#Emmerdale theories
anewbrainjughead · 2 months
the concept that jack sugden had a secret illegitimate child is so funnyyyy. imagine being that son like not only was your dad a deadbeat but after he Abandoned You he went and adopted a random troubled kid who, even after MANSLAUGHTERING your dad's WIFE, was his Favourite child and he never gave up on him even once.
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ottoline-otter · 8 months
my latest dumb emmerdale theory is: what if robert's already got out of prison, but he doesn't want aaron to know, because he's not ready to face him yet? and maybe victoria already knows but she doesn't want to tell aaron bc she thinks that's the final straw that would break him completely.
and somehow cain finds out and when he and aaron have their big fight, he snaps and tells aaron that robert's out but he doesn't want to see him. and that's what makes aaron lose it and put him in hospital. it could be this big reveal that's the cliffhanger of the episode
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renamusing · 1 month
When is the ssw for emmerdale. I
know Ian used to give out spoilers like crazy noe he is back do we know the what the theme is about.
Danny coming back after the team was so done with them during the covid era makes ZERO sense but he also has a kid and I can't even blame him for wanting an stable job. Even if is this. He has not control over any of this after all.
But the fucking use of "a prodigal son" over that guy makes me so mad.
The next thing is that every single Dingle will adore him and have xmas eith him as if Robert is not the reason Aaron is still alive.
I hate it so much. Is like the open the wounds that we all have and people are more than ever asking about why ROBERT is not back instead of this.
It does feel like John is reboot-Robert minus everything special Ryan added to the character plus the great writing he got back then (thanks Maxine).
As for this year's super soap week, I don't think anything has been announced yet. The only thing that is known so far is that a major portion of the cast has filmed scenes concerning a big barn fire a few weeks ago (apparently John saves Moira and Ruby's lives, i dont remember more than that, only that Charity, Cain and Chas will be there too, which fits in with what you said about John being welcomed by the Dingles later on lol).
The thing is, I'm not sure whether the filming dates of the barn fire will match with ssw or if the barn fire will be a prelude to whatever happens then? It was also announced that Nate's actor will leave the show, so some people suspect he will die in those ssw eps, and there's also talk of something big happening with belle&tom, though according to the latest interview with one of the producers, their coercive control story will run until the end of the year.
I'm still looking forward to whatever comes, mainly bc John's actor said there were many twists and turns to come and every news piece leading up to his arrival mentioned a return of the Sugdens, so I believe John's appearance is only the start. Maybe Diane will return, maybe some Sugden-adjacent characters like the Merricks, or even Kathy Glover like some rumours suggested.
I've read a few theories recently about how John isn't actually Jack's son but rather the son of Jack's brother Joe, since Joe was romantically linked to John's alleged mother Barbara and also Karen Moore (who was also Jack's girlfriend for a time) which might explain the Aiden Moore dogtags.
Tbh, if John's character wasn't so dull and his romance with Aaron so contrived, I think we would all be having a wonderful time right now. Unfortunately, we gotta work with what we have. Plus the absence of hermit Hawley 😔🙄
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scrapyardboyfriends · 2 years
Why do you think these current producers always try and make our Aaron latest boyfriend is the one. We suffered boring Ben and now its Marco. Do you think they are being spiteful because Ryan left so Robert has to be downgraded as nothing special after all.
I do not believe in the wild conspiracy theories that any of the producers are trying to diminish robron out of spite or hatred of the fans etc.
I don't think they really consider Robert at all other than when he's useful for a current plot point. They do not view these characters the same way that we do.
Ryan is either not available or didn't want to come back or they didn't ask because they don't have a quick way to bring Robert back and he's not relevant to any current stories for the 50th. And because he's not an available character at the moment, they decided to give Aaron something positive off screen so he has a reason to leave again since it's just a short stint. I'm sure it's literally that simple.
