#Even in this song it was a bit difficult because oh my goodness what’s wrong with their pronunciation of the word ‘преградам’
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years ago
I remembered I loved making S&T videos and since I liked Miraculous the Movie and Russian dub of the songs, I decided to make it!
The song Stronger Together with Russian lyrics, romanization, and English translation made by me на коленке.
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quibbs126 · 9 months ago
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So I’ve been making this
So basically last night, I was listening to some music, specifically Not Gonna Die by Skillet, more specifically a version on YouTube with the intro (because I’m not the biggest fan of Good to be Alive where the intro actually is). Anyways, when it’s night, my imagination tends to be more active and I tend to have more energy. While listening to the song, I eventually got this mental image in my mind of this scene with Dark Choco, and the more it crystallized the more I wanted to draw it. I was going to go to sleep and maybe do it in the morning, but I realized that I probably would forget the vibe and not have as much energy, so instead I decided to power through and draw the idea
It was a bit difficult since I had limited references for the pose I wanted, and I suppose I can admit the sword looks a bit off anatomically, but it looks good enough I think, and lets me keep the eyes revealed
I did eventually have to stop drawing, because my iPad had been worked all the way down to 4% (and it was at 30% when I started, the poor thing), not to mention it was around 11:30 already which is pretty late for me, and my earbuds had been running nonstop for over 2 hours (yes I was listening to the same song, it’s how I keep the vibe). I was at least able to get the pose, base colors and lineart done, and I’m still pretty proud of where I left things last night
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Today was mostly just doing the background and lighting, which admittedly I may have fumbled. I’m not very good at backgrounds and I didn’t know how to draw lightning. I tried my best, but honestly I don’t think I got the image in my head. Didn’t help that my brain was playing the wrong Skillet song this morning
Oh yeah and by the way, the background is supposed to be from this. That’s what I used as reference
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The lightning both feels like too much and too little. Like, it’s crowding the picture, and I can’t have more because it’d be way too crowded with it, but also at the same time, it doesn’t feel like enough, like there isn’t as much power as I wanted
Actually wait, maybe I can add some small particle effects to like, enhance the lightning feel. That was in the original sketch but I omitted it in the final. If you see one with that, you know I did that
Edit: I did indeed do that
To be fair though, I don’t think I have the art skill to properly convey the image in my head. Basically the scene is that Dark Choco is using absolutely every amount of his power for this final swing down, so much that it’s too powerful and the Strawberry Jam Sword completely shatters. But also it’s too powerful that Dark Choco’s body simply can’t handle it, and he basically ends up exploding. The scene depicted would be the wind up to that final swing that destroys the both of them
This isn’t necessarily the first time I’ve come up with this scenario, and the setup would basically be that he turned on the Cookies of Darkness slightly earlier, because he didn’t want to destroy his homeland again, and he tried to get rid of them while in the kingdom but not yet at the Citadel, but he ended up failing, so with nothing to lose, he chases after them and decides to put everything into destroying them, even if it likely ends in his death. After this he probably killed Pomegranate and crippled Licorice in some way (I don’t think he’d attack Poison Mushroom), so his final act did have some effect, but he’s still dead by the end of it. And he and his father never got the chance to properly reconcile because Dark Choco thought that could never be a possibility anymore and he had resigned himself to his fate
But yeah, I just don’t know how to convey that sheer overwhelming power and emotion that this scenario suggests. I tried my best though
I also want to submit this to the Dark Cacao Forever contest, but I’m not sure if it’s good enough for it. What do you think?
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zionworkzs · 1 year ago
Okay, but I need to talk about Good Omens and The Sound of Music.
First of all, I’m genuinely obsessed with it being explicitly canon that The Sound of Music exists in the GO universe and is, for some reason, God’s favorite movie. Neil says here that Heaven misses the point of the movie/musical, but I find it incredibly fascinating that Aziraphale outwardly despises it. 
Brief summary of The Sound of Music incoming as well as some really interesting parallels:
So we've got Julie Andrews playing Maria, who is studying to become a nun in an abbey in Salzburg. Problem is, she isn't the best nun, and is often late to chapel and just isn't the shining beacon of holiness that the rest of the nuns expect her to be.
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In response to this, the Reverend Mother of the abbey decides to send Maria to live with sexy widower Georg von Trapp, a navy captain who desperately needs help with his seven children. The Captain is a bit of a hard-ass since the death of his wife, and has been treating his kids like little soldiers as well as banning music from the house.
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The 7 kids are rambunctious and make things difficult for Maria at first. But one night, a thunderstorm scares them, and they run to Maria for comfort. The kids realize that Maria is really fun, and then later, when their dad is off to Vienna, the kids and Maria end up running around Salzburg singing, dancing, climbing trees, and having a blast.
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When the Captain comes home and hears about this, he sends Maria away. But then he overhears the children singing a song Maria taught them and he gets all emo and remembers how much music meant to him and his late wife. He asks Maria to stay after hearing the song, telling her she's brought joy back to their house.
And oops, Maria and the Captain are falling for each other, but the Captain is sort of kind of dating this blonde bombshell.
There's a big fuck-off party, and the Captain and Maria dance together.
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But, oh, no, Blondie saw them and can clearly tell they're in love. She tells Maria what she's seen and Maria is freaking out cause she's just realized she's in love.
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Mentally, my girl Maria is going through a lot. She thinks she’s disappointed God by falling in love when she was supposed to be doing a job. She feels scared by the depth of her feelings and because of all these emotions, she runs away. Back to the Abbey. Back to presumed safety.
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Mother Superior figures out what happened real quick and tells Maria that she isn’t wrong for falling in love. She sends her back to the Von Trapps, and it's such a great scene. If you wanna watch, I included a link below.
Maria goes back, and the kids are elated and she and the Captain confess their feelings (and oh my god, don't even get me started on the lyrics to the song they sing to each other while confessing, Something Good).
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(I’m unwell.)
So that's the Sound of Music. There's a subplot going on with WW2 and the Captain being pressured to join the Nazi regime (which he is very against). King, we love him.
I pointed out some obvious parallels, but I'd also like to pull some random thoughts together here:
Mother Superior (God) is the one that sends Maria (Aziraphale) to help the Von Trapps (humans) in the first place.
Maria (Aziraphale) extends grace and patience with the children (humans) and refuses to give up on them, even going so far as to disobey their father by letting them fuck around and be kids (going against God's wishes and giving humans the flaming sword).
Mother Superior (God) also sends Maria (Aziraphale) back to the Von Trapps after realizing that Maria (Aziraphale) is in love with the Captain (Crowley).
Here's to hoping we see God telling Azi that loving a demon is chill and he should go back to earth in S3.
Overall, it's incredibly amusing to me that Aziraphale, our Aziraphale, doesn't like The Sound of Music, with the main plot being about a woman who choses love over religious obligations and a man who rejects an authoritarian regime so that he might make his own way in the world.
Maybe Aziraphale recognizes the parallels and is in denial. Or maybe he just prefers Sondheim...
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onegianthotmess · 2 months ago
“Hey, it’s cold outside, yeah? Stay a bit longer…”
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Synopsis: When they’d first arrived and settled into their room in the home of Finnian and his spouse, Leona was quite annoyed at how cold he was and was fairly jealous that Morel had adjusted so easily. It seemed that even Gardenia, who was only a year old and much more fragile, somehow adjusted better than her father. But, after a few nights, Leona completely changed his mind since the cold meant Morel snuggled up to him even more in bed and they were covered with even more blankets, making everything ten times more comfortable. This also made Leona ten times more difficult to drag out of bed, but at least it made him ten times cuter…
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A/N: I’ve been feeling the cold cozies lately (what I call feeling extra snuggly inside while it’s cold enough to freeze hell over outside during winter) and I wanted to write something that allowed me to describe the lovely feeling of being perfectly snuggled up in your bed during winter but also slightly Christmas-y since that’s what me and my family celebrate during the holiday season. If the title didn’t give it away, I took inspiration from the song Baby, It’s Cold Outside and basically used it as an excuse to write clingy Leona trying to keep Morel in bed. Such is the dynamic of chronic napper/one who always sleeps x early bird/one who never sleeps enough. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this little fic and are having a good holiday season so far!!!
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Lions—and lion beastmen by extension—weren’t built for the cold. They were built for being the apex predators of the savanna, to live in hot conditions that taught them the absolute joys of enjoying a lovely rest in the shade and near a nice and cool water source. The blistering heat of the unfairly breathtaking savanna was their ideal habitat.
That was the environment Leona Kingscholar was built for. Not the fucking winter wonderland that was his father-in-law’s home.
When Morel had proposed spending the Christmas holiday with her side of the family—namely her father, stepparent, and two half brothers—Leona didn’t see much of a problem with it. After all, Gardenia was now a year old and could handle a two week stay somewhere without getting sick or causing too much of a fuss. And it was a bit unfair that Finnian always had to come to them to see his precious little granddaughter. The fact that it would be the first time Gardenia would be seeing snow was also a cute added bonus to the trip.
He’d dealt with the winters at Night Raven College a few times instead of going home to his family for the holidays, excusing that the unfamiliar climate had gotten him a bit sick. All of it was bullshit, he really just didn’t want to go home and Crowley was too busy with his head being sixty-five feet up his own ass that Leona probably could’ve stayed over the summer as well as the winter holiday and Crowley wouldn’t have cared.
So, with that past experience, Leona figured that he could live with a bit of cold and snow after suffering through NRC’s winters that were arctic compared to the warmth of Sunset Savana.
Oh, how wrong the Second Prince was.
Not only was he very wrong, but he was also very unprepared for just how cold his father-in-law’s homeland would be. The temperatures were well below zero when Leona and Morel arrived with Gardenia and Leona was shocked at the sheer amount of snow. In some places, snow drifts were likely about up to his shoulder, and the top of Morel’s head was maybe only an inch above that without her heels on. On top of all of the snow, the wind was so cold that it felt like pins and needles against his face and he could almost feel it through the hat—that Morel made just for him so that it would cover his ears snugly but comfortably—on his head.
Leona was actually extremely almost jealous of Gardenia at that moment because not only was she completely bundled up thanks to Morel’s maternal anxiety, the cub was also snuggly wrapped against Morel’s chest in a baby sling that was specifically bought for the trip so ensure that she wouldn’t get too cold or sick. It didn’t help that she was also sleeping soundly in the thing as well, the wind providing the perfect amount of white noise that was muffled through the thick hat on her head.
