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jatersade · 10 months ago
Hi! I also just finished watching Dead Boy Detectives and OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD!! I figured it would be fun and campy and I hadn’t checked the rating or seen anything but the bare minimum of promos, so I was a little worried it was aimed at a younger age range and I wouldn’t be able to get into it but BOY have I never been happier to be wrong. If you ever wanna talk about it more, hit me up!
EXACTLY I started watching it not expecting too much but by the end of the second episode I was absolutely ENTHRALLED. I truly do not remember the last time a show gave me such intense brain worms so quickly!!!! absolutely delicious!!! turns out I am not immune to shows that were apparently made in a lab to appeal to me personally 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
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alltimefail · 6 months ago
Agency Assignments: A comprehensive to-do list for saving Dead Boy Detectives!
I'm very easily overwhelmed, so I wanted to break down all the ways to help "Save Dead Boy Detectives" that I have seen floating around. This is meant to be something you can reference when you feel like there is so much you need and want to do to help, but don't know how or where to start.
Note: I will be updating this post as we go when necessary, so feel free to bookmark it in your browser for easy access, add it to your homepage, whatever! I'll always have a link to it in my Pinned Navigation post on my blog as well!
It is of the utmost importance that we fight as an organized, well-informed front. We need to be on the same page if we're going to save our show, so let's get into it! 💜💀🔎
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➪ First and foremost, follow @savethedeadboys! They're going to be our best resource during this fight.
➪ Next, follow @deadboyagency for news and updates: they've been around since the show dropped and have been an invaluable source of information the entire time.
Now for some task breakdowns:
"One-Time" Tasks
➪ Like the header says, these things can only be done once. Once you do them, you don't have to give them any space in your mind.
Sign the petition*
Review & Rate Dead Boy Detectives on Google, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes. Be sure on IMDB you don't just rate the show as a whole, but you also rate each individual episode! You can also "Like" the show on Google and click "Watched" which helps the show's engagement scores. (If there are other popular sites I haven't listed here, feel free to share them and rate Dead Boy Detectives highly on them!)
Notify Netflix customer service (through their online chat feature) that you're unhappy with the cancelation of Dead Boy Detectives. This is a short, 5-minute task that I wrote a guide on (with an example message) here!
"Repeat" Tasks:
➪ These tasks can become a part of your daily routine; do what works best for you! You don't have to do every single one of these tasks every day if that is overwhelming!
Share the petition* over and over again, on every one of your socials! Make everyone you love sign it!
Stream Dead Boy Detectives!* Keep it on a loop in the background on low volume as much as possible. Try to get others to stream it as well, especially if they haven't watched it before! Netflix cares about VIEWS: views save shows and I broke down the reasoning here. (Bonus: if you post over on Twitter about your rewatch, use the tag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives)
Talk about Dead Boy Detectives!* You're probably doing that already, but just be sure that you're tagging your posts. Here on Tumblr use the "Dead Boy Detectives" tag at least (to boost our tag to trending) and anywhere that uses hashtags (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram for example) I would recommend #SaveDeadBoyDetectives and #DeadBoyDetectives as those seem to be the most commonly used tags! IMPORTANT: do not use more than 20 tags here on Tumblr! Any more than 20 and your posts might be marked as spam and hidden from the tags!
Create art, edits for TikTok, fics, gif sets, doodles, crafts, analysis posts, and so on for Dead Boy Detectives.* Having fun is important, too! This is an extension of the "Talk about Dead Boy Detectives" point, but it needs to be stated - don't remove the joy from the fight. If a drawing of our boys or a smutty fic with your favorite trickster cat king is what you can bring to the fight on any given day, that is a perfectly valuable contribution! It's not all emails and hashtags.
Daily request a show through Netflix. Bonus if you're signed in! (I do 3-5 times a day)
Send Emails advocating for Dead Boy Detectives (Email list & Email Template). You can do this as much as you want or just one time.
Send Snail-mail (physical letters) to Netflix advocating for Dead Boy Detectives. I also send a copy of my letters to Warner Bros. Studios. Again, you can do this one time or multiple times. There are dates set aside for "mass" mail sending as well, so check out info on that here!
Interact with articles posted about Dead Boy Detectives. Read them, share them, comment on them, thank the writer for writing them, etc. We want lots of press about the cancellation, and supporting journalists and publications will make them want to write about Dead Boy Detectives more.
NOTE: Anything marked with a * means it's extremely important; if you can only do a few things, these tasks are the ones that you should focus on first. Remember to take care of yourself. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so don't burn yourself out!
Say that to yourself as many times as it takes for you to believe it. We're doing this to get justice for the writers, the actors, for ourselves, and assert to these companies that diverse, queer stories are not disposable one-offs; they deserve to be told in full!
Hugs and Handshakes to you all - whatever will suffice. 💜 Always feel free to reach out if you have any questions, whether that be through private message or my ask box. I'm not going anywhere!
- V
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wherestheconspiracy · 6 months ago
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Can I take a moment of your time?
