#Emergency Gazette
travsd · 3 months
For International 'Zine Month: On Some Close-to-Home Theatre 'Zines
July is International ‘Zine Month! The occasion has inspired a little navel gazing, for in those dim dark days before blogging was available, ‘zines were the only way many of us could self-publish with total freedom, and I myself plunged into that wonderful madness for a time. And like anything else, it has a history. There will be some of you who already don’t know what I’m talking about.…
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sekai-no-reita · 2 months
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dykesferatu · 4 months
So many fucking tornados this month god damn I am tired of this
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"In short: Thailand's Senate has approved a bill legalising same sex marriage in the South-East Asian country.
It will afford same-sex couples practical benefits such as being able to have children through IVF and make emergency medical decisions for their spouse.
What's next? The first weddings may take place later this year, 120 days after the law is announced in the Royal Gazette.
Thailand has become the first nation in South-East Asia to legalise same sex marriage, with the country's Senate approving the landmark bill this afternoon.
The legislation was expected to pass after it cleared the country's House of Representatives in a near-unanimous vote in March.
Despite Thailand's bustling gay bars and prominent transgender community making it a mecca for LGBTQ+ tourists, until now local same-sex couples there have been unable to marry.
The law will take effect 120 days after its announcement in the Royal Gazette, so the first same sex weddings may take place later this year.
Couples who have been waiting years have hailed the move as a historic moment that will afford them rights only reserved for spouses.
A Lifechanging Law
Photos of Anticha and Worawan [including the article picture], dressed in floor-length white gowns and trailed by rainbow flags, getting married at Bangkok's first Pride Festival two years ago went viral, but they are still not legally married.
Now they will be able to change that, and Anticha Sangchai is elated.
"This will change my life and change many Thai people's lives, especially in the LGBT community," she said.
"It is a historical moment and I really want to join with my community to celebrate this moment.
"I want to send a message to the world that Thailand has changed. Even though there are still many issues, this is a big step for us." ...
There were an estimated 3.7 million LGBT people in Thailand in 2022, according to LGBT Capital, a private company which models economic data pertaining to the community around the world.
For the young couple from Bangkok, being able to marry also has very real practical implications.
If they want to have children through IVF, Ms Sangchai says they will need a marriage certificate first.
"I am quite concerned about the time because we are getting older every day, and the older you get the more difficult it is to have a healthy pregnancy," she said.
"So we've been really wanting this law to pass as soon as possible."
Cabaret performer Jena is excited Thailand's laws are finally catching up with the nation's image...
She too had worried about the practical implications of being unable to marry.
"For example, if myself or my partner had to go to hospital or there was an accident that needs consent for an emergency operation, without a marriage certificate we couldn't sign it," she said.
She now wants the government to move forward with a law to allow transgender people to amend their gender on official documents." ...
An Economic Boost?
Thailand has long been famous for LGBTQ tourism and there are now hopes this new law could allow the country to cash in on the aging members of the community.
Chaiwat Songsiriphan, who runs a health clinic for people in the LGBTQ community, said laws preventing same sex marriage were the last barrier holding the country back from becoming a gay retirement hub.
[Note: They do not just mean for rich westerners; Thailand as a gay retirement hub would probably appeal most to and definitely benefit LGBTQ people from throughout Asia.]
"Thailand has an LGBTQ-friendly environment since Thai culture is quite flexible," he said.
"One of my foreigner friends, a gay friend, told me that when he's in his country he has to pretend to be straight … but when he comes to Bangkok he said you can be as gay as you want.
"When we talk about retirement or a long-term stay for the rest of their lives, what people need is … food, good healthcare services, transportation, homes.
"I think Thailand has it all at a very affordable price."
He said it could help give the country a desperately needed economic boost.
"This will have a lot of benefits for Thailand's economy because when we talk about retirement it's people literally bringing all the money they have earned for the rest of their working lives to spend and invest here," he said.
He said he, like the rest of the community, was thrilled by the news.
"It's not about a privilege, it's just equality," he said.
"We are we also humans, so we should be able to marry the one we love.""
-via ABC Australia, June 18, 2024
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lookingforhappy · 2 months
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link to source
transcript of the section on Reginald's death:
CITY SAYS GOODBYE TO REGINALD HARGREEVES U.A. founder found dead No statements from the family issued Jennifer Chung, Gazetter Reporter Sir Reginald Hargreeves, has died at the age of 73 from a heart attack. Many knew him as a wealthy entrepreneur and Olympic gold medalist, but he was also founder of The Umbrella Academy, that mysterious group of super powered children in the early 90s. Hargreeves acted as the leader of this group of wunderkinds, and was often spotted on the sidelines of the U.A.'s missions. Yet aside from all of his feats, little was known about the personal life of the man himself. And he often kept a very low profile. After the unexpected disbandment of the U.a., Hargreeves spent his remaining days out of the spotlight -- hidden away from the public eye -- and became hihgly reclusive. Following the publication of ex-U.A. member Vanya Hargreeves' memoir, Extra Ordinary: My Life As Number Seven, surprising -- and at times, shocking -- the details emerged about the private life of not only the Umbrella Academy but also about Hargreeves. But as explosive as the content of the book was, these details were never corroborated by the other, living members of the U.A. or even by Sir Reginald Hargreeves himself. (Continued on page 16) [picture of reginald] Inventor and founder of The Umbrella Academy died in his home. His family has yet to make any public appearances in recent days or statements regarding the loss. PHOTO CREDIT: TAL AVITAL
the other columns talk about:
people who act as carers for family members often suffer from insomnia and sweden and the uk are running studies on this
people worry that pensions/social security benefits won't be able to fund their medical expenses if they claim early, and that if they claim later then they'll be missing out on money they could use before they die.
4 teenagers bought medical marijuana and made it into pot-jolly ranchers which they took to school. they were suspended and charged with drug trafficking. police claim this is what you get when you legalize marijuana.
tech such as phones, cars, TVs and planes has plateaued while nanotech, genetics engineering and computers continue to get better
two sisters spotted a house on fire and woke the people living there, two parents and their child, before they could be killed. the house was burned down due to improperly disposed cigarettes.
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wonderlanddreamer · 3 months
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Chapter 1: Florence Fletcher's debut article on the Peaky Blinders hits the stands, catching the attention of the powerful John Shelby. With ruthless determination, he vows to make sure her first scoop is also her last.
Masterlist here.
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Underworld Unveiled: The Rise and Ruthlessness of the Peaky Blinders
By Florence Fletcher - Birmingham Gazette
Beneath Birmingham's industrial and cultural vibrancy lies the dark world of the Peaky Blinders, a gang notorious for their violent and cunning ways. Led by Thomas Shelby, they have built a criminal empire post-World War I, engaging in illegal betting, smuggling, and extortion. Their name, derived from razor blades in their caps, symbolizes their readiness for violence.
"They control everything," said an anonymous source. "From racetracks to pubs, they crush any opposition."
The Peaky Blinders have violently clashed with rival gangs and intimidated businesses, making it tough for law enforcement to act.
"The police are either scared or corrupt," the source added, highlighting the gang's unchecked power.
Despite their criminality, Thomas Shelby's charisma and strategic mind have given the gang a veneer of allure, extending their influence into business and politics. "He's a businessman and strategist," noted another insider, underscoring Shelby's multifaceted control.
The Peaky Blinders' dominance threatens Birmingham's stability, creating fear and undermining the rule of law. "The public deserves to know the truth," urged the source, calling for greater exposure of the gang's activities.
The Birmingham Gazette pledges to continue investigating and exposing the Peaky Blinders, aiming to hold them accountable and safeguard the city's future.
Florence Fletcher
Investigative Journalist, Birmingham Gazette
The night was heavy with the scent of damp cobblestones and distant smoke as Florence Fletcher stepped out of her office. The dim light from a flickering streetlamp cast eerie shadows on the alleyway, making the darkness seem alive. Florence, an investigative journalist known for her fearless tenacity, pulled her coat tighter around her slender frame, her heels clicking purposefully against the cold stone.
She had just locked the door behind her when she felt a presence. A figure emerged from the shadows, his silhouette cutting an imposing figure against the faint light. John Shelby, of the infamous Peaky Blinders, stood before her, his eyes dark and intense.
"Florence Fletcher, isn't it?" His voice was low, and its menacing timbre sent a chill down her spine.
Florence's heart pounded in her chest, but she kept her composure. She had known this confrontation was inevitable after her latest exposé on the Peaky Blinders' criminal activities. She met his gaze, her chin tilted defiantly.
