#Either way they have Man-Bat's thanks lol!
chiropterx · 1 year
❛   door .   hold  a  door  open 
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The room practically trembles as Man-Bat snarls, heavy door rattling in the wake of the immense bat's fury as he grips the handle and tries forcing it open. It doesn't and Man-Bat's fury becomes incandescent. It's not locked, he knows this and grows irate as to why it refuses to yield to his claws, even when he tries forcing the handle the other way. Damn this stupid cage! So fixated is Man-Bat on getting out of the building he'd accidentally trapped himself inside that he's surprised when a human wearing glasses steps into the room, small warm hands slipping past his furry bulk to reach the handle. Man-Bat doesn't attack. He vaguely remembers this dark-haired person, scurrying through the twisted tunnels outside some nights ago, when he'd found the shiny can that sprayed purple air. The bat grunts, shifting his wingspan so that the human can actually reach the handle and Man-Bat watches as... the person pulls the handle, door obediently swinging open. Huh, so doors opened in more ways than outwards? Man-Bat would have to remember this in future, and so the bat chirruped a grumpy thanks, satisfied that the door would no longer cage him inside this building. Shuffling past awkwardly as though he knew out to get out all along, Man-Bat brushes past Alexis, clambering up the chain fence until his wingspan can fully spread out before taking to the skies. How embarrassing. That would be the last time he'd enter one of man's caves for a while!
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lacrimosathedark · 7 months
Bat-Family Nicknames and Insults
So I went off the other day because fans keep having people who aren't Roy Harper call Jason Todd "Jaybird" and now I'm thinking about all the other nickname misconceptions so here's a probably non-comprehensive list of nicknames among the Bat Fam.
(Special thanks to @sohotthateveryonedied for a bunch of my data, she made a whole powerpoint with actual comic panels! Go check that out! Also got some info from @kiragecko who was writing some lists with more specific references.)
This list is an active document and will be edited in the event I find more nicknames or have more to say
Addendum note: I'm more than willing to add something I forgot, but you must have receipts. I'm not just going off of memory. Nothing will be added to this list without proof. If you don't have a source, please don't make a suggestion.
This is aside from assorted common insults and nicknames like jerk, ass, shorty, dude, idiot, etc.. Sidenote, every not-Steph Robin has been called “Little Bird”, “Birdboy” and/or “Wonder Boy” at some point. It’s kinda part of the job lol Secondary side-note, the only ones who REALLY use nicknames for people are Barbara and Jason. And Tim specifically in reference to Damian. Everyone else pretty much uses their names 98% of the time. Final note (sorryyyyyy) generally unless they're funny to me, I'm not including things used only once unless I have gotten vibes that it's a trend. This is an attempt to compile recurring nicknames. So ones noted to be used once are either I can only confirm it happened once but could happen multiple times, or I think it's hilarious.
Alfred Pennyworth
Al/Alf Seems to be a common nickname among the boys.
Alfie Dick, Tim, and Jason have all called him this.
Alfredo Jason called him this at least once and I think that’s funny. Not sure it’s exclusive though.
Mom Dick seems to have referred to him as such once…I’m sorry but that’s so funny.
Alfred also has specific ways of referring to everyone: Bruce: Master Bruce, Mister Wayne, Lad, Bruce, My Son Barbara: Mistress Barbara, Miss Barbara, Miss Gordon, Miss Oracle Dick: Master Dick, Master Richard, Master Grayson, Dear Boy, Young Sir, Young Man, Richard, Dick Cassandra: Miss Cassandra, Young Cassandra, My Dear Jason: Master Jason, Young Sir, Lad, Jason Tim: Master Tim, Master Timothy, Young Master Tim, Lad, Young Sir, Young Man, Timothy, Tim Damian: Master Damian, Young Master Damian, Young Sir, Young Man, Son, Damian
Bruce Wayne
Spooky Oliver Queen calls him this, others might as well but I legitimately have no idea.
Batsy Everyone and their goddamn dog, but Joker uses this notably a lot.
Detective RA'S AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. I think? But this is how Ra's generally refers to Bruce.
B-Man HARLEY QUINN EXCLUSIVE...I think. She calls him this a lot though.
While Dick and Jason will internally think of Bruce as their father, Dick rarely says so and extremely rarely calls him “Dad”. Jason would only say so mockingly or under pain of a second death. Tim rarely even thinks of Bruce as his father (he didn’t become Robin to be Bruce’s kid, and he doesn’t want to replace his own father—much the same way Dana didn’t replace Janet) and never refers to him as such outside of WE work (where he very much uses that to his advantage). Damian almost exclusively refers to Bruce as “Father” but has called him "Dad". Steph sometimes calls him “Boss”. Everyone usually calls him "Bruce".
He refers to ALL of the boys as “chum” and “lad” at some point. It’s just how he used to talk honestly. He DOES NOT call them “sweetie” or “honey” or anything like that. He DOES, however, speak to small children this way. There are multiple instances of him using "sweetheart" and similar terms when dealing with young children. This differentiation I think is for two reasons. One, Bruce is emotionally stunted and being open with anyone outside of actively comforting is difficult for him, and two, the youngest child he has ever had himself was 9 years old so he's never had a small child he'd be likely more inclined to be extra super soft with.
Barbara Gordon
Babs Most people call her this. Bruce doesn’t seem to though, oddly enough.
Babsy/Babsie Both Dick and Jim Gordon have called her this. Very cute.
Barb/Barbie Nearly exclusive to Jason Todd, actually. I think her dad calls her this once in a while, but specifically Jason calls her this.
Babes A few of her friends call her this, but mostly Luke Fox when they were dating.
Red A few people call her this, but mostly Jason and not real often. Probably cuz we already have a red-head often referred to as “Red” (Pam Isely by Harley) and as to not be confused with the other two Reds in the family (Red Hood and Red Robin).
The High Priestess of Tech More of a reference than a nickname, but I think it’s funny. Dick referred to her as such.
O For Oracle!
Dick Grayson Exclusives because Boyfriend Baby Love Beautiful
Richard Grayson
Dick Everyone calls him this. Almost no one calls him Richard.
Dickie His parents also called him this, along with other people who knew him from Haly’s Circus, but otherwise it’s mostly just Jason.
Dickster I…hate that this is canon lmao. Dick has thought this one in his inner monologue, but Jason has also said it at least once. It’s…Something.
Circus Boy Common insult, Jason uses it a few times.
Tight Ass No comment.
Rob Kinda rare for him and more a Tim thing, but his Titans team call him this sometimes. I specifically remember Wally doing so, and Roy too I think.
Boy Wonderful Not marking this as exclusive because Babs probably used it at one point but, shockingly (or not) this comes from Wally West! Wally has also called his Titans team as a group “Dear Hearts” at least once which is just so fucking cute. Neeeeeerd.
Kid Not exclusive to him, but consistently called this by Slade Wilson/Deathstroke over most anything else.
Marcia TIM DRAKE EXCLUSIVE. A joke between him and Tim, assigning each Bat-boy a Brady Bunch member.
Little Robin MARY GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. This is where the hero name Robin came from; Dick’s mom used to call him this.
Dickie-Bird JASON TODD EXCLUSIVE. Jason calls Dick this a lot during his weird appearances in Nightwing that I pretend never happened because it was weird and dumb. But it is a canonical nickname. And it’s funny.
Amy Rohrbach Exclusives because Partner Rookie Stud Cowboy Sherlock Mr. Confident
Barbara Gordon Exclusives because Girlfriend (and because she’s funny) Flatterer Boyfriend The Brightest, Sweetest, Most Handsome, Wealthiest Young Bachelor on the Entire East Coast Buckaroo Bucko Candy-Gram Darling Lover Love Hunk Wonder Man Wonder Hound Wonder Former Teen Wonder Twenty Something Wonder Blue Wonder Poor Lovable Naïve Dope Pixie Boots
Cassandra Cain
Cass Pretty much everyone calls her this.
Cassie Some people call her this, specifically the people closest to her; Stephanie, Tim, Barbara, Bruce, and Duke. It’s generally used sparingly, especially considering Tim is close to ANOTHER Cassandra who goes by “Cassie” almost exclusively, so Cass is generally preferred to avoid confusion. But Cassie is tossed around.
Batghoul Possibly Stephanie Brown exclusive, though easy enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if others called her that. She is notoriously spooky.
Bat-Babe KON-EL/CONNER KENT EXCLUSIVE. These two are actually good friends and dated for a short time. They’re very cute. And they met at the time Kon was just…Like That.
Jason Todd
Jay Literally everyone calls him this sometimes. It’s a common nickname.
Jace/Jase Also pretty common, but seems to mostly be among family. Dick and Bruce have at least both called him this.
The Toddster Was called such by Danny Chase, implying they were friends somehow? (Jason didn't have many Titans missions so idk how they were close enough for him to call him that). He calls him that when he discovers Jason’s status in the system is “unknown”, leading him to find out he’s dead.
Rojo Referred to himself as this once while he was still a crime boss, so presumably some of his gang called him this too. Obviously Spanish for red because Red Hood.
Little Bird Possibly exclusive to Barbara Gordon, she called him this in a flashback.
Jan That Dick and Tim Brady Bunch joke. Just imagine one of them looking Jason dead in the eye and saying “Sure, Jan.”
Little Wing DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. Called Robin Jason this in Nightwing Year 1 and it’s very cute.
Jaybird ROY HARPER EXCLUSIVE. The reason I’m making this post because no one seems to remember that Roy and only Roy has ever called Jason this. But any time these two appear together, it’s usually said at least once.
Stephanie Brown
Steph Pretty much everyone calls her this at one point.
Stephie A few people if I recall, but I know Tim’s called her that.
Blondie Pretty sure a few people call her this, but notably Harper Row.
Damian Wayne Exclusives because He Was A Brat Wench Fatgirl Girl Blunder
Timothy Drake
Tim Everyone to the point where it’s just his name.
Timmy A lot of people call him this pretty teasingly. Dick, Jason, and Babs do it consistently, but that’s older siblings for ya. Bernard has done it too.
Timbo Dick and Jason as well as his friend Ives have called Tim this at the very least. Tim notably doesn't seem to like it, though he has used it himself in a derogatory way in his inner monologue.
Timbers I’ve only ever seen Jason call him this, but I could be missing things. Would not be surprised if Dick did too, but it’s very Jason.
Rob Most of Young Justice called him that up until he revealed his name (which took a while because Bruce was being controlling and overprotective, as he does). Short for “Robin”, obviously, which is all they knew him as.
My Robin I’m pretty sure each member of Young Justice has said this about Tim, though Conner does it the most and has the biggest negative reaction to literally anyone but Tim being Robin.
Cindy DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. It’s that Brady Bunch joke again!
Little Brother DICK GRAYSON EXCLUSIVE. I didn't originally include it because it had the same vibes as like "dude" or "jerk"; something that's easily tossed around, y'know? And it feels like a descriptor, but it is actually used as a title/nickname several times, especially when Dick is messing with Tim.
Pretender JASON TODD EXCLUSIVE. Though it should be noted, he only directly called him this one time. Aside from that, he more refers to Tim as A pretender, not as like a nickname or title. It’s a description. (like “replacement” was but fandom made that a nickname yes I am in fact bitter)
Duckboy HARLEY QUINN EXCLUSIVE. She says this once, but it’s hilarious so I’m keeping it.
Detective RA’S AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. Ra’s is very particular about titles. The only other person he refers to as “Detective” is Bruce, and Dick one time in his internal monologue, so he is acknowledging Tim’s competence. And then proceeds to get a large portion of his resources obliterated by Tim <3
Stephanie Brown Exclusives because Girlfriend Sweetie Muffin Boy Virgin
Duke Thomas
Narrows Almost Jason exclusively, though I think Harper has called him this once or twice. In reference to the neighborhood he grew up in, as opposed to Jason and Harper's Park Row aka Crime Alley upbringing.
Newbie Jason calls him this frequently, though it's likely the others have too.
Baby Bird ELAINE THOMAS EXCLUSIVE. Yeah, surprisingly Duke is actually called this by his mom.
Damian Wayne
Gremlin Mostly exclusive to Tim, but Jason has called him this too. This also seems to be Tim’s go-to for Damian when not using his name or codename.
Dami Used by Jon Kent and Talia al Ghul, so presumably those closest to him.
Little D I think Barbara Gordon exclusive but I’m not sure.
Cousin Oliver Not said to his face to my knowledge, but the Brady Bunch in-joke between Dick and Tim.
Prince/Your Highness (other royal variations) A common way to mock Damian for his haughty air and stuck-up attitude. More common in the past because Damian was The Worst and never shut up about being the heir to Batman and the Demon's Head. He's grown a lot since then and this kind of joke is used less. He is still pretty snooty though.
D JON KENT EXCLUSIVE. I have yet to see anyone else call him this at least, and this is how Jon almost always refers to him.
Baby Bird TALIA AL GHUL EXCLUSIVE. I’ve seen her call him this once, and I don’t recall ever seeing anyone else call him this. Just wanted it known that Talia is the only one to call Damian this.
Tim Drake Exclusives because Tim is Petty and Damian was a Brat Little Monster Hobbit Homunculus Little snot Spoiled, vicious and homicidal little punk Heir to the Kingdom of the Damned
Note on how Damian refers to others: Damian usually uses full first names or surnames, depending on circumstance and closeness. He occasionally calls Dick “Dick” or “Richard”, but often calls him “Grayson”. He almost always refers to Tim as “Drake”, but occasionally as “Timothy”.
Fanon names that I dislike
Replacement Jason never once calls Tim this, and refers to Tim as A replacement about as much as Dick did about Jason (Yes Dick has at least once when talking to Bruce referred to Jason as his replacement). How common it is in this fandom to call Tim "Replacement" (with a capital R like it's a name or title!!!) drives me absolutely insane. It's not canon and tbh you can do better. Hell, "pretender" is right there! And Jason's a nerd, he would do better.
Baby Bird Like…it’s cute, but given it’s used in fanon almost exclusively for Tim, and POST DAMIAN, it just feels infantalizing. Especially when the only canon uses are mothers towards their kids. I see this a lot with Dick and Jason using it, which is...just no. Like, Dick, I get it, but he's more likely to call Tim "Little Brother". Jason would never allow himself to be seen as this soft to Tim. If he were trying to be gentle with him, he'd probably call him "kid". He's done that before.
Baby Bat(s) I have seen this used literally twice. Once where a goon mockingly called Tim that, and once in an AU where Harley said it to Damian. "Baby Bat" isn't a thing. Sorry.
Big Bird More amusing than anything but a little annoying. No one ever calls Dick that in canon and whenever I read it all I can think of is Sesame Street so unless a giant yellow muppet bird is what you're going for, maybe don't do that lol
Demon Brat/Demon Spawn Not the most egregious thing, especially considering the numerous nicknames Tim comes up with, but the consistency of its usage in fanon is a little frustrating. This is never used in-canon, and if you want to use it in your fanworks, just maybe intersperse it with other more creative nicknames, yeah? It's just unoriginal at this point.
Jaylad I don’t hate this one, but it’s such a huge misconception that it’s canon. Bruce has said “Jay, lad” a couple times because he calls like every boy he meets “lad” and people made up “Jaylad”. Not the worst thing ever, but it's not canon.
Golden Boy I don't actually have a problem with this one, but I may as well clear up that this is canon as a descriptor but not as a nickname for Dick. Like calling Jason "the dead Robin". Like, people have said that about him in-canon, but they haven't called him that. The common derivative "Goldie" is entirely fanon.
Non-canon nicknames I think are funny
Dick-face/Dickhead I’m sorry, I find it hilarious whenever someone (usually Jason) in fanfic calls him this. It’s also to me just a silly exaggeration of the obvious joke that has been made at least once (but probably several times by now) in canon about someone being about to call Nightwing a dick and someone else reminding them not to use names in the field. I think it’s hilarious.
Timberly I can’t tell you why this specific deviation of Tim is funny to me but it is. And I'm surprised I haven't seen Jason call Tim this in canon.
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routeless-writer · 1 year
Adored your lilia smut
can I request body worship and breeding link with lilia??
ANON YOU ARE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE RN. Thank you hun! I’m so glad you and so many people liked it, I honestly didn’t expect it to blow up like it did! Happy to write for my favorite old man.
