quotes-for-the-soul · 4 months
In the end, rage, no matter how profoundly justified, destroys the enraged. Just as we are created anew by what we love, so we are reduced and remade by what we hate.
Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights by Salman Rushdie
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
Artist: Justin Sweet TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-smash-or-pass · 6 months
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newattitude · 1 year
UC - Letis Tattoo - Revienne - Enrage par ✰ ​​​​​​​​Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer ✰ Via Flickr : ✰ Credit ✰ 
  Enrage - Miracle Hair 
  Revienne - The Nova Sunglasses - Smokefest '23 Aug 5th to 31st 
  UC - Jessy outfit - Collabor 88 
  Letis Tattoo - :: Yalitza :: FULL19001 :: 
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christadeguchi · 2 months
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i'll let phie-san say it:
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ladythylia · 8 months
1537 The game don’t run the Lady Boss, She runs the game.
Dress Jacket – [V.C.LAB] Airplane – 26 HairAccessory- The Mad Hattery -Trio of Basic Felt Fedoras Glasses-HOLLY -MESH BLACK/PINK LADY FUNK GLASSES Hair -Enrage – hair – Dell (Natural) MakeUp-[Eternal Flame] Glam Lipstick Catwa Jewelry- :::ChicChica::: Avery Earrings Jewelry- Munique. Bitch Ring / Silver Jewelry- *PKC* Tasha Septum Shoes- Italiano -Pumps Stretch Smooth Black Nails-…
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animeboye · 8 months
Mid Dragon's World Chapter 11
Chapter 11: The Spy
Alex sat down beside me. “How was your first day, man?” He asked with a smile.
“Meh.” I shrugged, folding my arms and looking down.
“’Meh’?” Alex repeated. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
So I explained to Alex that there was another half-dragon at my school named Drake. I told him about how things were going well at first but after I said dad’s name, Drake freaked out and ran away. Alex looked surprised when I told him there was another half-dragon. He used to think we were the only ones.
As I told Alex about Drake, the door opened and there stood my dad who had overheard us talking. Behind him stood someone I’d never seen before.
“What is this about another half-dragon?” Dad asked, sounding interested.
“Hi dad.” I greeted. “Uh, who’s that?”
“This is Rikai. He is one of my Apprentices and starting today, he’ll be working with us.” Explained dad.
I couldn’t explain it but for some reason, being around Rikai made me feel…uncomfortable. He had a strange, crazy look in his eyes. Just looking at those eyes of his made me want to get as far away from him as I could.
“So now, what is this about a half-dragon?” Dad asked again.
I explained to dad everything that I told Alex. After which he stood in the doorway, stroking his chin and looking down at us. He must have been thinking pretty deeply about what I told him.
“I see…” He said slowly. “It must be his son.”
“His son?” Asked Alex, not understanding what dad meant.
“What do you mean, dad?” I asked, also not understanding what he was talking about.
“I’ve told you boys about him…the dragon whose friends and family very nearly destroyed me: Doulstraz.”
Doulstraz…I remembered the stories dad told me about him. He was an evil dragon who tried to kill dad years ago. When I was little, dad always told me that if I wasn’t careful, Doulstraz could get me too. But…could Drake really be Doulstraz’s son? He didn’t seem bad when I hung out with him at school.
“That dragon…he truly is an interesting one.” Dad said, closing the door and sitting down between us.
“He’s interesting?” I repeated, becoming even more confused by what dad was saying.
“See boys, when a dragon takes on a human form, the dragon in question still knows it’s a dragon. Doulstraz, however, did not. For most of his life, he lived blissfully unaware of his true identity as a dragon. In that sense, I suppose you could say that made his human side as real as his dragon side. It’s strange…there’s only one other dragon I knew of whose situation was the same as his.” Dad explained.
I wondered who this other dragon could have been. Before I got the chance to ask, a portal appeared on our lawn and out of it came Girido, Eig’nia, Theian, and Z’haer. As the portal closed behind them, dad stood up and went over to greet them.
“Welcome back. Any progress?” Asked Dad.
