#Easy Scholarships To Apply For 2022
scholarhunter · 2 years
Otsuka-Toshimi Scholarships in Japan Announced for International Students
Otsuka-Toshimi Scholarships in Japan Announced for International Students
Otsuka-Toshimi Scholarships in Japan Announced for International Students This is a great opportunity for students to earn higher education in Japan. Engage in unique or innovative research abroad in Japan at Tokushima University by applying for its Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship offered to international students for the academic year 2022-2023. All international students who want to undertake a…
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forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
Hey! I love that you’re taking fic requests 😊 even though I rarely read fic, I have been imagining what season 4 and the future could hold for Daxton, and I wanted to share those ideas in case any of them inspire you. 😄
Like the other anon said, I think it would be fun to see Devi visit Paxton at ASU. Not sure how she is going to get permission from Nalini to go there, so she might have to come up with a creative reason, ala the model UN episode from season 1. Maybe Trent and Eleanor can join her for this road trip! Or Fabiola, if ASU is hosting a robotics competition. Or maybe Kamala will go there for a biology conference and Devi will help her drive. I think I general those overnight college visits that high school seniors sometimes do would I be a great excuse for Devi to get out of her house. Of course she hasn’t considered ASU, so that might be a stretch. I wonder if Devi will apply to ASU simply because Paxton is there. At the very least, she might be able to use that as an excuse to visit Paxton a few times, even if she doesn’t seriously consider going there.
Something I really want for Paxton in college is to start swimming again. I’m biased because I was a competitive swimmer in high school and college, though not nearly as good as Paxton. I think it would give him confidence to practice something he is good at while he is adjusting to college. And I think it would I be really cool if he was a walk on his freshman year and worked his way up to getting a scholarship again. And since the ASU Mens Swim Team travels to universities all over the country for their meets, that could give him and Devi even more places to meet up. Like Stanford, where Devi might actually go for a college visit. I took the liberty of looking up their schedule and saw that ASU travels to USC in LA for a meet on November 4, 2022. So maybe Devi will find a way to stop by and cheer Paxon on celebrate with him in his hotel afterwards…
I also assume that we will see Paxton in their hometown during college breaks. I hope season 4 picks ups in the summer before he leaves, and that he and Devi hangout several times before then. I think other have already written docs about them going to the beach, and I would love to see more of that.
Even if we don’t get a Daxton endgame in season 4 around the time Devi graduates, I can imagine them reuniting and dating again years down the road. Some others have said they see Paxton becoming a teacher now that Devi has helped him realize he can succeed academically. I can picture him as a history teacher and swim coach. And even though Devi is super ambitious, she might want to move back to LA after college to be close to her mom. Besides there are tons of great jobs in LA. I would love to read fics about Daxton reuniting post college.
Happy writing! 😃
Hi! You know what? It was happy writing. Thank you for giving me an excuse to revisit these two!
“I forgot how well you swam. Swim. I mean, I didn’t forget, I just wanted to jog my memory. And, yep, wouldn’t you know it? You still look good in the water. Athletically.”
Son of a bitch. It’s not her fault; Paxton’s fresh from the pool, a trail of water running down his neck, posture easy and confident after his second-place finish.
“You wanna see the library?” she babbles.
“Actually”—and shit, his smile that won’t quit still makes her knees not work—“there’s a massive jacuzzi in my hotel room. I kinda wanna see you in the water, Vishwakumar.”
send me a prompt for one of these fandoms!
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minyaslife · 2 years
001. i found out life sucks and its okay
In 2019 I started searching for exchange programs in other countries. But here’s the catch; I needed a full ride scholarship to make it happen. And don’t get me wrong, at that time and age, I was convinced nothing was impossible for me.
That’s how I came across UWC. And believe me when I say it was like love at first sight. But I only really liked it because of the opportunities I’d have if I was selected to attend one of its campuses.
I really wanted to apply, but with the arrival of a pandemic, a really crappy mental health kicked in as well, and I didn’t even remember about my previous plans.
However, in 2022 everything came back to normal (kinda) and this year I FINALLY applied. Each part of the application process I passed, I found out more about the project, its values and I just couldn’t look at it and think it wasn’t made specifically for me.
Except, this time I was older; had experienced more things, and every time I thought how surreal it was to be so close to something I’d dreamed about for so long, there was also fear, because I knew how easy it was for me to mess up anything at an interview and ruin everything.
I spent nights awake thinking about everything related to it. Until yesterday, when I got an email saying I was rejected. I didn’t cry or anything like that, but it made me feel really lost in life. As dumb as it seems, I was pretty close to the last interview, so I was kind of counting on it. But now I didn’t have any plans. Maybe finish high school in my little city, but that’s kinda lame, I know I deserve so much more extraordinary things.
I guess life sucks. Yes, it can be really fun at times, but sometimes things that should happen just don’t happen. No matter how hard you try. And you have to learn how to live with this.
As a young person, it was really hard for me to realize this truth so soon in life, but you have to continue trying and going after what you truly want.
So I created this blog. People may never read it, but I like to look at it as a way to document things in my life.
I will apply to UWC again next year, hope destiny is on my side.
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Today is October 10, 2022, which marks eight years since I attempted to take my own life. It also marks 364 days since I posted my fic On Life and Living, in which Cas’s story takes a lot of inspiration from mine. 
Today is also World Mental Health Day. 
The phrase “it gets better” can sound so trite, and I can tell you that I hated hearing it, back in the day. Because when you’re going through it, it doesn’t feel like it’ll ever get better. But this morning, I woke up in my apartment that I pay for with my job and scholarship payouts. I got in my car. I drove to my university’s campus to go to class. I’m a senior in college now. I’m working on my thesis. I just spent five months living abroad and I’m applying to graduate school now. I’m twenty-one. I’m the co-president of my university’s mental health advocacy organization???
And my eyes welled up with tears, because at the heart of hearts, I was thinking about me eight years ago today, a little girl who felt like she was all alone. That kid means a lot to me. 