"John Shelby," she replied, her voice steady despite the fear curling in her stomach. "I wondered when you'd show up."
John took a step closer, his face illuminated by the weak light. The hard lines of his jaw and the cold glint in his eyes spoke volumes of his intentions. "You’ve got a lot of nerve, writing that piece. Exposing us like that."
Florence squared her shoulders, refusing to back down. "The public deserves to know the truth. You and your family have terrorised this city for too long."
John's smile was anything but friendly. "Brave words for a woman standing alone in a dark alley." He reached into his coat, and Florence tensed, her breath catching in her throat. He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a deliberate slowness that made her heart race faster.
"You think you can scare me into silence?" she challenged, her voice firmer now. "I've faced worse than you, John Shelby."
He exhaled a cloud of smoke, stepping closer until he was mere inches from her face. "You think you're untouchable, don't you? That your words will protect you?" His voice dropped to a whisper, dripping with venom. "Let me tell you something, Florence. I've made men twice your size beg for mercy. Don't think for a second that I won't do the same to you."
Florence's resolve wavered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. "You can threaten me all you want, but I won't stop until every last one of your crimes is brought to light."
John's expression darkened further, his eyes narrowing. "You really don't get it, do you? This isn't a game. This is life and death. You keep pushing, and you'll find out just how serious I am."
He flicked his cigarette to the ground, crushing it under his boot with a deliberate finality. "Consider this your only warning. Back off, or next time, you won't walk away."
With that, he turned and melted back into the shadows, leaving Florence alone in the alley, her heart still pounding but her resolve stronger than ever. She knew the risks, but she also knew that the truth was worth fighting for—no matter the cost.
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covid-safer-hotties · 23 days
Quebec COVID-19 summer wave more lethal than last year's - Published Aug 29, 2024
Quebec’s summer COVID-19 wave has proved to be far deadlier than last year’s, defying expectations that the virus that causes it is somehow growing milder, suggest the latest Health Ministry figures.
As the KP.3.1.1. variant has become predominant in Quebec, as is the case elsewhere in North America, the province recorded 117 deaths linked to COVID-19 for the month of August (as of Aug. 24), compared with 88 such fatalities for the whole month last year. In July, there were 109 deaths compared with 46 for the same month in 2023.
Preliminary research has shown that although the KP.3.1.1 strain is not more virulent than previous variants, it is more contagious. In Quebec, this is reflected in the fact that the positivity rate among those tested for COVID-19 is now 23.7 per cent, the highest it’s been since the winter resurgence of December 2023.
In addition, Quebec declared a total of 1,322 hospitalizations with and for COVID-19 as of Aug. 27, compared with 985 hospitalizations on the corresponding date last year. The province was also battling outbreaks in 159 long-term care centres and hospitals as of Aug. 19 (the most recent date available), in contrast with fewer than a hundred on the same date last year.
“ I think those numbers are concerning,” said Dr. Donald Vinh, an infectious diseases specialist at the McGill University Health Centre. “ First, SARS-COV2 (the virus that causes COVID) is still circulating. Secondly, there clearly remain many people at risk for severe disease.” More Quebecers in their 80s died from COVID-19, followed by those in their 90s, the numbers show. However, the multi-system disease has also killed people in younger age groups, including 34 in their 50s, nine in their 40s and one in their 30s, according to Quebec’s public health institute. (Those figures run from Aug. 27 last year to the same date this year.)
“The virus is not becoming more benign,” Vinh explained. “Some had proposed that the virus would become somehow attenuated as it propagated through human populations, which is a notion that is erroneously extrapolated by what is seen in certain settings, where a microbe can be passaged in cells, and over many passages/generations, a weaker version could be appear. That doesn’t work in humans because humans are not single-celled organisms in a test tube, and humans very much can get sick in the process of propagation/passaging as the mortality rates would suggest.”
Despite the higher COVID-19 summer mortality rates in Quebec this year, more people died from the disease in the months of July and August of 2022, when Omicron subvariants first swept the province. But the latest figures nonetheless do not augur well for the the fall season as more people head indoors and the school season resumes .
Just last week, the Laval health authority re-introduced masks for employees and patients in its health facilities. However, a spokesperson for the Health Ministry told The Gazette the government is not planning any new public-health measures.
“In the context of the back-to-school period, the (Health Ministry) continues to monitor the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 closely,” Francis Martel said in an email. “Although this no longer requires the emergency health measures that were in place at the time of the pandemic (such as isolation measures or travel restrictions, for example), individual actions to prevent the transmission of infections remain important.”
Meanwhile, Health Canada is reviewing submissions by Pfizer and Moderna for updated vaccines that target the KP.2 variant. Although not an exact match for KP.3.1.1, those shots should nonetheless provide protection against severe disease that may be caused by the latest variants. In July, Quebec’s immunization committee released its COVID-19 vaccine guidelines, recommending the shots for people who are at least 60; those living in long-term care homes; people who are living with chronic illnesses; those who are pregnant; and health-care workers.
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - final chapter
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | First | AO3 ] with artwork by @nocturnalfandomartist at the end!
A photograph of Hyrule Castle seated on a rocky mesa of petrified Gloom. Where once malice and corruption rose high into the air, there is nothing but clear skies. 
A photograph of the rolling meadows of Hyrule Field, with Lookout Landing approaching just over the next hill. Ahead of the camera walks a woman wearing traditional garb, her short golden hair still a little damp.
A photograph of a group of Sheikah, young and old, at the gates of Lookout Landing as they greet the golden-haired woman. Their arms are outstretched towards her, tears in their eyes. 
A photograph of the five Sages of Hyrule, crowded around the woman as they draw her into a group embrace. The woman has her back to the camera as a young Gerudo vai hugs her tightly. 
The same picture as above, only now the woman has turned to the photographer. She smiles, surrounded by her friends and allies. Despite the weariness on her face, she radiates warmth and contentment. She is finally home. 
Caption: Thank you Rauru and Sonia. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you tha
Welcome to the Purah Pad!— Home Screen —
 Today’s Purah Pointer: [Placeholder - Robbie can you please add something? Do NOT call me if you can’t think of anything.]
> Camera (Scanner) 
Scanner sub-function selected. Please place text to be scanned in view of the Purah Pad camera.Scanning…Processing…
Scanned text uploaded. Eight (8) documents have been added to the Purah Pad.
1. BATTLE IN THE SKIES: A SPECIAL LUCKY CLOVER GAZETTE REPORTby Penn of Rito Village (Guest Correspondent)
26th Satorember 104AC 
The citizens of Hyrule were treated to an extraordinary sight yesterday after what appeared to be an enormous, demonic dragon emerged from the ruins of Hyrule Castle.
It was approximately midday when what is being dubbed the ‘Demon Dragon’ appeared. Eyewitness accounts state that a second entity, which some have called the ‘Light Dragon’, was also spotted and appeared to confront the Demon Dragon, however this has not been verified. 
About an hour after the Demon Dragon appeared, there was a colossal explosion in the skies that caused several grassfires on Hyrule Field. These were swiftly contained by brave volunteers of the Zonai Survey Team who happened to be in the area. The Gazette can confirm there were no ground casualties.
Earlier this week, the swordsman Link and the Sages of Hyrule departed Lookout Landing to mount an assault on the Demon King Ganondorf. The outcome of that battle is not yet known, and investigations continue as to whether this mission has any links to the Demon Dragon. 
More to come. 
2. A letter, with a stamp that reads ‘Rito Courier Certified’
Forgive the chicken scratch, I don’t write a lot of letters. 
I heard the Princess is back. Good for her. Knew she wouldn’t abandon us. Good job dealing with the Demon King too -- you saved all our tailfeathers there. 
Tulin’s back with us now. Just writing to say thank you. He’s got a long way to go, but I can tell that hanging out with some responsible adults has put him on the right track. Though sometimes I wish he’d never learned about this Sage business. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard ‘Would a Sage have to do his chores, Dad?’ Ridiculous. 
If either you or the Princess need a holiday, Rito Village welcomes you. I’d sure like to hear the story of the battle against Ganondorf from someone other than a cocky teenager. Let’s just hope that’s the last of Hyrule’s troubles for now. We all enjoy a good fight, now and then, but a broken wing never really heals if you know what I mean.
Fly well, Teba, Elder of Rito Village 
3. A pamphlet advertisement printed on paper that smells of fireproof elixir
YunoboCo is the author of this pamphlet for the purpose of copyright. © YunoboCo 104AC
Link! Zelda! 
