#Euro to Czech Crown
stiffyck · 8 months
If you make the pateron make the only teir 100 per month /j
100 what is the question.
Dollars? Euros? Czech crowns? Something completely different?
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a guy at lidl really just asked me if the prices shown are in czech crowns or euros. why the hell would they be in euros my dude???????
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mrbookmaker · 7 months
How Will the Czechs Respond to Relegation?
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We have covered the four groups of Nations League A, but now it is time to take a look at the different groups of Nations League B.
Let’s start with Group 1 that consists of the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Albania, and Georgia.
Online bookmaker Bet365 has the latest wagers and currently the Czech Republic has 6/4 odds to win Group 1.
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The Czechs were relegated from League A in the previous edition of Nations League and were only able to earn four points in a group that consisted of Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland.
This time it makes sense for the football experts to assume that the Czechs should win Group 1 and be promoted back to the topflight of Nations League.
But to be honest, I think it is unfair to have this mentality because Ukraine came close to qualifying to the 2022 World Cup and will also be participating in the Euro 2024 playoffs.
Yes, the Czechs qualified automatically to Euro 2024 by finishing second in their group. But the other teams in their group were an underachieving Poland, Moldova, and the Faroe Islands.
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Ukraine on the other hand had a brutal group being drawn with England, Italy, North Macedonia, and Malta.
And of course, we cannot forget that Ukraine and Italy both finished with fourteen points, but it was Italy that advanced by virtue of a head-to-head tiebreaker.
When looking at the teams in Group 1, I think it also makes sense to not disrespect Georgia because the former Soviet republic has been improving in recent years.
We should also not take anything away from Albania qualifying to its second European Championship.
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Overall, I think Group 1 of League B might be one of the most exciting groups in this level of Nations League.
On paper, I think it makes sense to say that the Czechs should win the group and gain automatic promotion.
But the Ukrainian team is dangerous and I am picking Ukraine to win this group instead of the Czech Republic.
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railwaysupply · 1 year
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mariacallous · 2 years
Last year, the Czech Republic passed a law to compensate Roma women who had been sterilised using coercive tactics. But among thousands of victims, barely a hundred have received any money.
The boy sat by the window, scribbling in his maths exercise book. His grandmother called out from across the room, asking him to fetch her cigarettes – but then, thinking better of it, struggled with a groan to her feet. “Never mind,” she said, “you do your homework.” Jitka Zoltakova and her husband, Libor, frequently keep an eye on eight-year-old David after school. On the walls of their small apartment, alongside a painting of the Virgin Mary and photos of family members, hangs a portrait of their son, David’s father. It is adorned with two handwritten notes, saying “Rest in peace” and “Forever in our hearts”.
The grandparents live in Zatec, a small town north-east of Prague famed for its brewery and its picturesque centre. Their apartment is in a purpose-built concrete block – public housing from the last century, built for the communist proletariat. The interior is clean and tidy, with a faint smell of disinfectant and cigarette smoke. From a television in an adjacent room, the voice of a news anchor can be heard announcing record-high Covid cases. It was early December 2021, and the Omicron variant was spreading through the Czech Republic. “These times suck,” Zoltakova sighed. “If I didn’t have grandchildren, I don’t know what I would do. They bring life into this misery.”
David is the youngest of four children left behind by her son. As the boy got ready to leave, Zoltakova handed him a 200-crown note – the equivalent of about eight euros. “This is for you and your mum,” she said. “Off you go now and see you tomorrow.”
David’s mother met his father after he had left his wife, Simona, and their three children. “Things went downhill when he realised he would never have another child with Simona,” Zoltakova said. “He wanted a boy so he left his family, got David’s mum pregnant, went down the wrong path and took an overdose. We visit his grave every week.” The room went quiet until Libor, who had not said very much, spoke up. “It happened to Jitka too.” He gestured to the family photos on the wall. “Most of the women in these pictures had it done to them.”
During the Czechoslovak era and beyond, thousands of Roma women were sterilised by doctors who had used unlawful, coercive tactics to secure consent for the procedure. In July last year, the Czech parliament ratified a law approving payouts to the victims. The passage of the law, some 30 years after the first cases came to light, ought to have marked the triumphant climax of a long campaign for reparations by Roma rights organisations. But campaigners say the decades-long delay, coupled with the flawed rollout of the compensation scheme, have instead created fresh hurdles to justice.
The vast majority of victims will never receive any compensation. Some 50 years have passed since the first procedures were performed, and many of the women are no longer alive. Campaigners say surviving victims are often reluctant to apply for compensation because of the shame associated with sterilisation. They accuse the government of failing to promote the compensation scheme appropriately, leaving NGOs to pick up the slack.
Among the victims that have filed claims meanwhile, many have been denied payouts because their medical records are lost or destroyed. According to Elena Gorolova, a Roma social worker from the town of Ostrava who has spearheaded the fight for reparations, applications are constantly being turned down on the grounds of insufficient evidence. “It hurts to see law officers at the Ministry of Health reject claims by women whom I have been fighting for, and alongside, for years,” she said. The rejection stemmed from the Czech state’s “ongoing neglect” of the victims, she said, “as women, and as Roma.”
The sterilisations were the result of a policy that sought to curb the birth rate among the Roma. The policy was ostensibly grounded in the belief, widespread within Czechoslovakia’s communist regime, that the Roma could be lifted out of poverty if they could be persuaded to have smaller families. The unlawful tactics used to secure consent for the sterilisations, however, showed up the policy for what it truly was – a campaign of obstetric violence waged by a totalitarian state seeking to shrink the population of a persecuted minority.
State-backed coercive sterilisation drives, underpinned by racist and eugenicist ideas, have been pursued in many countries over the last hundred years. The targets have ranged from those deemed to be socially undesirable, such as the disabled and mentally ill, to indigenous communities in colonial and post-colonial societies. The Roma of Europe, whose history includes centuries of enslavement in Romania and mass extermination under the Nazis, were targeted with coercive sterilisation in Sweden and Hungary as well as Czechoslovakia. Compensation for victims remains the exception rather than the norm.
“Controlling ethnic populations like this is a form of genocide,” said Jonathan Lee, a spokesperson for the European Roma Rights Centre, ERRC, an international NGO. “The purpose is not to reduce poverty but to reduce the number of Roma, with the ideal final number presumably being close to zero…. Eugenic thinking did not end with the Nazis – it continued in democratic societies, and it continues now.”
The battle for justice also continues in the Czech Republic, despite the passage of last year’s law. For the campaigners, it is merely the battlefield that has shifted, from an indifferent political system to an intransigent bureaucracy. According to Lee, the rollout of the compensation scheme “says everything” about official attitudes to Roma communities. “State authorities see the Roma as little more than an afterthought, an inconvenience, an issue that does not sell well politically, and is best neglected,” he said. “The [compensation] mechanism is under-funded and under-staffed, and falls far short of justice.”
The Czech Ministry of Health rejected the criticisms levelled against it by the campaigners for Roma rights. However, it acknowledged that it had taken too long to process some claims, blaming this on errors and ommissions in the applications, as well as a lack of staff.
In any case, many of the victims believe they can never be truly compensated for the loss of their fertility. “I trusted the doctors, they were meant to be the experts,” said Jitka Zoltakova, the grandmother from Zatec. “I don’t know why they never asked us Roma women for our consent [to the sterilisation]. Was it because of racism or was it because they did not understand how important children are to us? It doesn’t matter anymore, it’s too late”.
Funding shortfall
In 1966, the government of what was then Czechoslovakia passed a law that appeared, on paper, as though it would help women who wanted to have smaller families. Under the provisions of the law, women who had been admitted to hospital for childbirth could be offered the option of getting sterilised – a procedure that usually involves sealing the Fallopian tubes to prevent conception. An additional policy, adopted in 1979, permitted the state to offer bonus welfare payments for women who opted for the procedure at childbirth. This particular policy was expressly aimed at controlling “the highly unhealthy Roma population”. Among the thousands of Czech women to have been sterilised in this manner, the overwhelming majority have been of Roma origin. After the laws were repealed in the early 1990s, they began to come forward.
Accounts given by the women revealed how their bodily integrity and basic human rights had been violated when they entered hospital to give birth. In some cases, doctors sought consent for sterilisation by warning the women, falsely, that their next pregnancy could kill them and their unborn offspring. In other instances, doctors failed to explain the procedure and its risks. Typically, hospitals made women sign consent forms while they were in labour or recovering from C-sections – a clear breach of medical ethics and laws.
There are no precise figures for the number of women subjected to coercive sterilisation by the Czechoslovak state. Nor is it clear how many women were sterilised unlawfully after the dissolution of that state, when the procedure was performed on a smaller scale by individual physicians and hospitals, acting on their own initiative. Estimates by campaigners and the Czech Republic’s top human rights official, the Ombudsman, indicate that some 7,000 women were coercively sterilised. The bulk of the procedures seem to have been carried out in the 1980s, following the introduction of financial incentives in the form of bonus welfare payments.
The Slovak government issued an official apology to the victims in November 2021 but is a long way from paying them any money, having yet to draft a reparations bill. For decades, a lack of political will also held up the passage of the compensation law in the Czech Republic. The bill eventually approved by parliament last year, under sustained pressure from EU institutions, decreed that any woman who could prove that she had been unlawfully sterilised between 1966 and 2012 was entitled to 300,000 Czech crowns – or roughly 12,000 euros – in compensation.
However, the Czech state initially seems to have only set aside enough funds to cover the payouts for roughly 100 women – a figure 300 lower than its officials estimated would be eligible, and many thousands lower than the number of original victims. In March 2021, Helena Valkova, a former Minister of Justice who also served as a government human rights commissioner, told the Czech parliament that some 400 women were likely to be eligible for compensation. But in an e-mail to BIRN on September 23, 2022, the Czech Ministry of Health said it was making the payouts out of a fund of 32 million Czech crowns, or 1.3 million euros – a sum that would only cover the cost of 106 claims worth 300,000 crowns each.
‘Overly bureaucratic approach’
Campaigners accuse the government of failing to fund the compensation scheme adequately, and of mismanaging the rollout. “The Czech government has not allocated resources or personnel to deal with the number of claims,” said Jonathan Lee, the spokesperson for the European Roma Rights Centre, ERRC. “There has also been little effective community outreach on their part, which means the burden has fallen on civil society organisations that are under-resourced and often ill-equipped to deal with the scale of the task – going into communities, finding women who were affected, and providing the necessary information and training for these people to access the compensation scheme.”
NGOs based in the Czech Republic echo this criticism. “I realize that the health ministry has been pre-occupied with Covid,” said Sandra Paskova, a lawyer with the League of Human Rights, an NGO based in the city of Brno, that has been helping Roma women file claims. “However, I don’t have the capacity to go around the country… informing victims that they can apply.”
Campaigners say the government’s compensation programme also fails to recognise that many women are reluctant to file claims because of the trauma surrounding coercive sterilisation. The victims have often suffered violence and hostility from patriarchal communities that regard a woman’s fertility as her greatest asset. Natasa Botosova, a Roma woman from the city of Ostrava, said she had unwittingly signed a form agreeing to be sterilised in 1991, when she was 25 years old. The form was presented to her at the hospital where she was delivering her baby, with no explanation of what the procedure meant.
