#Egon x Molly
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spenglersglasses · 10 months ago
Hey there Ghostbuster lovers!!!!!
II know it has been a WHILE since we hung out but I'm back again with the next chapter of my Egon x OC Molly fic!
I hope you all enjoy!
(Special thanks to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the dividers)
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info on my main blog @copiousloverofcopia
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Things have fallen on hard times for the members of the Ghostbusters when the memory of saving the world from the threat of supernatural destruction fades in the minds of the city. Now, with each of them going their separate ways, Egon joins up with another scientist to share a lab so he can continue his experiments. When an innocent mistake by his lab mate leads to a mix up that could mean big consequences for Egon, he must choose whether or not to reveal the truth to Molly, the test subject or keep it secret forever.
Observations in Love
Chapter 4: Halloween
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven't started yet? Start from the beginning HERE!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
“Molly, wait!” Egon called out as Molly stormed down the block. Her eyes were fixed straight forward, refusing to look back at him. How could he know a thing like that and not tell her? Why would he not tell her that she was pregnant with his child, before deciding to make a fool of them both in the middle of her friend’s party. 
“I have nothing to say to you right now Dr. Spengler.” she huffed, finally reaching the doors to her building. Egon chased after her as fast as he could, grateful that he managed to catch up as Molly struggled to find her key. Hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath, faced with his general lack of athleticism. Huffing and puffing as he tried to decide what he should say next. 
“Please.” he begged; Molly let out a sigh before she turned around to face him. She could see in eyes he was angry with himself. Molly, realizing that while it was a stupid mistake Egon hadn't meant to hurt her. The revelation, forcing her to consider if it really was just his haphazard announcement that was bothering her. 
Molly had to face the facts. She was in love with the odd scientist and former ghostbuster even though she had only barely acknowledged it aloud. Everything was happening so fast; she felt her head spinning. Am I really pregnant…with Egon’s baby, she thought. 
The irony wasn’t lost on her. She knew she should be thrilled, ecstatic even at the news. Instead, all she could think of was the interaction between him and Janine. It was true they had broken things off long ago, but had his feelings towards her really changed? 
For all intents and purposes, he barely knew Molly. If Janine wanted him back, would he abandon her? Leave her to be with the woman he loved, instead of someone he accidentally became involved with? Molly couldn’t bear the thought of it.
Egon had managed to pull himself together enough to step up beside her on the stoop. “Go ahead, say what you need to say.” Molly huffed; her mouth pressed into a tight, thin line. Trying her best to hold back her frustration—her tears.
“It was an accident. I would have never blurted it out like that had he not…” Egon began, ranting away before realizing that he was shifting the blame. “No…no that’s not right. I’m sorry. I should have been more discreet.” Molly felt the tears beginning to well in her eyes as she nodded in response.
“More so Egon, you should have told me first! You knew this whole time and said nothing. How long did you know about the baby?” she asked him. Hearing her own words as they left her, rendered her speechless. Both their hearts thumping as Egon stared deeply into Molly’s eyes. Wanting desperately to kiss her. 
“That’s right—we’re having a baby.” he smiled, pulling Molly towards him, and leaning into her. The two of them instinctively closed their eyes as the heat of their lips pressed together. Molly shoved him back, worried that she had jumped too fast. Egon stood still in confusion, staring back at her.
“What's wrong?” He asked. Molly took in a deep breath, knowing if she didn't say anything now then whatever came after this moment could be ruined. 
“What—what about Janine?” She asked, feeling embarrassed to have even brought it up. Egon smiled, pulling Molly’s tearful face into his hands. Cupping her soft cheeks in his palms.
“Molly. Janine and I are long over. It's true that we were close. That at one time I had asked her to marry me…but despite how much we tried we just couldn't make things work—we are incompatible together.” He explained.
“Are you sure? You don’t sound sure.” She asked him, the hints of hope present in her voice. Egon smiled, finding himself laughing a bit at just how adorable a jealous Molly could be. 
“I am sure…a couple can't make it work when they both want different things in life.” he explained. Molly listened, staring down at her feet. Shuffling a bit as she tried to bring herself to say what needed to be said next.
“Do we?” She mumbled; Egon barely able to discern her words. Molly, wondering if she had said them out loud at all. 
“Do we what?”
“Do we want the same things?” she repeated. Her hands, coming to rest on the small of her belly. Egon’s eyebrows raised, knowing now exactly what she meant. He placed his hand over hers and smiled. 
“Yes. Yes, we do.” 
“Egon…” Molly began, the two of them moments away from sharing a kiss when the sound of someone approaching came upon them. 
“Oh, shit Mol, here you are! Are you ok?” Sam asked her, inadvertently ruining the moment between them. She had managed to sneak away from the party and track them down. Figuring that Molly would run home. 
“I'm fine Sam thank you, just tired and needed to leave. I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin the party for you.” She explained. 
“Girl… no. You didn’t ruin anything. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Elaine and I are worried about you…and Seth…well.”
“LET’S…not talk about him.” Molly insisted, turning her sights to Egon. It was clear to Sam that with the news of Molly’s pregnancy, things between her and the new beau had suddenly become a lot more complicated.
“No worries… I uh…” Sam continued, struggling to find the words, when Egon chimed in. 
“Listen, I should go. Let you get some rest tonight. I will be back to see you in the morning.” Egon assured her, realizing that Sam was going to be hard pressed to leave her friend after the night they’d just had.
“Yeah, I got it all taken care of Dr. Spengler.” Sam assured him. Egon smiled and turned to walk down the steps when Molly reached out and touched his shoulder.  
“No wait… you don't have to go.” she whined, shooting Sam an annoyed look. Understandably upset at her friend for having dismissed him without her consent. 
“It's ok, really. I will see you bright and early…after all we have a lot to discuss.” He said, smiling up at her. Molly couldn’t help but smile back. Her cheeks still flush from their kiss. 
“Ok.” she lamented. Sam, nodding as she helped Molly inside the building. Egon returning home. His fingers tracing his lips, reminiscing in the memory of their kiss. 
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Molly awoke the next day with a slight headache. Sam still passed out on the sofa in the living room as she got up to make herself something to eat. Settling for a small cup of blueberry yogurt and a half-eaten granola bar, before sitting at her kitchen table. Her hand, occasionally finding its way to her stomach.
It was strange, knowing there was a child inside her. A piece of her and Egon with her even now while they were apart. Sam was even more surprised at the news. Telling her friend that her life was beginning to sound like something out of a made for TV film. The two of them laughed as they thought about how Elaine would respond to the news. Molly, never more excited to think that a family, a whole family, was in the cards for her after all. 
She devoured her breakfast quickly, feeling quite ravenous after not eating much the night before. The sounds of her in the kitchen, stirring Sam awake. Her friend joined her at the small table. From the sour look on her face, it was clear she was feeling the effects of all her drinking at the party. 
“Ah… I didn’t even have that much.” Sam groaned. 
“You gonna make it?” Molly chuckled. Sam sneered at her as she felt her stomach twisting and turning. 
“How is it you're the one pregnant and I'm the one who feels like she might puke?” 
“Ha ha very funny.” Molly smirked. Casually glancing over to the clock to see that it was already almost 9am. “Shit… you sticking around for Egon? He will probably be here soon. He’s very punctual.” 
“I can imagine.” Sam said with a raised brow, “So weird you’re having your boyfriend's baby without even having slept with him.” Molly’s face went bright red. 
Well if you hadn’t come over last night that might not have been the case, Molly thought to herself. Only smiling on the outside as Sam managed to pull herself out of the chair and head back into the living room. “Where are you going?”
“I’m grabbing my stuff so you and Loverboy can be alone sheesh.” Sam said, rolling her eyes, “I want all the details later… I’m gonna head back and see how badly jacked the place is.”
“Ok” Molly laughed as Sam disappeared through the front door. 
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Egon had been tossing and turning all night. His eyes bagged and dark from the lack of sleep as he made his way into Ray’s Occult Books before heading to Molly’s. This situation had been kept close to the chest, Egon choosing to keep it all to himself before evolving anyone else in his affairs. With a baby well on its way however, the one person he had to tell was Ray.  
