#Effective Sales Team
refrigerantcenter · 7 months
#At Refrigerant Center INC#we specialize in providing comprehensive refrigerant solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. With a deep understanding#Ventilation#and Air Conditioning) industry and its evolving regulatory landscape#we are committed to offering environmentally responsible refrigerant products and services.#Our company prides itself on being a trusted partner for businesses operating in various sectors#including commercial#industrial#and residential. Whether you're a facility manager#HVAC contractor#or equipment manufacturer#we have the expertise and resources to fulfill your refrigerant requirements efficiently and affordably.#Key Services and Products:#Refrigerant Sales: We offer a wide range of refrigerant products#including traditional HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons)#low-GWP (Global Warming Potential) alternatives like HFOs (Hydrofluoroolefins)#and natural refrigerants such as CO2 and ammonia. Our extensive inventory ensures that clients can find the right refrigerant for their spe#Refrigerant Reclamation: Recognizing the importance of sustainability#we provide refrigerant reclamation services aimed at recovering#purifying#and reprocessing used refrigerants. Through our state-of-the-art reclamation facilities#we help clients minimize environmental impact while maximizing cost savings.#Regulatory Compliance Assistance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape surrounding refrigerants can be challenging. Our team stays u#national#and international regulations#including EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations in the United States.#Technical Support: We understand that proper handling and usage of refrigerants are critical for the safety and efficiency of HVAC systems.#training#and educational resources to assist clients in handling refrigerants safely and effectively.#Customized Solutions: Every client has unique requirements
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sydmarch · 1 year
thinking about how there are many points when evrart laughs but they're pretty much all fake laughter/on command and not genuine
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AliciaShonta's Insights: From a personal stylist, POV
Hiring the right people for a successful sales team is essential in the success of your business. Take the time to attend to your new associates, they are an important part of your future.
How to build high-performance retail sales team? Editor, Writer: AliciaShonta, CEO of AliciaShonta’s Fashion House July 2024 As a retail leader, my objective is to foster a diverse culture where passion for the job is paramount. The initial step involves recruiting and sourcing candidates. There are multiple avenues to discover exceptional candidates, including networking, referrals, job…
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webuniseo · 1 year
Solar Water Heater Sales & Service In Bangalore
Experience efficient solar water heater solutions in Bangalore with our sales and service offerings. At your service, we specialize in delivering high-quality solar water heaters for residential and commercial needs. Our team of experts ensures seamless installation, repairs, and maintenance, guaranteeing optimal performance and longevity. Embrace eco-friendly heating while reducing energy costs. Whether you need a new installation or service for your existing system, we have you covered. Trust our proficiency in solar technology to provide sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective hot water solutions. Join us to harness the power of solar energy for your water heating needs in Bangalore.
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An end to the climate emergency is in our grasp
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On June 20, I'm keynoting the LOCUS AWARDS in OAKLAND.
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The problem with good news in the real world is that it's messy. Neat happy endings are for novels, not the real world, and that goes double for the climate emergency. But even though good climate news is complicated and nuanced, that doesn't mean it shouldn't buoy our spirits and fill our hearts with hope.
The big climate news this past week is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's clarion call about surging CO2 levels – the highest ever – amid a year that is on track to have the largest and most extreme series of weather events in human history:
This is genuinely alarming and you – like me – have probably experienced it as a kind of increase in your background radiation of climate anxiety. Perhaps you – like me – even experienced some acute, sit-bolt-upright-in-bed-at-2AM anxiety as a result. That's totally justifiable. This is very real, very bad news.
And yet…
The news isn't all bad, and even this terrible dispatch from the NOAA is best understood in context, which Bill McKibben provides in his latest newsletter post, "What You Want is an S Curve":
Financier and their critics should all be familiar with Stein's Law: "anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop." This is true outside of finance as well. One of the reasons that we're seeing such autophagic panic from the tech companies is that their period of explosive growth is at an end.
For years, they told themselves that they were experiencing double-digit annual growth because they were "creating value" and "innovating" but the majority of their growth was just a side-effect of the growth of the internet itself. When hundreds of millions of people get online every year, the dominant online services will, on average, gain hundreds of millions of new users.
But when you run out of people who don't have internet access, your growth is going to slow. How can it not? Indeed, at that point, the only ways to grow are to either poach users from your rivals (through the very expensive tactics of massive advertising and sales-support investments, on top of discounts and freebies as switching enticements), or to squeeze your own users for more.
That's why the number of laptops sold in America slowed down. It's why the number of cellphones sold in America slowed down. It's why the number of "smart home" gizmos slowed down.
Even the steepest hockey-stick-shaped exponential growth curve eventually levels off and becomes an S-curve, because anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop.
One way or another, the world's carbon emissions will eventually level off. Even if we drive ourselves to (or over) the brink of extinction and set up the conditions for wildfires that release all the carbon stored in all the Earth's plants, the amount of carbon we pump into the atmosphere has to level off.
Rendering the Earth incapable of sustaining human civilization (or life) is the ultimate carbon reduction method – but it's not my first choice.
That's where McKibben's latest newsletter comes in. He cites a new report from the Rocky Mountain Institute, which shows a major reversal in our energy sources, a shift that will see our energy primarily provided by renewables, with minimal dependence on fossil fuels:
The RMI team says that in this year or next, we'll have hit peak demand for fossil fuels (a fact that is consistent with NOAA's finding that we're emitting more CO2 than ever). The reason for this is that so much renewable energy is about to come online, and it is so goddamned cheap, that we are about to undergo a huge shift in our energy consumption patterns.
This past decade saw a 12-fold increase in solar capacity, a 180-fold increase in battery storage, and a 100-fold increase in EV sales. China is leading the world in a cleantech transition, with the EU in close second. Cleantech is surging in places where energy demand is also still growing, like India and Vietnam. Fossil fuel use has already peaked in Thailand, South Africa and every country in Latin America.
We're on the verge of solar constituting an absolute majority of all the world's energy generation. This year, batteries will overtake pumped hydro for energy storage. Every cleantech metric is growing the way that fossil fuels did in previous centuries: investment, patents, energy density, wind turbine rotor size. The price of solar is on track to halve (again) in the next decade.
In short, cleantech growth looks like the growth of other technologies that were once rarities and then became ubiquitous overnight: TV, cellphones, etc. That growth isn't merely being driven by the urgency of the climate emergency: it's primarily a factor of how fucking great cleantech is:
Fossil fuels suck. It's not just that they wreck the planet, or that their extraction is both politically and environmentally disastrous. They just aren't a good way to make energy. About a third of fossil fuel energy is wasted in production and transportation. A third! Another third is wasted turning fossil fuels into energy. Two thirds! The net energy efficiency of fossil fuels is about 37%.
Compare that with cleantech. EVs convert electricity to movement with 80-90% efficiency. Heat pumps are 300% efficient (the main fuel for your heat pump is the heat in the atmosphere, not the electricity it draws).
Cleantech is just getting started – it's still in the hockey-stick phase. That means those efficiency numbers are only going up. Rivian just figured out how to remove 1.6 miles of copper wire from each vehicle. That's just one rev – there's doubtless lots of room for more redesigns that will further dematerialize EVs:
As McKibben points out, there's been a lot of justifiable concern that electrification will eventually use up all our available copper, but copper demand has remained flat even as electrification has soared – and this is why. We keep figuring out new ways to electrify with fewer materials:
This is exactly what happened with previous iterations of tech. The material, energy and labor budgets of cars, buildings, furniture, etc all fell precipitously every time there was a new technique for manufacturing them. Renewables are at the start of that process. There's going to be a lot of this dematerialization in cleantech. Calculating the bill of materials for a planetary energy transition isn't a matter of multiplying the materials in current tech by the amount of new systems we'll need – as we create those new systems, we will constantly whittle down their materials.
What's more, global instability drives cleantech uptake. The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused a surge in European renewables. The story that energy prices are rising due to renewables (or carbon taxes) is a total lie. Fossil fuels are getting much more expensive, thanks to both war and rampant, illegal price-fixing:
If not for renewables, the incredible energy shocks of the recent years would be far more severe.
The renewables story is very good and it should bring you some comfort. But as McKibben points out, it's still not enough – yet. The examples of rapid tech uptake had big business on their side. America's living rooms filled with TV because America's largest businesses pulled out all the stops to convince everyone to buy a TV. By contrast, today's largest businesses – banks, oil companies and car companies – are working around the clock to stop cleantech adoption.
We're on track to double our use of renewables before the decade is over. But to hold to the (already recklessly high) targets from the Paris Accord, we need to triple our renewables usage. As McKibben says, the difference between doubling and tripling our renewables by 2030 is the difference between "survivable trouble" and something much scarier.
The US is experiencing a welcome surge in utility scale solar, but residential solar is stalling out as governments withdraw subsidies or even begin policies that actively restrict rooftop solar:
McKibben says the difference between where we are now and bringing back the push for home solar generation is the difference between "fast" and "faster" – that is the difference between tripling renewables by 2030 (survivable) and doubling (eek).
Capitalism stans who argue that we can survive the climate emergency with market tools will point to the good news on renewable and say that the market is the only way to transition to renewables. It's true that market forces are partly responsible for this fast transition. But the market is also the barrier to a faster (and thus survivable) transition. The oil companies, the banks who are so invested in fossil fuels, the petrostates who distort the world's politics – they're why we're not much farther along.
The climate emergency was never going to be neatly solved. We weren't going to get a neat novelistic climax that saw our problems sorted out in a single fell swoop. We're going to be fighting all the way to net zero, and after that, we'll still have decades of climate debt to pay down: fires, floods, habitat loss, zoonotic plagues, refugee crises.
But we should take our wins. Even if we're far from where we need to be on renewables, we're much farther along on renewables than we had any business hoping for, just a few years ago. The momentum is on our side. It's up to us to use that momentum and grow it. We're riding the hockey-stick, they're on that long, flat, static top of the S-curve. Their curve is leveling off and will start falling, ours will grow like crazy for the rest of our lives.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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astrocafecoffee · 3 months
• Your special qualities and career •
( according to your Destiny number)
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•For entertainment purposes only, enjoy, pls don't repost my work without my permission •
✨ What is destiny number?
☞ A Destiny Number, also known as an Expression Number, is a numerical value calculated from the letters of an individual's full birth name. It reveals a person's life purpose, personality traits, strengths, and challenges. The Destiny Number is considered a key aspect of numerology, providing insight into an individual's potential and life path.
✨ Calculation link : here
Note : if your destiny Number comes out as 11, 22 or 33 . Don't add them, Cause these are master numbers.
•Special qualities:
Individuals with a Destiny Number of 1 are natural-born leaders, innovators, and pioneers.
They exude self-assurance and confidence, which helps them take risks and pursue their goals.
They have a strong desire to succeed and make a lasting impact.
Destiny Number 1 individuals often possess a charming and magnetic personality.
They have a natural inclination to start their own ventures and take charge of their destiny.
