#Extended Reality app
What are the Fundamentals of User Interaction in AR/VR Development?
As extended reality app technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality evolve, delivering intuitive and immersive user experiences is crucial for creating compelling applications. The blog discusses key aspects like spatial computing which enables direct 3D interaction with digital objects using natural movements, hand tracking for manipulating virtual objects, gesture and voice recognition for intuitive controls, and foveated rendering for performance gains and crafting user-centric UI/UX designs tailored for 3D environments.Learn how to create immersive and intuitive AR/VR app development.
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Must-Haves For An AR/VR App Development Like Domino's
In 1960, Domino's had a modest beginning with just one store. Today, the biggest pizza company in the world proudly carries on its tradition of bringing delicious pizza to customers' doors.
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Its eateries offer dine-in, carryout, and delivery options for pizza, and other fast food options are all available to Domino's customers. Additionally, it provides a variety of toppings based on region and culture. It owns other overseas markets through a network of company-owned and franchise locations around the US and the rest of the world.
Why Domino's Pizza? Why not invest in any AR/VR app development that delivers pizza or other food? The reason is easy to guess.
Domino's is unique compared to other pizza delivery services. It elevates pizza delivery to a high-tech level while keeping it user-friendly and approachable. With the help of their Extended Reality technology services, Domino’s makes ordering pizza a distinctive experience that converts consumers into devoted patrons for life.
What has Domino’s been doing?
Although the process is as simple as counting to three for the consumers, complex systems are at work to make it possible. To make ordering pizza as simple and uncomplicated as possible, Domino's plans to test every piece of technology available.
3D models, AR VR services, voice recognition, and driverless automobiles are some of the technologies Domino's uses to keep up with customers. Augmented Reality app development has been at the center of operations.
Of course, concentrating so much on AR technology sets Domino's apart from its competitors.
Domino's is gaining more and more customers, primarily millennials, but facing harsh criticism for investing excessively in high-tech equipment for such a primary task as preparing and delivering meals.
Domino's does almost 65% of its business online suggests that it may have been wise to focus on that market segment.
How has Domino's scaled its business using AR/VR App Development?
Domino's integrated Augmented Reality app development services allow customers to experience the power of innovation. It is one of the company's primary channels for connecting with consumers and conducting business. The business picked the mobile-first strategy for digitizing its service because it understood the value of the mobile platform at an early enough stage.
Every aspect of the digital mix has been expanding, but mobile has been increasing unmistakably more quickly than laptops and desktops, according to Patrick Doyle, CEO of Domino's Pizza.
‘The Domino's app was first made available for iPhone in 2011 and then for Android a year later.’
Let's attempt to reverse-engineer Domino's Pizza's decision to invest in Augmented Reality Development Services and its functionality to determine what features are must-haves. We'll also detail these features that use Extended Reality app development services.
What are the must-have features in Domino's like AR/VR app development?
Domino's AR/VR app development has functionalities that combine aspects common to all meal delivery apps with novel ideas that leave many of us wondering, 'Wow, how did they even come up with that?'
1. Native Apps for iOS and Android
As we previously stated, Domino's focused on building the most user-friendly, responsive, and intuitive augmented reality app possible to reach as many people as possible. Instead of creating a cross-platform application, the brand used Augmented Reality app development services, offering two native applications.
There are several benefits to developing native apps as opposed to cross-platform ones. In general, native apps perform better and are better suited for long-term use with the ability to incorporate additional capabilities, such as AR VR Services.
Integrating APIs and other third-party components is simpler and more efficient with native programs. Even with the very minimum of features, food delivery apps will need third-party connections, such as payment processors and mapping systems.
Therefore, in this instance, the native development strategy is appropriate.
2. Registration
Registration is necessary to use the Domino's Pizza Augmented Reality app for using most services. The Augmented Reality app development software offers to sign up with social network accounts in addition to the standard email and password registration method.
The AR software will acquire the information it needs from the social profile, so users don't have to create and remember another login or fill out their profiles.
For Domino's, a social sign-in gives up a new avenue for marketing because consumers can quickly share their experiences on social media, giving the company more exposure.
User registration is the foundation for other services, such as order history, comments, and loyalty programs. As a result of their connection to user profiles, making a profile should be the first step while using the AR app.
Additionally, user accounts allow users to save their delivery addresses, so they don't have to enter them each time they place an order. In this way, AR/VR app development eases Login and Registration experiences for users.
3. AR-based Pizza Maker
The Domino's AR app offers a DIY option in addition to the usual menu's selection of numerous pizzas, sandwiches, drinks, and desserts. Be your chef and assemble the pizza in any way you wish. Add whatever things you like in any unique combinations.
Users can visualize their pizzas using the Pizza Chef tool, specially made for this purpose. Domino's, meanwhile, would not accept something simple and overused, like a list of checks. No, it's AR VR services for a technologically advanced company like Domino's!
As Domino's uses Augmented Reality app development services for its apps, you can see your pizza self-assemble on your desk or kitchen counter. Add your olives, pickles, or bacon, and see the result immediately.
After you are satisfied with your pizza, select Checkout and wait for delivery of the physical replica of your virtual pizza to your door.
4. GPS Monitoring
Real-time tracking of your favorite pizza delivery is available. Knowing how long you will have to wait after placing your supper order is usually helpful. Domino's pizza added the GPS tracking feature during its AR/VR app development to reduce waiting times.
Chromecast allows Android users to display the pizza delivery route on their TVs. Following your dinner on the map might be entertaining for guests or enjoyable for the whole family.
5. Hotspot Feature
If you chance to grow hungry while spending time in a park, beach or swimming pool on your day off, Domino's may bring your order there.
Integrating GPS tracking, location determination, and map service is complicated. With Augmented Reality app development, the app can locate your precise location and provide a list of delivery hotspots. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and let the delivery person know where to find you.
Domino's asks its consumers to propose other areas it might include in the service, apart from the hotspot locations initially programmed in the Augmented Reality app.
6. Payment System
All major credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, are accepted at Domino's Pizza. These payment methods are available on iOS and Android devices, respectively. It supports the cash option for order pick-up from the Domino's store locations.
Closing Words-
An AR/VR app development for food delivery can be as technologically advanced as possible, as you can see from the example of Domino's Pizza AR app.
If you're planning to invest in custom mobile app development services in USA, you need Consagous Technologies. We have a team of highly experienced app developers specializing in offering Augmented Reality app development services who can advise you on your project's challenges. Contact us with any questions regarding the same!
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goddess-of-graphite · 11 months
The Great Notes App Exodus: Half-Dead and Still Kicking
The thing is, Jason’s been a ghost for a while, okay? Six whole months, and it’s been a goddamn adjustment, being capable of floating through walls and falling through furniture if he’s not careful, if he’s not concentrating. He goes unseen and unheard in a manor too full of grieving to only be residence of two people - Alfred keeps his room tidy and untouched, as if it’s a shrine to keep care of, and Bruce is…
Jason is, was, Robin, so he can’t quite help himself from following in Batman’s shadow as the man patrols, more vicious, more brutal than Jason has ever seen him. He takes more risks, gets injured more often - and it’s terrifying, the way Batman grieves, as if trying to follow him into the grave. So Jason follows, unbeating heart in his throat, and only relaxes again when Bruce is safe in the manor, sleeping off whatever injuries he got during the night.
He can’t interact with the world, but he can watch the shades of past residents going about their lives, and he learns things from doing this even as he fears becoming them one day, mindlessly replaying a life long passed. He can snoop and explore without worry for being caught, and if he ever gets bored he can practice flying (so much harder than it seems - he’s careful never to go too high, too worried that he won’t be able to come back down again, even with the ceaseless curiosity in the back of his mind wondering - just how far can I go? Beyond the sky? Could he touch the stars, if he wanted?) and when everything is terrible, when the memories of his death, his last few hours of life, haunt him, when he is drowning in his own head, he finds distractions; the way the air currents sometimes seem to react to him, trying to move things like ghosts do in those terrible movies, chattering to whoever is around and pretending they can hear him, finding mysteries to solve (what’s up with that camera kid, anyway? He’d never noticed him before…) and trying to read books in the library through sheer force of will, usually ending up just reciting the parts he knows.
(Two months and a bit in to this whole “ghost” thing, he finds out the deal with the camera kid. Jason can only be relieved because, kid’s got a point - and Bruce seems to do better with someone to protect, to teach, to watch over.
He’s not practically tearing people apart with his bare hands anymore. He’s not taking hits he should have been able to avoid anymore. He’s not lurking at the edge of rooftops anymore, staring at the ground as if contemplating how far away it is.)
And Tim… he’s weird, but brilliant, and Jason feels a little protective of him. Follows him whenever he goes out, sharp eyes watching his back regardless of whether he can protect it or not (and maybe it’s his imagination, but the world seems more real when he’s watching over Tim, closer and present in a way he can almost feel, as if he could actually affect the world, if he just tried hard enough - if he just needed to desperately enough).
And then, six months after his-… after this ghost thing started, something… changes.
Something Happens, and he can almost taste the strange Knowing - something, somewhere, has gone wrong, or perhaps right, and the ripples extend beyond the event, slipping into each corner of the universe with the subtlety of a truck, and yet somehow unnoticed.