He walked in through the back entrance, long before the store opened, to find Ray sorting through last month's books. Trying to find somewhere to scrounge up a few extra dollars to make this month's rent. The store had always been a passion for Ray, the only thing he had that was his. After the Ghostbusters went under and he lost all his money from the house, this was all that was left. Egon was always there to help whenever possible, but today he was the one who needed it most.
“Good morning, Ray.” Egon said, handing his friend a cup of coffee. 
“Egon? What’s got you over here so early? Everything alright?” Ray asked him. It wasn’t like him to show up unannounced so early in the morning looking like something the cat dragged in from his lack of sleep.
“I need to talk.” Egon said plainly, taking a seat opposite Ray at the desk. 
“Ok, shoot.” Ray said as he went to take a sip from his cup. 
“I’m going to be a father.” Egon confessed, Ray choking on the coffee and making a mess of himself with the news.
“Is this a joke? Did Peter put you up to this?” 
“No, nothing like that, I'm serious.” Egon explained, and from the look in his eyes Ray could tell he wasn’t kidding. Grabbing some tissues and cleaning himself off as he let out a sigh.
“Well, that's unexpected. I didn’t even know you were dating anyone. Who is she?”
“Molly? The girl at the research lab?” Ray asked him. Though Egon was rather vague, he had mentioned her to Ray a few times. While Ray figured Egon had a crush on her, there was nothing Egon ever told him to think things had progressed as far as this. 
“Yes… it's a long story.” Egon explained. Ray raised his eyebrows and nodded his head. 
“I bet… Well then, I’m all ears.” he responded. Egon was grateful to have him to talk to. It didn’t take long to let Ray in on the chaos that had become Egon’s life. His feelings for Molly growing, then the accident at the lab, and confessing it all to Molly. Ray’s head had begun spinning with all that had happened in such a short amount of time. 
“So you… you haven’t even slept with her?” he asked Egon. the normally deadpanned scientist blushing. 
“I–ah, yeah that's right.” he confirmed, swallowing back as Ray shrugged. 
“I mean hey shit happens. I suppose you’ll be making up for that though.” Ray chuckled. Egon looked unsure. “What?”
“Last night I may have accidentally announced the pregnancy to her entire friend group. We were at a party and...”
“Party? You actually went to a party… well now I know you love this girl. I can’t even get you to crawl outta the lab unless foods involved." Ray laughed, Egon nodding in agreement. It was clear to Ray that Egon had a lot to sort out. The feeling only intensified when Egon explained his mess up. Ray was compassionate of course, but let Egon know that he had definitely overstepped. 
“Well, there is no going back now. All the two of you can do is move forward… I mean you’re gonna have a kid. Wait until the guys hear about this…” Ray said when Egon shot him a look, “...that is when you’re ready to tell them of course.”
“I appreciate the discretion, Ray. Listen, I have to go. I am supposed to meet with her this morning.” Egon explained as he stood up from the chair and headed back out the way he came.
“Go get her tiger!” Ray cheered as Egon reached the threshold, rolling his eyes as he disappeared from the doorway. 
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It was a chilly, however uncharacteristically nice day for this time of year in the boroughs. Egon had been walking along, so lost in his own thoughts that when he found himself at Molly’s building he had no idea how he’d gotten there. The last few weeks had felt so surreal that he could hardly think of anything else. He tried to shake off his nerves before pressing the button to ring her apartment when Sam came through the door.
“Oh! Dr. Spengler.” she smiled, barely missing running into him. Egon, smiling at her as he moved out of her way.
“Good morning, Sam.”  
“She’s waiting on you…but uh don’t tell her I said that.” she laughed, Egon’s heart beginning to pound. 
“I won’t.” he responded as Sam reached the sideway, turning back around as Egon started inside. 
“Oh and Dr. Spengler…” she began as he turned back to face her. “Happy Halloween.”
“Same to you.” he told her as he walked inside. It was Halloween already, Molly’s favorite holiday. The thoughts of this time next year having their own little trick or treater had begun filling his mind. A baby to be born sometime in the summer, bouncing around as a happy chubby little thing dressed up as a little dinosaur, a princess, or maybe even a ghost? 
The possibilities had filled him with joy. A feeling so intense that Egon thought he might burst. A kind of happiness he had never felt before and never expected he would ever feel. Knocking on Molly’s door with the imaginations of them together all dressed in costume for baby’s first Halloween still heavy on his mind.
“Good morning.” Molly said as she answered the door. Giving Egon a hug before allowing him inside. The two of them, sitting together on her small couch in the living room, both of them feeling the intention of being so close once again.  
“How are you feeling?” Egon asked her as he brought his hand out to take hers. Molly smiled, bringing her own hand once more to her belly. It’s new favorite resting place just below her navel. 
“We’re fine. No symptoms yet.” she giggled. The sound of her voice coupled with how beautiful she looked, sent Egon’s heart soaring. This gorgeous and kindhearted woman was going to be the mother of his child and as far as Egon was concerned, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“I’m glad. I wanted to tell you Molly I am so sorry about last ni–”
“It’s ok, Egon. I’m over it. Let’s put it behind us ok… we have much more important stuff going on.” Molly smiled. 
“Listen… What are your plans for tonight? After all, it's Halloween.” Egon smiled, Molly’s face turning to panic. 
“Oh my god I completely forgot. I must be losing it.” she laughed. “I actually don’t have any other than the party last night… did you have something in mind?” 
“Why don’t you and I head to the store and grab some candy and a bite for lunch. We can spend the day together talking… you know, getting to know each other better.” Egon explained. The idea made Molly feel more than a little excited. She had been wanting to be with him for so long and now with the baby on the way, things were almost perfect. 
“And the candy?” she asked him.
“We can hand it out to the trick or treaters.” he told her, watching as she began to tear up, still smiling brightly as if she had never felt happier. 
“I love that idea.”
Molly and Egon had spent the day together. Fighting the crowds at the store for all the other last minute candy shoppers. Molly, poking fun at Egon for devouring a bag of fun size crunch bars before they even made it back home. The two of them, dropping off the bags of candy before walking to a local diner. 
Molly hadn’t felt like eating much, but Egon insisted. Reminding her that it wasn’t only herself that she would be nourishing with her club sandwich and side of fries. Molly, heeding his request as the two of them talked for hours. 
Egon continued to apologize for his behavior at the party. Explaining to Molly everything between him and Janine. He wanted to be married, have children, move on in life and Janine was just not ready and he wasn’t sure if she ever would be. Eventually it was two much for the two of them to overcome. 
Molly had felt so relieved, though also a bit guilty for feeling so. Quickly changing the conversation to other things. Eventually the two of them ended up getting kicked out of the diner to make room for other patrons. Laughing as they grabbed their coats and dashed out onto the sidewalk.
“So have you always wanted a family?” Egon asked her as they walked back to her apartment. Trying to continue their conversation they’d begun inside the diner.
“Ever since I was little…” she smiled, squeezing Egon’s hand as they walked. 
“Can I ask something?” Egon inquired cautiously. Molly, nodding for him to continue. “Why someone like Seth? Someone like you could’ve been married and had a bunch of kids… why this idea with him?” Molly grew a bit quiet. It was an easy answer, though it wasn’t one she was sure Egon would believe. 
“It just never happened for me. I mean I began to grow impatient. The dating scene here in the city is not exactly quality.” she laughed, Egon following along with her. “I just knew I wanted to be a mom and Seth, despite his behavior at the party, is a good guy.” Suddenly Egon began becoming a bit uncomfortable. Hoping there wasn’t something between them he had overlooked. 
“Do you…do you love him?” he asked her, frightened to know the answer. 
“I do, but not romantically. He’s a good friend Egon…that's all.” she assured him, taking hold of his face and pulling him down to kiss his cheek. “I—” she began, the words of love for her companion dancing on the edge of her lips when they reached the building. 
“We are here.” Egon said, drawing Molly’s attention back to the present time. 