They are effective communicators, able to articulate their ideas and inspire others.
•Career paths:
Starting their own business or venture is a natural fit for Destiny Number 1 individuals.
They excel in executive positions, management, or leadership roles.
Careers in tech, research, and development suit their innovative nature.
Destiny Number 1 individuals thrive in creative industries like art, design, music, or writing.
Their problem-solving skills make them excellent consultants or strategists.
They are natural orators and motivators, making them great public speakers or coaches.
Their charisma and leadership abilities make them suitable for roles in politics or social activism.
• Often compatible with: Destiny no 3,5,7,9 individuals.
• Special qualities:
Exceptional listening and communication skills, able to understand and connect with others on a deep level
Strong emotional intelligence, empathy, and compassion, making them excellent counselors and friends
Diplomatic and mediating skills, able to bring people together and resolve conflicts.
Adaptable and flexible, with a ability to adjust to new situations and challenges.
Cooperative and team-oriented, with a strong sense of loyalty and commitment.
Intuitive and sensitive nature, with a strong connection to their emotions and the emotions of others.
Counselors, therapists, or coaches, helping others navigate life's challenges and achieve their goals
Diplomats, mediators, or negotiators, bringing people together and resolving conflicts in personal and professional settings
Human resources or personnel managers, using their emotional intelligence and communication skills to build strong teams
Teachers, trainers, or educators, inspiring and guiding others in academic and personal growth
Artists, designers, or musicians, expressing themselves creatively and bringing joy to others
Writers, poets, or journalists, using their words to inspire, educate, and connect with others
Sales or marketing professionals, using their communication skills and emotional intelligence to build strong relationships with clients and customers
Social workers or non-profit professionals, dedicating themselves to making a positive impact in their communities
•Often compatible with : Destiny number 4,6,8,9 individuals.
•special qualities:
Exceptional creativity and imagination, with a talent for finding innovative solutions to problems .
Strong communication and expression skills, both verbal and written, with a ability to articulate ideas clearly and persuasively
Natural performers and entertainers, with a charisma and stage presence that draws others in
Optimistic and enthusiastic approach to life, with a ability to inspire and motivate others
Versatile and adaptable, with a ability to adjust to new situations and challenges with ease
Quick-witted and humorous, with a ability to think on their feet and come up with clever solutions
Innovative problem-solving skills, with a ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions
Leadership and motivational abilities, with a ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal
• careers :
Graphic designers ie. Creating visual elements for websites, magazines and brands.painters, art exhibition, sculptors, commercial potrait and landscape photography.
Fashion designers
Writer, poet , journalists , writing and publishing books across various genres.
Theatre actors, working in movies , tv shows, commercials , musicians, or performing in various styles ballet/ hip-hop .
Public speaker/ motivational speaker/ life coach/ business coach.
Marketing and advance professionals , public relation specialist.
Teachers/ educators.
Media / entertainment professionals.
• Often compatible with : Destiny number 1,5,6 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 4 individuals are practical and detail-oriented, with a talent for organization and management.
They value stability and security, and work towards creating a solid foundation in their lives and careers.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are hardworking and diligent, with a willingness to put in the effort necessary to achieve their goals.
They are loyal and dedicated to their loved ones, colleagues, and causes they believe in.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are skilled problem-solvers, able to analyze situations and find practical solutions.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 4 individuals excel in designing and building structures, systems, and processes.
They make excellent managers, administrators, and executives, able to organize and lead teams.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are skilled in finance, accounting, and economics, and excel in careers like banking and investing.
They are detail-oriented and analytical, making them excellent scientists, researchers, and laboratory technicians.
Destiny Number 4 individuals excel in information technology, software development, and data analysis.
They make excellent healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and medical administrators.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are drawn to careers in government, public policy, and non-profit organizations.
•often compatible with: Destiny number 1,2,6,8,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 5 individuals are highly adaptable and flexible, able to adjust to new situations and challenges with ease.
They are curious and love to learn, with a thirst for knowledge and new experiences.
Destiny Number 5 individuals are creative and innovative, with a talent for finding novel solutions to problems.
They possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and are able to articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively.
Destiny Number 5 individuals value freedom and independence, and prefer careers that allow them to work autonomously.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 5 individuals excel in creative fields like graphic design, painting, sculpture, photography, and fashion design.
They make excellent writers, journalists, and authors, with a talent for storytelling and communication.
Destiny Number 5 individuals are curious and analytical, making them excellent researchers and scientists.
They are natural entrepreneurs, able to develop innovative products and services and launch successful startups.
Destiny Number 5 individuals excel in consulting and strategy, helping businesses and organizations improve their operations.
They make excellent teachers and educators, able to inspire and guide students in various subjects.
Destiny Number 5 individuals love to travel and explore new places, making them a great fit for careers in the travel and hospitality industry.
• Often compatible with : Destiny number 1,3,7,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 6 individuals are responsible and reliable, taking their commitments seriously.
They value family and home life, creating a warm and nurturing environment.
Destiny Number 6 individuals have a strong desire to care for and support others.
They are loyal and dedicated to their loved ones and causes they believe in.
Destiny Number 6 individuals are skilled problem-solvers, able to find practical solutions.
They possess creative talents, often expressed through art, music, or other forms of self-expression.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 6 individuals make excellent nurses, doctors, and healthcare administrators.
They are caring and supportive teachers, inspiring students and fostering growth.
Destiny Number 6 individuals excel in social work, counseling, and therapy.
They express their creativity through art, music, graphic design, and other artistic pursuits.
Destiny Number 6 individuals love food and nutrition, making them excellent chefs and nutritionists.
They create warm and welcoming spaces, reflecting their love for home and family.
Destiny Number 6 individuals are drawn to careers in non-profit organizations and community service.
• often compatible with:Destiny number 2,4,8,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 7 individuals are analytical and logical, with a talent for problem-solving.
They are independent and self-sufficient, valuing freedom and autonomy.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are drawn to spirituality and philosophical pursuits.
They are curious and love to learn, with a thirst for knowledge and wisdom.
Destiny Number 7 individuals strive for perfection and have high standards.
They are introspective and reflective, with a strong connection to their inner world.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 7 individuals excel in scientific research, analysis, and experimentation.
They are drawn to philosophical and theological pursuits, seeking truth and understanding.
Destiny Number 7 individuals make excellent analysts, strategists, and consultants.
They are skilled writers and journalists, communicating complex ideas with clarity.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are inspiring teachers and professors, sharing their knowledge and wisdom.
They excel in software development, programming, and coding.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are skilled investigators and detectives, solving mysteries and uncovering truth.
•Often compatible with: Destiny number 1,3,5 individuals .
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 8 individuals are natural leaders, with a strong desire to manage and direct.
They are highly ambitious and driven to succeed.
Destiny Number 8 individuals exude confidence and charisma.
They are skilled strategists, able to plan and execute plans effectively.
Destiny Number 8 individuals have a natural talent for managing finances and resources.
They command respect and authority, with a strong presence.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 8 individuals are well-suited for top leadership positions.
They excel in starting and running their own businesses.
Destiny Number 8 individuals are effective managers and directors.
They make excellent financial advisors, accountants, and investors.
Destiny Number 8 individuals are drawn to careers in law and justice.
They are natural politicians and government leaders.
Destiny Number 8 individuals excel in real estate development and management.
• Often compatible with:Destiny number 1,2,4,6 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 9 individuals are compassionate and caring, with a strong desire to help others.
They are innovative and forward-thinking, with a vision for a better world.
Destiny Number 9 individuals are highly creative and expressive.
They are empathetic and understanding, with a strong connection to others.
Destiny Number 9 individuals possess wisdom and intuition, often gained through life experiences.
They have a broad perspective and understanding of global issues.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 9 individuals excel in careers helping others, such as non-profit work, social services, and charity organizations.
They are drawn to creative fields like art, music, writing, and design.
Destiny Number 9 individuals make excellent leaders, inspiring and motivating others towards a shared vision.
They are passionate about sharing knowledge and guiding others.
Destiny Number 9 individuals are often drawn to careers in sustainability, conservation, and environmental protection.
They may pursue careers in spirituality, counseling, or religious leadership.
• Often compatible with: Destiny number 1,2,4,6,7 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Master Number 11 individuals have a strong spiritual connection and intuition.
They are innovative and forward-thinking, with a vision for a better world.
Master Number 11 individuals are highly creative and expressive.
They are empathetic and understanding, with a strong connection to others.
They have the ability to illuminate the path for others and guide them towards their purpose.
Master Number 11 individuals operate at a higher level of consciousness, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
•Career Paths:
Master Number 11 individuals make excellent spiritual leaders, guides, and mentors.
They are drawn to creative fields like art, music, writing, and design, creating innovative and visionary works.
Master Number 11 individuals are natural healers, using their intuition and spiritual connection to help others.
They excel in careers that require innovative thinking and problem-solving.
Master Number 11 individuals are passionate about sharing their knowledge and guiding others towards their purpose.
They are drawn to careers helping others, such as non-profit work, social services, and charity organizations.
• Often compatible with: Master Destiny no. 22 and 33 , Destiny number 7, 9 .
•Special Qualities:
Master Number 22 individuals have the ability to turn their visions into reality.
They are natural leaders, with a strong sense of purpose and direction.
Master Number 22 individuals combine creativity with practicality to create innovative solutions.
They have the ability to manifest their desires into reality.
Master Number 22 individuals operate at a higher level of consciousness, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
They possess excellent diplomatic skills, able to balance different perspectives and interests.
• Career Paths:
Master Number 22 individuals make excellent leaders in various fields, inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision.
They excel in careers that require innovative design and practical problem-solving.
Master Number 22 individuals are natural entrepreneurs, turning their ideas into successful businesses and products.
They are drawn to careers in diplomacy, mediation, and conflict resolution.
Master Number 22 individuals are passionate about sharing their knowledge and guiding others towards their purpose.
They excel in creative fields like art, design, and music, creating innovative and practical works.
• Often compatible with : Master destiny Number 11 and 33, destiny number 4,6,8.
• Special Qualities:
Master Number 33 individuals have a strong desire to teach and guide others.
They are deeply compassionate and caring, with a strong sense of social responsibility.
Master Number 33 individuals are highly creative and innovative.
They possess excellent listening skills and empathy, understanding others on a deep level.
Master Number 33 individuals have a strong spiritual connection, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
They are natural leaders, inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision.
• Career Paths:
Master Number 33 individuals make excellent teachers, guides, and mentors.
They are drawn to careers in social services, non-profit organizations, and charity work.
Master Number 33 individuals excel in creative fields like art, music, writing, and design.
They are natural counselors and therapists, helping others overcome challenges.
Master Number 33 individuals are drawn to careers in spirituality, guiding others towards enlightenment.
They excel in careers that require creativity, innovation, and leadership.
• Often compatible with: Master destiny number 11 ,22 , destiny number 6,9.
