#Eel Stairs
wormically · 10 days
Rock-eaters can be impaired by the Default Song, although this doesn't work, for some reason, beyond the Eel Stairs.
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mumblelard · 1 year
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i woke up agitated and angry this morning. where did i go, last night, that i came back this angry? the cracked and careless night wanderer finds trouble again
these ones just tell me that i am want a direction forward. that is the opposite of a helpful message. i'm well aware that i'm looking for it. give me a clue what it is
maybe the anger is what i need, no matter how coarse and unpleasant it feels. wants aside, that's what i have today
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umburgrr · 2 months
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this pose has been sitting in my wips for a while and i missed drawing the eel guy so here’s a messy jade! (maybe he fell down the stairs or something)
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pseudowho · 10 months
Defending Your Honour
A series in which the JJK guys stick-it to the creeps and perverts bothering the reader.
A multi-fic in a series ❤️🫖☕
Part Two (Takuma Ino, Higuruma Hiromi and Itadori Yuuji)
Part Three (Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara, Inumaki Toge and Fushiguro Toji)
More JJK men and women to come
Trigger Warning: train gropers, flashers and unwanted sexual advances
Nanami Kento
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"Quick, Kento! We'll miss the train."
"This one's packed. We'll get the next one."
"Come on! We can make it!"
With a squeeze and a groan, you and Kento squash yourselves into the packed carriage, the air a humid perfume-deodorant-sweat miasma. You faced Kento's chest, his back to the door. As the doors closed, squashing you to his chest, you shoot him a playful smirk as he glowers down at you, only half-serious.
You lean up to give him a sweet peck on the lips as the train jolts to a start. Kento wraps an arm around your waist as you wobble, although barely, your movement corseted by the tight pack of people around you.
The train rattles through tunnels, dipping in and out of orange lights. As the train goes through a particularly dark tunnel, you feel a set of fingers inching between your legs to the inside of your thigh. You cringe, clamping your legs together, which doesn't dissuade the hand from climbing up the back of your thigh, lifting your skirt to rub the cleft of your bottom.
When light flashes back into the train, the hand doesn't stop. You're paralysed, eyes stinging with tears, constricted by the crowd around you and unable to move to stop your assailant even if you wanted to.
Kento is looking down at you, frowning, concerned; what's wrong? His eyes ask you.
You whisper, voice shaking, "A hand-- someone's hand-- touching me--"
Kento blinks once, and his face clouds, deep rage settling in the crinkles and lines as his narrow eyes scan the people behind you. Within moments, his eyes settle on someone behind you, his eyes narrowing further until they're snakelike. You feel Kento's hand leave your waist as both arms wrap behind you, waiting.
A minute later, your train pulls to the next platform, and Kento pulls you off. Behind you on the train, a circle has formed around a man on the floor, crying and screeching, cradling two badly broken hands, bloody, twisted and ruined.
You hiss at Kento as you're pulled away up the stairs, "What did you do?"
Kento scowled, "I've got strong hands, he had wandering hands. Had."
Todo Aoi
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"God, it's so busy. I don't think we'll make it to our table in time," you stressed, Aoi head-and-shoulders above you as he tried to see a path through the crowd. Halloween in Shibuya was always heaving, and throngs of costumed celebrants slid past each other like eels.
Aoi looked behind him to you, breaking into what he assumed was a charming smile, and you rolled your eyes at him as he squatted down, his hands out behind him like steps.
"Get on my back, babe. You'll get lost, I'll get us to the restaurant-- win win."
"Me getting lost is...a win?" Aoi blinked, gears grinding as he reconsidered his words. Smiling (charmingly, again) and opening his mouth to talk (again), you raised a hand to stop him, exasperated.
"I can keep up. It's fine. Let's go."
"That's my girl." Aoi grabbed your hand as you weaved together through the crowds. You found it harder and harder to keep up, body buffeted from side to side by faceless monsters, vampires, sexy cats, and you felt Aoi's hand slipping in yours, holding tightly to his knuckles, now fingertip to fingertip until--
With a pluck, his hand slipped out of yours. You tripped, stumbling, unable to see above the sea of heads, and you slipped sideways into an alleyway to get out of the thronging masses. Breathing in a sigh of relief, you turned your back to the street, knowing Aoi would turn back to find you.
Your breath caught in your throat when, on turning, you come within two arms-length of a middle-aged man, in a heavy coat...completely exposed, as he stared at you, thrilled and smug. You gulped, flushed, bizarrely exposed and humiliated and trapped, as if you had your genitals flung out for the world to see, and you opened your mouth to scream for hel--
"Oh, man. Is that all you're working with? You're no brother of mine." The flasher grimaced, scowling for a moment as his eyes fixed behind you, and he took a single step backwards before--
-- the crowd in the street behind you quietened for just a moment, enough to hear the sounds of a single rattling empty beer can, spinning in the flasher's place...before a cacophony of screams, laughter and appalled shouts poured into the alleyway. You gaped like a fish as Aoi pulled you gently to him.
"Are you alright? I'm sorry I lost you."
"I"m-- I'm fine-- did you just use your technique on that guy?"
You heard a ruckus at the mouth of the alleyway, watching your flasher's legs skittering as he was bodily dragged away by Police officers, arguing and bargaining.
Aoi grinned rakishly, thumb and forefinger framing his jaw, "Did you like that? Nobody flashes my girl but me."
Geto Suguru
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"Keep our table! I'll get us some drinks. You want...?"
Suguru rested a single bent finger against his temple, narrow eyes looking you up and down fondly; "You know what I like."
You skipped away through the buzzing bar, blowing Suguru a kiss as you went; most of the patrons were two or three drinks deep already, and you pushed through a hen-do, apologising loudly to get to the bar.
You stood at the bar, tapping your fingers as you waited to catch the bartender's eye, and you felt a big hand slip around your waist from behind. You turned, grinning, leaning in for a kiss--
"Oh! God, sorry," you cried as the beer-breathed stranger laughed as if he knew you, and you cringed as he leaned back into you.
"No harm done baby, thought I was gonna get lucky there," he shouted over the music, flecks of spit peppering your face and lips.
"Nope! Not tonight I'm afraid--" as you moved to pull away, his hand tightened around your waist, skimming down to cup your hip, pulling you closer, squeezing--
"-- look, can you get your hands off--"
The stranger raised his hands off you dramatically, waving them in your face, barely concealing aggression behind an easygoing facade; "Just trying to have a good night like everyone else here, sweetheart, so you could just loosen up--"
You turned your back, flushing with confrontation, almost tearful as you tried to attract the attention of the bartender. You felt hot breath on your neck, the same unfamiliar hand on the small of your back--
"So you got a boyfriend, then?" You swallowed hard, closing your eyes for a moment, desperate to be left alone.
"She has," Suguru crooned, voice mercurially smooth as he slowly took the stranger's hand off your back, his eyes black, flat and cold. You had never been happier to see him in your life, and you pressed yourself against him, back still to the stranger. The stranger's lips rolled inwards, an irritated tongue dabbing out to lick them.
"Sorry bud, didn't realise she was here with anyone--"
"-- but scum like you always respect an absent boyfriend more than a girl telling you no, right?" Suguru's voice could have frozen water. The stranger excused himself without another word.
"Come on," Suguru gently urged, "I don't like this bar anymore. Let's go somewhere else."
