#Edward elric fights back
deithe · 2 years
nothing will ever hit as hard as ed causing a civil uprising in liore in 03, and coming back to the city towards the end of the series to see how many people died and suffered because of his pride and arrogance believing he was saving the people of liore through "liberation". 03 fucks so hard in showing ed fucking up unbelievably bad while in the military, and being forced to confront that
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emery-liveblogs · 2 years
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This fight scene looks really good just watching through it, but screenshotting it and getting the frames I want is- not easy. I had to go back so many times to get this last one.
But it's really cool and its a great intro to how fighting happens between alchemists.
Also Ed's spiked bat/club thing with the bangs is so dumb i love it
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tossawary · 3 months
"Fullmetal Alchemist"'s use of fantasy elements is interesting to me because of the way it... reduces... certain horrors to these unflinchingly direct basics. (Warning for spoilers and unorganized overview discussion of canon-typical violence.)
Like, the violence and pain is depicted in hideous, nightmarish detail, and/but the pursuit of power at the expense of other people's lives is simplified at the climax into an equation so straightforward that it hurts. All previous prizes of land and resources, which are forms of power, have been stolen by the Amestris military by way of terrible, hateful bloodshed. Father's Promised Day array then throws all that aside, throws it onto the fire, and takes a step further to directly exchange human lives for godlike power.
Another example is that Roy Mustang is not permitted the false distance of a bomb, but has the effect of one using his own two hands. The result is the same, but State Alchemists are not permitted separation from their tools: they ARE the weapons of war. A gun is nothing without someone to hold it. It really underlined to me that if Roy HAD used bombs instead of alchemy, it still would have been his hands that killed an unimaginable number of people.
I don't think FMA is above criticism, but this specific aspect felt to me an incredibly effective narrative tool, especially because things like "our military was created from the beginning to do evil" are accompanied by / backed up by normal humans knowingly going along with Father's plans out of greed and fear, as well as normal humans supporting the country's crimes out of idealism and fear and hatred and selfishness and confusion. It's not just "oh, it was inhuman monsters secretly manipulating everything from the shadows all along"; it's "oh, it was inhuman monsters secretly manipulating everything, representative of humanity's most deadly sins, appealing to our most selfish desires and basic fears, and we all WENT ALONG with it".
From the very first chapters, all of the friendly adult characters were directly saying things like, "Edward, you shouldn't be a part of the military. It's corrupt. I have killed innocent people for nothing and it haunts me." In the final battle, inside the command building, the Armstrong siblings and their allies are straight-up fighting against mindless, starving, created soldiers that kill everything they come up against and stop for nothing. The fascist Amestris military, after years of violent, fabricated conquest and violent, inhumane research, is EATING ITSELF FROM THE INSIDE.
And, of course, the characters cannot use their magic system to escape reality: the Elric siblings cannot undo their mother's death. Life is so incredibly precious because some things cannot be undone. And grief and arrogance allowed to run rampant takes heavy tolls on Edward, Alphonse, and Izumi's bodies.
The only way to miss the messaging in FMA, to have the point go over your head, is to intentionally duck it, because the author is throwing it at your face like a brick. Repeatedly. There are so many bricks. It's not subtle. And I enjoyed it.
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waitineedaname · 9 months
shoes in FMA rated on how comfortable they'd be to fight in
Edward Elric
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considering Ed's uhhh very distinct taste in aesthetics, these could be a lot worse. they look relatively comfortable and don't seem like they'd be difficult to move around in. they are platforms though, which I imagine makes things more difficult. I'll be generous and give these a 7/10
Most of the Amestrian military
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pretty much everyone in uniform wears the same shoes, so I'm lumping them all together. these are Roy's, if that matters. they look fine. I imagine that because it is part of a military uniform, it's designed to be moved around in and worn for hours on end, so ideally they're relatively comfortable. it doesn't look like there's much traction, but they're usually fighting on flat surfaces so whatever. 8/10
Fu and Lan Fan
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these shoes fucking rule. the picture I've included is Lan Fan's, but they wear p much the same shoes. I fucking love these things. they have spikes. Edward Elric fucking wishes. considering this seems to be part of the bodyguard uniform, I'd imagine they're as easy to run around in as the military shoes, if not better since they're expected to be doing martial arts in them. but most importantly, they have spikes. 10/10, no notes.
Ling and Mei
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on the topic of doing martial arts, both Ling and Mei wear these.... I'm not sure what they are. flats? slippers? it's unclear. (EDIT: they are apparently Kung Fu shoes!) they seem relatively easy to move around in I guess since they're not very cumbersome and both Ling and Mei rely on being very nimble. they look like they have absolutely no support in the soles though, which is gonna get painful after a certain point. also depending on what fabric they're made of, they could definitely start chafing. I've worn flats. I know that hell. 7/10 for the potential blisters, but at least they're designed specifically for martial arts
Greedling and Bradley
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it's hard to get a good shot in this scene because neither of them stop moving, but I swear to god, they're fighting in dress shoes. I cannot stand them. this CANNOT be comfortable. I know Greed prioritizes aesthetics over function so this was probably a compromise between his and Ling's tastes but ohhh my god. he was probably wasting so much of the philosopher's stone just passively healing the million blisters on his feet from running around in these things. there's a chance Bradley is wearing the military uniform shoes but I think he was in more formal dress when he got blown the fuck up, so I don't think so. no wonder he complains about being sore, quit running around in dress shoes you fucking moron. 4/10.
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THESE FUCKING THIIIIIIIINGS. WHY ARE THEY POINTY AT THE END. WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE SOMEONE HIT HIS FOOT WITH A MALLET AND FLATTENED THEM. he's so dumb. I love him. looking at these things tells me he would probably wear goth cowboy boots if he could, and tbh that would probably look better. 3/10 for Greed's overall silly as hell fashion sense
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okay. the heels make sense considering her whole vibe. however. these are part of her fucking BODY. when she gets incinerated, they grow back. can she even take them off???? I'm scared to ask. I guess if theyre part of her body, she doesn't have to worry about adjusting to balancing in them like you would normally with heels, but oh my god. she can never wear normal shoes. I would also be murderous if I had to wear heels all the time. 4/10.