Thanks for reading ✨
- Piko 💫
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bunnys-kisses · 1 day
max verstappen - team principal au
cw: smut/pwp, team principal au, driver!reader, bikinis, age gap (20/45), yachts, teasing, protective!max, objectification/misogyny, max makes it all better, praise (kink), power dynamics
a/n: happy birthday max verstappen and happy ten years at formula one!
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a big part of formula one was to get sponsors, very few people could pay for a team on their own. thus, the hefty logos across the racer's jackets. and while teams like ferrari had decades long sponsors, a new team like verstappen racing had to get what they could get.
and that max having to put his best media smile on and dazzle any prospective sponsors. but, max also needed your help. so when he asked you join him on his boat during the mid-season break you happily smiled and said, "of course."
you learned early on that a lot of men liked you because you were young, pretty and knew a lot about cars. but, you never thought that it would get to this level. while you thought you'd be sitting beside him over drinks.
not the one serving them. in a bikini.
"mister verstappen." you said as you picked up the bikini from the bed in one of the rooms on the boat. it was white and looked like it would cover very less.
max came up behind you and placed his hands on your hips, "i know... a little unconventional. i promise, i'm not whoring you out. just serve some drinks and that'll be it."
"it feels degrading."
max kissed your neck and replied, "don't worry. no one will try to touch you. i'll make sure of that." while he wanted the sponsors, you were still his. so he'd make sure that you were protected, that was a promise.
you turned your head to look at him and he kissed your forehead. before you went for his lips. you held onto the bikini tighter, "will this be good for the team?"
max nodded, "of course, it means we can get those upgrades for the second half of the season. also their company will make us seem more legitimate."
"then let's do it." then smiled at your boss, a little more assured. you could handle the leering, you were used to it. but with a promise from max about your safety, you felt more assured that it'll all work out.
a white bikini with your hair back a little, paired with heeled sandals and the chain around your neck that had max's logo on it. you were more quiet than usual, letting your boss talk business. you knew these men were from italy, and while they eyed you while you were at the bar getting their drinks, you kept any words to yourself.
this was business, as max once told you. you raced, he did all the behind the scenes work. that was what a team principal did. you brought the drinks over on a platter and gave max's his first.
you bent over to be closer to your boss and he patted your face with his rough hand which made you smile. he whispered in your ear, "good job, did you make the drink a little stronger for them?"
you looked at him and smiled. you looked almost proud of yourself. max had to plaster a smile on his face to keep it together. you were eye candy right now, and even max was feeling the effects of it. when you pulled away, and tried to give the other drinks to the men across from max, one of them stuck their foot out a little bit.
you tripped, but didn't spill a drop of liquor on the floor. you caught yourself even in the heels and made a loud yelp noise.
"she's a better server than a driver." one of the men spoke in italian. impressed that you didn't see the drinks get spilled. he did almost see your ass spill out of the bottom of the swim suit.
max's eyes stayed on you as you tried to compose yourself. he could tell that almost tumble made you a little shaky, "i assure you, she is a lot better on the track." he smiled.
"is she... for sale tonight?" the other man asked as you handed him his drink. max knew you didn't speak italian, so you had no idea what was being said about you. the man continued, "she's beautiful and would be a fairly good ride for the evening. what do you say mister verstappen?"
max relaxed against his seat and chuckled, "my drivers are not whores." then took a sip of his drink then looked to you. he said in english, "she is one of the best racers i know." and you looked at him.
you beamed at your boss as you held the platter to your chest. when you went to put it back at the bar and come back to the three men, max adjusted his posture and allowed you room to sit on his lap. you took it as him eager to be close to you, but in reality he was staking an ownership.
no, max wasn't going to whore you out to these businessmen. firstly, he had too much respect for you, and secondly, you were already his.
"i do not like when those touch what is mine." he spoke in italian as he got an arm around your waist, "she is a driver for verstappen racing, not a street walker. do not refer to her as such."
one of the businessmen laughed, "always stubborn, verstappen. but i am impressed that you managed to find someone so young. look at how she is in your lap. trained like a puppy."
you looked to max in the hope he'd translate, but instead he rubbed your head. you rested up against. he had his drink and chatted, he shifted the topic from the beautiful woman in his lap.
but yet, the curl of jealousy stayed in max's gut. he hid it well and when the other men tried to make comments, he brushed them off. he already made his position known. even if throughout the afternoon, he wanted to punch these men in the face. but, that wouldn't look good on him. and it would scare you. you've seen max get loud during races, but never, even get violent.
he kept himself composed through two gin and tonics that you happily served to him. but when he waved the men off the boat at the end of the afternoon with a promise of a healthy sponsor contract, max's gazed turned to you.
these men were talking about the entire afternoon like you were a piece of meat on sale. and maybe max invited it by dressing you up like that. but, it still didn't make it right. max soon had his arm around you and you looked up at him with a smile.
he kissed you on the lips and pulled you closer to him. "you did so well." he said before he gave you another kiss, "but i want you out of this now. i think this will be for my eyes from now on." his hand dropped to your ass where he gave is a good squeeze.
you both ended up in the bedroom once more, your kicked those stupid sandals off and before you could get the bikini off. he stopped you. you looked at him and he looked back at you.
"i want to take it off."
take it off of you was like unwrapping a gift, your skin warmed from the afternoon sun as you smiled at him warmly. oh, you were divine. but, he bet you knew that. he got you naked save for the necklace.
you laid out on the bed and smiled at him, "we did good today."
he took off his button up shirt and took it off his shoulders. he could feel your hungry gaze on him as he got undressed. he smiled a little, "you did excellent." once he was naked, he got into bed with you and took your face in his hands, then pulled you in for a searing kiss.
you squirmed against him a little before you melted a little in his touch. your heart beat picked up and you moaned against his lips. you were so naked and vulnerable for him.
"my prize driver." he remarked as he pushed hair out of your face and chuckled, "you are perfect. turning heads wherever you go." he laughed a little, "you make me proud."
and you felt something bloom in your chest as you said, "thank you sir." then yelped when he got on top of you and rested on his heels. his cock stood at proper attention.
he thought about how he took your virginity. you had admitted one night that you had never slept with someone before and your best friend was a rabbit in your suitcase. so even now, as he rubbed his cock up against against your wet slit, it still excited him.
of course he wasn't going to whore you out, not when the only cock you had was his. he took you by the hips and then guided his cock into your sweet sex. he shuddered a little as he pushed all the way in.
you really were the prettiest thing at the paddock, with your darling smile and cute laugh. you knew how to have a good time and while you were stubborn at times, you melted into your boss' grasp like honey. you were painfully sweet, even when max told you to put on your winning face before you raced. max was fortunate that he got a hold of you before anyone else.
"you did so good for me, schat." he spoke to you softly as he held onto your highs and rutted against you, "you played the part so well. i hate what those men said about you. they treated you like meat, took everything in me to not kill them."
you pouted a little as you held onto the covers under you, "what did they say about me?" you knew the conversation was animated, but you could only pick up a few words. but their gazes on you were intense.
max pushed into you further, making you rest on your tailbone, "they're dogs, my little racer." he said with hate in his tone, "they're dogs who deserve nothing. for men that rich, they are stupid. they should know that you're mine."
"did they want to fuck me?" you asked as you tried to reach for his shoulders. his cock hit against the softest parts of you and your back arched a little from the feeling.
max nodded, "but, i'd never let them do that." he assured you, "no, no, no, never. that was why you were so close to me for most of the afternoon. i didn't want them alone with you."
you looked at him and nodded, "my hero."
max smiled a little as he leaned forward, hiking your hips up more to hit at just the right angle. his lips captured yours as you moaned against the feeling. it all felt perfect. and while you felt a little objectified, it was hard to do so when max made sure that you felt special. that you were more than just a sex object.
"you did good." he said, "you did excellent. thank you for putting up with them. i promise i won't make you do that again." he kissed at your jaw with love, "no one can touch you the way i can. alright? you're mine."
you nodded, "of course, sir. always sir!" you held onto him a little tighter as the pleasure swarmed your gut. the kissed got hotter as your bodies moved together. you didn't realize what max meant by being 'his', you thought simply it was that you were part of his team. that sex was just an added bonus.
but that wasn't what max meant, he wanted you in every way he could have you. you were the subject of his fantasies, he had seen you in every way a man could. the dinners he took you out to, the better car he put you in. the way he held your lower back while you walked through the paddock. you assumed it was because you were a good driver! not that max wanted you carnally. silly little driver.
"you're so special." he said, "you knew how to turn heads and make anyone fall in love with you." he was talking like he hadn't staked a claim on you. like he hadn't taken you under his wing to be the best driver you could be. you were cute, sweet, max didn't want any bad men to hurt you.
you whimpered against his movements, getting louder. but thankfully no one could hear you. you knew of the rumour mill surrounding you and max. what people had said both in the tabloids and in the garage. it wasn't hard to draw conclusions when max was constantly with you, his hands on you that could be seen as romantic. but, when others asked about your relationship with max verstappen, you simply smiled and said, "he's the best boss ever."
even when he was bruising your sweet pussy. his cock nudging up against your g-spot which made you whimper and squirm. it was cute, you were cute. most team principals didn't bed their drivers daily, but there were always exceptions.
"please, sir." you said, "it feels good!" you clung to him a little tighter and he responded with heavy kisses.
max could feel his heart hammering in his chest. he could feel your nails into his shoulders as you held onto him. his cock was perfect inside of you. he knew if he got your knocked up by next week, there would be no surprises. except maybe for you. even though he frequently finished inside of you. you loved the feeling and who was max to deny his superstar.
he felt something run up his spine as he continued to move against you. when he broke the kiss and looked at you with those blue eyes of him. he soaked in the sight of you, on the verge of climax.
his beautiful driver.
with a few more heavy thrusts of his hips, you squirmed further and climaxed around his cock. you clenched onto him and almost bit into his strong shoulder as you felt your heart beat pick up. a strained moan left you lips before you relaxed on the bed.
max drank in that sight, he kissed your cheek and said, "perfect. like always." because he pushed you up further, almost bending you in half to really work his cock into you. even with the dull throb in his knee (which made him briefly think about the age gap), he continued to bully his cock into you.
it didn't take long before he finished inside of you as well. he tensed up for a moment as he held onto your hips. he hissed through grit teeth as the pleasure came down on him. only you could make him lose control like that.
"good girl." he said as he put your bottom half back down on the bed and pulled out of you. you laid out in a heated mess on the bed and he laid down beside you.
he kissed your neck and shoulder as you settled down. he praised your silently with kissed along your heated skin. next time he wouldn't put you in that bikini, but if it was just you two on the boat. then maybe he'd put you in it for his eyes only.
by the time the season started up again, you were all smiles with a new logo on your uniform. the updates to the car were made to both yours and your teammates. and when you held the trophy over your head for the following grand prix, max couldn't help but beam as he clapped.
