bio-basic-inc · 3 months
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ARP genes function, at least in part, by helping maintain the repression of KNOX1 (KNOTTED1-LIKE HOMEOBOX) genes in the developing leaf (Figure 19.5A). (...) Expression of the HD-ZIP III genes, such as PHABULOSA (PHB), and PHAVOLUTA (PHV), is normally limited to the adaxial domains of the leaf primordia (see Figure 19.5A). (...) The expression of miR166 in abaxial regions of the leaf primordia has been shown to reduce PHB and PHV transcript levels, thus enabling normal abaxial patterns of development (Figure 19.5B). (...) KANADI genes and HD-ZIP III genes play antagonistic roles in adaxial-abaxial patterning in both leaves and vasculature (see Figure 19.5B). (...) In Arabidopsis, expression of YABBY genes marks the abaxial domain and marginal regions of primordial leaves (see Figure 19.5A). (...) YABBY transcription factors positively regulate a member of the WOX gene family, PRS (PRESSED FLOWER), which is expressed in the leaf margin and promotes blade outgrowth (see Figure 19.5B). (...) PRS- and WOX1-dependent blade outgrowth is, in part, mediated by an as yet unidentified mobile signal(s) processed by KLU, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (see Figure 19.5B). (...) Developing leaf primordia can be divided lengthwise into four main zones extending from the meristem: boundary meristem, lower-leaf zone, petiole, and blade (see Figure 19.5A). (...) The region of the leaf primordium destined to become the petiole is characterized by the expression of BOP (Blade on Petiole) genes, which encode transcriptional activators that are required to establish petiole identity in the proximal portion of the leaf in Arabidopsis (see Figure 19.5A). (...) This polarity results in the differentiation of xylem on the adaxial side of the leaf vein, and phloem on the abaxial side (see Figure 19.5).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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whataboutmyfries · 2 years
send me asks? perhaps? if you feel like?
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sybaritick · 25 days
that's right baby it's that "this is definitely for an audience of 3 people total" galetash modern au ficlet. ~1.2k, T-rated, just a bit of conversation :)
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technoregression · 1 month
ngl kinda pissed off with the way the world works like you spend your first 10 20 years just learning learning learning:
when you draw, by hand, a graph and it has an asymptote, you must not in any way indicate that the line diverges or moves away from the asymptote. the formula for calculating temperature loss in an environment!! that was my favourite :<
nutrient agar would be described as a control, a negative control to be precise because in this instance, no growth is expected. a "lawn" of bacteria in a Petri dish is when all individual colonies in an agar plate merge to form a field, or mat, of bacteria
Gel electrophoresis of DNA. endonucleases (restriction enzymes) hydrolyse (cut) the phosphodiester bonds at specific DNA base pair sequences. In the bacteria, the restriction enzymes cut DNA as a protective mechanism against invading foreign DNA. smaller fragments can move faster through the agarose matrix from the cathode to the anode, even though the larger fragments (i.e., 23kb) are more electronegative.
if animals are stressed before slaughter, you may end up with either PSE (pale, soft, exudative - severe short term stress) or DFD (dry, firm, dark - longer term stress). This is because they either suffer a rapid breakdown of muscle glycogen (PSE), or their muscle glycogen is used up during handling, transport, before and after slaughter (DFD).
the literary devices employed by the author work in tandem to elicit an emotional response from the reader by appealing to their sense of humanity, as well as an imagined psychological trauma.
data can be stored on a hard drive next to each other in physical space and we call this contiguous. It's useful for certain data structures, sometimes necessary. But you may not have enough free memory to access or execute programs if it needs to be contiguous. This is where something like a linked list data structure can come in handy.
Metamorphic rocks are are those that have been altered by external forces, such as (and typically) pressure and temperature. Eluviation is the process of clay leaving the A1/A2 horizons and heading toward the B horizon. Illuviation is clay accumulating into the B horizon. Leaching is just the movement of other things like phosphate, nitrates, etc, downward toward bedrock. The triangular soil texture (clay/silt/sand) diagram!
K(S) + H2O(I) → H2(g) + KOH (no idea what this even meant tbh)
I used to know all of that, and more, all at once. But now here I am filling out forms for people and scanning their documents and liaising with insurance, medical, financial, and other companies on their behalf.
"Why am I learning trig? When will we ever need this?" truth is little Timmy, you (on average) won't get to use it, you (on average) won't experience the joy of using these magnificent tools we get to learn at a young age, you (on average) will be robbed of every opportunity to experience this magic.