When Botosova returned home, amid celebrations in the family to mark the baby’s arrival, she questioned a woman confidante about sterilisation. The conversation was overheard by her husband, who became violent. “He kicked me in the stomach, which was just starting to heal from the C-section,” Botasova said. “The stitches ruptured and my stomach began coming out. My family called the ambulance and I had to go back to hospital for re-stitching. We later divorced.”
Sandra Paskova, the lawyer from the League of Human Rights, said she knew of several similar cases where women had been beaten by their husbands after having their bodily integrity violated by doctors. “The issue was so misunderstood that many men could not believe that the women had not undergone sterilisation on purpose,” Paskova said. “They could not grasp that the procedure was something that had been inflicted upon the women.”
In an open letter published on August 15, Czech campaigners for the victims urged the government to replace its overly “formal and bureaucratic” claims process with a more “sympathetic” approach that acknowledged the deep stigma of sterilisation. “I am not sure if people at the ministry’s legal department are sufficiently sensitive to what the victims have been through,” said Gwendolyn Albert, a human rights activist who has reported on discrimination against the Roma to international organisations including the EU, OSCE and UN. “Some people don’t want to revisit those painful memories, they don’t want to be forced to prove that what was done to them was wrong,”
The open letter also criticised the ministry for processing claims too slowly. The ministry says it generally aims to evaluate most applications within a month, though it may take upto two months if the evidence is disputed. However, many victims have been waiting far longer for a response, according to Elena Gorolova, the Roma social worker whose organisation, the Centre for Victims of Involuntary Sterilisation, today serves as a first port-of-call for women seeking to file claims. Gorolova was herself sterilised against her will at the age of 21, following the birth of her second son, and has been waiting six months for a response to her claim.
BIRN asked the Ministry of Health to address the criticism of the compensation programme. In an e-mailed response, spokesman Ondrej Jakub defended the ministry’s handling of the claims process. “If we receive a phone call from one of the victims, we aim to provide information,” he said. However, he added, the ministry did not have the resources to help victims file their applications, and had made this clear on its website.
He acknowledged that there had been delays in processing the claims, saying the ministry was not always able to resolve applications within the “60-day window” it had set itself. In part, he said, this was because many applications had been submitted with incomplete or incorrect information. However, under-staffing at the ministry has also contributed to the delays. The compensation scheme was being administered on a part-time basis by ministry officials who had other, primary duties, Jakub said. Only one full-time post had been dedicated to the scheme, he added, and it remained unfilled. “This is not a problem that can be easily fixed,” he said, “because there is only one full-time position for this, and we have not managed to fill it to this day.”
‘It was never the same…”
The campaigners’ open letter also criticised the ministry for making unrealistic demands for supporting evidence from claimants. Jakub rejected this, saying it was “up to the applicants to provide sufficient evidence” in support of their claims. He declined to comment on the other issues raised in the open letter, saying that the ministry had not been involved in drafting the compensation law.
Claims for compensation must be accompanied by evidence that sterilisation was performed without informed consent. The evidence may take the form of medical records from the clinic or hospital, or a document proving that the claimant had received welfare payments as an incentive for undergoing the procedure. However, not all victims have held onto documents from decades ago. Moreover, the copies of their medical records held by healthcare facilities, particularly those dating back to the communist era, have often been lost or destroyed.
The social worker and campaigner, Elena Gorolova, said many claims were being rejected because of a lack of supporting evidence. “I get messages from unhappy women all over the country whose health and relationships have deteriorated because they were unable to conceive,” she said. “Their entire lives are proof that the state has robbed them of their integrity, and now they are rejected for compensation because they no longer have a piece of paper from 30 years ago.”
In most of the coercive sterilisation cases that have come to light, the victims were asked to sign consent forms during labour, or just after they had given birth via caesarean section. “If the signatures were given on the same day as the procedure was performed, the informed consent is not valid and therefore the sterilisation was unlawful,” said Sandra Paskova, the lawyer from the League of Human Rights. “The simplest way to think of informed consent is that it has to come from a place of freedom,” she said. “This does not just mean an absence of verbal or financial coercion – it also means that the patient has had sufficient time to understand what they are about to go through.”
Jitka Zoltakova, the grandmother from Zatec, says she understands “informed consent” to mean saying yes and “knowing what I am saying yes to”. But to this day, she says, she does not entirely understand the procedure that was performed upon her. Zoltakova said her sterilisation had led to problems in her marriage. “We fought a lot, my husband and I. He did not understand that I had never wanted this, and I did not know how to explain it to him, because I did not understand either.”
As she spoke, her husband listened, saying nothing. “Things never returned to how they were before, it was never the same with him,” she said. “My hormones got messed up, I lost weight, gained it, lost my libido. I felt empty and sad. I could not do the one thing that I was made to do – have children.”
Anna Koslerova is a Prague-based reporter for Czech public service radio, irozhlas.cz. This story was produced as part of the Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence, supported by the ERSTE Foundation, in cooperation with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network. Editing by Neil Arun.
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telavivdelhi2 · 4 years
Zdeněk Bakala – Wikipedie
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200000 euro
Who the fuck is Zdeněk Bakala? 
Czech media group pledges 200,000 euros to independent Hungary news portalEconomia, whose titles include financial daily Hospodarske Noviny and weekly magazine Respekt, is one of the largest Czech publishing houses and has been owned by Czech businessman and investor Zdenek Bakala for over a decade.
“Telex’s commitment to delivering outstanding journalism, particularly at a time when it is most needed, resonated strongly with us,” chair of the board at Economia, Zuzana Reznickova said in a statement.
Privatization in the 1990s
The name of Zdeněk Bakala also appears very often in Jaroslav Kmenta's book The Godfather Mrázek in connection with the privatizations of financial institutions in the 1990s. According to Kmenta, it is clear from the wiretaps that Zdeněk Bakala was very close to the top of Czech business and politics and used these acquaintances to promote his business plans, often in an unethical way. According to Kmenta, this was evident, for example, in connection with the fight for a stake in the construction company IPS, when the majority stake was the subject of privatization. At that time, Bakala was actively promoting the sale of a majority stake to the Finnish-Swedish construction concern Skanska . On the other hand, however, stood Luděk Sekyra, who was again helped by privatization by František Mrázek, godfather of the Czech underworld. As is evident from police wiretaps, neither side certainly acted in the pursuit of its interests, both sides enjoying both the media and politicians.  . It is also clear from the wiretaps that František Mrázek perceived Bakala as the main competitor in promoting his business activities. According to Mrázek, Bakal's influence in political and banking circles came mainly from the fact that since 1999 Pavel Mertlík had been Minister of Finance , who, according to Mrázek, was to be Bakal's confidant. In the dispute about the IPS have Ludek Sekyra supposedly on their side policy without executive power, mostly notably members for ODS . Bakala, on the other hand, had on his side, for example, the Minister of Finance Pavel Mertlíkor even the Governor of the National Bank Tošovský . It is for this reason that lobbying on Bakala's side was much stronger and more effective. It is also evident from the wiretaps that Zdeněk Bakala was in active contact with people from František Mrázek, Bakala even had to offer a group of František Mrázek and Luďek Sekyra a bribe of 100 million crowns for withdrawing from the interest in buying a stake in IPS. In the end, Skanska emerged victorious. According to Jaroslav Kmenta, the second example of Zdeněk Bakala's influential influence on top managers and politicians is the case around Investiční a Poštovní banka .
House in Šumava
Some conservationists were very unhappy about Zdeněk Bakala in connection with the construction of his family villa in Modrava, Šumava . It is located in the middle of the Šumava National Park . According to estimates, his residence cost 180 million crowns and is situated directly in the central part of the park. According to conservationists, the problem is mainly that due to the construction of a huge mansion, a significant amount of soil was removed from the park, which was replaced by concrete during construction. In addition, a large amount of construction equipment was present here during construction, which, according to nature conservationists, was definitely not friendly to nature in the national park. 
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Financing of political parties
In June 2010, Zdeněk Bakala announced that he had donated 28.5 million crowns to three political parties during the election campaign. The Civic Democratic Party received 15 million crowns, TOP 09 7.5 million crowns and Věci veřejné 6 million crowns .  Because these three parties then formed a coalition led by Petr Nečas , publicists around Deník Referendum and after them some other media referred to this government as "Bakal's coalition". 
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ultrafox1963 · 3 years
The Azzurri produced their best performance of the tournament so far in knocking out Belgium in the quarter-final.
Roberto Mancini's side outfought and outwitted the world's top-ranked side, with the midfield trio of Jorginho, Marco Verratti and Nicolo Barella particularly prominent.
Although the team is capable of technical brilliance, it has also shown an ability to use the dark arts of the game to protect a lead, as Belgium discovered.
It will take a truly inspirational performance to stop them clinching their first continental crown in 53 years.
Potential Ballon d'Or candidates - Jorginho, Lorenzo Insigne.
Gareth Southgate's team return to home soil in buoyant mood after a 4-0 demolition of Ukraine in Rome - the best performance abroad by an English team in a generation.
Captain Harry Kane has recaptured the scoring touch which makes him the most feared striker remaining in the competition.
In addition, a strong defence, which has remained impregnable to date, gives further hope that the nation's craving for a trophy could finally be satisfied.
However, questions remain about the stability of the midfield and whether Southgate has the tactical nous to land such a glittering prize.
Potential Ballon d'Or candidates - Harry Kane, Raheem Sterling.
Luis Enrique's team were deeply unimpressive in stumbling past Switzerland after a penalty shootout.
Although the pedigree of the squad is not in doubt, its strikeforce has only fired intermittently to date.
While teenage Barcelona midfielder Pedri has been arguably the biggest revelation of the tournament so far, more help from his seniors will be required if La Rosa are to progress further.
Potential Ballon d'Or candidates - Pedri, Gerard Moreno.
Kasper Hjulmand's team have shown incredible spirit to recover from a traumatic opening week and progress further than even their staunchest fans expected.
Their energy reserves and organisation are qualities that served them well in successive victories over Russia, Wales and the Czech Republic.
As the last visiting side to win at Wembley, in October 2020, they will not be taken lightly, but their chances of emulating the class of 1992 remain slim.
Potential Ballon d'Or candidates - Kasper Schmeichel, Kasper Dolberg.
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Blue Angels and Red Devils
With an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other; the compelling arguments on why Italy could win/lose against Belgium.
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    Courtesy Getty Images
    “This isn’t the slow, defensive, cautious Italy of old,” says the Angelo Azzurro confidently beneath the glow of his halo. Positive possession and controlled pressing in the final third will give Belgium’s thirty-something defence questions to answer. With Chiesa looking likely to start, he’ll have his eyes fixed on running deep down that right channel to whip balls across; a favorite pass-time of his. On the opposite side, Euro 2020′s fastest man, Spinazzola, will no doubt plan to do likewise through overlapping and linking with Insigne. Will Thomas Meunier have his hands full?
    Immobile is thirsty for more goals to prove his doubters wrong and has recently added shooting from distance to his artillery. Known for his runs through the channels, usually fed so well by Luis Alberto at club level, Immobile is showing a touch more dynamism for Italy. A decisive goal to send Italy into the last four will be convincing ammunition in the debate “For” the Lazio man. 