"we did it, sir!" you chirped as you pulled him into a hug. your joy at winning warmed him, just as you were going to warm his cock come evening as a thank you for getting you closer to the wdc. <3
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felassan · 4 months
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David Gaider on Twitter: "Exciting! Some (completely uninformed) thoughts: A closer alignment with Mass Effect's style was inevitable, I suppose, but means both teams in Edmonton are working from the same premise. Which likely means good things for gameplay, I suppose. It probably also means a more action-y style where you control your PC but don't directly control your two chosen companions. You maybe do "shouts" to direct them in a very general sense. Which I'm less enthused about, personally, but... meh, I guess we'll see. Insofar as the new name goes it's fine, I guess, if the intent is to put less focus on Solas? Which maybe it is. So long as fans don't settle on DAVG as the acronym it's all good. The writing team will knock it out of the park, regardless. That much, at least, is guaranteed. :)" [source, two, three] --- DG: "Patrick and Sheryl remain, yeah, and both Mary and Luke still participated prior to the layoff. So DAV isn't going to hurt, insofar as its writing goes. The old gang was mostly all still assembled." [source] --- DG: "I earnestly believe that Patrick would rather die horribly than not write party banter. It is literally the most fun you can have as a Bio writer." [source] --- Twitter user: "The banters are some of my favourite moments in Dragon Age. So I hope so. I've seen fans saying we'll get less banter due to only have two companions in your team but I don't think that'll be the case." DG: "Less *variety* of banter while out running around, sure. Less *interaction* with the 7 companions? Well, that depends on what happens at your home base. If ME is the template, there was no shortage of companion interactions on the ship." [source] --- DG: "In my experience, EA always favored Mass Effect's style and believed it's inherently more marketable - actual sales numbers of DA or any other more traditional RPG be damned, honestly." [source]
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motorcop · 4 months
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With the amazing success of our patented Control Wear prisoner suits, we have made a deal with that famous motorcycle racing suit company (they requested we don’t use their name) from “Italy” - (yeah, right, Italy Mars is more like it)…you know the one who says their gear is “Inspired by Humans” (wink wink..first big clue they aren't from this planet). We have just completed a 6 month “test market” of layering our Control Wear under the liner in the suit. It’s effects are not as instantaneous as the Prison Suits, but once a little sweat builds up, it helps in conducting the circuitry and it kicks right in. 10 minutes at the max to have a man fully under control. Now to keep this a true blind study, the men who got the suits with the Control Wear did not know it was in there. We did bury the notification, and acceptance in the sales terms for the suits. Seems our “Italian” friends are experts at that from their helmets (more on those later!)
We made sure to put it in suits sized for the beefier guys, our preference! And WOW! Perfection! Each one becomes a better rider than ANY Formula 1 rider out there now or ever. They also have that slightly “robotic” walk and look to them that is a clear indicator they are under control. So many things we have tested them out on, but as you may have guessed, the number one test is sexual. Top or bottom, they are well skilled in both positions. You can also control multiple men at once. Your own little team, army or fuxk buds!
And like with our other Control Wear products, once they doff the suit, they are back to their normal self in a matter of minutes. The built in memory filter keeps them from remembering anything from the moment the suit engages to 30 seconds after taking it off. They are also given a directive never to deal with the liner of the suit or to attempt to wash it. Leave that to the professionals.
Now that they have proven successful, we will start shipping pre-orders and backorders within the next few weeks….
Do you ride???
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ventique18 · 1 year
Speaking of "canon relationships" there's something about MalleYuu that I want to talk about...
No, they are not canon, as all romantic relationships are in the game except for the boys' parents and Trein and his late wife. Nothing will ever officially come out of MalleYuu because this is not in any way a romance game, but he does have something about him that most don't...
That he's the game's honeytrap.
I'd like to preface this that ALL of the boys have flirtatious propensities-- they are all interested in the player in some way. That's just how the game is designed. If you fall in love with X character, good! Mission complete for Disney' sales team; they have another person who'd spend on their game and merch! But in the event that the player doesn't immediately fall in love with any character, they have ONE specific fallback: Malleus.
Anyone with eyes would have noticed by now that Malleus is heavily, heavily advertised-- whether it be that he's almost always at the center of merch presentations, that he's literally the game's website's wallpaper, or the way he in particular is oddly connected to Ramshackle dorm. I say oddly, because there's not much compelling reason for him to be around the dorm unlike the player's classmates or even batchmates. The game just set up that this guy likes rickety old things, and Ramshackle happened to be just that, which for me sounds more like a convenient reason for the game to push him to always see the player.
I'm not even going to touch upon his extremely fanservice-y lines, which occur suspiciously more frequently than others. He's purposely set up as someone who has a keen, ambiguous interest in the player.
While these does not at all indicate "canon", it does serve the developers some other purpose which is, as I've mentioned, his status as a honey trap. He is conventionally attractive-- as you'd immediately notice when you browse posts of "whose hand did you take?" or "who caught your eye first?", wherein the most likely answer you'll see is, indeed, him. There are exceptions of course, as people are people and have different tastes, but the fact is that society has inadvertently influenced us that Malleus is attractive to the masses.
So yeah, that's just an interesting observation I'd like to point out! Of course the game would prefer it if every single player fell in love with any one of the characters, but if no one interests them, Malleus is always there as a safe bet. He's influenced by a lot of tropes that pop media consider as "the male lead". And to be honest? It's so effective lol. There's a huge boom of Malleus fans when the game went global, and that's proof that the devs knows exactly what they're doing. Just dangle the smallest of MalleYuu crumbs and they're guaranteed a tsunami of cash in their pockets, lol.
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I also have a headcanon request that I'll do separately in list form! This is actually a scene from a scrapped multi-chapter fic idea I had for a secretary reader. As to why it was scrapped, I didn't know how to finish it so I ✨gave up! ✨
Ngl this is actually only half of the scene, there's scraps of this whole extra kinky round-two thing with some casual exhibitionism, but we'll see how this does first. That being said, enjoy!
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At Your Service [Vox x Secretary Reader] NSFW AS FUCK
(NSFW writing under the cut. Minors stay away <3)
It was an early morning like any other. Vox is sitting at his desk, looking over the paperwork he had from yesterday. It’s far too early and his bougie oversized office offered little comfort as you sleepily walked in. Hearing the door open, Vox looked up and smirked as he noticed the coffee in your hand.
"Good morning." he greeted you, motioning to a chair for you to take a seat.
"Morning," you smile a bit tiredly as you enter the room. You were never much of a morning person. Once the initial adrenaline of stepping out of your house had burned out, you needed the extra caffeine boost to keep your energy going.
A yawn slipped past your lips as you sat in the chair across from his desk.
"Wimp," Vox chuckled, poking fun at your inability to start a morning as early as him. It had become a regular topic of banter that started most of your work mornings together.
"Capitalist cocksucker," you wave him off. "Not everyone can be up at the ass crack of dawn in a freshly pressed suit, Sir. A few more sips of this stuff and I'll be good to go." You say as you lift your coffee to your lips.
You hum and lick some foam off your lip as you pull out your laptop. "Any changes to today's agenda I need to know about?" you ask him.
Vox smirked, rolling his eyes as he pulled up one of the hundreds of tabs he had open on his computer. "I can tell you're still a bit tired, but if you're sure... " he paused for a moment, glancing over his schedule."Yes, actually. There has been a small change to the overall plan. We're going to be running a new campaign today, so I'll need you to be ready to assist with that."
"What would you like me to oversee?
"I want you to be over on the promotion side for this new campaign," he said as he looked up from his paperwork. "Make sure that we get maximum visibility on this. The security system may have been a spur-of-the-moment idea, but it could bring in huge fucking numbers if we pull it off. I want as many people as possible to know about it and twice as many sales as views minimum.”
You nod, take notes, and start writing an email draft to get meetings scheduled. "Do you want the visual hypnosis team to work on the campaign or the auditory team?" It was common knowledge that Vox had hypnotic abilities, but it was less common to know how it had been incorporated throughout his entire company. Inductions were slipped into nearly every advertisement, program, and product that the company made.
"Have both of the hypnosis teams work on it," he answered. "We'll have the visual team focus primarily on the advertising for the campaign, and the audial team will work on creating the sounds and audio to slip in. We want this to be a very effective campaign, so the more hypnotic technology we can put into work, the better."
You stop typing, looking up at him incredulously. “Are you sure? The last time we doubled down on inductions we had to do that whole cover story to explain why half of hell turned into braindead zombies for a week.”
“It’ll be fine,” Vox waved off your concerns. “That was years ago and we’re better at this shit now. We can always blame it on Alastor somehow if shit goes wrong.”
You nod along, "If you’re sure. I've personally been incredibly susceptible to the combination, so forgive me if I don’t watch any of your programs for the next month," you say idly without thinking.
You didn’t notice as Vox paused. You didn’t notice the toothy grin that could have prepared you for what was to come either. "How susceptible were you previously to hypnosis?"
You nod along, not listening to his question as you finish sending the email to the hypnosis teams. Your brain catches up with you as you hit send and you freeze like a deer in the headlights. The look on your flushed face was priceless and Vox would have burst out laughing if he wasn’t so invested in hearing your answer. "I, uh.." you look away from him, "I was focused and said too much out loud. You weren't supposed to hear that."
His eyes were still on you, a clear look of curiosity flashing across his expression.
"You're right, I wasn't supposed to hear that,” He grinned. “But you said it and you’re not getting out of this that easily. You said that you are quite susceptible?"
You cringe, knowing you couldn't dodge a direct question from your boss. Even if he was an ass and an absolute man-child. "I..." you bite your lip curling in on yourself and crossing your legs as you take a sudden great interest in your laptop. "Yeah, I may have... experimented a bit."
His eyebrows raised, and he leaned slightly over to get a better look at you.
"Experiments?" he spoke softly. "What type of experiments?"
You sputter, your entire body flushing as you stammer out a panicked reply, "I, ah, um.. don't know if that would be a-appropriate to um.."
He chuckled slightly, now seeming rather amused by your reaction. "I assure you, I've heard much worse than whatever you may be worried about telling me."
"E-even so," you try to reason. "It's embarrassing. It's one thing to do it, it's another to tell your boss about it."
His eyebrows raised further. "You've done hypnotic experiments on yourself, and you're embarrassed to tell me about it?” He chuckles and rests his screen on his hand. “Yeah, no. You’re not getting out of this. What exactly did you do?"
You stare at him, before sighing and opening up a blank document. It was too mortifying to say out loud. He may have the power to squeeze the information out of you for his entertainment, but you’d be damned if you gave him the satisfaction of saying it out loud. You silently type up that you've tried being hypnotized both sober and when high and how you had done free-use edging with a group while high and hypnotized. Without a word you turn the laptop around so he can read it, your face on fire as you look anywhere but at him.
He had been expecting something a bit more tame, but now he was intrigued. It seemed that you had quite the mind on you to explore such risky topics. When he finished reading it, he raised his eyebrows even further, seemingly somewhat impressed.
"Well, I'll be damned," he commented. "That's not what I expected... What made you wanna try such things?"