Father and Izumi
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guys. these are sandals. it has been four hundred years and Father is still wearing the same outfit he was wearing in the damn desert. find a new outfit man. Izumi is apparently wearing bathroom slippers (hence the WC) so idk why she's even wearing those out of the house. Father gets 0/10 and Izumi gets 1/10 because she still manages to kick everyone's asses while wearing these, so respect
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persnickety-doodles · 2 months
Five Ships, Five Fandoms
awww! thanks for tagging me, @korrasamibottles!!
Korra/Asami Sato (The Legend of Korra): They stay winning. I love everything about their dynamic and that whole friends-to-lovers relationship is my personal favorite.
Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell (FullMetal Alchemist): They will have a special place in my heart. Forever. Gosh, I tear up every time I think about them. They're that childhood-friends-to-lovers. There-for-each-other lovers. I mean she built him an arm and a leg goddamit. they're just so ugggh I lose words for how I feel about them.
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy (DC): Again, that friends-to-lovers dynamic strikes back! This time, they're both academics killin' it! The Harley Quinn show kinda solidified them for me.
Aloy/Seyka (Horizon:burning Shores): I loved their dynamic in burning shores. Seyka can easily keep up with Aloy on their adventures, and their endless banter and flirting had me hooked. I know Aloy/Talanah is a more popular pairing, and I am intrigued by them, but Talanah feels like that one straight bestie that still hasn't realized she might be into girls. So, like there is a chance?? Her character arc in the second game was disappointing imo.
Sabine Wren/Shin Hati (Star Wars): Keeping my fingers crossed that the writers will make them official. Their lightsaber fight was too gay for me to think otherwise. I know it's a long shot, but their enemies-to-lovers dynamic would end me I think (in a good way ofc).
I choose whoever sees this!! I'm tagging you!
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fairy-writes · 1 year
congratulations on 900!! ed and 20 for the event? 👀🤌🏼
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing(s): Edward Elric x Gender Neutral!Reader
Prompt: Tracing their lover’s scars (Action Prompt #20)
This is a bit short but I hope you like it nonetheless :)
For someone who had fought and sparred practically every day, Edward’s skin was soft. Not his hands. Well… his right hand was, it was as smooth as dipping your fingers in the stream behind your house. But his left hand was callused and rough from years of handling weapons and fighting.
But he was also covered in scars.
Bullet wounds, stab marks, scars from alchemy-related attacks, he had them all. They dotted his skin like constellations that you connected with your fingertips.
You lay on your side in your shared bed, your right hand propping your head up, as you traced Edward’s back with your left hand. He was on his belly and didn’t have a shirt on, the quilt up to his waist, arms underneath the pillow. He was sound asleep, snoring softly, and had his face buried in the pillow.  His locks of golden sunlight was splayed across the pillow.
It was deep into the night, the moon illuminating the outside world and casting the darkness aside. 
The scars were soft underneath your hand. They were but bumps in a path but woge stories like fairy tales, telling of his adventures and antics.
Edward stirred, breaking you from your musings, and you glanced down at his face. His nose scrunched, and golden eyelashes fluttered open. His eyes caught yours, and he smiled sleepily, eyes alight with adoration. You return the smile and lean down to kiss him. 
His lips are soft, and he tastes like the beginnings of morning breath, but you don’t mind.
“What are you doing still awake? It’s like three in the morning.” He mumbles against your lips. You pull away and hum, laying back on the bed and mussing his hair with your fingers. He grumbles in playful anger, batting your hand away but looking at you with such love it makes your heart ache. 
“Just can’t sleep.” You say, and he hums, tugging you close and burying his nose in your hair. 
“Anything I can do to help?” He whispers, and you shake your head, nosing the crook of his neck.
“Just being here is enough for me.” 
The two of you are silent, your fingers tracing over the puckered scars from his automail on his right shoulder. The skin is rough, unlike the smoothness of his other old injuries. 
“Why do you like touching my scars so much?” He asks suddenly, quietly, almost as if scared of the answer. 
You pull back and lay your hand on his cheek.
“Because it reminds me that you came back to me alive.” You say, and he grins that smile you love so much. 
“Of course, I came back! I promised you I’d marry you one day, didn’t I?” He says, his left hand cradling the silver engagement band on your ring finger, and you chuckle,
“Ed, we were like six.”
“Still counts! Plus, I have the ring on your finger, don’t I?”
The two of you fall asleep, tangled in each other, legs entwined, and your arm thrown over his waist, his hand protectively pulling your hip close. 
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newtthetranswriter · 11 months
Please may I have a Fairy tail headcanon of Gray Fullbuster with a female S/O who has Edward Elric's abilities from Fullmetal alchemist. S/O joined Fairy tail when she was a young child not long after Gray did..S/Os unlimited abilities meant that she can basically create anything that she can put her mind too..she isn't nicknamed the metal mage for nothing. She isn't proud of what she had done back then..she earned those abilities to be a metal alchemist at a consequence of trying to revive her late mother..she was damn lucky that she didn't lose her body parts..she is a independent young woman in Fairy tail and a member of Team Natsu.
So, I've never done headcanons before, but I'll give it a go, hope you enjoy these. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but I did my best, if you enjoy please feel free to let me now and don't be afraid to send ion more requests. Anyway Enjoy and have a good day/night. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Alchemy isn't an exact science, things can go wrong, and that's what happened when you tried to bring back your mom.
Unlike past Alchemists who had tried to bring people back from the dead you were lucky, you saw the truths of the world but managed to hang on to all of your limbs.
With the knowledge of the universe giving you a major boost in your magic at such a young age, you needed to join a guild to help control and grow this power.
At the age of 8 you wondered into the guild hall of non-other than Fairy Tail, a legendary guild full of powerful mages.
You were welcomed with open arms by nearly everyone there except one kid who couldn't keep his clothes on, when you first meet Gray, he was cold to you, not to say you were really any better having just lost your mother for a second time.
As time passed you grew stronger and more confident in your abilities to manipulate the chemical structure of items and shift them into new things. You primarily specialized in turning things to metal to create more useful weapons.
