#Especially going to the beach or somewhere swimming related
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l0ganberry · 1 year ago
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Wally got a bit too excited and fully prepared himself for summer. He does look very happy though.
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illarian-rambling · 8 months ago
Thanks for the tag @nczaversnick!
Big OC Questionaire
I kinda feel like talking about someone I haven't discussed much, so let's go with Kaulakri, my neurotic little selkie cartographer! Since this is gonna be a long one, I'll put my answers under a cut. I'll also tag @just-emis-blog @mr-orion @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy and anyone else who wants in :)
Questions are also under the cut in a block
What is your favorite thing to do to avoid responsibility?
It's rare, but I do get burnt out on occasion. When I was alive, I would go for a swim and enjoy a night on the beach. That's a little harder now, so I practice my flute instead.
If you could choose anyone in the world to be your sibling who would it be?
What was the worst day of your life?
What's so special about a sibling? I suppose I like Pash well enough, though he stresses me out, and Faalgun makes for good company. But why would I hang out with my siblings especially? That's so odd.
What is the most sublime thing you have ever eaten and why?
Maybe it's a little strange for one of the halawemavish, but I love sugar. Most surface foods turn my stomach, so people are always surprised by that. The best, sweetest thing I've ever eaten was this singular Cantran dessert. They called it a marshed mallow.
Well, the last one, I suppose. I never knew what disease killed me, but it was sudden and miserable and spread like a flood through the crew I traveled with. Even in the midst of that agony, watching then all fall around me, it wasn't the idea of death that scared me, but the knowledge that my life would be for nothing. Hopefully, my afterlife will be different....
What’s your worst nightmare?
If a monster asked you your worst nightmare what would you tell it and why?
Like, literally or metaphorically? The worst nightmare I've ever had was when I was ten. I stood with my back to an endless drop while a wave of frothing rats skittered towards me, aiming to sweep me away with them. My 'worst nightmare' in a broader sense is leaving things incomplete. Projects, relationships, all of it. I dread being unable to finish what I've started.
I wouldn't tell it anything. Why does a monster want to know what my worst nightmare is? ....Wait is this the sort of thing I'm supposed to lie for? I suppose I could say my worst nightmare is meringue tarts, but that doesn't seem very convincing.
Would you give away secret information if tortured? Be honest.
Who could you trust most with a secret?
What sort of torture? I don't think waterboarding is all it's cracked up to be, but if you tore out my fingernails or, I don't know, ripped up my maps, I'd probably talk.
Myself, obviously. I have the most stake in keeping my own secrets a secret. But in terms of others, probably Anarac. He hardly talks at all, so I doubt he'd repeat anything I told him.
Uhhhhh.... I'm... I'm lost?
You have been caught somewhere you should be! Quick, what is your excuse?
How good is your sleep schedule?
People always say you can sleep when you're dead, but that's patently false. You don't need to sleep at all when you're dead. I still do most nights, just to keep a semblance of order, but even if I only get a few hours, it doesn't really affect much.
Do you have any siblings? If so, is your relationship good?
Siblings? Oh yes, I forgot you humans are superstitious about blood relations. I suppose I had a few, but I was never especially close with any of the enclave kids. I was a bit more of the... indoor type.
What’s the toughest time you had to endure growing up?
Deciding to leave my enclave. It was all I had ever known, and I was apprenticed to our shaman. I was terrified that I was making the biggest mistake of my life by going to study on the surface. For those first few nights away from home, I thought I was the loneliest person on Illaros.
Again with these blood relation superstitions. As you would think of it, my entire enclave was my family. The person I was closest to was Lishvan, the shaman. He indulged my many, many questions and, I think, took a bit of pity on me for my difficulties socializing. I still remember all the songs he taught me.
What’s your relationship with your family like?
Do you have any hobbies? If so, what ones?
Cartography and natural history are my passions. Yes, they're also my job, but nothing brings me more joy than cataloging a new island species or watching a map slowly spring from a blank page. Apart from that, I've always enjoyed music and storytelling. The crews I sailed with always compliment my flute playing as quite good.
No. I did in life, but now that I think about it, I've never had a dream while dead. I suppose they aren't for us.
Do you dream often?
What do you dream about?
Have you ever been in love?
When I was alive, my dreams were mostly nonsense. Usually, they took place on ships, which makes sense considering where I spent much of my time. Some were anxious, others were happy, but overall, most of my dreams were about doing something that made no sense upon waking.
Who's to say? I... I'm not good at being close to people. My work has always taken priority and I can be distant even when I'm not on assignment. The closest I ever came was a three month long fling with a sea captain whose ship I had chartered with a sizable grant. She was the perfect partner - everything I could've asked for. Attentive, not overly touchy, and a superb conversationalist. I think she really liked me and I... I might’ve loved her. Of course, I only realized that when I'd finished my mapping trip and by that time, her ship had long sailed over the horizon.
Rats. You wouldn't think it's possible for someone to hate an animal to such a degree, but believe me, I fucking do. They're disgusting creatures who get shit everywhere, eat rations, and eat my damn maps! Not only do they do all of that, but they carry disease everywhere they go. Considering how I died, you shouldn't be surprised when I tell you that I'll kill any rat I see.
What is your least favorite thing in the world?
What is your pet peeve?
Poor organization rubs me the wrong way no matter the scale. This world runs on order and efficiency, and there's no reason to make everything more difficult for everyone else just because you can't be bothered to take notes.
Would you consider yourself different?
How far would you go to save a loved one?
I.... Oh, what a question. I've always been... apart from my peers. Too serious, too obedient, too off in my own world. I didn't have many friends as a kid for all of those reasons. No one outright bullied me, but even I'm not oblivious enough to miss hands going up to cover whispers every time I'm around. It was better when I went to school. The people there were more like-minded. But by then though, I'd learned to hold myself apart from others. It's not as if I crave company. I'm perfectly happy to keep to myself and my maps. It's just... sometimes I wish I could find someone with passions that matched my own. We could share a journal and know that every annotation actually means I love you.
Murder. Anything below that is fair game, but I think one murder would be my limit. I'd find another way.
I don't really have a worst enemy. Should I? Could it be rats? I think I could team up with rats if my crew was on the line, though I might wear gloves and a mask the whole time. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I shouldn't be concerned with hygiene.
Would you team up with your worst enemy if it was your only option?
What is the worst insult you can give?
I don't really like giving insults - I'd rather just walk away. There was one time though, that I told Nyda she'd set Illari progress back by centuries due to her own idiocy, and that countless sailors had probably died because she'd been too busy chasing pointless glory to write down her damn equations. Oh, and also that she was a fool for trying so hard to be a warrior when it was clear she would never have the skill to fight off more than a frog. Maybe I went a little overboard there, now that I think about it.
What is the nicest thing someone could say to you?
Are you a jealous person?
Oh spirits, I'm not sure. I think if someone said my maps had saved them from being lost at sea, I'd just lay down and cry.
I don't know, what constitutes jealous? I'm going to go with a tentative no.
Have you ever committed a crime?
Why would I tell you that? ...Well, I suppose I'm dead now, so it won't make much of a difference. I, uh, would loot money from shipwrecks sometimes, to pay for my expeditions. Technically, scavanged goods are supposed to go to the company the ship belonged to, but they won't miss it. I hope.
Are you neat or messy?
Neat. Messy things stress me out.
How do you feel about crying? Let it out or hold it in?
Crying is a very important emotional release and you should never be ashamed of it. Not for me though - I'm ashamed.
Who do you live for? Why?
First off, I'm not alive. Secondly, when I was alive, I lived to finish my maps and chart every island in Janaz. Part of that was to help other people sail more safely, yes, but part was because I simply had to know what was out there. So... I guess I don't know.
Who has betrayed you most?
My own health. Right when I was nearly finished with my work, my own damn body gave out on me. Now it and my maps are rotting on a deserted island somewhere, never to be seen by a living soul again.
What style of accessories do you wear? Is it willingly?
I don't like the feel of jewelry. Anything on my hands at all makes me uncomfortable, really. I suppose I still have the little belt bag I died with. That's a pretty handy accessory.
What is your favorite thing to do to avoid responsibility?If you could choose anyone in the world to be your sibling who would it be?What is the most sublime thing you have ever eaten and why?What was the worst day of your life?What’s your worst nightmare?If a monster asked you your worst nightmare what would you tell it and why?Would you give away secret information if tortured? Be honest.Who could you trust most with a secret?You have been caught somewhere you should be! Quick, what is your excuse?How good is your sleep schedule?Do you have any siblings? If so, is your relationship good?What’s the toughest time you had to endure growing up?What’s your relationship with your family like?Do you have any hobbies? If so, what ones?Do you dream often? What do you dream about?Have you ever been in love?What is your least favorite thing in the world?What is your pet peeve?Would you consider yourself different?How far would you go to save a loved one?Would you team up with your worst enemy if it was your only option?What is the worst insult you can give?What is the nicest thing someone could say to you?Are you a jealous person?Have you ever committed a crime?Are you neat or messy?How do you feel about crying? Let it out or hold it in?Who do you live for? Why?Who has betrayed you most?What style of accessories do you wear? Is it willingly?
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cuprohastes · 2 years ago
Evolution? We don't need no Evolution!
Wherever Aliens gather to sit down, do the equivalent of a 1km stare and drink things that make you feel like being gently smacked with a slice of lemon wrapped around a gold brick, eventually the topic of Humans will come up.
"They're semi aquatic." one says. "I swear. We were on a beach and we had this human - You know, to carry stuff and do Human related Things. And they just went 'oh what a lovely day' and then they ... ran into the sea."
They pause and take a long drink.
"No exo suit. Just splash splash splash, and then they fell under the water."
The others nod or quiver in agreement. "Don't tell me" the Tsin says, their scales painted with that human Nail Polish. The shade called Pining of You looked especially good. "They ran back out holding something horrible and toothy, and immediately adopted it."
The first alien snorts. "No. Sort of. We thought they'd fallen into a sink hole. We had no idea! They were swimming! Like a Tsuga! Just looking at everything underwater and then popping up and going back down... you know... they jsut. They just stop breathing? Because breathing might be inconvenient so they... stop." they say.
Everyone pauses to think about this.
"I mean... how does that even work?" one slender, feathery being asks. "But they're not aquatic. You know how I know? Because I've seen them fly."
Another pause.
"Bullshit." someone says. "They don't have wings."
"No no... but they can make them. AND and and... I don't mean like ships. No! they make them out of fabric and sticks."
The Tsin looks into her drink and then sideways at the make who's been staring at her scales for the last ten minutes. He puffs up a little. "Mm. What as an art project?" she says.
The feathery being declines this supposition and responds, "No. They built them then they go up somewhere nice and high and they pick them up and take a big run - You ever see one running? Terrifying. And they... jsut..." the feathery being makes a sweeping gesture.
"Up into the sky. For hours. Then they come down and slide to a stop and put everything away and... How do you do that? How do you fly and then decide, oh I'll just go on with being a normal terrestrial animal, ho hum, nothing special."
The Tsin coyly blows a bubble at the preening male and shrugs.
"Mmmmy theory is they're bad at evolution." she says. "So they gave up and now they just turn into whatever they need to be for as long as they need it."
There's a certain amount of consideration at this and the Tsin puts her drink down and wiggles her fingers to everyone and leaves to investigate that tasty little male with the gorgeous blue markings.
The tall and frondy being quivers and splays it's fronds. "That's a horrible thought. Imagine if they decided to become plants?!"
"Ah well" says a very drunk Waallondernook, "Funny you should mention that..."
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yandere-sins · 3 years ago
Hey, so I was wondering... since sharks can be cannibalistic in nature, would there be any chance that Atreo would eat his pups if they turned out weak/unsuitable for water or something (since one of the parents is human, and the child could be terrestrial in nature so they can't thrive underwater)? Or would he ditch the kid on a beach or something? Also, what would he do if one of his pups decided to rebel/overthrow him as leader when they are older and stronger?
I don't think Atreo would eat them since my mermaids do have some traits that aren't related to their animal counterparts. (Like how great white sharks don't hunt in groups but Atreo lives in a tribe that hunts together. Just as an example.) However, I do believe that he'd play favorites for the kids that are more like him rather than the ones that are more human like his darling. As in, he'd take them out and teach them and support them more than the human ones. Even if the leg-bearer turns out to be able to breathe underwater or have other characteristics, as that child can't swim as fast the tribe would probably shun it as it can't participate and/or be of help to the community as they believe, no matter what it makes of itself. It might decide to leave willingly, or stay with the darling and keep them company for the rest of their lives. If it leaves there's no saying if other mermaids wouldn't eat it though... Especially if it crosses into enemy territory or the like. They'd probably just see a human swimming, so it's pretty dangerous.
Going out of his way to abandon his child doesn't seem like a thing Atreo would do, even if he mostly ignores his child, though if he notices his darling taking special interest in that kid, he might use it to blackmail his darling, saying he's going to drop the child somewhere and leave it to its own devices to survive. Especially if the kid is younger that would be terrifying for both it and the darling. He might also not decline if someone else asks for the child as a mate later on, since he doesn't really have a connection to it and might feel glad to get rid of it so he can have his darling all to himself again (though he never actually stopped doing whatever he wanted with his mate even if the children were present). Takes on a whole different turn on gruesomeness, doesn't it?
