#Elephant Trunk Rock
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chaoticsoft · 2 years ago
I was watching a documentary last night and they showed a sanctuary for orphaned baby elephants.
One of the babies lost his trunk in a hyena attack and couldn't reach the leaves to eat and I cried my eyes out. But then one of his little baby elephant friends saw him struggling and brought him some leaves to eat and I cried even more. :')
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mediumgayitalian · 11 months ago
Will would like to say, at risk of perjuring himself, that he did not intend to fall asleep.
Like, he wanted to.
And he did.
But it was not his original intent.
His original intent was to stabilize his patients (success), climb out the back window of the infirmary (success), stick the landing (failure is good for growth), meet Nico behind the Big House (success), and shadow travel to his cabin without throwing up (fifty percent is a pass). The secondary intent was to sprawl on his boyfriend’s lap, taking up as much space as possible in his massive, against-camp-regulations bed (how it is possible to be Dionysus’ nepo baby without actually being a child of Dionysus, Will shall never know), turn off his brain, and watch him play video games for a while.
The issue is that Nico is so comfortable.
Yeah, he’s bony. And yeah, sometimes he gets really into the game and forgets that Will is there, elbowing him in the face as he cusses at the screen in what sounds like ancient Latin. And yeah, the sound of a CoD lobby is the opposite of a sleep-conductive environment. However.
While he may spend hours of his week standing on tables, lecturing on healthy eating habits and regular circadian rhythms via sonnet, and enforcing said habits via taser (rip Leo Valdez, you would’ve loved watching Will taser people for stress relief, come back alive soon), Will is what his friends and family call a ‘big fat hypocrite’.
He wouldn’t know healthy habits if they painted themselves bright neon blue (the easiest colour for him to see), stood ten feet tall, dressed in Malvolio’s outfit from Twelfth Night, and roundhouse kicked him in the teeth his mother spent thousands of dollars on (braces suck). He has not slept through the night even once his whole life. Yesterday, his two meals were 1) twizzlers and 2) audacity. He once measured how much liquid he had in his system on any given time and then drank approximately two point seven litres of RedBull to become, by volume, one half percent caffeine. (His heart did indeed stop. But it started back up again when Jason shocked him, so it was fine. Plus, he wrote it all down, so in reality it was science.)
Also, his dumbfuck peers keep getting themselves maimed, and he was informed unfortunately by Chiron that he cannot strike and leave them to suffer. (Accusing him of violating his First Amendment Right To Petition got him nothing but stable duty.) As of ten minutes before Nico picked him up, he was on his thirty-ninth consecutive hour of being awake. Probably. (He’s reasonably certain that climbing a tree on Friday morning and belting himself to the trunk, Katniss Everdeen style, for a quick catnap was not a fever dream, but one can never be too certain.)
Regardless. Point is, Will had cute boys to cuddle and Thoughts to Think. He had no intention of falling asleep.
And, yet.
He wakes up warm — the perfect kind of warm, wherein you feel akin to a soupified caterpillar in a chrysalis — or like a croissant lovingly shaped by the hands of an elderly chef in Paris and baked with care in a regulated oven — or like a wonderfully blubbery elephant seal baking on a slick rock — or like a space rock hurtling through the —
“Morning, Sunshine,” murmurs a very familiar voice. Following the very gentle murmur is a very gentle smooch on the forehead. Will, still mostly asleep, thinks he would sign off his soul without a second thought to ensure it happens again. “Or evening, rather.”
“Has anyone ever offered you their soul?” Will asks, fuzzy and disoriented. He tries and fails to blink the grogginess away, but the world around him stays dark, and the hand in his hair remains where it is, and he is so, so sleepy.
“Not yet,” Nico says. Will can hear the amused smile in his voice. “Why?”
Will yawns. “No reason. Timizzit?”
“Late, tesoro. Past curfew.”
Will groans, knocking his head gently back into Nico’s hold.
Of course his dumb ass slept through the evening. Of course he now has to drag himself awake and walk, in the blistering, nose-numbing frost (it’s sixty degrees, Solace) across camp, dodging feral harpy attacks (Apollo kids have harpy immunity, William), and trudging into his sad, small, lonely bed (gods above you are your father’s son) where he will of course be fully awake by the time he gets there. God really does give his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. (You’re an atheist, William Andrew.)
“Why me,” he laments, refusing to move from his boyfriend’s lap. Perhaps he will simply wither here, warm, satisfied, and more importantly away from little siblings who will not stop squabbling even when their long-suffering older brother looks longingly and pointedly at a bottle of cyanide.
Nico snorts. “Because the gods are punishing you for your crimes.”
“I have committed no crimes! This is unjust! Partisan! I am Hester Prynne and she is me —”
“Your mother is going to hell for teaching you literacy.”
“Defamation and libel!”
“Shut up, Will, gods —”
But he softens the blow of his words by leaning down, hands on either side of Will’s face, and kissing him like he’s trying to breathe him back to life. Or keep him quiet, honestly, but he smells like woodsmoke and citrus and old leather so Will doesn’t really mind. Even if he did, the chapped skin of Nico’s lips serves as a very good distraction, as does the brush of his thumb over Will’s cheekbone and the cool press of his ring against Will’s heated skin.
“Stay over,” he whispers, shifting his lips to Will’s chin, his jaw, his neck. He scratches his teeth lightly against Will’s adam’s apple and his hemoglobin briefly forget how important their job is. “You don’t have a shift tomorrow and everyone at camp owes you, like, twelve favours each.”
“That’s very convincing,” Will mumbles, unsure if he’s referring to Nico’s sound logic or the breath he blows on the shell of Will’s ear, which makes his arrector pili muscles go crazy. (He could make a more convincing case for the logic if all the blood had not abandoned his brain. Alas.)
“I’m a very convincing person.”
He slides a hand under Will’s shirt and his already very weak resolve pulls out a suitcase, packs its things, and abandons its family to pursue a career in competitive shoemaking. Or something. Nico’s hands are very very cold and it feels really really good for some reason and Will is just one man, okay. He may have been named after willpower but that does not mean he possesses any. And Nico is a convincing person. He out-stubborned Death.
“Okay,” he gasps out, arching into the nail Nico scratches over the intensely sensitive skin of his hip, “I’m staying, I’m staying, please take all your wiles and ship them out into the sea in a wine crate ala Danaë and her newborn.”
“…You are such a deeply strange person.”
“And yet you love me so.”
Nico presses his smile to Will’s forehead. “Indeed, I do.”
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year ago
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Name: Hot-Hot Rock Debut: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
You know something I love about the Mario series? Its tendency to use reduplication to put emphasis on certain words. You thought your average everyday mountain was tall? Well this is a Tall Tall Mountain. You've never seen docks quite this dire before! And it's not even just adjectives that get in on the fun! Rock Rock Mountain, Ice Ice Outpost, I love that something can be more "rock" or "ice" than something else. Sometimes a word is so nice, you just wanna say it twice twice.
Hot-Hot Rocks are one of the latest additions to this long-running Mario trend, and also one of our latest Cubic Companions! You know, Blocks are very important to the Mario franchise, but how many enemies can you think of that are blocks...? The answer should be a lot. This was a Mod Hooligon Trick and you may or may not have fallen for it. I can't tell unless you tell me, alright?
Hot-Hot Rocks first appear in the level Hot-Hot Hot! (this is an example of a linguistic phenomenon known as "threeduplication"), where they serve as one of the primary obstacles. As long as Hot-Hot Rocks are Not-Hot, you can stand on them like any other platform. But when they start glowing red, you better get out of the kitchen, because Mario and friends can't stand the heat!
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Of course, a little water is all it takes to turn Hot-Hot Rocks into Not-Hot Rocks for good, so spray them with Elephant Mario's trunk or a precariously placed pot of water, and they won't be able to hurt you anymore!
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Hot-Hot Rocks have a symbiotic relationship with another new enemy called Kerpop, which will probably get its own post someday, likely courtesy of Mod Chikako. These guys act like Goombas most of the time, but when they touch a hot Hot-Hot Rock, they will pop and begin jumping around! How cute! This attention to detail is what makes Super Mario Bros. Wonder truly special.
