#Elizabeth Edmonds
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genevieveetguy · 11 months ago
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Scrubbers, Mai Zetterling (1982)
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saturnidaes · 2 years ago
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Scrubbers (1982)
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kikaruuni · 7 months ago
Fate Grand Order material VII [Digital]part 12 FINAL
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
The day Princess Anne was almost kidnapped on The Mall — 50 years on
On this day 50 years ago, 23-year-old Princess Anne found herself fighting off a gunman as her bodyguard and driver lay wounded beside her. Emma Loffhagen takes a deep dive into the disturbing day one of the most senior royals was almost kidnapped.
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By Emma Loffhagen
20 March 2024
“Your daughter has been kidnapped. The following are conditions to be fulfilled for release.”
In March 1974, Ian Ball used a rented typewriter to haphazardly type a letter intended for the then-head of state, Queen Elizabeth II.
Ball, 26, a funeral home worker, demanded £3 million — to be paid in £5 notes — in exchange for the return of the Queen’s daughter, Princess Anne.
After becoming fixated with the 23-year-old princess, he spent two years hatching an elaborate plan to kidnap her.
Today, March 20, marks the 50th anniversary of Ball’s kidnap attempt — one of the most bizarre and disturbing episodes in British royal history.
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A “loner,” Ball had been inspired to hatch his elaborate kidnap plot by the novel Day of the Jackal.
He wanted to follow in the footsteps of the book’s hero, the contracted assassin the Jackal.
“He was a very strange man,” Ball’s neighbour later said. “The only time he ever went out was when he went down to the launderette or went out for some food.”
It was thought that he had developed a “fixation” on the royal, whipped up by the widespread and lavish coverage of her wedding to Captain Mark Phillips the previous year.
As part of his plan, Ball had moved from his run-down flat in Bayswater to a lush rented house in Fleet, Hampshire.
It was only a few miles from Sandhurst, where Anne lived with her then-husband Phillips.
After a quick phone call to the Buckingham Palace press office, Ball knew which engagements and events Anne attended each week.
He rented a car under the alias John Williams, stocking the boot with Valium tranquilisers and two pairs of handcuffs.
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On the evening of 20 March 1974, Anne was travelling back to Buckingham Palace in an Austin Princess limousine.
She had attended a screening of Riding Towards Freedom, a documentary by the charity Riding for the Disabled.
Captain Phillips, her bodyguard James Beaton, and her lady-in-waiting Rowena Jane Brassey, were also in the car driven by royal chauffeur Alexander Callender.
At around 8pm, as the group drove up The Mall, a white Ford Escort swerved in front of the limousine, forcing Callender to stop.
Then a 31-year-old inspector, Beaton, who had been Anne’s bodyguard for a year, got out to investigate.
“I thought it was somebody who wanted to be a pain in the neck,” he later said. “There was no hint of what was to happen.”
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Suddenly, a bearded man with light red hair jumped out of the vehicle and pulled out two handguns, smashing the passenger window with the butt of one.
Beaton had not even had the chance to pull out his weapon when he was shot in the shoulder.
He then attempted to fire back at Ball — but missed. Upon a second attempt, his gun — a Walther PPK — jammed.
Ball turned to the passenger door behind the driver’s seat and started shaking it. Anne was sat on the other side. “Open, or I’ll shoot!” he shouted.
As the princess and Captain Phillips desperately tried to hold the door closed, Anne’s lady-in-waiting crawled out of the door on the passenger side.
Beaton got back in the car, placing himself between the couple and their assailant.
Ball shot into the car, and Beaton’s hand deflected the bullet.
He shot the bodyguard a third time, hitting Beaton in the abdomen and causing him to fall from the vehicle.
“I felt tired and very drunk, although I hadn’t been drinking,” Beaton later told police. “I just wanted to lie down.”
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Callender stepped out to confront the gunman, but Ball shot him in the chest and he fell back into the car.