If you loved this show or even if you just like my content I would be very appreciative if you could sign this petition for us to try and save it. Or even if you're as angry as a lot of us that the streamers only count the viewer numbers of the first 30 days of any show, then PLEASE SIGN. This trend is destroying good TV and fandom by not allowing shows to grow organically even when they're critically acclaimed. We are losing so many brilliant, unique, (suspiciously queer 👀 there I said it) shows and at some point we need to put it our foots down. I think Dead Boy Detectives has become this for so many people.
We're making waves, we're trending, we're streaming so much that Dead Boy Detectives is in the Top 5 Everyone's Watching List in multiple countries. Or was No.1 in the UK for two days, and it's now at No.3. There is hope, for once, I like to think. The cast and crew are supporting us with the hashtags (a massive thing!), but every signature makes a difference.
Link here:
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And if you haven't seen it yet, please give it a chance. The unexpected bomb of Baby Reindeer drowned it in the algorithm on release, but despite that is critically acclaimed, with a 92% review score, a 99% audience score and has made the Best TV lists in what has be 30 articles worldwide right now. NOONE understands why it was cancelled. From the brainchild of SPN writers, starring Ruth O'Connell (our beloved Rowena), directed by Richard Speight Jr, it is the perfect replacement for SPN.
It's a beautiful, spooky and quirky show all about friendship, ghosts, mystery; and with so much heart it'll feel like your own is bursting out of your chest, all the while dealing with important issues like grief, death, shame and toxic abuse. This show was an bright spot in a really difficult year for me, and it will be the show I recommend for everyone. I haven't felt this way about a show since Sense8, and so you should all watch it and sign.
Available to stream on Netflix.
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Similar shows we've lost along the way after one season: Lady Jane, Lockwood and Co, 1899, The Accolyte and so many more...
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fan-a-tink · 6 months ago
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Reblogging this as a screenshot because dead boy detectives is trending and that is exactly the energy we need right now! What we are doing is working and we need to keep it going. If you still have netflix, keep streaming the show, tell all your friends to stream the show, don’t shut up about how everyone should stream this show right now. To quote Jayden, “keep talking, keep shouting, keep sharing” & keep watching!
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windybreeze12 · 6 months ago
"why are you so upset about dead boy detectives being cancelled? it's just a tv show"
no. no it's not, shut the FUCK up right now. Alright, listen up and listen good because you best believe I will be screaming about this show for the rest of my breathing days.
You don't get to tell me to not be upset over this because guess what? I'm upset. I'm upset as all hell. Because this? This has sadly become the new normal for us. It's become the new normal for well-written shows with good plots, amazing characters, intriguing ideas, for those shows to be cancelled. It's the new normal for us to be weary about good shows because guess what? We're afraid of committing to shows because we're afraid of our hopes being shattered.
And guess what, they just. Got. Fucking. Shattered.
And oh my god, i am tired. Okay? I'm so tired of loving a show to bits only to come back to see that it's been cancelled because streaming services love the feeling of choking on capitalism's dick. I'm tired of waking up eager and prepared only to be heartbroken hearing about another promising show that will now NEVER get the recognition and love it deserves. I'm tired of having to fucking settle for mediocre shows with such mid-ranged value. I'm tired of the 17 kissing booth sequels and 20 emily in paris seasons. I'm so so fucking tired.
It breaks my heart left right and center seeing that we're not the only ones affected. The actors, the writers, everyone who actually DID THE BLOODY WORK, they get their joy STRIPPED AWAY FROM THEM because streaming services can't give a rat's ass about them. What, don't they deserve some closure? Don't they have feelings? Do they not feel a connection to their projects? To their characters?
My heart breaks for all of them. For Jayden, for Yuyu, for Lukas, for Briana, for Ruth, for Kassius and for George. For everyone involved in this show, they didn't get their happy ending.
And now we'll never get it either.
And I'm tired of having to explain this to people over and over again. And I'm sorry that your life is so fucking dull that you don't feel connected to shows that make you feel seen but that's not the case with everyone.
So no, it's not "just a tv show", alright? And don't you dare dismiss an entire community like that just because you don't feel joy in your life. Don't you dare diminish my feelings because you don't get that right. You don't get to have a single say about what I feel. Fuck you and your sad little life.
And fuck you netflix. Hope you're fucking happy.
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sfhvn-alltheas · 6 months ago
An open letter to Netflix and for everyone who feels the same
I would like to apologize in advance for any linguistic errors, English is not my native language, but I will do my best to express my concerns appropriately.
I am reaching out to you to express my deep disappointment at your cancellation of Dead Boy Detectives. The news of your decision hit me hard and I would like to ask you to reconsider. I understand that Netflix is ​​a company that is about money, about numbers, about streams, about performance. It is a business and the decisions are based not on emotions but on lucrative fundamentals.
We all know that.
But this cannot work in the long term, not without an outcry from your viewers. Because what you do is selling dreams. You might not see us, but we are here, we are being absorbed into the alternative realities you have created. We live these dreams you sold us. 