As he slipped an arm around you, walking towards the doors, you heard frantic shrieking behind you; the stranger writhed and squirmed on the floor, frantically undoing and shoving his trousers down, kicking and shouting in alarm.
Suguru smirked; "Had that weird little snake curse in my pocket for a while now. Even better, he can't see it."
Will do some more of these; always more Nanamin, but also the other JJK crew too!
Part Two (Higuruma, Ino and Yuuji) LINK HERE!
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anguilliforme · 2 years
I did ittttt I fuckin did it!!!!!! Going to sleep for five years now
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cloudcountry · 1 year
headpats from little shrimpy!
Genre/Tropes: Mutual pining.
Summary: Floyd doesn't know if YOU know that merpeople show they're interested in each other with physical contact, but one head pat from you and he's lost all forms of self restraint. Oops!
Author's Comments: Okay as someone who is HEAVILY FIXATED on moray eels and knows too many things about them and how they interact with other morays (+ shrimp in mcs case) this is such a TREAT. I LOVE THIS. Granted it's not scientific at all but still. Cute.
It would have been such an unimportant action to anyone else.
Having a cute little Shrimpy pat you on the head as they passed by with the monthly earnings of the Mostro Lounge wouldn’t have mattered to anyone else.
But it mattered to Floyd Leech.
It mattered a lot.
It mattered so much, in fact, that he froze in his chair and stared at your retreating back. Was it just his imagination, or were you walking faster? Jolting out of his seat, he made a run for you and prayed he’d catch you before you disappeared into Azul’s office.
Unfortunately, you made it. Boo. No fun.
Floyd pouted, jiggling the locked doorknob. Azul had a habit of locking it when he was in a meeting, and that’s exactly what he told Floyd after he told him to go away.
How unfair! His Shrimpy was in there!
Officially in a sour mood, Floyd went back to the booth he was sitting in and pouted. He’d just wait for you to come out and grill you with questions! Yeah, he could do that!
Floyd Leech could not do that.
He ended up pacing around the Mostro Lounge for a few hours, passing through the kitchen to talk to Jade before he got bored again.
“Did you see Shrimpy pass through here?” Floyd asked, poking his head into the kitchen for the seventh time, “I’ve been waiting for them but they haven’t come out of the VIP Room!”
“The Prefect? They left about ten minutes ago.” Jade hummed, focusing on his simmering cream of mushroom soup.
Floyd wrinkled his nose at the pot before darting away from the kitchen, intent on finding you before you escaped from him once again. You must have slipped out while he wasn’t looking! You couldn’t just pat his head and not say anything!
It wasn’t like you knew the implications, but physical touch was a way for merfolk to show that they were romantically interested in each other. Floyd felt his mood souring even more when he realized that you might have just done that to do it. It might have not even meant anything to you.
“Boo. Shrimpy better have meant it.” he huffed.
It was like the entire school could tell that Floyd was in a bad mood, because nobody dared to stop him as he ran through the halls. Riddle looked as though he wanted to say something, but decided against it as he ducked into a nearby classroom. Floyd didn’t have time to antagonize him right now, though—finding Shrimpy and asking them about their head pat was more important!
Before he knew it, Floyd was bursting through the Ramshackle gate and sprinting up to your front door. You weren’t anywhere to be seen on the front lawn, so Floyd hoped you were inside. If he had to look for you any longer he’d be grumpy for the next week.
“Shrimpyyyy!” he called out, cupping his mouth so the sound would travel farther, “Lemme in! I wanna talk to you!”
He heard loud thumping inside as you rushed down the stairs, the sound of the lock on the door jiggling making him bounce on the tips of his toes.
“Shrimpy!” he beamed, throwing his arms around you the second the door was open.
“Hi, Floyd.” you wrapped your arms around him awkwardly as he leaned over you, crushing you against his chest.
“Hey, hey! Didja mean it? You better have meant it!” he pulled away only to shake you by the shoulders, “If you didn’t mean it I’m gonna be so upset!”
“Oh...Oh, that.” you mumbled, squirming in his hold, “I...You mean the head pat, right?”
“Yes!” he whined, shaking you harder, “Do you like me like that?!”
“Like what?” you blinked, tilting your head to the side in confusion.
“Like you wanna date me!” Floyd huffed, finally letting you go.
He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted, eyes glued to your face in hopes of an answer. You felt your face heat up at the scrutiny, turning away so you didn’t have to look directly at him.
“Well...yeah.” you mumbled, “I asked Jade what I could do to, um...make you realize that I like you. And he told me that merpeople...really value physical contact? So I thought if I just gave you a head pat that might be good enough...? And I guess it was.”
“Awww, that’s so cute. You went to Jade for help?” Floyd laughed, the high pitched giggles easing your nerves just a bit, “Well lucky you, Shrimpy! I accept. Now come here.”
Floyd pulled you back into his chest and patted your head gently, and you allowed yourself to sink into his embrace.
“Cute Shrimpy.” he giggled into your hair, squeezing you tightly, “I’m gonna squeeze you every day now!”
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A Village Raising (2) | Yandere Platonic Twisted Wonderland
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Yuuka silently cooed at the sight of precious little (Y/n) sleepily clutching at a sleeping Grim. She no doubt hit the jackpot. Having such an adorable little sibling gifted to her by the mysterious summoning of the mirror. It was a nightmarish thought: that you’d one day return to someone who couldn’t love you like she did. But it was soothed by the reminder that more than likely those at Night Raven would never allow for that to happen. 
“Mmm Yuu? Mmm C’mere.” 
“Yes baby? You ready to wake up, maybe help me cook?”
“Mmmm today I-mmm g’to work…don’t I?”
“Ahhh, yeah.”
She sighed as she recalled the way you came to a revelation, of course spurred by Grim’s whining, that you needed to work to get more tuna. She wasn’t even sure you understood the topic of currency but nonetheless you wouldn’t stop yapping about it to her and Yuuken. 
“Can-I get ready for work?” Your little voice spoke so clearly, having fully-woken up at the excitement from the thought. She couldn’t bring herslef to relay the hard truth about the workforce. Surely Azul wouldn’t torture a little angel such as yourself! 
“Yes of course baby!” 
Sending a groggy Grim to pester her fellow prefect Yuuka busied herself with helping you into the mini uniform Jade delivered not long after her baby’s declaration. How he knew your measurements she wasn’t sure but then again why ask when all he’d do is smile cryptically. 
“Already into the workforce I can’t believe how old I’ve gotten.” 
Yukken mockingly held his face in his hands as he pretended to cry as you carefully finished descending the stairs with your back turned to him, slowly making your way down the steps. With both your feet safely on the ground you waddled over to the ‘crying’ giant. 
“Ken-Ken is okay! I’ll be back after a hardsday work.”
Patting his pant leg, you waited until he bent down to your level. Giving a firm hug with your little body, he sent a worried look over your shoulder. Yuuka could only huff out her nose in stifled worry. She wasn’t trying to ignore her worry of letting you out of their watchful eyes. Pulling out her phone she sucked her teeth as the clock ticked closer to the designated time. Time for her final instructions before sending you into a battlefield.
“Alright (Y/n) now listen to me, you can’t sign or write anything while you’re there okay?”
“(Y/n) are you listening to me.”
You continued to fiddle with the locks of your backpack briefcase before turning to the crouched Yuuka. 
You kissed her cheek and in a voice imitating a character from your tv-shows you said,”Don’t worry Honey. I’ll be home soon, take care of the kids for me.”
