#Elrond and Elros
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youmisguidedmartyr · 5 months ago
What if you were born during a WAR and your dad became a STAR and your mum became a BIRD and your people were KILLED and then you and your twin were KIDNAPPED and then your kidnappers either DIED or fucked off to the BEACH and then your twin chose a MORTAL LIFE and then you became a HERALD and then your King got given a really cool RING but there was ANOTHER WAR because SAURON WAS ACTUALLY the RING GUY and then your King DIES and then your cousin/wife gets ATTACKED and then she SAILS and then your Foster son falls in LOVE with your DAUGHTER and then there's ANOTHER FUCKING WAR because SAURON IS BACK and then your daughter also chooses a MORTAL fucking LIFE and then you just FUCK OFF TOO but your twin sons didn't make up their MINDS
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sakasakiii · 2 months ago
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new year new m... aedhros 🥳 yahoo!! i think i hv to return to my roots and devote entire sketch pages to him again bc i was checking my archive and realised the last time i drew him properly was exactly one year ago holy moly..... anyways the sketches are divided into valinor -> angband/recovery -> himring and amon ereb eras so i could experiment w/ how i think he may differ in each :D
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tolkien-povs · 7 months ago
Just something about how Elrond is described as "kind as summer." You can't go wrong with that. Elrond is amazing.
But the history of Elrond is so fucking tragic — if anything, Elrond should be turned evil, like Fëanáro or Maedhros.
But he didn't.
He lost his parents, his brother, his foster parents, his wife, his daughter, etc... and yet he's an amazing person.
Elrond being one of the bad guys would have been understandable. But he chose to be a good person who helped maintain the stability of Middle-Earth.
Despite all his pain, grief, losses, etc — Elrond chose to stay patient and prevent more people from experiencing the same losses he did.
This just shows one of the many different outcomes of pain that Tolkien presents; rather than going mad, like Fëanáro, or becoming an anti-hero, like Maedhros, or even disappearing, like Maglor, Elrond chose to stay sane and be a hero for Middle-Earth.
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likesdoodling · 1 month ago
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This is one of my 'I didn't have a great internet connection' pictures of the week, have some Maglor and the twins! Here's some close ups-
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sad--beep · 11 months ago
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Don't be afraid
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sempermoi · 6 months ago
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Here’s my art for my TRSB collab with @oatmealcraisin
The fic tied to Elrond’s portrait gallery will be revealed in a few days and I can’t wait to reblog the link then so you can all enjoy their work!
Here’s the individual portraits in a close-up:
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elven-sisters · 6 months ago
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Elwing with her boys!
Aren't they cute little smols?
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mahtariel-of-himring · 6 months ago
Long ago, when Elros was still building his Kingdom, and Númenor was young, he had his twin brother officially crown him, as a symbol of their bond.
After the first King died his son reached out to his uncle, and asked him if he would crown him as well.
From there on a tradition was begun.
Every time a King died a letter was send to Elrond, and in addition an invitation to the coronation of the next ruler, and the question to be the one to crown them.
Over centuries every King and Queen of Númenor was crown by Tar-Miniatur‘s brother, as a symbol of the bond between them and their half elven kinsman, who loved and cared for them dearly.
But as the centuries passed something changed. When in S.A. 2029 Tar-Atanamir first spoke out against the Valar relations slowly began to tense, though there was no one who greatly worried back then, except for Elrond.
In S.A. 2737 Elrond began to fear for his brother‘s people, as he noticed more and more how they drifted from the old ways with the coronation of the 18th King of Númenor, Ar-Belzagar, and the change in name.
In the year of S.A. 2899 the 20th King of Númenor was crowned, and for the first time in all its history, no letter to Elrond was send, and Ar-Adûnakhôr was crowned by another.
With the reign of Tar-Palantir Elrond felt a flicker of hope for the first time in decades, but it was quickly overshadowed as he realized his brother’s folk had already gone too far.
After the fall of Númenor the surviving faithful came to Middle Earth, and there, Lord Elrond welcomed them with open arm‘s. Their leader, Elendil, happily welcomed their estranged kinsman and was more than relieved that he was still receiving to them. And as he was crowned in S.A. 3320 Elrond was once again the one to set the crown atop a Númenorian‘s head, and the tradition was reawakened and continued ever on.
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pastelsugar6w6 · 2 months ago
Little Stars
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braxix · 3 months ago
Elrond: *Feral*
Maglor: Why is your one feral?
Maedhros: You think this is my fault?!
Maglor: Mine's learning math!
Maedhros: Stop talking about them like they're toys, Maglor. Elrond's just learning different things right now. He'll get to math when he's ready.
Maglor: Yeah, if math involves how many time you can bite something.
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aotearoa20 · 5 months ago
Lotta fics with little elrond and elros tend to have Elros being more drawn to fighting and Elrond to healing, which is all well and good
But I propose to you an Elros who was the first to lean towards healing and medcines. 'The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known' is Aragorns sign, and he is from Elros' line.