     With almost two full games checked off, in theory, Marco Verratti should be edging closer to full fitness. His undisputed quality and ability to maintain possession means he’s created more goal-scoring opportunities than anyone, despite only featuring in two games so far. If he tires late in the game, Mancini has the luxury of the impressive Locatelli whose star continues to shine this tournament. And that’s not all that lies in wait on Mancini’s bench; we’ve seen the value of Pessina and Berardi, while lacking a refined touch, proved he can cause opposing defences problems with his running and aggressive work-rate. Statistics show that Italy will create chances; their style of play and dynamic midfield demands it and Mancini will be counting on it to test that Belgian back three in the hope of finding cracks.
    The favorite catchphrase of Italian critics at this Euro has been that they haven’t come up against quality opposition; well, they whipped Switzerland and you can ask France what their opinion of the Swiss is. A week before Bocelli raised the curtain on the tournament, Italy spanked the Czech Republic 4-0 and they now find themselves in the quarter finals after overcoming The Netherlands. 
    Despite conceding against Austria, the Italian defence has still proved formidable, holding strong against the waves of Austrian attacks when Italy were on the back-foot. When called upon, Gigio Donnarumma has come up with some important saves and Chiellini and Bonucci have not yet conceded against Lukaku when they squared off in Serie A and the Coppa Italia. Belgium will likely be without Eden Hazard and De Bruyne will probably be gambled with question marks over his fitness. The Belgians came through a bruising encounter with Portugal and with all things considered, l’Angelo Azzurro on my shoulder tells me that it will be Italy through to the semi-finals to add another important step towards officially coronating Italy’s return among the international big-hitters.
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   Courtesy Getty Images 
    The Red Devil on the other hand, or shoulder, scoffs at the wishful optimism of his conscientious counterpart. “This is Belgium’s moment,” he declares with pride. This golden generation has learned from the naivety of past tournaments and have a group that is a decade deep in terms of unity. They’re now ready to crown their journey with a trophy. The men of Martinez, like Italy, have won four from four at Euro 2020 and are the only nation in Europe whose record over the past 30 games comes close to the Italians’. The only difference? Belgium’s run included tougher opposition. This quarter final will be by far the biggest test for Italy since Mancini took over and Belgium’s quality and experience will make all the difference. 
    While Italy have been impressive, they looked tired against Austria. Have they peaked too early? Along with England, Italy are the team with the most minutes in their legs - minutes from a condensed season with players like Barella playing over 70 matches, and the Inter revelation did not look his best in the previous match. On the contrary, Belgium have won without ever looking like they needed to get out of second gear.
    Boosted by the presence of De Bruyne, who even not fully fit can be decisive as he showed against Denmark. Lukaku won’t come away empty handed against the ageing Chiellini and Bonucci this time. The Juventus duo can’t match him for pace and movement, let alone physicality; it wouldn’t be entirely surprising to see one of them give away a penalty or get sent off trying to come to terms with the Inter striker who gains the tactical nous of playing under Antonio Conte for two years. 
    There’s been much talk of Belgium’s defence and their combined age, but if they’ve proved anything it’s that they’re still solid and reliable. Portugal, and their stellar attack including none other than Cristiano Ronaldo, threw a lot their way, but the boys in red stood strong. 
     Mancini has revitalized the Italian national team, but we least not forget that Roberto Martinez humbled Mancio’s star-stacked Manchester City side with his modest Wigan Athletic in the FA Cup final not that long ago. The Red Devil on my shoulder has no doubt in his devilish mind that this is Belgium’s year, where FIFA’s number 1 ranked nation finally gets its hands on some silverware.
When the match finally kicks off, I’ll flick both bastards off my shoulder and do my best to enjoy the game which, as a hardcore Azzurri fan and devotee, is unlikely, improbable... let’s say impossible. Whatever the result, I’ve been heart-warmed by the amount of fans (Italian and non) this Italy team has collected for their entertaining and enterprising football, for their team spirit and unity. Long may it continue, hopefully until the final. 
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ryuki-blogs · 5 years
I bought a new wallet so logically, I emptied the old one. I found:
50 Czech hellers (not valid since 1993) 1 Slovak crown (not valid since 2009) 2 pennies (I have never been to Britain) 1 cent (I have never been to US) 10 Kurus (I have never been to Turkey) 2 euro cents that you cannot even tell is a coin anymore, it looks like it survived three Hells and came back
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Boy With Luv
Group: BTS Ft. Halsey 
Album: Map of Soul: Persona 
Time: 3:49 
Year Released: April 12, 2019  
Lyrics: Pdogg, RM, michel “lindgren” Schulz, Hitman Bang, Suga, Emily Weisband, J-Hope, Ashley Frangipane  
Music: Pdogg 
Highest Place Reached on Charts: 1 (Hungary Single Top 40, Malaysia RIM, Mexico Airplay, Kpop Hot 100, South Korea Digital Singles) 
Average Age of Members At the Time of Release: 24.75
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모든 게 궁금해 how’s your day
Oh tell me
뭐가 널 행복하게 하는지
Oh text me
modeun ge gunggeumhae how’s your day
Oh tell me
mwoga neol haengbokhage haneunji
Oh text me
I’m curious about everything, how’s your day
Oh tell me
What makes you happy
Oh text me
Your every picture
내 머리맡에 두고 싶어 oh bae
Your every picture
nae meorimate dugo shipeo oh bae
Your every picture 
I wanna have it by my pillow oh bae 
Come be my teacher
네 모든 걸 다 가르쳐줘
Your 1, your 2
Come be my teacher
ne modeun geol da gareuchyeojwo
Your 1, your 2
Come be my teacher
Teach me everything about you 
Your 1, your 2 
Listen my my baby 나는
저 하늘을 높이 날고 있어
Listen  my my baby naneun
jeo haneureul nopi nalgo isseo
Listen my my baby I’m
Flying high in the sky
(그때 니가 내게 줬던 두 날개로)
(geuttae niga naege jwotteon du nalgaero)
(With the two wings you gave me back then)
이제 여긴 너무 높아
난 내 눈에 널 맞추고 싶어
Yeah you makin’ me a boy with luv
ije yeogin neomu nopa
nan nae nune neol matchugo shipeo
Yeah you makin’ me a boy with luv
Now it’s so high up here
I want you tuned in to my eyes
Yeah you makin’ me a boy with luv
Love is nothing stronger 
Than a boy with luv
Love is nothing stronger 
Than a boy with luv
널 알게 된 이후 ya
내 삶은 온통 너 ya
사소한 게 사소하지 않게 만들어버린 너라는 별
하나부터 열까지 모든 게 특별하지
너의 관심사 걸음걸이 말투와
사소한 작은 습관들까지
neol alge dwen ihu ya
nae salmeun ontong neo ya
sasohan ge sasohaji anke mandeureobeorin neoraneun byeol
hanabuteo yeolkkaji modeun ge teukbyeolhaji
neoye gwanshimsa georeumgeori maltuwa
sasohan jageun seubgwandeulkkaji
From the moment I met you ya
My life was all you ya
You’re the star that turns ordinaries into extraordinaries
One after another, everything is special
The things you’re interested in, the way you walk or talk
And every little trivial habits of yours
다 말하지
너무 작던 내가 영웅이 된 거라고 
da malhaji
neomu jakdeon naega yeongungi dwen georago
Everyone says that I used to be so little and now I became a hero
(Oh nah) 
난 말하지
운명 따윈 처음부터 내 게 아니었다고
nan malhaji
unmyeong ttawin cheoeumbuteo nae ge anieottago
I say that 
Something like destiny was never my thing
(oh Nah) 
세계의 평화
segyeye pyeonghwa
World peace
(No way) 
거대한 질서
geodaehan jilseo
A great order
(no way) 
그저 널 지킬 거야 난
(Boy with luv)
geujeo neol jikil geoya nan
(Boy with luv)
I’m just gonna keep you safe 
(Boy with luv) 
Listen my my baby 나는
저 하늘을 높이 날고 있어
Listen my my baby naneun
jeo haneureul nopi nalgo isseo
Listen my my baby I’m
Flying high in the sky
(그때 니가 내게 줬던 두 날개로)
(geuttae niga naege jwotteon du nalgaero)
(With the two wings you gave me back then)
이제 여긴 너무 높아
난 내 눈에 널 맞추고 싶어
Yeah you makin’ me a boy with luv
ije yeogin neomu nopa
nan nae nune neol matchugo shipeo
Yeah you makin’ me a boy with luv
Now it’s so high up here
I want you tuned in to my eyes
Yeah you makin’ me a boy with luv
Jungkook & Halsey
Oh my my my oh my my my 
You got me high so fast
네 전부를 함께하고 싶어
You got me high so fast
ne jeonbureul hamkkehago shipeo
You got me high so fast
I want to be with you for everything
Jimin & Halsey
Oh my my my oh my my my 
You got me fly so fast
이제 조금은 나 알겠어
You got me fly so fast
ije jogeumeun na algesseo
You got me fly so fast 
Now I kinda get it
Look is nothing stronger 
Than a boy with luv
Love is nothing stronger
Than a boy with luv
툭 까놓고 말할게
나도 모르게 힘이 들어가기도 했어
높아버린 sky, 커져버린 hall
때론 도망치게 해달라며 기도했어
But 너의 상처는 나의 상처
깨달았을 때 나 다짐했던걸
니가 준 이카루스의 날개로
태양이 아닌 너에게로
Let me fly
tuk kkanogo malhalge
nado moreuge himi deureogagido haesseo
nopabeorin sky, keojyeobeorin hall
ttaeron domangchige haedallamyeo gidohaesseo
But neoye sangcheoneun naye sangcheo
kkaedarasseul ttae na dajimhaetteongeol
niga jun ikaruseuye nalgaero
taeyangi anin neoegero
Let me fly
I’ll speak very frankly
Sometimes I was a little stuck up
Elevated sky, expanded halls
Sometimes I prayed let me run away
But your pain is my pain
When I realized that, I vowed to myself,
With the wings of Icarus you gave me
Not toward the sun but toward you
Let me fly
Jungkook & Halsey
Oh my my my oh my my my
I’ve waited all my life
네 전
I’ve waited all my life
ne jeon
I’ve waited all my life
I want
Jin & Jungkook
부를 함께하고 싶어
bureul hamkkehago shipeo
To be with you for everything
Oh my my my oh my my my
Looking for something right
이제 조금은 나
Looking for something right
 ije jogeumeun na
Looking for something right 
Now I kinda
V & Jungkook
Get it
Jimin & Halsey
I want something stronger
Than a moment, than a moment love
Love is nothing stranger
Than a boy with luv
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Line Distribution
Number of Words: 332
Sung by All: 0 
Sung by individuals: 332
Highest: Jimin - 63
Jin - 59
Jungkook - 54
V - 45
RM - 41 
J-Hope - 34
Suga - 29 
Lowest: Halsey - 20 
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Jin, Halsey, Jungkook, Jimin & V sing a lines together, their points have been distributed to each evenly.  