“Oh, let me let us in.” she laughed nervously. The two of them, heading upstairs and pouring bag after bag of candy into a big bowl. Watching TV and talking away while they awaited the first sign of trick or treaters. Getting to know each other, little by little as the minutes turned to hours. 
By the time the first trick or treaters arrived, Molly was well versed in Egon’s unconventional upbringing and he in her typical childhood experience. Both of them were equally fascinated by one another. Molly was practically begging Egon for more about his time as a Ghostbuster and his hopes for the future of his reach. The two of them, quickly turning their focus on their own future—one they would now share. 
“Oh, my heart.” Molly said as she closed the door. Smiling with the thought of the group of trick or treaters that just left her door. Egon too couldn’t help but notice how adorable they all were. Dressed together as a little princess and a dragon. Mom and Dad, politely waiting behind them as they opened their bags for their candy.  
“I wonder what our will be.” Egon said aloud, catching Molly’s attention. Realizing only then he had said it aloud. 
“I think it's a boy.” Molly hummed, “Must like crunch bars like his Dad.” she continued, scarfing down one as the Egon started hungrily at her. 
“I think you might be right.” Egon smiled.
“You ok.” Molly laughed nervously. Seeing her glowing, eating his favorite chocolate so happy and carrying his child had Egon’s blood swirling. Not only had he gotten to know this beautiful creature, but he had reached a point where he could no longer allow things to continue without making her his. 
“I need to fix this.” he said in a low hum. Standing up from the couch to approach her. 
“Fix what?”
“I can’t go any longer knowing you are carrying my child without… without having copulated with you.” he explained, pulling Molly close to him. Arm wrapped gingerly around her waist. The words and his forwardness, heating her cheeks and speeding up her heart. Pupils, dilating as he brought her lips to his, tasting the sweetness of the chocolate on her mouth.
“Me either…” she said breathily into their kiss. Before they knew it, the two of them were making a heated dash to Molly’s bedroom. A blur of clothing tossed to the wayside and the two of them felt desperate to be with one another. 
“Are you sure?” Egon asked, hesitating a moment, already leaking. His cock now rock-hard at the sight of Molly laying naked beneath him. She was beautiful–his mouth watering at her ample breasts. Full and almost perfectly symmetrical, with taut pale pink nipples. He found it hard not to stare at her, analyzing every inch of her body. Every inch of her was perfection in his mind. 
“I’m sure.” Molly said, raising herself up to kiss him once more. Tongues, tangling together as Egon’s hands went wandering over her. Caressing the soft flesh of her breasts as he kissed down along her neck. Leaving marks in brilliant shades of purple along her collarbone. 
Taking his time before dropping to her breasts. Drawing the nipple into his mouth, Molly let out a satisfied sigh. His fingers tracing down the line from her sternum to her still flat stomach. Stopping a moment to remember that he already was inside her. Groaning, Egon decided he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to make up for his lack of pleasure in their child’s conception. His curious fingers traveling to the heat between her thighs. 
As he slipped inside her, they both moaned. Egon was thrilled to know how much he excited her. His intellectual mind, reminding him that her wetness and warmth was directly correlated to her desire for him. His fingers quickly curled up inside her. Determined to find the right spot when Molly’s back arched up from the bed. Driving his fingers more in contact with the right spot.  
“Oh fuck.” she moaned, as he pressed into the soft spongy spot along her upper walls. Making small, deliberate circles as he felt her began to clamp down on him. 
“Oh Molly, cum.” he told her. Molly was writhing beneath him on the bed. Hands gripped tightly to her sheets as the sounds of her nails scratching against the fabric filled her ears. The fringe of her hair, sticking to the sweat on her forehead as she came hard against Egon’s fingers. Breathless and crying out his name.
“Egon! Ah!” Feeling the rush of wetness over his hand made Egon moan, heated and mad with desire. He knew that he needed to be inside her. Quickly pulling out his fingers to stroke himself before lining his cock against her sex. Allowing the tip of his head to kiss at her clit. Rubbing her with it a moment before he pushed carefully inside her. 
“Oh you feel so good.” he groaned, filling her slowly. Her whole body, still shaking beneath him. Still engrossed from her orgasm. Though she was weak she was ready, Molly wrapping her legs around Egon to help draw him further inside her. 
“Mmmm… oh…uh…” Molly cried. Her insides, pulling tightly along his shaft with every stroke of his hips. Crashing inside her over and over. The sheer pleasure of him filling her so completely, making it hard to press on. The two of them, both completely lost in passion and bliss.
Egon continued pumping, his hands grabbing hold of Molly’s hips as he pushed inside. Staring down at her as she kept her eyes closed. The look on her face, making him want to fuck ehr harder. The knowledge she carried his child, making him want to slow down. 
Though he knew sex in pregnancy was not usually harmful, Egon could help but want to be careful. To protect her and their baby from anything that would dare harm them. Choosing to keep going with their safety in mind as he continued slowly, but deeply taking her. 
It wasn’t long before Molly began shaking beneath him. Her legs, quivering and her moans becoming less coherent. Her core, squeezing him so tightly it caused him to mewl. Lifting her up on his lap so he could kiss her as he continued to thrust inside her. 
“Oh Egon, yes… yes… yes!” she cried as Egon fucked up into her. Breast bouncing in his face before he began to kiss and suck on them. His own orgasm quickly made itself known. Once he felt her begin to pulse it was over, Egon cumming hard against the back of her. Spilling himself as she continued to rise and fall on his cock. 
The two of them were so exhausted afterwards they collapsed beside one another in the bed. Egon pulled Molly over against his chest. His now lover, nuzzling against him as she began to waiver in and out of sleep. “Molly…” he began. 
“Hmm?” she hummed, only half coherent enough to respond. 
“I—” Egon said, wanting to tell her he loved her. Already he loved her and their child more than anything. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Molly responded, though it was clear to Egon she wasn’t awake enough to understand what he had said—what she was saying.
“Happy Halloween.”
“Happy…” Molly said, her words trailing off as she passed out snuggly against him. Egon wrapping his arms around her. Holding her close as she slept.  
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apollafire · 11 months ago
OC Masterlist
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Marvel Cinematic Universe
Emerald Stark
Face Claim: Kiernan Shipka Pairing: Peter Parker Pinterest Aesthetic Closet Relationship "Get to Know" Spotify Personal Playlist Ship Playlist Fun Stuff Incorrect Quotes Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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The Twilight Saga
Clara Everett
Face Claim: Angèle van Laeken Pairing: Jasper Hale Pinterest Aesthetic Closet Relationship Spotify Personal Playlist Ship Playlist Fun Stuff Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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Lord of the Rings
Mollie Stillwater
Face Claim: Eleanor Tomlinson Pairing: Merry Brandybuck Pinterest Aesthetic Relationship Spotify Personal Playlist Fun Stuff Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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Kate Harrison
Face Claim: tbd Pairing: Egon Spengler Pinterest Aesthetic Spotify Personal Playlist Fun Stuff Incorrect Quotes Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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Stranger Things
Ruby Hudson
Face Claim: Alva Bratt Pairing: Eddie Munson or Billy Hargrove Pinterest Aesthetic Closet Relationship Spotify Personal Playlist x Eddie Fun Stuff Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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myfunnylittlebrain · 6 years ago
When the woman who's been in love with you for such a long time decided to move on with her life and find someone else . . . . who looks superficially like you.
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missmeltycat · 4 years ago
PLEASE can you do a follow up to the pregnancy prompt and do a fatherhood with rae one??
Hmmm. I feel I may end up repeating some of it, but OK sure. I’ll give it a go.
Egon Spengler
Names: Einstein, Galileo, Socrates, Darwin. (Rae dislikes.) Probably settles on Linus (After Linus Pauling), Isaac (After Isaac Newton), Edwin (After Edwin Hubble), Ada (After Ada Lovelace), Hildegard (After Hildegard of Bingen), or Lise (After Lise Meitner)
Hesitant at first
Can’t hold the child right, scared he’ll break it
Eventually gets used to it and multitasks while holding the kid
Absolutely buys books and things way over its age bracket
Onesies with atoms, stars, planets and DNA strands on them
Plushies? Probably science stuff like microbes and the like
Enjoys reading to the kid at night, even though it’s probably stuff like fungus textbooks
Has trouble when it reaches toddler age due to little hands getting into things
His idea of a bedtime song is listing off the Periodic Table to a slight melody
Peter Venkman
Names: Suggests Skullcrusher. Rae is not impressed. Ruby, Daisy, Rosie, Brad, Felix, Harrison.