For the one that could possibly overthrow him, well. Once Atreo is at an age that would make him weaker than his own spawn, his darling will probably not be alive anymore either, so yes, there's a possibility he might die defending his place. Probably out of bitterness too, because what else is there to live for than his tribe? Doesn't even just have to be his own kid, could be anyone really. However, if his darling is still alive and he recognizes how well he trained his child, he might give it up to them (but not to anyone else) and go retire with his darling mate. Less likely to happen, but while he likes roughhousing with his children, they'd have earned his respect and he might lose the will to hold his hand over their heads and instead be just the father they can always come to on their journey to become their best selves! In a way he wants to be a good father to the children of his mate and him, so he'll decide to let them go and be independant when he sees it fit. He might even promise the position to at least one of them when they get older. It's also good for his pride to have raised such amazing, strong, wonderful kids. It'll soften even his heart.
As I mentioned before, the children he fathered out of matehood though are probably the ones most likely to want to kill him though. Good thing that by then he has strong, loyal children to save his throat. And if his darling is lively enough, he'd love to make some more kids before the grandchildren come along. One big, happy family!
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kawia-renka · 3 years ago
hello oli! your layout is so pretty :) if reqs are open (if they aren't, feel free to just ignore this) akamatsu and chabashira w/ an ultimate swimmer s/o?
Kaede Akamatsu And Tenko Chabashira With An Ultimate Swimmer S/O
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❝ Thank you for the compliment!
And, I'm not sure if this is a weird glitch of some sorts, but when I received this ask I was able to see who/what blog sent this. Then it dissapeared,but my inbox still showed it (I mean it said I had 1 ask in my inbox, but when I clicked on it, there was nothing). So I went on my computer and lo and behold,there it was but sent by an anon. ❞
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• Kaede is very much impressed by your talent. And, of course, she's very supporting of it.
• She enjoys going to your practice. She would do it more often, if it weren't for the fact she also has to practice her piano.
• But Akamatsu will most definitely come with you to any sort of competitions! In the days prior to the event, she makes sure you drink water, get rest etc. So ya know, standard Kaede stuff , just a bit more focused on practice.
• If you ever lose or just don't win anything, she'll make sure to compliment you. A lot. That's just how Akamatsu is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
• And she enjoys swimming with you. Particularly when it's the summer, when you can go to an open swimming pool or beach almost any day.
• Kaede also enjoys buying swimsuits with you. She'll insist on buying you several swimsuits, just because they look cute <3
• And any swimming gear you want - add to cart!
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• Actually, it doesn't even matter to her what your talent is. She already thinks you're amazing!
• But! Since your ultimate is kinda related to sports, and Aikido is a form of martial arts. Which both require training and practice. Tenko will be very happy, hoping you two could practice together! Or, you can do both. One day swimming, the other day Aikido. Because she will 100% try to teach you Aikido, not just because it's her ultimate talent, but also because it's a form of self defense! Which is useful to know.
• Maybe you two could swim together? Actually no, that's totally something she would do.
• Chabashira will often go to the beach or swimming pool with you. She just enjoys spending time with you and seeing you smile!
• She might even suggest you two get matching swimsuits! She knows for a fact it'd look adorable! Especially since you're the one wearing it!
• If you have any swimming competitions or tournaments Tenko will always go to them with you. She sits in the front row and is cheering for you. /a bit louder than the others/
• Whether you win or not, she'll take you somewhere nice ♡
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adventuresindolls · 4 years ago
May Photo Challenge!!
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Our next photo challenge, #Daisies and Daffodolls, will begin on May 1st! It’s a creative, for fun, non-competitive daily challenge for you to share pictures of your doll(s). There will be a new prompt each day, listed below to give you a month to prepare, and you can participate in as many or as few days as you’re interested in. There is no judgement whatsoever, so please share regardless of how complex your props are, and don’t worry about posting a prompt late.
First of all, thank you so much to @desertdollranch​ for helping with the prompts, especially those surrounding AG birthdays and holidays, and for getting this whole photo challenge thing started back in September! And a huge thank you to @lesbianelizabethcole​ for designing all 5 banners!
The ground rules are the same as in October and December, but I’ll reiterate them for anyone that might be new. Tag all of your prompt posts with #daisies and daffodolls - all three words, complete with spaces. This will allow us to better find and share each other’s posts. You can organize your own posts however you want, but I recommend including the day’s prompt somewhere for context. Also feel free to post on other social medias if you want.
This is not a competition, and there are no prizes, but it should be a lot of fun. Feel free to use any size and brand of doll that you have! American Girl is very popular on doll tumblr, but all other types are welcome as well, including both established (historical or modern) characters and OCs. This could range from 18-inch dolls to Barbies to handmade dolls or porcelain dolls or even paper dolls.
I’ll reblog this post weekly until the beginning of May, and then begin each week of May with the prompt list for that week. Please find a list of all prompts below the cut.
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5/1: The first day of each photo challenge is traditionally for seasonal fashion. Does your doll have a favorite spring outfit? Is it cool and light, or are they still bundled in a sweater for the chilly mornings?
5/2: Spring is all about new beginnings. Is your doll learning a new skill or trying a new activity this spring? Or maybe they just met a new person who became important in their life?
5/3: Today is National Textiles Day. Kirsten’s friends gave her a quilt they made after she missed school to help her family. Does your doll have any clothes or other items that are handmade? If not, do they make any textile items themselves? This could be something sewn, knitted, crocheted, or quilted.
5/4: May the 4th be with you! Does your doll like Star Wars? Who is their favorite character? What about other stories? Pick a hero from any movie, show, or book that your doll loves and have them act out a scene as that character.
5/5: Friends are forever. Who are your doll’s closest friends and what do they do together? Maybe they like to play board games or go to the mall or play pretend. Or maybe your doll is planning something special for their friend.
5/6: As the weather gets warmer, it’s the perfect time to head outside. Does your doll play sports, or do they prefer casual games with their friends? Maybe they like picnics or quiet hikes through the woods.
5/7: Happy birthday, Maryellen! Maryellen often feels overlooked in her large family, and she works hard to stand out and show her unique personality. What makes your doll special and unique?
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5/8: It’s career day! What does your doll want to do when they grow up? Show them dressed up for and/or acting out their dream job.
5/9: Happy Mother’s Day! Addy and her mother escaped to freedom together, Caroline’s mother ran a shipyard, and Kirsten’s mother encouraged her not to lose heart. Does your doll have a special bond with their mother? How do they celebrate Mother’s Day? If they don’t have a mother or don’t have a good relationship with her, consider today a free space to show us something you really want to but that isn’t included in these prompts.
5/10:  Bugs are everywhere! We might avoid some of them, but others are welcomed. Lightning bugs, ladybugs, bumble bees, and dragonflies are a few happy spring bugs. Show your doll doing something bug-themed. They might take a net out to catch bugs or draw a picture of a bug or hold a ladybug they found. Be creative!
5/11: Parties are always fun! Is your doll going to any birthday parties or sleepovers this spring? Maybe they’re attending a wedding or some other celebration? What are their favorite party activities?
5/12:  Spring weather can be a relief after the cold and darkness of winter. What is the weather like where your doll is? Foggy? Rainy? Bright and sunny? Show your doll interacting with their local spring weather.
5/13: Everyone needs mentors and heroes. Who does your doll look up to? What have they learned from them or how do they honor them?
5/14: It’s the last day of the school year. What’s your doll’s favorite extracurricular activity or aspect of school that they’ll miss until next fall?
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5/15: Happy birthday, Luciana! Luciana loves learning about space and wants to be an astronaut and go to Mars one day. Getting to space involves studying many different things, particularly various fields of science. Show your doll doing something related to space or science.
5/16: Today is National Do Something Nice for your Neighbor Day. What does your doll do that helps others or makes the world a better place?
5/17: Let’s try something different today! If your (OC or non-AG) doll had their own American Girl-style book series, what would be the central theme? What sort of things would happen to them? Show us at least one scene from this hypothetical series.
5/18: Beaches and swimming are iconic activities as the weather gets warmer and people have more free time. Rebecca and her family went to Coney Island for a picnic. Does your doll enjoy picnics, sunbathing, or sandcastles on the beach? Maybe they like to swim for exercise or hang out at the pool with friends? (I do not recommend putting your doll in a public chlorine pool)
5/19: Happy Birthday, Kit! Growing up seeing the effects of the Great Depression on people around her, Kit is determined to report on important things happening to real people. How does your doll relate to current events? Are they involved in activism or spreading awareness? Is there an important social issue that affects them personally or that they feel is very important? Or is there something good happening in the world that they like to think about?
5/20: Spring is a great time for tea parties. What’s in your doll’s teacup? Maybe they’re drinking a fancy tea, or maybe they prefer a refreshing glass of juice.
5/21: Spring is full of baby animals. Show your doll interacting with some sort of baby animal. (Safely! Please don’t grab a real squirrel or bunny!)
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5/22: In December we celebrated Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day. I’d like to reprise that, but with a twist: this time, we’re headed into the future! The amount of time and what your doll finds in the future is completely up to you. What do they do while there?
5/23: Cakes and pies and ice cream, oh my! What is your doll’s favorite dessert?
5/24: There may be fewer holidays in spring than in December, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to celebrate! Does your doll celebrate Passover or Easter? Or maybe they prefer a more obscure spring holiday to liven things up? Show them participating in whatever celebration you like.
5/25: Yellow is the color of flowers and sunny days and ducklings. Show your doll wearing or using something yellow.
5/26: Happy birthday, Samantha! After her birthday party, Samantha hears Aunt Cornelia speak at a suffragette meeting in New York City. What is a cause that is important to your doll? Show them with a sign supporting or protesting something close to their heart. As an added challenge, use a cause unrelated to the current events prompt.
5/27: It’s summer vacation! What are some of your doll’s favorite activities now that they’re free from school? Alternatively, what are some of their favorite hobbies to do anytime?
5/28: Happy birthday, Cecile! For her birthday, Cecile’s brother Armand gave her a beautiful porcelain doll that looked like her. Does your doll have a favorite doll or toy?
5/29: Late spring and early summer is a great time to go on a road trip or vacation. Where is your doll traveling to, and what are they doing there? Or maybe their family chose a staycation this year - what new fun new things are they discovering close to home?
5/30: Today is National Water a Flower Day. Show your doll interacting with flowers or other plants.
5/31: What is your doll planning for this fall? What are they looking forward to when school starts again? Is a big change approaching as the seasons and leaves turn? What does the future hold for them?
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supersonic-darling · 4 years ago
Dad Van Fleet - Headcanons
The boys as dads, as requested by Anon! 
I like imagining them as dads sometimes but I get that some of you don’t, hence why its under the bar.
Josh is a fun dad, I can imagine him being really good with small kids
Like you wake up and walk into the kitchen, and Josh is there with your baby in a high chair, doing airplane noises with his breakfast
He sees the joy in everything so I can imagine he can’t get enough of your babies’ giggles
He’s always kissing their chubby little cheeks and it makes your heart explode
Josh seems to be quite family orientated (I think I read somewhere he’ always the one to ring home) so I think he’d want to give your kids family names
But their middle names would totally be something nature related; like, Kelly Aspen Kiszka
You’d definitely go on family hikes
I can imagine Josh wearing a papoose with your kid in it constantly taking group selfies with matching smiles
Whether you have one or more kids Josh is going to be that dad with so much energy all the time that he can keep them all entertained all the time
And when you get home in the afternoon Josh is asleep on the sofa, mouth open; with baby on his chest and any other kids you have scattered around the room, also asleep
I can imagine Jake inadvertently having a lot of kids (… like his dad)
He always has his hair tied up around the house because your babies grab at it
He’s always got a weird stain on his shirt and he never knows where it comes from – and those eye bags … permanent
Jake loves being a dad but he also loves dropping your kids off with Uncle Josh for the weekend and sleeping
A bit like Josh, Jake is always taking you guys camping in the summer
He’s good at teaching them practical skills, like tying ropes and cooking
Also you cannot convince me that he doesn’t start giving them instruments to play with as soon as they can hold a spoon
I think Jake would name his kids something traditional or related to someone he admires eg; Thomas James ‘Jimi’ Kiszka
Falls asleep next to his kids bed, holding their hand, when he’s reading to them or when they’re sick and he goes to sit with them, its so cute but you have to wake him up because he’ll get a stiff neck sleeping like that
‘One black coffee’ Dad
Simultaneously Traditional and Hippy!Dad
Definitely names his kids something traditional but is up for more nature related names like Robin or Willow
Gets them novelty onsies about Drums or Golf
His hair is in a permanent very high bun, ever since your baby grabbed a tiny fistful of his curls and tugged so hard his eyes watered
Loves blowing raspberries on their tummies because he can’t get enough of their giggles
When they play together (because they’d have the same relationship he did with his sister) he wraps his arms around your waist from behind and watches them with you
Always playing outside with his kids – his tall lanky frame flailing about trying to catch his kids
Teaches them to ride bikes, swim, play golf (obviously)
When they’re babies he has a papoose which he straps to his chest when you guys go out, its just incredibly cute to see your tiny human strapped to his broad chest
You walk in on them one day and he’s bench pressing your five year old
You all get matching jumpers every year for Christmas… his mum sends them to you
Has an oops baby, especially the first one, it definitely wasn’t planned
Full on laid back dad – he doesn’t mind what they want to do, as long as they don’t seriously injure themselves
You name them after role models (*see Ruth Bader Ginsberg)
You guys go and do things like pick litter at the beach or go on kids nature courses like looking at sea life in rock pools and things
Occasionally he remembers to go and visit his family and the car journey is when he really regrets his life choices
Because his kids are just as loud and crazy as he is and he’s definitely going to apologise to his mum when he gets there
His kids look so much like him its almost as if you could stack them all together like Russian dolls
When they’re babies he’s always taking photos of them with your dogs, they learn to walk by holding onto their backs and puling themselves up
When you leave them alone for the day you will come back to your child dressed either in a costume or just absolutely insanely
You guys troll your families with ridiculous family Christmas cards; like ones where you’re photoshopped at a cliff edge you climbed and Sam is throwing your baby in the air – anything that looks almost believable but isn’t real.
