#Event: Titans war
Titan's War - Elessar
#1 C O R E ― August 4th
Elessar had turned his head to look at a wall as glasses began to shiver and clink against each other. It was only the briefest of moments, enough for Elessar to frown and think of an Earthquake. When the sound of an ungodly explosion erupts through the front door. Car sirens and screams emerge from the lessening rumble as Elessar hit the panic button that dropped the metal shutters. Accident or attack he knew that it would be expected for everyone to help. And who knew? Maybe this would be the opportunity to build a little closer towards his own dreams. Even if he had to build it on tragedy. He’d always found it to be a very secure foundation. War time was always good for thoughtful profiteers.
#2 C O N T R O L ― August 6th
The whistle reminded Elessar of the Blitz. That screaming death from above and he looked up wildly trying to find where it was coming from. But as it grew louder and louder, he fell to his knees as he covered his ears, waiting to be blown to pieces. Elessar screamed as the sound continued to build and build until… nothing. Silence. Elessar opened his eyes for a moment, breathing heavily before he felt it. That tug of the moon that he felt deep in his body. His eyes widened in terror as he fought the urge to shift. It wasn’t time. It wasn’t right. He bent his head back as he felt his back break and he howled as his body broke and reformed. The pain of the force like the first time. The pain was unbearable. And that was the last thing he remembered until he woke up several hours later, naked in the wood, covered in blood. Hopefully it hadn’t been anyone important.
#3 S E N S Ǝ S ― August 9th
The who’s and the why’s had become rather personal to Elessar after he’d been forced to shift. Elessar oddly realizes that he wants to find a certain Chthonic. That he needs to know where and how he is. As if the impossible boy had become more important than he realized he had. So even as he moved back into the chaos, careful of whistles and noises he was mercifully not in the park, far enough away to see a thick black ink spot and know that it was not something to run head long into. Elessar skirted the area. Knowing there were plenty more to fight and plenty to do without becoming a victim of this insidious magic once again. Elessar decided to head towards where he thought Mathias might go… Wherever Patrick might be.
#4  P O W E R ― August 11th
He had not been able to find Mathias or Patrick. Helping a few others to safety just because he happened to be the only person there that could help. It was very much like living during the Blitz. Always living on high alert waiting for the next big bomb. Hoping silently that it fell on your neighbors and not you. Because it was not possible for them to not fall at all. He had still had the idea of finding the Chthonics he knew, of having their strength near him when his attention was turned by a light by the library and a gust of wind hit him even though he was not right next to the building, he felt the strength in that wind. Another attack. And he couldn’t help be feel a small sense of relief that it had indeed fallen on his neighbor’s house, metaphorically speaking. As he headed back towards the West side.
#5 E L E M E N T A L ― August 14th
Elessar had hoped he’d find Mathias here or at least some sign of him. But nothing as he fought his way through the West Side. Elessar had turned his head as a mage came hurrying up. Thinking that the warmth was part of the magic he hadn’t realized what it meant until it was far too late. Too late to run very far, too late to kill the mage, to late to do anything other than turn his body and attempt to give the fire as small a target as possible. But even then. He had vague, unreal memories of this feeling. Of clothing melting into skin and knowing that you can’t scream because if you scream your lungs will burn. But he couldn’t help it, he screamed as he felt his clothing and skin crisp, feel his hair catch alight. And thankfully he had either died or passed out, ending the suffering. Until he woke up.
#6 H U N T E D ― August 16th
Someone had taken him to the Chateau. And that was where he’d woken up. In excruciating pain listening to the people talk around him. As a medic checked his vitals quickly and then continued by with nothing more than a ‘looks like your awake.’ People around him spoke about Northern Light City. But with motives and wild accusations it was anyone’s guess still what the truth was. Beyond that it had been an attack from their own kinds. It stuck in his throat. And there would be time to find out more. Having seen himself in a mirror Elessar made the decision not to use the little Elysian blood that he had but instead sell it for a very tidy profit. The scars will fade. But those prices? Would not last forever.  