Leona had never been more grateful to be inside in his life once they’d actually made it to Finnian’s home and he let them in. Luckily the beastman was able to hold it together until he, Morel, and Gardenia, who was sleeping in what used to be Morel’s crib, were all settled into the guest room. Morel had only turned around to lay their cub down to finish her little nap when Leona had instantly wrapped himself in every last blanket on the bed, trying to warm himself up as best he could.
“Really, Cubby?” Morel asked, laughing a bit as her husband began to pout.
“I grew up on the savanna! I’m not built for this!” Leona hissed, no bite to his words whatsoever.
“Oh, poor baby,” Morel cooed, using her baby voice as she crawled onto the bed and wrapped her arms around Leona—as best as she could, given the mountain of blankets he wrapped himself in compared to her small size. “Do you need to be wrapped and swaddled up like Gardenia, Cubby?”
“You’re lucky you’re my mate, or I’d claw out your tongue,” Leona threatened emptily, leaning into his wife’s embrace. Though it was subtle thanks to the layers of blankets, he could feet her body heat and it made him feel even warmer.
Throughout the first few nights, Leona wasn’t very happy. Even inside, he was still chilled to the bone and sat the closest to the fireplace he could, often holding his napping daughter while idle chatter or the chaos of a competitive board game filled the space.
But, as they reached the middle of their first week in Finnian’s home, Leona realized something amazing about the cold.
Not only was it an excuse to lovingly smother Morel with cuddles in bed as they slept, but Leona had more leverage to keep her in bed with him due to the warmth and comfort of both the blankets and his embrace, especially since Morel’s small size meant she got cold much quicker than he did. This revelation made him even clingier, holding onto Morel with a gentle but firm grip and trying every way he knew how to keep her laying in bed with him even for just a few more minutes.
Which brings us to the morning towards the end of their first week.
Nothing was planned for the household today. Since going outside and letting Gardenia see the snow for the first time in person yesterday, everyone silently decided to just stay inside for the day since it was still snowing quite heavily. Though they had extra blankets and each other’s body heat, Leona could still feel the cold of the room around his head, especially around his sensitive ears. He’d planned to stay in bed with his wife until noon, but said wife’s father had different plans.
Plans that started at six thirty in the morning.
“Morel?” Finnian asked softly as he gently tapped on the door a few times before poking his head inside. Leona was still asleep like the dead, but Morel murmured and sat up to face her father as he said her name. Even as an infant she was a light sleeper, a trait that unfortunately contributed to her being an early bird. “I’m sorry I woke you up, but I was wondering if you three would be out for breakfast?”
Morel yawned a bit, rubbing one of her eyes with her hand before she answered, “Possibly. But, given Leona’s sleeping habits, don’t count on it.”
“Alright, my dear,” Finnian nodded. “Have a good morning.”
Morel sleepily waved after her father as he left, gently shutting the door and walking down the hall to the kitchen. The white haired woman was about to go back to sleep for a bit—she was especially tired after Gardenia was up so late last night thanks to Morel’s half-brothers playing with her—but she felt her bladder press inside of her. Morel groaned, feeling too cozy to want to leave her bed with her husband, but also not in the mood to hold it and possibly piss in the bed if she did fall back asleep.
But—and she should’ve seen this coming—just as Morel moved to get up and leave the bed, Leona’s arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back down. With a small “oof” she was back to being snuggled up to her husband’s chest.
“Leona, let me go, I have to get up,” Morel laughed sleepily, trying to remain quiet so she wouldn’t wake Gardenia up. Though the cub slept like a corpse much like her father most of the time, she could also sleep lightly just like her mother.
“No,” Leona replied simply, planting a small but firm kiss on his wife’s forehead. “Stay in bed with me, Herbivore.”
“Kitty, I know you’re cozy, but it’ll just be for a few minutes at most,” Morel sighed, trying to squirm out of Leona’s grip.
“No, it can wait,” Leona murmured, gently pulling Morel closer to him. “It can wait until about noon.”
“It really can’t, Kitty. I need you to let me go,” Morel sighed, still attempting to escape her clingy husband. She loved him and cuddling with him, but she’d rather not do that on urine soaked sheets and possibly piss on him as well.
With a huff, Leona pulled his wife on top of him before murmuring, “Hey, it’s cold outside, yeah? Stay a bit longer, Herbivore.”
“I would love to, but I wouldn’t love pissing all over you and the sheets,” Morel replied, earning a groan and a pout from Leona. With a laugh, the white hearted woman kissed her husband’s cheek with a smile. “If I give you a good enough deal, will you let me go?”
“How good are we talkin’, Morel?” Leona queried, raising an eyebrow.
“If you let me go to the bathroom and get Gardenia some breakfast, and you change Gardenia, you can stay in bed with us until lunch around one,” Morel offered with a smile, watching Leona think as the cogs and gears turned in his mind. “Do we have a deal, Cubby?”
“As long as you quit it with that stupid name, we sure as hell do,” Leona replied after a moment, giving his wife a peck on the forehead before releasing her.
Morel gave Leona a kiss on the cheek as a small show of gratitude before she left the room. She hadn’t realized how badly she needed to pee until the need his her like a truck halfway to the bathroom and the poor woman ended up cutting off her younger half-brother just so she wouldn’t piss herself.
“Really, Ellie?” he asked, more so playfully than actually upset.
“If you wanted me to piss right outside your bedroom, I would’ve done it!” Morel retorted playfully from inside the bathroom, letting out a much-needed sigh of relief. “I may be an adult and a mother, but I’m also the pettiest woman you’ll ever meet in your entire life!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” her half-brother quickly stated with a small laugh before he very nervously continued, “please don’t piss outside of my bedroom.”
Morel chuckled as she finished washing and drying her hands and opened the bathroom door, “Be nice to me and I won’t.”
“Fine, fi- Hey!” the younger boy quickly protested as Morel pat him on the head two times before walking back down the hall, blinding towards the kitchen.
The white haired woman smiled as she rounded the corner into the kitchen where Finnian was busying himself with making breakfast and reminding his daughter where she got her love of cooking from.
“Papa, do you have a small plate I can take for Dena to eat?” Morel asked as she took a couple of water bottles from the fridge. “I’ve made a deal with Leona that will require all three of us to stay in bed until around lunchtime.”
“I figured you’d say something like that when you eventually came out, so the answer is yes, there’s a plate for the baby,” Finnian replied, gesturing to the island. There was a tiny plate with some eggs and cut up bits of sausage on it, a tiny baby spoon sitting next to it.
“Thank you, Papa,” Morel smiled, hugging her father, who quickly moved to reciprocate the gesture. “You are so sweet. I love you.”
“I love you more, my darling Clementine,” Finnian sighed, patting his daughter’s head once they both pulled away from each other. “And you don’t have to thank me. I would never deprive a sweet baby of her right to eat, much less my own granddaughter. What kind of opa do you think I am?”
“A very good one,” Morel replied as she took the plate and spoon from the island, holding the bottles of water with her arm. “I’ll see you around lunch, Papa.”
“Make sure you and Leona eat at some point today, Morel,” Finnian smiled after his daughter, watching her turn the corner to exit the kitchen before calmly going back to preparing breakfast for everyone else in the house.
Meanwhile, Morel had made her way back down the hall and quietly entered the room her and her family were using for their trip, trying to not disturb anyone else in the house. The white haired woman quietly shut the door behind her before she turned around and stopped once she noticed Leona and Gardenia staring at her.
“Finally, I thought you’d run off or something, Herbivore,” Leona grumbled, not bite to his words whatsoever. He was too soft around his wife and daughter to ever actually have any sort of bite to his words at all.
Gardenia seemed to have been impatiently waiting for her mother as well, making grabby hands at her as she babbled, “Mama! Mama! Mama!”
Morel smiled at her daughter before she tossed a bottle of water to Leona, who expertly caught it thanks to his cat reflexes, before making her way to her side of the bed. The short woman set down her own water bottle and the plate of food on the nightstand before she crawled onto the bed, shuffling until she was under the covers and finally a bit more warm. But, she didn’t have long to get too comfortable, however. Leona quickly pulled his wife towards him and just as quickly maneuvered himself, Morel, Gardenia, and even the blankets to create a perfect nest of blankets wrapped around the three of the in the middle of the bed.
“Well, hello to you, too,” Morel chuckled as she gently took Gardenia into her arms. “Did I make my kitty wait too long?”
“Damn fuckin’ straight,” Leona sighed, burying his face into the crook of his wife’s neck as she hissed at him to watch his language in front of their very young and impressionable daughter. “I love Nina, but she isn’t big enough to fully cuddle with and use as a nice and soft pillow.”
“Well, you could, but you’d crush her,” Morel laughed lightly, Leona pouting and bumping her shoulder blade with his head.
“Papa! Papa!” Gardenia babbled, making grabby hands at her father as she saw his ears.
Leona let out a laugh through his nose, resting his chin on Morel’s shoulder as he raised an eyebrow at his daughter with a grin, “What do you want, brat?”
“Papa!” Gardenia repeated, leaning towards him and wiggling her little body as she puffed out her chubby cheeks in a pout. “Papa!”
“I think someone wants her papa’s ears,” Morel giggled playfully, moving one of her hands to gently tug on one of Leona’s soft ears.
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Leona sighed, gently pulling Morel’s hand away from his ear before giving his hand to his daughter, who happily took it and began to gnaw on his pointer finger. “She can have my hand to use as a teething toy instead.”
“Stingy,” Morel hummed playfully, no actual bite to her words other than soft sarcasm, as she kissed Leona’s cheek and leaned her head against his.
It was cold outside. But, within their tiny nest of blankets on the bed, it was rather warm. And no one planned to leave for quite a while, especially after Leona and Gardenia fell asleep again while Morel simply smiled and gently pet both of her sleepy kitties.
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A/N: HELL, YEAH, GOT IT DONE BEFORE CHRISTMAS EVE! I hope all of you enjoyed this little fic of Leona and Morel’s first holiday season as parents with Gardenia and have a wonderful rest of your holiday season! Especially since I’ve got one more piece planned that may or may not come out tomorrow!
