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Hockey – Communiqué officiel – Scorpions de Mulhouse
Des départs, une prolongation
Le staff des Scorpions avance bien dans la constitution de l’effectif pour la saison prochaine. Il ne manque plus que les dernières touches à ce jour. Cela a pour conséquence d’acter deux nouveaux départs au sein de notre effectif de la saison passée.
Après deux saisons à l’Illberg et un titre de champion de France de Division 1, le Suédois Anton Östman ne sera pas…
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Las sirenas, poema sinfónico en fa menor, opus 33, por Reinhold Glière (1908). Versión de la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio y Televisión de Moscú, dirigida por el maestro Vladimir Esipov.
#1908#Reinhold Glière#Poemas sinfónicos#Fa menor#Opus 33#Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio y Televisión de Moscú#Vladimir Esipov
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Alexander Bovdunov
Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
Informe del seminario "Geografía sagrada de Rusia"
Siberia era conocida por los rusos antes de la campaña de Yermak. Los antiguos novgorodianos comerciaron con Ugra (la Ob del Medio) e incluso enviaron expediciones militares allí. En 1483-84, los gobernadores de Ivan III, Fyodor Kurbsky-Cherny e Ivan Saltyk-Travin hicieron una expedición contra el príncipe Vogul (Mansi) Pelymsky, y luego recorrieron las tierras de Khanty: "Caminamos por el río Irtysh, luchando, pero al llegar al río Ob ... lo vieron como algo bueno y completo".
Una nueva página en la historia comenzó con la campaña de Yermak en los años de 1581(82)-1585. Ya al año siguiente de la muerte del atamán, los gobernadores del Zar fundaron la primera ciudad rusa de Siberia-Tyumen (en el sitio del asentamiento Chingi-Tura), y un año después - Tobolsk.
La Sagrada Conquista y Sucesión
Ya al menos en el siglo XVII, podemos decir que la conquista de Siberia fue considerada por los habitantes rusos como un acontecimiento sagrado. El primer arzobispo de Tobolsk, Cipriano, ordenó en todas las iglesias dar "memoria eterna" a Yermak y sus cosacos como mártires de la fe cristiana. Uno de los primeros historiadores de Siberia, el secretario Savva Yesipov, consideró este evento como parte de la providencia de Dios. Sin embargo, la figura de Yermak adquiere una personalidad muy especial con Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov, el Leonardo da Vinci de Siberia: cartógrafo, arquitecto, artista e historiador de finales del siglo XVII y principios del XVIII.
En esta sorprendente figura, la Rusia de Moscú y la Rusia de Petersburgo están unidas. Por un lado, crea en el marco de la antigua tradición cartográfica, crea mapas principalmente con una orientación hacia el Sur, hace referencia a muestras de literatura cotidiana e imágenes de antiguas miniaturas rusas. Incluso ubicando, aunque fuera del mapa, el Paraíso. En la página 150 - "El reino de China desde la ciudad y desde este tramo hasta el Paraíso".
Por otro lado, se refiere a modelos barrocos de retórica y menciona a Jacob, el astrólogo inglés, Jacob Bruce.
En la Crónica de Remezov, Yermak aparece como un hombre verdaderamente santo. El autor utiliza deliberadamente los caminos de la literatura cotidiana rusa. Yermak habla con Dios, las victorias rusas se dan con intervención divina. Al mismo tiempo, Yermak es para Remezov la imagen de un gobernante ideal: "valiente, inteligente, humano, transparente y feliz con mucha sabiduría".
Es interesante que Remezov transmita una historia sobre el cuerpo de Yermak, escuchada de su padre, Ulyan Remezov, de Ablai Girey, un descendiente de Kuchum Khan.
Esta es la historia de que después de la muerte del Atamán, los tártaros que descubrieron su cuerpo descubrieron que era incorruptible, y milagros y curaciones eran producidos por su cuerpo, sus vestidos y armadura. Ablai Giray dijo que Yermak fue enterrado cerca del pueblo de Baishevo.
“Tu Yermak yaces en el cementerio de Baishevsky debajo de un árbol de pino, y en los días de tus padres una columna de fuego sobre él [Yermak], y en otros [días], una vela que aparece a los tártaros, pero no a los rusos".
Es curioso que el Baishevskaya Astana se encuentre en este lugar, donde está enterrado el santo sufí Hakim-Ata (se cree que Suleiman Bakyrgani se considera bajo este nombre: kubdt kubdtov, un santo sufí del siglo XII, popular en el Islam Sufi turco, el cuarto califa del tariqah Yasavi). Unos pocos lugares más reclaman ser la tumba de este santo.
Fue el cuarto califa (virrey) del sufi tariqah Yasaviy, y es considerado el autor de Akhir Zaman Kitabi, una versión islámica del Apocalipsis. Este es uno de los lugares más venerados, si no el más venerado de los musulmanes siberianos. Según algunos informes, la peregrinación allí incluso equivalía a una peregrinación a La Meca.