The knock on the Ramshackle door had you skipping in its direction. Already beaten by Yuuken who opened the door to none other than the tweels. 
“Good morning, Prefect.”
“Hiya shrimpies! Where’s the little business eel!”
“Here I am!” You squealed, running past Yuuken’s legs to be scooped into Floyd’s awaiting arms. Immediately abandoning your working persona you enjoyed the way Floyd playfully pretended to chomp at your cheeks.
“Remember, (Y/n)! No signing anything!” 
“Weee-ah okay!” 
You spoke breathlessly as the eel mer caught you from your descent from the sky, shouting from over his shoulder as he was already trotting away. Yuuka sighed again, turning her gaze to Jade who happily accepted the little bento box Yuuken had made.
“Back by sundown.”
“Yes, yes it will be before nightfall. Otherwise the doting parents will stay awake and worried until then.”
“I jest I jest. We’ll see you later.”
With that the vice-warden went on his way catching up to the waiting Floyd before traveling over to the school’s hall.
“We’re back!” 
“Hi hi, Azul!”
The dorm leader couldn’t help but genuinely smile as he saw you in your mini-Monstro-uniform. 
“Morning (Y/n), ready start your first day of work?”
“Then follow me, to the kitchen.” 
You did just that skipping beside Jade who stopped at the kitchen. 
“This where we make all the drinks and food for everyone. And your job is to take whatever we make to the customers.”
“How about we practice, okay (Y/n)?”
“Yes, yes!” 
In no time at all you were handed a smaller tray and told to not spill as a plastic cup of water was placed on its center. Azul went to the far end of the kitchen along with Floyd who anxiously awaited your wobbly and shaky journey. Jade originally planned to only keep his hand on your back from where he was originally standing but he decided to follow along as he watched the water jiggle dangerously in the glass.
“It’s alright I’m right here. Take your time.”
“This is really h’rd.”
“It’s okay you’re doing great.” Azul chimed in, eagerly awaiting you to reach his side. Both Floyd and Azul anxiously leaning in tandem as you tilted dangerously to one side. The dorm leader did his best to keep his mouth shut as he quantified more than 50% of the water on the checkered floor or coagulating at the bottom of the tray. 
“How’d I do Mis’er Bossman?”
Smiling up at him with sparkling (y/e/c) eyes–only one decision was clear. 
“You did perfect. We are happy to have you work with us at Monstro Lounge.”
He’d have to remember to account for the smaller amount of the drink.
“Yay! Hear that Floyd, I’m hired!”
“YES, I knew you could do it-mini eel! Now I can give you the little apron!”
Or maybe he’d just upsell it anyway.
“Jade, do I get to cut my hair too!”
“Sorry (Y/n), I’m sure all three of the prefects would have my head then.”
“But I do have a hat you can wear.”
“Yay! Gimme gimme.”
“What in the Seven’s is everyone getting so worked up about?”
Ace groaned and sucked his teeth as if Deuce was the stupidest man on the planet. His friend was already frowning at the action but still waited nonetheless. Ace began to smirk as he casually followed the crowd. 
“Pft you don’t know? There’s a special event going on in the Monstro Lounge. With a special edition menu too.”
Deuce gawked as he tensed up. “Then we’ve got to get going! By the time we arrive…”
He trailed off as Ace continued to smirk while shaking his head. 
“I had an inside scoop and got us reservations ahead of time.”
“Whoa, that’s real nice of you Ace.”
“Yeah yeah you just got  to pay for whatever I get!”
“And that’s the Ace I know.”
The two Heartslabyul first years took their time to the mirror hall. Avoiding the crowd fighting to become a line, Ace flashed an email on his phone to the intimidating guards of Monstro Lounge, where they directed the duo into a specially gated section.Sitting in the booth Deuce couldn’t help the pit that formed in his stomach; as if reminding him of his past servitude. He shook the feeling off, sending a questioning look towards his friend, who was busy browsing the menu.
“I’m curious, Ace. How did you afford this?”
Ace faked offense,”What?! You think I can’t get on the list?”
“Not without us, you couldn’t.” 
Hearing that familiar country twang, Deuce turned to see the short Pomefiore student: Epel. Sporting a prideful smirk on his face he motioned for Deuce to scooch away to make room for him. Behind him was Jack from Savvannaclaw who was a mix of embarrassment and determination. 
“Epel? Jack?”
“Of course this guy didn’t have the energy to wait to get on the waiting list.”
Jack scoffed, “He’s lucky he asked those of us with healthy morning routines.”
“Your morning routine’s start before the sun is out! I No way was I ruining my sleep for that.”
Sooner than they could think they had begun joking and laughing per their usual hangouts. It almost let Deuce forget why they had gotten the reservation. 
“Oh, you don’ know do you? Check it.”
Epel handed the menu to Deuce.
“Uhm a Aqua Smoothie a special delivery? A clam cake for special delivery? What is this special delivery that’s bringing up the price?”
Epel and Ace just continued to snicker and laugh at him before arguing about what to order. Which left Jack to sigh and explain.
“For one day only the Monstro Lounge has a very…special employee working. Everyone’s been very excited to cheer them on.”
“Special employee? But who would all the school want to cheer on? 
In that moment whispered praise and excited voices start to get louder as the sound of clicking loafers were heard. 
In an Octavinelle uniform and a tray small enough for them to hold little (Y/n) hurriedly walking by with a beautifully decorated dessert. The group of four, as well as everyone in the special section quickly pulled out their phones. 
“Here’s your scrone, mister!”
“T-t-thank you (Y/n).”
Sooner than everyone would like the little one hobbled back into the kitchen. The crowd collectively awwed before the excited chatter began to start back up again. With a renewed sense of vigor Deuce picked up the menu.
“What should we get? Should we stay away from drinks? I wouldn’t want them to spill.”
The sound made him jump as he and his friends looked up at the intimidating faces who so aggressively delivered some waters.
“I assure you our employee is more than capable.”
“Yeah Mackarel. So is your school going to order or would you rather be on the menus yourselves?”
Yuuka shook the sleep that plagued her face as she recognized the creaking of the Ramshackle gate. Leaving her other prefects behind, she nearly trampled Grim on the way to the door.
“Finally! The sun’s nearly finished setting!”
She eagerly took the backpack and sleeping child as Jade smiled coyly. 
“I did say before nightfall, did I not?”
She scoffed, turning back into the living room where she passed off the backpack to Yuu heading up the stairs. 
Yuuken sighed, “Sorry about Yuuka. She’s been anxious all day.”
“I understand the feeling but you shouldn’t worry they had a fun day, a full meal, and lots of work experience.”
Yuuken chuckled. “I bet.”
Jade’s polite smile stretched a bit as though he remembered something, calling Floyd he snatched a container from his brothers clutches. Turning back to Yuuken he delivered the tupperware to him. 
“Of course (Y/n) couldn’t finish our larger portion sizes so I figured I’d package the rest for you all.”
“Oh wow thanks Jade. Ah but this container I’ll empty it now so you can take it back-”
“No need! Whenever you're done just have you and (Y/n) bring it over.Maybe then I can convince Azul to maybe give out a discount.”
“Thanks Jade.”
“No problem.” “Ughghgh can we go now!? It already sucks we’re not sleeping over.”
Jade smile returned to his polite one as he sent a piercing side-eye towards his brother. 
“Well we all have responsibilities to put to bed. I’ll see you at the next club meeting.”