“Yes, sir.” Girido responded. “However, before we get to that, there’s been a bit of an emergency.”
“What kind of emergency?” Dad asked in a louder, stern voice.
Girido drew closer to dad and whispered something into his ear. A couple seconds later, Girido drew away and dad closed his eyes, placing his hand over his chin again.
“I see.” Dad said, sounding very serious. “Everyone, gather downstairs. We have something of utmost importance to discuss.”
I’d never seen dad look so nervous before. Whatever Girido said to him must have been really bad.
We all followed dad downstairs and sat in our chairs. Rikai, who didn’t have a chair of his own, leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. Dad was the last to sit down. As he sat in his chair, he leaned over, brought his hand over his eyes and rubbed the top of his head. He sighed, continuing to rub his forehead and the right side of his head with his fingers before sitting up.
“Is everything alright, sir?” Asked Z’haer.
“Far from it.” Dad answered. “Girido has brought it to my attention that there is a spy amongst us.”
All of us except Rikai gasped at the same time. I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t believe that one of us could possibly be a spy!
“Girido. Since you’re the one who supplied me with this information, why don’t you explain for everyone else?” Dad said.
“Very well. I’m going to cut straight to the chase: someone here has been leaking information about our plans to Lord Tomi. Every mission, this particular person has disappeared for long periods of time.” Girido explained.
“But how do you know this person is a spy? Couldn’t there be another reason for their disappearance?” Eig’nia asked.
“That’s what I thought at first myself. However it just seems like far too big a coincidence considering how often this has occurred.” Girido answered.
Everyone began talking loudly amongst themselves. Neither me or Alex said anything. I wasn’t sure what to say about this. If there was really a spy, then how did they go so long without anyone finding out until now? Not only that but more importantly, if there really was a spy like Girido said, then who could it possibly be? I was afraid he might possibly pin this on Theian. After all, he and Theian did always hate each other. Maybe Girido was just using this whole spy thing as an excuse to get dad or one of us to kill Theian.
As everyone continued talking, I looked over at Rikai who was smiling as he watched the discussion. I shuddered just from looking at him. He looked like he was enjoying this…a bit too much.
Slowly I turned back, and just in time as dad stood up and yelled,
With that, the basement quickly became quiet. Dad sat down again.
“Now Girido, please continue.” Dad said.
“Alright. As I was saying, someone has been disappearing for long tracks of time. Just today I caught the person in question relaying information to a dragon who I would have to guess is one of Tomi’s boys.” Girido continued with his explanation.
“Enough already!” Theian demanded, sounding angry. “Tell us who it is already!”
Girido laughed and turned to Theian with a smug look on his face.
“You know Theian, I could tell everyone right now that you’re our little spy…”
Oh no! I was right: this was all to get Theian killed. I was just about to open my mouth and ask everyone to wait before Girido beat me to it.
“However…as tempting though it may be, you’re not our spy. I mean, I may be a bad guy but I’m not a liar.” Girido said with that obnoxious smile of his.
“Well do you feel like disclosing the identity of this mystery spy, Girido?” Eig’nia asked. She sounded like she was about to lose her patience.
“Indeed. I’m sure you’re enjoying yourself here, Girido but we do have other issues to discuss.” Dad said, sounding like he was becoming annoyed himself.
For a moment, things went quiet again. Then suddenly, Girido let out a snicker, took in some air, and exhaled.
“Instead of having me reveal the spy’s identity, why don’t I let him do it for us?” Girido said.
I looked around quickly, waiting for one of us to confess to being the spy. No one did. Everyone sat pressed against their chairs with the most nervous looks I’d ever seen in my life. Girido shrugged his shoulders and sighed.
“Not going to do it the easy way, huh? Why? Are you afraid to let everyone know of your deceit?  Come on, we won’t judge you…Z’haer.”
WHAT! Z’haer was the spy? That couldn’t be right. He was my friend. Girido had to have had it wrong, there was no possible way Z’haer was the spy.
“No! You’re wrong!” I exclaimed, leaping out of my chair.
“Am I, boss jr.? Do you have any proof?”
