toxycodone · 3 months
Can someone who’s into MBTI help me. Based on vibes…
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mexashepot · 1 year
Having a lot of mixed feelings about a lot of things these days.
I used to think my laziness was the worst thing about me but now I think it's my fomo & indecisiveness.
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classic-entp · 1 year
Classic-ENTP #42
Any Ixxx Type: That's my new friend!
ExxP: ???????????????I thought you had social anxiety???????????????
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cheesims · 1 month
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MBTI as Sims part 1 - ExxP
all the CCs can be found Here (Google Docs)
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abcwordsurge · 11 months
WttT MBTI Types pt 1
Well, I love the states and I love MBTI, so why not combine my interests? Please, allow me to share with you: my personal headcanons on the states' MBTI types. (Calling it "part 1" is optimistic- I'm only doing the main six in this one, and I want to get around to other states, but we'll see if that ever happens)
And of course, here's the mandatory disclaimer that all MBTI types are equal, and please remember that it doesn't define you (like I know that's literally what it's trying to do, but just... you've got personality traits besides those listed on 16personalities.com, I promise)
Florida: ENTP
Ok, this one took me a bit, because he's such a weird and complicated guy, but I think ENTP fits him best. He's got the chaos factor, obviously, so definitely an ExxP. But he isn't quite open enough about his feelings to be ExFP, and he's a bit too quick witted and clever to be ESxP, so ENTP it is
He's just barely holding it together, man. He's trying his best and overworking himself and can't stand it when the states act out of his control and all of that is just so ISTJ (also he needs a hug but doesn't know he needs a hug, again, very ISTJ- unhealthy ISTJ but ISTJ nonetheless- someone give this boy a hug please)
California: ENFJ
Most obvious reason is his commitment to social issues, but I also feel like he has that desire to be around people, and a sort of need for external validation, y'know? (Which isn't angsty at all, no siree, no angst material here)
New York: ISTP
Must I even explain? Acting tough + actually thoughtful and sweet but it's hard to tell + intelligent and well informed = ISTP
Texas: ESTP
I hovered between ESTP and ESTJ for a while, because yeah, I can see him being an ESTJ, but I feel like his tendency to do things purely out of spite is very ESTP. Also, that bit where he's trying to shoot down the Chinese balloon or whatever it was ("Table News: Crown of Ice")? Look me in the eyes and tell me that's not an ESTP thing to do
Loui: ISFP
He's just chilling, man. He's enjoying life, taking it easy, hanging out with his bestie, and occasionally falling apart because his emotions are too strong. Love it. He is everything I aspire to be
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk (and if you have any specific states you want me to do this for, let me know in a reblog or my ask box)
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einsteinsugly · 3 months
Base!second gen templates that I've used over the years, if you need to develop a kid for your story. :)
xxFJ female: An overachieving, compassionate Rory Gilmore type. May be conventional, or less so.
IxTx female: Snarky and dorky. Likely opinionated. May or may not be athletic. May or may not apply herself (it varies). Varies in social adeptness. May toss some Laurie in there, for fun. :)
xxTP female: Same as above, but less dorky.
xNFx female/male: An artsy Eric, with Donna's passion for reading and writing. May or not be extroverted. May be LGBTQ+.
IxTJ female/male: A Red/Donna combo. Does well in school. Is probably athletic. Donna with a Forman's sense of honor and duty.
INTx male: Awkward and nerdy like Eric, but is more emotionally distant and blunt. May or may not be an avid reader/writer.
ExTP male: Loud wild child. Is often popular at school, but not always. Is fairly rebellious.
ExxP female: Is extroverted like Jackie, but likes to live on the wild side. She's often popular, but in an unconventional way.
xxTP female: Similar to above, but more ambiverted.
ISxJ female/male: Jackie but without her social adeptness. Is painfully awkward.
IxxP female/male: Like Hyde, but with a varied level of emotional awareness. Might be artsy/have different hobbies than her/his dad.
ExFJ female: Sweet!Jackie. May be conventional, or less so.
xxTJ male: A more focused Hyde, with his mom's ambition and dad's rebelliousness.