The ghosts notice. Pale shades lift their heads, existing outside of their own memories for the first time in an age - and Jason, who is new, who is Robin, who lived in Gotham where all things become possible, is hit by the wave of Something Happening Elsewhere Rippling Out and wakes up in a box.
In a coffin.
(But Jason has been a ghost for six months, and the pain of living again is enough to reach for the existence of being a ghost, and by the time he has sorted himself out and half-clawed, half-floated his way out of his grave (again), he doesn’t expect himself to be anything but what he has been for the past six months.)
(And then, of course, he discovers he can interact with the world if he concentrates, if he wants it enough, and he assumes that Whatever That Was made him a stronger ghost.
It’s not an unfair assessment. Incorrect, but not beyond reason.
Why would he think he came back to life, anyway? That’s a bit far-fetched, really.)
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examining a seemingly normal image only to slowly realize the clear signs of AI generated art.... i know what you are... you cannot hide your true nature from me... go back where you came from... out of my sight with haste, wretched and vile husk
#BEGONE!!! *wizard beam blast leaving a black smoking crater in the middle of the tumblr dashboard*#I think another downside to everyone doing everything on phone apps on shitty tiny screens nowadays is the inability to really see details#of an image and thus its easier to share BLATANTLY fake things like.. even 'good' ai art has pretty obvious tells at this point#but especially MOST of it is not even 'good' and will have details that are clearly off or lines that dont make sense/uneven (like the imag#of a house interior and in the corner there's a cabinet and it has handles as if it has doors that open but there#are no actual doors visible. or both handles are slightly different shapes. So much stuff that looks 'normal' at first glance#but then you can clearly tell it's just added details with no intention or thought behind it. a pattern that starts and then just abruptly#doesn't go anywhere. etc. etc. )#the same thing with how YEARS ago when I followed more fashion type blogs on tumblr and 'colored hair' was a cool ''''New Thing''' instead#of being the norm now basically. and people would share photos of like ombre hair designs and stuff that were CLEARLY photoshop like#you could LITERally see the coloring outside of the lines. blurs of color that extend past the hair line to the rest of the image#or etc. But people would just share them regardless and comment like 'omg i wish I could do this to my hair!' or 'hair goallzzzz!! i#wonder what salon they went to !!' which would make me want to scream and correct them everytime ( i did not lol)#hhhhhhggh... literally view the image on anything close to a full sized screen and You Will SEe#I don't know why it's such a pet peeve of mine. I think just as always I'm obsessed with the reality and truth of things. most of the thing#that annoy me most about people are situations in which people are misinterpreting/misunderstanding how something works or having a misconc#eption about somehting thats easily provable as false or etc. etc. Even if it's harmless for some random woman on facebook to believe that#this AI generated image of a cat shaped coffee machine is actually a real product she could buy somewhere ... I still urgently#wish I could be like 'IT IS ALL AN ILLUSION. YOU SEE???? ITS NOT REALL!!!!! AAAAA' hjhjnj#Like those AI shoes that went around for a while with 1000000s of comments like 'omg LOVE these where can i get them!?' and it's like YOU#CANT!!! YOU CANT GET THEM!!! THEY DONT EXIST!!! THE EYELETS DONT EVEN LINE UP THE SHOES DONT EVEN#MATCH THE PATTERNS ARE GIBBERISH!! HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THEY ARE NOT REAL!??!!' *sobbing in the rain like in some drama movie*#Sorry I'm a pedantic hater who loves truth and accuracy of interpretation and collecting information lol#I think moreso the lacking of context? Like for example I find the enneagram interesting but I nearly ALWAYS preface any talking about it#with ''and I know this is not scientifically accurate it's just an interesting system humans invented to classify ourselve and our traits#and I find it sociologically fascinating the same way I find religion fascinating'. If someone presented personality typing information wit#out that sort of context or was purporting that enneagram types are like 100% solid scientific truth and people should be classified by the#unquestionaingly in daily life or something then.. yeah fuck that. If these images had like disclaimers BIG in the image description somewh#re like 'this is not a real thing it's just an AI generated image I made up' then fine. I still largely disagree with the ethics behind AI#art but at least it's informed. It's the fact that people just post images w/o context or beleive a falsehood about it.. then its aAAAAAA
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ruthsimon · 2 years
In this guide, we will provide an at-a-glance comparison to acknowledge the strengths and use cases for VR, AR, MR, XR, and Top Real-Life Applications.
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nasa · 8 months
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Commander Callie Continues Moon Mission in NASA’s Second Graphic Novel
You followed fictional astronaut, Callie Rodriguez, on her journey to the Moon in our First Woman graphic novel, “Issue No. 1: From Dream to Reality.”
In the brand new “Issue No. 2: Expanding our Universe,” find out how Callie and her robotic sidekick RT escape the lunar lava tunnel and what challenges await them on the lunar surface.
See Callie and her new crewmates work together as a team and navigate the unexpected as they take on a challenging mission to deploy a next-generation telescope on the far side of the Moon. Now available digitally in English at nasa.gov/CallieFirst and in Spanish at nasa.gov/PrimeraMujer!
Along with the new chapter, the First Woman app – available in the Apple and Google Play stores – has been updated with new immersive, extended reality content. Explore the lunar surface and learn about the real technologies we’re building to make living and working on the Moon – and eventually, Mars – possible.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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donatellawritings · 5 months
cherry - bang bang, kiss kiss - r. jerimovich
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pairing(s): richie jerimovich x f!reader
warning(s): language & age-gap
song: taco truck x vb by lana del rey
Laying flat on your stomach, wearing nothing but an oversized printed shirt from college and skimpy boyshorts that hopelessly failed to keep some of your peeking skin concealed, you scrolled on your phone. Soft alternative music hummed through your speaker as you bit down into the swell of your bottom lip - who knew that putting together a dating profile for yourself would prove to be such a meticulous task? An exaggerated sigh was pushed from between your lips as you raised yourself onto your knees, before leaning yourself against the headboard as you carefully chose your three best photos.
Now, it was time for the best part of creating your profile: Age, Sex, Location, Age-Range, and the question of all questions: What are you looking for? It was easy for you to answer the first three questions, yet you found yourself wiping the suddenly clammy palm of your hand against your shirt as you pondered. Sure, being in your early twenties, you've had your fair-share of experience with guys who were in the same age group as you, but what if, maybe, you extended that age-range? Fuck, I mean, your friends have had their own trysts with older men, so, what harm could it bring to you?
Scrolling through the thirties, you found yourself stopped at the ripe age of 45 - the mere thought of being with a man over 20 years your senior bringing a subtle drop of fear to your belly that was quickly overpowered by your sudden excitement. You quickly breathed out a small giggle as you found yourself hovering over the final question. You'd always been precocious, you always knew what you wanted and you went for it, bo questions asked. You wanted to be desired, you wanted someone who would give you the world and everything in it - maybe, it was the hopeless romantic in you, but you'd always envisioned yourself to have a love that was unconditional ... one that you'd give up everything for. So, you sat and typed, and deleted, until you'd found your answer: I want it all.
Once you'd finalized your profile, it didn't take long before you'd found yourself pacing around your room, sifting through what seemed like a never-ending sea of Chicago men who didn't seem to strike you. It seemed as though you'd paced around your room for about an hour, before catching your reflection in the mirror. There you stood, a bit pathetic, maybe even needy? After taking in your reflection for a brief moment, you laughed, "fuck."
Tossing your phone onto your bed, you'd decided you'd wait, give it an hour, you'd shower, eat some dinner, maybe even finish your assignments that you'd been purposely pushing off, until the absolute last day - you will wait.
And so, you waited. You purposely decided to binge an episode, or two, of reality television, you even thought about squeezing in one more episode, before choosing to take a shower where you'd shaved, exfoliated, and washed your hair - hell, you even decided to do an in-depth brushing of your teeth as your peel-off face mask dried. Yet, you now were seated on your bed, laptop open as you tried to force yourself to keep your attention on the blank PDF document before you - you should have been tending to the essay that was worth twenty-percent of your grade, but you found yourself grabbing your phone and unlocking it, aimlessly clicking onto the dating app thats become an instant hyperfixation in your brain.
Swiping through what appeared to be another sea of useless men, you took a breath as you stopped on a handsome, yet deliciously rugged man with piercing baby blue eyes. Straightening your back, you subconsciously pressed your thighs closer together and you scrolled through his photos - fuck, he was hot. He was tall, slim, and worked in a restaurant that didn't take you long to recognize - he wasn't too far from you. Richie was his name, he was 45 years old, and he's a single dad - a divorcee.
This was all fresh, new, and raw territory for you. Not only were you seeking out an older man, the one who'd finally caught your eye was a father - but something about him drew you to crave him just a bit more. Maybe it was the bags of exhaustion that clung to his eyes, or the way that his gold chain clashed against his tan skin, or even the way his suit perfectly fit his slender form? All you knew was that it took one swipe, one millisecond and you'd made your interest in him apparent.
And in that same millisecond, his interest in you was crystal clear as your screen glowed in victory - you and Richie were now matched. "Oh my god," you mumbled, setting your laptop to the side of you as you flipped your damp hair behind your shoulder.
How does one start a conversation with a man she's attracted to, who just so happens to be significantly older than her?
"Fuck, fuck, fuck - okay," You muttered, sighing as you hastily tapped against your phone screen, the sound of your acrylic nails tapping against the glass, bouncing off of the thin walls of your bedroom.
