#El Chapo Junior
micro961 · 4 months
El Chapo Junior - O’Sistem
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Il nuovo singolo di El Chapo Junior- In radio dal 7 giugno
E' fuori il nuovo singolo “O’Sistem” di El Chapo Junior, disponibile su tutte le radio dal 7 giugno.
O’ Sistem è un brano street già virale su Tiktok, El Chapo Junior e Dj Prince hanno creato un sound molto riconoscibile in cassa dritta che fa presa sul pubblico. Il brano è in dialetto napoletano si sposa molto bene con l’immaginario e le tematiche che tratta.
Dario Salvati, in arte El Chapo Junior, è un rapper Campano classe 2006, già conosciuto nell’ambiente ormai da 3 anni. Nonostante la giovane età vanta collaborazioni con rapper storici del sud Italia come L’Elfo ma anche con leggende come Ntò e Niko Pandetta. A cavallo tra il 2023 e il 2024 ha pubblicato VESPA, brano presente dell’album “En Attendant Corleone” della star Francese Lacrim e “Plaza Freestyle” prodotta da DJ Prince, brano questo con cui cattura l’attenzione a livello nazionale. Seguirà poi Gangsta Freestyle, che porterà ulteriore conferma del talento e della crescita dell’Artista. L’Artista ha un immaginario molto crudo, rappa in dialetto napoletano e disegna immagini molto forti che sono specchio dell’ambiente dov’è cresciuto. Marchi di alta moda elencati come segno distintivo si alternano a frasi profonde che descrivono legami e rapporti, leggi non scritte e capisaldi della cultura di riferimento del rapper. Il 7 giugno è uscito con il nuovo singolo O’Sistem, il brano cadenzato in cassa dritta rimane in testa e prometti di accompagnarci per tutta l’estate.
Etichetta: 40 Saints records
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1fWDYRSANxGCdDew83u6Wc?si=QM2sM3SkTD-Y6DryKFKPMA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elchapojunior_ufficiale/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCahI9wipuImIm5st-pJBjoQ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elchapojunior_officiall?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
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swldx · 1 year
BBC 0433 13 Sep 2023
12095Khz 0357 13 SEP 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55333. English, dead carrier s/on @0357z then ID@0359z pips and newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by David Harper. In Libya, 10,000 people are reported missing, the death toll is expected to rise where at least 2,300 people died when a tsunami-like river of floodwater swept through Derna on Sunday after a dam burst during Storm Daniel. Bodies recovered from a devastating flood which wiped out parts of the port city in eastern Libya have been buried in mass graves. Both Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin have arrived at the Vostochny cosmodrome where they are due to hold talks. It's feared the two are meeting to finalise an arms deal where Pyongyang supplies ammunition to Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine. Kim, meanwhile, wants food aid and possibly technology to help North Korea's banned nuclear programme, analysts say. This is Kim's first trip abroad in four years, he last met Putin face-to-face in 2019. Murdered by organised crime groups and land invaders, environmental defenders were killed at a rate of one every other day in 2022, figures from the NGO Global Witness show. Colombia was the most deadly country, recording 60 murders. Ukraine and Russia trade drone and missile attacks in Kyiv and Sevestopol. Australia's highest court has rejected a bid by Qantas to overturn a ruling that it illegally outsourced 1,700 jobs during the pandemic. The Panama Canal could further reduce the maximum number and size of authorized daily vessel transits if this year's drought continues, the waterway's administrator said on Tuesday. Apple has confirmed its new iPhone will not feature its proprietary lightning charging port, after the EU forced the change. Apple must stop selling its iPhone 12 model in France due to above-threshold radiation levels, France's junior minister for the digital economy told newspaper Le Parisien in an interview published on Tuesday. The European Union has set safety limits for SAR values linked to exposure to mobile phones, which could increase the risk of some forms of cancer according to scientific studies. Emma Coronel, the wife of the imprisoned Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzman, will be freed in Los Angeles on Wednesday following her arrest in 2021 on drug trafficking charges, according to the US Bureau of Prisons. @0406z "Newsday" begins. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2257.
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ducavalentinos · 3 years
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Narcos Mexico: 303- Los Juniors | The Arellano Félix brothers try to escape El Chapo and his men at the nightclub.
+ Bonus:
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hausofmamadas · 3 years
Miguel y Mín | Pt 3 - Un regalo extravegante!
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A gift that would make the Tiger King himself, Joe Exotic, proud: the one eponymous tigre, referenced in the episode’s title Salva El Tigre, is the Sinaloa faction’s lavish birthday gift to Miguel.
And Güero, Cochi, and Chapo take the opportunity to stop the entire gotdamn party to put on their cartoonish tribute containing only a smattering of ass-kissery
Güero raises a glass to toast Miguel, whom he also dubs their allegorical “king” of the cartel jungle. In essence, this is Güero’s version of kissing the ring on the hand of the king.
In any case, it’s a savvy move on Palma’s part and contextually it makes sense. As we later find out, around this time, Miguel has been favoring Sinaloa, giving them more product to distribute than the Tijuana plaza despite the fact that TJ already has the equipment and infrastructure to transport everything themselves.
To add insult to injury, Miguel allows Güero & Co to use the Arellanos’ trucks and warehouses, so long as they pay a toll/tax for moving their shit through the plaza
Sinaloa is making money hand over fist or so it seems, based on this grand display, so it stands to reason they have no problem paying the tax and they additionally benefit from the lack of overhead costs that come with maintaining the infrastructure of an established distribution network that the Arellanos’ have.
So, basically TJ is getting fucked in two ways: the tax isn’t enough to cover overhead, and sharing all their equipment with Sinaloa means they’re stuck holding a bunch of product making them more likely to get caught with the metric-fuck-tons of Sinaloa’s coke sitting in their warehouses.
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This isn’t explicitly stated but I always got the vibe that Miguel did this intentionally in an effort to put Mín in his place, after he conspired with Isabella assume leadership of the plazas in Miguel’s (potentially permanent) absence.
Throughout Güero’s little toast, Mín throws some shady lewks go ahead…try and convince me. Say it to my face that this isn’t the hottest Min has ever looked. Ever. I quadruple dog dare you. No wait, don’t bother wasting your precious breath on lies across the lake to Miguel who’s standing with Amado, looks that seem to suggest he’s either:
a) embittered by the gift’s extravagance because it’s just further proof that the Sinaloa has boo-coo bucks to pay for a FUCKING TIGER, the gleaming, gold cage the poor thing is imprisoned in, along with a gilded, life-size wagon-wheel train and accompanying jazz band.
b) privately disgusted by the sycophantic way it’s presented
c) probably both because our sweet Mín isn’t short on emotional range and like porque no los dos? amiright folks.
Fast forward to Mín’s birthday party in S3’s Los Juniors, where Ramón and Panchito surprise him with an entire ass boat, full fucking fireworks, pyrotechnics, and a team of Laker girls performing a coordinated dance routine to boot that you know Ramòn prob choreographed or at least insisted on overseeing that process.
It’s a complete 180 degree turn from their status in Salva, especially in light of Chapo’s imminent attack on Christine’s which is the culmination of the deep, abiding inferiority complex that has developed within the Sinaloa group since Miguel’s downfall and the dissolution of La Federación.
S3 Guero and Chapo have assumed the roles once occupied by Mín, Món, and Dina, of resentful onlookers watching Tijuana’s success from afar, and Mín ostensibly now wears Miguel’s crown, the new king of the cartel jungle.
Although, unfortunately for the Arellanos, Sinaloa now has free reign to retaliate because the plazas are no longer mutually dependent as they’d been under the Guadalajara umbrella.