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yuzuocha · 1 year ago
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gacha they would play and how they play. this is based off of the gachas i played, so apologies kek
warnings ‣ uhhahahha this may or may not be completely self-indulgent because i need writer motivation juice to finish up my more serious fics — enjoy this semi-crack hc that prolly makes zero sense
lmao (inspired from moot @anxiousgoddest bc this is kinda crack-ish) also my xavier bias may have leaked a bit too much in this lol. or maybe its just my proseka and ak bias bc i haven't played hsr in a while and it shows
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xᴀᴠɪᴇʀ・project sekai
— you didn't think he'd get into project sekai to THIS extent.
— you piqued his curiosity when he heard you spewing out curses such as 'I FLICKED THAT' or 'OH, ONE GREAT? YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING' from the floor above his apartment.
— later on a date in destiny café he asked you what game made you fume like so. after a couple of minutes of embarrassed apologies and silent profanities at your apartments' thin walls, you told him about project sekai and its game mechanics.
— "tapping to the beat is very simple in concept, but it gets difficult?" you nod.
— "is it free to download?" you nod vigorously. caleb doesn't play it anymore and tara focuses on toya more than the actual game itself. you'd kill to have a buddy to discuss one of your favorite games, especially if xavier is that person in question.
— you two ended up skipping the claw machinery for plushies in favor of staying in the café and playing project sekai. you did slightly dread about how long you had to wait for him to catch up to you in terms of skill, rank and unlocked songs, however.
— "why is the speed so slow? oh, i can change it?"okay, maybe you don't have to wait as much.
— "i just have to skim through the archives to get the items needed to unlock songs, right?" huh, he's getting to know the ropes quickly.
— "i'll choose this one." he chooses expert and you almost laugh. while expert isn't difficult per se, it's nothing short of impossible to a rhythm game beginner, right?
— aside from the beginning where he hit a lot of greats and missed a couple of notes, he was improving by the second while playing the chart and ended with a combo in the hundreds.
— "this is pretty fun and helps with hand-eye coordination," he said as he full combo'ed the song on his second day of playing.
— "the game said i unlocked something called 'ranked matches'. what is that?" day three.
— "i've full combo'ed intense voice on expert, it was very fun." week one.
— god dammit, just why does he have to be good at everything besides cooking and staying awake ??? not even a month in and he got the 'mad skillz' achievement, something that took you over six months to get.
— now he plays it while you're at the meow café playing kitty cards, and your urge to throw your phone across Linkon City has only increased with the amount of all perfects and full combos he piled up.
— it didn't help that his gacha luck was so good despite him being so disinterested in the cards too. you still haven't forgiven him for pulling the entire colorful festival banner within 30 pulls while you got nothing from over 200...
— it all started when you were too lazy to reach for your phone and took zayne's instead to search something up. you got distracted by the small amount of apps and tabs he had until you came across an icon that looked surprisingly familiar... a fourteen year old girl with brown hair and ears? arknights??
— you bolted to your phone to immediately send a picture of this monstrosity to caleb, but damn zayne's good vision and movements — you couldn't even touch your phone. never have you seen zayne so flustered; he must've known you were planning to frame him over an app with an underaged girl as its icon despite you knowing the contents of said game.
— you had to stifle your laughter while zayne was explaning why the game was on his phone as if he was presenting a medical thesis — that much detail should suffice.
— according to zayne, he's actually someone who played this game ever since its release. he liked the strategic aspect of it and it was a stress reliever of sorts.
— he also played it because the main plot device for arknights, originium, reminded him of you and protocores, but he won't ever admit to this.
— post-interrogation (?), you took a look at zayne's account; and for someone who claimed that it was just a casual stress reliever, the claim was absolutely ridiculous.
— level 120. all medals obtained. all stories, challenge modes and game modes cleared. all of the operators maxed out and mastered. the six star operators only had the necessary potentials and masteries too — was he a cardiac surgeon or an arknights dev??
— also, just what about arknights is relaxing?? it's notoriety for its difficult gameplay amongst gacha games was nothing to sneeze at, and zayne's a doctor in real life! why in the fucking hell would he want to take a break from his job by playing as a doctor?!
— you ended up surmising that normies couldn't possibly understand geniuses.
ʀᴀꜰᴀʏᴇʟ・star rail
— you two were waiting for the release together ever since the pre-registering and beta testing, let's be real.
— but GOD, rafayel's so laughably terrible at this game despite it not requiring much skill.
— what's even worse is that he's a whale. a big one.
— even when you explained how seele was destined to fail in long-term meta due to her gimmick's trigger conditions, rafayel slammed his credit card down for her, claiming it was "good investment" and that you were just one of those meta-haters.
— and fastforward to addition of the newer characters, you completely steamrolled rafayel's claim. granted, seele was hardly what you'd consider as terrible by any means. but to rafayel, who plays with quote in quote "only the best of the best", it was pretty funny seeing him scowl at DHIL a couple months later.
— seele's been gathering dust since, by the way.
— rages over chests. he couldn't find that one chest at cloudford and the divination commission and he was about to break his pc. this ain't even genshin with hundreds of chests per region. though, in his defense, cloudford was really annoying with all of the contraptions, and it was easy to get lost in the divination. no seriously fuck that shit
— don't get me fucking started with simulated universe. while he eventually learned how to manage through the stages, the process in getting there was quite painful for him to experience and for you to watch.
— one thing that didn't change, though, was his ridiculous luck in terms of artifact-pulling. crit rate, crit damage, energy regeneration, atk increase – you're convinced the game knows that rafayel's a huge spender and they're rewarding him for his services.
— well, he'll manage somehow, even with his all-dps team with zero sustain or support. heh.
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taglist! | @kttriangle | @sncrly0urs | @anxiousgoddest (im adding you here just to annoy you btw <3)
tysm for reading! comment down below or message me if you'd like to be a part of the taglist, and if you can, please do consider reblogging! it helps out a lot ;; w ;; and and!! my inbox is open for requests! PLEASE SEND SOME ASDJQVEJWHE I NEED THEM
yuzuocha © 2024 — all rights reserved.
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psychedelic-pebble · 5 months ago
BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH MORE BRAINROT, except this time it's bill, but cute :3
(also if you're uncomfortable with sfw with bill where him and reader are in a relationship/implied then i'm so sorry and just please ignore this D': )
I really like the thought of you wanting to teach yourself how to play piano, after seeing Bill play it so well and almost professionally, you have a new and brewing interest to try it.
So when Bill catches you trying to teach yourself how to play, he's curious and naturally questionable.
"...What on earth are you doing?"
You look up, a bit thrown off since you hadn't noticed him come in, or even make his presence known like he would do usually.
"Teaching myself how to play piano, saw you playing it a while ago and got an interest in it.. the keys are difficult to figure out though, the videos I've watched don't seem to help."
Bill scoffs, rolling his eye at the mention of 'videos'.
"Those pathetic videos won't help someone like you to learn how to play, how bout' you learn from the best! Scooch' over."
You shuffle to your right, making room for him to sit while he summons a chair out of thin air.
"Alright, since it's both of us playing now, you use your hands on the right side while I'll play the left, got it?"
You slowly nod, chewing at your lip as you try to read the printed sheet of paper with the notes on it.
Bill notices, reaches a hand over and burns the paper.
You shriek.
"Won't be needing that. C'mon, I'll show you."
It's been an hour. At most. Fuck it, you don't even know, it feels like forever when Bill is teaching you every. single. way how to "properly" play the piano.
Time feels insanely fast yet incredibly slow when you've got this yellow geometric demon talking your ear off about the fact that your hands have been playing the wrong notes for the past five minutes.
The funniest part? Well, probably not to you once you find out but, you've not been playing wrong, at all.
Bill has been lying to you for the past... twenty minutes? 'Your hand is too far right.' ... 'No! You press the black key there, not the white one!' ... 'You join me during this part, no sooner, no later.'
He has been lying to you because it's nice to see you struggle. But that's not the only reason.
He lies because he loves the small pout your mouth makes when he tells you that you're wrong for the millionth time and the way how it changes to a small smile when he tells you that you've done it right this time.
He lies because he enjoys the way your eyes are staring so intensely at him, listening to every word he says and making sure you listen to him and get everything correctly.
He lies because he enjoys the way your hands glide over the piano keys when you start playing, the song and the beautiful melody coming out of the machine when you're so focused on playing it, that you don't seem to notice the way Bill is staring so affectionately at you, that he nearly forgets to play his part after.
Bill's never been so in-love in his entire lifespan, of course, he's been in love with you.
But there's something special when you want to learn something just because you saw him doing it before.
He offers to play piano with you every week, before it seems to turn into every day.
He knows it's worth it because of the smile that grazes your mouth when you nod furiously and race to the piano.
He hopes that the music that's been playing from the piano will touch the melody of the love between you.
awe oh my gosh this is cute (*´▽`*) i’m not personally a diehard Bill lover but I do like this scenario. also at this point you should start a blog of your own, haha! you’re very good at writing!!
thank you as always for your ask 🫶
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kazzy-boo-baby · 1 year ago
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•Doing Hair Can Be Tough!•
CG! Natasha Romanoff
CG! Bucky Barnes
Little! Y/N (She/Her)
"Okay.. let's see what we're dealing with here." Bucky was in charge of getting Y/N ready for the day while Natasha got things packed. All of them had to make a quick trip to the Avengers tower since Tony was holding a meeting. Unfortunately, nobody could watch Y/N for the time being while they were in the meeting. So there was no choice but to bring her.
..But why did getting a little ones hair done so difficult?!
Y/N looked up to Bucky with a pout,
"Daddy, how come mommy can't do my hair?"
Bucky just huffed as he brushed Y/N's hair, sighing as he did so. "Because mommy has to get things ready for when we leave. So it's me in charge of your hair today."
He continued to brush her hair until there were no knots or tangles. Y/N giggled a bit at his focused expression, his lip always poked out when he was focusing.
"Daddy.. I no think you can do hair goods. Last time you did, you made me look silly."
She babbled with a giggle, Bucky just groaned and shook his head. Yeah, he wasn't the best at doing hair, but how hard could it be? He had long hair himself.. so it couldn't be too different from getting his own hair ready.
"Yeah? Well this time it's going to be different. We won't need mommy's help, daddy's got this."
Bucky took a deep breath and started to get out one of the hair ties. Natasha had instructed to put her hair in a braid, nice and simple. Nice.. and.. simple.
"Okay, I'm going to start doing your hair now. Please stay still for me."
Bucky sighed and started to try his best to get her hair ready to be put in a braid, Y/N was giggling the whole time.
