#Era of the Queer Prince
zallencor · 9 months
As a budding author with no views, I just want someone to fan girl about my characters with me
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juvenilefrogg · 1 year
Alex would stream 1989tv and dance around in his bedroom idk why but I could just imagine this so vividly! So excited for 1989tv
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polariscreat3s · 2 months
Hi, you can call me Vale (not real name)
21 | he/him | trans | autistic | single | timezone: cest
★ Hashtags (personal, to keep my blog in order):
#vale rambles | #no return | #longing again | #act of creation | #weird nonsense | #childhood | #hand in hand | #on my knees | #bite me softly | #trans | #autistic | #queer | #eye problems | #reblog (can be art reblog, fic reblog, photo reblog etc) | #mail
★ Fandoms & hashtags:
#Avatar the last airbender (mainly Aang)
#Marauders/marauders era - Characters (mainly): Sirius, Remus, James, Regulus, Pandora, Lily, Barty, Evan, Marlene, Dorcas, Mary, Peter. Relationships (mainly): Wolfstar, Jegulus, Pandalily, Bartylily, Rosekiller, Dorlene. Other dynamics (mainly): Black brothers, James&Sirius, Remus&Lily, Regulus&Pandora.
#Treasure planet | #The little prince | #How to train your dragon | #Nimona | #The hunger games | #Adventure time | #Ninjago | #Dragonvale | #fandom (general)
★ Project hashtags:
#fic: the love that remains / #tltr
#story: death did us part (original)
DNI - If mean
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hillerskaroyals · 2 years
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terraether · 1 year
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no rules in breakable heaven // good heaven, make me cry for it
Taylor Swift at The Eras Tour // Tove Styrke in Show Me Love music video + The Birth Of Venus
X X X 
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apoppyforsorrow · 1 month
Meet the cast: Swain Cadwallader-Graafland (he/him)
A crown jewel in the Polterian royal family, Swain is the heir to the empire that never sees the sun set. Sharpened by art and sciences, he is making sure he is prepared for the role that was placed upon his shoulders. His engagement is the subject of rumours with the court, but he hasn't been seen with someone for years. But as always, there are a plethora of people he could choose from, as he gives everyone a fair chance to pique his interest.
--22 yo (29th of February, 1892)
--cis man/bi disaster
--born in Moghan, Polter
--currently living with his father Edward Cadwallader-Graafland, and his sister Theodosia Cadwallader-Graafland in Moghan, Polter
--189 cm (6.2")
--love interest
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applepieshy · 5 months
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I had an idea to redesign vox because I didn't love that a character obsessed with modernization would wear a top hat and bowtie. then after a brief stint into madness where I read my partner's historic costuming textbook I drew.... all this.
(side note: the idea of vox being a trans man who transitioned AFTER death was super compelling and absolutely inspired by @prince-liest so while this is not direct fanart of their series I wanted to give a shoutout anyway!!!)
okay some TRULY unhinged rambling about historic costume below the cut YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
1950s: for this design I very much did not want to go to the typical a-line housewife look, because I feel that is unfitting for vox's character. instead I went for a more business look, but there is still a level of femininity that he would have been expected to perform. i wanted to express his discomfort with that through the pose and expression, though at the time he wouldn't necessarily have a framework for why he hated it
1960s: this one was very fun. i loved the idea of vox beginning to eschew some of the expected feminine presentation, and he no longer wears makeup, jewelry, or hose (though its hard to tell in black & white); however, he's kind of at war with himself in this time period. he's obsessed with seeming perfect and having a respectable image, so he would not go in for the counter-culture movements that were so big in the 60s. he's still kind of riding those coattails though, pushing those boundaries while still not acknowledging his queerness.
1970s: to me, it was very important that the gender hit as he entered the world in color. in my mind the gender euphoria is physically manifested in a wizard of oz situation - he can become who he always has been. anyway, gender aside, I think it was very important to me personally that he wore an ascot. it was for my mental health.
1980s: I wanted the 1980s to be the period where he began to gain some power and notoriety because of the de-regulation of television during this period to allow more ads, mirroring real-world history. I think if the 70s were when vox gained some real confidence, the 80s are when he got an Ego (tm). "business casual" also began to become more acceptable in this time period, and the t-shirt/suit jacket combo was very important for me to include, as to me it epitomizes the commercialism and machismo of the 80s.
1990s: this was actually the decade I was the most nervous to design, and yet I think it turned out the best? the 90s are known for grunge, which I think is NOT vox's style at all. I decided instead to lean hard into the yuppie look, which I know is more associated with the 80s but was definitely still a thing in the 90s. I also allowed a little hip-hop influence in the form of a gold chain from val, which is not something I think vox would ever pick on his own.
2000s: if the 90s were the decade I was worried about and turned out great, the 2000s are the decade I thought I had down SO GOOD and then totally floundered in execution. I still love the bubble-mac inspired head, and I tried to make his clothes as "round" as possible. I also like that this is the time where his saturation got cranked. however, I don't know if I'm in love with the vest and super bright sneakers, because again, looking back on it, he kind of looks like he works at a movie theater or best buy or some shit lol,,,
2010s: I think it's telling that this is by far the closest to his canon design (2014 tumblr lookin ass). I really wanted to pull from that hipster tech bro era, but unfortunately that aesthetic has a veneration for "retro" which again, is not fitting for vox. I still think he would wear the bowtie during this time because, well... he sure does in the show!
2020s: this was fun because I had an excuse to pull from haute couture design rather than street fashion because of the introduction of velvette into his life. I truly do not think velvette would let vox and val walk around in the outfits that they do because it would be an actual embarrassment LMAO. for this, I wanted his decorative "robes" to be evocative of the time he depicted himself as a priest AND of a cape/robe of an emperor. he does think of himself as that bitch, after all.
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blradley · 1 month
A powerpoint introduction to Liesmyth!
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(I swear the next one will actually be in Comic Sans... shout out to @incandescent-creativity for popularizing this medium!)
Do you wanna read a dark, Norse-inspired Adult Fantasy?
Do you wanna read about queer gods causing mayhem?
(literally every single character is queer lmaooooo)
Do you wanna support a queer, multiply disabled author?
Look no further than Liesmyth! We're out on subs at the moment - so, pretty-please reblog this powerpoint if you like the concept! Let's prove to all those prospective publishers that there's an audience for my book!
Image IDs:
All eleven images are power point slides.
Image 1: Title card reading 'Liesmyth: or, how Sigyn ruined everything, by B. L. Radley'. The words are displayed over a person in (...vaguely) Viking-era garb, against a green background. Only a slice of their torso is visible.