Terrified as all heck
When he does come round he’s into it
Enjoys napping with the baby
Absolutely buys little things that are probably inappropriate for babies
Plays rough, wrestles, chases, hangs the kid by its arms and feet. kid loves it
Any excuse to watch cartoons, right?
Lets the kid run around naked because it irks Egon. “Hey, they’re a kid, let them enjoy their freedom!”
Probably gets peed on every time he changes a diaper. Even tries to time it so he avoids it, but still gets it anyway
Hates that the kid likes Slimer
Winston Zeddemore
Names: Marlin, Auston, Ruth, Carmen.
Owns up to the responsibility
Helps Rae make a nursery room in her apartment. Visits every day
Buys plenty of stuff for the kid
LOTS of baseball stuff
Sports themed PJs? Check!
Enjoys playing games with the kid when it’s older, particularly catch
Puts the kid first. Always!
Starts saving for a sports scholarship just in case
Forbids the kid to come near the firehouse for safety reasons. Rae’s not particularly pleased, but understands
Ray Stantz
Names: Maggie, Molly, Dexter, Sam.
Excited as anything
Like a duck to water... More or less
Shares in all aspects of raising the kid and volunteers to change diapers a lot
Absolutely buys a harness seat and wears the baby all the time, despite Egon protesting about safety
Fluffy PJs, animal onesies, cute make believe costumes
Home cooked meals from one or both parents
Snuggles, bubblebaths, oodles of love
Bedtime stories that probably go on way too long and Rae has to insist he finishes up which receives much “Awwww” from both parties
Teaches them about ghosts early on, but in a positive light so they like them and aren’t scared
Bonus of Janine with Rae x Whoever’s kid:
“Clean up on aisle 2! Come get yer kid!”
Likes to think she’s the ‘fun aunt’
Buys the kid treats when people aren’t looking
Babysits when they’re out on assignment
Always tells Slimer to back away from the child, even if the parents are OK with interaction
“You guys are crazy keeping a child in this environment!”
Often gives the kid spare blank paper and lets it sit on the desk to draw stuff
Insists on celebrating extravagantly every milestone like sitting up, teeth, walking, first words
Bothers Egon a whole lot more because... Well... BABY!
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wiedzmina-blog · 7 years ago
Norwegian / old norse names and places
Every now and then I come across a book, movie, TV-series, fanfic, game or whatever, that mention a fictional "Norwegian" or "norse" place or person, and it just sounds so wrong it makes me either cringe or ROFL. Really. I still haven't recovered from the 1995 X-files episode, "Død Kalm", which took us to the port of "Tildeskan" where we met "Henry Trondheim", "Halverson" and "Olafsson".  Hopefully this list will keep others from being that “creative” with names. :)
Common names for places, towns and villages in Norway
These names are very generic and suitable for a place, village or town anywhere (and pretty much any time) in Norway. Mix and match prefixes with suffixes for diversity.  Bonus: All of these can also be used as surnames. Name (meaning) - usage
Nes (headland, cape, ness) - Standalone ​ Bø (fenced-in field on a farm) - Standalone Fjell (mountain) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Fjell- / -fjell Haug (small hill / large mound)  -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Haug- / -haug Vik, Viken, Vika (inlet, the inlet, the inlet) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Vik- / -viken / -vika Ås, Åsen (hill, the hill (larger than "Bakken")) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: ​ Dal, Dalen (valley, the valley) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: ​ Berg (small mountain) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: Berg(s)- / -berg Sand (sand) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: Sand- / -sand Strand (beach) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Strand- / -strand Li (hill) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Li- / -li Gran (spruce) -  Standalone or prefix: Gran- Bratt (steep) - prefix only: Bratt- Myr (bog, mire) - prefix only: Myr- Neset, Nesset (the headland, the cape, the ness) - Standalone or suffix: ​-neset / -nesset Odden (foreland, headland) - Standalone or suffix: ​ -odden Våg (cove, bay) - Standalone or suffix: -våg Lund (grove) - Standalone or suffix: -lund Sund (sound, strait) -  Standalone or suffix:  -sund Skog (forest) prefix/suffix: Skog- / -skog Øy (island) prefix/suffix: Øy- / -øy øya (the island) - suffix only: ​ -øya bakken  (the hill) - suffix only: -bakken  gard / gård / gården (farm / farm / the farm) - suffix only: -gard / -gård / -gården elv, -elva (river, the river) suffix only: -elv / -elva stad (old word for town/place) suffix only: -stad vannet (the lake) - suffix only: -vannet
Common words that can be used as prefix to any of the suffixes above Svart- (black)  Lille- (little/small)  Sol- (sun)  Brei-/Bred- (wide)  Stor- (big) Lang- (long)
Common Norwegian surnames (contemporary)
Heredatory surnames didn't become mandatory in Norway until 1923. Many took the name from the farm or place they lived, or just changed their primary patronyms into hereditary patronyms. Example: Helgessønn/Helgesdatter (son of Helge / daughter of Helge) became Helgesen.
Alm Andersen Anderssen Antonsen Aspelund Bakke Bakken Bang Berg Bjerkan Bråthen Christensen Corneliussen Dahl Dahlberg Danielsen Dyrnes Dørum Eide Ellingsen Erdal Eriksen Falch Fredriksen Foss Fure Fylling Gabrielsen Gran Grønning Halvorsen Hansen Hanssen Hay Hoff Holm Holt Husby Isaksen Iversen Jacobsen Jensen Jenssen Johansen Karlsen Klausen Konradsen Kristensen Kristiansen Larsen Larssen Lie Lien Lund Løvold Magnussen Meyer Mikalsen Mo Moen Myhre Myklebust Mørk Ness Nilsen Olavsen Olsen Paulsen Pettersen Prestegård Rasmussen Riise Rogstad Ruud Simonsen Solbakken Solli Stokke Strøm Sund Svendsen Thorvaldsen Torp Thune Tønnesen Ueland Ulven Urdal Vik Vinje Wahl Wik Wilhelmsen Zakariassen Ødegård Årseth Årvik Ås, Aas Åsen, Aasen
Common Norwegian names -- 1980 - present
Anders André Andreas Are Arne Atle Bjørn Cato Chris Christian, Kristian Christoffer, Kristoffer Daniel David Dennis Elias Emil Espen Erik, Eric Eirik Fredrik Filip Geir Harald Helge Hans Henning Håkon, Haakon Håvard Isak Jan Joachim Johan Johannes John, Jon Johnny Jonas Jonathan Kim Kristian, Christian Kristoffer, Christoffer Lars Lucas, Lukas Mads, Mats Magnus Martin Michael, Mikael Morten Niklas Nils Odin Ole Ove Paul Per Peter, Petter Preben Pål Richard, Rikard Roger Sebastian Simen Simon Sindre Sondre Stian Terje Thomas Thor, Tor Thore, Tore Vegard Werner William Øystein Åge Åsmund
Andrea Ane, Anne Anette, Annette Annika, Anniken Astrid Bente Camilla Carina Cathrine Celine Charlotte Christin, Kristin Christina, Kristina Christine, Kristine Elin, Eline Elise Elisabeth Emilie Eva Frida Grete, Grethe Hanne Hege Heidi Helene Hilde Ida Ine Ingrid Ingvill, Ingvild Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle Iselin Jannicke Janine Jeanette Jennie, Jenny Julia, Julie Karoline (Kine) Katrin, Katrine Kristin, Christin Lea, Leah Lena, Lene Linda Line Linn Linnea Lise, Lisa Liv, Live Mai, May Maja Malin Margrete, Margrethe Mari, Maria, Marie Mariann, Marianne Marte, Marthe Mette Monica Nina Nora Oda Pia Ragnhild Randi Rikke Sara, Sarah Silje Siv Stina, Stine Susann, Susanne Tanja Tina, Tine Tiril Tone Trine Vilde Vera Veronica Wenche Åse Åshild
Common Norwegian names - 1800 - 1980
Men Aksel Albert Anders Andreas Anker Ansgar Arne Arnt Arve Asle Atle Birger Bård Charles Edmund Edvard Egon Erling Even Fred Fredrik Frode Geir Georg Gunnar Gunvald Gustav Harald Helge Hilmar Håkon, Haakon Ivar Ingvar Jens Jesper Jørgen Joakim Karl Karsten, Karstein Kjell Klaus Kolbein Kolbjørn Kristian Kåre Lars Lavrans Leif Lossius Ludvig Magne Magnus Nikolai Nils Odd Oddvar Odin Ola Olai Olaf Olav Ole Omar Oscar, Oskar Peder Per Petter Philip, Phillip Pål Ragnar Rikard Roald Roar (also Hroar) Rolf Rune Sigurd Sigvard, Sigvart Simon Svein Sverre Tarjei Terje Toralf, Thoralf Torbjørn, Thorbjørn Torleif, Thorleif Torstein, Thorstein Torvald, Thorvald Trond Ulf Ulrik Valdemar Wilhelm Willy Åge
Albertine Alice, Alise Alma Anita Anna Annbjørg Asbjørg Astrid Aud Bente Berit Birgit Birgitte Bjørg Bjørgun Bodil Borghild Dagny Dagrun Edel Ella Ellen Elsa Fredrikke Frida Gerd Gjertrud Gunhild Gyda Hanna, Hannah Helga Henny Herdis Hilda Hilde Hjørdis Ingeborg Inger Irene Johanna, Johanne Jorun, Jorunn Josefine Judith Kari Karin Kirsten Kitty Kjersti Laila Lilli, Lilly Lisa, Lise Liv Lovise Mathilde Margaret Marit Martha Molly Nanna Oddrun Oddveig Olga Ragna Ragnhild Rigmor Sara Signe Sissel Solbjørg Solveig Solvår Svanhild Sylvi Sølvi Tora Torhild, Toril, Torill Torun, Torunn Tove Valborg Ylva Åse Åshild
Names usage Double names, like Ragnhild Johanne or Ole Martin are common in Norway. Just keep them as two names and don't use "-", and you'll be safe, even if it ends up a tongue twister. Using only one of two given names is also common practice.