Look at this! Isn’t it great!? We got it back from the Lucky Clover Gazette just today. Took a bit of negotiating with Traysi to let us use her printers, but we got it done. I can’t believe Mine-Cart Land is gonna open for real — it’s all thanks to you or we’d all be Demon King lunch!
The other Sages said you’d gone back to Hateno to rest. They’ve all got fire ants in their pants wanting to get back to rebuilding, but I say we’ve all deserved a break. How many people can say they saved the world twice? 
Anyway, let us know next time you’re in Eldin. Slergo and Offrak have been asking about you every day. Dinner’s on us!
4. A letter written in silver ink on lily white paper, in cursive that borderlines on unreadable 
The 8th Day of Octoroktober, 104 After Calamity 
Princes Zelda Bosphoramus Hyrule 5 Wildflower Crossing, Hateno Village Necluda, Hyrule 
The Reception Celebration of the Wedding of Their MajestiesKing Sidon and Queen Yona of the Zora 
By command of the King, the Advisor Muzu is directed to invite
Princess Zelda Bosphoramus Hyrule And Sir Link, Knight-Captain of the Hyrule Royal Guard
to be present at Zora’s Domain on the 3rd day of Naydrember, 104AC
Dear Princess Zelda, 
I hope your recovery in Hateno with Sir Link has been restorative. As Winter draws closer and the days shorter, time of respite is often best spent with close companions. 
My dear Sidon has told me all of what happened to you in the ancient past, and I must extend my deepest sympathies for the hardships you have endured. I cannot even begin to imagine them. I must also express my gratitude that Sidon has returned to us. While he is so humble as to pass all credit for the victory against the Demon King to Sir Link and his fellow Sages, to those in Zora’s Domain he is a hero.  
It would give us great joy if you could join us in a month’s time for I do so wish to meet you. However, I will understand completely if you choose to remain in the quiet solace of home. 
Sincerely, Queen Yona of Zora’s Domain
5. An informal letter, written in an assured hand 
Did you also get an invite to Sidon and Yona’s wedding? Or second wedding? I’ve never even been to Zora’s Domain. You will have to tell me what to wear. Is it cold? Is there really water everywhere? Not that I have a problem with that. 
So your sabbatical with Link has been just ‘good’? I get the sense you’re holding back details. If you don’t want to put anything in writing, you can call me using the Purah Pad. I could tell, Zelda, that when Link brought you to Lookout Landing after our battle with the Demon King, he couldn’t wait to whisk you away again. And what’s this about leaving Hateno next week? So soon!
I suppose I understand. You and I have our kingdoms to take care of. It is nothing less than our duty to do as much as we can. Heroines, I don’t think I’ve ever had a holiday. Even going to Lanayru is ‘official business’ as Chief of the Gerudo. But I will get to see you, and we can talk and laugh and drink all evening. Until then, sister. 
(Or you can simply call me! I want to hear everything, Zelda. Even if he proposes. ESPECIALLY if he proposes). 
Yours, Riju
6. A typed letter, on paper with a watermark of a Sheikah eye 
Princess Zelda and Champion Link Lookout Landing Central Hyrule
Princess, Champion--
Thank you for your latest report from Lookout Landing on the rebuilding efforts post-Upheaval. I trust that Purah isn’t working you too hard and that Josha is proving a very dedicated assistant. I know that Impa’s instruction was for you to rest as long as you need, however I disagree. On the contrary, I believe that engagement and activity is the best way to stay invigorated. It worked for me after all.  
I’m pleased to report that the manufacture of a second Purah Pad is nearly complete. I’ll need to finish the work at my lab in Akkala, so will be returning there. You’re welcome to visit any time. I suggest doing so before Dincember. Once Winter starts in Akkala, it really settles in. 
Speaking of Akkala, Granté visited last week and wishes to relay that the house Link purchased from the Hudson Construction Company is complete. He also said something about not knowing if you wanted plants or children’s toys in the house and that he ended up purchasing both. I suggest you liaise with him directly on that matter. 
Regards, Robbie 
7. A hastily scrawled note bearing the mark of the red Yiga eye
To the scoundrel who calls himself Link,
You have slighted us for the last time! Master Kohga will have his vengeance. 
Already our forces gather weapons of ultimate death beyond your comprehension! Just last month, we debuted the HOVERDOOM MK.4!   
Your day of reckoning approaches. As soon as we find his excellency , you will know true fear! So just let us know if you have seen him… if you want to live!!
Damn it, why am I even writing this note? I’ll just leave it in our hideout in Karusa Valley. Link will never get in there… 
8. A carefully and neatly written note, on lined paper 
Zelda, Hyrule’s adored Princess 
I am dictating this note to Josha, as my construct arms cannot grasp a writing quill. I had intended to create an attachment to allow this, however it was not to be. 
It is my request that you gather the Sages to Lookout Landing, where Link and I have built a new balloon ship. Link may no longer have my brother's arm to aid him, but his strength and endurance have proven invaluable in this endeavour. With this ship I intend to bring everyone to the Temple of Time on the Great Sky Island. It will be my gift to them as Sages, and then I must depart. 
There are words I must say before then that I fear will fail me if I try to convey them to you in person. However, you mean a great deal to me, so I have written them down instead. 
Zelda, my dear friend. You had no obligation to aid my people, yet you sacrificed everything to do so. When I thought all was lost against the Demon King, your faith and hope for the future gave me the will to continue. It was your bravery in the face of annihilation and your vigilance over many millennia that turned the tides in our favour and allowed us to finally end the war. Hyrule will be forever in your debt and this act will be your legend. 
I am merely grateful to have survived to your era, to have met your friends and allies (whose wedding feast I was honoured to attend), and to have seen that Hyrule will be under the care of those who are not only wise, but courageous and kind. One such Hyrulean sits at my side now, helping me write you this letter. 
As a final note – during your absence, I saw firsthand just how deeply Link cares for you. When you described him to me, I pictured a brave Knight of course, but the Link I met was more than that. He overflowed with tenacity, even in his darkest moments, and while the past half-year has been difficult, I don’t think he ever truly gave up hope of seeing you again. You are to him as the sky to the stars and the ocean to the waves; whatever you dream of he will dedicate himself to its fruition. I will leave you content in the knowledge that together, you will guide Hyrule to new beginnings and greater futures. 
We will be ready to travel to the Great Sky Island in three days. I hope you will join us on the journey.
— Mineru 
Log date: 14:00. 11th month, 12th day 104ACLocation: Akkala Beach, AkkalaWeather: Calm 
Well, it is done. I have read every log, viewed every photo and listened to every recording on this Purah Pad. It is quite the account; the valiant quest of Link, a Knight of Hyrule, to awaken the Sages, defeat the Demon King, and reunite with his beloved Princess Zelda. 
With me. 
I scarcely know where to begin. I can hardly believe I am here at all. Yet, I am here, thanks to Link and the Sages, and Queen Sonia and King Rauru… All of them devoted themselves to Hyrule’s salvation, for which I will always be grateful. Link tells me I was of aid in the final battle, and while it is true that my power was able to restore the Master Sword, a blade is only as strong as its wielder. 
So is this it then? Is this true peace, after all this time? I myself have been restless, falling from memory to memory. I cannot shake Rauru and Sonia from my mind. They were the ones who gave me my life back after all, or so Mineru theorised before she left us. It feels like only yesterday that I was dining with them all in their grand palace. I keep expecting to find Rauru in his hall talking with his constituents, or Sonia out in a garden tending the flowers, or Mineru lost in a book within her vast library. I wish we could be together, but I take solace that they can now rest. I will honour them by protecting the Kingdom that fate has passed to my care – it seems the least I can do. 
Since that fateful day of the defeat of the Demon King, Link and I have attempted to rest. However, I believe it is in neither of our natures. We spent some time in Hateno, the first two days of which we did little more than sleep. During that time, Link clung to me day and night, protesting the second I was out of his grasp, as though to pin me to the earthly realms lest I float up into the sky again. Then, once it became clear I was back for good, neither of us could bear lazing about. The more he told me of his quest to find me, the more I wanted to see all of our friends and allies again. The more I told him of my journey in the past, the more he wanted to show me the Zonai relics he had found. We were back on the road within a week, and have just come from Lookout Landing to visit Akkala and see our new house. 
