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sunnybergamota · 3 months ago
mr. acula, who is working on his PhD,
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sunnybergamota · 4 months ago
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sunnybergamota · 5 months ago
Old habits die hard i guess
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sunnybergamota · 5 months ago
Honestly, if you see an angel that’s all eyes and wings and wheels of fire, you should be worried. Like, not because it’s going to hurt you or anything, but because scripturally, angels invariably appear to ordinary people in human form. In general, they only show their inhuman true forms to prophets – which means if you’re seeing them like that, they come bearing responsibility.
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sunnybergamota · 5 months ago
Fuji?! MeLoNiE? BANANTHONY?! I would cherish them with my whole and entire heart.
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sunnybergamota · 5 months ago
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the verticals vs the horizontals is tomorrow
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sunnybergamota · 5 months ago
types of nap, ranked by me (an experienced napper)
the siesta: the oldest and most reliable form of nap! you go to sleep around noon. you wake up an hour or two later feeling well-rested and prepared to face the rest of the day. this is the pinnacle of nap perfection. 10/10
the businessman’s nap: you have a limited amount of time on your hands, so you schedule a nap into your packed timetable and set an alarm. you spend half the duration of the nap worrying that you’re wasting valuable nap time by lying awake, and the other half sunk into a torpor so deep that when your alarm rings, it takes you a good few minutes to remember your own name. once you’ve splashed some cold water on your face you feel much better. 7/10
EW STICKY: you were cold at first, so you piled on the blankets and wriggled into your favourite comfy sweater. this was nice. now you are awake and trapped in a horrible sweaty gordian knot of your own devising. this is not nice. when you peel off the sweater you find to your horror that you have left an actual damp patch behind on the bed, like some sort of giant dead fish that can’t stop leaking its gross fish juice everywhere. 5/10 it was at least cosy to start with
the interrupted nap: someone barges into your room and starts talking to you. “wtsfhggl?” you enquire. they give you a judgemental look, and ask why you are sleeping in the middle of the day. “ghhfshsxkls,” you reply, graciously. they tell you to get up. you get up. the rest of the day feels like an extension of whatever dream you are having before you were disturbed. you boil with quiet resentment and shame. 4/10
the unsuccessful nap: you are tired. you want to take a nap. you lie down. you wait. you wait. time moves sluggishly forwards. you wait. your brain feels like a cup of mushy porridge but your eyes refuse to close. the noise of your fan is infuriating. you wait. eventually, you are forced to accept that this nap is simply not going to happen, and you have wasted 45 minutes doing absolutely nothing. god fucking dammit. 2/10
the handy-dandy fast-forward button: you really just want this day to be over as soon as possible, and the best way you can think of to do that is to take a nap. you only meant to sleep for an hour, but when you wake up it is already evening. the day is over. you glean no satisfaction from this. you kill time until you feel justified in going back to bed again, and spend the rest of the night tossing and turning, unable to sink back into the blissful stupor from which you so recently emerged. 0/10
The Unpleasantness: when you fall asleep, it is dark. when you awaken, it is light. this is the natural order of sleep, but perverted into a form that is frightening and wrong. you feel deeply unsettled and do not know why. are you sick? what does time mean? what does anything mean? maximum despair. -1000/10.
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sunnybergamota · 5 months ago
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i wish i could look at this… and feel Normal™️
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sunnybergamota · 5 months ago
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sunnybergamota · 6 months ago
It would be really cool if I could stop randomly feeling insanely depressed out of nowhere
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sunnybergamota · 6 months ago
they should invent blankets that make you feel warm (good) but don't make you feel warm (bad)
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sunnybergamota · 6 months ago
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sunnybergamota · 6 months ago
They should really put warnings on plants that are toxic/deadly to animals like it’s pretty insidious that there are plants that could potentially kill your dog being marketed as convenient low effort plants for beginners that have no knowledge I don’t think it would even occur to the average traitor joes shopper that they’d need to even look it up for safety reasons
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sunnybergamota · 6 months ago
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sunnybergamota · 7 months ago
I am Ahmed, 31 years old, with my wife Asmaa and our children: Mohammed (9 years old), Kareem (6 years old), Namer (4 years old), and Sahad (1.5 years old). We have faced many challenges in this war, starting from the destruction of our home to the famine we continue to endure in northern Gaza.
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My son Mohammed suffers from motor and
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hearing disabilities, among other health
issues. I used to have a workshop for windows, kitchens, and all aluminum work, but due to the war, my livelihood was completely destroyed, and I can no longer meet our basic needs.
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This is our home that was destroyed in this terrible war.
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My goal is to leave Gaza to save my family's lives. The cost of travel is $5000 per adult and $2500 per child, plus travel and accommodation expenses.
Together, we can support Ahmed and his family during this ordeal. Your donation, regardless of its size, can make a difference in the lives of these children who need a fresh start.
If you're looking to support Ahmed and his family, please consider providing assistance directly or through relevant charitable organizations.
I hope everyone is safe
Ahmed Alanqar
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sunnybergamota · 7 months ago
help safaa and abed's family 🖤
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follow @safaabed8 and @abedalazeiz verified by 90-ghost note: safaa + her family has had to make multiple accounts- they have all either been suppressed/terminated (this is also why the verification/reblogs from ibtisams/heba-20 no longer have working links)
dear moots/lovely lurkers,
i am not sure how to start this- what iteration of words will move a kind stranger to action or convince another that this passage is worth the five minutes it'll take to read it
would you be inclined to learn just how a body shuts down after being malnourished for so long? or what lengths families must go to in order to survive? perhaps a retelling of the rising temperatures-- how everything from the contaminated water they drink to the dirty pillows they lay on is hot will be enough
do you need me to lay it out so plainly that your stomachs churn and your eyes well up with tears? are you waiting to feel that pang inside your chest- the one that screams "enough is enough." do you look at safaa's beautiful family and think they deserve more?
would you still feel that way even if i told you nothing at all?
safaa's family has managed to raise just short of 50% of their goal (€24,809 / €50,000)- campaigns require a sustained, collective effort for them to be successful. more importantly, the onus is on the rest of us to uplift stories the world will do anything to suppress. please don't leave them unheard-- donate if you can, share so others may help as well
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Our Liberation Is Bound Together Jehlen Herdman
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sunnybergamota · 7 months ago
if you want to or have a reason you use one instead of the other add it. I know it is most commonly used in the military and at hospitals (and I think some countries just use the 24 hour clock)
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