aries-007 · 4 months
Earth is space Australia: Extremophiles
I love this idea. I can't help but wonder how aliens would react to Extremophile species (a species that thrives in extreme environments).
Like, perhaps earth is already considered an "extreme" planet. And humans are already considered by the rest of the galaxy to be an extremophilic species ("Humans can survive nearly anything. It's quite intriguing/fascinating." - a viewpoint shared by many humanologists) and at some point some human crew members are approached by the rest of the crew...
"Is there anything you humans can't survive? You seem to be quite a hardy species," Quarm states. Xe is simply a curious individual.
"What, us? We're actually kinda weak when it really comes to it. I mean, sure we can adapt to most environments, but there's some places that even we can't handle for very long. Like the vacuum of space. Or in volcanoes." Answers human Josefine.
"Or the ocean vents!" Another of the human crew, Steven, adds.
"Yeah, those too!"
Quarm chuckles just a bit, "ah, but that isn't an expectation of any species. Such extreme heat and pressures are simply inhospitable to any individual."
"I mean, pretty much, yeah..." the human's response is concerning to Quarm.
"Human Josefine... why are you saying it like that..?" Quarm isn't sure they want the answer.
"I mean... extremophilic species are a thing that exist."
"Extrem- Are.... Are humans... not? Extremophiles???"
"Uhhh No??"
Quarm wasn't ready for his next question to be answered, but that's a given for any question about the Humans' Homeworld.
"Then... What is?"
"I mean, tardigrades can survive in a vacuum... I’m not really the person to answer this. Steve?"
Human Steve smiled broadly as he began his rant about iron-shelled Snails that live in Volcanoes, varying deep-ocean species (that all seem alien in and of themselves), and several others.
Quarm is now incredibly fearful for these "Docuseries" human Steve is wanting to share...
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noosphe-re · 6 months
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Leg muscles of the tardigrade H. exemplaris. Colour-coding according to hypothesized serial homologues. Three-dimensional reconstruction based on CLSM data of F-actin labelling. Lateral view; anterior is left, dorsal is up. Scale bar, 20 µm. (Gross, Vladimir & Mayer, Georg. (2019). Cellular morphology of leg musculature in the water bear Hypsibius exemplaris (Tardigrada) unravels serial homologies. Royal Society Open Science. 6. 191159. 10.1098/rsos.191159.)
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mugene-art · 7 months
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Walsby's Square Archaeon (2023)
inspired by Haloquadratum walsbyi. made with Procreate
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wikipediaenjoyer · 2 days
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alexanderrogge · 6 months
RT - Scientists discover Chernobyl ‘super worms’:
OscheiusTipulae #Nematode #Extremophile #ChernobylExclusionZone #Chernobyl #Radiation #DNADamage #Genetics #Biology
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rainbowsylvie · 3 months
There are probably Pokémon adapted to environments so hyperspecific that even if people did find them they’d never be able to actually have them due to not being able to survive outside it, just like some life in the real world
It would be nice to see them in spin-off games though, like a new game that’s something like Pokémon snap and legends arceus where you’re sent to document Pokémon such as these, maybe you’re given a Pokémon that can withstand such environment but don’t necessarily need them to surviveoh fuck tardigrade Pokémon this is how they can introduce tardigrade Pokémon this is how tardigrade Pokémon can STILL WIN!
Anyway. Areas like this can include obvious places like the deep sea or high up in the mountains where oxygen is thin, as well as places with high radiation or high up in the atmosphere where rayquaza lives(could be a late or endgame area because of that), hot springs and places on the extreme ends of the ph scale may be difficult to document but they may be worth it
Pokémon could include pallas cats(could be a variant or a new Pokémon), blobfish(do NOT remove them you know damn well what happens), yeti crabs(perhaps a deep sea crabominable variant), that snail with the iron shell, brittle stars and perhaps some Pokémon based on lesser known eukaryotes, such as halophilic fungi, and even Pokémon that live in places real life creatures have no chance in. This is a fantasy world, do whatever.