And that’s how we get the infamous and hands-down BEST scene that will EVER exist of the entire Narcos franchise yes, I said it, best scene out of both OG and Narcosmx. Whatever. Fight me
A scene that I fondly refer to as “Attack! On Christine’s” .. aka the alternate video for Depeche Mode’s Enjoy the Silence cuz guess Wagner Moura wasn’t available to direct when the song was initially released ..aka when we learned how well and truly fuckable our boy, Barron is
taglist: @criatividad-e @tinylittleobsessions @artemiseamoon @narcos-narcosmx @narcolini @thesolotomyhan @ashlingnarcos @carlislecullenisadilf @curaheed @narcosmx (<- not all of you asked to be tagged but just. here, have some gifs)
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southernhispanics · 3 years
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Homeboys from EL RIO in 1966. Frank, Junior, Doggie, Corky and Chapo. Be sure to check the hashtag for more photos of this varrio.
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papitamexicana · 5 years
La mera verdad... siempre me pregunté por que estando en un negocio tan peligroso como lo es la mafia /narco. Los jefes metieran a sus hijos al negocio. Antes se tenía la regla de que mujeres y niños no se tocaban. Ya no es el caso. Por qué Junior se metería en algo tan peligroso en el que corre el riesgo de que su familia muera en represalia (su esposo, hijos, hasta su mamá) y mucha seguridad tendrá, pero hasta los hijos del Chapo han muerto gracias a esto. Es una duda filosófica XD
T e soy sincera yo tambien lo habia pensado, pero si me pongo a decir tiene hijos pero no los meten no hay historia chingona jajaja xDD igual no me voy a meter mucho en ese tema es decir, ni siquiera deberia de haber narcos ni mafiosos, pero bueno, ni modos
Jr en el trabajo tambien tiene esa regla no niños ni personas vulnerables (las mujeres les vale verga, las ve muy capaces como para decir son debiles y no hay que matarlas, les da cuello pro igual jajaj xDD)
El no se metio, lo metireon, por que? por que su gfe es culero, lo torturo y atormento a voluntad, y experimento con el pues queria a un excelente soldado que pues se genero de el, osea no lo ve como hijo, si no como experimento jajaj
jr no metera a sus hijos a la mafia, ellos estan escondidos y nadie sabe de ellos, solo el y su esposo que trabajaron para un mismo patron y luego ellos solos con el ex impero del rusky B)
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backwocd · 6 years
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hey, i’m vanessa. how’s it going! i’m so bad at intro’s but i’m gonna give this a shot. meet elliot. his pinterest board is here 
( cisgender male ) haven’t seen ELLIOT FLORES-ROSÁRIO around in a while. the FROY GUTIERREZ lookalike has been known to be (+) IMMERSIVE & (+) TENDER, but HE can also be (-) SELF DEPRECATING & (-) RECLUSIVE. The 21 year old is a JUNIOR majoring in COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS. I believe they’re living in AUDUX but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. 
name: elliot guillermo flores-rosario alias:  e, el chapo, elliot the idiot, tugboat date of birth: may 17th, 1997 languages: english (fluently), spanish (fluently) sexual orientation: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ occupation: student criminal record: juvenile record, infractions eye color: cobalt blue  hair color: sandy brown. height: 5′10. scars: a couple on the left ankle, marks on right forearm from skateboarding accidents BACKGROUND
transfer student :) 
born in america but???
elliot is a military brat so home, conceptually, isn’t necessarily something he can define in one go without sounding vague or cryptic. he’s adjusted to a civilian lifestyle, but still trips up sometimes and calls the grocery store, the commissary — which tends to throw his civilian friends off. 
really looks up to his dad, who is in the military and really doesn’t want to be a disappointment.
perpetually in his older half sister’s shadow and a disappointment by comparison
his parents were never married, but co-parented the best they could given the military lifestyle elliot grew into, which only confused him when he was younger
belongs to the minority of military brats that didn’t adjust to change as easily as others and became more reclusive with every move
has since made a shift and is re-adapting to communal, dorm living
naturally a gr8 kid, but an idiot
listener of podcasts and viewer of documentaries 
obsessed with beast boy fro teen titans. 
most likely to: get into trouble being a follower 
i love him from the bottom of my heart but he’s really clutzy and forgetful? 
kinda aware that he’s adorable 
truly an idiot, kinda snarky
doesn’t take hints and overcompensates for his flaws with more flaws 
has absolutely no clue what he’s doing, passively maneuvering through the school thing, friends and life in general.
taking on photography as an ‘independent study’
studying computer information systems bc he’s good at coding, not because he’s really into it. having a hard time breaking it to his dad and doesn’t know what to pursue if he drops it.
really isn’t good at school either, going to class feels like pulling teeth omg he legit cringes at classes that don’t immediately interest him
enjoys college tho bc he doesn’t have to abide by any strict or demanding chores
but old habits die hard, and he winds up doing them anyway
really into comic books, video games, slasher films and skateboarding. 
loves the kingdom hearts franchise, can go on about the lore for days. 
has had struggles with separation anxiety, and avoidant personality disorder, really likes  to document his progress. 
really naive, and easily manipulated. 
but also kiiiinda manipulative and doesn’t see it? 
bisexual, but hasn’t really explored his sexuality
pls dont get him drunk. he likes to climb things. 
perpetually high, a good portion of the time. 
help him? or hurt him?? your call. 
honest to god, just classmates who took a general course together. 
he doesn’t remember too much about her except that he’d sat next to her whenever he was tardy (which was a lot) but feels morose
deeply rattled by the turn of events? but kinda interested in the timeline. reads up on it before bed
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xtruss · 4 years
Argentine Soccer Hero Lived a Life of Extremes!
AT THE PINNACLEDiego Armando Maradona holds the World Cup trophy in triumph in 1986 after Argentina defeated West Germany, 3-2, to claim the championship. (Carlo Fumagalli Associated Press)
— By Hector Tobar | L.A. Times | November 26, 2020
A mop-haired boy from a Buenos Aires slum, Diego Armando Maradona dribbled and dazzled his way to world fame, becoming one of the greatest soccer players of all time and achieving a godlike status in his homeland when he led Argentina to victory in the 1986 World Cup.
But he also was one of the most self-destructive, a volatile man of prodigious appetites whose excesses landed him in the hospital again and again.
Never far from the spotlight he chased with such fury, Maradona died Wednesday of a heart attack, the Associated Press confirmed. He was 60.
Maradona had been plagued by health issues in recent years and was recently released from a Buenos Aires hospital after suffering a subdural hematoma, which required brain surgery.
As the news of Maradona’s death circulated around the world Wednesday, Argentine President Alberto Fernandez called for three days of national mourning, while UEFA, soccer’s governing body in Europe, announced there would be a minute of silence before its Champions League and Europa League games this week.
Soccer stars past and present took to social media to say goodbye.
Pele, the Brazilian legend and perhaps the greatest player of all time, wrote on Twitter that he “lost a great friend and the world lost a legend.... One day, I hope we can play ball together in the sky.”
Cristiano Ronaldo, the five-time world player of the year from Portugal who currently stars for Italy’s Juventus, tweeted, “Today I say goodbye to a friend and the world says goodbye to an eternal genius.”
Like that other famous Argentine export, the tango, Maradona brought flair, passion and an undeniable sense of darkness to his sport and his life. On the field, few could match his artistry, skill and creativity.
During a professional career that began on a Buenos Aires field when he was 15, Maradona scored hundreds of goals, many of them the stuff of legend, including two in a single match against England in the 1986 World Cup. The first is considered by many the most notorious goal in the history of the sport, and the second is among the most celebrated.
He went on to lead Argentina’s national team to the World Cup title that year, marking the summit of his career. But drug abuse and other acts of self-destruction tainted his final years as a player, and he retired in 1997 just a whisper of his former self.
Maradona played 91 games for the Argentine national team and was a star for teams in Italy and Spain. He played his last World Cup game in Foxboro, Mass., in 1994, escorted off the field for a drug test he would fail.
One of eight children of a laborer who had migrated to the city from rural Corrientes province, Maradona was born Oct. 30, 1960, in a villa miseria, or slum, in the suburban Buenos Aires community of Villa Fiorito. The family lived in abject poverty.