That's about all there is to Hot-Hot Rocks, but we're not quite done yet, because this post is about to get all philisolophical(sic)! Because as Weird Mario Enemies, an important part of that title-we-love-to-defy-and-love-bringing-up-how-much-we-love-to-defy-it is knowing what an "enemy" is to begin with. And so we must ask ourselves: what is an enemy? What separates an enemy from an obstacle? And is there even a meaningful difference...?
I can't say I can give you an answer. But I can give you a bunch of thought exercises under the cut! You like those, right?
You do like those! Thanks for looking under the cut, I really appreciate it.
So if we want to have a discussion of what counts as an "enemy" in the context of a video game, we should probably have a rough definition of what we think an "enemy" is in the first place. It's tough to look for edge cases of something that doesn't have any edges.
I personally think a good starting definition is along the lines of "a character designed with the intent of hurting the player," or something roughly like that. And now that we have a definition, we can scrutinize the hell out of it!
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On the left we have Thwomp. Thwomp is a classic Mario Enemy. The kind you'd see featured on @regularmarioenemies. We invite Thwomp over for dinner every Sunday, and Thwomp always smashes the dinner table because that's just what Thwomp does. On the right we have Karamenbo. Karamenbo does the exact same thing that Thwomp does, but it doesn't have a face! And despite the fact they act the exact same way, this simple design difference leads to most people considering Thwomp an "enemy" and Karamenbo an "obstacle"!
Is the difference between an enemy and an obstacle really something so simple as having a face? And if so...
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What do we make of Lava Bubble, another Classic Mario Enemy that only sometimes has a face? Are they only an enemy when they have a face? Or are they allowed to always be enemies in spite of their occasional facelessness? Or alternatively, are they prohibited from being enemies despite their occasional befacedness? I don't know, and my "the fact I am writing for this blog" tells me I should probably be an expert in this field!
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And what about Moonsnake? What could easily be dismissed as a simple obstacle like a Spike Bar is revealed by in-game text to be a living creature! Does this allow it to be classified as an enemy instead? Does something become an enemy just because there's text saying it's alive? Do ghosts and robots count as alive? Is a thorny flower an enemy instead of an obstacle, or does the specific choice of the word "creature" make a meaningful distinction here?
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What if I told you there's official text calling Karamenbo a type of Thwomp, does that change your perception of it?
And we haven't even started touching on the idea of whether or not enemies need to hurt you. Let me ask you an important question...
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Are Hoppos enemies? They can not hurt you. Whenever you touch them, you just bounce off, and sure, you might be bounced into something that can hurt you, but Hoppo is just an animal. Is it really Hoppo's fault? Could Hoppo be charged with manslaughter for bouncing Mario into a bottomless pit? Are bottomless pits a type of enemy?
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Flomps, Bomps, these can not hurt you directly, but they can cause you to get hurt! And they're relatives of Thwomp, too! Do these factors matter in defining them as an enemy? Bomps act basically the same as the Push-Blocks from Super Mario Odyssey, and the wiki classifies those as mere platforms!
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Is mayonnaise an enemy? I don't even know anymore!
Basically, enemies are a subclass of obstacle but there's not really a meaningful distinction that separates them. Literally the only thing that separates an enemy from an obstacle is the Vibes. Nothing else matters! Sorry! But what does that mean for our blog...?
Absolutely nothing! As I've said multiple times, we stopped caring about that distinction ages ago. We're hardly even a Mario blog anymore! I just wanted to subject you to my ramblings because I've had this in the back of my mind for a while now and well I had to say it somewhere.
And since I subjected you to several paragraphs of ramblings that amount to basically nothing... am I an enemy...?
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hometoursandotherstuff · 5 months ago
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Historic 1769 Colonial style home in Keymar, MD has been renovated and redecorated in a variety of styles. Firstly, they painted the distinctive brick exterior pale gray, with an orange door. It doesn't look bad, but it's not the traditional, iconic look. It has 4bds, 4ba, 5,227 sq ft, and they're asking $3m. If you are a purist when it comes to historic homes, you probably won't like it.
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Now, remember- I said that it was done in a variety of styles. The entrance hall has Oriental themed wallpaper. They stripped the newel post and railing on the stairs and left it bare wood, (I like that look, but it needs a flat protective finish, b/c it's going to get very dirty), plus a new floor has an inlaid border.
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The light fixture was removed from the ceiling medallion and they did a copper-look design on it.
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The sitting room is very non-traditional with it's bright green walls but the ceiling mural has a colonial scene. Above the fireplace they have colored mirror squares.
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The next room has a large jungle leaf print and a wooden hippo, elephant, plus a trunk.
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This room has a wall of shelving and opens to hall stairs.
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The family room has a dark, rustic, nautical look with black and deep green walls. This room has wood paneling that was painted over, plus a brick trim around the top. I wonder if they darkened the brick.
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I have seen faux aged walls, but this one looks like black mold. It's well done, but unusual. They left the pocket doors and beadboard, but painted them dark gray. Ironically, the sink cabinet looks very colonial.
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The tub has a framed skull print above it and some stuffed animals on the ledge. The shower is modern.
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The dining room is gray & black with a French cabinet. The table is a pine colonial.
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The large kitchen has a rustic ceiling and 3 different cabinet colors- blue, gray, and colonial red. The ceiling looks like flooring to me. The glassware cabinet looks French.
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The open concept space has a dining room with a big stone fireplace and stripped doors on the patio. The gold glassware shelf is a French pastry stand.
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The primary bedroom has a traditional look. Nice big fireplace in here. The wood paneling was painted white and there's a mural on the coffered ceiling.
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This smaller bedroom has nice wallpaper. It even has a colonial rocking horse in the fireplace.
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This is a lovely bath. I like the cabinet and closets.
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There's a 2 car garage with a space between that they've turned into a home gym/man cave. There's also a sleeping area.
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They painted this beautiful barn-turned-home a dark gray, including this wonderful brick wall on the side.
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It's lovely inside with slate flooring.
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There's also storage for the big Home Depot skeleton.
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This garage has a sitting room downstairs and more of a hangout space upstairs.
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The main house has a patio.
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Lots of space. There's even another small stone building.
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There's also a pond on the 25.02 acres of property.
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puttersmile · 3 months ago
Bubbavember Day 16: Ship!
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A ship between left brain and right brain.
Bonus: A oneshot I wrote last month that I'll just drop here. Picture is kind of related.
New Accessory:
Craftycorn trotted into the living room, her hooves tapping lightly as she hummed to herself. Already she was thinking about a new project. She was in the middle of undoing her apron when she spotted Bubba lounging on the couch, casually flipping through an old magazine. But something about him made her pause. Her eyes narrowed in on something gleaming under the light.
"Bubba... is that... an earring?!" she asked, she almost sounded happily aghast.
Bubba’s elephant ears flopped as he perked up, his trunk swayed nervously.
"Uh... yeah. You noticed, huh?" he said with a sheepish grin.
Craftycorn crept closer, peering at the small, shiny hoop dangling from his right ear. "Well, obviously I noticed. It’s hard to miss something hanging off an ear that big!" she teased, giving his ear a playful flick. "But Bubba, since when are you into piercings?"
Bubba fidgeted, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh, you know, I just… thought I’d try something new. Been wanting to for a while."
Crafty raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a mischievous smile. "Uh-huh, sure. It wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that Simon Smokes has a whole collection of earrings, would it?" she said, tilting her head slyly. "You trying to outdo my ex?"
Bubba’s ears turned pink as he waved his trunk frantically. "What? No! I—I mean, maybe a little? I thought you might think it was cool or something… like, you know, Simon did it, and—"
Craftycorn interrupted him with a soft giggle. "Bubba, you’re adorable. But I don’t care about stuff like that." She leaned in to nuzzle his cheek. "I like you just the way you are, big ears and all."
Bubba blinked, his whole face relaxing as a wave of relief washed over him. "Oh, phew. I was kinda worried about that."
Crafty pulled back with a curious look. "Though, I have to ask... why’d you do it then, if not for me or because of Simon?"
Bubba grinned shyly. "Well, truth is, I’ve always thought my ears were large even for a guy my size��so I figured, why not decorate them a little? I kinda like the look."