“Yeah, see ya then.”
Yuuken watched as the Leech brother’s left with a glaring tension between the two. The prefect could only guess as to what the annoyance was about. With a shrug he closed the door storing the food away. 
He could only guess what tales you’d have to tell when you woke the next day. It’s only a shame he couldn’t be there himself. Even though Yuu assured him they’d get photos he wondered who’d they entrusted with the task.
The student stood rigid in the heart of the Monstro Lounge, unbothered by the emptiness and the unusually alone dormleader waiting there.
“We here to collect our prize.” 
Silver’s monotone voice filled the space. Azul smiled presenting the box filled with horribly shaped pastries,“It’s always a pleasure doing business with Diasomnia.” 
Lilia opened the box, smiling happily as he approved of the contents. 
“It’s a shame you’re not willing to send the pictures you took of them while baking these. It would have made Malleus so very happy to see their smiling face.”
Azul’s smile twitched. “Well as I’m sure you know, some things are just invaluable.”
Lilia matched his crooked grin with one of his own. “Oh do I know it.”
“Hey Tsunotarou, want to look at the pictures Ace got for me?”
Green eyes lit up with anticipation as though a chest full of treasure had been found. 
“I would love to.”
Yuu smiled flipping through the various polaroids of the little server. 
Unexpectedly Malleus spoke up, “These memories are very precious.”
Yuu didn’t look up from the photos. 
“It’s a shame that they don’t last forever.”
Yuu shrugged. “Yeah but that’s what makes them so special right?”
Malleus tilted his head. “Wouldn’t they be more special if they lasted longer?”
Yuu giggled leaning against his shoulder. 
“I’ll let you keep this one if you want it.”
“I would love that.”
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tiyoin · 8 months
📍pt 1 | pt 2
tell me why i just made a whole story in my head:
mc comes back to twst 10 years later cause their homeworld didn’t work out. they go to jade’s mega mansion and see him obvi.
you were surprised the gates opened for your lower class car, and that guard just shooed you inside the gate.
but, jade’s shell shocked, there’s almost a look of terror in his face as he stares down at you.
you could almost see the war raging through his eyes
his wife comes and is obviously jealous when she realizes who you are.
great, it’s the bitch my husband is still in love with. greet, it’s the slut that my husband moaned one time.
she doesn’t tell you outright, but when her hand snakes up his arm, silver and teal wedding band glittering. you get the hint.
smearing it in your face, her touch lingers as she leaves, telling him dinner will be done in 10 minutes.
ofc he’s going to pick apart every ounce of your appearance. you seemed like you got a little taller, curvier, maturer.
it would be inappropriate to express these thoughts. he’ll mourn not sending you the love letters he wrote in college.
“i don’t know why i thought you’d wait…” the elephant in the room has been spotted.
“i mean, no i get it. you thought i was never coming back, i thought i was never going back… yet i couldn’t bare to get another partner…”
you sighed looking past his shoulder (what you could, before he closed the door and stepped outside.)
“i’m sorry jade. i’ve made a mess” you swiped a tear so fast that jade almost missed it. he never missed when you cried. as he was always there, taking your hands in his while his thumb would rub against your knuckles.
he was there, yet wasn’t smothering. something you appreciated.
you could see his body jerk to hold yours, yet you took a step back, and another, and another until you were down the front stairs.
“it was inappropriate for me to come here, i’m sorry. i wish you and your wife nothing but happiness.” and with that you turned tail. you wanted to run to your car, but some part of you wanted him to chase after you, throw out his ring and hold you once again.
but you knew he wouldn’t.
turning back to see his paralyzed form still where it was, you waved “stay weird, okay?”
getting into your car you started it immediately. it wasn’t anything luxurious as the sports cars parked in their drive way. but it would do.
you turned up the music, wanting to destroy those pesky daydreams before you became deluded.
you didn’t bother to tell him you were bunking with deuce, or that you were getting a job under vil, or that you were planning on staying, for good.
“fucking floyd, why the fuck would he even tell me to come here” you grumbled, clenching the steering wheel so hard you knuckles started turning white.
the other mischievous twin had given you the address, had given you the time jade got home from work, and where he worked.
but remembering the leeches are a less than… PG family, you decided to show up to his house- mansion.
you couldn’t help but recount the time you two were talking about where you’d live.
on the beach, maybe a small and cozy hut, near a forest of course.
yet here he was, extravagant mansion, with a fountain at the front that depicted twin eels (that squirted water from the mouth. which was something you know they had a chuckle over.)
jade looked different too, his eyes got sharper, jade got more defined if possible, and you could see the age lines starting to come in. no doubt would his child’s friends think of him as a dilf-
you screeched to a halt once you reached the main gates, the guard nodding to you as he opened the gates.
once you could squeeze through you sped away, windows closed as you screamed.
you were going to have eel leather lining in your car once you see floyd again. that fucker didn’t bother telling you jade got hitched and was living the life.
he made it seem like he’d take a greasy little no body like you in his arms the second he opened the door.
yet all you got was a gawking eel with his jaw dropped.
he moved on… so maybe you should too…
spoilers : floyd is a little shit i tell ya
i have plans with this but idk if my ADHD will let me divulge in this
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
To the Reader, My Tenderest Freak of Freaks
Hello, I am Yuri. This is a side blog for my writing, currently there are only Twisted Wonderland fics here, but I intend to post original work here in the future~
Rules for requests can be found here,
Thank you to the named anons for your support.
(Twisted Wonderland)
Long Fic
When He Sees Me: Azul Ashengrotto (x)
The Tower Stairs: Rollo Flamme (x)
"Do Be Gentle With Me" (Jade Leech) (suggestive) (x)
First Rule of Mountain Lovers Club (x)
Random Rollo Headcannons (x)
Eel Wedding (Jade Leech) (x)
Boys Being Jealous of Grim (x)
What, Are You in Love With Me? (Ace) (x)
JadeYuu go dancing (x)
Well Maybe the Octopus was Being a Dick! (Pt. 1) (x)
Well Maybe the Octopus was Being a Dick! (Pt. 2) (x)
Shades of You (Jade Leech x Yuu) (x)
Cute, Right? (Floyd Leech x Yuu) (suggestive) (x)
Why So Rude? (Everyone x Yuu) (x)
Sled Ride Together With Yuu (Jade Leech x Yuu) (x)
Out With the Old (Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle x Yuu) (x)
And in With the New (Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia x Yuu) (x)
It's Not Going Away (First Years x Yuu) (x)
You, I, and the Wall (Octavinelle x Yuu) (x)
Missed Connection Section of the NRC Gazette (Floyd, Leona, and Ruggie x Yuu) (x)
Plead the Fifth (Riddle, Floyd, Azul, Jack, Lilia, and Ace x Yuu) (x)
Consider the Shrimp (Jade Leech x Yuu) (x)
You May Now Kiss the Shrimp (Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu) (x)
The Most Romantic of All Arts (Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu) (x)
Soft Toxic Whispers (Jade Leech x Yuu) (x)
Ortho Decorates for Christmas (x)
The Moon Is Beautiful Tonight (Octavinelle and Scarabia) (x)
Why Can't I Be Your Spouse? (Leech Twins) (x)
Why Can't I Be Your Spouse? (Trey, Jamil, and Leona)
Summer is in Your Eyes (Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle) (x)
Birthday One-Shots
Oh No You Don't (Ruggie Bucchi) (x)
A Step Behind the Curtain (x)
Bitch the Pot (x)
Follower Milestones
300 Follower Celebration (So So Shojo)
500 Follower Celebration (Invitation to the Masquerade)
800 Follower Thank You (Seven Plus One Happy Haunts)
Landing Page
Mafia Ayuu
Landing Page
A Fyuuture Kid AU
What happened to Yuu? (x)
What happened to the Main Cast? (x)
Daytime TV Dreaming (Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle) (x)
Soap Operatic Symphony (Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia) (x)
Fyuuture kid dunks on Ace (x)
Why is Azul's Fyuutre kid afraid of him? (x)
Yutu and Yuu (x)
What does Yutu look like! (x)
Some of Yutu's happy memories of Yuu (x)
Floyd! Fyuuture kid hc (x) (bonus)
Uncle Jade with Floyd's kid (x)
Cater! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
More Ace! Yutu dunking on him and Riddle! Yutu has a nightmere (x)
Riddle! Fyuuture kid hc + general info (x)
Ace! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Jade! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Ruggie! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Malleus! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Lilia! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Idia! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Leona! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Kalim! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Deuce! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Trey! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Epel! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Azul! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Rook! Fyuuture kid hc (pt 1/pt 2)
Some Fyuuture kids bonding with their dads (x)
Overblot Kids and their dads (x)
Fyuuture Kid Unique Magic (ft. Riddle, Cater, Ace, Jade, Floyd, Azul, Ruggie, and Vil) (x)
Uncles Ace and Deuce (x)
Azul reacting to the Yutu reveal (x)
Hints of Rollo (x)
Grim Ranking the First Years (x)
A potential list of real names (x)
Soulbound AU
inspiration taken from this post by tiyon, please check out their soulmate au here
first post
Idia and Leona thinking about Yuu coming to TWST just for them
adding some angst
Ace and Deuce in denial
Aceyuu "Rewrite the Stars"
What if Yuu was Cursed?