You know this, you know that you mostly produce more than just mindless entertainment that is subsequently forgotten, and that is exactly why I feel so let down by you. You are aware that our hearts and souls are attached to these characters, that’s what you want and it totally makes sense. Because whoever is emotional involved stays long term. A show can be so many different things for different people: a place of well-being, comfort, escapism, distraction, mental support, self-discovery. Queer and inclusive programs in particular help people and make them feel seen, understood and accepted. A show can be the only light in a darkness that so many people find themselves in today. A show with their characters can save lives.
How then do only numbers decide whether something continues or not? 
You, as the producer of dreams, have a responsibility to us. Money and numbers should be secondary in your industry. Feel free to call me naive, I am, I like to be, I have to be in this world, but I believe in humanity, in the values ​​that you claim to represent. Not every show can bring in billions. Not all of them can be Wednesday, Squid Game or Bridgerton. Not within fourteen days, not without support. With your impatience, you are depriving great shows of the chance to grow and, over time, attract the viewership that meets your expectations. What I'm trying to express here isn't only about Dead Boy Detectives. It's a fundamental problem.
I am not okay with this
Julie and the Phantoms
The OA
The Society
Six of Crows
Shadow and Bone
Archive 81
Lockwood & Co.
Half Bad: The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself
First Kill
Inside Job
Midnight Club
Warrior Nun
- just to name a few. All this shows have met the same fate, they all were cancelled too soon and never got the chance to grow, to become a next Stranger Things, the next slowburn success.
This has to stop! Imagine having cancelled Stranger Things after one season back in the days. What you would have missed! Instead, you give up on shows too easily without hesitation and disappoint the very people who could have been your allies in the effort to bring the next success.
I honestly don't understand that. And it's not fair either. Not to us, not to the creators and actors who gave their everything. You should trust them to be capable of creating something epic if only they had a little more time. 
I'll tell you how it is: The news that Dead Boy Detectives had been cancelled is devastating. My life pretty much sucks for a few years now and there is little to nothing that still brings me joy. A second season has been the only thing I've been looking forward to these past few months, the anticipation has been the reason I'm still here. You took that away from me. From all of us that are like me. Now I’m sitting here and write this letter, hoping to save the show that has given me so much confidence and joy and meaning, visibility and understanding that it's okay to be who I am. It's not fair that I have to fight to keep this precious show instead of enjoying it while I deal with the wreckage of my life. 
If you don't understand that what you're doing is impacting so many people, then maybe you shouldn't be selling dreams. Better sell electronics.
I won't stop fighting for what means so much to me. It's not too late yet, you can at least right the wrong you did with Dead Boy Detectives. Please do it, give Dead Boy Detectives another chance. We, the viewers, deserve it, the creators and actors deserve it, and most of all the show itself deserves it because it is the greatest thing I have seen in many years.
Thank you for your time and for considering my request.
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thepopsicle · 7 months ago
Hello fellow ghostly friends! 🔮👻
I’ve concocted an itemized list of ways to help us get a season two of Dead Boy Detectives!
1. stream, stream , stream! Watch dbda as much as you possibly can, have it on in the background and put your friends onto the show!
2. Join a party! This links to the first tip ; My server hosts Dbda watch parties where we stream the show in the server while encouraging everyone to stream it on their own ! Individual streams count towards the shows statistics while watching it all together in the server encourages activity on social media!
(If you can’t join our server here, we urge you to host similar watch parties on your own!)
3. Rate the show favorably on IMDb and leave your best review! Some people review each individual episode while others review the whole show; I suggest doing both!
4. Sign the petition ! Many shows have been saved by a good petition so be sure to not only sign it but share it! Link here
5. Make & share as much media as you can about the show! Text posts, video edits, art , even memes and tag the show and Netflix! Streamers search all social medias for mentions of shows and how popular they are!
These are all I’ve got for now but feel free to reblog and add your own tips if you have any!
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olderthannetfic · 4 months ago
Hi, just an anon asking people to please stream Dead Boy Detectives on Netflix. Netflix canceled it after one season, but it is absolutely amazing and needs at least one more. We got: gay Edwardian ghost who brings all the boys to the yard; late 80s ghost who is a cinnamon roll but could kick your ass; amnesiac psychic girlie who says what we're all thinking; a literal fujoshi; hot goth lesbian butcher; hot evil child-kidnapping witch; trickster cat god; former crow, current dreamy-eyed boy; and sad walrus man. They solve supernatural mysteries, bicker, and watch Scooby Doo. Basically, something for everyone! Please help us #savedeadboydetectives!
Alas, I'm on a c-drama kick right now, but it does sound fun.
