acourtofquestions · 2 months
Lucien deserves to be wanted
Azriel deserves to be wanted
Elain deserves to want someone
At this point whatever SJM decides I will probably be fine with it (even if it’s none of the above) I love them all and just want them all to be happy
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theforestdwellersrp · 4 years
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Agatha 🧝‍♀️ and Lilienne 😈 courtesy of Lilli!
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elgwyn · 5 years
This Morning It’s Praise elgwyn Tai Shi Uncategorized April 24, 2019 Full Revision June 30, 2019 I can longer remain with You, oh! God No singing or praise, just empty out, “All Buddhas Throughout space and time,” Oh! Praise, In longer Shadows of my threes this Holy Spirit, three Refuges, My longer Jesus, I remain in realms of divine Understanding, The House of God, the House Upon my knees if I could but kneel at Thy feet My artificial, titanium alloy in joint cannot Bend in suppliant adoration which I feel in awe Of creation, galaxies, bursting raw space, I linger Here breathless, to refine in me the sterling, yet I Feel, yet I recant all sin, accept wide spring, not Invisible in wife and child as no loss in my life, all I offer unto Thee, all my life I give to Thee, my Lord And Savior, I see it now Thy gifts, and resurrection. Though seemingly appear as no saying, no salvation In stream of Turtle Creek, eddies back upon myself Soto Zen stillness as Shikantaza, just sitting into space, Upon no space, then walking meditation, foot upon floor Stocking feet impossible for one with feet as mine, Reverence none, only walking, only empty. Like nothing No singing, no essence, reach out for shore, boat nothing Of Christ or Buddha Nature, taking refuge in Buddha, In Dharma, in Sangha, like unto these oh Jesus, thou Art all, as Buddha is nothing, there is now which is which No time, no space, all time, all space, “to attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable,” to be Saved, oh, Christ Though beings less “numberless, to transform, all delusions, Born of my body, mouth and mind, Now I atone for them all”
This Morning It’s Praise elgwyn Tai Shi Uncategorized April 24, 2019 Full Revision June 30, 2019 I can longer remain with You, oh! God No singing or praise, just empty out, “All Buddhas Throughout space and time,” Oh! Praise, In longer Shadows of my threes this Holy Spirit, three Refuges, My longer Jesus, I remain in realms of divine Understanding, The House of God, the House Upon my knees if I could but kneel at Thy feet My artificial, titanium alloy in joint cannot Bend in suppliant adoration which I feel in awe Of creation, galaxies, bursting raw space, I linger Here breathless, to refine in me the sterling, yet I Feel, yet I recant all sin, accept wide spring, not Invisible in wife and child as no loss in my life, all I offer unto Thee, all my life I give to Thee, my Lord And Savior, I see it now Thy gifts, and resurrection. Though seemingly appear as no saying, no salvation In stream of Turtle Creek, eddies back upon myself Soto Zen stillness as Shikantaza, just sitting into space, Upon no space, then walking meditation, foot upon floor Stocking feet impossible for one with feet as mine, Reverence none, only walking, only empty. Like nothing No singing, no essence, reach out for shore, boat nothing Of Christ or Buddha Nature, taking refuge in Buddha, In Dharma, in Sangha, like unto these oh Jesus, thou Art all, as Buddha is nothing, there is now which is which No time, no space, all time, all space, “to attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable,” to be Saved, oh, Christ Though beings less “numberless, to transform, all delusions, Born of my body, mouth and mind, Now I atone for them all”
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acourtofquestions · 1 month
My brain at 3am: Maybe the true answer for peace in the the Elucien/Elriel (Gwynriel, etc.) debate is actually that neither has been given a direct answer. Or a fair shot, or time to develop, esp. with a main characters perspective.
Maybe there’s supposed to be merit within both and interpretations for the viewer to hold onto while we wait.
…Kinda keeps fandoms alive sometimes…
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Welcome page/post thx 2 A Court of Questions by @lavendarneverlands
This is my (secondary/“side”) blog for my first read (& adoration of) the Maasverse! — But take this as a heads up: I mix up the two pages frequently😅😂 sorry in advance for any confusion! — Think of this page like Potterless (except probably not half as cohesive & good as the podcast lol😂). I love enjoying the series with the fandom so please feel free to reach out or “read with me” (it’s why I’m on Tumblr; no one I know reads these). 🫶
This is a Maasverse related blog, thus it does discuss the series & spoilers (depending on where you are in the books) HOWEVER I try to keep up to date with spoiler warnings (often in the form of: #tags, red, 🚨, or what I call the “more” bar of safety) & I hope it makes it accessible for all readers! I also really try to keep this blog inclusive & friendly for everyone (any character, any ship, any reader, any person… or fae I suppose too :-) & use proper content warnings (as I greatly appreciate that in others too) … so thank you!!
