captaincrusher · 2 years
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plutonium-sky · 5 months
*gets insomnia* *attains a sudden bout of evil thoughts* *draws some sky oc lore stuff for friend, drops it and flees*
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this is literally RIGHT after Eden shatters. Anyways I'll let whoever wants to figure out which spirit I named Carol. Hint: It's a guide
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ghostplasmas · 1 year
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Artificer is so much fun I love her she's my favorite
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abacaxau · 3 months
Jinx tava numa oficina junto com Ekko, cada um fazendo suas coisas. Ela viu ele abrir um portal para ir para qualquer lugar do passado usando a nova invenção do tempo dele e quando foi olhar de perto, acabou tropeçando e jogando um objeto direto no portal, enviando ele para uma linha do tempo misteriosa. Esse objeto perdido é super importante para o Ekko, então ele diz que ela vai ter que ir com ele procurar porque é o justo. Jinx concorda, mais porque não tem nada melhor para fazer.
Eles passam muito tempo seguindo as pistas do paradeiro do objeto, até o ponto de se cansarem. Tanto tempo que, entre os dias que se arrastam, Jinx consegue matéria prima para fabricar algumas bombas para sair do tédio.
Jinx, então, acaba convencendo Ekko de que eles precisam aproveitar a oportunidade de uma festa! Depois vão procurar o objeto de novo, ele não está em um lugar de fácil acesso pelo o que eles sabem até o momento. Ekko concorda por que, de verdade? Ele é jovem. E precisa se distrair.
Aí eles se disfarçam e entram numa festa do passado. Estava tudo indo bem, até Ekko começar a flertar com umas garotas enquanto dança. O humor de Jinx vai amargando até ela ser muito rude com ele sem necessidade.
"Se eu não te conhecesse" ele inclina a cabeça enquanto saem da festa "diria que está com ciúme"
"HAH, era só o que me faltava. Isso NUNCA aconteceria"
"E porque não?"
"Não sou tão besta pra cair nos seus pés só por causa de uma umas palavras melosas idiotas. E também você não faz meu tipo nenhum pouquinho"
Ekko encara isso como um desafio porque parece que ela não quer admitir a verdade. Então ele investe num plano de flertar com ela até ela dizer que gosta dele. Mas aí Jinx percebe...
E termina optando pela diversão que vai ser ver ele tentando fazer ela se apaixonar. O que nunca vai acontecer, na mente dela.
Porém, quando eles estão dançando sozinhos enquanto cantam uma música conhecida, ela se deixa cair nos braços dele, se deixa esquecer a proximidade, e seus lábios se unem, o beijo encaixa, as coisas fluem tão fácil que parece que sempre foi assim... aí Jinx percebe.
Ela está apaixonada por ele.
É quando a diversão acaba. Ela empurra ele pra longe, Ekko fica super confuso e Jinx foge.
Jinx fica com muita MUITA raiva de si mesma porque ela não deveria se apaixonar por ele. Aí ela começa a explodir prédios e todas as construções que encontra pela frente. Porque é assim que ela lida com a frustração. Ela explode, destrói e derruba.
Então, no meio de todo o caos, acaba acontecendo o inevitável.
Jinx faz uma explosão maior e mais alta do que ela previu e alguns destroços acabam achando ela. Não dá tempo de correr.
Ela só consegue processar que a explosão que ela provocou vai matá-la.
A última coisa que sua mente registra é alguém gritando o nome dela. Depois, escuro.
A mão de Ekko vai como reflexo direto para a manivela do zdrive. Rebobinar. Retroceder. Retornar.
O tempo se molda nas suas mãos como se ele fosse o próprio criador dele.
Antes de Jinx ser esmagada por um pedaço da construção, Ekko avança rapidamente e a tira do alcance.
Jinx, que estava com o olhos bem fechados, escuta um barulho alto de algo grande caindo a alguns metros dela. Alguém está segurando ela. Jinx é abraçada por braços que a esmagam, menos do que o destroço faria, mas ainda assim.