Pulling the door open, Ball grabbed Anne’s forearm as her husband held on to her waist.
“Please, come out,” Ball reportedly told the princess. “You’ve got to come.”
As the pair struggled over Anne, her dress ripped, splitting down the back, which she later recalled prompted her to “lose her rag.”
But, rather than panic, she had what she described as a “very irritating conversation” with her potential kidnapper.
Unbelievably calm despite the commotion, Anne famously replied: “Not bloody likely!”
In an interview with the late television presenter Michael Parkinson, she recalled:
“He [the gunman] opened the door and we had a discussion about where — or where not — we were going to go.
“I said I didn’t think I wanted to go. I was scrupulously polite because I thought it would be silly to be too rude at that stage.”
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A nearby tabloid journalist, Brian McConnell, arrived on the scene.
Recognising the limo’s insignia, he realised the commotion must have involved a royal family member.
“Don’t be silly, old boy,” he told Ball. “Put the gun down.”
Ball responded by shooting him too and McConnell collapsed bleeding onto the road.
A man named Ronnie Russell drove past at this point.
He was on his way home to Strood, Kent, from working as an area manager for a cleaning company in London.
In a stroke of incredible luck, Russell happened to be a former boxer. He had cut his cloth at the Repton Club in east London, an infamous venue sponsored by the notorious Kray twins.
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Jumping out of the car, Russell punched Ball twice in the head before leading Anne and her lady-in-waiting away from the attacker.
He later explained that he “did not like bullies,” which prompted his decision to intervene.
Despite being injured, Ball still shot the first police officer to arrive on the scene, Constable Michael Hills, 22, before running off.
Detective Constable Peter Edmonds, who answered Constable Hills’ radio request for backup, chased Ball down The Mall and through St James’s Park before tackling him on the ground.
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At Ball’s Old Bailey trial in May 1974, more details came to light about the plot.
Ball kept his head lowered for most of the proceedings, only uttering the word “guilty” to confirm the charges of attempted murder and kidnapping.
In his pocket, detectives had discovered the kidnap note addressed to the Queen, which demanded the £3 million ransom (the equivalent of £26 million today), a free pardon, and a plane to fly him to Switzerland.
He had planned to take the princess to a central London property he had rented under an alias.
In a police interview, Ball also said he believed Anne would be an easy target after ascertaining her whereabouts by phoning the Buckingham Palace press office.
“I had thought about it for years,” he said. “She would have been the easiest. I have seen her riding with her husband.”
Ball also showed no remorse for having shot three men on the night of the attempted kidnap.
“They were getting in my way so I had to shoot them,” he said. “Well, the police, that's their job. They expect to be shot. I took a chance of getting shot so why shouldn't they?”
He added: “I suppose I’ll be locked up for the rest of my life. I am only sorry I frightened Princess Anne. There is one good thing coming out of this: you will have to improve on her protection.”
Ball was diagnosed with schizophrenia following the trial and sentenced to a mental health facility under the Mental Health Act, “without limit or time."
He remains in the Broadmoor Hospital in Berkshire to this day.
The facility has been home to a series of notorious criminals, including serial killer Peter Sutcliffe and London gangster Ronnie Kray.
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Immediately after the attack, the royals ceased having only one protection officer.
When Anne visited Beaton in hospital, “she turned up with two policemen,” her bodyguard said. “From then on, that’s what it was.”
“I had nothing…There was no back-up vehicle,” Beaton told The Times separately.
“The training was non-existent; but then again, [we thought] nothing was going to happen. They are highly specialised now, highly trained.”
Beaton continued to work for Anne for another five years — before the Queen employed him.
After Beaton’s weapon jammed, the type of guns used by bodyguards were also changed: “The Walthers were got rid of overnight.”
Beaton was honoured for his bravery, receiving the George Cross — the UK’s highest civilian honour for gallantry.
