#Eyes of Dionysus
satyrmagos · 1 year
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A pair of pins featuring the staring eyes of Dionysos, my second Pride 2023 offering.
Dionysos, the many-natured god associated with mystery, ecstasy, madness, and contagion, has been widely recognized as a god of queer desires and queer bodies for centuries. To worship Dionysos is to be penetrated by him – by drinking of his wine, or even through the staring eyes of his icons and idols. These are those eyes: entrancing, bewitching, possessing.
I know that I’m several years behind on the collar-pin trend, but these Bacchic eyes are worth bringing it back.
It is worth noting that the eyes of Dionysos closely resemble the eyes of Classical Gorgoneions, and the eyes painted on the prows of ships, both intended to ward off evil.
Available either as loose pins, as pins with a chain strung between them, or – on special request – as a festoon necklace to hang around your neck.
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lowpolybread · 8 months
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“He's going to go to school. And he's gonna learn things that you can't teach him there. And it's gonna be hard for the both of you. It's gonna be torture for the both of you. But he will be stronger for it on the other side.”
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CHAT WE GOT THEM DONE!! Dionysus! Bernard Hades edition, here we go!
My art style ver :)
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Hades study ver :)
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It's such a cool art style and I don't think I did it enough justice, so I'd definitely like to try study it again and see if I can do better
Overall I had a blast w this one! I hope it lived up to expectations :)
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Colour theory (fluff)
Luke Castellan x gn!reader fluff
Prompt: Luke comes into your cabin at night for some cuddles... and to discuss eye colours
My first PJO post, im excited and i hope you like it!
Requests are open, dont be shy :)
You drowsily blinked open your eyes, the moon light was shining into the cabin. It was late at night, noone was up yet. You could hear the soft breathing of your cabin mates. You turned around with a sigh and pulled the blanket over your shoulder, closing your eyes again.
There was a quiet knock on the window where your bed was placed under. You opened your eyes again and pushed yourself up from the matress. You huffed but leaned up to peak out of the window.
A soft smile grew on your face as you sat up on your knees to unlock the window and slowly open it to avoid making noises. After all, you didnt want to wake your cabin mates. Or attract any cantankerous harpies.
The window squeaked quietly when you slowly opened it. The window sill made a slight cracking noise when Luke stepped on it.
You offered your hand and he grabbed it tight when he carefully climbed into your cabin. He was just in his camp halfblood tshirt, grey sweatpants and socks, carrying his sneakers in one hand.
He gently stepped on your bed, holding your hand for support and put his shoes on the floor once he was inside. You leaned up to lean against his shoulders after he sat on your bedside.
"Hey." You murmured. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his shoulder. He turned his head and kissed your nose. You scrunched it and Luke continued to pepper your face with kisses for a few moments which made you giggle. "Hey." He whispered back finally.
"Thought I would come around." He whispered and you lifted the blanket up for him to slip under it next to you. Luke fell onto the matress next to you and wrapped his arms around you. "Thats nice." You chuckled quietly as you rubbed your eyes.
You sunk back into your pillow with a heavy sigh and pulled Luke closer to you. He leaned up and rested his head on your chest.
You smiled widely and combed your hand through his hair, hair strands running between your fingers. "How are you?" You asked whispering. Luke only hummed and you thought he was too close to sleeping to give you a proper answer but then he whispered against your skin.
A warm summer breeze blew through the open window, carrying the smell of grass and salty water from the lake into the cabin. Luke sighed relaxed and inhaled the fresh air, his fluffy hair tingeling your chin.
"Tired." He grumbled softly. "How come?" You asked concerned while you brushed one of his curls from his forehead. Luke sighed slightly annoyed and buried himself deeper into your body. "Cabin is loud. We got a lot of newbies." He groaned quietly.
Luke often complained about the Hermes cabin being overcrowded. Which was true, it were too many people to an extend where you couldnt get out at night because the floor was covered in sleeping campers during the night.
