tumor or mets from lung cx/breast cx/lymphoma) -> SSx obstructed drainage from hed/neck/UEs (facial swelling, JVD, distention of chest veins, UE edema, ruddy complexion; over 2-week period - cough, dyspnea, hoarseness, blurred vision, syncope, HA, confusion, obtundation). Confirm dx via chest XR, CT, MRA. trx via chemo/radiation, steriods, diuretic, thrombolytics, stent/bypass. RAISE HOB 45-90 degrees to promote drainage. prognosis (age over 50, extent of malignancy, hx smoking, steroid use) fair to poor, <6mo to 2yr -> team discussion GOC re: interventions
constipation (abd distention, nasea/indigestion, <3BM/wk, difficult to pass/straining, feeling of incomplete emptying)
d/t slowed gi mobility, increased intestinal water absorption, obstruction, meds (incl. antidiarrheals, opioids), immobility, low fiber, dehydration
ausculate, palpate, skin turgor, hx (diet, mobiliyt, usual patter, associated issues, typical consistency)
high fiber diet, 2-3L fluids/day, exercise as tolerated, laxatives (increase if opiod increases)
bulk forming (absorb water, increase mass, stimulate peristalsis - psyllium (Metamucil), 5-7g daily start OR methylcellulose (Citrucel) 4-7g daily startt; 12-72H to onset. Use prophylactically, DO NOT use with ileus or impaction; req. 300-500ml fluid each dose (prevent impact.)
lubricant (also prevents reabsorption of water) - glycerin suppository 1PR qd OR mineral oil 30-60mL PO qd; 6-8H to onset (suppository 15-30 min)
opioid antagonists (block opioid receptors in bowel) methylnaltrexone (Relistor) for chroninc NON-cx pain 450mg PO qAM or 12mg SQ qAM (dose weight-based for adv. illness), OR naloxegol (Movantik) 12.5-15mg PO qd; 30-60min onset; d/c all maintenance laxatives prior to use, ensure close proximity to br
osmotic (pull water in and increase peristalsis) - lactulose (10g/15mL) @ 15-30mL qd to MAX 60mL/d in devided doses (24-48H onset), OR polyethylene glycol (Miralax) (48-96H onset) 17-34 g/d (dissolve 1cap in 8oz liquid /day up to 8 doses per day; poss bloating, flatulence
surfectant/detergent (draw water into colon) - docusate sodium (Colace) (whatever - this is useless) 100mg qd-BID (1-3 d onset) OR mineral oil 14-15mL qd (onset PO 6-8H, PR 2-15min); BITTER liquid, mix with juice or milk
bowel stimulants (stimulate submucosal nerve plexus -> incr. peristalsis) bisacodyl (Dulcolax PO) - 5mg qd start up to 30mg qd (6-10H onset), Dulcolax suppository (10mg PR qd) (,1H onset), OR senna (senokot) 15mg qd start to max 70-100mg qd (6-12H onset) - AVOID with ileus, obstruction, monitor for lyte/fluid imbalance, may develop tolerance. SE cramping, n/v with senna.
fecal impaction - bisacodyl or glycerin suppository, 2% lidocaine gel with disimpaction (avoid if possible perf or bleeding)
diarrhea (passed too quickly for water absorption) - abd pain, cramp, lethargy/weakness, n/v, distention, anorexia, incr thirst - dehydration, nutrient/lyte imbalance
d/c laxatives, assess for impaction, ID any ssx infx, replace fluids/lytes, provide skin care for incontinence. antidiarrheals cautiously with fever
opiods/opiod derivatives (ex. diphenoxylate/atropine (Lomotil)) 1-2 tabs PO BID-QID PRN
nonopiod (ex loperamide (Immodium)) 4mg PO 1x at ssx onset, then 2mg after each loose stool. (GERI SE - anticholinergic effects - prefer Lomotil)
antacids, adsorbents (bismuth salicylate - also antiinflamm and antibx) for n/d/indigestion; 2 262mg tabs QH PRN up to 16 tabs/24H
bulk-forming/fiber agents (absorb excess water) - ex. psyllium 1-2 tsp mixed with liquid up to TID
incontinence (muscle weakness/atrophy, neuro dz, severe diarr) - ID and remove (if poss) the cause; track associated ssx (weight loss, fever, R bleeding, steatorrhea)
env changes - BSC, clear path and proper lighting, remove physical restraints
skin care, with barrier cream/ointment
ascites (portal hypertension, hypoalbuminemia; malignancy, HF -> abd fluid collection) - indicate ES dz
discomfort, altered body image, decr mobility, dyspnea (diaphr. pressure), umbilical hernia, cellulitis, bacterial peritonitis
restrict NA 2g/d, fluid restriction, spironolactone (50-400mg qd), furosemide (20-130mg qd), paracentesis (if >4L, IV albumin), TIPS (potential hepatic encephalopathy)
repeated paracentesis -> indwelling abd cath
maintain trx consistent with GOC
hiccups (benign minutes to 2 d, persistent 2 d to 1mo, intractable longer than 1mo) -> indigestion, bloating, pain, abd distention, insomnia, fatigue. Quality of life
nonpharm - hold breath, breath into paper bag, compress diaphr., ice in mouth, induce cough/sneeze, pressure on nose, swallow sugar, eat lemon wedge with bitters, eat soft bread, touch palate with cotton swab, ocular compression, carotid massage, CBT (???), repositin, faseting, NG tube, acupuncture, induce emesis, disrupt phrenic nerve action (ablation last resort d/t pulmonary function risk)
pharm - simethicone 15-30mL PO q4H for distention; baclofen 5-10mg PO q6-12H up to 15-37mg qd OR midazolam 5-10mg PO q4H for muscle spasms; gabapentin 300-600mg PO TID for anticonvulsant; amitryptyline 10-50 mg PO OR sertraline 50-150mg PO QIS for CNS effects; haloperidol 2-10mg PO/IV/SQ q4-12H to block dopamine and alpha-andrenergic receptors
n/v (increased salivation, loss of appetite, diaphoresis) ASSESS N/V SEPARATELY
 cerebral cortex (fear, anxiety, stress, memories, sensory stimulation)
pressure receptors (increased ICP)
chemoreceptor trigger zone (central neural pathway) (opioids, serotonin, dopamine, histamine, acetylcholine, antibx, NSAIDS, electrolyte disturbance, inhln agents)
glossopharyngeal/trigeminal (stimulate GP nerve - surgery, tumor growth, etc.)