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in-superbloom · 4 years ago
okay so. i never really did a review (feels weird to call it a review tho so let's say a very opinionated essay that's totally the opposite of what college taught me) for wfttwtaf but i never really know how to do that for any album, doesn't matter how much it makes me feel feelings, bc i simply can't write about my own emotions in cohesive thoughts ✌🏻😔
so instead, i let my brain do this thing he usually does when i listen to an album that leaves an effect on me, which is pretty much just creating visuals for the songs bc apparently my feelings translate better into images/vibes rather than words lmao but since i am unfortunately not skilled to drawn/paint/created actual visual stuff, i just wrote them so i'm gonna leave them here bc why not <3
i just really love when music (art in general, but especially music for me) makes your mind run wild & be so inspired that you can't help but create something based on that feeling <3 a great example of that is the amount of art everyone here (on tumblr!sos verse, but also tumblr & the internet in general) create based on other peoples' art & i just *clenches fists* really love that 💜
anyways !! if you're reading this, i hope this makes sense to you & if you wanna chat about the album, my mail box is always open 💜
• track one: starting line – like the mv, but he's running like he's trying to get away from something, always looking behind his shoulder, stumbling on things/people on the streets. also maybe not flying?;
• track two: saigon – then he reaches a tiny but unique/eye-catching door, gets intrigued & enters. he has to go downstairs through a dark and narrow corridor, he hears muffled music coming down there. he reaches the door & the music is now clear, it looks like there are disco balls everywhere ((pink, blue and purple bc ofc)), the place is packed with people dancing & just vibing™. he goes to the dancefloor, but soon it gets overwhelming so he tries to reach a wall or the other end of the club, but he can't. the more he walks, the furthest he feels from the walls. everything has a psychedelic look, also some of those trippy effects he used on motion, and no one seems to notice/ care about him. this goes on until the end of the song, then he finally finds a door ((not the one he came from)) and opens it;
• track three: motion – he expects to find a street, but instead he's inside a room. it's a bit dark, all he sees are shadows, but then suddenly everything turns into an explosion of colors ((when the songs picks up in the beginning)), all dancing in front of him, making him feel lost & dizzy. he keeps walking, but every now and them he stumbles on something ((random things like animals or weird props or stuff that aren't supposed to be alive, but are)). he admires everything with a childlike wonder, touches things and then they turn into something else, or change form/shape/color. in the end, he's distracted looking at something and then falls like the floor reached an end;
• track four: place in me – he fell right there where he is in the mv/visualizer, it goes on like that;
• track five: baby blue – make it look like he fell asleep after the end of place in me, so he's very confused when he wakes up & it looks like the place is falling apart, like end of the world type ((like the lamentis thingy on loki)). things are exploding & he can see another planet very close to the one where he is. it's a bit scary but it's a breathtaking view nonetheless. he's mesmerized, but also kinda already accepted his fate? he's not trying to run to find a shelter/salvation or anything, just watching it all fall apart. at the end, he stops, turns around & looks at the path that he was walking ((full of nature things colored in every shade of blue and also glittery dust)) and he's just admiring it when he's hit by a big rock maybe? or a moon, who knows;
• track six: repeat – he's throw away to somewhere that's not collapsing, it looks like a pathway in the woods? but like, no florest too near, and it's sunny but not too warm, and the path is filled with green grass and flowers. he lands in a place that looks like a field but not quite. and then after walking for a while, he finds himself, but another version of him. maybe a younger one or an older one or both? like, they both just stop and stare at each other and kinda do this lil dance of trying to touch the other & watching the other, both a lil frightened but completely intrigued. maybe the older version of him? ooooh maybe it starts with an older version, but then every time present luke gets distracted by something else or turns around for a second, the other luke is getting younger, until he's just a lil kid. the ending is the mini luke offering his hand for present luke to grab, so he can lead him to a house that was near where they were. ((or maybe mini luke makes him run after him));
• track seven: mum – luke enters the house & immediately recognizes it as the house he grew up in. every step he takes, a wall or an object or a room brings a memory & it plays it out like a hologram. lots of memories. then in the guitar solo part, he finds a guitar in the room where he used to play the most when he was a kid ((maybe some cool&cute effects going around him, representing the sound coming from the guitar)). before the solo ends, you can see a shadow in the threshold of the door, and when he finished the guitar solo, luke turns around and smiles, getting up to hug the person ((it's his mum)) but maybe you never actually see her face?;
• track eight: slip away – he steps out of his childhood house and enters this big dark room. there's only a lil blue light coming from the very center of the room. when he gets closer to it, he sees it's a lil star, who looks very scared. as soon as she notices him ((he tries to reach her)) she runs out of the door on the other side of the room. he's worried&intrigued so he follows her, but when he opens the door, he immediately falls, this time he's in what looks like the clouds ((blue hues ofc but clearer ones, not as dark shades like the ones in place in me & baby blue)), and soon he finds out he can "swim" through them. he does that for a while until he sees the lil star and tries to follow her again. this goes on until he finally gets close to her, but when he touches her, she literally slips from his grasp bc he's being teleported again ((but make it look like she's the portal));
• track nine: diamonds – it starts with a close up on the water maybe? and then the camera keeps getting higher & suddenly he falls into it and soon the camera follows. he's distorted for a bit, especially when he notices he's already too deep into the water, away from the surface. then he tries to swim to the surface, but there's a bunch of things?? or like weird and mean seapeople maybe? trying to drag him down ((kinda like that scene on harry potter & the goblet of fire)). he tries his best to fight them, but what gets him away from them is a group of nice seapeople who came to his rescue. then they all swim away from the place they were ((also maybe slip in some diamonds or things that look like them around there?));
• track ten: a beautiful dream – he reaches a lil city? under water with the help of the nice seapeople & then there's this piano on the ground ((maybe covered in seaweed and stuff like that)) and he's immediately drawn to it. he plays/sings the song ((maybe like the guitar effects in mum, the sounds coming from the piano affect the place around him even tho it looks like he barely notices it)). when the song is finishing, he notices a white light coming from the surface. he looks at it & then follows it;
• track eleven: bloodline – then he's getting out of the water? at some beach perhaps? he's slowly getting out of the water & there's this beautiful sunrise behind him. he's singing along, looking like he just came out of a battle but at the same time he's in peace with himself, looking not exactly happy but relieved. he's walking on the beach, making his way home but he's not in a hurry. then in that lil bit in the end of the song, he gets out of the frame after looking straight to the camera maybe?? and the camera focuses on the sunrise and then everything goes black;
• track twelve: comedown – he wakes up in a bed ((like, this is him waking up from all these dreams)) & he's slightly confused bc the dreams felt so real, but he's feeling better & not so lost anymore. he goes out in a walk that maybe shows every place he was in his dreams? but like, this time you see what they really are bc every place in his dreams was inspired by a real location/thing, just reimagined. but like, he doesn't enter anywhere, he's just walking & you can see the places on both sides of the street. like, it's clearly a set up location but it's just representative. maybe you can see some of his friends/family at some of these locations or maybe they're all together in one place? but they don't look at him, they're just talking&laughing with each other. he looks happy, at ease & he's smiling, wearing a yellow or gold shirt. in the end, he reaches a cliffside maybe? somewhere that leads you to think that he'll go through another portal, but then he suddenly stops, looks down at the cliffside and crouches down bc he saw the lil blue star from slip away but it's now a necklace. he picks it up, with a small&easy smile and then looks at the camera, gives a bigger, real smile, gets up and turns around, going back to where his friends&family are, but the camera stays there, just watching him go.
// now some notes bc i love to over explain myself //
• the "water" one was supposed to be slip away, but alison @bandsanitizer was talking about a beautiful dream these days & said that something about the song reminds her of a sonar-like sound & the idea of searching for something, so that got me thinking about the ocean & relating it to this song and it also makes a lot of sense with what the album represents in my mind, so it made me change that. thank you for that miss alison, it's always a pleasure to read your thoughts 😌💜
• & it also fitted well with the “i can't fight the bloodline living in the seams back home” line from bloodline, so i wanted that one to be related to the water as well bc that's all i can think about when i hear that lyric;
• something in common that appears in every single one: an object or something related to time, since it's the big common theme on the whole album;
• in each song he's wearing the same outfit he wore in the starting line mv (white tee + black pants + converse) but in each one of them, that red shirt is in a different color;
• i had the visuals from starting line to mum very clear in my head on my first listen of the album, but i only truly finished writing all of this yesterday bc i wanna listen to halsey's new album and see if my brain does this thing again, but i wanted to finish wfttwtaf first <3
& that's it bc i already talked too much for a day lmao if you read all of this, you're a true hero & i love you <3 have a nice day 💛
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maknaesdancersrappers · 5 years ago
Devoted 2.
part 10
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Overall warning/s: kinkier smut (eg. voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc.) character death, dark themes
Chapter warning/s: vulgar language, violence
Just how devoted is Jaehyun to you?
prev: part 9
wc: 6.3k
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You, your mom, Jaehyun’s mom, Yebin, and Minkyung had arrived at the resort a little past noon and were immediately served lunch as the resort staff brought your bags to the room. After eating and resting for a bit, Jaehyun’s mom led everyone to where the wedding venue could be and visualized it for them.
The pathway to the recreational garden had butterfly bushes on each side that lead to a spacious circular area that could fit just enough for your target wedding entourage. There was a gorgeous fountain offset from the center of the area that had beautiful, healthy, large kois swimming about in the basin and a metal fence that had Chinese honeysuckles creeping through the bars that separated the area from the beach.
“What do you think, sweetheart?” Jaehyun’s mom turned to you, eyes sparking and hopeful. A resort staff brings over a tray of champagne for everyone and leaves after everyone has their own glass.
“It’s beautiful, definitely.” You looked up at the looming cherry blossom trees over the fountain, imagining what it would look like when spring comes with the petals filling each basin and flowing down with the water. “But I feel like there’s something missing.”
Minkyung took pictures for you on your phone to send to Jaehyun and for his mom to use as reference for planning. “What’s the color scheme again?”
“Pink and gray.” You answer, although a bit unsure if you wanted to push through with it. “Unless it’s too pink? With the cherry blossoms and all?”
“It depends on the shade of pink you want.” Jaehyun’s mom interjects, “I suggest something a bit deeper… like watermelon.”
“Wouldn’t that be red already?” Yebin curiously speaks up, already finished with her drink, hanging it haphazardly by the flute’s foot between her fingers.
“No, not literally watermelon red.” You explain, “It’s a darker shade of pink. Ah, I wish I had my paint swatches.”
She waves her other hand, “No, no, it’s okay. Just don’t make me wear anything short as a bridesmaid.”
“Isn’t the trend to use infinity dresses for bridesmaid gowns? That was my plan.” You walked over to her and linked your arm with hers. The sea breeze was cool despite the afternoon sun; it was a perfect day to lounge by the pool or wade in the shallow waters of the beach. You leaned your head on Yebin’s shoulder and sighed, “I don’t think I want to get married here. It’s a nice venue, maybe for a reception, but not the ceremony.”
“Then let’s go to my aunt’s place! I haven’t even been there, but knowing her, it’ll be gorgeous.” Yebin leans back on you, “She’s a landscaper.”
The private property was completely walled off with 2-story cement walls with vines creeping up from the ground. From the metal gates up to the parking space in front of the house were tall pine trees and the road leading up to the majestic water fountain surrounded by rose bushes was gray gravel. There was a woman that stood just where the gravel stopped and was replaced by ceramic tiles; she had salt and pepper pixie cut hair and wore high waist trousers with a simple tank top. Something about her screamed ‘boss bitch’ and you’re not doubting she’s related to Yebin.
“Eunyong!” Jaehyun’s mom greets once the car comes to a stop, throwing her hands up as the woman approaches her. They kiss their cheeks and hug each other, “Thank you for this.”
“Oh, honey, you know this is nothing. Who is she? Who’s the lucky girl marrying your son?”
Jaehyun’s mom holds her hand out to you and you bashfully greet her, “Hello. I’m [Y/N].”
“To be marrying Jung Jaehyun and having his mom plan the wedding?” She takes your hands and smiles fondly at you, “You’re a lucky girl. You must be so happy.”
“I still can’t believe it myself.” You admit, “Thank you, again, for lending your property.”
“Anything for the Jungs. Oh, Yebin! What a small world, you’re friends with [Y/N]?”
Yebin gives her aunt a kiss on the cheek, “We were roommates all our college life with Minkyung.” She gestures to her, who bows her head in greeting.
“My! I think I’ve seen you in a fashion show in Europe, my dear.”
Minkyung blushes, “Well, I am a model.”
After you introduce your mom and a few more pleasantries, Eunyeong gives you a tour of her property. She first led everyone to the 3-story mansion and explained that it had 15 ensuite bedrooms, 4 extra bedrooms, and the first floor was mostly an open living area with a luxurious kitchen and pantry to the right and an olympic sized pool, with half under the building and the other half exposed under the sun. She then walked through the marbled floors, guiding everyone to the garden. Like the resort, there were hedges that separated the grass from the sandy beach. Tall trees, among them were cherry blossoms, were lined along the walls and varieties of bushes and shrubs grew beneath them.
“This area is a blank canvas for you, [Y/N].” Eunyeong puts a hand on your shoulder, gesturing to the wide space of grass in front of them. “Tell me what the color scheme is and I’ll have the perfect flowers ordered so they’ll be ready by the wedding.”