Image 2: A picture of an ash tree against a green, cool, mountainous scene. In a yellow text box, words read: Welcome to a world inspired by Norse mythology, where witches can climb through the cosmos using the boughs of an ancient ash tree, and any magic is possible, so long as it is cast with a suitable sacrifice. Yes, it’s basically a Viking Isekai. Shoot me. Then, a quote in italics: I know an ash tree named Yggdrasil, Nine realms cradled in its loamy arms… Prophecy of the Voluspa, verse 19
Image 3: Meet the characters! An image shows a white woman in Viking-era dress, leaning against a fence, looking pensieve. She is introduced as Sigyn Narisdottir. Her quote is: “It’s a God-eat-God world out there…” Below this, there is a description of Sigyn, reading: Just a nice, normal Christian woman from a nice, normal Christian village. (Totally not a gay witch, haha no, why would you suggest such a thing.) After her father is killed by his own God, Þórr, Sigyn has only one chance to free his trapped ghost from eternal torment. She must confront Þórr and slay him in combat. But how can a mortal defeat a God? Traits are bullet pointed at the bottom of the page. Hers are: Ruthless, ambitious, cunning, and desperate.
Image 4: The next character description is of Loki. His quote is “Monsters lost their menace when they huddled crying in the corner. And when you might use them for your own ends.” His image shows a clean-shaven half-naked man sat against a scandinavian-esque backdrop of rugged rocks and dried grass. He is white, with curly red hair, and is looking curiously off to one side. His description reads: The savior of the Gods, or their bane? A framed innocent, or a prophesized murderer? A victim, or a monster? Loki is a man of juxtaposed polarities, not least of which being that he isn’t a man at all. At least, not when it doesn’t suit him. Sigyn knows he’s dangerous. But in the viper nest of Ásgarð’s royal court, he might be her only ally… or her downfall. His traits are: Sly, wily, and 'not to be trusted'.
Image 5: The two characters introduced on this slide are Freyja and Thor. Freyja's image is of an Arab woman staring directly at the camera, expression serene, curly hair falling around her face. Her quote is: “Goddess of beauty. Goddess of desire. All who saw Freyja fell a little in love—but though silken longing stirred in my belly, I wrung it dead, reminding myself that Freyja was a goddess of bloodshed, too.” Her description reads: Queen of the Vanir, Freyja is an ancient and powerful goddess who takes Sigyn as her indentured servant. Her traits are: Proud, cold, and vicious. On the opposite side of the page, Thor's image shows a white, bearded man in an iron helmet glaring into the camera, viking sigils scrawled across his face in charcoal. He is shadowy and menacing. His quote is: “I saw a rainbow flash over a church. I saw a broken sky. I saw the end of everything.” His description is: Eldest prince of the Æsir. Murderer of Sigyn’s father, and countless more beside. The living embodiment of berserker rage, he is the strongest god around – and next to inherit Ásgarð’s throne. Unless Sigyn can stop him. His traits are: Violent, mighty, and 'a storm made flesh'
Image 6: introduces Angrboda and Baldr. Angrboda's image shows a white woman with blonde braids, wearing chain mail and warpaint (black streaks over her face), with a huge axe over one shoulder. Her quote is: “ ‘Sigyn, meet Angrboða: witch of the Ironwoods, god of a lost nation, relic of an elder age, master of magics that not even my darling brother dares dabble in, cosmopolitan worldwalker, mother and father of my children, and—if I might say so—a practitioner of truly superlative strap-game.’ ” Baldr's image is of Assad Zaman, looking wistfully, beautifully, into the camera. His quote is: “Out strode the most beautiful man in all the Nine Worlds. His gentle smile, his topaz eyes, his black curls, the fawn velvet of his cheeks… Oh, warmth radiated from him. I looked at him and felt, for the first time in oh-so-very-long, safe.”
Image 7: introduces Saga and Menglod. Saga's image shows a Black woman in darkness, with facial tattoos and a nose ring. She raises her eyes to the camera, pulling back a dark hood, her expression difficult to read. Her quote is: “In another version of this tale, I stayed with Sága. We travelled to Ljósálfheim every winter—one for every six of Vanaheim’s years—and raised foundlings as our own (for ever were the elvish freer with their loves than those of my world). But in this tale, we reached Freyja’s palace, and I had a dream.” Her description is: Prophet, witch, worldwalker. The woman Sigyn left behind. Menglod's image shows a Black woman smiling slightly, slyly, as she looks back over her shoulder, her natural hair framing her face. Her quote is: “If I tended the hearth in Freyja’s chamber, I left ash on her floors. If I swept the ash, I left streaks invisible to any eyes but Menglǫð’s. If I breathed, I did so far too loudly and regularly, and if I were a considerate soul, I would stop.” Her description is: Freyja’s attendant, and Sigyn’s main rival for her favor.
Image 8: So, like, wtf happens? Set against a background of dramatic red-on-black fire is a description of the book's plot, as follows: Crumbling kingdoms. Hungering Gods. One woman who will end the worlds. Loki, Norse god of fire and mischief, will be tortured until the end of time. And he shall deserve every minute. At least, that’s how the story goes. Behind every great man is a great woman, and behind every genderfluid trickster-god is a spouse who darns his socks, plots his victories and keeps his secrets, as well as her own. After a thousand years of agony, Loki looks to the woman who kneels by his side – his jailer, his torturer, his wife – and asks for a different story. Hers.
Image 9: a continuation of the plot from the previous slide, this time with a cool blue lake as the background, with a viking-style ship floating atop its surface. The image feels less calming, more unnerving in its stillness and the lack of human life. The description reads as follows: Down with the gods. So swore Sigyn, a young mortal woman, after watching her father die at godly hands. One millennium later, she has joined the same pantheon she once despised. Now, as Ragnarǫk approaches – the end of all Nine Worlds – Sigyn narrates the tale of the Norse Gods’ fall, and her own.
Image 10: Themes. A picture of two crossed axes accompanies a list of themes, which are: 1) Revenge. What is a life worth? And what would you give up, to avenge the life of someone you love? 2) Corruption. Can you ever fix a broken system from the inside? Or will it, inevitably, consume you? and 3) Divinity. What does it mean, to become a god? What might you lose along the way?