A pathetic squeal left your lips as you quickly sent the message, before placing your phone face-down on your bed.
Richie sat on his worn couch, a spare cigarette tucked behind his ear as he aimlessly ran his finger around the rim of his beer can. The thoughts in his ever so busy mind raced as he stared blankly at his television - his focus a wreck after yet, another intense and draining day at the restaurant. He was sat with his legs spread, his undershirt on full display, courtesy of his unbuttoned dress-shirt as his undone tie laid comfortably over each of his shoulders.
The older man let out a huff as he brought the beer can to his lips, allowing his head to roll back while he downed the rest of the bitter liquid. The abrupt sensation of his phone vibrating against his thigh caused him to slightly flinch as he placed the now-empty beer can onto his coffee table, "shit."
Running his free hand over the scruff of his beard, Richie unlocked his phone to reveal a notification from you. He'd subtly adjusted his back against the couch as he read over your message.
Richie was selfishly drinking you in from the moment his anxiety-ridden eyes fell on your photos. He'd quickly familiarized himself with all three: how plump your lips looked as you pouted for the camera, how perfectly your breasts were cupped by your lace top, and how your eyes bored into his as you posed before what appeared to be a webcam. It was obvious that you were younger than him, and sure, Richie has had his own experience with hooking up with someone younger, but that's all it ever amounted to - a quick fuck that never progressed into anything more.
You enticed Richie, to say the least. You wanted it all, he chuckled. He wasn't much of a devoted romantic, thanks to his failed marriage and seemingly rocky road of relationships that lingered in all aspects of his life.
Would you care that he had a daughter? I mean, fuck, Eva was his entire life - his motivation to keep going, even if everything else around him fell apart at the seams.
The older man cleared his throat, adjusting his hips once more, before typing his response, taking a quick look at the time displayed at the top of his phone screen, before sending.
It was 10:47 PM.
are u awake?
The hum of your phone vibrating against your comforter triggered you to pause your typing on your laptop. You couldn't help but blush as you bit down on the tip of your nail. He responded. Once again, your laptop found itself pushed aside as the bright light of your phone screen met your strained eyes. You nails carelessly clicked against the glass screen as you rushed to respond.
Your heart steadily began to race as you watched the text bubble, indicating his impending response pop up on the screen. A small smile tugging on your lips as his response came into view.
are u real?
"That's fair," you mumbled, eagerly typing your next response.
yes ... do you want me to prove it to you?
A flash of nerves filled swirled at your core as you leaned your head against your headboard - what would you do, if he said yes? You were attracted him, despite having your reservations. There was a part of you that already ached for him, despite only knowing of his existence for not even an hour. Though majority of your psyche went rampant with nerves and fear, there was a small sliver of exhilaration and desire that slowly consumed you.
Your eyes widened with excitement as you screen glowed with Richie's response.
yeah ... just wanna make sure
You responded.
video chat?
He replied.
what's ur number.
You quickly typed in your phone number, before placing your laptop onto your lap and allowing some of your damp hair to fall over your shoulder as you adjusted your reading glasses to sit comfortably on the bridge of your nose. You hastily adjusted the hem of your shirt to sit over your thighs as your screen glowed with a video-chat request.
A short breath seeped through your lips as you allowed the call to ring for a few seconds, before allowing the call to connect.
A warm sensation of relief overtook you as Richie's face came onto the bright screen of your laptop. "Shit, let me fix this fuckin'-" you couldn't help, but smile as Richie adjusted himself to have be appropriately shown on camera, "okay, there we go", he spoke, his raspy voice like warm honey in your ears.
"Hi," You waved, breathing out a short laugh.
You were even more beautiful than your photos. There was something about the way your oversized shirt clung to your breasts, and the way you managed to adjust your glasses with almost every movement made that allowed Richie to feel his hand grip his phone just a little bit tighter. And your voice, god, your voice was laced with nothing but sweetness - Richie could tell that you were nothing, but good ... and that peaked a bit of fear into the back of his mind.
Clearing his throat, Richie spoke, "So, uh, you're real."
You laughed, "yes, I am real, Richie".
Fuck, he loved the way his name dripped off of your tongue, his perked up ears not missing the slight accent that laced your words. Richie's knee began to bounce - he was so fucked.
The two of you sat in silence for a beat, before you decided to break the tension, "I've never- um, I've never did this kind of thing before," you consoled, Richie's eyes not missing the way yours silently pleaded with him to say one cohesive sentence.
"I have, uh, they just-" Richie pauses, a nervous laugh leaving his lips, "they didn't end up going so well to be fuckin' honest."
You nodded wordlessly, indirectly beckoning him to continue his rant.
"I guess, um, I'm just glad that you're real and not one of those fuckin' nerds who sit on their computers and pretend to be pretty girls online." He thinks that you're pretty. Richie continued, his brash tone bringing a blush to your cheeks and you carefully took in the way his eyebrows furrowed when he voice his displeasure.
"But, uh, you go to college, right? That must be fun?" The older man questioned, doing anything he can just to be able to hear your voice fill the walls of his lonely living room.
"Yeah! This is my last year, so I'm pretty excited."
"Cool- that's cool, uh - d'you live with your parents or,"
"No, I have an apartment pretty close to the city."
A gorgeous and educated 20 something year old girl living alone in the streets of Chicago? Richie could drop to his knees - either he has become the luckiest man on earth, or things are about to go horribly wrong and for his sake - he hopes it's a stroke of luck. However, he immediately felt a need to protect you, to make sure that you're ... good.
You take note of the chest hairs that peek out from Richie's undershirt as he lays back against the couch and lowers his phone a bit, there's a part of you that aches to see more, yet you'll just have to settle for pressing your thighs together for a sense of relief.
Richie wants you and in his mind of minds that is crystal clear. But, he is a realist - he realizes that he is a 45 year old man with a kid and quite frankly, he has no time to waste and is a bit too old to continue playing the game of online dating that leads to nowhere. So, he has to ask you-
"Have you ever been with an older guy?" He speaks, his piercing baby blues searching your eyes for answers as he watches you shift your body.
You're unsure how to answer, the fear of your inexperience with dating older men poking at you, yet you decide on being honest - I mean, what is a relationship without honesty and trust?
"No, I, uh, I haven't." You answer, somewhat firmly.
"Well shit, I guess there's a first time for everything." He counters.
You smile.
The two of you let out awkward breathy laughs - you fiddle with your long nails as Richie runs a hand over his face. It's clear that you are both exhausted, yet neither of you are brave enough to say so ... you're both greedy and want nothing more than to soak in the other's presence. But, someone has to - and it won't be you.
"It's pretty fuckin' late and I'm sure that you have classes that you have to be up for and I gotta go to this fuckin' job in the morning, so I guess I will talk to you ..." Richie drones on, unsure on when you wanted to talk to him again - if you wanted to talk to him again.
"Tomorrow?" You ask.
"Tomorrow, yeah."
You bite your bottom lip with a smile, your voice low and sleepy, "good night, Richie."
Richie's knee stills - he's definitely fucked, "good night."
You disconnect the call, your heart pounding in your chest as you let out a breath that you didn't even realize you were holding in, to begin with. Richie was intoxicating, and you knew that, but you just couldn't seem to get enough of him. You'd just hoped that he'd feel the same way about you too.
Little did you know just how addicting Richie Jerimovich truly was.
hi <3 that's part 1 of this series - i hope it was not too long, i just wanted to lay the foundation of their initial reactions to each other so i hope you all enjoyed this - i can't wait to progress this story with you all
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
Do you think that AMAB enbies can also identify as lesbians? Especially those who have no connection to masculinity and for whom "straight" wouldn't make sense?
(I absolutely support trans men also identifying as lesbians, I'm just asking about your opinion on other groups using the term, which I also support although I found some people see it as quite controversial too)
i think anyone that wants a place in the lesbian community can find one. there are tons of irl lesbian spaces where gender fuckery is celebrated, and i think that should extend to anyone regardless of agab or connection to masculinity.
and like, usually ppl’s response to this is “well what about cis men?????” but i have yet to meet a cis man who sincerely wants to have a place in the lesbian community. most of the cis men who “identify as lesbians” are either trolling, in which case who cares, or they’re closeted or have a more complex relationship with their gender than we usually allow for cis men.
i feel like so much online identity discourse just doesn’t reflect what real world queer experiences are actually like. being a lesbian isn’t just identifying as a lesbian, it’s seeking out other lesbians and sapphics, it’s participating in the culture, taking part in lesbian activism, seeking out sapphic relationships. and when we boil down “lesbian” to just “person who’s allowed to identify as a lesbian bc of xyz identities” it really erases the actual realities of lesbians in the real world. and tbh i feel like the emphasis on “NOT a man!!!!!! does NOT like men!!!!!!!!!” rather than fostering community can make people feel very entitled, like they’re Doing Lesbianism The Best bc they’re a gold star lesbian or have never been connected to manhood, and overshadows the actual community building that lesbians offline have been working hard at for decades.
so yeah. if you find community with other lesbians and participate in lesbian communal life, congrats! u r a lesbian. download the uhaul app.
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What are the Fundamentals of User Interaction in AR/VR Development?
PImmersive technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are transforming the way we interact with digital content. As AR/VR platforms evolve, delivering intuitive user experiences is crucial for creating compelling AR/VR app development. 
Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term encompassing AR, VR, and mixed reality technologies that blend digital and physical worlds. As per the global XR market will grow from $27 billion in 2020 to over $100 billion by 2026. 
With rapid advancements in XR, delivering intuitive user experiences is critical. Spatial computing enables users to interact with digital objects in 3D physical spaces. This brings new challenges compared to traditional 2D screens. 
Let's discuss some core aspects of user interaction in Extended Reality App Development.
Spatial Computing and Object Manipulation
A key aspect of XR is spatial computing - the ability to map and track objects in 3D space. This allows users to directly interact with digital objects using natural movements. For example, in a VR shopping Extended Reality App, users can pick up a product, examine it from different angles, put it in a cart, and more.
To enable seamless spatial computing, XR apps need precise tracking and mapping capabilities. AR apps leverage smartphone cameras, motion sensors, and computer vision algorithms to map environments. VR apps use headsets with inside-out or outside-in tracking to pinpoint a user's position. 
Accurate hand tracking is also essential for manipulating virtual objects. AR apps can detect hand gestures via cameras. VR headsets use built-in cameras or external sensors to track hand movements and finger positions. 
Overall, spatial computing and real-time object manipulation create an immersive user experience. Developers need to ensure robust tracking and low-latency hand tracking for AR/VR app development.
Intuitive Gesture and Voice Controls
In addition to direct object manipulations, XR apps need intuitive controls for broader interactions. Gesture recognition enables hand motions to trigger actions in virtual environments. For example, a pinch gesture can grab an object, while a swipe can bring up menus.
Voice commands are also gaining popularity as a natural user interface. Users can speak out actions like "teleport to the next level", "restart simulation", or "zoom into the molecule". Voice UIs boost accessibility and complement other inputs.
When incorporating gestures and voice, it's important to follow platform conventions and use familiar motions for Extended Reality App Development. Providing visual/audio feedback on actions enhances usability. 
Overall, multimodal controls create seamless user experiences in AR/VR app development.
Realistic Eye Tracking and Foveated Rendering 
Recent advances in eye tracking bring new opportunities for interactive XR apps. By precisely tracking a user's gaze and pupil movements, XR headsets enable foveated rendering - selectively rendering high-quality graphics only in the user's focal point.
This significantly reduces rendering workload and boosts perceived visual quality for AR/VR app development. Eye tracking also enables user intents, like looking at an object to select it or glance-based navigation. 
Haptic Feedback for Immersive Sensations
While visuals are key for XR, adding realistic touch feedback via haptics greatly enhances immersion. Haptic gloves containing vibrotactile actuators can simulate sensations of pressure, textures, and more for Extended Reality Apps. Haptic vests that vibrate and constrict can create sensations of force or being hit by objects.
Haptics make digital interactions more lifelike - such as feeling solid surfaces, collisions, or forces from virtual objects. While still an evolving field, haptics have great potential for unlocking deeper immersion and emotional connections in AR/VR app development..
Crafting Intuitive UI/UX Designs
Behind the interactions, UI/UX design plays a pivotal role in shaping user experiences. XR introduces new approaches like spatial UI, 3D menus, gaze/gesture navigation, and context-based interactions.
However, core UX principles remain relevant - such as minimizing cognitive load, providing clear visual hierarchies, and enabling intuitive flows for Extended Reality Apps. Specifically for AR, UIs should overlay judiciously to avoid obscuring physical environments. 
Testing UI/UX early via rapid prototyping is key for AR/VR app development. Overall, balancing immersion and usability allows Extended Reality Apps to deliver intuitive, magical experiences.
AR/VR heralds a paradigm shift in human-computer interaction. Spatial computing, multimodal inputs, realistic eye tracking, haptics, and user-centric design are fundamental for creating next-gen XR apps and AR/VR app development. With these capabilities, developers can transport users to breathtaking 3D worlds and craft truly intuitive experiences.
At Consagous Technologies, a leading mobile app development company, our team of XR specialists excel in building cutting-edge Extended Reality Apps leveraging the latest interactions and interfaces. We help enterprises adopt immersive technologies to engage customers and transform workflows. Contact us to bring your XR visions to life!
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consagoustech · 1 year
8 Real Use Cases for Augmented Reality
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One of the major forces driving the digital sector forward is augmented reality or AR. The global AR market size was estimated at USD 25.33 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 40.9% from 2022 to 2030.
That's because augmented reality (AR) software, headsets, and smart glasses can potentially improve almost every sector of the economy, from retail to manufacturing. We probably won't have to wait until 2020 for AR to significantly influence society as a whole because it can address some of the most prominent issues and pain points.
Extended Reality Technology Services are becoming more accessible and affordable, with many smartphones now equipped with AR capabilities. This makes it easier for users to experience AR without additional hardware. It is a relatively new and innovative technology that has captured the attention of many developers and creators. As a result, many new and exciting Extended Reality applications are being developed, driving interest and adoption of the technology.
Here are 8 of the top use cases for augmented reality technologies that are about to take off, ranging from remote work to education:
Medical Training
By delivering an immersive and dynamic learning environment, augmented reality (AR) has the potential to revolutionize medical education. Medical students can observe and interact with organs, bones, and other anatomical structures more naturally by using AR to display three-dimensional replicas. Real-time visualization of medical imaging data, such as CT or MRI scans, is also possible using augmented reality. 
AR / VR App Development can be utilized to deliver practical training for medical device usage, upkeep, and troubleshooting. Medical students can learn to use and repair medical devices dynamically and interestingly by superimposing virtual graphics onto actual ones.
Tourism Industry 
For the tourism industry, Extended Reality Technology Services has the potential to be a game-changer. By superimposing digital material over the actual environment, augmented reality improves the visitor experience. Virtual tours of museums, landmarks, and tourist destinations can be made using augmented reality. Visitors can take the virtual tour and view the site from various perspectives using a smartphone or tablet.
Maps and instructions can be given to visitors using augmented reality. Apps that use Extended Reality Technology Services can place virtual arrows and signs over the actual world to direct visitors. By superimposing translations over the real world, augmented reality can assist visitors in communicating with locals. Apps for augmented reality translation can translate text, menu items, and signage in real-time.
Public Security
People nowadays will quickly go for their smartphones in an emergency to find out what is happening, where to go, and if their loved ones are safe. Also, when there is a fire or an earthquake, first responders try to determine who needs help and how to get them to safety.
Augmented Reality App Development is shown the potential to resolve both public safety puzzle pieces. First responders who use AR glasses can be warned of dangerous places and can see in real-time who needs help while being aware of their surroundings. For those in need, location-enabled AR/VR app development can provide the best routes and directions to safe areas and locations with firefighters or medical personnel.
Extended Reality Technology Services have the potential to transform education by making learning more engaging, interactive, and immersive. As technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of AR / VR App Development in the classroom. AR can be used to create virtual field trips that allow students to explore different parts of the world or historical events. 
For example, a history teacher could use the Augmented Reality App Development to take students on a virtual tour of the pyramids in Egypt, giving them a chance to experience history more interactively.
AR / VR App Development has an influence on almost every industry in restaurants. AR and VR have begun to be used by restaurant businesses for marketing and promotion. In addition, AR VR aids in staff training and offers captivating customer experiences. The food industry is one such industry that AR and VR restaurants are attempting to break into.
Ordinary menus are transformed into engaging, interactive displays using augmented reality, entertaining even the most seasoned customer. Extended Reality Technology Services is helpful for workforce training, marketing strategies, and eating enjoyment. Learning food preparation and other job-related skills is made more accessible by technology.
By connecting with people and fusing the actual world with the virtual one, augmented reality gives entertainment a new level. 
Extended Reality Technology Services have effectively aided the entertainment sector in PR and marketing activities for motion movies, television, and other promotional campaigns.
A fresh lease of life has been given to print media, such as magazines and newspapers, by the development of augmented reality technology. Reading is presently a popular activity among older, wealthier individuals, but AR technology has the potential to make it more attractive to younger individuals.
Design and Modelling
AR assists professionals in visualizing their finished projects throughout the creative process in fields including interior design, architecture, and construction. With headgear, architects, engineers, and design experts may enter their structures immediately to see how they would look and even make real-time adjustments. Using AR headset visualization, urban planners may even simulate how complete city plans might seem. AR technology is ideal for any design or modeling tasks involving spatial connections.
Augmented Reality (AR) has the potential to transform the logistics industry by increasing efficiency, reducing errors, and enhancing safety. 
AR can help warehouse workers locate products more efficiently by overlaying digital information in the real world. For example, workers can wear AR-enabled glasses that display the location of a specific product on a shelf, reducing the time needed to find it. This can improve inventory management and reduce the time spent on manual inventory checks.
AR can guide workers through picking and packing, reducing errors and improving efficiency. Workers can wear AR-enabled glasses that display information about the items they need to pick, their location, and instructions on how to pack them.
Summing up
Extended Reality has become an un-detachable part of technology when developing easy-to-use and interactive experiences for users. Augmented Reality App Development allows them to interact with digital objects in the real world, making the experience more immersive, engaging, and fun.
Businesses and brands use AR more frequently to promote their products and services. AR experiences can showcase products more interactively and engagingly, increasing customer engagement and sales. If you want to infuse the power of AR in your mobile app, hire Extended Reality App Development Services Los Angeles. 