Es interesante que en esta leyenda el conquistador de los tártaros Yermak sea interpretado por ellos como un santo. Se produce una inversión peculiar de la imagen, una persona que viene por la guerra se convierte en un defensor. La curación proviene de su cuerpo y armadura, si Ablai Khan no toma la tierra de su tumba, entonces no tendrá éxito en la guerra, y finalmente el cuerpo de Yermak está enterrado en el lugar más sagrado para los musulmanes, el polo sufí de la tierra de Siberia.
La figura de Yermak aparece paradójicamente como un puente entre los rusos y tártaros, cristianos y musulmanes, el cuerpo sagrado, por así decirlo, conecta dos mundos, dos geografías sagradas.
Curiosamente, esta intención de síntesis se manifiesta en otro personaje ruso que vivió en Siberia: la figura del monje Dalmat Iset. Nacido en 1594, fue uno de los primeros siberianos rusos, hijo de un cosaco y una mujer tártara. Después de un largo servicio militar ya en su edad adulta, se convirtió en monje y se fue al sur a orillas del río Iset y volverse eremita. Ese lugar era la ciudad de Tyumen del tártaro Ilighey.
Es interesante que los rusos que estaban atrapados allí se rebelen contra el monje, que instan a Ilighey a matarlo. Sin embargo, el asesinato no ocurre, primero resulta que Dalmat es un pariente de Ilighey por madre. Y luego, cuando Ilighey todavía decide cometer el crimen, la misma Madre de Dios se le aparece y exige que el staretz (anciano) reciba la posesión de toda la tierra circundante. Así es como se describió este episodio en la tumba del anciano:
"Con el sueño de Elijah como un martillo,
Aplastado, por la confesión en apasionada ante el Dálmata:
Tu al profeta de la Gran Madre
Entregue todo tu patrimonio
Te esta prohibido no solo el no matarle,
Pero debajo de tu palabra tu débil honor hace daño.
Su vista es un rayo, una túnica escarlata.
Y en toda su gloria, está la Gran Reina".
Después de eso, Ilighey le da a Dalmat su shishak (casco) y su cota de malla.
Curiosamente, una tradición posterior pareció poner este casco cuando fue reclutado antes de ser enviado al ejército. El monje Dalmatius fue considerado su santo patrón y el defensor de los militares. Como en el caso de Yermak, el cuerpo de un soldado ruso le da poder militar a los tártaros, como en el caso del casco de Ilighey, la armadura tártara (al menos simbólicamente) protege a los soldados rusos, y la tierra pasa por el patrocinio de la Virgen a los monjes ortodoxos.
El simbolismo de la sucesión y la Nueva Jerusalén
Es significativo que después de la conquista de Siberia, los rusos continuaron usando esta palabra en la designación del área geográfica del antiguo Kanato de Siberia, incluso expandiendo sus fronteras a medida que avanzaban hacia el Este. El escudo de armas del Reino de Siberia se encontraba en el pequeño escudo de armas del Imperio ruso, junto con los escudos de los reinos de Astrakán, Kazán, Georgia y el Reino de Taúrico Chersonesos.
Es significativo que los cronistas rusos hicieron todo lo posible para enfatizar la continuidad de la Siberia rusa de la no rusa. En particular, a través del simbolismo de la sucesión de Tobolsk a Kashlyku o Isker (la ciudad también podría llamarse con la misma palabra para Siberia). Afortunadamente, Tobolsk se fundó al lado del lugar donde se encontraba Isker.
Como Savva Esipov escribió sobre esto:
“En 7095 [1587], durante el reinado del Piadoso Soberano, el Zar y gran duque Fedor Ivanovich de toda Rusia, de acuerdo con la voluntad del Zar, se envió de Gosudarev al gobernador de Moscú Danil Chulkov con un gran ejército. Según la orden del Soberano, llegaron al río Irtysh a diez millas de la ciudad de Siberia; estaba complacido de iluminar esta tierra para la gloria del Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. Ella reemplazó a Siberia como la ciudad principal. Tobolsk estaba a cargo, ya que fue aquí donde se llevó a cabo la conquista de los condenados ateos, y así tomó el lugar de Siberia como la ciudad del gobernante".
La semántica de Semyon Remezov de "conquistar a los ateos" nuevamente da paso al deseo de síntesis. En la Breve crónica siberiana (Kungurskaya), describe cómo los tártaros observaron a lo largo de los siglos "en el lugar actual de Tobolsk, con su catedral y su campanario, la imagen de una ciudad cristiana radiante que se eleva sobre el suelo con iglesias y una gran campana sonando".
La Siberia no rusa se anticipa a la rusa, cuya imagen del centro coincide en semántica con la imagen de la Nueva Jerusalén.
Curiosamente, para Remezov, Siberia es equivalente al universo, y Tobolsk se compara con Jerusalén como el centro del mundo.
Entonces, escribió: "En relación con el centro del mundo, la ciudad de Jerusalén, Tobolsk se encuentra más cerca de los países fríos, más cerca del Norte, en la estepa... El planeta celestial, bajo el sol, florece con felicidad y belleza".
En uno de los mapas de Remezov, "Tobolsk estaba inequívocamente ubicado en el centro del mundo, con círculos concéntricos divergentes de acuerdo con la tradición cartográfica con respecto a Jerusalén".