In quiet moments I have been reading the extensive field notes that Link has kept on this Purah Pad. I cannot describe the feelings they provoke in me. I am constantly struck by the tremendous efforts of all those in Hyrule. Their headstrong Princess set another Calamity upon them, and never did they despair, only banding together to vanquish Ganondorf once and for all. And Link… he suffered so greatly when he learned what happened to me. I’ve felt compelled to apologise for it, and often. When I was lost in the past I ached to return home, but I accepted my sacrifice as necessary. I never thought what sacrifice really meant. To lose yourself is one thing; but to be lost to all those who love you? Such consequence didn't occur to me at the time. 
He does love me, doesn't he? It overwhelms me to read his words, they tremble with it. Yet somehow I never knew. I was so foolish as to never even tell him myself. All that time together, before the Calamity, before the Upheaval, and we never said such simple words. We took for granted that which felt obvious but could be so much richer if confessed. We’ve remedied that now, many times over. And I do love him, more than anything, and I want the life he dreamed of for us. Certainly, we have already begun, first with the house in Akkala, and lately with much practice at the necessary steps towards a family of our own. (I do hope no one but Link ever reads this.)
To that point, this will be my only entry into this particular Purah Pad. It is no longer mine. Through every hardship and triumph of the past half year, this little device has been Link’s constant companion. So I entrust it to him now, to continue recording our story and the story of Hyrule. I pray it will be a good one, though perhaps with a little less excitement than what has occurred thus far.
By the Goddess’ Grace,
A photograph of Link, resting underneath the shade of a palm tree on Akkala Beach. He wears his ancient Zonai tunic – a makeshift beach outfit – and has his hair loose. His eyes are closed and he appears to be taking in the warmth of the sun, and the cool of the ocean breeze. 
Caption: I better wake him up, the sleepyhead...
Log date: 14:30. 11th month, 12th day 104ACLocation: Akkala Beach, AkkalaWeather: Calm
A lot has happened. Plenty to write. This Purah Pad has given me a voice I didn’t know I had. Think I’ll start with an account of how we defeated the Demon King (or Demon Dragon) for that Lucky Clover Gazette column Penn mentioned… 
But not now. Not for a long while. 
Zelda’s here. We’re both here. It’s a sunny Autumn day and we have a home to go back to, one that’s up on a hill, overlooking the sea. I’ll make her dinner; a meat and rice bowl maybe, with ginger and Hyrule herb? Then tomorrow we’re back on the road – the whole Kingdom is ours to explore. I’m up for anything – somewhere new to find, someone new to meet, a new puzzle, a new enemy, a new fight. I can face it all, face anything, with her or without. But it doesn’t matter, not right now. She's here, in my arms, watching me type this. Better not write too long. Fate gave us back the time we nearly lost. I’m going to make the most of it. 
Until next you hear from me, 
A photograph of Link and Zelda, together on the shore of Akkala Beach, the sun shining above. Link laughs and blushes as Zelda snaps the photo – still smitten, even after all this time. 
Caption: Home and heart, heart and home. 
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artwork by the wonderful @nocturnalfandomartist
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pinegreenapples · 5 months
Leave of Absence
Wrote a little something and I wanted to share it even though it's not finished! Feedback is always appreciated!
Valentino had received his new gun two days ago and he was in love.
It was a sleek little revolving pistol that made him feel like a sexy gangster whenever he blew out the smoke from the barrel. And he had been doing that a lot recently. But who could blame him? The first time he used her to blow off some idiot's head had been like snorting a line of coke, and Valentino was a hedonist through and through. 
So what if production was going to be stalled because he shot his best camerawoman? She was being annoying! And his new gun made that better! Besides, she'd be back in a week or so.
But back to his new love, Veronica. Oh, how her name just rolled off his tongue-delightful.
His new baby was a special commission from Carmine and it could shoot both regular and angelic bullets, depending on how vexing he found his staff at the time. The frigid bitch had even caved and let him make some design choices. So Val's sweet baby girl was a gorgeous rose gold and pastel pink that shone iridescent in the fluorescent lights of the board room. All smooth lines and perfectly polished metal-Val shivered. She was practically sex incarnate.
However, that didn't mean she couldn't use a little more glam.
So today Valentino had a paintbrush, a jar of modge podge, and his personal rhinestone collection laid out in front of him as he debated over the best placement for each crystal on his new baby while Vox droned on in the background about their current ratings.
What a snoozefest. At least he had his precious darling to entertain him while he waited for the meeting to be over. Veronica was going to make an excellent addition to his collection. He could already see her at his side in the club, keeping him safe. Val smirked as he slid into the fantasy.
The way that they'd look together under the disco ball. How she'd fit in his hand like a glove and send a bullet through the heart of whoever dared challenge him. Mmmm, he could feel the heat of her barrel against his palm. What a sexy little lady! He'd blow out her smoke and give her a little kiss-
"-And your latest film has grossed over 2 mil in profits, good job, Val. Ratings are positive as well with even the Gazette admitting it was well done." Vox said, shattering Val's daydream with his stupid statistics.
Although, the recognition was appreciated. Val puffed his chest and grinned salaciously back at his partner.
"Well of course, amorcito, I made it." He purred.
Vox rolled his eyes and snapped his tablet cover shut. 
Fuck, he was so hot when he was pissed off. Maybe Val could cop a feel when the meeting was over. It was such a shame that Vox was so rigid about those 'professional conduct' rules. Val knew he had to be a wildly kinky fucker-stressed business types always were.
"Well, that's the last of our logistics. I have just one more thing to say, I'll be taking a few personal days at the end of the month-"
"Wait, what?" Velvette piped up. Her face had emerged from behind her phone to stare at Vox.
Vox glared back at her and continued on. "-And, Jessica and Will will be taking over for me in the meantime."
Val blinked, then frowned. He opened his mouth to speak but Velvette beat him to it.
"Fucking what? You, Hell's worst control freak is going on a little 'holiday'," Velvette raised her fingers in little air quotes, "and leaving his assistants in charge of his company?" She snorted derisively and set her phone down. "I call fucking bullshit."
"She's right, Voxxy. We've been partners for forty years and not once have you ever taken a day off." Val chimed in. In fact, he could clearly remember several times he'd had to drag the man away from his desk because he hadn't slept in nearly 3 days and the power to the building was flickering like a flame in a tornado.
Vox sighed and a hand came to rub at his screen between his eyes.
"At most, I will be gone for five days. I am trusting you to not run this company into the ground during that time." He said, taking turns to stare at each of them.
Val gasped and hurried over to him.
"Voxxy, mi amor, are you sick? Dying? Is this our last month with you? Don't go, amorcito, we can find a cure!" He wailed. He wrapped his upper arms around the tv's head while his lower set pawed at Vox's clothes, trying to find what was wrong with the other demon.
"Val! What the fuck, get off me!!" Vox shrieked. His hands whacked at Valentino's fingers as they tried to prod his ribs. "I'm not fucking dying, I'm just taking some time off!"
Val wailed again and turned to face Velvette, Vox's head was now smushed against his chest and his fingers stroked the ports at the back of his head. His poor Voxxy, gone too soon! And they'd never even fucked! Truly a tragedy the likes of Romeo and Juliet!
"Velvette, it's worse than we thought!" He cried. His hand came to drape across his forehead. "I'm not ready to be a widow!"
Vox wrenched his head out of Val's fur coat and glared up at him.
"We're not even married, you idiot!" He growled. "Hell, we aren't even dating!"
Val just pulled him back in again and heard Velvette snort as Vox let out a pained 'hrk!' when he was shoved back into Val's ample pecs. Val swung him around like a doll as he bawled.
"I don't know, Val. I think you'd make a sexy widow. What about that little black number you bought at Yvonne's last month? I bet that would bring all the boys over to give you their condolences." Velvette grinned at him. Her phone was out again and pointed at the two of them.
Val cocked his head as he thought about it. Vel was right, that mini dress would look absolutely incredible with a pair of nylons, elbow length black gloves, and a mourning veil. Should he order a handkerchief as well? Or would that be too much? What was he saying? Nothing was ever too much!
Vox took his distraction as a chance to slip from his arms. Val cried out at the loss and ran after him.
Vox dodged his flailing arms and teleported next to Velvette. He snatched her phone, fingers tapping on the screen.
"Hey! Give it back!" Velvette yelled at him.
Vox ducked under her punch and took a step back as he continued to tap.
"Not until I delete them from the cloud and your phone's memory." He snarked back.
"Oh please! Like that'll stop me! You think I can't do a simple data retrieval?" Velvette said. Her arms folded across her chest and her eyes had taken on a dangerous glint.