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MC pronouns: GN/NB (no pronouns used, implied they/them)
CW: NSFW, breeding kink/breeding talk, pregnancy talk, excessive praise/body worship, Lilia being a brat dom, Lilia also being filthy, mod mezzo ALSO being filthy, oral sex mentions (reader receiving), marking, blood/biting/vampirism mention (it’s Lilia, so), light light LIGHT possessiveness, the slightest degradation (I use slut like once), i say he’s a tits man and then clarify that the tits are gender neutral and just mean your chest.
Listening to: Casket – Ren Zotto
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Now Lilia is a dom that’s heavy on praise
He will absolutely degrade you if you ask for it, but his favorite thing is watching you squirm from even the smallest of compliments. He wants his baby bat to know how much he loves them!! Especially when you have just the cutest reactions to it.
Think Gomez Addams if Gomez was a switch leaning dom (because Mr. Addams is like, canonically a sub lol)
He follows you around a lot, even more so when he’s horny or finds himself having…baby fever, shall we say?
He can’t help it! He’s been wanting to raise another kid and all, and the thought of getting to spend a domestic life with you…the thought of you carrying his child…even if you physically can’t, he still finds himself hot and bothered at the idea. Plus, adoption is always something you two could discuss if you were serious about the actual breeding portion of the breeding kink, but wouldn’t be able to have kids/didn’t want to go through pregnancy.
Unless you’re shorter than him, he’ll likely be the perfect height for him to rest on your chest, and even if you are shorter than him, I can see him being quite attached to your upper body, regardless of whether there is boobage there or not and regardless of level of boobage.
What can I say, he’s a tits man (read tits as gender neutral)
So it’s the first thing he goes for with praise
He’ll casually slide a hand up your shirt at any given time to feel you up, resting his head on your shoulder and humming little compliments in your ear about how soft your skin is, how warm you are, how he just wants to bite down on your cute little nipples and–oh, look at that! They’re already hard hehe
“Khehehe, are you that sensitive, darling? Don’t worry, if it works you up that much, I’ll make sure to take care of you. I love the way your body reacts to just the slightest touch…so gorgeous.”
Lils is an oral fiend, too, and it’s one of his favorite ways to worship you. He’d gladly get on his knees for his precious baby bat at the drop of a hat. Holding your hips in place as he nestles between your thighs and tastes your arousal, his eyes rolling back dramatically so he can show you just how sweet you are to him. Don’t move too much, darling. It’s his job to pleasure you!
“So good. So good for me…you taste perfect…such a sweet pet, all the blood rushing here…be careful, I might just devour you.~”
Obviously it’s hard for him to be vocal with his tongue on your clit/your cock down his mouth, so the heavy praise comes when he finally gets to fuck you.
Lilia typically either opts for doggy or mating press. He loves seeing you ass up, face buried into the pillow as he rams into you, but when his breeding kink flares up, that’s when he prefers the second option.
He likes to see your face when he fucks into you and talks about how cute your red cheeks are, how he wants to stuff you full and fill you up. And he talks. He doesn’t know how to shut his mouth unless he’s using it to get you off.
He’s also generally just very playful and giggly during sex. A brat dom, if you will, so expect plenty of teasing on his end about how needy you look with your legs hiked up like that.
“Pretty little thing, all folded over under me. Look at me, let me see your expression. Ah….mmnh, take my fingers in your mouth, just like you take my cock. Tight little bloodpet…you’re so perfect, little one. I want to see it, I want to see you all full and fucked out. That’s nice isn’t it? You’d love to be knocked up, you’d love to be pumped full of my cum. Awe, look at you. Look at you take it. Your hole is so tight around me, so pretty as you bounce on it. That’s it…that’s it, you’re doing so well. So gorgeous…”
He’ll drag your hips closer as he rocks against you, touching you to the pace of his thrusts, and pushing you down further into the bed with the kind of strength you wouldn’t expect someone so small to have.
He kisses and nips at anything he can get his lips on–your neck, your chest, your stomach and thighs. He’s a groper, too, so he’ll watch as his fingers sink into your skin, leaving bruises on your hips and legs.
“You’re going to be so full and sensitive, I’ll watch you get heavy with my child…you’re mine, you’re perfect and you’re mine.”
Usually Lilia’s far more focused on your pleasure than his, but something about the way you’re begging him to empty inside you is sending shockwaves down his spine. It feels like during sessions like this, he loses his well-composed nature altogether. Right before you’re about to cum, tightening up around his aching cock, he’ll lean in and sink his fangs into your neck, pressing a hand to your abdomen to feel how his dick drags along your walls.
That’s enough to do it for you, the aphrodisiac bite making you cum hard around him, and he doesn’t dare pull out as he cums with you, growling into your neck.
Lils is a fae, and faefolk cum a LOT. It’s hot and sticky as he spills inside of you, holding your hips as close to him as he can, fucking into you as you both finish and you shake. It’s enough to drip out without pulling out, much to Lilia’s disappointment. Guess he’ll just have to cum inside you a few more times to make up for it!
Lilia’s the type to make you cockwarm him after breeding sessions. He can’t have his efforts go to waste–you will be knocked up by the end of the night.
“Maybe I should make you keep a toy in overnight. I have to make sure it takes, sweet thing.”
You can expect a quick session right before class the morning after, too. He’s serious! He really wants to raise kids with you, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.
You two make quite the mess of the bed, cum and blood stains are scattered across the sheets. Lilia will handle the clean up, don’t you worry! He has to make certain that his spent little human rests after such a rough session.
Now that you’ve awakened this kink in him, Lilia’s ready for regular breeding talk during sex. Hope you like being fucked into the mattress and used for hours, cause he’s hellbent on making you his breedslut now.
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miupow · 9 months
౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ study night .ᐟ c.sb ⊹˚. ♡
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╰┈➤ soobin just wants to know what you're reading, is all.
pairing. choi soobin x fem!reader rating. NSFW, MDNI! words. 3.8k warnings. soft dom!soobin, erotic literature, praise kink, degrading, spanking, sunoo from enhypen cameo! vaginal fingering, soobin cums in his pants lol
thank you to @mapofthemazeinthemirror for helping me recover my first fic
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“what are you reading?” soobin asked from across your dorm bedroom, sprawled out over a beanbag. he hadn’t looked up from the laptop in his lap for nearly two hours, too invested in his chemistry essay, and you were surprised to glance up and see him peering at you from over his screen. you could see him squinting his eyes to read the cover of the book you were holding, blind as a bat even with his thick rimmed glasses on— you giggled, shook your head and turned the page. you had caught up on assignments far quicker than soobin had, so you had decided to quietly read one of your favorite novels while he finished.
you and soobin had study nights every thursday after classes; a couple of hours for the two of you to help each other with assignments and throw pencils at each other. these nights had been routine since you and soobin met freshman year— you needed help in calculus, and he relied on you entirely to keep his literature grade above a D. plus, you were both quiet and shy, and it was just easier for the two of you to study with each other. soobin stayed in his corner, on your roommate sunoo’s beanbag, you stayed sitting cross-legged on your bed, and you worked in comfortable silence unless either of you needed help. you really enjoyed thursday nights; if only sunoo would stop making such a fuss about leaving for a few hours…
“...yn?” soobin prodded again, head tilted like a confused puppy. you had looked up from your novel but hadn’t said anything, lost in thought— your head had been all over the place since your argument with sunoo right before he left. you wondered briefly if soobin had noticed.
“oh! sorry— i’m reading, um…” you looked down at the open pages of your novel, and it struck you then, far too late, just what exactly you were reading. you shut the book quickly, ears red, “you wouldn’t like it.”
“why wouldn’t i like it?” soobin asked around a mouthful of chips. 
You shrugged, trying your best to look nonchalant. “‘cause.”
soobin gave you a funny look, turned his head back to his essay, and then turned back to give you another, funnier look. 
“what’s it about?”
“don’t worry about it.” you replied far too quickly, sounding guilty as hell. you gingerly placed the book on your nightstand, cover down— soobin blinked at you a couple of times, big brown eyes magnified behind his glasses, and then blinked a couple of times at the book on the nightstand. you really didn’t like the look on his face. 
“don’t you do it!” you warned, not sounding very threatening at all, and soobin gave you an absolutely evil grin. 
soobin leapt from the beanbag in a flash, laptop tumbling to the floor— you shrieked at the top of your lungs, lunging across the bed to grab the book before he did, but soobin’s arms were just so long. he snatched the book with ease, cackling like a fiend as you jumped from the bed to grab it from him— he held the novel above his head with one long arm, the other trying to keep you from climbing him like a tree. 
“soobin! stop it! let me have it! i’m serious! quit it!” you begged, embarrassed nearly to the point of tears as you hopped up and down in an attempt to grab the book from soobin. 
“i just wanna read it! lemme see!” 
six and a half feet up in the air, way above your head and much to your horror, soobin open your book to the bookmarked page and started reading aloud. you smacked him square in the chest, but neither his breath or his smile faltered— god, this man was huge, and it infuriated you. “i followed my boss to his office, watching in bated breath as he rounded his big wooden desk to sit down at his chair. i had made three typing errors on one of his letters, clutched tight in my hand, and my boss seemed madder about it than usual. “put that—“
“stop!” you whined, hitting him across the chest again. you had given up trying to jump for the book. “it’s just a book, it’s not that—“
“if it was just a book you wouldn’t be freaking the fuck out right now,” soobin giggled maniacally. his glasses were slipping down his nose, mostly because you were hitting him, so he leaned his head farther back to read. you briefly considered pulling at his hair, but that felt too cruel. “put the letter on my desk” my boss said.” soobin began again, turning becaus you had started clawing at his neck and arms. “so i did—“
“give me back my book!”
“so i did.” soobin continued, that time not even sparing you a glance. he had started using a stupid little voice for the when the boss spoke, which would have been funny if you weren’t so mortified. “now bend over with your elbows on my desk so that you are looking directly at the letter. keep your face very close.”
“stop it, i mean it!” if he continued reading any further… you felt like crawling into a ditch and dying. 
“if you said it’s just a book i wanna read it!” soobin retorted, evil little smile still plastered on his face. he gave you a sweet, sweet evil smile before turning back to the pages, unfazed by your teary eyes and red cheeks. “i was puzzled, but followed instructions, bending over the top of his desk so that my chest, belly and arms were pressed against the hardwood. my nose was merely a centimeter or two from the letter, which made it hard to read. my skirt was starting to.. to slide up the backs of my thighs, but i was sure if i moved to tug it back down i would just get in more trouble.”
you grimaced when soobin’s voice broke, smile starting to slide off of his face. “now read the letter to yourself. read it over and over again.” my boss said. i read: “dear mr garvy, i am very grateful to you for referring…” at the word “referring”, he— he.. um. oh.”
you started to feel less like wanting to die and more like you were actually dying. soobin stared hard at the pages for a few seconds, ears turning cherry red, but to your surprise and absolute humiliation, he actually began to read aloud again. his voice had dropped that cheerful quality, though, winded like had been hit upside the head. “at the word “referring”, which i had mispelled, he reeled his arm back and spanked me hard. i stopped reading with a loud gasp, shocked— the sting reverberated through my core, fiery hot, and in spite of my embarrassment i began to soak through my panties. at my silence, i was spanked again, even harder. “i said read it,” my boss reminded me, “be a good girl and follow instructions.”
lowering the book, soobin looked down at you with a very red face and an unreadable expression. “you… you actually read this stuff?”
you quickly grabbed the novel from him before haphazardly placing it on your nightstand. “it’s none of your business.” you snip.
“i mean— i didn’t— i didn’t think you liked that kind of stuff.” soobin admitted rather quietly, watching with wide eyes as you angrily collected your scattered study supplies. you dropped your papers into random folders and notebooks before shoving them along with your laptop into your bag— it was a disorganized mess now, but you’d just fix it later. you were too worked up to take your time. 
“so? what, do you think i’m gross now?” you snapped back, embarrassment falling away to irritation. “i told you you didn’t want to read it. just drop it already!” 
“i don’t think you’re gross!” soobin defended rather quickly, to which you raised an eyebrow. “i mean— i don’t care, it’s whatever. i’m just, like… i don’t know, it’s not a big deal.” 
“so drop it.”
soobin sighed, moving slowly to go sit back in sunoo’s beanbag. “okay, fine, i’m dropping it, it’s dropped. i’m sorry, okay?”
you just rolled your eyes. after getting over the initial embarrassment and irritation of the situation, you were ready to just move on with the night. “whatever. are you almost done with that stupid essay? i want takeout.” 
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you hadn’t seen soobin in six days. normally that wouldn’t bother you— you had lives— but your next study night was quickly approaching, and you were growing more and more worried soobin wouldn’t show. maybe you should call him, just to apologize…
“maybe he’s just being a prude,” sunoo had supplied helpfully, biting into his sandwich. he had offered you half, as he always did when you had lunch together, but you had turned him down. the idea of eating made your stomach turn. “he probably thinks you’re mad at him and you’re gonna spank him for it.”
you huffed at your roommates giggling, drumming your fingers against the cafe table. “he knows me better than that. i feel like he’s the one mad at me.”
“what would he be mad at you for? being horny?” sunoo snickered. 
“i don’t know… what if he doesn’t want to spend thursdays with me anymore?”
“soobin? stop going to your little dates? doubt it.”
“they’re not dates.” you snapped, voice raised just slightly— you were tired of having this argument with sunoo every time you talked to him about soobin. “we’re just hanging out and studying. he doesn’t even like me like that.”
“oh, so you like him like that then?”
“no! ugh, sunoo, just— whatever! you’re not helping.” you glared angrily down at your iced coffee. you loved sunoo to death, really, but sometimes you just couldn’t stand him— no matter how many times you told him you and soobin were just friends, he would never believe you. 
sunoo giggled again, clearly enjoying your mounting irritation. “okay, okay, i’m sorry. if you’re that worried about it, you could just go and apologize to him yourself.” 
that was the first actual advice sunoo had given in a while. “i don’t even know where he is, though.”
“oh, that’s easy.” sunoo supplied happily. “he’s in his dorm playing video games with his friends. he plays with heeseung-hyung a lot, and that’s what he’s doing right now, so—“
“thank you, sunoo! you know i love you,” you jumped out of your chair to give him a chaste peck on the cheek before gathering up your things and dashing out of the cafe in the direction of soobin’s dorm. you hadn’t even given sunoo the time to finish his sentence. 
“hey, wait, don’t forget your coffee!—“
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you didn’t give yourself time to think about knocking on soobin’s door, because you knew if you gave yourself the chance to run away you would take it. he opened the door within seconds— scaring the shit out of you, honestly— messy bed hair and thick glasses framing eyes that looked like a cornered deer. “oh! uh, hey, yn, um—“
“i’m sorry!” you squeaked, cutting him off. you needed to get this out as fast as possible so you could just move on with your life. “i’m sorry i got mad at you last thursday! over the book.“
soobin blinked. “oh. um. alright.”
you both shared a very long, awkward look.
“alright?!” you echoed, growing more irritated by the second. “you’ve been ignoring me for days and all you have to say it alright?!”
soobin’s eyes flickered around anxiously, and it suddenly hit you that you were yelling at him in a public hallway. “i’m not ignoring you—“
“bullshit!” you shrieked. this really wasn’t how you were planning on his apology to go. you opened your mouth to continue, face red with anger, but soobin quickly grabbed your wrist and roughly pulled you into his dorm. you were shocked into silence, eyes wide and mouth agape as he dragged you all the way back to his bedroom. 
“where’s beomgyu?” you asked anxiously, desperate to deflate the tension. the lack of soobin’s roommate screaming at his tv as he played video games only fueled the  anxious pit in your stomach— it was never quiet in this dorm.
“he’s with his girlfriend— does it matter? we need to talk.” soobin let go of your wrist to close his bedroom door, giving you the space you needed to remind yourself that this was just soobin, who ate gummy bears two at a time so they wouldn’t die alone. there was really no reason to feel so jittery… right?
“talk about what?” you ask, attitude back now that you’ve calmed yourself down. soobin was still staring very intently at his doorknob, back turned to you. “why you’ve been avoiding me all week? listen, it’s okay if that book wasn’t up your alley. there’s nothing wrong with being vanilla— there really isn’t any need to get all weird about it. i’m not gonna, like, spank you or anything. we don’t have to talk about it ever again, if you don’t want to, just pretend it didn’t happen—“
“it’s because i want to spank you!” soobin interjected very suddenly, spinning to look at you with wild eyes. his face was bright red. 