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blccdchcrry · 1 year
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An attack. Sori’s interest is immediately piqued, but she does not rush down to check on the hospital. She instead allows the donors to remain within the doors of cosmO+, or to leave to go home should they choose to. Most of them are too curious for their own good, and they leave – minus two, who are too scared to move. They’ve been in Covaire longer. “Make sure that all of the doors are locked,” Sori commands. cosmO+ is not a safe zone, because Sori is not an overly caring person – those who left are now locked out, and unless she receives orders from the Alpha or King, they will not accept anyone to hide away there... except one person..  
Sori cannot control herself – and in the moment, she does not want to. Even on the best of days, she would not accept disobedience or unruly threats against her. The ex-huntress has her arms wrapped around the throat of another vampire. “Shhh…” She whispered, before sharply jerking his head to the side – snapping his neck and rendering him unconscious on the ground. She giggled, one as dark and deviant as she is. She craves violence. Her huntress’ roots are tapped into. A growl emerges from behind her – a puppy, someone’s claim for it to be on the East side. “Hello, puppy,” she whispered.
She would use her hands. They were lethal enough.
The scent of blood was thick in the air – blood, fear, destruction. Now that she was back to her own mind, it was very nostalgic to her. She remembered this all too well. Sori was raised to be an agent of destruction and ultimately turned into a creature capable of much worse. She’s in her home, but still hears of the fear downtown, where the other citizens are either losing their senses, or gaining them to a point of pain and overwhelming vibrance. Sori does not know who is attacking, but they are hitting with such precision that memories flood her head.
She should have stayed home – she knew that, but she need to check on cosmO+. Though she may be the owner in its current run, it would forever belong to her Sire. The bomb is something she’s not prepared for, it send her down to her knees. A sharp, exhilarating sigh leaves her lips as she feels something sharp run through her veins… power. She can feel it at her fingertips. “Fuck!” She whispered sharply, gently pressing her fingers at the ground – the dirt collapsed under her hands, creating little holes around them. She stared down in amazement. This… could be a problem.  
With the overflow of powers, she doesn’t need to be anywhere near the West Side to smell the scent of burning flesh. Even from cosmO+, the loft apartment above the actual business, she can smell it. She can hear their screams. It’s almost overwhelming. The vampiress grabs a pillow and pulls it harshly over the back of her head, accidentally ripping it in half as she does so. She adapts, instead pressing her face against the bed while pushing the two pillow halves against her ears. She needed to stop the sound. She needed to stop the smell. It was driving her crazy.
The overwhelming powers are lessening. She feels them slipping away from her, slowly crawling towards becoming normal again – something manageable… something that she can handle. She’s well enough now that she can allow herself that she can touch something without it immediately caving or breaking under her strength… as long as she doesn’t add much pressure, that is. Even so, it’s still sharp enough that she can hear the explosion from miles away. She can hear the screams and the new, fresh scent of blood, gunpowder, metal, and even… brain matter. It too reminded her of her life as a huntress.
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pthalomars · 1 year
hhhhhghgg... jason grace thoughts... [my telekinetic powers make every wall in my house explode]
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thepiedsniper · 4 months
Obsessed with the implication that after the time war, a newly regenerated Nine just did like a sad grand tour of history's worst events and accidentally became The face of the doctor to anyone paying attention in 2005
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We’re down to the final 10 competitors of the 1st Fictional Women’s Royal Rumble! The final 10 are:
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creacherviolence · 1 year
I love horror stories centered around hubris.
Sure, hopping in a death trap and taking a slow joyride to the soggy depths of hell is arguably the fucking stupidest series of life choices possible. And sure, the majority of these men spent decades hoarding wealth and said wealth made them feel invincible. They disturbed an antique mass gravesite for their own personal enjoyment. And yet, there's this sort of cognitive dissonance surrounding the conversation.
In a work of fiction, the plot would be perfectly set up for them to "have it coming." It's got all the tropes. A dangerous, spooky setting at the bottom of the ocean. Rich men with little regard for human life. Hubris, in their own arrogant assumption that enormous wealth gave them godlike invulnerability. Hubris again, underestimating the raw power of the ocean. Disrespecting the dead, whose ghosts have haunted the world for over a century in the form of a story we never stopped telling. Ghosts who were innocent victims of the same hubris: The Unsinkable's dire shortage of lifeboats and other emergency supplies. It's like it was written to be a story about bad men who get their comeuppance. It's irony layered in irony like a goddamn metaphor ratatouille.