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Chart Performance 
Argentina Hot 100: 21 
Australia AIRA: 10 
Austria O3 Top 40: 27
Belgium Ultratip Flanders: 4
Belgium Ultratip Wallonia: 17 
Top 100 Brasil: 80 
Canadian Hot 100: 7 
Canada CHR/Top 40; 32
CIS (Tophit): 8 
Czech Republic Singles Digital Top 100: 11
El Salvador Monitor Latino: 13
Estonia Eesti Tipp 40: 4 
Euro Digital Songs: 12 
Finland Suomen Virallinen Lista: 20 
France SNEP: 114 
Official German Charts: 47 
Greece IFPI: 5 
Hungary Single Top 40: 1
Hungary Stream Top 40: 6
Ireland (IRMA): 14
Israel Media Forest TV AIrplay: 2 
Italy (FIMI): 60 
Japan Hot 100: 7 
Japan Combined Weekly Singles: 12 
Latvia LAIPA: 5 
Lithuania AGATA: 2
Malaysia RIM: 1
Mexico Monitor Latino: 2 
Mexico Airplay: 1
Netherlands Singles Top 100: 58 
New Zealand Recorded Music NZ: 12
Norway VG_Lista: 24
Romania Airplay 100: 100
Polish Airplay top 100: 57 
Portugal AFP: 14
Scotland Official Charts: 14 
Singapore RIAS: 4
Slovakia Singles Digital top 100: 4
South Korea Kpop Top 100: 1
South Korea Gaon Digital: 1
Spain Promusicae: 65
Sweden Sverigetopplistan: 29 
Switzerland SChweizer Hitparade: 27 
UK Singles Official Charts: 13
US Billboard Hot 100: 8 
US Mainstream Top 40: 22
US Dance/Mix Show Airplay: 30 
Argentia Year end: 41
Costa Rica Year End: 82
Guatemala Year End: 58
Hungary Tingle Top 40 year end: 88 
Hungary Stream Top 40 year end: 93
Japan Hot 100 year end: 46
Malaysia RIM Year end: 4
Panama Year end: 63
Peru year end: 98
South Korea Gaon Year end: 5
Uruguay Year end: 69 
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Music Show Wins 
Inkigayo: 3 (triple Crown) 
M Countdown: 1
Music Bank: 7 (2 Triple Crown) 
Show Champion: 1 
Show! Music Core: 9 ( 3 Triple Crown) 
Total: 21 Wins
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Overall Score
Lyric: 100
Chart: 4,129
Music Show: 210
Total: 4,449
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Halsey’s age is in with the average limit.
The lyric Distribution points does not include Halsey’s lines as a member, because she is a feature and it is not a collaboration.  So her lines would be limited throughout and not taking as a whole.  They are put towards the All category when coming with the points.  For this song she is not apart of the song point system.  
Lyrics: https://colorcodedlyrics.com/2019/04/bts-bangtansonyeondan-boy-with-luv-jageun-geosdeuleul-wihan-si-feat-halsey-mv-ver
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsX3ATc3FbA
1 note · View note
johix · 5 years
ringerill replied to your post:commission pricing
For people in regions that use dollars or pounds the 70$ is a very fair price. I wish my country was using a comparable currency but until we convert to euro the conversion rates will stop me from enjoying beautiful internet things. :(
Thank you for the reply. I kinda get what you mean, we have Czech Crowns and I don’t really want euro but still when it comes to online money it get’s tricky and fees are anoying. I charge in british pounds bc I like round numbers :D 1gbp = 30czk while 1usd = 24czk
6 notes · View notes
uberstip · 6 years
Jika ada orang yang nyinyir, ‘Kok jalan-jalan keluar negeri mulu? negara kita kan jauh lebih cantik?’ Deg. Jangan marah. Jangan esmosi. Jangan sensitif. Kecuali kamu abis dicampakkan. Cukup tersenyum, genggam kedua tangannya. Lalu berkata;
Emang di Raja Ampat turun salju? Saya pingin sekali aja ngerasain ngemut salju. sambil huh hah huh hah ngeluarin asep dari mulut kaya di drama-drama
Emang di Bali ada menara Eiffel? saya pingin sekali aja liat langsung kaya apa menara sutet teromantis di dunia
Emang di Jogja ada Sushi dan Ramen seenak di Tokyo? Coba kamu cari gudeg Jogja enak di Tokyo, ga ada kan?
Emang di Danau Toba ada Kanguru? Kalo orang utan mah udah tiap hari liat. Kamu contohnya… *semoga kamu ga dicakar
Emang kamu udah pernah kemana aja di negara sendiri? Bali, Solo, Jakarta? Yah itu mah gua juga udah. Baru denger kata orang doang? ya elah….
Emang di Malang ada Disneyland? kan lagi pingin liat Mickey beneran, bukan tikus got
Justru dengan keluar negeri kita jadi tahu, betapa cantiknya alam negara kita
Justru dengan keluar negeri kita jadi sadar, seminggu ga makan Indomie itu, rasanya ada yang kurang
Justru dengan keluar negeri kita jadi ngerti, betapa kangennya kita sama nasi padang
Justru dengan keluar negeri kita jadi bersyukur, biaya hidup di negara kita jauh lebih murah
Justru dengan keluar negeri kita jadi tahu, betapa pentingnya Bahasa Inggris. Kitapun bisa berlatih disana. Kita pun jadi ga men-judge macem-macem kalo orang coba ngomong bahasa Inggris di negara sendiri, alay-lah, sok keren-lah, cincai-lah
Justru dengan keluar negeri, kita jadi mengenal budaya, cara pandang, dan gaya hidup yang berbeda. Kita pun jadi lebih menghargai kayanya budaya bangsa sendiri dan nikmatnya hidup di negara sendiri
Justru dengan keluar negeri kita jadi lupa dengan pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab yang menumpuk dalam rutinitas. Kita seakan dibawa masuk ke dalam kisah novel, ke dunia yang benar-benar berbeda yang membuat kita lupa sejenak akan beban hidup
Justru dengan keluar negeri dahulu, goals idaman kita sudah tercapai. Ke kota-kota negara sendiri bisa dilakukan kapan saja, karena lokasi cenderung lebih dekat, lebih gampang menyisihkan waktu dan uang, dan tidak perlu ribet ngurus visa
Justru dengan keluar negeri, kita jadi rindu pulang dan semakin cinta dengan negara sendiri. There’s no better place than home
Tambahkan pembelaan diri versimu sendiri!
Kita berusaha keras mewujudkan mimpi, ada juga yang cuma bisa iri dan nyinyir, tapi ga berani melakukan apa-apa. Jangan jadi seperti mereka. Annoying nyinyir, deserves crazy answer.
Travel. Make memories. Have adventures.
Because i guarantee when you are on your death bed you won’t think about that fancy car you bought, or the 20 pairs of designer shoes you owned.
But you will think about that time you got lost in your favorite city. The nights spent falling in love under the stars. The mornings you woke up and watched the sunrise. You’ll think of the moments that made you truly feel alive. And at the very end, those memories will be the only possessions that you own
– Trinity Traveler
Saya baru saja balik dari Eropa dalam rangka membahagiakan diri sendiri. Definitely one of the best trip I’ve had so far! Perjalanan berkesan yang bikin mulut ga berhenti menganga. Terkagum-kagum melihat keindahan kota-kota di Eropa. Perjalanan yang juga membuat kepala saya ga berhenti geleng-geleng, menatap cepatnya duit Euro di dompet ludes. I wish i could be like Nick Young in Crazy Rich Asian. Right now i’m just crazy and asian, i’m still struggling on the rich part.
Waktu terasa cepat karena saya begitu menikmati tiap detik di benua biru. Dari semua kota yang saya kunjungi, Prague memang yang tercantik. Kastil-kastil tua di tiap sudut kota terlihat menawan sekaligus misterius. Ibarat bule yang terkesima melihat keindahan alam Bali, begitulah saya yang terhipnotis oleh bangunan romantis di Prague.
If European cities were a necklace, Prague would be a diamond among the Pearls – Anonymous
Kadang pemandangan alam spektakuler jadi biasa saja, karena sudah jadi pemandangan sehari-hari di negara sendiri.  Sementara melihat arsitektur bersejarah di negara lain menjadi lebih berkesan. Seperti pacar yang terlalu lama bersama jadi biasa-biasa saja. Karena saya lagi ga punya pacar, maka saya berani nulis kaya gini. Untuk kamu yang sudah pacaran bertahun-tahun, jangan coba-coba berkomentar seperti ini. Resiko ditanggung sendiri.
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Quack! Swans Kingdom on the Vltava river. They are friendly especially if you have bread, but feed them only stale bread, don’t give them a Big Mac, they can’t help it
Berlin to Prague by train
Pagi-pagi buta saya berangkat dari Berlin menuju Praha naik kereta. Berbekal tiket yang sudah dibeli lewat aplikasi Go Euro di rumah, saya langsung menuju ke Hauptbahnhof – Berlin Central Station.
Tiket lebih murah jika kamu membeli jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya. Dibandingkan dengan kamu datang ke stasiun, antri, dan beli di tempat pada hari keberangkatan. Selain harganya lebih mahal, akan sangat menyebalkan jika kamu sampai kehabisan tiket. Terutama di high season.
Tapi kalo kamu belum punya fix plan dan ga pasti kapan berangkatnya, pingin let it flow, mungkin akan lebih baik jika membeli Eurail Pass. Yang pasti, membeli tiket jauh-jauh hari sebelum keberangkatan, jauh lebih murah dibandingkan membeli Eurail Pass sekalipun. It depends on your trip schedule.
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Stasiun kereta yang modern dan bebas calo, dilengkapi dengan ruang tunggu yang luas, lengkap dengan Relay Convenience Store, Vapiano Italian Restaurant, McDonalds, Starbucks, Swarovski, Souvenir Store, dan Lingerie Store. Informasi gate keberangkatan  digital yang terpampang jelas di tiap sudut, membuat saya merasa nyaman.
Stasiun kereta di Berlin bahkan jauh lebih bagus dibandingkan Bandara Adisucipto Jogja. Untungnya, New Yogyakarta Indonesian Airport (NYIA) bentar lagi selesai dibangun. Dari yang saya baca di Tribun Jogja, bandara ini bakal jadi salah satu yang termegah di Indonesia. Luasnya mencapai 587 hektar, bisa menampung 20 juta penumpang pertahun. Runaway-nya 3,600 meter, dengan apron yang bisa diparkir hingga 45 pesawat! Jauh lebih besar dari Bandara Internasional Bali maupun Surabaya. Ciamik!
Kelebihan naik kereta dibandingkan pesawat adalah saya ga perlu melewati security check yang berbelit. Tinggal menuju gate keberangkatan, naik kereta dan Cussss… Dibandingkan naik pesawat harus datang dua jam sebelumnya untuk check in, baggage drop, security check yang panjang, diitung-itung waktunya sama aja.
Datanglah kurang lebih 30-45 menit sebelumnya. Kereta di Eropa selalu berangkat tepat waktu. Sesuai yang tertera di tiket.