Of course, the past eight years haven’t been easy. No one’s life is ever completely easy. But they’ve been worth it. Being alive has been worth it. Even being able to say, “I turn twenty-two in less than two months!” is a huge accomplishment for me. I could have all that and know that I have made it. Some days are good, some days are bad, there have been hard times, but all in all? 
It ain’t over ‘til it’s over, and I’m still kicking.
If you feel like there’s nothing left, there is something still out there for you, and you deserve to live and you deserve to have this weight lifted from you. You are worth something. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has a great list of resources for those residing in the States, and here is a list of global hotlines. 
A major thing I realized when I shared On Life and Living last year is that none of us are alone. I got dozens of comments from people who said that they resonated with Cas’s story, with my story, that I had given them hope and the feeling of community. There is someone out there going through what you’re going through, and all of us deserve to make it. 
Oh, and in case no one’s told you: You look great, and I’m so glad you’re here. 
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babytowntm · 2 years
Branching out/ becoming adults
me again!
I'm going to be in a discord call soon with some friends of mine that I've tried to keep in touch with reguarly since our graduation last year.
We're all pretty busy though so it is quite hard, and finding time is difficult. we usually have these discord meet ups once every few months so we can update each other on our lifes and accomplishments. We also use our group chat frequently for that.
One of my friends, Annika, is currently undergoing job training as a chemical laboratorry assistent. She works in labs all day and is studying chemistry at the moment, until she gets moved to the green houses that they keep on the facility. I promised her I'd go see her facility next year so she could maybe give me a tour of the whole thing.
Another friend, Celine, is studying at uni to become a graphic designer. Originally she wasn't interested in the subject and she never really showed any passion or interest for it, at least not during our school years as far as I can remember. She started studying from home and doing an online bachelors degree. I hope she succeeds in doing so.
And lastly, Lorika, a friend of mine who needed some time to really find her way and what she wanted to do. Lorika is kind and very patient, but also a bit naive and unsteady when it comes to making decisions for herself. She needs a lot of time to think and even when decided, often thinks about the "what-if" possibilities.
Her parents are very strict, immigrant parent's are always like that one might say, and I guess in this case it is correct. They expect a lot from her and especially from her career path. So what happened? They forced her to take on a scholarship at a university to become a grade school teacher.
Shortly before we graduated, she applied for university- a uni that would be a 3h drive away from home. She even moved so she could be closer, applied for student aid and got herself a flat. Then the problems arose when she found it hard to make friends or even survive a normal day. She didn't enjoy her studies anymore (grade school teacher) and wanted to quit. Her parents didn't let her though so she was forced to suffer an entire year of uni before her parents gave out and she moved back home with them. Ever since of January 2022 she has been thinking about possible career paths for herself, maybe getting influenced by her family in the process. They ranged from Kindergarten teacher to social worker to "working with the disabled".
In the end she decided she'd to a few testing phases and applied for a few unpaid internships to gain experience. I'm proud of her, she really came a long way.
Welp, and I guess I never disclosed on here what I do. i'm also doing online uni from home to support my mom (single parent) with upkeeping the household and chores whilst also maintaining a close bond with my friends in the area. I'm working part time at an embroidery shop and study to become a social worker one day.
And by now a few of you might be thinking why I am even talking about this, and I guess I don't really have a reason other than to portray how different each of our lives have become over just one year. We've all branched out in different directions, with different interests, hobbies, study buddies and friend groups
Not going to lie, keeping in touch with friends from school is hard sometimes and it does take a lot of effort. It isn't easy to find time for each other anymore, unlike back then when you'd just meet up during lunch hour and talk about our day or teachers.
It is exciting though isn't it? We're becoming adults, slowly but surely, and it's amazing to see that development. Hopefully I'll keep that connection with them, because they mean a lot to me, but it's a bit unsteady from time to time. Sometimes we'll have months go by with that one friend just never answering or even letting us know if they're okay, and other times we'll talk on the daily.
I guess in some way this is your reminder, from little me to you, to maybe check on your friends that might have been on the down low lately.
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liarcanum · 2 months
The MEXT Scholarship Saga: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs.
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The time of my departure is getting closer. The realization of this imminent change has not quite kicked in yet. My mind can't help re-living all the steps that helped me (almost) achieve part of my seventeen-year-old self's dream.
It all started in March 2022, with an hours-long session of random spiralling on YouTube. It began with an in-depth video on blue LEDs and landed on a video of a girl talking about her journey to Japan. That was the first time I'd ever heard about the MEXT (Monbukagakusho) scholarship: an extremely tempting opportunity to access advanced-level education granted by the Japanese Ministry of Education. This scholarship provides full tuition, a monthly stipend to cover living expenses, and round-trip airfare from your home country to Japan. Additionally, what particularly caught my interest was that Japanese proficiency was not mandatory for STEM-related subjects. In fact, it may include preparatory Japanese language courses if required.
However, at the time, I had no idea how intricate the matter actually was.
First, there isn't just one "MEXT scholarship." There's an "Undergraduate Students Scholarship" and a "Research Students Scholarship". As a Master's student eyeing a PhD, I naturally fell into the latter category. This was an extremely easy doubt to discern, unlike the next one.
Indeed, there are two different paths to winning the scholarship: the University route or the Embassy route. Basically, to win the grant from the government, the prospective student must obtain a recommendation from either a Japanese university or the Japanese embassy in their home country. The application procedures and timelines are completely different. The University route application generally starts in September/October, while the Embassy route begins in late March/April. As self-explanatory as it may seem, the University route entails contacting only one university that will select just a few candidates to recommend to the Japanese ministry. On the other hand, to be recommended by the embassy, the applicant must undergo a six-to-seven-month-long selection process.
Even though it still took me a considerable amount of time to make a decision, in reality, this choice was not particularly difficult. Not having a clear idea yet of where or what I wanted to study, the Embassy route would guarantee more time and freedom to choose the right university and professor. And to be honest, I mistakenly believed it would have been the less competitive option, underestimating the number of Italian applicants.
