#Eldritch mumbo
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tals-tower · 4 months ago
also pics of my dogs if Mumscott wins
also also I’ll write drabbles or draw art for you as long as you send your vote to my inbox.
Reminder that @deityoftherain will write a fic for the winning ship! Have fun propagandaing!
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shepscapades · 8 months ago
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Surely this will have no negative consequences whatsoever!
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dredgesnails · 7 months ago
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hermitcraft / life series as text posts again but this time it's dreams my friends and i have had
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homosexual-canine · 9 months ago
Mumbo viewing doc as some just Eldritch being that can't die is probably the best description of doc.
It also means mumbo jumbo would fight god. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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guraiuna · 9 months ago
One of my hc for Childe is that not only is he very indifferent to how much damage the Abyss did to his psyche, he sees his falling into the Abyss as a good thing for him.
He's content with what he have become thanks to it let's not say "glad"
However , as obvious/in denial he is to the gravity of the event, I think all that supressed trauma + other things he wants to bury would all come crushing down on him if any of his younger siblings were to experience the same thing.
Because while he had gaslighten himself into thinking the Abyss was a good thing for him, I hc if Teucer or any of his younger siblings were to get lost in the woods like he did, his mind would spiral into the worse scenario possible: Not getting mauled by a bear, no; falling into the Abyss.
Like he did
because history repeats itself and why wouldn't the Abyss take his siblings too if it took him already?
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nonhumanhermitheadcanons · 2 years ago
So usually the guys getting cosmic-horror-ified are Keralis, Xisuma, Grian, Etho sometimes, right. But I propose: Eldritch God Mumbo (specifically, he's a deity of Industry)
Mumbo often finds himself overlooked because, well, he's used to holding a human form. The other hermits had also been around Mumbo long enough that they're familiar with both forms. Zed and Stress already knew through their friends, whilst Grian had already known Mumbo for years!
So, they maybe forget to tell Pearl and Gem. Which maybe leads to Pearl waking up the entirity of Boatem yelling that something ate Mumbo.
Once they've explained the the dark mass of moving wires that glimmers with redstone is, in fact, Mumbo, and that he shifts out of human form when sleeping, Pearl calms down. Then her fear is replaced with a million questions instead.
Maybe they should mention their resident Eldritch God as part of the hermit onboarding process...
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anonymousreader4d7 · 1 year ago
RMAU-Verse Interest?
I dunno if anyone follows me for my Hermitcraft/Life Series/Minecraft stuff, but would anyone be interested in my Hermitcraft/Life species headcanons? I've built it out into a whole Realistic Minecraft Alternate Universe, or the RMAU-Verse as I call it. I have, like, the equivalent of an in-universe species guide, a list of Hermits and friends and the species they are, a bunch of story/backstory ideas that I'm likely never gonna really write but I'd happily post to Tumblr (and other people would be welcome to play with), potion and enchantment headcanons, etc. etc. etc. Some things I was heavily inspired by other authors/artists for, some I came up with on my own, and some are various levels of in-between. (I also have a bunch of DSMP species too, but I've pretty much entirely moved on from that now, with a few minor exceptions such as Techno.) But yeah, I'd be delighted to share some of even all of this, if anyone is interested!!!
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evil-mop-eating-sponge · 5 months ago
Mcyt Halloween Exchange Gift
This was written for the @mcyt-halloween exchange for @Lainedoesstuff
I can't reach my recipient but I hope someone else enjoys it all the same :)
Drawing I made for the story, loosely inspired by DDVAU under the cut
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fruitwanderer · 2 years ago
I know it is like 5 AM so about five hours late but I just finished a thing for day three of Hermit a day and I think we just kinda keep forgetting how fun writing horror adjacent things without dialogue is?
Like just the type of fics where you talk about an idea?
Idk it's hard to explain but there's a specific type of writing that a few of us are really fucking good at and it's just fun to write in
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blockheaded-simp · 1 year ago
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Mumbo Jumbo may not be participating in Double Life, but he’s somewhere out there, watchin’
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noxlotl · 2 years ago
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Week 1 of @shepscapades 's Hermit Design Event ~!
Hermits but what if dnd
Rambling and non-group pics below
Cleo: Half-Orc Eldritch Knight
Mumbo: Tiefling Crown Paladin to Peace, Love and Plants
Gem: Circle of Swarms Elven Druid
Zedaph: Battle Smith Artificer Satyr
Cleo's a Half-orc cos green.... I'm very creative I know.. I had the classes in mind for the other 3 already and I figured the party kinda needs someone who can fight head on, so she's a fighter...and def not cos I wanted to draw her beefy. Mumbo's kinda there but he has a thing
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He's a support paladin lmao. He just whacks them really hard with the blunt end until theyre low hp (the others finish them off so teeeeechnically he doesnt kill)
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Bees !
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Both allays belong to Zedaph but one is just attached to Cleo for some reason . Zed constantly looks like he came from an explosion . His clothes just has permanent splats on it.
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And cos theyre all gamers they all have diamond tools/weapons!
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iris-the-illustrator · 2 months ago
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This little comic was partly inspired by mwapollo’s post on the watchers being eldritch abominations rather then humanoids and partly inspired by my personal interpretation on Mumbo and Grian sharing a soul.
I already made a post about that but the brief summery is that instead of just making Mumbo part Watcher it also make Grian more human, balancing each other out and essentially making Mumbo Grians anchor keeping him connected to the mortal realm so he doesn’t lose himself to his true form.
