#Excessive reblogging
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vahalia-cress · 10 hours ago
RP/Community Etiquette Notes: For Beginners
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Something I noticed over the years on this platform, as some people will use other people’s inspiration, time sourcing and finding things that correlate with their own characters (speaking of RP blogs specifically) and reblog when the mood strikes, and then there are some out there that will reblog waves and waves of your content treating the content and your archive like a personal storage, pool and receptacle for endless content for their own RP blogs.
I cannot stress enough how demoralizing this may be for some people who experience this, myself included, where other RPers in a community or overlapping communities will mass-reblog your stuff with zero interaction. 
I also want to preface that if you reblog a few times here and there from one person or a mutual RP blog, that this post doesn’t pertain to you – unless of course you are someone who is experiencing someone else reblogging consistently everything you post for your own OC to where you feel like they’re starting to lose their identity and what makes them an original character.
The reason that this becomes a point of contention for some RPers is that it feels like, over time (and the more it is done in excess), people feel like bites of their character and what unique bits are made up of them are being chewed off consistently.
If it has ever crossed your mind that “Maybe I reblog too much from this person too often,” you may be right, especially if the other person is also another RP blog. If you’ve ever had to ask yourself that question, then perhaps this post pertains to you.
Reblogging, in general, on socials such as Tumblr (X, TikTok, FB, etc.) is just part of the social ecosystem. Social platforms are supposed to encourage the sharing of information and ideas. But as RPers, we need to realize how far is too far and at what point are we just chomping off parts of other people’s characters for our own benefit. How much is too much? How does the person on the other side of the screen feel about it?
I can tell you that nine times out of ten, they notice, which is why several RP blogs out there will suggest reblogging from the source.
It’s totally fine to feel inspired and reblog posts you enjoy, but we also have to be cognizant of the extent to which we’re doing this to one another. A few here and there, once in a blue moon, when the mood strikes is harmless – but if you’re reblogging from someone who posts 4 times a day (as an example) and you’re reblogging each of those posts or reblogging from them every time they post something, it might be time to step back and consider if maybe this post pertains to you and how do you go about your interactions.
Don’t @ other people on someone else's RP posts if someone else is already @’ed or if it pertains to a ship. The best way to go about this is to just reblog from the source or from a source that doesn’t have the @’s in there. Don't remove their @’s.
If someone posts a piece of artwork of their character, don’t reblog it with tags claiming it's your character or any sort of relation to it. The artwork was made for them, not you.
Specifically speaking of the FF14 community and GPOSE posts: It’s not okay to have full conversations in someone’s comments about wanting to ‘recreate’ what they posted. It’s best to leave a kind comment, like the post, and quietly do your own recreation. Give credit where credit is due. DMing people and asking them privately if they would mind doing a similar shot for their own character is the kind and mature thing to do. I’ve had many people come to me and do/ask this specifically of me, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for them for:
-Taking my feelings into consideration enough to DM me directly and ask. -Acknowledging the fact that they’ve been inspired and we can have a discussion about it. -I’m not being excluded from the narrative as the creator of the idea. -My posts aren’t being eaten alive by vultures, and the joy of the shots being entirely overshadowed by “I’m so gonna recreate this for my own OC/WoL when I get home.”
A few takeaways from this post:
-Inspiration =/= Outright copying. They’re two different definitions. Inspiration is taking elements of something and recreating something else, using the source as a starting point. Copying is just replicating without any creative modification. -Find other methods of finding your own type of content, be it from the sources of posts (OP posts) and other platforms such as Pinterest etc. -Master your own Impulses. -Consider other RPers on the other side of the screen who put a lot of time and dedication into building aesthetics for their characters. -Interaction is important. -Communication and utilizing DM features are also very important. -Other people’s artwork of their characters or commissions is not for your personal use. -Paving your own way is far more rewarding. -RP blogs of other OCs and aesthetics aren’t posted for the consumption of other people like they’re simply in a grocery store plucking things off the shelf that they enjoy. RP blogs are designed for aesthetics, stories, questions, and more for THEIR I characters. Not yours. Please be mindful of that and practice restraint and independence in finding your own content and practicing proper reblog etiquette with your RP peers.
Just a few things I’ve encountered during my time here on Tumblr within the FF14 community. I’ve also been a part of other MMO RP communities here on Tumblr as far back as 2010, and I thought I would share a few things I’ve noticed in hopes of helping educate the newcomers here on the platform.
I too, in the past and when I first began here, have likely been guilty of doing a few of these things. I think is important for the beginners here to be aware of and to have open discussions about as peers on a platform we all enjoy and through a hobby we all appreciate – especially since I don’t see this topic brought up enough as casual and kind PSAs.