Vox shrugged and tossed the phone back to her. "No, but it does give me enough time to corrupt all the files before you can get them back."
Velvette flipped him off.
He turned to face them both and pointed his finger. "It's five days at the end of this month. If I come back to the company in flames, I will personally kill both of you." 
Then he zipped into the security camera and was gone.
Val turned to look at Vel. She met his gaze with a frown.
"Well that was fucking weird. Where's that bastard sodding off to for five whole days?" Vel muttered.
"I'll say." Val replied. "The man barely takes time to breathe and now he's taking almost a whole week off from his precious baby of a company?"
"That's what I'm saying!"
Val hummed. "This requires investigation. I'm sure we can get him to spill before he leaves. He's never been good at keeping secrets anyway."
"First one to get him to tell owes the other a shopping spree?" Vel asked.
"Done!" Val agreed eagerly.
He was already planning out how he was going to corner the man and-persuade him to come clean about this little secret.
Val giggled as he walked up to his suite. This next month was going to be fun.
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toushindai · 7 months
a warmth the size of our palms
Link has saved the kingdom once more, and Zelda is herself again. But she notices a persistent grief in her knight, whenever he looks at his right arm...
Post-TOTK, 2.4k, rated G. I will leave it up to your preference whether Zelink is romantic or not but they care about each other deeply.
[ Read on AO3 ]
The cries of triumph and relief that greet Zelda and Link’s arrival at Lookout Landing almost bring Zelda to tears. They cheer for her like she’s real royalty—all except for Purah, who foregoes such formality and instead sweeps her and Link both into a crushing hug.
“Oh, thank the goddess. I knew you’d bring her back to us, Linky—hm?” Purah pulls back and takes a good look at Link. “Your arm, it’s… back to normal?”
“Your arm?” Zelda looks at her knight with a sudden sharp sting of concern. She remembers what Ganondorf did to it, but she knows so little of what Link has done since then, and it hadn’t occurred to her to ask—
But she sees at a glance that the question puts Link on the spot. He lifts his right arm and makes a vague gesture before signing, “After what Ganondorf did to me, Rauru gave me his arm. But when…” He waffles over his words. “Before I caught you, he healed it.”
Save for that moment of hesitation, he signs evenly and impassively. Zelda’s brow furrows, just slightly. He glances once at her face, and then turns his gaze away. Zelda’s stomach plunges. She has never seen a clearer sign of his discomfort.
Purah doesn’t notice it. “Caught her? What do you mean, caught her? Where was she, Link?”
Link’s posture becomes even stiffer, and in an instant, Zelda knows: he hasn’t told Purah what she did. Has he told anyone? Or has he carried it sealed in his heart alone? A slow-dawning horror sinks into Zelda’s chest.
But she doesn’t let it show. Instead she breaks into a smile—she feels herself doing it, feels how deliberate it is—and says, “Honestly, Purah, I’m still exhausted, and I can’t even begin to imagine how Link must feel. Is there somewhere quiet where the two of us could rest?”
With a few brusque words, Purah clears out the emergency shelter beneath Lookout Landing for their sake. As the door grinds into place, shutting out the happy bustle of the fort’s inhabitants beginning to realize that the worst of their problems are behind them, Zelda sees Link relax slightly. But not entirely.
“Would you like a cake?” he offers, and Zelda knows that this is how he shows his care. She smiles and nods, and she does not let herself stare at him too much as he sits down in front of the pot and begins to ready his ingredients.
She has plenty else to look at: papers and reports scattered across the tables, maps tacked up on the wall. A “Missing!” poster with her portrait and Link’s. A goddess statue, of course, and she does not feel as much of a guilty, panicked twinge as she used to when she sees it. But as she flips idly through a copy of the Lucky Clover Gazette that tells of a convoluted Yiga plot involving a talking cucco, her attention does keep getting drawn back towards her knight. For a moment, he seems almost at ease; he really does love to cook. But as she watches, he reaches out his right hand in the vague direction of the egg he’d set aside. There is a strange pause, and then she sees him turn his head to look at his arm. His face is expressionless. He leans to the right, picks up the egg, and cracks it into the bowl. He is not as relaxed now as he was before.
“Link…” Zelda says. He looks her way, eyes attentive. Zelda shakes her head minutely. It’s not that she needs something from him. Something in his face pulls closed at that realization, and then she sees his lips press together in the barest hint of a suppressed frown. She comes to sit to his left, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She says, “I left a lot on your shoulders.”
He hesitates, then puts his cooking utensils down so he can sign. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I… can’t, right now. Talk about it, I mean. But it isn’t because of anything you did.” Another pause. He reaches for the bowl, but before he picks it up, he stops. “It’s gotten harder for me again,” he confesses, and Zelda’s heart breaks for him.
“I’m home,” she promises him, and his eyes soften with affection and relief.
The cake he bakes for her is delicious.
Mineru’s passing is harder on Zelda than she expected. So she is glad when Riju formulates some excuse that pulls the sages and Purah away to explore the Great Sky Island, leaving Zelda alone with Link. He opens his arms to her and lets her weep for as long as she needs to.
“Thank you,” she says, when at last she can dry her eyes.
Link’s hand hesitates on her arm, and then he signs, “The three of them were like a family to you.”
“They were.” She gives a weak smile. “You can imagine how complicated that felt.”
“I have imagined it,” he answers seriously. And then, “Is there a way up to the roof?”
There is, of course. Zelda leads him up there, to the sand garden. The construct stationed there remembers her and greets her as though perhaps only a month has passed since she last spoke to it. Rauru had said that most of them were created long before he was born. And here they are, persisting long after his death. This one glides quietly away to give them their space, and Link walks towards the edge of the roof to look out across what was once the Garden of Time. Zelda approaches him and stands as silently as he does.
He gazes over the golden island, then looks down at his right hand, opening and closing a fist. Then he cranes his neck back and shades his eyes to look at an island that must be half a kilometer above this one.
“When I woke up,” he says, his hands moving haltingly, “my arm had been replaced.”
She looks at him. He looks down at his hand, running his thumb across his own palm, over his fingers. “It didn’t feel as weird as it should have. That hand responded like it should, I could still sign, I could still fight. It…” But he cuts himself off there, waving away the rest of the thought. “You gave up your body and mind,” he says.
She can see the self-recrimination in the movement of his hands and the set of his shoulders. She says, “I made the choice to do so, of my own free will.”
Link’s brow furrows. He signs, “Understand, it wasn’t bad. Especially once I started understanding the powers of the Zonai. Did you ever see Rauru or Mineru use those?” Zelda nods. “I learned to use them. And then it was like they had always been a part of me. Because they were a part of me. Or, I was…” He trails off once more and lets his hands fall to his sides. Closing his eyes, he inhales deeply of the cool air for a silent, serene minute. Then, “I’m sorry that Mineru left, too.”
The pain squeezes Zelda’s heart again. But she says, “It was her time. I think… she may have lived through those thousands of years, in a way that I didn’t.”
Link glances at her and nods. He must have gotten the same impression.
Zelda thinks about Mineru as she was: thinks of that dark and dusty library/workshop and Mineru’s focus on her work. Mineru had already been working on those constructs, Zelda knows. Mineru had already intended to outlive her body, even before Ganondorf’s treachery. And she had been kind to Zelda, and interested in her, but she had never been warm. Her gaze had always been directed somewhere else, until that moment when Zelda had confessed her plan to her.
“I wish she could have stayed a little longer,” Zelda confesses. “But… I think it’s right for her to move on.”
Link looks down at his hand one more time. Then he nods, silently.
The rhythms of a peaceful life welcome them back, billowing them gently through the days like a breeze. They travel around Hyrule together as it heals from the Upheaval, and when they tire, they go home to Hateno. There may be a new home waiting for them outside Tarrey Town, but there is comfort in the familiar, for now.
And things are familiar. Sometimes—as has always been the case since they defeated Calamity Ganon—there are days when Link needs to clear his head. Sometimes he is struck with a strange, wandering restlessness, and he heads out alone and returns when he is ready.
Zelda knows the feeling, she thinks; there are still mornings when she wakes up thinking that she has to go, to do. Bearing the weight of the world is, it turns out, a hard habit to break. Even in the past, despite Sonia’s gentle admonishment, Zelda had not been able to shake the feeling that she needed to be the one to stop Ganondorf’s dark designs against the peace of the newborn Hyrule Kingdom.
(She had not quite been wrong about that, in the end.)
When Link returns one evening, Zelda asks, “Do you still go to spend time with the dragons, when you go out?”