"I like the feeling of it," you muttered as you turned the laptop around and promptly deleted the damning text.
His eyebrows raised a bit, intrigued. "You like the feeling of being hypnotized? You like letting someone else be in control of you?"
You pressed your lips together, blushing hard as he asked his question.
"Is that a yes then?" he inquired, his grin growing as the pixels under his mouth went dead. "You don't want to give me a straight answer, but the way you're stuttering and blushing makes it pretty clear that you do."
"S-Shut up," you bite back at his call-out as you finally look back at him.
Vox laughs as he just keeps winning the game he’d caught you in. "I think I hit the nail on the head, didn't I?"
"Y-Yes, sir." You say, cringing as you realize that sounded completely different given the topic compared to when you usually called him that during work hours.
He chuckled again, finding your response more than a bit amusing. "Well then, I take it that you have no issues with me being in complete control over you, then?"
You would combust into flames if you could. Your legs clenched together as you took in his question. You looked down at your laptop, stammering as you felt yourself quickly slipping into his grasp. "T-The campaign-"
"Yes, yes, yes," he interrupts you, seeming rather amused by this. "We'll talk about the campaign after that. I'm more interested in how much control you're willing to give up to me right here and now."
"I..." you pause, staring down at your hands clenched on top of your laptop. Were you really about to do this? Fuck it.
You look up at him and nod.
A grin appeared on his face as you nodded, even more amused now that this little bit was going exactly the way he had hoped. The two of you had flirted here and there, but never anything more than the occasional passing comment. If anything, it had just been a part of the playful and teasing game you’d be playing together for the past few months with you as his assistant.
He had no idea if you had ever truly noticed his advances or the way he’d stare at your ass in that pencil skirt you always wore during meeting days. But now he had the chance to unravel every last secret that’d been out of reach. Vox was nothing if not an opportunist.
"Good girl," he said softly. "Are you ready for me to control you now?"
You stand, going to place your phone and laptop on a nearby table. You stop and take a shaky breath, smoothing out your pencil skirt. You turn and walk back to him, this time hesitating instead of simply sitting in the chair across from his desk.
He smiles at your obedience and hesitation, noting the way that you smoothed down your skirt. You had already given up quite a lot of control to him, and it seemed that it was just going to be even easier from this point on.
"Then come here," he said softly, motioning for you to do so.
Your heart was pounding hard in your chest and you felt how hot your cheeks were as you stepped forward and moved to stand before him. His attention had been on every part of you, taking in every inch of you. He didn’t have to sneak in glances like before, he could just take it all in on his own time. He was enjoying the way that he seemed to be able to control you with a seemingly simple command. And to think he’d barely lifted a finger.
His eyes moved downwards as you stood in front of him, and his expression became a bit more serious than mere amusement.
"Let your skirt fall to your ankles," he instructed.
You practically shivered at the command, screaming internally at how embarrassed you felt and yet squirming at how just a short command from him was enough to send sparks through your body.
Your face flushed as you slowly undid the zipper on the side of your hip, taking a sharp breath before letting the fabric fall to the floor. You hugged yourself as you looked to the side, stepping out of your skirt and standing half-exposed in front of him.
He couldn't help but smirk as you did exactly as he commanded. Your legs were now exposed, and he noted how they were quivering slightly.
"Good girl," he smirked. "Now, let's step this up."
"But you’re still wearing too much. Let’s move on to your top next, shall we?" he suggested with a spark of playful amusement.
Oh god, was he really going to make you do this? It would have been one thing if he had been the one undressing you, but the fact he was making you do it for him like this was going to be the double death of you. You shakily undo the buttons of your blouse, trying to keep your heart rate under control as you pull it over your head and let it fall to the floor by your skirt.
You look at Vox, hoping he’d finally have some mercy and touch you himself, but he only lazily drags his gaze over your body with a hum of approval. "And finally?"
You were only left in your bra, underwear, sheer black thigh-high tights, and your heels. You felt incredibly vulnerable in his large office. Anyone could come in through the door and the windows that overlooked the city suddenly felt far more exposing than they ever had before.
You could see the spark of excitement begin to rise in him as you bit your lip and paused. Your hesitation was only making this a bit more exciting for him. He could hardly keep up the playful mask when his claws were threatening to tear into the armrest of his chair.
"Go on... " he said softly and slowly, his voice now beginning to become a bit huskier.
You took another shaky breath as you slowly reached back to unclasp your bra. You shook just knowing he was looking at you. That he was pursuing this. It made you hyper-aware in every way as you tossed the garment to the side and then finally stepped out of your underwear.
His gaze on your body was intense once more, seeming to take in every inch of you. He could not stop himself from being intrigued by your body and by just how vulnerable you were right now.
Your shaking was making it even more enticing to him. "Good girl," he said softly. You move to undo the garter and roll down your tights, when he stops you. Leave those. They’re perfect.” The dead pixels under his mouth might as well have been drool with the way his eyes hungrily took in the sight of the tights pressing into your skin so perfectly. 
“Are you ready to move on to the last step?"
You take a deep breath before lowering to your knees in front of him and nodding. You'd never done anything like this with a single person, finding it so much easier in a group. His lone, laser focus on you made you feel every twitch and spark and overwhelmed you in the best of ways.
"Yes, Sir."
He looked down at you once more, this time taking in all of your body as you were now kneeling, your hands resting on his chair.
"Now..." he said quietly as he reached down in a rare moment of tenderness as he lifted your chin. "I want to ask you a very simple question, but you must answer honestly. Do you enjoy this? Do you enjoy giving up your control to me?"
The smallest moan slips past your lips without your permission. Despite your embarrassment, you answer truthfully. “Yes. I love it a lot, actually.."
He smirked at the moan and the truth in your words. You were enjoying this... he could tell. You truly loved giving up your control to him. And he loved taking it.
"Good girl," he said with a soft chuckle at your veracity. "Very, very good girl. You enjoy letting me take c̶o̸m̶p̴l̶e̵t̵e̵ control of you, don't you?"
You take a deep breath, feeling your body relax a bit as you feel a bit of yourself give into him as you finally gather the nerve to look him in the eye. "Yes, Sir."
His expression seemed to shift a bit as you gave in even more. His amusement was more apparent now, as he now had you exactly where he wanted you.
"I love that you enjoy this so much," he said softly. "Does it make it more fun for you to know that you are pleasing me?"
You nod, shifting on your knees. "It does," you say earnestly. "Your approval isn't something easy to earn."
The slight shift you made was enough to cause him to smirk once more. Every time you moved, he would find something new about you that appealed to him.
"I approve of this tremendously," he grinned. "It is obvious that you enjoy giving up your control over me and letting me take control of you. It is clear that you enjoy giving me pleasure."
You let out a hot breath, your eyes darting down to between his legs as he mentioned giving him pleasure. You weren’t subtle about it either. Vox chuckled, amused more now than any other time during the interactions you two have had so far. You whine, your fists clenching where they rested on top of your thighs. Your chest shifted with every movement as you waited for his instruction.
"So eager," he breathed. He reached down and tucked your hair behind your ear as he committed the view to memory. "Go on, then,” he purred. “Show me what you’re willing to do for this.”
"I'm happy to give you a demonstration," you say to him with a smirk. Vox chuckled, happy to see some of your usual sass seep into the moment. He just knew you had a bratty side to you. The duality of how eager you seemed to submit and that bit of knowledge filled him with anticipation for all the different sides of you he wanted to see.
You scoot forward and reach for the zipper of his slacks. You chuckle as his breath hitches when you slowly pull down. He moans softly as your hand only continues following a path down as you palm him slowly over his slacks. There was already a bulge formed there that made you twitch with delight.
Looking up, you see Vox watching you with wide eyes. The smirk on his face only grew larger as you slowly pulled down his slacks and boxers You could feel the heat of his gaze on you, his breath becoming more and more audible with every slow movement.
You hum with pleasure as you focus your attention on his half-hard cock in your hand. It was easier to let go and forget your insecurities when you had him in front of you like this. For as much as you’d fantasized about him, you had never dared to dream you’d find yourself in this situation with him. You lean down and use your hand to slowly pump him before you lock eyes with him and lick a trail across the underside of his cock.
“F̷̮͛u̷̞͗c̵̹̈́k̸̝̎i̷̝͝n̶̗̎g̷̭͒ hell,” Vox swore, his grip on his chair tightening. His breath got increasingly more audible, his throat hoarse from his attempts at restraining any noise he might make. He’d been dreaming of this for far too long. He had you pegged all wrong. He always thought you were innocent. Flirty, but he couldn’t truly imagine you’d have a side like this. You always seemed too pure despite your sass. How happy was he, to be proven wrong.
"Good girl," Vox huskily breathed as his fingers tangled in your hair.
You lower down to press a kiss to the head of his cock. He hissed as you sucked lightly and collected his pre-cum on your tongue. You let your tongue loll out for a moment to show him before you lower yourself and take him in your mouth. Your tongue swirls around the tip of him and your fingers dig into his thighs as you bob your head shallowly. You tease him with subtle motions before you start to take his length down your throat in earnest.
Every movement you made only increased the heat of the situation exponentially and Vox found his cool demeanor quickly fading as he panted above you. “F̷̰͠u̵͕̅c̵̠̓k̸̞͊i̵̢͊n̵͓̅g̷̤̃ ̶̠̋ḫ̵̑e̵̩̾l̶̦͋l̶̩͆,” he gasped as your tongue lapped at the base of his cock. How the fuck were you doing that when he was jammed past your non-existent gag reflex? 
You hummed around him, your eyes watering as you choked on him. He could see the mirth in your eyes and he knew you’d be teasing him with a snarky remark if you weren’t too busy drooling on his dick like a goddamn champ.
Vox lets out a stuttering breath. As hot as it was, he wasn’t going to let you just get away with keeping your attitude intact. Out of selfish pleasure, he let you continue your ministrations for a moment longer before his fingers tugged at your hair, bringing your attention back to him.
You let him pull you off of his member, your tongue hanging out as you catch your breath and smile dumbly at him. His expression remained very much one of satisfaction and admiration as he observed you. That dumbly, innocent smile of yours was rather endearing to him, as it went hand in hand with the way you were acting.
"You really are quite the little showstopper, aren’t you?" he said quietly as he took in your porn-quality face. He idly wondered how the hell you ended up working for him and not Valentino. He was not about to complain about the unexpected victory.
You hummed happily, letting yourself go more for him. It was such a stark contrast to how tense you were when you were working. He'd never seen this side of you before and he hadn't even hypnotized you yet.
He had now realized just why you got so tense when he approached you with that offer. You enjoyed this in such a way that it was almost intoxicating, that it was almost addictive. It was a stark contrast to the version of you he knew that strived for greatness and top results at all times. You must have been so wound up from it all that you just whiplashed into the complete opposite frame of mind to release.
If you were already like this in front of him, then what would you be like after he had you completely under his control?