Luke always got a lot on his plate with keeping his cabin in track, making sure they all arrive at the meals on time and finding a place for everyone to sleep. It got onto him sometimes, it wasnt a rare thing that he sometimes joined you in bed in the middle of the night. He was always craving your comfort and touch and sometimes it just got too much.
"Im proud of you, ya know?" You whispered while you gently rubbed Luke's shoulder muscles. The blond boy groaned in pain but leaned closer. You laughed quietly, massaging his hard muscles.
"Come on." You nudged his thigh with your leg and he pushed himself up to lay down between your legs to rest his head on your chest. You scooted a little more in the middle of the bed, which was barely enough for two people but it was sufficient. It was a good excuse to initiate some cuddling, when the two of you first started dating.
Your boyfriend exhaled calmly. "I like the kids. But sometimes its just too much." He whispered, you leaned down to see that his eyes were half-closed. He smiled at you lazily as you got back to rubbing his shoulder muscles.
"I know you like your kids. But you are allowed to feel overwhelmed. You got a lot to manage and you are doing a great job. Hell, i dont know how i would manage to make sure that a whole army of kids is kept fed." You chuckled into his hair. Luke leaned up to kiss your clavicel as it was right next to him.
"Thank you." He whispered back. There was a faint blush on Luke's cheeks and you took a moment to admire his beauty. His dreamy blue eyes were slightly glazed over but he smiled at you softly.
"I love your eyes." You whispered and leaned down to kiss his forehead. Luke smiled widely and propped his head up on his hands, looking up at you.
"One of the new kids said the colour is called 'old world blue' because it has a little yellow around the pupil." You hid your laugh behind your hand to not wake your cabin mates.
"I see. Maybe an Iris kid?" You suggested, still snickering lightly. Luke nodded eagerly. "Absolutly. She ran around the camp all day, telling people their eye colours. Did you know that Mr. D's eyes are not actually grape purple? They are indigo."
You smiled at Luke's excitement. "No, i was unaware." You chuckled. Luke layed back down and relaxed against your touch. His weight felt good on our body, it kept you grounded and helped you relax your own body. "You have to introduce me to her, i would love to find out what my eye colour is."
"I will. But no matter what colour it is, you are always beautiful." Luke whispered sheepishly. You laughed at how adorable he was behaving. "Thank you, my love." You snickered.
"Old world blue... that's my favorite colour ever now." You whispered into his hair. It was quiet for a few seconds before Luke mumbled back.
"I wonder what my new favorite colour will be."
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eeviaylxix · 3 months
hc that elpenor was a son of dionysus
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fatedroses · 4 months
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Tender meetings and harsh disciplining.
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pjocharacterdesign · 1 year
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Figured i should start posting some of my deadangelos ref designs, so here's Camp Dads Trio
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lesbianbanana · 9 months
Screaming while thinking about how Dionysus got introduced to Olympus.
Beginning his life (if you don't count the Orphic myths) he's handed to Hermes who's constantly trying to find a babysitter for him while Hera is hunting him down. Eventually he goes to live with Rhea for a bit and then trains with Chiron before going out and exploring and stuff.
The Gigantomachy. Dionysus is either on the verge of ascending to godhood of a VERY VERY new god when Zeus announces it's time to go fight great-grandma's new batch of kids. Heracles is still kicking during this time, and Heracles is also sometimes there when Dionysus goes down to the Underworld to get his mother and ascend to Olympus, so they're around the same age-ish. So yeah, great introduction to the fam.
Then. The Trojan War. The Trojan War would only be maybe a decade and a half later, really. Considering Heracles is in the Gigantomachy, and in that one myth he accidentally kills (?) Chiron, Achilles is just there in the background. There's also something about him fistfighting the brother of Tyndareus, the (adoptive) father of Helen. Dionysus isn't mentioned in the Iliad (I don't think) probably because he and his new wife Ariadne are hiding under their blankets in absolute horror of Olympus. Imagine Dionysus chatting with Apollo or Poseidon after the Gigantomachy and then watching them absolutely go murderous during the Trojan War. Dionysus is just sitting there in the background while Athena drags Ares and Aphrodite and Hera whoops Artemis' ass.