“Pink and gray, but I’m still on the fence about it.”
“Don’t worry, dear, I’ll take care of it. I have a few ideas already.” Jaehyun’s mom assures you, opening the iPad she had and taking a picture of the landscape. “And if you’re still unsure, then it’s fine. We have months to go.”
A ringtone erupts from behind you and Minkyung exclaims, “Oh, [Y/N]! Jaehyun is calling!”
You had almost forgotten she had your phone, thanking her as she hands you the phone and you take a few steps away from them to answer the call. “Babe?”
“Hi, baby. Just thought I’d check up on you.”
“I’m alright. I was going to send you pictures so you can help me decide but,” You paused; staring at the open garden. Eunyong was right, it was like a blank canvas. You weren’t able to visualize it awhile ago, but now that you’re hearing Jaehyun’s voice, your mind just paints the picture in your head and it almost makes you tear up, “I think this is where I want to marry you.”
“Is it that beautiful?” There was that specific teasing tone in his voice that you would have rolled your eyes at, but instead you let yourself chuckle, eyes still fixated forward; taking notice of the waves past the green hedges.
“It’s perfect.”
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After meeting with Eunyong and having a meal there, they return back to the resort where the mothers spent most of their day at the spa, while the quote-unquote younger generation lounged by the pool to get a tan. Yebin and Minkyung tried to plan a bachelorette party, but you turned them down, not wanting one at all. They all met up again for dinner, enjoying the 5-course meal by the window that opened up to the beach. Minkyung and Yebin fill the silence with stories from their work; Minkyung shares some runway mishaps and minor wardrobe malfunctions she’s had and Yebin tells them about the business ventures she’s been tackling. When it came to you, you expressed your concerns about starting your own company, adding the fact it stemmed from Jaehyun’s wishes for you to stay at home instead. You couldn’t help but catch the disappointed and worried look on his mother’s face before she covered it up by drinking her glass of wine.
When they all retreat into their suite, Jaehyun’s mom opted to head out to the balcony and sit out there. You hadn’t paid much attention to it, going to your room to get ready for bed, but when you’ve done your nightly routine and talked a bit with Jaehyun on the phone, you stared up at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. You slipped out of your room, thinking Jaehyun’s mom must have gone to bed, until you were proven wrong as you see her still seated outside holding herself from the cold, night air. Grabbing a spare blanket from the cabinets, you walked over to her and put it over her shoulders.
“Mrs. Jung, you’ll get sick.” You quietly said, taking a seat on the adjacent chair.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re marrying my son. You can call me mom or mother now.” She softly chuckles, “And I hadn’t realized that I’ve been out here for too long. I just remembered something, that’s all.”
“If you’d like, you could talk about it to me.” You offered, folding your hands over your lap, “I’ve learned the hard way that it’s not best to go to sleep with a heavy heart.”
“It’s nothing, dear, you don’t have to worry.” She looks over to the dark abyss of the night sea, unable to see the waves crashing into the shore despite hearing them clear as day. Every now and then an owl hoots somewhere in the trees. She looks back at you with a smile, eyes tired from the day’s activities, “How about you, dear? It seems like you can’t sleep either.”
You wanted to tell her everything; from what Jaehyun had done in college to the current issue at hand. This woman is going to be your in-law, yet she’d been acting like your second mother since you’ve met her. A part of you always feared she’d be wicked and mean towards you, but all those thoughts were thrown out the window once you got to know her more.
“I…” You started off, and her perfect brow just lifted up ever so slightly, “I know about Jaehyun’s disorder; the BPD.”
In an instant, there was shock in her eyes as if she had heard you wrong, but then it morphed into something similar to fear. “Oh. H-how did…?”
So you told her everything you could in the steadiest voice you can muster; from the incident in college, to the therapy sessions, to the threats against you, you told her everything and it amazes you that you were able to admit it without crying. You’re not going to lie; telling someone else felt relieving, especially since it’s someone who knows Jaehyun — literally raised him. You only stopped when you noticed her eyes tearing up and you internally panicked.
“You know about my son’s condition?” Her lips quivered, brows finally burrowed and a hand flies over her mouth to contain her sob.
“M-mother…” You stuttered, holding your hands out to her. “I— no matter what happens, I’m not going to tell anyone else about it, I promise—”
“Oh, sweetheart,” She quietly cries, “All these years, I’ve feared my son won’t be able to find someone to love and understand him. [Y/N], you’re godsent. You know what goes through his head… he’s shown you what he could do… yet you stayed? You still want to marry him?”
This makes you tear up, somewhat understanding the fear of a mother for their child. “I’ve thought about it for so long honestly, but no matter what excuses I come up with, I can’t imagine a future without him.”
She cries a little harder, hiding her face into her palms. You move to sit beside her, putting an arm around her and hugging her gently. After a while, you pull away and she looks at you with a smile. “Thank you for loving my son.”
“Thank you for giving birth to him.”
This makes both of you laugh as she pulls you into a hug, “[Y/N], sweetheart, if ever his BPD acts up, if  he ever scares you again, please come to me, okay?”
You replied with a promise, hugging back and feeling your eyes stinging at the sudden weight being lifted over your chest.
“Now,” She says, pulling away and holding onto your shoulders, “Tell me more about these threats. I can’t believe Jaehyun wouldn’t tell us about it.”
“He probably thinks he has it under control and I trust him. We don’t want any of you to worry.”
“That’s nonsense! We’re your parents, we’re always worried about you.” She scolds, “But knowing Jaehyun, he probably has done the most he can do. I’m sure this issue will be resolved soon… and I’m sorry for the things Jaehyun has done in the past. I wish I could say I would have done something to stop him, but his father—”
She stops mid-sentence, lashes fluttering as she realizes the words that were about to come out of her mouth. She inhales deeply, “You’re marrying into the family. You have the right to know. Most of the Jungs have BPD; it’s horrible that it’s genetic, but with proper therapy it would mean nothing.”
You licked your lips, already knowing this fact. “So… Jaehyun’s father…”
“His father and I were arranged to be married. It made sense because our parents were business partners so we didn’t have any qualms on it, his father was quite handsome — I’d have to admit that Jaehyun is practically the carbon copy of him now. But then eventually, I learned that his father had personally requested to have us arranged. When I confronted him about it, he chalked it up to him liking me but being shy around me. He first showed me his true colors when he demanded me to quit my work; I’m an event planner, I travel all around the country for my work if needed and he didn’t like that. He accused me of cheating and such, which were all false of course, but he just couldn’t believe it. He started getting angry, very vocal, never laid a hand on me though, but I still got scared. It was when we found out that I was pregnant with Jaehyun that he finally told me everything about him, how he was scared he’d inherit it. That was the first time I’ve seen him so vulnerable and raw. It was then I decided to obey him and quit my job.”
“I thought you left your job to take care of Jaehyun.”
“No,” She sighs, “I left my job because his father told me to.”
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“I’m sorry, baby.”
You smiled, although your brows were furrowed. It was Monday morning and you were preparing lunch since Kyungwon was coming over to work things out for Yuta’s apartment. Jaehyun was supposed to arrive later that evening until you received a call from him and put him on speaker.
“Jaehyun, it’s fine. I understand. Work is work. Do what you have to do.” But you have to admit you’re a little disappointed his trip had to be extended for a few more days since he had to go to China to meet up with Sicheng.
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“You don’t have to. Just stay safe, okay?” You silently hissed when you accidentally touched the metal knob of the pot lid. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. Tell Kyungwon I said hi.”
“Okay. Bye, baby.” You glanced over to your phone and waited for him to drop the call before checking the penne pasta you’ve been boiling. Kyungwon had originally told you to come to the office, but you insisted she came over instead and she had no qualms about it. You’ve already laid out your laptop and papers on half of the dining table so you two could get things done quickly.
She arrives a little past twelve since she came from the office and right off the bat, you could tell something was off with her. She was still her bubbly self, but something wasn’t right. You couldn’t question her about it because she commented about being hungry and it would be rude to keep your guest waiting for food.
“Oh my god! So you’ve chosen a wedding location already? Ah! [Y/N], I’m so excited for you!” She squeals, vibrating in her seat so hard that the pasta she’s stabbed through her fork has fallen back onto the plate. “And a spring wedding? Gosh! It’s going to be beautiful.”
“Enough about me, Kyung. How about you? What’s been going on back at the office? Are the old employees back?”
“Yes. Ugh! Somehow they got it into their heads that they’re so great because they got rehired by the company.” She scowls, rolling her eyes and shoving pasta into her mouth. “But aside from that, it's the same old, same old. Oh! Eunbi from finance is pregnant with her rebound.”
“Rebound? She broke up with her boyfriend?”
Kyungwon shakes her head with a smug look on her face, “No, honey, her boyfriend dumped her last month.”
“Oh my god, is the rebound going to take responsibility?”
“It looks like it. She’s a lot happier — and good for her! Her ex was rude whenever he got invited to any of our hangouts.”
You nod your head, picking up your glass of water, “So how about you? Have you gotten laid yet?”
She uncharacteristically falls silent, eyebrows shooting up to her forehead as she avoids your gaze momentarily until she snaps it back to meet your stare. In one breath, she says: “Okay, don’t be mad but I slept with Yuta.”
You pushed your chair back, trying to hold yourself back from spitting the water you had just drank. After forcefully swallowing, you breathed in deeply and looked back at Kyungwon, who now covered her blushing face with her hands. “Whoa.”
“You said it was okay!”
“I’m not scolding you!”
She threw herself back on the seat and whined, “I’ve kept this secret for so long since I can’t blab about it back in the office. Oh, [Y/N], he’s a fucking god.”
You pursed your lips, “I don’t think I need to know the details about my client’s sex life.”
“Okay, but he’s a fucking god.”
You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief. “It’s either that’s true or you’ve been out of the game for too long.”
“Please. None of my exes can compare to what that man did to me.” Her dreamy smile slowly falls, “But we made it strictly physical and he seems pretty closed off, too.”
“Wait, it wasn’t just a one night stand?”
She flicks her hair off her shoulder and clicks her tongue, “I guess he’s lonely, too.”
“But good for you, Kyungwon. At least you’re getting laid.”
“Why do you sound like you’re not getting laid? You’re getting married to a Greek god.”
“It’s not that.” You laughed, “Did it sound like that? It’s just because he’s overseas at the moment and I’m feeling lonely.”
Kyungwon snorts, side-eyeing you as she takes a drink from her glass. “Honey, don’t tell me you solely depend on Jaehyun to get off.”
“I—” You feel your face heat up. Come to think of it, you haven’t masturbated in a while. You’ve touched yourself, but those were in front of him and he’d never let you come undone with your fingers alone. “Well, no, I don’t. I can do it on my own, but it’s just not gratifying.”
“Is it bad that I’m curious what he’s like in bed?”
“Only if you try to find out.”
“God, no, of course not.” She recoils, “Just one of the many curiosities I have that I won’t act on. This thing with Yuta is a weekly thing, you know. Unless he calls me.”
You finish your meal, “You’re a booty call.”
“I’d do anything for that dick.”
“Hey, he’s our client, remember. Don’t get hypnotized by the dick.”
“Oh, [Y/N], if you only knew.” She lets out a dreamy sigh and you laugh, throwing your napkin at her.
“I don’t plan to. Get your head out of his pants, we have to work on his apartment.”
After putting away your dishes, you and Kyungwon began to work; making final checks for orders and deliveries, browsing for more design pieces, and the likes. It took longer than you two expected, extending up two hours than what you had originally planned. You finally decided to stop when you spy from the corner of your eye Kyungwon stifling a yawn, uploading all your work onto the shared drive between the three of you before stretching your arms upwards.
“Are you hungry?”
“Please tell me you have some good ol’ ramen in your pantry.”
You scoffed, “Of course, I do. I’ll go make some right now.”
You have the ramen cooked and ready for consumption in no time; each of you had a full bowl with a few side dishes you were able to put together while the water boiled. Instead of work, you and Kyungwon talked about your new house; told her about the materials you wanted, your plans for each room, the layout, and she even offered her own insight that you considered.
“4 bedrooms on the second floor?”
“Well, 3 bedrooms and the nursery. The fourth room will be turned to a walk-in closet for me and Jaehyun to share.”
“Oh my god, that would be a dream to design!”
You purse your lips, “Well, the two extra rooms are for our future kids. I’m sure they’ll want to renovate as they grow older. Would you like to work on their rooms when the time comes?”
She fakes a gasp, covering her mouth, “I would be honored! But gosh, when’s this happening? In 20 years?”
Both of you laugh as you finish your noodles. Kyungwon offered to do the dishes, but you refused, and fortunately, she received a call from a different client that forced her to leave. She thanked you for the day and you walked to the door, where both of you were surprised to see Hyunwoo about to ring the bell.
“Good evening, ma’am. These came in for you.” He smiles, holding out the flowers and teddy bear.
“Oh, thank you.” You glanced at Kyungwon, showing your confusion at the situation.
“I’m totally not jealous that your fiance sent you apology gifts for not coming home today.” She shrugs her shoulders, feeling the teddy bear’s ear between her fingertips. “But I’m oddly really happy for you. See you soon, [Y/N].”
You kiss her cheek and wave her goodbye, “See you, Kyungwon.”
After they leave, you heaved a sigh and inspected the gifts. Red roses, like always, and a pretty hefty teddy bear. You thought it was odd, but Jaehyun has his cheesy moments, excusing the teddy bear as a stand in for himself so you won’t get lonely until he gets home. You walk back to the dining table to put the gifts down and pick up your phone, dialling his number to thank him, but the call wouldn’t connect. He’s either on the plane already or he doesn’t have a signal. Instead, you put the flowers in a vase and placed it on the dining table as a centerpiece.