Image 11: A picture of Loki as a woman, with red hair, dressed in a Viking-style dress and sat on the edge of a Scandinavian dock, accompanies text that reads: This book is for you if you like... Queer-led, queer-written fantasy, with main wlw and nonbinary characters! Court drama and political intrigue, mixed with a sizzling dash of mythology! A prophecy that cannot be averted; a tragedy that cannot be outrun…
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bengiyo · 3 months
Meet You at the Blossom Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we're in an era of peace and prosperity after one prince ousted another. We're following a rich goofball who can't impress a woman that has decided that the hot lady he ran into will be his wife. This lady happens to be the son of the leader of the ousted faction (I think), and he is on a mission. We left at Huaien being attacked again, and getting hit with some kind of aphrodisiac.
What an awkward way to get your gender assumption corrected.
I appreciate this show not being coy about what's going down. They even gave us a hand clasp.
Goddamn. He fucked that man so hard he put him in a coma for two days???
What did they hit Huaien with that he's still trying to sweat it out days later?
I love that Huaien is in a high-stakes political game, and Xiaobao is just trying to secure a wife.
Wow having this man choke on a grape while unable to forget about the man who touched him is a phenomenal joke.
Oh good, someone competent and capable of confronting Xiaobao. Hello, Su Yin.
It looks cold where they're filming this.
Damn, Su Yin, you ain't have to shade Xiaobao like that.
Who is this enemy that Su Yin is worried about?
Papa Jin is decently smart. I'm intrigued.
Wow, my dude Xiaobao is processing this queer awakening pretty well. I can see why the narrative would take control away from Huaien to get him into this situation.
Oof, Huaien has intense issues.
Every time we cut back to people being super serious about the power struggle for rule of the nation I am so amused by Xiaobao.
Okay, I'm here for this. I love that our viewpoint character barely cares about the politics and is focused mostly on his confusing romance. Everyone is also very pretty, and the supporting cast play well in their scenes.
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1dcommunityficrecs · 7 months
Historical AUs!
We have 26 incredible fics submitted to this list, stretching from the fifth century up to the 1990s. We have stories that fit into just over 2,000 words, and others that are more than 200,000! This list includes one LiLo fic, and we also have our first ever non-English rec, with a French language fic -- truly the language of love.
To all my fellow history lovers, it's time to go apeshit. Read, reblog, comment, kudos, bookmark, tell your friends, all that jazz -- your local fanfic writer appreciates it!
Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds (88649, Not Rated, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Violence, bullying, homophobia, slurs
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
Reccer says: The beautifully chosen words, the captivating story, the queer joy!!!
Unrequited by babyhoneyhslt (144000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Omega Prince Harry is send to France to marry Prince Louis, but instead of the nice boy he knew when they were children, he is met with a cold and distant husband and no idea as to why.
Reccer says: It was so interesting to follow along with this and try to figure out why Louis was behaving this way. And then later see them fall in love. Really liked it and can't recommend it enough.
Danger I can’t hide by CelticSky (227290, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: War, homophobia
Flying Officer Styles and Sergeant Tomlinson would have likely never crossed paths in a time of peace, their lives laid out neatly, predictably before them. But then the world became unrecognisable. Too soon they grew accustomed to fear, surrounded by death and destruction, not even their freedom a certainty any more. Until they found each other. Comfort. Companionship. Understanding. Another person to lose.
Reccer says: It's one of those fics that I'd describe as monumental, masterful, epic. In my opinion, it should be made into a film, and brought to everyone's attention. The script is brilliant and relentless. The characters are subtle and nuanced. The writing is exemplary. A masterpiece.
Secrets in Winter by softfonds (82582, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
If Harry Styles thought he was going to have a peaceful winter while staying far away from the rake who lived across the street, he was sorely wrong on two fronts. A Victorian AU.
Reccer says: I loved the plot and the character development of the main pairing.
A cycle of recycled revenge by Brokenbeaks (103302, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Foxburgh, England, 1983. In the heat of summer, wreathed by pastures, rolling knolls, and thatched-roof cottages, Louis takes on a new job: caretaking for a recently blinded man named Harry. As it begins, what seems like a simple task turns into a quest that costs him every last bit of his pride and tolerance. Harry is, in practice, a two-legged curse. And Louis is just gonna have to put up with it. Or: The one where Harry likes to infuriate Louis almost as much as he enjoys straddling his lap.
Reccer says: Absolutely excellent. I was a bit worried about how Harry's blindness would be handled, but it was done wonderfully. Perfect fic. Perfect writing. Perfect plot.
Through Lonely Streets and Neon Lights by Sweetly_disposed (25107, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
1920's era, Great Gatsby inspired. Harry is a poor boy living in the South Village. Every night he watches the North City come alive and longs of crossing the river to be a part of it and escape his dreary life. The infamous Mr Tomlinson lives across the river from Harry. His parties are the stuff of legend; people on both sides know about them, and all Harry wants is a chance to go to one. When fate swings his way and he finds himself in Mr Tomlinson's house, he gets much more than he could ever have bargained for.
Reccer says:
Chasing empty spaces by Lis (Domesticharry) (79028, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
The year is 1934 and Harry Styles was to inherent the largest tobacco firm in the south. His parents have picked out the “perfect” girl for him to marry and he has the privilege of receiving the highest education possible. The problem was, Harry hadn’t realized he didn’t actually want any part of that future until he met a mechanic named, Louis Tomlinson.
Reccer says: This fic is simply magnificent. A must read
An invincible Summer by Brooklyn_Babylon (44627, Explicit, Harry Styles Louis Tomlinson)
Never content to stay in one place for long, a few months down south researching for his novel seemed like an idyllic, slow-paced summer to Louis. He wasn't ready for the blistering heat, the backbreaking work of watermelon picking, or how stifling the attitudes in rural Georgia would feel. And he definitely hadn’t anticipated falling in love with the farmer’s son. The summer of 1946 would turn out to be everything worth writing about.
Reccer says:
Box of Rain by Indierection (amandamoraisa) (26631, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
1970 AU, Louis is a boxer and Harry a ring boy
Reccer says: The era is well transcribed (the way of life, the music), and the story is very charming.
Cela aussi passera (French-language fic) by Hazzunah (110721, Not Rated, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
1993: Louis is 16. It's summertime, by a lake in France. He meets Harry. 1999: Louis is in Japan; he hasn't seen Harry for 6 years, since that fateful summer. He thought he'd lost him forever.
Reccer says: For years, I've been reading only in English, but there's still the odd French fic that I come across that's really good. "This too shall pass" is one of them. It's set in the 90s, it's beautifully written, it's moving, and the characters are well characterized. For me, it's a gem. So I recommend it. For anyone who can read in French.