In Norway everyone is on a first name basis. Students call teachers and other kids' parents by their first name, workers call their boss by their first name, we call our Prime Minister by her first name (journalists will use her title when speaking to her though). Some senior citizens still use surnames and titles when speaking of or to  people their own age.
There are some exceptions. For example, a doctor may be referred to as Dr. Lastname when we speak of them, but first name is used when speaking to them. A priest is "the priest" when speaking of him/her and their first name is used when spaking to them. In the millitary only surnames (and ranks) are used. If you meet Harald, the King of Norway, in an official setting you will refer to him as "Kongen" (the king). If you run into him at the gas station, or while hiking, he is "Harald".
If you don't know someone's name it is okay to use their title, or just say "you".
Names for pets (contemporary)
Dogs Laika (f) Bamse (m) (bear) Tinka (f) Loke/Loki (m) + characters from TV/film/books...
Cats Melis (m/f) (powdered sugar) Mango (m/f) (mango) Pus (f) (kitty) Mons (m) (tomcat) Nala (f) Pusur (m) (Garfield) Felix (m)  Simba (m) + characters from TV/film/books...
Horses Pajazz (m) Mulan (f) Balder (m) - cold blood Kompis (m) (pal) Freya (f) - cold blood + characters from TV/film/books...
Rabbits Trampe (m) (Thumper) Trulte (f) + characters from TV/film/books...
Cows (yes, I am serious) Dagros Rosa Mira Luna Sara + characters from TV/film - Disney is popular, as are the Kardashians :)
Road and street names
Storgata (usually the main street) Kongens gate (the king's street) Dronningens gate (the queen's street) Jernbanegata (railroad street) Jernbaneveien (railroad road) Sjøgata (ocean street) Sjøveien, Sjøvegen (ocean road) Skolegata (school street) Torvgata (plaza street) Industrigata (industrial street) Industriveien (industrial road)
Prefixes Blåbær- (blueberry) Bringebær- (raspberry) Bjørke- (birch) Aspe- (asp) Kastanje- (chestnut) Solsikke- (sun flower) Blåklokke- (blue bell) Nype- (rosehip) Kirke- (church) Park- (park)
Suffixes -veien, -vegen (the road)  -stien (the path)
Other Torvet (the plaza) - standalone or suffix: -torvet Havna (the port) - standalone or suffix: -havna Kaia (the port) - standalone or suffix: -kaia
Safe solution: use a first name or surname as prefix.
Old norse
Men’s names Agnarr (Agnar) Alfr (Alf) Ámundi (Amund) Ánarr Árngrimr (Arngrim) Askr (Ask) Auðun (Audun) Baldr (Balder) Beinir ​Bjørn Burr Borkr Dagfinnr (Dagfinn) Davið (David) Drengr Durinn Einarr (Einar) Eirikr (Eirik) Eivindr (Eivind) Erlingr (Erling) Fafnir Flóki Freyr (Frey) Fuldarr Galinn Gautarr (Gaute) Gegnir Geirr (Geir) Glóinn Grímarr (Grimar) Hafli Hakon Hallsteinn (Hallstein) Haraldr (Harald) Haukr (Hauk) Heðinn (Hedin, Hedinn) Helgi (Helge) Hrafn, Hrafni (Ravn) Hrafnkell (Ravnkjell) Iarl (Jarl) Ingolfr (Ingolf) Iuar (Ivar) Jafnhárr Jón Jóngeirr Kál Kiaran Klaus Knútr (Knut) Kolgrimr (Kolgrim) Kolr (Kol) Leifr (Leif) Loki Lyngvi Magnus Mikjáll (Mikal, Mikkel) Mór Morði Nesbjørn Nokkvi Oddr (Odd) Oddbjørn Oðin (Odin) Olafr (Olaf) Ormr (Orm) Otr Ouden Pálni Pedr Ragnarr (Ragnar) Ragnvaldr (Ragnvald) Randr (Rand) Róaldr (Roald) Rólfr (Rolf) Salvi Sigarr (Sigar) Sigbjørn Sigurðr (Sigurd) Skarpe Snorri (Snorre) Steinn (Stein) Sveinn (Svein) Teitr Þor (Thor/Tor) Þórbjørn (Thorbjørn/Torbjørn) Þorsteinn (Thorstein/Torstein) Tryggr (Trygg) Týr Ulfár Ulfheðinn (Ulvhedin) Ulfr (Ulf) Vakr Vani Veigr Viðarr (Vidar) Yngvarr (Yngvar) Æsi
Women's names
Anna Arnfriðr (Arnfrid) Ása Bera Bergdís (Bergdis) Biørg (Bjørg) Cecilia Cecilie Christina Dagný (Dagny) Dagrún (Dagrun) Dís Dísa Edda Elin Ellisif (Ellisiv) Freyja (Freya) Friða (Frida) Frigg Gerðr (Gerd) Gertrud Grima Gyða (Gyda) Hadda Hallbéra Hallkatla Herdís (Herdis) Hildigunnr (Hildegunn) Huld Hvít Ida Iðunn (Idun, Idunn) Ingríðr (Ingrid) Johanna Jórunn (Jorun, Jorunn) Juliana Katla Katrine Kristín (Kristin) Leikný (Leikny) Lif (Liv) Magnhildr (Magnhild) Mjøll Myrgiol Nál Nanna Nótt Oda Oddný (Oddny) Ólaug (Olaug) Rafnhildr (Ragnhild) Rán Rannveíg Ríkví (Rikvi, Rikke) Rúna (Runa) Roskva Sága (Saga) Sif (Siv) Sigriðr (Sigrid) Skaði (Skadi) Skuld Svana Sýn Solveig Tekla Tóra (Tora) Trana Ulfhildr (Ulfhild) Una Urðr (Urd) Valborg Vigdís (Viigdis) Vírún Yngvildr (Ingvill, Ingvild) Yrsa
Bynames Bynames, or nicknames, could be neutral, praising or condescending. Usually bynames described a person's
body, bodyparts, bodily features
kinship and descent
territorial origin
knowledge, belief, spirituality
clothing, armour
occupation, social position
Examples: Eirik Blodøks (Eirik Blood-Axe), Gammel-Anna (old Anna), Halte-Ása (limping Ása). I suggest that you stick with English for bynames, or use (relatively) modern language if you are writing in Norwegian. 