And then??? Everyone just goes back to being chill again??? Apollo is no longer murdering absolutely everyone but instead defending his bestie Orestes in court??? Athena isn't being a crazy bloodthirsty madwoman and has taken up a new gig as a judge??? Dionysus turns to Hermes and is like "is this normal??!3?$$@" and Hermes just sighs really loudly and nods.
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letmeinimafairy · 1 year
Available miniatures for sale
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Guess who is completely broke after buying new supplies. Here's the remaining finished stone paintings and a couple of resin and wood pendants
The painted pendants:
- St Exupery's blues
- Edward Little
- Bacchae
- two dragon eyes on serpentine
- a thing inspired by Bridglar from Annihilation AU
- Wilde's Happy Prince
- Three of hearts
- and a F1 car on resin
Reblogs would be very helpful, thank you very much
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
hi I love your tags so so much! they were so sweet and so interesting and creative and the whole Aphrodite type of beauty thing sounds really interesting do you have any articles and recommendations to read further into it??
Hello my fine feathered (I am assuming possession of feathers if you are, indeed, capable of flight) @hogoflight! I'm always always happy to hear that people appreciate my frenzied rambling in the tags :D! I have a lot of articles and recommendations :D!! Ancient Greek notions of beauty and representations of it in their art and sculptures is a pretty well studied topic! There isn't any way for us now to know definitively what the beauty standard was (it varied widely from region to region and culture to culture after all) but here are a couple of my favourite reads about Aphrodite and what her representations tell us about idealised beauty!
Probably the most empirically extensive one I can list is Krönström's thesis which compares statues of Aphrodite and literary text referring to both the goddess and mortal women to determine physical ideals for women in five specific eras of Grecian antiquity. Including measurements of the statues there are many descriptions of Aphrodite as 'curvy' with a 'voluptuous figure' and with 'ample buttocks and bosom'.
"When the beauty traits are described in the texts, they are never extreme or anything that could not be found in normal people just that they are more beautiful in every aspect. Furthermore, the sculptures’ physical forms look healthy, they are tall and have distinct curves. Great examples of this are the Knida sculpture and de Milo (the Melian) sculpture."
Of course, these images are still idealised, and there was still a concept such as 'too fat' or 'too skinny' found in written records (and this thesis even includes analysis of pornographic writings and descriptions of the fashion and stylings of pubic hair of women from different regions!!) but from an interpretational standpoint? There is absolutely no reason why these can't refer to a fuller figure. Height was also a very important factor after all and over the course of many eras, it seems like being well proportioned in addition to the length and appearance of one's hair were the most important factors (and, like Apollo, greater beauty was given to those with curlier hair)
Mireille M. Lee's 'Other Ways of Seeing' essay which talks about the forgotten female viewers of Knidian Aphrodite which is also extremely illuminating on how Aphroditic sexuality and sensuality was perceived totally differently from the well documented male voyeuristic gaze (which was overly preoccupied with the statue's nakedness and therefore over-sensationalised the statue's physical appearance) vs women's perspective on the statue which is more centered on the beauty of simplicity in Aphrodite's garment and decoration and in her power and ability to captivate both in her finery and without it. I think it's especially useful in exploring the importance of finery, jewellry and adornment in representations of Aphroditic beauty.
"Some of the small-scale copies are heavily jeweled, especially those from the eastern Mediterranean, for example the Hellenistic gilded terracotta statuette in the Çanakkale Museum (Fig. 5) in which the goddess wears, in addition to the armband on her (right) arm, the following: a necklace with multiple pendants; cross-bands extending over both shoulders and hips, with a cascading pendant in the center; a coiled snake armband on the left arm and another snake on her left thigh, and a twisted anklet on her right leg. (The left leg has been restored, and might also have featured an anklet.)"