Family Day
The Quiet Part (Azul, Jade, and Trey x Yuu) (x)
Out of the Bag (Jamil, Ace, and Idia x Yuu) (x)
Without Saying (Floyd and Ruggie x Yuu) (x)
There's Mud in Your Eye (Leona and Deuce x Yuu) (x)
And Your Name Is?
Jade, Leona, Riddle (x)
Ace and Malleus (x)
Sebek, Silver, and Idia (x)
Deuce, Azul, Floyd (x)
Time Loop Angst
Original Ask (Vil, Azul, and Malleus) (x)
The Rains Have Ceased (Riddle, Cater, and Idia) (x)
Another Beautiful Day (First Years) (x)
Theory Posting
A Pocket Full of Posies and Rollo's Hankie (x)
Octavinelle and Loneliness (x)
Sometimes the Wallpaper is Just Yellow: A Heartslabyul Color Analysis (x)
You Simple Vile Monstrosity: Rook and the Flowers of Evil (x)
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wormically · 4 months
The eel stairs.
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daytaker · 9 months
In the Wanderers' Whereabouts app, we see the design of the House of Lamentation and it shocks and disturbs me that everybody except Asmo has to share a single bathroom.
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Can you even imagine the chaos?
It's time for school and Lucifer is standing at the base of the stairs, waiting for his brothers. Asmo comes down looking perfect as usual and prattles on for a little bit about how nice it is to have naturally long and thick eyelashes, and they can hear the shouts and clattering upstairs all the while.
Beel comes down and informs Lucifer that Mammon, Levi, and Satan were fighting over the sink, Mammon knocked Satan over by elbowing him in the solar plexus, Levi used the commotion to kick Mammon out of the way, an enraged Satan turned both Mammon and Levi into eels, said eels are now hogging the bathtub, Belphie refuses to pee when the eels can see him, Satan refuses to change them back, and he, Beel, still hasn't gotten to brush his teeth.
Asmo just nopes right out of there before someone asks if they can use his bathroom, because the answer is no. "Bye-bye! ♡"
Lucifer sighs. Just another Tuesday morning at the House of Lamentation. Time to go enforce order. He smacks his hand with a coil of rope as he ascends the stairs.
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saikira999 · 4 months
~ Headcannons for TWST characters playing Minecraft
This is a continuation to the answer to the last request!
I also remind you that English is not my native language, and if you find any errors, please let me know.
Another parts about:
Azul and Lilia!
Idia and Malleus!
Riddle and Leona!
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One day, Jade was offered to play Minecraft....:
1) "A game about blocks...? Haha, it's a really cute idea, but I don't think I can find the time for it."
“There are huge mushrooms the size of trees, and You can live on a mushroom island and collect mushroom soup from mushroom cows...”
2) He downloaded the game that evening.
3) Before the game, briefly studied it and the topic of minecraft mushrooms, and when He went to the server, the first thing He did was go look for mushroom biomes.
Azul tried to persuade Him to settle in His village (Not in any case for to exploit the eel in a cubic version of the Mostro Lounge, or at least make a workbench to begin with), But Jade simply left.
leech wandered around the server, and soon found the nearest mushroom biome, adjacent to the village of Riddle (Poor Riddle), and quickly occupied it, starting to build a base right under the huge red mushroom.
4) When he learned that mushroom blocks cannot be obtained by hand or with ordinary tools, His reaction was literally: "....😊.....💀"
5) Fortunately, the kind-hearted Riddle gave Him a pickaxe enchanted with silk touch, in exchange for the fact that Jade would not allow her beloved brother to wander around Their and Riddle’s territories.
6) Now, He can get more huge mushrooms to build a GIANT mushroom and live in Him!
7) As mentioned above, His home is a giant red mushroom, proudly towering above the other mushrooms and the neighboring birch grove. The inside of his hat may not be so spacious, but over the course of the game, Jade will significantly expand it so that only the most necessary things can fit: a turquoise bed, chests, a workbench, stoves, decorative pots with mushrooms, etc. You can climb the stairs, and below, around the mushroom king, the Leech will build a mushroom garden (there are never too many mushrooms) with a small lake into which he will place a couple of fish from a bucket.
8) It’s even a pity that no one wants to come to visit Him.... One day, when Yuu came to visit the eel, He fed Them a couple of bowls of mushroom stew and gave Them a couple of dozen more bowls with Him, because His chests were already bursting with stews.
9) It seems that in this game, Jade is not interested in anything other than His mushroom kingdom, but sometimes, He gets out to other players to exchange, trade mushroom stew (No one buys it) or just out of curiosity. Once, an eel even walked along the seabed and found an underwater temple, but soon, He got bored with the ocean and He climbed out to the shore again, looking for mushrooms. He also often walks in the mountains, but believes that real mountains are much more interesting.
10) In general, Jade is a neutral player, but this does not mean that it is worth angering him or destroying his mushroom house... No, He certainly will not grief in response, or start a sword fight with an idiot in the game...
...He would just find and visit Him in reality....
11) The main goal for Jade is not even to kill the dragon, but to find a mushroom island on which He will build a second base and breed mooshroom...And when He, after driving a boat across the ocean for hours, finally finds muddy water and an island of the same color with mushrooms and creepy-looking cows, His smile for a split minute becomes truly sincere.
Expect that you will not get Him out of there for the next few days.
12) He built a new base, similar to the first one, and squandered all the tags on mooshrooms, naming Them all after mushrooms known to Him.