That is what he’s done in past years, he’s told her. He has said that he finds serenity in their beautiful, implacable progression through the skies. When Zelda realized what she had to do, she remembered Link saying that, and truth be told it had brought her some peace.
But now she regrets asking it. A stricken expression shoots across his face before he composes himself, and for several long minutes, he does not speak. He only pulls off his boots, removes his leather armor and chainmail. Takes the hairtie from his hair and ruffles it loose. He wears it a little longer now than he used to.
Not looking at her, he signs, “Do you remember anything at all?”
Zelda swallows and gives a helpless shrug. It isn’t that she remembers. But sometimes, when the breeze comes through the window just so, she… slips. The way her mind works shifts, and she feels an unbounded, wide-open tranquility. And when Link touches her arm to bring her out of it, it doesn’t always work the first time, because sometimes that sliver of his familiar presence is part of it, too.
Link signs, “There was one time, I think I spent three days lying on your forehead, wishing you knew me.” And she opens her mouth to say—what can she say?—but he waves his hand and says, “The dragons don’t bring me peace anymore.”
Zelda says, “I’m sorry.”
“It isn’t your fault. And it may have always been selfish of me. They aren’t for me.”
I was, Zelda thinks, but she doesn’t say it aloud.
Again, Link’s hands fall still. He pulls the Purah Pad off his belt, hands it to her, and goes to the kitchen. There, he begins to chop the vegetables he’s brought home. Zelda sees carrots and a pumpkin from the village—but also skyshrooms and a stambulb. She flicks open the Purah Pad’s album and scrolls down to the newest pictures; they are full of golden foliage and clear blue sky.
When the vegetables have all been chopped and added to the pot to sizzle quietly, Link’s hands are left idle once more. He sees that Zelda is waiting for him. Indicating the Purah Pad as if to say you’ve figured this out already, he signs, “I go to the sky islands.”
Zelda nods. She looks down at one of the pictures he took, of a heron picking its way through golden grass. “Are they all this beautiful?”
He wiggles his hand. “Not all of them. There’s this one eyesore above Necluda…”
Zelda has seen it from the ground. “Those smokestacks?”
“It was a forge,” he says. For a moment, there is almost amusement on his face. Then something horrible happens. As Zelda watches, he grits his teeth and screws his eyes shut as though he’s in pain. Very abruptly, he pulls out one of the chairs from the table and sits down.
Zelda starts towards him. “Link, are you all right?”
He waves off her concern with a sharp movement. But his annoyance is for himself, not for her. Hands moving roughly, he says, “It was a forge, and that’s all I’ll ever know about it, and it won’t ever be a forge again.” He grips his right wrist with his left hand, clenching his right hand into a fist. “They’re gone,” he signs faintly.
And Zelda’s grief wells up within her, never far away: Sonia’s loving smile, Rauru’s kind eyes, Mineru’s clever creations. They’re gone echoes in her mind and in the places where they made her life brighter, more expansive. She will never stop missing them.
But Link’s grief, she thinks, is of a different shape. Little by little, he has told her of his adventures across Hyrule after the Upheaval. He has taken her to the Shrines of Light to see the puzzles Rauru and Sonia built and shown her the vehicles Tarrey Town has begun to construct from Zonai devices. Wryly, he tells her that he isn’t as handy with these things as he once was, and his eyes say that he’s joking. But even so, even months later, there are moments when he reaches out for something as if he expects it to come to his hand rather than the other way around. There are moments when he offers to grab her something from upstairs and unthinkingly reaches upwards before realizing he’s going to have to take the stairs. Like any other person. Like any other Hylian must.
Zelda sits down beside Link and reaches for his clenched right hand. Gently, she unfolds his fingers and slips her own between them. She knows the shape of this hand; she knows the calluses on this palm. This is her Link, and she wants to know every part of him. If he aches with loneliness for a people he never really knew—a people he was too late to save, the last remnant of them slipping away from him even as she came back—then she will hold this loneliness with him. Even if he cannot shape it into words.
“Link,” she says, “will you bring me to the sky islands sometime?”
(He doesn’t know it, but Zelda does: Sonia asked this question of Rauru once, long, long ago.)
And Link looks into her face and sees all the understanding she can offer him, and she watches a little of the burden ease from his face. He nods, seriously, and squeezes her hand.
Then he stands to continue making their dinner.
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The newspaper — the South Sea Gazette, apparently — is so old it practically crumbles under Ace’s fingers, the paper yellow and powdery with age, the edges disintegrating into nothing from however many years of being picked up and handled. The headline reads: Maniac Schoolteacher Slaughters Classroom. The photo on the front page shows a small schoolhouse, showing signs of wear and hodge-podge repair, like the town it belonged to couldn’t afford it’s upkeep but did their best anyway. The stairs leading up to the front door are bloody, and there’s more blood streaked across the windows from the inside. One small hand can be seen poking out the edge of the doorway, flopped limp across the floor. A group of Marines drag the “Maniac Schoolteacher” away from the scene of the crime in chains while he flails and struggles.
It… It’s Jiru. A very young Jiru, he can’t be any older than, god, maybe his early twenties? If that? He looks like he’s barely Ace’s age in this photo, and his face—
It’s not the face of a maniac who just went on a bloody rampage and murdered a bunch of kids. His hands and clothes are streaked with blood, but not nearly enough to account for the carnage implied behind him, and his face is wet with tears. The look in his eyes is one of such gut-wrenching despair that Ace has to tear his eyes away. The rest of the article is just — bullshit, Ace is sure, and the letters are dancing around and he doesn’t want to read it anyway so he doesn’t bother trying to make them quit goofing off and get back where they go. He just… stares blankly instead at where his hands are digging into the paper, crumbling it more under his grip.
“Ah,” Jiru says. “I should’ve put that away.”
Ace startles, whirls around. The fourteenth division Commander is leaning in the doorway, arms crossed and shoulders slumped, eyeing Ace with an unreadable expression.
“I’m sorry,” Ace says, scrambling to put the paper back where he found it. “I’m — sorry, I didn’t mean to snoop. I was coming to see you about watch rotations. Pops said you’re in charge of that?”
“That I am.” Jiru enters his room. Ace has to scramble out of his way when he walks to the desk, lifting the newspaper up delicately — not like he’s handling something precious, but like he’s handling something that disgusts him. Or, maybe, something that bites. Something that hurts to touch. “The transfers from the Moby 3 haven’t been added to the Watch Rotation yet, and won’t be until we know how long repairs will take. That’s not why you were taken off the night watch. You were taken off of the night watch for your narcolepsy, and Tate scares me, so you’re not going back on the night watch unless there’s an emergency.”
“No buts. She will stab me with needles.”
That’s… probably true. Ace still scowls at the unfairness of it all. He focuses on that — on the absolute crime that is all these damn people caring about his health and his wellbeing and his safety — so that he doesn’t have to focus on the paper while Jiru carefully slides it into an empty drawer and then locks that drawer shut. The key gets hung up on a hook by his desk, where it’s immediately covered by the fabric of the cloak that’s also hanging there.
“… You can ask,” Jiru says, after a moment. “It’s not a secret.”
Ace startles again, tears his eyes away from the closed drawer. Jiru’s face is still unreadable, but he doesn’t look angry, really. Ace bites his lip.
“What… happened?”
Jiru snorts. “Not did you do it?”
Ace snarls, “You didn’t do it.”
Now Jiru smiles. It’s a really shitty, awful, sad little smile, and Ace kind of hates it. “No,” he confirms. “I didn’t do it.”
He walks to his bed. Takes a seat. Scrubs a hand over his face. “… You ever hear that rumor about Gold Roger having a kid?”
Ace goes very, very still.
Jiru must see his reaction, but he must misunderstand it, because his smile grows — not sad anymore, but bitter and hurting and furious. “Yeah. Wasn’t ever anything but a rumor, mind you. Stories and gossip. The Marines didn’t have any leads, didn’t have any proof. Didn’t have anything but ‘somewhere in the South Blue’ and ‘somewhere between the ages of eight years old and literally an unborn fetus’.”
Here he chokes a laugh, flicks his fez off to scrub a hand over his shaved head. Takes a slow, shaking breath, and then another one. “… It wasn’t my kids,” he says. “Every one of them had fathers known and accounted for. It wasn’t any of my kids. But, hey, what’s logic in the face of justice?”
