thusfar-artt · 2 days
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Used adobe fresco oil paint for the first time and did the wrong prompt lol
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thusfar-artt · 4 days
Every now and then I remember that one weird plot in Wizards of Waverly Place where the bad guy was tricking Alex into becoming evil...with a tetherball
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thusfar-artt · 15 days
Adding onto my own post: Shawn and Cory from Boy Meets World
I've decided I have no patience for older shows and movies that do the "haha people think they're gay" jokes because even then it wasn't funny. Nah, they're all canon lgbt to me now. Short list of those included:
Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester (not shipping them together but both were victims of the "gay" jokes so now they're both lgbt to me)
Chandler and Joey from Friends (never seen it but i've seen clips of the "gay" jokes)
Spencer Reid (that time that Morgan joked about hoping Spencer was with a girl plus he was originally supposed to be bi anyway)
Feel free to add to this list
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thusfar-artt · 15 days
I've decided I have no patience for older shows and movies that do the "haha people think they're gay" jokes because even then it wasn't funny. Nah, they're all canon lgbt to me now. Short list of those included:
Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester (not shipping them together but both were victims of the "gay" jokes so now they're both lgbt to me)
Chandler and Joey from Friends (never seen it but i've seen clips of the "gay" jokes)
Spencer Reid (that time that Morgan joked about hoping Spencer was with a girl plus he was originally supposed to be bi anyway)
Feel free to add to this list
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thusfar-artt · 16 days
I keep forgetting to post my edits here
taking requests btw!
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thusfar-artt · 17 days
If Trip and Malcolm aren't endgame, idk why theyre dropping all the ship moments like Malcolm heard Trip and Kov talking about sex and just like materialized out of nowhere
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thusfar-artt · 17 days
Halfway through season 1 and I am definitely a Malcom/Trip and T'Pol/Hoshi shipper
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thusfar-artt · 20 days
Started watching Star Trek in timeline order because I'm bored. Only seen the alternate timeline movies and I very much dislike William Shatner for really silly reasons and some not silly reasons so this is gonna be fun lol
Starting with Star Trek: Enterprise
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thusfar-artt · 20 days
Desperately need to know if anyone else read and remembers the Harry Potter fanfiction series that started with Saving Connor by LightningontheWave on fanfiction.net because I'm rereading it and I'm on the 4th, Freedom Not Peace, and this is just my favorite harry potter fanfic series. And I never hear anyone talking about it and no one I know irl wants to talk about this or read it
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thusfar-artt · 2 months
omgomgomgomg i found a lord of the rings box set at my libraries booksale. I grabbed it bc ofc i want a fullset including The Hobbit with the same cover and when I looked it up, I found out that I struck gold, this version is the revised edition printed in or around 1970s, definitely after 1975 though, with a gold foil box. And I got it for $2!!!!
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thusfar-artt · 2 months
Last video was well received so heres my other tribute post for the late Shannen Doherty.
I was really upset yesterday about her and I was at the point where Prue dies in the show in my latest rewatch. My grandpa saw how upset I was and told me this story of a man who's family member died and how he told my grandpa that the thunderstorms told him that his family member was climbing or stomping on rainbows on their way to the afterlife. We had thunderstorms since the night she passed and it helped me a lot to think that Shannen was stomping on rainbows to her afterlife, happy and pain free.
I know to some people it's odd to be so torn up over the death of someone I've never met, but I grew up very isolated until I was 14. My only friends were my brothers and the characters in books and tv. Charmed was one of the shows I fell in love with as a kid. Charmed made my childhood magical. That's something I will never forget. And Shannen was a big part of that.
Rest in peace, Shannen, and stomp those rainbows.
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thusfar-artt · 2 months
ngl i cried a few times making this and the other edit i made for Shannen Doherty. RIP, thank you for making my childhood magical. I just wish that I got the chance to meet you.
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thusfar-artt · 3 months
I love Charmed so much but it throws me off how much Phoebe looks and acts like my mom T.T maybe thats the basis for all my "Phoebe should've been evil" theories
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thusfar-artt · 3 months
OG Charmed was so casual about deaths of random people, like Darryl mustve been working over time dealing with all those missings and deaths.