Indeed, one of the most disquieting things about the whole application has been the shortage of statistical information. For the embassy route, the number of slots available vary for each country and I couldn't find for the life of me neather the slots reserved for Italy (in hindsight I can say its 10 Research students) nor the number of italian applicants each year (I still don't know). Despite the long hours I spent online looking for even the smallest ounce of information, I could find just a bunch of testimonies from European applicants and nothing about Italy. The ministry doesn't share this type of information, therefore it mostly felt like a leap in the dark. Luckily, however, one of the first things that appear when googling "MEXT Scholarship" is Transenz's blog (aka my life saver). I don't think I could have successfully applied without the information and support he provided. Thanks to one of his articles I could grasp the whole process, which is quite long and cumbersome.
To be selected by the embassy the applicant must undergo two screenings and, according to the internet, the first one is the most competitive.
The first screening can be further divided into three steps:
Document Screening (the embassy checks all the provided documents and selects a first poll of applicants).
Written Test: Japanese and English language test.
The candidates that pass this first screening must contact the universities/supervisors they'd like to work with and obtain a Letter of Provisional Acceptance. Once (or IF) obtained, it must be sent to the embassy and at that point, months of excruciating waiting begins.
The secondary screening is longer but less competitive. Apparently in this phase, the Japanese ministry checks all the documents and makes arrangements with the universities that provided the letter.
The complexity of the procedure could have been a deterrent, but in my case, it worked as an incentive. In my head, all the steps worked as a sort of pillow and helped postpone the task that I feared the most: LoA requests. Moreover, passing an initial screening would have given me more confidence in contacting prospective supervisors. I honestly thought that being selected by the embassy would have worked as a guarantee to have the professor's benevolence on joining their labs; which turned out to be completely false, but this is a story for later.
Before diving into the sea of forms and certificates, the first order of business was to check the eligibility requirements. One key detail that often gets overlooked is the GPA threshold. Although the official application guidelines from the ministry don’t state it explicitly, most Japanese universities apply an unofficial standard: your GPA should be above 2.30. It’s one of those behind-the-scenes requirements that can trip you up if you’re not careful.
Finding an attainable conversion scale for the Italian grading system was another challenge. After some digging, I discovered that locating a reliable conversion chart was quite tricky. Fortunately, a helpful comment from Transenz below one of his posts provided the exact scale I needed. This invaluable tip made it much easier to ensure my GPA met the unofficial requirement, saving me from potential headaches down the road.
Once understood the procedure and made sure I met the minimum requirements, it was time to craft the required documents. As stated in one of Tansenz's articles: "(The Research Proposal) is the single most important element that you have any control over." Thus, the first thing I did was focus on finding a research topic.
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ambuschool · 5 months
The overwhelmed feeling
huffttt sebenernya nulis ini krn mau cerita aja. Rasanya panjaaangg bgt ya perjalanan mau sekolah lg tuu :”) wkwkk dr dulu kan emg perjalanan sekolah lo gak mulus2 bgt , Na 😂
SMP hampir masuk di boarding yg lo gak tll sreg tp lo doaaaa terus dan alhamdulillah keterima di boarding yg lo mau. SMA lo gak keterima di boarding yg lo mau krn lo krg pinter wk 🥲 akhirnya ended up di boarding pilihan kedua lo which is boarding yg sm dengan SMP lo wkwkwk. Pas kuliah? Gak keterima lah, tahn kedua keterima di Univ yg gak dipengenin dan baru tahun ketiga keterima di Univ impian lo walau agak2 clueless sm jurusannya loll 🙃
Target gue, S2 ini gue pengen ambil jurusan yg mindfully emg gue pilih dan gue suka. Walau gue udh tau juga bhw it’s not gonna be easy, tapi ternyata ada yg gak gue tau : JOURNEY MENUJU KESANANYA TUH KOK YA PANJANG BGT SISSSS 🥲🥲🥲🥲🫠🫠🫠🫠
Mulai bulan juli 2022 udh les IELTS. Hampir setiap malam latihan mandiri IELTS after bocil tidur. Februari 2023 akhirnya memberanikan diri utk tes IELTS, Alhamdulillah nilainya cukupp gak perlu retakee 😩🫶 berbarengan di bulan yg sama mulai apply beasiswa S2 yg ter yata nulis esai ya ajaa sangat menguras tenagah 😩😩 bener2 definisi begadang astaghfirulloh aslii ya gue 2x ngerjain tugas akhir aja gak pernah begadang tidur jam 1 jam 2 malem kaya kemarin ngerjain esai LPDP deeh.
Ternyata blm selesai, krn gue jalur non LoA jadi harus latihan soal TPA dari buku soal, abs gitu kl lolos (aaamiinnn paling seriusss), latihan wawancara. Abis gitu kl keterima aamiin (atau gak keterima pun?!!) coba apply kampus dengan kembali menulis personal statement, study plan, etc etc hwaaahh 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Kalau dipikirin emg sgt overwhelming, emg harusnya dijalanin aja gausah dipikirin wkwkwkwk!!! Maybe it also like marriage gaksieeeee.. ketika lo udh yaqueen sm seseorang, ternyata gak tiba2 lo nikah besok kan??? Ada keluarga lo yg perlu diyakinin, blm lg kl drama keluarga krg cocok. Kl emg udh cocok, hrs nyiapin lamaran, mikir konsep, siapa yg diundang, trs move ke nikahan, nyari vendor juga, diskusi sm keluarga, berantem sm ortu krn beda value 🤣 bwakakakakakakak ya semua emg cuapeeqqqq prosesnya dan akan banyak drama nggasieeeee!!!!!
Been there done that ya mengenai marriage thing, and i am on my battle field in scholarship things! Yg baca ini udh dapet S2 pasti bs tersenyum mengingat perjuangannya. Mgkn kujuga akan tersenyum nanti kl ada yg curhat “haduh pusing amat nyiapin nikahan” wkwkwkwk emg bunddd 🤣🤣 tp prinsipnya ya tadi, dijalanin bkn dipikirin wkwkwkw
Dah gt aja cm butuh untangle isi kepala yaaa bismillaaahh semogaa cukup belajar TPA nya ini huhuhu wkt-nya sgt tight sekali ternyatah! Laa hawlaa walla quwwata illa billah🫶
3 maret 2023
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college-girl199328 · 8 months
Judy Cameron still remembers getting the telegram that marked her first offer to fly planes for a major commercial carrier. Pacific Western Airlines had come calling, writing her a "congratulations" and inviting her to sit down with the interview board.