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lattewithatwistoflemon · 6 months ago
Okay, so nobody sent me an official announcement. I’m gathering that Dead Boy Detectives was cancelled? I don’t understand how Netflix works, because this one source I’m seeing says “because it only spent 2 weeks in the top ten” and to me, being in the top ten at all sounds incredible and deserving of being given a chance at continuing. Do they expect every show to be the next greatest hit in order to be allowed to continue?? I don’t know how tv stations work, but I was under the impression that they were more forgiving than this. Like I used to assume that a show would be continued as long as the creators had the drive and funds to continue it. But now it’s like… it has to be deemed better than the best by everyone? I guess they had a way of catching how many people were actually watching shows back on regular tv too, and shows got cancelled if they didn’t have enough people watching? But it just seems bizarre to me, especially with something like Netflix, where it doesn’t have a designated air date and time when people have to watch it or else they miss out. This show has so much time for people to find it and adore it. And now they aren’t giving it time to build up the numbers that they hope (even though from what I’m seeing, it seems to have a huge fan base. I guess that just isn’t good enough for streaming platforms). Anyway, is it possible for a different company to sponsor the show later? Like can’t the creators find some other place to stream the series to make it a straight-to-dvd thing or something? Even if it takes years? I don’t want to believe that a series is gone forever just because Netflix said no.
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yellowraincoat · 10 months ago
they don't. know what's in your post is a common theory/idea often considered in the l&co fandom, do they..... 😭😭 like I have seen quite a few people talking about dead boy detectives and Lockwood and co's cancellation, along with other similar sounding shows, and although maybe a far fetched theory it's a theory nonetheless. ive seen it many times, none aggressive towards dead boy detectives itself (including yours)
and honestly man, I dont think the idea of banking on the success of another show (dead boy detectives expected to be successful even before release, for example) and trying to eliminate something that could lessen expected success (dbd fans watching l&co and vice versa, dividing the attention) is too far out there. which is neither the show or 'competing' shows fault ofc. it may not actually work like that but who tf really knows anymore, and it's just a theory anyway. no need for everyone to get pissy
anyways yeah sorry that happened and neil answered me saying he wasn't angry at you and I'm still reeling from that so 👍👍👍
You and Neil are basically like this now 🤞lmao. But yeah I've seen some tags like "this is wild conspiracy theorizing" and like... no it's just speculating based on how I know marketing works.
Like, I'm not in Netflix's walls, nor am I in their black box algorithm that determines which shows get renewed, but like generally this was my thought process: streaming services want to put out a diverse array of content that hits a lot of niches -> teen ghost hunters is a very specific niche -> if one show under performs expectations and you have the rights to another that you think will do well based on the creative team involved + the author bringing in a very large existing fan base, why keep the slightly under-performing show around and over-saturate that niche when you could direct more funds to other genres and try for another immediate hit.
Like I'll trust when Neil Gaiman says that's not how it works because he's actually worked with netflix, he is in their walls but I do not think my post was some far flung conspiracy theory. It's fucking plausible, at least based on the average person's understanding of these companies.
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prince-simon · 3 months ago
(i feel like 🍓 has to be yr right? other than that would love answers for dbd too👀)
hi tiffyyyy thank you for the fruits!!
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
okay i already answered this here just now but for maximum promotion i'm gonna mention another one
often, repeatedly
which has gender! so it's right up your alley! it's also a band au! idk why i'm talking like you haven't literally beta read this fic but! for everyone who hasn't read it go check it out! it's cute!
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
i'm just saying. if in the next prince simon chapter simon ends up being a fan of dead boy detectives don't call me out on it kssksk also do not call me out if there's a season 2, 3 and 10 for dead boy detectives. it's my universe!! i can do whatever i want!!
now that i'm thinking about it. simon would relate sooo hard to charles probably lmfao (clearly there's a theme with my blorbos)
ANYWAY don't call me out i'm warning you! (is that wonderfully pretentious enough? did i answer the question? sksks)
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
i think the dbda fandom should recognise the potential of a toxic relationship between the night nurse and the notary sksksks i mean i guess i could write it myself but y'know. effort lmao but yes i think there's potential there and they're underrated but it's everything i can think about whenever i rewatch the show (which is a lot) go stream dead boy detectives on netflix now!
send me an ask :)
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yato-sensei · 3 years ago
Top 5 anime for first timers
If you are considering watching anime for the first time and don’t know where to begin, this blog will give you some options to get your teeth into.
Over the past couple of years, anime has become considerably popular outside of Japan and thanks to streaming services such as Netflix, Crunchyroll and Funimation, it has also become easier for people to access and enjoy. The rise of anime is upon us and people are wondering where to get started with it all.
With the increase in popularity, we have also found that some people are hesitant to watch it, thinking it is simply for kids. But let’s get one thing straight, when it comes to anime, age is not a factor. There are many genres of anime and some are marketed at an older audience. Seinen for example is a subset that is generally targeted at a 18–30+ year old male audience. Josei is the same age group, but towards a female audience.
But if you are looking to start your anime adventure, I wouldn’t put an age to anything. Most of us here at Anime Manga UK are in our thirties and we enjoy shonen (which is intended for a slightly younger audience). In our opinion, genre labels don't matter. The only thing that does matter is that you enjoy it.
There is something for everyone if it's a nail biting thriller, a trip to a fantasyland or even a good laugh.