Remezov incluso le da a Siberia su propia cronología. En la "Descripción de los pueblos de Siberia y los rostros de sus tierras" que "fue escrito por la orden del gran Soberano por su sirviente de Tobolsky, Semen Ulyanovich Remezov, 7206 desde el nacimiento de Adán, 1698 desde el nacimiento de Cristo, 118 desde la captura de Siberia". La captura de Siberia está a la par con la creación del hombre y la Natividad. Según Remezov, la predicación del evangelio en Siberia es el plan de Dios "desde el principio de los tiempos":
Para los siberianos y Semyon Remezov, lo que para el resto es la periferia se convierte en un centro, casi el centro del mundo.
Es significativo que Remezov considere a Siberia como tierra pura, comparada con el cielo y el firmamento. Siberia, en su opinión, está lejos de las "bellezas de las montañas terrenales, como el cielo de la tierra al tomar el camino de la rectitud".
El simbolismo de la portada del "Libro orográfico" de Remezov es interesante, donde se mezclan las imágenes de la antigua miniatura rusa tradicional y el arte europeo (posiblemente esoterismo europeo) de esa época.
En la columna de la izquierda hay una figura con escalas: se llama la "Verdad". A la izquierda hay una mujer coronada con un hijo: se llama "Amor", más cerca del centro: la "Fe" con una cruz y otra figura coronada la "Esperanza".
Rico es el simbolismo y el plano del Tobolsk en el mismo libro.
En el "Libro de dibujo de Siberia”, Remezov denota de manera especial la ciudad: La ciudad reinante de Tobolesk".
Sofía, el ángel y la virgen
Para comprender la geografía sagrada de Siberia, siempre hay que tener en cuenta una conexión especial de esta región con el Norte ruso y Novgorod. Fueron los novgorodianos quienes comenzaron a explorar Siberia. Y fueron los habitantes del Norte ruso, junto con los cosacos, quienes formaron la primera ola de inmigrantes, la base de los antiguos residentes de Siberia.
La comunicación con Novgorod arroja un puente hacia la antigua Rusia y llama la atención sobre la centralidad de la imagen de Sofía. La catedral principal de Tobolsk es Santa Sofía, como en Kiev y Novgorod. El metropolita Cipriano construyó la primera catedral de madera de Santa Sofía que es la imagen de la catedral de Novgorod. Él llevó esto a Tobolsk y algunos santuarios de Novgorod.
Es significativo que el templo principal en Siberia sea Hagia Sophia, originalmente construida según el modelo de Novgorod. A finales del siglo XVII y principios del siglo XVIII, con los obispos de los pequeños rusos (ucranianos), la Catedral de Sofía permanece, pero ya se está construyendo según los modelos de la pequeña rusia, que se asemeja a la Catedral de Sofía en Kiev. Por lo tanto, la Sofía de Tobolsk está asociada con dos templos icónicos de la antigua Rusia.
Es interesante que durante la construcción de la versión actual de la Catedral de Santa Sofía, la de piedra, se plasmó el icono "Plantando el árbol siberiano (Sofía, la sabiduría de Dios)", que también se considera creado por Remezov.
Un árbol se encuentra en el centro de la composición; el Zar Iván el Terrible y el Metropolita Dionisio de Moscú están representados en sus raíces, durante las cuales tuvo lugar la campaña de Yermak; en las ramas hay cuencos con figuras de los primeros seis obispos siberianos.
Sobre el árbol hay un icono que representa a Santa Sofía, Cristo, Nuestra Señora y Juan el Bautista.
En el "Libro de dibujos de los servicios" de Semyon Remezov, se encuentran además mapas y varias obras literarias. Entre ellos está "Comparación entre los países siberianos con el pacífico ángel de la guarda (stalt, personal)".
Remezov elogia poéticamente a Siberia y señala que su belleza y pureza solo se puede comparar con un ángel.
"Ahora, donde Dios ha estado desde el principio es es Siberia, y si es tierra musulmana, primero fue para la conveniencia cristiana la Siberia que es un ángel pacífico" –
Al mismo tiempo, este es un ángel muy inusual. Partes del ángel se corresponden con ciertos lugares geográficos, por ejemplo, Tyumen y Tomsk, sus dos hombros. Tobolsk es el corazón y "todo lo interno está en todo", dentro de Tobolsk. Al mismo tiempo, la cara del ángel se correlaciona con la posición de la fe ortodoxa, y "La Cabeza de Siberia es una conveniencia pacífica para que el Dios eterno sea la cabeza de todo, el Todopoderoso inquieto y futuro".
Y verdaderamente corto y preciso - "arco de bulatny - genio siberiano".
"Así como un ángel sirve a Dios en su ausencia, así los siberianos", escribe Remezov, "los enemigos del Zar están luchando, limpiando la tierra con su sangre".
Tobolsk compara a Remezov con un ángel:
“Similar a la notoria ciudad inicial de Tobolsk, en Siberia, a un ángel con su nombre, un liceo avistado al Oeste: una barricada que lleva a una pequeña colina con su bazar del reino ruso.