Consagous Technologies is a tech partner of many brands on a mission to develop a unique app to help people live an easy life. Contact us if you have any ideas that can revolutionize the tech world. We will help you with an app developer that will last longer in a competitive world. 
Original Source: https://www.consagous.co/blog/8-real-use-cases-for-augmented-reality
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Most Promising Extended Reality App Development Services
Consagous is a renowned AR VR app development company that merges experience with creativity to deliver highly-immersive applications. Our expert team of AR/VR developers provides the finest Extended Reality app development services to clients. Visit Consagous.co to know more. https://www.consagous.co/extended-reality/
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aurosoulart · 1 year
💖 🏳️‍⚧️ Happy Trans Day of Visibility!! 🏳️‍⚧️ 💖
my name’s Ewan, I’m a trans guy, and I work with cutting-edge technology as the art director of an XR (extended reality) app! you might also know me as the artist behind ‘The World Has Been Changed’ 🌍
you can find me playing with holograms 3 nights a week on Twitch, and I’m also on Twitter and Instagram!
much love to everyone in the LGBT+ community today - whether you're in the closet or out of it! 💖💖💖
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n3xii · 2 years
What makes you an icon?
Icon series part 1 《☆》
For today's reading were gonna be addressing what talents you have, what people will remember you for, and the impact you're gonna have on others. We're essentially exploring why you should never forget you status as an icon. This is gonna be apart of a series where I use my favorite people from history to inspire the topic of the readings. The person below is my favorite singer Ronnie James dio. He's my image of someone who leaves behind a legacy and has an impact on others 💅
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Pile one
Your talents》》
Everything you touch is immaculate. You have an ability to refine and improve anything you put your mind to. Your creative abilities come from you dedication and practice. Your creations are a result from how much you've matured in your artistic, musical, theatric endeavors. No matter what you do, you are a creative. You are constantly improving and have an ability to dedicate time to your passions in a way that makes you a master at them. Spirit is showing me that you're a litteral genius when it comes to what you do, and have the potential to teach and guide others with your techniques. The people who picked this pile are good at art, music, theater, gambling, risky games, divination, parenting children and things of that nature.
What others will remember about you 》
They will remember you as someone who never let fear hold them back. They will remember you as someone who provided a safe and secure place for others to work through their fears. You are supportive and people feel safe with you. People will never forget the security you've provided them in times of uncertainty, many of you will have families and people will remember you as a wonderful caretaker and support system to those families. This is both biological AND chosen families.
What impact will you have on others?
I've seen 1111 twice while doing your reading. Pay attention to that number if you've been seeing alot in your reality. But first and foremost, people who chose this pile will become family to people who've been cast away, abdonded or cut off from their family. You may have been through this yourself to an extent. The impact you will have on others is providing a sense of home to those who've been denied it. Espeically if you identify as queer, you will have a lasting impact on your community in providing support, community and even shelter. Your creative work may even focus on accomplishing a sense of unity as well. People who chose this pile may also have a lasting impact on immigrant communities as well. This pile makes me want to cry. You are an icon because you are home, you are unity and you are the brother, sister, mother, or father that someone may have never had. Even if you don't have to identify as queer you may just be an ally, either way your impact is undeniable
Pile two
Your talents 》》
People who chose this pile are likely talented in technology, design, transforming things, inventing things, your Intution also gives you an almost unfair advantage over other people. People who chose this pile have a talent in regonizing and pioneering new technology, ideas and software. You will improve apps, create apps, games, and many of you will likely develop new technologies in psychology as well. Infact I feel like this group is divided into 2 groups, those talented at specifically technogical engineering such as game design or software startups, and those talented in psychology. Others are a mix of both and will use that to their advantage. Psychic abilities as well
What people will remember you for 》
You will be remembered for your gratitude and appreciation of others. You never let anyone around you forget their importance and value. And because of that, people will remember you a as a gracious, appreciative and kind soul. I'm also seeing your faith being a main component of what others remember you for. You have an endless capcity to extend faith and gratitude, and you will inspire others around you to do the same.
What impact will you have on others
I'm getting another message about your intution. You clairvoyance is strong and will develop more over your life time. You know things about others that they don't know, you're able to perceive other worlds and opportunities that others wouldn't have been able to perceive independently. I see that people who chose this pile will help others with their intution, you will pioneer a new path ahead with your gift of sight. I'm also seeing that you will teach people to accept themselves wholeheartedly and to use their own gift of sight. You're Iconic because you're a talented psychic, and a kind soul who helps people accept who they are.
Pile three
Your talents 》》
You have a talent of forming alliances. And with the alliances you create, you will mobilize alot of progress in not just your life but the life of others. You are bold, and although you may intimidate some people you will create bonds that have alot of power. You may be involved in actvisim, political work, debates etc. You have a talent of creating powerful change with your ability to connect with others.
What people will remember you for 》
People will remember you for the alliances and connections you made. You will likely befriend or even elope with people who are famous or have powerful influence. People will remember you as charming and always expanding yourself through connection. I'm seeing you have a powerful lineage and many of you will be remembered as amazing grandparents as well. Even if you don't have children, you will be remembered as an important elder in your community
What impact you will have on others 》
You're gonna bridge the gap between cultures, beliefs, religions, etc. The impact you have on others is longterm, people will remember you for a long time in your family line. They will look up to you as someone they should be themselves. You have a lasting impact even after your death, your life will teach people things and teach them PRINCIPLES of morality that they should reflect in their own behaviors. This is a beautiful message !
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Green Tara Shyama Tara (Sanskrit) Talon Abraxas
Maa Tara Mantra
The Maa Tara Mantra holds a special place within Buddhism, with "Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha" as its evocative expression. This mantra encapsulates the qualities of Tara, an embodiment of courage, wisdom, compassion and liberation.
As a fully enlightened female Buddha, meditating on her helps you attain the qualities of Buddha. She is ready to spring to the aid of beings and that's why her right foot is slightly extended. On her right knee, she has her right hand out as a sign of generosity. The stem of a lotus flower, which is in bloom next to her left ear, rests in her left hand.The "Green Tara Mantra," with its focus on a specific aspect of Tara, invokes her dynamic energy. Chanting this mantra with sincerity aligns practitioners with qualities of Maa Tara mainly compassion and courage.
Rooted in ancient Buddhist traditions, the Maa Tara Mantra finds its origin in the reverence for Tara, the compassionate goddess. Tara's name translates to "star" or "guide," embodying the illuminating path she offers to seekers.
Essence of "Om Tara Tuttare Soha"
"Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha" represents the Green Tara, a compassionate figure attuned to the needs of all beings. Let's find the meaning of this mantra and know what significance each syllable carries:
Om: "Om" symbolizes ultimate reality, Om is the essence of consciousness and represents the entire universe- past, present and future.
Tara: "Tara" represents compassion as it represents a being who has attained enlightenment but chooses to remain in the cycle of life (birth and death) to help others achieve liberation.
Tuttare: "Tuttare" invokes liberation from eight great fears namely fears of lions, elephants, snakes, thieves, fire, water, bondage, and evil spirits.
Ture: "Ture" helps to alleviate your physical, mental and emotional illnesses and represents liberation from suffering and disease.
Soha: "Soha" seals the intentions and hence, it is said at the end of mantra as practitioners seek aspiration for its positive effects on their lives.
This mantra, a balm for the soul, seeks Tara's energy to dispel fears and catalyze growth. Embark on this exploration of the Maa Tara Mantra's history, symbolism, and practice with Buddhist mantra meditation series by Palga Rinpoche on the meditation app for mind performance, Level Supermind. Discover the profound wisdom reflected in these sacred sounds, invoking Tara's blessings and unlocking the transformative potential of mantras.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
call sign: tennessee whiskey | rooster x fem!reader & hangman x phoenix | chapter eight
summary: you and bradley spend three days in encinitas on your proverbial honeymoon and make a big decision about your relationship.
warnings: smut, fluff, minor angst, suggestive language, swearing, mentions of death, military & aircraft carrier inaccuracies, second person pov
wc: 4.8k
listen to: the playlist
a/n: this is an exclusively rooster x whiskey chapter and gets a little smutty. this is the second to last part, so next chapter i'll wrap up the rom-com of these four. i'm going back to work and very much want to finish this nine chapter adventure before i do. however, i AM planning on writing a more extended oneshot that catches up with these guys a year and a half later so i'm definitely not done with these four.
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chapter seven | masterlist | chapter nine
“Look at us! We’re almost normal,” you comment, optimistically as you breathe in the bright California air. Sometimes, when you’re on leave, you can almost trick yourself into believing you’re a civilian. “No one would know by looking at us that you just saved the world!” 
“And almost died trying,” Bradley grumbles as a reminder the job you share is rarely ever that glamorous. 
Bradley holds your hand in his as the two of you walk along the beach. The drive up hadn’t been long, but you’d been eager to go for a walk after arriving. Once you’d arrived, Bradley had barely been able to put his seabag down before you’d practically tugged him outside across onto deck, past the gorgeous private pool, and off to the beach.
“That’s what I mean! We’re not aviators this weekend. We’re not facing near-death today! We’re just… two normal people who don’t have to worry about deployments or fighter jets or top secret missions funded and backed by the pentagon,” you continue, celebrating the freedom you’re leaning into on this particular leave. 
“Probably shouldn’t say that too loudly,” Bradley coughs, scanning the beach for any curious listeners. 