Craftycorn blinked in surprise, then broke into a bright smile. "You know what? I love that! You should totally rock the earring, Bubba. It suits you."
Bubba beamed, it was a big genuine smile. His trunk gave her a playful boop on the nose. "Yeah? I’m glad you think so."
Crafty giggled, flicking his ear gently again. "Now if you get a second one, we might need to start calling you Bubba Bling-a-phant!"
"Oooh, is one of them for me?" Crafty leaned in closer, her eyes shining at the idea. "Bubba, please?"
Bubba let out a deep laugh that Crafty could feel vibrate in her chest as she draped herself against his shoulders.
"Don’t tempt me, Crafty. I’ve already been eyeing a matching set."
"Of course!" Bubba laughed. "Help me pick a good color."
Craftycorn hesitated for a moment, then glanced at his trunk, her gaze glinted with something mischievous. "Hey… Bubba… have you ever considered getting a nose ring?"
Bubba froze, then slowly turned to look at her, an amused grin spreading across his face. "Crafty… just how long have you been thinking about me getting a nose ring? Or—wait—" He flexed his trunk dramatically. "Are we talking multiple nose rings here? I mean, I’ve got a lot of nose to work with!"
Craftycorn’s face turned bright red, and she stumbled over her words. "Wha—no! I mean, just… one nose ring. Just one! That’s it!"
Bubba chuckled, his ears did a happy flap as he flipped a page in the magazine to a spread of nose ring designs. "Well, well. Let’s see what we’ve got here, then. Pick one out for me, Crafty."
Crafty groaned, doubling over in embarrassment, covering her face with a hoof. "You’re impossible, Bubba."
Bubba’s laugh filled the room as he held the magazine up for her to inspect, his trunk playfully nudging her shoulder. "Impossible? Or impossibly stylish?"
The only answer he got was a muffled laugh as Crafty buried her face in her hooves.
Fic is a sequel to this:
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youryurigoddess · 11 months ago
On love and sacrifices
There’s so much more to this scapegoating business and big sacrifices referenced in the Good Omens narrative than the literal goats. And they’re only getting bigger, louder, final.
But let’s take it slow and start with the beginning, quite literally — i.e., with the Good Omens 2 title sequence. As we follow Aziraphale and Crowley on their journey, the universe warps and their usual left and right side positioning switches during the magic show (not accidentally an act of trust and sacrifice required both from the angel and the demon). They stay so throughout the next scene, which is their little dance in the air, and after they seemingly get settled on the A. Z. Fell and Co.’s roof and back to normal, the flipped sky in the background suggests that something’s not quite right yet. In the central part of the shot looms a large, humanlike shadow of the Elephant Trunk Nebula.
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The nebula is a part of a constellation called Cepheus, after an Ethiopian king from the Greek mythology who agreed to sacrifice his only daughter in order to appease the gods and end a local calamity started by her mother and his wife, Cassiopeia (talk about generational responsibility). With time and a delightfully ironic twist of fate, the name of said daughter, Andromeda, became more famous than that of her father. Although she was chained up to a rock and offered to the sea serpent Cetus, the girl was spotted by the warrior Perseus, casually flying over the sea — either on the back of the Pegasus or thanks to a pair of winged sandals — after his victory over Medusa. He fell in love on the spot, defeated the serpent (with the help of a magical sword or Medusa’s severed head, depending on the varying sources), and freed the princess. That’s not exactly where their story ends, but we won’t be getting into the rest here.
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Not surprisingly, Neil has mentioned two parallel child sacrifice stories from the biblical context back in August. The first is one of the big ones — The Binding of Isaac. God's command to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, was a test of Abraham's faith. The angel of the Lord intervenes and provides a ram to be sacrificed in the boy’s place.
The second one isn’t nearly as popular, but you might have heard a variant of it in fairy tales or as the Law of Surprise invoked in The Witcher saga. In exchange for Israel’s victory over its enemies in battle, Jephthah had rashly promised God to repay the debt with the first thing seen on his return back home. The victorious warrior didn’t suspect to see his only child moving innocently "to meet him with timbrels and with dances" though. In horror, Jephthah covered his eyes with his cloak, but to no avail: ultimately, he was forced to honor his vow to God, and the girl was sacrificed. As grisly as it might look like in the Old Master’s paintings, it’s important to remember that human sacrifices weren’t limited to physical offerings only — Jephthah’s daughter might have been offered to God in the sense of officially shunning her family and dedicating her life to service instead, probably sequestered in a temple somewhere.
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Interestingly, the main character of a big chunk of the Bible and the reason for the Second Coming happens to be THE most influential child sacrifice in the modern history. You know, a certain 33-year-old carpenter sent by his Heavenly Father to die on a cross for the sins of the mankind? Someone better call Aubrey Thyme ASAP.
Circling back to Aziraphale, he could be also seen as a representative of the concept of filial piety, since Eden willing to personally take a Fall not only for the humanity’s collective or individual transgressions, but the shortcomings of his Ineffable Parental Figure as well. Our favorite angel angel always fights for what is right and good, sure, but why would that be even a thing if God was truly omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent?
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If Aziraphale’s medal is anything to go by, it looks like we might get an answer from the way it’s introducing another mythological narrative into the game, that is the story of Daedalus and Icarus. The most absorbing thing about this is the stark contrast to the recurring child sacrifice references for S3 mentioned in this post — Daedalus isn’t a father who wanted to sacrifice his son, it was his attempt to save him from imprisonment that ultimately drove Icarus to his death. The boy ignored his father’s explicit instructions, committing the grave and culturally universal sin of disobedience to one's parents that simply couldn’t go unpunished, one way or another.
But Icarus’s transgression could be seen both as high-flying ambition and striving for personal accomplishment as well as humanitarian sacrifice for knowledge and humanity’s advancement in general.
Similarly to a certain angel who left everything for what superficially seems like a work promotion, but is the ultimate act of love — both for his demon and the children they have been protecting and nurturing together for six thousand years. From the very Beginning, his white wings have been shielding everything he holds dear in this world.
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feralsneeze · 3 months ago
still hoping for the sneezy elephant babe p🥺
HEY and I finally got my shit together to post it, anon! Ty for your patience!
#Feral Fics 4: F/F, Anthro elephant, trunkplay:tm:, unbridled sapphic masturbation, lotta bush talk
Here we have Clara, an elephant lesbian getting justifiably horny about her hot sneezy bestie and has to do something about it! Please don't reblog to non-sneeze blogs, ty!!
Clara had one hand on each tit, thumbing at her nipples. She let out a slow breath, feeling them beginning to perk up in response to her stimulation. Clara's trunk inched downward, snuffling cautiously until her nostrils were met with full pubic curls. Her nostrils immediately flared as dozens of curls tickled and tickled at the fair skin. Clara yanked her trunk back from the sensitive hairs. Nope. Nope! She didn't care how good Lettie said it felt to masturbate with her trunk. A good orgasm wasn't worth sneezing herself through it. 
But...this was going to be the last night that Lettie was out of town. It would be...silly to waste a roommate-less evening, right? Waste a night where Clara could actually let herself rock the bed and moan? 
She tried again, making every effort not to sniff. Clara's trunk crept down until the appendage rubbed against her eager clitoris. Oh. The firm pressure from her trunk was...nice. Warmth flooded Clara’s abdomen as she started to grind against her own nose. 
Oh. Oh, no. Her bush had the distinct scent of her lavender body wash. The scent always made Clara sneeze, sure, but it didn't bother her too much after getting out of the shower. Now, though, that scent was placed directly into her nostrils. And it was still tickly.
Still, Clara powered through, rubbing her trunk against her sensitive clit. Her fingers remained teasing and pinching both nipples. The motion against her clit felt nice, of course, but not enough to get her to approach orgasm. What else had Lettie said?��
'Think about your horniest, most secret fantasies. It feels goddamn awesome.'
...Well. Not like Clara would exactly have to share this with anyone. She let her eyes slide shut. A familiar vision immediately entered her mind with crystal clarity. 
Summer. She and Lettie had been dressing for a beach trip. Lettie struggled a bit to tie the string of her bikini behind her neck just as Clara had finished getting into her own swimsuit. Just before Clara could have offered any help, Lettie's trunk had...