Before having a late dinner of some scrambled eggs and spam, you worked on both the interior of the mansion and looking for a wedding gown inspo. Sooyeon told you to prepare what you had in mind for a wedding gown and she’ll hook you up with any of the top wedding dress designers in the industry. You’re torn between empire and A-line dresses, liking both fits on your body but couldn’t decide which is better for the theme. You also didn’t know if you wanted lace or tulle, what type of neckline, the accents, etc. All the dresses looked so good and you already know not to bring it up to Jaehyun because he’ll make some bullshit excuse to buy all of them. Although you don’t mind having different dresses; like changing into something more simple for the reception. You were also concerned about what shoes to wear since it’s a garden wedding, you wouldn’t be able to wear heels that you would have preferred. 
You have a shower before heading to bed, taking your time in lathering your body with lavender-scented body wash to help you relax. After breezing through your nighttime routine, you walked out to the bed while tugging your hair loose from the haphazardly tied bun you put in. Seeing the empty bed reminded you of the teddy bear you had received earlier and you quickly went out of the room to grab it on the dining table to retrieve it. You weren’t really going to sleep with it, but you’d like to put it on the accent chair you had on the opposite side of the room.
Your phone rings just as you were about to put on some lotion and you smile to yourself seeing Jaehyun’s name. You put him on loudspeaker, “Hi, baby.”
“Hi, baby.” His voice drawls, “Sorry I couldn’t pick up earlier. I was on the plane and I couldn’t get to you when I landed because Sicheng and his friends took me to a bar.”
“Jaehyun, baby, are you drunk right now?”
“No, baby, just a little tipsy. Did you get my little gift? Toss the old flowers out.”
“You didn’t have to, but thanks.” You hummed, unscrewing the cap of your favorite body butter tin. “Where are you now?”
“Don’t worry, I’m already at my hotel room. I wanted to hear your voice before I go to sleep.”
“I miss you.”
“I miss you, too.” He pauses on the other side of the line and you hear what sounded like him getting into bed, “Were you about to go to sleep, too?”
“Yeah, I’m just putting lotion on.”
A long, low moan echoes from your phone and you halt your movements. A tipsy, lonely Jaehyun could only mean one thing.
“Baby, can we video call?”
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The next two days were uneventful; you visited the mansion to oversee the renovations being done and was pleased to see it going smoothly as it was exactly as you envisioned it. Other than that, you also spent a lot of time going through IKEA and other home decor stores, picking out possible pieces you’d purchase. It’s still a stressful thought to think you have an entire mansion to design AND you get to live in it. Whenever you had clients for projects like these, you always mused to yourself how you would like it if you were the one living in the said space but now that the time has come, you’re overwhelmed.
Just as you got home, you get a call from Jaehyun.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hey. I just got home.” You closed the door and locked it, while kicking your shoes off.
“Oh, good. Could you do me a favor? There’s an important file on my computer that I forgot to upload to the drive. Do you mind sending it to Sicheng using my email?”
“Sure, which file is it?”
As Jaehyun explains the file to you, you made your way to his office and flipped the light switch on. Plopping yourself down on his chair, you powered up his computer and waited for it to start. Meanwhile, you two updated each other of your days and plans for tomorrow.
“Okay, I found the file. What’s Sicheng’s email?” You typed in the address after Jaehyun dictates and clicked send. “Done! Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?”
Jaehyun chuckles, whispering into the phone, “You can be ready in bed when I come home on Friday.”
“Alright, sir.” You purred, leaning back on his chair. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. See you on Friday.”
After hanging up, you reach for the mouse to turn the computer off until your eyes gloss over the name ‘Jeong Yoonoh’ as one of the names listed in Jaehyun’s mailboxes. You remember seeing it a few weeks ago and it completely left your mind, but now you’re curious about it. Your bottom lip is caught between your teeth; it’s wrong to snoop around Jaehyun’s email like this, but you give into temptation anyway.
A relieved and incredulous sigh leaves you when you spot the prominent subject and sender, even letting out a little chuckle when you see the dates of the emails. This was Jaehyun’s burner email for porn sites back when he was in high school. You wanted to tease him about it so badly, but then you had to tell him that you were snooping around in his computer. Other emails looked like spam that came with signing up for the porn sites so you didn’t pay much attention since most of them involved viagra, online dating, and the likes. You were about to click out to hide evidence of your snooping around until you read the sender’s name: Detective Go Hyunmo of Gangnam P.I. Agency. You thought it was odd, but maybe it was spam like the rest, unless this email got caught accessing porn sites. It didn’t have a subject so you couldn’t really tell, but you still didn't open it and closed the computer after clicking out of the browser. As you switched the lights off and closed Jaehyun’s office door behind you, you can’t help but feel like you’ve heard Gangnam P.I. Agency before.
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Jaehyun comes home today and you feel like a child waiting for their parents who’d been away for too long. He said he’ll be dropping some documents at the office and will be home after lunch. As he requested two days ago, you were going to be ready in bed for him when he returns and that means a tedious DIY spa session after you had breakfast. Once you were showered, exfoliated, and moisturized, you put on the new lingerie set you bought yesterday; a black sheer bra that had crocheted flowers and matching crotchless panties that had a string of pearls that ran right over your slit. It felt incredibly embarrassing when you tried it on, especially when the pearls move along your clit every time you moved.
“Honey, I’m home!” You hear outside the room just before the door closes. You booked out of the walk-in closet and ran, as quietly as you can, back into the bedroom, sparing a glance down the hallway to make sure Jaehyun doesn’t catch you. You ungracefully flung yourself to the bed, scrambling to find a position to present yourself to him, but you accidentally elbowed your phone off and it makes a loud thud on the floor.
Cussing under your breath, you stretch your arm out to grab your phone to put on the nightstand but then you hear a long whistle that makes you drop it again. You whipped your attention to Jaehyun, who now stood at the door frame with the first few buttons of his dress shirt already undone, and you smiled, “Welcome home?”
“Wow.” He drawls, dragging his eyes down your body, “When I said be ready for me, you really took it a step further. Is that new?”
“I got it yesterday.” You leaned back on your arms, folding your legs a little, “It’s a little more special than the others.”
“How so?” He takes slow steps towards you, tossing his blazer off.
Peeling your legs apart, you spread them out for him to see just what you were talking. You feel heat rising to your cheeks as Jaehyun’s eyes stared at your pearls and his tongue just darted out of his lips. An easy smile grows on his face, walking up to the bed and running a hand over your inner thigh.
“Damn, I didn’t know pearls looked good on you.” He runs a finger over the shiny beads, “But nothing can compare to my favorite pearl.”
Pushing the pearls aside, he presses your clit with his thumb and your hips instinctively buck upwards to meet his touch. He keeps his thumb on your clit while he runs two fingers between your pussy in a languid manner.
“You look so good, baby.” Jaehyun leans down to kiss the spot above your navel. “I hope you’re ready for me.”
He pulls away to remove his belt and as he does so, his eyes flutter to the other side of the room and he cocks his head, “You bought a teddy bear? Were you that lonely when I was gone?”
“What?” You sit up, glancing at the stuffed toy, “You got me that. It came with the roses.”
Jaehyun looks back at you, face completely stoic, before stepping away to walk over to the item in question.
He picks the toy up and inspects it, turning it over a few times until he squints at the bear’s beady eyes. A low growl escapes him as he closes his fist around the toy’s head and rips it away from the body, the distinct sound of thread snapping and cloth ripping filling the silence of the room.
“Jaehyun, what the fuck?” You scoot over the edge of the bed, ready to stop him until he swiftly turns back to you. His expression sends shivers down your spine; you’ve seen that look before and you can’t believe you’re seeing it again.
“I never gave you this fucking bear, [Y/N].” He hurls the decapitated head to the side with so much force that the cotton filled toy makes a resounding thud against the wall. He forces his hand inside the bear’s head and takes out a small black cube. “There’s a fucking camera in it’s head. Who handed these to you?”
“H-Hyunwoo did… Wait, Jaehyun, can we—”
He slams the camera onto the floor, breaking it into pieces, before storming out the bedroom. You were frozen from flinching at his outburst that it took you awhile to collect yourself, scrambling off the bed to grab his discarded blazer and running out after him.
“Jae, wait!” You yelled, slipping his jacket on and clutching it close over your chest.
“Hyunwoo, did the flowers I had delivered here last Monday come with a teddy bear?” Jaehyun was on his phone, pacing by the couch. “It came separately? Which came first? The flowers? Fucking— go find out who delivered them and report back to me ASAP.”
He ends the call and angrily throws his cellphone to the floor, rubbing his forehead with his fingers.
“Baby…” You silently gulped, approaching him cautiously; you don’t know what to say, however, completely at a loss for words at the revelation. “What’s happening?”
Jaehyun still doesn’t look at you when he tears his hand away and puts them to his hips, glaring down at wilting begonias. In a split second, he grabs the pot and hurls it across the room; shards of clay, dirt, leaves, and petals exploding against the wall. You gasped, instinctively hugging yourself to block off any debris in case it reached you.
“Jaehyun, what the fuck?!”
“I didn’t give you that damn plant and I didn’t give you that fucking bear either!” He yelled, nose flaring and veins popping out of his neck. “I don’t know who the fuck this shithead is, but I’m going find and kill him.”
He starts walking to the front door with wide steps, fixing the belt he had previously undone.
“Jaehyun, wait!” Your chest clenches in panic, “Jaehyun!”
When he was a few more paces away from the door, you gave one last scream of his name; you’re sure your neighbors heard you and are a phone call away from the police if they also heard the things Jaehyun had thrown around. He looks back at you, still visibly infuriated at the situation, but his expression softens into concern when he sees your face.
You don’t know when you started crying, but you were suddenly aware of it when a few tears dropped onto your hand that still clutched onto his blazer. “Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t the one who gave the begonias?”
“I—I didn’t want you to panic…” He licks his lips, fully turning his body to face you.
“A-and now… and now w-we just found out that I was being… being secretly recorded for—for d-days,” Your vision starts to blur as fresh tears spring from your eyes, “And you’re just going to leave — again?”
He looks absolutely crushed to see you like this, “Y-you’re right. I’m sorry — no, okay, I won’t leave, come here.”
He wraps his arms around you, squeezing you tight and repeatedly kissing the top of your head while you hide your face in his chest to sob.
“What do they want with me?”
“No, I don’t think they’re after you, baby.” Jaehyun whispers, still kissing your hair while running his hand down your back to console you. “I think they’re after me.”
This doesn’t make you feel any better. You cry a little harder, body shaking in his hold as you looped your arms around his waist. Jaehyun’s enemies are your enemies, if he truly had any. This should have been common knowledge to you already. It’s no secret how important you are to him and it only makes sense that they’ll pick on you to get to him. You’ve already handled the demon in his mind; you’ve learned to accept it. Dealing with someone — an actual human being — from Jaehyun’s world is wading through murky waters. You’re either the target or the bait, and it’s upsetting to think that whichever you’re treated as, someone’s going to get hurt. No, there’s this horrible gut feeling, a nagging voice in the back of your head, that just tells you that chances are…
Someone’s going to die.
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a/n: it’s a little shorter again, but we’re getting closer and closer to the climax and aaaaaah the trailer drop!!!!! like always, please please please let me know what you guys think here 
next: part 11
~ buy me a peach? why?
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mynumberfivethings · 4 years ago
Hi! I recently found your tumblr and I really enjoy your work! I’m not sure if you are still doing them or not, but I have a request/idea for little five. I would love to see the family go somewhere with little five, maybe the beach? They could teach him how to swim, put floaties on him, etc. If you happen to see this and decide to write it, I would love that!
this is TOO cute 
it occurs to allison one day that the majority of her family probably has never been to the beach before-she’s talking about how much Claire loves building sandcastles and five, who’s in his little headspace, stares at her in confusion. “what’s that?” he asks, leaning precariously atop the kitchen table on his elbows. 
he’s a little older than usual today-about four, allison gauges-which makes it so much easier to communicate. “sandcastles?” she tilts her head. “just what it sounds like, castles made of sand from the beach. they’re fun to make five-would you ever wanna go to the beach?” 
five nods eagerly. “beach! wanna go now!” 
klaus hums thoughtfully-it’s been a while since he was last at the beach. “that would actually be nice. i’d be down for a beach trip.” 
it’s discovered quickly that no one else at the table has ever been at the beach (besides Ben-he went with Klaus, but it was as a ghost, and so he doesn’t really count it). “we should go.” ben suggests, fives childish enthusiasm contagious. 
allison grins. “yeah?” 
five jumps up in his seat. “yeah!” 
five loves the sand. he loves the way it dips between his bare toes and the way it hardens with water into fun shapes-especially when luther and diego help him build a monstrous castle. 
vanya crouches down next to him, smiling as she watches how hard he’s concentrating on building the moat around his castle. “having a good time?” 
five looks up at her with a wide grin. “look!” 
vanya nods, making a show of looking extremely impressed. “it’s amazing!” she awes. 
five suddenly notices she’s dripping with water and questions as to why. 
vanya chuckles as she squeezes the water from her hair. “i went into the ocean.” she gestures with a nod towards the water a few yards away. “it’s refreshing in this heat, you should go in too.” she’s gone to pools before-the community ones in the city, when her little box fan in her one bedroom wasn’t cutting it-but the ocean is a whole other experience. she’s glad they’re on this impromptu family day trip. 
five looks out beyond the ocean and stares at it like it’s something he can’t quite figure out. “can’t swim.” he admits softly. “don’t wanna.” 
allison, who overhears the conversation, takes a pair of red floaties out of her yellow sports bag. “gotcha these in case you change your mind, honey.” she runs a hand through his hair playfully, laughing when he scrunches his nose at her. 