You nod, smirking as some drool fell to your chest from when you had your mouth on him moments ago.” What can I say?” you say teasingly. “Oral fixations keep a girl eager.”
Vox grinned with the look of a hungry predator as his eyes roamed all over you. Every god damned inch.
“You actually want this, don’t you?” He chuckled. “You want me to turn you into a brain-dead d̶͈͊ȍ̴̪l̵̺͊ḽ̸̏.”
"Please," you whisper as you look up at him with pleading eyes.
You could see the hunger within his eyes as you said that single fucking word. It didn’t take lifting a single finger for you to desperately plead for his control. You’d been wanting this just as bad as he had. The whole goddamned time. Vox buried his face in his hands and you looked at him with concern. You couldn’t see the way he grinned or feel how his body trembled slightly. You could only gasp as your vision was filled with black and red spirals when he lowered his hands and looked at you with a wicked grin.
You sit back on your knees, your eyelids growing heavy as your mouth falls open. Your body felt like it was floating and it was enough to make you feel like you were high. The hypnotic effect of his demonic abilities was how he'd reached the powerful position of an overlord. Even if you hadn't been so susceptible, you would have been powerless under his gaze as a normal person. 
Any hypnosis you’d experienced before took many sessions of induction. It took a bond, trust, and a lot of mental bandwidth to be so vulnerable. But Vox could just drop you at a whim. And the pull of his tide dragging you under was stronger than anything you’d ever succumbed to before.
You were blissfully unaware as Vox’s expression shifted into feral joy. Your submission. This control. It was all his for the taking. You were giving him everything he’d ever craved and he could already tell that once he properly tasted this power, he’d never want to let go. He’d become an addict, for sure.
Your mind and body felt like they were floating. All you could see was Vox as your empty and needy self waited for his command. Your body felt almost weightless now, every sense and thought centered solely on him. His commands were all that you cared about now, his desires were now like law to you, and your body, empty as it was, only had one desire.
"I want you to do as I ask without question, do you understand?" he asked, his voice shaking with delight and raw hunger.
"Yes," you sigh, your every breath feeling heavy as you’re pulled deeper under his spell.
He had already gotten you to admit you were a submissive slut and he already got you to strip for him. All before he had even used his power on you. Now? Now, he could make you do or tell him anything he wanted. You were his.
"Good girl," he grinned. "I want you to stand up and walk over to that door over there," he said, pointing to one of the nearby doors to the room. "Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir," you say calmly. Whereas before your embarrassment left you feeling exposed, you now felt relaxed and light. Your embarrassment and insecurities didn’t exist under Vox’s control. There was only the need to satisfy him and be blessed with ecstasy in return.
You walked over to the door in nothing but your sheer thigh-high tights and heels. You place both of your hands on the door and stand with your hips out, waiting for Vox.
Vox glitched hard and admired the way that you followed these commands so easily. This was his. He found himself growing more addicted and possessive by the second. His mind was already buzzing with all the ways he could mold you to his every need and desire. He’d never felt so in control of another person like this and it satiated a dark craving in him.
"Now, I want you to take off those tights and throw them over to me."
You bend over in front of him, fully exposed, yet carefree as you peel off your tights and hand them to him with a relaxed look on your face. Vox sparked again as he got a full view of your need for him. Once your tights were off, you handed them over to him calmly.  All you could think about was pleasing him and satisfying him. Your anxiety and self-conscious tendencies were washed away.
Vox ordered you to put your hands behind your back. He grinned and tied your wrists together with one of the stockings. He snatched your underwear from the forgotten bundle of clothing by his desk and made you open your mouth for him. He stuffed them in and used the other stocking to tie around your mouth. 
Now that you were completely bound, your mind was completely free to focus on the feelings and sensations you were experiencing. He dropped the hypnotic spell on you and you gasped into your gag as your mind cleared and he pushed you forward so your face and tits were flush against the door. You shuddered hard and let out a broken moan as his palm rubbed against your leaking cunt.
Vox grinned and leaned down to speak by your ear as he slid his fingers in. “You have n̷͙̈o̷̹̎ idea how much I can’t wait to fucking d̷̲͆e̶̗͘s̴̳̈t̸͚̆r̷͎͒o̸͙͊ỹ̸̝ ̸̞̉y̷̰̓ǒ̵̦u̵̬͂.”
Your gasps and moans were muffled by the fabric in your mouth and you pushed against him as he roughly played with you. His hand slammed your head against the door and held you in place as his fingers curled and scissored inside of your sloppy heat. Tears pricked your eyes as your heart and mind raced. You were completely vulnerable to him, but now your embarrassment was rearing his head at the worst (b̴̼̊è̶͔s̶͜͝t̶̹̽) possible moment. 
The chance that there could be anyone on the other side of the door had you thrashing desperately against Vox’s ministrations. Vox delighted in your internal struggle and couldn’t help himself as his claws dug into the back of your hair so he could pull you back hard. “I’m going to make sure e̶͖͌v̷̞͐e̶͈̽r̶̡̂y̸̨͊o̵̤̚n̴̦̈́e̴̥͌ ̵͜͠k̵̜̔n̷̝̈́ǒ̷̮w̷͎̅s̸͓̈́ who̸̩͂ ̶͔̀y̸͎̐ő̸̳u̸̗͊ ̶̞̏f̶͎̔u̷̠̅ć̵͈k̶͙̚i̴̜̿n̸̘͐g̷̨̿ ̸͔̌ belong to,” he growled as he lifted one of your legs and slipped himself inside of you.
Your eyes rolled back and you screamed into your gag as he slipped in and out of you with ease. He’d been so hard from the build-up of it all and you were literally dripping for him by this point. Vox growled and lost control as he picked up the pace of his actions, moving you around to different areas of the office and fucking you in as many positions as possible. He wanted you exposed. He wanted you defenseless. He wanted you marked in the blood and bruises of his ownership. He wanted to ḋ̴̥ó̶̰m̵̯̕i̷̗͗n̴͈̽a̵̱̒t̶̤̎ȇ̸͚ you. And he would.
Neither of you could keep track of the amount of times you’d come. Your mixed desire was dripping from your cunt as he’d buried himself deep inside of you every time one of you peaked. This was all he wanted. That was all you wanted. No more thinking, no more emotions, just the sheer fucking pleasure.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as you cried from how good he made you feel. He knew how to unravel you into nothing more than a babbling mess with every clever touch and command. It was becoming too much and yet you felt like you wanted more of it. You were overwhelmed as you felt yourself quickly approaching an orgasm.
“That’s it,” Vox growled as he fucked you against his desk. He chuckled darkly as he smacked your ass. “Fucking do it, c̴͖͆o̵͕͋m̷̟̉ẽ̵̞.”
You threw your head back and screamed as your entire body convulsed around him. You couldn't do anything but take his relentless thrusts as he pounded you into the desk. Vox growled, nearly on the verge of cumming himself when he suddenly rips himself off of you. You let out a muffled sob as you clench around nothing.
Your entire world is suddenly filled with bright blue electricity as you feel everything shift suddenly. You almost fall, but are caught by Vox’s hands. You squint as your eyes adjust to the sudden change of lighting and Vox undoes the gag around your mouth as you realize you’re now in his surveillance room. 
Your eyes go wide and you gasp and you see yourself on the monitors with Vox crouched over you. Every screen was showing a live feed of you from several different angles, showing how vulnerable you were in this situation. The footage of you was quite an entertaining sight for Vox as his wires came out of nowhere and threw you onto his chair.
"V-Vox,” you gasp as you look up at him with wide eyes. The overlord’s grin stretches wide as he grabs onto your shaking legs.
It was the first time you'd actually used his name.
At work, you were professional. In his office, you were playful. However now that he had you in his lair, he would mark a new side of you… Here, you were your true self, fully and utterly submissive. Here was his favorite.
You couldn't help but moan shamelessly as he lifted you with his cables and sat in the chair beneath you. You threw your head back with a scream as he dropped you onto his cock and turned the chair so you had an eyeful of each and every monitor with your shameful display recorded. 
You moan as you bounce yourself on him, meeting every one of his feral thrusts. Your mind was completely gone. Every grunt and growl that slipped from his lips only fueled your need. The marks on your hips and back from where his sharp nails clawed in burned just as deliciously as the stretch of him inside you.
Pain and pleasure all in one were now filling your mind. His grunts and growls were becoming louder, as were yours. You couldn't control it. This situation was pushing you further and further toward the edge.
You leaned into him, gasping as he made you lose your mind.
"P-please." You begged.
"Beg for it," he said growled, "Beg f̸̼̑ó̶̙r̴̠̀ ̵̫́m̴̡̾è̸̼."
You moan low as you desperately plead with him. "Please Vox, plus fucking break me! Please please please, Sir, please I'll be good. I'll do anything, please, Sir, fucking please!"
"You'll do anything for me," he said, with a grin on his face as he saw you getting more desperate with your plea. The red recording symbol on all of the screens wasn’t enough to make you see the incoming danger. You were too overwhelmed with the pleasure quaking through your body as Vox pumped into your sloppy cunt.
Your entire body shook hard as his movements suddenly stopped. A long whine of frustration and the roll of your hips made Vox grin. You were so desperate for him in the moment, you didn't notice the gravity of the position you were in.
"Fucking please don’t stop, I'll do anything Vox, please," you begged as you desperately rutted against him.
"I'm going to give you exactly what you want," he grinned as he whispered in your ear. "If you do everything I say from now on, then I'll give you everything you want. Sound like a deal?"
You sob, nodding rapidly against him. "Fuck, please, yes! It's a deal, so please!"
Vox suddenly thrusts up into you hard, making you scream as the room flashes with electricity. The deal was made and the pact was sealed.
"Good girl," he said quietly and calmly, as he pet your hair.
His grin was downright sinister as he pulled your head back.
"You're mine now."
Your eyes went wide as you realized the gravity of what you had just done in the heat of the moment. "Wait, I-" you gasp as you're cut off as Vox starts to mercilessly pound into your heat.
"I heard what you said," he grins as his claws dig into your hips and draw blood. "I heard it a̸̩̎l̴��͗l̷̖̓.. And I'm going to hold you to e̵̻̐v̶͎͌é̵͉r̶͕͊y̷̳̍ word of that agreement."
If you thought Vox was rough before, it was nothing compared to how he used you now. He tossed you around like a toy and you sobbed as he broke you.
Your eyes were crossed as you screamed and took everything he had to give you. "Vox, Vox, Sir, fucking please!" You babbled, practically worshipping how he destroyed you now that he owned your soul. It was too good to care about the consequences. It was too much. All you could think of was how badly you needed him.
Your screams and moans were now all he could hear as you completely lost it. He was using everything that he could to break you and he seemed to enjoy every second of it. He was doing you dirty, but it was also exactly what you desired. All you wanted now was his approval, as he completely controlled and dominated you in body and spirit.
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photomatt · 11 months
Post-acquisition, dir a proper, dedicated ad sales team ever get hired for Tumblr? Not something shared between other a8c properties but a group of people who knew Tumblr's uniquely weird culture and could work with brands to craft the kinds of ads that were highly effective on Tumblr before we got bought by Verizon.