For sure both of them have that association and Elrond choosing Immortality means he likely surpassed Elros in terms of skill just for fact of living longer but Elrond was Gilgalad's Herald and Bannerman, in my mind he began as the fighter and Elros began as the healer
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badplacetohaveagoodtime · 1 month ago
Anyone else: the hands that cradled your face and tilted it upwards to kiss your forehead are soaked in unfathomable quantities of blood.
Elros and Elrond: But they cradled me, yes?
(Credits to @queen-of-hobgobblers )
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sakasakiii · 1 month ago
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when i first designed erestor 3 years back i wasnt totally aware of his potential half-elf status, and since then ive come across some more fanon interpretations of him being haleth and caranthir's kid which i really liked!!!! so ive decided to rework him a little by combining my original lore for him into this concept 👉👈 i ended up getting carried away on whole different tangent with his backstory which ive summarised down below HAHA
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tldr to expand on some key points under the cut:
born in F.A. 371 to haleth and caranthir; his parents' romance is short but passionate, and while many of the haladin are initially unsure about the nature of this union, they dont oppose it. for 4 years they live an unconventional but happy life together
haleth leaves thargelion in F.A. 375 and raises erestor with her people once they resettle. he's too young to remember much about caranthir. throughout his childhood she never tells him who his father is, but he also never really feels the need to ask.
he's captured in F.A. 460 (40 years after his mother's death) and escapes in F.A. 510. two years later, he finally finds refuge in Amon Ereb-- six years after the deaths of caranthir, celegorm and curufin in the 2nd kinslaying.
is tasked by maedhros to assist maglor with elrond and elros' education after they're taken in following the 3rd kinslaying in F.A. 538. he becomes a weird mix of a nanny/older brother/teacher figure to them, and a strange but sweet bond forms between them.
entrusted to protect elrond and elros following the break out of the war of wrath. he leads them to the Host of the Valar, where the twins are given the choice of the half-elven; to his surprise, he's afforded this choice as well, and decides to remain elven out of compassion for elrond after elros chooses mortality.
remains by elrond's side to watch over him for most of the 2nd age. during this time he resides in lindon as a healer, translator and archivist; later joins elrond in imladris, and partakes in the war of the last alliance as a combat medic.
in the 3rd age, is beset with sea-longing after what he regards to be a long and tiresome existence; he's also filled with guilt for being unable to help elrond heal celebrian’s psychological wounds, and contemplates following her back to Valinor. ultimately decides to stay back a bit longer, however, and lingers until after sauron’s defeat when the rest of the elves finally depart for the West. 
that's just a very condensed version but one day i hope to explore in some 4th age stuff where he finds out who his dad is...?! or will he?!?! who knows lol
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velvet4510 · 1 month ago
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inthehouseoffinwe · 4 months ago
Y’know when you’re tired and come across the wrong post at the wrong time and just. Pure rage. For no reason whatsoever.
I’m feeling rather bitter at Elwing rn (it was a very well written ficlet and I admire the writer, I’m just tired and unwell 😂) so you get a little fic of me getting that out. Content warning done.
Here we go!
Elrond and Elros can’t stand most depictions of their mother.
White feathered wings, plain white gown billowing in the sea breeze around her slight figure, two dark shapes reaching taloned hands for the brilliant gem around her neck. Desperate expression on a too round face with wide eyes looking towards her sons. It makes them sick.
Because Elwing wasn’t soft and innocent. Elwing wasn’t like that at all.
Sharp, angular features. Grey slivers for eyes more often clouded than not. White? Yes she wore white. But it was the white of a desert sun, the white of cold starlight, merciless and unfeeling as elves were dragged to the darkness.
And she’d loved her sons, yes, but it was the love of an ideal. Elwing was young and far from ready for the burdens of motherhood alongside ruling a city in her husband’s ever growing absences. And the gem-
Well. The less said about the silmaril, the better.
The Sindar more than others remain desperate for a symbol of innocence, a sign of their claim to the stolen jewel over the sons of it’s creator. So they present their winged princess bathed in holy light whilst the sons of Fëanor cower from it’s brilliant glow.
But Elrond and Elros remember how the stone sang when Maedhros and Maglor arrived, just as they remember their mother’s fury at its song.
You see, Elwing loved her sons. But she didn’t jump to save them.
Elrond and Elros saw the beginnings of regret, but they also remember her steadfast determination to keep what was never hers, cold starlight and unyielding sun meshing to cruel pride as she fell. It wasn’t holy light but white hot fire that clashed with the silmaril to send her screaming as the stone rejected her grasp, burning brighter than ever as she flew to her husband.
Elrond’s arrival to Valinor and the white scars radiating from Elwing’s hand to her chest confirm what he knew all along.
It wasn’t innocence that crowned her the day Sirion fell.
Because years before Maedhros and Maglor had fallen victim to the Silmaril’s hallowing, Elwing the White had paid the price for her false claim. And no matter how they tried to hide it, the consequences of that pride marked her to this day.
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iminye · 1 year ago
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→ elros & elrond — the first king of númenor and the lord of the last homely house
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