#Exam Security
townpostin · 3 months
CBI Investigation into NEET-UG 2024 Paper Leak Expands to Jamshedpur
New Findings Link Jamshedpur to the Ongoing NEET Paper Leak Scandal The ongoing CBI investigation into the NEET-UG 2024 paper leak has revealed connections to Jamshedpur, with new findings emerging daily. JAMSHEDPUR – The CBI’s probe into the NEET-UG 2024 paper leak has expanded to Jamshedpur, with investigators uncovering potential links to the city’s involvement in the scandal. For the past…
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
Janeway doesn't need a therapist when she gets back to the alpha quadrant she just needs Tuvok to tell her [in detail] the psychological observations he's made about her over the past 11 years and she can go from there <- Untrue but much more likely for her to agree to
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lostlibrariangirl · 6 months
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April 9, 2024
100/366 Days of Growth
My "wake every working days at 3 am" had a break today as I got sick. My throat is in pain, it was a rough night 🥹
I might be more concerned than I thought with ISC2 CC Exam... Only 15 days left, so I believe my body is manifesting my internal fears.
To pass this exam will be important for my self confidence with Cybersecurity, I have so many dreams, and so many goals... I am trying my best here, I gave myself some deadlines, this exam is one of them.
Well, life goes on! Great week for us all ❤️❤️❤️
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lcrnbw-art · 1 year
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solars your lunacy
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ray935sworld · 20 days
"Besides, he's too old for you"
"Negative, I love older men" AND THEN FUCKING PEDRO ACOSTA???
How old are you or what the fuck do you consider older men???
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hella1975 · 7 months
a post about fic updates! so the fics im currently juggling are dog teeth, tams, and of course, taob. my original plan was to start posting the second installment of the dog teeth series by sometime in april, bc it's the fic im most into atm and i already have the first chapter done, i just want to bank another one or two because once i start posting it i want to KEEP posting it with regular updates, hopefully every 2 weeks like with kaiein. HOWEVER this will put my atla fics on a back burner. april is a good writing time for me (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) bc i have the entire month off from uni to prep for may exam season, and i always want to write when im procrastinating my degree. which is. it's own thing im sure i'll graduate it's fine i'm fine. so if i focus on dog teeth, neither tams nor taob will get focus until like. june. which is par for the course with taob but im NOT happy about doing with tams.
SO my thought process was i can either be normal about this and just accept it's literally my final year at uni and im trying to graduate and it doesn't matter if updates are slow on ANY fics, or i can do my usual and implement an insane deadline that i somehow always make by the skin of my teeth. can you guess what i went with?
and thus i present unto the crowd my tentative plan: have the next taob chapter done by middle of april (im aware this is quite hand-wavey but it gives me a month to work with, so in my head this means anything between april 10th-20th), have the next tams chapter done by the end of april, and dog teeth can follow.
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lazywolf177117 · 6 months
Have this thing I made for a TikTok comment while I go through exam week, because I am unable to do any art rn :')
The text is in Spanish and I can't change that right now so I hope the audio is enough 😩
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musubiki · 2 months
Been thinking about Marshall and Lime, and im not sure if perhaps you havent already mentioned it:
Does being a white or black canvas doesnt make them part of a magic community by default/at birth?? (Putting aside the special force smth of m34, and any witches and guilds and etc.)
thats a good question!!! its a bit of a gray area (ba dum ts 🥁), in my head i always considered "being a member of the magic community" as having something that makes you like. not a normal human. like having some kind of magic or being a spirit/monster/cryptid/etc!!
for black and white canvases, theres nothing inherently special about them besides the level of their magic resistance..,,everyone has some level of resistance, they are just the most extreme levels, but i dont think having it is considered any kind of special magic power or sets you too far apart from other humans!!
for a black canvas its being a part of a guild/the m-34th is what makes you part of the magic community!! the m-34th has nothing inherently magic but since they involve themselves so much in police-ing the magic community they are by and large considered a part of it
for a white canvas its actually incredibly hard to get involved with the magic community i feel... mostly for this reason: a lot of the community hides behind some kind of masking spell-- witches use the mob spell, the merchant uses...something, sulluvan only appears to those who he wants to, but all of it has its roots in "using magic to conceal yourself from the world," and the less resistance you have the less you're able to break from that!! essentially, a white canvas is the most magic-gullible type LOL!! contrast this to a black canvas where you couldnt use a masking spell around them if you tried your best, theyd see right through it
im actually not sure how marshall even ends up being part of the m-34th and gets involved anyway...his pipeline into the magic community must have been someone directly pulling him in and getting him straight to the m-34th because theres no way he couldve gotten in organically the way lime did, he would just be going about his merry way...
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miketroplex · 2 months
Ludwig Klein
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It was once again time for a yearly visit from one of Ludwig's favorite long-running projects. Usually he spent the time leading up to appointments back in his research lab and waited for someone to press the call button the front desk, but this was a rare time he decided to actually use the desk. He was considering the logistics of hiring a secretary instead of doing everything himself when the whzz of the automatic entry door opening caught his attention. “Yeager, my boy, good to see you. How are you zhis afternoon?” He stood and approached Yag, arm reaching out for a handshake.
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velsyd07 · 2 years
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“oh? lookes like we have company~” 
i can finally rest now snrrkkk mimiiimimi snnnkrkkkk mimiimmi
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wherela · 8 months
I have gotten my hopes up that I will be getting engaged on Saturday, and I know that if it doesn't happen (it probably won't!) I'll be so so disappointed. But it's either this Saturday, or like.in a month.
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wiki-howell · 5 months
guess who managed to mention dnp in his a level media exam 🔥🔥
#okay it was relevant i promise#basically okay the question was about to what extent is it vital for media products to identify and address a target audience to be#successful and we study 2 radio products#one is newsbeat which is by the bbc it's like a news radio show that's meant to target age 15-29#but the average listener is 30#so . it is Not effectively targeting its audience#it gives . how do you do fellow kids#like it tries really really hard to appeal to young adults/teenagers but it's . painful to listen to sometimes#the bbc have been trying to target this age bracket coz it's the one they don't have a secure audience in#I SAID that they used to have a slightly bigger younger audience in the early 2010s#bcos they had the dan and phil show on radio 1 which was very popular and attracted their mainly teenage/young adult presold audience#they used the popularity of the internet to their advantage by having dnp run a show#but now they've lost a lot of their younger audience To social media platforms#as now what are called digital natives in media (people who have grown up with the internet/don't really remember a time before it)#for the most part prefer to get their news off social media rather than radio#a lot of this is general i know not Every young person Hates radio#but in general it's losing popularity esp amongst younger target audiences#media 🔥🔥🔥🔥#that was only like . a mention in one paragraph tho#coz unfortunately we don't study dnps radio show we study Newsbeat 😔#anyway the exam was overall good for the most part#yay :3#joeyposting
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skeelly · 9 months
sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night and think
oink oink
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infosectrain03 · 2 months
The relentless evolution of cyber threats necessitates a highly skilled workforce to safeguard our digital landscape. Earning the esteemed Security+ certification validates a foundational understanding of cybersecurity best practices, positioning you as a crucial asset in the defense against cyberattacks.
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sweetgrimm · 1 year
The Attendant and the Cowpoke Chapter 5: Fix It ~2500 words
Something's wrong with the attendant and he recruits you to help
This chapter kind of got away from me but whatever. You get to perform brain repairs on the attendant and you're stressed about it.
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