“you… what?” you must’ve misheard him. that was the only explanation, surely; there was no way he—
“i can’t stop thinking about it! i thought there was no way you’d be into that stuff, there was no way, but you go and pull this crazy shit and now i can’t go a single second without thinking about putting you over my knee! it’s driving me insane! i can’t even look at you!” 
you opened and closed your mouth a couple of times, surely looking like a fish out of water— this was the absolute last thing you expected to come out of your friend’s mouth. your eyes were wide, your face burned… your pussy clenched pathetically. it came crashing down on you all at once, then, just how horribly you were lying when you said you didn’t have feelings for soobin. you truly never believed he liked you back, however, sure he was too busy playing video games and trying his best to pass his classes. it was like a dream, almost, which might have been why you suddenly felt so brazen— if you wanted soobin, and he wanted you, who were you to deny him?
“then do it.” you said, voice barely above a whisper. soobin looked just as shocked as you were. “if you want to do it that bad, do it.”
soobin moved in a flash, giving you no time to prepare— within seconds you were thrown over his lap, hair hanging in your face as you stared wildly at the carpet. soobin brushed one of his hands against your skirt-clad ass, barely a brush of his fingers, but you still gasped all the same. “do you really want this?” soobin asked, voice low, breathing hard— the outline of his hard cock pressed against your stomach, making it considerably hard to focus, but you still managed to choke out a “yes please.”
soobin stutters out an uneven breath, his fingers inching down to the hem of your skirt, teasing the tops of your thighs for just a moment before pulling the skirt up to expose your ass. “so pretty..” soobin breathed. you felt his cock twitch against your stomach, those long fingers coming back to trace along the edge of your lacy thong. “is it okay if i take your panties off, bunny?”
you whimpered, nodding your head— soobin landed a gentle slap to the junction of your thigh with a chuckle. “use your words like a good girl.”
this couldn’t actually be happening. you had to be dreaming, or hallucinating, or something— silly goofy soobin, your friend who cried watching toy story, was just way too good at this, making your legs shake and your pussy throb while hardly touching you.  in an afternoon your reality had shifted from thinking that soobin had to be the worlds biggest virgin to thinking that soobin is the world’s hottest dominant. 
you weren’t sure how to feel about it, honestly, but your cunt sure did. 
you must’ve stayed silent for too long, because without much warning soobin landed a much harsher spank to the top of your asscheek. “bad girl! c’mon baby, use your big girl words. tell me how much you want it.” soobin goaded, hot breath fanning your ear— you couldn’t hold in your moan, sounding weak and pathetic even to your own ears. 
“p-please… please take my panties off. please spank me.” you whined, face beet red and pussy drooling, making a noticeable wet spot in your pretty little panties— soobin’s deft finger stroked slowly up and down your folds, feeling the wetness seep through. you wanted to scream. 
“that’s my good bunny,” you could hear your panties rip as soobin tore them off of you in one fluid motion, cold air meeting your soaked cunt and making you— and soobin— hiss. it was still and silent for a few fleeting moments, soobin admiring the slick leaking down your thigh, before he straightened up and landed a stinging, eye watering spank deliciously close to your core. it took everything in you to bite back a pathetic yelp.
“that’s for being a fucking tease,” soobin started, soothing your reddening flesh with a soft caress of his palm. “being so fucking hot all the time and convincing me you were out of my league.”
you hadn’t realized that this was confessional. giving soobin an evil smile over your shoulder, you smart, “you’re an idiot. i’ve wanted you forever.”
another spank, this time with even more force. your hips bucked with a shrill cry, eyes watering— you had no idea soobin was this strong. he refused to give you time to prepare. “didn’t say you could talk back.”
you’re on the verge of tears from the red hot stinging in your ass, but you still giggle at soobin’s words. “you’re kinky.”
soobin just rolls his eyes that time, spanking you again. “and this one’s for being a brat. how about you start counting for me, love— one.”
“one?! you’ve hit me four times!” maybe you were pushing it too far, but it just came naturally to you to fight back in some way. you relished losing.
soobin grabbed a handful of your hair and yanked hard, making you gasp loudly and your pussy clench painfully around nothing. leaning down close to your ear, soobin let out a warning growl— “i said fucking count.”
you swore you’ve never been this wet in your life. torn between bucking your hips into soobin’s bulge and pushing back onto his hand, you give a quiet, watery whimper of “one.”
the hand holding your hair lets go at once, letting your head fall limply over his knee. “that’s my girl.” 
another spank. you moan. “two.” 
“three.” you’re crying now. soobin’s hand lingers, fingers ghosting over your sticky folds… you shift your hips and open your thighs to give him access. 
four never comes. soobin pushes two long, thick fingers between your folds, stuttering out a low moan like he was the one being touched. he starts a rough, dizzying pace almost immediately, fingertips searching for that spongy spot… you grind your hips back against soobin’s fingers, a drooling mess against his jeans. “bin…” you whined high in your throat— you needed more, you needed him to slow down, you needed him to go faster… you hadn’t been touched like this in ages.
soobin finds your g-spot with ease, and you have to cover your own mouth to keep yourself from screaming. “such a slut, falling apart just because of my fingers…” soobin chuckled huskily, enamored with the wet sounds your cunt made filling the room. “i’ve thought about this forever, god… you’re just as pretty as i thought you’d be.”
you open your mouth to respond, but a strangled moan comes out instead— soobin’s thumb, wet from your arousal, came down to rub tight, delicious circles on your clit, distracting you enough to push in a third finger into your stretched out hole. the stretch burned but you loved it, hips kicking and moans weak as soobin took you apart. 
“...too much..” you manage to choke out, practically biting down on soobin’s thigh to keep from wailing in bliss. you felt full to the brim, pushed closer and closer to the edge with every rough flick of your clit and thrust of his curled fingers— soobin just giggled meanly, fluttering a fourth thick finger around your stretched and soaked hole.
“oh, bunny, if this is too much there’s no way you’ll be able to take my cock…” 
tears streamed freely down your face, choked sobs wracking your poor little body, but god you were in heaven… you bucked your hips down against soobin’s own bulge, relishing in the sharp intakes of breath he would take every time— he was starting to fall apart too, sounding a lot less dominating and a lot more pathetic with each roll of his hips up into your tummy. “gonna… gonna make you cum on my fingers,” soobin whined low in his throat, hand completely soaked in your arousal. “you gonna make a mess for me?”
soobin’s fingers dug impossibly and wonderfully hard into your sweet spot, that white-hot band of desire in your stomach winding tighter and tighther with each perfectly aimed thrust. you sobbed, hand reaching back to grab tight onto soobin’s shirt sleeve. “‘m gonna cum!”
soobin’s other hand, that had been stroking comfortingly up and down your back, reached down to pinch hard at you clit, making you scream— “gotta ask first, bad girl, gotta ask for permission b-before you cum…” soobin’s voice was starting to break, his hips stuttering helplessly— the feeling of his hard cock grinding hard against you only added to the fire in your belly. 
“can i cum? please binnie, can i cum? i’ll be a good girl, i promise, just let me cum!” you had no control over your mouth, hardly any conscious at all… all you could focus on was the tightening in your belly, the way soobin’s fingers fucked your pussy so good… you were his brainless whore, fucked dumb on his fingers. 
“go on honey, my good girl, my bunny… cum all over me, make a mess.” with his permission you let yourself fall off the edge, moaning like a whore as you soaked your thighs, soobin’s hands and his jean-clad thigh. you laid across soobin’s lap twitching for quite some time afterwards, heaving breaths like you ran a marathon… you’d never come before like that in your life. soobin was with you the whole way, too— sweet as can be as he cooed praises into your hair, petting your back and kissing your head as you came down from your high. you kind of loved him, you realized with a sickening start. 
you also realzied around the same time that you no longer felt soobin’s bulge poking at you. you released your iron grip on soobin’s sleeve to gently cup his very wet crotch. “bin…?”
“sorry, bunny… couldn’t help it…”
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saey707 · 11 months
some scenario where kayn's obsessed with f!reader's boobs, i beg you!!
✿ Prompt: Kayn loves your boobs ✿
♡ champion focus: kayn ♡ tw: nsfw ♡ Female reader
Author’s Note: Hello anon! Thanks for submitting such a bold request- I knew right off the bat I would have a lot of fun with this one to be honest lol ✩°。⋆⸜(˙ ꒳ ​˙ ) It's going to be quite NSFW so I hope you are prepared for this... Hope you enjoy! (๑>◡<๑)
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Kayn has always been biased about the part of you he loves. It wasn't to say that he didn't love your ass or your thighs, those were nice too... But god, he couldn't stop himself from loving your tits. Some would even say he's obsessed with them, given how many pictures there are out there of him staring at them.
He'll subconsciously stare at them, especially on days you choose to wear a tank top or that little black dress he loves so much on you. Hell, he loves anything you wear that gives him an open window to look down there!
Kayn adores the way they feel against his own chest! But he loves them even more when they're pressed against his face~ It's the only reason why he loves being the little spoon whenever you two cuddle: It's just an open invitation for him to fall asleep with his face buried in your boobs!
He mumbles sleepily when he's cuddled up to your chest. In fact, you caught him in recordings multiple times doing it~
"Can I have some of mommy's milkies~?" He mumbles with his eyes closed, smothering his face against the surface of your chest.
You love it whenever he does this, primarily because you know it's when he's at his most vulnerable! You'll even tangle your fingers through his pink and purple hair, pressing kisses to the top of his head to make him feel even more secure, "Of course you can, baby boy~"
Sometimes, Kayn will impulsively grope you. And he has absolutely no shame in doing it. If you're both in public, he'll try to make it discreet, but you can't always guarantee it.
The easiest way for him to give your tits a feel in public is by hugging you from behind. Nobody would possibly suspect he's feeling you up (and giving you a sign that he's just so fucking horny). "K-Kayn..!" You snap at him, the lovelorn man grinning and casually kissing your cheek. "If you act like that, then they'll really know what I'm doing to these huge fucking tits...~"
Loves sucking on your boobs during sex! If Kayn's not doing that, he's sure to squeeze them when he's pounding into you. In fact, it's the first place his hands go whenever he's about to fuck you against a wall! He knows that you're sensitive there and that either way, you'll make him put his hands there!
"If you want more, you're going to have to beg, kitten~"
When Kayn is super needy and can't wait any longer to get with you- especially when the band is on the road- he'll have you get down on your knees and take off your shirt in the restroom. He'll force you to press them together and use them to service himself, making you watch him get off to them.
"Agh fuck..." He groaned quietly, gripping your hair. "K-Kayn..." you managed to huff out, the rockstar chuckling lowly as he glimpsed down at you with half-lidded eyes. His complexion was a deep pink as he continued to push himself against you. It doesn't take long for him to release himself on your face and tits~
His FAVORITE place to come is on your chest!! It's almost like he's marking them for himself~ It's his way of claiming you as his!
688 notes · View notes
unhinged-summer-fun · 2 months
common grounds (oshamir) - chapter 1
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Pairing: Osha Aniseya/Qimir "The Stranger" Themes of note: Modern AU, coffee shop AU, boxing/fighting AU, slow burn romance, personal identity exploration, sports injury & recovery, angst yada yada. First few chapters are rated T, but bumps to M eventually. Summary: One cold winter night, Osha meets a stranger while she's working late at the cafe. Like the spark that lights a very long fuse, there's no way this doesn't end in fire and upheaval.
A/N: Mehmehmehmeh I ain't back on tumblr this is just another horn of mine to toot lol it's also on my AO3 is why. This is also written for da bestie and is held hostage by them (affectionate). Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Somehow, the mysterious problems with the espresso machine returned.
Not that anyone asked her, but Osha didn’t believe it was pure coincidence that this was the fifth time she’d been called in to fix the machine immediately after Yord was on the schedule. It couldn’t wait for her next shift because most people who needed espresso needed it in the mornings, and Mae worked the morning shift.
Regardless, it wasn’t a coincidence. Osha just wanted to get quietly pissed at a fixable problem so that by the time it was fixed, she’d forget what she was pissed about. With just the lights on behind the bar and the small flashlight in her mouth, she tried not to think about how eerie the cafe looked at night. The snow swirling in the windowsill outside served as an unhelpful reminder that her car was still in the shop, and the walk back to the apartments would be very, very cold.
But the hot water tap had priority over that. This was the most temperamental part of the whole unit, a half dozen little fastenings keeping it pinned to the machine wall to prevent it from lashing out all over the place every time anyone pressed a button. Each gentle click of her spanner sounded like a clap of thunder in the deserted shop, and a sensation of deep, deep dread she hadn’t felt in years rose in her chest. “Shit,” she whispered, forgetting about the flashlight in her teeth and spitting it out onto the floor. “Damnit.”
When she stood, a man was standing behind the machine.
The man was lucky; Osha might not have had the left hook her sister did, but that didn’t mean she didn’t still have one hell of a swing. She almost threw the flashlight at him but held on, wielding it like a four-inch baseball bat.
The man’s face went from neutral and stony to overly expressive in a heartbeat. “Oh! I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to startle you!” he said, laughing nervously and scratching the back of his head. Osha took him in, the baggy hoodie and jeans, the glasses, the toothy smile, the black bag slung over his shoulder. All in all, he didn’t look harmless, but he didn’t look like he meant her harm either.
“We’re closed.”
“The door was, uh, unlocked.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder at the door, giving her a shrug as if to say, what can you do?
“Even so, we’re still closed. You have to go.” For a moment, she considered grabbing the portafilter as a potential weapon. It’d certainly work better than the flashlight.
He put both his hands up. “Alright, alright. Can’t I just… step out of the cold for a minute or two? I’ll stay over here by the door.”
She shouldn’t. This man was undoubtedly a stranger, and a strange stranger, at that. But she knew the biting cold wasn’t pleasant, and her kind streak had never entirely been snuffed out.
“Fine. Sit there.” She pointed to a table where she could get a complete look at him while she continued working. He went willingly but faced her when he took his seat.
“Thank you,” he said, head tilting slightly to the side. “Not many people would be so kind.”
She didn’t look over at him, only answered him with a grunt as she tore into the hot water line with more ferocity than necessary. How in the hell did Yord mess this up? Nobody even touches this but me!
“I thought this place was open 24 hours,” the stranger said conversationally. When he realized Osha wouldn’t answer him, he continued. “Didn’t it used to be? It was always packed, classes at midnight and sunrise and sunset.”
That piqued her interest. Osha paused her crusade against the tap and frowned at him. “Are you a member at the gym?”
Even from here, she could see his jaw clench a little, one muscle feathering so quickly it might have been a trick of the light. “Oh, a long time ago. A lot must have changed if you’re the only one on staff right now.”
It sounded threatening. It should have been threatening. A strange man had come in, told her he had some measure of fight training, and pointed out she was alone. Yet, Osha couldn’t put her finger on why she saw it as bluster. The dread in her chest had entirely dissipated, and her heartbeat had returned to normal following the stranger’s sudden appearance.
“How long ago? I’ve been here a long time, too. Know everyone here.” She kept one eye on him as she worked, uncoupling the wall fastenings for the line to the group head. 
“It was a long, long time ago. But hey—there might be a few days of overlap if you’ll answer a question for me.”
She frowned and kept her focus on the machine. “Go ahead.”
“You’re Osha, right?”
Her hand slipped, and she dropped the spanner deep into the machine’s body. Biting back a curse, her attention warred between the stranger knowing her name and grabbing her tools.
“H-how do you know that?” C’mon, where is it?
In the seconds she’d been looking away, he had stood up to prop his hip against the table he’d been sitting at. “I remember two little girls coming in for one of the children’s sunrise classes I was in. Twins, and I swear they looked just like you and your sister.”
For an instant, she tried picturing this strange man as a child, but she hardly remembered anything from her first few weeks at the gym when their dad had taken them to train. Her imagination wouldn’t be of any help here.
“You know my sister?”
“Mae? Oh, I’ve met her a few times in passing. It’s a small city if you get out enough. I only knew your names as a child, though.” He gave a breathy, goofy laugh, pulling at something like interest in Osha’s belly.
She supposed he was near her age. He looked young, but some people’s genes aged more gracefully than others. “It—yeah. I’m Osha. What’s—what are you doing?”
Slowly, he walked toward the counter beside the machine. The conversation had thawed the ice of their meeting a little, which could have permitted a closer boundary, but it was still a little alarming. “My hearing isn’t the best. Get your bell rung enough times, and it never stops singing, does it?”