But can anyone have that coming?
Who gets to decide what is justice and what is tragedy?
There is no author figure outside the extremely predictable consequences of their own actions. There's nobody on the other side of the plot typing out a heavy-handed morality tale. There's no intent to force the reader to decide between empathy and condemnation because this is the news and not a short story in literature class. The whole thing is built like a sick twin of some lost Ray Bradbury tale but it isn't.
And not only is it real, it's happening right now. I don't know how long an actual event needs to cook before it becomes modern mythos, but it sure as shit is longer than yesterday. Though some facts are lost to the water, the broad strokes of the sinking of the Titanic are largely known. The events in the sub are a complete mystery because Schrödinger's boxheads are still nowhere to be found.
Now, maybe analyzing the last moments of the missing-presumed-dead like a piece of literature is in poor taste. But I think the most chilling, the most compelling part of this whole shitshow, is how quickly someone can change from a person into a story. Both immortalized and already dead before they even knew they were doomed.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
A Captains Kids dinner party
Content: 2.6k words of modern post war fluff. Levis leg is acting up while you take on too much by yourself, so he calls in reinforcements.
Extras: This is for @levi-supreme Happy Birthday Levi event! Thank you for letting me join and helping me get back in the swing of things!
Levi sat at the kitchen table, watching you move about. You were up early, starting chores, when he came limping in. His leg injury acting up again.
You stopped what you were doing and after a little tiff you got him seated with his tea, the newspaper and a small breakfast.
He is very grateful to you. Generally he's the one making breakfast or you both make it together. But sometimes when his leg is bad and it's hard for him, you try not to let him exert himself.
You sense him watching you and turn to give him a kiss on the top of the head. "Everything okay?"
Levi sighs and shrugs. Yes, it's okay. Not great. "I'm sorry." He says quietly.
You squeeze his shoulder. "Stop that. It's okay to rest sometimes."
He is usually a get it done type of person and doesn't like to sit on the sidelines when he could be helping.
He puts his arm around your waist and leans into your side, making you smile.
You stay like that a few minutes rubbing his back.
He let's you go and you go about the laundry and cleaning breakfast dishes and help him to the couch when he's ready.
"Thank you." He looks up at you.
"Can I get you anything? A heating pad?" You make sure to ask because he won't.
But Levi shakes his head. "No. I'm okay." And he is, now that his leg has been resting it's feeling better. But he knows not to try to push it at the moment.
You lean down to kiss him and continue working around the house.
You are both off today, thankfully. So while Levi rests you can clean and be there for your husband, not worrying about serving customers. Which while you love, he comes first.
But it's Levi who is worrying. You're hosting a dinner tomorrow and want to start prepping everything today. And he knows it's going to hard for him to help, and it's going to be a lot for you.
He thinks maybe if he just sat at the kitchen table with a cutting board and ingredients, maybe he could at least chop. But, he'll probably forget something and not be able to reach it without your help, or his back will hurt sitting there too long, or he'll just be in the way.
"Levi?" You come in from the garage to see he's lost in thought and come sit by him on the couch.
"Maybe we should postpone." He blurts out.
You smile. "We have all the things we need, the recipes are ready, people are coming over. It'll be okay." You snuggle into his chest and he sighs and plays with your hair. How you manage to comfort him every time.
"I might not be much help." He tells you.
"Don't you worry. I got it covered." There is more than enough time to get things done by yourself.
He sighs and leans back against the couch. He knew you'd say that.
"Hey, it's fine. I can do this." You encourage positive thoughts.
Levi nods. "I know you can. I just want to help." He feels useless when this happens.
"You do more than enough. You help me and take care of me all the time." You sit back to look at him. "Please don't worry. If you feel better later than yes, come into the kitchen. I'll find something for you to do. If you're still tired but insist, it can be something small. But otherwise, stay out of my way."
The last line is said jokingly as you push your forehead against his and smile, making him chuckle.
"Okay love, thank you." He moves his lips to kiss your forehead and promises to be good.
And with that you start in, getting out cutting boards and mixing bowls and blenders and pans so you can prep and get done anything that can be premade.