Rata-rata boarding pass ga perlu di print, cukup ditunjukkan ke petugas atau scan barcode. Namun ada beberapa tipe kereta yang tiket harus di print di kertas. Contohnya, perjalanan saya dari Berlin ke Praha ini. Jadi, perhatikan keterangan yang ada di e-ticket
Lama perjalanan dari Berlin Hbf ke Praha Hlavní Nádraží kurang lebih sekitar 4 jam. Waktu itu saya membayar sekitar 40 Euro | Rp. 660,000. Harga tiketnya bervariasi tergantung jam keberangkatan. Fasilitasnya lumayan OK, tempat bagasi nya terpisah dan luas, kursinya nyaman, ada colokan listrik di bawah kursi, lengkap dengan free WiFi. Selama perjalanan, saya bisa eksis di Instagram, sambil ngecas iPhone. Duduk 4 jam jadi ga kerasa!
Saya selalu memilih kereta jika perjalanan nya ga terlalu jauh. Kalo lebih dari 6 jam, saya lebih memilih naik pesawat dibandingkan tidur duduk di kereta overnight. Preferensi tiap orang berbeda, kalo budget mepet transportasi paling murah biasanya bus, cuma waktu tempuhnya lebih lama. Harus siap pinggang pegel karena kelamaan duduk. Saya lebih memilih kereta di pagi hari agar bisa langsung beraktifitas dengan fit saat sampai di tujuan.
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The heart of the city that remained untouched since the 12th century. The iconic gothic double towers that dominate the square
Where do i stay in Prague?
Setelah sampai Praha Hlavní Nádraží station, saya jalan kaki 13 menit ke tempat saya menginap, hostel Ananas. Hostelnya berada di lokasi yang sempurna, di pusat kota, diantara shopping centre Wenceslas Square.
Begitu keluar stasiun, sejuknya semilir angin musim gugur mengiringi langkah kaki menyusuri jalan berbatu. Rumah-rumah tua membawa saya ke abad pertengahan. Dengan mengendarai kuda liar, putri raja bermata biru merangkul saya dari belakang. ‘Gretek gretek… gretek gretek’, sampai akhirnya suara koper yang digeret membangunkan saya dari khayalan.
Walaupun trotoarnya dibangun dengan bebatuan, berjalan kaki disini tetap terasa nyaman. Cuma ya lintasannya ga rata, perlu energi ekstra saat menggeret koper. Desahan koper pun mengalahkan suara derap langkah kuda dalam imajinasi. ‘Gretek gretek… gretek gretek…’
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Koruna Building, entrance to the Ananas Hostel. I stayed right in the city centre, in the perfect location, just steps from the central station and walking distance to the Castle and Charles Bridge
Hostel Ananas
Address: Václavské nám. 846/1, 110 00 Můstek, Czech
Fasilitas: Bunk Bed dengan kamar mandi dalam, Free Wifi
Direction: Cukup jalan kaki 13 menit dari Hlavni Nadrazi Station untuk mencapai Hotel ini. Dari hotel, cukup jalan kaki 7 menit untuk sampai ke Old Town Square dan 13 menit untuk sampai ke Charles Bridge Google Maps Location
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Inside Koruna building, you will find Hostel Ananas inside this shopping mall
Sesampainya disana, saya sedikit kecewa karena belum bisa check in, padahal tadinya pingin boci bentar, mandi baru jalan-jalan. Saat itu masi jam 12 siang, saya baru boleh masuk kamar jam 3 sore.
‘Are you student?’ tanya petugas resepsionis berambut pirang kepada saya.
‘Nah, i’m too old to be a student. But yeah, my soul is still like a student’ jawab saya.
Ada gadis India di sebelah saya ikut tersenyum saat saya menjawab ini. Dia mengambil selembar brosur di meja resepsionis, sambil tersenyum menatap saya. Saya pun tersenyum balik. Tampaknya dia juga hendak check in.
3 Hours with Bollywood Girl
Sambil nunggu waktu check in, saya berniat jalan santai aja di sekitar hostel. Cuci mata dengan mengamati bule-bule Praha. Sebelum keluar, saya menitipkan koper di resepsionis, gratis ga perlu bayar coin locker. Numpang pipis di lantai atas, lalu kembali turun.
Sewaktu sedang berjalan keluar pintu hostel, wajah yang tak asing menyapa saya dengan canggung.
‘Hi, sorry, are u traveling alone?’ tanya dia yang ternyata gadis India yang sempat tersenyum manja di ruang resepsionis tadi.
‘Yes…’ Jawab saya singkat.
Terlihat jelas dia sengaja menunggu di pintu itu menunggu saya keluar.
‘Where do you want to go? Do you mind if i join you? this is my first time i’m traveling alone. I’m a little scared’  ujarnya terbata menjelaskan.
‘Yeah, sure. Maybe i  just want to explore around this area while waiting for the check in time’ jawab saya, mantap.
Kenapa saya langsung mengiyakan? ga tau juga kenapa. Mungkin, ekspresi dan gestur kikuk alami dari gadis ini yang membuat saya langsung percaya. Tidak terlihat dia sedang akting berpura-pura polos, atau punya maksud tersembunyi mencuri dompet saya lalu menguras habis isi kartu kredit sampai batas limit.
Mungkin juga karena dia terlihat menarik. Kelihatan asyik dan enak diajak ngobrol. Bukan cewe yang dalam jarak 1 meter, aroma ketek nya bisa bikin hidung lumpuh.
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The shopping area around Hostel
Kami pun perlahan berjalan keluar sembari chit chat.
‘I can see from your face. You look nervous. Don’t worry. You’ll be OK. No ones going to be professional without being amateur first.’ kata saya berusaha mencairkan suasana. Saya pun lanjut bertanya…
‘Are you from India?’
‘Yes, and you? China?’
‘No, I’m from Indonesia’
‘Owwhhh.. Bali. I want to go there someday’
‘Yeah, that’s our paradise’ 
‘Which part of India? Kalkuta? tanya saya melanjutkan.
‘Yes! How do you know?’
‘I think you’re still 23 years old right? i can see your teenage passion’
‘Oh my God you’re right again. How do you know?
Dengan muka sok keren dan suara yang sedikit di bass-bass kan saya menjawab.
‘I had some wizard power. I’m the next Harry Potter’
Gadis ini tertawa. Padahal saya asal nebak, dan kebetulan kota yang paling saya ingat di India kalo ga Kalkuta ya Mumbai. Kalo soal umur, ga tau juga bisa tepat, kebalikan dari umur saya saat ini’
‘I’ll be your grandpa then. I’m 32’ 
‘Hahaha, No. You don’t look like a grandpa at all’ ujarnya berusaha menghibur.
‘So, how long will you stay here? tanya saya.
‘I stay in Prague for 3 days. Actually, i’m studying while doing part time job in Germany. Now, i’m on the break, so i’m traveling while i can. In the next two months, maybe i will go back to India’
‘I see…’ balas saya sambil manggut-manggut. ‘Eh wait!!’
Saya teringat mau beli kaos kaki begitu melihat plank Adidas. 2 kaos kaki yang saya bawa dari rumah sudah bau ga karuan. Karena lagi males nyuci, beli yang baru aja deh. Daripada karena kaos kaki bau, saya jadi dikucilkan dari masyarakat.
‘I think i want to buy socks first’
‘Yeah, i’ll wait’
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International brands along the street are ready to satisfy your shopping fever. Hanging out in the shopping street and do people-watching
Setelah membeli invisible socks 3 warna, kami kembali berjalan tak tentu arah. Saya baru sadar kita belum saling memperkenalkan diri, lalu saya bertanya.
‘What’s your name?’
‘What? Pu…?’
‘Ok, Pu-ba-li. You can call me Steve. Simple food’
Pubali tersenyum kecil. ‘Are you hungry? do you want something to eat?’
‘Nah, i’m still full. But if you want to eat i will accompany you. Let’s find some cafe while walking.’ jawab saya sambil melihat Google maps.
Siang itu saya masi kenyang karena di kereta udah makan kebab hasil hunting sehari sebelumnya di Berlin. Saya beli dua satu untuk makan di tempat, satu untuk bawa pulang. Ternyata porsinya gede, jadi bener-bener awet embemnya.
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This tower used to store gunpowder during the war in 17th century
The Powder Tower
City gate built in the 15th century and restored after being damaged in the war
Address: nám. Republiky 5, 110 00 Staré Město, Czech
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM–10PM
Entrance Fee: CZK 100 | Rp. 64,000
Direction: Google Maps Location
I was walking down the street when i saw street Violin performer. He was playing beautifully, and i gave him all my coins
Prague brings out the magic of medieval and gothic architecture
Colourful Renaissance architecture with cosmopolitan atmosphere alongside museums and churches. Prague’s mysterious charm
Tanpa sadar, kami melewati Powder Tower, menara yang menjadi gerbang kota dan tempat penyimpanan mesiu pada masa perang di abad ke-17. Dari gerak-geriknya, Pubali terlihat ingin difotoin. Lalu saya pun menawarkan diri.
‘Come on, do it for the gram. Just pose like a model, i’ll take your picture’ 
‘Cekrik!’ Pubali pun berpose.
Dan saat motoin dia saya baru sadar, ternyata coat-nya ngejreng abis. Winter Coat-nya berwarna telur dadar, dengan layer daleman motif zebra. Cocok banget dijadiin dadar gulung. Jiwa muda memang tak berbohong.
Lalu kami melewati jalan-jalan sempit yang cantik dengan mobil antik panjang yang mewah dan unik. Saat itu, Pubali mulai ga malu-malu lagi. Tanpa ba bi bu, dia menyodorkan HP nya ke saya buat motoin dia. Namun saya menolak, saya merekomendasikan dia berfoto dengan mirrorles camera milik saya, biar hasilnya lebih bombastis. Pubali mengiyakan dan langsung berpose dengan mengibaskan rambut.
Dalam hati saya mulai berpikir, tampaknya dia memang sedang mencari teman untuk jadi fotografer pribadinya. Gadis yang pintar. Karena saat itu muka saya lagi lecek, saya pun malas berfoto. Pikir saya nanti aja deh, sehabis mandi sore, fresh!
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I can’t stop drinking Espresso in Europe. They are all so good! strong and foamy as hell
Kemudian atas rekomendasi saya, kami berhenti di salah satu Cafe terkenal di Prague, Cafe Orient. Tapi setelah masuk dan melihat sekeliling, Pubali tampak canggung. Mungkin karena cafe nya terlihat mewah. Cafe-cafe ternama di Eropa memang memiliki design interior yang elegan walaupun harganya tidak semahal yang dibayangkan.
‘Hmm… I hope it’s not expensive’ ujar Pubali sambil menaruh pantat dikursi.
Dalam hati saya bergumam. Bener-bener mahasiswa tampaknya. Kantongnya juga. Saya tahu rasanya jadi mahasiswa. Duit kadang masih bergantung transferan orang tua, penghasilan kerja part time biasanya pas-pasan, cuma cukup buat nambah duit jajan. Apalagi sekarang dia lagi traveling, pasti budgetnya harus bener-bener dikalkulasi.
Kemudian kami melihat menu, yang sebagian besar isinya pastry and cake. Tampaknya saya salah merekomendasikan Pubali kesini, tanpa tanya dulu dia mau makan apa. Yang pasti kalo dia perut lokal, Roti Prata dan Nasi Briyani ga bakal ada.
Setelah melihat menu, pubali makin bingung.