He tilted his head in the light to show her the slightly blue shell of his ear—it’d been likely drained from a hematoma to prevent cauliflower ear. You didn’t have ears like that without being in the ring for a while. She also saw a pair of charming little twists in his hair to keep it off his ears, which shouldn’t have been so… cute. This guy was a lot of things, but cute didn’t seem like one of them. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said, leaning on the counter with his forearms. The hoodie covered his body shape well, but from where it dropped off at the shoulders, he must have been incredibly broad. “It’s incredible, actually.”
“What is?” She shook off her single-bed shoulder musings.
“You look… exactly like her.”
His voice had dropped, along with the convivial squint to his eyes. His voice sounded dark and rich as his near-black irises and every part of her perked up in response. “Um.” Osha racked her head for an intelligent comeback, settling on, “Well, that’s not uncommon for twins.”
The playful lilt to his voice returned. “Yeah,” he grinned. “But really, down to how you frown at me, you two look so alike. It’s impressive.”
Osha frowned at him, then tried not to and failed. The stranger only smiled, a flash of that darker look shining through. Now thoroughly flustered, Osha turned back to the machine. “How’d you know I wasn’t Mae when you walked in?”
“I just knew.” She saw him shrug again in her periphery and continued wrenching back the hot water tap. “What’s wrong with it?”
“What isn’t wrong with it, more like.” She grunted and released another fastening. Now that there was an open entrance for her to stick her hand in, she felt around for the spanner she’d dropped. “This thing has to be like 25,000 years old.”
“That may be truer than you think.”
She met the stranger’s eyes, charmed by his easy smile and laughter. She’d never been one to make fast friends; that was more Mae’s speed, but whatever this conversation was, she wanted more of it.
She found the spanner and made a slight noise of victory, carefully maneuvering her hand back through—
The tap line went taut quite suddenly, and without any fittings keeping it in place, the hot water line suddenly contracted, snagging a jagged edge into her wrist and pinning it to the inner wall of the machine. She could feel the water getting hotter around her wrist, and she tried letting go of the spanner to yank her hand out, but it wouldn’t budge.
Suddenly, two huge hands were there, one wrapping around her forearm to still her and the other reaching into the machine without hesitation. The line loosened around her wrist, and she was pulled free immediately. After that, the stranger hit a sequence of buttons to shut down the machine but still didn’t let go of her forearm.
In the fading whine of the machine, Osha’s heartbeat sounded like a stampede in her ears. She could feel the body heat radiating off the man this close. The callouses on his palms spoke of hard work and discipline. His knuckles bore the permanent blush of a fighter’s hands. Carefully, he pulled back her sleeve and hissed softly, revealing the minor burn over the top of her wrist.
“Poor thing.”
Heat flared up Osha’s neck as if she’d swallowed the hot water line instead of basically wearing it. The stranger leads her to the sink and runs the cool tap before parking her wrist beneath the faucet.
Burns weren’t uncommon in the cafe, and little cuts and swollen bruises weren’t uncommon in the attached boxing gym. As such, the first aid kits for both were well-stocked for each common injury. The stranger moved with confident grace to the red box on the wall, leafing through the contents before finding what he wanted: an antiseptic wipe, burn cream, gauze, and medical tape.
“Let me see.”
He took her wrist back in his hands, gentle but firm, just as he’d held her before. On the spots where his skin touched hers, it burned differently.
He kept his head down as he dressed her wound, using his teeth to tear off pieces of tape. He had a serious aura; the goofy guy he’d been now shifted into an intensely focused man. When satisfied with his work, he didn’t let go, using the last few seconds of soft quietude to draw his thumb across the top of the bandage.
“How’s that?” he said, bouncing back to the playful person he wanted her to see.
But Osha had seen that other side, the rock-steady intensity that had come over him the moment she’d been in danger. That version of himself hadn’t left until he knew she was out of harm.
Osha had hardly been able to blink, let alone breathe, during his treatment of her. Something about his light touch made her wonder how he fought. No soft-handed, theatrical fighter would have been capable of aching gentleness like this.
“It’s—good.” She cleared her throat and fought to look him in the eye. “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me. It was the right thing to do. Anyway, it should be less dangerous when it’s off.”
“I don’t know why I didn’t do that,” she muttered, embarrassment taking over from flustered.
“It’s late, and we’re all prone to mistakes in the dark.”
Her eyes snapped to his at the statement. It sounded so familiar that she could have sworn she had heard it before, but the stranger was already moving, pushing his sleeve past his elbow. Time stood still for a fraction of a second, and Osha could see his forearm, all corded muscle, and scars. And then he reached into the espresso machine, carefully pulling out the spanner.
“There. That what you were looking for?”
Osha blinked owlishly before taking the tool from him. It was impossible to avoid brushing her fingers against his, and the spark of his touch ignited something deeper inside her than skin could reach.
“Thank you, uh…”
“Of course!” Dutifully, the stranger returned to his post, and the counter was put back between them as it should have been. But Osha couldn’t understand why she’d been so adamant about it before. Maybe he was right; it’s late, after all. 
The rest of the work was fast, ticking away minutes as she found the culprit: an overenthusiastic portafilter had shifted the group head an inch out of place, which made every piece of fussy machinery within the casing rebel. “Yord, I swear to god…” Osha grumbled, taking a second to write a warning on scrap paper once everything was packed up.
“Ah, a consistent problem, then?” The Stranger had stayed quiet the whole time Osha worked, and only when he spoke up again did she notice he hadn’t pushed his sleeve down. Her eyes snagged on the sight the way her wrist had snagged on the jagged metal inside the machine.
“You could say that. Hey, um, I have to run it a few times to make sure it’s operational. And… thank you for helping me out. Can I make you something?”
His head tilted in such a way that she could finally see the look on his face was a smile. It felt like looking into one of those dichroic prisms, finding a flash of blue here, a flash of red there, but only at one specific angle inside the glass. “Whatever you want to give me, I’d be happy with.”
Ignoring that, she fell into another set of muscle memory. Even tired and irritated from the burn on her wrist, her hands never faltered as she made up a shot on each group. When the machine shouted itself awake, she watched as two twin porcelain espresso cups filled with darkness, noting the flow, the steam output, and the lack of grit in the pour. “Perfect,” she murmured to herself, satisfied with her work.
Osha assembled a drink to-go for him, sliding it over the bar. Unfortunately, muscle memory took over again, and she shouted, “I have a two-shot Americano at the bar for—oh my god, I’m so sorry, that was so loud.”
He threw his head back and laughed almost as loud as her barista voice had been. That toothy grin was back, and his hair fell into his eyes when he sat back again. “Thank you, I’m oh my god I’m sorry that was so loud, yes.” Their hands brushed again when she realized she hadn’t let go of the cup yet.
“I know it’s pretty late for caffeine, but it’s the least I could do,” she said, a little bashful. His laugh was nice. His smile was nice. He was nice.
He didn’t hesitate to bring the drink to his lips and take a sip, eyes locked with hers. All at once, her mouth went dry, and her blood sang. The smile evolved into a smirk when he set the coffee down again. “Never too late for me. I hardly sleep.”
“I know what that’s like,” Osha sighed, cleaning and shutting the machine down for the night. “I hope that drink’s okay.”
“It’s my usual.”
“No wonder you can’t sleep if your usual is twice the amount of caffeine normal people have.”
“The power of two is a potent high.” He shrugged.
“That’s a slippery slope to tread, stranger. It took me a while to quit.”
“Are you saying I’m an addict?”
Osha almost blanched at his words until she saw the playful tilt of his head. “I’m saying indulgence is a dangerous path.”
He shrugged. “Semantics.”
With the machine shut down for the night, she started flicking off the lights. The stranger took the hint, edging toward the front door.
When the main lights were off, he stood silhouetted against the storefront, snow swirling darkly around him like a smoky aura. He’d pulled up his hood; it gave him a more menacing outline than she’d thought him capable of. Like this, she couldn’t see the goofy smile or the glasses, the glittering dark eyes. He’d shed all of the attributes that made him approachable and safe.
And still, she was not afraid.
She walked to him, nearly shoulder-to-shoulder by the time he turned. “Thank you, Osha,” he said. The soft light from outside cast his features in sharp planes of shadow, concealing most of his features save his nose, lips, and chin.
“Don’t mention it,” she said softly, feeling trapped in a bubbled moment she didn’t want to leave. She’d reflect on this later; she wouldn’t scorn herself for doing what felt right in the moment.
His lips quirked in a half-smile she couldn’t resist returning. “I’ll see you around.”
And then he left in a blast of swirling snow and cold.
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Sfw Headcanons of Dating Jack Skellington
This man is so sweet fr fr, he needs a hug 🖤
[WARNING: mentions of horror movies]
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🖤 boi where do i start lel
🦴 Mans is a big cuddler
🧡 like for real, hes so sweet
🦴 Lots of kisses from this big boi
🖤 Like, for real, hes the most affectionate thing out there
🦴 king of the pumpkin patch, AND romance
🧡 Will scare anyone who makes you sad or angry. And he won't scare you unless you tell him you're okay with it.
🦴 hes a huge flirt. Like, the BIGGEST flirt out there
🖤 make things for him, HE'LL LOVE IT
🦴 hell, he loves you
🧡 Jack makes the best Cider and Hot Cocoa
🦴 His favorite thing to do for a date, is getting caramel corn and going for a walk with you under all of the trees.
🖤 the sun shining through the orange, yellow, and red leaves makes for a beautiful atmosphere
🦴 yall play fetch with Zero too :3
🧡 Wear a skeleton costume :)
🦴 He will either, 1: find it funny, 2: be confused, or 3: be flustered
🖤 I have no idea why, but i headcanon that Jack can play the piano and cello. I have no idea why but it just fits imo
🦴 Sing with him :D
🧡 wait- you expect me to not headcanon a disney character to be musical??... you're insane LMFAO
🦴 Pumpkin bread with chocolate chips is one of Jack's favorite things, if you like baking, make this for him lol
🖤 If you don't live with him and in a seperate house he will walk you home every single time, doesn't matter if you live next door or not.
🧡 Speaking of which, he's pretty protective of you, but not to the point where its suffocating
🦴 So its basically canon that he knows how to sew right, thats straight up.
🦴 he makes monster plushies with it AND NOBODY CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE
🧡 Like c'mon now, how can you own a sewing machine and NOT make plushies?!?! Its UNHEARD of /j
🦴 Have autism? Or anything similar to it?? HE STIMS WITH YOU!!! (Its because he thinks its fun :3)
🦴 Annoy Jack with bone puns, his reactions are priceless 🤣
🖤 His pet names for you are, Dear, Darling, and Pumpkin
🧡 He likes horror movies, if they're too much for you to handle, thats okay. Jack can always settle for less scary movies.
🦴 His favorites are The Descent, the Saw movies, Trick r' Treat (He thinks Sam is adorable), Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (because of the nostalgia from the books), and the Fear Street movies
🖤 If you can't handle those scary movies he'll watch mellow ones with you. Like Hocus Pocus, Spooky Buddies, Halloween Is Grinch Night, etc.
🦴 He loves animals... spooky ones.
🧡 This boi wants a Bat, Frog, Tarantula, Snake, Black Cat, or maybe another ghost dog :)
🦴 As long as its not venomous
🖤 It'd be nice for Zero to have another playmate :D
🦴 okay so, while this talks about snuggling in bed and body anatomy, this isn't in a nsfw way so bear with me here lol
🧡 While yall are snugglin, you can flick his ribs to make them sound like a xylophone. You can totally play a song 🤣
🦴 Hes totally interested in your muscles, fat, and skin
🖤 like ???? How tf are you so squishy?!
🦴 He's not complainin though, he loves you how you are <3
🧡 He has cute lil monster outfits for you, Jack lets you pick out your clothes but he just has them for you just in case :)
🦴 Okay so... lets get one thing straight (unlike me LMFAO)
🖤 As a monster, Jack doesn't need to sleep, but he does.
🦴 But this means sometimes he doesn't sleep at all and just wanders around the house at 3 A.M.
🧡 and its actually lowkey scary when you run into him at those times
🦴 He just looks way scarier than usual without even trying. And oh my gosh.
🖤 There have been MULTIPLE times where Jack accidentally scared you half to death while you were looking for a snack 🤣
🦴 When all is said and done, Jack Skellington is a really sweet dude who means well. A very loving person :)))
Thanks for Reading,
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chelseypprimrose · 1 year
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My Little Hatefuck / Negan x Rhee!Reader / 18+
Summary: You hate the man who killed your brother in cold blood, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to fuck him.
Warnings: fight scene between reader and Negan (they love each other really kinda.) usual rough/hate sex themes, talk of death/murder, choking, minimal foreplay (there’s walkers right outside the door wtf do you expect lol), use of belt and rope, denial of feelings, not proof read.
A/N: i’ve left the ending open to a part two as the request was for the reader to have feelings for negan as well so this could potentially be explored in the next part if people want it. 🤍 i just hit 1,000 on one of my previous stories so i just want to say a massive thank you to you all! i only started writing again a couple months ago and i’ve been welcomed back in with sm love, i love the twd community 🤍 enjoy x
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that whistle, that goddamn whistle.
like a lamb to the slaughterhouse, you had been in attendance enough to know what happens after that high pitched sound. it taunted you, haunted your dreams, the visual of your brothers eye popped out of the socket, crimson blood dripping from his dented skull down his face as tears rolled down his cheeks. that last whimper of a sentence, a lasting promise to his pregnant wife of once finding her again.
your own tears running free as well, his body finally slumping to the ground as Negan gave his final swift hit to your brothers skull, bits of his smushed flesh flying off the end of the barb wired bat. you’d grimaced, not being able to look at it, not wanting to face the reality that your only remaining blood relative was now gone, after all the shit you’d had to get through to survive this cursed world, for it to be for nothing, to be taken out by a evil and egotistical creature trying to prove a point.
he’d never be able to see his baby grow, never be around to hear their first giggle, see their first steps, it pained your heart just to think of it. you weren’t just thinking of it now though, it had become your reality.
you’d pushed yourself up off your knees, screaming bloody murder, getting fingertips away from grasping his now blooded up leather jacket before his sidekick lackey had grabbed you around your waist, pulling you away from him with a swiftness, your legs reaching out to try and kick Negan in the chest.
“someday, you monster! someday i’ll fucking kill you! you’ll be begging me to slit your throat when i’m fucking done with you.”
he’d just laughed at your anger, staring you down with a certain glint in his eye that you couldn’t understand.
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a couple months down the line, you were still hurting. becoming the saviours personal bitches hadn’t sat right with you. you were secretly seething with Rick for allowing them to use you all as a personal doormat, Negan had well and truly broken him down to a shadow of what he once was. this man had ripped out someone’s throat with only his teeth before, but now all he did when they visited was back down and cower away from them. you’d tried to remind yourself that he was just trying to keep you all safe, including his own family. it was hard for you to stomach, Rick still had his family, still had his son, you had no one. with Maggie being sent to hilltop, you had no one that knew what you were going through, everyone hurt after Glenn’s passing but nowhere near how you felt.
he kept coming around, that stupid fucking bat sat on his shoulder, even making Rick hold it, having to bite your tongue to keep you from saying something that would get either yourself or someone else killed. always looking at him with fire in your eyes, unrestrained anger and hatred. he never looked at you the same way though, that unknown glint still shining through.
you wanted to scream at him again, wanted to wrap your hands around his throat and watch him squirm, watch his eyes flicker at the realisation he was going to die at the hands of you. it was one of the thoughts that kept you going, gave you a reason to see this through, you had nothing tying you to Alexandria anymore other than your relationships with those you’d travelled this journey with, they’d told you time and time again that you were family, while you knew what they said was true, it just wasn’t the same as having your brother fighting by your side. they’d supported you as best they could given the situation, you hadn’t had to cook in weeks, Rick always allowing you to deny going on supply runs, you would outright refuse. you needed something to keep you busy and taking out your anger on the undead was therapeutic.
you missed the stupid jokes he’d tell you when he could tell you were sad, not leaving your side until you were laughing along with him. the way his eyes had lit up when he told you he was expecting a child, engulfing him into a massive hug at the news.
you’d been looking over maggie’s false grave around the back of the compound, it being the closest thing you could get to being at your own brother’s grave at hilltop. even knowing she was alive, it still pained you to see a grave dedicated to her, made you realise that’s how you’d all end up eventually, if Negan was to be victorious.
you had felt his eyes over you for the past couple minutes, it taking everything in you to try and ignore his presence. you let out a sarcastic, angry sigh while crossing your arms over your chest. “can i help you at all? or are you just gonna keep staring at me?” you piped up, shuffling some of the dirt underneath your foot. he lowly chuckles, his heavy footsteps getting closer to you before you felt the leather of his jacket swipe against your arm, making you flinch slightly away from him. your skin burnt with anger, taking a deep breath in through your mouth and out of your nose as you fought your natural reaction to pounce on him, you’d thought of this scenario time and time again.
how you’d slit his throat, watch him bleed out like a stuffed pig, laughing as the tears would slowly roll down his cheeks. how he’d beg you for his life, how he’d apologise for what he had done, falling to the ground in desperation, his breathing getting shallow the more he bled out. his deep voice pulled you out of your comforting thoughts.