“Yeah! Z’haer never did any of what you said when we were together! He can’t be the spy! Right, Alex?”
Alex didn’t say anything.
“Theian?” I asked in a pleading voice.
Theian didn’t answer either.
Girido laughed to himself again and shook his head. “Clearly he was deceiving you kiddo. Look, I understand you thought of Z’haer as your friend, but he was actually using you.”
I couldn’t believe any of what Girido was saying. The Z’haer I knew wasn’t like that. He would never do something like that to me or Alex or Theian. I clenched my fists, grinding my teeth at that jerk Girido.
“Hey, c’mon Girido!” Z’haer laughed nervously. “I’m no spy. I’m one of you guys. I promise.”
“Really? Well, if you are one of us, why are you here? We all know what each other is fighting for…that is, except for you. You never told us why you joined Lord Saulstrance.” Girido said.
Z’haer didn’t answer right away. Sweat ran down his face and he gripped the handles on his chair.
“Well?” Girido asked.
“I’m doing it for land, alright!?” Z’haer snapped at Girido.
“Land?” Girido asked, not believing what Z’haer told him.
“Yes, LAND! I’m doing this because I seek to acquire at least 38% of the human realm’s land, alright?”
Dad leaned forward in his chair. He didn’t look too happy with Z’haer’s answer.
“And who said I was going to give you this land?” He asked in an angry voice.
“I think it’s time you tell us who you really are, Z’haer, before I lose my patience.” Dad said in an even angrier voice.
Z’haer sighed and stood up.
“Fine, you want the truth? I AM a spy for Tomi.” Z’haer glared at us.
No…this couldn’t be true. Z’haer…really was a spy? Was what Girido said true? Was he really just using me, Alex, and Theian? I couldn’t believe it.
“Hmm, now that I think about it, I remember hearing about a dragon who worked for Tomi. This dragon would use different names and join the ranks of the dragon realm’s criminals, destroying their groups from the inside. I would imagine this dragon is you, Z’haer…if that is your real name?” Eig’nia said.
“Yeah, that’s right. Very few of the dragons I joined with ever lived after I was finished with their little groups. Saulstrance, I was hoping to kill you in secret then take out your little cronies.” Z’haer said with a confident smile. Listening to him, it almost felt like I was listening to a totally different person.
Dad growled loudly.  He stood up, squeezed his fists so tightly that they were shaking only to release them a second later, and walked up to Z’haer. They stood before each other, their eyes focused directly on the other’s eyes. Dad stared at Z’haer with a very angry look on his face while Z’haer stared back, eyebrows furrowed, a proud, confident smile on his face. We all watched quietly, waiting for one of them to make a move. Right then, no one knew what to expect. They stood there for what must have been a few minutes at least before one of them spoke.
“Z’haer…I must ask, why would you do this to us? To me? I could have given you anything you wanted. Think about it: this world could have been just as much yours as it would be anyone here’s. You could have served as one of my soldiers.” Dad said, sounding almost disappointed.
Z’haer’s smile quickly changed to a frown after my dad finished. “The only one I serve is Lord Tomi.”
“Yes…that’s why you never chose to become his Champion, right? You were more than qualified for the position and forgive me if I’m mistaken, but Tomi himself even recommended you take up the mantle. So why haven’t you?”
Z’haer didn’t answer. He was breathing loudly and heavily, his eyes still focused on my dad. By this point, I was really, really, really hoping that Z’haer was joking about being a spy. Deep down I knew the truth…yet, I desperately didn’t want to believe it.  My stomach was hurting so I placed my arm over it and looked down as I shut my eyes, hoping this was all just a dream.
“Well, if you’re not going to answer, then at least tell me this: won’t you reconsider? Abandon that old fool Tomi and join us. We can give you more than Tomi ever could.” Dad asked.
“NO!” Z’haer roared. “I am loyal only to Lord Tomi! I will always be loyal to Lord Tomi!!”
Without any warning, Z’haer grabbed my dad by the throat and strangled him. Everyone stood up at the same time, ready to stop Z’haer.
“Stay back!” Z’haer growled. “Anybody takes one more step and I’ll break his neck!”