Her clit started to ache…
...reared up...nostrils flaring, squirming with sudden, ticklish need...and then, Lettie had sneezed, dropping the strings of her bikini all together. A burst of mess misted Lettie's exposed chest and navel. Without her hold on the strings, her chest had bounced out of the bikini top...
Clara began to bite her lip subconsciously. Her trunk continued to grind against her clit. Clara's hips rose up to meet it better. Fuck. Lettie's tits. Lettie's tits, squeezed into that tank top that had stopped fitting her months ago. Lettie's tits wobbling with those big sneezes of hers. Fuuuuck. That felt--th-that felt--
Clara shot both hands between her legs to hold her trunk still before a sneeze burst out of her. A deluge of mess shuddered out of her nostrils to spray her exposed cunt. 
Instead of being perturbed by the mess she was making, Clara was only able to focus on how much better it felt when she held her trunk against her vulva herself. Letting her tits be for the moment, Clara got a firm hold of her trunk. She held it between her legs as she began to grind against it. She went back to imagining her beautiful best friend as she masturbated, hips bucking upward.
Lettie's ass, fat and so easily disturbed with unleashed sneezes. What would it feel like to hold her ass in both hands as she sneezed? God, that was hot. That was the thought that had Clara's eyes roll upward behind her eyelids. Hands full of Lettie's ass. Feeling her cheeks wobble and shake as she sneezed and sneezed.
"I'm gonna cum," Clara moaned out, lost in this beautiful vision of Lettie touching her. She continued to rub herself rhythmically. "Lettie. Lettie. Lettie---ohhh, fuck, Lettie--Lettie--"
 Clara was frozen solid and dead silent as Lettie stood in the doorway. She looked stunned, hardly realizing the way her nose ran. Lettie sniffled sheepishly in the aftermath, but was otherwise silent. Clara fell silent as well.
She tried to be silent. Her nose, of course had a few other plans. 
Clara sneezed twice, again onto her bare sex and duvet. She couldn't help a sensitive moan as her trunk rubbed against her clit with just the right pressure with that second sneeze. “OhhhhhI’msorryLettie…”
"...Bless you, Clare,” Lettie said quietly, eyes wide and bright. She spoke with a purr to her voice. “...Do you wanna…?”
Clara hardly recognized her own voice. “Y-Yeah.”
Lettie dropped her backpack and duffel bag onto the floor of Clara's room and climbed onto the bed. The two of them had spent many a night watching TV in Clara's room, especially on cold nights when Lettie's shitty furnace gave out. They were more than used to this space. 
It only took a few minutes for Clara to start moaning Lettie's name in between sneezes all over again.
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mikashisus · 11 months ago
DREAM CATCHER — 03. discreet
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As you scrolled through social media, liking every cat video on your timeline, you failed to notice someone walking towards you.
It was only when they knocked your baseball cap off your head that you looked up, an insult ready on your lips. You picked up your baseball cap and turned to the person, your scowl immediately turning to a smile at the sight of your best friend.
You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a tight hug. “I’ve missed you so much. Life is so uninteresting without you and Kuni.”
Your complaining made him huff in amusement, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips as he snaked his arms around your waist. He sighed contentedly into your shoulder, muttering a small “I missed you too” under his breath.
When he pulled away, he took your hat from your hands and placed it back on your head. You sent him a smile and took his suitcase and backpack from him. Slinging his backpack over your shoulder, you began walking towards the entrance.
Xiao grabbed your phone and placed it in your back pocket for you. He grumbled, “I could’ve carried all of that myself.”
“Nonsense,” you shook your head. “How was your flight?”
The flight from Liyue Harbor to Dornman Port was an exceptionally long one. You knew that all too well since you often traveled back and forth between the two places. Your home in Dornman Port was farther up North in Mondstadt, which was quite the inconvenience when it came to traveling to Liyue Harbor or Sumeru City.
However, you liked the peace and quiet the port. Although it was bustling with people, it was much quieter than the main city on the lake. You’d take it over living in the city any day.
Xiao shrugged, sending a quick text to Zhongli that he arrived in Mondstadt safely. “It was okay. A lot of screaming babies.”
Your face scrunched up in disgust as the two of you exited the airport. “Damn, that sucks. Lucky it wasn’t longer than seven hours, though. You would’ve had to deal with them for longer.”
He groaned at the mere thought. He walked ahead of you, scouring the lanes for the car you’ve had since high school. He found it instantly, making a beeline for it.
You jogged ahead to catch up with him. He was one step ahead of your own thought process, as he opened the trunk for you to haul his things into. You did so effortlessly and climbed into your car.
As he buckled his seatbelt, you handed him your phone. He unlocked it (having known your password) and pulled up one of your rock playlists.
“Well, nothing’s changed with us, huh?” You sent him a smile.
He glanced at you. “What do you mean?”
“In our twenties and you’re still my passenger princess.” You smirked as he scoffed and turned away from you.
You shrugged and pulled out of the lanes. “What? I’m just stating the facts. You were always my passenger princess in high school too.”
Even now, you could remember how the two of you would always sneak away from your school’s band and go off on your own. Sure, it worried your band directors to see the two of you had gone missing during the trips, but they eventually got used to it.
You would show Xiao around Mondstadt, and he would show you around Liyue whenever your school’s band made the trip to Liyue Harbor. The two of you would spend nights wandering the streets, talking about anything and everything, and buying snacks or walking around inside shops.
You still had the jade elephant keychain he bought you during your senior year— the one you couldn’t afford because your family wasn’t doing so well financially. With his father’s money, he bought it for you, and you promised you’d always keep it with you. Now, it hung from your car keys.
Your favorite memory was when you were in Liyue Harbor during Lantern Rite. Both you and Xiao snuck off again, this time to the outskirts of the harbor. He showed you his handcrafted lantern he made, a proud glint in his eyes as you praised his handiwork.
When the fireworks went off, signaling the new year, you released the lantern into the sky together, and unexpectedly, Xiao kissed you. None of you dared to bring that up afterwards, but you could still remember how soft his lips were, and how gentle his hold was on your chin. And the way his golden eyes sparkled, holding a certain fondness for you and you only.
You took a quick glance at him, admiring him for a quick second as you stopped at a stoplight. Even though he was turned away from you, trying hard not to let you see his face, you could see a small, fond smile on his lips.
He made a hum of disagreement, but you could tell that those memories of the two of you from high school were as important to him as they were for you.
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author’s note: xiao being quite obvious with his crush was not intended but it’s a detail i like. hes trying his best to be discreet but failing miserably. also we love xiao being a passenger princess 🫶
taglist — ; (open) @kunikuzushis-darling @one-and-only-tay @ukinya @mechanicalbeat1
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naisaspalace · 11 months ago
Personal Nakshatras observations series: MULA NAKSHATRA part 1
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nakshatra characteristics:
Translation: The root Symbol: A tied bunch of roots or elephant goad yoni: A male dog Presiding Deity: Kali or/and Niritti. Ruling Planet: Ketu Ruling Deity of the Planet: Ganesha Body parts: Feet & Left side of trunk. Nature: Rakshasa (demon) Mode: Active Number 19 Gender: Neuter or male (depending on the source) Dosha: Vata Guna: Tamasic Element: Air Disposition: Sharp and dreadful Bird: Red Vulture. Trimurti: Brahma/Creation. Direction: North Motivation/Goal: Kama. Downward Facing.
"The root star, origin star, foundation star"
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Power to ruin, destroy, scatter things.
small overview of the nakshatra:
So Mula is the nakshatra that is opposite ardra and naturally, it's going to deal with opposite themes or at least is going to deal with the same matter but using another tactic
this time mula instead of simply cutting the problem right away now we are going to see an individual who will find the truth by digging into it.. digging into the roots to find the source of the problem.
mula its the "matured" state of ketu contrary to ardra which is the infant or initial manifestation of rahu
mula can be just as chaotic as ardra or even worse because this time there's not head only the body, ketu, and the challenge now it is to cut off only the part of the root that is sick or bringing problems.
this time instead of cutting the problem straight away we will go on a journey to see what happens when you decide to go after to eliminate the root of the problem and its consequences.
i also highly recommend that you check my previous post, that i will link on the end of this post, to be able to get a better understanding of the matter.