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free-my-boy-grumbot · 17 days ago
my headcanon is that he’s a shapeshifter and trying his best to age at a normal human rate.
he has a long streak of being a Creature and trying to hide the fact that he’s a Creature by (poorly) pretending to be a human. we all remember when he came to the conclusion that in order to finally, truly, for real this time be a normal person he would have to consume the soul of his friend. you know, how humans do.
also in my head he’s not a vampire exactly but some kind of shapeshifter who struggles to stay in one form for too long, especially if he gets unhealthy. he doesn’t eat meat? now he’s made of plants. he has oil spills and toxic chemicals at his base? now he’s old and his hair is becoming grey (alternatively, his form changes in response to his surroundings in general, whether it’s good or bad. he settled in a lovely little idyllic town so he’s becoming a kindly old man). but about that first theory he is not aging in a human way. this is the first season we’ve seen anything happen to him, and it is fast. he suddenly remembered that humans age, and is trying it over correct.
to be clear, the others on the server are also Creaturous and have no idea why mumbo is doing this. his view of what it means to be a regular person is so scuffed by the people he spends time with that he simply does not know when or how he should be behaving
My headcannon is that Mumbo is aging at a completely normal rate for a human being. it just seems likely he’s aging rapidly because everyone around him is some form of immortal otherworldly cryptid that he just started processing time the same way as they did. It worked out for a while because he’s… odd in the same way the rest of them are (vampire headcannon go brrr) but once he starts having physical signs of his age he realizes just how insane everyone else’s time blindness is
Mumbo: How long do you think you’ve been working on this skyscraper for your base?
Joel: Idk, maybe a day or two? It’s been a real pain to get through
Mumbo, who knows it’s been 4 months minimum: Mhm sureee
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The first half of this is Why X made Hermitcraft and where everyone came from and then the second half is watcher stuff which I think is really cool.
Ok so I Hc that there are multiple different reasons Xisuma created Hermitcraft 1) was because he wanted somewhere safe where misfits alike could band together as a weird mishmash family 2) a place he knew was safe and 3) to make a place were individuals who were running from their pasts could stay safe
- JoeHills is hiding from a couple of crazy obsessive Exs
- Doc is hiding from mojang
- Scar is escaped his insanely toxic religious family and some people he got on the wrong sides of.
- XB is there after a messy server corruption that was blamed on him and is a wanted criminal.
- Etho and Mumbo are running from scientists
- Impuse and Ren were running from the military cause they deserted.
- Skizz was running from actual gods but they gave up a while ago.
- Joel is trying to find his wife but stuck around on hermtcraft.
- Pearl was trying to escape Evo and really needed help
- Gem is actually a magical princess who ran from an arranged marriage to live out her life as a strong independent individual and since then her kingdom is crumbled and no one knows where the she went and was titled The Lost Princess
- Grian well we all know why he's there
- Cub was part of a super secret government project but left after the scientist lost the subjects and because of conflicting morals
- Bdubs commited war crimes while trying to save someone's life but ultimately he failed
- iJevin was running from the Watchers who had taken a bit of a liking to him.
I have more that I will build upon cause writing this is cool
Now Little bit of context for the watcher stuff I mentioned
Watchers are like god-like deities that were worshipped long before they became corrupt and evil with power, now only followed by cults. Some players still pray to the Watcher Xelqua since they are the only watcher to have gone against watcher code. Anyways They would prey on players scouting out the most talented ones and experiment on them. Seeing how they could change them, they took Grian because he was a promising young admin, they watched the players of Evolution and when the time came they took Grian made him a watcher and he escapes into Hermitcraft.
Xisuma specifically designed Hermitcraft to be watcher proof as 1) he hates them with every fiber of his being and 2) majority of the hermits (himself included) have a possibility of being kidnapped by the watchers if found by Them, for example Doc and Scar they would be seen as extremely powerful potential Watchers.
Doc because of his genius, technological skills and the fact he fought a mojang admin and lived to tell the tale.
Scar because of his strength in magic and that he's part vex.
So when Grian, Mr escaped watcher guy, drops in they're all in fight or flight mode, though most of them are ready to behead G. Obviously Xisuma is the one who handles it and all is good in the end.
The reason why the Watchers would want the Hermits is because they are all 'pure' their raw skills and determination alone is what makes them such a good group,
- Pearl because of her magic and her connection to the moon
- Mumbo and his experiences with cults and the fact that he's a vampire
- Gem and her otherworldly abilities,
- iJevin because his strength and smarts,
- Scar with his magical abilities and vex stuff
- Doc because his technology genius and cause he survived a fight with a mojang admin (he's the first and only one recorded to have lived substantially afterwards)
- Xisuma because of his admin powers and voidwalker power
- Ex same reasons as X
- Skizz cause of his angel counterpart
- Grian cause he's one of the strongest player turned watcher they've made and they want him back
- Etho cause of his cryptic eldritch powers and unknown hybrid status (there is reason to believe he is from the void)
- Cleo because of their skills in necromancy and magic.
And so on
They mainly aim for those who have magic already since they can enhance it and they're less likely to die but that's not always the case.
And that's all I have for now
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omarithecat · 7 months ago
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a human, an eldritch god, and a dragon walk into a redstone shop
"SCAR! Get off the desk!! Your distracting Mumbo from his.. johb." "Oh c'mon! For someone whose lived thousands of years your such a stick in the mud!" "Says you, dragon." "Hey! Your saying it like it's an insult!" "It is." (Wha-) (Sighs tiredly as he dreams of a quieter workspace.)
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thelazuliwitch · 5 months ago
You know of course Gem loved this, she knew she half the reason this is a thing, she probably thrived off the chaos caused by snails.
Also I just love her being fond of this deadly eldritch creature, she knows fear won’t save her. It wants her fear. So she doesn’t fear it. She baby talks a god in the face and waddles slowly away, with a smile, because after all she knows how to wield fear as weapon (after all she made Mumbo afraid to kill her with only a few words).
It’s not the snail that will kill you, it’s the fear of it that will.
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