vestibular (middle ear surgery, motion, vertigo)
 GI (infx, cytotoxic meds, GI irritants, constipation, obstr., decr. motility)
-> stim vom center in medulla oblongata ->emesis
ANTICHOLINERGICS (hycoscine (scop) 1.5mg patch, 0.5-3 patch TD Q72H OR 0.6-1mg SQ/IV Q6-8H - spec. if d/t motion or obstruction. geri - anticholinergic SEs) (atropine opthm 1%, 1-2 drops SL Q8H PRN) (hyoscyamine 0.4-0.6mg SQ Q4H PRN)
ANTIHISTIMINES  (diphenhydramine 25-50 PO/SC/IV Q6H PRN (blocks H1 receptors in vom center, CTZ, vestibular nuclei). GERI - risk for extrapyramidal SEs) (cyclizine 50mg PO Q4-6H PRN to max 200mg/day - rec. for incr. ICP, motion sickness pharyngeal stimulation, mechanical BO)
BENZOS (lorazepam 0.5-2mg PO/SQ/IV Q8-12H - use with another agent unless caused by anxiety)
CANNABINOIDS (dronabinol 5-10mg PO Q3-6H, nabilone 1-2mg PO BID - CHEMO, if other trx ineffective)
CORTICOSTEROIDS (dexamethasone 4mg PO Q6H WITH FOOD - prophylactically during chemo/radiation; may help reduce BO)
DOPAMINE RECEPTOR AGONISTS 0-20mg PO/SQ/IV Q6H OR 25mg PR (partic for opoiod-induced nausea) - blocks dopamine in CTZ. sedating effect - may be beneficial for imminent patients)
OCTREOTID (100-400mcg SQ Q8H) - BO
PROKINETICS (metoclopromide 10-20mg PO/SQ/IV Q4-6H up to 40mg - CHEMO n/v) - for gastric stasis, admin prior to meals; reduce dose geri, renal dz. NOT in BO, perf, or immediately postoperative
SELECTIVE 5-HT3 RECEPTOR AGONISTS (ondansetron 4-8mg PO/SQ/IV Q8H on Day 1 chemo; 16-24mg PO 1x OR 8-16mg IV 1x (max dose 16mg)) - specif. prophyl. chemo/radiation n/v (PREMED)
SUBSTANCE P AGONISTS (NKI receptor agonists) (aprepitant 125mg PO 1x Day 1 chemo, then 80mg PO Qmorning on Day 2-3. PREMED 1H prior on Day 1, with a corticosteroid (dex) and a 5-HT3 agonist (Zofran)) - used with ondansetron prophyl. chemo/radiation n/v
nonpharm: hydration, small meals/fulll liquid, withhold routine meds if poss, complementary thx (aromatherapy, meditation, relaxation), reposition, CBT, intervention for tumor growth (surgery, stent, NGT, decompression)
(malignent) bowel obstruction (d/t intraabdominal cx) (-> sepsis, perf, necrosis) (n/v undigested food, poss fecal matter in advanced MBO; hyperactive bowel sounds/borborygmi; pain/distention with large intestince) - prognosis 30-90 days
palliative mgmt for n/v, pain, colic, possible parenteral fluid fo comfort, NGT for distention. FREQ oral care, ice chips for dry mouth
palliative pharm: opioids, anticholinergics, corticosteroids (metoclopramide 10mg Q 6-8H nausea 1st line; octreotide 50-100mcg SQ/IV Q8-12H antisecretory, but high cost, SE (n/d, pain, constipation))
infx, cx, ES dz, iatrogenic
bladder spasms - stabbing/cramping, colicky suprapubicpain d/t detrusor muscle acting agaisnt partial/fully blocked bladder outlet (by tumor, blood clot, stent, cath (too large, kinked, blocked)). urgency or leakage poss. smaller cath, balloon inflated to appropriate size, drink sufficient fluids, avoid caffeine/alcohol/other irritants, anticholinergics (with care in geri pt); botulinum toxin A injection into detrusor to decr. urgency sensation
incontinence - transient in delirium, UTI, immobility, sever constipation; med SE; diminished contraction of detrusor. review meds for SE incontinence, sedation (reduced sensitivity to fullness); timing (only at night, stress (sneeze, etc.), continual?. Skin care; review incontinence aids with caregiver for bedbound patient. SSX of UTI - > sample and UA. Poss indwelling cath (UTI risk))
retention - d/t UTI, mechanical obstruction (partic in BPH, colon/pelvice cx), neuro issues, meds (anticholinergics, antihisitmines, antidepressents, antihypertensives, anit-Parkinsons, antipsychotics, sympathomimetics, opoids (partic. with anticholinergics). REVIEW MEDS and d/c if possible. Indwelling cath if bladder firmness on palpation, bladder scan >300mL or PVR 200-300mL (including after straight cath)
immobiility, pain, debility, mestatses, ESdz
impaired mobility + complications - incr. risk of skin breakdown, physical deconditioning, activity intolerance, pathological frx. assess skin condition and ulceration risk factors with reliable tool (Braden Scale***). combined with sensory loss, incontinence, poor nutrition -> incr risk of pressure ulcers. Risk of skin shear of friction abrasion when pt repositioned by others. PRIORITY PREVENTION - encourage active participatoin in repositioning using rails/trapeze bar; freq reposition for immobile pt; pillow, cushions, antipressure devices/mattresses. Nutritional assessment for deficiencies, weight loss, cachexia (direct correlation b/t pressure ulcer risk and nutritional deficiency (low protein, albumin); consider supplements if appropriate
deconditioning/activity intolerance - d/t prolonged immobility, med SE, anemia, dz progression -> fatigue, weakness, decr. stamina -> incr falls risk, decr ADLs and QOL. weakness, dyspnea with exertion, fatigue with activity. preserve stamina in nonambulatory pt through passive/active ROM as tolerated. prevent falls - proper lighting, assistance with transfers and ambulation, necessary objects (glasses, telephone, call bell) within reach