You Make The World Taste Better by LiveLaughLoveLarry/loveislarryislove (10000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Harassment and threats from the rival baker, culminating in physical violence and a grisly end in keeping with the fairy tale
A twist on Hansel and Gretel as a rivalry between bakers, based on Hans Traxler’s fictional non-fictional text "The Truth About Hansel and Gretel"
Reccer says: This fic is such a wild adaptation of a story almost everyone knows, capturing both the sweet (literally, since Harry is a baker haha) elements and also the darkness of the tale.
No One Like You by myownspark (20000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles were noted painters in the 19th century. Louis was a Neoclassicist, Harry a Romantic -- totally different, nothing in common, no connection. But centuries later, art historians Niall and Liam find something that suggests perhaps the two were more intertwined than people think.
Reccer says: I love the parallel timelines, watching Louis and Harry's relationship develop and fracture and heal at the same time as watching Niall and Liam discover things. We see pieces of history they're trying to puzzle together, and then we see the history as it happened, what it really was and what it meant to them.
Bloom by LadyAJ_13 (28909, Teen, Liam Payne/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Non-graphic violence, period-typical attitudes
In early 1970s Oxford, Detective Sergeant Louis Tomlinson has to deal with the dual pressures of a case that hits too close to home, and the arrival of new colleague Liam Payne.
Reccer says: This was an incredible, atmospheric, moody historical mystery fic. Topped off with a lovely, happy ending that had me tearing up.
Under Electric Candlelight by littleroverlouis (5051, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
In the 1970s, small town veterinarian Louis moves to NYC and meets a beauty at the bar named H who sometimes goes by Lola.
Reccer says: So immersive you feel like you're in 1970s Manhattan. The characters are truly electric and lovely.
this is my jam by disgruntledkittenface (4513, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry goes to a gay bathhouse for the first time. 90s AU.
Reccer says: This story is so much more than it first appears. I could feel the atmosphere and the emotion of the moment of the characters finding a freedom that didn't exist for them outside of the bathhouse's walls. It's an absolutely beautiful (and hot) exploration of such a specific time and place. So layered and thoughtful and hopeful and real.
After Dark, After Light by QuickedWeen (71440, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Kidnapping, battlefield
Louis Tomlinson is the mysterious commander of the Sutherland army sent back with Harry on orders from his laird to help shore up Clan Edwards' defenses. As the winter draws nearer by the day, the two are thrown together to prepare for the invasion that they expect as soon as the ground thaws.
Reccer says: This fic just sweeps you away to the Scottish Highlands! Such a fun historical romance!
the sanctity of patience by scrunchyharry (22521, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
When young Lord Harry was chosen by King Louis of Bavaria to become his husband and prince consort, Harry thought all of his dreams had come through. His illusions came crashing down when he understood it meant living in isolation in the alpine castle of Neuschwanstein with a husband who turned out to be far from what he had hoped for.
Reccer says: The writing is gorgeous and immersive. The characters are so vivid and I loved the way their journey to love played out.
Ace of Spades by allwaswell16 (78000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: depictions of violence, drug use
Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
Reccer says: Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. The plot twists! The suspense! The intrigue!
Adore You by Isthatyoularry (66979, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Arrange marriage AU, Harry initially hates Louis and their arrangement but goes along with it for the summer. Louis is perfect for him tho, as much as harry hates to admit it. They last.
Reccer says: The word building. Stubborn harry. Pining louis. Catching feelings. Hate to love.
We Can Find a Place to Feel Good by yeah_alright/uhoh-but-yeah-alright (8000, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
1960s AU inspired by Treat People With Kindness. Harry attends school dances over the years, meeting Louis and learning more about himself and what he loves.
Reccer says: Just so completely sweet and hopeful! Captures the vibe of the song so well!
The Garden Part 1 by Throwthemflowers/hazzabeeforlou (13000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Major character death, war
Biblical AU - 5th Century. A prince (Louis) falls in love with his father’s musician (Harry) in the midst of war.
Reccer says: This story is so hard to describe (it's Part 1 of a truly incredible 3-part series) but it's intense and brilliant and epic. The love here is all consuming and it comes through in the writing. Completely unique.
Ever Since I Tried Your Way by fairytalefemme (25896, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: internalized homophobia
40s/50s AU. Harry leaves his bride-to-be at the altar, runs away from his life, and finds a kind farmer who lets him stay.
Reccer says: Such a sweet, tender exploration of love and self.
With Words Unspoken by jacaranda_bloom (18000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Older Louis and Harry. 50ish Louis returns to a cabin he'd visited many years before and it's a hippie commune type place where he finds Harry.
Reccer says: It just made me SO HAPPY. Peaceful and lovely.
1957: here to take my medicine by zita17/louisandtheaquarian (2652, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Beat poets Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles blow off some steam before a reading.
Reccer says: Literally transports you to this particular time and place. And so so hot.
The murmur of yearning by Mediawhore (93300, Mature, Harry Styles/ Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Rape/non-con attempts, death of character, slurs etc
Harry upon the death of his husband he was forced to marry find companionship and support in the arms of Land steward mr. tomlinson. Together they try to prove harry didnt murder his husband.
Reccer says: Regency era. Dark academia. Mystery and suspense. Forbidden love trope. The angst and mutual pining. Harry in corsets!
Love you in the dark by Perzikze (9225, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Dubious consent i think, loss of virginity
Story of a historical wedding night. Innocent Harry has no idea what goes down during the wedding night; Louis eases him through it.
Reccer says: Innocent harry. Supportive Louis. It's adorable and sexy at once!
Stay tuned for the next list theme! It's similar... but different... ;)
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bitethehnd · 7 months
I loved loved love the "miss americana and the heartbreak prince !" thing you wrote, could you do one for Naomi too?