13) His favorite is Boletus. One day, She was struck by lightning, which turned the red cow brown and this made Her stand out from the crowd. Boletus lives right above, in the cap of a giant mushroom, along with Jade (Don't ask how He got Her there).
14) In a sudden change of mood, Floyd once shorn more than half of Jade's cows, making them ordinary, and almost killed a Boletus. In response to this, Jade simply left the game.... And then Floyd left the game...
And then, Floyd, for some reason unknown to anyone, did not enter the game for two weeks....
15) When the eel has completely conquered the mushrooms of the upper world, it’s time to conquer the fungi of the lower world!
Jade quickly found the crimson and warped forests and killed a decent number of the local inhabitants, so that no one would interfere with Him collecting precious fungi and their huge versions... Although, of course, He did not really understand why the Large distorted and crimson fungi were more like trees, but on the other hand, He will be able to update the interior (Jade will decorate His bases mainly with turquoise boards and decorations of warped mushrooms).
16) Oh, those long-legged ugly guys flopping around in the lava also like mushrooms? Great, so Jade will have new pets....
Jade will make a separate, third base in Nether, after He tried to drag several striders to his mushroom island, but They all died due to the rain... But in His new one, more spacious and richly decorated with various hellish vines, mushrooms and the items house will make lava pool for His new friends, whom Jade periodically feeds and breeds.
17) Jade made his own flags with mushrooms on them and hung them wherever possible.
18) Didn’t go to fight the dragon because there were no mushrooms in the End, which means there was nothing interesting.
19) Most likely, He will get bored with the game in a month or two, and each time He will go there less and less, until he finally leave, leaving His beloved mushroom cows and striders to wait for His master for eternity...
20) ...Unless Yuu accidentally mentions next to Him the existence of various mods and add-ons, and the eel goes to delicately request (This looks more like a polite threat than a request) Idia for to install a couple of mods on a dozen new mushrooms and related with them biomes, mobs and even decorative items and food...
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Despite the threat of being strangled, the Yuu still approached Floyd to call Him to Minecraft:
1) "Ahhh...? Shrimpy wants to play with blocks? Hehehe, this game looks stupid... You're lucky that I'm bored, otherwise I would have squeezed you long ago...~ Although... Come here, little shrimp! Play with ME, not with these stupid blocks!
(Insert aggressively tender Floyd sounds here)
2) After a session of tight hugs, after which all of Yuu’s bones began to crack, Floyd finally downloaded the game and, logging into the server, brought with him fear and horror to all the players in the area (Especially Riddle).
3) Definitely homeless. Floyd is not interested in construction and mostly hangs around, sometimes intimidating other players.
Of course, Azul invited Him to settle in His village, still naively wanting to exploit another eel in the second Mostro, but after Floyd started a fight there and blew up the wall of the restaurant (I beg you, don’t ask where this damned eel dug up dynamite at the very beginning of the game ), Azul kicked out politely sent Floyd outside to play.
4) Floyd is an unstable player. At first He is quite peaceful and calm, wanders aimlessly from side to side, watching the others and sometimes scaring other players, and after a couple of minutes, he brutally beats mobs or players, causes brawls and joins griefer raids. Floyd is the second villain of the server after Leona and the players are really afraid of him and even a couple of times, Idia had to kick him out of the server, but Floyd always came back using His brother or Azul as a ticket to enter.
5) If Jade is a tactical and careful player who uses tactics, evasion and shields during the battle, then Floyd is a tank who crushes everything in His path, not leaving alive a single monster or innocent animal he sees... And sometimes players.
6) Once, He beat Idia, armed to the teeth and dressed in netherite armor, with raw salmon to death.
7) Constantly forgets that he cannot breathe and swim quickly underwater, and is sincerely indignant when he dies at the bottom due to lack of oxygen.
8) Periodically, Floyd spends the night either with other players (Sometimes without their permission), or in the open air.
9) His favorite pastime is parkour and climbing everything possible. Sometimes Floyd jumps on the buildings of other players, original buildings in Minecraft, or a couple of times he even builds a “challenge path” for himself so as not to get bored. Sometimes Jade and Yuu help Him with construction.
10) Ortho will teach Him how to create his own worlds and install mods and parkour maps, which, surprisingly, will keep the eel busy for a long time.
11) He is absolutely invincible in joint parkour competitions held on the server and even beat Idia and Lilia in a surprisingly short time, for which he received a well-enchanted set of netherite armor... Which He almost never uses.
12) He spends a lot of time at the bottom and has already killed all the drowned people and even took a couple of tridents from them, which, however, he hardly uses and hits his enemies with the first thing that comes to hand.
13) He openly hates mushroom biomes, and only went to visit his brother a couple of times, and only because other players didn’t let him spend the night, and he didn’t want to sleep outside... And also because, there’s a little goldfish cute village nearby.
14) Of all the players, he most often pesters Riddle, sometimes starting playful fuss with Him, which usually ends in a fight or destruction of His village.
15) He also likes to mischief and mix things up in Riddle’s chests, interfere with Jamil in His kitchen on the server, distract Azul or mess with Jade... Yuu, He also often annoys, preventing Them from doing what they love and begging for attention.
16) He constantly dies and gets very angry about it.
17) Single-handedly killed the wither... With the same raw salmon...
18) Enters the server with volatile interest. Sometimes, the game suddenly becomes boring for him and Floyd doesn't log in for a few days, and then suddenly returns to make a new mess.
19) Floyd was among those players who went to kill the dragon (Ortho persuaded Him to put on armor and take with Him at least something other than raw salmon)...
And He took the raw cod.
And in The End, He was mainly busy gnawing the endermen running after other players and the dragon and sometimes switching to the dragon, continuing the aggressive beating of everyone possible... After the endermen and the dragon, He would switch to the players.
20) After defeating the dragon, Floyd played Minecraft for some time until He finally got tired of it and forgot about the server.
Perhaps He will still occasionally enter the game for the sake of parkour, but parkour in the game will never compare to the flight of a free eel on the walls and roofs of a college, under the loud cursing of teachers and the director, in reality.
Thank you for your requests! I will also be happy to receive new requests and reblogs! :D
I was asked to make headcanons about freshmen. I'll deal with it a little later~
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milksnake-tea · 1 year
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━━ homecoming.
He was always your favorite, ever since the day you'd found him. But you knew you couldn't keep him forever. One day, he would have to leave.
merman!blade x gn!reader
contains: fluff, hurt/comfort, a smudge of angst, blade is a little shit, reader is a scientist, potentially ooc blade, a hint of abandonment issues, making out (but nothing suggestive), not edited we die like jing liu, written before version 1.1
word count: 1.7k
a/n: posting this on the last day of mermay because ofc i am (im pst so shhh its not june yet). anyways merman blade is the most genius thing i have ever thought of no one will convince me otherwise
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Your research facility was unlike any other in the world.
The hallways were enshrouded in darkness, with the only light sources being the illuminated tanks that lined the walls. They varied in size and shape, some cylindrical, others rectangular. Some tanks were lucky enough to have entire biomes in them, ranging from gorgeous coral reefs to murky kelp forests, and some had nothing in them at all. But what every tank had in common was an eerie glow of cyan that pulsated throughout their waters.
As you walked past the exhibits - your footsteps echoing loudly throughout the empty halls - your specimen began to unravel to life.