Surnames weren't really a thing until 1923 when they became mandatory. Before 1923 patronyms (son/daughter of) were used, and the name of the farm you lived on was often added as an address. 
For instance: Helgi Eiriksøn (Helgi, son of Eirik), who lived at the farm called Vollr (grass field), would be called Helgi Eiriksøn Vollr. If he moved to the farm called Haugr his name would change to Helgi Eiriksøn Haugr.
Men: Use father's first name and add -sen /-son /-sønn Women: Use father's first name and add -dotter / -dottir / -datter
Farm names
Farm names were usually relevant and derived from either the location, a nearby landmark, nature or from occupation.  I suggest you stick with the modern forms for farm names.
Old Norse (meaning) - modern Bekkr (stream) - Bekk, Bekken Dalr (valley) - Dal, Dahl Horn (horn) - Horn Vollr (field) - Vold, Volden Lundr (grove) - Lund
The list of common names for places/villages/towns is still valid, although the spelling is modern. Just keep it simple and make "clever" combos based on meaning. 
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locke-writes · 7 years ago
The requested rebloggable version of my masterlist under the cut.
Remember that my motto is “If I know it well enough I can write for it” so questions about fandoms and characters are always welcome. I write for movies, tv shows, plays, musicals, books, etc.
All Fics
Anastasia The Musical
Baby Driver
Being Human (US)
Aidan Waite
Josh Levison
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Bill Preston
Ted Logan
Amy Antsler
Molly Davidson
The Breakfast Club
Andrew Clark
John Bender
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Amy Santiago
Jake Peralta
Rosa Diaz
Terry Jeffords
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cordelia Chase
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
Foggy Nelson
Frank Castle
Matt Murdock
DC Extended Universe
Arthur Curry
Barry Allen
Bruce Wayne
Harley Quinn
Victor Stone
Christopher Robin
David Kawena
Flynn Rider
Nani Pelekai
Prince Adam
Prince Philip
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
Newt Scamander
Percival Graves
Chandler Bing
Janice Litman
Joey Tribianni
Monica Gellar
Phoebe Buffay
Rachel Green
Ross Gellar
Fright Night (2011)
Charlie Brewster
Jerry Dandridge
Peter Vincent
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Ray Stantz
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Quill
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye
Eleanor Shellstrop
Jason Mendoza
Tahani Al Jamil
Halt & Catch Fire
Joe MacMillan
Frederick Chilton
Hannibal Lecter
Will Graham
Harry Potter
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
Ginny Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Lavender Brown
Lucius Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Ron Weasley
Severus Snape
Seamus Finnigan
Hateful Eight
Chris Mannix
Domergue Gang
Jody Domergue
Joe Gage
John Ruth
Pete Hicox
The Haunted Mansion
Edward Gracey
House MD
Gregory House
James Wilson
How I Met Your Mother
Barney Stinson
The Losers Club
Bill Denbrough
Ben Hanscom
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The IT Crowd
The IT Department
Jurassic Park
Alan Grant
Ian Malcolm
Jurassic World
Lowery Cruthers
Zia Rodriguez
The Kingsman
Eggsy Unwin
Harry Hart
A Knight’s Tale
Count Adhemar
Knives Out
Benoit Blanc
Law & Order SVU
Amanda Rollins
George Huang
John Munch
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Rafael Barba
Rita Calhoun
Sonny Carisi
Lost Boys
The Vampire Clan
Chloe Decker
Lucifer Morningstar
Ava Starr
Avengers Team
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Clint Barton
The Collector
Hope Van Dyne
Johnny Storm
Peter Parker
Phil Coulson
Pietro Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Susan Storm
Tony Stark
Yon Rogg
Wanda Maximoff
The Martian
Mark Watney
Rich Purnell
Arthur Pendragon
Morgana Pendragon
Mr Right
New Girl
Jessica Day
Nick Miller
Winston Bishop
Now You See Me
The Four Horsemen
Parks & Recreation
Andy Dwyer
Chris Traeger
Donna Meagle
Tom Haverford
Peter Pan (2003)
Peter Pan
Peaky Blinders
Ada Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Luca Changretta
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Tommy Shelby
Phantom of the Opera
Princess Bride
Pretty In Pink
Black Hat
Prodigal Son
Malcolm Bright
Martin Whitly
PS I Love You
William Gallagher
Pushing Daisies
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Luigi Largo
Rotti Largo
Reservoir Dogs
Freddy Newandyke
Mr White
Nice Guy Eddie
Vic Vega
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Baudelaire’s
Esme Squalor
Star Wars
Bodhi Rook
Cassian Andor
Darth Maul
Kylo Ren
Obi Wan
Poe Dameron
Qui Gon
Stranger Things
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
That 70s Show
Donna Pinciotti
Michael Kelso
Steven Hyde
Three Musketeers (2011)
Trouble in the Heights
Nevada Ramirez
Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias 
Watchmen (Team)
What We Do In The Shadows
Will & Grace
Karen Walker
Will Truman
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Hank McCoy
Kurt Wagner
Victor Creed
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spenglersglasses · 1 year ago
Hey there Ghostbuster lovers!!!!!
It's me again back for the season of LOVE with the next chapter of my Egon x OC Molly fic!
I hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info on my main blog @copiousloverofcopia
Tumblr media
Things have fallen on hard times for the members of the Ghostbusters when the memory of saving the world from the threat of supernatural destruction fades in the minds of the city. Now, with each of them going their separate ways, Egon joins up with another scientist to share a lab so he can continue his experiments. When an innocent mistake by his lab mate leads to a mix up that could mean big consequences for Egon, he must choose whether or not to reveal the truth to Molly, the test subject or keep it secret forever.
Observations in Love
Chapter 3: The Party
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven't started yet? Start from the beginning HERE!
Read Below the Cut!
The words were something that Egon never thought he would have to say. Though, whoever thinks to themselves that they have to tell someone they might be carrying his child without at least a night of passion to show for it. Egon placed his hands on Molly’s shoulders, ready to stabilize her if the news came as a shock. Molly waited with bated breath, staring into Egon’s eyes. Hoping he was about to kiss her. 
“There was a mix up at the lab.” he began. Molly opened up her eyes, looking more confused than ever. 
“Mix up? What do you mean?” she asked him. Egon felt his heart sink knowing what he was about to tell her. Deciding to help the two of them sit down on the stoop of her building. Prepared to confess it all. 
“During the procedure, you were not inseminated with the correct donor sperm.” he said plainly. Molly's face went beet red, embarrassed to even be discussing it with him. The realization, only hitting her afterwards that she might be having some stranger's baby.
“Oh no… you mean… oh god.” she said, a bit stunned. Her hands, holding her either side of head as she took it all in. Egon took in a deep breath—he wasn’t finished just yet. He watched as she tried her best to contain herself. Holding back evidence of the panic she felt inside. 
“That’s not all…Molly. I—I have to tell you, the donor sperm you received…it was mine.” he confessed. Suddenly Molly felt as though she might faint. Her head was spinning, and a loud ringing started becoming louder and louder in her ears. Frazzled and unsure if what she heard was truly what Egon was trying to say. Did he actually tell her that he, the man she had been slowly falling for, was possibly the father of her child? It was so much to take in.
“So if I’m pregnant, then…”
“Then I am the father.” Egon confirmed, “Molly if…if it happens then we will figure it out. I just needed to tell you. I couldn’t allow for things to continue on between us and… I am sure we have nothing to be concerned about. The likelihood of a successful first-time intrauterine insemination procedure is relatively low, about 13%.” he continued, trying his best to diffuse the situation. 