"Você fugiu de mim para tentar se matar?" A voz dele está irritada "Se eu tivesse demorado um pouco mais, você já era. Você tem a mínima ideia de como foi perigoso? De como eu tive medo pra caralho agora? Não vou suportar ver uma porra dessa de novo, Jinx, eu não..."
Ekko está tremendo, Jinx escuta um soluço e engole em seco, se sentindo culpada.
Os dois eventualmente se levantam e Jinx vê um ferimento nas costas de Ekko. Ela o leva para uma casa vazia que eles invadem sem permissão, ela acha uma caixa de remédios e começa a tratar o ferimento dele que ela mesma provocou.
"Porque você foi embora?"
"Eu vou acabar machucando você... de novo." Jinx balança a cabeça, franzindo os lábios, carregando uma culpa e um medo que são maiores do que ela.
"Não queria machucar... eu só não queria..." Jinx odeia soar como Powder, até que seus pensamentos tomam outro rumo quando a mão de Ekko pousa ao lado de sua face. Seus olhos castanhos lhe transmitem todo o calor do mundo e ela os ama. Ele limpa as lágrimas dela com o polegar.
Ela se sente atraída pelo toque ao mesmo tempo que quer afastar ele para todo sempre, impedir que ele se machuque com seus espinhos e ganhe ainda mais machucados que vão sangrar e vão lembrar a ela de como sempre estraga, quebra e destrói tudo o que ama.
Ainda assim, Ekko se aproxima dos lábios dela. Ignorando todo o perigo que ela representa e é. Talvez ele seja um pouco louco como ela. Seu beijo é terno e amável, como chegar em casa depois de um dia longo. Ela relaxa sem perceber e se afasta o suficiente para dizer:
"Se começar isso, não vou parar tão cedo."
Ele sorri como se isso não fosse algo ruim. Muito pelo contrário. E os dois passam a melhor noite de suas vidas.
Ao amanhecer, Ekko procura por Jinx colocando o braço no lado em que ela deitou depois da sexta ou sétima sessão de sexo que tiveram. Ele sorri esperando encontrar o corpo quente pontilhado com as tatuagens azuis que conhece e saboreou ontem. Porém, não há nada além de lençóis.
Jinx sumiu.
E agora ele precisa achar logo ela e retornar para a sua linha do tempo do futuro antes que essa linha do tempo do passado fique ainda mais prejudicada.
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kaoharu · 5 months
ineed to like Not read into peoples words i think id be a lot happier if i did that
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abyssalblue · 1 year
I'm kinda upset today, not having the best morning, so have this sad little red critter
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lovinkiri · 1 year
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Wishing Blasty a happy birthday! 🖤🧡
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sunnybergamota · 2 years
Gnt nao da, toda vez q eu vejo mais alguma coisa sobre toda a historia do gay vs homem eu perco mais sanidade, não da eu to ficando louca. Os reacts dos reacts dos reacts, ela tentando se defender, velho eu to ficando maluca, coringando, locona.
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nullheaven · 7 days
Eu tenho uma ideia💡melhor cara... soca na buceta da tua filha 👧 no cu do teu filho 🧑 entendeu, estupra ele com isso😀 hahaha brincadeira 🤣 hehe... beleza irmão tamo junto🤝, uma brincadeirinha pra quebrar o clima né...😅 saparada aí. Bom almoço e bom sábado irmão 🥰
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eros-vigilante · 7 months
kanamafu are BOYFRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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awkwardexxodus · 1 year
meus mais queridos amigos do tumblr... eu serei honesta, temo estar Enlouquecendo
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 8 months
m'starting to get my groove back no emperor so here's a lil valentines day piece i wrote, hope yall enjoy ♡ ! ( a lil bit more love for the hopeless romantic singles like me, ppl in a relationship yall can get that from your s/o's..still love yall tho ♡)
fem reader, katsuki is a nervous lil thing, his friends don't help( they do end up helping him out tho), just pure fluffyness, bksquad boys are sassy towards each other but all in good fun, bkg is a softie, kirimina kinda hinted but eiji shuts it down take it how u wanna, food n takeout mentions,dude talk written by a girl trying her best, kirishima's sheets smell bad lemme know if i missed sum else ♡ !! (no friends to lovers mentioned in this one btw..starting to feel myself goin thru withdrawal already..), not rlly reader oriented like usual but i thought this was cute lol i like the idea of katsuki caring about us so much he goes out his way to ask for help from others (despite hating doing so)teehee (also i like the idea of these silly guys interacting and i like hc-ing them okay okay i'll stop rambling okay-)
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the last thing kirishima expected at 9.34 pm was someone basically busting down his door with how hard they were knocking on it.
