#Martin Surek
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francehockey · 7 years ago
Hockey - Communiqué officiel - Scorpions de Mulhouse 
Hockey – Communiqué officiel – Scorpions de Mulhouse 
Des départs, une prolongation
Le staff des Scorpions avance bien dans la constitution de l’effectif pour la saison prochaine. Il ne manque plus que les dernières touches à ce jour. Cela a pour conséquence d’acter deux nouveaux départs au sein de notre effectif de la saison passée.
Après deux saisons à l’Illberg et un titre de champion de France de Division 1, le Suédois Anton Östman ne sera pas…
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medspas · 4 years ago
Enchanted Medical Aesthetics | Boutique MedSpa Ormond Beach, Florida
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Premiere MedSpa in Ormond Beach, Fl. Enchanted specializes in natural results and anti-aging treatments using the latest technologies and techniques. Enchanted offers injectables including Botox, Dermal Filler, PDO Threads, microneedling, Morpheus8, IPL, Leg Vein Treatments, Facials, Medical Grade Skincare, Sculptra, PRF, and Laser hair removal. Ormond Beach’s Premiere Boutique Medspa.
Enchanted Medical Aesthetics was founded by Bridget Martin, DNP, APRN, NP-C and Cheryl Kimmel PA-C. Bridget and Cheryl have a combined 40 plus years experience in medicine. Cheryl entered the world of plastic surgery and medical aesthetics by working with body and facial plastic surgeons. She has experience with procedures such as facelifts, blepharoplasty, necklift, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, fat transfer, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, and more. She is a master injector and laser expert with over 16 years experience in these areas. Bridget has 30 years experience in nursing and spending the last 15 as a critical care and pulmonary specialist. She trained in aesthetics 8 years ago and and developed a passion for facial aesthetics. She is a professor for a large university and has a passion for education.
Bridget and Cheryl are firm believers in continuing education and attend multiple advanced courses with the best in the Aesthetic Industry. They have trained with some of the industries top leaders including anatomy cadaver labs with Dr. Surek, advanced techniques with Dr. Rajani and Dr. Shino Bay, lip injection techniques with Julie Horne, advanced techniques with Shelby Miller, and many other leading industry experts. It is their upmost priority to provide safe, high quality treatments to their clients. They share their knowledge with others through Enchanted Edu., a training program they developed to help other professionals expand their knowledge in the fast growing field of aesthetics.
After much talk and years of discussing opening their own practice, they took the first steps and Bridget left her high stress intensive job and Cheryl left her position in a medical office where she was in charge of the aesthetic side of the practice. Bridget and Cheryl recognized a need for a more personalized approach to facial aesthetics. They had a vision for a high end, boutique style space where facial aesthetics and anti-aging is prioritized. This vision was made a reality in 2020, and they founded Enchanted Medical Aesthetics a premiere boutique medspa!
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magdaleneswift-blog · 8 years ago
To mangle a Paul Harvey story:
In the beginning of our country our ‘forefathers’ loved Almanacs.  Often families would have only a Bible and an almanac in their homes.  So an aspiring young writer decided to make some money and write – an almanac.  He found a printer who was willing to publish it; but the printer was skeptical.  The market was pretty well saturated and he was booked publishing other almanacs.  He told the writer that if he wanted to write an almanac it would have to be done early to get the jump on the others, especially as he was already booked printing all the others.  He gave the writer a very strict deadline. The writer immediately got to work.  But as he is frantically writing, he is feeling sicker and sicker and sicker.  Finally with the printer’s copy boy standing ready, he finishes the work and prepares to crawl into bed and be thoroughly sick.  He is just nodding off to sleep, when he hears a knock at the door.  It is the printer’s copy boy.  He said he hates to interrupt as he knows the writer is not feeling well, but his boss had sent him back to tell him that he had forgotten the weather forecasts for June. The writer replies that he doesn’t care what the weather forecast is in June.  Print what you want.  What the writer didn’t plan on was that the printer had a warped sense of humor.  The printer put down that the weather in June would be “snow.”  What neither of them planned on was that God has an even more warped sense of humor and some things are just too good to pass up.  The weather in June that year was – snow. Strangely enough, out of all the almanacs published in the country, his was the only one that correctly predicted snow that summer.  Overnight, he became known as the premier weather forecaster in the nation. – The Old Farmer’s Almanac. The year 1816 is known as the Year Without a Summer (also the Poverty Year, the Summer that Never Was, Year There Was No Summer, and Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death), because of severe climate abnormalities that caused average global temperatures to decrease by 0.4–0.7 °C (0.7–1.3 °F).This resulted in major food shortages across the Northern Hemisphere. Evidence suggests that the anomaly was predominantly a volcanic winter event caused by the massive 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in the Dutch East Indies.