As I am unfortunately human here’s a lil up-to-date guide for what is & is not discussed thus far (& as I also try to avoid spoilers for the books I haven’t gotten to yet)
— I have read ALL of ACOTAR,
— & Currently am on a TOG series binge (everything so far up to EoS including TAB; next up after finishing EoS (which I’m about a quarter way through) is ToD & then KoA).
— None of CC (it’s next after the TOG series).
Be warned: I’m a rambler of posts & content posting, and autocorrect is my true enemy😂🤣 p.s. I’m new here & always trying to learn!😊 I do my best to do my due-diligence and properly credit. And use TW whenever I can (as I need it in my life too <3
I leave most “reaction” posts up from my first reads. Opinions of course change over time! I try to edit & update (& or re-tag) but some stay old.
Currently my favorites and majority are:
I love the Archeron sisters (Feyre is dear to me, I think Nesta is an important kind of character, and I look forward to more Elain in what I’m calling ACOTAR 5&1/2)
THE Valkyrie (Gwyn esp.)
I can go any which way with the Elriel/Elucien/Gwynriel/ElGwyn/etc. “debate” (like I said though I’m here for all fans and prefer to keep it generally positive/friendly; we’re all just enjoying stories & art😊).
I love Feysand (sry Tam-Tam😅 I struggle with him)
I adore Celaena & Aelin (for posts on both I tend to call her “Aelin Sardothien” cause I love ❤️‍🔥 fireheart ;-)
Rowaelin is my fav ship (though you will find it was not an immediate love for “bird-boy”😂 from page 1😅) the “Team Chaol” force was once strong long ago (I don’t hate him now, I just like them as friends) though I’ve also shipped all the ships at some point🤣 (I like a lot of fandoms and have a very “SQUIRREL!” personality😅😂 so I do make a lot of references, despite this being my Maasverse page)
Dorian will ALWAYS be beloved as a character,
and Sam Cortland always deserves more (I love him & am still sad😅).
Lysandra is a favorite.
Manon and the 13 are killer queens (WE STAN).
— Abraxos & Fleetfoot (TOG) & “The House” (ACOSF) as characters hold a candle to no other. —
I know nothing about “CC” Crescent City (other than some positive reputations, kick-ass red heads, and intriguing covers!) … + a possible crossover (I hope)?!?
Thank YOU “fellow dreamers” for welcoming ME! into your feed & Maasverse!
& to my fellow “first time readers” Welcome to you too! 💕
+ All you old-timers THANK YOU for your loving guide notes & support (for ALL THE FANDOM FEELS😂)!
… And yeah… Hi! Much love❤️💚🩷🩵🧡 all are welcome!!! This blog does NOT discriminate & is a safe place to enjoy fandoms (because it’s about enjoying stories!) regardless of race, nationality, ability/disability, gender, sexuality, belief, age, etc. Feel free to message & tag😊 + if it helps in the matter of communicating: I identify as she/her (please always feel free to tell me your pronouns if you like :-) if you wanna call me by something other than my blog name/names you can call me Lila, I’m a Zellenial. I primarily speak English (though I know some others, they just aren’t Tumblr handy… and I kinda mean that literally as sign language unfortunately doesn’t translate well here😅😂). & I look forward to enjoying stories with you!
And there’s nothing left to say but…
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theforestdwellersrp · 3 years
How's the ball going?
It's been a quiet day! Wilde and Zephyr are playing with dark magic in a hidden corner of the Manor, Ada has lost Edvin and Elodie so is mad, tried to leave but quite literally crashed into Darian on the way out. Bailin and Agatha are going to find a library to see if they can't figure out a little more about Agatha's mysterious Elven father (any guesses you guys?) And Lenora and Eldrin are gonna take cute photos together as a keepsake for the night 🥺
- Soph 🐝
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theforestdwellersrp · 4 years
I found this account while scrolling through the fantasy tags and saw y'all had a QnA sort of thing? Hope you don't kind this question:
While your roleplay is set in a fantasy world/setting, what do you think your characters would be doing in a modern setting? You can reply in or out of character btw!
I also hope you're all having fun and whatnot.
(Part 1)
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I heard that in the modern world if you commit a crime you gotta' go to a courthouse for a bunch of trials and shit. That sounds like hell. At least here they just throw me in a cell for a few days...
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Well obviously running a book store. If not that then maybe making fabrics into cloths. Are we done?
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I’d probably be trying to get my music heard by a larger audience. Maybe teach a few students if I wanted to.
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I’d sell.... medicinal herbs? Totally not weed. Owning my own little hippy-esque shop would be so cool.
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Well, I’ve been told I’m a good therapist, and sex therapy is a thing, so most likely that. Or possibly a bounty Hunter, that just sounds fun.
