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All creation by Artificial Intelligence. GAME OF THRONES: THIS AI IMAGINE CHARACTERS WITH OTHER HOLLYWOOD ACTORS SOURCE: @hitek.fr AI: @Midjourney ARTIST: @supjackjack Game of Thrones is an American fantasy television series, adapted from the novels by George R. R. Martin, which enjoyed worldwide success. The series tells the power struggles between the different noble families who covet the Iron Throne, the symbol of absolute power in a medieval-fantasy world. The series is renowned for its complex characters, unpredictable plots, and dramatic scenes. A SUCCESS SERIES The series aired on HBO from 2011 to 2019, for a total of eight seasons and 73 episodes. It brought together millions of fans around the world, who passionately followed the adventures of Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister and many others. But what if Game of Thrones actors were replaced by Hollywood stars? This is the question posed by Reddit user supjackjack, who used the artificial intelligence tool Midjourney to generate surprisingly realistic images. Thus, supjackjack imagined scenes from Game of Thrones with actors like Ben Stiller, Jim Carrey, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz and many others. The result is impressive, as the images are so realistic and faithful to the universe of the series. Will ferrell Steve Carell Sarah Hyland Sandra Bullock Mila Kunis Lisa Kudrow Kristen Wiig Cameron Diaz Jennifer Aniston Courtney Cox Tom Hanks Seth Rogen Ryan Reynolds Renee Zellweger Mike Myers Kevin Hart Julia Roberts jim carrey Ellie Kemper Ben Stiller These images show the creative potential of artificial intelligence, which can give life to original and unusual ideas. They are also a testament to the still-lived enthusiasm for Game of Thrones, which continues to fascinate and inspire fans around the world. #gameofthrones  #4k #aiimage #american  #fantasy  #series  #hollywood  #actors  #willferrell  #stevecarell  #sarahhyland  #sandrabullock  #milakunis  #lisakudrow  #kristenwiig  #camerondiaz  #jenniferaniston  #courteneycox  #tomhanks  #sethrogen  #ryanreynolds  #renéezellweger  #mikemyers  #kevinhart  #juliaroberts #jimcarrey   #elliekemper   #benstiller  #jonsnowedit  #daenerystargaryen  #tyrionlannister
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Home Sweet Home Alone (2021)
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The sequels to Home Alone will seem like evolutionary breakthroughs compared to Home Sweet Home Alone. It captures none of what made the film an instant favorite for kids. With embarrassing attempts at self-deprecating humor will have adults groaning and a lack of laughs, no one could call this a holiday classic… though it did lead me to a slight “eureka” moment.
In the process of selling the home they can no longer afford, Jeff and Pam McKenzie (Rob Delaney and Ellie Kemper) suddenly discover they own a grotesque doll worth hundreds of thousands. Unfortunately, it’s gone missing. Believing that Max Mercer (Archie Yates) has stolen it, the parents decide to break into his home to get it back. After all, the Mercer family have all left for a Christmas vacation in Tokyo. There’s no way they’d make the mistake of leaving a 12-year-old home alone…
Everyone remembers the slapstick comedy in 1990’s Home Alone. If you watch it again, you’ll see that the paint buckets on strings, the icy steps, and other makeshift anti-burglary devices only come at the end of the picture. What the film is about first and foremost is growing up. Kevin McCallister is a scared little eight-year-old who learns to overcome his fear of the furnace in the basement and become responsible enough to take care of a household all by himself. In the process, he learns the importance of family. Home Sweet Home Alone skips all of that.
The choice to swap the burglars for people who want what's theirs returned is an immediate misstep. While it makes this a much less scary/threatening scenario for the kiddies, it also makes the injuries suffered unfunny. A simple conversation would've resolved this whole thing. Also, the dimwitted adults seem unsuited to care for their kids…
Many modern-day adjustments make the scenario more relevant and/or plausible. All but one (which has to do with cellphones replacing landlines) are sure to make the picture feel dated immediately. The worst of it concerns every single web search being blocked. It doesn’t make any sense but if Max had the internet, this crazy setup would be over immediately. The talking home assistant gags fare better than the lame winks towards the audience, however. There’s a fun cameo by a Home Alone cast member but director Dan Mazer’s choice to tell us how annoying it is to have beloved classics remade will only prompt you to yell “follow your advice!” at the screen. It’s a shocker to see a name associated with Borat, its sequel, and the Ali G character fumble comedy this badly.