From somewhere far away, Ace is aware of the sensation of his own tongue, clicking dry against the back of his throat. His own voice, echoing down a distant tunnel. “If — if one of them was Roger’s son?” He hears himself ask. “What would you have done?”
Jiru looks at him for a moment, considering. Scratches over his head again. “Aw, hell, Ace, I dunno,” he says finally. “I’d like to say I would have scooped the kid up and ran for it, but… back then…” That fucking smile, all bitterness and regret. Ace really does hate that smile.
“Back then,” Jiru says, “I just wasn’t fast enough.”
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maninthemiroh · 1 month
About my Criminal Minds DR
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Full name: Gagak (Yes, that's it. I was born in Java, Indonesia, in this DR)
My nicknames: Corvid/ae/ (most of the team), Raden Mas (most of the world), Bird boy (Luke), The Crow (film fans)
My faceclaim: LØREN
Gender identity: Cis-male
Orientation: Demi-romantic/sexual
Age upon first shift: 20
More about me and changes I made below the cut <3
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My style:
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I wasn't going to have this kind of style, as evidenced by my previous post about this DR, but I read through one (1!) fanfiction series about cowboy!reader x Criminal Minds yesterday and… Also, for some reason, black, red, and white were thee colors when I was making the wardrobe section on this Pinterest board? I blame my top #6 video game characters: Ash (King of Fighters), Iori (KOF), Rock (also, KOF), Shadow (Sonic), Skarlet (MK), and Vice (KOF, again). Ahaha, guess what my favorite video game is 🤔 Anyway, RDR2 outfit pic creds to user @/kaddishaun on Pinterest!
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Fun facts about me and my life:
Youngest FBI informant a month after moving to the US (subsequently also a month after I turned 10), I'm sort of replacing White Boy Rick in a sense, but without the bad ending and horrible father figure.
Officially joined the FBI at age 11 once I got dual citizenship for the US and Indonesia (yes, I know that's not possible in this reality).
IQ of 304 because I'm an attention whore 😀.
Tallest person ever, as per usual, "only" 9'3 this time, though.
Youngest person to graduate high school, age five at SMA Taruna Nusantara
Youngest person to ever graduate college, age six, via an accelerated course thanks to a 127-page dissertation on serial killers that earned me my first PhD, one in Criminal Justice, at the University of Indonesia.
Besides my first PhD, I have twelve others, one in Chemistry, another in Computer and Information Sciences, then Cybersecurity, Engineering, Mathematics, Pharmacology, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, and Statistics.
Took the CTY entry exam, after it was mailed to me, and aced it, but they originally said I would have to move to Maryland, which I simply refused to do, so I almost turned it down before my parents mailed them a letter back asking if I could do dual enrollment and they'd, as rich people, pay for the transport of my schoolwork to and from our estate in Java, and it was not a surprise when the school board agreed.
When I first opened my eyes in the emergency room, my dad was holding me, and he was wearing a jade necklace, one long enough for me to reach out and grab—I did so, though, my grip wasn't very strong. As such, my mother suggested I be named after the jewel, but my grandfather, who recently visited Banggai, suggested the name Gagak, meaning crow, and my parents liked that better.
I spoke for the first time at 4 weeks and four days, simply said the word "shiny," and grabbed at my great aunt's pearl earring. This further reinforced for my family that my name was meant to be.
It's rude to call an Indonesian person by their full first name, so most have nicknames, and, my first name being what it is, my nickname wasn't hard for Spencer the team to think up.
Unit chief of the BAU since Hotch and Jack went into Witness Protection
I can speak, write, and comprehend all 700+ languages used in Indonesia.
I can read 30,000 words per minute and write 15,000.
Autodidact with an eidetic memory.
I played Eric Draven in the 1994 action fantasy film, The Crow (I will go on to play the same role in the 2024 remake)
From ages 14-19, I was the lead singer and backup guitarist in a faceless V-Kei trio called Birds Dig Us under the stage name, Rook, and we were actually the number one boy band at the time 😭. We haven't released music since 2001, but we didn't break up either [Insider info: things are cooking].
My other bandmates were Miyavi (Dué le Quartz, Skin, The Last Rockstars) on guitar and backup vocals, stage name Tsubasa, and Kai (the GazettE) on drums, stage name Torrio, by the way.
Also, Birds Dig Us made all the songs for The Crow's soundtrack.
I have a southern accent because, after moving to the US and before joining the BAU, I lived in Texas.
Reid's autism and mine feed off of one another, if you couldn't tell…
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Some other things I changed:
I scripted that Austin the Bartender, Beth Clemmons, Elle Greenaway, Jason Gideon, Jordan Todd, Kevin Lynch, Maeve Donovan, Maxine Brenner, Stephen Walker, and Tyler Green don't exist, as well as that Aaron Hotchner, Alex Blake, Derek Morgan, and Kate Callahan never leave the BAU (for good, at least).
After Scratch dies, Hotch comes back to the BAU, but I keep my new position as unit chief, and Hotch just becomes a regular member of the team.
Reid and I both get actual diagnoses 😓
It takes longer for the team to go through the motions of Rossi's past because it felt far too quickly done in canon for me. Rearranged a bunch of episodes in the timeline for this and other reasons.
Morgan has lessened trust issues.
JJ didn't emotionally cheat on Will, her fucking baby daddy, because what the fuck was that??
Also, Haley and Hotch were less toxic because WOAH and Strauss and Rossi aren't hunching.
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To sum things up: As of now, the BAU consists of its legal expert and former Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner; Alex Blake, a linguist who assists with nuances in communication; David Rossi, one of the first BAU agents and a specialist in hostage negotiation; Derek Morgan, an ex-Chicago policeman with proficiency in obsessional crimes and explosives; Emily Prentiss, a master at child advocacy and counter-terrorism; Jennifer Jareau, the communications liaison and a standard profiler; John Blackwolf, a standard profiler; Kate Callahan, an experienced undercover agent; Luke Alvez, an adept fugitive tracker; Matt Simmons, a skilled profiler from the FBI International Response Team; Penelope Garcia, the technical analyst; Spencer Reid, an elite geographic profiler and chirography analyst; Tara Lewis, a forensic psychologist; and myself, the squad's current Unit Chief and sex crime expert.
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PS: My voice claim is Corpse Husband because when given the choice to become my ideal self, why wouldn't I? Before anyone comes at me, I did use to have GERD! I didn't script myself having any disorders I don't or didn't have in this reality.
Taglist: @amiivrse @the-badass-penguin
Divider credits: @/i-mmaculatus and @/v6quE
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fanficwritersworld · 1 year
Twin Brother
Summary: a kryptonian pod falls in smallville
Pairing: Kent Family x Kent!Reader (Superwoman Storyline)
Requested: Winner of the poll
Word Count: 872
Warnings: none
Masterlist|Prompt List
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You felt her stomach twist as you walked into Vickie May’s Diner. You were meeting with the twins before your training session with Clark. But all day you’ve had this feeling like something was going to happen. “(N/N), you okay?” Jonathan asked you, noticing your dazed look.
“Mhmm? Oh, I’m okay” You brushed off. Jon and Jordan gave you a weird look. “You sure? Cause your wrist is … glowing” Jordan whispered. You looked at your wrist, seeing the faint family crest glow. “Impossible” You gasped, quickly getting up and putting the money for the food on the table. “We need to see your Dad, now” You spoke urgently, rushing out with your brothers behind you.
You three ran down to the Gazette, opening the door with a loud bang. “(Y/N)! Boys!” Lois exclaimed, hands on her hips. “No time to explain Lois, family emergency!” You told her. Lois excused herself to Chrissy as she followed her sons out as (Y/N) rushed. “Wait up! What’s wrong?” Lois asked you, seeing that even her boys were confused. 
You stopped at your motorbike, turning to Lois and the twins. “Me! My wrist is glowing, that only means one th-” You were cut off by the sight of something falling in the distance. “Oh, my Rao” You gasped, grabbing Lois and the boys before flying to the crash sight.
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You landed outside the Farm, Clark already inspecting what had fallen. A pod. A Kryptonian pod. Have you opened it?” You asked Clark, running up to him. “No, I just got here” Clark answered. You walked up to the pod, the glowing in your arm intensifying until it began on the pod.
The glass began to dissipate until You could see the person in the pod. You gasped, taking a step back. “(Y/N)?” Clark called out, placing a hand on your shoulder. A groan emitted from the pod. The person sat up, hand on their face until they looked in your direction.