"Daddy no know how to do it~ He need mommy's help~"
She taunted in a sing song voice, giggling the whole time. Bucky chuckled and shook his head, "Hey now, whose side are you on doll? You hafta give me a little bit of credit here. I've never done your hair before."
Y/N just giggled and stayed still for Bucky, she didn't want to hurt his feelings too much. She occupied herself by playing with one of her stuffed animals, a purple bear that Natasha got her for her birthday.
Bucky was focusing very hard on the braid, that he didn't even notice that Natasha walked in. She chuckled and shook her head, "See? This is why doing her hair should be my job."
She sat down on the bed next to Y/N and Bucky, looking at him with a smirk.
"Hey! What's even wrong with it? It doesn't look so bad."
Natasha raised an eyebrow at him, "Uh huh. Then tell me why her hair is just in tangles? Doesn't look like you got it covered, honey."
She teased, she gently pushed Bucky aside and took charge of Y/N's hair. "See? You have to start like this.."
Natasha brushed Y/N's hair one more time before starting to braid her hair, Natasha's fingers were working their magic within seconds. "See the trick is to go fast, that's how you get the hang of it better."
Natasha left the braid halfway done and let Bucky sit behind Y/N, "Now you try. Try braiding the rest."
He rolled his eyes playfully and gently held Y/N's hair, "Oh, now you want me to do her hair?" He chuckled, "Alright, I think I can get the hang of it."
He took a deep breath and focused on following Natasha's steps, slowly but surely, he managed to finish to braid with ease.
Y/N looked up at Natasha and Bucky with a curious look,
"All done now?"
Natasha nodded, bringing Y/N into her lap. "Yes honey, you're all done now. Daddy did a good job didn't he? Yknow what you should say to him for helping you, right?"
Y/N nodded quickly, she looked over to Bucky with a smile, "Thank 'ou for doing my hair, daddy! I love it!"
He smiles and pats Y/N's head, "You're welcome, doll. Maybe if I practice I can take over doing your hair."
Natasha chuckled and picked up Y/N to bring her to the other room so she could dress here,
"Never in a million years."
She said before walking out. Bucky rolled his eyes playfully, sighing as he did so.
But he loved his punks with all his heart.
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everywherenothere · 2 years ago
okay, so a couple of days ago i saw on the clock app this video of a jock and a obviously queer man living together and my brain went STEVE AND EDDIE OMG I NEED A FIC OF THIS and i know there is somewhere in the internet but i need to put into words so here it goes:
Robin loves Steve. And Steve loves Robin. They have been attatched to the hip since the mysterious accident that have burned the gigantic new mall and, subsocuently, the ice cream shop where they used to work. They have been living together since before Robin went to a college out of the little town they used to live (we all know Steve's parents were shit and probably being a teenager living alone, Robin's parents practically adopted him) and Steve without anything holding him back followed her.
Now, a couple years later, partners and one-night-stands came and went from their apartment because you cannot convince me those two dont have some kind of rizz. Steve with his bitchy attitude and jock alike body and Robin with her nerdy and charismatic energy have definetly bagged some people. One of them being the now-and-Robin-hope-for-a-very-long-time Robin's new girlfriend who the last two months has been living with them. And for sometime it was good, great even, but feeling like a third wheel most of the time Steve decided to move.
Apartment hunting was hard. Most places were way out of his budget or too small for a human to actually live comfortable and host dinners like he used to do when the now-not-so-kids visited him on the summer. So, he decided to search for a roomate. It was a little bit easier but to find someone who wasnt crazy and actually just mind their bussiness was a full job.
That's how he met Eddie. A nerdy metalhead who can and will up his bitchy attitude with a flirtatious response. And Steve absolutely loves it. At the beggining he tries so hard to convince himself that is just because he reminds him of Robin. That is just because both of them are a little bit smaller than him and nerdy. That is just because of the manerisms and the way they dont even flinch at his sarcastic and mean-girl-type of comments. That is just because both of them talked with passion about what they had been invested in the last couple of days.
But then is also the way Eddie always dress to impress and has a varierity of responses (and even actions) when people call him slurs without even letting those comments affect him.
And the way his eyes glows and do a little dance when he finally got one bridge right on a really difficult song that has been practicing the last couple of weeks.
And the way that he isnt a morning person but still wakes up earlier than Steve to make breakfast because he has learn that Steve bearly takes care of himself without a pressure of someone being dissapointed of him.
And the way both (Steve and Eddie) are on the couch on a Saturday evening watching nothing on the TV when Eddie starts talking his thoughts out. And of course, Steve being Steve cant help but tease him about something he said wrong and then it started: a back and forth of teasing and getting close as trying to prove a point. And when both are a hand away of breathing the same air, Steve realized. And Eddie purposly looked at Steve lips and get just a molecule closer just to see how Steve gets all red and backs down, of course Eddie laughs teasingly and walks to his room for a dictionary, leaving Steve all confused about wtf has happened. But Eddie's laugh continues to live on his ears and oh the way Eddie laughs.
Steve is pretty sure he is fucked up when he realized that he would do anything to make him laugh. And then Steve is also pretty sure that the friendship he has with Robin is one thing and the thing he has (or hope he has) with Eddie is another.
But that is one thought for another time, one existential crisis at the time, please.
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tearsofcalamity · 10 months ago
wriofucker's fine by me lol unless u have another nickname that'd be both as accurate & funny!
i wasn't too clear earlier; i think our mandatory education goes up to 9th grade, and then it's like a minimum of 4(ish) years for a uni degree. so it's not all that different lol
nahh im telling you i had one macroeconomics class once and it fried my fuckin brain. only reason i could stand it was because the professor was too right-brained for his own good (he'd start his lectures with a song he liked. i wrote a bunch of barely-relevant shit abt environmental pollution on the exam—he was super passionate abt it—and he just let me pass<3 loved that guy). ik i said it before but good luck on ur studies!! im sure you'll absolutely kill it out there. and, thank sm! i actually finished the short story assignment last night but im too scared to submit it jdhdj
im so glad you've got more kaveh brewing omg he's so<33 bit of a shame you're not into kavetham (they make me bite & scream) but that's just fine; more kaveh/reader for the world! except the world is me and nobody else<3 can u imagine teasing kaveh in public, maybe he's even all nice & plugged up, and you're warning him not to let a single person figure out what's going on bc he's for your eyes only<3 but it's so difficult and you're relentless and it feels so, so good... he doesn't even care about people finding out anymore, but he wants to be a good boy for you... phew. lord have mercy
HAHA WRIOFUCKER IT IS THEN!! happy to have a named anon :D
ohhhh I see I see! okay yeah so it's pretty similar just a few differences! I think the only reason I'm surviving my business/econ work is cause I've got a math-wired brain lmfao. I've got autism ("high functioning" but I don't really like that term for it, I think the more acceptable one is "low support needs") and I got the "math autism" as my friends put it so that's probably a bigger part of it. I like making spreadsheets and working out equations HAHA, also thank you for the well wishes I actually just found out I passed calc 2 with an 82% so I'm very happy about that!! I'm glad to hear you got your short story done as well, sounds like you're moving through it all good <3!!
HONESTLY I don't hate the ships (like either kavetham or haikaveh I think they're different? like some shippers put the top's name first or something?? I'm not 100% sure) like I TOTALLY see the chemistry don't get me wrong, I think it's mainly just that I get so sad seeing like nearly 0 kaveh content without alhaitham included. I love both of them but kaveh's got such a unique and deep story too, yet people often just kinda treat him like an accessory to alhaitham likely cause he's 4 star and haitham is 5 star so it turns me off of the ships a bit </3 still though that's so true MORE KAVEH/READER!!!!
oh don't even get me started on teasing kaveh in public there's so many ways you could do it and each one would make him squirm more than the last... shove a nice little vibrator deep inside of him, remote controlled of course, and enjoy watching his knees practically buckle every time you up the intensity. ooh, maybe he's giving a one-time academic seminar for some kshahrewar students and you just stand in the corner, grinning at him all the while while he shakes and tries his best to keep his voice level, praying his face isn't as red as it feels...
or play around with him in the tavern, sit right next to him and brush your hand along his inner thigh while he squirms, not sure whether he wants to move closer or further way from you... this one's easier to hide since his flushed cheeks could easily be attributed to a bit too much to drink, but once he's grabbing at your wrist to push your hand into his bulge at last, he knows by your stare that he's messed up. I mean, he hadn't kept his promise to be good, had he? guess you'll just have to rail him over his workbench back at home when he least expects it! (totally ignore his needs/pretend he's not acting super horny when you get back at first, though, he'll be so good for you when you finally do bend him over)
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amoryeonjun · 1 year ago
Can't Hide it
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"I think I'm in love."
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x gn!reader
wordcount: 1.9k
genre: fluff
warnings: just Yeonjun falling to the ground but no injuries 😭
author's note: my friends and I decided to do secret santa fics and I was very grateful to get my wife aka @junniieesbby I hope you enjoy this!! This blurb was inspired by Can't Hide it by 15&, a song about being in love with someone. This is my first time writing in a decade so apologies if it's not good 🙏 I really just care about my wife's and my other secret santa particpants' opinions on it <333 anyways ENJOYY
the lovely participants: @flwrseon @boba-beom @honajoong
It’s currently 9pm.
Usually at that time, you would be in bed, face mask on and scrolling through the many tiktoks that Yeonjun has sent you. Most of it being clips of two cats cuddling with a message saying “us <333”. No matter how many similar tiktoks he may send, they always put a smile on your face. This is usually your form of communication whenever he’s doing overnight dance practices.
Tonight, however, your boyfriend of 3 months had dance practice early just so he can stay the night at your place. You’re both on the couch watching reruns of Supernatural, his head on your shoulder. As soon as you were going to get up and get ready for bed, Yeonjun grabs your hand. “Love, why don’t we go to the park and play some badminton?”
You widened your eyes. “Right now? It’s already pitch black outside.” As fun as playing with your boyfriend in the park sounds, you can’t understand why he would want to do it now.
Yeonjun starts doing his famous pout, the one that you can’t resist kissing it away. “Are you saying you don’t want to play a match with me?” He says jokingly.
You chuckle. “It’s not that, but don’t you think it’s too late for it?”
He continues pouting, even giving you an innocent look with his eyes. You almost think he knows you’re going to give in eventually. “Yeah, but...” he stops, before looking away. He’s nervous about what he wants to say next.
“Tour is coming up soon, and it’s difficult getting any type of free time. I just want to spend it having fun with you.”