Forty-five years later, Cameron — who was Air Canada's first female pilot — has 23,000 hours of flying, a scholarship, and an Order of Canada membership to her name.
After a fulfilling 40-year career, Cameron recalls the struggles she faced in the early years and the efforts still needed to encourage more young women to enter aviation — especially the cockpit, which remains extremely male-dominated.
As of January, nearly eight percent of Air Canada's pilots were women--better than the U.S. average of 4.9 percent, according to a 2022 report from the Centre for Aviation, an Australia-based market research firm. The figure is also much higher than the tally just a few decades ago, when female flight crew stood out glaringly.
Cameron developed a taste for adrenalin early on, buying a motorcycle in Grade 12 and later riding her Honda Hog to the University of British Columbia most days, "even in the rain." After her first year studying arts, she found a summer job interviewing pilots at small airports for a Transport Canada survey. On her first day in 1973, one of them invited her to hop on board.
Cameron dropped out of UBC and applied to a two-year aviation program at Selkirk College. "I got on my motorcycle and drove eight hours to Castlegar … and when I got there the head of the aviation program had a motorbike. That's probably how I got into the course." Raised by a single mother in Vancouver, Cameron had grown up in a one-room apartment. Television and cars were luxuries they couldn't afford.
When Cameron flew her first passenger, in a two-seat, single-engine Cessna 150 training aircraft, it was her mom in the seat beside her. College wasn't an easy time. "It was hard, doing my training and being in a classroom full of guys. I was always the odd one out," she said. "It was so isolating."
Following graduation, Cameron found pilot work at a pulp and paper company in 1975, but the board of directors wouldn't let her fly. She wound up helping with dispatch and office management, occasionally managing to get a flight in when a subsidiary operated the plane. After switching to a job as a passenger agent at B.C.'s Airwest Airlines — with infrequent turns in the cockpit — Cameron was eventually hired by a small regional service in Slave Lake, Alta., where she flew a Douglas DC-3 airliner — a big break, due to the larger size of the plane.
Four months later, the company went bankrupt — the paycheques bounced — and executives at the carrier that took over its routes weren't thrilled about her presence. "The chief pilot there basically didn't want to hire me. But he said, 'At least the big airlines won't hire you.'"
The airline stationed her in Inuvik, N.W.T., and proceeded to lay her off. She was later rehired as a dispatcher and allowed to fly periodically.
Overall, though, she said the experience was positive and the pilots respectful, some of them serving as mentors. However, the company was no exception to the years-long failure of most airlines to provide uniforms for pregnant crew members, including Cameron in 1984. The shortcoming was a milder example of some of the gender inequalities that persisted at various carriers into the 1970s, including strict weight limits, age ceilings, and marriage bans for flight attendants.
Today, Air Canada aviators may be asked to submit a note from their doctor every two weeks confirming they are fit to fly, starting in the 20th week of pregnancy. Pilots are considered fit to fly until week 30, "in the case of a normal pregnancy," according to Transport Canada regulations. Many of Air Canada's 410 female pilots — out of 5,230 in total — see Cameron as an inspiration.
Since retiring in 2015, Cameron has barely slowed down. The Oakville, Ont., resident has taken a course on aerobatics — "loops and rolls and Cuban eights" — in Florida. And she's actively involved in the Air Canada scholarship program in her name. Launched in 2019 and backed partly by flight training company CAE, the fund helped support 13 young women training to become pilots or aircraft maintenance engineers last year, granting them $5,000 apiece. Education in the sector is notoriously expensive.
Last year, 12 percent of new pilot licenses issued in Canada went to women, according to the Institute for Women in Aviation Worldwide. Cameron also serves as a director of the Northern Lights Aero Foundation, which offers mentorship and highlights women's achievements in aviation.
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edugoabroad · 9 months
Top 5 Countries With Easier Study Visa Processes
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Introduction The number of Indian students planning to study abroad is growing rapidly. Students are moving to new countries to experience exceptional educational opportunities, exposure to diverse cultures, places and career possibilities, living standards, and more such study abroad benefits.
However, for some countries, the study visa application process is a bit complicated and tough. Jumping over visa application process hurdles, visa rejection tension, long visa approval wait, extensive paperwork, managing complex study visa process, and all can be overwhelming.
So, which is the easiest country to get a student visa for Indian students?
Fortunately, there are many countries that have kept their visa rules and regulations simple for easy student visa application procedures for Indian students.
Continue reading to gain knowledge about the best country with the easiest study visa process, its eligibility criteria, document requirements, study visa application process, and more.
Top Countries With Easy Student Visa Process For Indian Students With a view to welcoming more students, many countries have simplified their visa policies to create a trouble-free visa application process.
Here we have listed the 5 best countries with an easy study visa application and approval process.
1️Germany More than 42,000 Indian students enrolled in Germany in 2022-23. This number has increased by 25% from the previous year and is more likely to grow in the coming years as well.
Germany is one of the popular destinations for Indian students seeking high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, a diverse range of course options, scholarship options, wide career opportunities, and more.
Apart from offering numerous career and educational benefits to Indian students, Germany is renowned for its easy study visa application process.
Let’s explore the details of a German study visa.
Germany Student Visa: An Indian student who wants to study in Germany needs to apply for a German study visa to enter the country and pursue the course. Depending upon your course and its duration, there are different types of German student visas available.
Types Of German Study Visa:
German Student Visa:
This is a long-term study visa applicable to Indian students who have been accepted to a German university to pursue a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. To apply for this visa, you must have received an acceptance letter from a German university.
German Student Applicant Visa:
If you have applied for a course in a German university, but still haven’t received an admission letter, then this visa is for you. This visa has a validity of 3 months and can be extended for up to 6 months.