Levi hears you working hard and has to bite his tongue to not ask if you need help.
It's obvious you do as you let out a curse which isn't in your nature.
"I'm fine!" You yell out, knowing Levi is listening.
In spite of himself he smiles. He closes his eyes as you put on some music to try to drown out the noise you make and hears you singing along.
You are barely into this with so much more to do. And suddenly Levi has an idea, that he usually wouldn't go on with, but he knows this is the best option and makes a phone call.
Not more than half an hour later there's a knock on the door as you are hands deep in dough.
You let out a sigh and wash your hands, going to see who it is. Levi is closer but you aren't going to make him get up.
"Afternoon Ackermans!" Connie shouts making you jump.
"What are you guys doing here?" You ask as he, Jean, Sasha, Armin, Mikasa and Eren file in.
You've known their families for a while, and they've all taken a liking to you, and somehow, to Levi as well.
"We got a call from Levi that we could be of service." Armin says as they all wait for instructions.
You don't know what to make of this. "To the kitchen, please. I'll be right there."
As they wander to see how they can help, you slowly turn to Levi who is smiling.
"What did you do?" You raise an eyebrow.
"You're looking at it. I can't help much but, they can."
You put your hand on your hips.
Levi lets out a chuckle. "Don't do that."
You fall on the couch next to him and hug him tightly.
"You're not mad, right?" Levi asks to be sure.
"No, it's very sweet for you to still think of ways to help me. I appreciate it." You kiss his lips gently and stand up.
You squeeze each others hand. "Let us know if you want to join us." You tell him.
"That noisy bunch? Hardy." Levi jokes as you laugh and pat his head, going into the kitchen.
The young adults are all ready with aprons and smiles.
"Okay, let's get started." You smile back and put them to work.
As expected, it starts out rough. Right away Jean tries to soften butter in the microwave instead of on the stove and it explodes before you realize it. He and Eren argue as he tries to clean it and Mikasa has to help separate them.
Connie accidently puts one cup of flour instead of one cup of sugar into a recipe and Armin looks for ways to fix it.
And Sasha who is trying her best chops too close and nicks her finger, and you have to take her to the bathroom to fix her up.
"I'm sorry." Sasha says to you while you're putting a wrap on it so she can still help.
"Don't worry. We'll get this done. I really appreciate you guys coming over." You reassure her. Besides, it can't get much worse, you think.
"Well, when Levi told us to come of course we did. We're always happy to help!" Sasha looks up to you both and it's rare Levi is the one inviting them.
You give the younger girl a hug. "Thank you Sasha. Come on. Let's see what's going on."
As you get back to the kitchen, Levi is sitting in one of the chairs helping supervise.
"Mikasa, careful not to overmix, Armin, cut those a little smaller." He's directing them as much as he can from what he's able to see from the chair.
He sees you walk back in. "Everything okay?" He has a soft spot for Sasha.
"Perfect." You smile.
"Hey Sasha, I thought Niccolo was teaching you some things in the kitchen." Connie says loudly to embarrass her, and her cheeks do turn red.
"Who's Niccolo?" You don't recall that name.
"No one!" Sasha says a little too quick and goes to stand by Mikasa and looks for ways to help.
"Her boyfr-" Jean joins in the teasing.
"Shut up!" Sasha is ready to throw a spoon at him.
"Cut it out." Levi speaks up and they settle down. "You have a boyfriend?" Levi wants to know more about this, so when his leg feels better, he can go have a talk with this guy. Makes sure he treats Sasha right if that's what's really going on.
Sasha shrugs and continues chopping.
"Leave her be." Eren mumbles as he and Armin work the blender.
Levi knows Eren's not saying it to him but to the ones bothering her, but he doesn't ask anymore questions.
With all the extra hands now working together things go much smoother.
"You okay sweetheart?" You ask Levi quietly, knowing the chair can bother his back.
"I'm fine. The guys helped me in here, and I got a pillow." It's small and supports him but doesn't make him lean forward. So far, so good.
You squeeze his shoulder. "Okay, good. Thank you for helping."
You are not too surprised when he rests his head on your side. He isn't openly affectionate with you in front of others, but uses small gestures still. Behind close doors is a different story. Cuddle time is all the time.