In his autobiography, “I Am El Diego,” he recalled walking to school kicking a ball along streets, up stairs and along railroad tracks. He spent hours playing pickup games in a nearby horse pasture.
When he was 9, a friend invited him to a tryout at Argentinos Juniors, an adult professional soccer team. He impressed enough to earn a spot on the Cebollitas, or Little Onions, a feeder club for the team. The Little Onions would go on to win 136 games without defeat, with young Diego often scoring three or more goals a game.
By the time he was 12, he was working at professional games as a ball boy, becoming a favorite of the crowds for his halftime juggling skills. A television variety show invited him to show off his talents and in soccer-mad Argentina, he became a minor celebrity.
Just a few days before his 16th birthday, the coach of Argentinos Juniors brought him onto the first team. He first stepped onto the field as a substitute, with the coach telling him, “Go, Diego, and play like you know how to play. And if you can, dribble through someone’s legs.” Minutes later, the young Maradona did just that.
“That day,” he said later in his autobiography, “I felt like I touched heaven with my hands.”
Leading Argentine teams began a bidding war for Maradona’s services. He moved his family out of Villa Fiorito to an apartment. Eventually, he joined the famed Boca Juniors team.
He was first named to Argentina’s national team in 1977, when he was 16. But coach Cesar Luis Menotti did not name him to the squad that won the 1978 World Cup, which Argentina hosted. Maradona was crushed.
“I knew he was a great player, who was going to have the chance to play in many more World Cups,” Menotti would say years afterward.
In 1982, after leading Boca Juniors to a league championship, Maradona signed with the Spanish club Barcelona. It was there, friends say, that he got his first taste of cocaine.
“I was, I am now, and I have always been, a drug addict,” he would acknowledge years later.
But on the field, his powers seemed only to grow. After fighting repeatedly with Barcelona management, he moved to the Italian club Napoli, scoring a series of remarkable goals that quickly endeared him to the notoriously fickle Italian fans.
In the 1986 World Cup, played in Mexico, the full range of his skills was on display. During the tournament he scored five goals in leading Argentina to its second World Cup victory, but he will always be remembered for the two he scored in a quarterfinal match against England. Passions were high for the game, played just four years after Britain defeated Argentina in the Falklands War.
With the game scoreless, Maradona challenged English goalkeeper Peter Shilton for a high pass. Maradona punched the ball with his fist into the goal, a blatant violation of the rules seen by nearly everyone but the referee. Asked afterward if he had used his hand, Maradona said the goal had been scored “By the Hand of God.”
Five minutes later, Maradona scored another, the decisive goal in what would be a 2-1 victory over England. Taking the ball in his own half of the field, he dribbled and weaved past most of the English team, then tumbled to the ground as he fired a shot that beat Shilton. In a poll conducted two decades later by soccer’s international governing body, FIFA, it was selected the greatest goal in the history of the World Cup.
“Today he scored one of the most brilliant goals you will ever see,” English coach Bobby Robson said after the game. “The first goal was dubious. The second goal was a miracle.”
“It was as if we had beaten a country, more than just a soccer team,” Maradona would recall in his autobiography.
When Argentina defeated West Germany, 3-2, in the championship game a week later, he stormed off the field and into the locker room shouting obscenities; for Maradona, victory was always tinged with the lingering anger he felt for his rivals and detractors.
Still at the peak of his powers, he inspired Napoli to its first Italian league titles in 1987 and 1990. He married childhood sweetheart Claudia Villafañe in 1989, but would admit later to being unfaithful to her. In 1991 he was again suspended for 15 months after testing positive for cocaine.
Noticeably overweight, he went on a crash diet before the 1994 World Cup, hosted by the United States. But after scoring two goals in three games, he failed a drug test for ephedrine, a performance-enhancing drug. He was kicked out of the World Cup and banned from the sport for 15 months.
“My soul is broken,” Maradona said. But he blamed FIFA officials more than himself. “They cut my legs out from me just as I was trying to come back.”
Maradona eventually returned to play for his old Argentine club team, Boca Juniors, from which he retired in 1997.
Away from the field, Maradona seemed a sad, rotund figure. He traveled to Cuba to seek treatment for drug abuse in 2002 and eventually struck up a friendship with Fidel Castro. When he returned to Argentina, he sported a prominent tattoo of the Argentine revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara, one of Castro’s top lieutenants during the Cuban revolution, on one arm.
Shortly after his 2004 divorce, Maradona began another downward spiral and was hospitalized after a drug overdose and then again for alcohol poisoning. His family had him hospitalized in a psychiatric facility after he threatened to leave the intensive care unit where he had been receiving treatment. He was released but returned a few days later after a bout of overeating.
His death seemed so imminent that daily newspapers in Buenos Aires prepared special sections to run with his obituary.
But after a few weeks he was released and went on to host a popular variety show on Argentine television, “Night With No. 10.” And throughout his career, he never seemed to forget where he came from, lending his name and profile to dozens of charitable endeavors that raised millions, mostly for children’s causes.
He coached briefly, and erratically, for two teams in the Argentine league and then, in a move that stunned and delighted the nation, in 2008 was handed the reins of the country’s national team, which was struggling to right itself before the World Cup. The team advanced to the quarterfinals, hoping that new superstar Lionel Messi’s sublime soccer skills would overcome the confounding coaching decisions made by Maradona. He was dismissed in 2010.
In 2018, Maradona — whose gait had now turned to a shuffle and once-crisp voice to a mumble — was hired to coach the Dorados, a professional team based in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, in the heart of drug country. The only person more famous than Maradona in Sinaloa was Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, the legendary drug kingpin.
“Taking Maradona to Sinaloa is like taking a kid to Disneyland,” sportswriter Rafael Martinez wrote on Twitter.
But Maradona, silencing critics again, made it work. Hobbled by knee injuries and using a cane as he shuffled about, he managed to take a young team buried deep in Mexico’s second division to the playoff final, where it lost by a goal in overtime.
“He is very happy, very satisfied with his work,” Fox Deportes analyst Daniel Brailovsky, a former teammate, said. “It’s his passion, it’s his life. It’s everything for him.
“Maradona can’t live without football, and football can’t live without Maradona.”
Six months later, Maradona left Mexico, quickly resurfacing in Argentina as manager for the Gimnasia de la Plata club.
His story was told in the 2019 HBO documentary “Diego Maradona,” with filmmaker Asif Kapadia combing through 500 hours of never-before-seen footage. The result portrays Maradona as he was: a man both tortured and talented, a superhero, antihero and villain, brilliantly gifted on the field and maddeningly flawed away from it.
“Maradona is the synthesis of Argentina,” suggested Guillermo Oliveta, president of the Argentina Marketing Assn. “He came from dire poverty and went up so quickly in social status. And then he crashed, just like the country.”
Tobar is a former Times staff writer. Times staff writers Kevin Baxter and Steve Marble contributed to this report.