“damn tragedy. that’s what this is.” he tutted, leaning down on his knees, examining maggie’s tombstone. you scoffed, how dare he! even if he didn’t know that she wasn’t really dead, if she would have died, it would have been a direct consequence of the pain he’d put her through to begin with.
“don’t act like you give a shit about her. you sure as hell didn’t give a shit when you were bashing her husbands skull in.” he tilted his head up to look at you, you holding his gaze, the last thing you were going to do was cower to him like the rest of Alexandria had become accustomed to doing.
“you are such a damn spitfire doll, you know that! you ain’t like the rest of them are you sweetheart?” he rose to his feet, now towering over you again. “talking back to me like that! knowing damn well i could take lucille to that pretty little head of yours. don’t think i haven’t forgotten about that night, you threatened to kill me! right in front of my saviours, now that… that took balls. so tell me doll, are you brave or just fucking stupid?”
now it was your turn to laugh.
“i suppose you’ll find out Negan… when i finally see it through.”
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you were sick of it, having to watch as those vultures loaded up their vans with supplies you had scavenged for, risked life and limb to keep yourselves afloat. as the male saviours look at you, eyes taking over your body, you didn’t even want to think about what filthy fantasies they were having in their minds. it made you feel sick to your stomach, the end of the world had only allowed for people to act upon those depraved thoughts and desires with no fear of police enforcement or consequences of their behaviour, practically a free for all.
you could see Negan in the distance, using his bat as a pointer stick, directing his band of merry fuckwads towards what he wanted to take back with him, he’d already cleared out your homes, mattresses, food, weapons. you name it, he’d got his dirty paws on it.
after your little tête-à-tête with the man himself earlier, you felt accomplished. you weren’t going to hide the truth, how when the time was right you’d have no problem killing him where he stood. you wanted the thought to run around in his subconscious, that threat always lingering in the back of his mind.
you imagined that running such a ‘successful’ group had probably given him the inflated ego akin to a military captain, meaning he was lured into a sense of false security. who would dare question his authority? knowing what he could do to them.
you watched as he exchanged words with rick before getting into the front leading grey truck, his eyes scanned the crowd that had gathered around the trucks before landing on you, leaning back into the seat relaxed, a grin on his face as he tipped his head towards you like he was wearing a cowboy hat, slapping the side of the truck commanding the driver to start driving away.
you turned back towards your house, preparing yourself to assess the damage of what those brutes had done to your personal property. you’d expected to see all your possessions destroyed, your picture frames on the floor, glass everywhere. your favourite blanket you’d carried with you since the start taken with no care to the sentimental value it held for you. the bookshelves to be pulled over and broken, your collection of books you’d accumulated over the years to be stripped away from you, one of the only activities that made you feel somewhat like you were back in the world before the apocalypse.
as you walked through the threshold, you were shocked to find that it was like nothing had been touched? no damages to anything, your belongings were just as you had left them. the pictures of you and your brother were still on top of the non working fireplace you had in the lounge, your blanket left neatly folded as you had folded it this morning after you woke up. making your way upstairs, you checked your bedroom, you almost couldn’t believe that your bed was still there, mattress and all, the only difference being a small crumpled bit of paper that had been poorly smoothed out, the deep crinkles still very much there. you picked it up, seeing scribbled handwriting in black ink.
“i’m not always a bad guy.
- N”
you allowed a small smile to creep on your face, before it left just as quickly, the guilt eating you alive. was this an apology? a peace offering? he must have known this was your place from the various pictures of you and glenn darted around the rooms.
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you were on your back, large hunting knife still strapped to your front, the wind causing the dust to create a fog of dirty air. it had all gone to shit so quickly, from the kingdom and hilltop storming Alexandria at the last minute to save Carl from being killed at the hands of Negan, running up on Negan at the Sanctuary, Gregory turning on the hilltop, obviously scared of Negan and the Saviours.
you had no clue where anyone was, the walkers now taking over the lower bay of the Sanctuary, you’d been diverted every which way, just trying to find salvation before you accidentally tripped over your own feet, trying to scramble away to safety.
picking yourself up you saw a outhouse like building a couple minutes run away, weighing your options you hauled towards it, pushing walkers away from you before grasping the handle, flinging the door open and running inside. as you turned and slammed the door behind you, the light dwindling leaving you with barely any vision. you bent forward, hands on your knees trying to desperately catch your breath back.
slumping towards the wall, you allowed your body to rest, the smell of dirty walkers invading your nostrils accompanied by the moans and groans of them as well. you hoped everyone had managed to get away okay, the feeling of anxiety overwhelmed your body at the unknown fate of your peers.
you’d finally managed to get your breathing back to normal, feeling slightly more relaxed than you did, getting up off the dirty floor to survey your surroundings and start planning how in the hell you were going to get out of this fucking mess. you’d noticed some basic supplies scattered around, a bit of rope, a small half filled bottle of water and a rusty crowbar. you pocketed the rope and took a sip of the lukewarm water before throwing the bottle back onto the ground.
formulating your plan of action was abruptly cut short when the door you’d entered from burst open without warning, you’d grabbed for your knife again, pointing it towards the figure who’d just entered. the light coming through the door again blinded you for a few moments before shutting again, your eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. the heavy panting of the shadowy figure sounded all too familiar.
you could have thanked god in that moment, that he had delivered you just the person you’d hoped would have run out of luck, all packaged up with a pretty bow on top. it was only Negan, looking absolutely distressed and out of breath, obviously having had to fight off walkers, just the same as you. you carefully stepped further into the corner, trying to keep out of sight, formulating your next movements. you could finally do it, finally get him back, remove him off the face of the earth so ‘Negan and the Saviours’ were no longer anything more than a minor blip in history.
“god-fucking-damn it!” he growled, his tone angry, slamming his bat into the metal wall, making it wobble under the force of the smack. you could see his thoughts running at a mile a minute, the same look of ‘how the fuck do i get out of this one?’ that you’d had on your face only a couple minutes prior.
as his back turned towards you, you decided to go for it, leaping from your hiding spot, your heart beating out of your chest, you shoved him down onto his knees, a gruff sound of his breath hitching at the force, his precious weapon falling to the side of him.
you laid your entire weight on his back, your hands digging into his shoulders, your knife clattering on the metal floor just at the side of you, forcing him onto his stomach, your knee pressed deep into his lower back to deny him getting up. the element of surprise had made this all too easy.
“who the fuck are you?” he grunted out, trying to throw you off his back, your knee now shaking at how forcefully you were digging it into him.
“i told you i’d fucking kill you.” you spat at him, his body tensing up as your voice hit his ears. he gave a breathless, sarcastic chuckle.
“well…well…well, fancy bumpin’ into you doll! tell me, how’s ricks big master-fucking-plan working out for you?”
“brilliantly, considering you are now a second away from me slitting your throat.”
Negan pushed up with almighty force, putting you off balance, capitalising on your shock, he whipped around, coming down on top of you, your legs forced open as he parted them with his large frame, now holding you down, your arms above your head pushed into the ground.
“when i imagined us in this position doll, it wasn’t in a goddamned metal tin can, i can tell you that much.”
you growled at the idea - that he’d imagined you in such a compromising position. hearing this, you manoeuvred your legs to having your feet on his chest, pushing him over with all your force. he landed on his back with a thud, slightly yelping out at the pain.
you planted yourself on top of him, straddling his lower body, grabbing your knife and holding it just under his chin.
“you know, i’ve been thinking of this for months. why’d you have to do it, Negan? why?! my only family still breathing, butchered down by the likes of you! he was going to be a father! you tore me apart and laughed in the process. you think leaving me my stuff means i forgive what you did to me?!” you sneered at him, your rage now taking over, hot tears starting to pool in your eyes as the pain of what he’d done to you got too much to hide.
you expected him to laugh at you, just as he had before, planning to go out the way he had always been, cold hearted and evil. you were met with the exact opposite, he looked defeated, like the mask he used to hide had been ripped off.
“if i could take it back i would.” your eyes went wide, that wasn’t what you were expecting him to say. you pressed the knife a little harder into his chin, a small gash created under the pressure.
“i mean it doll, if i’d known he was your brother… i never would have touched him.” you almost dropped the knife, his confession hitting you.
“why? why am i any different to the other sisters?! the other family members of the people you’ve butchered, killed, fucking murdered? all for some pathetic little crusade? we’ve got enough fucking problems with the dead coming back to eat our asses!”
he sighed, putting his gloved hand on the blade, raising his eyebrows to indicate he wanted you to move it so he could sit up properly. you moved slow, with caution, ready to pounce again if this was some sort of false pretence. you allowed him to sit forward, his arms now coming out to balance himself, palms sat flat on the ground.
your chest now pressed up against his, as he looked you directly in your eyes, the hint of fear gone from his face. you should have killed him when you could, the guilt now entering your heart as he looked at you with such intensity.
“because, i see a headstrong, independent and straight up badass woman who doesn’t take shit from any fucker. i’d just beat the shit out of rick, cracked the holy hell out of two of your people and you still had the guts to threaten to slit my fucking throat.” you clasped his leather jacket under your hands, while still holding your knife at a downward angle, the blade sat on his thigh.
“and it also helps that you.. sweetheart - are one of the sexiest women i’ve ever seen this side of the apocalypse.”
your heart swooned, fuck you shouldn’t have been thinking like this.
he was the enemy, the man who had tormented you and your people for months on end, he’d killed your relative, for god sake! but in this moment, when all the theatrics, the violence, the destruction was taken away and it was the two of you staring into each other’s eyes, you didn’t care about that. you knew he was going easy on you, he could have grabbed Lucille with little to no effort and bashed your skull in, leaving you for dead but he didn’t. he was sat here with you, allowing you to be on top, in the power position.
you let your intrusive thoughts get the better of you, allowing the knife to slip from your grasp, one of your hands coming to cup his cheek, planting a long kiss on his lips. the attraction was there, you knew it, you’d known it since you laid eyes on him but everything in your soul told you it was wrong, it was borderline sinful to be so attracted to a man who had done such horrible things to people you cared the most about. you’d be banished if your people could see you now… but you didn’t fucking care.
when your lips separated, you felt his fingertips brush against your thighs, his hands gripping at your ass. Negan kissed your jawline, moving to the base of your neck, finally pressing his lips into the hollow of your throat, sending chills through to your spine. gently nibbling on your earlobe, you heard yourself softly moan, almost trying to repress your pleasure. you involuntarily started squirming your hips slightly in response to his actions.
“you are a real bastard - but you are going to give me this. i deserve this, Negan.”
he removed his hand from your ass, reaching around shrugging your thin jacket off your shoulders, followed by pulling your white top over your head, exposing your bra to him. you hastily reached around yourself, unhooking your bra, letting it fall into your lap before Negan moved it to the side of you. his hands then explored your chest, leaving harsh bites in a trail from your neck down to your breasts.
his tongue began tantalising your nipples one at a time, circling them, flicking back and forth across them - then kissing and sucking on them. his hand slipped to your jeans, unbuttoning them, pulling the zip down, caressing your pussy, slipping in-between your lips, finding your clit and harshly pressing down on it. he kissed his way back up your upper body, going over your neck, jawline and then back to your lips. he was still circling your clit, you tugged at his belt, slipping it open and pulling it out of its loops.
lifting yourself up you pulled his jeans down just enough to expose his erect, strong, and fucking big cock.
“i guess you are allowed to have such a annoyingly big ego.” you stated, Negan being brought out of his trance to grin at your statement.
looking at it sent a chill through you, the words you gave out were starting to get drowned out by the noises of the walkers outside the four walls, reminding you they could burst through at anytime. you momentarily rolled back off him, the loss of pressure on your clit making you whine out, pulling your jeans fully off.
you looked back at Negan, his glove glistening with your wetness as he put his hand into his mouth, tasting you.
“you taste fucking delicious doll.” he leaped forward, causing you to now be on your back, the same position he had you in earlier, running his hands over your breasts again, towering over you to kiss you, tasting yourself on his tongue.
slipping a hand between your bodies, you began stroking his cock, the pre cum dripping down onto your hand. supporting himself on one elbow, he took over your hands position on his cock, moving to line himself up. you felt the head of his cock probing your pussy, teasing your entrance. he moved his hips forward pushing his cock into into you, a loud moan escaping your lips.
once he’d positioned himself just right, Negan slid his arms under your back, supporting himself on his elbows while holding you in position. he began taking long but hard thrusts, almost ripping you apart. you raised your legs behind his back, crossing your ankles behind him. you twisted your hips, joining him to meet his thrusts, a grinding motion of your own. he took one hand off your back, causing your body to slump a bit as you propped yourself up on your elbow replacing yourself in the position. his hand he’d moved grasped your throat, just as hard as he was thrusting his hips into you.
“i might be a bastard doll, but you can’t deny those pretty slut noises you are making right now. you feel so good wrapped around my cock.”
you whimpered at his dirty mouth, you weren’t even in a good enough headspace to rebuke what he had claimed.
he continued to drill into you, you felt yourself shiver as the feeling built up inside your core. that pleasurable feeling you hadn’t felt in a good long while, never bothering to find love in such a fucked up world, no matter how many urges you had. you used your free hand to start circling your clit, trying to race to finish first, you knew the danger of staying here for too long. the pressure of his hand on your throat, the force of him continuing to rutt into you, your walls grasping him in a death grip.
“come on doll, i can feel it, cum for me. come on!”
he gave three sudden hard drives through you, joined with the pulsating of his cock you could feel deep inside you. your legs tightened around his torso out of reflex as your head threw back, the ecstasy laced sensation finishing you off as a few profanities slipped out of your mouth.
he followed behind you, as you felt him pull out, coating your inner thigh with his spend. he kept a hold of you as you both tried to catch your breath, the realisation of what you’d done hitting you just as hard as your orgasm had. you felt disgusted with yourself, not that you’d had sex but who’d you’d had sex with. you had let yourself get swept away with the pleasure, the carnal need to get yourself off and now you’d done something you could never take back.
you grabbed your jeans, pulling them back up your legs and re-buttoning them up. grabbing your bra, you readjusted it back on your body along with your top and jacket as well.
“why the rush doll?” fuck, you’d almost forgot he was even there.
“well, it might be something to do with the impending walkers at the fucking door, Negan… or the fact i just had sex with probably the worst choice of person i could have ever had sex with?”
his face dropped at that, “come on doll, did the pouring of my heart out earlier not change your mind about me? i’m not a fucking asshole, i’m just someone trying to protect the people who look to me to protect them.”
that caught the attention from your actions, you looked at him, still sat on the ground, his now flaccid cock laying on his lower stomach.
you scoffed, putting your hands in your pockets, feeling the rope still place there, you had to move fast.
you made your way over to him, cupping his face lovingly, making it seem like you were going to kiss him, before shoving the rope in his mouth, tying it tightly around the back of his head, his eyes widening at your actions.
shoving him around with all your force onto his stomach, you grabbed his discarded belt, looping it at his elbows, pulling the belt through the buckle and popping it onto the tightest hole there was. Negan struggled against you, trying his best to fight out of the belt you’d caged him with, his post orgasm energy wasn’t enough coupled with the pain now shooting through his manhood at the force you’d pushed him down at.
you pulled him up, he was resting on his knees, the same position he’d had you all on the night at the RV all those months ago. you couldn’t deny the full circle moment left a sweet taste on your tongue.
you grabbed your knife, sheathing it back in place, before turning back to look at him once more.
“plea-se don’t, i want you to be with me!” he said, at least that’s what you think he’d said, the words coming out all muffled from the rope being in his mouth.
you laughed.