Electric eels sparked with lightning as you passed, and beside them, gigantic sea serpents hissed and coiled. Grindylows peeked from behind their forests, and jellyfish of all forms drifted aimlessly through their tanks. An eye the size of a soccer ball watched you from the largest exhibit of all, the giant squid thrilled to see its master.
This institute was home to mythology and biology alike, where fables rested alongside common knowledge. Here, in the middle of nowhere, with no land in sight, you were in the eye of the storm - vulnerable to the truths behind old sailors’ tales.
Despite this, you loved your job more than anything. These creatures that you studied, that you nurtured and raised, were like your children. Even the various hippocampi (who you didn’t have the heart to keep within your walls), were dear to you, and you to them.
Yes, there was the occasional sea monster that you had to shoot down. Yes, there were the occasional sirens who would try to lure you to your death. Most of the ocean’s creatures were dangerous, and well aware of it. Unfortunately, you were too smart and too stubborn to die.
A sharp tap on glass snapped you out of your thoughts. Smiling knowingly to yourself, you walked up to a cylindrical glass tank that spanned two stories tall, encircled by spiraling stairs.
“Hey, Blade. Missed me?” You greeted, placing a hand on the glass.
Out of all of the creatures that you held within your home, he was your favorite.
He really was a beauty. Gifted with a slender black tail, seared with a vicious red, the merman swayed gently in his tank, sleek, almost sharp fins flowing around him. Blackened scales gave way to fair skin, scarred with scratches and bites from previous battles. His hair billowed around him like a dark cloud, fading from black to a soft maroon.
You'd found Blade a few weeks ago, bleeding out in the coral reefs surrounding your little island of a facility. He’d likely gotten into a fight with other merpeople, as the more territorial ones tended to do. Even now, the wounds hadn’t completely healed, with bandages still wrapped around his abdomen.
Blade’s ever-cold face barely budged at your greeting. The second your hand met his tank, he backed away, swimming up towards the top of his tank - naturally expecting you to follow. You sighed, shaking your head knowingly.
By the time you had climbed the staircase to the top, Blade was already lounging on the stairs leading into his waters. His wet hair clung to his body as he watched you expectantly, his tail flicking small waves into motion. Sunlight cascaded over him from a glass ceiling, bathing him in a gentle light.
“You’re late.” His eyes never left your body as you neared him, eyeing you like a hungry predator.
You dropped your bag off some counter lining the walls. “I was dealing with the new shipments.”
“Oh? Am I finally getting some company?” Blade asked sarcastically, stretching like a cat in the warm sun. You don’t think it was an accident that he rolled over, shamelessly showing off his sculpted abdomen.
“Like I could just order a merman off the web,” you scoffed, sitting next to him and dipping your legs into the tank. “You’re just a special case.”
He didn’t respond to that, merely watches you with an emotion that you can’t quite pinpoint. Knowing him, it could be anything from warm affection to a mischievous desire to inconvenience you by the slightest amount. He was petty like that.
Briefly, his tail came to brush against your legs. You giggled at the action, the thin fins ticklish against your skin. A flicker of a smile flashed across Blade’s face, gone just as fast as it had appeared.
“How are your wounds?” you asked, your hand absentmindedly coming to pet his head. Where Blade would have bitten anyone else, the merman keened at the touch, closing his eyes briefly.
“Better.” His voice was barely above a whisper as you threaded your fingers through his wet hair.
“That’s good. No pain?”
“None,” he answered. As you removed your hand, for a moment, he chased it, before he met your teasing eyes and remembered himself. Coughing, he quickly turned away, refusing to meet your amused gaze.
“At this rate, you’ll be leaving sooner than expected,” you hummed. Blade’s eyes widened at your words, an unfamiliar pang hitting his chest. “I’m sure you’ve been missing your friends.”
Blade scoffed at the notion, rolling back onto his chest to stare at the floor. “Hardly.”
“Well,” you shrugged, kicking up some water. “At the very least, you’d miss the open waters.”
That, he couldn’t deny. But even still, the thought of finally leaving the facility had become foreign to him. Three weeks prior, he would’ve jumped at the opportunity to get out of this place, this tank. But now, he wasn’t so sure.
“Hey, chin up.” Your hand cupped his cheek, bringing him to look up at you. “It’s not like you’ll never see me again. You can always visit.”
He doubted that. Out in the ocean, he had little free time to himself. He would spend his days constantly on the run from various mermaid kingdoms and tribes, and if not that, he’d be hunting, searching for his next meal. He journeyed the seas without end. Blade was a vagrant, a wanderer without a home.
But here, perhaps…
His body moved without thinking. Pushing himself up onto his arms, he leaned over you, water droplets falling onto your shirt as he caged you between his arms. His gaze had become hazy, his eyes lidded. His breath shuddered in his chest as he pressed his forehead against yours, drinking in as much of you as he could.
Blade didn’t say much, but he didn’t have to. You heard his words loud and clear, without him needing to say a word.
It was unclear who he was talking to, whether it be you or himself. There was a subtle desperation in the way his chest heaved as he breathed, breathless without a thief.
Your arms, your welcoming arms, wrapped around his shoulders like a warm blanket, bringing him in for an embrace. Immediately, he latched onto the opportunity, gripping onto you as though you’d disappear if he dared loosen his grip. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent, forever engraving it into his memory.
If only he was human, he’d lament. If only he could walk the lands like you did. If only the two of you weren’t separated by land and sea. If only - his grip became just a little tighter - he could stay like this a little longer.
You stroke the back of his head gently, feeling Blade shiver at your touch. He wasn’t crying - you didn’t know if he even remembered how.
Deep inside, you wanted him to stay. You didn’t want to let him go. It was an ugly, selfish part of you that wanted to keep him for yourself. But you knew you couldn't keep him here. He had to return to the ocean, where he belonged.
He pulled away from you, yet still held onto your arms like a lifeline. You never thought you’d describe the stoic merman as desperate, but there was no other word that could properly depict the emotion swirling in his eyes.
Your hands came to cradle his face gently, unable to say a word. Blade’s breath hitched.
His lips barely parted as he spoke, his voice raspy and low.
“Forgive me.”
That was the only warning you got before he crashed his lips into yours.
His kiss was unlike any other you’ve had. Whereas your previous experiences were tender and romantic, this was hungry, raw, depraved. Blade kissed you with the fervor of a starving man, as though you would be his final meal. He was aggressive with his affections, practically clawing onto your shirt as he clutched you closer to him.
Your heart raced in your chest as you met his violent dance, parting your lips for a moment to allow him to slip in his tongue. You welcomed him in, firmly holding his face. Emotions swirled in you like the blurred voices of a crowd, overwhelming and satiating you at the same time.
To say that you were surprised by his actions would be a lie. You’ve known his feelings for a while now, and had plenty of time to accept yours. It was obvious, in the gentlest touches, in the way he could make you smile just by being around you.
You’ve avoided acknowledging these feelings for the longest time, and so did he.
When the two of you finally parted, a string of saliva connecting the two of you, the only thing you could do was watch. You studied Blade’s face, clearly now, for the first time. Your fingers traced around his jawline, admiring how his cheeks had become dyed with a pretty red. You swiped over his parted lips, still catching his breath from the kiss. Your thumb rubbed just underneath his eyes, brushing away the loose strands of hair from his face.
You’ve always known he was a beauty, but in this moment, he simply took your breath away.
Blade covered your hand in his, nuzzling into your palm. He softly pressed his lips to your inner wrist, a stark contrast from the kiss he’d just ravaged you with. He kept his eyes solely on you as he did this, trapping your gaze with his stare.