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blasthingsout · 1 year
To those who are lurking around and happen to stumble into this account, hi! This is Lea speaking, and I'm here to explain what this account is about.
As I've stated in my profile's description, this is a cyber account. Anyway! Here's a brief introduction about me:
The name's Lea. My MBTI tends to lean forwards to ExxP, and I'm a twenty-two years old with she/they as my preferred pronouns. I occasionally use Wheein from MAMAMOO as my profile picture. My handle on twitter is (@)blasthingsout, it goes the same with my KKT's and Telegram's handle. I also speak both ENG and ID, expect me to talk in my mother tongue once in awhile.
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Groups: I've been putting my interest in GGs, such as MAMAMOO and EXID.
Songs: I'm a casual listener of Laufey, Mitski, Bruno Major, and many more! The genres I currently enjoy are Pop, K-Pop, J-POP, Alternative Rock, Bossa Nova, Indonesian Old Songs, 2010s Hits Songs, and many more. It would be a whole paragraph for me to write it all and to be honest, I couldn't differentiate the genres.
Movies: I've always enjoyed animation movies! Other than that, I also enjoy action, comedy, thriller, horror, and mystery. When it comes to the specific ones, Coco, Whiplash, The Truman Show are on top of the game. The handle for my letterboxd is sleepify.
Series: I used to be fond of a few series. But lately, I haven't watched any more of them. The Boys, Modern Family, Loki, Peacemaker, and Lucifer are my top 6 series that I've watched and loved for the last few years.
Anime: I was always a fan of anime. But still, lately, I haven't watched any more of them as well. Clannad, Great Pretender, Hunter x Hunter, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Tensura, JJBA, and Nanatsu no Taizai have been sitting on top of the rank for my favourite anime of all times.
Trivias: I LOVE cats as well. Hell, I love animals in general as long as they're not reptiles. (I apologize for my preference in animals..)
Do Not Interact if:
You're phobic towards any kind of communities, such as LGBTQIA+, races, religions, etc.
Are not planning to interact. (Please, interact at least with me once in awhile).
I was once:
Y0NGSUNKIM -> Suspended.
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Enneagram + MBTI
Based on my own theoretical insight. Do not trust surveys taken by people who typed themselves. I can guarantee you that at least 50% of them later realized they were "mistyped".
When I write "possibly" it means I have my doubts that this is possible, but do not rule it out.
Type 8 - All high Se types (xSxP), Te-doms (ExTJ), sometimes ExFJ, ISTJ. Possibly ENxP or ISFJ Type 9 - Fi-doms (IxFP), Aux Se types (ISxP), high Si types (ISxJ). sometimes ESxP. Possibly ESxJ, ENxP or INxJ Type 1 - Most commonly aux Je. But can be all high Pi and Je types (xxxJs), sometimes xNxPs, possibly ISFPs
Type 2 - High F types (all xxFx). Very hard to imagine a 2 core with a low feeling function. Some people believe Te 2s exist which I am exploring. Type 3 - High Te types (all xxTJ), xSTPs. Sometimes ExFxs and IxFJs Type 4 - xNFJ, ISFJ. Some INTJ, ESFJ, ISFP, some xNxPs, possibly ESFP
Type 5 - All IxTx types. Some INFx types. ENTPs. Possibly Te-doms (ExTJ), ISFJs, ENFPs too Type 6 - All types. But most commonly: Tert Tes (ExFP), Introverted feelers (IxFx) Type 7 - Pe-dom types (ExxPs), Je-dom types (ExxJ), ISTPs, possibly IxFx. Might be another “all types” like 6.
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lorata · 2 years
Hello I am aware typology is frowned upon by Science™ but alas it is my ultimate guilty pleasure so without further ado:
Claudius - INFP (duh)
Emory (my beloved <3) - ISFJ but possibly ISTJ
Devon - ENFJ 100%
Misha - ExxP ? leaning toward ENFP but not sure
Petra - ISTJ
Selene - ENTP
Alec - maybe INFJ?