La Iglesia del Representante de Siberia, el gran estrato de Dmitry Solunsky, la cabeza, iluminada por el resplandor de la luz.
El brazo desinfectante que lo limpia todo. Por un lado, la región del bajo Posad que posee todo tipo de suministros y recursos.
En la otra mano esta la Catedral de la Iglesia y el muro de piedra.
En Percy existe el comercio y la reunión de personas...
En el ala derecha - Tobol y la estepa, a la izquierda - el Irtysh se apoya allí...
Este ángel es en su conjunto Siberia, la amante y un adorno enorme, y el exterior está lleno de paz y silencio.
Está vestido de luz brillante, un amurallado con las enseñanzas del evangelio..."
Como señala una investigadora estadounidense de Remezova, Valerie Quelson:
“La presencia angelical, según Remezov, se siente en todo lo que es ordenado, pacífico y subordinado al principio más elevado, divino y terrenal, lo que implica que estas autoridades deben ser ortodoxas y rusas. Los ángeles pueblan de forma aparente y tangible las calles ordenadas, los mercados y las plazas de Tobolsk”.
Curiosamente, en Tobolsk hay una leyenda sobre la mano de un ángel. En el otoño de 1620, cuando el recién nombrado Arzobispo de Tobolsk y el moje siberiano Cipriano fueron a Tobolsk. Bajo el monótono balanceo del carro, Cipriano se quedó dormido.
"Y en un sueño se le apareció un ángel de Dios, que cubrió la ciudad baja con su palma luminosa y ordenó construir las iglesias en el Bajo Posad para que todos lo repitieran". Se construyeron siete iglesias en los contornos de esta palma:
· Exaltación de la Santa Cruz,
· La Pyatnitskaya
· La Navidad
· La Anunciación,
· La Iglesia de Zacarías y Elizabeth,
· La Iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel,
· La Epifanía.
Otra imagen sagrada muy importante asociada con Siberia es la Virgen. Diferentes partes de la tierra rusa están asociadas con diferentes imágenes de la Madre de Dios. La primera y más venerada forma milagrosa de Siberia es el icono de Abalak "Signo" de la Madre de Dios, plasmado en 1637. Según la leyenda, apareció en un sueño a la viuda María del asentamiento tártaro de Abalak, a 30 km de Tobolsk. Además, el ícono, que se conservó solo en reproducciones, pues el original se perdió durante la Guerra Civil en Rusia, era una reproducción del ícono del "Signo" de Novgorod, complementado por las imágenes de San Nicolás y St. María de Egipto. El autor de la leyenda sobre el ícono fue el empleado ya mencionado Savva Yesipov.
“Abalak también fue un lugar simbólico en tiempos paganos, y como saben, a menudo se erigieron nuevos templos en el sitio de los santuarios precristianos. La amada esposa de Kuchum Khan, Suzge vivió aquí, y la imagen de la Virgen de Abalak inmortalizó este lugar en la ortodoxia”, dice Irina Manuylova, investigadora del Museo de Bellas Artes de Tyumen.
Con el icono de Abalak, Siberia fue inscrita en el espacio de la Madre de Dios de Rusia. Al mismo tiempo, vemos la imagen de la Virgen María exigiendo entregar la tierra a Dalmatius Iset. El desarrollo de Siberia por parte de los rusos se conceptualiza en los paradigmas de la historia sagrada y la geografía sagrada.
Siberia es una continuación del espacio sagrado del norte ruso, a través de la imagen de Hagia Sophia conectada con la antigua Rusia, un paraíso y un país puro, la herencia de la Virgen, un ángel de pureza y luz, su ciudad y capital, se correlaciona con la Nueva Jerusalén, y la geografía sagrada de la población indígena se entrelaza con la geografía sagrada de los rusos.
Materiales usados:
Ремезов С.У. «Хорографическая книга».
Ремезов С.У. «Чертёжная книга Сибири»
Дергачёва-Скоп. Е.И. "Похвала" Сибири С.У. Ремезова.- https://docplayer.ru/39272247-E-i-dergacheva-skop-pohvala-sibiri-s-u-remezova.html
Сьюзан Смит-Питер. С.У. Ремезов и сибирская идентичность в конце XVII-начале XVIII века. http://journals.tsu.ru/engine/download.php?id=42401&area=files
Valerie A. Kivelson. Angels in Tobolsk: Celestial Topography and Visionary Administration in Late Muscovite Siberia// Harvard Ukrainian Studies Vol. 28, No. 1/4, RUS' WRIT LARGE: LANGUAGES, HISTORIES, CULTURES: Essays Presented in Honor of Michael S. Flier on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday (2006), pp. 543-556
Шумейко. И. В XVII веке точно было известно, что Рай находится возле Австралии//Независимая Газета. - https://www.ng.ru/science/2014-05-28/15_remezov.html
Появлению Абалакской иконы сибиряки обязаны новгородцам, считают искусствоведы. ИА "Тюменская Линия" - https://t-l.ru/199966.html
Легенда о ладони ангела. https://tobolsk.admtyumen.ru/mo/Tobolsk/about_OMSU/tourism/more.htm?id=10937397@cmsArticle
Кожушко С. Неизвестное Зауралье: легенды и были, загадки и тайны.