pathological fractures d/t dz (most common osteoporosis; bone mets). femur most common site, 75% of which at proximal end. Also tibia, humerus, ribs, spine. SSx - localized pain/swelling, numbness; if femur, affected leg uually shorter and externally rotated. -> surgical stabilization (w/ or w/out joint replacement) common; contraindicated if widespread meets or life expectancy <6mo. Determine risks and educated on proper positioning, safety. pain mgmt and joint stabilization. team should collab with pt/famlly for plan of care to promote QOL, consistent with GOC.
integumentary and mucous membrane
meds, dz progression, poor nutrition/hydration,
xerostomia (radiothx head/neck, Sjogren’s, depression/anxiety/stress, malnutrition) dry mouth + hyposalivation. assoc: thrush, poor dentition, dry mucous membranes -> ability to eat/talk/wear dentures, incr. risk halitosis/caries/thrush/taste change. remove reversible causes (incl. meds if poss.), proper hydration, freq oral hydration, sugar-free gum/candy
pharm: pilocarpine 5mg TID, cevimeline 30mg TID (SE: d/n/v, sweating); sialagogue - oral topical
pruritis chronic in renal/liver dz, hypo/hyperthyroidism, anemia, malginancies, HIV; med SE (partic. opioids) -> disrupt ADL/sleep patterns. assess using Woods lamp if poss; parasites, bacterial/fungal infx, lesions. trx any underlying cause; also topical ointments, barrier creams, soakes (calamine, menthol, oatmeal bath, antihist. cream, steroids, capsaicin). Geri use of systemic thx (antihist) with caution (anticholinergic SE)
wounds (pressure ulcers, tumor extrusions, nonhealing wounds) - pressure and anoxia -> tissue damage in as little as 20-40 minutes.
frequent reposition - if bedbound, every 2-4H on pressure-reducing surface away from ulcer site; premed 20-30 min if pain; flexibility if actively dying or comfortable in only one position
adequate nutrition/hydration incl PO, SQ, IV dydration if appropriate, nutritional supplements. Provide as appropriate with GOC and prognosis
wound care based on staging, GOC, prognosis. NPWT to remove excess drainage/necrotic tissue/infx if large. Debridement of necrotic tissue: mechnical (wound irrigation/hydrotherapy, enzymatic via topical agents with dressing change Qday); biosurgical (medical maggots); autolytic (moisture-retaining dressing changed Q3-5 days, causing self-destruction of necrotic tissue)
S1 nonblanchable erythema, localized, usually over bony prominence. skin intact, red/purple/blue
S2 partial thickness loss of epidermis, some dermis. shallow open ulcer/superficial erosion, pink-red wound bed, no slough
S3 full thickness loss of skin, necrosis of SQ tissue, SQ fat poss. visible, but tendon/muscle/bone NOT exposed. Poss. undermining/tunneling, slough, necrotic tissue
S4 full thickness loss of skin including epidermis, dermis, SQ tissue; poss. muscle/bone/tendon exposure, slough, undermining/tunneling
(suspect) deep tissue injury - localized discoloration (purple/maroon), non-blanching, epidermis intact, feels boggy
unstageable - full thickness tissue loss covered by eschar or extensive necrotic tissue (tan, yellow-green, brown) (must be cleared before true depth can be determined)
OTHER DATA: length/width/depth (mm), description of edges, presence/description/amount of undermining/necrotic tissue/exudate/granulation tissue and epithelialization, condition of surrounding tissue
increased infx risk - debridement and wound care. high-risk wounds: silver-release topical dressings, medical-grade honey dressings, thin film dressings, hydrocolloid for S2-3, faom for exudative S2 pressure ulcers, hydrogel for nonexudative/necrotic, calcium alginates to absorb exudate
control odors - QOL. metronidazole gel (0.77-1.0%) Qday x 1wk to reduce microbe growth. dessings with activated charcoal. if not expected to heal, povidone iodine.
manage pain with systemic analgeisic, low-dose morphine
anger/hostility r/t illness, lack of control, dependency, family/caregiver response to illness - interdisciplinary team (partic. social workier, chaplain) to help pt/family proces and express in safe manner. provide reassurance feeling is common AND usually related to abother emotion (fear, depression, grief)
depression (persistent low mood, anhedonia >2wks + accompanied by at least four of: sleep disruption, weight loss/appetite change, psychomotor retardation/agitation, fatigue/energy loss, worthlessness/excessive guilt, decr. ability to think/concentrate, recurrent thoughts of death/suicidal ideation). uncertainty of dz trajectory, possibility of death. FREQ with anxiety, so assess for both. Therapeutic listening, team collaboration with pt to develop plan: relaxation techniques, meditation, CBT.