“what’s that?” he pokes at them experimentally. 
“floaties,” allison explains. “they help you float in the water so you don’t sink, even if you can’t swim. they’re great for beginners like you, five. and eventually when you can swim all by yourself you won’t need em anymore. what do you say? you wanna try em on?” she sees the hesitance in his face. “you can try em on and not go into the water if you want. just to see how they fit.” he’s got such skinny arms allison wasn’t quite sure what size to get him. 
five holds his arms out for her to put them on, surprised by how light they are. these are supposed to keep him from drowning? it doesn’t seem plausible-vanya almost wants to laugh at the skepticism in his little face, it’s an expression she normally only expects of big five. “they look great on you.” vanya comments, smiling when he preens. 
eventually the siblings manage to convince five to put the bad boys to use. the water is nice and warm today and five pokes his toes into it first, clinging to luther like a lifeline, even though they’re technically still on land. “i can carry you in, if you want?” luther offers. five looks especially small today in his blue swim trunks and those floaties-the fact that he’s shirtless only serves to highlight how thin he is. five’s always been on the skinny side, even as kids no matter how much he ate it never seemed quite enough-luther can relate. 
five lifts his arms and luther sweeps him off his feet easily and together they march into the ocean, the others joining them, excited to see five’s first dip in the water. regrettably, it doesn’t go as planned. as soon as luther has waded in about waist high, five suddenly freaks out. it starts with a lip wobble and quickly turns into frightened sobbing. “out!” he cries, wrapping his arms tightly around luthers neck and trying his best to keep any and all parts of his body out of reach of the ocean. 
“honey, it’s ok, look, we’re all right here, you don’t have to be afraid. nothing’s going to happen to you.” allison tries, fruitlessly. 
five is shaking now, terrified. “please.” he whimpers, eyes shut tight. 
“let’s get him out.” diego gently squeezes one of his shoulders and together they all lead luther and five out of the ocean. even once they’re on land, back by their towels and chairs and bags, five won’t stop crying. 
he lets go of luther like he’s been burned and huddles behind his grandiose castle, hiding his face. 
“hey hey, you’re ok, we’re back on the sand, here look, you love the sand-wanna try making another castle?” klaus tries, his heart breaking at the sight of five so visibly scared. 
it’s to everyone’s surprise when five suddenly stops crying altogether and blinks up at klaus. “jesus,” five groans, sliding a hand down his face in embarrassment. “that sucked, sorry guys.” he’s never had such an abrupt transition like this before, from “little” to “big”-it’s kind of jarring, if he’s being honest. 
“are you ok?” klaus asks, worried. 
five nods, a tiny bit dazed, still. he normally transitions during his sleep-he’ll fall asleep big and wake up a little or vice versa, rarely, if ever, like this. “yeah,” he says. “i’m good. just,” he wipes away the tears and clears his throat. “the last time i was in water wasn’t...great.” he doesn’t elaborate and he’s grateful that no one pushes for him to. 
allison sits down in front of five and pulls him into a hug he’s not expecting. he goes stiff in her embrace for a second before slowly relaxing into her arms, tucking his head into her shoulder. 
maybe time, five thinks, he’ll be brave enough to go into the water. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years ago
What kind of movies are you drawn to? Psychological thrillers, horror, drama, superhero movies, romcoms. How often do you update your Facebook status? Very, very rarely. I’ll share some posts I find interesting/funny/relatable/etc now and then, but I don’t do that too often either. I just scroll through the feed for a few minutes and “like” some stuff. What would you like best about living in New York City? I don’t want to live in NYC. What's the main reason why you use a laptop/pc? I much prefer having a laptop, I find it more convenient and just better for me. Especially since I spend a lot of time in bed.
What type of pet would you like to have? I like having a doggo.
How do you feel about mornings? Mehhhh. What breakfast are you most likely to have? Eggs and toast or eggs and waffles. What type of day do you like more? One where I don’t feel like shit, but I forgot what that feels like. Your social life is: Non-existent. What career field could you see yourself in? I don’t know.  When you're starting to feel sick, you: Try to rest. Which city would you rather relax in? One with a nice beach. What would you enjoy most about being a vampire? I’d be healed and badass in my leather jacket, ha. What colors are you most drawn to? Pastels, rose gold, beach colors (i.e. sea foam green). What flavor ice cream would you prefer? Strawberry, mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and birthday cake. 
You rather have lunch at: It really just depends on what I’m in the mood for. Your oldest friend would describe you as: -- What deadly sin are you most likely to commit? Sloth. What section do you drift toward at bookstores? Murder Mystery and Young Adult. When you're away from home, what makes you feel at home? Having my stuff with me, like my laptop. Are you a thinker or a feeler? Both. Would you rather go to a festival or a book reading? Book reading. Are you more into drama or comedy? Drama. Do you prefer to lounge in a hot tub or swim in a pool? Neither. Can you roll your tongue? Nope. Have you ever smoked pot? Yeah, a few times. Do you speak a second language? Not fluently. How many books do you have out in the public areas of your house? A ton. What three words best describe you? Sad, sensitive, sleepy. Who makes a better burger, in your opinion? Five Guys. Where would you most like to spend Christmas vacation? In a cozy cabin somewhere where it snows. For you, snow means: It’s magical. What do you like best about the holidays? The colors, the scents, the decorations, the food, the movies, the music... just feeling of it is comforting and nostalgic for me and brings me some joy. I really hold onto that because I don’t have much that does that for me anymore. You think your eyes convey: Sadness and discomfort, probably. Do you ever think about your ex? Sometimes, but surveys are a big contributer to that. Besides screaming for ice cream, what else do you scream for? If I see a spider?
Favorite summer scent? The ocean air, coconut, and sunblock. Do you listen to Billy Ray Cyrus? No. Do you know how to shoot a shotgun? I’ve done it once when I went to a shooting range. Do you like fried chicken? No. I like chicken, but I’m very particular with what I like. Like, I love boneless wings, chicken tenders, and shredded chicken.
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justice4harwin · 4 years ago
#12 for Johnny Lawrence x Noellia
Ask and you shall receive, anon. Hope you like it 😊
This didn't turn out nearly as depressing as I wanted, but I like it.
#12: "I want to know you" or "why won't you let me know you?"
Mid January, 1983
John's fingers drummed against the wheel while he waited for Noelia to come out the school.
They were going to the beach, despite the dropping temperatures, upon her request. He would've preferred to catch a movie or go to Golf 'n Stuff, but it was her turn to choose he supposed.
The music stopped, so he took the cassette out and turned it around, inserting it back in. 
He saw her walking out with Susan. He watched her for a moment, loose hair blowing in the wind, skirt slapping against her legs, his red cobra jacket around her shoulders, partly because she had forgotten her own and the morning air had been chilly, partly so other punks would know better than to try and make a move on her again.
She didn't need to know the story behind he second reason.
She waved her friend goodbye and walked towards his car just as he was about to honk.
"What took you so long?" He asked.
She opened the door of his firebird and got in, placing her backpack and books underneath the seat.
"I had some questions for Mr.Wilson." she was talking about the chimestry teacher. It was one of the few subjects she liked. "About the assignment, you know?"
He knew there was an assignment, but he hadn't bothered to listen to what it was.
"Yeah, totally, right."
She giggled and rolled her eyes, putting on her seatbelt. She always did that, but he had yet to make a comment on it. He was just a bit offended though; he was an excellent driver.
He pulled out of the parking lot (maybe over the speed limit) and set them on the way down to the coast.
"So," she said, extending the vowel. "My mom's been asking when you're coming over."
He felt his throat starting to close up. He shrugged.
"Soon, I guess."
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her pulling her hair up into a ponytail.
He half expected her to finally explode, but instead, she just stared at him. It made Johnny feel uneasy.
Stopping at a red light, he turned to her. She had a blank look on her face, and he could've sworn the green of her eyes shone like a neon light. Her eyes gave him the creep sometimes; they were so...shiny.
"I didn't say anything." Her voice reflected the look on her face.
"You look all,..."
"I look what?"
"You know," he gestured over his face with his hand. "Like that."
"Like what, Johnny?"
Good god. Was she related to Sensei Kreese or something?
"Nothing, nothing."
She turned back front with her arms crossed, a sour look on her face. Johnny sighed, knowing he had ruined it yet again. 
He held excepted her to-
"I don't wanna go to the beach anymore." There it was. "Take me home, please."
"Shut it."
"Take. Me. Home."
"Can you just shit it for five minutes?!" She didn't look any happier when he raise his voice. He shrunk back a little. "Just, just let me find a place to park, okay? Somewhere quiet, so we can talk."
Noelia almost said something back, but instead she went back to her previous position.
He had an idea, so he took a turn and drove them towards the mall.
Johnny could practically feel the questions swimming in that head of hers, but was thankful when she remained silent.
He parked the car on the inside lot and turned to her. Maybe it wasn't the best place, he realized, but it'd have to do.
Noe seemed to be thinking the same, if her arched eyebrow was any indication.
Making himself as comfortable as possible, he placed a hand on the back of her seat, fingers brushing against the nape of her neck.
"You know, the first few times you didn't want to meet my parents I thought you were just scared." She said, tone low.
Oh, he was. 
"I've met them before. What's the big deal?"
Those haunting eyes settled on him, and now he had no option but to look back.
"That doesn't count." She sighed, her cold fury turning into near exhaustion. "I meant an official meeting, so you can talk for more than five minutes, and you can meet my brother. He's been dying to since I told him about the karate." She looked away. "Is there a reason why you don't wanna come home?"
Her tone left plenty of implications hanging in the air, none of which Johnny liked.
The truth was, he had run into Noe's parents once before. Her dad one time when she felt sick and the school called her home. Johnny had taken her to the nurse and stayed by her side. Her mom when they bumped into each other on that very same mall once; he had been on his way to the food court where Dutch and Jimmy were waiting for him. They hadn't been dating for long at the time, so he got introduced as a friend rather than her potential boyfriend.
They scared her, Noe's parents. They were nice, both of them; very gentle in their mannerisms and kinda quiet. Noe had said they weren't perfect, but to him they were, especially her dad.
If he went over to have dinner with the Dávalos, it meant he'd have to take her to his own home soon after, right?
He really liked Noe, and he wanted her to meet his mom for sure (especially since Laura had finally realized that it was a girl that had her son so distracted lately), but there was the imminent risk of Sid. His closest friends had met the bastard only a few times; Johnny preferred to have them over on days he was absolutely sure Sid would be back home late or not at all. If he were to take Noe home, his mom, always the hopeful kind, would want Sid to be there.
He would scare her away. Despite her occasional outbursts, Noelia had a pretty soft personality. Sid would walk over her like an old, ragged carpet and send her running away from Johnny.
He couldn't stand meeting her normal, nice parents knowing it meant he'd also have to take her to that hellhole he called home. 
Also, Noe was his first serious girlfriend; he didn't really know what he was doing.
He wanted to tell her all that, but he wasn't a pansy loser, so he kept it in as best as he could.
"Do you-?" 
They spoke at the same time. He gestured for her to go first.
"Are you, um, serious about us?" She asked, her hesitance making him feel further like shit. "Because if you're not, I wanna know now,...please."
He smiled briefly at the last part.
"Of course I am." He hadn't at first. But after that first day he wanted to talk with her again, and after that first date he wanted another, and after their first kiss he wanted another. Soon, he forgot all about his plan to woo Ali Mills, and found himself wanting to do everything and go everywhere with Noelia Dávalos by his side.
She tilted her head to the side, giving him an encouraging look.
"I want to know you." He blurted out before he could fully process it. "It's just...new...to me." He looked away and cleared his throat. "I don't think your parents will like me." He mumbled the last part. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth. At least he gave her one of the real reasons he had been stalling for so long.
He felt her soft lips on his cheek. When he didn't turn to look at her, Noe pressed her forehead to his temple and grabbed one of his hands in hers, lacing their fingers.
"I know they're gonna love you." She kissed his cheek again.
His heart sped up, her warmth just too inviting to even consider pulling away.
He grabbed her and turned her around easily, sitting her on his lap. It was a thight fit on the driver's seat, but she didn't seem to mind.
"And you know everything?" 
"I know more than you." She faked smugness. 
"That's setting the bar real low."
Noe rolled her eyes.
"You're smarter than you think Johnny."
She said it with nonchalance, like it was old news, but it lifted his spirits so much it was pathetic.
"There's more to it, isn't there?" She asked him then, settling into his arms. Johnny didn't answer. She placed her hand on his cheek. "I wanna know you too, but I can't always guess what's on your mind." She leaned forward a bit. "But whatever it is, you can tell me."
"I know." He did, but he still had a lock on his throat and chains holding his feet down.
He closed the distance between them and kissed her deeply. One of her hands rested against his chest, the other on the back of his neck. His own hands longed to wander over her body, but stayed at her waist. He did press her up against him. She sighed and opened her mouth. 
A knock against his window made them jump. With his heart on his throat, he looked to find a middle aged woman glaring at them.
He rolled his eyes. Noelia giggled.
"Sorry, we only do private shows on the weekends." He said, loud enough for the hag to hear.
She seemed more appalled by that, and walked away with a hand to her heart and a loud huff towards her sheepish looking husband.
Noelia pressed her face into his chest, shaking.
Smirking, he kissed the top of her head.
"Well, I guess the mood's ruined now."
"You think?" She looked up, face red and full of mischief. "Why are we here anyways?"
His face softened.