"...Уготовах ко всеутешной всенародной пользе...".Семён Ульянович Ремезов. - https://tobolsk.info/istoriya-tobolska/lyudi/29628-ugotovakh-ko-uteshnoj-vsenarodnoj-polze
Преподобный Далмат Исетский. https://dalmate.ru/istoriya-monastyrya/prepodobnyj-dalmat-isetskij.html
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In Russia, local authorities are planning to introduce a tax on dogs
Deputies of Yakutia region in Russia intend to discuss the introduction of a tax or a levy from dog owners to offset the costs of fighting stray animals. This was announced on a weekly meeting by the mayor of Yakutsk, Sardan Avksentiev.
She noted that trapping, quarantine, sterilization, vaccination and chipping of one dog cost 14.5 thousand rubles or around $211, which is more than the allowance for children. “People don’t understand why they spend more money on dogs than on children’s food,” she said.
According to Avksentieva, federal law forces the state and municipalities to be responsible, including financially, for working with stray dogs. However, there is no liability for owners who let animals walk on their own.
The administration of Yakutsk calculated that the regulation of the number of stray animals requires 190 million rubles a year, while in the city and republican budgets for this purpose only 7.4 million is provided.
Earlier, the deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, Vladimir Esipov, proposed selling stray dogs from Russian cities “in good hands” to China and Korea. He explained that in the regional budgets there are no funds to create conditions in dog shelters, and on the street animals regularly attack people.
However, State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov praised the idea of the Yakut authorities to impose a tax or levy on dog owners. This is reported by the newspaper "Izvestia".
According to the deputy, the tax should be taken from the officials who proposed it. He also said that in Russia there will never be such a duty, because otherwise people will start throwing their pets outside.
“Grandmother will estimate that for all her 15 cats they will start to take a tax, and will throw these cats even before it is introduced,” he explained.
Original source: https://bemorepanda.com/en/posts/1583213670-in-russia-local-authorities-are-planning-to-introduce-a-tax-on-dogs
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Nova Credit banks $50M to expand its service sourcing credit reports across borders
Around 70% of the world’s population now has some form of bank account or — thanks to mobile phones — a facility to receive and send money virtually, according to the World Bank. But when it comes to people crossing borders and setting up lives in new countries, they essentially leave behind their financial histories, starting again from scratch in their new homes. But there are signs of that starting to change. A startup called Nova Credit has built a facility to import financial histories from one country to another, and today it’s announcing a $50 million round of funding to grow that business to cover more countries.
The funding is being led by Kleiner Perkins, with a list of other big names also participating. They include Canapi Ventures, a new fund focused on fintech startups, as well as previous Index Ventures, General Catalyst and Nyca Partners. Ashton Kutcher and Guy Oseary’s fund Sound Ventures is also in this round, along with baseball legend Alex Rodriguez and U2 guitarist the Edge.
Nova is not disclosing its valuation, but according to PitchBook, in the first-close of the round it was estimated at around $295 million. CEO and co-founder Misha Esipov would only say it was “much higher” than the company’s valuation in its previous round — supported by the facts that revenues grew four-fold in 2019, and that it now covers more than 1 billion consumer credit profiles, working out to over 50% of the most popular U.S. immigrant countries of origin.
Prior to this Series B, the company had raised just under $20 million, which also included funding from Y Combinator (where it was part of a 2016 cohort).
Esipov — who has worked as a banker at Goldman Sachs and at private equity firm Apollo, and himself is a first-generation Russian immigrant moving to the US with his parents when he was three — said he and co-founders Loek Janssen and Nicky Goulimis first came up with the idea for Nova when they were still graduate students at Stanford, where they turned to their own classmates to look for gaps in the market of financial services.
“We made a discovery among the international students we surveyed, which was that many said they couldn’t get credit, cell phone plans, leases and anything else that required credit histories,” he said. “Many of them said the same thing to us: ‘I feel like a second-class citizen.’ And that was the lightbulb moment for us. We saw it was a systemic problem, and four years later I believe we’re solving a decent share of this problem.”
Nova’s solution is that it has built a digital framework that connects up an individual’s credit history information from one country, back into the country where the person is currently residing, creating a product that it refers to as a “Credit Passport”.
Nova partners with businesses that rely on this credit history in order to decide whether to do business with an individual. In cases where it comes up short in accessing an in-country history for a specific person — for example, American Express, in evaluating a person’s credit history to determine whether it should issue a card for a particular applicant — it can now use Nova to source a history from another market, using details provided by the user in question.
Nova’s business model is that it pays a fee to the credit bureau where the records are originating in order to source the data, and it then charges the business that is making the request for the data.
For now, the service is not global in a number of ways. The first is in terms of the geographies covered: Nova has so far only facilitated links between 11 countries, with the originating requests coming from the US. They include Australia, Canada, India, Kenya, Mexico and the UK. Esipov said that the starting point came from close analysis of which countries send the most people to the US.