I grew up with Home Alone and was shocked when I saw its 66% "Fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Seeing Home Sweet Home Alone as an adult with no nostalgia towards the new release, I had an epiphany. I now understand how an adult in 1990 could’ve sat down with the John Hughes-written picture and gone “What am I looking at?” Could this mean that this sequel made decades later become a family favorite years down the line? Not a chance. No one would ever recommend this film over the original or even its sequel any time of year. (December 20, 2021)
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johndibiase · 3 years ago
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Here’s a throwback to a couple years ago when I met the lovely @elliekemper at a book signing and she signed my original freehand colored pencil drawing of her that I brought along for her to autograph. Loved meeting her! 🤗 #elliekemper #theoffice #theofficetv #theofficenbc #erinhannon #mysquirreldays #unbreakablekimmyschmidt #dundermifflin #dundermifflinpaperco #art #artist #artwork #prismacolor #artistsoninstagram #draw #drawing #creative #gallery #freehand #coloredpencil #instaart #pencil #freehanddrawing #portrait #pencildrawing #sketch #fanart #etsy #artistic #jjdart https://www.instagram.com/p/CVgAkFevLUC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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awesomebeasy · 4 years ago
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A “Choose Your Own Adventure” interative special, just like the book she finds hidden in her backpack, Jan. Realizing the date it was checked out, and that none of her bunkermates brought it down with them, leads Kimmy to believe there may be another bunker/more girls “tooken” by the Reverend, meaning she must face him once again, days before her wedding to Prince Frederick. I watched this maybe 3x, but according to IMDb’s trivia page and ‘multiple entertainment websites’ there are like 18 possible different endings (and there are people credited on IMDb in this I don’t remember seeing, so I may need another rewatch, or three?). The When Harry Met Sally couch spots (even repeated a few times with different couples) were humorous, there were some funny lines (spoiler alert: ‘l’ecole Porcverres’ = Hogwarts in French, Frederick’s history of the pickle, ‘Plane-O the Sky-car’ - her jet) and a bunch of old and new faces (#JohnnyKnoxville, #JoshGroban (omg that voice😆) #DanielRadcliffe, #JackMcBrayer), the interludes and ‘path endings’ were for the most part entertaining (the Cyndee one for one of the Free Bird choices, the options for calling Donna Maria, the wait for Mamadou (4,000 min is only like THREE days!😆 so those were funny/exaggerated)) Overall it cut some of the stuff that seemed to drag during the show, but then could get repetitive at times circling back to the “right�� option to move it forward, but it wasn’t the worst. #ssmovieof2020 #lategram #comedy #interactivespecial #EllieKemper #TitusBurgess (omg all his scenes prepping for the movie before he goes with Kimmy😆) #CarolKane #JaneKrakowski #JonHamm #LaurenAdams (Omg the Gretchen end of the phone call) #SaraChase #SolMiranda #DylanGelula #HeidiGardner #FredArmisen #TannerFlood writers: #TinaFey, #RobertCarlock (creator/s, written by), #SamMeans, #MeredithScardino (written by) director: #ClaireScanlon movie of 2020 number 7) #UnbreakableKimmySchmidtKimmyVsTheReverend #KimmyVsTheReverend https://www.instagram.com/p/CNB4PEWHSiX/?igshid=yqrltzbabzny
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ashlipizazz · 5 years ago
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Erin Hannon “Watermelon Teeth” Digital Print Now for sale on Etsy!
