#F c k C e n s o r s h i T
saint-vhs · 21 days
M Y D R E A M Y A D V E N T U R E - F c k C e n s o r s h i T
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tertiarycorvid · 10 days
I w o u l d b e t h e w o r l d ' s w o r s t
a u s p i c e . I f t h e y w e r e f i g h t i n g
I w o u l d j u s t h i t t h e m b o t h w i t h
a m a l l e t .
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biitchcakes · 5 months
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CAPTAIN MARVEL Vol. 10 Iss 20 ┃ CAPTAIN MARVEL Vol. 10 Iss 44
( personals DNI. )
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hikari-m · 2 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure 02: The Beginning {DaiHika} / {Daikari} + S u m m e r J a p a n e s e F e s t i v a l + Y U K A T A + (Daisuke)'s T A I K O D r u m m i n g + (Hikari)'s W A T E R M E L O N (S w e e t s) C r a v i n g
From GraffArt Collaboration Merch Set! (Originally Announced/Revealed on Jul. 22nd, 2k24)
Edit by @hikari-m / Kari M.otomiya {Do Not Re-p o s t} {Do Not C o p y} (A S K to U s e/S h a r e!)
{Usage of Edits may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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(Acknowledge my Rules BEFORE Interacting!)
-they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom! {INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} - they must NOT be used to promote ship-warring within the fandom -they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on IF I SEE YOU DOING THIS I WILL LIKELY BLOCK WITHOUT M E R C Y
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My head-canons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly [Adventure+02 Chosen / various Advs charas]; I headcanon most as/on the M-spec/Multi gender attracted {spectrum}*} {this post/my edits ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
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beepaa be skdabeep skdoo bappity skebap bappity skdoo bip be be bappity boop skbep beepbop be beepaa, beepaa bopo bap bappity beepo boop skdabeep beepaa beepaa beepbop boop bappity beep beepaa beepaa beepbop boop skdabeep skdoo bap skbep beepaa bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa, beepaa beep bip boop beep bappity be beepaa beepbop boop bap beepo boop skdabeep beepaa, beepaa beepbop boop bappity beepaa beep bip boop beepaa beepbop boop boop beepo boop bepo beep beepaa be bap beepaa be skdabeep beepo be be bap 42. beeeep beepbop boop bappity baaaap be bopo bap boop beep bep beepbop skdabeep beepo be be bap 42, skebap be beepaa beepbop boop de beep bap bip be bopo bap beepaa be bapboop boop beepaa beepaa be beepaa beepbop boop be beepaa beepbop boop bap skbep skdoo skebap boop be skdabeep beepaa beepbop boop bap be be brep. beep skdabeep beepaa boop bap baaaap be bopo skebap be beepaa beepbop boop de beep bap bip be bopo bap, beepaa beep bip boop 3 bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa skbep beep bappity skebap 2 beepo boop skdabeep beepaa skbep. beep skdabeep beepaa boop bap beepaa beepbop boop 3 bap skebap bap skdoo bapboop beepbop beepaa, beepaa beep bip boop 2 brep be bap boop beepo boop skdabeep beepaa skbep.
i aint readin all that
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izzyizumi · 4 months
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Digimon Adventure/02/tri. ~ Japanese Original Version + (Adoptee) Izumi Koushiro{u}'s (Adoptive) Parents + Mrs. Izumi (Focus)/(Best Of)
"...And the 'People I LOVE {/Care for} Most'
-Are MY Mother and Father!!"
-Koushiro in Adventure Episode #38, Definitively
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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Image Usage & Interaction rules under the ‘read more’!
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{Usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.} {DO NOT FEED MY WORKS TO A. I.!!!}
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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D I G I M O N Adventure t r i. {x Txt P o s t(s) M e m e} ~ K O U S H I R O & M I M I (Still in f r i e n d s h i p S t a g e)
{Cap’d by Me} {DO NOT R E-P O S T} {Do Not C o p y} (Please A s k to Use!) {DO NOT RE-P O S T TO OTHER S I T E S WITHOUT MY PERMISSION Under ANY Circumstances!!}
{Sharing privately amongst M u t u a l s is O.K, BUT PLEASE DO NOT RE P O S T PUBLICLY to O t h e r s i t e s} *L I K E S O. K.
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{This post is not Specifically 'S h i p' but still note my R u l e s!}
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darkheartedprince · 12 days
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x. @guidingkey continued from HERE.
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There was so much JOY that radiated off from his life - long friend , even from all the way up the stairs . While he would [ [ n e v e r ] ] admit it out loud , it was refreshing to know that that aspect of Sora had never changed . The silverette's eyes followed Sora down the stairs until he landed in front of him , drawing a small laugh out of Riku that only seemed to come for Sora .
" -- It'll be a nice change . "
[ [ F i n a l l y ] ] the two of them will be going on an adventure rather than it being to save someone . Hopefully , it will be worth it . It's a change that they both need .
" . . . Maybe we'll go to worlds neither of us have been to . "
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bearded-enby · 2 months
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xelerexx · 1 month
hi guys
uhh idk what to say except
subscribe to my yt????
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guillotinehearts · 2 months
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guys, i made preppy pete
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biitchcakes · 5 months
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@mastcrmarksman sent: [ Contact ; Jessica D. ⸺ Note ; ❤️ My Girl ❤️ [ sent ] ⸺ so [ sent ] ⸺ have i told you are the most wonderful girl [ sent ] ⸺ and no i didnt do anything
[ ✉ ⤷ circus boy 💘 : ] awwwww 🥰
[ ✉ ⤷ circus boy 💘 : ] oh yeah?
[ ✉ ⤷ circus boy 💘 : ] that's SO sweet of you to say out of the blue
[ ✉ ⤷ circus boy 💘 : ] for absolutely no alternative reason at all
[ ✉ ⤷ circus boy 💘 : ] thank you, my wonderful, totally-always-honest-with-me-no-matter-what boyfriend
[ ✉ ⤷ circus boy 💘 : ] 😘
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hikari-m · 4 months
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{P E N D I N G T R A I N} ~ Eps. 04 x Ep 09 + D A I C H I YONEZAWA (& N a o y a) Kayashima (as Support)
"'You' SHOULD BE T h a n k i n g
'That' 'ONII-chan' from KANSAI."
"WE Came all the way FROM O S A K A !! !" - Yonezawa's F a m i l y (O s a k a is in K a n s a i)
{Cap'd by Me} {DO NOT C O P Y} {DO NOT R E P O S T} (Please A S K to U s e / S h a r e!)
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poptartregreteva · 2 months
new persona in the works!!
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ill show the rest to random
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californiaboytoybilly · 11 months
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archive of our own
co-creator and mod of: hawkinspolls - hawkinsmicrofic hargrovedaily- hawkinsprompts - hohohoeweek - villainous valentines
my boyfriend who makes wonderful ST content too
I don't come to your blog to piss on the floor and ruin everything, so don't do it to me. If you don’t like the content or characters I post about, that's cool. The block button is there for a reason.
I'm by far and large a multi-shipper and love both poly and rare ships as well as the bigger ones. While you can expect a lot of Steve, Billy, Jason and Eddie content please be prepared that I will probably post most of the characters on here. Except Karen. Fuck Karen.
I very occasionally make gifs but mostly expect whatever media form l'm currently fixated on that week. Moodboards, edits, graphics + writing.
I don't bite unless asked nicely and I always love meeting new people, so feel free to send me an ask or a DM!
My requests for any of the above types of content are always open unless otherwise stated. I love getting asks <3
tracking: #tuseraster
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
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