German Language Course Visa:
If you are planning to study a German language course in Germany with a duration from 3 months to 1 year, you can apply for this visa.
German Student Visa Processing Time: The processing time usually takes up to 25 days; however, in some cases, it might take longer, up to 6-12 weeks.
To Read More : Top 5 Countries With Easier Study Visa Processes
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theworldgrad · 1 year
Benefits Of Studying In The USA For Indian Students
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The number of Indian students in the United States (U.S.) rose by almost 200,000 in the 2021-2022 academic year, up by 19% from the previous year. This was announced by the U.S. Embassy in India.
Apart from the prestige of graduating from a U.S. university, there are many benefits for Indian students who study in the U.S. No matter what discipline or subject they choose to study, U.S. universities offer courses that match their dream careers and help them achieve success.
8 benefits of studying in the USA for Indian students
In 2022, the United States (U.S.) issued 82,000 student visas to Indian students, the highest number ever. Most Indian students have the U.S. among their top 3 preferred overseas education destinations, which is why almost 20% of international students studying in the U.S. are Indians.
Read this article to find out why the US is a popular study-abroad destination. Indian students who are considering studying in the USA should read this article to learn about the many advantages of studying in the US.
1. Academic Advantages
Students in the US have endless possibilities to explore their interests. They can choose from a wide range of STEM and non-STEM courses at world-renowned universities. Many universities have modern research facilities where students can gain first-hand knowledge from professors or conduct their own research. 
The curriculum is flexible, so students can change their major or minor even after two years of study. Credits earned at one university are often transferable to another, making it easy for students to switch schools. And of course, students will naturally improve their English language skills by interacting with native speakers and participating in social activities.
2. Career Progression
Students in the US are prepared for the workforce through experiential learning. They have access to well-planned course modules, industry networks, and guest lectures from leaders of prominent organisations. This helps them develop holistically and climb the ladder of success.
The US is a land of infinite opportunities. With the largest economy in the world and the highest number of Fortune 500 companies, graduates of US universities have access to the most lucrative job opportunities in the world. Degrees from US universities are also widely accepted by employers around the world, including in Commonwealth countries.
3. Financial Aid
A variety of scholarships are available to students who want to study in the USA, funded by the government and other organisations. Scholarships can be subject-specific or program-specific.
The WorldGrad's All-American Undergraduate Program allows students to complete their first year of study from home, saving up to 40% on overseas education costs and living expenses. Students then progress to a top-ranked US university partner to complete the remainder of their degree.
Additionally, students can apply for scholarships through universities to save even more money. The credits earned through this program are transferable to all of our university partners, including:
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After completing 9 credits of their STEM or Non-STEM degree from home, students become eligible to transfer to any of the 4,000+ universities in the US. They can also save up to INR 6 lakh on total tuition fees and living expenses, and work simultaneously for up to 4 months during their tenure at home.
After completing their first year of study from home, students can progress to renowned universities in the US, including Fisher College, Trine University, and Tiffin University. The program offers five intakes per year, which gives students the flexibility to enrol at any time and save time.
4. Student Life
Indian students studying in the USA have two options for accommodation: on-campus or off-campus. On-campus accommodation is more convenient and can save on transportation costs, but off-campus accommodation offers more privacy and flexibility. There are also multiple public transportation options available for students living off-campus.
Students will not feel homesick, as there are plenty of cultural, educational, sports-based, and other activities to keep them engaged and entertained outside of their studies. There are also plenty of food options on campus and in the surrounding area, and students can spend their weekends exploring tourist attractions and getting to know the vibrant local culture.
5. Post-Study Work Rights
International students with F1 visas can work in the USA after graduation for up to 12 months through the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program. STEM students can apply for a 24-month extension. Students can also work part-time on campus with approval from their Designated School Official (DSO). To work part-time off campus, students need a CPT or OPT work permit.
6. Culture
The United States is home to over 1 million international students from around the world, representing over 200 countries. This diversity has made the country a cultural melting pot, and it is an amazing opportunity for students to learn about different cultures and perspectives. By interacting with students from other countries, students can gain a global perspective and learn to appreciate the diversity of the world.
7. Universities
The USA has over 4,000 universities and colleges, offering a wide range of courses and majors. Students can choose from state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and highly accredited professionals. The WorldGrad offers hybrid programs that lead to admission to globally ranked institutions in the USA.
8. Support System For International Students
Students planning to study in the USA can rest assured that there is a strong support network in place to help them with their concerns. Universities offer orientations, training, and workshops to help students adjust to life in the USA.
This guide has addressed some common concerns about studying in the USA, providing facts and details that may help students make smart decisions about their education.
If you have any further questions about studying abroad or how to get admission, you can contact The WorldGrad, the smartest way to study overseas. Our experts have years of experience helping students achieve their educational goals, and we would be happy to answer any of your questions.
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apzronsteroids · 1 year
applying to universities abroad
To be honest, I started this blog too late. I'm mostly done with all my applications, the only thing I have left to do is an interview (which is happening in 2 days)
For some context and background, I am a fresh high school graduate from Jakarta, Indonesia. I studied using the Indonesian national curriculum and English isn't my first language but I'd like to believe that I have full professional proficiency.
This past semester. I have devoted so much time and effort into applying for universities abroad. I applied to 4 universities in total, which are:
Yonsei Underwood International College
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
University of British Columbia
National University of Singapore
I plan to major in Interaction Design so I chose whichever majors were the closest to it in every uni. Since I come from a middle-upper economic background with 2 other siblings that are also still financially dependent on my parents, I ought to seek scholarships in all of these universities.
The application process for most of these univs are relatively similar in that you have you fill out your identity, write essays and submit documents online. However, for Yonsei UIC, I had to print out my application and mail the documents straight to South Korea. Most of the documents are easy to collect (especially with the help of my brilliant Tata Usaha staff I love you pak Rubi, I owe you so much), but some documents require specific certifications (like notarization and apostille stamps) which penultimately is the most tedious part of the process, aside from writing the essays of course.