“Ahhhh yes, you’re right,” you mumble, lowering your voice. 
“But I like where this is going. We’re just… Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” Bradley chimes in, playing along with you. “You know… the boring ones. Not like... the spy assassin ones.”
“Right, right. Because there’s a fine line, Bradshaw,” you fire back. 
He laughs in response with a shake of his head, his eyes full of endearment towards you. 
“Okay so… how’d we meet?” you ask, turning to steal a glance Bradley’s way. 
“How does anyone meet these days?! On an app?” he answers, in his best well-duh tone of voice. 
“No!” you cry out, giving his arm a little shake. He laughs again, giving your hand a squeeze in return. God, no one’s made him laugh this much in a long time. He shoots you a quizzical look as you clarify with, “C’mon! There’s no romance in that! No, we uh… we definitely had a meet-cute.”
“Who knew you were such a romantic, Mrs. Smith,” Bradley chuckles as he teases you, giving your hand another squeeze. 
“Okay then. Tell me more about this meet-cute.”
“Okay hmmmm… so you’re…” you trail off, before letting the silliest, furthest away from reality thing tumble out of your mouth. “... a yoga instructor.”
“What?!” he yelps, his eyes widening at the ridiculous sentiment. 
“And I'm… a chef who’s just recently moved to San Diego to open up yet another fusion restaurant gentrifying small surf towns across the nation,” you continue, making sure your faux-job feels just as silly as his does. 
“Wait. Why am I the yoga instructor!? I can’t even touch my toes,” he backtracks, alarmingly. 
You laugh, “Because it’s funny! And maybe the furthest thing away from what we actually do.”
“Okay fine. I’m a yoga instructor,” he grumbles, resigning himself to his new pretend-occupation. “But I’m not growing out a man bun.”
“No, the mustache alone gives you enough street-cred. Or rather, hipster-cred, if you will,” you reply, playfully. 
“You like the mustache,” he shoots back. 
“Oh, I definitely like the mustache,” you smirk. “In fact, that’s how we met. I spotted that mustache across the room in a coffee shop, made sure to let you know that, even though they don’t really do it for me, yours was pretty cool, which of course led you to inviting me to the yoga studio that you own.” 
“Which was just an excuse to see you again,” Bradley adds, playing along. 
“Exactly,” you giggle, as the story continues to grow more and more ridiculous. “… And well, you know what they say! The rest was history.”
“You are so silly,” Bradley chuckles, releasing your hand as he wraps an arm around your shoulders instead. 
“Gotta keep you on your toes, Bradshaw,” you giggle, your sliding around his waist. “Oh! That reminds me. We need to go to the grocery store.”
“I thought you said we could stay in bed all weekend,” Bradley challenges, his tone light. 
“Fuel,” you shrug, coquettishly.  
“Besides, I’m cooking you dinner tonight.”
“Well, you are the chef between the two of us.”
“Now, you’re catching on.”
It’s later that night that Bradley learns that while you gave him the job furthest away from reality, the possibility of you being a chef was a lot more probable. He watches you create a lemon-scented pan sauce, his mind wandering back to earlier when he’d been surprised by your knife skills. 
“Holy shit! You really cook?!” he practically exclaims in the middle of the state-of-the-art home kitchen you’re occupying all weekend.
“Guilty,” you answer, as if it’s some kind of confession. “If I hadn’t gotten into the Naval Academy, I was going to go to culinary school. Just one psycho thing for the next.”
You coat the back of a spoon so that you can taste the sauce for seasoning:
Salt levels are good. Shallots are perfectly caramelized. Capers add the right amount of tang to it. 
You scoop up another pool of the liquid in the spoon once more, offering it to Bradley. 
“Come try this,” you say. “It’s a lemon chicken piccata. I think you’ll really like it.” You hold the spoon up to his lips, watching as Bradley tastes the lemon butter pan sauce. 
As soon as the sauce hits his tongue, you watch as he closes his eyes, in total disbelief. 
“Holy shit. This is un-fucking-real, honey,” he says, the term of endearment making you blush a little. 
“Thank you,” you smile, leaning in to place a kiss on his lips. 
As you pull away, he pulls you back for another kiss before murmuring against your lips, “Though I think I like it better on you.”
Holy shit, is that hot. 
As Bradley releases you, it’s almost as if you’ve forgotten to breathe. Your head feels light and you have to remind yourself to take a deep breath. 
“I won’t distract you any longer. Sooner we finish up dinner, the sooner I get you naked,” he coos, his hands dragging across your hips as he pulls away. 
Jeez, this man is perfect, you think to yourself. 
What the hell were you getting yourself into?
As you sit down to dinner with your lemon chicken piccata and a funky orange wine, you learn that Bradley can’t cook to save his life. You can’t believe that after two and a half weeks of the craziest of training, you’ve managed to find yourself on your proverbial honeymoon with a guy you’re quite sure is perfect. Sure, he’s got enough baggage to sink the USS Roosevelt, but you’re not sure you mind. He is, after all, who he is because of it. 
He finishes telling you another story from his days at UVA and you’re caught in a fit of giggles as you watch how animated he gets as tells you about his college-day shenanigans. 
“What?” he asks you, seeing the look on your face. 
You know you probably look like you’ve got goddamn hearts for pupils at this point, so your answer is simple:
“The more I learn about you, the more I like you, Bradshaw.”
He blushes.
“I really like you too, Whiskey.”
Saturday morning: 
Rooster Bradshaw thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. 
It doesn’t feel real. 
As you stand there in the middle of the kitchen, clad only in his NAVY tee, it’s as if the domestic bliss he’s always craved is right in front of him. 
This is all he’s ever wanted. 
Bradley’s frozen for a second, paused in a moment in time. Ever since his mother died, there’s been a hole in his heart he’s never been able to fill – not with girlfriends, not with work, not even with himself. It’s this hole in his heart that yearns for a family – that allows himself to be taken care of, to be cherished, to be loved. But he can feel something, this feeling, swelling in his chest as he watches you make breakfast in the way-too-fancy home kitchen after knowing you for barely three weeks. 
Now that he’s proven himself in the Navy, maybe he could begin healing his relationship with Mav. He could let himself open up to you. Maybe the part of his healing he’s been missing… is letting himself be loved. 
He’s not sure how long he’s been standing there, but he figures it’s been long enough as you turn back around to him, sending him a curious look. 
“Good morning, handsome. Coffee?” you greet him, with the sweetest smile he thinks he’s ever seen in his life. 
And damn, he loves the way you look in his t-shirt. 
“That would be great,” he answers, a lovestruck grin plastered to his face.
You hear the sounds of his footsteps before you feel his hands on your hips, pulling you in close to him from behind. You giggle, turning your head for a good morning kiss. Bradley’s lips are soft – a stark contrast from the rough texture of his mustache – earning another giggle from you. 
You nod towards the french press on the counter that holds the coffee you’ve just made. There’s a second mug resting on the table that you pulled from the cabinets for him. He likes that you thought of him – thought to do that. He likes being thought of. 
“How’d you sleep?” you ask, plating up two plates of eggs, bacon, sliced avocado, and a mix of berries you’d purchased yesterday. 
“Great. How about you?” Bradley answers, a soft smile on his face as he watches you. 
You wrap a hand around the edge of the plate while your other hand carries your coffee cup. 
“Wonderfully. Why don’t you grab a fork and meet me out by the pool?” you tempt him, sending a wink his way before disappearing, heading towards the sliding glass doors that lead to the deck. 
Instead of following suit, Bradley watches, taking this all in. He takes a few steps so that he can see you through the glass door. You sit down with your copy of today’s paper, while you snack on a few strawberries before picking up your fork to eat your soft scrambled eggs. Bradley swears under his breath, still in disbelief that this is real, before fixing his cup of coffee and taking his plate outside to join you. 
“You know… I know we have the same one… but I think I like mine better on you,” Rooster says, taking a seat on the lounge chair next to the one you’ve posted up on. 
You can practically feel your heart speed up, as you watch Bradley pop a strawberry into his mouth. 
“Listen. I’m just relieved you own something other than the Hawaiian shirts,” you admit, a cheeky smile on your face. 
“What’s wrong with my Hawaiian shirts?” he teases you with a wink. 
“Absolutely nothing. But… it’s not like I can bring you as a wedding date in a printed shirt and jorts,” you tease him back, playfully.
 As much as he likes to banter with you, he’s more focused on the fact that you’re thinking of ahead – thinking of the future with him. 
“How do you feel about eventually making our way out to the beach today?” you propose, continuing with your breakfast. 
“If we make it out… yeah,” Bradley replies, suggestively. 
You smirk, “Well in that case, finish your breakfast. You’ll need the energy.”
You enjoy the poolside breakfast with him, handing him the sports section of the newspaper so that he can check out some of the baseball stats. You swap: the arts section for the sports section when he mentions maybe seeing if there’s a show you both could go to – making plans that you most likely won’t make anyways. 
After breakfast, you pull Rooster’s NAVY shirt over your head, revealing your barely-covers-anything bikini you put on earlier. 
“You wanna-?” you start asking, with every intention of getting in the pool. 
“Oh, I don’t think so,” he says, grabbing your hand. 