Digital files will be sent to you via email to the email address associated with your Etsy account within 24 hours. Print them at home, at a local print store, or an online shop! (Nothing physical is mailed, digital download only). ________________________________________________________________ ERIN HANNON DIGITAL FILES - WHAT’S INCLUDED: You will receive 4 high resolution JPG files in the following sizes: 2.3 Ratio Files for PRINTING on : 4"x6", 6"x9", 8"x12", 10"x15", 12"x18", 16"x24", 20"x30”, 24”x36”, 10x15 cm, 30x45 cm, 40x60 cm, 50x75 cm, 60x90 cm. 3.4 Ratio Files for PRINTING on : 6"x8", 9"x12", 12"x16", 18"x24”, 30"x40", 15x20 cm, 40x30cm. 4.5 Ratio Files for PRINTING on : 4"x5", 8"x10", 16"x20", 24"X30", 24x30cm, 40x50cm. 11x14 Ratio Files for PRINTING on : 11"x14". Plus a PDF file with Printing Instructions and printable versions of the prints for home/office printing (8.5x11 - regular printer paper sized) HOW TO PRINT: • Print at home on your printer. (Use stock that is at least 200gsm or better) • Uploading to a print on demand store who will post it to you. • Print at your local print shop.
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uitvconnect · 5 years ago
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Ellie Kemper: Kissing Daniel Radcliffe felt wrong
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asdecorazxnes · 6 years ago
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fausto-giurescu · 6 years ago
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UNBREAKABLE! finally I finished the wonderful adventures of Kimmy. Although it is a very light comedy show, I found something very motivating in Kimmy's message, her strength and optimism. It seems absurd but now I try to be more like her. I will miss that crazy girl!❤️❤️❤️ . . . . . . . . #unbreakablekimmyschmidt #kimmyschmidt #kimmy #tinafey #netflix #elliekemper #titusandromedon #TitussBurgess #CarolKane #LillianKaushtuppe #JaneKrakowski #JacquelineVoorhees @elliekemper @netflixlat #faustogiurescu (en Corrientes, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BubPtXtFHEs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bfvde8auv9ho
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blondchanel · 6 years ago
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kimmy schmidt & reverend richard wayne gary wayne circa 2014
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slcl · 6 years ago
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Ellie Kemper visited St. Louis Library Headquarters on Saturday night to talk about her new book “Squirrel Days.” The sold-out event raised scholarship funds for the Library’s Career Online High School program. 
See more photos.
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binnylouis · 3 years ago
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"Love is the water of life, drink deeply." - Michael Scott 'The Office' 💛 • • • #michaelscott #dwightschrute #jimhalpert #stevecarrell #johnkrasinski #rainnwilson #jennafischer #angelakinsey #mindykaling #edhelms #bjnovak #brianbaumgartner #elliekemper #phyllissmith #lesliedavidbaker #oscarnunez #paullieberstein #craigrobinson #rashidajones #melorahardin #zachwoods #jamesspader #amyadams #willferrell #idriselba #jackblack #kathybates #amazonprime #bingewatching https://www.instagram.com/p/CWiq8UtvMUE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years ago
Bridesmaids (2011)
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Bridesmaids is even funnier than I remembered. It features a nice blend of genuine heart and laugh-out-loud moments with just a touch of a romance thrown in. Don’t let the primarily female cast make you think this one's only for the ladies; it's got universal appeal.
Annie (Kristen Wiig) is unhappy. The bakery she opened went out of business, she is living with two idiots that pass off as roommates, she’s seeing a boy toy that cares nothing for her, she’s not excited about working at the jewelry store that earns her little money. She’s *this* close to moving back in with her mother. When her best friend Lillian (Maya Rudolph) announces she's getting married, Annie is put in charge of the pre-wedding stuff. Her crappy life immediately begins leaking into the celebration.
It’s a movie that’s as much about a woman who has hit rock bottom as it is about a turning point in a friendship that has started to wane. At first, it’s very much your typical “good ol’ boys” comedy, but with girls instead. Lewd jokes, plenty of gross-out moments, and scenes that'll make you cringe from second-hand embarrassment. The first time I saw these, I thought it was a bit much. Now I see their merit. It’s the bait to lure you into the meat of the story: the friendship. While you’re witnessing catastrophic dinners, dress fittings that go so bad it’s legendary, and awkward drunken confessions, it builds up to a total meltdown that exposes the raw emotions inside the characters. It’s still plenty funny but at the end of the day, the heartfelt conversations are what make the movie, not the nasty jokes.