So. Enjoy it...
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astrum99 · 8 months
Human’s inherent desire for understanding, and why angels are a perfect lure. (Rambling)
Humans have studied the art of the mystic for centuries. Before science, literature, and math, there were stories. Because storytelling is what guides us to experience, to learn, to make sense of both experience and knowledge.
Even when we do science, we say: “First, extraction of the sample DNA from the flesh was conducted through the process of centrifuge. Then, PCR was run to amplify the amount of recovered DNA. Restriction endonuclease enzyme was added to the sample, fragmenting DNA into smaller strands. The product was evaluated through agarose gel electrophoresis. 80-150V of electric force pulling the pieces toward the bottom. The shorter the pieces are, the faster they go. So, the DNA separates more, and paints a ladder of bands. You cannot see them. As the last step, you must stain them with fluorescent dye, and only under UV lights can you observe the crude data.”
Temporal. Sequential. Meaningful. This is a story called “DNA fingerprinting”.
The story of magic and godly realms and religion is of the same. They carry teachings (and entertainment). They last through centuries because there is something in them that humanity sees.
Humans are driven by a maddening sense of curiosity and exploration. To make sense of it all. To separate organs from man, to separate cells from organs, to separate DNA from cells, and to do it again, at a smaller scale with enzymes. There is an inherent desire to learn until all is deprived. To become passionate is to be consumed wholeheartedly.
So we sent people to explore the Arctic, the ocean, the sky, the universe. And when they perish, we send more.
The study of death is the same. To see beyond the veil is something impossible, because the dead cannot return. (Well, they technically can, depending on how you define death. If death is the stopping of the heart, then I suppose we are dying, in microdoses, every second of our lives. If death is the cease of memory and autonomy, then I suppose we are dying, in microdoses, every night in our beds.)
(I digress.)
The study of death is attractive because it looks into what we are sure we cannot possibly touch. So we only hope to examine what we can. The maggots that gnaw at the meat, the stillness of limbs in silence, the invasive infestations of bacteria and mold and creatures of all kinds.
The corpse is an afterimage of an experience of both life and death. We can only hope to study the husk and the life that sustains on that husk, hoping it is close enough to touch death.
It is similar to the study of the supernatural in that way. Magic only exists because we do not understand it. That’s why it is so captivating. The creation of a potion in a cauldron is the same as biochemistry. The transformation of forms and elements is the same as fusion physics. The impossible feats of flight were achieved by aeroplanes and carefully measured aerodynamics. There are ghosts born from boring undetected monoxide poisoning.
When we understand, magic loses its… well, magic.
It is similar to the study of religion in that way. Because we are desperately lonely, and we must make meaning, and so magic shall suffice in place of what we do not know and to fill what we do not have. I do not study religion, but I know at least a part of this is true – at least in its origin. The stories of gods, angels, demons, palaces in the sky, monsters in the ocean, a form of thousand eyes and arms and all-knowing and all being and loves like nothing else because we are greedy organisms that crave validation and safety and love and love and love. And we can learn anything it wants us to learn, make it through anything if love and peace are waiting for us at the end of it all. (Though religion, in all its implications, forms, and renditions have changed since then, as well as the interpretations of survived passages.)
I am not a believer in a higher being, nor am I a student of religion, so I cannot speak of all of it. I cannot claim understanding.
I think this is also partially why angels compel me so. They are the beyond. Above reasoning, above logic, in the same realm as the untouchable pureness of undiscovered science, death, magic, and religion.
What stories flow within its (his?) veins? What stories lie dormant in its (his) throat? What stories are etched on the body, the wings, the blade? What stories speak of the beating of its (his) heart and the bleeding of its (his) light? What of the cells, the molecules, the very physics (magic) that binds it (him) together?
Do you speak of the stories of love and despair and violence and hope as we do?
Please, do not answer me.
Because to know is to kill. The utter destruction of the imagination and wonder and passion. To purposefully look away from knowledge is the complete comprehension that understanding makes something die. It brings dullness to love.
So, please, let me see you in my mind’s eye, and nothing more.