Now the creatures that live in these areas are usually, well, Fucking Tiny, but if a tick can be 4 inches, I think they can make microscopic creatures be inch big Pokémon. This can also be where the camera comes in, it will have a big zoom function so you can get up really close to the little guys without having to act get near them. The aforementioned tardigrade Pokémon could help you interact with the environment if you’re unable to for whatever reason, such as a hot spring or a place too radioactive for most life or you’re in a small submersible in the ocean or That Is Actual Fucking Lava. You could also be supplied with a ditto to help you with further documentation, since while you can’t use the actual Pokémon, a ditto can help fill in the gaps pretty well if they’re just as able to withstand the environment as well as the Pokémon they’re copying.
The game won’t be focused in one specific region, but various areas around the world, both preexisting and new regions. I have a thought for a tiny, undiscovered Pokémon near the hot springs in hoenn, or something that only lives within stark mountain in the battle zone near sinnoh, perhaps even a Pokémon that somehow migrated there from firespit island from the hisui days, and you can’t tell me paldea’s area zero Doesn’t have some hyperadapted Pokémon in there, maybe in the water at the bottom, though I don’t think you’d be allowed there for a While(lategame area probably). Pokémon world Antarctica, Iceland, and Yellowstone are not safe from documentation. When exploring regions, only small parts will be available to you, such as the locations previously mentioned.
Now a lot of people probably wouldn’t like a game with almost entirely new Pokémon look at black and white’s initial reception and variants, almost none of which that you can even use not counting ditto copies, but since this would be a spinoff mostly used to help with world building, I’d say those people can Suck It Up and let us have our fun, pokemon doesn’t have to cater to you specifically all the time, you may like the battles, but some of us enjoy worldbuilding and speculative biology.
I don’t have any concept art at the moment as I started writing this down shortly before dinner, but I’ll reblog this post with some once I have enough.
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cpericardium · 16 days
"ice crawlers" are insects found exclusively in extremely cold environments. they die at like 10 degrees C
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i like them because they look so sad to have been dealt this evolutionary hand. they will never know the warmth of a sunbeam 🤣
ohhhh they wanna be earwig-crickets so bad
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lichenaday · 8 months
https://explorersweb.com/lichen-survives-space/ <- this seems like something you would find cool (in case you haven't seen it yet). lichen survives space!!
Good job, little guys! Very proud of you! But this isn't the first times lichens have survived in space or survived space-like conditions.
Lichens Survive in Space: Results from the 2005 LICHENS Experiment
Characterization of Viability of the Lichen Buellia frigida After 1.5 Years in Space on the International Space Station
Lichen Vitality After a Space Flight on Board the EXPOSE-R2 Facility Outside the International Space Station: Results of the Biology and Mars Experiment
Viability of the lichen Xanthoria elegans and its symbionts after 18 months of space exposure and simulated Mars conditions on the ISS
Survival of lichens and bacteria exposed to outer space conditions -Results of the Lithopanspermia experiments
Whole Lichen Thalli Survive Exposure to Space Conditions: Results of Lithopanspermia Experiment with Aspicilia fruticulosa
Some lichens are so good at surviving extreme conditions that some of the most common experiments done on them are basically *put lichen in situation* *observe reaction*. I am analyzing some data right now where we subjected lichens to salt stress. Maybe I admire lichens so much because my response to any amount of change to my environment is cry?
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merlyn-bane · 6 days
!! i am a huge fan of the world building in Foelu and i was wondering what brought you down the Extremophile Stewjoni path? :3c
ahhhhh thank you that's very sweet of you!!! 😁😁 also im sorry this took me a couple of days to get to <3
and i apologize if this is maybe an unsatisfactory answer lol, but basically, the starting concept for this whole au was--what if i took the existing stewjoni fanon and cranked it up to eleven? i started with the idea idea of stewjoni people being capable of parthenogenesis and worked backwards from there--what sorts of environmental pressures would have to exist for a species to 'invest' in that sort of reproductive strategy, that sort of thing. and then once i decided on 'volcanic hell planet', i derived some of his other traits from that--other things they might need to survive in that environment.
admittedly, though, stewjoni being extremophiles was also inspired in part just by my beloved obi-wan being an unkillable cockroach lol.
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basuralindo · 5 months
I'm getting really into the idea of characters who deserve each other (neither positive nor derogatory).
Characters who don't necessarily make each other better or worse, but make each other complete. A matching set that nobody else wants. Their souls are made of the same stuff and that stuff is incompatible with any other material on earth, but it fills the holes in each other that anyone else would drown in.