The other is that the service is largely geared towards people who even have a credit history to speak of in their previous country. For many immigrants to the US, that is not actually the case for a number of financial, political and other reasons.
The strategy is to increasingly cover both of those basis better over time, Esipov said.
For example, while there are only 11 countries “live” at the moment, the company actually has deals with 19 countries currently, a list it hopes to grow more. The Dominican Republic and the Philippines will be the next to countries to launch. One reason for the relatively slow rollout is that this isn’t exactly a scalable problem with the same issues in each market, although it’s finally started to get some momentum.
“It’s an absolute nightmare,” Esipov said with a laugh when I asked him about the challenges of scaling the business. “Each country has its own complexities, whether it’s in terms of the partnership or technical complexity. Every market is different.” Some are surprising. He noted that France, for example, is the only G20 country without a centralised credit bureau, only a repository that logs “bad marks”, not good behaviour. “So we haven’t been able to develop a solution covering France so far.”
He notes that it’s taken Nova a few years to build these relationships. “When we were still trying to find our footing, it was difficult, but now the five biggest credit agencies in the world work with us. We have established ourselves as the solution for cross border credit reporting access.”
And on the side of making the product something that can be useful for more than just the percentage of immigrants who came from the credit using class in their previous countries — the typical type of person who might end up at Stanford business school, if you will — Nova is working on that, too.
“There are a lot of potential strategies for those countries where central credit bureaus doesn’t exist,” Esipov said. “We have to be creative in using potential data sources that we can find to say this is a new and good segment. There are alternative data sources, and we are exploring how to bring those into the US market. But, if they are not as well established, no matter how creative we are, it’s a matter of working with risk officers and trying to teach them, too.” Indeed, we are starting to see a rise of other services aiming at immigrants — for example, new bank accounts launched by Remitly last week — speaking to how multiple startups are tuning into demographics that have been traditionally overlooked, but now represent growth opportunities in what is otherwise a tight and competitive market with slowing growth.
“In a competitive financial services industry with shifting demographics, developing a strategy to attract the growing newcomer segment has become a strategic necessity for banks to defend and grow market share,” said Gene Ludwig, Managing Partner of Canapi Ventures, in a statement. “Nova Credit stands out as the only enduring solution to financial access for the millions of newcomers who come to the US each year. They’ve assembled an exceptional, mission-driven team that has what it takes to bring systemic change to life.”
It can’t come a moment too soon. Nova, citing research from Pew, notes that immigrants account for 55% of U.S. population growth, which will grow to 80% by 2050. Helping them get better integrated into the economy is a critical step for integrating into society.
“Credit is fundamental to economic success, but today’s systems and infrastructure have not kept up with an increasingly mobile world,” said Ilya Fushman, a partner at Kleiner Perkins, in a statement.“Nova Credit is democratizing access to credit globally and we’re delighted to lead the Series B.
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/nova-credit-banks-50m-to-expand-its-service-sourcing-credit-reports-across-borders/
Nova Credit banks $50M to expand its service sourcing credit reports across borders
Around 70% of the world’s population now has some form of bank account or — thanks to mobile phones — a facility to receive and send money virtually, according to the World Bank. But when it comes to people crossing borders and setting up lives in new countries, they essentially leave behind their financial histories, starting again from scratch in their new homes. But there are signs of that starting to change. A startup called Nova Credit has built a facility to import financial histories from one country to another, and today it’s announcing a $50 million round of funding to grow that business to cover more countries.
The funding is being led by Kleiner Perkins, with a list of other big names also participating. They include Canapi Ventures, a new fund focused on fintech startups, as well as previous Index Ventures, General Catalyst and Nyca Partners. Ashton Kutcher and Guy Oseary’s fund Sound Ventures is also in this round, along with baseball legend Alex Rodriguez and U2 guitarist the Edge.
Nova is not disclosing its valuation, but according to PitchBook, in the first-close of the round it was estimated at around $295 million. CEO and co-founder Misha Esipov would only say it was “much higher” than the company’s valuation in its previous round — supported by the facts that revenues grew four-fold in 2019, and that it now covers more than 1 billion consumer credit profiles, working out to over 50% of the most popular U.S. immigrant countries of origin.
Prior to this Series B, the company had raised just under $20 million, which also included funding from Y Combinator (where it was part of a 2016 cohort).
Esipov — who has worked as a banker at Goldman Sachs and at private equity firm Apollo, and himself is a first-generation Russian immigrant moving to the US with his parents when he was three — said he and co-founders Loek Janssen and Nicky Goulimis first came up with the idea for Nova when they were still graduate students at Stanford, where they turned to their own classmates to look for gaps in the market of financial services.
“We made a discovery among the international students we surveyed, which was that many said they couldn’t get credit, cell phone plans, leases and anything else that required credit histories,” he said. “Many of them said the same thing to us: ‘I feel like a second-class citizen.’ And that was the lightbulb moment for us. We saw it was a systemic problem, and four years later I believe we’re solving a decent share of this problem.”
