bspoquemagazine · 25 days
Pop-Kultur 2024: Am Mittwoch starten die ersten Live Acts!
Das Team der POP-Kultur haben über 100 Programmpunkte für euch zusammengestellt – darunter jede Menge Live-Konzerte, 15 exklusiv für dieses Festival erarbeitete Commissioned Works und ein vielseitiges »Pop-Kultur Diskurs«-Programm. Zu den heiß erwarteten Künstler*innen gehören unter anderem Yemi Alade, Black Sherif, Christin Nichols, Arab Strap, Blumengarten, A Certain Ratio, Ivo…
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plattenabendonline · 10 months
EsRAP & Gasmac Gilmore - Benzer brennt
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gazetteoesterreich · 7 months
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dr-drea · 8 months
🎶 when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your followers (positivity is cool) 🎶
In light of recent political events I made an anti-fascism playlist which I have been listening to for the past few weeks, here are some of the songs :)
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oscarlsh · 3 years
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Quién es @sam.serrano ? Parte 3 en YouTube canal #OSCARLSH suscríbete 👍 @fashionweekendmexico #Musica #HipHop #Rock #Rap #esrap #mexico #Austria #deuchland #Alemania #SamSerrano #bytedance #mujeressexys #hiphopculture #musicalatina #hiphopmusic #rapmexicano #feminismo #machismo #mujeresempoderadas #mujeresreales #musicamexicana #reggaeton #musicaurbana #FashionWeekEnd2022 #newyear #newyear2022 #México #Tampico #happynewyear (en Tampico Madero) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYJcTOrLtpI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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travelomat · 3 years
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yasmomc · 5 years
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#yasmohatgesagt Hallo Mama, das haben meine Freundinnen und ich letztens gemacht, als ich gesagt hab, wir gehen Fotos machen 💜 Und @oidaamira hat einen ur schönen Text geschrieben! 💜 @keke_offiziell @esrapofficial @itsdacidgo8lin @soulcate5 @derstandardat #rondo #standard #fotoshooting #girlspower #womanpower #rap #femalemc #keke #esrap #dacidgoblin #soulcate5 #yasmo #gang #squad Photo & conept @irina_gavrich _ photo assistant @_sprezzatura_123 _ Styling @johannabouvier_ _ Make-up @max.artemis _ Production @anne.feldkamp (hier: Vienna, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2EbVMLCQqY/?igshid=ltjck5boqms0
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cesardeltoromx · 4 years
“DESPUÉS DE CUANTAS NOCHES?” Es el nombre de mi próximo tema, debido a lo que se está viviendo actualmente se atrasaron bastantes proyectos y trabajos, de momento les dejo un poco de mi próxima canción. -Preparándonos para lo bueno 😎 ✂️ 💈 @shanasemhamed . . . . . . . . #rapmexico #baberoencasa #rapers #barberia #barberoadomicilio #esrap #hiphopmexicano #hiphopmexicano🇲🇽 #torostyle #rapero (en Guadalajara, Jalisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Xuoh8j2IQ/?igshid=1p05f8zbak4ra
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Transistor Sister Show #138 August 6, 2022
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Image: The Jetsons 7″ cover
WE ARE 138
totally didn't notice til after the show so no misfits here!
stream on Mixcloud
Freddy Cannon - Transistor Sister Les Poppys - Let the Sunshine In Mick Ronson - White Light / White Heat The Bongos - Mambo Sun Holly Golightly - Sand
Vintage Crop - The Bloody War Modey Lemon - Caligula Poison Idea - Taken By Surprise Flash - Ansiedad EsRAP - Wir haben Recht Boss - Cash Em In
Mini Skirt - City Sun Jetsons - Genetically Stupid Sepultura - Itsari Beat Happening - Ask Me Red Alert - In Britain
Chumbawamba - The Day the Nazi Died
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vanityvague · 6 years
Das im Frühjahr 2018 zusammengefundene “Teil des linken Musikerinnen Netzwerk” ( Künstler*innen, Veranstalter*innen, Labelbetreiber*innen ) setzt nach den Mayday Aufmärschen mit der Signale 18 am 19.Dezember ein neues starkes Zeichen! Musik Politisch Machen stellt fest, schlägt vor, animiert wie wir uns zeigen, verstehen, verhalten können. Der von PCCC moderierte Abend auf dem gesammten Arena Gelände beinnhaltet: Konzerte in der grossen Halle, Presentationen und Infoladen in der Meet Area und Dj line im DreiRaum.   Workshops sollen uns allen helfen im Alltag aktiv gegen Ungerechtigkeiten auftreten zu können:- W1: Zivilcourage - rechtliche Möglichkeiten bei Racial Profiling- W2: Ziviler Ungehorsam - Aktionstraining für Demonstrationen . Der gesammte Abend wird von einem profisonellen Awereness Team begleitet.  Live: - Christiane Rösinger- Gustav & Band- Schapka- Fauna- Femme DMC- Scattah Brain- Signale Band (feat. Bosna/Akut, Clara Luzia, Gerald Votava, Manuel Rubey, Denice Bourbon, Schmieds Puls & EsRAP)- Bad & Boujee!   Vorverkauf: Wien X tra Jugendinfo, Arena Wien und den Aktivistinnen. > Der Reinerlös der Veranstaltung kommt folgenden Initiativen zugute: maiz | Mosaik Blog | Queer Base welche mit Informations ständen vor ort sind.