If you are looking for something to watch with breathtaking storylines, vibrant characters, amazing back stories, fantastic action scenes or simply something that will leave you satisfied - then get on the anime bandwagon. Below are five anime that I would recommend for first timers:
1.   Death Note
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So, the first one on our list is the iconic show Death Note, which is full of twists and turns and is a nice short one with only 37 episodes. It is intelligently written, smartly paced, and consistently engrossing. It follows high schooler Light Yagami who discovers a mysterious notebook that has the power to kill anyone whose name is written in it. With this new power, Light tries to ‘cleanse the world from evil’, and effectively plays God. But hot on his heels is a fantastic detective named ‘L’. If you are looking for something to binge over the weekend, this is the one to put on. 
Watch if you enjoy shows like Dexter, Sherlock and Ash Vs Evil Dead.
Watch if you love suspense, supernatural, and psychological thrillers.
2.  Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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If you are looking for adventure and a taste of Shonen, then Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the perfect mix of action, character development and a little bit of the feels. Only 64 episodes, it pulls you in as you go on an adventure with brothers Edward and Alphonse as they try to find the Philosopher’s Stone to restore their bodies. However they aren’t the only ones seeking the stone. Just be aware that there are two Fullmetal Alchemist shows; the first is Fullmetal Alchemist released in 2003, the other is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, released in 2009. I would suggest watching Brotherhood as it follows the source material (manga). Sadly the 2003 version isn’t as good.
Watch if you enjoy shows like Shadow and Bone, Merlin or High Dark Materials.
Watch if you love fantasy, adventure, and action.
3.  One Punch Man
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Now when we first saw the title, we were instantly put off, but this parody show does not follow your usual anime stereotypes. The synopsis of the anime is simple. A superhero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch. It is a hilarious series which is filled with monsters doing stupid things, silly named heroes and full of dialogue that will make you laugh at every corner. If this is your first attempt at the anime genre and love superheroes, I highly recommend watching this show as it is simply brilliant and it might even draw you further into other shows like My Hero Academia or Tiger and Bunny.
Watch if you enjoy shows like The Tick, The Umbrella Academy and The Boys.
Watch if you love comedy, action, and superheroes.
4.  Fruits Basket
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Originally, we were put off by the romance element in this anime, but we're so glad we gave it a chance in the end! Even if you aren’t into soppy stuff, this is just beautifully written from start to finish and you will end up falling in love with all the characters. It is the perfect mixture of supernatural and fantasy with a dash of mystery, romance and drama added in for good measure. The anime follows a recently orphaned girl, who gets caught up in the drama of a strange family who are possessed by the animals of the Chinese zodiac.
Watch if you enjoy shows like  Charmed, A Discovery of Witches and Grimm.
Watch if you love supernatural, romance, and mystery.
5. Naruto
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We weren't going to include Naruto as it has over 700+ episodes (if you include its second part Shippuden). But as this was one of the first shows to get us into anime, we thought it should be included. Naruto is a show that has an amazing storyline which is motivating, inspiring and entertaining. It follows the story of a young kid who wants to have recognition from her peers and to follow his dream to become Hokage (leader of the village). The show is full of amazing characters, adventure, bad-ass fight scenes and has something for everyone.
Watch if you enjoy shows like  Iron Fist, Wu Assassins and Into The Badlands.
Watch if you love martial arts, adventure, and fantasy.
Daydreamer & Moonflower x
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alltimefail · 4 months ago
We are 12 signatures away from 20,000 on the Dead Boy Detectives petition!
If you haven't signed it, please sign! Share with family, friends, and your online mutuals. Share on your socials to help boost its visibility.
LGBTQ+ stories are more important now than ever, and they're worth fighting for. The more people who fight, the more people who scream, the better our chances.
Tell everyone you know to stream Dead Boy Detectives on their accounts. I believe there are many, many signs that things are happening behind the scenes so now is the time to create, to gush about this show, to encourage new viewers.
Hugs to you all 💜
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hisunshiine · 4 years ago
#NetflixReImaginedBTS Valentine’s Smut Recommendation Masterlist
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Netflix’s Valentine’s Day Smut Recommendation Masterlist
Welcome, Bangtan Streamers! Chosen just for your viewing pleasure, we have 6 of Netflix’s best originals reimagined into Bangtan AU’s for you to cuddle up with on this socially distanced Valentine’s Day! Browse through the list of the Smut Collection, but remember you need to be 18+ to enjoy these films. With a wide range of stories to be told, from RomComs to Bonnie & Clyde-style, we are sure to have a flick that meets your needs. Grab your favorite blanket and snack, dim the lights, and press play.  
links to ao3 are live, adding the tumblr ones asap as they are posted
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↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine. please do not repost, translate, or modify.
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✩ - one shot  ထ - chaptered  ↣ | f. - fluff | m. - mature topics (18+ due to smut, weapons, language, etc.) | a. - angst | tw. - trigger warning |  ↢
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And now, Netflix presents their recommendation for your Valentine’s Day viewing pleasure, their top 6 pics, streaming now.