eijirou opens the door urgently and is even more suprised to see his foul mouthed best friend on the other side of the door.
"woah, bakugou, man !" he exclaims seeing the state his friend was in. his eyes looked droopy and his clothes were wrinkled up like he had done a lot of moving around. usually, he would've assumed his friend had just awoken from a good nap, but his restless expression said otherwise. "what happened to you ? you look—"
" 'm fine." bakugou gruffs hoarsely, taking a deep breath at his friends widened eyes, softening up his demeanor just slightly " i'm good," he rephrased "just—you gonna let me in or what ?"
eijirou sputters out an "of course, of course" only for his friend let himself in before he could even move aside. though he immediately freezes when he sees-
"woah, kacchan's gone nutso ! " denki exclaims, face turning red from laying upside down on kirishima's bean bag for way too long.
"and he's up past 8 ? must be the apocalypse or somethin' " sero chuckles from his place on the floor near the dresser.
bakugou groans has he flops onto eijirou’s bed "of course you losers are here" his complaint is muffled against the pillows, but not muffled enough to where the rest of the boys can't hear.
"hey ! we were here before you ! 'f anythin', you're the one intruding—!" denki gulps, eyebrows furrowed. he quickly spins around to lay right when he feels the blood rushing to his head, taking a deep breath afterwards. sero chuckles and bakugou deadpans at kaminari for a good fourty seconds before slamming his head back down and groans even louder.
kirishima decides he's at a safe enough distance to sit down on his own bed, without making any sudden moves so as not to anger the beast that is an angry, sleepy bakugou. he places a hand near his friends leg, where he deems he's at safe to ask "what's up man ? you're usually in bed by this time.." he hears sero make a noise in agreement.
"yeah, or he's havin' kissy-kissy time with his giiiirrrlffrrieeeend.." kaminari sings, kicking his feet in the air jokingly. bakugou, to everyones suprise, flinches at the mention of you, then slams his head against kirishima's pillow harder and groaning even louder.
all three friends share a curious-somewhat worried look. kirishima nudges his head in bakugou's direction, silently begging his friends to say something. said friends adamantly shake their heads, as if synchronized, making a cross motion with their arms. kirishima sighs to himself, some friends.
yet again, he is the first one to speak up " did..did something happen between you two, didja fight or something ?" he asks carefully, his entire body is strained and the air in the room is so heavy, everybody present ready to get a big portion of the great lord explodo-bomberkill's anger.
only to be met with bakugou turning around to lay on his back eyebrows strained slightly and eyes absent, thinking about something they don't know "what ? course we didn't fuckin fight, idiot." he answers simply.
the three friends all let out an obnoxious sigh of relief, to katsuki's slight confusion.
"hoo, okay." kirishima answered relieved. he knows you and bakugou don't fight very much (which he thinks is super manly) but he knows that when it happens bakugou get's extremely—EXTREMELY—irritable, so it's best to stay away from him while he has his heart broken for a little bit, unless he reaches out by himself, but that only happens when he feels really bad and came to ask for advice on how to get his boyfriend priviledges back. "soo.." eijirou sings "what happened then ?"
bakugou's face hardens and the group stiffens again, preparing for a latent explosion--perhaps the volcano was still dormant and was about to be set off. the three boys hold their breaths.
bakugou takes a deep breath, a sour expression on his face.
bakugou huffs out a sigh.
he opens his mouth to speak and—his cheeks are turning pink ?