"My mom's birthday is coming up; I was wondering if you'd help me with her present. You did say you didn't want to go to the beach anymore, right?"
She lit up like a Christmas tree and kissed him again, squirming her way out of the car, her bony elbow digging into his side. A quick 'sorry' was all he got.
He'd still stall going to her home to the best of his ability, and he'd certainly keep her away from his home for as long as possible, but maybe this was a step in the right direction.
Her smile was contagious, so with one to match, he got out of the car, took her hand, and led her inside.
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lordbhreanna · 4 years ago
Glad to see you come back to Valenvaef after a long hiatus! I have a few questions for you.
Do you think Nikolai will ever take Jill to Moscow and bring her to his mother's grave or at least take her sightseeing around the city? Will he ever tell her about his old life in Russia or even tell her what happened to his mother?
Now I have a headcanon for you. After Jill's mission in Russia and the fall of Umbrella but before the formation of BSAA, Nikolai takes her to Hawaii for a one-month long vacation to help her relief from all the stress from work. He rents a beach house there and they don't leave the house much during the first week, too busy making love around the house and enjoying each other's body. After that, they spend the rest of the vacation relaxing on the beach, going swimming, mountain climbing or diving and hanging out in restaurants. Or just doing things indoor like movie nights, reading together or just chatting like a normal couple. Jill takes her leave with the excuse of "family matters" but when she comes back she looks so refreshing that her coworkers wonder why.
I'm so glad to be back in full force too! I have never abandoned the ship, of course, but the writing block really stressed me out, and there was some other IRL stuff thrown in the middle - but yeah, I'm trying to be more active again and, most of all, I am writing the fic once more 😆 And after all the revisions I've made, I think this break has been for the best. Thanks for the welcome ❤️️❤️️❤️️
I love the idea of Nicholai taking her around Moscow and showing her the city. In general, if I think about them in a more stable situation, I believe travelling would be something they do often? Like they are busy people, especially Jill, but from time to time they simply vanish and go somewhere just the two of them. And yes, he'd have to eventually open up about all that to her - once things start to resolve between them. Jill would be the only person he has ever spoken about it - not because they're a big secret or anything world shattering, but simply because that's something that makes him look vulnerable and "weak," something he'd bury it away and dismiss (doesn't go with the money-hungry bastard attitude), so telling Jill would be a big huge step for him and it'd show how much she means to him.
Speaking of travelling, that relates to your headcanon 👀 I love your idea! If I were more of a smut writer, that'd definitely lend itself for the biggest smut ficathon, too 😆 Love the details you added and how her coworkers might notice she looks better and different after her escapade. I do have something somewhat similar in mind for the future, though the timeline is a bit different for LO&W spoiler reasons, and I was thinking they'd go visit Italy? For no other reason than Spain is linked to Ada/Leon (my other big RE OTP), so why not have a different Mediterranean country for Jill/Nicholai? Also because if I do ever get to write that, at least I have visited Italy a couple of times, so I'd be slightly more familiar XD Though Hawaii sounds great!
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acockius · 6 years ago
can’t be topped.
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a/n: i’ve been spending way too much time in my pool on my cactus float, and sometimes the mind wanders... remember, you guys ASKED for this. i promise to stop writing food-related smut (shout out to heat wave)  by 2020. here’s to hoping! feedback is appreciated, even if it’s negative; i am a little rusty.
ben hardy x y/n; 1,778 words; smut (18+ please) 
Summer was once a time of adventure and merriment. During childhood and adolescence, the end of the school year signaled the most exciting three months of the year. With summer came amusement parks, beach days, picnics, cookouts, and cold treats on hot days. All that magic seemed to disappear during the transition into adulthood.
Being an adult meant working through the summer months and perhaps stealing a day or two for an adventure if life allowed. It meant watching young ones take a turn in experiencing the bliss you once took for granted. It was all part of growing up. That didn’t mean it wasn’t a hard pill to swallow.
The mundane routine of the 9 to 5 workweek was dragging you down. If you were lucky, you could complete a week’s worth of chores during one of the two days of the weekend and take advantage of the downtime of the other. Your weekend outings were small - a farmer’s market one day and a boozy brunch the next - but enjoyable. You made sure to remind yourself that it was better tan nothing.
Your boyfriend’s career contributed to the low-profile adventures. You didn’t necessarily mind because you’d take what you can get. Ben’s career as an actor kept him away for extended periods of time, leaving you to find your own fun. This summer was no different and it somewhat contributed to the funk you found yourself in.
When Ben suggested spending a long weekend together at his friend’s cottage, you practically jumped at the opportunity. He’d been there with a group of his best mates several times before and raved about the space. He seemed eager to bring you there, especially given the chance to relish each other’s company.
You’d driven to the cottage after dinner on Thursday and went right to bed after a long day. It was almost jarring to wake up Friday morning and have the world as your oyster. You got to choose how to spend the day, and you were going to make it good.
So, that’s how you found yourself perched on a pool float in the middle of the early afternoon on a Friday, soaking in the sun’s rays and capturing whatever color the lasting summer days could offer you.
You donned a black bikini that left little to the imagination. It was a swimsuit from last year that you’d hardly worn, and if you knew that it was a touch too small, you would’ve invested in a new one before leaving on your excursion. The pool float you sat atop of was nothing out of the ordinary for a friend of Ben’s; it was a gigantic slice of pizza. Though it was definitely a bit juvenile, it was the perfect size and allowed you to lounge comfortably.
The atmosphere had you perfectly at ease, taking in the aspects of the nature that surrounded you. The landscape of the yard was in its prime, the brightest hues of color that shone with assistance from the sun above. City life had caused to you forget something as primal as birds chirping. It was the perfect score that accompanied your aimless lazing.
Your state of tranquility nearly had you drifting off into a blissful nap. That was until a drawn out whistle startled you. Ben was peering at you over the top of his sunglasses, eyeing you like his favorite meal that was bound to be devoured.
“There’s my favorite pizza topping.” Ben mused as he draped his towel over a chair at the patio table.
Your stunning boyfriend, with a physique that could rival Adonis, sported red swim trunks that hung low at his waist. It revealed his perfectly sculpted torso and tempting curves of his hip bones.
Even though your mouth was practically watering at the sight of him, you needed to play coy, even for just a little.
“Aw, how original…” You rolled your eyes after lifting your sunglasses from your eyes and setting them atop your head.
“I try.” Ben shrugged before squatting by the edge of the pool and hopping in the water. “I mean, cheesus christ… you’re just laying out here like a damn snack.”
You confidently tossed your hair over your shoulder and let out an airy laugh. “Oh, baby… I’m the whole ass meal. Don’t you forget it.”
Your ears could’ve tricked you, but you could’ve sworn that you heard Ben growl under his breath. He fought the force of the water and sauntered over to you in a hurried fashion.
“You know I pepperonly have eyes for you.” Ben confessed as he leaned on the float for leverage in order to kiss you.
You squealed loudly against his lips as you felt the float teeter, causing you to throw your arms around Ben’s neck.
“Are you crazy? Do you not know how the center of gravity works?”
“I - don’t have a pun for that one…” Ben admitted, pressing a kiss to your cheek and setting you back on the float carefully.
“If you want to get in a girl’s pants, you probably shouldn’t drown her...” You reached out to pry Ben’s lip from between his teeth when he grabbed your wrist.
“Really? This is coming from a girl who’s barely wearing bottoms to begin with…” Ben’s grip was firm but not forceful. “Do you really think I’m really going to let you get off with wearing this skimpy little number?”
“Ben…” You pouted slightly. “At yeast allow me to explain…”
The grin on Ben’s face was priceless. He let go on your wrist and moved his hand over your chest, fingers tweaking your nipple through the fabric of your swimsuit. You moaned softly, instinctively squeezing your thighs together.
Ben’s response was not a kind one; He chuckled lightly and ran his hand down your body, prying your thighs apart. Using his free hand, he steadied the pool float before beginning to adjust your body by tugging your legs over the side of the float.
“What’re you doing?” Your hands gripped the sides of the float nervously as Ben helped swivel your hips so you rested diagonally on the float.
“Eating. Now lie back.” Ben carefully guided you back against the pillowy plastic before gliding his hands back down your body to tug the bottom of your bikini off.
He unceremoniously threw them over his shoulder, having them land somewhere across the pool. Ben sunk down in the water, his hands never leaving the float to hold it in place, positioning himself between your thighs. When he rose from the water, your legs were draped over his shoulders with your core easily exposed to him.
“Ben…” You croaked nervously. You were silence as Ben licked a stripe from your entrance to your clit. His hand, the one that wasn’t keeping the float stable, took yours and laced his fingers through yours.
Ben sucked your clit between his lips, tongue carefully flicking against the sensitive nub. Your hand squeezed his tightly and he responded by caressing the back of your hand with his thumb and humming against your center.
“Fuck… baby -“ Your moans and whimpers were getting louder, and you involuntarily moved your hips against Ben’s mouth.
He continued to lap at your folds cruelly and you were aware that you were losing yourself quickly. You pushed the fabric of your bikini top aside and pinched your nipple between your fingers to try and ground yourself. You felt Ben’s hand leave yours, and before you could protest, his finger gently entered you with ease. You used both of your hands to tease yourself now, fighting the urge to come undone from Ben’s ministrations.
“You’re close.” Ben tone sounded patronizing, but it was probably because you were overcome with lust. Ben gave you another finger and crooked them in attempt to find your sweet spot.
“What was y-your first clue?” Your voice was weak and your face was flushed, with some strands of hair sticking to your forehead.
“Well for one, by the way your pussy’s clenching around my fingers.” Ben pointed out, laughing when you moaned in response. Ben continued to fuck you with his fingers and tease you with his mouth, hitting the perfect spot in no time.
“Ben— please…” You whispered your plea, your hips rocking in time with the thrust of his fingers.
He didn’t respond but he gave in easily, moving his fingers with vigor and working you over with his mouth. He didn’t stop even after you saw stars, moaning his name and closing his head between your legs.
You quaked slightly, causing the float to sway, and only then did Ben ease up. One hand halted the float as he pulled his fingers from you, licking the juices from them proudly.
“How was that?” Ben asked cockily.
You tugged him to you wrapping your arms around his neck as you did earlier, pulling him into a deep kiss. You did your best to haul him against your body and onto the float, but the float capcized and sent you two into the water. When you emerged from the water, Ben had his arms around your waist as you clung to him and you both were laughing.
“You were so adamant about not throwing the float off balance…” Ben shook his head and kissed you, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Yeah, well that’s before I needed you inside of me.” Your tongue prodded Ben’s lips eagerly in attempt to return the kiss with fervor.
Ben broke the kiss after a few moments and turned his head.
“Y’think we could try and do it on there?” Ben waggled his eyebrows.
You buried your face in his chest and shook your head.
“Aw, come on! Pretty please? Pretty please with extra cheese on top?”
“Absolutely not. We’ll never be able to stay on it. It a recipe for an edging disaster.” You shook your head but attached your lips to Ben’s neck, kissing along his skin up to his earlobe.
“Fine…” Ben gazed down at your and took your face in his hands. “Don’t worry babe… You still have a pizza my heart”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, walking towards the pool ladder. You replaced the fabric of your swimsuit over your breasts and retrieved your bottoms before getting out of the pool. Ben sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“Are you going to stand there all day? Or do you want a slice of my pie?” You wrapped a towel around yourself and walked towards the back door of the cottage.
Ben blushes and bit his lip, shaking his head to himself in disbelief.
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natysadventureblog · 5 years ago
Day Seventeen [Internship at Mingan Island Cetacean study]
A very early day! And I was so anxious about it that I woke up 5 times or so in the middle of the night, thinking it was time to get up (the first one was before 1h, I think! Haha)!!
One of the interns is leaving, and she's taking the bus (which is what I'm gonna have to do when I leave), so I wanted to go with her to see where it was, and how it worked. But the only bus leaves very early, so I woke up at 5h20, and we left just before 5h30.
The bus stop is in front of the market, so it's a 5-minute-walk… it's pretty close, but it's not easy when you have a lot/heavy luggage, or it's raining.
The sun had risen 15 minutes earlier, so it still looked very nice, especially with the fog… oh, yeah… there was fog… I was pretty sure I would go back to sleep, at 6h.
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She thought the bus was at 5h50, but it turned out it was at 5h55, and it was about 5 minutes late, but I could only wait with her until 5h55, because I had to be back at the motel at 6h, to radio the house to confirm that we were not going out because of the fog.
Oh!! I found a dead frog in the middle of the street!! I hadn't seen or heard any amphibians here… too bad it was dead (and pretty squooshed)!
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When I got back, the other intern had already radioed them (because she was supposed to go on the boat I went last time) and, as expected, they said it was too foggy, but for us to call again at 8h15.
So yeah, back to bed until 7h30. Then I got up, got dressed, checked out what the girl had left behind in her room (I took the table lamp she had taken from the other room, because, since there are no windows, it's pitch black when you turn off the light). When I went up to the kitchen, I could see the beach, which meant that the fog was gone, so I was optimistic! By the time I finished breakfast, we called them again, and they told us they weren't sure yet, because there was still some fog, but for us to try and go to the house around 9h.
I had prepped most of my stuff last night, so I just made myself a sandwich to go, took a banana and a granola bar, finished getting ready and we left around 8h50.
At the house, no one was in a hurry because they weren't really hopeful… but we were gonna try. I mean the other boat should be fine, because it stays by the shore, and they wouldn't be looking for whales anyways. Our boat was taking a session, so if we couldn't go where we were meant to go, we would try and go around the islands. Plan B sounded pretty good to me as well, since I haven't been to the islands and I REALLY wanted to see puffins (they don't come to the continent and they are leaving for Newfoundland)!!