I started applying in November of 2022 and I am not finished up to this point so you best believe that my application process really took a toll on me MENTALLY 😂 bc of complications and all that jazz (I made sure it didn't affect my studies tho, to be able to graduate is ####1).
The last step I'd have to do is an interview for Yonsei UIC and it's happening in 2 days! wml guys😭🙏 I'll make sure to update about that.
Until then, gewdbye <3
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scholarhunter · 2 years
Undergraduate Scholarships Programs At Emory University USA (Partial to Full Scholarships)
Undergraduate Scholarships Programs At Emory University USA (Partial to Full Scholarships)
Undergraduate Scholarships Programs At Emory University USA (Partial to Full Scholarships) are announced for international students, All students, regardless of citizenship, can be considered for the scholar programs. Students must be applying for any of the three phases of admission at Emory University. Emory University offers partial to full merit-based scholarships as part of the Emory…
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vrmxlho · 2 years
hi zaina, im taking you up on your prev post ab anons getting things off their chest. first off, i adore your blog and your writing (esp speak easy speak love), and thank you for doing this ^^
i got waitlisted by a college i really wanted to go to. dream school and whatnot, it had a 20% acceptance rate and i got waitlisted. this is after i had a really shitty application cycle and overall a bad year in 2022 and i was liek: YEAH 2023 is going to be my year. for a while, it was. i got called for a scholarship interview, selected to possibly go to a t5 uni but that fell through. this entire admissions cycle I’ve just gotten “almosts” but never “yes”. and i know it’s not all black and white, but a rejection is a rejection, yk??? it reallly crushes me because i know how hard i worked for this. i really wanted to go to these places and getting those almost rejections makes me feel so horrible. i genuinely want to give up and stop trying because then i know i won’t be disappointed again. and i know adult life has literally just stated for me but why should i put myself through that struggle to eventually end up disappointed anyways?
sorry for the rant. i think ill get over it soon.sorry if this is overwhelming. have a great day :)
hi anon, first of all ty for the compliments i almost forgot about that smau but yk what i might just post it now 😭😭
anyway to what you were saying. i completely understand what you mean, last year i was in the same position as you, i had gotten acceptances in the uk but i had gotten rejected from all my uni applications in the us, the biggest hit was columbia because that’s where my brother went and he had always told me he’d know i’d get in. and i got an interview and everything and then i open my portal and there’s just a that stupid letter saying “unfortunately”. and it really hurt. because i’d always wanted to go there. it’s in new york it’s in the middle of everything and it’s a fucking ivy league. but no.
and i completely get you on the 2022 being a shit year. in my case it was the year before 2021, i failed my y12 mocks and i had a predicted of 35/45 which isn’t bad but for the unis i wanted to apply to it was very low. i had to beg my uni counsellor to even let me apply to some of my choices. but i got into a great uni here in the uk and i worked my ass off to get top grades and several scholarships to get almost a full ride.
i feel like telling you to work hard just isn’t going to help so let me say this. hard work doesn’t always pay off, especially with unis and i know it’s sad and horrible but that’s just the case. but just know that work ethic is going to help you so so much, i was always a lazy person but after working so hard for the ib now uni is so much simpler because i’m able to work focused and dedicated and finish everything i need to do on time. and ik you’ve probably heard this before but waitlisted is not a rejection, it’s not an almost rejection either. and let’s not forget that getting into a uni with 20% acceptance rate is insanely difficult and just so yk i’m so so proud of you for all the work you’ve put into your application and i wish you luck in this endeavour.
last thing cuz this is getting so long, my friend did this a while back to get out of a waitlist, but write letters to your uni about how excited you are for this opportunity, ask for updates on your application and be super super annoying about this. ask them every other day and tell them just how grateful you are for the opportunity. worst case you stay on the waitlist. but best case you get a place, it’s worked before so. feed into their ego!!
i hope you know that you’re not alone and there are thousands of people who feel the way you do and you all deserve a place at your top school.
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hampirtengahmalam · 2 years
2022 – The Year of Resilience
I genuinely thought that I am done with 2022 due to the huge heartbreak that I felt.
Since 2019 I never make a goal to start a new year, just continuously reflecting on what I have done and I have achieved.
From December 2021 until May 2022, I was occupied preparing my university and scholarship application to some universities. I got no time for unnecessary things like hanging out with friends, getting along with my co-workers, or even thinking about love.
I knew that 2022 was supposed to teach me about how failure and blessing could co-exist. But in the mid of 2022-in June to be exact, you came into my life. You reoriented the rest of the year making it more colourful and it felt like you painted my whole skies. When I failed, you tried your best to cheer me up. Nothing sexier than effort and knowing that there is someone who wants you so much.
Some people said that stay single until you feel that love is easy, as simple as breathing. Despite the differences among us, I am grateful to have him right now.
So, writing this reflection reminds myself that this year is full of ups and downs, tears and laughs, loneliness, resilience, anxiety, and joy.
First: Failure
Half of my 2022 was full of hustling in preparing for university and scholarship applications. My desire to pursue a high level of education is still the same every year. All I want is to get my master's degree, a new experience to broaden my horizon, and get a better job for a better life. I applied to Oxford, MIT, Freiburg University, 4 universities in Sweden, Hong Kong University, and Sussex University. From all those applications to universities, I got accepted to HKU and Sussex Uni, but not the scholarship.
During preparing these applications, I realised that I am more aware of what I want and what I need. I learned that it’s ok if your dreams change and it’s not the same dream as 5 years ago. I realised that I evolved and my dreams as well. Preparing the applications takes time and requires deep focus. I can say that my half-life in 2022 is juggling with personal statements, reference letters, tons of essays, documents, and not being able to move from my desk (ups! My bad).
When I got an email from ADB-HKU (which was my last hope back then) telling me that I didn’t get the scholarship, I was shocked and all I could do was sit in silence and cried until I slept. But the universe has its own way to remind me about failure. One of the TEDTalk videos I watched before I slept was about how a high-level mindset can help you to achieve your dream. It was such an enlightening talk for me because the talks remind me to keep my head up and not every chapter in life is going to be perfect. So, it’s ok if you fail, you will learn and grow.