SSRI (citalopram 20-60mg/day, escitalopram 10-20mg/day, paroxetine 20-50mg/day, fluoxetine 20-60mg/day, fluvoxamine 50-100mg BID, sertraline 50-200mg/day) - may take sveral weeks for effect.
methylphenidate (Ritalin) if life expectency <2weeks
denial shields pt from consequences of illness until psychologically ready to cope - challenging may increase distress. Active listening, therapeutic silence, reflection, calm reassurance team is available for support as needed.
fear -> tachycardia, tachypnea, shaking, insomnia, diaphoresis, stomach upset, nightmares (response to real threat vs. anxiety response to perceived as well as real threat). Distraction, deep breathing, meditation, massage, CBT, focused support by team social worker/chaplain
grief -> intrusive thoughts, regrent, inability to think clearly, dulled/heightened emotions, nausea, fatigue, myalgia. Therapeutic listening, empathetic support, reassurance experience is normal. team social worker/chaplain factilitate life review, teach CBT techniques, provide spiritual support/guidance
loss of hope/meaning as hope for recovery fails. GOC convo with team to help pt focus shift from hope of recovery to comfort, preserved function, preserved dignity, other comforts. team facilitates life review, which may ID source of meaning.
guilt r/t regret for actions taken or failed to take. personal responsibility for illness, leaving family. -> existential suffering. Encourage pt to explore and express, also to work with team.
nearing death awareness (NDA) about 50% of terminal pts experience, usually coherent, comforting. Generally brings preace, may involved communicating with deceased loved ones, preparing for change, seeing the afterlife, knowing death is near. Culturally bound and varies by pt. Center on differentiating from negative delirium/hallucinations, validate perceptions.
sleep disturbances (insomnia, unusual patterns, daytime fatuge) - review and address dz progression, socioec factors, pain, meds, psych issues; promote restful sleep via sleep hygiene, allowing undisturbed rest, avoiding stimulants. nonpharm: relaxation techniques, massage, aromatherapy, music
suicidal ideation - warning signs: bebavior changes, withdrawing from friends/activities, giving away possessions, talking about suicide, incr. use of drugs/alcohol
Key assessment questions: Are you considering harming yourself? Do you have a plan to harm yourself? if either, considered at risk, take steps to ensure safety
intimacy/relationship issues incl. caregiver stress vs. dependency issues, loss of sexual relationship d/t illness. Discuss openly, normalize experience, reassure, encourage counseling
d/t dz progression, organ failure, med SE
anorexia/cachexia (anorexia/cachexia syndrome (ACS)) - cx, HF, COPD, HIV, renal dz - sign of advanced dz (POOR prognosis, even with intervention) - metabolic & neurohormonal changes, systemic inflamm, catabolism
oral nutritional suppl., ease diet restrictions, small/freq meals; enteral/parenteral supplementation NOT generally beneficial end-stage, before trial consider potential benefit, life expectencey, functional status (Karnofsky >50, medical issues manageable, caregiver available and pt able to have follow-up lab monitoriing
pharm - megestrol acetate, glucocorticoids, cannabinoids increase appetite/weight but uncertain effect on QoL. with depression, mirtazapine (Remeron) 15mg QHS, methylphenidate 2.5-10mg PO at 0800 and 1200
mid-arm circumference to assess malnutrition over time - weight loss and muscle wasting
dehydration r/t anorexia, med SE, n/v, BO, dysphagia, cognitive impairment (mucous membranes, skin turgor, bowel function - diarr; constip., impact.). may exacerbate delirium, confusion, agit,, myoclonus - NOT usually responsive to fluid replacement. SE artificial hydration - nausea, fluid overload, dyspnea, ascites, edema. is patient acutely ill/expected to recover some function or actively dying? PT AND FAMILY DISTRESS - educate.
oral or enteral fluid replacement; parenteral nutrtion through CVC or other long-term access. SQ fluids (hypodermoclysis) -absorption rate comparable to IV admin. (rarely use protoclysis, PR admin fluids to GI tract).
fatigue (subjective, some objective effects) r/t cx, HF, COPD, renal dz, HIV/AIDS, MS, etc.; poss. secondary to insomnia, distressing SSx, dz process, med SE, psych/spiritual distress
nonpharm - exercise as tolerated, pain and sx mgmt, counseling, medication, relaxation, music thx, sleep hygiene, avoid sleep disruption
pharm - benzo or antidepressent to enhance sleep. if not related to sleep quantity/quality, psychostimulants (methylphenidate, modafinil); corticosteroids; megestrol
hypercalcemia (serum Ca >14mg/dL -> urgent intervention) (metastatic cx as bone deteriorates and released Ca; hyperparathyroidism, lithium thx, Addison’s, Paget’s, vitminan A or aluminum toxicity) -> n/v, anorexia, wekness, constipation, thirst, AMS.