Master Makarov saw your potential and by the age of 17 you had become an S class wizard known as the Metal Mage.
Along with growing your power the tension between you and gray only got worse, almost like him and Natsu's fighting but with a little more flirting
like I see you guys sitting at the guild hall ignoring each other until he pops off with something stupid about being better a making things with his magic and you just use your magic to make something to hit him with using the table and yell at him about covering his abs because in typical gray fashion he's probably in his boxers.
At first no one notices the more flirty comments until one of you calls the other handsome/beautiful directly making the other blush
Being as stubborn as you are you try to deny it for the longest time and so does he
Now if we add on the being a part of team Natsu, it gets more hectic
I'm talking Happy teasing you, Natsu trying to tease you but ultimately ending up fighting Gray for something he says, Wendy is just confused, Lucy and Erza think its kind of cute that the two stubborn mages wont admit their feelings, and then there is Carla who just thinks everyone involved is dumb
And when you guys finally get together i don't think a lot would change
like yeah you guys don't fight as much or the comments aren't as pointed but there is still playful bickering between the two of you
I just feel that Gray is the type to show affection by being sarcastic
also spend a lot of time just hanging out show off your magic to each other and getting ideas from each other
When you get together Happy still makes stupid jokes, Natsu still tries to tease you guys but fails, Lucy, Erza and now Wendy are secretly planning your wedding as soon as it announced you're dating, and Carla is happy for you two.
Now on to some other aspects of the relationship,
If you are having a bad day because of something reminding you of your past Gray will 100% understand, and try to help you calm down
He knows how hard it is to have a difficult childhood and lose your family so he's going to try to make it better
he may not be able to bring your mom back but he can try not to fight Natsu as much and stay close to you for support.
and vice versa, if he's having a hard time with let's say Juvia being annoying, You would be there to try and be a buffer, or if she doesn't take the hint just telling her off.
Overall I see Gray and you being very close and comforting when its just the two of you, but if you're with the rest of the guild or on a mission you know how to be respectful of everyone around you.
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shonenmilfshowdown · 1 year
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Dr. Kureha is a "witch" doctor from Drum Island. After her friend, the mad doctor Hiriluk, died fighting the tyranical Wapol, Kureha took his adopted son, the reindeer Tony Tony Chopper, into her care as both her apprentice and as her own son.
Izumi is an alchemist of Amestris, who tried to bring her dead son back to life. After failing to do so, she became a proud housewife, who later on took on Edward and Alphonse Elric as students, becoming a sort of mother figure to them.
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imagines--galore · 1 year
edward elric with a s/o that is autistic and selectively mute .. ^^
Pairing: Edward Elric x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: K. Romance. A/N: Alright so I do hope I did this right! I'm really nervous about writing a character with autism and selective mutism but I do hope that I did an alright job and I don't offend anyone! Also the moment in the end happens after the whole major fight and everything, so Alphonse has his body back, and Ed his arm.
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Communication was something you had struggled with for as long as you could remember. Even as a child, when you had shown up at the Rockbell house, you had struggled to get even two words out. But the people that lived there, the Rockbells, only assumed that you were lost. And with the state you had arrived in, one could only deduce that you were an orphan. Perhaps because of the war? Whatever it was, Pinako Rockbell had decided to gather you in her arms and carry you home. You were such a tiny thing. Yurih and Sarah Rockbell had tried their best to deduce your age, but it had been difficult even for them, given your lack information on yourself. Finally, they had decided it was not important. What was important, however, was that you were safe, and with caring people.
Winry had been a little apprehensive of you at first, but her mother had advised her to be kind. And so she had taken you under her wing. She would take you by the hand and the two of you would spend hours exploring. And while you stayed silent, Winry would chatter enough for the both of you.
She even took you to meet her two friend, Edward and Alphonse. And though you had hid behind your new friend, finding the two new boys a little scary, you had slowly come out of your shell.
Over the years, you did show signs of speaking. But those moments were rare and far in-between. And every time you did speak, there was always an emotional outburst from someone.
Like the first time when you had called Winry by her name, and called her your sister. You had then proceeded to acknowledge her parents as your parents, and Pinako as your granny. Oh the tears that had been shed, and though you didn't really understand why they would react so, you did smile widely and accepted their embraces and sweet kisses.
Your next interaction was hilarious. You had been playing with the Elric brothers, alongside your sister when you spied Edward trying to take a heavy tool from Pinako's work bench. He had needed to jump up high to try and get the desired piece of equipment. Edward turned to look at you, and your eyes met. Raising a hand and pointing at the golden haired boy you spoke one word.
Needless to say, Edward had keeled over at the sorrow of having that word being the first you said to him. Alphonse had laughed and laughed until he had to lie on the floor, while Winry had giggled and hugged you in congratulations. You honestly didn't understand Edmund's reaction. You had only stated the truth.
Moments like these always sought to bring you closer to your loved ones. And though you didn't speak for a good year or so after your parents death, you did come back from it.
And that too happened when you saw the pain and suffering that Edward and Alphonse felt after they tried to get their mother back. You didn't know what had happened, wasn't really able to understand it. All you did know was the Alphonse was hiding in the armor, and Edward was hurt.
Hurt bad.
You had sat beside him during his recovery, and had helped however you could. From getting him food, water or new sheets, your tasks were minimal, yet it brought you some satisfaction. That you were able to make him comfortable.
You had been very sad to see him and Alphonse leave, but Edward promised he would be back, and you knew he would never break a promise. And you had made a promise to him, that you would try and talk a little bit more. At least with the people you were familiar with. He had smiled and patted you on the head. You were both the same height at that point of your age, and you had smiled brightly at him in return.
Over the years you had discovered that if there was one thing you were good at when it came to communication it was through flowers.
Every flower held a different meaning. A secret message. From an early age you had filled books upon books of research and notes that detailed every last piece of information that could be found on flowers, both local and rare.
Whenever Edward and Alphonse would return from one of their trips, they would bring you new books about flowers and you would devour them in days.
It was here that you started to speak. You had a certain confidence in your knowledge of flowers. From the very tips of their roots to the softness of their petals. Winry and Pinako would listen to you speak for as much as you were able. It was slow progress, but it was something. And though you were mostly still a very quiet person, you were able to communicate a little more.