You’re a little grateful that he turned away because your cheeks feel warm, butterflies in your stomach growing rapidly. You press your lips together as hard as you can to stop blushing. Throughout your 3 months of dating Yeonjun, you’ve felt your likeness towards him growing, to the point where it has now formed into love. It freaks you out a little, feeling so much love for someone in a small amount of time. It always comes up on moments like these, where he tells you how he enjoys being with you. You think your heart might explode if he continues to do it. You get scared at the thought of saying it to him, not knowing if he feels the same way.
He looks at you again but with an exaggerated pout, making you laugh. “Can we please play badminton?” He wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly while repeating “please” repeatedly.
“How can I say no to you?”
The park feels tranquil at night. There’s a full moon out, as well as a slight breeze passing through the trees. There’s only a couple of people there tonight, most of them sitting by the lake, which gives you and Yeonjun a big field all for yourselves to play on. You two didn’t own professional badminton racquets, just these cute blue ones with penguins around it. You remember Yeonjun pouting when you chose it over the racquets with the foxes on it, jokingly claiming that you love his band member more than him. Oh, how wrong he was.
Yeonjun sets an extra racquet down in the middle, acting as an imaginary net. “I say first to get 15 points wins and the loser has to give the winner something.”
You bring your finger to your chin, fake pondering. “Hmm, well if I win, and I will, you have to bring me back a souvenir from the tour.”
He giggles. “And if I win, and I  will..” he says, mocking your tone. He thinks for a bit before answering, “You have to give me a key to your place.”
You’re almost taken aback. A key to your place? A huge part of you thinks he’s being serious, that he wants to take this relationship to another level. The tiniest part of you thinks he’s just making a harmless joke.
Yeonjun notices your silence and clears his throat. “Sorry if that was too much, I just-“
“No, no, it’s not too much at all. But may I ask why?”
“Well, as much as I like hanging out in the dorm with the guys, your place feels like a second home. I enjoy just lying beside you, whether on the couch or in bed. I enjoy deciding what to cook and playing board games afterwards. I also want to be that cheesy boyfriend that says ‘Honey, I’m home’ when he opens the door.” He chuckles as he scratches the back of his head nervously.
You feel your cheeks turning red and the corner of your lips raising. You look away so he doesn’t see you smiling like a fool. The wind blowing on your face helps to relieve some of the shyness. However, you think Yeonjun saw you blushing, because he’s staring at you with a big smile before biting his lower lip.
“Alright, If I win, you get me a souvenir and if you win, you get a spare key. Deal?” You hold your hand out for him to shake.
He takes your hand and shakes it before bringing it up to his lips and leaving the faintest kiss. “It’s a deal, honey.”
The first part of the game starts with him scoring the first few points, jumping around, and making silly gestures whenever you miss the shuttlecock. It makes you roll your eyes and laugh at his antics. As much as you don’t mind giving him a spare key, the competitiveness in you wants to win so badly. Just when he had the upper hand, the universe decided to give you a comeback. You end up scoring more than him. Now it was Yeonjun who was losing, and you who was making the silly gestures after scoring a point. Yeonjun would just look at you with a pout and mumble that he’ll “get you next time”. You thought it was cute seeing him like this, and it led to you thinking about how you’ll be able to see his pout more often once he has his own keys to your place. Well, that’s if you lose the match, and you won’t let that happen.
Yeonjun, who noticed you were close to spacing out, saw this as an opportunity to hit the shuttlecock towards you. It took you a while to process it flying towards you until it landed on your shoes. You looked at him in shocked while he was cheering. “Hey, that doesn’t count, I wasn’t paying attention.”
He playfully sticks his tongue out at you. “ That’s not my fault. I get the point fair and square.”
You cross your arms and jokingly look away in annoyance, if he wants to play that game, so can you. Yeonjun giggles before walking towards you with his arms out for a hug. “Aww baby, you know I’m just playin-“.
You hit the shuttlecock towards him. Luckily for him, he sees it in time, however, he miscalculates how far it’s going. Yeonjun lunges his body towards it, but he lands on the grass just before the shuttlecock lands next to racquet. You can’t help but laugh while walking towards him. “You’re taking this game more seriously than I am.”
He chuckles before getting back up, dusting away dirt from his shirt. “For a chance to visit you whenever I can? I’m going to treat it like its life or death.” There he goes again, making you blush with his words. It’s getting difficult trying to move your face away, so he doesn’t see you  with rosy cheeks and biting back a smile. He giggles looking at your flushed expression. “It looks like you wouldn’t mind it either.” He says before kissing you. If you thought you were red before, your face must have turned scarlet now. You both pull away, faces still close to each other. His arms around your waist while your hands are on the nape of his neck, playing with his hair. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see an old couple walking by and looking at you. They’re smiling and whispering to each other. You wonder if they saw how hard you blushed over your boyfriend. You wonder if they could see just how in love you are.
Yeonjun kisses your forehead, stopping your reeling thoughts. “You might as well forfeit and give me the keys” he says jokingly.
You playfully push him away. “This doesn’t mean I’m going to let you win. I’m still fighting for that souvenir!” You say as you go back to your spot.
Yeonjun hits the shuttlecock, and you successfully hit it back to him. It looks like neither of you were giving up, as you guys started to have a rally with it. Yeonjun hits it with his racquet at an angle, making the shuttlecock fall closer to the ground. You tried to run and hit, but it’s on the grass before you arrive to it.
This is how it’s like for the next few rounds. It almost feels like the universe went back to being on Yeonjun’s side. However, you were able to make enough points to catch up to him, and now both of you were one point away from winning. It’s your turn to hit the shuttlecock towards him. Yeonjun had his eyes on your racquet, waiting to see which angle it would come from. Once you hit it, he immediately throws it back to you. He does it high enough that it goes over your head. You quickly turn around to run for the shuttlecock. Luckily, you were able to hit it towards him.
Once he sees it, he smirks. He hits it pointing downward. You try to run towards it, but it falls to the ground immediately. This is where you realize he purposefully threw the last one high so you would have to move back, meaning he can throw the next one closer to the ground without you catching up to him. You bite your tongue, a little upset that you lost but impressed at his last shot.
Yeonjun brings his arms up and cheers, as if he just won a championship. He starts doing a victory lap around you, making you giggle at his antics. “Okay, I admit defeat.”
He walks towards you, putting his hands on your waist to pull you in for a hug. “I was still going to get you a souvenir, no matter what. This win did boost my ego, though” he says before you playfully push him away, both laughing.
Yeonjun bends down to pick up your equipment while babbling about all the things he can do now that he’s going to own a spare key. “I can wake you up with breakfast since I always wake up first, I can buy you flowers so you can add it to your vases. I saw this tiktok of a couple making a pillow fort in their living room. You don’t have enough pillows, but we can always shop for some before I leave.”
You stand beside him, listening to everything he says. Your smile grows bigger the more he continues. I think I’m in love; you voice in your head.
…Or that’s what you thought. Once you see him stand up to look at you, you realize that you didn’t just think it, you flat out said it. Before you can say anything, Yeonjun grabs your cheeks and pulls you in for a kiss. He pulls away with a smile, foreheads still touching.
I think I’m in love too.
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fan-a-tink · 1 year ago
Young Royals S3 thoughts
Even just hearing this scene’s echo was horrific. It must have been so much worse to actually go through it. 
It must be so hard for Wille to reconcile how he knows Erik which what he now knows about him. And he is not here anymore to defend himself. Uuuurgghhhhh!
Please talk to Simon. Please talk to him. Shutting him out will not make anything better.
Sara and Felice doing desserts together, that’s the best idea anyone has ever had :) A chance for them to talk, yay!
This Micke is starting to be a dad too good to be true. This is sketchy behaviour. He is too happy, this is going to spiral out of his control. Oh Sara I am worried for you….
Ok, I am just going to say it (even 2021 me would judge me so hard for this) but August „redemption arc“ is working. Like I honestly believe that he is trying to be a little bit better as a person. I want him to be alright. And yes, I am shocked that I think this. 
Whose locker is number 60? Is that Sara’s? 
Wille once more calling his parents because he needs support. And his dad once more not stepping up. Nobody is perfect, not even Kronprins Erik….!
Edvin Ryding, the actor you are…
This episode it’s Wille’s turn to look as if his soul has left him. 
Oh shit this will be the music room fight. I am not ready. I am not ready. No no no no no noooooooo.
RIP Wille in the choir. Those scenes in episode two were worth it though :)) 
It is so typical for Simon to think that he has done something wrong. Simon, my love, you are not ‚difficult‘ for asking questions!! You are wonderful. 
Wille, those are your thoughts, not Simons. They are your fears, your doubts, your anxieties. And they are completely valid. But please don’t put words in Simon’s mouth and push him away like that. „Maybe he gave in to peer pressure. What do you know?“ Like, Simon is trying to help you here, he’s trying to talk it through with you and help you out. Nooo, don’t walk out on him?!!!
Simon being left behind in the music room is just as devastating as Wille being in there after their fight last season. I am done with this music room. 
The 36 on Simon’s locker is now always going to remind me of that fan exam :)) I was sooo unsure about that question haha
So she takes the letter, but is she reading it? Should we assume she read it? Or is she just not going to read it? I am confused…
Oh no. Micke has forgotten. The hope and desperation in her voice that she’s trying to conceal while leaving these voice messages for her dad is killing me. Also, ruuuuuun! You can still make it :) 
Why is Wille only ever with Felice when he’s had a fight or something with Simon? Like, when they’re good, he never hangs out with her. 
I also do believe he would have accepted and embraced Wille’s queerness. But I guess it’s the fact that we’ll never know that is so hard to deal with.
Purple nail polish ✨ slay :)
Sara made it :) But also, it’s stressing me out that she just puts her id back into her bag and doesn’t close it properly. It could fall out!
That is so heartbreaking seeing that Micke is falling back into the habit of drinking with his friends. And the worst possible moment for Sara to find out, mid-driving test, in the middle of the road. 
Linda giving Simon the long overdue hug and telling him he’s not doing anything wrong. YES!
„Love shouldn’t be this difficult“ - Linda, I trusted you!!! Don’t give Simon ideas.. 
Sara turning up at the house, breaking down. Simon hugging her. Forgiving her. I am in actual tears now. Can’t handle it. I’m sooo glad he is forgiving her. This was soooo necessary. Finally some healing…. 
That’s a decent apology text, Wille, I’m proud of you :)
The nail polish looks sooo good!!