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*₊˚ ♫ 𖦹 lavender haze !
pairing : naomi mcpherson x popstar!reader
cw : basically just taylor swift!reader (obvs no physical appearance description), all fluff!
julien’s version 💜
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i think reader and naomi met in a different way than the julien x popstar!reader did (that fic linked before the cut <3)
you and naomi met when you asked muna to open for you at the eras tour. you were planning to release midnights very soon, so you and your team were setting up your next tour. since the tour was going to be super long, you had to have many openers, but muna was your top pick
you had been a secret fan of muna for so long. when you had first come to terms with your queerness all those years ago, their songs were the ones to help you accept yourself while also dealing with the spotlight of being a famous singer
right after the release of one of your biggest albums, 1989, it had been leaked to the public that you were dating your best friend secret girlfriend. the media went into a frenzy, being constantly bombarded with homophobic rhetoric of the world. you disappeared for a whole year, to which no one even saw your face, but then clapped back with reputation. your career boomed after that, and you were adored by so many people yet again
naomi, and the rest of muna, had also been a big fan of yours for years. they loved how you so freely accepted yourself, even when the media tried to take you down, and you didn’t care what anyone thought. you were the biggest queer artist in the world and it showed
as you were contacting your pick of openers for the eras tour, muna was the first your team emailed. the band replied back within the day, saying they would be honored to perform for you, and the deal was set
you definitely wanted to meet them before the tour started, so you sneakily got their numbers and asked if they would want to come over and have lunch. you said it was in the premise of getting to know them, but you really just wanted to meet your favorite band
they of course agreed to lunch and the next day they came over. you considered asked phoebe to join you, since she was also another opener and a close friend of yours, but decided against it
the lunch went amazing, to your surprise. they were lovely people. all of you had more in common than you previously thought. you gushed about their music and vice versa
there was some underlying tension between you and naomi from the beginning. as soon as they walked through your door, they greeted you with a tight hug. you could feel the outline of their muscles through their shirt, and they could feel your chest pressing up against their abdominal. it drove you crazy from the start but neither of you said anything. you didn’t want to complicate things for the tour by flirting with them while they thought you were just being friendly
and just like that, you guys all became great friends. there was a groupchat made that you all texted in daily. you gave them updates on midnights and the eras tour while they gave you updates on their own tour
when you were at the studio finishing the final touches on your song ‘vigilante shit,’ you just couldn’t get the guitar right. every single combination of chords you tried didn’t sound right. you complained to them about it in your groupchat and naomi offered to come in and help you. you obviously said yes, and they made their way to your recording studio
when naomi got to your studio, you two immediately got to work. you sang the lyrics to give them an idea of the vibe of the song. as you sang, you both held eye contact with each other the whole time. the song had undertones of sexual references and it made the tension in the room amplify. as soon as you were done, naomi played a riff on their guitar for a starting point. your eyes immediately widened and you loved it. you both worked until the song was perfected, even getting naomi to sing some backing vocals for you
when midnights was released the next week, fans went crazy when they found out naomi was the one playing the guitar in the background of your vocals. rumors immediately started circling but neither of you mentioned it, too scared to make the other uncomfortable in anyway
flash forward to when the eras tour was announced. naomi reposted so many pictures of the announcement and raved about you nonstop. it made you laugh but also a bit flustered. you and all your openers were just so excited to get started
muna and paramore opened for the first night of your tour in arizona (okay i know muna didn’t open that show but let a girl be delusional). paramore was obviously fucking amazing i’m a slut for haley williams and then muna went on after. you watched from right behind the stage and danced the whole time. you couldn’t keep your eyes off of naomi’s fingers. the way they plucked the guitar made you hot in the face
you pushed your thoughts away as you went on next and sang your heart out. you started crying on stage from all the cheering and love you felt
as the tour progressed and the more time you spent with naomi, it kept getting more difficult to contain yourself. you had never felt this much yearning in your life. from the way they made your cheeks hurt from laughing so much to how they looked while they gazed down at you with soft eyes, you were whipped. it kept getting harder and harder to be professional
it was a couple shows into the tour and you started to feel the exhaust creeping up. you had to keep a certain persona one while on stage, but when you were no longer in front of a stadium full of people, you collapsed. at that moment, you were sprawled on the couch in your dressing room, trying to take your platform boots off. as if they knew you needed them, naomi knocked on the door and walked into the room
you gave them an exhausted smile, still struggling with the shoes. “need some help there, sweetheart?” they laughed out in amusement. you gave them a deadpan look and they chuckled again, kneeling in front of you to tug your boots off. after the horrendous things were off your feet, you leaned back on the couch with a satisfied sigh. naomi stayed kneeling in front of you, massaging your tired legs
“what’re you doing?” you whispered out. “just helping you relax. you put too much stress on yourself, princess.” you felt your ears heat up at all the pet names. they had always called you those sweet things, but in your tired state, it was affecting you more
“mmh, come here,” you groaned and held your arms out. they laughed and obeyed your request, sitting down next to you on the couch and pulling you into their chest. you let out a hum and snuggled into them. they gazed down at you with affection that you couldn’t see
eventually, you opened your eyes and looked up at them. you were surprised to see them already looking at you. “what?” “nothing. you just look pretty, is all,” they said and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. you scoffed, “shut up. i’m all sweaty and gross.” “still pretty.”
you didn’t know what to say next, so you just looked up at them. you both just stared at each other for a moment. you leaned in and naomi leaned in, neither taking action. but naomi made the decision for both of you, pressing their soft lips against yours. you had no time to contemplate the consequences, giving in and kissing them back fiercely. they smirked into your mouth at your desperation and deepened the kiss, pushing their tongue into your mouth
you suddenly pulled away. “wait, wait, wait.” “what? did i do something wrong?” you wanted to coo at naomi’s thoughtfulness. “no, nom, it’s not that. i just… don’t what this to affect the tour, y’know?” they nodded in understanding. “yeah, i get it. but i like you, sweetheart. i really, really like you. and if you don’t feel the same, we can forget this ever happened and—” you cut naomi’s rambling off with a kiss on their lips, effectively shutting them up. “i like you too.”