It was during that time, when Edward and Alphonse returned for one of Edward's leg repairs, that you decided to show them your new-found skill. Flower crowns.
While Winry worked on Edward's leg, you managed to drag both brothers out into the open ground around the Rockbell house. Alphonse was more then happy to indulge in your new activity, wanting to spend more time with you. Edward was simply content on lazing around and laying on the ground with his arms behind his head.
You spoke to Alphonse at length about every flower the two of you were adding to your flower crowns. You had picked a bunch of flowers for the occasion, to make a crown for everyone.
Winry, and Granny and Den, and Alphonse and Edward,
You had stopped talking sometime ago, but Alphonse had continued speaking, telling you about all the adventures he and his brothers had had, all the people they had met.
Your gaze flickered over to where Edward lay a few paces away. You glanced down at the flower garland in your hands before glancing back at the boy. Alphonse seemed to have understood your little dilemma. He gave you an encouraging nudge and a nod. You rose to your feet, slowly walking towards him, leaving Alphonse to place Den's flower crown on his head.
You stood over Edward, prompting the boy to open one eye and gaze up at you.
"What is it Y/n?" He asked, grumbling softly at having his semi-nap disturbed. Silently you held out the crown you had made for him. Edward sighed, sitting up and holding a hand out to take it. You smiled happily as you lay the delicate garland in his hands. Edward gave a small smile before asking.
"What do these mean?" He gently ran a finger along the white petals of the flowers.
You took a deep breath before explaining. "They're called daisies. And they're used to represent many things when given to someone else. Some of them are, purity, joy, new beginnings, and innocent love." At the last part Edward seemed to freeze up, his gaze turning to meet yours as you smiled down at him. The wind picked up a little as his mind raced. He was more then aware then when it came to you, things were taken in the literal sense. And he may be stupid at times, even he admitted it, but he had known you long enough to understand you completely.
Though you would never come outright and say it, you conveyed your feelings through your actions or with flowers. And right now, he couldn't help but allow a small smile to pull at his lips.
With a blush creeping along his cheeks, Edward slowly stood up. Standing in front of you, he raised the crown to his head and allowed it to nestle against his golden hair. Your eyes widened in absolute delight as you clapped your hands and let out a small joyful laugh. And Edward Elric fell all the more in love with your sweet nature.
Though he had already been halfway there over the years, this moment simply confirmed it.
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prettyiwa · 2 years
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I do not authorize the translation or reposting of my work anywhere. Do not mention me or my work on Tik-Tok.
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Relationship: Edward Elric x F!Reader Content Warnings: Post-Story Events, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, PTSD, Angst to Fluff, Aged-Up Edward Elric Summary: Years after the events that took place in Central, Ed still struggles with nightmares. Word Count: 1,300
A/N: I had taken this down from Tumblr and left it up on AO3. Since I've made my works only accessible to registered AO3 users in the past week, I thought I would repost it here as it started as a tumblr request.
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Four years later and it still affects him as though it were yesterday. The mounting anxiety and anticipation in the week leading up to it, the concern he held for Al, the frustration he felt at seeing Hohenheim一at first, anyway一working alongside Scar and the chimeras. Some parts are a blur, like how they got into the underground tunnel or the way they had to fight those mannequins, but others? Others are ingrained so deeply in the folds of his brain that, when he closes his eyes, he can still see it, still feel it.
Like no time has passed.
But it has passed. It’s passed marvelously. Al is visiting Mei in Xing right now, whole and in the body he had been deprived of for so long. Winry and Granny are in Resembool, happy and healthy with increased business thanks to Winry’s time in Rush Valley. And now he has you.
Constant. Patient. Brilliant and luminous, just as your paintings.
Each time he finds himself reliving that day, you are here to remind him of the present. Each time he wakes from a nightmare, you’re right beside him, content to hold him to you or to nestle closer in his arms. You’re here.
But this dream is so vivid, so real, it muddles the line of distinction, making it difficult to discern dream from reality. He calls it a dream一a persistent, desperate hope more than anything一but he can’t quite tell.
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His heart thunders in his chest, rewatching the familiar scene in horror一Mei sobbing over what remains of Al’s armored body, too destroyed for Ed to do anything; the rebar pierced through his left arm while his right is achingly malnourished, disgustingly weak; the acrid smell of smoke that fills the air, mixing with the dust raised from the destroyed buildings.
Everything is too familiar, but it makes it easier to go through the motions, to do what needs to be done, to end this fight. Because he does. He knows he does. He knows what it’s like to see Al in his body again. He knows that day is coming where you walk into his life and irrevocably alter it.
Except that, when the time comes to make the trade for Al, he can’t quite remember what he trades. He knows that this is a problem that he’s already solved, but the answer is sitting at the back of his throat, just out of reach.
In that moment of hesitation where his mind blanks, he hears the sardonic laugh that’s taunted him in nightmares for longer than he cares to admit and two things happen.
The first is that Al stands before him, completely healthy, unlike his appearance on that day. He wears a look of concern, confusion, eyes not meeting Ed’s, instead focused on something just behind him.
The second is the scream, terrified and in immense pain. He knows the voice, even if he’s never heard the sound.
He seems to freeze in place, unable to turn and look at you, unable to accept that you’re somewhere you’re not supposed to be, that you’re hurt, that something is very, very wrong. It’s the way Al calls out your name, pushes past him to get to you that snaps him out of it, that makes him turn around.
The air surrounding you is purple as metaphysical hands pull at you, unraveling you, mirroring the scene from years ago. Your eyes find his as you reach out, pleading for him to help you, to make the pain stop, to save you.
It’s the breaking of his heart as your hand falls into his just before you’re gone, the aching of his soul at your absence. It’s the immeasurable pain that wakes him, that finally allows for his consciousness to win out, to pull him back to reality where you’re okay and here and 一
You’re not.
You’re not here.
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The sheets cling to him, weighing him down as he jolts up, as he tries to force his eyes to adjust to the darkness in an attempt to find you. Outside of the warmth on your side of the bed一which isn’t comforting given how the summer heat is making everything so damn warm一there’s no indication that you were here.