“Oh…” she murmured, all the while growing quieter. A swirl of chaotic and undefined emotions, filling her up inside. The whole thing had become so damn bittersweet. On one hand she had a moment of hope. Unplanned as it was, she felt excited at the prospect to think she'd actually get to have a child with a man she…loved? But did he want that? 
Egon continued, spouting off the low odds of conception, leaving her thin optimism in a dulled and blunt sense of doubt. “I guess you're right, there's no reason to get worked up.” She began, playing it off as if she were fine. Both her and Egon, however, knew the truth. “We will just have to wait and see.” she finished, the upset in her voice unable to be hidden as it cracked and trembled. 
Egon sat quietly there beside her, unsure of how to make things better between them. While he could practically master every branch of science imaginable, the concept of relationships was not something he had ever excelled in. His history with the likes of Janine being a prime example. He wasn’t sure what to make of Molly’s reaction. He was even less sure how to comfort her.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, staring down at the steps. His eyes focused on the spot between his shoes. The worn-down concrete, catching his attention as he felt Molly turn to face him. The tears were now undeniable in her eyes as he looked into them. Instantly feeling the pain she was going through when she spoke.
“I want you to know something.” She began, wringing her hands on the hem of her sweater. 
“Go on.” He said, leaning closer to her. Waiting for a full breakdown to come into fruition, but instead Molly wiped the tears away from her eyes. Beginning to laugh softly.
“I really want this baby Egon. I have wanted one for so long. This… this doesn’t change that.”
“I know… I know.” he said with a smile. Allowing her to rest her head on his chest. “Molly… there's something else.” Egon began, pulling her up to look at him. Molly’s eyes widening as she sat back up. Facing him head on.
“Oh god Egon, I don’t think I can take anything else.” she said half joking, half serious.
“I wanted to tell you that, I have developed feelings for you as well.” he smiled, his gorgeous brown eyes sending Molly’s heart racing inside her chest. Wanting so badly to kiss him.    
A week had passed since Egon’s confession. Molly and him, ecstatic to find that they shared feelings for one another. Deciding to give a relationship between them a shot. Molly’s first order of business was to invite Egon to a Halloween party hosted by Sam and a few of her roadie friends. 
She was excited to share the love of the season with him as they counted down the days until they would know if she had conceived. They began learning more about more about one another. Molly, fascinated by Egon’s time as a Ghostbuster and Egon just as equally intrigued by her “normal childhood”. The two of them, quickly growing closer with each passing day.
Molly was doing her best to pretend nothing had changed when she made a routine trip to the lab. She was due for some follow up blood tests and a few rounds of questions. Careful not to look Egon’s way and smiling over to Connie as she entered. Her scientist friend, still completely unaware of their budding romance. 
Constance, too, was playing things close to the chest. Still under the assumption Molly was ignorant about the mix up, she continued on with business as usual. Egon finding other things to be conveniently busy with during the visit. Excusing himself to the storage room, leaving the two of them alone. 
“How are you feeling Mol?” Connie asked her, giving her back her arm as she finished collecting the blood samples. Molly, feeling a bit lightheaded from seeing just how many tubes Connie had managed to fill.   
“I’m doing well actually… Maybe I'm a little dizzy now.” she laughed, “But seriously no symptoms or anything… not sure if that's good or bad.” she explained as she held the cotton ball to the puncture in her arm. Connie quickly turned back with a band aid and a cautious smile on her face as she began placing it down.
“Well it may be too soon for anything. We will know in another few days.” she replied. Molly nodded in response. More excited than ever to get on her way, ready to get going to the party. 
“I understand. Was there anything else I needed to do before I leave?” she asked, hopping off the exam table and grabbing her coat. Connie quickly flipped through her collection of papers on her clipboard and replied.
“Nope, it seems we are good here. Next time I see you we will be ready to test!” she beamed. Molly smiled back at her, noticing Egon slipping out of the lab to meet with her outside. Molly made her way to the street walking a bit down the sidewalk until she reached the corner—Egon waiting for her along the side of the building. 
“Not sure how I feel about all this sneaking around.” he said, looking to see if Constance had followed her out. 
“I mean we can tell her if you want. I think it might help her relax a bit. I can tell she’s on edge. Maybe she’d feel better too if she knew.” Molly said.
“Sure. Next time.” Egon smiled, taking Molly's hand and walking with her down the street. 
“Do we need to stop over at your place to get your costume?” she asked him. Cuddling up close as they walked. The cold chill in the wind was beginning to settle in. Molly, taking it as the perfect excuse to get closer to him. 
“What do you mean? I’m wearing it right now.” Egon explained, the two of them stopping in stride so he could present himself. Still dressed in his normal lab coat and suit. 
“What is it?” he asked her.
“That's not a costume.” Molly laughed. 
“It is actually, you see I am going to the part as a research scientist.”
“Uh huh…” Molly hummed. The look of skepticism was plain on her face. “Maybe try something else ok.” she laughed. Egon nodded, figuring that it was a long shot, but he had to try.
“I will figure something out. Why don’t you head back and I will meet up with you tonight before the party.” he told her, wondering what he could find to wear.
“Sounds good.” Molly told him lifting up on her toes to kiss his cheek before taking off down the block. “I will see you tonight!” 
“See you then!” he called back to her. Turning to head into the lab and grab his things before making his way to his apartment.
It was a few hours later as Egon paced his apartment. Wondering if he could make up some excuse to come sans costume. As enticing as it was, he couldn’t bring himself to disappoint her. Suddenly deciding he had just the right thing—though he was nervous to put it on.
He threw his costume in a duffel bag, bringing it with him as he readied to leave for Molly’s. Hoping to let her give it the final approval, when he heard the phone ring. Egon let out a sigh, hastily making his way back into the living room and picking up the receiver. A familiar voice heard on the other end. 
“Egon, it’s Constance. Are you sitting down?” she asked him. Immediately he was put on edge. He hated when people started out conversations in that way. 
“No… Do I need to be?” he asked her.
“Uh… I would.” she advised. Her voice filled with sheer anxious energy. The feeling was palpable even over the phone. Egon took a seat, as suggested, on the sofa next to the table. Loosening the fit of his tie and taking a deep breath before he spoke again. 
“Ok, I’m sitting.” 
“She’s pregnant.” Constance told him, blurting out the words. Egon, feeling as if the wind was knocked out of him. 
“Are you sure?” he asked her. Rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses as he was convinced his vision had begun to blur.  
“I’m positive. I just finished running her tests. There’s no doubt.  We have to tell her.” Constance explained, freaking out on the other end. Despite his initial reaction, suddenly, Egon became as cool as a cucumber. This wasn’t a bad thing, right? Molly would be thrilled, wouldn’t she? Was he—thrilled?
“It’s alright… I will handle it.” he told Constance as he hung up the phone. Grabbing the duffle bag and heading out to meet Molly. 
“Come on, I wanna see it already.” Molly laughed. Waiting on her sofa for Egon to emerge from the bedroom. He had been in there a while putting on his outfit for the party. Molly, growing ever more impatient to see what he had come up with. 
On the other side of the door, Egon was sitting down on the edge of Molly’s bed. He had been dressed for some time, but hadn’t yet been able to bring himself to leave the room. Every moment of them spent together drawing closer to the time he would have to tell her. Full of more anxiety than he had never experienced before.
When he arrived at her apartment that evening, he couldn’t help but zero in on her lower abdomen. Knowing that beneath her sweater, cradled inconspicuously within her pelvis was his child—their child. Right now, what was a small bunch of cells, would continue to rapidly divide and multiply over and over. His DNA and her’s, forever combined in what would become a little person. 
It took everything in him not to shout it at her right there and then. Choosing instead to wait until the time felt right to reveal it. Hoping that they'd get some more time alone. Egon finally shook off his apprehension enough to leave the room. Molly's eyes lit up with an almost childlike wonder when she saw him. 
“Oh Egon! It's perfect!” She cheered, jumping up and down as she approached him. Marveling at the fit of a very familiar flight suit. His name in stark red lettering against the black patch. 