“I’m not leaving.”
“Huh?” You blinked, trying to snap yourself out of your daze. Blade smirked against your palm, swiping out his tongue and dragging it against your skin.
“Come, now,” he mused. “You didn’t think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?”
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
Inspired by the Irish twins stuff - if Yuu is with both tweels, I can imagine that would be trifold and may turn into a competition (with Yuu's consent) to see who can have triplets first.
Tweels parents are thrilled with all the grandeels while Crewel and School Nurse are this 🤏 close to making Eel skinned boots.
Meanwhile Uncle Azul visits and baby Eels are crawling all over him enough to distract him from the tweels and Yuu leaving to try for triplets.
It 100% turns into a little competition between the brothers. They're not sure how they can tell that the first pair are Jade's, Yuu thinks it must be a scent thing. Floyd is upset though that he didn't win first, so a new bet is made on which one of them can get Yuu knocked up with triplets. Floyd is especially giddy at the idea of triplets for some reason, so he's trying to sneak them away from Jade after the twins are born. It's to no avail, as Jade is attached to Yuu's hip, and Floyd is so weak to the cute little babies in the bassinet, so he's now just making sure Jade can't take them away and beat him again.
The perfect opportunity arises when their family and the Ashengrottos show up to give their congratulations and see the twins. Mama Leech and Mama Ashengrotto are cooing over the twins, Azul is congratulating his friends (and trying not to cry over being the other godparent for both kids), and Papa Leech is talking with Azul's stepfather.
“I do hope we get another grandchild, large families are so rare under the sea, but humans have them all the time! It would be nice, though, do humans usually have twins or triplets?”
They don't, but that's nothing that a potion can't fix. It was Jade's best class, after all. Floyd is surprisingly sneaky, taking Yuu up to the bedroom with the excuse that they need to rest and asking his and Azul's mom if they could take care of dinner and the babies for a bit. They accept with no complaint, though Mama Leech notices a gleam in Jade and Floyd's eyes as they walk Yuu up the stairs.
A person can get pregnant up to 3 weeks after birth, so they gotta get started asap. Floyd's extra determined to win this next bet after all.
(A few months later, after they announce that they're having triplets, the tweels find themselves cowering behind Yuu as Crewel and the nurse attempt to strangle them.)
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bookofthegear · 1 year
It’s frustrating because you can actually SEE how the bees are getting wound. There are wingless bees crawling over the hive which stop and wind up the winged ones. But to put your bee next to one would require walking directly up to the hive, and you are pretty sure that would be not just fatal but excruciatingly fatal.
You retreat from the room, carefully wrap the bee in your towel, and slip it into your pack. Maybe you can find something small enough to wind it up again elsewhere in the labyrinth. (Jimmy tries to use one of his claws, but doesn’t have the lateral strength. A Swiss Army knife would be handy right about now…)
Something that looks like a cross between a very small eel and a catfish is cavorting in the glass tube as you pass. Your light startled it and it shoots back up the tube into the darkness of the wall. You wonder how far the glass tubes go, and how they clean the fish poop out of them.
There are two areas you haven’t gone to yet.
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beanibon · 1 year
Mermaid!Knives x Reader Headcanons
Idk what this is I was watching a movie and thought "Hey imagine Mermaid!Knives breeding you underwater" like any sane person.
Also this is semi modern AU, so reader is brought in as a student marine biologist to observe Knives. Also cute Mer!Vash moments cause he loves his human caretakers unlike his brother.
TW: interspecies sex, slight drowning warning, creampie, breeding, belly bulging, impregnated reader, marking, knives being his usual bastard self
🚫Minors DNI🚫
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You wouldn't expect the your first job fresh out of college to be observing creatures of myth, but the woman known as Professor Rem Saverem was just thrilled to have someone to share her love of these creatures with.
The first time you met Mer!Knives was when his brother Mer!Vash dragged him along to be introduced, the non-speaking mermaid eagerly signing their introductions while the colder more reserved one glared daggers at you. Rem reassured you he did that to everyone, but you couldn't help but find the colder Mer!Knives alluring.
The second time you met Mer!Knives was while you were on break, sitting with Rem at the edge of the observation pool. It was a small tradition she did as she explained the boys personalities to you, explaining that she practically raised them from hatchlings.
Mer!Knives had been dragged yet again by his younger twin, who failed at snatching Rems lunch. While this Happened Mer!Knives had gained more confidence of your presence after observing you and breached to lean against the steel stairs to boredly stare at you.
You had frozen in shock after knowing how temperamental he was, but after a while you broke off a piece of your lunch and offered it to him.
Mer!Knives giving you a look of disgust before snatching the food and diving back into water. Both Rem and Mer!Vash were shocked he even accepted the food as he despised the taste of human food.
Mer!Vash who knew just how interested Mer!Knives was in your sudden appearances, so he'd often get his brother to approve of shells before presenting them to you as gifts.
Mer!Knives would often stalk you while either in the water, or from the outside of the glass walls in the underwater laboratory. Watching everything you did with an intense interest.
Mer!Knives who had dragged you into the water from the observation pool, causing panic from Rem.
Mer!Knives who eagerly pawed and groped at your body as he studied your reactions and the way you desperately clung to him as you slowly lost oxygen.
Mer!Knives who grinned cruelly at the way you struggled as you couldn't breath, holding you firmly in his arms so you couldn't escape.
Mer!Knives who roughly threw you back against the cold metal of the observation pool, watching as you vomited mouthfuls of salt water.
Mer!Knives who was then lectured by Mer!Vash and Rem on his behaviour. Mer!Vash then trying to teach Mer!Knives how to court.
Mer!Knives who tried his brothers advice, despite thinking it stupid, only for you to panic at the sudden appearances of dead fish, eels and bloodied shark teeth.
Mer!Knives breaching the surface to show off his many scars, only to be shooed away by Rem.
Mer!Knives who gave up the courting and instead waited till you were alone before appearing and pinning you down.
Mer!Knives who hungrily tore your clothes off, teeth biting down as you felt something wet press against the small of your back.
Mer!Knives pounding into you ruthlessly from behind, growling as he placed a mating mark on your shoulder.
Mer!Knives that dragged you back into the water still tangled with you as he bred you harder, turning you to face him.
Mer!Knives watching as you lose air faster from your circumstance, blood swelling around you from his mark.
Mer!Knives smirking as he came several times in you, watching your stomach swell as he continued to fill you with his seed.
Mer!Knives that kissed you with such ferocity, breathing air back into your lungs so you would last longer.
Mer!Knives who once was done, would nuzzle into the crook of your neck, arms wrapped around your body as he nipped at your delicate skin.
Mer!Knives that stuffed his fingers inside you so none of his seed would escape, even as he returned you to the laboratory, watching you tiredly gasp for air.
Mer!Knives who would lay his head on your stomach, with a proud smile on his face as he replayed your bliss, fucked out face silently crying out his name in the water.
Mer!Knives watching from the distance as Rem studied the Mating mark with fascination.
Mer!Knives smirking as you returned to him, feeling your stomach flutter with lust. Begging him to stuff you full yet again.
Mer!Knives complying, knowing you'd always return to him to be fucked senseless and bred until your stomach swelled with his seed.
Mer!Knives who gave Rem a wicked grin as she told him and Mer!Vash of your sudden pregnancy.
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