His throat seems to close and it becomes impossible to breathe, to think. Just as in his dream一at least, he’s desperately hoping it was a dream一his heart is pounding, the sound of his blood pumping the only thing he can hear.
Maybe… maybe you stepped out? You like the heat just as much as he does, and, according to you, he’s a furnace when asleep. That’s a very real possibility. Or maybe you went to the restroom and are about to come back?
Whatever it is, wherever you’ve gone, he feels the nerves building up within him, the need to find you, to ensure that you’re safe and whole. He needs to be proactive, can’t afford to wait. He’s never been good at waiting, at sitting still, even less when the people he loves are at risk.
Assuming that you’re in danger. Which you’re not. You can’t be. There is no danger to be had, not anymore. Right?
Stumbling out of bed, he makes his way out of the room, scanning it once more before opening the door. The bathroom door is open, revealing a dark, empty room devoid of you. He releases a shaky breath and turns to check outside before he hears a faint click! and is faced with his diffused shadow, illuminated by the kitchen light that’s now on just down the hall.
“Ed? What are you doing up?”
Swiveling, he finds you illuminated by that same light, almost creating a glowing halo around your being. You’re leaning against the entryway to the kitchen, tired eyes taking in his appearance. Before he can truly process it, he’s stepping forward, wrapping his left arm around your waist as his right hand cradles the back of your head, pulling you to him, letting him crush you against him.
A puff of air escapes you, surprised by his reaction, but you’re quick to wrap your arms around his middle, quick to offer some kind of relief. His hold on you tightens and you seem to understand his unspoken need for reassurance, for the harsh reminder that you’re here. Mimicking the strength with which he holds you, you press him to you, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
“Wanna talk about it?” you mumble into his skin.
“No—not right now.”
A small nod is all he gets in response and you’re in no hurry to be let go. You wait, as you always do, allowing him to calm down as you hum a nonsensical little melody for him. When his grip starts to loosen, you explain.
“I woke up because it’s hot. I thought you might want a glass of water when you wake, so I came to the kitchen to get it. ‘M sorry, love.”
“Don’t be. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just that you di— disappeared in my dream. I panicked,” he replies, unable to even admit that in his dream, you died. It doesn’t matter now, anyway. Not really.
“Oh. Well, I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.” It’s a promise, one he’s heard many times before. “The truth is that you’re stuck with me, Ed.” You press a kiss to his cheek, releasing him to grab the aforementioned glass of water. Offering it, he drinks the water, remembering the conversation you once had about how water helps with panic attacks.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” It’s his truth, the one that harmonizes with yours.
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i-aint-even-bovvered · 3 months
The fact that every time Ed mentions getting Al's body back Al has to add, "Yours, too, Brother!"
Ed never intended to restore his arm and leg. His first priority was always Al. Even during the inciting incident. He begs Truth to take anything, even his heart, to bring Al back.
His despair during the final fight when he sees his restored arm and Al's empty armor? He never wanted his arm back. He only ever wanted his brother.
But Al's trust in Ed is unwavering. Even when he started to doubt himself, it was because someone else talked him into it. And it didn't last long.
When they fight, there is always the unspoken agreement of "if I fall, you will catch me." They don't need to plan, because that is how it has always been.
In that final fight, he gives everything up to give Ed the advantage. He knows Ed will come back for him. He knows Ed will do anything for him.
It's a gambit that never could have paid off if they had even the slightest bit of doubt in each other. And when it comes to choosing alchemy, the thing that makes him skilled, famous, and important, or his brother? Ed doesn't even hesitate.
Everything he does has always been for Al. Ever since Hoenheim made him stand in the hallway with a bucket of water, his life has been for Al. His one selfish act was the one that cost Al everything but his disembodied soul, so he spends the years after that making up for it.
I always wonder if Al could have given up his portal to gain his body back instead of Ed, but that's not the point, is it? The point is Al's complete trust in their bond.
I've watched other media with co-dependent brothers, but this is the only story that really drives home that they are two halves of a whole. Even when they're apart, there is no Ed without Al, and there is no Al without Ed. We never hear "Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse." They are always and forever "The Elric Brothers."
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kaethefangirl · 4 days
Hear me out guys
Ever since Edward was a kid, he's been able to see ghosts. So has his brother, Alphonse. His sister Winry never had the ability but she was able to sense their presence sometimes.
"I'm too injured to fight, do you--" Ling coughed as he pushed himself to sit up. "Do you want to save your family?" He could feel the blood loss getting to his head.
"Yes!" Ed shouted.
"Very well. You must become a Soul Reaper. It will only be temporary, but you must run my zanpaktou through the center of your being, so that I may pour my powers into you," Ling tacked on, "I cannot guarantee that you will live."
Ed stared down at him with a grin. "Give me that blade, soul reaper."
Ling pushed his zanpaktou into Edward's core. "My name is Ling. Ling Yao." He says, because if Edward does not survive then he at least deserves to know the name of his murderer.
"And I'm Ed. Edward Elric, substitute soul reaper!" And like that, Ling feels as if his soul is being ripped from his being. He bites back a scream, the blood loss numbing a bit of the pain.
He had only meant to give Edward a fraction of his power but he-- he had somehow taken all of it.
Ling has no idea how the hell he's still alive. He cracks his eyes open to find Edward-- in soul reaper form.
It worked. Ling smirks as Ed raises his zanpaktou against the Hollow.
His zanpaktou--
Its huge. Ling has never seen a human such as this. He'd never been one to underestimate the humans but this, this human was an anomaly. His spiritual pressure was incredible.
Ling had never seen a human who was able to see spirits such as himself. He had never seen a human who was able to break his kido-- hell, he'd never met a soul reaper who'd been able to accomplish such feats. And he had surely never seen anyone weild a zanpaktou that large.
So, no, Ling concluded. This was no ordinary human, but an extraordinary being.
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lotusthewriter · 10 days
This night has opened my eyes (and I'll never sleep again)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) Rating: G Relationships: Edward & Alfons Characters: Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich; MENTIONED - Alphonse Elric Summary: Ed gets a cat home for once. Alfons doesn't like cats. Pre-Conqueror of Shamballa. Word count: 973 AO3
A/N: Based on this cute fanart of CoS!Ed with a cat! Except I made it sad. This is also my first time writing Alfons, so I hope it's good!