The vatican has declared that when officially speaking of church doctrine, they are infallible.   This doctrine was defined dogmatically in the First Vatican Council of 1869–1870, but had been defended before that, existing already in medieval theology and being the majority opinion at the time of the Counter-Reformation. You can see from the time line that the doctrine was declared AFTER the vatican Galileo debacle.  The Church’s position is that the Holy Spirit will never allow the church to say something wrong.  
They forgot God’s warped sense of humor and this concept is even more too good to pass up than the first example.  They are correct in that point, but it isn’t carried out how they planned.
Benne dick’s statement comparing pedophiles to women priests while continuing the practice of promoting pedophiles is the prime example of a Holy Spirit correction.  It cannot be possible to come up with a statement that more clearly spotlights the depravity of the doctrine of male only priests and the total ludicrousness of the concept of papal infallibility.
The vatican assumes it has a monopoly on messages from the Holy Spirit.  According to Benne dick what is the source of this knowledge – their penises.  The vatican must consider a penis a radio antenna that lets them receive broadcasts from the Almighty.  Or the other option – The early Greek theologians had a fancy term – Logos.  It is often translated as “Word” – In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.  The term actually means more God’s entire thought process. So if not an antenna – they consider their penises conduits that let them read God’s entire thought process.
The previous entity in possession is famous for his paraphrasing of Surak – God is too great for humanity to understand fully.  The scary thing is this appears to have been a shocking revelation in theological circles – rather than the obvious – duh!  It apparently looked between its legs and discovered something more wondrous than all the stars in heaven.
Contrast this with the fact the Catholic Church is in a unique position to determine more about the nature of God than any other religion by nature of its sheer mass and organizational structure.  The Church has a long history of investigation and cross cultural error checking.  They have chosen to ignore this.
It is the nature of humanity that we are like the blind men trying to understand the elephant.  Each one feels a small part of the animal and thinks he understands the whole creature.  The vatican stubbornly looks at one small part and insists that it has sole knowledge of the whole to ridiculous results.  This analogy is made even more pointed by the fact the elephants and many herd animals are matriarchal societies.  The main task of the alpha male elephant is to protect the females from the lesser males and the offspring from predators, not prey on the offspring and sacrifice the females to save their own necks.
They forget the other voices outside the vatican clearly seeing other parts.  They rejected the science of Galileo and the contributions of other scientists.  Martin Luther screamed in rage that they were missing  that their narrow view was beneficial to only a small subset of the population and tried to wake them up.  His dream of reforming the Church eventually happened, but not before a lot of blood was shed. Mohamed, poorly tutored by believers on the fringes of Jewish and Christian beliefs, got part of the message and created another voice.
I prefer the analogies from Star Trek (the original series) and the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and the concept of the Bajoran Prophets from Star Trek Deep Space Nine.  I see reality itself as the physical manifestation of God’s thought process.  
The concept was started in TOS with the alien species trying to understand the concept of “Good” and “Evil” that the human records were discussing.  They gave the crew members the “honor” of participating in the experiment. Kirk and  Spock were kidnapped and alien recreations of  Abraham Lincoln, and Surek of Vulcan  - the forces of good were placed in a habitat along with an equal number of aliens representing the forces of evil.  This allowed the aliens to examine the behavior. (I miss Father Cremoni and his Gospels according to Star Trek.)  They needed the example to understand the concept.  In the end, Good triumphed because by its nature, it put the well being of all before the well being of the individual.  The evil forces fled in self preservation.  Good and evil were shown not to be inherent in the category of the individual but in the choices they made.