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smiletic · 4 years
Destaques na TV – Terça 6/outubro
Reconhecida por retratar questões da saúde pública do país, Sob Pressão volta, numa edição especial na Globo. Sob Pressão – Plantão Covid aborda mais um tema atual: a pandemia do coronavírus. Idealizada como uma homenagem a todos os profissionais de saúde que atuam na linha de frente contra a doença que vem assolando o mundo. Após um período em missão humanitária no interior do Brasil, Carolina (Marjorie Estiano) e Evandro (Julio Andrade) são convocados a voltar ao Rio de Janeiro. A dupla de médicos é chamada às pressas pelo doutor Décio (Bruno Garcia) para trabalhar em um hospital de campanha montado para atender aos pacientes infectados pela Covid-19. Na trama, a missão de combater o vírus invisível e pouco conhecido se cruza com histórias emocionantes de pacientes e profissionais de saúde, em um local onde o caos está instaurado: muitos doentes, poucos médicos e escassez de materiais básicos para enfrentar a doença. Há falta de equipamentos, urgência em salvar vidas, saudade da família – elementos que fazem com que as emoções da equipe médica fiquem à flor da pele, assim como acontece na vida real. Em dois episódios, serão contadas histórias de pacientes enfrentando o vírus desconhecido e os dramas pessoais e profissionais de Carolina, Evandro e do corpo médico formado por Décio, Charles (Pablo Sanábio), Vera (Drica Moraes), Keiko (Julia Shimura) e Rosa (Josie Antello), além dos recém-chegados à equipe, o neurocirurgião Mauro (David Junior) e a enfermeira Marisa (Roberta Rodrigues). Entre os pacientes de ‘Sob Pressão – Plantão Covid’ estão os atores Marcos Caruso (Seu Augusto), Kelzy Ecard (Neide), Marcello Melo Junior (Gilmar), Heslaine Vieira (Daiane), Luellem de Castro (Gilda) e Francisco Rocha (Zé Pedro).
Os fãs do Patrick Dempsey já podem comemorar, pois o Universal TV vai estrear a série Devils, que também teve uma pré-estreia exclusiva, no dia 2 de outubro, no Universal +, dentro dos serviços ‘Globoplay + Canais Ao Vivo’ e ‘Canais Globo’ (antigo Globosat Play). Na ficção, o ator interpreta Dominic Morgan, um homem muito poderoso, CEO de um dos mais importantes bancos de investimento do mundo. Na trama, Morgan é mentor do protagonista, o italiano Massimo Ruggero (interpretado por Alessandro Borghi), que parece prestes a ser promovido para a grande liga do banco NYL (New York London Investment Bank) após uma série de sucessos impressionantes, mas acaba sendo considerado o principal suspeito de um grande assassinato. “Eu amei a história da série, o roteiro era muito atraente e foi o que mais gostei. Também foi uma oportunidade bacana de aprender e trabalhar na Europa e estou feliz por ter decidido participar desta ficção. Estou muito orgulhoso do resultado final”, afirma o ator Patrick Dempsey. No primeiro episódio, Massimo, chefe de negociação, fatura milhões de dólares na empresa ao especular sobre a crise grega, na esperança de obter o cargo de vice-presidente. No entanto, Morgan, que é como um pai para Massimo, nega sua promoção, por causa de um escândalo envolvendo seu passado e sua ex-esposa. Porém, a morte repentina de um colega muda completamente o rumo as coisas.
“Em todos os personagens existe um dualismo extremo, e esse dualismo leva todos a desempenharem um papel que pode parecer muito mau por um lado e muito bom por outro. Se, ao final da série, o público conseguir criar sua própria ideia dos personagens, teremos conseguido fazer o que pretendíamos. Acho que com Massimo, em particular, o público não sabe se ele está do lado certo ou do lado errado. Pelo menos, não até o último minuto. O que sabemos é que ele segue seus instintos e escolhe um caminho”, completa Alessandro Borghi. “Devils”, que foi inteiramente filmada na Europa – entre as cidades de Londres, na Inglaterra, e Roma, na Itália -, é baseada no romance homônimo, do escritor italiano Guido Maria Brera. Além de Patrick Dempsey e Alessandro Borghi, o elenco conta ainda com Laia Costa, Kasia Smutniak, Lars Mikkelsen, Malachi Kirby, Paul Chowdhry, Pia Mechler, Harry Michell e Sallie Harmsen
O canal A&E estreia a terceira e última temporada do seriado El Chapo. A produção narra a história de um dos maiores traficantes de drogas do planeta, Joaquín ‘El Chapo�� Guzmán – interpretado pelo mexicano Marco de La O. Na nova leva de episódios, a produção relata a fuga cinematográfica da cadeia e a derrocada do chefão do tráfico de drogas. Na liderança do cartel de drogas mais poderoso do mundo, El Chapo se acha invencível. Porém, seus ex-aliados do DEA (agência antidrogas dos Estados Unidos) decidem que está na hora de derrubá-lo e, sob pressão, o governo mexicano começa uma caçada que resulta em sua prisão. Mas El Chapo consegue escapar em uma fuga digna de um filme de Hollywood. Ciente de que nem o DEA e nem o governo iriam perdoá-lo por essa humilhação, ele tem de desaparecer para evitar uma extradição, seu maior medo. Mas, antes de conseguir realizar seus sonhos, El Chapo é capturado novamente e finalmente extraditado para os Estados Unidos. Enquanto enfrenta pena perpétua em uma solitária, o mito de El Chapo o mantém vivo. No episódio de estreia da última temporada da série, alerta vermelho na DEA (agência antidrogas dos Estados Unidos) pelo incessante crescimento do império narco liderado por El Chapo Guzmán. Por sua vez, Don Sol forja uma nova aliança com o objetivo de melhorar a sua carreira. Será possível obter os resultados que ele almeja?
Estreia no Brasil pelo FOX Premium 2 a segunda temporada da irreverente série de ficção científica The Orville. O enredo acompanha o dia a dia da tripulação a bordo da nave espacial exploratória de nível médio The U.S.S. Orville.
A temporada promete, além de muita aventura, mistério, romance e, como sempre, alguns comentários sociais pungentes. Nos novos episódios, o grupo encontrará alienígenas nunca antes vistos e enfrentará velhos adversários. Eles também farão o primeiro contato com uma nova civilização e revisitarão o planeta Moclus. O relacionamento de Ed (Seth MacFarlane, “Family Guy”) e Kelly (Adrianne Palicki, “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) também terá uma nova reviravolta.
Criada, escrita e protagonizada por MacFarlane, a aventura espacial situada 400 anos no futuro, retorna para mais viagens a novos mundos. Sua tripulação, tanto humana quanto alienígena, enfrenta as maravilhas e perigos do espaço sideral, enquanto também lida com os problemas da vida cotidiana.
Além de MacFarlane e Palicki, o elenco conta ainda com Penny Johnson Jerald (”24”), Scott Grimes (”ER”), Peter Macon (”Law & Order”), Halston Sage (”Crisis”), J Lee (“Family Guy”), Mark Jackson, Chad L. Coleman (”The Walking Dead”) e Jessica Szohr (”Gossip Girl”).
GNT Sessão de Terapia – 23h30 (ep 4×17) – exibição diária
WARNER Miracle Workes – 13h25 (ep 2×05) Seinfeld – 0h36 (ep 3×16 / 3×17)
SONY Siren – 21h55 (ep 3×04) Marvel’s Jessica Jones – 23h45 (ep 1×02 a 1×04)
COMEDY CENTRAL The Office – 19h05 – exibição diária
A&E El Chapo – 22h05 – ESTREIA 3ª temporada
FOXLIFE S.W.A.T. – 0 h (ep 3×15)
EUROCHANNEL Quando a Noite Cai – 22h (ep 1×03 / 04)
HBO MUNDI Gomorra – 22 h (ep 4×05 / 06)
FOX PREMIUM 1 Mrs America – 22h42 (ep 1×03 / 04)
FOX PREMIUM 2 The Orville – 21h25 – ESTREIA 2ª temporada com 2 episódios
Bom dia !
The post Destaques na TV – Terça 6/outubro appeared first on Smiletic.com.
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
“Is this really the kind of card you bring to Norfolk, Virginia all due respect to the fine folks who live there?!” UFC Fight Night Poirier vs Pettis preview
November 6th
We just passed the UFC's biggest weekend of 2017 and normally after a big weekend, a not so good card follows. This time though after a big card, we've got a really good free TV card to follow it up. Live from Norfolk, Virginia, the UFC rolls into town with a pretty damn solid card that has just a little bit of something for everybody. Like really compelling on paper fights? We gotcha! Like WMMA? Gotcha! Like old veterans with something to prove? Gotcha! Like bantamweights? Word! Heavyweights? I mean we got those too! Ya like Sage Northcutt? WHO DOESN'T?! This UFC card is an Oddlot and I can approve of that, topped by a fantastic main event pitting Dustin Poirier vs Anthony Pettis.