Nova’s solution is that it has built a digital framework that connects up an individual’s credit history information from one country, back into the country where the person is currently residing, creating a product that it refers to as a “Credit Passport”.
Nova partners with businesses that rely on this credit history in order to decide whether to do business with an individual. In cases where it comes up short in accessing an in-country history for a specific person — for example, American Express, in evaluating a person’s credit history to determine whether it should issue a card for a particular applicant — it can now use Nova to source a history from another market, using details provided by the user in question.
Nova’s business model is that it pays a fee to the credit bureau where the records are originating in order to source the data, and it then charges the business that is making the request for the data.
For now, the service is not global in a number of ways. The first is in terms of the geographies covered: Nova has so far only facilitated links between 11 countries, with the originating requests coming from the US. They include Australia, Canada, India, Kenya, Mexico and the UK. Esipov said that the starting point came from close analysis of which countries send the most people to the US.
The other is that the service is largely geared towards people who even have a credit history to speak of in their previous country. For many immigrants to the US, that is not actually the case for a number of financial, political and other reasons.
The strategy is to increasingly cover both of those basis better over time, Esipov said.
For example, while there are only 11 countries “live” at the moment, the company actually has deals with 19 countries currently, a list it hopes to grow more. The Dominican Republic and the Philippines will be the next to countries to launch. One reason for the relatively slow rollout is that this isn’t exactly a scalable problem with the same issues in each market, although it’s finally started to get some momentum.
“It’s an absolute nightmare,” Esipov said with a laugh when I asked him about the challenges of scaling the business. “Each country has its own complexities, whether it’s in terms of the partnership or technical complexity. Every market is different.” Some are surprising. He noted that France, for example, is the only G20 country without a centralised credit bureau, only a repository that logs “bad marks”, not good behaviour. “So we haven’t been able to develop a solution covering France so far.”
He notes that it’s taken Nova a few years to build these relationships. “When we were still trying to find our footing, it was difficult, but now the five biggest credit agencies in the world work with us. We have established ourselves as the solution for cross border credit reporting access.”
And on the side of making the product something that can be useful for more than just the percentage of immigrants who came from the credit using class in their previous countries — the typical type of person who might end up at Stanford business school, if you will — Nova is working on that, too.
“There are a lot of potential strategies for those countries where central credit bureaus doesn’t exist,” Esipov said. “We have to be creative in using potential data sources that we can find to say this is a new and good segment. There are alternative data sources, and we are exploring how to bring those into the US market. But, if they are not as well established, no matter how creative we are, it’s a matter of working with risk officers and trying to teach them, too.” Indeed, we are starting to see a rise of other services aiming at immigrants — for example, new bank accounts launched by Remitly last week — speaking to how multiple startups are tuning into demographics that have been traditionally overlooked, but now represent growth opportunities in what is otherwise a tight and competitive market with slowing growth.
“In a competitive financial services industry with shifting demographics, developing a strategy to attract the growing newcomer segment has become a strategic necessity for banks to defend and grow market share,” said Gene Ludwig, Managing Partner of Canapi Ventures, in a statement. “Nova Credit stands out as the only enduring solution to financial access for the millions of newcomers who come to the US each year. They’ve assembled an exceptional, mission-driven team that has what it takes to bring systemic change to life.”
It can’t come a moment too soon. Nova, citing research from Pew, notes that immigrants account for 55% of U.S. population growth, which will grow to 80% by 2050. Helping them get better integrated into the economy is a critical step for integrating into society.
“Credit is fundamental to economic success, but today’s systems and infrastructure have not kept up with an increasingly mobile world,” said Ilya Fushman, a partner at Kleiner Perkins, in a statement.“Nova Credit is democratizing access to credit globally and we’re delighted to lead the Series B.
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Reinhold Glière - The Sirens: Symphonic Poem in F minor, Op. 33 (1908)
Conductor: Vladimir Esipov Moscow Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra
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Hockey - Les Dragons de Rouen, c’est cadeau pour les Scorpions de Mulhouse !
Les Scorpions de Mulhouse ont confirmé leur statut de bête noire de Rouen en signant, hier à la patinoire de l’Illberg, leur troisième victoire de la saison face aux Dragons (4-3 ap). Un succès qui consolide encore un peu plus leur 6e place en Ligue Magnus.