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zanimljivaekonomija · 3 years
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Popfest u Beču
Ovogodišnji 12. Popfest će se održati u Beču od 22. do 25. jula. Posetioci festivala će imati priliku da dožive 40 nastupa uživo uz slobodan ulaz. Nastupi od 22. do 24. jula će biti organizovani na otvorenom u Areni Beč, dok će se završni koncerti u nedelju 25. jula kao i ranijih godina održati na trgu Karlsplac.  
Ove godine će Popfest biti u znaku umetničke doslednosti, raznolikosti i feminizma.Program festivala će objediniti poznate izvođače i imena u usponu austrijske rep scene kao što su Yugo, Dacid Go8lin, Eli Preiss, Slav, T-Ser i Kid Pex sa različitim pravcima pop muzike poput Mavi Phoenix, Buntspecht, Elektro Guzzi, Pauls Jets i Alicia Edelweiss i mešavinom različitih žanrova uz Schirenc plays Pungent Stench, Fuckhead i Gebenedeit. Kuratori festivala su EsRap i Fuzzman. „Važni su nam stav, različitost, ljubav i pravo da svako bude ono što želi. To je ono što zastupa pop muzika: sasvim normalnu radikalnost koja u svom izrazu može i sme i da boli“, objašnjavaju kuratori sastav izvođača na Popfestu 2021.
„U Areni Beč će posetioci moći da se zabave i dožive koncerte na bezbedan način kada je koronavirus u pitanju. Sve Bečlije treba da imaju pristup umetnosti i kulturi, jer nas to čini solidarnima i jakima. Zahvaljujem se organizacionom timu koji je uspeo da dovede ovoliko uzbudljivih izvođača, uprkos posebnim uslovima“, izjavila je Veronika Kaup-Hasler, članica gradskog veća zadužena za kulturu.
Informacije o programu, uslovima prisustvovanja koncertima i aktuelnim merama za suzbijanje širenja koronavirusa možete pogledati ovde Popfest.
© Simon Brugner
© Patrick Wally
© Arena Wien
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skgt24 · 4 years
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NEW SALT FESTIVAL Electronic & Alternative Music - Performance - Digital Arts The New Salt Festival is a celebration of our New Salt: Culture. For 10 days in September, Bad Ischl is the counter­ culture hub of Austria. The New Salt Festival is a big European electronic and alternative music, performance and digital arts festival. Locally, it is conceived as a counterpart to the “Kai­serfest” (Emperor celebration), which takes place every year in August in Bad Ischl and celebrates Franz Jo­seph and Sisi in a romantizised way. A few weeks later, after the monarchy dust has been removed from the city, the alternative culture scene is given full visibility during the New Salt Festival. The festival creates a frame for con­temporary art forms, but also a fertile ground for exchange with national and international artists, and thereby un­folds the potentials of both SKGT and European counterculture. The 2 week­ ends focus on music-concerts, club- and performance-events, but visitors also see various openings of exhibi­tions and (con)temporary art-spaces. During the week, artists, who are part of a residency program, offer work­shops in digital arts, music and per­formance. Special exhibitions and com­missioned works are shown in galleries and locations around the city of Bad Ischl. A festival lounge, including DJs, pop-up-concerts and performan­ces in the center of the city, serves as an important meeting point of music, art and performance enthusiasts from all over Europe. The mix of formats attracts new audien­ces and creates opportunities to participate. While the concerts on the weekends raise the visibility and capability of counterculture and attract many (also new) people to join and enjoy. During the week, smaller and more intimate concerts and per­formances allow for close exchange of musicians, artists and people interested. The workshops during the week add a more educational approach to the festival. Especially for young people, who do not yet have any oppor­tunities to gain practical knowledge or skills in this field, hands-on and ex­peri­mental music producing, perfor­m­ing and DJing workshops together with European and other international artists are offered. The