Again, they do not view these characters the same way that we do. They have 50 something other actually current characters to worry about and neither Robert or Aaron are current permanent characters. It literally doesn't matter. Could they give us the off screen fanfic we would love where in the last ten months, Aaron decided to go down to the Isle of Wight and show up at the prison every day until Robert agreed to see him and then say that they're back together and currently working on Robert's appeal? Sure. But it's not relevant to anything currently going on and neither character is coming back at the moment on a permanent basis so it literally doesn't matter.
Marco is...a name. Danny joked himself that "Aaron always says that" about Marco being "the one". It means nothing either way.
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fuckyeahmackenzieboyd · 7 months
Ok I seem to be on somewhat of a roll with guessing what's going to happen in ED lately (not that it's in any way predictable, of course..) This one's a little more random, though..
Obviously Kerry's coming back.. (Yay... :-\) and obviously she's going to confront Mack over the whole Chloe saga.... I bet she'll hit him, (possibly while in the pub) he'll fall, burst open his stitches and then get rushed back into hospital. Then Moira can give Kerry a Glasgow Kiss, tell her to stay the hell away from Mackenzie, Kerry can screech a bit after being threatened with the police, Amy will then screech a bit, Mack won't wanna press charges cause he'll feel he deserved it and then it'll all be forgotten about and never mentioned again.
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actual-exhusbands · 5 months
You know what? Fair play to Hollyoaks fans because I'm pretty sure they have better morals than us Emmerdale fans judging by their reactions to this whole conversion therapy storyline.
Had the Emmerdale writers tried to do to Robert and Aaron like what Hollyoaks writers have done to John-paul and Carter then we'd have been delusional and come up with the wildest theories to convince ourselves that Robron wasn't over. The McShep (I think that's their ship name) fans seem to have just accepted that their storyline has ended. Well done to them!
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thelovetheystole · 2 months
Same story, but from Metro.
Is it looking promising though 🤷‍♀️
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hummusandcoriander · 1 month
Whilst I'm not one of the Robert fans who believes introducing John is the worst storyline ever and that he's identical to Robert (he's nothing like him), I do think this storyline makes more sense if Robert is returning. If he's really not coming back and Ryan's turned them down, I do find it strange that the show would want to remind the audience of Robron so much. I'm willing to give the storyline a chance either way because I'm enjoying the show at the moment but if they want the audience to invest in a new relationship for Aaron then linking it to Robert and Robron is an interesting choice! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but the way this is being written seems to make it more likely Robert is returning not less, right?
Hi anon,
I'm kinda of the same mind tbh, it's what makes the most sence. Now of course this is Emmerdale and what makes the most sense is not guaranteed to happen but...
Put it this way if all of this was about establishing John as Aaron's next great love then I would have expected the scenes John has had with Mack to be with Aaron (for reasons Emmerdale hinted at by having Nate rib Mackenzie about having a crush on John) I also wouldn't have expected them to hook up so quickly.
That doesn't mean I don't expect them to be together at any point. I am very prepared for them to have a relationship, heck I need it to happen for me to get my affair era 2.0 lol if John and Aaron don't end up together then I'll start to worry about Robert not coming back!!
As for the fan theories about Ryan and Daisy "coming from money" so not needing to work that badly, well those fans most be fairly new because some of us remember that Ryan was working in the kitchesn of restaurant chains to make ends meet before he got the part of Robert. Daisy has a good job now and Ryan would have earned good money while on Emmerdale, that doesn't mean they have a never ending supply of money. Actors want to work, they want to act. It's a vocation and a passion for them and parents want to provide for their families. He has landed some decent jobs since leaving but nothing that has really set the world alight or that he couldn't have landed before Emmerdale (and actually both those projects likely came through Emmerdale connections) He may be patient enough to want to keep trying to land something big or he may realise that he had on of the best gigs out there for an actor in todays climate and come home. Neither is a certainty.
I don't think John's introduction is lazy at all as some have claimed, to me it is an interesting idea and makes sense from a character and story perspective.