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𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭 ထ written by @Heathfritillary / m. a. tw: major character deaths, bank robbery actions (violence, use of weapons, deciet)
↳ au based off of La Casa de Papel | 14.4k words | completed
A modern day Bonnie & Clyde, after ‘London’ and ‘Ilsan’ are able to help pull off one of the largest bank heists in Seoul, they flee together. Love grows between the two, but as the clock ticks, authorities are on their heels. They don’t care how they catch them, at this point, dead or alive, they have to be brought to justice. How long can the couple survive? Starring Kim Namjoon as Ilsan and You as London, Money Heist is now streaming. Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 ထ written by @KimYumi96 / m. a. tw. 
↳ au based off of The Old Guard | 8.7k words | on going
A group of mercenaries are suddenly targeted for their mysterious immortality. The leader of the group and oldest known immortal, Kim Seokjin, is ready to give up fighting for his unfulfilling life, until a newborn immortal seeks out their help. Has he finally found his life’s purpose? Starring Kim Seokjin and you, The New Guard is streaming now. Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 ထ written by @sunkissedwriter / m. a. tw: minor character death 
↳ au based off of The King: Eternal Monarch | 12.2k words | on going
King Jung Hoseok has been searching for his savior for years, with nothing but a face to go off of. Following the call of the flute, he finds her in a parallel world; a detective who helps him uncover a dark secret, and the cruel path of his future. Fate has brought them together, but also threatens to rip them apart. Can balance be restored to both worlds before time runs out, or will the king lose his Kingdom and his lover? Starring Jung Hoseok and you, Hoseok: The King Eternal Monarch is now streaming. Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 ထ written by @mrsparkjimin18​ / m. a. f. tw: 
↳ au based off of The Queen’s Gambit | 26.3k words | on going
After being abandoned to an orphanage as a child, Isabella spent her time there learning the game of Chess, becoming a prodigy at a young age. When she finally receives the coveted invite to a world renowned chess tournament, nothing will get in her way. That is, until she meets her match: the sexy and charismatic Park Jimin, Korea’s own chess prodigy. Will Isabella become Jimin’s pawn? Or will the Queen reign? Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚 ထ written by @slutsbangtan / m. a. f. tw: 
↳ au based off of Holidate | 14k words | completed
You are tired of being single for every holiday, watching everyone else around you have a partner in crime for every celebration of the year. Taehyung, too, dislikes third-wheeling to all of the events his friends throw. An agreement to be each others plus-1 ensues, but is it realistic to think neither of you will catch feelings along the way? Starring Kim Taehyung and you, Holiday Stigma is now streaming. Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐓𝐨 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐧 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 ✩  written by @hisunshiine​ / m. a. f. tw: fist fight, minimal blood 
↳ au based off of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before | 30k words | completed
Working for a large entertainment company has its perks. Like working with people you’ve known since college, when you attended the arts school that funnels right into the company. When your journal entries about people who you have slept with accidentally gets sent TO those people, you find that your quiet work existence gets turned upside down. Starring Jeon Jungkook and you, To All The Men I’ve Fucked Before is now streaming. Cross posted to my AO3 
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↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine.
↣ please do not repost work. images, netflix posters, and synopsis screens were made by @hisunshiine​ please do not repost. translations/modifications are not allowed.
↣ all of these stories are posted with the authors permission, and each story provides a link to the author and to their original content. due to some of them not having tumblr, they have asked me, the creator of the event, to post their stories.
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nicol3houghts · 6 years ago
STOP WATCHING THE OFFICE:   other things to watch this summer
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Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE ZIE OFFICE!! But as much as it pains me to say, the office isn’t a personality trait, so I’ve decided to make a list (e.g. Buzzfeed lists) of my top 16 recommendations for TV and podcasts to watch and listen to—since we all need to stop being basic bitches and FOCUS! 
I hope you listen to me when I say these shows are amazing and actually watch them if you have the time. I'm doing this because I care about you and your TV preferences.
I'll break it up by streaming service, starting with Netflix then Hulu, YouTube, then Podcasts last.
*I apologize in advance for the lousy grammar and lack of editing, but also not really sorry bout it.
1. Arrested Development
Number of Seasons: 5
Number of Episodes: 91
Hours to Binge: 35
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Okay, number one on my list is Arrested development. A lot of people I talk to, especially in my age range, don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, but this show is GENIUS... on G*D. I’ve watched it around four times now, and each time it gets better and better. I read somewhere that it was created as a satire of Bush-era incompetence and idiotic hanky-panky during the Iraq war. But at its heart, the show’s about a rich family with four adult children—who are all goofy and quirky. Their dad get’s thrown in jail for doing business with terrorists or something like that and Micheal Bluth (Jason Bateman) has to get them out of weird ass situations.
Above is one of my favorite scenes  (Best clip I could find on youtube!!).
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This show has a LOT of jokes and long running bits that you kind of have to pay attention to to get the storyline. It’s hella META, and at times, can be really weird (see George Micheal Bluth and Maeby Fünke’s little Les Cousins Dangereux). In conclusion, however, Jason Bateman is hot, Micheal Cera is hot, and Tony Hale is ~super~ hot.