‘I think there’s no local food in here. i want to eat something heavy.’
‘There’s a bread like sandwich or croissant with ham and cheese if you want. That’s heavy. But if you want local dish. Their best seller menu from what i see on Internet are crepes and apple strudel.’
Saran saya  berusaha menjelaskan layaknya pelayan cafe. Dari wajahnya, kayanya dia ga doyan roti-rotian. Atau dia memang lagi pingin makan lokal kaya goulash dan svickova,  yang pasti ga ada disini.
Karena udah masuk, ga enak juga ga beli. Akhirnya malah saya yang pesen. Saya cuma pesen satu espresso sekali teguk, lalu kami keluar mencari rumah makan lain.
Grand Cafe Orient
Elegant large-windowed cafe serving an unfussy menu of light snacks & popular international dishes
Address: Ovocný trh 19, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia
Hours: Monday – Friday Monday 9AM–10PM, Saturday – Sunday 10AM–10PM
Cash Only. No Credit Card
Direction: Google Maps Location
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Prague is a simply bewitching. Strolling around its winding streets. We are getting lost happily at the random restaurants, markets, and churches
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Di luar, saya kembali nemenin dia nyari tempat makan. Sambil foto-foto gedung Prague yang cantik jelita. Kami sempat berhenti di toko aksesoris, dan berakhir di toko camilan khas Prague, Trdelnik. Tampaknya dia sudah benar-benar kelaparan, dan tak ada tenaga lagi untuk berjalan ke Cafe Louvre tempat makanan khas Czech yang lumayan jauh.
Dough is wrapped around a stick then grilled on an open flame until golden brown, then brushed with butter, sprinkled with sugar, nuts, and cinnamon
Chimney donut be like. The most Instagrammed pastry from Prague. You can choose different flavours inside such as strawberry and whipped cream, nutella or melted chocolate, vanilla ice cream, etc
Karena saat itu saya masih kenyang, saya menahan diri untuk mencicipinya. Trdelnik aka Chimney donut! Saya baru mencicipi donat cerobong asap ini keesokan harinya. Di dalam kedai, kami bisa menyaksikan proses pembuatannya. Adonan dililitkan pada tongkat lalu dipanggang di atas api terbuka. Kalo sudah berwarna keemasan, corongnya diguling-gulingin dalam tumpukan gula dan cinnamon.
Terakhir, pilihan rasa yang kamu kehendaki, baru dimasukin ke dalam corongnya. Mulai dari ice cream, strawberry, whipped cream vanilla, melted chocolate dan Nutella. Pilihan rasanya banyak banget, tergantung dimana kamu membelinya.
Rasanya renyah diluar, lembut dan lengket didalam. Roti ini udah jadi kaya Uncle Ice Cream kalo di Singapore. Dibilang enak banget si engga, tapi wajib dicobain buat upload di Instagram. Trdelnik yang paling recommended ada di Trdlo dan Trdelnik
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Pubali with her Ice Cream. I keep her face hidden to respect her privacy. But i just can’t help it to show you her OOTD
‘Is it good? the ice cream’ tanya saya.
‘Yeah, it’s good. Maybe because i’m hungry.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that’ lol
‘Can you help me take a pic?’
‘Yeah sure.’ Saya pun motoin dia berpose manja lagi jilat-jilat es krim corong Trdelnik. Bener-bener Remaja Instagram-able! Seakan dunia harus tahu kebahagiaan dirinya ngemut es klim.
‘I will send it to you later at the hostel. Because i don’t have Internet connection right now’
‘What’s your Instagram username?’ tanya saya.
‘Pubali c#h8rs_aybjbud’
Ok, i can’t hear your spell correctly. You can type it later after you finish your ice cream’
Saat itu kami terlihat cocok, seperti bapak dan anak sosialita.
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Every stores are ready for Christmas
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Bear hug. Who wants to get a hug?
Old Town Square
Sembari dia menikmati es krim, kami berjalan sampai ke Old Town Square, area paling ikonik di Praha. Keriuhan begitu terasa, turis-turis berhamburan. Disini kami melihat berbagai atraksi dari musisi dan seniman jalanan. Mulai dari kokoh-kokoh biolis yang memainkan lagu klasik sampai bapak-bapak yang menyanyikan lagu seriosa. Semuanya Keren-keren abis!
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Be careful with tourist trap, not all street artist are created equal. Some of them are crooks. There’s some gold human comes to you and ask you to take a pic together. After that, they will force you to pay
Kami sempat didekati manusia berlumur dosa eh maksud saya emas (emas palsu pastinya), dia memaksa kami untuk berfoto dengannya. Karena saya udah nonton Youtube sebelumnya, dan tau kalo ujung-ujungnya disuru bayar. Saya pun menolak. Berikut tips yang dibagikan oleh Honest guide, agar kamu ga terjebak oleh berbagai macam scam yang ada di Prague.
Kemudian kami duduk santai menyaksikan keramaian dan keindahan square yang dikelilingi oleh bangunan gothic seperti The Church of Our Lady before Týn, St. Nicholas Church, Jan Hus Monument, dan Prague Astronomical Clock. Semuanya cantik-cantik! Sembari duduk, kami berbicara banyak. Mulai dari apa yang ada di depan kami, sampai hal-hal yang sedikit dalem.
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It’s a beautiful circa 600 year old clock. The clock has 3 main components; The Astronomical Dial represents the position of the Sun and The Moons, The Walk of the Apostles has an hourly show of figures such as various Catholic saints and skeleton, and The Calendar Dial is simply represents the months
Prague Astronomical Clock
Medieval timepiece on the facade of city hall displaying the twelve apostles as the clock strikes
Address: Staroměstské nám. 1, 110 00 Staré Město, Czech
Direction: Google Maps Location
The second most overrated tourist attraction after Monalisa? I’m not sure. Yang pasti konstruksi jam ini memang indah dan bernilai seni tinggi. Jam gadang orang Praha yang menggambarkan berbagai elemen astronomi seperti matahari dan bulan, 12 medali berlambang zodiak, dan patung-patung kecil manusia, malaikat dan tengkorak.
Astronomical Clock ini dibangun pada tahun 1410, dengan cerita sejarah yang mengerikan. Sang kreator Astronomical Clock yang bernama Hanus, sampai dibikin buta dengan sadis. Dewan kerajaan melakukan kekejian itu agar Hanus tidak bisa membuat ulang jam ini lagi.
Hanus pun dendam. Dia membuat jam ini ga bisa berfungsi lagi. 100 tahun kemudian belum ada yang bisa memperbaikinya. Sampai akhirnya pada tahun 1552,  jam ini kembali berdentang berkat 2 orang yang bernama Taborský and Klokotská.
600 tahun kemudian, saya menyaksikan dengan mata kepala sendiri, jam ini terus berdentang tiap jam. Orang pun antri mau dengerin dari deket. Mau tau suaranya kaya apa? saya merekam bunyi lonceng nya di pagi hari saat orang orang masih asyik terlelap tidur.
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How to enjoy the city’s fairytale feel without the crowd? wake up early. Meskipun kalo kepagian ada jeleknya juga, langit masi gelap. Hasil foto jadi kurang cetar
I just want to travel the world. Take lots of pictures of the places i go. Try different foods
Tanpa terasa tiga jam terlewati. Sebelum balik ke hostel, saya berniat masuk gedung gereja St. Nicholas.
‘I think i wanna go inside the church before going back’  ujar saya kepada Pubali.
‘Oh, it’s already 3 O’clock. I think it’s time to go back to the hostel. Because i want to join Hostel’s group Walking tour. Come on, join the tour together’
‘Nah, i prefer to walk and enjoy the city slowly. I think we can go our separate ways.’ ujar saya yang ingin memisahkan diri.
‘Hmmm… ok then, see you at the hostel’ sambil melemparkan senyum dan kedipan mata.
‘Yeah, have a good day’ 
Saat itu saya sulit membedakan mana gadis friendly dan mana yang sedang berusaha menggoda om-om. Atau dia sedang berusaha menjebak saya untuk mentraktir dia makan nanti malam. Mahasiswa cerdas. Apakah dia juga tipe wanita yang ga bisa lihat pohon nganggur seperti Amitabh Bachchan? tau kan orang india, liat pohon dikit langsung joget.
‘Serunya traveling adalah kita ketemu dengan banyak orang baru. Paras dan karakter dari berbagai negara dengan kebiasaan yang sangat berbeda. Biasanya orang aneh ketemunya sama yang aneh juga. Alay nya nyambung padahal baru pertama kali ketemu’
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St. Nicholas Church
Beautiful Baroque style church
Address: Staroměstské nám. 1101, 110 00 Staré Město, Czech
Hours: Senin – Sabtu 10AM – 4PM, Minggu 12PM – 4PM
Entrance is free. Kebaktian diadakan tiap hari Minggu jam 10 pagi
Direction: St. Nicholas Google Maps Location
Kemudian saya masuk ke dalam St. Nicholas Church. Sementara Pubali kembali ke hostel untuk ikut walking tour yang telah dijadwalkan oleh Ananas Hotel. Karena nilai sejarah dan arsitekturnya yang tinggi, banyak gereja di Eropa yang menjadi situs pariwisata. Mengunjungi gereja terkenal saat di Eropa wajib hukumnya. Sama halnya dengan gereja St. Nicholas. Marmer pink yang mewah, organ Baroque, dan lampu hias gantung yang super cantik.
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St. Nicholas Church marble interior. This gorgeous chandelier was gifted to the church by Russian Tsar Nicholas Romanov
Mungkin karena kurang aqua, saya lupa mau menanyakan username Instagram-nya dengan lengkap. Sementara saat saya search di Instagram, nama pubali begitu banyak. Ternyata ini nama pasaran di India. Sementara males aja kalo nanya nomer kamarnya berapa ke resepsionis, malah saya dikira penyamun. Dan ternyata itu menjadi pertemuan terakhir kami.
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Castles are everywhere in Prague
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Loveable dark architecture
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Fall in love with Prague is easy. It’s like a dreamland in the real life
Dari St. Nicholas Church, saya berjalan balik ke Hostel. Sesampainya di hostel, saya bore (bobo core) sekitar 1 jam, mandi, dan kembali berjalan santai mengeksplor Wenceslas Square. Masuk Footlocker, liat-liat sepatu Adidas tapi ga beli. Liat harganya bikin senewen. Lalu duduk-duduk sambil ngeliatin orang berlalu lalang.
Kafka Monument
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White bear looking for his mom. He needs a bear brand’s milk
Where is the best place to Change money in Prague?
Praha memiliki mata uang sendiri. Mereka ga pakai Euro seperti kota-kota lainnya di Eropa. Walaupun sebagian besar pertokoan dan restoran menerima pembayaran dengan Kartu Kredit. Ada baiknya kamu menukar Czech Crown atau Koruna untuk jajan di pinggir jalan ataupun membeli tiket metro dan tram.
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The best place to change your Euro into Czech Crown, CZK. They have the best rate in the city.