John looks a bit like Robert but personality wise is nothing like him. Also John looks nothing like Andy but personality wise is a bit like him (which is interesting from a nature v nurture perspective)
So you have 3 long running characters who all have a reason to be drawn to him.
Sarah who misses her dad and sees something of John in him (regardless of blood relation or not)
Aaron who misses his ex-husband and is reminded of him in John
Victoria who misses both of her brothers and her dad.
It's interesting and I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out. I didn't enjoy Emmerdale last year but this year it has been excellent, Laura Shaw has been doing a cracking job (with Kate and now Sophie). Long may it continue.
I refuse to make myself unhappy by being all doom and gloom about Ryan's chances of coming back, if it doesn't happen I'll cope as I have done the past 5 years. But atm I'm optimistic and enjoying.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 29 days
I haven’t been paying much attention to recent Emmerdale but has anyone else thrown around the idea that John met Robert in prison and that’s why things are repeating like the broken down van and the barn. Like maybe he isn’t even a Sugden but knows all this info cause he was talking to Robert inside including how him and Aaron got together.
well there are theories that he's a conman (he had dog tags with the name Aiden Moore on them) or Eric's son (because his mother is apparently an "old friend" of Eric's) or Joe Sugden's son (apparently the Barbara who actually appeared on the show dated Joe?)
But I like your theory too! it would work with the conman theory too. Rob might have told him Aaron owned the house and the scrapyard and that his family own half the village and fauxbert got pound signs in his eyes and decided to *become* Robert.
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saricess · 4 months
ok so i didn’t expect ethan to die in tonight’s episode but i love how guilty ruby looked and i absolutely can’t wait for her to be found out. i think cain knew that she was the one that ran over ethan so he’s obviously gonna connect the dotes - i’ve seen theories about her framing aaron for it all and aaron better have some supporters, cain will definitely be one of them and cain might even reveal to everyone that it was ruby who ran ehtan over, which related in his death.
now the thing i don’t understand is that emmerdale has most of the time always shown death but in this episode we only saw ethan collapse, be taken to hospital and being told that he’s dead - but what if he isn’t?
what if at the hospital he was saved and he told charles and manpreet that ruby was the one to run him over and she and rose are planning to take down kim, and to keep him safe they faked his death? that would be some really good story telling but emmerdale isn’t good at that right now.
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dannymillerfansite · 5 months
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Emmerdale 22.05.24 Just the one tiny Aaron scene
Aaron comes over to Wishing Well to see Vinny after hearing of his attack & is shocked by his injuries Mandy suspects Aaron could be responsible & accuses him. Vinny shoots down her theory. Aaron denying her claims insists he'd lay out the culprit if he knew who it was.
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After Aaron had successfully batted away Mandy's suspicions, Aaron says he suspects Vinny interrupted a burglary and got bashed in the process as Belle rushes over and is equally shocked & horrified by the state of Vinny.
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aro-with-bad-aim · 2 years
So I started reading Anna karenia by Leo Tolstoy and to spare everyone I know, I’m gonna ramble here about each part as I read it. :D
Part 1
I went into this book expecting it to be horrifically dark and sad, however I can’t lie it’s been weirdly funny. It feels like I’m reading a soap opera like emmerdale or something. I genuinely burst out laughing at some of the lines and I don’t think that was the writers intention. It’s still a good book so far, just not for the reason I thought. I’m a massive fan of tragedy and tragic theory so I’m hoping things take a darker turn soon. The worst thing to happen is somebody got hit by a train, but that was weirdly glossed over and has been pretty much forgotten. I think it’s probably going to foreshadow something because of how irrelevant it was, or it was to set up a characters traits, as the beginning of their trajectory to contrast to their later behaviour.