And its off 😂 That was shorter than Wille’s career in the choir..
The Happy Birthday Song Scene will forever be my favourite Wilson scene. I am crying my eyes out because I know it’s all going to go wrong soon, and this might be one of the last moments of happiness. And it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! 
Also I am sooo glad the ‚Is everything ok between us?‘ line happened here and now was immediately answered with a ‚yes‘ - that takes away one of my biggest fears from the trailer… 
Also, he made him a sandwich? Asjdnä oajbef lskdfb .sjdnfsldnf lsdn 💜
I like Farima. Also her green suit is gorgeous :) 
They are holding hands in the car !!!!
„Maybe it was stupid to tell you that thing about Erik. I get that it must’ve been tough to hear.“ Yeah, no shit, August.
Simon is just chilling, living his best life eating cake :) 
„Cause there’s a risk of poisoning.“ Oooff. Simon’s expression is golden :))
I think Simon will never get used to having staff to take care of everything. And to Wille being absolutely ok with that and not even noticing it. 
Spotted Lisa Ambjörn, hihiiiii :))
Please make Simon feel welcome. Please. 
Why are they all pretending like everyone’s happy and fine? 
August is just so happy to be near Sara, it is actually adorable. 
Felice and Sara working side by side. I have so much hope that they can find their friendship again. Like, they are both loving being in each other’s company..! And Felice wanting to be a chef? I am here for it!!!! That whole little scene was beautiful :))
That is the most awkward dinner conversation ever. Poor Simon. Poor Wille. And they really don’t make it easy for anyone just bringing everything back to Erik. Like, that just adds so much pressure on Wille, and also this is such a vulnerable topic for him right now… 
Class Bad Boy. Lol
I love that he hates the title. Like, season 1 August would have loved it! That is GROWTH, ladies and gentlemen!
„It’s not very long. I’ll read it to you“ - dude, she can read, she just didn’t want to! 
His voice breaking up a little while he reads the letter. Malte is really on the next level this season…
The way he leans his head into that hug…! I have so much hope for them…. Please, please, please!
Yes, I can see that from Frederike’s point of view this looks bad. But you don’t know anything about the situation. And you’re just going to cause problems. But of corse she runs straight to Felice. Uuughhh, and things were just starting to look like they could be friends again someday. 
Wille playing a bit of the school song. Is that the only thing he remembers how to play, because he taught it to Simon? 
Wille, you’re being unfair. Yes, it’s hard for you. But Simon is also allowed to find it hard. And he is only trying to support you.
I’m sorry, but Wille’s parents could not be more useless right now. I am so glad Wille is finally speaking his mind. Maybe the delivery is not the most productive, constructive, diplomatic, but a child should not have to beg for his parents to be there for him. And they should not just leave the room when he does. Like, I understand that you are ill and struggling and that it must be absolutely terrible to deal with your eldest son dying tragically in a car crash, but Wille is right, you still have a son, and he needs you!!! 
The way Simon looks horrified and genuinely scared when Wille smashes the gifts. Like, he looks kind of scared of Wille. I bet he witnessed these kind of violent outbursts from his dad when he was younger. Oh Simon….
There it is: „Love shouldn’t be this hard.“ And it hurts just as much as I thought it would. 
Wille’s cheek is so wet, he must have been crying a lot already. 
Simon’s voice cracking when he says „Maybe it just can’t work.“ - he is breaking his own heart admitting this. 
The lyrics just before the cut „I got addicted to a losing game“ - KILL ME NOW!
I am in tears. Like, I knew they were going to come to a point like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok!!!
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lost-in-lamentation · 2 years ago
This is my first ask and I feel a bit shy 🙈 but I have been looking for some time now to find someone who could write an idea I had for a few weeks now. I could write it myself but I don’t feel comfortable about doing it and also I really enjoy your writing.
I was thinking about it a lot today and your posts appeared as an answer to my prayers!
There is a French song called « The Devil doesn’t wear Prada anymore » (Le diable ne s’habille plus en Prada). In the song they talk about Lucifer so I was thinking about Lucifer and Diavolo and maybe some of the other characters listening to this song in a club or a bar or while MC is listening to it in their bedroom and I would love to see what you think their reactions would be.
I’d be happy to do the translation if that is something you’d be interested in.
a/n: definitely, a bit of a challenge to write because it’s been way too long since i stopped learning French. thank you lala3244 for the prompt and the translations <3
content: lucifer, diavolo, and satan all catch you listening to a french human world song.
can technically be either platonic or romantic, but satan is a flirt. fluff all the way through.
lucifer, diavolo, satan x gen!reader. (separate.)
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being the kind of demon to listen to the same cursed records on loop, lucifer has never commented on the music that rings out of your room into the hallway. occasionally, he even pauses in the corridor, trying to catch the way your voice swings in tune with the words (and he denies the claims when his brothers accuse him of this). today was no different. when lucifer heard the music through the door, he stopped his journey back to the study, leaning towards your room to hear clearly. it wasn’t long before he realised the song was in a different language, but the demon wondered if it was his imagination that had him thinking you had sung out his name.
inside your room, you knocked on your desk along to the rhythm, half singing and half humming along with the song you had put on repeat.
“oui l'élève a dépassé son maître,
"oui l'enfer est bien plus gros sur terre,
"depuis qu'les hommes font pire que lucifer, depuis qu’les hommes font pire que lucifer,” you sang quietly, head bobbing up and down in time with the music. reaching over to your d.d.d., you tapped the screen awake, making sure the song would play again before turning it back off. too engrossed in the song, you failed to notice the door behind you cracking open.
“MC-” lucifer called out to you, but was quickly cut off by you yelling in surprise.
“WHA- oh my goodness, lucifer! can’t you at least knock?!” your hand slammed frantically on the desk in a crude attempt to turn down the volume of your music.
he eyed your screen curiously, clearing his throat to catch your attention. “perhaps consider keeping your music quieter so you can hear people come in.” the corners of his mouth twitched upward at your guilty expression. “i only came in because i thought i heard my name. would you enlighten me about the song?”
you released a dejected sigh. “it’s just talking about how… hell is supposedly bigger on earth, and that humans do worse than… you.”
lucifer’s shoulders shook with stifled laughter. he turned his head away, taking a moment to compose himself before turning back to you. “well, i can’t say that the song is wrong.”
═  ˎˊ˗
the music from the speakers blasted through the club and into your ears, making it practically impossible for you to hear diavolo correctly. the two of you had gone up to the human world for some research, and somehow managed to get everything done early with a night to spare. in celebration, you took diavolo to a popular club in the area, wanting to show him a few more human world activities before heading back to the devildom. the two of you sat across from each other in a booth, drinks in hand as you discussed (shouted over the music) about how your trip had gone.
“is it always this difficult to speak to each other in clubs?” diavolo looked towards the speakers, an eyebrow raised in concern. “i fear that volume of this level might ruin your hearing.”
you shrugged at the question, swirling your drink around with a straw. “it’s alright, as long as you’re not doing this everyday.” the current song faded out, beginning to lead into a familiar electronic riff. immediately, you waved your fingers at diavolo, gesturing to him to listen to the music. “we should play this song at one of your parties one day.”
diavolo leaned onto the table, frowning slightly. “i can’t seem to understand the lyrics.”
“that’s cause it’s in french,” you chuckled softly.
“what is it saying?”
you listened for another chorus, piecing together the translation in your head. “says that the devil doesn’t wear prada anymore. and also that he has no job anymore, since the humans took it away from him.”
the ruler of devildom stared at you, eyes flickering around the room in thought.
“it also says that humans do worse than lucifer,” you finished off as the song did, taking a swig of your drink.
diavolo only gave you a confused look. “i think the only one who ever does better than lucifer is barbatos,” he said seriously.
laughing at his stern expression, you set your glass down. “only you would say that,” you mused, moving to stand up from your seat. “let’s play it in front of lucifer next time and see what he says.”
“a splendid idea!” the demon said with his signature laugh, following you out of the club.
═  ˎˊ˗
satan thought he was hearing things. after all, your room had no reason to be playing music that loud, let alone music that was in an entirely different language. he racked his brain as he stood in your doorway, trying to recall if you had mentioned knowing a language such as french. you weren’t in your room and had left your d.d.d. playing out loud, and even though satan wanted to respect the boundaries that were set for you room, he couldn’t help himself. curiosity killed the cat, after all. why not take after it?
satan shuffled over to your desk, lighting your d.d.d. screen up to reveal the music you were playing. “le diable n- ne s’habille… plus en prada. the devil…? prada? what is prada?” he mumbled the questions to himself, unaware that you had made your way back.
“it’s a human world brand,” you answered matter-of-factly. satan immediately spun around to face you, guilt scribbled across his face. “you know french?”
sheepishly, he rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “that was going to be my question,” he muttered under his breath. “i’ve spent a lot of time learning different languages. i learned french a long time ago. how come you know it?”
you hummed softly, stepping around satan to reach for your d.d.d. and quiet the music down. “wouldn’t say i know it that well. took some classes in school, so i can pronounce french alright. can’t guarantee that i know what i’m saying though,” you replied.
satan plucked your phone out of your hand, turning it on to read the title of the song. “teach me then. how do you say the title correctly?”
a sly smile rested on your features. “as if i’ll teach you for free,” you purred at him, swiping your d.d.d. back. “what’s in it for me?”
satan’s eyes widened in surprise for a split second, but the demon was quick to control his expression. the blonde flashed you a smirk, taking a step closer to you and tilting your chin towards his face. “teach me the language of love, and…”
“and what?” you shivered at how gentle his touch was.
satan leaned in closer, his lips hovering just next to your ear. “and i’ll teach you a few things about love itself.”