Banyak tempat penukaran uang di central square Praha yang nilainya sangat tidak sesuai. Jangan sampai kamu terjebak dan rugi duit banyak karena menukar Czech Crown di tempat yang salah.
eXchange dengan plank berlambang biru merupakan tempat terbaik untuk menukar Euromu menjadi Czech Crown. 1 Euro dihargai dengan 25.50 Czech Crown. Jangan sampai kamu ketempat yang salah, yang cuma menghargai 1 Euro mu dengan 15 Czech Crown. Rugi bandar!
Address: Kaprova 14/13, 110 00 Josefov, Czech
Hours: Senin- Minggu 9AM–8PM
Direction: eXchange Google Maps Location
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The vibe of the city at night
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Wenceslas Square is charming during the daytime, but it’s even more stunning during the night
Wenceslas Square
Václavské náměstí. Half-mile long, 14th-century square with National Museum, St. Wenceslas statue, shops & hotels
Address: New Town, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech
Direction: Wenceslas Square Google Maps Location
Wenceslas Square dulunya menjadi tempat warga demo menuntut keadilan, titik dimana jatuhnya rezim komunis di Praha. Sekarang, area publik yang lurus membentang ini dipenuhi dengan butik, cafe, pub, dan restoran baik lokal maupun Internasional.
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Wenceslas Square in the early morning. Monumental equestrian statue of Saint Wenceslas, a city emblem and popular gathering place
Narodni museum menjadi jantung dari square ini. Di depan museum terdapat patung raja Wenceslas sedang menunggang kuda. Raja yang paling dikagumi warga karena kebaikan dan kebijakannya. Duke of Bohemia dari abad ke-10 yang akhirnya dibunuh tepat di depan pintu gereja, ditangan saudara kandungnya sendiri, Boleslaw The Bad.
Setelah kematiannya, Wenceslas terus dikenang dan diabadikan sampai sekarang. Ia dianggap sebagai seorang Martyr dan Saint, orang suci yang dibunuh karena kebaikan dan kepercayaannya yang kuat terhadap Yesus. Bahkan sampai ada lagu natal ‘Good king Wenceslas’ yang didedikasikan khusus untuk dirinya.
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The heart of the square, Narodni Museum. Grand museum established in 1818 with a range of natural science and history exhibits
Prague is like Piano black keys. This city brings out the magic of gothic art. The real beauty in the dark that perfecting the whole continent
What’s for dinner in Prague?
Tak terasa, malam menghampiri. It’s time for dinner! Dari Wenceslas square, saya melangkahkan kaki menuju Cafe Louvre. Salah satu cafe terbaik di Prague yang telah buka sejak tahun 1902. Konon, ilmuwan dan seniman ternama seperti Albert Einstein and Franz Kafka pernah makan disini. Beruntunglah saya seniman ternoda bisa ikutan nyicip.
Louvre! surely one of the best cafe to have a dinner in Prague
It’s worth going for the atmosphere and especially for the beef and dumplings.
Suasana cafe nya elegan abis. Begitu duduk, saya melihat menu dan langsung memesan menu wajib disini, Svíčková! Classic Sunday family dinner for a local.
Ga lama ssetelah memesan, makanan tiba di meja. Tampilannya cantik! Beef sirloin yang telah direbus sehari sebelumnya, ditenggelamkan bersama creamy mushroom sauce, lengkap dengan dumpling khas Ceko (roti ini ibarat nasinya). Dihiasi dengan irisan lemon, selai cranberry, dan whipped cream diatasnya. Nyam! Perpaduan manis, gurih, lembut dan asin, bikin hati meong-meong.
Harga di menu belum termasuk tips. Budaya di Eropa rata-rata memberikan tips 10% dari harga total yang kamu makan. Kalo waiter udah bekerja keras memuaskanmu, mereka berhak mendapatkannya. Jangan terlalu pelit, jangan terlalu dermawan. Tergantung seberapa baik pelayanan waiter yang kamu rasakan saat itu. Be kind, not blind.
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The creamy mushroom sauce mixed with chewy dumplings and salty beef, a slice of lemon, cranberry sauce, finished by unsweetened whipped cream on top. Svíčková! Czech Republic food at his best. A great place to try this is the historical Cafe Louvre. The first slice that I bite brought a melody in my mouth. The second one, there’s a symphony in my heart ‘baby shark lalallalaa… Baby shark lalalalaa… ‘ it’s damn good
Cafe Louvre
Elegant 100-year-old cafe with large windows & separate Czech breakfast, lunch & dinner menus
Address: Národní 22, 110 00 Nové Město, Czech
Hours: Senin – Minggu 8AM–11:30PM
Direction: Cafe Louvre Google Maps Location
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The Czechs are known for their beers. Cheap and tasty beer! Pilsner, the light, gold-colored brew that is the most popular variety of beer in the world
Saat mengunyah beef dan menyeruput beer, saya teringat Pubali. Mungkin lebih menyenangkan jika ada temen ngobrol saat makan di Cafe kaya gini. Ga papa deh traktir bocah kecil, anggep traktiran orang yang lebih tua.
Mendadak saya merasa iba, makan apa dia malam ini. Apakah dia bisa hidup saat traveling sendirian pertama kalinya? Apakah dia akan mengemis dijalanan sementara saya sedang makan enak? Ok, kalimat terakhir sedikit lebay. Nah, she’s OK. Praha masuk 10 besar kota teraman di dunia.
Namun pubali memang pemberani. Kerja dan traveling di negeri yang jauh dari tempat tinggalnya bukanlah hal yang gampang. Saya jadi teringat dengan percakapan kami siang tadi.
‘Did you miss your family?’ tanya saya padanya.
‘Sometimes. But i have to do this. I will make them proud and happy.’
‘Pubali, You’re a good kid’
Dan saya yakin, banyak pubali-pubali lain yang berjuang menuntut ilmu dan bekerja di negara lain. Bekerja keras di tengah rindu yang hebat dengan keluarga. Meskipun sekarang ada video call, tetap ga ada yang ngalahin tatap muka dan berbicara langsung dengan mama. Pengorbanan demi kehidupan yang lebih baik.
‘There is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it’s better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you’re fighting for’ – Paulo Coelho
My first day in Prague Jika ada orang yang nyinyir, 'Kok jalan-jalan keluar negeri mulu? negara kita kan jauh lebih cantik?' Deg.
0 notes
ravenlesslangblr · 5 years
Lingasks: 4, 10, 21, 25 (I'm langfafflr)
4: Did you learn any languages at school? If yes, what were they? - I did! English, German and French!10: Have you ever tried to learn sign language?- I can say my friend’s name and then a few small things, but not really. My main problem with sign language is that I don’t know which one I want to learn!21. What language do you think is too intimidating to learn? - Mandarin. Definitely Mandarin.25. Try to find some foreign currency in your house. Where is it from?- Ohhh I have a stash! Polish złotys, Swiss francs, Danish kroner and then the usual - Czech crowns, pounds and euros.
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fareastfilm · 5 years
FEFF audiences and Black Dragon pass holders crown Hong Kong the winner
In second place, Chinese black comedy Dying to Survive, and in third position Korean blockbuster Extreme Job. FEFF 21 ends with 60,000 attendees, plus over 20,000 visitors to FEFF Events around the city.
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"We live on the other side of the world and we were worried that our film wouldn't be understood. But the world speaks a single language: the language of love..." These were the words of excited and radiant young actress Crisel Consunji on the triumph of Hong Kong film Still Human at the Far East Film Festival 21, as she shared the stage and the applause of the Teatro Nuovo with director Oliver Chan and monumental protagonist Anthony Wong (already winner of a Golden Mulberry Award for Outstanding Achievement).
The public were in no doubt about the winner, and neither were the Black Dragon pass holders, who gave Still Human the Critics Award. In second place came Chinese black comedy Dying To Survive, and in third position Korean blockbuster Extreme Job. Finally, the White Mulberry award for First Film went to Melancholic by Japanese newcomer Tanaka Seiji, while readers of MYmovies.it opted instead for another Japanese film, Takeuchi Hideki's Fly Me To Saitama.
9 days. Screenings of 77 films that describe the present and look to the future. 3 world premieres - and 14 first films - that demonstrate the central position Udine has earned itself in the Asian film market. This is the Far East Film Festival and this –  in a slightly reductive form - is the balance sheet of the twenty-first edition.
This year, the Silk Road brought 60,000 spectators, 200 guest stars from Asia (including, let's not forget, superstars Jeon Do-Yeon, Yao Chen and Anthony Wong) and 200 professionals from the Asian and European film industry (sales agents, buyers, key players of the international Ties That Bind workshop and of the Focus Asia project market) to the "Giovanni da Udine" Teatro Nuovo and the Cinema Centrale.
Add to that the 1,600 pass holders (including journalists, teachers, students and ambassadors from other festivals) from over 20 countries: Italy, Holland, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, the United States, France, Belgium, Switzerland, China, Canada , Spain, Hong Kong, Japan, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Norway, South Korea, Czech Republic, Brazil, Sweden and Serbia.
And despite the slightly less-than-inviting weather, FEFF 21 has also had a decidedly positive effect on the city: the packed FEFF Events programme of over 100 events, including the now traditional Cosplay Contest, brought in over 20,000 attendees. And we mustn't forget the festival's extremely active social media community, which once again this year numbered thousands of fans (30,000 on Facebook alone).
But in spite of these results and indicators of growth, and despite an international reputation which each year grows more solid and the festival's significant local economic impact, the FEFF continues to face deep cuts in public funding: this year, the organisation was forced to organise the festival with over 150,000 euros less than in 2018. And it goes without saying that it is impossible to maintain and protect the standards acquired over the last twenty years if this haemorrhaging of vital resources should continue. For the moment, the FEFF is holding out – which is to say, is working miracles - thanks in part to the indispensable commitment of its volunteers. But an event as complex and ramified as the FEFF needs a different kind of institutional approach if it is to look confidently to the future. And the future, of course, means next year's edition.
So all that's left to do is make a date in Udine for the Far East Film Festival 22, from the 24 April to the 2 May 2020!