“12?” They asked, looking at you with a shocked face. “13” You sob, running to them instantly. Wrapping your arms around the same leather jacket that matched yours. “Lara” He cried back at you. “Kon-El” You cried, pulling away and holding his face in your hands. “(Y/N), my baby sister” Kon-El cried, tears falling down his face. “Conner, my twin big brother” You smiled as the tears rolled down.
He stepped out of the pod, showing his towering frame. His hair was dark and curly with shaved sides and a pair of round sunglasses on top. His generic super-suit with the family crest paired with two chunky spiked belts and the signature leather jacket you both would wear.
“How? I saw you die, Conner, he… killed you, Father killed you!” You stated, angry tears running down your face as you hit your brother as hard as you could. Conner skidded back, you had always been stronger than him. “Wow, calm down Smallville” Conner told you, holding your fists with his hands.
“Lex almost killed me…Somehow he stopped me from actually dying. Wanted to use me to stop Pops, permanently until John Irons killed them both. I barely escaped 12” Conner explained to his sister. You just hugged him tighter than before. “I’ve missed you” You whispered.
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Everyone sat around the dining table as Conner and (Y/N) told stories from their world. “No, but then Pops and Ms Genuis over here threw me into the ocean! Like can you believe that… the betrayal!” Conner gave a dramatic gasp, hand over his heart dramatic. You gave him a playful glare. “You know what betrayal, you and Tim! Sweet Rao thank god you both moved to Gotham, I don’t think I would be able to stand another night of you two!” You fake gagged at him.
Conner held you in a headlock, ruffling your hair. “Nah… You and Nat’s late-night phone calls about science were hell. Who the hell talks about nanobots and metal at three in the morning!” Conner argued back, letting you go. “How could you know? Wisdom has been chasing you but you’ve always been too fast little brother” You smirked before everyone but Conner erupted in laughter.
Pouting, Conner glares at you. “I’m older than you!” He argued. You gave him the ‘really bish’ look. “Physically, yes. But I’m 12 your 13” You crossed your arms. “Why do you two call each other that?” Jon asked you. “Easy, I’m Subject 12, Conner’s Subject 13. Their our first names when we were still in Luthor Corp” You explained to him, seeing the shock written on their faces.
“You guys didn’t have real names?” Clark asked. You both shook your heads. “You and Grams named us when you fought me and took 12 in” Conner stated. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. Grandma and Your Dad didn’t name you, Kara did.
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You sat on the edge of the Fortress, hugging your knees. “Hey, you okay?” Clark asked, landing next to you. “I… don’t know” You answered. Clark sat next to you, confused. He thought you’d be ecstatic that your brother was alive. “What’s wrong?” Clark asked, seeing you in deep thought.
“I don’t think that’s Conner”
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seaglassandeelgrass · 9 months
(Nonexhaustive) Contents Of My Emergency Car Kit:
AAA card & insurance info
jumper cables
tire gauge & pump
spare tire, jack, & tire iron
pop-up triangle reflectors
wiper fluid, coolant/antifreeze, & motor oil
fire extinguisher
ice scraper/snow brush
small shovel
traction aid
first aid kit
basic tool kit
flashlight (magnetic, to stick to frame), old headlamp, & batteries
hi-vis vest
leather work gloves
spare boots
shop rags
yaktraks micro-spikes
protein bars, gallon emergency water, & empty nalgene
gazetteer maps
duct tape, spool of heavy-gauge wire, E6000 & JB Weld (for things that shouldn't move, but do)
PB Blaster penetrating oil (for things that should move, but don't)
phone charger
blanket & retired sleeping bag
chemical hand-warmers
hat, gloves, wool socks, extra jacket, change of clothes
pads & tampons
Sundry other Small Items: emergency cash, hoard of quarters, pencil & paper, bandana, spare glasses, lighter & matches, hand sanitiser/wipes, tissues, needle & thread, crossword puzzles, emergency tea, field guides
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dottie-mcveigh · 2 months
As a journalist, I try to remain impartial about things.
I try to report the truth, no matter my personal feelings on the matter.
I was born in a Gotham City before Batman. When we had mobsters and crime lords instead of villains and eco-terrorists. I was young when Batman emerged from the shadows.
I was still young when Two-Face emerged — but I was now old enough to remember. Without going into details, I witnessed one of Two-Face’s big public spectacles. An event that ripped the stars out of my struck eyes. An event I am still traumatised about to this day.
And I remember what the Gotham Gazette said. How they tried to obfuscate the truth.
Even when our reality seems like the plot of a comic book, Gotham deserves the truth.
In the upcoming election I will not be voting for Harvey Dent.
I was in high school when Gotham elected Cobblepot and I campaigned for the Arkham Bill that would exclude anyone who has served time in Arkham Assylum for holding political office as we do convicted criminals — a bill that did not pass.
I will not be voting for The Joker, who I predict would not even sign a legal name in his inauguration paperwork.
And I’m not throwing my vote away on an Apple.
I trust my justice in the hands that so many of us in Gotham must do when the law has failed us. I trust someone will step in and save us from villainy.
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videostarblogs · 2 months
5. yamanba gyaru
yamanba gyaru is a bold and extreme substyle of the gyaru fashion movement that originated in Japan in the late 1990s and early 2000s. it is characterized by its striking and unconventional appearance, which challenges traditional beauty norms. here's the details breakdown of yamanba gyaru fashion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
origins and development
yamanba gyaru evolved from the earlier gyaru substyles, particularly ganguro, which emphaszied tanned, bleached hair, and heavy makeup. the term yamanba refers to a mythical mountain witch in Japanese folklore, highlighting the wild and exaggerated nature of the style. this substyle emerged as a rebellion against traditional Japanese beauty standards and societal expectations, embracing a more radical and expressive and societal expectations, embracing a more radical and expressive form of self identity. it gained popularity among Japanese youth who sought to stand out and make a bold statement.
key motifs
deep tan and white makeup: one of the most distinctive features of yamanba gyaru is the deep, artificial tan combined with white makeup accents/ white eyeshadow, white eyeliner, and white lipstick or concealer are used to create a dramatic contrast against the tanned makeup.
bleached or colored hair: hair is typically bleaches to a platinum blonde or dyed in bright, unconventional colors like neon pink, blue, or purple. hairstyles are often voluminous and styled in waves or curls.
bold and colorful makeup: besides the white accents, yamanba gyaru makeup includes heavy use of colorful eyeshadows, dramatic false eyelashes, and thick eyeliner.
layered and flashy clothing: the clothing in yamanba gyaru fashion is eclectic and vibrant. it often includes layered outfits with bold patterns, neon colors, and flashy accessories like large hair clips, beads, and chunky jewelry.
platform shoes: oversized platform shoes and boots are a staple in yamanba gyaru fashion, adding to the exaggerated and towerlinh appearance
the yamanba gyaru aesthetic is often associated with energetic and rebellious music genres such as j-pop, eurobeat, and para para music. these genres complement the lively and bold nature of the fashion
here are some artists to listen too
BiS (Brand-new Idols of Succession)
The GazettE
yamanba gyaru fashion hasn't been prominently featured in mainstream movies, but it aligns with the subverse and countercultural themes found in certian Japanese films and media that explore youth rebellion and identity. documentaries and features on Japanese street fashion often showcase yamanba gyaru as part of the broader gyaru subculture
here are movies I suggest
Kamikaze Girls (2004)
Love Exposure (2008)
Tokyo Gore Police (2008)
Female Prisoner 701: Scorpion (1972)
Tokyo Tribe (2014)
Suicide Circle (2002)
Death Powder (1986)
Tokyo Vampire Hotel (2017)
book and other media
manga and anime: some manga and anime feature characters inspired by gyaru substyles, including yamanba. titles like gals! by mihona fuiji provide a glimpse into the gyaru lifestyles and fashion.
magazines: magazines such as egg have historically featured yamanba gyaru, providing fashion tips, makeup tutorials, and showcasing street snaps of those embarrassing the style.
social media and online communities: platforms like Instagram and TikTok, and various fashion blogs have become essential for yamanba gyaru enthusiasts to share their looks, connect with like minded individuals, and keep the subculture alive. online communities and forums dedicated to gyaru fashion also play a significant role in fostering the yamanba gyaru community.
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outfit inspo
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overall, yamanba gyaru is a radical and expressive fashion subculture that embraces bold colors, exaggerated makeup, and a rebellious spirit. it challenges conventional beauty standards and celebrates individuality and creativity.
make sure to like, reblog if you want and follow my blog for more fashion breakdowns like this!!! my requests are open aswell:)))
videostar signing off...............
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