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P.S. a lot of memes come from this show that you would know but don’t know that it’s from this show.
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2. The Haunting of Hill House
Number of Seasons: 1
Number of Episodes: 10
Hours to binge: 9
Scary as f*ck! Do not watch yourself or u will die. I warned you.
I'm not going to spoil it too much, but it's about a family living in a spooky house and crazy ass shit keeps happening to them. They eventually move out, but even 20 years after--when the kids are all adults--the haunting of the house follows them.
There's even a 17 min scene that they shot in one shot!!!!!!!! That's wiLD.
3. Schitt's Creek
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Number of Seasons: 5
Number of Episodes: 66
Hours to binge: 25
Yet another show about a rich family loosing all their money. A bit different than Arrested Development. This show is about a rich ass family loosing all their money and resorting to live in Schitt's Creek--a town in Nowhere, U.S.A. the family bought as a JOKE. It's a really easy watch. The characters in this show are SO un-relatable and mean it's hilarious--only if u f*ck wit dry humor tho.
Here's my favorite character, Alexis Rose just being iconic:
Give it a try, the first few episodes are rocky, but it gets better. That's a guarantee.
4. American Vandal
Number of Seasons: 2
Number of Episodes: 16
Hours to binge: 9
A lot of people already probs watch this show, but it's honestly so beautifully written. The show is an homage to Making a Murderer, a true crime mockumentary of sorts. It follows two guys, Sam and Peter as they try to figure out a mystery: WHO DREW D*CKS ON THE TEACHER'S CARS?
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Also, JIMMY TATRO!!!!!
Season 2 follows a different crime and it's... it's poopy.
5. Mindhunter
Number of Seasons: 1
Number of Episodes: 10
Hours to binge: 9
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YUH. Just started this, already on ep. 8, very interesting. Mindhunter is about the first FBI agents to use profiling to catch serial killers. THE CHARACTERS IN THIS SHOW WALKED SO THAT HOTCH AND REID COULD RUN.
This show is no joke and based on true serial killers like the coed killer, the shoe fetish killer, and BTK, it's very.... very creepy.
ALWAYS carry pepper spray on ya, that's fer sher.
6. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
pinot noir, caviar
7. John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid
eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs
8. The Good Place
is it really the good place?
On Hulu:
9. Broad City
Number of Seasons: 5
Number of Episodes: 50
Hours to binge: 18
One of the greatest television series of all time about two baller best fraaands who get into the schemes of the century in New York City. Illana, a ferocious kween wit ZERO f*cks, and Abbi, an aspiring artiste with a great ass. The two work min-wage jobs in NYC (so they're broke) and they're just trying to find luv and a good bacon egg and cheese.
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Think Sex and the City but fresh and new and wild. Abbi and Ilana's dialogue and schemes are relatable af, it makes it seem like you're there with them. Their co-dependency is so powerful... yet at moments, a lil destructive. I once had a friendship like this.. and let me tell you... co-dependency is a wild ride.
Some of the funniest scenes in this show is just of them talking on the street. Sometimes, when I'm walking with my friends, I pretend like I'm in the show lol.
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I recommend you start from beginning to end because of the endless callbacks and running gags, but if not start with season 3, episode 7 B&B-NYC. Blake Griffin is in it.
10. Community
Number of Seasons: 6
Number of Episodes: 110
Hours to binge: 41
What can I say about this show to make you watch it? Well first of all the fact that Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) is in it should already have you clicking over to Hulu by now.
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Community is about seven quirky misfits: a disbarred lawyer, a failed housewife, an activist everyone hates, a racist old man, a stupid jock who lost his sports scholarship, a high-strung know-it-all who took too much adderall, and abed. They all end up at Greendale Community College with a phsyco spanish teacher and a colorful dean. 
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This show is kind of a parody of a sitcom, and it is VERY meta--often referring to themselves as TV show characters. The seven get into hilarious adventures and obstacles along the way. The show also genre hops from time to time. For example, they have a whole pillow fort vs. blanket fort episode (Pillows and Blankets, season 3, episode 4) in a Ken Burns documentary style, an episode in claymation for Christmas (Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas, season 2, episode 11), and a bunch of paintball episodes in style of Quentin Tarantino and StarWars.
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Again, you should start at the beginning, but if you want to get into it quickly, I really loved Pillows and Blankets (season 3, episode 4).
11. The Mindy Project
As a "petite asian woman" who is not petite, this show is very relatable. About finding love and eating good in the big apple.  
P.S. If you don't like Kelly from the office, you're dead 2 m3.
12. Brooklyn 99
Cool. coolcoolcoolcool. Jake Peralta is the greatest detective/genius.
13. Superstore
If Walmart and the office had a baby and it was incompetent.