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thusfar-artt · 3 months
Watching Charmed as a 26 year old (making me the same age as Piper in season 2) is very different than watching while growing up. I relate more to some of the real world issues the characters have.
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thusfar-artt · 3 months
I'm too impatient and I'm gonna explain now what I meant. I'm planning to do a full video backed with evidence later though
Basically, for those who don't know, theres a lot of drama in the original cast, specifically between the actresses for Phoebe and Prue. It's why they killed off Prue. My problem with that is that it was sudden and imo bad storytelling. Instead, they should've gone with what they had, accidentally or on purpose, been leaning towards.
Ever since season 1, there's so many instances of Phoebe doing something morally wrong and either pulling a sad face or getting away with it. The first example that comes to mind is the love spell episode in season 1. Both Phoebe and Piper cast a love spell, which they quickly find out is basically mind control. See, Piper understood how wrong it was and doesn't go past kissing, if even that. But Phoebe goes all the way. At the end of the episode, the men are freed and it's revealed that they don't remember what happened while under the spell.
Phoebe also uses her magic with less care about personal gain then anybody else. Even Paige gets the memo after a few backlashes. Phoebe finds out in season 2 that in a possible future, she actually dies because of it. But she continues to struggle with the personal gain message. It's part of her impulsive nature, so it's not too surprising or bad.
I have more evidence but it'll make this too long so I'm gonna move on. But basically, we know Phoebe is selfish, impulsive, and doesn't have a problem doing morally wrong things.
What they should've done instead of killing Prue, with all this on the mind, they should've made Phoebe evil. Like the type where she doesn't think or care that she's evil. Maybe make it a power thing, as the weakest Charmed One, we see her jealousy a lot. And who is more powerful than the Source. Season 4 should've been Piper and Prue being reluctant to fight their baby sister and down one on the power of three because Phoebe won't help them anymore. They meet Paige and don't really want to have her join because they can reach Phoebe if they just keep trying. They have the power of three again and try to find a way to save Phoebe with a subplot of Paige either being jealous that they obviously love Phoebe more than her or hero-worshiping the Phoebe the sisters tell her about.
Phoebe finds out about Paige and gets angry and jealous and decides to become the Source because then she'll finally be the strongest. So they are all training to be more powerful and teaching Paige how to be a witch. Then at the end of the season, they have a big fight where they find out the power of three doesn't work on Phoebe because she's one of them. They get away but with the understanding that they need a new way to defeat her and Season 5, it's them learning new ways to fight with their magic. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Cole are fighting because she's changed and he prefered when she was good. Which leads to him turning to the sisters for help. Then Chris is introduced in the season 5 finale again.
Season 6, Chris is still looking to save Wyatt. Because of Phoebe turning evil, he's afraid his parents won't believe him about Chris because of fear. Up to Prince Charmed, Chris has secret meetings with Phoebe, accusing her of turning Wyatt or just saying "I'm on to you" or whatever. Phoebe is the first to find out about Chris again and uses it to try to blackmail him or hurt him or try to turn him to her side. But its still Gideon who did, but this time out of fear of Wyatt turning evil because of Phoebe, which would actually make what he does make sense.
That's as far as I've thought up, half tempted to turn this into a fanfiction. Also way long than I meant to make it. But the way this would've help bts drama is that it would separate the two actresses and give them way less scenes together while respecting both actresses and characters.
Rewatching Charmed again, though for the first time in years, its not just season 6. I'm halfway through season 2 and so far this rewatch has solidified my theory that someone in the writing room wanted Phoebe to be evil, like unredeemable evil. If it wasn't the original idea, it at least would've worked so well to deal with bts drama.
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thusfar-artt · 3 months
Rewatching Charmed again, though for the first time in years, its not just season 6. I'm halfway through season 2 and so far this rewatch has solidified my theory that someone in the writing room wanted Phoebe to be evil, like unredeemable evil. If it wasn't the original idea, it at least would've worked so well to deal with bts drama.
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