Many elements of the film are relatable, ovaries or not. Everyone's felt jealous of your best friend's new BFF. Everyone has felt like they've let a valuable friendship slip through the cracks. Do I still know the friends I grew up with well enough to throw them that final party before they change into full-grown adults? It could be heavy material but through the rivalry that develops between Annie and Helen (Rose Byrne), it's hilarious.
The side characters are memorable and provide the big, memorable scenes that'll have you in stitches. Rebel Wilson and Matt Lucas as the idiotic roommates, Melissa McCarthy as a forceful, don’t-take-no-guff-from-nobody future sister-in-law (she must've come up with a lot of her own lines) are going to be many people's favorites. My vote is for Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey) and Becca (Ellie Kemper). They form a sisterly bond based on their mutual, awful sex lives but not for the reason you'd expect.
Bridesmaids doesn't end with everything wrapped up all nicely, but it leaves you feeling good. Looking back, even the parts that made me say "that’s just nasty!” force my face to crack into a smile. It’s gross, but not excessive and those jokes are well balanced with real emotions. The romantic subplot is sweet. There are plenty of memorable/quotable scenes. The chemistry is terrific. I suspect Bridesmaids will become a comedy classic. It's a bit groundbreaking in a way because so many comedies are male-centered you’d swear there were no funny women in the world. It's a great pick for a date, or something to watch with friends. If you were put off by it initially, take another look at Bridesmaids. It really is a funny and insightful picture. (Theatrical version on DVD, March 30, 2015)
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clarissalunanyc · 7 years ago
#fbf to one of the greatest and bittersweet moments of the year. Last week’s official wrap on @unbreakablekimmyschmidt! A room filled with hardworking humans who put their hard work and soul into one of the funniest shows ever written! I’m so lucky to be a part of it all. And to my amazing #hair and #makeup colleagues....WE DID IT!!! 🎉#tinafey #titusburgess #janekrakowski #elliekemper #mikecarlsen #carolkane @titusssawthis @mikecarlsen #unbreakablekimmyschmidt #thatsawrap!!! #femalesarestrongashell 💪🏼💪🏿💪🏽💪🏻💪🏾 ❤️ @liltresser @arielle_toelke @pellegrinokatie @aleshaoak @ginacarlak @nogutsnoglamour @barbiediscostar #tinamurgas @lauzannen @janannelle @bethanytownes @caseygeren ❤️ (at New York, New York)
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fandomfolksco · 4 years ago
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Only 3 days till our launch and now all the quotes are released we have 3 more colours to show you! What’s everyone favourite colour scheme so far, pastel or our darker colours? #etsyshop #etsy #etsysellersofinstagram #etsyuk #etsyseller #etsyhandmade #etsystore #supportsmallbusiness #support #supportsmallbusinesses #support #womanownedbusiness #titusandromedon #unbreakablekimmyschmidt #elliekemper #embroidery #embroiderydesign #embroidered #embroideredsweatshirt https://www.instagram.com/p/COOFyRXBcR6/?igshid=1wwt2zk047562
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Aloy Reeves played by Jenna Fischer
Finley Reeves played by Lucas Stadvec
Ellie-May Reeves played by Julia Butters
Norma Hammond played by Angela Kinsey
Ellen Gibson played by Ellie Kemper
Aisha Jenkins played by Elisha Applebaum
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dj-eugene-edo · 4 years ago
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Oh no ... someone left their toilet pumpkin behind. #kimmyschmidt #unbreakablekimmyschmidt #elliekemper #netflix #tinafey #janekrakowski #titussburgess #carolkane #titusandromedon #sarachase #laurenadams #solmiranda #dylangelula #peenonoir #fredarmisen #jonhamm #theoffice #reverendrichardwaynegarywayne #edit #theofficememes #pambeeslyhalpert #jimhalpertedit #daveeddiggs #nbc #pambeesly #jennafischer #pamhalpert #pictureedit #videoedit (at The Bunker) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJuklAUBRZG/?igshid=1am222tohtyyd
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