Fights: 13
Debuts: 1 (Karl Roberson)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 1 (Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs Jared Cannonier)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 11 (Anthony Pettis, Dustin Poirier, Matt Brown, Diego Sanchez, Andrei Arlovski, Nate Marquardt, Raphael Assuncao, Joe Lauzon, Clay Guida, Jon Dodson, Sage Northcutt)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC:  3 (Andrei Arlovski, Matt Brown, Nate Marquardt)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC:  2 (Matthew Lopez and Raphael Assuncao)
Stat Monitor for 2017:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 33-29)- Karl Roberson
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 20-31-1)- 0
Second Fight (Current number: 23-33)- Michel Quiñones, Tatiana Suarez and Junior Albini
Cage Corrosion (17-11-1)- Tatiana Suarez
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- Is it FINALLY going to be time for Dustin Poirier to get that big career defining win? Poirier has been fantastic at 155 lbs, an action fight fan's dream fighter, a finisher and everything else you can put on a guy. He is must see TV and it's no surprise that since dropping to 155 lbs, he has three bonuses (and was likely robbed of two other ones since the Alvarez fight didn't get 50K and his KO of Bobby Green happened on a card where dudes were getting flattened left and right). Lost in the love for the 28 year old Louisiana native is the fact that he hasn't had that ONE signature win. He's beaten a lot of guys who in theory live in that 15 to 10 range of the LW division but the big win has eluded him. At FW, entertaining losses to guys like the Korean Zombie and Cub Swanson plus a KO to Conor McGregor are probably his trademarkk performances. At 155 lbs, he looked on his way to putting himself in the conversation among the likes of RDA, Pettis, Alvarez, Ferguson and the crew before Michael Johnson removed him from the conversation in a stunning upset. He looked on his way to getting that win vs Alvarez before he got hurt and eventually kneed illegally.
The entire career of Poirier feels like a collection of moments where he's good enough TO win but not great enough to rise above. In main events, Poirier is 0-2. In co-main events, he's 0-1. If we judge fighters by their ability to rise up, so to speak, then Poirier's record is not giving you a ringing endorsement for confidence. Even saying that, we're discussing a 28 year old who is ultra skilled in every capacity. Maybe he's a step slower than the heaviest hitters in the division (he looked to be moving at Tivo slow mo speed vs Michael Johnson) and maybe you have questions about his ability to deal with pressure. Maybe you worry about his composure which could explain his so-so record in big fights. Whatever the case, even at 28 years old, we're reaching the "He is what he is" portion of Poirier's career. A fantastic action fighter who SHOULD be among the elites at 155 lbs. This is a big fight for him.
2- Similarly, Anthony Pettis. Lost in the record is the how and why we got here. Pettis simply got out dogged by an injured RDA in a fight where both guys were impaired. After that? I mean I thought he beat Eddie Alvarez pretty clearly. Edson Barboza is a better version of Anthony Pettis which was just all kinds of wrong for him. Ignore everything at 145 lbs because that was a bad idea. The point I'm trying to illustrate here is that Pettis is far better than he's shown since 2015 or so. We're talking about a fantastic athlete still entering his prime who is still capable of big fight magic. His resume is littered with well known names and those aren't fluke wins. Even if I believe that Pettis has become a big stagnant in recent years, on his good night he's probably better than your favorite lightweight. Poirier is going to be a pretty valuable test for him and what remains of Pettis as a top 155er.
3- I know Matt Brown is retiring but I really hope win or lose Diego Sanchez follows him into whatever MMA Valhalla is.
4- Andrei Arlovski vs Junior Albini is so much of what MMA is and so little of what we wish it to be. Arlovski is 0-4 and while he didn't get sparked in his last fight, he showed so little against Marcin Tybura that I don't even really see the point of this fight other than trying to launch Albini's career. That's great and all but Albiini is ONE fight into his UFC career and we have no idea what he's really all about. The only way we learn anything about him is if he loses and that'd speak volumes in the negatives. This is a very odd peculiar fight.
5- Joe Lauzon vs Clay Guida has one of two ways of ending. The first is Lauzon dropping Guida early and snatching his neck or the other is a hot start for Lauzon followed by two rounds of Clay Guida just smacking him around on the ground if Lauzon doesn’t get an early sub. It’s so weird this fight hasn’t happened earlier than this point but even so, I’m pretty geeked about it.
6- Jon Dodson vs Marlon Moraes is one of those fights with no middle ground. It's either all action or it's the world's smallest fastest staring contest.
7- While I don't like the fight, Tatiana Suarez vs Vivianne Pereira seems like a really great fight between two solid strawweight prospects. Pereira is a little undersized but she's hyperactive and looked worlds better vs Jamie Moyle. Tati Suarez has title contender talent and a fantastic base for the division but she's been out for a good long minute. Excited for this one even if I dislike the fact a prospect's gonna get knocked off.
8- Really excited to see Matthew Lopez get his crack at figuring out Raphael Assuncao. If you beat Assuncao, you should be like champion emeritus at 135 lbs. Lopez had a way too tough debut vs Rani Yahya and even in that fight he was more than competitive in scrambles and on the feet. Since then Lopez has picked up two wins over competent 135ers like Johnny Eduardo and Mitch Gagnon. That said, Assuncao is forever at a level above most of these dudes in the weight class.
9- We're starting to get to that point where the DWTCS signees are getting opportunities to have fights. Boston Salmon lost his chance but Karl Roberson gets a shot now. Dropping from 205 to 185 lbs, Roberson draws Darren Stewart who was really impressive in Cage Warriors prior to getting his UFC call up. He got hit with the Francimar Barroso train after a no contest and now he'll also make the drop to MW. Excited about these two guys.
10- Of the twelve fighters currently posted up on this main card, it almost seems reasonable to half of them could be retired or out of the UFC by next year. You have Arlovski, Diego Sanchez, Joe Lauzon, Clay Guida and Nate Marquardt who could all be on their last legs or considering retirement not including Matt Brown who is genuinely retiring.
11- Everybody's favorite human Ken Doll is back in business, baby! Sage Northcutt has returned!
12- It has the potential to be a bit of a dud but Court McGee vs Sean Strickland could be a fantastic little fight on the prelims. Strickland's kind of lost his way from his more exciting pre-UFC days but I Think he's still got high upside and McGee always shows up to fight.
Must Wins
1- Anthony Pettis
Anthony Pettis looked back vs Jim Miller---but that's really not enough of an indictment on what remains. Miller's a good test for if you still have enough to be considered elite but he's not quite the measuring stick for whether you ARE elite. Pettis has a lot of questions that still need answering even if vs Miller he looked aggressive while being composed, tremendous with his kicking game and more in check with each passing second of the fight. Dustin Poirier has power, variety in his hands and I can't imagine Pettis is going to outwrestle him if it comes to that. The fact that this is five rounds and Pettis has looked AWFUL in his last two fights meant for that distance is worrisome.
2- Dustin Poirier
Dustin Poirier's career will be one of two things; a long career as a best action fighters of his time but never challenged for anything major OR a career where The Diamond is able to get over the hump and contend for titles and more main events.
3- Marlon Moraes
There were a lot of subtle flaws hidden by Moraes when he was competing at the WSOF.  It's not to suggest he's not really talented (he is) but when he would take his foot off of the gas, he wasn't challenged much by inferior competition. Against Raphael Assuncao, I thought he showed some of those flaws and it ultimately cost him in a close fight. Dodson is similar in Assuncao in the sense that a boring fight is a fine fight for him. If he can't blitz you and overwhelm you with his speed, he's fine with just giving you enough offense to take a decision. Moraes going down 0-2 as the 135 lb class is loading up again would be a dire circumstance so he needs this one in the worst way.