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theforestdwellersrp · 3 years
Hey everyone! A little introduction here. My name’s Lilli and I’m going to be helping run this account! I play Agatha, Lilienne, Calypso, and Elowyn. Once I get my footing in everything, I will start taking some more auditions but in the mean time, nice to meet you guys!
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theforestdwellersrp · 3 years
"Who is everyone's best friend?" - anonymous.
(part 2)
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I’d have to say my brother, even if we don’t always see eye to eye, he’s been with me through rough and smooth.
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I don't have a best friend but Eldrin is really nice. I consider him a friend.
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I don't really have time for best friends, but Lenora is my favourite person. I suppose that counts, doesn't it?
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I don't need friends.
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Alistair is my best friend. I've never met someone so willing to go out of their way to help people. I don't know where I'd be without him.
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Well... I really only have Ivy, but I’m hoping to gain enough courage to go meet some new people!
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Huh, I don’t know if I have really any friends. I have people that I get along with and like to prank people, but I don’t think have someone to really call a friend. That’s ok, though.
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I'd probably have to say that my animals are my best friends. Alfred can hold quite the conversation.
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theforestdwellersrp · 4 years
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Agatha 🧝‍♀️
'Agatha Elgwyn always knew that she was always a little out of place. The phrase “it takes a village” was true for her upbringing. Bedding down wherever someone would let her, she bounced from house to house as a child.
She didn’t know much about her parents. She knew her mother was a human woman who lived near Creawood, who traveled there just days before she gave birth to Agatha. Sadly, Agatha’s mother passed during childbirth. When looking through some of her mother’s old journals, she learned that her father was an elven man who her mother met. The name of the man was scratched out, though, so she never learned the name of her father.
Although Agatha stays in Creawood, she dreams of traveling the land in search of her father, hoping to learn more about herself and her heritage.'
Agatha is played by the lovely Lilli 💗
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theforestdwellersrp · 3 years
What hogwart's house would you all be from?
Hufflepuff 🦡:
• Aria Darkmore
• Aleksander Graff
• Clover Gardenia
• Ophelia Zazriel
• Calypso Caras
• Karou Maedor
• Aspen Bloom
Slytherin 🐍:
• Edvin Oksanen
• Zephyr Quarris
• Drift Akarin
• Lavius Eyafad
• Ada Oksanen
• Lilienne Fyr
• Uziel Az'gath
• Wilde Millard
• Lenora Tarnaeros
Gryffindor 🦁:
• Elias Maedor
• Vianola Ianwarin
• Gerryn Eilric
• Agatha Elgwyn
• Rydir Llanvari
• Alistair Akkerman
Ravenclaw 🦅:
• Arceus Michelis
• Elodie Leroux
• Eldrin Mornelis
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theforestdwellersrp · 3 years
What are the heights of each character?
Fauna Auclair🌸: 5'4
Arabella DeRose💋: 5'6
Lenora Tarnaeros🦉: 5'5
Darian Miller⚔: 6'2
Aspen Bloom❄: 5'5
Gerryn Eilric💰: 6'0
Karou Maedor👑: 6'2
Ada Oksanen 🌿: 5'3
Rydir Llanvari🏹: 5'6
Lavius Eyafad🕸: 6'3
Clover Gardenia🌸: 5'4
Wilde Millard🍂: 6'3
Vianola Ianwarin🗡: 5'11
Zephyr Quarris🔥: 5'10
Eldrin Mornelis🦌:
Stanley Byrne👗: 6'2
Agatha Elgwyn 🧝‍♀️: 5'2
Ophelia Zazriel 👼: 5'6
Drift Akarin❄: 5'10
Lilienne Fyr😈: 5'6
Calypso Caras🧜‍♀️: 5'4 (6ft mermaid)
Kalyani Chaudhari🦅: 5'4
Bailin Maedor👑: 6'0
Aria Darkmore🧙: 5'6
Uziel Az'Gath 🖤: 6'1
Arceus Michelis💚: 6'8
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elgwyn · 5 years
Beauty of My Love
This I will return to my meditation, Zen Buddhism, Precept forbade just, so Right Speech, And, I have taken Vow in Jukai, my Rakusu accepted, as Garment worn by I take Refuge in the Buddha, I take Refuge in the Dharma, I take Refuge in the Sangha. My Sangha Treelief Zendo, This is so spelled to maintain privacy. I have become Lay member, to study Dharma offer daily Shikantaza, Just Sitting, in Japanese Linage Great Honored One Dogen and all Honored Ones whom folloed, my teacher there, So to be in Right action, and in RIGHT SPEECH this I vow, have vowed before the world and before Soto Zen, my Dharma Name. Tai Shi, Calm Poetry. this from elgwyn.
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elgwyn · 6 years
Elgwyn here how’s you guys just wondering?
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