Before you know it, Rooster’s thrown his empty breakfast plate on the small end table between both lounge chairs, pulling you back towards him. You follow, more than eager to explore exactly where this is going. As he pulls you down on top of him, you sit over his hips, just to feel how excited he’s gotten from seeing you in your bikini. 
“You are such a tease,” he growls, bucking his hips up into you. 
“I think you like it,” you smirk, leaning down to ghost your lips over his. 
“Uh huh,” he answers, and you can feel his breath on your lips. 
“Already, Roos?” you ask him, a devilish smile on your face as you grind your hips against him. 
He hisses, pushing his hips up again as he answers, “Baby, you’ve had me this hard all weekend.”
You giggle, your lips finally meeting his, your tongues easily tangling together as your lips move in perfect time. 
“I like these,” he says, his fingers dancing over your hips as works to untie your bikini bottoms. 
“Yeah?” you ask, your eyes filled with lust. 
“Yeah,” he answers, untying one side completely. 
Rooster sits up, flipping you over so that you’re now laying back against the lounge chair, earning something between a gasp and a laugh from you. Eagerly, he pulls your bikini bottoms off, tossing them somewhere on the deck as he covers your body with his in this new position. 
“Rooster,” you moan, his mouth moving lower. 
His lips and tongue are everywhere: your shoulders, your breasts, and rapidly making their way down your abdomen. 
His hands pull your legs apart to make room for his shoulders as he watches you with a fire in his eyes. You know exactly where this is going, waiting impatiently for him to touch you. Bradley licks a broad stripe up your already wet heat, his tongue stopping to move around your clit as you throw your head back, his name on your lips. 
“God, you taste so good, sweetheart.”
You close your eyes, the hot sun kissing the both of you as he eats you out, right on the freaking pool lounge chair. He works at your clit, tracing little shapes around it as you moan his name, trying to remind yourself not to be too loud since your friends do have neighbors. As his tongue moves further down, his mustache bumping up against your most sensitive spots, your hands move straight into his brunette waves, bucking your hips up against his face. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you cry as you feel him begin fucking you with his tongue. “You’re so fucking good at this.”
You feel him smile against you, your words having unleashed something within him. From here forward, Rooster is relentless. He’s holding your hips down, pulling all kinds of sounds from your body as he continues to bring you heavenly pleasure with his tongue and his fingers. 
“Fuck!” you cry, feeling that tight feeling in your abdomen as he pulls his fingers in and out of you. 
“You gonna cum for me again?” 
“Yes. God, yes. I’m so close!”
And it’s all he needs to hear to do whatever it takes to get you to cum, pulling you past the point of pleasure you thought you could feel. You come with a strangle moan, and before you know it, Bradley’s folding his body over yours once again. He presses his lips against yours and you can taste yourself on him, earning a moan from him as you kiss him with desperation. 
“I hope your friends don’t have cameras out here,” he chuckles, in between kisses. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” you tease. 
“Jeez, sweetheart. If that’s what you’re into….”
You were going to be the death of him. 
And, he decides, what a lovely way to go.
“Bradley!” you gasp, feeling that all-too-familiar tightening in your abdomen, as Bradley winds you up.
“You gonna cum?” he grits out, his hips driving into at a rapid pace. “Go ahead. Let go for me, baby.”
“Yesyesyes,” you’re practically chanting as you feel him so, so deep inside of you. 
“Fuck, Bradley. I’m gonna-,” you pant, and he groans, feeling you squeezing around him. “Please make me cum.”
“God, I love it when you beg me. Shit. Holy shit, baby. Fuck,” Bradley grunts out, his face buried in the crevice of your neck. He whines your name so sweetly as he releases, finally stilling the motion of his hips. 
Bradley lifts his head, still inside of you as he leans down to press a passionate kiss to your lips. 
“Holy shit. How is it possible that it just keeps getting better and better?” you sigh, your back hitting the sheets as you catch your breath. 
“I don’t know but… if we get any better at it I might go into cardiac arrest,” he jokes, earning a laugh from you. 
“No!!” you cry out, dramatically.
The two of you settle into a quiet intimacy, as you turn over onto your side, wrapping yourself up in the sheets. Bradley notices a shift in you, but remains on his back as you prop your head up on your hand. 
“I want to be with you,” you blurt out, causing Rooster to turn his head in your direction. 
He can’t even hide the smile on his face as he hears your words. 
“I want to be with you too, Whiskey,” he grins, his eyes as soft as the morning light. 
“Oh thank god!” you say, letting out a sigh of relief, eliciting the most amused look from Bradley. But you pause, and he can tell that you’ve got something else on your mind as you continue with, “I just-, I guess I’m just wondering if-. Do you… think we’re moving too fast?”
“What do you mean?” he asks, curiously, rolling over onto his side so that he can match your body language with his own. 
“I don’t know…” you hesitate with an ambivalent shrug. “We haven’t known each other for that long. Is it… totally wild to feel this way about someone after only three weeks?”
Bradley takes a beat, his chocolate brown eyes warm and filled with confidence. 
“Maybe. But stranger things have happened and… Whiskey, I-. I think I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time,” Bradley answers genuinely. 
“I think so too. Is that crazy?” you reply softly. 
“If it is, then at least we’re both in it together,” he reassures you, pulling you over to him so that you can cuddle.
“What do you want to do today?” you ask him, shifting a little to something more lighthearted. 
Like you’d predicted, despite every intention of doing so, neither of you had made it out of the house this weekend aside from the occasional beach walk and for dinner last night in Leucadia. Not that you were complaining. The hot non-stop sex-a-thon and staying up to talk till the early hours of the morning were absolutely heaven… but you knew at some point you’d both have to resurface. 
“I think I might go for a run,” Bradley replies, as if it’s the most casual thing in the world. 
“You haven’t gotten enough cardio?!” you practically shriek in surprise. 
He chuckles, “Can’t take too many days off or I’ll lose my stamina, honey. Wanna come with?”
“Hmmm… I think I may just stay here… take a shower. Unlike you… I’m not a psychopath,” you joke. 
He laughs, “Okay, okay. Then how about when I get back, I’ll take you out to breakfast and we can go from there.”
“Sounds perfect,” you agree with a totally lovestruck smile. 
After a few more kisses, Bradley manages to unwillingly pry himself out of bed to get ready for his morning run. He’s right. You both have to return to reality at some point, and it’s not a bad idea to try to work in some of your routine before you’re back on base. You might’ve even agreed to go on a run with him, but selfishly, you’d like the alone time because you have to call Nat. 
Once Bradley is out of the house, you slip a t-shirt left on the floor from the night before, hurrying into the master bathroom. You quickly FaceTime Natasha, praying that she picks up, considering this is the first time you’ve had a moment to call. 
“Hey! Didn’t think I’d be hearing from you till you got back,” Nat says as soon as she answers the call. 
“Oh my God, Nat. I am in love with this man,” you say, incredulously. 
“Are you talking about Rooster?” she asks.
“Yes, of course I’m talking about Rooster!” you exclaim, with a laugh. 
“Jeez, Whiskey. How much sex are you guys having?!” she teases, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“You… don’t want to know the answer to that,” you answer honestly. 
“You’re right,” she nods, her voice dropping. “I don’t. I guess I don’t even need to ask how it’s going then.”
“So well. Too well. I-, we told each other that we want to give this a shot. A relationship,” you fill her in. 
“Holy shit.”
“I know.”
“I mean... Whiskey, I think he’s ready to settle down with someone and… that’s why I wanted to introduce the two of you so badly. Don’t overthink it. Chalk it up to good timing,” she advises. 
“Okay yes, but do you think this is too fast?” you ask, nervously. 
“It’s… fast, sure. But it’s not like you’re getting married or anything,” she reassures you, before pausing. “You’re-... not getting married-.”
“Of course not!” you interrupt her, rolling your eyes playfully. 
“You know what the proverbial they say: when you know you know,” Nat adds, trying her best to offer up a little more reassurance. 
“Yeah, I guess I’m just trying to check in with myself. Make sure we’re being realistic, you know?” you vent. Truthfully, your hesitations have nothing to do with Rooster and everything to do with the fact that you haven’t chosen the best partners in the best. But Rooster? He’s near-perfect. 
“Have you told him about your deployment yet?” Nat asks you. 
You shake your head, “Not yet. I didn’t want it to be another thing to raise the stakes, you know? But I’m… I’m kind of nervous to.”
“Rooster knows how this goes. He’ll be fine,” she replies. 
You nod slowly, “How are things going on your end?”
“Uh… good. Just waiting for you guys to get back before I head back up to LA,” Nat replies with the most casual tone in her voice. You eye her suspiciously, knowing that that can’t just be it. 
“And Jake?” you ask, curiously. 
“What about Jake?” she asks back, earning a funny look from you. 
Okay, Trace. 
If she needs it spelled out, that’s exactly what you’ll do. 
“Have you guys talked or are the two of you still just fucking each others’ brains out?” you rephrase, putting it bluntly. 
Natasha rolls her at eyes at your crass comment before answering, “More so the latter,”
“Got it.”
You take a beat, not wanting to overstep, but then again this is the woman that quite literally parent-trapped you and Rooster. 
“It would be okay, Nat… if you had feelings for him,” you begin, cautiously. 
“Whiskey, I don’t-,” but she can’t finish the sentence. She knows she can’t finish that sentence because it would be a lie. And when has she ever been able to bullshit you? If anything, you’re the person who knows both her and Jake the best. 