Z’haer was panting even louder. He looked absolutely crazy. I wanted to shout at him to stop but I couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t say anything. I was way too scared. But…if none of us did anything, then he’d kill my dad. What were we supposed to do?
“Soon, this will all be over! I cannot allow the dragon realm’s worst criminal to live!” Z’haer panted.
Dad collapsed to his knees, his eyes beginning to shut. His arms dropped to his sides. I couldn’t believe it. Z’haer…he just killed…he just killed my dad. I shook my head, not believing what I was seeing. I started crying as I fell to my knees, placing my hand over my eyes.
“I’m sorry, Jake. Really, I am.” Z’haer said, kneeling down and placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Listen to me…I know this seems cruel now…but when you’re older, you’ll understand why I had to do this.
“Really now?”  A familiar voice asked. “What will he understand? Why you tried to kill me, or why I had to kill you?”
That voice! But, there was no way. I rubbed the tears out of my eyes and much to mine and everyone else’s surprise, I saw my dad getting back to his feet! I smiled widely, happier than ever to see him. Z’haer, however, wasn’t as happy as the rest of us.
“What! But how? You shouldn’t be up! I killed you!” Z’haer exclaimed in disbelief.
“That, my friend, is what we call ‘playing pretend’.” Dad said, looking down at Z’haer with a fierce look on his face.
Before Z’haer could also get back on his feet, dad pulled his leg back and with a mighty swing of his leg, kicked Z’haer right in the nose. Z’haer flew back, crashing into his chair and knocking it over. He held his nose and yelled in pain.
Z’haer rolled onto his side. Dad walked up to him, stared down at Z’haer and kicked him in the stomach. Z’haer’s hands suddenly went around his stomach which he held in pain, revealing his bloody nose. His blood had covered the area under his nose but just above his chin as well as his chin.
As Z’haer coughed up some more blood, dad kicked him again, causing Z’haer to yell in pain once again. Dad soon started to kick him again and again and again and again until Z’haer had rolled over onto his stomach.
I couldn’t stand watching this anymore. Maybe Z’haer did betray us but he was still my friend. Even if he was a spy, he didn’t deserve this. I was scared. Really, really, really scared but I had to do this. I had to try and stop my dad.
“Dad.” I said in a shy, quiet voice. “Please, I think he’s had enough.”
I looked over at everyone. Everyone looked shocked at what they had just seen. Even Girido looked like he couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed. I looked over at Z’haer myself. Seeing him made me want to cry. His face was covered in blood, his right arm still covering his stomach. His other arm lay at his side. He was barely making any noise.
With a sad look on my face, I turned and looked at Alex. His eyes were wide and his hands gripping the seat handles. There was a truly horrified look on his face as he shook his head. I bet that even he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
With a loud sigh, dad turned to me.
“I think you’re right, Jakol. He has had enough. It’s time to finish this.”
I didn’t know what dad meant by that, but whatever it was, I was certain it wasn’t going to be good. Dad went back to his chair and grabbed his dagger. The same dagger he uses for his ceremonies. He went back to the beaten Z’haer and held the dagger over him.
“Jakol…you should have the honor of finishing him. After all, you were the closest one to him.” Dad suggested, handing the dagger to me.
“What! Me!? I can’t do it! I- -”
“Now, Jakol! I’m not asking you!” Dad said angrily.
Not wanting to make dad any madder, I nervously took his dagger, walked next to him, and held it in my hand. I started breathing more rapidly, my body trembling in fear. Slowly I kneeled down, getting on my knees. My eyes were wide. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t. It wasn’t just because Z’haer was my friend…or once was…but…I just didn’t have it in me to kill someone. Even then, however, I knew that if I didn’t do something, it would be either Z’haer or me.
Z’haer looked at me, the life almost completely gone from his eyes. Tears began to run down my face as my arms shook even more. By now I was hyperventilating. I watched as slowly, a smile formed on Z’haer’s face.
“Jake…” He said weakly. “It’s okay. Do what…you have to…”
“But, I can’t.” I whispered.