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halkbetpromoit · 5 years
Web agency
Software that hears a machine failure before it occurs; a program that turns a multitude of data into a story, chips that can simulate brain activity … Technologies are advancing by leaps and bounds and many are the inventions that have sprung up in the Czech or French brains. The French excel in the technology of banking or electromotive, the Czech specialty is found in the field of autonomous vehicles, innovations for mechanical engineering and various other software by web agency California European Commission statistics praise growing performance in innovation in the European Union (5.8% since 2010), but globally Europe will face competition from more and more important. With China we still have a head start, but it is shrinking rapidly because China’s progress in the field of innovation is three times faster than that of the EU. Europe may soon be overtaken by Canada, Japan or the United States. Innovation is responsible for two-thirds of Europe’s economic growth. Europe, which accounts for 7% of the world’s population, accounts for 20% of global investment in research and development. Last year, the Czech Republic invested 1.98% of its gross domestic product in R & D, France 2.27%. Recent Czech discoveries that Lurer In the last few years, several technology companies have presented interesting innovations on the Czech scene. The public discovers them most often on the occasion of the awarding of a prize, the publication of a ranking or the study of a renowned company. Neuron Soundware, a two-year-old Prague start-up, is receiving a lot of attention. She listens to machines running and can predict a failure with accuracy up to 99.6%. Sensors and microphones placed on the machine record, by a thorough analysis, the sound data emitted by the machine in normal mode. The data is transmitted to a computer program capable of evaluating deviations and warning of impending difficulties. Neuron Soundware already has several reputable customers, such as Airbus, Siemens, Volkswagen or E.ON. The company has won several competitions and received more than 16 million crowns from two investors, the Startup Yard and J & T Ventures. This technology is most often tuned to production lines, escalators, railway switches or wind turbines. The title «Cool Vendor» awarded by Garner to small companies that have innovative technologies, a solid business plan or imagination, was also awarded to an expanded analysis platform called Stories. It processes data in time series to form graphical analyzes in operational memory, which is able to analyze millions of combinations and find in these data key factors that can influence different metrics. Huge volumes of data are transformed into stories, stories, within the reach of an ordinary user. Business leaders no longer have to review or produce sharp analyzes, they just need to read a few automatically generated titles, similar to newspaper headlines, that deal with trends in a given issue or business and allow to identify the problems and their causes. Understand a large amount of data or even somehow read your thoughts, this is the business area of Setsquare in Pilsen. Their semantic text analysis algorithm can read millions of times faster than a person and can learn any language. The starting tool is the largest volume of text available, such as customer e-mails or comments on social networks. The keywords naturally flow from the texts according to the subjects most often mentioned by the people. Thus, the company can discover what are the opinions on their product, the trends, the interests of the people or even discover new subjects to which she had not thought. The product is on sale since 2014, but it is the result of 12 years of research conducted by the director of Sentisquare Josef Steinberger. The main customers are T-Mobile, Česká spořitelna, ČSOB or Volkswagen. Three artificial intelligence enthusiasts met during their doctoral studies, and the combination of their ideas gave birth to Rossum, a program that teaches machines to understand documents and more particularly invoices. The technological secret of the company lies in the fact that the computer knows how to distinguish between different bills just as a person would do. It is estimated that only 20% of invoices are automatically read today, the rest must be processed by accountants. The creation of templates for each type of invoice is expensive, which is why the idea of the Rossum Invoice Robots (word game with the RUR robots of the Czech writer Karel Čapek) has aroused the interest of the major auditing companies . The system was built on test data created by a team of annotators acting as accountants, and the machines copied their methods. The goal was to simplify the work of the accountants and give them a free space to do a real job that would not involve copying bills. This job now is done by a neural network. A business model, which has upset the B2B segment of optimization and price management, is proposed by Price f (x). A pricing policy based on current events, competitive prices or seasonality can increase sales and margins by several percent. The problem lies in the complexity and cost of this method. However, a company based in Munich, with a research and development center in the Czech Republic, offers the rental of software that can find the solution. Both the risk of failure and the initial investment are borne by Price f (x), and the price for customers is one-third cheaper than that of the competition. French robots and artificial brains Undoubtedly the biggest French industrial innovator in the Czech Republic is Valeo, which has made massive investments in recent years and opened a research and development center in Prague. Valeo is one of the world’s leading technological innovators and its Czech engineers contribute a lot. In 2004, Citroën was the first to use the «stop & start» system that automatically turns off the engine when the car is stopped, in traffic jams for example. Consumption fell by 6 to 15%, CO2 emissions decreased and the system was then used by all car manufacturers, especially after the introduction of the Euro 5 standard. Competition in this area has meanwhile developed, but the Valeo system is present in a third of cars with this technology. Valeo’s Prague Research Center employs nearly a thousand experts dedicated to the development of sensors and software for parking assistance systems and active safety systems: assistance to stay on track, braking automatic emergency or collision risk warning with a car in a blind spot. Everything is tested directly on site or at the Milovice industrial site. In April, the French company Prophesee presented a microcamera inspired by the human body. The camera captures hundreds of frames per second like the human eye, and software with its algorithms, evaluates these data almost instantly, just like the brain. However, the system does not function as a high frequency camera that would collect data, it only evaluates the differences between the images. It gets information faster and does not have to deal with large volumes of data. Until now, Prophesee products have been used in biology, but now they concern the industry, where they contribute to the acceleration of the production process thanks to ultra-fast control of the situation. A big challenge in today’s mobile age is to introduce as much technology as possible into a tiny chip, which is at the heart of smartphones, autonomous vehicles or data centers. In the global competition, two French companies have managed to stand out. Smart me up, founded in Grenoble in 2012, introduced after three years of research a facial recognition technology, which also assesses the age, sex and emotions of the person in front of the camera. Its services are used by French railways SNCF or by Chinese stores to evaluate the reactions of customers to advertising. In the future, it could be used in smart cities — for safety — or to monitor the fatigue of vehicle drivers. In August 2018, the startup was bought by car subcontractor Magneti Marelli. Still in Grenoble, but 4 years earlier, Joël Monnier founded the company Kalray to produce intelligent processors able to analyze the data that pass through them and make decisions in real time. Last year, the company had 65 employees, a turnover of 875,000 euros, and in June 2018, it raised 43.5 million euros on the occasion of its IPO. The money from this sale is intended for the further development of chips, which will be used mainly in data centers and partly also in autonomous vehicles. The cybersecurity of companies is ensured for example by Sentryo, a company of Lyon, which won in August 2018 the innovation contest of Public Investment Bank Bpifrance. The Kitea project detects anomalies in the Internet of Things (IoT) in the industry to help companies defend themselves against cyber attacks and secure their systems. Active analysis is used to characterize and quantify unknown flows in the enterprise based on available data. The use is planned for smart cities or autonomous vehicles. A large number of innovations in the Czech Republic and France are related to the automotive industry, particularly autonomous vehicles or electromobility. A common theme is also the movement in the air, be it aircraft of different sizes or drones. Interesting projects are growing in business incubators like the Czech Startup Yard or Station F in Paris. New ideas sprout every day in bright brains. We can therefore expect other discoveries in the field of intelligent technologies and their use in industry and daily life.
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(anon who asked about the numbers) for example when you ask koliko stane something? and the price can be en evro, dva evra, tri-štiri evre, and from pet to sto en the word is evrov. could it be? hvala lepa again!!!
Ahhh, ok, sure! I made a pretty in-depth post about Slovene numbers a while back and this is (rather briefly) discussed there as well:
[The numbers 1–4] are also the only numerals with which the according nominal is in nominative case: “one wolf” = nom. sg. en volk, “two wolves” = nom. du. dva volka “two wolves”, “three/four wolves” = nom. pl. trije/štirje volki, but  “five/six/ninety-nine wolves” = gen.(!) pl. pet/šest/devetindevetdeset volkov – numbers 5 and above, when in nom./acc. always demand an according nominal in gen. (due to the partitive nature of genitive there, what is said is thus literally “five/… of the wolves”).
(↑ this also serves as a tl;dr; a longer explanation and a second tl;dr follow ↓)
So, to “translate,” in a sentence like Kruh stane en evro “The bread costs one euro” evro is in accusative singular (singular because it’s “one (1) euro” and accusative because “one euro” is the direct object in the sentence (“The bread costs what?”); the accusative singular of evro happens to be the same as nominative singular; if it were in instrumental singular, it would be different: Kruh plačam z enim evrom “I pay [for]the bread with one euro.”)
→ /sidenote/ you can check out the different declension paradigms here (evro is declined according to the 1st masculine declension, it is inanimate and has the ending -o in nominative singular and accordingly also accusative singular (the “alt. V” thing); it also doesn’t take the -ôv- extension so you can ignore that in the paradigm)
Ok, so moving on to the second example: Kruh stane dva evra “The bread costs two euros” – here evra is in accusative dual (dual, predictably, because it’s “two (2) euros” and accusative again because it’s the direct object; if you’ve checked the declension paradigms, here, accusative is the same as nominative in dual as well; in instrumental dual it would again be different: Kruh plačam z dvema evroma “I pay [for] the bread with two euros.”).
Plural, of course, means “many things” (in English and many other languages, that’s quite simply “more than one thing”, while in languages with dual, such as Slovene, it means “more than two things”, with “two things” being a separate category covered by dual), thus Kruh stane tri evre “The bread costs three euros” – again, as expected, in accusative plural. In plural of 1st declension masculine nouns, however, accusative and nominative are not the same. When acting as the subject in a sentence, the form is nominative plural: Trije evri ti lahko kupijo nekaj kruha “Three euros can buy you some bread.” If we ignore the number “three” itself, the form is the same in instrumental plural as well: Kruh plačam s tremi evri “I pay [for] the bread with three euros.”
It’s all normal and nice all the way to number 4. With numbers 5 and higher a curious thing happens. When the number is in nominative or accusative, the number is followed by the “thing” in genitive plural! What you can imagine is happening here is that the “thing” is now considered an uncountable amount of those things; you aren’t looking at 5 euros period – you’re looking at 5 euros out of an immense, countless amount of euros (idk, all the euros in the world …), it’s thus literally “five of the euros”: Kruh stane pet evrov “The bread costs five [of the] euros” – pet in accusative plural and evrov in genitive plural. Accordingly also: Pet evrov ti lahko kupi nekaj kruha “Five [of the] euros can buy some bread” – what you can notice here is that the verb (kupi) is in the singular (cf. kupijo in the 3–4 plural example above), which you can imagine is because the small amout out of an uncountable, enormous amount is considered a single unit – the verb thus in singular. As mentioned, this only happens in nominative and accusative, instrumental, for example, is thus: Kruh plačam s petimi evri “I pay[for] the bread with five euros.”
While I said “numbers 5 and higher” before, the numbers where 1, 2, 3 and 4 figure separately at the end, the rules for those respective numbers apply: 101 sto en evro (not evrov), 6304 šest tisoč tristo štiri evre (not evrov), 1 059 702 (en) milijon devetinpetdeset tisoč sedemsto dva evra (not evrov), etc., but 43 005 triinštirideset tisoč pet evrov.
Of course, all the examples use evro which is (as mentioned) declined according to the 1st masculine declension. If I were to use a currency like krona (“crown”, as in Swedish “krona”, Czech “koruna”, etc.), which declines according to the 1st feminine declension, in the example sentences above it would be ena krona, z eno krono, dve kroni, z dvema kronama, tri krone, tri krone, s tremi kronami, pet kron, pet kron, s petimi kronami.
Anyway, the second tl;dr:
1: number in nom./acc. sing. + noun in nom./acc. sing. en evro, ena krona | number in gen./dat./loc./inst. sing. + noun in gen./dat./loc./inst. sing. z enim evrom, z eno krono | (if num. is the subject) verb in sing. kupi
2: number in nom./acc. dual + noun in nom./acc. dual dva evra, dve kroni | number in gen./dat./loc./inst. dual + noun in gen./dat./loc./inst. dual z dvema evroma, z dvema kronama | (if num. is the subject) verb in dual kupita
3–4: number in nom./acc. plur. + noun in nom./acc. plur. trije evri, tri krone | number in gen./dat./loc./inst. plur. + noun in gen./dat./loc./inst. plur. s tremi evri, s tremi kronami | (if num. is the subject) verb in plur. kupijo
5+: number in nom./acc. plur. + noun in gen. plur.(!) pet evrov, pet kron | number in gen./dat./loc./inst. plur. + noun in gen./dat./loc./inst. plur. s petimi evri, s petimi kronami | (if num. is the subject) verb in sing.(!) kupi
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