Creed - INTJ (the Stewards are SO INxx coded)
Eibhlin - INTP
Brutus - ISTJ (or ESTJ?)
Lyme is a hard one for me but I’m thinking ISTP or ISFP
your answer to the MBTI ask made me so happy because out of all your characters Claudius has always had the clearest type in my head and he is such an INFP to me!! Anyway I’d love to see any other typology people weigh in on this :)
honestly I don't care that it's not ~~~scientifically rigorous, I take personality quizzes all the time and I'm constantly texting friends things like "hey this quiz says Clauidus is a ghost-type trainer"
the thing with MBTI (and sometimes astrology) is that some people take them seriously enough to like ......... Do A Racism over a Silly Internet Quiz and that is absolutely wild to me BUT ANYWAY
I'm glad Claudius matches up! @penfoldx is also very insistent on his being INFP so I think that makes it confirmed
come to think of it, the one version I remember doing was this one because it made me laugh so hard. D was the Idealist, Petra got the Thought Police, Selene got Con Man (Misha was so proud), Dash (and Devon) got Cult Leader and that's all I can remember. I recall it had Petra and Claudius as natural enemies and I found that EXTREMELY funny
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
tá bom agora explica por que pra saber o tipo mais parecido de um tipo eu mudo a segunda letra se for um tipo ExxJ/IxxP mas mudo a terceira letra quando é um tipo ExxP/IxxJ???
tá bom vou tentar ser breve dessa vez. 👀
a segunda letra indica a função principal de percepção.
a terceira indica a função principal de julgamento.
os tipos ExxJ/IxxP têm como função dominante uma função julgadora.
o tipos ExxP/IxxJ têm como função dominante uma função perceptiva.
se eu tenho um tipo que lida com uma função julgadora primeiro, o tipo mais parecido com o dele é aquele que tem as mesmas letras tirando a segunda, porque a função julgadora dominante vai ser a mesma, mas não a de percepção. por isso você muda a segunda.
se eu tenho um tipo que lida com uma função perceptiva primeiro, o tipo mais parecido com o dele é aquele que tem as mesmas letras tirando a terceira, porque a função perceptiva dominante vai ser a mesma, mas não a de julgamento. por isso você muda a terceira.
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intp-thinks · 2 years
Ti vs Fi
En esta última entrega de la serie sobre comparaciones entre funciones cognitivas tenemos las funciones Ji. Se trata de las funciones que procesan información que proviene de las funciones Pe.
¿Porque hacer está comparación? Las dos manejan la información subjetivamente gracias a que generan un marco de referencia interno en el usuario por el que pasa dicha información y determina si es compatible o no con este marco.
Así tenemos que estas dos funciones son similares porque:
Las dos son estáticas, lo que quiere decir que Ti ve de manera discreta las dependencias lógicas y estructurales de el estado de las cosas mientras que Fi ve de manera discreta las relaciones interpersonales.
Son racionales e introvertidas, evalúan relaciones internas entre las cosas. Es decir, discriminan estás relaciones tomando en cuenta objetos internos (subjetivos) y determinan su compatibilidad o añaden nuevos objetos que puedan expandir la evaluación a estas relaciones.
Hasta cierto punto pueden tocar algunos puntos similares. Un usuario de Ti va a tomar como verdaderas las cosas que están acordé a ciertas dependencias lógicas subjetivas, sentido de coherencia y exactitud de pensamiento, orden y regularidad mientras que un usuario de Fi lo hara cuando algo esté acorde a sus principios morales subjetivos, resonancia o disonancia de sentimientos, espacio emocional y sus relaciones interpersonales.
Estás dos funciones se encuentran estrechamente relacionandas con la Normalización. En el sentido de que se encargan de la estabilidad y el balance internos y externos. Cuando se trata de un tipo IXXP tomaría el rol de la conciencia grupal y cuando se trata de tipos como EXXP tomarían el rol de los coordinadores principalmente cuando su función auxiliar (Ji) está acentuada. Así, las dos funciones conducen a la normalización del pensamiento aunque desde diferentes perspectivas: la función Fi suele ser concienzuda y ansiosa (referente a la autorregulación y control de impulsos) mientras que Ti es formal y pedante (referente a regulaciones y leyes oficiales). Esto quiere decir que Fi no necesita, de primera instancia, conocer reglas formales sino más bien una tradición moral mientras que Ti necesita referencias sobre reglas formales que el usuario acepta subjetivamente.