intervention for comfort even in advanced dz
bisphosphanates (pamidronate, zoledronate), calcitonin admin, IV hydration, bone reabsorption agents (gallium nitrate, plicamycin), dialysis
hypo/hyperglcemia d/t uncontrolled DM, sepsis, organ failure, cortisol imbalance, altered intake
monitoroing and mgmt may not be feasible in terminal illness d/t PO inability; ASSESS necessity of fingersticks, dietary control at EoL, EDUCATE pt and family on change to normal routine, REVIEW GoC
hypo <70mg/dL -> diaphoresis, dizziness, pallor, tachycardia, weakness, anxiety, tremors, nausea, hunger. <50mg/dl -> irritability, blurry/double vision, confusion, HA, slurred speech. <40mg/dL -> severe reactions incl. coma, seazure, death
15g carb, 15 minutes BG check, repeat PRN until >70mg/dL
glucagon 1mg IV/SQ (5i minutes to effect)
D50 IV/SQ (immediate)
corticosteriods for dual effect if dyspnea, pain, inflamm
hyper = fasting >116mg/dL OR postprandial >200mg/dL - overtreatment or non-compliance with treatment plan, DM, acute ilness, stroke, sepsis, MI, pancreatitis, meds (glucocorticoids, high-dose thiazides, dobutamine, atypical antipsychotics, cocaine) -> polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, glucosuria, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, poor wound healing, incr. infx risk, diabetic ketoacidosis (usually in DM1)
lifestyle modification
pharm: metformin up to 2250mg/day; sulfonylureas (glipizide, glyburide, glimepiride); metglitinides (matelinide, repaglinide); glucosidase inhibitors (acarbose, miglitol); thiazolidinediones (pioglitazone, rosiglitazone); dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors (sitagliptin phosphate); amylin agonists (pramlintide); insulin
d/t dz progression, organ failure, med SE
fever (T 101.3F/38.5C x1 OR 100.4F/38C x3 1H apart); d/t infx, immunological disorders, metabolic imbalance; antipyretics PO, PR + poss. antibx for symptom control. possible central fever (high T, skin cool) near death - antipyretics for comfort.
myelosuppression (anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia) - dt decr. bone marrow activity (cx trx, end-stage dz)
anemia (Hgb <8.0 g/dL) - heart dz, pulmonary dz, kidney dz, inflammatory processes r/t chronic dz (age/weight-> higher risk). RBC transfusion (threshold 9.0 g/d/L in advanced dz), erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (epoitin-alpha, darbepoetin) although NOT wiht advanced cx (stimulation of tumor growth)
neutropenia (ANC <1,000/mm3) - bone marrow suppression, cx trx, infx med SE, autoimmune disorder; risk for febrile neutropenia (T 100.4F/38.3C longer than 1H + ANC < 500/mm3 with expectation to decrease). ASSUME with fever while on chemo until proven otherwise. if confirmed: broad-spectrum antibx, possible hospitalization for IV thx.
thromobocytopenia (<20,000/mm3 OR clinically significant active bleeding) - cx, aplastic anemia, med SE, autoimmune disorder, chronic ETOH; purpura + petichiae. if hemorrhage - rad thx, endoscopy, vitamin K, vasopressin, octreotride (for varices), antifibrinolytics, platelets or FFP, palliative TACE. (dark towels to reduce visual impact for pt and caregivers)
lymphedema - lymph accumulation -> fibrosis or sclerosis -> permanent edema. skin care, elevation and compression if no fibrosis yet, manual drainage (PT, MT). (diuretics not usually effective)
mental status changes
altered LOC (CNS dysfunction, med SEs, metabolic imbalance, infx, anxiety, psych issues)
confusion - Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) to detect delirium
delirium - inpt geriatric, postop, advanced illness (infx (UTI), renal failure, hepatic failure, CNS disorders, vascular disorders, pain) - acute onset, fluctuating symptoms, perceptual changes, sleep-wake cycle altered, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, hyperactivity/lethargy; haloperidol (1mg), risperidone (1mg)
terminal delirium/terminal agitation - symptoms not reversible in >50% of patients - haloperidol 2-4mg PO/SC/IV Q30minutes up to 20mg/24hr, olanzapine 2.5-5mg SL HS-BID plus PRN Q4hr
patient/family care/education/advocacy
goals of care
grief & loss
caregiver ed/support/advocacy
practice issues
coordination and collaboration
scope and standards of practice
* opioid drug-to-drug conversions (equianalgesic - PO and TD)
morphine  30mg
hydocodone   30mg
codeine   200mg
tramadol 100mg
oxycodone   20mg
oxymorphone, methadone 10mg
fentanyl TD   12.5mcg/H ##
hydromorphone   7.5mg
levorphanol 4mg
calculate current 24H dose (TDD including PRNs)
convert using equianalgesic
calculate new dose
reduce by 50% to account for cross-tolerance (can be titrated PRN) (DO NOT REDUCE FOR TD FENTANYL)
## morphine to fentanyl patch - each 2 mg PO morphine approximately equivalent to 1 mcg/hr fentanyl patch (e.g., morphine 100 mg/day → 50 mcg/hr patch applied q3days) (approx 2mg : 1mcg/H) Note: using this formula, 25 mcg/hr of transdermal fentanyl is roughly equivalent to 50 mg oral morphine/24 hours. This dose may be excessive when used in the opioid naïve or the elderly.
MORE CONSERVATIVELY: FDA prescribing information for transdermal fentanyl: 135-224 mg of morphine per 24 hours = 50 mcg/hr patch. Note: this range of morphine is very broad which may result in significant under-dosing.
IV morphine : IV hydromorphone = 5:1
IV morphine : fentanyl patch = 4mg/hr : 100 McG patch (approx.)