Five Fights Not To Miss:
1- Dustin Poirier vs Anthony Pettis
2- Super Sage vs El Chapo in a battle of amazing nicknames
3- Tatiana Suarez vs Vivianne Pereira
4- Joe Lauzon vs Clay Guida
5- Matt Brown vs Diego Sanchez
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todo tiempo cuando su va la energy es muy fuerte como mì penè guapacìta. quiero su penochà entrastè mì bocá. su loko cuando síétáté mí pènè. Pero los gentes siempre los stupidos. ¿donde es el chapo? ¿donde pablo escobar junior? ¿por que los gentes practicar como de law pero no saben el law? ¿usan tacticos de cabesa? ¿pero conocen, pinche nada i forgot my bad guapacita. https://www.instagram.com/p/B12UwToF_vw/?igshid=161h4qwz8ur0u
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adambstingus · 6 years
Mexico after El Chapo: new generation fights for control of the cartel
The wave of violence suggests if El Chapo had a plan for succession, it has fallen into chaos, turning Sinaloa into one of Mexicos most violent states
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Engines revved, tires squealed and tail lights faded into the distance as an Audi raced a Mini Cooper down the street past apartment buildings and empty lots. The spectators boys in baseball caps, girls in short skirts lounged against their own luxury vehicles, drinking beer.
The drag races roared for more than an hour as darkness fell over Culiacn, but the neighbours never complained about noise, and the police never turned up to put an end to the fun.
No wonder: the racers were most probably the children of some of Mexicos most powerful crime bosses. Known collectively as narco-juniors, this generation of narcos has discarded the discretion of their elders, replacing it with conspicuous displays of wealth, violence and impunity.
And it is a generation that is now on the frontlines of a violent struggle for control of the Sinaloa cartel, which has been sunk into a war of succession since the capture and extradition to the US of Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn.
The generational change has started and it seems like the process is not going so well, said Adrin Lpez, editor of the Sinaloa newspaper Noroeste. And with El Chapo sitting in a US prison, theres no longer anyone to referee the disputes between them.
The disputes have turned Sinaloa a long sliver of pine-clad mountains and Pacific coast beaches into one of Mexicos most violent states in 2017. But the shockwaves have been felt across the country.
This week, a former policeman once described as Guzmns right-hand man was arrested in Mexico City, after reportedly clashing with El Chapos sons.
Federal officials say Dmaso Lpez Nez who once helped El Chapos escape from prison had sought to partner with the upstart Jalisco New Generation cartel, which has disputed Sinaloa cartel territories up and down the Pacific coast.
Ivan Archivaldo Guzmn Salazar Photograph: Handout
Lpezs war with Guzmns sons Ivn Archivaldo Guzmn Salazar and Jess Alfredo Guzmn Salazar, known collectively as Los Chapitos is believed to be behind a wave of violence in Sinaloa and Baja California Sur.
El Chapo was born in the rugged mountains of the Sierra Madre, where he grew up in abject poverty before becoming one of the most powerful figures in the Sinaloa cartel.
Those mountains were his unquestioned fiefdom, but with Guzmn locked up in a New York high-security unit, rival crime groups are now making brazen incursions.
Last year, gunmen from the smaller Beltrn Leyva cartel looted the home of Guzmns elderly mother in the hamlet of La Tuna.
More recently, violence has focused on the sun-scorched agricultural valleys around Culiacn and at the crossroads town of Villa Jurez, where rival factions are fighting over local drug sales.
In one incident this February, a convoy of trucks including one with a .50 calibre machine mounted in a rotating turret pulled into Villa Jurez and opened fire at a Pemex petrol station. Four people, including a pregnant woman, were killed.
Three months later, the bullet holes that pock the filling stations facade are still visible under a fresh coat of paint, but locals are still unwilling to talk. I dont want to get involved in it, said an employee while a jaunty narcocorrido a song lionizing drug lords blared in the background.
All the violence, said the employee, Its like being in Afghanistan or something.
As he spoke, he kept an eye on the steady stream of motorcycles that buzzed past the preferred mode of transport for cartel lookouts.
In the unkempt town square, a street vendor refused to make eye contact as he slowly set out gleaming tubes of lipstick on his table. Yes, theres violence, he allowed, but then fell silent.
The racers in Culiacn were most probably the children of some of Mexicos most powerful crime bosses. Photograph: David Agren for the Guardian
The wave of violence suggests if El Chapo had a plan for succession, it has fallen into chaos. In his 2016 Rolling Stone interview with Guzmn, Sean Penn described Ivn as the heir apparent. Hes attentive with a calm maturity, Penn said of Ivn, who was charged in the 2004 murder of a Canadian exchange student and a male companion as they left a Guadalajara-area bar.
A 2005 psychological profile from a prison stay said the younger Guzmn demonstrated probable psychological violence toward persons that he does not consider on his socio-economic level.
Cartel observers say that Ivn and Jess Alfredo who grew up in a life of luxury are not ready to take over their fathers empire. The only thing theyre good at is spending El Chapos money, said Mike Vigil, former DEA head of international operations. Theyve never had to get their hands dirty. Theyre not street smart like El Chapo.
Vigil pointed to a confusing incident last year, in which Jess Alfredo was seized by gunmen possibly from the rival CJNG from a restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, before being released after an apparent deal.
Theyre very lucky to be alive, Vigil said.
Locals, however, say that Ivn retains one important advantage over the CNJG and the remnants of Lpezs faction: the lingering affection for his father felt by many in the state, where among the states rural and poor population El Chapo is revered as a Robin Hood figure who thumbed his nose at the authorities even as he doled out patronage and charity.
He owns this town, said a journalist covering organized crime in Culiacn. He said that Ivn Guzmn is thought to have an army of hitmen in Culiacn, along with spies in all parts everyone from youngsters on motorcycles to people washing windshields at intersections to employees at hotels. Ivn Guzman isnt shy about showing off. He tweets to flash his fancy cars, trips on private planes and exotic animals in his keep. He also rails against the government and denounces the many who have turned on us.
Locals say that the younger Guzmn is fond of racing a red Ferrari through Culiacn, a city of around 900,000 that is home to the kind of premium auto dealerships and luxury shops seldom seen in provincial Mexican cities.
And few doubt that the Guzmns word is law in the city: one local described seeing cartel bodyguards stop traffic so one of El Chapos sons could do doughnuts in his white Nissan GT-R at a traffic junction.
Unlike the first generation of cartel bosses, the new wave of cartel are often university educated and more likely to choose Italian slip-ons and Jaguars than their fathers ostrich skin cowboy boots and Hummers.
But the generational changes go beyond material tastes. One former cartel gunman, expressed dismay at the ethical shortcomings of the younger bosses, and over a plate of seak tacos reminisced about a time when narcos had honour.
15, 20 years ago, if we wanted to kill you and you turned up with your wife and children, we couldnt do anything. We couldnt touch you, said the man, who once worked for Ismael El Mayo Zambada, a contemporary of El Chapo.
Now, they dont give a damn If they see you in a taco stand, theyll come and shoot it up, he said.
Over decades, the people of Sinaloa have grown used to living alongside organised crime; now, however, many fear that changes are on their way and that change will inevitably bring more violence.
Leticia Villegas insists that her brother Adolfo a teacher and part-time contract lawyer had nothing to do with the underworld. But in March, he was grabbed from his small Chevy less than a block from his home and hasnt been seen since.
They say this is a dispute between different groups, she said, but its harming innocent people.
This article was amended on 6 May to clarify that Leticia Villegass brother Adolfo is a part-time contract lawyer.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/mexico-after-el-chapo-new-generation-fights-for-control-of-the-cartel/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/182002100797
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auburnfamilynews · 6 years
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A Fitness Journey Starts with a Single Step
As many of you know, Auburn has a point guard by the name of Jared Harper. He is super good. The current SEC leader in assists, assists per game, and minutes played per game is known for taking super deep threes, for dunking the ball so hard over taller players it robs them of their will to live, and for being not very big.