"valentine's day's after tomorrow and i don't know what the fuck to get her."
the three boys slump over and kaminari does so so hard his face bangs against the floor. kirishima feels like he's in a sitcom or some gag anime.
" that's it ?" sero chuckles to himself "what ? you're worried for valentine's day ?" sero mocks, gladly taking the opportunity to mess with the blond "that shit's easy man." he cackles, leaning against the dresser more comfortably.
"yeah dude, all you gotta do is get her some chocolates and like—a teddy bear or somethin' girls love that typa stuff !" kaminari piped up, having lifted his head up from the floor. sero nods and bakugou lifts himself up to scoff at them. it feels like it comes from the deepest depth of his very being and kirishima feels a little hurt, despite not being the target of the attack.
"this is why you losers don't have girlfriends yourselves, so i don't wanna hear anythin' from you." kaminari chokes out an "ouch, dude !" " sides, i'm not just gonna settle for that boring ass shit for my girl. no chance in hell." bakugou concludes gruffly.
"yeah, yeah we get it you're the perfect boyfriend" sero quips bitterly, rolling his eyes. " why'd you come here to ask us if, according to you, we get none ?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.
"i came here for shitty hair, not you bastards." the blond spits, rolling his eyes as well before turning to kirishima, who jumps a little at his friends slightly desperate eyes on him.
"woah, i don't have—what makes you think i would be any help ?" the redhead splutters, waving his hands around.
"don't you have something goin' on with alien chick ?"
"what ?! no dude, we're just friends !"
at that, bakugou's eyes widen the slightest bit before he groans for what feels like the 5Oth time tonight, and flops back onto the bed dramatically, turning his head away from his friend " your fuckin' useless too, then." his friend grumbles angrily.
"hey !" kirishima exclaims "mean ! i help you with your girlfriend troubles all the time without having one !"
bakugou turns to face his friend again with narrowed eyes, before exhaling a frustrated sigh and lifting himself up again, eyebrows furrowed. "your sheets smell like ass by the way." he chides, nose scrunched slightly.
"h-hey !" kirishima reiterates " i was gonna wash 'em !"
bakugou gives him an incredulous look, before shaking his head, sighing.
"well look, how about you just get her something you know she likes, isn't that good enough ?" sero offers, shrugging to himself.
"ou ! i saw a guy on tiktok ask his girlfriend out with wingstop, you could like-" kaminari, despite getting lightheaded before has apparently not learned his lesson as he flips around on his back again "—ask her to be your valentines with some fast food chain she likes, and those cute pink heart balloons they sell at the mall, y'know !"
the boys all hum at kaminari's suprisingly helpful idea. kirishima doesn't wanna say it out loud but he really hadn't expected such a cute idea from his electric friend.
"y'know, i was gonna say you were just hungry with the wingstop thing, but that's actually not a bad idea kaminari." sero hums absentmindedly with an impressed expression on his face. kirishima sweatdrops at his lack of tact but isn't really suprised.
"fuck you, man ! you guys never trust me with this stuff." kaminari whines mostly to himself. "yer track record isn't really the best when it comes to scoring girls, is it ?" sero retorts.
kirishima shakes his head seeing his friends start to bicker. he decides to ignore them and turn to his spiky haired friend, who seems deep in thought "well, what about it ? that sound like a good idea ?" he asks.
"s'not half bad.." his friend mutters in response " it's a good start, i guess."i if he notices how kaminari presses a hand to his chest with a heartfelt look on his face, he doesn't comment on it.
