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Burg Ranis, vorderes Burggebäude mit Hungerturm - Burg Ranis in Thüringen.
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
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Detail of the town hall bay window in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Many observers will probably be attracted at first glance by the fact that the entire bay window seems to rest on the shoulders of a bearded man, who is often considered to be the author of the building. This cantilever is so strongly reminiscent of the St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna that the beautiful Olomouc bay window is sometimes attributed to Anton Pilgram. Officially, however, the architect of the building is still unknown. Detail radničního arkýře v Olomouci. Mnohé pozorovatele pravděpodobně na první pohled zaujme fakt, že celý arkýř jakoby spočívá na ramenou vousatého muže, který bývá považován za autora stavby. Tato konzola natolik silně připomíná svatoštěpánský chrám ve Vídni, že bývá i krásný olomoucký arkýř někdy připisován Antonu Pilgramovi. Oficiálně je však architekt stavby nadále neznámý. Detail des Erkers des Rathauses in Olmütz, Tschechische Republik. Viele Betrachter werden wahrscheinlich auf den ersten Blick von der Tatsache angezogen, dass der gesamte Erker auf den Schultern eines bärtigen Mannes zu ruhen scheint, der oft als Urheber des Gebäudes angesehen wird. Dieser Ausleger erinnert so stark an den Stephansdom in Wien, dass der schöne Olmützer Erker manchmal Anton Pilgram zugeschrieben wird. Offiziell ist der Architekt des Gebäudes jedoch immer noch unbekannt. Деталь эркера ратуши в Оломоуце, Чешская Республика. Многих наблюдателей, вероятно, с первого взгляда привлечет тот факт, что весь эркер как бы покоится на плечах бородатого мужчины, которого часто считают автором здания. Эта консоль так сильно напоминает собор Святого Стефана в Вене, что прекрасный оломоуцкий эркер иногда приписывают Антону Пильграму. Однако официально архитектор здания до сих пор неизвестен. Détail de la baie vitrée de l'hôtel de ville d'Olomouc, République tchèque. De nombreux observateurs seront probablement frappés au premier abord par le fait que l'ensemble de la baie vitrée semble reposer sur les épaules d'un homme barbu, qui est souvent considéré comme l'auteur du bâtiment. Ce porte-à-faux rappelle si fortement la cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Vienne que la belle baie vitrée d'Olomouc est parfois attribuée à Anton Pilgram. Officiellement, cependant, l'architecte de l'édifice reste inconnu.
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lknapp · 7 months ago
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Bild des Tages: Detail von Schloss / Kloster Salem
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gutachter · 8 months ago
Mehr Energieeffizienz am Bau: "Langfristig Freude haben"
Augsburg: „…Beim Thema Energieeffizienz in der Baubranche herrscht viel Unsicherheit: Ein Finne macht mitten in Augsburg währenddessen ein denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude zum Vorzeigeprojekt – und bayerische Behörden wollen verstärkt informieren. Vielen Gebäuden im Augsburger Domviertel sieht man auf den ersten Blick ihre historische Bausubstanz an. Altbauten mit Sprossenfenstern und Fassaden voller…
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dinahjane97 · 1 year ago
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Small modern gray one-story exterior home image Small trendy gray one-story concrete exterior home photo
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raannt · 1 year ago
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Sun Room Medium Bonn Sunroom image from the middle of the 1960s with a wood stove, a tile fireplace, and a standard ceiling.
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notsureaboutnameyet · 2 years ago
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Traditional Exterior Image of a medium-sized, elegant white, two-story stucco home's exterior with a tile roof
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thisismysaintgallen · 2 years ago
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Lämmlisbrunnenstrasse | Saint Gallen | Switzerland #thisismysaintgallen #thisismyswitzerland #switzerland #schweiz #suisse #erker #erkerstadt #literaturstadt #architecture #architecturephotography #architektur #steinhauer #steinhauerphotography #stein #pan #greekmythology (hier: St. Gallen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoaHBD-qpHw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paneelgigant · 2 years ago
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Ons assortiment #rolgordijnen mogen we toch wel #uniek noemen! We hebben ze in werkelijk alle soorten uitvoeringen. Qua stof in #transparant, semi-transparant of #verduisterend! Wil je onze #baleinen bijvoorbeeld in aluminium of hout? In wit, zwart of een houtkleur? Vanaf 1cm tot 5cm in hoogte? Met ijzeren ketting of elektrisch? Bel ons en vraag vrijblijvend naar onze optie’s en prijzen! #erker #stijlvolwonen #strak #trend #adviesopmaat #mooiwonen #interieur #interieurinspiratie #interiordesign #interior #raaminspiratie #wooninspiratie #hetperfecteplaatje #raaminrichting #binnenkijker #wonen #raamdecoratie #woonkamer #binnenzonwering #zuidlimburg #parkstad #paneelgigant #0031623567396 (bij Bingelrade) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnRyg5DNmz0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cemyafilmarsiv · 10 months ago
Bir Zamanlar Anadolu Hisarı, Zehre Perizat Erker
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... çok doğal şartlarda, rahat imkanlarla büyüdük. Zaman her şeyi tahrip ettiği gibi, bu doğallıkları da ortadan kaldırdı. Bu hayatı yaşayarak, güzellikleri görerek, yavaş yavaş onlardan ayrılarak bugünlere geldik. @tarihtvcomtr
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dead-salmon · 3 months ago
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@rubencubed cowoworker just made it so much worse to pronounce thanks🫠
just realised there's an owo in coworker and now i can't properly pronounce it anymore
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Burg Ranis, vorderes Burggebäude. - Burg Ranis in Thüringen.