and with that, you two started to try to work things out. it was a slow start, since you two were in the midst of a tour, but it was nice. you had never felt this kind of connection before. with naomi's dirty jokes that always made you giggle a bit before smacking their shoulder, or the way they snuck into your tour bus almost every night
by the middle of the tour, you two were in full blown honeymoon stage. sure, it was quick, but you two spent almost every waking moment together. okay maybe you guys were u-haul lesbians
no one knew you two were a couple except for a handful of people. it was nice for a while, getting your privacy from the watchful eyes, but you both wanted to show each other off. maybe you two would post subtle pictures on your stories or hold hands while getting coffee at a rest stop. i can so see naomi posting a photo of just your hands, their fingers interlaced with yours with a little heart next to them. fans definitely notice your eras tour colored nails and instantly know it’s you. twitter goes WILDDD
singing directly to them while they sit in the vip section during love songs ('lover,' 'lavender haze,' 'cruel summer,' 'enchanted,' 'new romantics') <333 naomi knows the songs are about your exes but it doesn't matter, because now they have a new meaning. and also making side eyes at them during horny songs ('i can see you,' 'false god,' 'so it goes...'). they lose their shit every time you perform 'vigilante shit.' like they see you do the chair dance every show, but it still gets them. jo definitely takes pictures of naomi's face every time 😭
sometimes you bring muna on for certain songs. like if you feature them in some of your vault tracks (they give 1989 vibes but maybe that's just me). like dancing up against naomi during the song being horny on the mainnn and people eat it up. the internet exclusively refers to you guys as mother and father
you definitely let them pick your surprise songs. like they make a subtle suggestion and it's immediately being on the list for the night
phoebe and jo being disgusted by you guys but katie, lucy and julien think it's absolutely adorable. like maybe you two are cuddling up on the couch while the others are also there, giggling to yourselves quietly. phoebe literally saying "at this point just fuck" and jo starts laughing hysterically. katie and lucy slapping them on the shoulders while julien tries to hide her quiet giggles. naomi smirks and wiggles their eyebrows at the suggestion, to which you shove their face playfully
there are so many photos of you posing in your glittery bodysuits, naomi's hand always on your ass. they can't help it; the tights make your legs look amazing
you were known to be quite the schemer. you dropped easter eggs for your next project in almost everything. soon enough, naomi joins in on the shenanigans since you obviously tell them all your next moves. in every gayotic episode they say something sneaky with a giddy smile on their face. most of the time jo and katie aren't even in on it and they just end up as confused as everyone else
once the u.s. leg of your tour is over, you take a much needed break for about a year. during this time, you attend so many of muna's solo concerts. fans always spot you in the vip dancing and singing along to their songs. you two are so cute fr
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 days
What IS this "friend of Dorothy" theory? I know it's connected to the wizard of Oz and over the rainbow as gay symbols or something, but I'm otherwise clueless...
Thanks for stopping by and asking - you’ve given me the perfect place to talk queer history 😎🤓
So a friend of Dorothy is LGBTQ+ slang for a gay man.
It’s precise origins and use as an lgbtq term isn’t fully know but it is believed to predate the 1939 Wizard of Oz movie. The theory is that its use came about based on several references in the original Frank Baum books the film is based on (which if you haven’t read I highly recommend), espeically the second one - the road to Oz. In that book, Dorothy’s friends are described as queer and her reply to that comment is that queerness doesn’t matter as long as they’re friends. There is possible innuendo related to the scarecrow when he comments that you can go both ways along the yellow brick road (his line is ‘of course some people go both ways’). And the princess Ozma in the books is viewed as one of the first transgender character in literature (it’s too long to go into in detail but basically ozma is given to a witch - mombi- who transforms her into a boy called Tip so that the rightful heir to the oz throne is usurped.
The 1939 film can be argued to take things further - all of Dorothy’s three friends have queer attributes - for example the cowardly lion is a dandy lion (which is a play on Dandelions the flower, but also on the dandy - a specific type of man that became a thing in the regency (1800’s) era and transformed men’s fashion. Beau Brummell was a major force in the development of the dandy look. He was very close friends with the prince regent of England and it is rumoured the two were lovers (there is plenty of circumstantial evidence but no official proof has come to light and the royal family keep a lot of that information under wraps if it wasn’t previously destroyed) until their very public falling out!). Other things that contribute are the change from black and white to colour in the film - which was done in large part as a way of showcasing the new Technicolor technology, but can also be viewed as a metaphor for Dorothy escaping the black and white morally rigid small town she came from and ending up in city in a world full of colour with friends equally as colourful. The song over the rainbow became a queer anthem after the films release and in part (the fact she was also one of the first stars to have her life splashed over the tabloid press in gory detail and was othered because of it was also a part of it - along with her intense stage fright and deep self doubt about her talent whilst simultaneously being an electric and absorbing performer when onstage) led to Judy garland becoming a queer icon (something she embraced) and the rainbow from the wizard of oz and from that song was a contributing factor in the adoption of the rainbow flag as a symbol of the gay community and then the wider lgbtq community (and that hs obviously developed further into the progress pride flag we have today).
Because in a pre stonewall world (stonewall happened in the days immediately after Judy’s death - it’s never been fully stated as the reason for the riots, but it may well have been a contributing spark that help ignite them), Judy had become a gay icon through ‘over the rainbow’ and the wizard of oz, her concerts were a way for gay men to meet and thus referring to themselves as a friend of Dorothy’s as a way of subtly letting other know their sexuality with a greatly reduced risk of persecution. I could go much more into Judy garlands backstory because it’s fascinating and very much related to queerness in Hollywood but I don’t have the time to right now - I recommend looking into it though there are a couple of great biographies on her or there are many documentaries that look at her life!
I hope that’s helped 😎💜
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thistlecatfics · 2 months
Thistlecat Summer Fic Recs
After a bit of a fic reading drought (and some binge purchasing books), I've been finally getting back into reading fic. Here are some I've been enjoying this summer.
Come Healing by BrujaBanter (46k, E, wolfstar)
They'd never quite intended for kink to be anything more than fun. Then, Sirius went to Azkaban. He comes out a different man, and Remus wonders if they might just use kink for some other purposes as well. In the process, he does some healing of his own. OR The ways of breaking, reuniting, and healing through sex.
It's a kink porn with lots of plot fic! I'm normally so picky about Dom Remus/sub Sirius fics because they tend to go with a fanon characterization that doesn't work for me but this one *absolutely* works for me. Canon divergent with a happy ending <3
your heart is heavy and red by moon_seas (1k, E, wolfstar)
Sirius has Remus on his back moaning beneath him and it’s almost enough, almost.
Not much to say about this one except it's super hot wolfstar (c)nc and if that description interests you then you'll be into this delicious little fic.
hold you, enfold you by iamsiriuslyriddikulus (9k, E, lesbian wolfstar)
“Remus,” the woman says. “Nice to meet you… ?” It’s a nice name, Remus—one that suits her. Sirius nods and belatedly realizes she has to answer. “Sirius.” She holds Remus’s gaze with a feral intensity, hoping something in her recognizes that they are the same. - - - OR: On a summer day in the South in 2001, Sirius Black went on a campus tour of the conservative college she would attend in the fall, expecting to be bored out of her mind. No one told her the tour guide was going to be hot—brown curls and snake bites and freckles and visibly queer. She stood out against the manicured hedges, a sharp contrast to the traditional values of everyone around Sirius. What followed was one long day of sticky summer heat and a house party that changed the course of her life. Poor Evan never stood a chance.
@fvckyouimaprophet sets such an incredible immersive scene of an elite southern university and utterly sucks you in. This fic swept me up into that heady feeling of being a baby gay in queer spaces for the first time. It's like the time of your life you feel most yourself (can I show the real me??) and most conscious of your performance at the same time (I need to pretend I know what I'm doing!). Plus, lesbian Sirius is everything to me <3
Other marauders era characters/ships:
A Slow and Stopping Curve by aegle (16k, M, remadora)
Concerning Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. Set during Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince.