Russell also received the honour. In a 2006 interview, Russell recalled what Queen Elizabeth said as she presented his George Medal:
“The medal is from the Queen of England, the thank you is from Anne’s mother.”
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cyclist-of-guilt · 5 months ago
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I can't believe Albert's journal and absolute shit he's saying there is real lmao
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collinsportmaine · 6 days ago
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nordleuchten · 2 years ago
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I regret your disappointment in regard to your letter from Miss Below [?] but I have sustained a greater loss – Oscar Lafayette wrote to me immediately after the death of his father, my faithful friend & brother, giving me all the particulay of that event.
Eleanor Parke Custis Lewis, to Elizabeth Bordley Gibson, August 4, 1851
Eleanor Parke Custis Lewis to Elizabeth Bordley Gibson, 1824 October, A-569.104, Box: 3, Folder: 1824.10.00. Elizabeth Bordley Gibson collection, A-569. Special Collections at The George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon. Accessed June 28, 2023.
This is a heartfelt message from a woman, who just learned of her friend’s death, a man she described as her “faithful friend & brother”. But the following passage and indeed the date of the letter reveal a maybe even more painful component. Georges, Marquis de La Fayette died on November 29, 1849, and Eleanor wrote this letter in August of 1851 – almost three years later. She writes:
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I have never received it, nor can it be recovered. & Edmond could not come to see me as he wished to do. He was some days with my children in [illegible] – they were charmed with him – In heart & mind, he resembles entirely his Grandfather & father, in features, a handsome resemblance of his Father. I regret much not seeing him.
This letter, this very important letter, seems to have been lost in the mail. But what this letter also tells us, that Edmond, Georges’ son and La Fayette’s grandson, must have been in America at one point – definitely worth looking into.
On a closing note, I find it quite heartwarming to see how similar in character and looks the La Fayette men appeared, close enough that it was noted by people like Eleanor and her children.
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whatithinkaboutdarkshadows · 5 months ago
Episode 603: Almost on the point of believing it
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mr-e-gallery · 1 year ago
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Edmond Simpson 'Peyton's Place' (Peyton-Joey L) (11-23)
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tortoisesshells · 1 year ago
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(dark shadows ep. 39 + moby-dick, ch. 36)
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I've just acquired a copy of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's verse novel Aurora Leigh which I am very excited to start reading but can I just take a moment to draw attention to this arresting cover image.
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It's a photograph of the French dancer Cléo de Mérode taken by Léopold-Émile Reutlinger, a German-Jewish photographer who took some truly exquisite images. It's also highly anachronistic since neither model or photographer were even born when Aurora Leigh was published in 1856 (naughty Oxford University Press!) but every time I see it lying around the house I'm drawn to it. So a good cover in that sense I think!
Some more photographs by Reutlinger:
French Soprano Aino Ackté
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French actress Geneviève Lantelme
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Poet and dramatist Edmond Rostand (the guy who wrote Cyrano de Bergerac)
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lifewithaview · 8 days ago
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Louis Edmonds and Joan Bennett in Dark Shadows (1966) S1E4
Her first night at Collinwood, Victoria is shaken when she hears Roger approach her door and sees the knob turn. In the hall, Elizabeth demands that Roger come downstairs with her. Downstairs, Elizabeth chastises Roger for attempting to enter Victoria's room, uninvited, and threatens to throw him out of the house. Roger informs her that Burke is back for revenge. Their raised voices bring Carolyn into the room, and Roger sends her to fetch Victoria. Roger grills Vicki about Burke, and she is insulted by his accusations. Later that night, Vicki is awakened by wailing sobs that emanate from somewhere in the house. In the foyer, Vicki sees ten year-old David who utters three words, "I hate you!"
*The end of this episode marks the end of the first night since Victoria arrived. Basically, four entire episodes have been set on the first night of her arrival.