“oh i’m sorry? did you think that just because i let you into my panties, i was going to spare your life? oh no honey, i’ll let the walkers have at you.” you bent down to his face, giving him a patronising kiss on the cheek, he was still rutting around trying to get out of the restraints as he looked at you murderously. “let’s hope they tear that big cock of yours off your body first.” you moved to the exit, winking at him.
“although, if by some miracle you escape this? come find me, you know where i’ll be. this? this has been fun.”
you pulled your knife out, hand on the door, ready to fight your way through however many remained outside, leaving some for dear old negan though.
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
what are your personal favorite headcanons for meta knight?
Boy, oh BOY am I glad you asked!! You have unleashed me!!
First of all, I am very much Team White-Eyed Meta!!! (And his pretty pink cheeks!!!!!) -slams my drawing from last year on the table as exhibit A-
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I respect everyone on Team Yellow-Eyed Meta since that's what is technically canon. But I just think drawing white eyes is so fun and pretty to look at... My first Kirby game was Squeak Squad and I was so mesmerized by his pretty white eyes when they were revealed for that split second! I'd replay that boss fight a bunch as a kid just to see them.
So yeah, I have the power to be in denial about a few facts for my own amusement and that's one of them. Draw and consume the content that makes you happiest, friends!! :P
About his backstory and origins, I don't have any solid headcanons of my own since I really like seeing other people's takes on it! Being Dark Matter-born, made by Nightmare, blending anime and game lore together, etc. There's so much I enjoy! His mysterious past can be frustratingly open-ended but at least it's given a lot of people the opportunity to be super creative!
I do like to think he gets more enjoyment out of a good, honest battle than he likes to let on. I mean, it's what he's best at! He fights for fun! An entire arena was built for him in Waddle Dee Town!
...So speaking of fighting, I've been doing some thinking about his powers... Like a lot of thinking. This is what I really wanna talk about!!
He's got some good old-fashioned, hard-earned skill with a sword. Probably from years of training. But his more powerful attacks use a lot of wind and electricity. That's why I think Meta Knight has the power of Storms.
Some examples of his use of wind:
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One of his signature moves is Mach Tornado, after all!
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Now, the bat effect to his spin in RtDL Deluxe kinda puzzles me. It just looks cooler I guess. This is a dude who put his face on his airship so why not have tiny bat particles come from your signature moves? Could just be a natural evolution of his power growing stronger, teehee.
Anyway, here are some examples of his use of electricity: (This man has a LOT of electric effects in his attacks!)
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So much electricity!! Zappo! Bzzzzt!
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And as a bonus, when Meta unsheathes Galaxia in the anime it materializes from lightning. THAT IS DOPE AS HELL. I don't personally subscribe to much of the anime lore, but I eat this detail UP.
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Next, I used to think Meta had telekinesis because of Star Allies. All that purple aura when he lifts the rocks seems like solid evidence.
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But then he does the same move in Forgotten Land and he's actually lifting the rocks with wind!! And a lot of it!! So his mastery of wind is significant to me! Probably helps him fly better too! I think his use of wind could certainly give his opponents the impression that he has telekinesis and psych them out a bit!
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Finally, I used to think his duplication move was because of the Jamba Heart in Star Allies but I realized he does this in the Kirby Mass Attack mini game (whose canonicity is probably up for debate, but hey.) I'm willing to hear someone else out for an explanation because I'm stumped! Lol :P
....So yeah!! TLDR I think he is a swordsman with the power of Storms!
I'm interested to see other people's takes on him, this is just what I've made up for myself, haha! Either way, I love Meta Knight and he is super cool!! Thanks for reading!!
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Part 5
This is for @goodolefashionedloverboi and @zerokrox-blog who while I was writing this said the same thing Robin does in this in the comments of part 3. “Eddie this isn’t high school anymore, shut up!!” LOL! Thanks for the laughs, guys.
Also originally I had a darker meeting with Joyce (she tells him that if something else happens involving him {the fight with Michelle and the seizure being the first two strikes} he be out of the class) but then I realized Joyce would never. So she didn’t.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Robin’s feet ached as she makes her way to her apartment. Diamond worked the bar to help Opal out, but Steve was missed. Diamond could tend and often did, but it didn’t have the flare Steve did when he slung drinks. Not that Opal was bad either, but again...she was biased and she missed her Steve.
She was so focused on getting home that she nearly ran someone over in her rush.
“Oh shit!” she said, trying to untangle herself from the poor person.
“Buckley?” a voice above her asked.
She looked up to see Eddie holding her up to keep her from falling to the ground.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Robin asked as she finally got her feet under her. “If you followed Alice and Steve back here, I’ll call cops. Don’t think I won’t.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he said holding his hands up in surrender. “For starters I live it that building over there.” He pointed at the building across from her and Steve’s apartment. “I moved in last month.”
Robin eyed him suspiciously. “You aren’t here to harass Steve?”
Eddie frowned. “When did you get so far up King Steve’s ass? I knew you in band, you hated him as much as I did.”
Robin put her hands on her hips. “Look, yes Steve was an ass in high school, but he changed. And you don’t get go throwing the past in his face. It’s been five years, man. Let. It. Go.”
Eddie shrugged. “You have that girl take Steve back to your apartment because Loch Nora is too far away?” At her blank expression. “You know when you insinuated that I followed him here?”
Robin frowned. “Steve and I live together...” she said slowly as if she was talking to an idiot.
“I didn’t think Harrington was your type, Buckley,” he said, raising an eyebrow knowingly.
“He’s not and he knows that, too,” she defended.
“We are talking about the guy who slung the slurs ‘queer’ and ‘fag’ around like his stupid baseball bat, right?” Eddie growled.
“It’s been years!” she bit back. “Let. It. Go.”
Eddie just threw his arms in the air. “Whatever, I need to get home.” And he stalked off toward the building he said was his.
Robin watched as he ran up the stairs, biting her lip. She was going to have to tell Steve about their new neighbor.
Robin opened the door to their apartment to see Steve on the couch reading, the only light on in the place is the lamp above him.
“Shit, the seizure cause a migraine?” she whispered as slipped out of her coat and shoes.
He nodded and set the book down. “So it’s a good thing I got you to call me in.”
She nodded and sat down next to him. “I missed you.”
Steve nodded and curled up against her side. “I called Dr Thompson and set up an appointment. I shouldn’t be seizing after just one missed dose.”
“Yeah,” Robin agreed, threading her fingers through his hair. “It really scared me.”
“I’m glad you were there,” he murmured. “Did Joyce call you?”
She sighed. As much as she would like to lie and tell him yes. He needed to know the truth. “It was Eddie.”
Steve huffed a bitter laugh. “I guess he’s not a complete ass. He just doesn’t like me.”
“Yeah, well,” she grumbled. “He also lives in the building across from us.”
Steve straightened up to look her in the eye. “Are you being serious right now?”
“Yup!” she said, popping the P. “Met him outside just now.”
He cuddled back up to her side. “I just have to last six months and then I’m gone.”
“I’ll beat him up if he says anything to you,” she growled. “I swear it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the stress of him being an ass was what caused your seizure.”
Steve sighed heavily. She was probably right was the problem. Dr Thompson was going to ask about stressors and Eddie Munson was going to have to go on the list.
She stroked his hair until he fell asleep against her.
Eddie didn’t have band practice the next night, so he offered to pick Chrissy up from work. Which she gratefully accepted. When he pulled up to the bar, standing next to her was a large, burly man in a white pinstripe suit. He looked like the comic book character the Kingpin come to life. The only thing he was missing was a gigantic cigar to chew on.
When Eddie pulled up to the curb, Chrissy waved at the man before climbing in.
As he pulled out of the parking lot he asked, “Who was that, then?”
Chrissy smiled. “That’s my boss, Diamond. He’s really nice. Sometimes if it’s too dark, he’ll walk me to the bus stop and stay with me until it comes.”
Eddie nodded. “Seems like a nice guy.”
Chrissy nodded. “They’ve all been great. Although apparently I haven’t met the weekend bouncer, Onyx and he’s not so nice.”
He hummed. “Well, he wouldn’t be a very good bouncer if he was nice.”
She laughed. “That’s what Garnet said.”
“Garnet is the guy you’re training to take over for?” Eddie asked, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music in his head.
Chrissy grinned. “He’s really nice. And despite the silly rule of not knowing who we are outside of work, he still really close with most of the crew.”
Eddie grinned back. “So a real mother hen, huh?”
Chrissy shrugged. “I mean, I guess. I think the only reason he hasn’t offered to drive me home after work is that Diamond would frown on it.”
He licked his lips slowly. “I’m glad you got this job, sweetheart. It seems like you’re going to do great.”
They were silent in the van for awhile.
“Oh!” Chrissy said suddenly. “You have to come to open mic night!”
Eddie deflated. “A posh place like The Queen’s Crown isn’t going to want to listen to a bunch of washed up metalheads.”
Chrissy pushed at his shoulder. “Apparently lots of big name bands have gotten their start at The Queen’s Crown. What harm would it do to try? You get up there, play three songs, and leave. And maybe, just maybe Diamond will pick Corroded Coffin for one of his fancy gigs where actual fucking music producers show up.”
Eddie pulled over to the side of the road to look her in the eye. “Come again?”
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “Open mic night is one Saturday a month. And from that list of ten or so bands and solo artists, he picks three to show up and do a full set in front music producers. Not everyone gets a record deal, but they all get a chance.”
Eddie let out a shuddered breath. “Holy fuck, Chrissy.”
She kissed his cheek. “I thought you’d like that. Which is why I signed you guys up for the next one.”
Eddie blinked at her for a moment and then threw his arms around her tightly. “You’re the best!” He kissed her cheek. “Why didn’t we work out again?”
Chrissy laughed, pushing him off her. “Because I’m gay?”
Eddie laughed, too. “Oh, yeah. That’s right.” He grinned at her and then pulled back into traffic to take her home.
Steve showed up early to the next class as requested. He was so nervous. He was really worried that she was going to kick him out of her class. He was keeping his head down and his mouth shut. He didn’t want to take a summer class, because then he wouldn’t graduate in June and he’d lose his student teaching position.
Joyce waved him in. “Come in, come in.”
Steve shuffled in and closed the door behind him. He walked up to her desk.
“Pull up a chair,” she instructed.
He pulled out one of the stools and straddled it. “You wanted to speak to me?”
Joyce nodded. “How are you doing?”
Steve shrugged his shoulders. “I’m okay, I guess. I have an appointment with my neurologist next week to discuss what happened.”
She laced her fingers together and placed her hands on her desk. “How long has this been going on?”
Steve didn’t want to say, but she leveled her mom stare at him and he folded. “Since my second concussion about seven years ago.” And then silently begged her not to do the math.
But she did it anyway. “Ah. From your fist fight with Jonathan.”
Yup. Her oldest son had one hell of a right hook. “I’d rather you didn’t tell him that I have seizures because of that fight. He doesn’t need the guilt.”
She tilted her head and sighed gently. “You say it was your second concussion. When was your first?”
Steve cleared his throat and looked down at the floor. “When I was about one years old, my mom accidentally dropped me and I was rushed to the hospital. My neurologist tells me that when Jonathan hit me he knocked loose something from that first injury that caused the seizures and the migraines.”
“Oh, Steve...” she murmured. “That’s awful. I wish you boys would tell me what you were fighting over.”
Steve licked his lips. Yeah. He was going to take that little secret to his grave, thanks. The last thing he was going to tell Joyce, especially now that she was his teacher was that Steve had hit him when he caught Jonathan taking pictures of girls undressing. And Jonathan had hit back harder.
Him and Jonathan made up later. Steve got him to agree to never do that again, and he wouldn’t tell his mother that her sweet boy was a pervert.
Joyce shook her head. “Are you able to continue the class?” she asked after several long moments of awkward silence.
Steve nodded. “It was a fluke thing. I’ve had a lot of changes in my life recently and it activated my epilepsy. My doctor will probably adjust my dosage for awhile and then I’ll be back to normal.” He cocked his head to the side. “Or as normal as I get.”
Joyce nodded. “If you need anything let me know. I want to see you do well in this class.”
He sighed. “Yeah, I do too.”
She looked up at the clock. “All right, it’s about time for class to start, so go ahead and sit down. I’ll open the door.”
Steve got up and went to his seat. He watched as the other students filed in. That had gone better than he hoped it would. Robin would tell him that it was just his anxiety talking when he got like this. Didn’t stop his brain from filling in the worst doom’s day scenarios, though. 
Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Epilogue
Tag List: @artiststarme @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @itsall-taken @m-owo-n @zerokrox-blog @runyousillydetective @grimmfitzz @wonderland-girl143-blog @sapphirecobalt-1@scheodingers-muppet @victor-thee-corvid @apricottree @bookbinderbitch @sleepyboosstuff @biatcgh @pixiefallingupthestairs @grtwdsmwhr @thepainisspicy @carlyv @eboyawstenn @bisexualdisastersworld @bidisastersworld @abstractnaturaldisaster @evix-syne666 @nerdsconquerall @lololol-1234 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @a-little-unsteddie @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @elluminis @tailsfromthecrypt @danili666 @plyerice27 @alittlegreyfish  @n0-1-important @no-upper-limit-to-stupidity 
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alpineshift · 5 months
okay, I have no idea how coherent this is going to be, so bear with me, but here are my thoughts on jealous!Jack...
first and foremost, we must set the scene. I think my favorite thing about Devils games is that Nico is always finding himself in a situation. This is really due to the fact that he's always net front, always going into the dirty spaces, always in the midst of puck battles, and isn't afraid to use his skating ability to outsmart an opponent.
I'm thinking specifically of these moments: Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C.
and I'm just imagining Jack either on the ice or on the bench watching things like this happen all game, every game. Like Nico's a one man charm offensive right and he doesn't this turn this charm off on the ice or off the ice, and so Jack day in, day out, is not only seeing his own teammates fall all over themselves trying to impress Nico or get a head pat from Nico, but the media who are also a little bit in love with him, and now also dudes from other teams.
and you add this to Jack's mile long praise kink, and you get Jack being Jack and then all of his cellies especially from the 2022-2023 season involve him making sure to get his hugs/pats/praise/love from Nico. he loves that attention and he wants to make sure everyone out there knows that although Nico may be a charm machine, its Jack who Nico belongs to and vice versa.
casual possessive hand on Nico's number, skipping the celly line to go straight to Nico and then getting cockblocked by Colin Miller, casual possessive bear paws around Nico in the singles corner of a team photo, scooching across the bench to get his head pats
just love the idea of like Jack needing to balance the fact that he knows Nico is the Captain and he knows Nico needs to make time for all of the Devs boys, but Jack also wants his Nico all to himself.
and Nico always indulges him. every time Jack uses his stick to get Nico's attention, on the bench, during a celly, during a conference before a face off, after a game, any time Jack wants Nico's attention, Nico will always give it. its a symbiotic relationship.
but basically, everyone's a little bit in love with Nico right. like look at him. and look at how everyone in the league interacts with him. everyone's definitely a little in love with Nico, and Jack knows Nico only has eyes for him, but it does drive him a little bit bat shit that all of these people are constantly getting put under a spell by Nico's dimples and his cow eyes.
there's also this silly little headcanon I had back when Timo first joined the team last season about how Jack maybe felt a type of way about another guy joining the team that Nico has history/shared life experience with. maybe Jack decides to learn Swiss for like five minutes to try to understand what Timo and Nico are laughing about in Swiss German all the time.
I dunno, there's a lot going on in my noggin about this. its my absolute favorite because like Jack was THE boy at the USNTDP and everyone kind of circles around him and he's a first overall and on the Devils, the team, the media, the narratives circle around him. and you put that together with the magnetic pull of one Nico Hischier and oh boy whats Jack's brain doing now huh?
this is getting far too long, so I'm gonna just shut up now, very sorry for like word vomiting in your ask box, ahahaha!
trust me I have SO many thoughts about this. so many.
the way I am CHOWING DOWN on this...help me...I literally went and made myself a tea so I could tuck in and unspool your ask in its full glory. THANK YOU. this is my jealous jack bible now LOL
reading this has made me realize Nico is basically a capybara LOL. chill, cute, friend shaped, minds his own biz, universally beloved and makes buddies across all animal kingdoms. none of us are immune to the Nico CharmTM, least of all hockey players, least of all jack hughes. that backhug picture of them from the team gathering gets me every time. I love to see it.
the layers are there and they are so endearing. I'm living for your Timo headcanon bc I recently had the experience of seeing a Timo pic on the devil's social media and went "oh whoa holy shit he's good looking" so I can project this feeling onto Jack, who's torn between wow he's good looking to him and nico are real close and idk how to feel about that levels of internal conflict. meanwhile those two are just gabbing on about absolutely nothing of importance hfnshffn.