Second: Growth
I always believe that rejection means redirection. When I failed, I didn’t tell myself to be strong or “yeah let's do it again”. No. It is not how I treat myself to face failure. I learned that in order to make yourself stronger you have to give room for yourself to be vulnerable. Accept the situation and feel the emotion. So, when I cried, I let myself feel all of the emotions like anger, sadness, confusion, etc.
My failure has taught me that I shouldn’t hold on to something too tightly. It’s like when you hold sand in your hand too tight, it will come out from your fingers and it won’t stay. I also try to believe in what God has prepared for me because God is the best planner and executor. My failure gives me room to grow and evolve. It teaches me that life is about to catch and release.
Third: Joy
The rest of 2022 was an epic journey for me. I never expected could meet someone like you. Well, of course, we met in 2020 but I mean we really ‘meet’ at an unexpected time which…both of us know the story. HEHE. It took almost 3 months for me to really form a feeling for you and during that time you always prove to me your consistency which is ‘sexy’ for me. I have to say that neither of us expected to walk down a road that leads us here. (Read: kamu genit banget dari dulu sampe aku gamau deket tapi sekarang malah seneng kalau spending time sama kamu)
We met at the point where I was done with wanting to be with someone. I was done about meeting and knowing people to start a relationship. Then, there is you. All of the efforts you make, the sweetness, the weirdness, the awkwardness, and the silliness, all of these make me rethink about love. Despite our differences, you treat me well and make me one of your priorities. Even though I hate when you ‘ngomong gak jelas’ but you still steal my heart. Asik :D We went from one art exhibition to another, make a list of ‘Saturdate’ activities, re-watch Harry Potter, went to Ubud and Besakih and almost ‘died’, and many activities.
It’s weird how I started 2022 with hustling, and overthinking and ended with me smiling and laughing almost every day.
Since nothing is permanent in this world, including this state of happiness…so I guess let’s embrace our moments. The only thing we can do is cheerish it while it lasts.
Jkt / January 1st, 2023 / 11.28pm
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poonammaantech · 2 years
GLA University Mathura 
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Shri Narayan Das founded the GLA Group of Institutes in 1998. Eventually, this group of institutions became the GLA University Online Education. Since its founding, GLA Institution has grown to become a fully operational university with the help of the U.P. State Legislative Act of 2009. It takes over 80 acres to house the entire university campus. The institution is situated in the city of Vrindavan near Mathura. The college provides a large number of UG and PG programs. The MBA online program at GLA University, however, is among the well-known courses.
The authenticity of the online education offered by GLA University has been acknowledged by the University Grants Commission (UGC) as being offered by a legitimate institution of higher learning. The college offers a wide variety of online courses, including those in the sciences, business, and commerce. A number of government organizations have given their formal approval to the online degree program offered by Meerut's GLA University.
GLA University Online Courses 
A wide range of degree programs is available online through GLA University for candidates to choose from. Undergraduates have a wide range of major options, including law, business, pharmacy, and the arts. Candidates are free to select from the offered options.
B.Com: A three-year, full-time online undergraduate degree program in business administration is offered.
BBA: The three-year full-time undergraduate BBA Degree program at GLA Online offers specializations in four fields.
Universities provide many essential undergraduate programs. They provide classes in a variety of academic disciplines, including the humanities, sciences, information technology, journalism, and others.
Additionally, the college provides a huge selection of Postgraduate Courses (or "PG") alternatives. There are classes in media, business, computer technology, and the humanities and sciences covered. Here is the list of GLA University Online Courses (PG)
MBA: There are six unique MBA specialties. The PG program which is an Online MBA is typical of 2 years at GLA University.
Online banking and asset management diploma courses are available from GLA Online University for six months.
GLA University Online MBA students have the option to engage in additional classes that lead to an advanced or executive diploma over the course of a year.
GLA University Fee Structure 
The tuition for online courses at GLA University Fee is broken down and mentioned below:
It costs 51,000 INR to complete a complete B.com degree program. The school allows students to spread out their tuition payments across three years. Each payment costs a total of INR 17,000.
GLA University charges INR 36,000 for its online BBA program. The school allows students to spread out their tuition payments across three years. 12,000 INR for each installment
An online MBA program from GLA University costs INR 60,000. Students may be given two years to pay for their education by the university. The average payment will be INR 30,000.
GLA University Courses Scholarships 
Financial rewards based on merit may be available to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement in their studies.
All decisions on the distribution of remaining scholarships and the continuation of existing scholarships are made completely at the university's discretion and are final and binding.
GLA University Admission Process 
At GLA Online University, the entire application process is done online. The application and admissions procedure is quick and easy because there are just six basic requirements to enroll in the college and be admitted. The steps that must be taken in order to successfully apply for MBA admission at GLA University Admission Process online in 2022 are listed below.
The following steps make up the majority of the admissions process:
Step 1: Start by registering yourself on the official website of the Univesity. 
Prospective students can register on the official website to start the admissions process.
After that, enter the necessary information. where potential students can complete the application form and provide personal information.
Step 2: Submitting Your Application and Gathering Your Materials
The last step in completing the application is providing your personal data and academic background.
Applicants can finish the application process by submitting their credentials and any further supporting papers.
Students should double-check the facts on both their application and any supporting papers to ensure a smooth application and admissions process.
The following items are required of prospective students as part of the admissions process:
Step 3: Required Identity Documentation 
Birth certificate; official government-issued photo ID; passport-size photo; letter from the school administrator attesting to the student's good behavior.
Step 4: Documents are checked in step four.
After that, the school will check to see if the data recorded by the student and the data on the papers they submit match.
The student's admissions procedure can move forward after this stage is finished.
Step 5: Screening and eligibility assessment
Before they may enroll in the program of their choice, prospective students must submit all required paperwork, pay all required fees, and pass a screening exam.
Step 6: Before registering, complete and Pay the course price.