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megan-loves-surveys · 3 months
What’s your status on FB/MySpace say currently? It was a Facebook short about The Sims that I tagged Ngawari in. ^ How much feedback did it get? Ngawari laugh reacted it, but that's it xD
Who have you texted today? Only my boyfriend. Who did you last have over your house, why were they there? My boyfriend, he comes over all the time cos he lives down the street. What was the last thing to piss you off? My internet being slow as fuck. Recently, who in your house has gotten on your nerves the most? It's just me and my Mum lol, so my Mum by default. What all has pissed you off today, if anything at all? Nothing much, though my new glasses are annoying me. What does the 10th text in your inbox say? They're organized by who sent them, so I can't tell you that. How about the 20th sent text? - Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with? Laura most likely, we used to fight loads when we were younger lol. Who was the last person to have to deal with you having an attitude? My Mum xD If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it? I'd buy some Converse at the outlet store. What’s something you would love to have happen right now? Being given a billion dollars lol. You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose? New laptop probably. Which of your classes in school is most capable of killing a good mood for you? - How nice of a person are you, honestly? I'm nice, but don't push me. What good things have happened today? It's the weekend so I didn't have to go to work xD Is there anyone of your preferred sex who tends to mess with your head? No. What have you recently gotten the most compliments on? My hair and the other day a guy recognied my Mox hoodie and said it was cool haha. When you get to go shopping for new clothes, where do you go to find your clothes? Kmart, Warehouse, H&M etc. Do and your best friend(s) act the same, or are very different from each other? We have the same sense of humour, that's for sure lol. On a scale of 1 to 10 how shy are you? 6 or 7. Have you ever fallen for your best friend? No. Is there something you should be doing right now, besides this survey? No. Who was the last person you made plans with? My boyfriend.
List your favorite TV Shows (in no order) and answer the questions. (I won't put WWE or AEW cos it messes up the questions lol)
Big Bang Theory
Shortland St
Emmerdale Who is your favorite character in 1? Homer, Mr Burns & Maggie. Homer is so classic and is so quotable it hurts, Mr Burns is hilarious and an amazing villain and Maggie is adorable and a badass. Who is your least favorite character in 2? Ross, but I still love him, he's hilarious. But he's got so many annoying moments too. What’s your favorite episode of 4? It's a soap opera so it has thousands of episodes, so I couldn't say. What is your favorite season of 5? - What is your favorite ship in 3? Leonard & Penny, I love them together. Who is your anti-ship in 2? I like all the couples in it. How long have you watched 1? Since I was a kid, it started the year I was born so I've always been around it. How did you become interested in 3? Cos it became the big thing and everyone was watching it, so I checked it out. Who is your favorite actor in 4? TBH, they're not great actors on Shorty xD What do you prefer out of 1, 2, or 5? Simpsons. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? I've seen every episode of Friends multiple times, and the entirety of Big Bang a few times but I've missed some Simpsons over the years - though I am watching the entire series on Disney+ atm. So in the end, it'll be Simpsons cos it's still on. How would you kill off your favorite character in 2? I wouldn't kill anyone off. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Hmm... dunno. Give a random quote from 1. "8:58, the first time I've ever been early for work. Except for all those daylight savings days, lousy farmers!" - Homer Simpson Would a 3/4 crossover work? Hahah, maybe. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely ok, couple. They already did that when they put Flanders & Edna together lol. Overall, which show has a better cast, 3 or 5? Big Bang, easily. Which has better music, 2 or 4? Neither.