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whatevergreen · 7 months ago
That time police peed on food for hungry children...
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Bobby Seale Checks Food Bags, 1972 - Howard Erker
Free Breakfast for Children Program and The People's Free Food Program, 1969-1980.
In the early years up to 36 programs were running nationwide, feeding tens of thousands of children and poor families. The great success of this program was viewed as a threat by FBI director J Edgar Hoover:
"Hoover recognized that through the program the Panthers captured the loyalty of many black children by giving them free breakfasts. He was also angry that the breakfast program won liberal whites’ and moderate blacks’ support for the Panthers. Hoover perversely justified FBI attempts to destroy the program because it “is potentially the greatest threat to efforts by authorities to destroy what it [the Black Panther Party] stands for.” The FBI’s attempts to destroy the program included sending forged letters to stores to discourage them from donating food, spreading rumors that the food was poisoned, and even raiding sites while children ate."
And then there's such as this:
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Despite such as this, the programs continued helping people in need for many years.
The Seattle chapter of the Black Panther party was the last to hold out, members managing to continue the breakfast program until around 1980, even after the chapters own demise in 1977.
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The Black Panther's food programs directly led to the development of the national school breakfast program, and has inspired community based revivals ever since.
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Other less well known services also existed included a Free Shoe Program, and the People's Free Clothing Program which provided quality clothing to Black communities. This program helped children get winter clothing to attend school and helped adults find suitable attire when seeking employment.
Credit for some elements of this post goes to the People's City Council - Los Angeles (@PplsCityCouncil) / X
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milksockets · 11 months ago
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sara dash of labelle in a sterling-silver costume by larry legaspi + richard erker, c. 1973 in getting it on: the clothing of rock + roll - mablen jones (1987)
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gutachter · 2 years ago
Knapper Wohnraum: Das sind Münchens luxuriöseste Ein-Zimmer-Apartments
München: „…In München entsteht ein Gebäude, das kleine Apartments mit Design und Luxus verknüpft. Die Immobilienbranche erkennt einen Trend bei reichen Käufern. Das Gebäude mit der Kupferfassade und den vielen kleinen Erkern ist so luxuriös, dass hier sogar eine eigene Maßeinheit gilt. In dem Haus namens Van B, einer neuen Design-Immobilie zwischen Neuhausen, Schwabing und Maxvorstadt, rechnet…
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justinspoliticalcorner · 7 months ago
Donald Padgett at The Advocate:
A state investigation into the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital has expanded to target therapists and social workers who may have minors seeking gender-affirming care. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is seeking redacted or lightly redacted medical records of patients who received care at the facility. The state investigation of the center is one of many currently underway, including one by U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley. The move left the state’s trans and healthcare communities with concern over future access to gender-affirming care for transgender youth in the state, the Missouri Independent reported.
“The attorney general has created a hostile environment for medical providers where they are afraid to stay and practice medicine,” Katy Erker-Lynch, executive director of PROMO, an LGBTQ+ advocacy group in the state, said. Bailey is reviewing the records at the Missouri Division of Professional Registration which oversees the state’s medical licensing as part of the investigation. He had earlier targeted Planned Parenthood Great Plains and Children’s Mercy, a hospital in Kansas City. Bailey has reportedly interviewed 57 healthcare professionals in connection with the investigation. Licensed clinical social worker Kelly Storck spoke with senior investigator Nick McBroom as part of the investigation.
The Center earlier turned over a spreadsheet providing information regarding patients seeking gender-affirming care, including visits, medications, and other normally private information. The mother of one patient who received care at the Center, a 17-year-old trans boy named Levi, described the investigation as “invasive” and said it was causing unwarranted disruption in their lives. “The state has already basically disrupted our lives,” Becky Hormuth told the Independent. “They’ve disrupted our families, our children’s lives with the legislation that has passed. Then for him to continue going on is even more invasive and damaging.” After Missouri passed a ban on gender-affirming care for minors last year, Bailey issued an emergency rule banning similar care for trans adults as well. In the document laying out the policy, he said these treatments “lack solid evidentiary support” and “pose very serious side effects.” He withdrew the rule when state lawmakers acted. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, signed the ban into law in June. It was quickly challenged in court, but a judge allowed it to go into effect.
Missouri AG Andrew Bailey (R) continues his farcical investigation into gender-affirming care providers, extending his targets to therapists and social workers who assist minors in obtaining gender-affirming care.
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