As I was looking out the window, waiting for them, I finally saw the fog they were talking about… because I could see the sea, and it was cloudy, it looked like it was just water and sky… but then I realized that the island in front of us was pretty much gone!
We left for Mingan at 9h30, and then left the harbor just after 10h. The sea was very calm at first, but in about 10 minutes it was already very different! It wasn't bad; it was what we consider “sea state 2”, but considering that “1” is very flat, when you're on a speeding zodiac, you can definitely feel the difference!
Once again I forgot to put my gloves on, so my fingers were freezing, but I was gonna wait until we stopped to go to my backpack and get them.
I saw a few puffins!!! But it was all too fast, and the lighting was bad, so they looked almost all black, even though I was seeing their ventral side… but I could see their shape, as they quickly flew away from the boat… I need to photograph a puffin!!
The sea had calmed down again just before 11h, but less than half an hour later, it was at 3!! You can definitely feel that!! I hit my knee so many times that I was sure I would have some bruises!!
And then… we finally spotted a spout!! It was a fin whale!! My first fin whale!! The second largest animal that has ever lived!! Just… wow!! Because you only see a very small portion of them, it's hard to imagine their actual size… but it was amazing!! But the lighting was too bad for photos, so we left…
I was the one who saw the next one!! Another spout… this time from a humpback whale!! My first humpback whale!! They were able to ID him while we were taking photos, and his name is Adiego.
The whales have a breathing pattern; when they come up to breathe, they surface a few times before actually diving. During those, we get to take photos of their dorsal fins, or the chevron, in the fin whale's case (those are markings on the right anterior side, which we can use to differentiate them); then, as they dive, we can take photos of the peduncle and the fluke, in the humpback's case. That means that we can stay with the same whale for quite some time, because after it dives, it takes a good 10 minutes or so to surface again, and by then, it's somewhere else, so we need to wait to hear/see the spout again, and approach them again.
Oh! We had a few porpoises swimming around the boat on one of those moments when we weren't moving!! They're too fast though, so I still don't have a good photo of them!
We found a couple more fin whales, then stopped for lunch at 13h. But then we saw a humpback, and started recording again… and it turns out that this is one I recognize! It's a new one, that it's not in the catalog yet, so the girls hadn't been able to match it last week, and I was able to match, and then I saw that it was the same whale… it's a pretty small animal… It must be a young one!
And then one of the fin whales decided to join us, and it was awesome to have lunch with them around!!
Oh, something I never thought I would do was pee out of a boat, but days at sea are very long, so it's really hard to hold it in… and once we stopped for lunch, we all took turns going to the back of the boat to pee… and it was actually not nearly as bad as I thought it would be (at least on this boat), cause there's a perfect place for you to sit and hold on to, so you won't fall in the water.
We then saw other 2 humpbacks with the one I know, but when they surfaced again, after diving, it was just the 2 new ones.
Half an hour later we found 2 more, and once again I was able to recognize one! Another one that has no match, but has a very distinctive fluke, completely black, but with many white scars, and a rounded edge… and we needed to take a biopsy from it!!
The arrows have modified tips with a foam to make them not go deeper than 3 cm, which is enough to get both skin and blubber sample. The skin is used for DNA test, so we can tell the sex, and who is related to; the blubber is used to measure hormones (so it's possible to tell if a female is pregnant) and contaminants, which get accumulated in the fat.
It took 3 attempts to actually hit the whale and get the samples, and during those, I was responsible for taking photos (so we can see where the arrow hit). The camera is very big, and heavy, so that weight around my neck, plus looking through the camera and such, made me sea sick. But I wasn't feeling it in my stomach, but in my head, so I didn't need to throw up, I was just feeling blah.
We found another humpback, then the same fin whale from before, but I wasn't turning my head too much; just taking the notes… then, as moved for a while, I started feeling better, and the sea went back to “1”, so my head finally went back to normal, after almost two hours.
We found another fin whale and decided to call it a day, because it was already 17h30 and the lighting was bad, and there was fog on one side… but then, 10 minutes later, we found 3 new humpbacks, one of them being a calf!! Unfortunately, the calf never fluked though.
By then, the sea looked just like a lake! There was total silence, and we could clearly hear the blows! At one point, there were those 3 whales, 2 more on the other side, then one more, and another one… mostly humpbacks, but also that same fin whale from before; others we weren't able to get to, and there were porpoises and a seal… and we had just seen a minke!! It was fantastic!!
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We approached the 2 humpbacks, took photos, then went back to the 3, to try and get better shots. We then went back to the 2, because one of them needed to be biopsied. Thankfully we got that sample on the first attempt!
We went back to the 3 whales for the last time, then called it day, once again, at 18h30.
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We arrived in Mingan at a quarter to 20h, and the captain took the session back, so she could have dinner, while we unloaded and refueled the boat. It was already 20h30 when we finally left.
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I helped them unload everything at the house and got to the motel around 21h. I met the new intern (a girl from Belgium), had dinner, took a shower, and was barely able to do anything else!!
I'm dead tired!! It was a veeeery long day!! But definitely worth it!! =)
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antheminmyheart · 5 years ago
friendly reminder that call me by your name is one of the worst books to ever exist
Don’t believe me? Here’s my review that I left on Goodreads in September. Have fun (or not).
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2770610798?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1 A grand total of: 1 Star ⭐️ My Review: (Edited To Add: When I first read this book, I, at the very least, thought that the author, Andre Aciman, was part of the LGBT+ community, but... NOPE! Asshole is a fucking STRAIGHT MAN. MOTHERFUCK.) And the most disappointing read of the year goes to... Lads, I hated this book. Absolutely fucking hated it. Hated it, hated it, hated it. Words cannot describe how much I fucking regret reading this book — it just might be one of the worst books I have /ever/ read. I literally cannot deal. There were a few different reasons why I hated this book, all of which I will go into, but there was one reason why I hated it most of all, and I’ll put that reason here: Elio. I. COULD. NOT. STAND. HIM. OH MY GOD. This asshole. Full disclosure, before I go on, I am asexual as fuck. I do not feel sexual attraction, never have, probably never will. I am also sex-repulsed — However, I AM sex-positive. Normally, I do not give a single fuck what people do in their sex lives as long as everything is legal and consensual, and as long as it doesn’t involve me. However, this little asshole was a motherfucking CREEP. I get it. He’s 17. Most 17 year olds who actually do feel sexual attraction are horny as fuck, all day, every day. They probably, like, look up porn and shit — before PornHub, there was Playboy. Can’t relate, but okay. It’s whatever. BUT THAT DOES NOT EXCUSE ANY OF WHAT THIS KID DID. (Pretty big spoilers from here on out, heyo). Right, so he pretty much starts lusting after Oliver 0.2 seconds after meeting the dude. It is literally your textbook definition of instalust, and if you looked it up in the dictionary you would see Elio’s face (do we ever even learn his last name???) in the dictionary. He starts fantasizing about Oliver’s cock right off the bat. Fine. Creepy, but whatever. I thought his little comment comparing Oliver’s ass and balls to an apricot was pretty cringey (he literally went as far as to call it Oliver’s “apricock”), but I would EASILY take a million apricocks over the bullfuckery (no pun intended) that happens next. But first, before we even get into the cringey sex shit, I would like to point out that there is a point somewhere in the beginning part of this book where Elio literally wishes that, “Oliver was a cripple in a wheelchair so he couldn’t run away.” If that’s not the direct quote, it’s pretty damn close. UMMM. Nice dose of casual ableism there, but okay. Moving on. Okay, so basically the context of the relationship is that Elio is a kid from Italy, and during the summer his parents run a vacation home. They rent out some rooms in the house, including Elio’s bedroom (he temporarily moves into a smaller spare bedroom whenever this happens). Oliver is an American and he’s vacationing in Italy for like 6 weeks, so they rent out Elio’s room and he moves into the spare during this time. Fantastic. So, pretty quickly after Oliver moves in for the summer, Elio catches him wearing swim trunks. Totally normal, it’s summer, it’s hot, and Oliver is staying at a resort near the beach. He is totally justified in wearing swim trunks during this time. Except Elio takes things to a whole new damn level, and after seeing Oliver in these evidently very sexy swim trunks, he sneaks into Oliver’s room. His justification of this very brilliant decision is basically, “Well, it’s actually MY room and he’s just borrowing it so I am TOTALLY JUSTIFIED in going through his belongings.” Right. Anyway, so this kid starts snooping through Oliver’s room (I will be calling it Oliver’s room during this review since he’s renting it). He starts snooping through their guest’s clothes and shit, starts going through his closet... and, lo and behold, what is the very first thing Elio finds in said closet? The very smexy swim trunks. (They’re red, in case you wanted to know). And so. What does Elio do upon finding these sexy red swim trunks? This absolute treasure among treasures? First, he takes the swim trunks out of the closet. And then... He :) holds the swim trunks up to his face :) and INHALES the scent of the inside of the crotch area :) where Oliver’s dick goes. :) BONUS POINTS: He also narrates that he wishes! he could find! “some sort of bodily fluid or a pubic hair!” 😍 I mean, what a guy, hey? *TV Announcer Voice* BUT! THAT’S! NOT! ALL! So while Elio is in Oliver’s room, he, naturally, has to strip naked and try on Oliver’s swim trunks. Because that is very clearly the next step in creepiness after inhaling some random dude’s cock-smelling swim trunks like it’s a goddamn Yankee candle. But that’s not even the weirdest thing that happens. I can’t remember if this happened before, during, or after Elio tried on the trunks (this entire scene was a goddamn nightmare — one of many), but at some point before leaving Oliver’s room, Elio gets on the bed, finds a pillow that Oliver brought with him, and :) dry humps :) the goddamn thing. :) Literally puts it between his legs and rides it out like a goddamn pony. Why I didn’t stop reading at that point, I will never know, but sometime after all this happens, a sort-of relationship forms between Elio and Oliver (more like a summer fling). I have no idea what Italy’s age of consent laws are, so that’s really not my place to say — I don’t want to seem like I’m defending the situation, and I know that most of my rant has been about Elio, but I just... the whole situation is really hard to judge, in my opinion. Oliver’s in his early 20s so the age gap isn’t HUGE huge, but he is American while Elio is Italian, different countries with different laws, so like... that further muddies the age of consent shit. But, even if the ages WEREN’T a problem, the relationship itself is a goddamn train wreck. Overthinking it all highkey stresses me out. Instead, Imma just tell y’all about an ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING thing that happened afterwards because WHAT THE FUCK. WHY WAS THIS IN A FUCKING BOOK. OH MY GOD. (I feel like I’m radiating strong Gus from How To Be A Normal Person vibes right now and, honestly, I need my inner Gus to get me through this shit because WHAT THE FUCK). So, they hook up and have sex for the first time. Whatever. I don’t even know what the fuck happened because, honestly, the writing style was not the best (I’ll rant about that later, if I make it through this shit) and they did this thing where they called each other by each other’s names during sex (which is, I guess, where the title comes from — hardy har har). The idea is fine in retrospect, but between the name-swapping and the shitty writing style, the scene overall was very confusing to read. All I got out of it was that Elio bottomed and Oliver topped. (<—— Almost accidentally typed Gus there and, um, Gustavo Tiberius deserves better than that. I am so sorry, Gus). After they have sex, Elio starts to question whether that was a good idea, whether he was actually into Oliver like that, etc., etc.. And at some point during all of this — I don’t even know how or why this became a thing — he ends up fucking a peach. You read that right. He :) fucks :) a :) peach. :) Like, I’m talking, splits it open and just! shoves his cock right on through! He even cums in the damn thing! ... And, like, I have never seen the movie, but I looked it up, AND THAT SCENE IS IN THE GODDAMN MOVIE. LITERALLY COMES UP AS “THE PEACH SCENE.” WHY. WHY. WHY. WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY. What kind of American Pie, 50 Shades bullshit did I just read AND WHY DID ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WARN ME ABOUT IT. Oh, and, uh, Oliver eats the peach. Just. Gobbles that thing up like it’s his favorite piece of goddamn candy. At that point, my soul just kinda detached itself from my body and plummeted straight into hell. I have become numb to any sort of emotion, and I am never touching a goddamn peach ever again, oh my god. So um. Yeah. Outside of the creepy sex shit and questionable age shit, the book was actually boring as fuck. I thought I would actually like the Italian setting, but nope! Outside of being traumatized, I have absolutely no recollection of what happens after Oliver and Elio go to Rome together. All I remember is that I’m pretty sure the ending was bullshit. And the writing style was Not Great either. The author tried SO HARD to be stupidly poetic and it absolutely did not work in the goddamn slightest (especially during the sex scenes, with fruit and otherwise). The paragraphs were super long and rambling, and the author went through patches of writing where he just. Straight up did not break the paragraphs at all when a conversation happened. I read whole paragraphs where I had no idea who was talking because it went back and forth so much. I have no idea if that was done as a stylistic choice, but it was bullshit and I’m judging everyone who liked it. Why??? Did this??? Goddamn book??? Become a movie??? I have never wanted to roundhouse kick a book into the goddamn ocean so badly. I regret ever buying it. I regret not stopping after the goddamn swim trunks shit. I want my money back. In conclusion, to sum up this goddam monstrosity of a book: WHY. (If you want better LGBT+ books, please consider reading How To Be A Normal Person by T.J. Klune, A Light Amongst Shadows by Kelley York & Rowan Altwood, or A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice & Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, just to name a few. They are all SO much better than this goddamn... experience... and do not include questionable age laws. And also, the first two titles are written by indie authors who are part of the LGBT+ community!)
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