Eso quiere decir que su función en el usuario y en el grupo es la misma, las dos regulan y mantienen estatutos acerca de diversas áreas de la vida la diferencia en su enfoque.
Los usuarios de Ti siempre van a buscar un analisis lógico y consistente acerca de algun tema o comportamiento, cuestionando las razones estructurales, buscando respuestas a incógnitas de que es o porque es así el objeto, cuál es su relación con otros objetos, y para esto usará algún sistema axiomático y formal con el cual discriminar la información además de generar alguna clasificación y forma de ordenamiento para, posteriormente, profundizar más. De esta manera cada usuario de Ti tiene su propio sistema de premisas que le permite procesar información externa o interna.
Los usuarios de Fi mantienen una constante introspección que los dirige a analizar las razones afectivo-emocionales y morales del comportamiento de si mismos y los demás, su análisis se basa en su mayoría a lo que coinciben cómo correcto o incorrecto, buen comportamiento o mal comportamiento, algo aceptable o inaceptable, deseable o no. De esta forma su grado de autoconomiento la mayoría de las veces es superior a los usuarios de otras funciones. Pueden profundizar acerca de cuestiones morales en las que se encuentran envueltos y permitirse ir más allá, encuentran respuestas y plantean preguntas sobre valores y moralidad, además de tener un respeto por la moral ajena aunque la califiquen como contraría a la suya.
En resumen, ambas son funciones estáticas, racionales e introvertidas que evalúan las relaciones internas entre las cosas desde diferentes perspectivas. Mientras Ti se enfoca en las dependencias lógicas y estructurales, Fi se enfoca en las relaciones interpersonales y los principios morales. Ambas se encargan de la estabilidad y el balance internos y externos y conducen a la normalización del pensamiento. Aunque su enfoque es diferente, ambas regulan y mantienen estatutos acerca de diversas áreas de la vida.
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indepth-mbti · 2 years
I'm having trouble typing someone's mbti and enneagram but I think they're 7w8 so/sp. About mbti, I definitely see their Si daily, but I don't think it's their dominant? And i think they have inferior Fi. I've looked into istj and estj, but it doesn't seem like them at all, especially because of Te, it seems very weak or underdeveloped. I consider them a mix of estj and estp. Can you please give me some indicators? I've read cognitive functions, enneagram, subtypes, and I still don't know
Typing someone is not an easy job, because you have to make many assumptions about their true motivations and the underlying mechanisms of their cognition. Furthermore, you have to be plenty aware of your own type and make a conscious effort to avoid your own cognitive biases.
You seem confused about this person and, to be fair, E7 doesn't go pretty well with xSTJ types - E7 is usually more compatible with ExxP types. Anyway, it's hard for me to give you advice or indicators because I don't know how much do you know about cognitive functions/Enneagram (I wouldn't advice the same way an expert or a newbie).
Why do you think this person is a soc7? What makes you think they're inf Fi?
If you scroll down through my answers you'll see that I gave some advice on typing real people or fictional characters
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mbti-sorted · 1 year
Mae Martin
Anonymous asked:
Mae Martin - exxp?
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Incorrect MBTI quotes
ISTX: ...what the fuck are you doing?
EXXP: Yes.
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Why EXXP's are the best villains:
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Good luck getting them to do what you want
ENXPs making half baked plans that somehow work
ESTPs crazy awesome machines
ENTPs humanoids
They gather endless info and don't even seem to bother with sorting it
Mad scientist that can't stay on one topic
Villains with fi who don't even seem to give a bleep about how other people think bringing back the dead is dumb
"oh? Watch me"
"Bite me"
The way they throw random shit around is just wow
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intjsarchive · 5 years
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