Are you currently wearing a charm bracelet? No, but I do own a Pandora one with loads of charms. Do you have any embarrassing usernames? Maybe from when I was a kid. Do you have a backpack in a shape of an animal? No. What’s your least favorite day of the week? Sunday tbh, cos nothing happens and I have to work on Monday so it just ruins it xD Have you ever wore pajamas a whole straight week? I've never even worn them a whole day lol. Do you still enjoy blowing bubbles? Yes. Have you ever taken a picture of your shadow? Probably. Do you believe in your horoscopes? No, but they're fun to read. Would you ever paint your bedroom walls lime green? Sure. Do you ever get called the quiet girl? Sometimes. Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it? No. Are you more of a taker or giver? Both. Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? Yes. Do you always clear your history after using the computer? No, cos I'm the only one who uses my laptop, and I have nothing to hide lol. Do you hate hot coffee, but love iced coffee? I like both. Have you ever tried Smoothie King? I have, I had one when I went to New Orleans haha. Have you ever been chased by a cat? Yes, but jokingly. Have you ever had your food stolen by a bird? No. Do you have any Christmas pajama pants? No. Do you ever wear red lipstick? No. Have you ever dyed your hair light auburn? No, Have you ever did well on a test when you didn’t study? Yep. Do you take really good care of your feet? Sure. Does age really matter to you? It depends. Do you ever blast your music and dance when you’re home alone? Yes. Have you ever seen yellow snow? No. Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out? Yes.
Who will you be spending Christmas with this year?: It's too early, but it'll prob be me and Mum, and my boyfriend will prob show up as well. What time do you usually go to sleep at night?: Around 1:30 unless I'm working the next day, then it's earlier around 12:30 or so. Did you go to high school with your current best friend?: Yes. Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan?: No. Do you park your car in a garage, carport or just in a driveway?: I don't have a car, but if I did, I'd park it outside our house, cos every house in our complex gets two spots. Have you ever been a passenger in a semi-trailer truck?: No. Have you felt sick today?: No. Whose was the last funeral you attended?: My Grandma's. Have you read The Hunger Games trilogy?: No. How many times a week do you wash your hair?: Twice a week, if I do it any more it goes all weird. Do you need to wash your hair right now?: No, I literally washed it like 2 hours ago xD Do you avoid using public restrooms?: No, if I gotta go, I gotta go. What is your boss' (or school principal's) name?: Oliver. Have you seen any extended relatives in the last month?: No. Do you like eggnog?: Never had it. Is there anything important you need to do today?: No. Who is the person you dislike the most?: Nobody. Girls, how old were you when you first got your period?: 13. Do you take part in paying the bills for your household?: Yes. What is your favourite way to eat rice?: With curry. Have you ever properly listened to classical music? Did you like it?: Yep. Do your parents know how to text?: Yes. Do you text your parents often?: Yes. Do you watch Youtube videos often?: Oh, all the time. What's your favourite type of cookie?: I love chewy cookies. When was the last time you were sick with a stomach bug?: Ages ago. Did you watch The Simpsons marathon that played nonstop episodes for a week?: It didn't air here. What television channel do you watch the most?: TV2 and Sky 5. Do you enjoy embracing the Christmas spirit or are you more of a scrooge?: I love Christmas, but not when it starts in September, leave that stuff till December xD In your town, what's your favourite place to get takeout?: I have Wendy's, KFC, McDonald's and Burger King near me lol. What letter does your middle name begin with?: S. Do your initials spell an actual word?: No. What will you do when this survey is over?: Talk on Discord. Do you know anyone with celiac disease?: No. How many siblings do you have? Are they all full siblings?: None. What's the weather like today?: It's cold, but sunny and cloudy. Have you ever eaten a cinnamon donut?: Yes. What is the longest relationship you've ever been in?: 2 years, my current one. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: Twice. How do you usually celebrate New Years?: Depends what I feel like doing. Is the place that you're in right now quiet or loud? What can you hear?: It's loud cos I have music playing haha, also the TV is on downstairs and cars are driving past outside. Do you currently have any alarms set?: No, but I will set one later for tomorrow morning cos I have work. How many cars can fit in your driveway?: No driveway. Do you like whiskey?: Yes. When was the last time you ate, and what did you have?: An hour ago, I had muesli.