Most of the prep work is done and things that can be baked ahead of time are in the oven, and a pot of soup is boiling on the stove, being watched by Connie, who gets mad when Eren tries to distract him.
"Cut it out." Levis tone is just enough they know to behave.
"Come, help me." You pull Eren and Mikasa over and give them serving trays and put some drinks and pastries from when you baked the other day on it and send them inside.
Jean, Armin and Connie assist Levi back into the living room, with you and Sasha finishing stirring the soup and pulling out tomorrows baked goods.
"I want to thank you guys again. We would've been here way longer without you." You tell them, happy to see their smiling faces.
Levi closes his eyes and sighs slightly. You use the word we all the time, even when most of it is all you.
But still, there are days when he takes care of you more, which happens at least half the time. Not enough as far as he's concerned.
However, you two are a team, two halves of a whole, and cannot function properly without the other for too long. So Levi will let you say we, because it is always you and him.
"So, what's all this food for?" Mikasa asks.
Levi goes to speak but you beat him to it.
"We're hosting a party tomorrow."
"A party! Are we invited?" Sasha asks with excitement.
"Of course. We're visiting a couple friends first but then we want you guys to come over." You let them know the plan, and Levi goes along with whatever you say.
Mikasa and Armin quietly look at each other, knowing this is the very moment they were invited, and not before. But still, they play along because they want to come too.
"How are you doing?" You turn to Levi to check on him while the young adults talk.
"Pretty good. Thank you." Levi says honestly. Since he's been able to rest, his leg has stopped hurting and he hopes he'll be up more tomorrow for the party.
"Do you want us to come over early and help?" Jean asks you later while they all help clean up.
"Hmm, maybe. Perhaps. I'll have Levi call you." You say with a smile as Levi tries to hide one of his own.
Once everyone leaves for the night, and you and Levi grab something for dinner, and you've had a relaxing bath together, you lay in your bed, safe in your husbands arms.
You kiss his cheeks, his nose, his chin. "Thank you for today."
"You're welcome. I couldn't let you do it all by yourself."
"I know you love me, you called all the kids over at once and are letting them come tomorrow too." You chuckle at the turn of events.
Levi smiles. "It's fine. They aren't that bad. When they aren't whining or arguing or exploding butter." You both laugh.
You reach down and rub his leg. "You feeling better?" You know it wasn't as bad before as this morning.
He nods and scooches closer and kisses your forehead.
"Yes love, I'm doing great."
It's not long after that you're both asleep and the next morning it's you is are sore from standing and bending and cooking all day.
Levi sets you up with a heating pad and makes you breakfast and gives you a shoulder rub all before 9am.
"Thank you." You hug him from behind while he's doing dishes.
You're both feeling good and soon get started up again with finishing recipes from yesterday. Levi calls Sasha and tells her "bring that chef you've been hanging out with."
He can be of help and Levi can monitor.
Sasha and Niccolo show up and it's clear they're smitten with each other and you smile at seeing them flirt.
While Levi generally takes a little longer to warm up to new people, especially ones interested in these guys, but as he sees Niccolo help and encourage Sasha and not make fun of her whatsoever like the others for doing something silly, he thinks maybe he could like this one.
Later on you hug them both and thank them, letting them to come back later with the entire crew.
With things ready for your dinner party you and Levi sit and rest for a short time before your guests show up, and right away they rave about how the kitchen smells.
You mingle and get drinks and appetizers going and the young adults all make it for the large dinner.
There's a good twenty people sitting around your kitchen and dining room tables as people laugh and talk and eat.
"We couldn't have done this without them." Levi gives credit to the kids.
As everyone is helping clean up afterwards Connie suggests a game and it turns into a great idea.
You get paired with a friend, Eren and Niccolo, while Levi is in a group with another friend, Armin and Sasha. Jean and Mikasa are with two other friends, with Connie in another group.
You look over and see Levi full on laughing at one point and smile widely.
In the end it gets late and no one is sure who actually won any of the games but it doesn't matter.
You say goodbye to your guests and thank the young adults for all their help.
Levi goes and gets some of the leftover appetizers and finger desserts for them to take home and you hug them all again.
"Niccolo, nice to meet you." Levi tells him, and it's clear Sasha is happy he approves.