Pop culture mula representations:
Gerard Way (depression, singer and songwriter, fame, and art)
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Gerard Way is a famous 00s punk rock vocalist of a band called My Chemical Romance. he has mula moon with mercury Bharani conjucted ketu Ashwini and just by looking at his placements we can already see that he has huge ketu energy on his chart.
He is a Taurus rising with mercury-ketu on his 12th, exalted rx venus on his 11th with the sun. The 12th house is the house of liberation, salvation, losses, and things that are hidden from us and the 11th is the house of earned gains and social networking.
(i use astroseek to see the carts so i believe that might be some differences although i don't think his nakshatras change regardless)
I am going to discuss the lyrics of his albums that, according to him, are very personal.
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his second band album was launched in 2004 and it is called "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge"
okay lets just start by looking at the cover because i just found out that i was inspired by "bonnie and clydes kiss" and i just checked and clyde, just like Gerard, he have exalted venus (but gerard have retrograde venus and its at revati and clydes is at purva bdp),and they have their lagnas on the same nakshatra the difference is that g's is at taurus mrigashira and clydes at gemini
meaning that sad mula emo boy took inspiration on a couple of murders to make his band's debut album and to be even more coincidental is the fact that he have strong synastry with the man meaning that
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"In the drawing, you can see a small white heart on the male character's forehead. It is the only spot on his bleeding forehead, as it represents the couple's bulletproof love."
and on this album there's a music dedicated to his dead grandmother, called Helena.
I will not elaborate further on this album because the focus of my analysis will be on the second album of the band, but this first observation is here to show that Gerard's way of dealing with his pain, alongside drug use, was to write songs.
my main focus will be in the bands second album, where through the lyrics, we can see his mother's issues, his fear of abandonment, and more of his personality.
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the third band's album is called "the black parade" and the band recorded this album in a haunted abandoned house where the members lived for a while only to be able to record the album. The members spent 2 months inside a haunted mansion isolated and said to have experienced supernatural stuff.
It is a rock opera and concept album centered on a dying man with cancer known as "The Patient". The album tells the story of his apparent death, experiences in the afterlife, and subsequent reflections on his life.
in short, the man died and saw his life in the form of a parade, hence it was called the black parade, it was a place where he reflected on his life choices after arriving at the afterlife.
now lets go over the album songs in a quick overview to see the story (the tracks are listed according to the order.)
"The Black Parade" focuses on the journey of a man known as "The Patient", diagnosed with cancer, as he reflects on his life and impending death. The album begins with "The End", where The Patient prepares for his funeral without expecting much mourning. In "Dead", he faces the reality of his imminent death and regrets not living his life fully. In "This Is How I Disappear", he realizes he will be forgotten and faces the consequences of his actions. "The Sharpest Lives" explores his toxic behavior and substance abuse after his lover leaves him. In Welcome to the Black Parade, The Patient recalls his father's advice to help others. In I Don't Love You, he breaks up out of self-hatred. House of Wolves sees him mocking fake faith. Cancer shows his fear of being remembered at his worst. Mama reflects on a mother's love despite her son's actions. The Patient learns that his family's love remains, like the mother's in the story. The Patient in "Sleep" faces internal turmoil and regrets, viewing himself as a monster unworthy of sympathy. Memories of his heinous acts torment him in death. The theme of disconnection from society, as portrayed by teenagers, reflects his warped perspective. "Disenchanted" portrays his wasted life and fear of death. In "Famous Last Words," The Patient finds hope for a second chance at life with his lover after facing his fear of death.
(I got this explanation from Reddit. tumblr didn't allow me to post the full explanation so please go to the post and read for yourself to see the detailed version.) (the explanation will use the detailed version of the track story explanation.)
in my personal opinion, Gerard was just as personal on this opera as he was on the song about his grandmother. This time we got to see mula's form of trying to fix the problems that disturb an individual's mind.
the lyrics feel way to personal, especially knowing that mulas tend to have mother issues, as we can see on the track mama where the dying man is begging for his mother for help and he feels desperate and looking for love and care, following the "welcome to the black parade" track where the man is remembering the words of his father and that to me portrays his rising ruler, Revati venus rx at 11th conjuncted his sun, the internal feeling of wanting to save people and to do good for others
In The Sharpest Lives, he says "he promises that if he has her back he will give up all of his addictions, as her light would be so bright in his world that the sun would be ashamed", the nodes are eclipsing the sun(Rahu the artificial sun) and the moon (ketu artificial moon), here I believe he meant that by facing her without the drug addiction he would be have no choice but to actually face his shadows because he uses the drugs to run from reality to run from his head demons.
he have rahu libra ruled by his rising lord, venus 11th that is conjuncted with his sun, libra = relationships, rahu fake or artificial, the artificial sun is ruled by exalted venus and pieces also deals with addictions, maybe the sun that he mentioned is the artificial sun, the one who would be ashamed, as his soul and venus are together.
everyone wonders what happens at the afterlife and no wonder he wrote this opera..... and by last the fact that he wonders through the whole album if he wasted his life away and desires to have his lost love back, again coming back to venus and union of two souls.
by he i was talking about gerard, who i truly believe mirrored himself on this punk opera as a way to express his mental tortures and transform into art. in the end the dying man and Gerard can be the same they sound the same.
differently from ardra, mula expresses his soul pains in a way more artistic to be able to find out what is wrong with him why does he feel so much pain in his life and regardless of gerard knowing or not those pains were put in his life as a test to achieve his soul liberation, something that I believe years later he find peace.
gerard said on a interview on 2022 :
-“The triumph of the human spirit over darkness was something that was kind of built into the DNA of the band from the beginning,” he explained. “The self-actualization, the triumph of the spirit and things like that, getting through really hard things. “There’s darkness in the world. And I think overcoming that darkness, that darkness externally and internally, is a beautiful thing. It’s a challenging thing, but it is beautiful if you can do that if you can kind of triumph over that. So that’s a theme that’s definitely in ‘Black Parade’, the song, and it’s in my work.”"
Billie Eilish (singer, famous star)
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Billie is a famous pop singer that has mula sun-mercury-ketu 11th, 12th shravana moon, jupiter ardra rx - rahu mrigashira 5th, with lagnaand mars at purva bdp aquarius ruled by 4th rohini saturn rx.
where we got two famous singers with big saturn (gerard have cancer saturn i forgot to mention) ketu and Jupiter Energy that they channel to create their arts, but this time is billies brother who writes for her or co-writers with her (depending on the source you use).
finneas (her brother) have jupiter rx capricorn, leo stellium (mercury, venus and rahu) , mrigashira gemini moon and saturn pisces.
billies moon conjuncts her brothers jupiter and his moon conjunct her Jupiter-rahu and his ketu conjunct her first house lagna and mars so i truly believe that they are very close to each other and can understand each others internal mental battles to me they channel together, funny because one of the symbols of gemini is the twins.
also his sun conjuncts her saturn which should bring discipline to their work.
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this time we got to see how mula operates under the umbrella of rahu, mula stellium ruled by jupiter ardra. In other words, we are going to see how, through an intellectual lens, Billie channels her inner mental torture and expresses her unique yet common emo mindset to make a career out of her pains.
she have her 10th ruler at 1st, 10th jyeshta venus ruled mars aquarius, this explains why shes very famous and why we are able to see her channelized expression of herself. 10th planets are what is exposed to the world, our reputation.
the 10th house is oposite the 4th, where the fourth house is the most private house of our chart and her chart ruler is at 4th, Rohini Saturn. Wealth is what, usually a rohini wants but its ruled by a jyeshta very public venus, venus does not like to be that public (exposed) and definitely had a hard life, two things that a rohini doesn't like at all.