TRIGGER WARNINGS - presumed past character death and grief/mourning.
It’s a rainy, chilly night. Edward was supposed to be back at least an hour ago with groceries. But something came up…
“Ed? Where have you been?” Alfons asks from the kitchen, lighthearted even if concerned. He isn’t the kind to get mad at Ed or anyone. “I was worried you might get sick out there.”
“Nah, don’t worry too much.”
“Well, I managed some soup for now.”
“Great.” Ed takes off his boots, then he lets his wet hair loose. “I got us something special.”
There are steps coming out of the kitchen. “Oh, let me help you—”
Alfons stops in the way the moment a small meow echoes in their apartment. Ed carries all the groceries with his right arm, while the left has sheltered the cat inside his big coat.
“… What is this?” His roommate questions.
“We got a little buddy to join us for dinner, that’s what! I thought I might call him Ferdinand. Is it too grown up for him?” Ed caresses the gray cat once he releases the groceries.
“Wait, hold on, Ed. Did you really just pick up a random cat from the street?”
Ed’s smile starts to fade.
“Well, yeah… I thought it’d be nice to have a cat.” Finally, after all these years denying it.
Alfons does not look pleased with the idea. If anything, he looks not only judgmental of Ed’s decision, but he’s not very excited about the cat, which goes against Ed’s expectations.
“… You don’t like cats,” the latter confirms.
“Uh… ‘don’t like’ is a bit strong,” Alfons realizes and laughs nervously. “I’m fine with pets, but cats… I don’t really understand their temperament.”
“So you don’t like them.”
“Ed, that’s not what I meant—”
“But I know you don’t. And that’s- that’s fine. I’m sorry I brought him before knowing what you thought.”
Alfons grows quiet as Ed refuses to look him in the eye. The cat has also stopped meowing.
“Edward, I’m not mad, okay?” The former insists. “I don’t mind you having a cat, but right now, I’m not sure if it’s the best time. We’ve barely arrived here, gotten this apartment… how are you going to give the cat a home if we aren’t even able to buy much food for ourselves?”
Ed sighs. “Yeah, I know.”
He looks at the gray cat, which looks at him in return. It has beautiful hazel eyes.
Alfons scratches the back of his head.
“Well, I’m not going to tell you to leave him outside. He can stay over tonight. Maybe Ms. Gracia might help us out,” he imagines. “Maybe someone else can give him a home.”
Ed would’ve lashed out if it were a couple years ago. He remembers all the fights he pulled. He remembers all the times he did not allow a cat in his life, because he too couldn’t take care of it.
He just wanted to do this one thing he was never allowed. A little furry companion.
But no.
Alfons doesn’t like cats.
Not the way Al loved them and would’ve picked them up and hide them in his armor.
Ed can’t cry, either. He’s physically uncapable of crying. And the last time he did cry was when Al was literally separated from him for good.
The rain outside is losing its intensity.
Alfons is the one who sighs.
“Just… go take a shower and I’ll handle dinner, okay? Did you buy food for him, too?”
“Yeah.” Ed thought of everything. He even planned on giving one of his pillows to the cat and let it sleep in his room.
He places the cat on the floor for once. It meows again, pleased. Ed grabs a towel to dry the little guy.
The older Elric stares at its hazel eyes. Unlike everything else in this pale world, the eyes are the most vivid color he’s seen.
The cat is confused. It was promised it would stay.
Ed will end up breaking another promise.
“I’m sorry.”
The most emotion he’s felt in this last years.
Finally, he trusts Alfons to look after it while Ed gets warm.
He stands there for who knows how long.
Pale, pale blurs…
Ed also stares at the food and does not eat.
Alfons watches him.
Another conversation that won’t go anywhere.
“I’m sorry—”
“It’s fine, Alfons.”
(The name is also spoken with poison.)
“Look, again, maybe another day you can get a cat—”
“I wanted us to get a cat, but you don’t like them and that’s okay.”
The light-blonde boy sighs but he doesn’t protest too much.
“… This isn’t just about the cat, is it?”
Wow, so smart.
Obviously, Ed’s already being an asshole to Alfons, so he decides he won’t argue anymore.
“I know you miss home, Edward, and I’m sorry. I just… I want you to know that you can count on me.”
I can’t.
Alfons thinks Ed is making everything up about where he came from. Ed lives in a world where no one remembers him, because they’re nobody.
Ed is a nobody in a world of nobodies that have faces of everybody.
The cat is lying near Ed’s foot under the table (besides wanting to eat everything else on the floor right after it ate).
“I mean it, you can trust me,” Alfons promises.
Ed sighs yet again. He finally takes some soup, which has gone cold at this point.
Ed wishes he could say something else to Alfons.
But what’s the point if this world isn’t even real?
If not even in this dream Ed could get a cat? Or relive the bond that meant the world to him?
There’s nothing he can do.
He’ll just have to live in this bad dream and pay for everything that he did.
Ed just wants his little brother.
He just wants Al back.
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
Edward Elric x reader, where the reader comforts him when he's having nightmares. Please??
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Absolutely Nothing (Edward Elric x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼 !!! 𝗶 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗶 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆'𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘀𝗼 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 :))
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? �� 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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When he lies with you at night, he lies stiller than a corpse.
  You’ve heard all about how he used to toss and turn at night, but that was a sight you rarely got to see. A sight you rarely got to witness. Instead, all your nights by his side are spent with an arm curled around your waist and an automail hand raised above both of your heads. His legs will tangle with yours, and you’ll fall asleep to the feeling of him surrounding you with his body and his warmth in the sweetest of ways. Sometimes if you’re lucky and you wake up in the middle of the night, you’ll hear his voice as he sleeps. Soft, quiet mumbles under his breath. About work. About his research. About whatever made him mad this morning. All sorts of things. 