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a/n: polyglot satan >>>>
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darkniters · 6 months ago
i wrote this in 2022, please enjoy
sitting by your pc, you're not really paying much attention to the monitors, but more blindly scrolling on your phone. seeing your creator friends making tweets come up on the timeline, and even getting some interactions yourself.
you've got one ear under your headphones, the other laying limp behind your ears, when suddenly a familiar notification chimes from your pc, the same on your phone.
you've received a discord message! but sitting in a ball on a chair seems much more appealing right now, maybe the notification can sit for a bit?
the thought wasn't properly considered, as you were already leaning forward to move your mouse, clicking on the messaging application.
it's a dm from ted!
the single way conversation read as such:
you better answer you stupid son of a bitch or i will rain hellfire upon you
they were all sent within the same minute.
pls be nice to me ted nippleson
what do you want, i have no more corpses in supply, you're gonna need to wait another week for that.
are you INSANE
i do not CARE for your pitiful corpses, fool
however i have made you something (oooh ted i wonder what it is)
you couldn't deny you were weary of what ted prepared for you, but curiosity consumed you as you continued to type on your keyboard with satisfying clicks.
i am very frightened ted
have i ever told you that you are a very scary man
nope, but its good to know that i have that sort of power against you.
anyways, i hope you like this, took me a bit to put together
[ link ]
looking over the link, it sent you to spotify, and you clicked into it. a gasp escaped your throat.
ted made you a playlist! and it had some of your favorite songs and some of his own. this was the first time anyone ever made you a playlist, and you were deeply touched by it. another discord message was sent.
it was very difficult to put together, please oh please im begging on my knees make more playlists public i can't keep guessing the songs you like from twitch con 2 years ago.
ted you actually got it super on point, very impressive top man!
yea cause im never wrong (y/n)
you switch the playlist on, it didnt seem to be in a liminal order. scanning through the songs, he was REALLY on point. you read the description of the playlist.
whats up pussy supreme (you are scared of me, admit it)
you've been on the ted nivison brain waves recently, and yea we talk and game a lot but i feel like a thank you is in order, so check it out! a playlist of the shit you listen to (and some of what i listen to too)
thank you for taking quality time out of your life to talk with my stupid ass
reading this, a smile never left your face. the fact that he even did this in the first place was just so nice!
DUDE you killed that shit
i gotta like make something in return
you silly goose
the reason i made the playlist to arch over both of our music tastes is so you dont need to do anything!
naaaah i'll make you something for sure dude
spending my time is bare minimum, you do the same with me!
new songs keep playing during the conversation, but when 4:00 comes around, teds gotta head out
alright wise guy
you're lucky i have a video to record right now
or else this would continue
enjoy recording dude, im gonna keep listening to this playlist that you've created for my fine ass
i hope your video corrupts
and you
shit yourself during recording
and you lose power
I DO????
conversation then fizzled out.
you took one more glance over the playlist and noticed something.
some of these songs were made for confession.
you didnt question it, maybe it was done because he likes them, but also some of them were completely out of the ordinary im the playlist, and stuck out like a sore thumb.
little did you know, ted put those in deliberately, seeing if you'd notice and ask about it. maybe not now, but at some point. and maybe, just maybe, he'd have the balls in telling you how he actually feels.
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mywrittingwonderland · 11 months ago
Toronto or London
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Hello Everyone, Am I back? I am not sure, but I just really got stuck in my head these past few days, and well, I figured writing would help me. I didn't really proofread this, so I apologize in advance. I also don't necessarily love this that much, but at least it got me out of my limbo phase. Warnings: None really Word Count: 2,510 Summary: She has always been in love with Toronto; she just didn't know why yet.
- - - - - - - - -
“Toronto or London?” — Jimmy asked as the last question of the fast questions round.
“Toronto” — Emily replied, without a second thought to the question. Which got the audience and all her fellow colleagues to look at her by surprise. 
“Wait a minute, weren’t you born in London? What makes you choose Toronto?”
“Honestly? I just have always had a good feeling about Toronto, even though I never really got spend that much time there, I hope that at some point once I have a break I manage to go touring on that city.” — She replied, with an honest response. The truth is that she always had a good feeling when she was around Toronto, she just didn’t know why. - - -
“Shawn, someone told me you wanted to tryout for a few acting gigs, and that Harry has been pushing you to do it?” — Shawn laughed at the question while nodding his head confirming the information. — “So my question to you is, if you had to work with any actor/actress who would it be?” 
“Oh wow, that’s a difficult one Jimmy, but I think I would have to say Emily Wilson, I just really love everything she does, like it would be such an honour. I am a huge fan! Honestly even meeting her would be a huge honour” 
“Well I was told she loves Toronto! So maybe it won’t be that hard to find her roaming around the city, you could just ask her on a date you know?” — Jimmy joked.
“I don’t think I would ever even dare to do that!” — Shawn answered, his face definitely a bit flustered.
“Well, but moving on to business Shawn, talk to us about your new album!”
“So, Emily lets talk about your new film, you are now shooting in Toronto, right?” 
“Yes, and it has been an amazing experience to be able to be in Toronto for 3 months now, I really love this city so much!” — She replied with a smile on her face.
“That’s so great! I hope you managed to finally go to all the places you wanted to visit around the city, did you manage to have the time to do that?” 
“Oh, I really wish! We barely stopped during the filming process because I need to run to London right after this, we are starting to shoot The Selection series with Netflix, as you all know, so I manage to visit a few places but definitely have to come back.”
“So, if you had to choose between life in Toronto or London, which one would you choose?” 
“Toronto!” — She answer without second thoughts. — “Don’t get me wrong I love London, but there is just something about here that I can’t take my head off it.” 
 - - -
“Girl I just loved your work so much! I mean you know I love your acting gigs but your song, I just don’t know how you didn’t win song of the year! It was my song of the year for sure!” — Billie said as soon as she spotted Emily at the Grammy’s after party.
“Come on! You are queen here today, don’t even start! You killed it!” 
“Thank you! It means a lot coming from you! I heard you are back to filming in New York this month? Maybe we can meet up for a coffee when you are around?”
“Actually, I just finished filming yesterday, I am heading to Toronto tomorrow, and then back to London for more filming.” — Emily said a bit sad she would miss the coffee with Billie.
“No wayyyy! Wait up, I will probably head to Canada for a few days too, Justin recommend me a very nice retreat in which paps won’t find me, and I am in need of some offline days, especially after this crazy night, I feel like I can definitely go for that!” 
“That’s amazing, if you want you can come with me in the plane and we have that coffee and you can tell me more about how was this masterpiece production”
“I am in girl! Let’s go!” — Billie answered before being dragged by her brother to answer to a phone call they had just got.
- - -
“Wait up! You have never talked with Shawn or Justin before? Even though you have been obsessed with Canada your entire life? How is that even possible? 
“You know I was nominated for a song for the movie I did right? I don’t actually sing B.” — Emily said laughing at her friend.
“Oh shush girl, you just won a grammy yesterday for best song for visual media, maybe you don’t want to admit but you are good in what you are doing” 
“Billie, I literally have one song out!”
“True! But still…” 
“Enough on me and my obsession with Canada, tell me more about what you have been up to! It has been so long since we had time to actually talk!” — Emily answered, eager to know more about her friend.
- - -
“Shawn there is an invitation for you to go to this interview tomorrow with Emily Wilson, I know it is last minute but if you want to do it, we can do it.” — Andrew said over the phone.
“Wait, what? Really? Of course I want to do it, should probably talk to Camilla first about it, but yes.” — He said, immediately texting his girlfriend about the interview as he knew she could become a bit insecure with Shawn going to an interview with his celebrity crush. But her response came out being super supportive which made Shawn at ease about going.
- - -
“Hello you guys, I was told you had never met! And honestly I didn’t believe it!” — The interviewer at the radio said making Shawn and Emily smile at each other before answering.
“I honestly just never spent enough time here to get to meet new people, I am always hanging out with the crew and it just never happened, but it is an honour to finally meet you Shawn!” — Emily said with a smile.
“No, please the honour is all mine! I just really cannot believe this is happening right now and I am not sure I know exactly how to properly behave, I am like your number 1 fan!” — He said, totally fingerling over her and making her giggle. 
“Normally Emily comes over to talk about acting, but today we will talk about song writing, and her process on writing and recording her song for a Disney movie! How did that happen?” 
“Well Kate, I don’t even know myself if I am being honest, I knew I would have to sing, but when Julia contacted me asking if I wanted to help with writing it took me a lot by surprise, it was the first time I ever wrote a song in my life, so I definitely was not expecting the response we got, honestly I really believe it was all Julia’s magic and I ended up being there with her by a struck of luck or something” — She answered.
“What do you think of the song Shawn? And how it is writing for you?”
“What do I think of her song? I wrote with Julia a few weeks after they finished recording and Julia couldn’t shut up about you and how you brought all the sparkles into the song, and I really think it is an amazing vulnerable song and that you really should give yourself some more credit, I really love it. And about writing, for me this song is an example of what I am trying to do every day, really just pouring my soul into it and making feelings into words.” — He answered making her blush a little. 
“Thank you Shawn, we don’t have a lot of time today unfortunately, so we chose one question from fans for you to answer: If you had to choose between writing in London or anywhere else in the world where would you choose to go?” 
“I really like recoding in LA, but London is on my top 5 places too.” — Shawn answered and waited for Emily.
“Toronto, 100%! If there is one place I feel the most comfortable being in such a vulnerable state is Toronto for sure.”
“Time is up, guys thank you so much! I hope I get to see more of you around Toronto Emily, and Shawn let’s please meet up soon! I will see you again tomorrow to talk about the process of filming Game of Thrones with Emilia Clarke!” 
As they left the recording room, Shawn finally had the chance to compliment Emily properly.
“I really really love your work so much, you have no idea! — He said in an exited way which made her smile. — Can I hug you? — He asked and she immediately nodded and was engulfed in his hug. She really had a strange sensation when they were hugging, it was the same sensation she felt whenever she would arrive in Toronto, it felt like home. “Is it too much if I ask for an autograph too?” — He asked, making her laugh.
“Of course, here you go.” She signed on his notebook.
They talked for over an hour after the interview, and he also left her his number for whenever she was around if she needed company to tour on his city. She knew he had a girlfriend but at the same time she couldn’t help but to wonder which is also why she promised herself to never text him.
- - -
“Our final question of the night” — Elen said with a pout and the audience also made a sound of protest. “I know, I know you love her, I love her too!” — She said taking Emily laugh
“And I love you all of course” — She said seeing a kiss to the audience.
“If you had to make a song duet, and I mean a real one, not one with me for this show. Who would you like to sing with?” 
“Shawn Mendes” — She said, very fast and without thinking too much.
“Oh wow, that was fast, is there something going on that we don’t know about? You definitely do make a lot of visits to Toronto.” — Elen said, leaving it open to her to interpret it.
“I just really like the way his voice sounds” — She said, bluish a little when she noticed how her response sounded. — “ And of course if we record in Toronto even better”
“Smooth Emily, I guess we all will have to let that slide since our time is up for today”.
- - - 
“So Shawn” — Elen Paused —“Do you watch my show?”