music program features local ta­l­ents (e.g. The Unused Word, Chango or Pangani) besides national and international acts - both well-known artists, but also uprising newcomers (e.g. Four Tet (UK), Soap & Skin (AT), Caterina Barbieri (IT), Blixa Bargeld (DE), Jenny Hval (NO), Dorian Concept (AT)). It invites awide range of labels and music collectives such as Ventil Records, Disko 404 or Arabstazy Col­lective. Experimental and avant-garde electronic and alternative music (e.g. Lanark Artefax (UK), Maria Minerva (EE) or Jung An Tagen (AT)) are part of the program just as acts with a sub­stantial, but less eccentric approach, which enables us to reach a wider audience (e.g. HVOB (AT) or DJ Koze (DE)). The workshops cover a wide range from “Improvised Music & Digital Arts” with the artist Maja Osojnik (SI/AT) to “Make your Voice Heard - Empowerment through Rap” with Esra and Enes Özmen a.k.a. EsRAP (AT), “Electronic Music Production with Modular Synthesizers” with Patrick Pulsinger (AT) to “DIY Instru­ment Building” with the musical instru­ment inventor Yuri Landman (NL) in cooperation with the HTBLA Hallstatt department of instrument construc­tion. The final line-up and artistic program, including the full workshop program of the New Salt Festival, is selected by the interdisciplinary curatorial team: Ursula Winterauer and Maximilian Zeller for electronic and alternative music, Eva Fischer for digital arts and Daniel Aschwanden for performance. The Ars Electronica Festival is the main cooperation partner in the field of Digital Arts. After their own annual festival, which takes place in the beginning of September, its team hosts and curates one of the main locations of the New Salt Festival. The New Salt Festival also becomes part of a wider European network by joining Yourope, the most important associa­tion of European festivals. This pro­vides the basis for European colla­b­orations, for learning from other’s expertise, but also helps to raise the visibility of the festival. For the music and workshop program we further cooperate with the Elevate Festival, an important Austrian festival located in Graz, which combines contemporary music, art and political discourse. The festival team hosts certain music stages and contributes to the inter­disciplinary format of the New Salt Festival with its international network. Curators: Ursula Winterauer (AT), Maximilian Zeller (AT), Eva Fischer (AT), Daniel Aschwanden (CH/AT) Partners: Ars Electronica Festival (AT), Yourope (EU), Elevate Festival (AT) Estimated Budget: € 750.000.- When: 12. - 21. September 2024 Duration: 10 days Where: Bad Ischl (various locations including Lehartheater, Trinkhalle, historical telegraph office, Cafe Casino/OCC, Old Salt Brewery)
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estherattarmachanek · 5 years
EsRAP - Ausländer mit Vergnügen Die austro-türkische Hip Hop-Formation EsRAP wurde im Jahr 2007 vom Geschwisterpaar Esra und Enes Özmen gegründet. Aufgewachsen im 16.Wiener Gemeindebezirk, konnte sich das Duo mit sozialakritischem Rap und arabesken Refrain-Gesängen rasch einen Namen machen. Nach ersten Musikvideos, Online-Releases und Mix-Tapes, folgten vielbeachtete Live-Auftritte, etwa bei den Wiener Festwochen oder im Rahmen der Donnerstagsdemos. Seit 2018 organisiert EsRAP die Veranstaltungsreihe "Gürtel Squad", eine offene Bühne für Hip Hop, Rap und Straßenkultur. Im Sommer 2019 erschien das mit Spannung erwartete, erste Album "Tschuschistan" beim Berliner Label Springstoff - inklusive dem Ohrwurm "Der Tschusch ist da", in dem es heisst: "Nicht meine Fäuste, mein Rap ist mein Widerstand".
Lexikon der österreichischen Popmusik
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fempoem · 6 years
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gramgrxl · 7 years
EsRAP THe Özmen's RapDuo 325 years Celebration Day Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Academy Of Fine Arts Vienna #esrapofficial #AkademiederbildendenKünste #Wien #Vienna #AcademyOfFineArts http://ift.tt/2t5hzF4
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