  But eventually, it’ll all end up the same. He’ll quiet down so that there’s nothing you feel but his body wrapped around yours and squeezing you tight as if to remind his own sleeping body that you’re still here. It comes at the same time as his even breaths, and his hair begins to brush against the back of your neck- something you didn’t know you would cherish until you did. And so, you’ll doze off once more to the small rise and fall of his chest and the steady rhythm of his heart. The very same heart that you swear you can feel as it beats in time with yours. 
  But this was not one of those nights. 
  He started shifting and turning early into your shared slumber. You thought nothing of it at first. He spent the whole day worked up and busy with piles and piles of books and paperwork. It’s only natural for such a restless sleep to follow close behind such a day. Only he began to grow worse and worse as the night grew longer. It seemed like every couple of minutes, you were being woken up to a distressed murmur pouring from his lips. It seems like every couple of minutes, his breaths against your skin would hitch and slow and increase and fall and over and over and over again. It seems like every couple of minutes, the arms around your waist were curling and grabbing at your hip- tugging you closer and closer to you swear there was nothing in between the two of you anymore. Absolutely nothing. 
  And suddenly nothing was becoming too much for you. You love him. You love him more than anything else in the world, but his grip has become suffocating. Dangerous even. But not to just you. To himself too. You were terrified to think of what he could be capable of in his sleep. His body may be made of metal, but not his heart. As you try to squirm in his grip, calling out, “Ed, Ed wake up! Ed, please, wake up!” you wonder just what horror has trapped him here. It’s the one time a day you can almost guarantee the easiest of expressions on his face. The one time a day you can almost guarantee he doesn’t have to have his guard up. He doesn’t have to fight, he doesn’t have to prove himself. He doesn’t have to do any of that.
  But the way he lays here? The way he lays here as a possessed body back for an act of vengeance- fighting and fighting for its right to disrupt what little peace you know in this world? It’s terrifying. It’s sinking its claws into his warm skin. It’s invading all the thoughts he keeps inside that wonderful mind of his. It’s taking control. And all you can do is call his name as his body clings to yours in a way you know you have to end. All you can do is beg and plead with him to wake up in a way that you hope can reach him through all the horrors of the darkness. All you can do is speak to him. 
  “Ed! Ed, please. Ed, wake up! Ed, please, please please wake up!”
  Until finally…
  …he broke free.
  At the sound of you calling his name- his full name after many, many tries to pull him from his sleep, it worked. But at the cost of him ripping his body away from yours. No more arms wrapped around your waist. No more legs tangled with each other. No more hair tickling your neck. None of it. When you turnover on your back to look up at him- the man who you love but the man who you’re just so terrified to lose- you swear you see a different man. A completely, and utterly different man.
  “I’m…” His voice is hoarse as he addresses you, yet he doesn’t turn around to give you chance to read his expression. Instead, he continues to sit up and face the wall. Long hair a tangled mess against his back. His body, shivering and shaking as if the cold wind itself blows for only him to feel. Him and him alone. “I’m sorry for waking you. I…I had a bad dream…that’s all.”
  That wasn’t all. You knew that from the beginning. And you especially know that now. So, you push. You push because you have to know. You push because you want to know. You push because there is no one else to do this for him. 
  Not like you’re able to at least.
  “A bad dream?” You ask gently, slowly raising up to sit right behind him. You let your arms move at a leisurely pace as they come to circle around his waist from behind. You’re careful not to move too fast- you don’t know what you could do to him. But the second you find your arms locking around him, he’s falling back into your embrace. Collapsing as if all the strength had left his body. Collapsing as if there was no strength, to begin with in his body.
  Collapsing as if all he could do at this moment was to rely completely and utterly on you.
  “Yeah…” He murmurs back, blonde hair spilling against your arms as you hold up both of your weights. His hands reach up to touch your skin, and the stark difference between his left and right hand will never fail to surprise you. But there’s something about this touch that feels more necessary than contact between lovers. Something about this touch that makes you feel like you could die without it. And something about the way he tilts his head back at you and looks at you with tear-lined, golden eyes. Something about the way his lips quiver despite the way he opens his mouth to let a broken, shaking voice tell you, “Just a… just a bad dream…”
Something about all those things make you think he would have died without this touch too.
  So you let him touch you. You let him run his fingers up and down your body. A right-hand takes a lock of your hair and swirls it around the pointer finger. A left-arm brushes against yours before joining palms and locking fingers together. In return, he lets you touch him. He lets your hands leave his waist so one can brush through his hair, freeing it of knots and gently scratching against his scalp. The other squeezes the hand that’s now caught within its grip. But it’s by the time that you lean down and press the lightest of kisses against his forehead that every finally breaks. Everything, including him. Everything, including you.
  He tells you about his nightmare. And for the first time, he tells you about what happened to his body. Everything that happened. All the hardships he went through. All the regrets he has. All the things he would have changed- especially for his brother.
  The moment he spoke of Alphonse, he began to cry. But you would only know it from the silent tears streaming down his cheeks and rolling off to splash upon your skin. He told you about how he lost everything that day and what he had to do to keep his brother. He told you that even now, he fears for the moment when Al’s spirit rejects the current body it holds on to. The body that does nothing but let his little brother survive. Not live, but survive. He tells you all the things he wishes he could do or trade or make or wish for to make things right. He tells you everything about him. He tells you everything.
  And at this point? You can’t help it. You can’t help but cry too. Because you have not lived the dangerous life that the man you love has. Because you have not experienced the horrors that the man you love has experienced. Because you have never played with life and death. Using a power that belongs to the gods. Using a body that belongs to men. 
  But you don’t let his stories break you. It’s not your place to let them break you. No, you spend your time brushing the tears from his cheeks and looking at him with the utmost love and care you could ever muster in your gaze. You know it’s isn’t much. You know it isn’t powerful. And you know it wouldn’t rid him of his problems. Not by a long shot.
  But you like to think that it helps him, even if it’s just a little bit. You like to think that as his tears slow to stop. You like to think that as breathing starts to even out. You like to think that as his eyes take longer and longer to open after each time he blinks.’
  And you like to think that as he finally drifts off to sleep once more.
  With an arm curled around your waist and an automail hand raised above both of your heads. Legs tangled with yours. A quiet mumble under his breath. About work. About his research. About whatever made him mad this morning. All sorts of things. But for the first time that night?