In fact, Jared Harper is often called “small” or “undersized.” I think this is unfair to Jared. The average height for an adult male in these United States over 20-years-old is 5’9”. If anything, Jared is above average at his listed height of 5’11”. Obviously, when announcers and sportswriters comment on Jared’s “diminutive” frame, they are doing so in comparison to the Ents who inhabit the paint of modern high level basketball. The average height of players in the NBA is 6’7” and it has been since around 1981, which is wild. Six-foot-seven is crazy tall. The average NBA player has eight inches on our dear Jared Harper, which is how much taller Harper is than Bri Folds AKA Brifoldinho herself. That’s a considerable difference in height, but it should also make us feel like Jared is the proxy for all of us on the court. I can’t play high level college hoops, both because I am too old and also because I am a middling basketball player who can best be described as slow from a geological perspective. Jared Harper is the everyman. He is all of us normal sized people, just banging threes on the heads of taller players and dunking it for John Q. Public.*
This got me to thinking: I can’t play like Jared Harper, but could I at least look like him? Jared Harper is listed at 5’11” and 175 pounds. Son Of Crow is mayyyybe an inch taller than Jared, but I weighed myself this morning and was 217lbs. You guys, I need to drop some KGs faster than El Chapo.
The Challenge
When I moved from Germany to the United States Jan 1, 2018, I weighed 200lbs. A net increase of 17 pounds was not what I wanted out of 2018, especially since at one point I ballooned above 220. I need to lose weight, and what better goal than being like my favorite point guard who wears number 1? So for the next few weeks I will be attempting to:
For the purposes of this journalistic enterprise, I will have to transform my body from one best described as “old-pro-wrestler-who-had-to-get-clean-too-quickly” or “guy who writes for a sports blog” into something resembling a person who is in shape. The last time I weighed under 200lbs I was a junior in High School and I’m not sure Ryan S Sterritt was alive. It’s a huge undertaking. It also means I will be cheering for Auburn to win the national championship harder than all y’all because it means the season extends that much longer and I have more time to drop meaningful weight.
The Plan
I dunno, run a lot? I like to run and ride my bike, so I will probably be doing a lot more of that. Also, I’m no longer drinking anything that contains sugar or fake sugar, so that may help. I am going to try to monitor my caloric intake, but I’m open to any suggestions you guys might have for me in the comments (no fad diets or drugs plz). If you are local to Auburn and want to go on a jog, tweet me up and we can make that happen. This is all of our journey, not just mine. Plus I hope you follow along as I provide sweet content for you along the way.
The Payout
If I achieve my goal, I win good health and the feeling of successfully accomplishing a goal. If I lose, I will watch an entire Braves baseball game with Ryan and Chief and I will pretend to, I dunno, like the National League and care about their opinions on professional (gulp) baseball. I really want to win this you guys.
There will be updates on this site, including my weekly workout plan and results. I’ll also be mentioning my progress in a small segment on the Orange and True podcast, so you can look forward to that too.
Here’s to good health, and to Jared Harper gaining at least 15 pounds.
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/1/11/18178770/crow-2-harper-challenge-week-one
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narcisbolgor-blog · 7 years
Here’s What’s Leaving And Arriving On Netflix In June
Netflix isnt trying to troll you. OK, yeah, its adding Trolls, but for June the streaming service is promising a Ladies Night lineup.
What the heck is a Ladies Night lineup? We were wondering that, too.
According to Netflix, it includes a new season of Orange Is the New Black, movies such as Trolls and 13 Going on 30, and new originals like GLOW and Free Rein.
Alas, Ladies Night lineups can also be cruel.
Casualties leaving Netflix in June include The Little Rascals, Honey, I Shrunk The Kids and, worst of all, D2: The Mighty Ducks.
Thats the one where Coach Bombay (Emilio Estevez) leads Team USA, which somehow consists of most of his players from the Ducks, in the Junior Goodwill Games. Will Team USA triumph over Iceland? And whats up with Bombay getting ice cream with the enemy?
Soon, we may never know. Just remember: Ducks fly together.
Heres whats arriving.
June 1
1 Night (2016)
13 Going on 30 (2004)
Amor.com (Love.com)
Arrow (Season 5, 2016)
Burlesque (2017)
Catfight (2016)
Catwoman (2004)
Chingo Bling: They Cant Deport Us All
Days of Grace (2011)
Devils Bride (2016)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Intersection (Season 2, 2016)
Kardashian: The Man Who Saved OJ Simpson (2016)
Little Boxes (2016)
Mutant Busters (Season 2, 2016)
My Left Foot (1989)
Off Camera with Sam Jones (Series 3, 2015)
Playing It Cool (2014)
Rounders (1998)
Spring (Primavera) (2016)
The 100 (Season 4, 2016)
The Ant Bully (2006)
The Bucket List (2007)
The Queen (2006)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Vice (2015)
West Coast Customs (Season 3, 2013)
Yarn (2016)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Zodiac (2007)
June 2
Comedy Bang! Bang! (Season 5, Part 2, 2016)
Flaked (Season 2, Netflix Original)
Inspector Gadget (Season 3, Netflix Original)
Los Ultimos de Filipinas (2016)
Lucid Dream (Netflix Original)
Saving Banksy (2014)
The Homecoming: Collection (2015)
June 3
Acapulco La vida va (2017)
Blue Gold: American Jeans (2017)
Headshot (2016)
Three (2016)
Tunnel (2016)
War on Everyone (2016)
June 4
TURN: Washingtons Spies (Season 3, 2016)
June 5
Suite Francaise (2014)
June 7
Disturbing the Peace (2016)
Dreamworks Trolls (2016)
June 9
My Only Love Song (Season 1, Netflix Original)
Orange Is the New Black (Season 5, Netflix Original)
Shimmer Lake (Netflix Original)
June 10
Black Snow (Nieve Negra) (2017)
Daughters of the Dust (1991)
Havenhurst (2017)
Sword Master (2016)
June 13
Oh, Hello On Broadway (Netflix Original)
June 14
Quantico (Season 2, 2016)
June 15
Marco Luque: Tamo Junto (Netflix Original)
Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Season 4, 2016)
Mr. Gaga: A True Story of Love and Dance (2015)
June 16
Aquarius (Season 2, 2016)
Counterpunch (Netflix Original)
El Chapo (Season 1, 2017)
The Ranch (Part 3, Netflix Original)
World of Winx (Season 2, Netflix Original)
June 17
Greys Anatomy (Season 13, 2016)
Scandal (Season 6, 2016)
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)
June 18
Shooter (Season 1, 2016)
June 20
Amar Akbar & Tony (2015)
Disneys Moana (2016)
Rory Scovel Tries Stand-Up For The First Time (Netflix Original)
June 21
Baby Daddy (Season 6, 2017)
Young & Hungry (Season 5, 2017)
June 23
American Anarchist (2016)
Free Rein (Season 1, Netflix Original)
GLOW (Season 1, Netflix Original)
Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press (Netflix Original)
You Get Me (Netflix Original)
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No Escape (2015)
June 27
Chris DElia: Man on Fire (Netflix Original)
June 28
Okja (Netflix Original)
June 30
Chef & My Fridge: Collection (2014)
Gypsy (Season 1, Netflix Original)
Its Only the End of the World (2016)
Little Witch Academia (Season 1, Netflix Original)
The Weekend (2016)
Heres whats leaving.
