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1stand2ndtimearound ¡ 3 months ago
Love this song!!! and her voice, oh WOW! 
Elle King - America's Sweetheart (Official Video)
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insightthecity ¡ 7 months ago
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see it must https://youtu.be/OC3CMJ03sy0
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phonemantra-blog ¡ 10 months ago
Elle King recently revealed the personal struggles that led to her infamous drunken performance at Dolly Parton’s birthday tribute at the Grand Ole Opry. This candid disclosure came during her appearance on Chelsea Handler’s "Dear Chelsea" podcast, marking the first time King has publicly discussed the incident. The singer's vulnerability offers insight into the pressures faced by public figures and underscores the importance of mental health awareness. Elle King Reveals Personal Struggles The Incident at the Grand Ole Opry The Performance On January 19, Elle King performed at the Grand Ole Opry for a tribute to country music icon Dolly Parton. What was meant to be a celebration turned into a controversial moment when King, visibly intoxicated, cussed on stage during her performance of “Jolene.” This behavior, especially given the occasion, led to significant backlash on social media. The Backstory In her podcast interview, King shared that she had been dealing with severe personal issues at the time. She described the days leading up to the performance as particularly challenging, stating she hadn’t "eaten or slept in days" due to overwhelming stress and severe PTSD. “I had been going through something very heavy and traumatic in my life at the time,” King explained. “That day was a really big day dealing with what I was going through — and that I’m still going through.” The Day of the Performance King recounted that there was a “big snowstorm” on the day of the performance, which added to the chaos. The original headliner was canceled just three hours before the show, and King was asked to step in as the headliner. Despite managing a perfect first performance, King’s nerves got the better of her during the second set after she took "one shot too many." “I was not there in my body,” King admitted. She blacked out on stage and didn’t remember what she said until the video went viral. Aftermath and Apology The aftermath of the incident left King devastated. She described waking up the next day to find the video of her performance everywhere and feeling "mortified." King took immediate action to apologize, writing hand-written letters to both the Grand Ole Opry and Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton's Response Dolly Parton’s response to the incident was nothing short of compassionate. King shared that Parton called her a few days later, offering kind words and reassurance. “She just gave me kind words and told me, ‘Well, Dolly’s not mad. She watched you be a human being’ and made me laugh,” King recalled. Lessons Learned and Moving Forward Taking Responsibility King has taken full responsibility for her actions and has learned from the experience. She now abstains from drinking before performances, which she believes has led to the best shows of her career. “Now I don’t drink before I go onstage and they’re the best shows I’ve ever played,” she stated. Coping and Growth Following the incident, King took some time to herself to cope and reflect. Despite the harsh criticism and the extreme backlash, including harmful messages telling her to harm herself, she chose to focus on the support and love from her fans. “To everyone sending me love because I’m human and already talked to Dolly, I love you. To everyone who told me to k*ll myself I love you too,” she wrote on social media. Importance of Mental Health King’s story highlights the critical importance of mental health awareness and the pressures artists face. Her transparency about her struggles with PTSD and the impact of not taking care of herself physically and emotionally serves as a reminder of the humanity behind public personas.
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nyrdcastpodcast ¡ 1 year ago
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funnyfacedesign ¡ 2 years ago
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branchflowerphoto ¡ 5 months ago
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20/31 days of lensbaby - edge 50 optic
mutton bird beach, elleker, western australia
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444names ¡ 3 months ago
may i request a set of 6-letter names generated from the first names of homestuck trolls ?? in a list below , if that makes your life easier . thank you !
Aradia Damara Marsti Chixie Skylla Cirava Folkyl Nepeta Meulin Boldir Konyyl Polypa Kanaya Porrim Bronya Daraya Lynera Wanshi Terezi Latula Stelsa Tirona Tyzias Vriska Aranea Ardata Remele Elwurd Amisia Nihkee Barzum Chahut Cridea Luxora Feferi Meenah Trizza Xefros Diemen Fozzer Tavros Rufioh Dammek Vikare Treyaf Sollux Mituna Azdaja Kuprum Zebede Charun Vestri Lanque Actias Tegiri Tagora Tiagon Mallek Kimani Equius Horuss Galekh Zebruh Onhors Gamzee Kurloz Baizli Karako Marvus Eridan Cronus Jerann
Names generated from Homestuck troll forenames, 6 letters long