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sognosacro · 1 year
L'essere femminile è fatto per ricevere, accogliere. Una volta stabile questo, esso si apre come una fontana e nutre in abbondanza. Altrimenti sarebbe malsano, sofferenza.
Perció uomini, esseri maschili, nutrite le vostre donne come regine. Donate voi stessi pienamente.
Non chiedete loro niente. Siete voi a dover dare i vostri frutti, che avete seminato e coltivato con amore.
Loro lo accoglieranno e con amore se ne prenderanno cura.
Sapranno versare il loro amore, nel momento in cui il vostro cuore sarà capace di darlo.
Il nostro amore infinito sgorga dall'interno, se le svuotate chiedendo, pretendendo non resterà piú niente. Soprattutto a loro.
Non si fideranno piú dell uomo, saranno infelici e voi approfitterete di questa debolezza e chiederete ancora di piú e se loro non ve lo possono piú dare perché non c'è, voi lo chiederete a qualcun altro.
Ma se tutti facessero cosí, morireste di fame.
Cari uomini, pensateci prima di voler qualcosa da qualcuno.
Pensate realmente a cosa state facendo.
Se solo siete abituati ad arrangiarvi e a dare piuttosto che a prendere vi accorgerete che molte cose si apriranno al meglio.
Loro non vi devono niente e questo moto innaturale è contro le leggi della vita.
Potreste mostrare un pó di rispetto e con dare non intendo rose e gioielli. Nessun umano si nutre con petali e metallo.
Dare è inteso come aprirsi alle proprie vulerbilità e accettarle come tali, saperle condividere e aprezzare con lei.
Ascoltare con amore e interesse sincero.
Trattare con degna nota il vostro sè, cosí anche la donna.
Perché sappiamo che l'idea media che si ha di una donna è quella che pulisce casa e cucina, fa la madre e si fa in 10 per tutti, ma è proprio questo che deve finire.
A nessuno piace distruggersi per amore degli altri.
Ovviamente sono daccordo che certe donne devono imparare l'amor proprio, ma chi ha mai detto che la donna è questo? La donna è molto di piú di una credenza abituale dettata dagli stereotipi.
Ritrovare il proprio lato femminile, creativo, empatico, accogliente, vi aiuterà ad avvicinarvi a loro e a comprendere quelle cose che disprezzate, temete, non capite, è uguale, sempre stato fa che siete distanti e le donne non sono solo dei gioielli o delle amanti dello shopping.
Potete capire quale potere inestimabile risiede in esse, appunto conoscendo prima in voi stessi quella parte rinnegata, sottomessa e maltrattata da ormai generazioni, millenni, fa parte della storia e della cultura, ma, concepiamo il fatto che, una donna felice nella storia io non l ho vista fin ora.
Quindi cari uomini fate i vostri conti e risarcite i vostri debiti.
Una donna
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francesca-fra-70 · 2 years
C'è questa ospite a radiofreccia che dice di aver ricevuto tempo fa un invito da parte di un uomo con aereo privato per andare a Parigi per la colazione, il pranzo, la cena e tornare a casa e la sua risposta è stata no!
Capite? un giorno intero a Parigi andata e ritorno e lei ha rifiutato perchè ha paura di volare.
Ora dico io: Donne ma come fate? ma di cosa vi nutrite? cosa cazzo mangiate? ma ce l'avete d'oro voi? 🙄
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#the fuckin almond monocultures are massively unsustainable and a huge part of the beekeeping industry is built around that
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Snow bunnies enjoying snacks from the yard.
1,031 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
If you imagine a system in which everybody has access to healthcare, and you reject that idea in favor of the current system because you think it would cause long wait times for care, then we are just coming from very different places on "what would be a good way to run society".
Like there are big conversations to be had about whether it would increase wait times, and how we could structure it to avoid or reduce that problem, but if it takes longer to get care, but everyone can get it? That sounds better. That would be a better way to do things.
You're saying you don't want other people to have any, because then you'd have to have less. Given a theoretical choice between a system that's not ideal but does serve everyone, and one that serves some well and some not at all, you prefer the latter.
1,276 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
A moment for a petty complaint:
When people are explaining how to weave in ends, in a tutorial or any video, and they say to "just follow the path of the yarn" or "double the stitches" and then proceed to do THIS
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That's a valid way to weave in your ends, assuming your yarn is wooly enough to not slip and it won't be super visible, but that's simply not what you've described.
See the full post
1,467 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
I read somewhere that older ppl in cultures where squatting is more common than sitting in chairs can still comfortably squat, deeply & for long times, whereas what American over 50 can do that and not hurt
It's like a "use it or lose it" thing, so I made sure to spend some time squatting, getting up and down, and it did get easier, though I still can't do it like my little nieces, who can read a book on their knees, but I'm gonna maintain my mobility in this at least
And now it's a nice way to take a break from standing for a bit, or it's the easiest way to do something brief & near the ground, but this is still not what American adults usually do
So sometimes I'm just this strange 30 something woman squatting by the farmstand peeling a peach. And I never think it's an odd thing to do until someone else does.
1,996 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was reading a post about dipping baby carrots in ranch, and it reminded me of what I've previously described as an Additive vs. Subtractive approach to nutrition.
The Subtractive view looks at all the things you're currently eating, or might eat in a given day, and sees a pile of Bad Stuff, with probably some Good Stuff mixed in, which would be better if only you could clean off and remove the Bad. The Unhealthy, the Fattening. So this outlook sees the carrots as Good, and that ranch is Bad, so in order to eat well, the thing to do is remove the ranch.