“Whenever I can, I do.” 
“A few months ago we had an interview with Emily Wilson, and apparently she really likes your voice” — She said making him blush because he had no idea what she was talking about.
“I am not exactly sure what you are talking about Elen” — He answered, not wanting to mess things up with his favourite star.
“Here is Emily on this show, and what she said” — Elen replayed the clip, and Shawn immediately felt his blushing. “Adorable right?” — She said making him close his eyes for a second and smile timidly.
“I really like the way her voice sounds too, not only in music but also everything she has even acted on, she is perfect in everything she does” — He answered and bit his lip softly at the end, still embarrassed by the situation.
Later that night he was surprised when his phone received a text from Emily, as he hadn’t really talked to her in over a year.
Emily: I will be in Toronto next week, if you are around and want to meet for a coffee maybe?
Shawn: Text me your hotel once you have it and I will pick you up and show you around the city if you want a proper tour.
- - -
“Connor I am sincerely nervous for this. — Shawn said for the 100th time that day.
“It will be fine, honestly I can’t believe it took you guys so long to actually go on a date!” 
“What do you mean, Man I did have a girlfriend before remember?”
“Shawn, we both know your relationship with Mila started for the wrong reasons, and honestly the possibility of it evolving was very slim.” — He said referring to the publicity stunt they had agreed and that later evolved into a relationship. — “You love her, but only as a friend, whereas you have been fungirling over Emi for years, even before Camila.” 
“I am not sure if you saying that helps a lot to soothe my nerves at all” — He said adjusting the collar of his shirt and deciding it was time to leave.
- - -
“Okay, so since you are here, and we are being honest with each other, I though we might as well go for Spill your Guts or Fill your Guts!” — James said being filled by a round of a applauses. — “Everything in here is vegetarian, so you can eat everything, or nothing if you decide to answer the questions.”.
“Oh God, this does not look good at all, but yeah, I am ready, ask me”. 
“We are nearing the finale of your series with Netflix, are there any spin-offs of the series being prepared for later? Or is that the last of The Selection we will see? — He asked making her close her eyes.
“Come on James, that is really not fair, I can’t answer this.” — She said trying to sound a bit mad, but laughing at the end.
“That’s all right, you can always go for the onion and garlic tea.” — He said, and she took a sip making a lot of effort to not throw up in the process.
“My turn, James, is there any celebrity who you refused to invite to your show before?” — She read her question and smiled at him.
“She really knows what she is doing you guys, nop I guess olive pudding for me it is” — He said looking a bite of the disgusting looking olive pudding.
“Emily, some photos have been circling around the internet, and I we are all wondering if they are real, so I would like to read Shawn’s last 3 messages to you” — He said making her blush, they still hadn’t officially confirmed nor denied anything, but their photos of the grammy’s were all over the internet already so there was really no hiding to do anymore.
“Okay, I guess you can do that” — She said after verifying the messages quickly.
“Oh wow! I was not expecting that you guys! I really wasn’t, okay so let’s do this:
Hi Emi, I really really miss you. I hope James is not too mean to you, Love. Good luck, I love you, and see you later.
“Awww… you guys are melting our hearts right now.” — He said taking her phone close to his heart. — “IT’S REAL EVERYONE!” 
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acanth3 · 7 months ago
追憶*マリオネットの糸の先 / Reminiscence*End of the Marionette's Strings
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Nazuna: …..
Mika: Nnnah..? Nazuna-nii, hello~♪
Nazuna: …..
Mika: Hmm, why’re you so happy? What is it? I feel like I'm in a good mood today too~ did something happen to you?
Nazuna: …..♪
Mika: I don’t know but Nazuna-nii looks happy, and I’m happy too!~♪
But, Nazuna-nii… yer always late
If Nazuna-nii doesn’t show up with his face early, Oshi-san will be put into a bad mood and taken out on me. So, it’s okay~..?
Nazuna: …..
(I can’t tell him I’ve been secretly practising my singing, there aren’t many new results yet…if Oshi-san finds out he’ll be put into an angry mood.)
(But recently even other units have become more active.)
(I can’t just stay this way forever just because it’s ‘convenient’, Valkyrie will also get older.)
(We’re still at the top of Yumenosaki, placed in such a high place means others can see you clearly.)
(We’re studied and imitated, like a king.)
(Even the audience will be bored out if we keep showing the same concept.)
(Never mind how luxurious/tasty fine French food is…it’s only natural you’ll get bored of it everyday.)
(We also need to have a change. But Valkyrie only permits on stage what Oshi-san wants, much like a restriction.)
(Only because we bring in so much commitment we have the highest quality one-of-a-kind piece of art.)
(We’re in an era where media everywhere is consumed at such abnormal speed.)
(If only my recorded singing voice from the past keeps being used…we can’t use the same song forever. There’s a limit to what people want.)
(While figuring some things out, I was driven to another…unit.)
(As much as Oshi-san doesn’t want to admit, I have a silver rated singing voice. I’ll do it…)
(If I just sing, Valkyrie will be able to move forward..we’ll change.)
(If my growth is able to be recognized, Oshi-san won’t reuse the pre-recorded singing, I want some new possibilites…?)
(Mika-chan also… maybe he can be used as a much stronger force rather than just a back up dancer?)
Mika: Hmm? Nazuna-nii, what is it?
Hey, Nazuna-nii…it’s a bit late but this is a… birthday present ♪
Nazuna: ….?
Mika: It’s clothes, I made em’! It looks a bit shabby compared to the one’s Oshi-san makes/ that you wear daily.
I worked hard and did my best! ♪
I couldn’t stand that I forgot to give it to ya all this time, even if I missed the opportunity…I’ll fix it a bit…
If it was this much of a mess, yer birthday would have been passed for a long time now~♪
Sorry it’s so late, will you accept it Nazuna-nii?
Nazuna: …..
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Mi…Mika-chi… Thank..you..I’m…so happy…
(Ah! I forgot I don’t have a voice! Because I stayed silent for so long I can’t even muster out the words thank you properly…)
Shu: You two. Be quiet please, I’m on the… phone.
Mika: Nnnah? Oshi-san sorry for interrupting while yer on the phone…huh..?
Shu: What is this? I’m not even familiar with electronic devices, I can’t really get in touch with the other's.
Compared to a smartphone it’s much more difficult to hear the recipient's voice. 
So stay quiet. Sorry, I interrupted our call…Rei.
It’s unusual for you to be active during the daytime, are you finally feeling motivational? Even if you were just playing bystander, I’m interested in something.
You are one of the many few people who understand me, as a friend, yes…
You’re as hostile as a unit, getting rid of something mercilessly…
If you become an opponent, I can;t afford to get my heart in the way and die.
Lately the number of annoying slobs have increased. It has got me worried and it’s making me uncomfortable.
Hah, are you pretending to be elderly? If it were not for you, I would have hung up the phone, Rei?
‘fine’ …Oh, Tenshouin’s unit? But what’s wrong with it…?
Anyhow, to be an idol~ it’s really a experience/sort of existence, isn’t it?
They are not the enemy of Valkyrie. The stage is not something that can be controlled by king’s of money.
It’s a stage to show fine art. 
I’ll beat my existence to the whole world.
Isn’t it best for rich people to get drunk and ravish a luxurious place where people compete with one another? After all, they are third-rate idols.
Though we cannot beat ‘the real thing’. The snobs in this world are concerned enough to distinguish the authenticity of it all.
Personally, I seem to be more interested in your current trends rather than what ‘fine’ is upto. 
Recently it seems many have begun to make a move including you, Wataru and Kanata..right?
You are rare out of the sluggish and corrupt society of Yumenosaki. 
Art is a product of chance, a gift from god. I don’t want to mess it up with my hands. 
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I was able to meet you guys at this, Yumenosaki. Ka ka..
It’s something I think is great, really, from the bottom of my heart. I have no choice but to express something similar to a miracle. Don’t you think so too?
Thank you for the advice, I’m not stupid to silence a warning given to me by a dear friend.
Let’s be careful. Yes, good night…my friend.
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widowling · 16 days ago
I'm going to go ahead and ramble for a bit.
Whenever I hear some booktok reader say something like 'oh, i read 80 books this month' or 'I read 332532562 books this year', I do not immediately think that they're super smart, or really good at reading, or even a remarkably quick reader.
I just think, wow, you probably need to go up a reading level.
Cause people approach reading like its an on/off switch. Either you can do it, or you cannot. And its an underrated miracle of the modern world that literacy levels have reached such heights. But reading is, and always has been, a skill that you can work to get better at. Not something that you can either do, or you can't.
And if you are reading only in a specific genre, then you get really good at reading that genre, and can read those books faster and faster. When I was a kid reading those 'Spot the Dog' books, they took me a long time. Now, I can read them in 5 seconds. Because I'm better at reading than I was when I was 5. I read classics like Pride and Prejudice, the Bluest Eye, and Ovid much faster now than I could when I started university, because I've had practice reading those kinds of books.
Now there is nothing wrong with liking what you like, and reading what you enjoy. That is not what I am saying.
I am not even saying that this is a phenomenon isolated to Romantasy booktok. I have a friend who only ever reads high fantasy and he reads massive tomes, really quickly, but I gave him a poem once and he struggled through it because it was outside of his preferred genre, what he was good at reading. Even though it was much shorter, he had to go over and over it to understand how it worked, how it fit together, because he was encountering an unfamiliar configuration of words and meaning. It took him much longer to figure out how it worked. My other friend, who almost exclusively reads poetry. Read it once, and immediately got the meaning.
It is perfectly okay to be satisfied with a particular level of a skill. I'll never be a concert pianist, i am satisfied with the two songs i can play on the piano. I just do think that it is worth it to expand your skill when it comes to reading, particularly in these times where propaganda is everywhere, your politicians are lying to you, and AI is pretending to be real writers. Reading is quickly becoming a necessary survival skill.
So expand your reading ability. Expand what kinds of texts you are familiar with. Read outside of your preferred genre, your preferred mode. Read outside of your context, your culture. Read authors from other countries. Read authors who have been dead for centuries.
And when you start, it will be more difficult. It will feel uncomfortable. The amount of books you read a month or in a year might sharply decrease. And it will feel like you are getting worse before you get better. But something I have realized is that's what learning feels like. It doesn't feel good, at least not initially. It the stretch of your muscles where you feel that little twinge of pain. That's you going just slightly beyond what you are capable of.
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