The concept was continued
We have Pope Open Mouth Insert Foot, who when challenged about pedophilic priests preying on children compared women who want to become priests to pedophiles.   How DARE he make a comparison between women wanting to dedicate their lives to God and vile predators? I supposed he should be thanked for so clearly stating in unmistakable terms the god he is really interested in worshipping. The true Church is our children.  The previous ‘pope’ was willing to sacrifice the good of the church so he could entertain his dick.
From the recent articles on pedophile priests in the Philadelphia Inquiry, I see that at least the hierarchy of the Philadelphia Archdiocese is at it again. To make matters worse, at least one priest wrote back and tried to deflect responsibility and shift blame by raising the abortion banner.  Was he defending life or bewailing the loss of potential victims? I guess mea culpa does not apply to anyone wearing a Roman collar.  How does that response relate to preparation for making a good Confession by first admitting fault?  Apparently, acknowledgement of guilt applies only to the Laity.
I think they forget that Jesus always led by example.
The whole behavior of the Church hierarchy reminds me of a study done recently on male aggression.
Researchers noted the behavior of both male and female toddlers in playpens and how they tried to escape from them.  As expected, the boy babies started grabbing the sides and shaking them to escape, while the girl babies immediately started in with "Mommy!  Mommy! Mommy!  Mommy! ......... Mommy!  Mommy! Etc."  until the exasperated mothers lifted them from the pens.  The researchers congratulated themselves on proving the aggression of male babies (and their supposed superiority) until it dawned on them which gender was actually getting out.
It is pathetic to watch men more than 50 years older than toddlers using the same counterproductive mindset with ludicrous results.  What is worse, they consider this type of thinking a virtue.
Some examples:
Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz simultaneously and independently discovered calculus in England and Germany.  Rather than combining the best of both works to advance studies of area, volume, maximums, minimums, velocity and acceleration, scientists wasted 50 years arguing over who invented the mathematics first.
The Native American Ghost Dancers of Wounded Knee believed their dance would bring back the buffalo and their magic shirts would stop bullets.  The soldiers, with their right of arms, slaughtered them all, men, women, and infants for daring to defy the 'Christian' society.
When Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod, he explained the importance of the pointed end that allows electrons to 'bleed' into the atmosphere and reduce the number of lightning bolts.  (We proved this mathematically in physics class.)  Instead, the British insisted on using ball ends on their lighting rods and ringing church bells to scare away the lightening because since Franklin was a revolutionary, he couldn't possibly be right.
I am disgusted working for male bosses convinced that if they yell loud enough, the laws of physics don't apply to them.  (If you scream loud enough, you can hold up several tons of soil, parking lot and cars by putting a piece of plastic over it.  This from a PE licensed in two states.)
At an ASCE meeting a member stated that he knows of several of male drivers convinced that since they were big athletes in high school, even if that was more than 30 years ago, they don't need to wear seat belts because their reflexes and eye sight are so good, they can avoid car accidents.
The simple conclusion is that men are brain damaged. In all of my life, I have not seen a more dangerous mental  handicap than the male ego.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry reading a lot of laws where governing bodies believe they can legislate away the laws of physics and mathematics by their belief that if they say so it is.  
The most horrific example is World War I, in which the upper class twits slaughtered their countrymen by the thousands by having them charge machine guns.  We had proven the old Napoleonic techniques did not work with modern armament in the Civil War, but as the US was considered a backward colony, the lessons went unheeded.  The slaughter did prove effective in stopping the German machine gunners, however; as they were so sickened by the slaughter that they had mental breakdowns.
The most appalling examples are when this might makes right thinking and if I say so it is thinking is used by religious leaders.
Too many so called religious people seem to believe that if you are a member of the magic group, you are allowed to kill anyone you want.  A recent news article had the Roman Catholic couple believing that since they were Roman Catholic, they could declare open season on Jehovah Witness.  The KKK also believed their religion gave them the right to murder whomever they wanted.