I love that you shared all this with me!! thank you!! I too can go on for days daydreaming of the lore and the webs and the intricacies!! come back whenever you want and leave more charming nuggets in my inbox ❤️
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Just one of those Mondays where you have a shit ton of stuff to do but you take the time to watch a Jikook reaction video
So, here's the thing. I don't usually do reaction videos. I have so much original content to go through I just don't get the time. Not to mention the constant walking on egg shells when it comes to talking about JM and JK and what the hell it is that goes on between them.
Sadly those that dared open their mouths were bullied to either stop talking about them or left YT all together, which is just utter crap.
In any case, @ffjj5 told me today that DT Parker, who's reaction to JK's last live I posted in my JK 28 July live post uploaded a Jikook reaction, doing this after he had watched that JK live. It peeked my interest and I went to see, because again, as much as I loved his reaction to JK's live, it felt like he was holding back.
So here you have me now writing a post about DT Parker's latest Jikook reaction, cause what can I say? It was entertaining, lol.
So thank you so much @ffjj5 💜💜
Let's start with his opening, why don't we?
He just goes for it right off the bat. "I'm a grown ass man and I will watch whatever I want to watch, and I want to watch this". He got the feels after JK's live. I mean, how can't you? And he knew that there will be those coming for him, because how dare he watch Jikook content? And it's not only TKKs though. He was addressing those asshole army holier than thou that he knew would be coming for him for "feeding the shippers". Pre-emptive strike is what he did. "You don't like it, here's the door fuckers" (well, those were my words, but his were pretty close, lol).
I'm not going to go through the full video, because you can all watch it. But only the highlights. Well the moments I found stuck out.
And the first one is, but of course, hickey-gate.
It starts out with "oh, that's a big bite mark" and pretty quickly went to "hey, that doesn't look like teeth marks...wink wink". Lmao. Priceless.
Oh, and this: "and I love Jin's face. Not buying it". So, he's telling us that either he, DT, isn't buying the bite story or it's Jin that isn't buying into that story. Either way he's saying that the bite story is ehm.. sus and it ain't no actual bite. Good for you DT. Good for you.
The silence, but definitely facial expressions, while watching RB. I don't blame him for not saying a word, lol.
But then he goes: "yeah, they are really touchy feely",
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Followed by: "extremely touchy feely... and the crazy thing is it doesn't look like a big deal to them...at all".
That's one way of putting it. And he knows it, lol.
And then he backtracks, like A LOT. The reason they are like that, the reason JM is more affectionate towards JK is because JK is most receptive to it. LOL. That's one way of saying that JK loves JM and JM loves JK. "JK will give it right back". What he isn't saying is that if JK is as receptive and giving, how come it's only between the two of them?
And the words, the explanations, they are coming out of his mouth, but his facial expressions, yeah, they are telling a different story, lol.
DT: "they can have a whole video on just ass...just ass play" - they sure can. Nailed it DT. "Ass play"... Lol.
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And after saying that, once again he pulls back. "It's being playful is all it is".
Seeing this is actually hilarious. His mental gymnastics to explain it off, lol.
"I think JM sees JK like his pet". Well, JM did say it himself. His toy too.
Oh, and then he says: "and vise versa"...ok. Gotcha. LMAO.
Again, all those words coming out of his mouth, and then we have the facial expressions...
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See, right here, he's silent, lol.
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Like, there are things you just cannot explain away...
He ends it with his 'analysis', lol. Ok then, JM is touchy feely and brings out the touchy feely in them all. But more so in Hobi and JK, and the most in JK. Good way of putting that one...
Obviously he 'forgot' by the end of the clip about the hickey or the ear sucking, cause man, those you just cannot write off as simply being touchy feely or reciprocity (a word he loves to use). So, I guess it's easier to put those aside, ignore them and go down the "affectionate" path.
End of the day, his explanation as to why Jikook are the MOST is cause JK gives it back to JM the most. Yeah DT, it's called being boyfriends.
Look, obviously he won't say "they are a couple" out loud. Even if he has made that mental leap and thinks it, he won't say it. But what he does say is ever so many words is that they have a special bond. That there is something special between the two. And that is something that so many army are unwilling to say out loud. EVERYONE can see it. It's just them being either total wusses for not willing to admit to it, or homophobic shitters that are unwilling to admit to it. Either or. Take your pick.
All in all it was an enjoyable watch.
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fractualized · 1 year
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I finally got around to reading through another classic batjokes story: Lovers & Madmen, which takes place in Batman Confidential #7-12. I highly recommend it, particularly if you are interested in stories about Jack-era Joker. Batman first meets Jack at the tail-end of his first year as Batman, and we get all the batjokes goods, including plenty that aren't evident from the isolated panels that go around. (Plus cameos from aspiring med student Harleen Quinzel and aspiring asylum administrator Jonathan Crane.)
This isn't a full recap, so I hope my rambling will spur you to check it out.
(Beware of gore and suicidal ideations.)
The key thing to know from issue #7 is that Bruce's mission has been going incredibly well. He has been operating for only 42 weeks, and he can feel the city quieting down. He's so proud! So content!
And we can't have that. Enter Jack, goon for hire. Bruce comes across one of his murders and becomes obsessed with how clean the scene is, how little a trail there is to follow. He investigates and investigates and investigates and comes up with nothing to his dismay.
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Meanwhile Jack is also having a sad at a bar because there's no challenge or entertainment to his job anymore. :( Luckily a nice server gives him a little pep talk.
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Jack does give things another go at a bank robbery, but it's still no fun. He trips the alarm on purpose, but a shootout with the guards is no fun for him either. He's literally in the middle of asking a guard to kill him, when Batman finally shows up.
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"He's an idiot. I love him." Nothing like infatuation to restore your will to live. #8 opens with Jack being sure to leave Batman a thank you note before he escapes.
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And Jack must see the Bat again, and of course the only way to ensnare him is to commit a series of awful but perfect crimes. And Bruce is infuriated! Here he is taking out his frustrations on a mugger— with Jack watching from afar.
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Bruce is just so mad he's been unable to stop Jack, like, "All those books! All that preparation! But crime man keep criming?!"
Batman and Jack next meet at a charity gala planned by Bruce's love interest in this story, Lorna, and boy do things escalate. Jack picks Lorna as his hostage, threatening to shoot her so he can get away, and Bruce ends up grabbing another gun and shooting Jack's gun out of his hand. But then Jack just stabs her good, and while Bruce can't leave her to die, he doesn't just let Jack escape.
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Jack isn't even the goddamn Joker yet and Bruce has intentionally given him a Glasgow smile as punishment. And even more insane, is that Jack appears to verbally respond to Bruce's inner monologue.
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With Lorna slowly dying in the hospital, Bruce goes to a professional to try to figure out what it is about Jack that makes him seemingly unstoppable— and of course that professional is Jonathan Crane, and his professional opinion is basically, "dude that guy is clearly just insane and you're doomed to fail lol."
Oh yeah? Would an insane man be this untroubled about his face being cut open?
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"He'll have to pay for that. Then again… it's nice to feel something." Just summing up Joker's cycling feelings about Batsy in the years to come. lol
And here's the plot point that sticks out to me most, after years of reading Bruce stalwartly refuse to kill Joker, including in other versions of their first meeting:
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Bruce has been Batman for less than a year and he's already like, "Fuck it! I give up! This guy stabbed my new girlfriend and made me lose faith in books! He has to die!" In a short time, Jack has burrowed so deep under Bruce's skin that Bruce tosses away the one solid crime-fighting principle he has. It's oddly refreshing??
So Maletesta, who is a crime boss Jack stole from, takes some goons and captures Jack at the doctor's while he's unconscious from surgery. They then take Jack to a pharmaceutical plant, and Maletesta starts beating him while he's still out. Except Jack is actually awake and just kind of bored by the torture attempts and slipping back into ennui. This issue, #10, really goes into Jack's struggle between wanting to live but not feeling there's anything worth living for.
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As you can see, Jack does eventually escape his bonds to fight back. As he and Maletesta fight, they end up in the bottom of the vat.
Meanwhile, Bruce is being quietly insane.
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Bruce. Bruce, what the fuck are you talking about. I have to unspool this because like, Bruce knows Jack has killed lots of people. But what he's fretting about is the ways Jack's madness has metaphysically harmed the world, maybe, and thinking, "I know he's caused so much damage, but what about the damage to my moral integrity?!" and putting that above all the material harm. I know Bruce already does this all the time, but it feels so much more explicit here, and it gets worse, and just... Sir. Sir. You are not well.
So Bruce arrives at the plant too late to save Jack but just in time to see him get doused in chemicals.
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Jack spends more time thinking on whether or not he wants to survive, but we know how this goes.
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Jack ends up on the riverbank, and there's a wholesome edge to his psychotic break.
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And so begins the criminal career of… the March Hare!
Kidding. The issue ends there, with Bruce lamenting that his change of heart came too late, that even if Jack is still alive, something awful has happened.
But then when issue #11 starts, Bruce finds he's not sure what he saw on the bank, if anyone. He gives chase but…
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But if Jack is still alive, then Bruce's soul may be intact. He keeps searching well into the day, but finds nothing.
When he returns home, though, he learns that Lorna will survive after all. He immediately heads to the hospital, to "the only good news in the world."
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Ah, Bruce is finally anchoring himself to the bedside of his ladylove. After he colluded to get someone murdered and seemingly succeeded. And it's the fear of what that says about him that sent him to Lorna. Almost like he's turning to her less because of his affection and more to hide from his moral failure. Romance!
Jack does soon appear in his new clown persona, and Bruce keeps his word and refuses to leave the hospital despite the multiple horrors Joker commits. Joker is not happy that Batman is MIA.
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Some idiot Joker's captured feels it's necessary to inform him that Batman tried to have him killed, and of course Batman doesn't care. Joker scoffs, because Batman doesn't kill.
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Faith restored!
Back at the hospital, Alfred verbally kicks Bruce in the ass, pointing out that committing himself to an unconscious Lorna isn't helping anyone.
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Bruce finally suits up to respond to the bat signal, but it turns out Gordon isn't the one who lit it.
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My Telltale-loving ass like:
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In issue #12, their fight commences, and after some mutual stabbing, we get Joker's real plan.
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It's like a dozen Lornas! Only this time Joker is telling Batman to come at him instead of trying to escape, and instead of taking action, Bruce suddenly feels overwhelmed.
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Joker says something similar earlier about Gothamites. They're "poor sickies" who can't even see the bunny on the moon. They need the same "medicine" that Joker got to see the big picture, to find true joy. Of course he wants to do that for Batman too!
But once Batman shakes the poison off and starts rescuing the civilians, Joker is also pretty cool with killing him.
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Bruce survives, as expected, and Joker isn't really upset about it.
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And destined to do this forever, you might say!
Joker goes on to say that Batman gave him a purpose, a world of color to live for. Bruce reiterates that Joker is murdering people and asks why. Joker asks why Batman saves them.
(This panel goes right to left, btw.)
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Joker's got a ways to fall, so Bruce has time to contemplate letting him die. "Let it happen… Let chaos prevail for the six more seconds it will take for madman to meet pavement… or the rest of my life will be spent picking up the pieces."
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Bruce has already had a moral crisis about what it would mean for his soul if he let Joker die. In the end, he simply doesn't accept there's a meaningful difference between someone who takes a life for personal gain and himself taking a life to prevent the suffering of others. The vat is the same as his parents' graves. Letting Joker hit the ground is the same as pulling a trigger. Bruce chooses Joker over countless future victims. He choose Joker over Lorna, who he'll soon break up with at the hospital, weaponizing the carelessness of his socialite persona. Bruce decides that, amongst all options, taking responsibility for the monster he created means spending his life picking up the pieces.
And he immediately accepts that fact, what's to come. Gordon talks to Batman about the total dead, saying, "Would've been worse without you," and Bruce responds, "Don't be so sure." Don't be so sure today and for the decades to come, because Bruce believes that if that clown dies, then so does his own soul.
Joker sees that future too, and he is delighted!
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Interesting detail, the Jack and King visible in the hat, side by side. Brings to mind how not too many years later, Snyder will have Joker crown his Bat King.
So there's Lovers & Madmen. Again, much more goes on in this story, particularly Jack's suicidal ideations and how he links the "enlightenment" Batman bestowed upon him to his contempt for regular people and his need to separate himself from them (and reconciling that with a good deed he does for a future henchgirl). The issues are collected into one book, and if you enjoyed this post, I encourage you to pick it up.
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toxicanonymity · 2 years
Hiya honey, could you please do Vampire Michael Myers who finds the reader walking into a castle and gets lost so when she tries to find her way out she bumps into Michael and he traps her against the cold stoned wall inhaling her scent and goes like primal mode or some sort of hunter/prey type deal.. btw I love your writing🖤you're truly appreciated and deserve all the love and support you get <3
Yes, I had no idea I had so many thoughts about Vampire Michael Myers. I’ve never written a vampire before. I added a few HCs at the bottom in summary. And thank you for the kind words 🖤 I appreciate you too! Love you friend. Vampire edit by me lol.
Michael's Castle
3k | Vampire!Michael Myers x Fem!Reader | NSFW 
Warnings: unsafe piv, period stuff / cunnilingus, weird ritualistic stuff, manhandling, dubcon/noncon
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You’re vacationing in Romania, and your hostel isn’t far from a forest.  You go for a hike alone, and there’s a strange feeling in the woods.  Time seems to move differently.  It starts getting dark long before you expect. Your compass stops working and your phone doesn’t have service.  Your period cramps are getting worse.  The forest is dense, but it’s thinning up ahead.  You feel like you’re almost to civilization, so you keep going instead of turning around, thinking you’ll get a cab back to the hostel.  It would be too risky to get lost deep in the forest. 
At the edge of the woods, there’s a path. It’s dusk, there’s no lighting, and you can’t see far. You start walking along the path and it turns into a drawbridge over a canal, where a dense fog is settling.  A large building looms ahead.  As you walk further, you can see it’s a stone castle.  The canal was a moat.  There are two flickering lights.  You quicken your pace and walk toward the lights.  The lights are two gas lamps on either side of a giant, double wooden door. 
You knock and there’s no answer, but it creaks open.  After waiting a few seconds, you step inside.  The air is cool and dry.  Pillar candles sparsely adorn the walls, not nearly enough to illuminate the whole area, but there are a few openings in the ceiling that would provide sunlight if it weren’t dark out.  
The candles are lit, so someone must be home.   You call, “Hello?” but no one answers. 
The large wood door slams shut, startling you along with a few bats, which screech and fly up to the ceiling.  You turn around and see no one.   You follow the candles to a hallway. Your footsteps echo.  The hall is lined with crevasses you can’t see into.  A sense of dread sets over you, and you decide it’s time to leave rather than walk even deeper into this gloomy castle.  
When you’re almost back to the main entrance, you bump into an enormous human shape and your heart goes to your throat. 
You stare straight up at the looming figure.  He might be the largest man you’ve ever seen. 
“I, uh, seem to be lost," you say. "I didn't mean to intrude.  I just need to call a cab back to my hostel.” 
In the flickering candlelight, you see the pale face of a man.  His mouth is obscured by a tall, dark collar, but from the nose up, he looks like notorious escaped killer Michael Myers.  Has he been hiding out here all these years? 
The man sniffs the air like an animal and his nostrils seem to flare.   
You swallow and begin to back up, but he grabs you by the throat.   He slams you up against the cold, stone wall right next to a candle.  His grip on your throat tightens and you squirm.  He raises you up at least a foot off the ground to look at him face-to-face. You cough and gag and he loosens his grip, holding you instead with his hands on your arms. Your breath is visible in the air between you.
There’s no doubt in your mind it’s Michael Myers.  He has the exact same features as Michael’s mask, and a scar on one eye.   Something is off about him, though. He licks his lips.  It’s not a mask.   It’s his actual face, with the exact same features. 
He leans in and you think you see a flicker of beautiful human eyes gazing down from above the collar, but he sniffs you and his eyes darken entirely.  Even the whites of his eyes are black.  Something feels very wrong about him, and yet  something also stirs between your legs. There’s also an air of sensuality about him.  