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just like Gerad, Billie displays mommy issues within her artwork, alongside her social difficulty, ketu = detached and is with sun-mercury meaning having a harder time with her mind.
her debut album called "When We Fall Asleep Where Do We Go" was inspired, in part, by lucid dreaming and night terrors. again two common nodal themes. According to her, night terrors and lucid dream is what happens when you fall asleep.
the album talks about hopes and fears surronding drug addiction, heartbreak, mental health, and suicide.
even tho the themes are and can be very personal billie said that she and her brother like to write as if they were someone else, meaning that she often likes to separates herself from the artwork this mimics the relation with herself, the 5th house is the natural house of the sun, the ego, and its located at the 11th, the house of social gains.
so this time, the idea of being a separate persona makes way more sense to her instead of gerads, because she really feels detached from all of these matters, mercury 11th with ketu.
yet she have 4th saturn and its said to be the worst house for saturn, i truly believe that they (the siblings) channel their bad mental experiences that they had as a child to write her music because her 12th moon is ruled by 4th saturn, and a Capricorn moon is also said to experience mental anxiety and problems.
this time she might actually feel separated from the art but the art, once again, truly mimics the inside of our hearts.
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so as we can see in order to heal, these two mulas use their pain and transform into art and by doing this they liberate their heads from the pain and eventually, even if takes long they find some kind of peace.
in 2021, billie launched her album called "Happier Than Ever" and this time the inspiration was the covid 19.
this time billie was more, just like the rest of the world, isolated and said that the album creation felt very natural and she also mentioned that was able to feel more confident on her work.
she further adds that self-reflection was the biggest muse behind the record and she mentioned that wrote the track "male fantasy" by herself which helped her realized some unprocessed feelings she previously had.
and just like gerald, with the help of isolation came the biggest form of inspiration.
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hi thank you so much for reading until the end i hope you enjoyed and were able to learn something ;).
please feel free to request any suggestion of themes you would like me to talk about and share you personal feedback :))
contact info.
ardra nakshatra p1 analysis.
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elcycyromem · 3 months ago
walking in the jungle and i walk inside a elephants trunk and it closes up and thats how i died you can all start throwing rocks at me now
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xf-cases-solved · 3 months ago
S2E9: Firewalker
Case: After eight long episodes, Mulder and Scully are finally back where they belong—together as partners on the X-Files. Safe in the knowledge that they definitely, for sure, will certainly never have to face losing the X-Files or each other ever again, the two of them take on their first new case. Dr. Pierce has arrived at our beloved basement office with an ominous home movie of his dead coworker and an unexplainable shadow moving inside a volcano, where a team of scientists are doing volcano experiments in what Wikipedia tells me is Oregon, or maybe Washington (unclear). Pierce explains that he used to do volcano experiments too, but he left after he got into it with his project partner/Mozart to his Salieri, Daniel Trepkos, who had been, evidently, "slipping into madness." 
Mulder—a man with a deep appreciation for visual aids—agrees to investigate the mysterious murder volcano. Despite Mulder's concern that she should maybe take more time to heal up after the whole "kidnapped from her home, shoved into the trunk of a car, abducted by ???, had ??? done to her body, and returned under mysterious circumstances on the brink of death and several months of her life missing" thing, Scully insists that she has lost enough time already, and is ready to get back to work, because the alternative would be processing her trauma, and that is just not something these characters know how to do.
So our heroes make their way to the research site, and when they suddenly don their Adventuring Gear™️, it soon becomes clear that we have been thrust inside a "we dug too deep and unleashed something deadly" episode, after we learn that the research team dug too deep and unleashed something deadly. While the episode itself is not as cool as "Ice" or "Darkness Falls," the "Alien"-esque way the overgrown spores burst out of peoples' throats is fairly delightful, and so although I often forget this episode even exists, it does get points for that. 
Trepkos has either made a terrifying discovery down in the volcano that is a threat to all humankind, or he hasn't taken his lithium—one of the two; The X-Files fulfills its duty as a science fiction show by discussing the possibility of a silicon-based lifeform (I'm partial to Star Trek TOS's "The Horta" myself); I am aware that it's bc everyone is full of evil spore parasites, but the vibes on the research base are Rancid, and I dislike every NPC we're introduced to, with the exception of maybe Dr. Pierce, but he and his beautiful mustache unfortunately get murdered, which, given the other deaths in this episode, is actually not the worst way to go; Scully, who has repressed all her emotions and is ready to take life by the horns now that she's not on her deathbed, is almost once again on her deathbed when one of the NPCs purposefully tries to infect her with the exploding neck spores, meanwhile Mulder is trying to get information from Trepkos, who looks like a hotdog you dropped into a firepit and won't stop talking like the know-it-all white boy in your philosophy 101 class; and Mr. and Mrs. Spooky take a his & hers quarantine for A MONTH, because time in this show makes less sense than the episodes themselves.
Does someone die in the cold open: I believe they are already dead.
Does Mulder present a slideshow: No, but we still got visual aids.
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Nope! Mulder says at the end that his report is the literal only record of what happened, lmfao.
Whodunit: Silicon fungus spores? I think?
Convictions: Trepkos should have been arrested for murder, but since everyone else already exploded, Mulder let him go tell lava rocks about the parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant or whatever until he beefs it. 
Did they solve it: I'm torn between "yes" and "yes, but." If I use "Ice" rules, like I did for "Darkness Falls," then technically I should give it to them, but also in those episodes there were other surviving witnesses, and in this one, Mulder did just sort of... let a known murderer go. Like, I get that Trepkos wasn't going to offer anything substantial, and also Trepkos was trying not to infect the entire human population, so I don't blame him necessarily, but from a legal point of view I think that's like, ill-advised... Yeah, man, as much as I want to give them a win on their first case back on the X-Files together, I think I'm gonna have to go with—yes, but they let a murderer loose and Mulder lied about it in his case report, and also there's no physical evidence and no other witnesses, so while they probably can close the case and be chill about it, going by my scale, they didn't pass the test this time around. 
(I legit am sitting here being like, "okay, but should I give this one to them??" but I think that if you have to lie on your official report about stuff, then you didn't solve the crime in a way the justice system would be down with. So. That's my ruling, and I'm sticking to it. It be like that sometimes. Or like, a lot of times, if you work for the X-Files division.)
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: Time meaning nothing. Do you often find yourself watching, let's say, a popular 90s sci-fi television show, only to begin questioning how the timeline works out if you're using like, linear time as your metric? Well, this is a public service announcement to let you know that in all things, but ESPECIALLY in popular 90s sci-fi television shows (definitely not naming names), time means nothing. How long has it been since a particular event? Doesn't matter. What year is it? How could it still be that year? How have that many things happened in that short amount of time? Don't worry about it!  Remember — time means nothing, and also nothing matters at all!
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 15 (I'M SORRY, BUT HE LET A MURDERER GO, OK??)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me": 9
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 6 (no, but there was fun dramatic irony of us knowing she was stuck with an infected jesse while she didn't)
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 13 (even if trepkos didn't hold him at gunpoint, being at risk of exposure to the spores is instant mortal danger imo) 
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 13 (i mean, yeah)
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 18 (i actually wasn't going to up this stat, bc i didn't think anything mulder said was really over the line in terms of how you would speak to a coworker/good friend, but then i rewatched the scene where he tells scully he's counting on her to save their lives, and the intensity of his heart eyes was overpowering. between that and him gently cupping her chin at the end, i feel justified in upping the stat)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 5 (wasn't on screen, unfortunately, but at least she's able to do autopsies again!)
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2 (reminder that this stat is for when she gets pulled into a hospital to help or starts treating someone's wounds or something) 
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 21
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Times Someone Correctly Guesses a Password: 3 
Total Number of (Plot Relevant) Nosebleeds: 5
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 3 
Total Number of Times People Fight in a Parking Garage: 1
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 3 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 4 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 2 
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 16 
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 3
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 3
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 3 (no more krycek for right now 😔. but like mulder's projector, i want to believe he will return)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 12½ (could not have even began to guess)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 6
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titan-desuu · 11 months ago
˚┊❛ Is that an elephant? ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
╭──╯ The AoT characters and their favorite comfort animal 🐘╰──╮
commentary: Thank you anon for the recommendation ^__^ Explanation: = my yapping
Eren: Wolves! Who would have taught that? But Eren loves the way a wolf can be alone and in a group (= reminds me of him).
Mikasa: Cats! This one is a classic, but Mikasa may have seen many cats - and admired their variety and survival skills.
Armin: BUDGIES! Armin loves the variety of birds, but budgies have won his heart! He loves watching them from a distance and admiring their peace.
Jean: I would say horses but the joke is more dead than the half of the AoT characters. But Jean would love snakes because they look cool.