As they are step out Connie turns one more time.
"So, whens the next party?"
No one says a word at first.
"We'll let you know." You say with a smile and squeeze Levis hand who squeezes back.
Armin and Mikasa share another knowingly look and smile at each other.
With everyone gone you two go to bed pretty quick after your long day and cuddle for a bit.
"Thank you." You whisper to him. For the help, the party, being there for you.
He strokes your cheek softly. "You don't have to thank me. We do things together."
You rub his chest and put your arm around him and nestle in closer.
As you exchange 'I love you's and fall sleep together, you quietly think of the day you can add another little one to your household.
A tiny baby who will have the best aunts and uncles, and the most loving and doting father.
As Levi holds you through the night, what you don't know, if he's having the same thoughts as you and can't wait to see you hold your child one day.
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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israelskelton · 1 year
Israel couldn't believe his luck – or rather, his misfortune. After enduring the ire of a irate client, a man with a volatile temper and a condescending attitude, he had landed himself in the emergency room. The injuries he had sustained had been minor and Israel would live to see another day. But fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humor as he ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
A deafening explosion shook the building, sending shockwaves through the air. Israel hesitated for a moment, his fear locking him in place. The deafening blast reverberated through his head, the sound of glass shards on pavement and walls crumbling caused him to shudder. Israel found himself shielded from the debris, but the shock of the explosion had hit him like a tidal wave. He stood there, frozen and trembling, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The guard accompanying him, with quick reflexes, grabbed Israel's arm, pulling him close as he ran from the crumbling structure. The world around him blurred into a chaotic mess as debris rained down, and the ground beneath him trembled as he stumbled alongside the guard.
His ears rang, muffling the sounds of panic and sirens around them. His heart raced in his chest, beating at an alarming pace. It was as if time had stopped, and he was trapped in a suspended reality, unable to fully process the gravity of the situation. As the shock settled in, his body temperature seemed to fluctuate erratically. One moment, he felt flushed and sweaty, the next, a chilling coldness enveloped him. His hands trembled uncontrollably, and he clutched at his chest as if trying to hold himself together. People rushed past him, some in agony, others frantically assisting the wounded. But Israel felt disconnected, as if he were a mere observer, unable to fully engage with his surroundings.
The harsh realization that he was now alone settled upon him, abandoned in a dangerous and uncertain situation. The absence of the guard left him feeling vulnerable and exposed, with no one to protect him from the chaos unfolding around him. His body may have been unscathed, but the emotional scars from the incident were still fresh, and the chaos around him made it hard to focus. His heart pounded in his chest, and his breaths became shallow as he struggled to keep his composure. Words from others reached his ears, but they sounded distant and muffled. Israel's breathing remained erratic, alternating between short, shallow breaths and moments of holding his breath. His mind was a whirlwind of confusion and fear, unable to find a safe place to anchor itself.
I didn't do this… It wasn't me… I'm innocent. But the words provided little comfort in the face of the terrifying reality he found himself in. I didn't do this… I had nothing to do with it. Israel muttered to himself, trying to convince both his racing mind and anyone nearby that he had nothing to do with the explosion. 'This is a nightmare… just wake up, wake up!' The voice in his head quivered with a mix of fear and frustration. The world seemed to slow down, and he struggled to process the overwhelming sensory overload as he stood before the hospital. Or what was left of it.
He had seen the worst side of this city, and without someone to guide him or watch his back, the fear of what might happen next loomed over him like a dark cloud.
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vertigoartgore · 5 months
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2013's Infinity Vol.1 #1 cover by Adam Kubert and Laura Martin.
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Weirdly to me DC One Million isn’t a bad read as an event, if you want to sit down and read about Solaris the Tyrant Sun and Vandal Savage being a pain. There are far more boring/dull/obnoxious 90s events. It’s just so completely intrusive to the flow of reading a title, given the premise, that you probably first encountered it in a tie-in and were SO confused that your back got immediately up.
I’d tell you to skip Bloodlines or Armageddon 2001 or something instead. Even Underworld Unleashed, though I do actually enjoy some of Neron’s temptations as there is some pretty good character work for some characters.