[Basics] What do people usually call you? In real life - Megan. Online - Mox Girl, Mox, MG, Moxxy etc. Is it your first name? One of them is lol. How tall are you? 5'3". How many candles were on your cake this past birthday? 36. What's your natural hair color? Blonde. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses. Are you comfortable with your body? Most of it. Do you like how you look most days? Sure. Do you like your eye color? Yep.
[Friendships] Would you say you're popular? I don't care lol. Do you have a best friend? Yes. Has someone ever violated your trust? Yes. Do you forgive others easily? It depends. Where did you meet your best friend(s)? High school. Do your friends like the same kind of music as you? No, it's completely different. Have you lost a close friend recently? Yes - Zoe passed from cancer :( When was the last time you saw a friend? Last week cos Ngawari couldn't make the gym this week cos she had a stomach bug. Do you prefer to have a lot of friends? Sure.
[Romance] Do you get annoyed when asked about your personal life? No. Are you currently single? No. Do you prefer being single or taken? I like being taken. How old were you when you had your first kiss? 7. Do you ever want to marry? No. Are you saving your virginity until you get married? Hahahahaha. Do you currently have feelings for someone in particular? Yes. Would you say that you've been in love with someone? Yes.
[Music] Is music important to you? So important. What kind of music do you most enjoy? Pop, J-pop, K-pop, rock, dance, electro, classical, new age etc. Have you ever been to a real concert? Some. If so, who have you seen? Five (x2), Blue (x2), Girls Aloud, Lady Gaga (x2), Adam Lambert (x3 - twice with Queen, once solo), Melanie Martinez (x2), Atomic Kitten, B*Witched (x2), Liberty X, Aqua, Vengaboys (x2), Little Mix and more that I forget right now. Do you enjoy live music? Definitely. Do you have a favorite song? Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over Is there any genre you truly cannot stand? Country and screamo are not my thing. Do you have a favorite band and/or musician? Loads - just some are Ayumi Hamasaki, Blue, Five, Little Mix, Namie Amuro, Adam Lambert Are there any certain songs you listen to when you're upset? No. Are you a musician yourself and, if so, what do you play? No.
[Today] How did you feel when you woke up? Pretty good. Do you feel the same way now? No. If not, how do you feel currently? I'm hungry. Did you eat breakfast this morning? Yes, muesli. Do or did you have plans for today? No plans. Did today go well for you? Sure. What would you change about today? That it wasn't Sunday xD Is there anything you're avoiding doing? No. What're you going to do after this survey? Talk on Discord.
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Okay...watched the Caleb/Nicky reveal scenes...
I mean...sure. Also Jane...people definitely had that theory. I had that theory, other people I saw had that theory. 
But like...the layers of convoluted backstory here are just astounding. 
Caleb is the long lost retconned son of Faith, brother to Cain and Chas. 
He’s also the long lost retconned son of Frank Tate, brother to Chris and Zoe. 
So he’s an Uncle to Noah as well as a Dingle cousin. He’s also Jaime’s brother, so he’s an Uncle to Thomas and Joe Tate. 
Nicky is now a secret son of a secret son times 2 and who knows who his mother is going to turn out to be. He’s Thomas’s cousin. 
Caleb apparently knew his father was Frank Tate but didn’t know his grave was in Emmerdale!?!?! But then, I guess when Faith slept with Frank, he wouldn’t have been in Emmerdale yet. 
So....he saw that Cain had been arrested and found out Faith died and when looking into Emmerdale where they lived, he also discovered that his father used to live there and that his wife was living there now? 
So how did he find out all of the Kim/Frank history to even have this revenge agenda?! 
Also...how did Faith and Frank even meet to have this affair/one night stand? It’s not like any of them were living in the village at the time. 
And then how do we have Nicky telling Caleb he needs to get money so his mum’s not homeless??? When all Caleb has been doing since he arrived is splashing cash around to fix everyone’s problems with his fancy lawyers? Is that why he has to get money now cause he spent it all on helping Cain because he really did want to help Cain out after he took the fall for him when they were kids? 