Actana Actara Actati Acteat Actefi Actego Acteux Actran Actuma Actuna Ameama Ameera Amefek Amepra Amerra Amzata Amzire Arajar Arallo Aranef Ararlk Aredia Ariran Aririt Arirli Arirum Arizam Arizze Arliza Arlwus Aronef Aroria Aroroh Aroros Arozel Aruhux Aruiti Arulle Arzide Azanaf Azekha Azeran Azllka Azlwus Azutis Azzetr Azzird Azzzer Bafera Bagida Bammea Banana Banepa Barera Barsta Bavuns Bayans Bolana Bolsta Bonava Bonquh Boraka Borebe Boruss Borvro Borvul Bosane Bostel Bralia Branes Bronan Brrosh Chafis Chaize Chalya Chanen Chitri Chonun Chozzi Chulls Chumas Chunha Ciagon Cizegi Craron Crasar Crayza Crdari Creers Cronhk Croram Crunem Crurol Cruros Dagoli Dagozl Dahara Daiman Dairan Dajana Dajann Dakela Daleux Dalsan Danyli Daramm Dareke Darihk Darisi Dariss Darols Daroza Datrux Davrin Davrst Davuhi Daylda Dissia Elakya Elidem Elinum Elirra Elleke Elwula Equlan Equlez Equmma Equpra Equrls Equska Equsst Equtus Erdiss Ereegi Eriara Eriare Eriros Erzzli
Feakya Fenqus Ferama Ferara Fetuls Feunek Fezura Fohkya Foldan Folkos Folwul Folwun Folyah Forayz Foridi Forlka Forosk Fosiha Gahurd Ganida Ganyas Gardan Gavuis Gavush Gaypes Hohars Holupe Honeyn Honezi Honnam Horara Horati Horona Horsim Hozegi Hozial Hozlan Hozlas Hozlda Jeefer Jegohi Jekyar Jemira Jenufi Jerona Jeyyal Kaderi Kagika Kahika Kallix Kanyan Kielli Kikyya Kirati Kixias Kizdet Kohass Koldir Koliza Kolkon Kueeen Kuerar Kueyli Kuhara Kuihih Kumekh Kumera Kumima Kunquf Kupaya Kusida Kussta Kuxida Kuxoss Ladara Lagoss Lakana Lammma Lanadi Lanara Lanqut Lanqux Lanska Lardee Lariak Larora Lassta Lastus Lavran Layara Luegon Luhurs Luiata Luixos Lulyla Lunale Lurura Luxion Lylera Lylozi Lylwus Lyzirl Magona Mahuss Majara Majard Makagi Maleya Mallis Malwur Mamzla Manira Mannie Manyzi Marafe Maraka Matida Matuxo Mayafr Meaira Mederi Meenus Mefran Mekoha Mekyna Memada Meragi Merara Merdek Merera Meyaya Meylde Meyype Mezeer Mialls Miatem Midaja Miekon Mielos Mieron Misana Mistum Mizema Mizimm Nearus Nebees Neleus Neluls Neneam Neraia Nerumi Nesari Nitiak Niuxos Onagis Onalka Onefrs Oneumz Onhkya Pohien Polera Pollah Polora Ponhus Ponnya Porals Pordik Porons Porora Porris Poruna Poruns Porvri Pozunn Rearar Rediha Reeasi Reeepe Regian Reniek Repria Rerira Rerlea Reylll Ruiran Ruprsa Skamek Skarda Skario Skayar Skolls Skyynn Sollle Solwus Sonann Sonyne Sordis Sosina Stahkh Staiza Steash Strani Sturis Taides Talide Tamemi Tamzda Tanhkh Tanyla Tarami Tarati Tasimz Tavuis Taynya Teatun Tebera Tebrda Tefira Telwum Tenaya Tepekh Teraya Terios Terora Terurd Tialdi Tiayle Tienni Tihika Tirira Tirist Titusk Tiueri Tiuria Tratux Trdann Trllos Tronas Trozas Trrike Truxon Trvuhk Trzzda Tyaren Tyavra Tyldam Tyllon Tynyya Typaya Tyyyat Veeeya Vemeza Vemmea Venque Vepede Vepera Veriah Verida Vesada Vezame Vianna Vidiha Vimagi Vironh Viskes Vizdem Vizzia Vrasko Vratih Vravra Vridis Vriruh Vrisar Vritis Vrolem Vrolya Vroron Vrvues Wagiza Wamzum Wanerd Warolk Wastik Xearie Xeebra Xefima Xefrda Xenars Xerast Xerlia Xeyyas Zeeemi Zeefis Zeesah Zefrus Zekaja Zellka Zelozi Zenyan Zepara Zepele Zepron Zerure Zesara Zestih Zeypra
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glitterlikegold ¡ 1 year ago
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elleking: Love y’all ❤️🏁 @ onecountry 📸 @ zackmassey
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cosmicanger ¡ 1 year ago
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Elleke Frijters at Base-Alpha
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handekker ¡ 2 years ago
men and beer, photo by elleke
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View On WordPress
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newsmatik ¡ 28 days ago
ZĂŤ Kravitz opens up after the income of the Titum Activity
Zë kravitz He has broken the months listen after him and Channing Tatum They call their work. Join: Greetings to you! Zë Kravitz & Channing Tatum reported Zë kravitz eight to remain silent to follow him and go the tatum that ends their work On Tuesday, 25 February, Elleker were published a special interview with Kravitz. In the abode of living, the actor spoke to Tatum, which was stared at his or…
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evermurillo ¡ 1 year ago
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Ex’s & Oh’s by @ElleKing
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productionsbyfaith ¡ 2 years ago
Day 6 and Last Day #finalday
#ElleKing is preforming tonight.
Don’t forget to stop by the “I am JOSIAH Movie 🎥 “ Booth to register for the Grand Prize Giveaway (Two Night Stay at Feather Ridge). Building 3 Booth 22
By the way…. If you would like to be a Movie Extra let’s have a chat. Filming in Elizabethton, Johnson City, Jonesborough, Bristol, TN.
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branchflowerphoto ¡ 5 months ago
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27/31 days of lensbaby - edge 50 optic
shelter island @ mutton bird beach, elleker, western australia
(home to a breeding colony of little penguins)
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kelly-clarksons ¡ 2 years ago
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kellyclarksonshow: We're kicking off an epic week on Kelly with @piercebrosnanofficial, @elleking and a special Kellyoke duet with @lornaacourtney PLUS @gesinebp in the Kelly kitchen! ➡️
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glitterlikegold ¡ 11 months ago
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elleking: she easy ⛓️🤞😘⛓️
M/u @ tarrynfeldman Style @ twilatrahanstylist
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