Gorgeous canon-compliant Remus/Tonks.
i hope this comes back to haunt you by humanveil (29k, M, gen)
Severus Snape, from first curse to first kill. Or: The making of a Death Eater.
It's been a while since I read something Snape-centric, and this is SO good and gives such a clear through line on his character. His relationship with his mother is incredible in particular.
the tiger's lady by basketofnovas (slashmarks) (5k, T, bellamort)
In early 1974, one of Bellatrix's sisters is getting married, the other is pregnant, and Bellatrix is occupied with making sure the war escalates as planned. But a story from the Dark Lord reminds her of other concerns.
I always love @slashmarks's Bellatrix, and the portrayal of the mix of intense magical devotion and mundane domestic violence that is the bellamort relationship is particularly sharp and arresting.
Drarry & Drarry adjacent:
Way to go, Tiger by houndsinheaven (2k, G, Draco & Scorpius (& Harry))
Scorpius Malfoy's seventh birthday.
I'm not normally one for kidfic but my goodness I cried. Good dad Draco.
Closing Time by Anonymous for MaesterChill (18k, E, drarry)
Draco’s been invited to Neville’s stag party in Bristol, and he's confident he knows what to expect. There’ll be too many Gryffindors, for starters, plus a few humiliating team-building activities, some dodgy clubs, and a truly preposterous level of alcohol consumption. But… a drunken Harry Potter climbing into Draco's bed when he’s having a wank? No, he definitely didn't see that coming…
(For HD wireless, not yet revealed) This fic is so much fun! This feels quintessentially drarry to me - they all feel so young and human. For whatever reason I need all of my drarry fics to have someone to have a complicated relationship with alcohol, and this delivers!
If you have similar reading tastes and want more of my recs, check out my bookmarks and collections on ao3 <3
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Midnights is defined by duality: The story of an unreliable narrator and performance art (Part 1)
One year on, I think I've finally figured out what midnights is about. And it might surprise you.
The midnights album has just celebrated its first anniversary. And having listened to these songs for the last 12 months, staying up late to watch live streams of the Eras tour, and at times being unable to escape news about Taylor on every medium, I finally have an idea that makes all of this make sense: This is Taylor's duality era. And she wants us to notice. Join me on the ride if you want to know more :)
I made a post a few weeks ago about how the Midnights aesthetic has the ‘two Taylors’ duology: Private vs public, which is the lead theme that carries over into the music and most recently also into her public image. Midnights had a mismatched visual to it from the very beginning with the depressed 70s look (announcement photo and vinyl covers) and the glamourous midnight blue (cover image and public appearances).
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The two Taylors in the Anti Hero mv really drove home the message for me that this album is about two versions of the same story, and Taylor is the writer and narrator. And while I'm sure that these two versions have existed for a lot longer than the midnights era, they have not previously been so prominently next to each other. In fact, the very point of having the public narrative, is to keep Taylor's private life out of the public eye. She has never shied away from providing the 'stories' that her fans want to see in order to relate to her music, and as the girl that made her fame with songs about heartbreak and fairytale princes, that usually meant being seen with a man that these songs could be attributed to. And she made sure people would make the connection, be it with scarves that change ownership, or foxes on shirts:
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(Btw you can't deny how effective this was, with just a few photos she managed to hang an entire album on each of these men!)
So, acting is not new to Taylor. In addition to appearing in a few feature films and TV shows since 2010, she's done this public performance for well over a decade now. And she has been vocal in recent years about her intention to go into filmmaking, so we know she's able to tell stories in multiple ways. She's a storyteller first and foremost, maybe the best of our generation. But is she a reliable narrator?
What does 'unreliable narrator' mean?
A story told by a so-called unreliable narrator, is usually a first person narration, where it turns out that the person telling the story was either lying or in some other way unable to give a truthful account of events (e.g. hallucinating or dreaming). That usually means that the audience is left with having to interpret for themselves what really happened and what was real or not real. Famous examples of this kind of storytelling are the 2010 psycho thriller 'Black Swan' with Natalie Portman, or the YA novel 'We were liars' by E. Lockhart. If you like stories that leave you guessing, check those out ;)
So, why is Taylor an unreliable narrator? For those fans that have paid attention to her lyrics, it has long been evident that her songwriting and public narrative don't match up. The most obvious theme being her 17-year run of writing songs about secret relationships and hiding, while she was parading men around in public to be photographed with. But, as we know, most people ignore it because it's just easier than digging deeper into lyrics. But now with Midnights, I'm starting to think she wants people to notice the duality and start to question her narrative. The sheer number of songs on that album that have strong double meaning or draw attention to lying or distorting the truth is astonishing: Right out the gate with track 1 we have Lavender Haze, a pretty loud song about bearding using the very well established queer reference of lavender. (And maybe she leaned out of the window a little too far with that title, because we all know the gaylor uproar was so loud when the title was revealed, that she had to backpedal and hetsplain it.) Immediately followed by Maroon, the song that has probably singlehandedly turned the most swifties into gaylors since Bettygate of 2020... Then on to Anti Hero, the ultimate duality song that also makes mention of lying and scheming, same as Mastermind. High Infidelity and You're Losing Me join the ranks of songs that look like they are about romantic relationships on the surface, but could also be interpreted to be about Taylor's relationship with fame and her fans. High Infidelity is a play on words of the term High Fidelity or HIFI, which is a 90s sound technology that refers to truthful reproduction of sound. High INfidelity is therefore a genius way of referring to both cheating and unfaithful reproduction of sound, almost like someone who makes music that isn't quite truthful... We also know from Aaron Dessner that this song was written following the 2021 Grammys and in the light of the whole William Bowery grammygate situation... I think there is point to be made about this song drawing attention to lying in a big way.
The timing of the release of You're losing me right around the time that her breakup with Joe made the news also feeds the narrative of a breakup song. But in this very 'breakup song' she says You say, "I don't understand," and I say, "I know you don't" and talks about sending signals that fall on deaf ears. Doesn't that sound an awful lot like 'I gave so many signs'? What does she know the addressee won't understand? Is it that when she finally reveals all her lies 90% of her fans will be shocked to their very core? On the exclusive CD version that has this track on it, it also immediately follows Dear Reader which on the track list looks like this:
Dear Reader You're Losing me (Does that look like a message? I think it does...)