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bighermie · 2 years
Less Than 1 in 100 Million Chance That COVID-19 Has Natural Origin: New Study
Less Than 1 in 100 Million Chance That COVID-19 Has Natural Origin: New Study https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/less-than-1-in-100-million-chance-that-covid-19-has-natural-origin-new-study_4815205.html?utm_source=andshare
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buggbuzz · 1 year
started genetics class this fall. "histone acetylation generally destabilizes chromatin structure and is associated with an increase in transcription" "when the Dmnt3 gene in Apis mellifera is silenced the genes encoding queen bee traits remain unmethylated and produce a queen bee phenotype" "restriction endonucleases recognize specific nucleotide sequences in DNA and make double-stranded cuts at those sequences" i am being seduced by a fucking textbook
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didanawisgi · 2 years
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betanian117 · 7 days
i am fucking tired of all the idiots going "WAAA EUGENICS" every fucking time the word DNA comes up do none of you fucks know about biotechnology? gene editing? restriction endonucleases like Hind Ⅱ and EcoR Ⅰ? cloning vectors like pBR322? agarose gel electrophoresis? ethidium bromide? do none of these words jog your memories of school? gene therapy? Hb S gene causes sixth position of the beta globin chain substituted with valine causing sickle cell anemia?
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moleculardepot · 26 days
Nuclease P1 from Penicillium citrinum
Nuclease P1 from Penicillium citrinum Catalog number: B2017808 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 1 Vial Molecular Weight or Concentration: N/A Supplied as: Powder Applications: a molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: 2-8°C Keywords: 3′-Phosphohydrolase, Nuclease 5′-Nucleotidehydrolase, Endonuclease P1 Grade: Biotechnology grade. All…
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Restriction Endonucleases Market Size, Share, Emerging Factors, Trends, Segmentation and Forecast to 2030
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Market research “Restriction Endonucleases Market Size, Share, and Growth by 2031” enriched with data tables, pie charts, figures, and graphs spread through chapters reveal actionable insights. At present, the Restriction Endonucleases market is expanding at a lucrative CAGR. Through this assessment, The Insight Partners attempts to predict future trends, market values, growth factors, and related statistics. The report incorporates a broad range of strategies such as acquisition, collaborations, and investigation are embraced by market players to stay ahead in the competitive Restriction Endonucleases market space.
This market research is enriched with key statistics and facts allowing manufacturers to devise further business strategies. The market report also offers the company landscape and corresponding details of major market participants. The data contains company profiles, yearly turnover, product launches, income sources, and acquisitions.
Restriction Endonucleases market share has grown at a lucrative rate in recent years. Various factors that determine Restriction Endonucleases market growth is examined in this report, including opportunities, barriers, challenges, trends, and drivers. Authentic market determinants encourages innovation. This section addresses the distribution of firm activity and the factors that influence development. A comprehensive range of market-specific data is available, allowing investors to conduct an early assessment of the Restriction Endonucleases market's capabilities.
The main aim of the Restriction Endonucleases market report is to present an unbiased evaluation of the market based on industry growth potential, recent developments, trends, and growth opportunities. A detailed report is structured in a way such that users will find it easy to navigate and understand. We have ensured the optimal use of visual representations wherever necessary. This has increased pictorial presentation and the advantage of easy interpretation of industrial facts.
Scope of Restriction Endonucleases Market Research Report
Restriction Endonucleases Market size and forecast at global, regional, and country- level for all the key market segments covered under the scope
Market dynamics such as drivers, restraints, and key opportunities
Key future trends
Detailed PEST and SWOT analysis
Global and regional market analysis covering key market trends, key players, regulations, and recent market developments
Industry landscape and competition analysis covering market concentration, heat map analysis, key players, recent developments
Detailed company profiles
Unlock these Perks by Choosing this Report
Detailed historical data analysis, and market size forecast
Key market drivers influencing market growth
Emerging trends and opportunities in Restriction Endonucleases market
Analysis of major players to understand their strategies
Examination of regional dynamics
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)
Restriction Digestion
End User
Academic Research Institutes
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies
Diagnostic Centers
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
New England Biolabs
Takara Bio Inc
Agilent Technologies, Inc
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Promega Corporation
Merck KGaA
Jena Bioscience GmbH
Other key companies 
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avinyasciencehub · 2 months
Restriction Endonucleases #biology #molecularbiology #science #genetics...
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yeast-papers · 3 months
The Mlh1-Pms1 endonuclease uses ATP to preserve DNA discontinuities as strand discrimination signals to facilitate mismatch repair
BioRxiv: http://dlvr.it/T8G0Vm
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vm95 · 5 months
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twiainsurancegroup · 5 months
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