The stone is cold and rough behind your head.  You’re grateful to be wearing your hiking clothes.  Your sweatshirt allows you some buffer from the stone, but it still doesn’t feel good. Michael releases you and you fall to the ground.  You start to stand up and wonder if he’s going to let you leave him in peace.  
No, he doesn’t.  
He blocks the hallway so you can’t get back to the front door.  He lets you walk the opposite direction, deeper, and darker into the castle, then follows after you.  He’s not walking fast, but his stride is so long that he’s gaining on you as you run down the hall.   You stumble over what feels like uneven cobblestone, unable to see, with Michael lumbering behind you.  You hit a dead end and your only choice is a spiral staircase that only goes down.  
You look back to see how close Michael is and you do a double take.  His collar is enormous, making him look even larger than he is.  He takes up the whole staircase.  The stairs finally end and your stomach drops when you see iron bars in front of you.  You’re in a dungeon.  You scurry around looking for an exit, but there isn’t one.   There are several cells, and each looks worse than the last.  There are also a bunch of big metal hooks hanging from the ceiling.  You don’t know what the equipment is, but it doesn’t look good.  Iron, sharp objects, balls and chains, saws.  
Michael looms patiently, blocking the exit, watching you.  You get the sense he’s waiting for you to choose a cell for yourself.  There’s nowhere for you to run, so you just stand there. Eventually, he forces you into a cell that has an awful looking chair with iron restraints and a cream-colored nightgown hanging from a hook. 
He crowds you up against the wall and pulls a metal lever on the wall, which turns on a gas lamp.   God, he’s huge.  His jumpsuit is black.  He licks his lips again and stretches his jaw.  That’s when you see them – two small, sharp fangs.  His tongue caresses the sharp point of one of them as he bends down and sniffs you, then lifts you up again.  You whimper in horror. He brings his face to your jaw.   His breath is ice cold on your neck.  It sends a shiver down your spine and your nipples pucker.  Blood rushes to your loins.  Your body is confused.  
“Wait, wait, wait,” you plead.  
You urgently unbutton and unzip your pants, dip your finger inside yourself and bring it out so he can see your blood.  “Here,” you say.  “Take all you want.”  You kick off your pants entirely.  Your heart is racing but you pray this works.  
He takes a long, hard sniff, closing his eyes.  He likes what he smells. He puts your fingers in his mouth and sucks, giving you butterflies in the stomach.  Then, he throws you down on the floor.  As you look up at him, you see a bulge swelling in his jumpsuit.  You scramble back into the corner and he prowls toward you.  The scarred, white skin of his face moves as he clenches his jaw and flares his nostrils.
His massive, icy hands spread your knees apart, then he buries his face between your legs, nose first, drawing a long inhale.  He growls, then digs in. His lips and tongue are cold and make you tingle.  He laps every crevice of your folds.  He plunges his tongue inside you and a knot forms in your core with his nose digging into your clit.  He absolutely devours your cunt.  He sucks harder and harder and periodically uses his fingers to pillage you for more blood. His enormous middle finger reaches all the way to your cervix.  You’re throbbing and weak. Your thighs tremble.  A large vein throbs across his forehead.
 He unhinges his jaw and his mouth covers your entire seam like a vacuum.   He sucks with so much pressure it feels like your whole uterus is emptying into his mouth.  The suction does something to you.  You tingle and throb and want more and more.    He continues to suck with his mouth sealed around you, his fangs pressed into your folds, while his tongue violently scrapes your walls clean. The next thing you know, you hear your moan echo through the dungeon as you come in his face.  He doesn’t let up.  You writhe and pulse and your hips roll into his face until you can finally relax. 
When he’s finished, he looks up at you with the lower half of his face covered in blood as you finish coming.   His chest rises and falls. He picks up your underwear and jeans and smells them. He tears off your hoodie, shirt, and bra.  He tosses the thin nightgown at you and takes your clothes with him as he leaves and locks you in the cell.
You shiver and cry on the cold stone floor for what feels like hours.  Your cramps are gone, but you’re freezing and scared.  It’s so dark.  You try opening the cell door, and you can't make it budge.  You try to sleep, but  you can’t get tired. Eventually, you explore the rest of the cell and find a sharp object that allows you to open the lock with some difficulty.  You try to open the door as quietly as possible, but the scrape of metal on stone still echoes. 
There's only one way out – up the spiral staircase and down the hall.  You make it up the staircase, your heart pounding. Then you hear the thud of boots in the distance.  There's nowhere for you to go, so you cower against the wall, making yourself as small as possible as the footsteps get louder.  You dip your fingers into yourself and frantically check for blood, but there’s none.  He took it all.  What you do find is arousal.  You feel a pang of shame, but it’s natural for your body to respond this way to a hot, hulking vampire that oozes sexual energy and already ate you out within an inch of your life.  
The footsteps stop, and you try to creep down the hall silently.  You make it all the way to the front entrance, and as soon as you’re about to step into the large, open space, a massive hand shoots out and grabs you by the throat.  He was waiting for you.  
Once again, he slams you against the cold wall next to a pillar candle.  You thrash and choke, and he releases his grip, catching you with his knee between your legs and his hands on your arms. The flame illuminates his haunting face.  You stare into his black eyes and feel something happening to you.  His nose comes to your neck and you feel the suction of his nostrils as he inhales your scent.  
He grabs the candelabra on the wall and pulls it. The wall behind you begins to lower into the ground, and he throws you over his shoulder.    The lowering stone sounds like a large drawbridge creaking and grinding.  His hand slips between your legs while he waits for the secret door to lower completely into the floor.  A large finger glides against your slippery clit, and you feel like you could pass out.  He steps into the hidden passage and pulls another candelabra on the wall. 
Gas flames flicker to life.  He lumbers down the dimly lit hall.  He's so tall, you feel like you're too close to the ceiling. You're afraid of where he's taking you.  You pray it's not a shortcut to the dungeon.  
Your hip rests against his stiff collar.   Since you're facing backwards, you can't see where you're going, but you can see the walls of the passage are made of bones like an ossuary.  Your heart sinks.   What is he going to do to you?  
He bends his knees to crouch under an archway and comes to a stop.  He  pulls another candelabra and there’s more creaking and grinding.  Then, he throws you down and you brace for impact but your back lands on something soft and velvet that continues to rise a few more inches before coming to a stop.  When the grind of stone-on-stone stops, you hear faint organ music in the distance.   You're lying face up on a padded, velvet altar of sorts.   Your ass is at the edge with your legs hanging off.    You try to sit up and he forces you back down. 
He takes the nightgown off you and spreads your knees,  wedging his enormous form between them.  The altar is the exact height of his inseam.  His pelvis presses into you, and the fabric of his black jumpsuit is silky and smooth against your dripping seam.  His enormous package hardens right between your legs, and your whole body feels weak with arousal.  The bulge is thick and pulses against you.  All your blood rushes to your loins and your hips tilt, reflexively seeking more of him.  He pushes into you harder, rolling his hard, satin-clad member against your naked, slippery clit.  
He looms over you, observing you.    His black eyes glisten and he tilts his head. He has the nicest Adam's apple, too, perfectly framed by his collar.  He adjusts his collar, then begins to unzip his suit.  His pale skin glistens in the flickering light.   He brings the zipper down past where you can see and his monster cock springs out and slaps your clit, sending a rush of pleasure through you.  He nestles the tip at your entrance.  You throb with need and whimper in fear.  
His large hands grab hold of your hips and jerk you toward him at the same time he thrusts forward,  plunging his entire length into you.  Your body screams and so do you as his obscene length splits you in two.  He retreats then pushes in again and you whimper and cry.   He puts his hands on your abdomen and slides them onto your breasts as his hips rock into you.  His icy palms pucker your nipples. He explores your body, and you wince a little less with each thrust. 
He lowers his head to your chest.  Your body is starting to enjoy the feeling of his cock filling you up in short, slow thrusts.  His mouth hovers over your nipple and his icy breath makes it painfully hard.  He brings his face directly over yours and his soft thrusts turn into harder jabs..   Tension builds deep inside you.  
His black eyes penetrate yours with his cock deep inside you.  He opens his mouth and licks his lips.  Your whole body prickles in goosebumps when you see his fangs again.  There's a flash of something behind his eyes, something other than black.  All the lights flicker out at once, but not before you see his collar drop and his jumpsuit fall around his waist.  The faint music sounds louder with the lights out.  
The pitch dark also makes his shaft feel even better as he rams into you.   The cool skin of his chest meets yours, then his lips brush against your mouth.  He slows his hips but continues to fill you to the brim with each rut.  The tension inside you is overwhelming. You’re aching for release and your hips roll into him needily. 
His cool tongue gently breaches your mouth and he kisses you passionately.  His fang pricks you on the lip, then sucks it feverishly, and his already-hard cock swells even bigger and harder inside you as he fucks you and you start twitching on his cock.    
When he’s done with your lip, he stills himself, taking an enormous breath in through his nose and slowing his hips almost to a halt, but not completely.  You don’t want him to stop.  Your hips rise into his and your legs wrap around him.  He brings his lips to your jaw and drags them lightly down your neck, his nose brushing your chin as he moves his lips to the other side. He buries his steely cock inside you at a crawling pace that’s driving you mad. 
He unhinges his jaw and seals his lips in the crook of your neck.  His tongue circles your skin and his cock twitches inside you then slowly retreats and stops, half-in.  His fangs graze you, then sink deep into your delicate neck at the same time his cock slams back into you.  You jolt in pleasure.  He moves his hips as he sucks your blood.  A new life force surges through you and something old spills out.  His cock erupts and so does the tension in your core.  His fangs sink deeper and he sucks with superhuman power.  He pulsates enormously inside you while you contract around him and cool waves of relief wash over your body.  It’s not just physical – his fangs are drawing out all your fears and anxiety.  It’s just fading away.  
When he’s finished, the candles flicker back on.  There are several large veins across his forehead and cheeks that deflate back into his smooth, pale skin as he stands up.  You admire his ripped body and bullet wound scars as he pulls his jumpsuit sleeves back on.    When he turns up his collar, a gust of wind blows out all the flames again and you feel a rush of excitement.  But what’s strange is that somehow, you can still see his pale face.  Not very well, not very much, but the darkness is no longer pitch-black.  
Vampire Michael HCs:
Hybrid 1978/2007. His face IS the mask. It’s smooth like the 1978 flashback in Halloween Kills, but he has veins in his face that bulge in the pattern of the RZ  mask.  Eyes are black, including the sclera.  You rarely think you catch a glimpse of something else.  Hot AF almost 200 cm, muscular, super strength. 
Black jumpsuit, style of mechanic suit but in smooth, vampire uniform material. Enormous collar instead of cape.
Doesn't use electricity.  Super high tech castle considering it's all totally analog. Has an altar that comes up out of the floor with handles each side conveniently placed for leverage as he fucks you. 
And bonus version.of the cobbled together pic lol
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almost forgot my little tag list lol Michael tag list: @ethanhoewke @rebel-blue @wolvesandvampires
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gece-misin-nesin · 10 months
As a fellow Jason fan who doesn't give a shit about the rest of the batfam, could I ask you for fic recs If you want, of course.
Hope you have a great day!
Thanks for sending an ask!!!
Anyway I usually look for Jason fics focusing w his relationship w either Bruce or Dick(most are fluff sue me lol we all needa little wish fullfilment sometimes) but I have some that focus mostly on Jason, with a little bat characters in the background.
Dear Jason
This one is a one shot about Eddie Bloomberg and Jason Todd, it explores their relationship through the letters they sent to each other when they were kids+ a few extra ones. If you don't know who Eddie is, he was Jason's penpal in Jason's robin days and he is another kid vigilante: Kid Devil, later Red Devil. He was in the titans for a while.
Things We've Lost, and Things We've Gained
This one is set in the Young Justice(2010) cartoon. Focuses on Roy Harper(the original) and Jason with Dick and Bruce at the end. If you haven't watched the show here's some background: the first teenage superhero team is not the teen titans here but another team called "the Team" w Dick, Wally, Superboy and Kaldurahm(au Aqualad) as its founders. Anyway in this univers "the Light" is an orginaztion of big bads and they kidnap Roy Harper in his first weeks as Speedy, clone him and send his clone as a sleeper agent to the JL. Og Roy is eventually rescued but he is an amputee and is pretty pissed, so he is isolated from the Team and other Superheroes. Jason doesnt rlly appear in the cartoon so you can assume his backstory in the fic is the same, it doesn't change anything.
Indomitable Will
Au where Jason gets a Green Lanter ring while digging out of his grave. The first installments is finished with a sequel on the way. This has some Bruce in it but he is not the focus.
Get Used to Dying
I CAN NOT SING THIS FIC'S PRAISES ENOUGH!!! This is an absolute masterpiece and I really really recommend it. It's a retelling of Jason's life in a play format and it is absolutely brilliant.
in a new york minute, everything can change
This is another of my favorites!! Be prepared to cry at the end of this because I do every single time I read it. This is Jason's thoughts during the last minute of his life, while the bomb is ticking down and it is heartbreaking.
April 27th / I was only a child
My guilty pleasure: a "Jason visits his grave" fic!
i'm not the man they think i am at home
Fic about Hal Jordan & Jason w them talking abt dying and coming back as "bad guys". I really liked this one, quote humorous too.
Good Riddance
Another "Jason visits his grave" fic in my defense, they're just too good.
butcherbird, fly away home
This is canon divergence from Lost Daus where one of Jason's teachers kidnaps Bruce and the conseqences of it. Abt Bruce & Jason mostly. There might be a seauel on the way, but it's still a good standalone.
Anyway this is all. If anything else comes to mind you can message me or if you want to rec me something that's fine too. Have a good day and thanks again for the ask!
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vroombeams · 13 days
finally, processing and/or dvd bonus for my beloved sweet talk would be very interesting. thank you <3
✑ PROCESSING: pick a fic and I’ll tell you what it was like to write it!
oh sweet talk my sweet talk. so stupid. so ill-advised. i feel like sweet talk really was just the most prime example of being committed to the bit? like well kee vroombeams will do most anything for the meme of it all. and i will! and in this case i did
it was a bit of a manic one tbh?? i think i wrote the whole thing in a series of sprints where i was averaging like, 600-700 words per 15 minute round. which is great for getting Many Words out. but not great for the guy who has to edit those words. (i'm that guy) overall it was like. fun?? i think?? i don't know i think i was in a fugue state gandalf voice i have no memory of this place. but it was also one of those fics that the more i looked at it the more i hated it so i just had to buckle up and post at some point lol
re: the actual process, conceptually love a threesome. logistically it's like now there are six arms and six legs and three dicks and six balls and three hearts and one and a half brains and and and. and. AND . there's just a lot going on. there's been a sequel in the works for months that came up similarly (many frantic sprints) and it's already longer than sweet talk and it's like maybe two-thirds done so. i don't know. i didn't learn my lesson the first time i fucking guess!!!!!
✄ DVD BONUS: pick a fic and I’ll describe or write a deleted scene!
To Oscar's credit, he barely bats an eye when Logan presents him with possibly the dumbest plan he's ever had. "So he just wants to watch," Oscar says. He's slumped in the exact chair in the corner of the hotel room that is being discussed, actually, and Logan's receiving untold psychic damage about it. "Yeah," Logan says, messing around with his suitcase so he doesn't have to look Oscar in the very much unbatted eye. "It's—I mean, maybe he was just memeing, man, I don't know." "I feel like if you've gotten to the point of scheduling it it's not a meme anymore." "Advanced memeing," Logan amends. "Like, it's Alex. Who fucking knows what goes on in his head?" Oscar says, "Hmmm." Logan peeks up from his already extremely tidy luggage, continues pretending to tidy it. Oscar's still looking at him, of course, because Oscar looks all the time like he knows things and Logan knows that he knows things but he doesn't have to make it such a thing, does he? "What?" Oscar shrugs. "I'm not bothered either way," he says, and it's literally just this second that Logan realizes he hasn't even fucking asked if Oscar's down for this. "Just, you know. Make sure it doesn't bother you." He's caught for a second between apologizing or throwing himself to the floor at Oscar's feet and thanking him for being the most unfazeable human person on this earth or maybe offering up sexual favours in exchange for his like extremely severe blunder of not asking if it's actually okay to invite Alex Albon to watch them fuck. "It doesn't bother me," he settles on. It comes out all muttered and sheepish, but it's pretty much the truth. Like, ninety percent of it.
fic ask game 💃
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