You have those few Muslim extremists and some Christians whose actions seem to indicate that the whole basis of their religion is "If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, blow it up.  If it is female, beat it." Do they believe their theology so weak that no one will believe it unless forced by violence? Verily I say until you.  I don't care what you call yourself; that is NOT the God of Abraham, Isaac or Moses, but the god of Cain, the Lord of the Flies, or the god of the male chimpanzee.  (I call this worshipping their dicks.) If you want to prove you are better than the animals, ACT LIKE IT.  
Now remember, men think this mindset is a virtue, so St. Paul is right when he tells wives to submit to their husbands.  It certainly does no good to reason with them when they are in this state; you have a better chance of an intelligent conversation with your dog.  You are better off waiting until they are rational, then making them see reason.
Another benefit to that statement of the current pope has been the opportunity to open a dialog with a women priest down in the Philadelphia area.  She said that the Vatican did a study in the 70's that proved the bible does not contain anything that would bar women from being priests.  I would love to obtain a copy of this document.  I am sure it exists as it is obvious from reading the Bible that it is true.  Counter arguments from the church sound as easy to refute as the KKK's claim that Genesis says that Negroes should be slaves.
It has been scientifically proven that when you gather a group of people together, the IQ of the group drops to the IQ of the dumbest member.  What I want to know is why do we always follow the lead and policy of the bottom 10% of the population?
It has also been said that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. I say that the faith of the Roman Catholic Church is too important to be left in the hands of senile old men who are too busy worshipping their dicks to worship God.  
All my life, I have been stuck cleaning up other peoples' messes and have seen that it usually takes a woman to clean house.
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francehockey · 5 years ago
Hockey les Albatros de Brest veulent gagner à nouveau
D1. Brest – Strasbourg, samedi (20 h). Après le faux pas de Cergy, les Brestois aimeraient démarrer une nouvelle série en recevant Strasbourg.
Surek et les Brestois affrontent Strasbourg. | FRANCK SEUROT
La sèche défaite 7-2, sur la glace de Cergy Pontoise, a mis un coup d’arrêt au vol de croisière des Albatros. Ceux-ci restaient en effet sur une série de 6 victoires consécutives, qui les avaient…
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francehockey · 6 years ago
Hockey - Communiqués officiels - Scorpions de Mulhouse Team Synerglace
Hockey – Communiqués officiels – Scorpions de Mulhouse Team Synerglace
Nous avons un nouveau départ dans l’effectif à vous annoncer. Notre gardien slovaque Martin Surek ne sera pas de retour avec les Scorpions Team Synerglace la saison prochaine.
Martin était arrivé en cours de saison 2017/2018 en provenance de Norvège et s’était rapidement adapté à l’environnement mulhousien. Pas épargné par les blessures, il n’aura malheureusement disputé que cinquante rencontres…
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francehockey · 6 years ago
Hockey - Communiqué officiel - Scorpions de Mulhouse Team Synerglace
Hockey – Communiqué officiel – Scorpions de Mulhouse Team Synerglace
Publié le Lundi 21/01/2019
Suite à la blessure de Martin Surek, le staff des Scorpions Team Synerglace s’est activé pour pallier au plus vite son absence.
Nous sommes donc heureux de vous annoncer l’engagement du portier letton Ervins Mustukovs. Âgé de 34 ans, il arrive en provenance de Nice où il a contribué au bon début de saison des Aigles. Auparavant, il a notamment joué au Danemark…
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francehockey · 6 years ago
Hockey - Scorpions de Mulhouse - Des gardiens bien encadrés via l'Alsace
Hockey – Scorpions de Mulhouse – Des gardiens bien encadrés via l’Alsace
Martin Surek (notre photo) va bénéficier cette saison du soutien de Landry Macrez, le nouvel entraîneur des gardiens des Scorpions. Photo L’Alsace/Jean-François Frey
Il n’est plus véritablement un joueur de hockey. Mais à 36 ans, il n’est pas encore totalement un entraîneur non plus. Landry Macrez commence à écrire une nouvelle page de sa vie, sans véritablement savoir comment elle va se remplir.
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