Sasha: Elephants! Sasha once saw an elephant eating peanuts and that's how it started. She told Connie that she wanted a trunk (= ô_ô).
Connie: Monkeys! Connie is definitely someone who likes to watch documentaries and funny videos about monkeys. Sometimes he dreams of giving a monkey a funny backpack. (= Geto would hate him - ah, wrong anime!)
Erwin: Toucan! This man loves this majestic, silly-looking bird! He says that the beak of this bird reminds him of sweets.
Levi: I know, I know, you'd say something like cat, but let me tell you, this man would love koalas. Chilling in a tree, minding his own business, this man is at peace.
Hange: AXOLOTLS !!!! HANGE WOULD LOVE THEM. The thought of their tiny happy face makes Hange drool with happiness!
Mike: Lions! Just because one scout told Mike that his hair looks like a lion's mane. He totally understands why!
Moblit: Bunnies! Moblit saw a few rabbits who trusted one of them. Since then, Moblit has been looking after rabbits when they are outside the wall.
Ymir: Chinchillas! She's seen this one video of a chinchilla holding a pen - but who wouldn't love them?
Historia: Deer! This girl is Mother Nature, and she is coquette-coded herself! I wouldn't be surprised if she's Snow White herself.
Reiner: Capybara! Someone could show him a picture of a capybara going about minding his business and this man would burst out laughing.
Bertholdt: Turtles! Just because his head got hit by a rock once and he still wishes he had a tank (=like the armored Titan ups!).
Annie: Hedgehogs! A very comfortable pet that reminds her of her childhood and training with her father.
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sandimexicola · 2 months ago
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DALL·E Prompt: A highly detailed and realistic image of a tranquil jungle scene featuring a majestic elephant standing by a calm stream. The elephant is positioned slightly to the right, with its body turned towards the viewer. It is depicted with meticulous detail, showing the texture of its rough, wrinkled skin, the curvature of its long, ivory tusks, and the gentle folds of its ears. The elephant’s posture is calm and poised, with its trunk slightly raised. The eyes are expressive, conveying wisdom and peace.
The surrounding jungle is lush and dense, with towering trees forming a canopy overhead. The tree trunks are thick, covered in moss and vines. The leaves are vibrant green, with sunlight filtering through in patches, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. The light gives the scene a dynamic, almost magical quality.
In the foreground, a clear stream winds across the landscape, reflecting the greenery of the jungle and the golden hues of the sunlight. Rocks and pebbles are visible beneath the water's surface. Delicate water lilies with pink and white blossoms float on the stream near the edge. The diverse vegetation, including tropical plants, ferns, and shrubs, adds to the dense, untamed feel of the jungle. The overall atmosphere is serene, harmonious, and celebrates the natural beauty and majesty of the wilderness.
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pttwice · 1 year ago
banana pancakes (pt. 1)
|| littleautistic!jihyo, cg!jeongmi / littleautistic!jihyo au / non-idol au ||
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In every sense of the term, Jihyo is a summer baby. Summer means lighter clothes, almost always no pants, and semi-comfortable shorts if absolutely necessary. Summer also means that Jihyo can play golf or watch golf if she isn’t feeling big enough.
Summer is also much easier for Jeongyeon and Mina. They don’t have to bribe their baby to put pants on and all of Hyo’s favorite foods are in season. Summer for the caregivers also provides more opportunities for activities they can do together.
As the light began to peek through the light-yellow curtains in Jihyo’s room, she rolled over to face the welcoming warmth of the sun’s rays. It was just past 6:30 in the morning, Hyo’s usual summer wake-up time, when she sat up in her crib. She kept her eyes closed to allow the sun to gradually wake her up.
Her hands lightly bumped against the pacifier tucked securely between her lips as she rubbed her eyes. The pacifier — one of her favorites clipped to her onesie adorned with pastel images of elephants and giraffes — was connected to a yellow ribbon, dotted with small baby blue stars. The pacifier itself was a pastel yellow and adorned with little bumble bees.
Hyo brought her hands back down to rest on the worn elephant stuffy in her lap, Mr. Trunks, as she looked around her room, attempting to wake up. Her big girl bed was nicely made and sat in the center of the room. To the right of her bed was her closet where all her clothes were neatly hung up and folded. To the left was Hyo’s favorite part of the room.
A cedarwood rocking chair tucked beside a house-shaped bookcase completed the room. On the back of the rocking chair, one of Hyo’s many blankets were draped. It never left the chair, always ready to be wrapped around her for story time. The bookcase was an organized chaos filled with her books both big and little.
Being the resourceful and crafty woman she was, Jeongyeon built the bookshelf for her baby as a Christmas gift since the old bookcase couldn’t hold the ever-growing collection of books. When she first saw the new bookcase in her room, Hyo had a meltdown. She couldn’t believe that the old one was gone and for weeks, she refused to go anywhere near it. In hindsight, it was a major change for the poor little. Eventually, though, Hyo grew to love it even more than the old bookcase.
By the time Jihyo had fully woken up, Mina had just started to stir. She knew she couldn’t ignore the sun trying to wake her up or the soft coos of her baby over the baby monitor forever. As per her usual weekend morning routine, Mina slipped out of bed and stretched upwards. She grabbed her turquoise robe from the back of the bedroom door and draped it around herself before she quietly headed out to the kitchen, careful not to wake Jeongyeon up.
In the kitchen, she started the coffee pot — always prepared the night before — and grabbed one of Jihyo’s bottles out of the fridge. She pulled a small pot out from one of the cabinets beside sink and filled it up halfway. She set the burner to a low heat so the water would be just right by the time she came back with Hyo.
Hyo was eager to start her day as she sat in her crib, patiently waiting for her mommy. When she heard the doorknob turn and saw the door slowly open, she pulled herself up to stand. She welcomed the swish of the door against the carpet in her room and flashed her mommy a toothy grin, her pacifier still securely in her mouth. Mina returned her baby’s smile and stood in front of her, the bars of the crib being the only thing separating them.
“Did you sleep well, pumpkin?” A small chuckle fell from Mina’s lips as she brushed her fingers through Hyo’s bedhead. Mina’s question was answered with a little bounce and a happy, muffled babble. Hyo reached her arms out in front of herself, ready to finally be held.
With practiced ease, Mina walked to the side of Hyo’s crib and slid the bars down. She scooped her baby up and settled her on her hip.
Mina walked over to the changing table and laid Hyo down, handing her a bumblebee shaped teether to distract her while she quickly and gently changed her diaper. Once she finished, Mina picked her baby back up and made her way into the kitchen for breakfast.
Not even needing to look at the pot or bottle, Mina kept her soft gaze on her baby as she set the bottle in the water to heat it up. She sat Jihyo down in her highchair, making sure she was buckled in before grabbing the box of Cheerios on top of the fridge. Mina dumped a few Cheerios out onto Hyo’s tray before she poured a bowl for herself.
Once the bottle was warm enough, Mina took the bottle out and dumped the water out of the pot of the pot, setting it in the drying rack to be put away later. She set Hyo’s bottle to the side to cool down for a moment and grabbed the jug of milk out of the fridge to pour into her cereal.
Mina put the milk jug away and turned around with her cereal and Hyo’s bottle in hand, a soft smile making its way to her lips. As usual, Hyo was busy lining her Cheerios up one-by-one into neat rows before she started to eat them. Hyo reached out for her bottle of honey and cinnamon spiced milk and latched onto the nipple to take a sip before she popped a Cheerio into her mouth.
For almost 15 minutes, all that filled the room was the sound of Hyo’s happy hums and chewing from both. It was moments like this that Mina didn’t really mind waking up early. Seeing her baby happy and fed was well worth an early breakfast.
Mina sat back in her chair and took a long sip from her coffee as Jihyo finished the last Cheerio on her tray. Mina left her coffee as she unbuckled her baby and gently pulled her out of her highchair. She quietly hummed under her breath as she walked back to Hyo’s room, hoping she could convince her baby into a comfy pair of shorts since they were going out today. If it was up to Hyo, she’d go out in nothing but a diaper and a comfy shirt. Unfortunately, it was not up to her.
“Do you think we can get you into a softy shirt and your yellow shorts, sweet girl?”