(I fear I've gotten in too deep with capitalizing Things for Emphasis, so I'm going to back off on that now. You get the point - foods are not *actually* fundamentally good or bad, they are just categorized that way.)
Dipping carrots in ranch is not a healthy food choice, because the ranch is unhealthy. The ranch has "cancelled out" the carrots, by adding all that fat and processed sugar & stuff, so it would be better not to have eaten that at all. Subtractive nutrition is very concerned with lessening the Bad things: calories, fats, trans fats, processed ingredients, carbs, sugar, salt, meat, non-organic foods - whatever their current trend of "healthy eating" says will kill you.
On the other hand, the Additive view (which I think is more sensible) looks at the carrots & ranch snack and says, you ate some carrots! Carrots are objectively good for you, and you got that nutrition into your body. Good job! Sure, you also ate ranch, which nobody thinks is a health food, but a) the carrots are still definitely in there, nourishing you, and b) the ranch made you more likely to eat them, and enjoy them, and so eat them again in the future. Ranch also provides essential nutrients, regardless of whether it's the ~optimal~ way to get them.
Additive nutrition looks at your day and sees what nutrients you consumed, any that are helpful. Any good choices you make, regardless of if there are also bad ones. What's good, and maybe let's not go overboard on "Bad" stuff if we're really worried about it, but what did you eat that helped you? Eat food that serves you, and if you can put in more good things that's great! But if you have ice cream afterwards, it doesn't rip the kale out of your stomach. It just means you had ice cream today, and also you had kale.
And while Additive thinking helps with motivation, because it gives you little mental gold stars for lots of things, and doesn't take any away or call for shame if you do eat all the nachos, it really comes into play in decisionmaking, and weighing options. Subtractive thinking says, don't eat broccoli with cheese sauce, the sauce is bad for you. Just eat the broccoli, plain, steamed, with maybe a little low-salt seasoning mix. But let's be real - you're not going to do that. Or at least, not very often, not if you're starting from "I don't like broccoli unless it's covered in cheese sauce". Subtractive thinking says take ALL the bad stuff out, and make only the Correct choices, and then you're being healthy. Otherwise you might as well not have bothered.
Additive nutritional thinking says the broccoli with cheese sauce is adding broccoli to your diet where it would not otherwise have been. It's not a choice between plain broccoli and cheesy broccoli, not really. Really the choice is, do I add some broccoli to my diet today, along with tasty sauce, or do I not eat broccoli at all, because that's what I would be doing otherwise?
10,113 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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moussezi · 2 years
Notice of Funding Opportunity
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is accepting fiscal year 2023 applications for the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, which helps support education, child development and food security in low-income, food-deficit countries around the globe. The FY 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Program is now available on Grants.gov at FY 2023 McGovern-Dole NOFO. Priority countries for FY 2023 are Cameroon, Haiti, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, and Togo.  The application deadline is April 28, 2023.
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danilacobain · 2 years
Selvatica - 25. Pensieri
Corinna rimase sospesa, immobile dopo che Ante fu uscito. Avevano fatto l'amore ed era stato bellissimo. Sentiva ancora il corpo languido e caldo, e lui era andato via veloce. Troppo veloce. Non le aveva dato nemmeno il tempo di accompagnarlo fuori.
Si lasciò cadere con la testa sui cuscini. Probabilmente era ancora arrabbiato con lei. trovarselo sotto casa l'aveva colpita, le aveva trapassato il cuore con uno stiletto dalla lama dolce e affilata. Affilata perché gli aveva mentito e guardare il dispiacere nei suoi occhi l'aveva fatta stare male. Dolce perché Ante le piaceva tanto, troppo, la catapultava fuori dalla sua vita infelice e piena di problemi, facendola sentire viva, piena di gioia, importante.
Ante era comparso al termine di una giornata tremenda a ricordarle che meritava di essere felice e lui meritava di sapere cosa le stesse accadendo.
Le aveva detto "quando vorrai parlarmene io sarò felice di ascoltarti", e sapeva che se voleva costruire qualcosa con quel ragazzo tra di loro non dovevano esserci segreti. Ma temeva due cose: che lui si allontanasse una volta saputa la verità o che volesse aiutarla. Proprio non ce la faceva a pensare di poter chiedere aiuto a qualcuno, men che meno a lui.
Raccolse i vestiti da terra e si infilò nel bagno, aprendo il rubinetto della doccia. Lanciò un'occhiata al suo riflesso nello specchio. La piccola ferita quasi non si vedeva più anche se pizzicava un po'. Chiuse gli occhi, sentendo ancora il tocco delicato delle mani di Ante. Quelle stesse mani che l'avevano accarezzata dappertutto.
Si rilassò sotto il getto d'acqua tiepido. C'era stato un momento, dopo aver fatto l'amore, in cui Ante l'aveva guardata con uno sguardo appassionato e le farfalle nello stomaco, che costantemente si agitavano quando lui la guardava, si erano nutrite di qualcosa di più, qualcosa che cominciava a prendere le sembianze di un sentimento più forte.
La connessione era stata totale e reciproca. Ante era sembrato smarrito, poi le aveva sorriso, illuminando tutta la stanza e il suo cuore, riscaldando anche gli angoli più bui e induriti.
Ma come poteva dirgli di Antonio senza aspettarsi una reazione da parte sua? Se solo lei fosse riuscita a risolvere tutto non ce ne sarebbe stato bisogno. Doveva assolutamente parlare con Monica, capire se c'era qualcosa che potesse fare. Lei era l'unica che conosceva Antonio abbastanza bene da poterle dare qualche consiglio.