Students can pay for their studies, frequently for the first year, after turning in the necessary documentation, passing the eligibility test, and completing the application procedure. Contact the school's administration if you're interested in finding out more information about the specific fees.
Step 7: The institution of the university's recognition
The institution only sends an admissions confirmation after carefully going over the applicant's information, supporting documents, and qualifying exam results. Following that, the student is formally admitted to their classes and given their login credentials.
GLA University Placements 
In order to provide its students with exceptional employment opportunities after completing their courses, GLA University Placements has over the years partnered with a variety of businesses, corporate organizations, and well-known brands. Furthermore, the specialties in each course and the curriculum have all been designed in accordance with the standards in many professions.
They have been created to promote in students a practical and career-focused mindset, focusing not only on their education but also on the overall development of their soft skills, personalities, and competencies—all of which are crucial to securing significant placement opportunities in the industrial sector today.
GLA University Online Courses Review
Course Review: BBA, B.Com (Hons), MBA, and diploma programs are among the undergraduate and graduate courses that GLA Online offers. According to the demands of the industry, the courses and specialties have been selected.
LMS Review: The LMS of GLA Online University is effective, providing all necessary tools for students to participate in real-time, interactive sessions and refer to reading materials and lectures that have been recorded at a later time as convenient. Students get access to discussion forums and webinars where they can engage in peer and professional networking. In general, GLA Online University's LMS support is adequate.
Review of the University: GLA University is among the top choices among online universities in India when all elements are taken into account, including the courses, the fee range, the availability of scholarships, the LMS and student assistance, placement services, etc.
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geefair · 2 years
What Are the Questions You Can Ask at Expo Dubai 2022-23c
Talk And Discuss Your Options and Future Outlook with University Representatives from Around the World. Learn About the Various Programs Offered by Universities and How to Approach Any Program and Discipline. Another Great Way to Learn About a University Is to Attend an Education Expo or Presentation and Talk About Your Interests with Knowledgeable Representatives. Despite Not Being on Campus, These Representatives Can Provide Great Resources and Information to Help You Learn About the University and Programs of Interest to You.
Questions You Can Ask:
• What Kind of Educational Qualification Is Required for This (Your Chosen Course)?
• What New Courses Have Been Launched In (Your Chosen Field)?
• What Kind of Pedagogy Is Implemented For (Your Chosen Course)?
Personalized Consultation
University Specialists Are Excellent Student Advisors. They Help Potential Candidates to Focus on The Best Skills to Study Abroad. They Guide the Students in The Whole Process of Choosing the Right Course in Their University. They Will Sharpen the Mind of The Students for Their Best Career Options, They Will Help Them to Choose What Is Best for Them. 
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Questions You Can Ask:
• How Do I Decide If This Is The Right University For Me?
• Will I Be Able To Compete Academically In (Your Chosen Course)?
• How Can I Get Proper Grades/Transcripts For (Your Chosen Course)?
On-The-Spot Admission
If You Are Going To Any Expo Dubai 2022-23, One Of The Biggest Advantages Is That You Will Be Offered A Spot In The University, Provided You Tick All The Boxes.
Questions You Can Ask:
• How To Apply For (Your Chosen Course)?
• What Are the Course Requirements and Tuition Fees?
• What Elective Courses Are Available For (Your Chosen Degree)?
Easy Scholarship Procedures
Another Advantage of Attending Education Fairs Is That You Can Expect a Simplified Scholarship and Application Process. You Will Be Guided Through the Entire Process and Applications Will Be Put Together for The Relevant Ones.
Questions You Can Ask:
• Which Scholarship Is Recommended for Me?
• Am I Eligible for An International, Government-Funded Scholarship from My Country Of Origin?
What Can I Do with This (Your Chosen Scholarship)?
The Waiting List for Shortlisting
The Participants of The Education Expo Get the Best Treatment That They Deserve. You Do Not Need to Be on A 'Waiting List'. Once You Apply, You Are in Line for The Shortlist Which the Admission Committee Will See at Your Chosen University.
Questions You Can Ask:
• When Will I Get the Confirmation for The Course/Admission?
• How Do I Prepare for The Admission Interview?
• What Does the University Expect from The Shortlisted Candidates?
Education and Career Fair Is Very Helpful in Helping You to Fill Out Your Application Form at This Time. You Can Consult the University Experts and Find All Relevant Materials and Transcripts/Supporting Documents to Shortlist Your Application.
Questions You Can Ask:
• What Type of Application Fee Waiver Is Available/ Applicable to Me?
• What Are the Supporting Documents Required for The Application?
• How Can I Check the Status of My Application?
Accommodation Suggestion
University Representatives Are People Who Specialize In Advising You On Relevant Areas To Suit Students And The University's Student Accommodation Procedures.
Questions You Can Ask:
• How Much Is the Accommodation Fee In (Your Chosen City/Country Abroad)?
• Is There Any International Student Accommodation Available at The University?
What Are the Requirements to Apply for The Student Housing Program, If Any?
Visa Services and Application Tips
You Can Expect to Receive the Best Tips on How to Get Your Visa on The First Try And Maintain A Seamless Application Process.
Questions You Can Ask:
• How Do I Apply for A Student Visa to Study Abroad?
• What Are the Requirements for A Student Visa In (Your Chosen Country)?
• What Are the Benefits of Obtaining a Student Visa In (Your Chosen Country)?
Standardized Test for Study Abroad
Some Language and Course Requirements Like IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, Etc. Are Exams That Are Established as Basic Requirements for Studying Abroad? Experts Can Help You Find the Right Test For You.
Questions You Can Ask:
• Which Language Test Is Required to Study At (Your Chosen University/Country)?
  How Can I Prepare for The Entrance Exam For (Your Chosen Degree)?
• What Are Acceptable IELTS/TOEFL/GMAT/Etc? Score In (Your Chosen University)?
At global education expo 2023, We Believe in Collaborating with Students to Help Them Realize Their Study Aspirations. Our Expo Will Give You a Better Idea of What Colleges Around the World Have to Offer These Are Just A Few Of the Important Universities Present At The Best Global Education Expo in Dubai.
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