"oh, maybe try the take-out and a movie, i'm assuming you're not trynna have a whole celebration, yeah ?" bakugou grunts in response, his nose scrunches as he cringes thinking about the idea. he shakes his head "no, want it to be..about just the two of us, y'know ?" he utters honestly, in a way that sounds way too out of character from him.
a symphony of awwwss resonates around the room and katsuki feels his cheeks heat up hard as he harshly tells his friends to shut up.
" but seriously i'm curious, you guys are already together right ? why would you need to ask her to be your valentine anyway—shouldn’t that be a given ? " sero wonders.
"i don’t fuckin know, my old hag says it’s about the principal or some shit like that." bakugou sighs, flopping back onto the bed and throwing an arm up over his eyes, it seemed like being up so late was affecting him.
"no way dude, you called your mom ?" kaminari asks, jaw practically reaching the floor (or the ceiling..?) in shock. bakugou flushes and splutters as he hears his friends reaction to this apparently shocking news.
“shut up.” he growls “she says it’s important to show i care.. my old man does it an' they're still together right now so he must be doin' something right.
"woah man.." kirishima uttered in awe " you're goin so far to make your girlfriend happy.." he clenches his fist "s-so manly !" bakugou simply grumbles to himself in response.
"honestly..i didn't expect that from you..like at all."
"fuck off !"
"like genuinely, at all. or maybe like, 0.00003 percent cha-"
" i'll fuckin' kill you tape arms !" bakugou barked, small sparks shooting out of his palms as he kneeled at the foot of kirishima's bed in pursuit of the black haired boy. kirishima swiftly swoops in and grabs his friends arm, quickly putting his finger over his mouth
"shhhh, man !" kirishima shushes. " if we're loud, class rep's gonna hear us !" he hisses.
"or worse, mr. aizawa..." kaminari whimpered.
all four boys share a shiver.
afterwards, bakugou sighs, acting as if him almost literally blowing up at his friend a minute ago hadn't happened and gets up to sit on the side of the bed.
"well whatever, i'm satisfied." he says, a little yawn leaving him "my folks gave me some ideas so i'll use those too." his eyes zip around the room and back to the floor, then he closes his eyes and speaks so quietly kirishima barely catches it
"you guys' idea isn't horrible either so i'll keep it in mind..thanks." he utters a quick " 'r whatever." before suddenly getting up and practically sprinting to the door.
it's quiet in the room as everyone sits stunned and kirishima is the first to speak again "o-oh yeah, no problem man, anytime !" he beamed, though still slightly shocked.
"yeah, no problem..!" kaminari can't seemed to decide if he wants to smile or be stunned. his mouth stuck in an awkward half-smile-half- '°O°-' face.
" course." sero raises a thumbs up and a small smile.
bakugou grunts to himself, graces his friends with a simple "night." then pulling the door open quietly, looking around the hallway quickly before swiftly creeping out the room, closing the door behind him. the boys quickly reciprocate the goodnight quietly before he can fully close it. he stutters at the door for a second longer and kirishima knows he heard them then, so he's satisfied.
it's quiet in the room for about 5 seconds after bakugou's left.
"dude, for some reason that made me feel all warm inside..is that just me ?" kaminari hummed, pressing a hand to his chest.
"nope, me too" sero admits, sighing to himself.
"yeah, same here" kirishima says as well, smiling to himself " he really cares about yn, huh ?"
"i can give him that, yeah" sero stretches, getting up so he can jump onto kirishima's bed.
"dude" he lifts his head up "your sheets do smell like ass." sero snickers.
afterwards valentines day comes around. the boys don't have valentines of their own but when they see you and katsuki hand in hand, with you holding onto those cute pink heart balloons from the mall, wearing a sweater a little too big for you and a valentines day gift bag in your one hand, with bakugou holding onto a bag of take-out and offering them a single side glance and a nod with a half smirk on his lips, they feel extremely proud of themselves. bakugou reminds himself to tell his friends he owes them one.