"Jewelry is especially associated with Aphrodite in Greek literature. As seen above, in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, the goddess adorns herself with gold jewelry, dress-pins, and earrings in the shape of flowers (162–3)..."
Finally, and to me, the most important one in the argument for an interpretation of Hyacinthus as fat, beautiful and fundamentally Aphroditic comes from Brilmayer's brilliant brilliant thesis done on Aphrodite's work and influence in Archaic Greek Poetry which does away with all of that masculine preoccupation with physical proportion, measurement and bodily ideals for a focus on a Sapphic Aphroditic ideal centered in clothing, ornamentation and, most importantly cunning as symbols of Aphrodite and ultimately a feminine idealised form of beauty. This paper also discusses Pandora and Helen in these terms and it is just kind of a wonderful read tbh.
"Combining Homeric and Hesiodic elements with her own ideas, she [Sappho] alters the way female beauty is viewed. For example, the Homeric war chariot – a symbol of male, military prowess - comes to symbolise the totality of Aphrodite’s power uniting in itself male and female qualities. Having addressed the concept of beauty directly, Sappho then concludes that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. With the help of Helen of Troy and her beloved Anaktoria, Sappho sets out to reinvent the concept of female beauty as a godlike, subjective quality that may be expressed in many ways, yet remains inspired by Aphrodite."
The conclusion to all of this of course is that Aphroditic ideal beauty is much more fluid compared to its stricter Apolline masculine standard. The nuances and understandings of both are of course, constantly being studied, analysed and scrutinised but really, if Dionysus who was both bearded and clean shorn, effeminate, birthed and rebirthed (and twice gestated!) and strongly associated with vegetation can be popularly portrayed as fat and handsome, why can't Hyacinthus?!
#ginger rambles#ginger answers asks#Once again I do not care how it happens or who I have to pay#I don't even care how much research I have to do#All I care about is more unique portrayals of Hyacinthus#Literally that's it#I will go through every academic hoop to make that possible if that's what peeps need TRUST#No because there's a genuine conversation to be had about a Hyacinthus who is split between masculine and feminine qualities#Likewise there's a wonderful conversation to be had wrt Apollo's fluidity in terms of presentation and how it does not reflect on his gende#the way Dionysus' fluidity reflects on his#Apollo is ALWAYS masculine no matter his ornaments garments makeup or action#It doesn't matter that he has the prettiest curls or wears elaborate dresses for his kitharody and dances#or values the deep dyes of the lapis - Apollo is ALWAYS male and that cannot be concealed by any finery or garment#Aphrodite however is an ally in this measure because through her beauty bridges the gap between the mortal and the divine#And we see this constantly in the way mortal beauties are able to attract the eye of many gods and how glory and ultimately immortality#are gained from these things#After all even after their deaths or betrayals or tragedies#We still tell their stories and remember their names#And what is Apollo if not the one who recites all of these beautiful memories - what is Clio if not the one who records these histories#ANYWAY PLEASE DRAW FAT HYACINTHUS#PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE#I AM ON MY KNEES I AM BEGGING (no pressure seriously I'm being very lighthearted) BUT ALSO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEE#TOGETHER WE CAN KILL THE PATROCLES/HYAPOLLO VISUAL PARALLELS WE CAN DO IT I KNOW WE CAN#ANYTHING SO THAT XANTHIAN DEVIL ARISTOS ACHAION DOESN'T GET ANY MORE PARALLELS WITH APOLLO P L E A S E#This is of course entirely because of my own biases and such there's nothing objectively wrong with comparing and paralleling#Hyapollo and Patrocles - however and I cannot stress this enough#P l e a s e#Thank you for the ask <33 Always a pleasure to provide more relatively obscure references mmhm#Hope this helps!#oh almost forgot
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satyrmagos · 4 months
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A pair of pins featuring the staring eyes of Dionysos, my second Pride 2023 offering.