Please keep in mind that this post is just how I feel on the topic(s) when those experiences find my doorstep and is not meant to incite discourse, negativity, or hate in any way nor is it directed at certain individuals and is only presented in a general sense. I wanted to impart a teeny-tiny bit of wisdom to beginners here on this platform, and I implore others to reblog and add to this should they have other points and ideas to share. 
Stay mindful. Stay kind to one another.
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cookieshapedrat · 4 months ago
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Painting pumpkins :)
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babsaros · 7 months ago
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dear season
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becquerel · 8 months ago
how do i stop seeing a post reblogged by someone 25 times in a row. please i get it i understand once im tired of my dash being taken up by this
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deconstructthesoup · 7 months ago
So, there’s this really weird thing that my cat does where he will sniff your mouth, and then proceed to stick his entire head INTO your mouth if you let him
And, for some reason (lie, we all know the reason), I’ve begun thinking that that’s incredibly in-character for the Cat King to do—in cat form, of course
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pain-is-my-game · 1 year ago
Sometimes I sit and think about how nobody will ever show me affection in the same way I show it to others and I wonder why I'm even going out of my way to do this all in the first place.
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jakeperalta · 4 months ago
Any blog recs of Taylor fans who aren’t obsessed with tr*vis?? I need more people to follow but it seems everyone I come across is madly into him
this is a very small selection because i am so bad at remembering specific blogs but these are a few of my faves that i think tend to focus on taylor without the dating life: @thenighttrain @thegreatimpersonator @reputayswift @1989worldtour @antoniosvivaldi @finnickodaiir 💖
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just-a-blog-for-polls · 8 months ago
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a-dash-in-the-middle · 9 months ago
tagging some moots cuz i need help im sorry for the annoyance and thank you: @evenaturtleduck @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @staliaqueen @theone @baezdylan @humanmessofaperson @camcorderrevival
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faunandfloraas · 11 months ago
Aren't you supposed to bias seungmin? so why do you make gifs of other members
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me if it was illegal to make gifs of other members ^^
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 years ago
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I saw this useful Infograph about the signs of sensory overload from neurodivergent_insights on Facebook that I wanted to share.
Signs of Sensory Overload
Feeling a wave of fatigue over you
Feeling wound up and stimming
Restlessness and discomfort
Extreme irritability
A sense of panic or desire to escape
Urge to block incoming sensory signals (cover eyes or ears)
I’ll leave the post below so you can check it out if you’d like. I hope many of you find this helpful and informative.
Sensory Overload
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year ago
baking today will post results. im making cookies because im a beginner
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thousandstories · 2 months ago
Hi, I hope youve been well 💕💕 I hope life isn't still imploding for you! what happened to little nathaniel is one of my favorite fics and I hope you know how appreciated it is!! I rly rly hope this doesn't seems pushy or anything, i know authors hate when people ask about updates. But I was just wondering if you had any idea of when the next chapter will be out? I am willing to wait for years lol. I hope you're having a great new year!! 💕
anon i am so sorry it took me a couple (read: four) days to answer this, you're so sweet thank you SO much. i'm so glad you like the fic! life continues to implode unfortunately (i should have believed people when they said the second year of uni is miles worse than the first. (but also yay the joys of education! and debt!)).
i do have 4,000-ish words of the next chapter edited & finalised (and we are not even a third of the way through the chapter outline so that's probably going to increase significantly). i honestly have no definitive idea when the next chapter will be up other than that it will definitely be no more than a month at the very most so yay.
but i can offer a snippet instead:
Neil seems content to wait him out, eyebrow raised. That scar by his bottom lip is as infuriating as ever. “I don’t care about any of it,” Andrew finally answers.  “I don’t believe you,” Neil says, and that faux-cheerful edge to his voice is gone. Those blue eyes are keen and bright, even in the dimmed fluorescent lights of this god-awful bar. His mouth is a thin line, tugged downwards slightly by the intensity of his concentration. All of this focus on Andrew. Why? “I hate you,” Andrew says, as his gut twists and his blood curdles. The thrumming in his veins is similar enough to bottomless rage that it cannot be anything but.
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royalight · 1 year ago
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Change   is   never   easy,   until   peace   returns,   is   it   not   our   responsibility   to   be   the   light   of   hope   for   the   people?
This is an Rp blog for PRINCESS SARAH from Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. Written by Fauna.
(heavily hc based and extremely crossover friendly! please give this a like or preferably a reblog if you'd be interested in interacting!)
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tar-mairons · 1 day ago
don't even worry about how old the posts in my queue are. don't worry about it.
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iknaenmal · 1 year ago
why do you spam rb stuff
its fun
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