Yes, with some great people who had worked on Tumblr before and also been part of successful teams at Twitter, Reddit, etc. I think at one point this was a 20+ person team. However it didn't work. We still have dedicated direct, but programatic drives the vast majority of the advertising revenue. My best guesses for why:
The advertising world has changed quite a bit from Tumblr's peak.
Tumblr had declining traffic for a while, which doesn't excite advertisers. (It's now growing again.)
Custom campaigns were too different for advertisers to spend a lot of time on them, they were long and expensive to implement.
Often advertisers were attacked by the user base, in targeted harassment. Really gross, horrible stuff. Terrible brand experience.
Advertising in general with ATT, cookie changes, etc has changed in a way that mostly strengthens the duopoly of Google and Meta, makes it incredibly hard for independent networks to compete.
On the bright side, self-serve advertising with Blaze has gone well, we can re-use the tooling across Tumblr, WooCommerce, and WordPress, it's faster and preserves privacy better than third-party networks, and there's a ton of demand particularly on the ecommerce side of things. So that group is actually being promoted to its own thing that will sit in parallel to Tumblr, vs being under it.
I think there could also be something that would more easily allow advertisers to duplicate campaigns they're already running elsewhere, with similar formats, that would raise the quality of ads we're able to run by making it easy for advertisers to shift a few % of their budget away from Twitter/etc to places they want to support more, more aligned with their brand and values, which Tumblr and its focus on art and artists is.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 3
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
I boarded the carriage with Roger and Alfons, who I was coming along with on the mission.
Kate: So what in the world is a “death party”?
(And…not to mention, how’s this related to it?)
Kate: Why was I forced into a dress?
After finishing breakfast this morning, I was taken to the dresser room where, for some reason, the maids dressed me up.
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Roger: Hm? So you just came along without knowing anything? I don’t know how you managed to survive this long, lil’ lady. I’m impressed.
If you’re going to say it like that, then I have plenty to say back.
Kate: I thought that since I became your exclusive Fairytale Keeper, you’d be the one explaining everything to me!
Roger: Ah, is that what you thought? My bad. Then I’ll explain it to you in plenty of detail.
(You’re the one that brought me here without a word, so why the sudden courtesy…)
…At any rate, Roger explained the mission to me from the beginning.
There’s said to be a secret party held every night in a noble’s estate deep within the forest.
Rumors of fatal accidents there caught Her Majesty the Queen’s attention.
The rumors grew until eventually, the police made an attempt to go undercover.
—However, the team going undercover already had their identities marked and so were turned away by the guards at the door.
(Then, we’re currently going to a place where even the police can’t get in…?)
Kate: In that case, isn’t there a chance that we’d get turned away too…
Alfons: You don’t need to worry about that.
A card the size of a playing card twirled between Alfons’ long fingers.
Alfons: We already have an invitation. All that is left is for us to sneak in disguised as nobility.
Thin lips curled into a smirk.
Alfons: Ah, would you like to know where I got such an invitation?
Kate: …I’ll pass.
Crown had so many secrets that there’d be no end to it if you wanted to know them all.
Roger: That brings us back to the dress you’re wearing. You need to be accompanied by a woman for the party, which is why you’re all dressed up and coming with me.
(The reason’s simpler than I thought. Which leaves the problem in question…)
Kate: What happens at the secret party?
Roger: We suspect there’s a high chance they’re using some sort of drug at the party.
Kate: Using drugs at the party? Why?
Alfons: For “recreational” purposes.
Roger: Are you aware of the Pharmacy Act?
Kate: No, I’m not very familiar with things related to the law…
Roger: The UK enacted the Pharmacy Act to regulate the sale of drugs. However, the Pharmacy Act was only enacted several years ago. So it hasn’t taken full effect and people have been using loopholes to use drugs for fun. Under the Pharmacy Act, any potentially harmful substances are classified as poisons and the selling of them is regulated. Her Majesty the Queen’s pushing for making it a law and for public awareness. 
Kate: It’s worrying that there’s still a widespread use of illegal drugs despite the Pharmacy Act…
(The party we’re about to infiltrate is one of those places where drugs are used recreationally…)
Kate: To sum it up…our mission this time is to gather information rather than to condemn?
Roger: Yeah. Infiltrate, seize any drugs used, report. That’s it.
The scene of condemnation I witnessed the night I first met Crown.
I feel a little better knowing that I don’t have to see it this time.
Alfons: Nevertheless— 
Alfons: You’re really dressed up for the part tonight. This night dress with suuuch a slit that exposes your legs…
Naughty fingers lift the skirt.
Kate: Wha…Please stop.
I rushed to hide myself, but even Roger casted a lewd gaze at the bare skin peeking between my hands.
Roger: I gotta agree. Even with the role as a noble, that’s too much service. You look really delicious.
Kate: Y-you said you wouldn’t touch me because you didn’t want to deal with the aftermath!
Roger: Just ‘cause I find the aftermath a pain doesn’t mean I don’t have sexual desires. Keeping leaving yourself exposed like that and I’m gonna eat you up, so watch out.
Kate: Huh?!
While struck dumbfounded by how Roger said that so nonchalantly, Alfons whispered into my ear.
Alfons: Kate, you’ll need to clad your heart in iron underwear. This man’s a muscle-powered brute.
Roger: Hey now, is that something you call an old friend?
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Alfons: We’re friends? Did you perhaps hit your head somewhere?
Apparently the two had known each other for a while now, but—they always argue like this whenever they’re together.
“To be able to argue like this means you’re close”
The last time I said that to them, they both looked so disgusted that I never brought it up again.
(Let’s just set aside how much I believe what Roger said and how well the two get along…)
Kate: Regardless, I want to do my best on the mission.
Alfons: Why?
Kate: Until now, I’ve only been a bystander, but this time, I’m attending a party where women are an essential part. Even as a companion, I can participate in the mission.
(So far, they’ve been considerate of me because of my position as Fairytale Keeper)
(I’ve been watching everyone from a distance)
Kate: I want to fulfill my role as Fairytale Keeper. Of course, I’ll do my best to not hold you back.
The moment I spoke with determination, the carriage passed through the gates of the estate.
Now within the target’s territory, Roger and Alfons took on the “Crown” look.
Alfons: Roger, you’ll need to put that rifle away. We don’t want them turning us away.
Using the invitation card from Alfons, we entered the estate without an incident.
Women dressed in glamorous gowns and men in tailcoats, which made it obvious that they were of the upper class, were having pleasant chats over drinks.
Kate: …Huh? Where’s Alfons?
Though he was with us in the beginning, I noticed his absence the moment we entered the hall— 
Roger: Don’t worry about it. Al’s well known in these parts which makes it easy for him to get information. Best to just let him do what he wants like a stray cat.
I was surprised by the lack of a detailed plan before our infiltration, but it seemed that Crown didn’t split their roles.
(They read the situation and then act. Was there a strong relationship of trust?)
(Or was it because each member’s strengths allowed them to handle any situation....)
While thinking it was probably the latter, given how each member had a strong personality, I felt someone’s gaze on me.
(It feels like I’m being watched…?)
I was nervous for a moment, thinking my identity had been exposed. But as I looked around, I realized that wasn’t the case.
—I wonder which family he’s the son of.
—What a lovely man. I’ve never seen him before.
The young ladies’ sweet gazes were fixed on Roger who stood beside me. 
(It slipped my mind since we don’t spend much time outside of Crown’s Castle, but Roger…)
Looks well-bred
Has an intellectual air about him  +4 +4
Has a nice body
(That’s right, the intellectual air’s probably attractive to upper class women…)
His rugged, serious expression, those determined lips, and absolute intelligence radiating from those glasses may capture and trap the hearts of women.
(Sometimes I get nervous when he’s talking to me while standing so close…wait, no, bad!)
Roger calmly looked around the hall, ignorant of the thoughts racing through my mind.
Roger: …Those ladies over there look like they’re showing signs of addiction.
Kate: Signs of addiction…?
Roger: Yeah. Crooked smiles could be a sign that something’s wrong with their central nervous system.
Kate: …Meaning there’s a high chance that recreational drugs are being used?
Roger: Yeah. It’d be faster if we could secure the scene. Then again…if British healthcare was better, we wouldn’t have to deal with tedious cases like this.
I knew what he was getting at. It’s hard to find a doctor you can trust in London.
Kate: We have fake treatments, fake medicine, and even fake doctors…
—When I became Fairytale Keeper, Liam told me something.
~~ Flashback ~~
Liam: Roger comes from a family that’s worked in medicine and his father’s a wealthy man who still runs a clinic in town. With how a lot of Crown have complicated backgrounds, I think Roger’s an unusual one here.
~~ Flashback end ~~
(If his life had continued down the proper path, he could’ve ended up like that young man over there laughing with a glass of wine in hand)
(It wouldn’t have been unusual for Roger to inherit the family business either…)
(But instead, Roger chose the path of condemning evil with evil)
Kate: Roger, why did you join Crown?
Roger: Are you asking why I didn’t inherit the family business and end up like those guys enjoying wine and women?
(Ugh, he’s sharp…It’s like he’s reading my mind)
Kate: Yes. Even under Her Majesty’s control, Crown’s still dangerous. Unless there was some kind of specific reason, it doesn’t seem worth it to jump right in.
Roger: Hmm, and if I did have a specific reason? For example, doing research that can only be done there.
(Research that can only be done in Crown…?)
Kate: What are you researching, Roger?
It’s a question I had while in his basement lab too.
Roger scrutinized me behind his glasses and bent down to meet my gaze.
Roger: Cursed Ones—and how to rid the word of them.
(Rid the word of cursed ones? What does he mean…)
I stare back at Roger in confusion.
Roger: I’m cursed with the double-crossing hunter.
“Cursed Ones” were people who were cursed the moment they were born.
Because of their curses, they’re doomed to “sin and meet a tragic end”.
Kate: Betrayal…Is that your fate?
Roger: Yeah. I could actually be someone with pretty dangerous thoughts that betrays Crown, you know?
Roger: So, Kate. What would you do about it?
(At the time—)
Kate: I’m your exclusive Fairytale Keeper, so I’m keeping an eye on you 24/7. If I think you’re doing anything weird…I’ll do what I can to stop you.
Roger: Pfft, hahahaha! You’re a funny one. You’re too good.
Roger laughed and patted my head.
Kate: Hey, don’t try to change the subject.)
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Roger: If you’re gonna be around me 24/7, then you might just end up understanding what I meant.
Alfons: Pardon me for interrupting your fun.
When I turned around at the sound of his voice, I saw Alfons, who was not around earlier.
Alfons: Kate, Roger. We got a hit at this party after all.
Kate: A hit? You mean…
Alfons: There’s an amusing show taking place in the other room. Please come this way.
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celeste444spacey · 3 months
Things we can learn from the Upper East Side- A guide to how our fave tv elites deal with fame, success and attention.