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nextovskinseo · 25 days ago
Explore to find best dermatologist in Edmonds
Next OV Skin is proud to connect you with top-tier dermatological care in Edmonds, offering advanced skin treatments tailored to your unique needs. Our expert dermatologists specialize in medical, cosmetic, and preventive skincare, ensuring that every patient receives personalized attention and high-quality treatment.
Healthy, radiant skin begins with expert care. Next OV Skin provides comprehensive dermatology services, including skin cancer screenings, acne treatment, eczema and psoriasis management, and advanced anti-aging solutions. Whether you need medical treatment for a skin condition or want to enhance your complexion with cosmetic procedures, our specialists are dedicated to helping you achieve your skincare goals.
Our cosmetic dermatology services include Botox, dermal fillers, chemical peels, and laser treatments designed to rejuvenate and refresh your skin. We also offer personalized skincare consultations to help you develop a routine that supports long-term skin health. With cutting-edge technology and a deep understanding of dermatological science, our team ensures safe, effective, and natural-looking results.
Next OV Skin believes that skincare should be both accessible and results-driven. Our Edmonds dermatologists take a patient-centered approach, offering customized treatment plans based on your concerns, skin type, and lifestyle. From addressing chronic skin conditions to performing advanced aesthetic treatments, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction every step of the way.
Our clinic has state-of-the-art facilities, providing a welcoming environment where patients receive top-notch care. Whether you’re dealing with a persistent skin issue, interested in anti-aging solutions, or simply looking for expert skincare advice, Next OV Skin is your trusted partner in dermatology. Look no further if you’re searching for a skilled dermatologist in Edmonds. Schedule a consultation today with Next OV Skin and discover how professional dermatological care can help you achieve healthy, glowing skin.
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perfettamentechic · 10 months ago
9 maggio … ricordiamo …
9 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Joaquin Romaguera, Joaquin Fidel Romaguera, attore e tenore statunitense. Artista di lunga data con la New York City Opera dagli anni ’60 agli anni ’80. Romaguera ha iniziato la sua carriera all’età di 18 anni. Il compagno di vita di Romaguera è stato il parrucchiere di Broadway Robert W. Cybula.  (n. 1932) 2020: Geno Silva, attore statunitense.  (n. 1948) 2020: Antonio Palazzi, gastronomo…
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unboundprompts · 9 months ago
Character Name Ideas that Start With the Letter E
-> feel free to comment suggestions, I'll do my best to add them to the list.
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the-moral-of-the-rose · 11 months ago
If anybody wanted to write a crossover between L.M. Montgomery's books, here is a little help with the ages of the characters (@no-where-near-hero maybe it will be a tiny help for your fanfic):
Anne Shirley - born on 5th of March 1865
Gilbert Blythe - born in 1862 or 1863
James Matthew "Jem" Blythe - born in July 1893
Walter Cuthbert Blythe - born in 1894
Anne "Nan" and Diana "Di" Blythe - born in 1896
Shirley Blythe - born in 1888*
Bertha Marilla "Rilla" Blythe - born in 1900*
Gerald "Jerry" Meredith - born 1894
Faith Meredith - born 1895
Una Meredith - born 1896
Thomas Carlyle "Carl" Meredith - born 1897
Jims Anderson - born in August of 1914
Emily Byrd Starr - born on 19th of May 1888
Ilse Burnley - born in 1888 (probably)
Perry Miller - born in 1887
Frederick "Teddy" Kent - 1887 or 1888
Dean Priest - born in 1865
Patricia "Pat" Gardiner - born in 1913
Rachel "Rue" Gardiner - born in 1919
Winnifred "Winnie" Gardiner - born in 1910
Sidney "Sid" Gardiner - born in 1912
Joseph"Joe" Gardiner - born in 1908
Hilary Gordon - born in 1911
Elizabeth "Bets" Wilcox - born in 1913
David Kirk - born around 1893
Jane Stuart - born in May 1918 or 1919
Valancy Stirling* - born 1883**
Barney Snaith - born 1877**
Cecilia "Cissy" - born 1886**
Olive Stirling - born 1884**
Gay Penhallow - born in 1904***
Nan Penhallow - born in 1904***
Roger Dark - born in 1890***
Donna Dark - born between 1894 and 1896***
Virginia Powell - born between 1894 and 1896***
Peter Penhallow - born between 1888 and 1890***
Margaret Penhallow - born 1872***
Brian Dark - born 1916***
Hugh Dark - born in 1887***
Joscelyn Penhallow: born between 1889-1892***
*In both Anne of Ingleside and Rainbow Valley Shirley is two years older than Rilla. But in Rilla of Ingleside, he turns eighteen few months before Rilla... it is pure chaos. Rilla was supposed to be nearly fourteen, according to the RV, in 1914, but she is nearly fifteen in RoI. So I apologize, but I had a lot of trouble here...