By the time we make it to Dear Reader, she's basically told us 'I'm a liar who hides behind fake lavender relationships who charms everyone like a sleezy congressman, I'm the narcissistic Anti Hero you can't trust who schemes like a criminal and plans out everything like the puppet master I am, just so you like me and therefore you shouldn't look up to me, but I know you still will.' If that doesn't scream 'I want you to question everything I say or do' I don't know what does. Which brings us to performance art.
What is performance art?
Performance art is any kind of visual art that involves a dramatic performance aspect. To explain how this relates to Taylor and who she may have taken inspiration from, I refer to the brilliant Kristina Parro on TikTok:
Ok, groundwork is laid, but this is getting too long. Part 2 will be relating this to upcoming music releases and media coverage but that will have to wait til tomorrow.
As always, thanks for humouring me guys!
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an incomplete timeline of the marauders fandom
1999 - Prisoner of Azkaban is released - Wolfstar is born
2003 - Order of the Phoenix is released - WOLFSTAR
The case for R/S - an essay analysing all of Remus and Sirius' canon interactions and making the argument that they're canonically together
2004 - The Shoebox Project - wolfstar centric marauders era fanfic - Jily is popularised
(note: until this point wolfstar fics had mostly been set during the Harry Potter books timeline, with Sirius and Remus as adults)
2005 - Half Blood Prince is released - canon Remadora and the birth of bi Remus
2009 - The Life and Times - popular marauders era Jily fic
2010 - 2012 - the OG fancasts are popularised (Ben Barnes, Andrew Garfield, Aaron Taylor Johnson, etc)
2015 - An article about the Potter family reveals Euphemia and Fleamont Potter as James' parents (not Charlus and Dorea as was previously assumed)
2017 - All the Young Dudes - long marauders era fic in Remus' pov - Lesbian Marlene is popularised (which also marks the downfall of Blackinnon and the rise of Dorlene) and sarcastic Remus (influenced by his atyd characterization as an orphan. he's not always as hard/mean as he is in atyd, but it is a huge difference from the nerdy/shy Remus that was widely accepted before)
2019 - Welsh Remus becomes a thing (honestly I have no idea where that came from)
2020 - 2021 - All the Young Dudes is blows up on tiktok - Desi James is popularised - Peter also starts playing a bigger role in stories with an actual personality
2022 - Zeppazariel's fics and Choices - Jegulus focused fics, which led to Marylily, the Slitherskittles (and Rosekiller), and bi/pan James
other later marauder's fanon that popped up in the last five years
70s pop culture (music, smoking, fashion, etc.)
generally more diverse and socially aware characters (poc Mary and Dorcas, plus sized Lily, feminism, everyones queer and accepting) that tend to move away from their canon characterisations (James and Sirius were not bullies, but slightly immature pranksters. James is the Mom Friend and Sirius just has trauma. The technically death eater Slytherins aren't actually evil and blood supremacist , only affectionately mean and morally gray.)
note: personally I like what the fandom and characters have evolved into, however it has been criticised (especially by older fans) for being completely canon divergent, the characters being essentially OCs, and the 'glorification' and 'babygirlification' of bad people (I should also add that often times people who take this stance are often avid Snape fans/defenders)
feel free to add on to anything that I missed
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comradekarin · 1 year
I saw your Beyonce/Taylor Swift post and What's wrong with "comparing two queens that are killing it". line? Isn't that what it comes down to with female artists? Why can't we just appreciate all female artists instead of the competitions?
I’m going to take this as you asking this question in good faith so here’s the short answer: No. There is nothing inherently wrong with that statement, and depending on the context, I agree with it. But here’s the long answer:
A lot of fandoms do take it upon themselves to start unnecessary, unprovoked beef between artists, especially female artists of color (i.e the Cardi and Nicki drama), consequently ruining the love a lot of people have for those artists. However, the Taylor and Beyoncè comparisons have a few problems I want to address that aren’t actually new when talking about female artists of color and their white counterparts. Firstly, the whole comparisons only started because of the uptick of insufferable swifties online discrediting all of the work, effort, and impact Beyoncé has had on people before and today (and Beyoncé fans are simply responding to these ridiculous claims). Secondly, swifties also have a strange tendency to compare her exclusively to objectively better black artists (Beyoncé, Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and more) by diminishing their work and influence in order to prop her up. Noticeable so, they never really do this with Taylor’s fellow white peers. It begs the question: Why do so many swifties feel the need to put Taylor on a pedestal by discrediting arguably more popular, influential black and queer artists? While I do agree with the notion that female artists should be celebrated and giving the props they deserve, we can no longer pretend that black artists like Beyoncé don’t have to give twice the effort, twice the dedication, twice the energy, and twice the style in order to be given their credit. Meanwhile, an artist like Taylor is rewarded and worshiped for her white mediocrity and performance activism, never really pressured to perform to the degree other black artists are expected to, or forced to show allyship when it really matters. So for her fans to degrade Beyoncé’s high quality vocals, performance, and production—which has been consistent and improving over the years—and be rightfully told off just to resort to the corny “let’s just celebrate all women” is, in my eyes, the epitome of white feminism.
Taylor’s fans have even admitted that she isn’t the best singer, only marketing herself as a good “songwriter”. Ok, so an artist that can’t sing that well, can’t dance, has easily replicable lyrics we could get from other Indie artists, and has a very specific demographic as her fans is someone to be considered a legend? How is this considered the standard but influential black legends’ work are downplayed and diminished? Why does it hurt swifties to see black women be given their credit? Why does Taylor have to be included in every conversation (I.e the Lizzo situation at the Grammy’s where Taylor Swift fans took Lizzo’s appreciation for Beyoncé as hatred for Taylor or Beyoncé’s success on the renaissance tour being overshadowed by the eras tour). And when called out on this, why do her stans resort back to the fake “just support all women” take?
It’s why I can’t really stand by that one post up here that states we shouldn’t debate over female artists because at the end of the day, “they’re all female artists subjected to the harsh lens of the patriarchy.” That statement ignores the intersectionality present in the topic of female artists’ treatment in the industry. It ignores how the expectations of white female artists more than often than not tend to be different for woc artists. I see the “let’s just all get along” saying as a way to deflect from the valid criticism and complaints people of color have for white artists like Taylor Swift. And considering how Taylor’s online brand is playing victim and being the poor innocent white girl whenever she is called out on something, the behavior her stans exhibit are nothing out of the ordinary.
In summary, I don’t think comparisons between female artists are needed. Especially female artists in entirely different genres of music and style. But I do know a lot white Taylor Swift fans love to play the racism card and then hide behind misogyny to cover their tracks. Once again, something Taylor herself does WELL.
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