I just....I have so many questions. 
Am I happy the secret has been revealed mostly so we don’t have to deal with the vague cryptic nonsense anymore? Yes. Does it make them mildly more interesting characters for the moment? Sure. 
But...similarly to when they brought Kim back and only like four current characters in the village even knew her, this stuff with Frank happened 25 years ago. I feel like half their audience doesn’t even know who Frank Tate is, let alone cares about someone getting revenge for his death. Especially when it’s carried out by random retconned characters. 
At least when they bring back characters like Jaime or Joe or Robert or Thomas King coming up, these are characters with on screen history so things make a bit more sense. 
Speaking of Joe though, this whole Caleb story feels like a retread of that because they never really got to finish that one so they decided to do this instead. 
So like...cool that they’re trying to use the show’s history to do things but also it all feels like a bit of a waste since it’s from so long ago and I still wish they’d remember that they are allowed to bring in new characters without having them have convoluted retconned connections to half the village. 
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soap-opera-daily · 6 months
Soap Opera Daily
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In the heyday of the 90s, "Soap Opera Daily" adorned the coffee tables of countless American households, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the world of soap operas with its juicy scoops, scandalous tales, and gripping narratives. Today, we are thrilled to revive that same fervor and commitment in a contemporary format, ushering in the drama and allure of soap operas directly to your screens.
Our coverage extends across continents, showcasing not only beloved American classics like "General Hospital," "The Young and the Restless," "The Bold and the Beautiful," and "Days of Our Lives," but also cherished British gems such as "EastEnders," "Emmerdale," and "Coronation Street." Whether your heart beats for the timeless American daytime dramas or the iconic British serials, rest assured, we have something for everyone.
At Soap Opera Daily, we plunge into every facet of the soap opera universe. Our content spans from the latest celebrity gossip, intriguing spoilers, and insightful speculations to fan theories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Our dedicated team of writers and editors toils ceaselessly to deliver the most captivating and current content, ensuring that you are always in sync with your favorite shows and stars.
Whether you are itching to uncover the next shocking twist in "General Hospital" or eager to peek into the off-screen lives of the luminaries of "Coronation Street," Soap Opera Daily is your ultimate destination. We are steadfast in our mission to offer a comprehensive and entertaining experience for soap opera aficionados across the globe.
Come, embark on this enthralling journey with us as we delve into the enchanting realm of soap operas where the drama knows no bounds!
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actual-exhusbands · 1 month
I've never seen a single Emmerdale tik tok video before and now in the past week I've had four pop up on my fyp. Every single one of them was referencing John to be the new Meena.
I don't know how much I believe that theory, however, can you imagine if that was the case? I'm picturing a few months down the line. A handful of people have been killed off by now (even theoretically I'm hoping one of them is Wendy). Everyone in the village is on edge/concerned who will be next. There's a large gathering in the woolpack. Most of the Dingles are there, Victoria, Mack, Aaron and John. Aaron sitting at the booth closest to the toilets with Mack opposite him. Victoria is sitting at the entrance side of the bar. Cain and Moira are at a table. John is standing in the middle of the floor on his way to order another pint.
Suddenly, the police and detective storms in. Their eyes instantly on John. He's obviously denying their accusations. John looks to Vic for back up but she's stunned that she can't even form a coherent sentence to defend him. John whips around to find Aaron hoping he'll help him. Aaron starts to speak before Mack kicks him from under the table suggesting him to shut up. John, getting angrier by the minute, tries to laugh it off to the police. He says he's down with their play and reaches for Aaron for them to make an exit but before John grabs Aaron a mystery hand latches onto John's wrist preventing him from reaching Aaron. The camera focuses on the two connecting arms before slowly panning out to reveal the identity of the mystery hand. John's eyes mimic the movement of the camera as he is faced with the glare from none other than Robert Sugden. "Don't you ever touch him again" cue credits.
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