**The Blue Castle is the most difficult to place in time. It is set several years before it was published, and in my own opinion: before Tangled Web and Pat of Silver Bush. Why? Because of this reference: "This was before the day of bobs and was regarded as a wild, unheard-of proceeding—unless you had typhoid." (The Blue Castle). Bobs were already "in fashion" at the beginning of Pat of Silver Bush (so, in 1919, when Pat was six years old: it was said that Winnie wanted to have her hair bobbed) and in Tangled Web (which is set in 1922). Yet, the cars, motorboats and movie theaters were a rather common occurence in The Blue Castle's times. But... there might be an explanation. Valancy doesn't live on PEI, which might have been a little "behind" the rest of Canada, as far as modern technology went. It is my own personal opinion, but I think that it might be set just before the war, at the same time as the end Emily's Quest. I know that the clothes seem more "modern" in TBC, but Emily wore "a little sport suit" and dress that was described as followed "there was so little of it". Teddy and Perry both had cars, as sone of Ilse's cousins. I would say that the Blue Castle book might be set around 1912-1913. Still, the timeline is extremely elusive. Please, let me know, dear Blue Castle Book Club's members, what is your opinion? I think I have read some amazing discussion about TBC's timeline a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, everyone was certain that this novel was set post WWI (me included, until this very moment when I tried to place Pat and Tangled Web and remembered the "bob" quote). So I choose 1912 as the beginning of TBC, when Valancy was twenty-nine.
*** the ages of characters in Tangled Web:
"They were first cousins, who were born the same day and married the same day,--Donna to her own second cousin, Barry Dark, and Virginia to Edmond Powell--two weeks before they had left for Valcartier. Edmond Powell had died of pneumonia in the training camp, but Barry Dark had his crowded hour of glorious life somewhere in France." (Tangled Web).
"Virginia Powell, whose husband had been dead eight years and who was young and tolerably beautiful" (Tangled Web).
"Valcartier, Quebec was the primary training base for the First Canadian Contingent in 1914."
- from: https://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/history/going-to-war/canada-enters-the-war/training-at-valcartier/
So, from this I assumed that Virginia's husband died in 1914 (so Tangled Web is set in 1922-23). Gay is 18 at the beginning, so she would be born in 1904. If Donna and Virginia were 18-20 when they got married, they would be 26-28 (so still "young"). at the beginning. Peter was 14 when Donna was 8, so he'd be 32-34 at the beginning of the book (same age or a bit older than Roger). Hugh was 35 at the beginning. I guess Joscelyn was a bit younger- most of LMM's heroines are at least two years younger than their love interest. I'd say she might have been 20-23 when she got married, so she'd be around 30-33 at the beginning of the book. I would say Brian is about six years old - he doesn't seem to attend school yet, but is big enough to be sent to the harbour. Margaret Penhallow was about fifty at the beginning of the book.
So sorry that this post was rather long, but it was a great fun to write (even if it took me A LOT of time). Thank you for reading. Please, let me know if you agree. Any feedback will be very welcome!
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