At the mention of a softy shirt, Hyo had a little smile, but the instant she heard the word ‘shorts’, a deep frown formed on her face. Hyo whined a little and tucked her face into her mommy’s neck. It wasn’t fair that she had to wear shorts. It wasn’t like her bottom was completely naked or something.
Ever the patient mommy, Mina took her time getting Hyo’s other clothes out. She pulled out the yellow shorts and Hyo’s favorite bumblebee shirt from her dresser. Socks and shoes would be a different battle that Jeongyeon could deal with.
Once Hyo’s clothes were laid out on her bed, Mina sat Hyo down. She carefully untucked her baby from her neck and gave her a reassuring smile. “If we get your shorts on, then we can get mama up, pumpkin.”
Now, Hyo wasn’t usually one to easily fall for a bribe. Jeongyeon always talked about how Hyo was too smart, but sometimes, she could be convinced. And Hyo has never been one to say ‘no’ to waking her mama up.
With a hesitant nod, Hyo let go of her tight grip on her mommy’s shirt. Mina gently took Hyo’s onesie off and slipped her shirt over her head. She expected more protest from her baby as she put the shorts on, despite their agreement, but she was pleasantly surprised when she was instead met with a brief whine.
Once her shorts and shirt were on, Mina picked Hyo up and carried her into the hallway bathroom to brush her teeth. Thankfully, Hyo liked having her teeth brushed. She liked the fruity flavor of the toothpaste and the way the soft bristles felt against her gums.
Mina gave her bottom a light pat to make sure she was still dry before she carried her in to wake her mama up. Jeongyeon was still fast asleep as Mina gently opened and shut the door. She set Hyo down on the bed in the empty space beside the sleeping woman and walked into their en-suite bathroom. Hyo let out a happy squeak as she crawled up to her mama. She got as close as she could without touching her mama’s face with her own and rested her chin on Jeongyeon’s chest.
Jeongyeon stirred slightly at the sudden weight on her chest but kept her eyes closed, determined to get a few more seconds of sleep. Hyo smacked her lips together a few times, hoping the noise would wake her mama up, but Jeongyeon’s eyes stayed shut. A couple seconds passed before Hyo reached her hand up to gently tug Jeongyeon’s hair.
The slight pressure on her scalp from Hyo’s tugging was just enough for Jeongyeon to slowly open her eyes. At first, she thought it was Mina trying to wake her up. Usually, Hyo’s wake-up calls weren’t so gentle and forgiving.
As Jeongyeon’s vision focused on the face looking up at her, a still sleepy smile formed on her lips. “Good morning, pumpkin. Did you sleep well?” Jeongyeon’s voice was gravely with sleep as she slowly pushed herself up to lean against the headboard. Hyo adjusted herself accordingly and sat on her mama’s lap. She babbled and stimmed by gently pressing her fingers against her mama’s. Jeongyeon took her time waking up and nodded or gave Hyo a small hum to let her baby know she was listening — even though she didn’t really know what she was saying.
Jeongyeon was almost fully awake by the time Mina emerged from the bathroom. It had only been 10 minutes since she had gone in to get herself ready, but to Hyo, it felt like an eternity. Mina softly chuckled as she sat down on the edge of the bed. She gently picked Hyo up before her baby crawled off the bed trying to get to her mommy and turned her around to sit in between herself and Jeongyeon.
“Do you think you can use your big girl words to tell us what you’d like to do today, sweet girl?” Hyo took a moment to think about her mommy’s question. Big girl words were hard sometimes, but she felt good enough today and just big enough to use them for a little bit.
Hyo looked up at her mamas before she nodded and spoke. “Wan’ golf.”
“Do you want to watch golf, or play golf?” Jeongyeon knew the answer, but she wanted to make sure that her baby made the decision for the day’s activity.
“No p’ay, thank you.” Hyo smiled and cuddled further in between her mamas, eager to get outside and watch people play her favorite game in the entire world.
Aside from learning about drinks and reading webtoons, golf is Hyo’s favorite. It’s something she can play if she’s feeling big enough and something she can watch if she isn’t. Since today turned out to be a watch day, Hyo’s mamas hoped that she’d be okay just watching people at the driving range instead of the 18-hole course since that meant they didn't have to move around to each hole.
Since this is quite a long one, I'm splitting the first au in the series into two parts! Part two will be out soon and I hope you enjoyed reading this first part. I'm really excited to share with yall my ideas about little autistic!jihyo in this au world! :)
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fruitycasket · 2 years ago
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BEHOLD one of my favorite species from my worldbuilding projects, the skug. (AKA: skin bug, except not really because it's a springtail... skringtail?) They hail from an alternate Earth with more fantastical creatures and whatnot. Click the read more to learn a bit more about em!
These little guys are a gigantic (like ~3 feet/1 meter at most) species of springtails which developed another layer of skin over their bones, creating a sort of bone sandwich. Yum! Their diet consists of tubers, bones, rocks, and small animals. Minerals they eat are often incorporated directly into their bones, teeth, and tusks, which is as neat as it can be troublesome!
On their underside, they have slit openings for their tubule limbs to extend out. These noodles, which are used for fine motor movement (like writing your name), have two fingers like an African elephant trunk and work a lot like starfish tube feet. They extend by forcing hemolymph through the center of the limb and retract by pulling it back. Hence, skugs suffering from low blood pressure have trouble using their tube arms.
Skugs languages all have at least three "official" gendered words (male, female, and both/neither basically) but can have a max of five or six depending on how they classify in-between states. This is due to their biology! They've got both male and female reproductive parts in their body at all times, which one is active is a matter of hormones.
And that's all I can think to put in this post. If you want to learn more about them feel free to ask me stuff!
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evolutionsvoid · 8 months ago
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Barrel-Nosed Oliphants (or Barrelnose or Barrel-Nosed Snouter) are found in a wide variety of ecosystems, from scablands to hair fields, always snuffling about in search of food. Unlike other members of their family, the Barrelnose is a short, squat species, lacking long legs and intimidating height. Instead, they rely on bulk and brute force, using their hefty short frames to muscle through the undergrowth and bully other animals that may try to take advantage of them. Their trunk serves as nose and mouth, sniffing out morsels to suck up and digest. They feed on vegetation, small animals and fluids, snorting up anything that looks tasty. With no strong jaws or teeth, oliphants rely on a crude "gizzard" and muscle contractions to pulverize prey and hard foods. It is crushed and mashed into a fine paste that can be sucked into the stomach. In cases where the inhaled object is too hard to mush, the Barrelnose will eject it with a "sneeze," sending the offending item flying.
Though they may be smaller than their brethren and less imposing, the Barrel-Nosed Oliphant makes up for it with their bulk and stubborn nature. Threats or annoyances are met with trunk swats and perhaps a angry charge. They possess large tusks that they use to ram attackers or even skewer larger foes. A favorite tactic of theirs is to inhale rocks and hard objects, then fire them at enemies with a powerful sneeze. With such a wide flaring trunk, their aim isn't great, but a spray of stones and shrapnel is enough to make any predator think twice. Their thick muscle and tough hide also make them resilient, as they seemingly shrug off injuries. With all this, the Barrelnose is seen as an angry grump that should be given a wide berth, lest they charge you and break your shins.
While their size does not make them suitable as mounts, the Barrel-Nosed Oliphant has been found to have its uses. Some folk have used them for sniffing out buried vegetables or other foods, sharing the spoils when a cache is found. Others find them useful guard dogs, as their trunk helps sniff out intruders and their angry attitude means they won't hesitate to attack. There is even a breed of Barrelnose that has been trained for battle, using its powerful trunk to fire off projectiles at advancing foes. And if they aren't being domesticated, they are being hunted, as their meat and tusks are quite useful. Oliphant gizzards are a delicacy, and can fetch a high price if you know how to harvest them right. However, these snouters do not go down easy, and will totally turn the tide of a hunt if you are not smart. Like all oliphants, the Barrelnose has an incredible memory and the ability to hold a grudge for a looooooong time. The lesser dragons can tell you that.
"Barrel-Nosed Oliphant"
Getting busy over here, so we be submitting some of my shorter entries for the time being. Sorry, but please enjoy this squat angry elephant boar.
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