  Nothing about the terrors he has faced.
  Absolutely nothing about them at all.
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at1nys-blog · 4 months
Please may I..this may seem unusual but may I have Blue exorcist headcanons of how would Rin and Yukio Okumura react to the Elric brothers from Fullmetal alchemist and their very different sibling relationship from theirs. If they ended up in the Blue exorcist world.
*I'm just curious that is all*
How would Rin get along with Edward Elric
How would Yukio Okumura get along with Al Elric
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Funnier if the Okumura ends up in FMAB
Edward and Al are just chilling after a long day
Edward is reading books and doing his researches
Alphonse is either coocking or just there, in silence watching over his brother when...
...the door opens and two very unfamiliar guests are in the room
The two couple of brothers look at one another confused
Rin and Yukio are confused because the key Mephisto gave them was supposed to send back to Cram School but no.
The Elric brothers are as confused as the strangers because who are they? And why are they wearing weird uniforms?
After the first seconds of confusion Ed is ready to fight
One touch at the ground and his weapon is ready
Okumura twins being schoked once again
Rin is excited about that though
Asks a lot of questions
Like a lot A LOT
Yukio is trying to stop Rin but is useless
In the mean time Alphones doesn't know what to do
Should he attack them? Talk to them?
He goes with option number two. What a mistake
Yukio is like "WHO IN GEHENNA JUST TALKED???" with guns in hand
Doesn't get it is the armor, why would he?
Rin is ready to fight too this time
But again when Alphonse talks again showing himself Rin is EXCITED
Even more than when the other dude got a weapon from the ground
Infinite question round two starts
Now, once everyone had calmed down they are trying to understand what happened but both sides come up with...
They might as well spend some time toghether but first, what is that amazing smell that fills Rin's nostrils?
Alphonse and Rin will bond over cooking
Yukio and Edward... over knowledge?
Ed, would still have his guard up and so Yukio
It would take some time for them to loosen up but they might at the end of the day
Edward would let Yukio read throught his books
Yukio would 100% asks where the demons at
Edward is tempted to call Mustang and ask him for the closest asylum
Ed: So, how is your's guys relationship?
Yukio: I pointed a gun at him. I blamed him for our dad's death. Sided against him when his classmates found out his biological dad is Satan. Joined an association after they tried to kill us and our friends.
Rin: Nothing too big
Edward&Alphonse: 🤨
Rin: what about you guys?
Ed: I gave up an arm to get him back, didn't go as planned but at least his soul is back
Rin&Yukio: ...
They would not get into more details about their brotherhood because they are so different is akward
During dinner Rin and Edward would be fighting over who gets the last piece and the youngest would be like "there is more?"
More chattie chatt after dinner
More mind blowing revelations
"what do you mean Satan wants to conquer the world?"
"No, you what do you mean people are getting killed to bring God back?"
If they aren't send back to their world and have to sleep over Rin would asks to sleep on Alphonse
You read that right. ON ALPHONSE
He wants to try and sleep on a human armor
Spoilers, is not that comfy but it was an experience
If Mephisto comes within the day to save them the brothers would excange some of their items so they can remember that day (read Rin and Al would do that because Yukio and Ed find it pointless)
Rin would talk about the interaction like non stop
Yukio is more chill when asked about it
Edward would think about the twins every now and then
Alphonse has "missing the Okumura twins hour" every now and then
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limetameta · 7 months
been thinking abt my fmab hunger games au all day and its so convoluted lmao
So there's three timelines we gotta explain right away
First timeline:
Riza Hawkeye won a la guns (in this au u get weapons and can use alchemy) thus became the victor for her district (like the equivalent of district 12 but i cant be bothered to have 24 ppl in a cast therefore we splitting this as arakawa intended- east district)
Second timeline:
Edward Elric was reaped. Al could not volunteer because he knew that if the capitol (aka central) ppl find out about his body theyd not only punish him but theyd probably also kill ed for comitting the taboo
It's WINRY who volunteers for some random girl because she is eds mechanic!! And he can't survive out there without her!! She is doing this for you Ed!
Riza is their haymitch. Roy Mustang, exists in this au but I'm torn between two routes for him
He's like a Gale character for Riza but the reason why he didn't volunteer to be alongside Riza for her HG was because he was too old by that point. Riza was like 18 when she got reaped.
Roy Mustang is a capitol boy who is the main schmoozing bitch that gets riza all her sponsors because that woman has 0 rizz. Effie but a man whore.
Ed and Winry win much alike Katniss and Peeta do in the first HG. I don't care for this. My fic would start with the 2nd quarter quell when all of the previous winners gotta fight.
Third timeline:
Winry gets chosen for the 75th HG. Riza steps up for her. They know she won't be this lucky again how she was last time.
Ed is the only East District male tribute.
Reason why riza stepped up is because these hunger games are going to be a bloodbath.
Olivier and Alex Armstrong will he competing. And they're careerists. (See this is where it gets kinda weird how to plan because if I have Central be capitol then that means we can't have Armstrong in this but which district would I put them in if I can't have this- lmao Olivier and Miles as North District tributes maybe - Miles may have volunteered for Alex because Alex came out of his HG completely traumatised (much alike in ishval))
Comanche and Izumi from the south district (also careerists or just built like that lmao)
And that just leaves us with the West District
This random boy gets reaped but oh! Oh! Don't worry - because there's someone who REALLY wants back in that arena! The one and only Crimson Lotus (that man would RELISH in all of the fanfare and the centre of attention he'd play the game very well and would always be like: no fair, why are we doing this w kids we should invent a new hg for us :/ (lmaooo a sponsor sent him a ph stone during his initial hg could u believe that and then he went ham thatd be so funny honestly)
Anyway Sheska is the female tribute because plot reasons.
Ishval is its own district let's say and we get Scar (volunteered for his brother in his first games and now is the only male tribute from the Victors)
I guess an OC there aren't a lot of female characters to choose from.
Anyway I love my pandemonium *kicks legs* it'd be so fucked up especially because I have ideas how to nerf the alchemists to make them more equal with the regulars when they're running for that cornucopia.
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