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endthisdream · 9 months
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Mr. Explodo and the Unanswered Confession
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palavreado · 10 months
sou intenso ao chorar, sou intenso ao sorrir. barulhento sem emitir ruídos, quieto quando se é necessário soltar palavras. turbulento em tempos de paz e, às vezes, calmo enquanto o caos domina os arredores. sou o seu completo oposto, pois não é tudo que me convém. tem dias que eu explodo depois das variações intensas de humor e, em outros, apenas quero conter tudo ao máximo e guardar essa enxurrada de sentimentos num espaço vazio qualquer dentro do meu ser.
— cartasnoabismo
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xsaiya · 11 months
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"Just like THAT." <3
-tags: 18+ MDNI, needy! toji, gn! reader, pet names (slut, mamas, princess, etc.), fingering, big dick toji :3, over-stimulation, titty-play, pussy eating bc yes, dick sucking bc yes, pussy slaps, HEAVY cumming (reader's doing), slight-choking, +more filth, (pls lmk if i miss anything)
-future work: (uppermoon hc's + muzan) (kny) (sfw and nsfw)
-plot: no plot tbh. todays my birthday though :0
-quick notice! : i js wanna note i write for multiple fandoms (ex: kny, bnha, jjk, etc+)
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toji is KNOWN for not being gentle in bed, but when he met you, istg he would be so gentle towards you bc he saw you as a piece of shattering glass, but sometimes, just sometimes, he'll be rough with you, and tonight is one of those nights.
toji had came home from work and saw you cooking dinner, you greeted him with a quick 'hello love!' and a beautiful smile, just your face though made him hard. he went behind you, turned off the stove and carried you to the bed, smothering you in neck kisses, his hands roamed all over your body.
and so he could get a better view of your body, he took ALL of your clothes off, revealing your naked body, but he had to give those titties some love before he goes down to ruin your pussy, so he started to pepper some kisses and sucks along your tits, he eventually started to suck and nibble on your nipples, making you whimper.
"M-mmh! S-so goood!" you managed to moan and whimper that out, but after a few minutes, he stopped, which made you complain, but toji had another idea. "hey, since you made me hard, why not suck my dick, hm?" he said while unzipping his pants, taking off his boxers and unleashing that humongous monster shaft of his, "b-but baby, i won't be able to do so-" that was until toji shoved his dick into your mouth, so you kinda had to suck him off, so you did. he let out some occasional whimpers and groans there and there. "mmm, mamas- i'm cumming!" he gripped your hair as he finishes in your mouth, you swallowing it all.
"thanks love, but now I think your beautiful pussy deserves some sucking." after he had said that, he spread your legs wide open before diving his face into your pussy, that's when he started to eat you out, tongue lapping around your pussy, his teeth nibbling on the sweet flesh. a couple of minutes later, maybe around 5-8 mins, you cummed straight into his mouth, he licked off the extra on his lips before he cleaned off his face, then dived his index & middle finger into your sweet drenching hole. you let out a series of moans and moans until you were practically begging for his dick inside of you. "p-please toji! i neeeed your big dick inside a' me, i don't give two fuuckss about your fingers, just dive your dick in, please!"
thats what makes him remove his fingers from your pussy before he flipped you over on your stomach and slamming his humongous shaft into you, you let out a series of 'uhhuhhh's, a-ahhh's!, f-fuck's!' before you were practically screaming it was too much for you. "t-too much a-ahhhh! i-i'm gonna c-cummmm~!" then thats when you cummed, your cum started to even leak out of your pussy and onto your knees about. a couple of minutes later, he cummed hard inside a' you, then he put back his clothes on and continued to make dinner so you didn't have to get up.
but why the fuck did he walk out of the bedroom like it was nothing...
if u can't tell, i love writing fluff.
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lazybakerart · 6 months
every day wilson will monologue to house in-between plague patients with explodo-brains about the ebb and flow of what it means to be human and then go home and pretend he's heterosexual.
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