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delilahmclaine · 1 year
@covairecitystarters ~~ Open Starter for Power Stimulus Location: Near My Laundrette
The brunette hadn't been far from My Laundrette when she felt exhaustion grip hold of her body. She had been with Vincent, becoming his eyes, his mind seeing the people around them as Demons, including her. When she realized she couldn't be Vincent's eyes anymore, she asked him to leave her to walk the rest of the way on her own. She had waited until he was out of sight before she let herself collapse to the concrete, knowing she could no longer stay conscious on her own. There was no way for her to know how long she had been out, but she awoke to agonizing pain suddenly roaring through her wounds. It was a feeling she couldn't describe, as her eyes opened and she gasped.
Delilah groaned loudly sat up carefully, placing her hands on the fabric that was once her white coat and ripped it off her waist. The pain in her body slowly subsided as her once silver eyes turned back to their dark brown color, her hands slowly slipping her Scrub shirt up. Her tank top underneath followed the Scrub, revealing a scar where her wounds had once been underneath her dried blood. She wasn't sure why the healing had caused her such pain, never experiencing such a thing before. She didn't have time to linger on what had happened while she was out though, a silent noise nearby startling her.
She turned to the source as she stood quickly, a rock in her hand as if it were her signature weapon for the night. She glared in the direction of the approaching figure, expecting the worst. She held the rock tighter, cracking the poor thing on accident with her strength. Surprising herself as she let out a frustrated groan. 'This isn't the time to lose control of my abilities! God damn it!' The thought was short though as she opened her mouth to speak.
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"Stop where you are! Identify yourself!"
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trevorxparrish · 1 year
As a Covaire supremacist, running away has never been an option for him. And as he's not stuck inside the Dominion, he does his best to help and fight the invaders——fucking supernaturals! Of all people... their own kind! And for what reasons?! He has no clue. But as he's running through the park downtown, he feels his heart beating loudly in his chest... wait, that's not me— he thinks. But then, what follows is terrifying to say the least.
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Once it clears out, Trevor can hear people freaking out about their eyes, or mutes trying to cry for help, and the more he checks, the more he sees that people's senses have been affected. And for a moment, he celebrates too early, because everything seems normal, but then... it hits him... hard.
Anger mixed with failure——— how strange.
And it comes from all side, wave after waves, but from hundreds of people at the same time. Trevor vomits, before he starts to scream, holding his head as he stumbles to the ground; unable to move from the spot, as his sixth sense overloads him with everyone's feelings in the damn park.
"H-help———p-please..." He whimpers. Make it stop... please... just... "STOPS!"
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wolfknightpoe · 1 year
Vincent was currently in the process of snacking on a kill. A kill that had not come easy. His right leg had gotten a fresh wound on top of the healed one from earlier. It was bleeding somewhat badly from a silver blade the former Northern Light attacker had been using and barely paid it any mind through the blind anger. Luckily the woman hadn’t gotten a very good cut on it before loosing her head between his jaws. He wasn’t loosing a dangerous amount, but even through the rage it burned as he tore out the young vampire’s intestines.
Though he stopped eating as his ears picked up someone approaching. It was only now that he realized he’d managed to get separated from Ricky. And that set the young wolf on edge, growling defensively in the direction of the noise, and trying to hide his wound in the process. He had to seem tough, even if he wasn’t able to fight effectively again yet.
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cassidy-mcgraw · 1 year
**Starter can be used for multiple stimuli~ 
The moment the bomb went off, Cass hit the ground running. He wasn’t sure what was going on, or who was attacked, but all that mattered was keeping people safe. Fear threatened to take hold of him as he moved through the streets. Thoughts of the last attack on the city came to mind, fresh as the day they happened. Edgar died that day, and Cass never let go of the feeling of failure. Not again. No he couldn’t let it happen again. He wasn’t going to let anyone die. 
He made calls to the CCPD, telling anyone and everyone to help people. It was times like this that he knew the CCPD was good for something. They weren’t playing heroes, they were just doing their job. 
He came to the scene of the explosion, or what looked like it. Instantly, Cass went to someone on the floor and tried to help them, “Hey! You’re alright it’s okay help is on the way. Can you stand up?”
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feyarchived · 9 months
head empty thoughts abt clary’s pjo verse only
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