June 1
D2: The Mighty Ducks
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
Heterosexual Jill
House of Wax
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The Good Guys (Season 1)
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The Teacher Who Defied Hitler
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Free the Nipple
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Here’s What’s Leaving And Arriving On Netflix In June was originally posted by 11 VA Viral News
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imusicin · 4 years
Amen - Ovi
Amen – Ovi
Tranki (feat. Snow Tha Product) La Shorty (feat. JcKaro) Pick Up the Phone (feat. Junior H & Natanael Cano) Burlao (feat. Kiko El Crazy & Bad Guy Chapo) De Cero (feat. Grupo Codiciado & Danny Felix) Truena (feat. Geramx) Ya Yo Lo Enrole (feat. Natanael Cano & Adriel Favela) Se Activa (feat. Inzunza) Se Nos Da (feat. Nesty, Alan Jacques & JcKaro) Fiesta Eterna (feat. Leeb) SONG LIST TIME
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bigbirdgladiator · 5 years
CALI, Colombia—A municipal police chief in northern Mexico has been arrested for an alleged role in the deaths of three women and six children—all dual U.S.-Mexican citizens—on November 4.Fidel Alejandro Villegas, aka El Chiquilín (The Kid), is the police chief of Janos, Chihuahua. The municipality borders the U.S. and sits about 105 miles across the state line from the site of the massacre in neighboring Sonora. It’s also on the same route the families had planned to travel on the day they were ambushed.Why the Drug War Can’t Be Won—Cartel Corruption Goes All the Way to the TopThe victims were members of the LeBaron and Langford clans, which are part of a breakaway sect of Mormons long established in both Chihuahua and Sonora. Villegas, who was detained on Thursday, is now awaiting trial in Mexico City. He is the fifth person to be arrested as part of an investigation that has at times seemed scattershot, since the other suspects have all been picked up under questionable circumstances. Mexican federal officials claim the mothers and children were accidental victims in a turf war between rival crime groups. And prosecutors allege Villegas is tied to one of those groups, called La Línea, which is the armed enforcement wing of the Juárez Cartel and has a strong presence in Janos. Surviving members of the Mormon families reject the official “accident hypothesis” and claim they were targeted deliberately  on a remote stretch of highway last month, and family spokesperson Julián LeBaron says he was less than surprised by the alleged involvement of a high-level police officer in the region.“The entire northwest [of Mexico] has a reputation that all police officers work for organized crime,” he said in an interview with Aristegui News, shortly after Villegas’ arrest. “And that's what high school kids tell you. It’s not a mystery.”* * *‘ENDEMIC’ CORRUPTION* * *Villegas’ detention raises as many questions as it answers. How was a police chief from a jurisdiction more than a hundred miles away from the crime scene, and in another state, actually involved? So far authorities have released scant details.Robert Bunker, an expert on international security at the University of Southern California, told The Daily Beast that corruption among security forces in Mexico has “metastasized over decades” to the point where it is “endemic.” The most infamous case of cops working with organized crime was the disappearance of 43 students in Guerrero state in September 2014, when police and soldiers allegedly teamed up with cartel sicarios to do away with the victims.Bunker noted that a law officer like Chief Chiquilín Villegas could have provided “departmental resources—vehicles, uniforms, intelligence, weapons or even personnel—to help facilitate the ambushes.” Another possibility, as Bunker noted, is that the investigation of Police Chief Villegas will be used to expose people who have “more intimate knowledge of the cartel and its operations.”Emmanuel Gallardo, an independent Mexican journalist who specializes in organized crime, agrees. “They’re going to investigate his bank accounts and his financial history for evidence of bribes and paybacks and where they might have come from.”A similar background investigation led to another high-profile arrest earlier this month, when Genaro García Luna, the central government's former National Security Minister and mastermind of the country’s ongoing Drug War, was arrested by U.S. authorities on charges of conspiring with the Sinaloa Cartel.“First Luna and now Chiquilín,” Gallardo said. “This shows again the relationship the cartels have with the state. We cannot think of Mexican authorities and organized crime as separate entities. They are part of the same problem, part of the same world.” “This is why Mexicans are frustrated. Why they are afraid,” Gallardo said. “When a violent crime happens you can’t go to the police because there is a high probability the same cops who are listening to your complaint are working with drug traffickers and assassins. This is the reason that 98 percent of homicides go unsolved in Mexico.”* * *TORTURE, DEATH THREATS, STARVATION* * *Added to the persistent failure to nail the killers is the equally persistent inclination of authorities to round up “the usual suspects,” then let them go. The first man arrested in the LeBaron case, just two days after the shooting, already has been released. Three other men were rolled up in Janos the first week of December, amid government claims that they were high-ranking members of La Línea. But protests erupted after friends and family members claimed the men had been framed. Janos Mayor Sebastián Efraín Pineda also backed the families, telling news outlets he knew the arrestees personally and that “they’re not criminal leaders.” In that incident, authorities stand accused by the families of planting evidence and of trying to force confessions from the detained suspects.“Scapegoating to create guilty parties” remains a frequent problem in Mexico, journalist Gallardo said, citing the case of French national Florence Cassez, who was imprisoned for seven years in Mexico on trumped up kidnapping charges before judges overturned her sentence.“They can make you confess with several techniques,” said Gallardo. These including physical torture, death threats to loved ones, even starvation. “This is not like the States, where you can complain of human rights abuses. Here they can torture with impunity. They know how to push prisoners to say anything they want them to say,” Gallardo said. After the LeBaron killings, which made headlines around the world, the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is “throwing suspects at the problem as it engages in damage control,” said USC’s Bunker. “At this level of Mexican politics it is not about getting the perpetrators or championing the rule of law—it is about making the problem go away as quickly as possible.” * * *AN ALL-OUT CARTEL WAR* * *Whatever comes of Chiquilín’s involvement—or the lack thereof—the killing of those nine women and children continues to cause ripples throughout the Mexican underworld.The area of eastern Sonora where the attack took place is said to be controlled by a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel under the rule of Iván Guzmán, 36, and Alfredo Guzmán, 30. These two sons of jailed kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán are known collectively as Los Chapitos. The other principal bloc of the Sinaloa Cartel is dominated by Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, a shadowy figure often referred to as “El Capo de Capos,” the Boss of Bosses, due to his power and longevity.As The Daily Beast reported shortly after the massacre, Zambada was none too happy about the bad publicity and the major heat brought down on the supposedly sovereign territory of the Sinaloa Cartel. The tension between El Mayo and Los Chapitos has continued to worsen, and could result in Mayo taking over the whole outfit from the Guzmán family.A source within one of the cartels that operate in the area, who agreed to speak only under condition of anonymity, described El Mayo as “an old-school man with Old Testament laws,” who has little time for the “Narco Juniors’” seeming frivolity. “A couple of weeks ago the little Chapo boys were supposed to attend a meeting [with Mayo] on the mountain. They were ‘too busy to go.’”Yet they have “plenty of time to post on Facebook about cars and pictures of money,” the source said, and added the Chapitos were “too impressed” with their position to be good bosses due to their “immaturity.”“They are getting weaker every day,” he said.Reporter Gallardo agreed with that assessment, saying: “El Mayo is respected. The Chapitos are young and spoiled.” Gallardo added that their growing vulnerability could have far-reaching consequences, in part due to a botched and bloody attempt to arrest two other, younger Guzmán brothers this fall. “The eyes of the federal government and of Washington are on them all now,” he said. “They can handle local authorities, but not the White House [or] joint operations with the DEA.”If Mayo, sensing weakness and ineptitude, moved against the younger faction, Gallardo said, the Chapitos “would just be killed. El Mayo has more resources and experience.” However, conflict like that could bleed both sides, and “open the door for other groups to move in and start taking over their territory,” including arch rivals like the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and La Línea’s parent group, the Juárez Cartel. Smelling blood, such enemies “would move in like hyenas,” touching off a kill-or-be-killed conflict between high-powered, paramilitary gangs, resulting in even higher levels of civilian deaths and collateral damage.“The last thing the Mexican government wants,” Gallardo said, “is an all-out cartel war.” But the savage murder of those women and children on a lonely road in northern Mexico could lead to exactly that.Trump Labeling Mexico’s Cartels ‘Terrorists’ Makes Things WorseRead more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
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