A tout juste 17 ans, Ivan Esipov (à g., félicité par son coéquipier Josh Bowes) s’est offert son premier but en Ligue Magnus hier soir avec…
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#Dragons de Rouen#France Hockey#Hockey#Ivan Esipov#L&039;Alsace#Les Scorpions de Mulhouse#Marc CALOGERO#Synerglace Ligue Magnus#Vincent VOEGTLIN
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Become The Pack Leader Click here: http://bit.ly/2HyA2BU Of all the questions that people ask “how to become the pack leader” is the big one! This is by far the most important question how to convince your dog that you are the person in charge. Think of the pack leader as the decision maker - where you should go on the walk, how to behave in different situations and how to respond to all the strange things that are out there. When you understand how dogs packs work you soon realize the importance, that pack leader makes all the decisions. If you leave it up to your dog then there a big chance that your dog is going to get something’s very wrong and make a mistake! In order to understand how to become the pack leader you must first recognize that the following means nothing to a dog…. What car you drive, the size of your house, the money you earn or the fact that you speak languages! Your dog would happily swap all of that for a nice snack! Asking your dog to sit before her dinner falls a long way short of what you need to be achieving to become the pack leader and walking through doorways is only necessary when your dog is on the lead. Lastly - dominating your dog is certainly not the way to become the pack leader in fact this can back fire badly on you later on if you teach your dog that physical strength is what it is all about. Whilst you may force your dog into submission it will not be convincing your dogs mind that you are worthy of the position and that you should become the pack leader only that you are a bit of a bully. So how do you become the pack leader? All dogs worldwide, regardless of breed use the same ways to check to establish the pack leader. The best way to learn about how to put it into practice is to watch it being done on video as I have done through one of the video based web sites. The important areas to take control in are the following: The pack leader will be in total calm control when your dog barks and alerts you to danger. This includes anything that your dog may perceive as dangerous and barks at in and around the property On the walk your dog should not pull you at a single stage, even the beginning! Learning to walk your dog properly can only really be learnt through video as I have found out! If you are the pack leader then your dog should be able to relax and switch off completely inside the house. If your dog is always switched on most of the time and can’t relax then that is your dog on pack leader duty! Getting your dog to switch off is directly connected to how you meet and greet your dog after your return home. You need to watch it on video it is so subtle but it is the difference between being the pack leader or the follower. Lastly, feeding your dog correctly will establish who is the pack leader and there is much more to it than asking your dog to sit! Also if you have a dog that is “not food motivated” then you may be in for a surprise! There is one site that shows you – using video – exactly how to become the pack leader and how crucial it is to changing any behavioral issue. If you want to understand more about this topic or see the videos that explain everything then simply take a look at The Online Dog Trainer here http://bit.ly/2HyA2BU by Andrey Esipov
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Hockey - Communiqué officiel - Scorpions de Mulhouse
Après la prolongation d’Andrei Esipov dont nous vous avons fait part plus tôt cette semaine, nous sommes heureux de vous confirmer que Bryan Ten Braak sera également de retour la saison prochaine avec les Scorpions Team Synerglace.
Bryan a été pénalisé par une infection à l’automne et n’a pris part qu’à trente matches de saison régulière. Playdown inclus, il a participé à trente-cinq…
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#Andrei Esipov#Andrei Esipov (RUS#Avni Berisha (USA#Bryan Ten Braak#Bryan Ten Braak (FRA#Colin Downey (USA#Connor Wilson (CAN#Lucien Onno (FRA#Quentin Papillon#Samuel Rousseau (FRA#Teemu Loizeau (FRA#Vincent Melin (FRA
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ЖМИ СЮДА: http://bit.ly/2UCv1Lb Так, как спрос на Smart часы растет с каждым днем, пришла пора разобраться какие часы выбрать. В этом гиде вы найдете ответ какие умные часы купить, что они умеют и с какими системами дружат. Гид по Smart часам пригодится если вы решили купить или подарить такой гаджет. by Andrey Esipov
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Buy here: http://bit.ly/2E0jIrV Mangosteen, a new-generation slimming syrup, is a drug that is developed individually for each customer, taking into account all of its features. For four long years, we conducted research and two more - created a formula to make you absolutely satisfied with the result. It is worth noting why our tool is called "Mangosteen" - mongoose and mango have nothing to do with it. The thing is that the main ingredient of the syrup is mangosteen, a tropical fruit grown in Thailand. It is famous for its low calorie and complex of trace elements and vitamins. But you can’t buy real mangosteen in a supermarket and lose weight with it, because transporting this fruit in large quantities to the CIS countries means losing half its usefulness. Therefore, we extract the active substances of the fruit and turn it into a concentrated syrup, which helps you to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, about 30 more plant substances of natural origin from many tropical countries are used in our preparation, because we are looking for the most effective products for you. by Andrey Esipov
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Buy here: http://bit.ly/2E0jIrV Almost all means for losing weight summarize these indicators, trying to create something that fits all. We went the other way. Mangosteen, a new-generation slimming syrup, is a drug that is developed individually for each customer, taking into account all of its features. For four long years, we conducted research and two more - created a formula to make you absolutely satisfied with the result. It is worth noting why our tool is called "Mangosteen" - mongoose and mango have nothing to do with it. The thing is that the main ingredient of the syrup is mangosteen, a tropical fruit grown in Thailand. It is famous for its low calorie and complex of trace elements and vitamins. But you can’t buy real mangosteen in a supermarket and lose weight with it, because transporting this fruit in large quantities to the CIS countries means losing half its usefulness. Therefore, we extract the active substances of the fruit and turn it into a concentrated syrup, which helps you to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, about 30 more plant substances of natural origin from many tropical countries are used in our preparation, because we are looking for the most effective products for you.Il frutto asiatico per eccellenza! Puoi trovarlo ovviamente su Il frutto asiatico per eccellenza! Puoi trovarlo ovviamente su by Andrey Esipov
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