“It’s fine. Really. You know, I may have been a spy but even then…you, Theian…and Alex…you guys…were the only ones…I truly liked.”
Rikai growled in annoyance. “Come ON!” He demanded. “Kill him already kid! Let’s see his brains!”
Rikai went up to me, kneeled down, and placed his hand over mine, sending a chill through my body.
“Go on.” He whispered in a smooth voice. “You’re the star of the show.”
Rikai stood up again. My mind was racing. I couldn’t think straight. Everyone was watching me, waiting for me to do something. Without noticing, I had turned the dagger around so that the blade was hovering over Z’haer’s head. Both of my hands now held the dagger. Z’haer was looking up at me. He didn’t say anything but I could tell from the look in his eye…he was telling me to do it. I bit my lip and prepared myself for what I was about to do.
“I’m so sorry…”
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zestingbloodorange · 11 months
every single palestinian deserves life ! every single palestinian deserves rights ! every single palestinian is a victim ! every age and every gender ! they don't need to be the perfect victim to prove they're victims they don't need to be a child for you to be mad and sad about their oppression, pain and death. thinking only about the children because they're the "innocent" ones is so dehumanizing.
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pekennabohm · 1 year
🐾 por РeҜeŋŋД βØЋм♡♡ Via Flickr: Enrage - hair - Hana [Heaux] Lilac - FATPACK *Velour Tone🆕KUSTOM9 Kibitz - Jasmine's necklace - gold Seniha. Barbara Set // Fatpack🆕KUSTOM9 Belle Epoque { Little Cottage } SYNNERGY.TAVIS//Cotton Candy [360] Backdrop Sweet Art. Heart Phone Set🆕EQUAL10
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andresmounts2 · 7 months
Normalize letting trans kids live.
Every trans child on this planet deserves to be safe & supported.
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shealwaysreads · 1 year
Saw my first post with someone admitting they used chatGPT to ‘write a fic’ which they then shared here on tumblr and on Ao3.
To be clear, using AI to churn out a piece of fiction is not writing.
Using a bot (possibly one that was trained using a scrape of Ao3, that is to say, the theft of work from every writer who has posted their work on Ao3) is NOT WRITING.
It is theft. It isn’t creation. It’s a regurgitation of the consumed collective work and effort and heart and time of every writer who has shared their work on Ao3.
‘I’m not a good writer’ is no excuse.
Want to be a writer? Put in the time everyone else does to practice.
Don’t feel confident in your work? Open yourself up to the same vulnerability and risk that the rest of us do.
You don’t get to use a fucking bot to vomit out an approximation of a story and pretend you’ve got skin in the game.
The sad thing? This bot-assembled fic wasn’t bad. It was bland, but it had internal logic, some passing context to character and canon. It wasn’t like those early AI art pieces that had surreal compositions and extra fingers. It wasn’t immediately obvious it was made by a bot.
In this instance the person who posted it admitted they had used a bot. Which, actually, I have some respect for. But it probably isn’t the first and it won’t be the last.
I don’t know that there’s a solution to this, but it is both hurting my heart and enraging me.
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newattitude · 1 year
Kaithleen's - Enrage par ✰ ​​​​​​​​Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer ✰ Via Flickr : ✰ Credit ✰ 
  Enrage - Hair - Yulenka v 2.0 
  Kaithleen's - Silky Chemise Dress 
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Genuinely, and I mean this kindly, but learning to recognize bait and not engaging with it will change your fandom experience.
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gleafer · 10 months
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I freaking love The Great British Bake Off and I adore Good Omens (plus that whole thing with Michael Sheen peeling an onion with a potato peeler.)
So this is my “Aziraphale loses his mind over The Great British Bake Off and Everything Ends Up Terrible Like His Biscuits” series.
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aimseytv · 1 year
so me and guqqie lost one of our wii remotes and we spent an entire day trying to find it and alas we weren't able to, fast forward to a week later and ran has just sent me a photo of their dumbass holding the fucking wii remote because he accidentally stole it
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heatherchasesyou · 27 days
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Why dis Claudia look so mad 😩
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