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So you're famous now, can you handle it?
What better than to learn the art of fame from none other than our favorite teenage dirtbags involved in scandals, betrayals, well drawn out revenges with constant reputation destroying and restoring... our holy grail : Gossip Girl.
If there's one thing we can learn from these horrible rich kids making way more horrible decisions, it's handling attention and fame.
You might argue and say they were a bunch of teens who were downright horrible to each other, but i'd argue they did handle speculation and rumors way better than we would (questionably at times however).
So here's a few things i observed on the show compiled into a guide, just so you can handle fame well too!
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They did not let the gossip girl blasts get to them.
This is quite frankly the first observation i'd make. They did not give a damn about the blasts gossip girl made (there were instances that would upset them but it wouldn't take over their life), however they did use it to their advantage.
Media is your downfall but it is also your biggest weapon.
As much as they didn't pay much heed to Gossip Girl, they'd leverage it to get their narrative across- wrong or not.
This happens in media as well, magazines and entertainment news sites are not only rumour spreaders, they can be effectively used to control your narrative. So you must be strategic about it. This is pretty much what PR teams do. And this is why celebrities spend millions of dollars on these people. They are strategists.
People pleasing is impossible. Stop caring what others think- or say
It's lonely at the top, so it should be obvious that not everyone will understand your position or like that you hold it. But it is how it is, so start living for yourself and YOUR purpose rather than caring what other people think of thing you do.
Create a brand. You are unique. Trademark your energy.
Serena Van Der Woodsen: it girl, martinis, gold, paparazzi, free spiritedness, VS energy, glitters and sparkles, nyc at night, dream girl
Blair Waldorf: sleepovers, headbands, satin, cartier, henry bendel, bergdorf, louboutins, schemer, macaroons, audrey hepburn
Nate Archibald: guy next door, blue, old money, prince charming, basketball, kindness, dream guy
Chuck Bass: business, scotch, womanizer, fur coats, i'm chuck bass, scandal, strategist, bad boy, private jets, limos, womanizer
Dan Humphrey: writer, the "good" guy, outcast turned insider, nyu, playwright, chinese take out
I don't gotta explain, you know exactly what i mean.
Strategy strategy strategy
Everything is strategy, business, academia, entertainment, sports. EVERYTHING. It's not a day on the upper east side without strategy, so even fame needs strategy on the behind. Marketing and creative needs to be well thought out, the way to rack up sales does, even preparing for your mid terms or scoring a goal or even winning an f1 race. Strategy. Is. Everything.
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And that concludes my post. Lemme know what you think!
Masterlist here
Celebrity energy series here
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evan-collins90 · 1 year
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Sam Goody stores at Universal CityWalk & Horton Plaza (1993 & 1995)
"The synthesis of three distinct merchandising departments for the new Sam Goody store at the Universal Citywalk exhibits a design of dynamic expression by the Jerde Partnership design team.
The new building sits on the center court of an outdoor shopping mall in Southern California. Representing the three merchandising concepts of Sam Goody, the design pronounces each area through unique and interrelated façades.
The customer enters the Popular Music department through an animated, neon-accented color plaster façade. The entrance to the Classics department and the upstairs Coffee Cafe is between two 40 foot high, 10 foot in diameter Corinthian columns within an interpretative classical façade. A 35 foot high, two-dimensional profile sign depicting King Kong climbing the face of a black and metallic bronze tile building hangs over the entrance to Suncoast Motion Picture Company (video).
The central sales environment is referred to as Backstage, and has the character and atmosphere of a soundstage/studio. The two-story space is defined by upper level catwalks and the destination mezzanine known as the Coffee Cafe. A three-dimensional, walk-through Media Wall features music advertising, photos, oversized images, photo lightboxes, video monitors, projected music videos, reader boards and graphic elements.
Media events are orchestrated throughout the day in an ever-changing environment that depicts the trends of popular music and movies. Weather reports, current events and promotional messages continuously scroll by on the reader boards. In-store performances, CD signings and record promotions bring a sense of "an event" to the store. A live VJ/DJ controls all aspects of the store's music and video media, and interacts with the customers.
On a floating piano-shaped level, the Classics department features a state-of-the-art inventory of classical and jazz selections and creates a controlled, intimate area for the customer with special acoustics, localized sound systems, listening stations and lighting. In the Suncoast Motion Picture Company department, tall video columns accent the environment, supporting the sale of videos and laserdiscs. Interspersed throughout the department are video monitors creating the effect of video confetti.
The Coffee Cafe features a wide variety of interactive listening stations and media experiences. It is intended to be an intimate environment where the customer can pause, enjoy the fare, engage in conversation and take in views of the store as well as the street below through its windows."
Designed by The Jerde Partnership
Scanned from: Stores - Retail Display & Design (1997), Great Store Design 2 (1996), Shops & Boutiques (1994)
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sahonithereadwolf · 1 year
Can I tell you about the very queer game I made this Pride?
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In A World That Hates and Fears You, Living Becomes an Act of Rebellion.
Exceptionals is a game inspired by X-Men about and for the spaces and communities marginalized peoples make for themselves. Play as a Geno, one of little less than 0.5% percent of the population that has gone through a mysterious process called Claremont-Simonson mutation, as you try to navigate a world that won’t make room for you. Exceptionals is a game about what the mutant metaphor means to you and the different lenses through which we view it. Punch back and build something of worth together in this narrative tag-driven tabletop role playing game. 🧬Features Open-Ended Character Creation🧬 Mix and Match between (23) open-ended but guided protocols. Answer questions to create high concept and unique super powered characters where the only real limit is your imagination. Get invested in who you make as a whole person, and not just a set of powers. Build a Community 🧬Create a living and dynamic community space full of colorful characters. 🧬 Grow your base as an anchor for other geno and help fill it with the resources they and you need. Understand how your actions effect others and gain trust through the bonds mechanic. It’s a game where you get stronger by growing your community and heal by being part of it.
🧬Comic Book Storytelling 🧬 Play as a creative team of writers and editors working to tell the best version of the story you can over time and storyline-based experience to model changes of the status quo and creative direction. Enjoy panel based action pacing and the ability of characters of all power levels to coexist and carry the same amount of story weight.
🧬Not Pain Tourism 🧬 While Exceptionals offers a number of places to push back, we understand and recognize that the most important part of a punching bag is that you choose to hit it, even if it’s not at all. We recognize not everyone gets to set the issues that the mutant metaphor is used to talk about down when they leave the table and offer many ways to tell stories outside of a lens defined by pain. We also put an emphasis and mechanical weight on the importance of joy and celebration. 📚You can buy the Core Book here:📚 https://bramblewolfgames.itch.io/exceptionals 📚You can buy the Expansions here:📚 https://bramblewolfgames.itch.io/exceptionals-expansion-bundle 📚You can buy the bundle with everything here:📚 https://bramblewolfgames.itch.io/exceptionals-expansion-bundle I didn’t go out with the intent of making this a very queer game. Not explicitly. I started making games because  I got frustrated waiting to feel seen or acknowledged. Another game got me mad about using my peoples stories to be transphobic, to be racist, to be ableist. Nevermind my people have more than two genders traditionally and faced a genocide. That was too much for me. I said this was enough and the quite indignities I suffered to feel included wasn’t worth it. I could do better myself.  So I set out to make a superhero game. I hated just about every comic book game on the market. It never seemed to capture what I did like about big hero comics with high concept storytelling and powers and couldn’t care less on a mechanical or narrative level about who this person was outside the mask. More focused on bashing action figures together and golden age pastiche that doesn’t really reflect the decades of character and genre developments that have happened since then. I later found games that do it better, but I was dissatisfied... I chose x-men for the homies. I’ve always been an x-men fan. A lot of people my age were. My first action figure was one of rogue I got at a garage sale, where she then went on to fight many a play-dough monster. But for many of us it was the first place we were allowed to be heroes. There are no natives on the 90′s x-men team. But I had uncles and older kids all too eager to tell me about Forge and Warpath (I hate that name) and my favorite Dani Moonstar (I ain’t the biggest fan of that name either, but she’s the closest thing mainstream hero comics have to a good NDN).
After that, things just kinda flowed from there. The X-men have such a focus on community. It’s “comics greatest soap opera”. It can be messy, complicated, beautiful and life-affirming all at the same time. They take the time to play basketball, go to the mall, and have birthday parties as they grow. Two of my favorite x-men comics aren’t about fighting at all. One is framed around a sleepover some students have, and another is about a wedding and framed around everyone filming their part of the wedding tape.
So I started thinking about the communities I’ve been a part of. A big core of the game is informed by my time and the people I met in these sort of spaces. As a native, as a queer person, as a disabled person I’ve been both someone who needed them and someone who gave back.
Which suited x-men just fine. X-men has cared about that sort of thing from about X-men #3 with the first appearance of The Blob, establishing it’s tone of sympathy and mutants as a minority analog.
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I just kept going and I didn’t stop. And apparently I did a good job. Someone out there has been using my game as game-therapy and community outreach in a gender health center out in California. I got a lot of kind words for the game too (which is good, because I spent 3 years on it).
-As featured on; io9/Gizmodo, Kotaku, Listen to Theses Nerds, Team-Up Moves, Yes Indie'd Pod, Team-Up Moves, and The Voice of Dog -#1 Best Seller and Popular on Itch.io in both Analog & RPG Games, Sept 2021
Listen to the Team-Up Moves AP Here!: https://teamupmoves.com/runs/exceptionals "Exceptionals is a beautiful, brilliantly designed superhero RPG. It's truly a masterpiece, and if you haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor." -@PartyOfOnePod
"This thing COOKS, Sahoni doesn't just tap into the queer/minority readings of mutants, but also ties in the weirdness that really gets my mind racing when it comes to X books." -@froondingloom 
"A refreshingly different game, that strikes a good balance between unlimited player freedom and solid guiding handrails. Really gets at the full potential of what the ;mutant outcast heroes' genre should be about: found family, building communities, and lives lived to the fullest despite being lived in defiance." -@guywhowrotethis 
"The whole game oozes love for its inspiration while also going further than they dared...." -@Phoenix24Femme
"Astonishing! Uncanny! All-New! And all other X-Adjectives available. This book gets why one would want to play the Mutant Metaphor in an RPG. It cleverly weaves the power fantasy of powerful individuals with the drive to do good for one's community. It's well-researched, well-written and, well, so much fun to play! This is the superpowered game I've been wanting for a long, long time. I can't wait to tell an Exceptional story of my own!" -@Kokiteno Team-up moves even made a recommended comic reading list. It has some of the best x-men has to offer and then some. It even includes that  New Mutants comic with the sleepover. They read me for filth and I love it.
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I hope you play my game too. I hope you like it. I hope you tell queer stories and build community around you. I hope it’s messy, complicated, beautiful and life-affirming all at the same time. Thank you for reading this. Please reblog if you can as well as share it with x-men and rpg fans in your life.
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