“Do you like it? It's really all I could think of.” He asked her, trying to stop himself from smiling too much at her delight.
“I love it! I get to bring an actual Ghostbuster with me to a Halloween party…and a handsome one at that. What's not to love!” She smiled, looking so beautiful in her Flashdance costume. Egon was particularly fond of the way her glutei maximi were accentuated in the tight black shorts. Her legs, that seemed to go on for days, were accented in black warmers and perfectly pink heels. Enticed by the fall of her baggy sweatshirt, peeking her bare shoulder to him. 
He was proud of himself for being so restrained as he looked at her. Wishing he had the strength to press his lips against hers. To forgo the party and take her once and for all in the bed. Claim her the way he should have before they had managed to make a child. For now, he knew it would have to wait. They had a party to attend—and he still needed to tell her. 
Monster Mash was playing over the loudspeakers as they arrived. The semi-small studio apartment, packed like sardines with people. The crowd, a bit overwhelming for Egon as they traversed the room. Though he would take it in stride, knowing how much the event meant to Molly. 
It wasn’t long before they bumped into Sam and Elaine. The two of them dressed as Madonna and a wicked witch respectively. Molly, all too happy to introduce Egon to them as her boyfriend with the sweetest of smiles on her face. Thrilled to be on her handsome gentlemen’s arm for the evening. 
“Ghostbusters…I think I remember that from a while back. How crazy was all that?” Sam laughed trying to make conversation. 
“It was quite exceptional and dangerous. A thing of the past now.” he responded, leaving his answer short, but still rather encompassing. 
“Egon now studies more lively things, like human emotions.” laughed Molly. It became quickly apparent to them that Egon wasn’t like most men. Wanting very little to talk about himself and more happy to enjoy watching Molly having a good time. Elaine and Sam, thrilled to see just how happy he was making Molly.
“Sounds good to me. If he wants some good subjects I know where he can find some toddlers for it.” Elaine laughed, choking up a bit at the end when she suddenly remembered the situation with Molly, “Oh Mol… any word on the…'' she finished looking down at Molly's belly. Wondering how her new ghost busting beau would fit into the mix.
“Nothing yet.” she said, a hint of nervous laughter escaping her. Egon, swallowing back hard the knot in his throat, knowing that there was indeed something yet. 
“Not to alarm you, but Seth is here tonight so he may ask about it.” Sam warned her. 
“Oh…that's ok…ah Egon actually knows about Seth and the um…” Molly began just as the man in question appeared from behind Elaine’s shoulder. 
“Talking about me behind my back?” Seth laughed as he approached. Immediately Egon was on edge. This was the man who was supposed to be the baby’s father. Long brown hair, broad shouldered, and conventionally attractive. He couldn’t help but think to himself, no wonder she had chosen him. Though his brawn did not seem matched by his brains. 
“Of course not.” Sam said, rolling her eyes. Suddenly Seth’s attention was drawn to Molly. Looking her over up and down as she stood there. His gesturing, clearly showing how much he appreciated the fit of her costume. 
“So Mol any word on if I knocked you up y—” he asked as Sam’s hand came hard across his chest, “What?”
“Jeez, Seth have some class.” she told him. Molly, looking horrified at how he had asked her. All the while, Egon was beginning to feel a bit unsettled hearing him talk to her in such a way.
“No Seth, as a matter of fact I have changed my mind about all that.” she explained. Her words sent a feeling of warmth throughout Egon’s chest. Feeling as if he had somehow managed to accomplish something without even trying.
“Oh really… that's a shame. We’d make some cute kiddos.” Seth laughed, the alcohol on his breath becoming more and more apparent.  
“Seth, this is Molly’s boyfriend. Dr. Egon Spengler.” Elaine said, hoping he would get the point. 
“Well I’ll be damned. An actual Ghostbuster. Boo!” he laughed, making a fool of himself in front of them. It was clear to Egon and everyone else that Seth was already inebriated. 
“Why don’t we go sit down Seth.” Sam suggested, leading him off to the sofa as she mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ to Molly. It was upsetting for her to see him like that and Egon could tell it was getting to her. 
“Are you alright?” he asked her. Molly, pressing her lips into a smile.
“Yeah…just not used to seeing him so wasted.” she explained. Egon tried to brush it off, stuffing down the jealousy he felt creeping up inside. 
“I am sure he’ll be fine.” Egon assured her. The rest of the night was going well. They mingled with a few of Molly’s friends from work and Egon was coaxed into talking about the glory days of ghost hunting when he heard a familiar voice in the crowd calling out his name.
“Yes?” he said, turning around to come face to face with Janine Melnitz. It had been years since he’d seen her and in that time it seemed so much had changed. She was now sporting a hipper contemporary aesthetic. Her now bright red hair, styled into a bob and her black-rimmed circle spectacles a statement on her eyes. She was dressed in a lime green flapper girl costume, still wearing her leopard print coat as if he had only just arrived. 
“Janine.” he said.
“Egon, it's been a long time.” she smiled, looking him over. “Though it looks like it was just yesterday.” she laughed seeing him in his flight suit. 
“Do you all know each other?” Molly asked. 
“Once upon a time. Right Egon. How do you all know each other?” Janine asked them. 
“Oh from volunteering at a research clinic.” Molly laughed nervously. “Egon is my boyfriend.” 
“Is that so? Well now Dr. Spengler seems you are doing well for yourself. You know Molly, a few years ago we almost got married.” Janine explained, the words instantly putting Molly on edge. Janine had been someone she met a while back. Hanging out with a group of Sam’s roadie friends and a bunch of artsy people they hung out with. Never in a million years did she think someone like Janine and Egon would have ever been an item.
“That was a long time ago.” Egon assured Molly, sensing her unease at the turn of the conversation. “How have you been Janine?” he asked, trying to maintain civil conversation, though he felt like he was stuck in quicksand. Unable to move from the awkward interaction without finding an appropriate out.  
“Oh I’ve been around. Doing some secretarial work for the local community college, but nothing too serious. How have you been? Are the boys getting back together?” Janine smiled. Her eyes lighting up in Egon’s presence. 
“Hardly. Peter is more interested in cable television than researching actual paranormal phenomena.” Egon explained.
“A shame.” Janine responded. Molly kept quiet while watching the two of them interact. At one point she was no longer hearing what was being said, but finding herself paying close attention to the way Janine would brush her hair behind one ear. Laughing as she placed her palm against Egon’s chest. It seemed like obvious flirting to Molly, but did Egon even notice? 
It was clear now that whatever torch had been lit all those years ago, for Janine it was still burning. Molly, wondering if it was the same for Egon. As they stood there suddenly Molly felt someone poking her. A finger, tapping over and over into her shoulder before she turned around to see Seth once again. Two beers in hand and looking even more sloshed than he had before. 
“Here Mol have a beer with me.” he told her trying to hand her the open bottle. Molly, politely refusing him as he carried on. 
“No thanks, I’m good.” she said, once again trying to get him to back off. Her protests, catching Egon and Janine’s attention. 
“Ah come on, it's just a beer. It’s Halloween, lighten up a bit will yah.” he insisted, shoving the bottle again in her face. Egon was overcome with anger. Watching the way Seth was treating Molly had his blood boiling. A feeling he had hardly ever felt before. He was unable to control himself as the beer bottle spilled over onto Molly’s sweatshirt. Molly, going to grab it from Seth if only to stop him from insisting she take a drink, when Egon finally lost it.   
“Back off you oaf, she’s pregnant.” Egon snapped.
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myfunnylittlebrain · 6 years ago
Just a public service annoucement
I've created a sub blog for all your Egon Spengler and Janine Melnitz shipping needs.
If you love JanEgon and the Ghostbusters, please feel free to drop by my new sub blog.
FYI, I also ship Sherlolly
And Reylo!
So go check them out as well.
And now back to your regularly scheduled Tumbling.
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myfunnylittlebrain · 6 years ago
Oh, yeah! I forgot this one.
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When the woman who’s been in love with you for such a long time decided to move on with her life and find someone else … . who looks superficially like you.
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