Dionysos, the many-natured god associated with mystery, ecstasy, madness, and contagion, has been widely recognized as a god of queer desires and queer bodies for centuries. To worship Dionysos is to be penetrated by him – by drinking of his wine, or even through the staring eyes of his icons and idols. These are those eyes: entrancing, bewitching, possessing.
I know that I’m several years behind on the collar-pin trend, but these Bacchic eyes are worth bringing it back.
It is worth noting that the eyes of Dionysos closely resemble the eyes of Classical Gorgoneions, and the eyes painted on the prows of ships, both intended to ward off evil.
Available either as loose pins, as pins with a chain strung between them, or – on special request – as a festoon necklace to hang around your neck.
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the-fire-within0 · 3 months
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artwork done by: JaniceDuke
I remember constantly scrolling through to find the perfect image of how I see Dionysus typically and honestly, this is the best image I could ever find since it is exactly how he would appear for me.
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banesberry-anomoly · 4 months
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Son of Dionysus
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razzledazzletrassh · 2 months
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no major fic updates just yet guys TAKE MY WOY OC I MADE LIKE. April of last year IM PLUGGING SOME INFO ABOUT THIS GUY IN THE TAGS.
I may also redesign her soon or something. Make her more bug-like with some stuff. I can cook guys let me cook !!!
#THIS IS VAL !!!! dubbed her as a he/she er..#I have lore about this guy and his homeplanet Amore and the Lovebugs..#all that’s really important to know is that ive based the worldbuilding for Amore around svtfoe’s mewni#design wise mostly. I’ll emphasize.#in terms of the societal parts of Amore the kingdom kinda flourishes in the arts of all sorts and trade within the kingdom it goes crazay…#they were pretty closed off from the rest of the galaxy though. like their tech and stuff is pretty outdated compared to most of the other-#planets with atleast escape ships and all that fun stuff.#foreshadowing#ANYHOW lovebugs are silly guys I think of them as like weird hedonistic freaks of sorts#they have very big dionysus worshipping energy to them just to give a perspective#and of course they prioritized relationships and the different forms of love#romance actually wasn’t even the big thing that built the kingdom#it was more like a love for community and friends#which is also kinda silly because of the monarchy aspect to Amore and all that#OH ALSO these guys go absolutely crazy with fashion and makeup. gender isn’t a major thing in the kingdom in my eyes#you WILL serve cunt!! /silly#WORLDBUILDING ASIDEEE Val was the prince to the kingdom and was set to be the heir to the throne#the designs are like three different route ideas ive had for Val#the first is just a baseline design so like. pre amore‘s destruction from dominator#the second is like a good ending design of sorts to my ideal lineup for a season three for woy with val continuing to embrace the lovebugs-#history and culture even with Amore gone and a good portion of her people#and the third. is a bit hard to describe because it’s more of an au but it’s just a concept idea I had of Val teaming up with Dom#(it would be short lived like probably a few months max so dw)#and silly note i joked about the idea of val being an ex to peepers BUT I WANNA DEVELOP THAT MORE BEFORE I SHARE.#tap into that this may be cringe but i am free mindset or something slash silly TEEHEE#BUT YEAH Val’s just a silly gal in my heart and soul no matter what. ive missed her a lot i wanna work on fics with him and especially to-#develop more stuff for Amore and the Lovebugs before Dominator’s destruction of the planet#BUT YEAH i wanna Val post more. go into depth for their dynamic with the other characters and all that#I may cook some more stuff with him once I get these stargazing fics all set and whatnot SO WE’LL SEE!#also /nf but if anyone would wanna ask questions about val/amore/lovebugs ask away I’d love to answer any questions! 🥺
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ssstupid-sssnake · 4 months
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They may be stupid
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majachee · 1 year
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Dionysus (oc) face concept (MESSY)
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