She takes a beat before opening her mouth to say something else, “I don’t know if I’m ready. For that.”
You nod slowly, “And that’s okay too. You’re just gonna have to tell him.”
“Yeah, I know,” she sighs, dissatisfied with the resolution she’s come to. She changes the subject and you talk about a few other things. Who else is going on the next deployment from the Dagger Squad. Having lunch solo with Halo. That Maverick and Penny seemed to be a thing.
“Hey uh… I gotta run but, we’ll talk. When you’re back,” Natasha says, as she realizes what time it is.
“Yeah of course,” you agree.
“Okay. I’ll see you soon,” she smiles, signing off. 
“Bye, Nat.”
You take a breath after hanging up the phone with Nat. Maybe you wish that she and Jake could just figure it out, but you also know that they’re not exactly those people. They’re actually the most stubborn people you know. You run the shower for a minute or so, waiting for it to come up to temp before stepping in, letting the water help you think through things. 
You and Bradley were different. Both of you were looking for something – a relationship – and had found a connection with each other that felt good. It felt right to be with him, even if the idea of falling in love with him terrified you – even if it felt like the two of you were on the fast track. But Jake and Natasha? You’ve always felt like they were more similar than either of them would admit. They’d have to really want it, really want to be together to make it work, and it doesn’t seem like either of them are there yet. 
You finish up your shower, enjoying a little you-time before Bradley gets back. You haven’t exactly had that much since you got here, but you know you’ll have plenty when you return to Lemoore. After shutting off the water and drying your hair as best as you can with just the towel, you wrap a second towel around your body before heading back into the bedroom. 
Only, you see something you’re not expecting – something you weren’t quite ready for. 
“Bradley…” is all that comes out of your mouth as you see him. 
He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, tanned skin glistening from his run while he holds loose papers in his hands. 
Those papers. 
Your papers. 
“Why didn't you tell me?” he asks, looking up from your deployment papers. 
“Bradley. I’m sorry,” you repeat, your voice shaking a little. 
You take a few steps towards him, stopping so that you can sit next to him on the edge of the bed. 
“I don't know…” you answer, honestly. “I guess I just thought-. We've clouded our judgment with hot sex all weekend….” You laugh nervously. “... and all of this has just been so intense – between the mission, and you almost dying, and… – I didn’t want my deployment to change the outcome of this weekend.”
You wait for him to answer, and you can see the gears turning in his head as he listens to you. You’re right. The parameters of the mission, your hookup, all of it has been so high stakes. He’d be a fool to deny it. But it doesn’t change how crazy he is about you. He thinks he’d feel this crazy about you if he met you in the supermarket, not in training for a suicide mission. 
“I understand,” he says, his voice low as he turns to you. “But I wish you had told me.”
“Would it have changed anything for you?” you ask, stealing a glance his way. 
“No,” he reassures you, his voice softening. He slips an arm around your bare shoulders, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your skin. “I just-, I don’t know. I guess I thought we’d have more time before we had to deal with… all of this.”
You nod, “I know. I should’ve told you earlier.”
“You still want to do this?” you ask again, with a nervous flutter in the bottom of your belly. 
“Yeah, of course,” he admits with a smile. “But it’s not going to be easy and… I guess… these papers just reminded me of that.”
You turn your body towards him so that you’re facing him, no longer sitting side by side. Bradley runs his fingers through your wet locks, eventually moving to cup your face. There’s a sadness in his eyes and you can see that the reality of your jobs has set in. 
“I kinda wish I was still a yoga instructor and you were some hot shot chef,” he chuckles, trying his best to make light of the situation.
“Me too,” you agree. “It’ll only be a month. And… then maybe once Cyclone has all the data he needs… they’ll make our detachment official. We-... won’t have to be apart.”
Bradley nods, “Yeah. We’re gonna figure this out together, sweetheart. I know it.”
You smile in response. How is this man real?
“How can you be sure?” you ask him, hopefully. 
“I can just feel it,” he replies, leaning in to kiss you. He touches his lips to yours before pulling back to ask, “What would you say to getting back in the shower?”
You smirk, “Lead the way, handsome.”
read: chapter nine
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brooooswriting · 1 year
hello again :)
How about Tara Carpenter x fR.
Basically Tara has a panic attack when she sees someone in a ghostface costume( PTSD whoo?)
And yes R comforts her
(Also if the amount of requests for each person is restricted pls lemme know so I stop sending)
Have a great day : )
Hey, it’s completely fine, I don’t really have a lot of requests anyways :)
Ptsd, anxiety
Tw: Panic attack
Tara carpenter x reader
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It’s been a pretty long three weeks for you, you’ve been working your ass off to save money, you had a lot of school work too, your parents were up your ass for basically every goddamn thing and you were mentally and physically drained. Which was sad as it was the week before Halloween which you loved.
Tara noticed the way your shoulders slacked, how you were constantly tired and the darkness of your eye rings increased. It pained her to see you like this which was why she decided to take you on a date. Nothing crazy, just a bit of walking around, getting dinner before going home to cuddle on the couch while watching a terrible movie.
At least that was the plan.
Tara picked you up at 6 pm with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and your favorite sweets. After putting those away you took her hand to start your walk, deciding to walk from your house towards the city where you’d have lunch. You had missed the girl next to you terribly the last couple of weeks so this was everything you wanted.
What you didn’t think about was the yearly Stab Marathon that was on today. You didn’t remember until you arrived in the city where you saw two people in ghost cave costumes, knives in hand and blood all over them.
You were so in your head as you were mad at yourself for forgetting that it took you a moment to realize that Tara saw them too. Her grip was tightening on your hand as hers got clammy and shaky. Pulling her away from the guys she was still starring at seemed to be the best option.
You pulled her around a corner into an alley which was empty. “You’re okay” you mumbled out as you pulled her into you, wrapping your arms tightly around her to give her a sense of grounding. She was breathing heavily, her body was shaking and her heart racing. “Tara, you have to regulate your breathing or you’ll get a panic attack” you mumbled out to her as you stroked her back.
The moment you thought it was getting better, a boy walked past the alley. “Do you like scary movies?” His voice was masked by some app as he held his phone up to his face.
Tara pushed you back and coward against the wall on the opposite side of you, her eyes were uncoordinated and unfocused, making it clear that she wasn’t in the reality.
“Tara, it’s just me” you whispered as you sat in front of her, leaving enough space so she didn’t have to press herself further against the wall. “It’s me y/n, no ghostface Is here love. It’s just you and me and this stupid stab marathon” you told her hoping it would calm her a bit. You slowly extended your hand to her, which she carefully touched. “It’s okay, I won’t let anyone hurt you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you were attacked but now I’m here, and I won’t let history repeat itself”
It was true, you didn’t really know her when she was attacked. You were new in town and the weekend where it happened was the first time you visited your old home. Looking back, you still hate yourself for not visiting her back then even tough she told you not to feel guilty. But who wouldn’t feel guilty in moments like these?
“Hug please” was all the brunette in front of you whispered when she slowly came back into reality. You slowly moved next to her before gently extending your arms to pull her closer to you. “You’re alright. I’m so proud of you” you kept on whispering reassuring things into her ear and kissing her head until she calmed down.
“Come on sweetheart, let’s get you home” you pulled her up before wrapping an arm around her to shield her from what was happening around the two of you. The whole time you had her keep her eyes on you and listen to your voice as you kept talking about how proud you were and how she was okay. It didn’t take long for you to get home where she could finally relax.
You sat on the couch with some random ramen you found in the kitchen and a terrible movie. Your hand was on her thigh comfortingly stroking up and down. “I’m sorry” was the first thing she said in around an hour and half. You looked at her confused as your hand stopped stroking her thigh. “I wanted to do something relaxing for you today. You were so tired the last weeks but I ruined it because I can get over my stupid trauma” now that she explained you weren’t confused anymore, you were shocked.
“Tara, my love, you don’t have to be sorry for anything. You’ve come so far with your trauma, you should be proud of yourself. And you didn’t even ruin anything, I don’t care if we get dinner or eat some stupid ramen on the couch as long as I’m with you. When I’m with you I feel like I’m home, I can relax and be myself! That’s what I need after hard weeks, and that’s exactly what you gave me today. So do not say sorry for having trauma!” You explained laying you hand on her cheek, softly stroking it with your thumb. She nestled her face into your hand as you talked. “But I ruined the date nonetheless! You shouldn’t have to deal with all that when your weeks have been exhausting enough! I wanted to take care of you, not the other way around. It should’ve been romantic” she was angry with herself, she had it planned to the end and it was supposed to be romantic and cute, not psycho.
“Romantic? Fine” you got off the couch as you walked towards a cabinet pulling out a couple of candles and a lighter as you lit them all around the room before putting on some slow music. You went to kneel before her with you hands on her cheeks. “Like this? Is this what you wanted? But look, it didn’t change anything, everything is romantic as long as I’m with you. I get that you’re mad at yourself for not being able to always control your trauma but you’re working thru that trauma and that’s what important. And I think it’s rather romantic that I could help you thru that attack” Tara slightly laughed out through the tears that were streaming down her face. You carefully wiped them away with your thumbs as you stared at her lovingly.
“I love you y/n” you couldn’t help but smile as you leaned towards to press your lips to hers in a comforting and soft kiss which she reciprocated. “I love you too”
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