Uscì dalla doccia e si asciugò in fretta, infilando il pigiama. Trovò l'amica in cucina. Monica le sorrise.
«Ehilà, che bel visino rilassato. Sto preparando del tè con i biscotti. Ne vuoi?»
Corinna annuì, rendendosi conto che non aveva cenato. Addentò un biscotto al burro. «Hai finito di studiare?» Monica era un paio di anni più grande di Corinna e studiava biologia. Aveva iniziato a lavorare per Antonio perché le piaceva fare una vita agiata e con quel lavoro si guadagnava bene.
«No, ma avevo bisogno di una pausa. Ci avete dato dentro tu e il calciatore, eh!»
Per poco non si strozzò col biscotto. «Abbiamo fatto rumore?» era già diventata rossa.
Monica ridacchi��. «Tranquilla Miss Pudica, non si è sentito niente. Ma con un tipo del genere non potevi non fare niente. Raccontami tutto, nei minimi dettagli.»
Corinna abbassò lo sguardo sorridendo. Si sentì invadere da un piacevole calore al ricordo di Ante su di lei, ai loro corpi uniti, intrecciati, le sue mani sul seno, tra le gambe e la sua bocca dappertutto.
«È stata la nostra prima volta.»
«Ma guardati, sei adorabile. Stai sorridendo con aria sognante. Allora oltre a essere un manzo ci sa anche fare... dimmi le tue sensazioni. Che hai provato?» Monica versò l'acqua calda nelle tazze e infilò dentro le bustine di tè.
Corinna prese un altro biscotto. «È stato bellissimo. Ante è stato delicato ma allo stesso tempo... passionale. Solo che è andato via troppo presto. Forse a lui non è piaciuto.»
«In effetti è andato via veloce. Però prima l'ho incrociato e quella non era proprio la faccia di uno a cui non è piaciuto. Piuttosto mi è sembrato uno che volesse scappare dalle complicazioni.»
Lei si portò le mani sul viso e sbuffò. «Lo sapevo...»
«Perché cosa è successo? Sei stata troppo appiccicosa?»
«Gli avevo detto che non potevamo vederci perché stavo poco bene e mi ha visto con Carmine qui fuori.»
«Cazzo. Sei stata da Antonio?» Corinna annuì. «Mi spieghi che cosa sta succedendo ancora? Non avevi saldato il debito?»
Decise di essere estremamente sintetica. «Mi ha chiesto di andare a Dubai con lui, altrimenti avrei dovuto portargli altri soldi. Ventimila, e me li ha prestati Carmine.»
Monica la osservò con attenzione. «Come mai Carmine ha fatto una cosa del genere?»
Corinna sbuffò agitando la bustina del tè nell'acqua. «Questa è un'altra storia. È tutto così complicato. Non ce la faccio più. Oggi mi ha minacciato con un coltello, ha detto che... ha detto che vuole che vada a letto con lui.»
«Per questo hai quel segno in faccia. Non ci credo... hai fatto impazzire Antonio. Corinna, hai tutta la mia stima.»
«Per favore, non dirmi che ti faresti anche lui. È disgustoso. E poi non è sposato?»
«A volte dimentico quanto tu sia ingenua. Non si tratta di questo, si tratta piuttosto di potere. Se entri nelle sue grazie è fatta. E poi, con tutte le ragazze che ha per le mani, credi che non abbia mai tradito la moglie?»
«Ok, non mi interessa. Voglio sapere come faccio a liberarmi di Antonio. Adesso ne ho le scatole piene, non andrò mai a letto con lui e questa storia potrebbe andare avanti per molto tempo. E poi... Ante... io non voglio che lui sappia.» Anche se aveva visto come le cose nascoste avessero distrutto la sua famiglia, come avevano logorato suo padre e mandato in tilt il cervello di sua madre.
Monica sospirò. «Antonio è un uomo d'affari e come un affare dovrete trattare questa questione. Fattelo mettere per iscritto, fate un contratto. Tu vai a letto con lui e poi sarai libera. Rispetterà i patti.»
«Ma io non voglio farlo. Come faccio a...»
«Credimi» la interruppe l'amica. «È più facile di quanto immagini.»
Corinna si chiese cosa provasse lei quando andava a letto con gli uomini che non le piacevano. A quanto pareva, dopo un po' ci si poteva fare l'abitudine. «Altrimenti?»
Monica sollevò le spalle. «Altrimenti devi sperare che gli passi in fretta, e non so se succederà.» Le diede un bacio sulla guancia e uscì dalla cucina.
Corinna continuò a mangiare i biscotti e a bere il tè, poi tornò in camera rimuginando sulle parole dell'amica.
Il letto disfatto le fece sentire la mancanza di Ante. La voglia di stare solo con lui e lasciare fuori tutto il resto. Afferrò il cellulare per scriverti un messaggio ma ne trovò già uno suo, l'aveva preceduta.
- È stato bello.
Corinna sorrise. Magari non era poi così arrabbiato. Rispose.
- È stato bellissimo. Mi mancherai in questi giorni.
Un altro messaggio arrivò rapido.
- Guardami in TV. Lo farai?
- Sì.
- Fai bei sogni.
Un alone di tristezza le calò addosso. Le sarebbe piaciuto parlare con lui ancora un po', magari tutta la notte.
- Buonanotte.
- Mi mancherai anche tu.
Sorrise come un'ebete fissando quell'ultimo messaggio. Non c'era niente che potesse fare, e niente che volesse fare, per impedire quello che sentiva crescerle dentro: si stava innamorando.
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