Characters that you wouldn't wish on anyone else, and who don't fix anything about each other, but they thrive together like an uninhabitable self-sustaining ecosystem.
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mistandbluemoon · 12 days
oh. so that's why it's called whalefall city
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noosphe-re · 6 months
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NanoCT slices of the tardigrade Hypsibius exemplaris. Anterior is left (in a-c), dorsal is up (in all images except for c). The slices have a voxel size of 270 nm (in a, c and e), and 200 nm (in b and d), respectively. a Sagittal view through the midline of the body showing the digestive tract. The transition between the midgut and hindgut is marked by the attachment sites of the Malpighian tubules. b Sagittal view through the head region showing the pharynx and the lumen of the buccal tube. c Horizontal view through the ventral body (at the level of the ganglia) showing the second and third leg pairs. The trunk ganglion in each segment lies anterior to the legs of the same segment. Notice the thick ventral longitudinal muscles. d Transverse view through the head region showing the pharynx, a large storage cell, and paired dorsoventral muscles. e Transverse view through the third trunk segment showing the large midgut and paired dorsoventral muscles. Notice how the storage cell labeled in e shows a relatively homogeneous gray value while that in d appears hollow. Abbreviations: br, brain; bt, buccal tube; cg, claw gland; cl, cloaca; es, esophagus; hg, hindgut; le1-le3, legs one to three; mg, midgut; mt, Malpighian tubules; mu, muscle; ph, pharynx; sc, storage cells; sg, salivary glands; tg1-tg2, trunk ganglia one and two. Scale bars: 20 μm (in a), 10 μm (in b and c), 5 μm (in d and e) (Gross, Vladimir & Müller, Mark & Hehn, Lorenz & Ferstl, Simone & Allner, Sebastian & Dierolf, Martin & Achterhold, Klaus & Mayer, Georg & Pfeiffer, Franz. (2019). X-ray imaging of a water bear offers a new look at tardigrade internal anatomy. 5. 10.1186/s40851-019-0130-6.)
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ch-falk · 11 months
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«Our home»
Laila and Riina during one of many nights spent on the road. Scene vaugely inspired by stuff in the novel
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ask-thearchivists · 9 months
Out of the species that you’ve collected, what are some of the ones that you’ve found the most interesting? Do you have any favourites, or is that not allowed?
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The Charmer: We see so many different mortals that it's less a matter of specific species and more a general trend we may appreciate in mortals. For me, I very much enjoy extremophiles, which are a type of creature that is capable of surviving in environments that would kill most other mortals, and they may even thrive in them. Creatures with high tolerance to near immunity to extreme conditions of alkalinity, salinity, low atmosphere, high pressures, radiation, etc.
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The Charmer: A majority of mortals we've found to be extremophiles are micro-organisms, but there are rare examples of plants, animals, and fungi which may qualify for this terminology. Very rarely, we will encounter an entire planet of what might be considered by most life in the Grand Constellation to be extremophiles, because the conditions of the planet in general tend towards these inideal environments, so if life evolves at all it would all follow the general pattern of resistance to a place so inhospitable to life. As an example, we are considered extremophiles.
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The Curator: I like mortals that are Exceptions, like when a large selection of animals share a certain trait like laying eggs but there's a small handful of examples that give live birth or vice versa. Or like when there's a type of plant you would logically assume belongs to another type of plant than it actually belongs, like how some plants that mortals perceive to be a "tree" is actually a "grass".
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The Cartographer: I like domesticated animals and plants, which can't exist without a relatively intelligent species interacting with and altering a wild species over time. Like plants that are selectively bred to produce more of their edible parts, or animals that are selectively bred to be more docile or to produce more of something beneficial to the intelligent species, like fibers or food.
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mumblesplash · 1 year
absolutely baffled by the existence of trigun college/coffee shop/flower shop type aus. like ok those aren’t my cup of tea in general but with trigun specifically i cannot fathom what could draw someone to the story enough to write fanfiction for it which would not be completely lost by changing the setting to present-day earth, removing all the violence, and making all the characters normal humans with retail jobs like how does that even work
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humblegrub · 1 year
more cool content from Deep Look!
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