On YouTube and Facebook Watch:
14. The Real Bros of Simi Valley
Number of Seasons: 2
Number of Episodes: 14
Hours to binge: 4
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You straight up know these guys, fool. Four stoner/burn-outs who think your hometown's Mexican food is the best in the world. Amazingly written and surprisingly good acting. Lightweight lowkey thought they were speaking another language at first.
Jimmy Tatro, Cody Ko, Getter, and Nick Colletti. What more do you want? LITERALLY WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?
The unnecessary drama and endless quotable jokes in this show leads you wanting more with only 14 episodes totaling at around four hours.
Watch the first season YouTube here:
15. Tiny Meat Gang
Aha hah bro last night was a movie bro ON GOD.
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Noel Miller and Cody Ko talk about literally anything, but goofy. I can listen to them talk for straight up hours.
I usually listen on Apple Podcasts, but you can also watch on YouTube:
Just start listening, bro.
16. My Favorite Murder
No shade to Codel, but My Favorite Murder is my all time favorite podcast. Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark  are two hilarious women who love murder. Not murdering, but the psychology of murderers and survivors. Each Thursdays each of them tell a story about a murder. They don't make fun of murders, but it's their banter that makes it fun to listen to.
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If you're a fan of true crime at all, please listen so I have more people to talk about it with. shouts outs Jenna for putting me on to the show!
Here are my favorite episodes!
*tip: skip the first 15-20 min to the first murder when first listening.
150: How Dare You Kill Kelli
The Hanging of Alice Riley and The Murder of Reyena Marroquin
131: The Uninhibited
The Murder of Standford White and The Case of the Boys on the Tracks
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ramajmedia · 5 years ago
Every Upcoming Stephen King Movie After IT Chapter Two
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IT Chapter 2 is the second movie of 2019 to be based on the work by legendary author Stephen King, but it won't be the last. For decades, King's novels have been the focus of dozens and dozens of movies, TV shows, and miniseries, and that trend shows no signs of slowing down in the coming years.
King's first novel to get the movie adaptation treatment was Carrie back in 1976. It was an absolute hit was horror fans, and filmmakers stuck to King's prolific body of work for new projects. Next up was The Shining in 1980, followed by heavy hitters like Creepshow, Cujo, and Children of the Corn. There were also TV projects such as Salem's Lot, IT, and The Stand. These adaptations continued for the next three decades and counting.
Related: IT Chapter Two Review: A Satisfying End To Stephen King's Story
Andy Muschietti's IT was a monumental hit in 2017 and it got studios and producers turning their heads back to King's work. Some decided to take a chance at reimagining some of his more popular books while others dove deeper into his lesser-known novellas. It will be a mix of old and new for fans of King with the multitude of projects on tap. That said, here all of the Stephen King movies coming after IT Chapter 2.
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The 2012 novella from King and his son, Joe Hill, will be making its way to Netflix in October. The movie adaptation for In the Tall Grass was announced in May 2018. Vincenzo Natali (Splice) signed on to direct the film shortly after the project was greenlit by the streaming service. Actor James Marsden was originally attached to the lead role but due to scheduling conflicts, Patrick Wilson was then cast. He will be joined by Laysla De Oliveira, Harrison Gilbertson, Avery Whitted, and Rachel Wilson.
In the Tall Grass follows a pair of siblings that hear a young boy crying for help in a large field of grass. They enter the field to find the boy but they soon find that there is no way out. The horror tale was originally written as a two-part series for Esquire magazine but it has since been adapted to e-book and audiobook form. Before the film's Netflix release, it will have its world premiere at Fantastic Fest in September 2019.
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Doctor Sleep, the book that served as a sequel to The Shining, was published by King in 2013. Warner Bros. had interest in the sequel novel but they didn't fast track the idea until the box office success of 2017's IT. Mike Flanagan (The Haunting of Hill House) was then hired to direct the film. Doctor Sleep will serve as a direct adaptation but Flanagan promised that it would exist in the same universe that Stanley Kubrick created with The Shining movie. The cast of the sequel includes Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Kyliegh Curran, Carl Lumbly, Alex Essoe, Cliff Curtis, and Jacob Tremblay.
Related: Why A "Dead" Character From The Shining Returns In Doctor Sleep
Doctor Sleep centers on Dan Torrance, now an adult that still suffers from the trauma that he experienced as a child at the Overlook Hotel. He tries to live a peaceful life but his life is turned upside down when he meets a teenage girl who shares the same psychic powers. The girl finds Dan in the hopes that he will help her with Rose the Hat and The True Knot, a group that preys on people with powers to gain immortality. Doctor Sleep opens October 30 worldwide and November 8 in the United States.
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King's 2011 novella Mile 81 will be heading to the screen with production planned for fall 2019. The announcement came in February 2019, revealing that Alistair Legrand is set to direct the supernatural thriller. The movie will also be produced by Ross M. Dinerstein, who previously worked on the Netflix adaptation of King's 1922. The story about a sinister station wagon was later featured in the 2015 short story collection, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams. Casting for the feature film is currently underway.
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In April, New Line Cinema announced their plans to adapt King's 1975 novel, Salem's Lot, for the big screen. Gary Dauberman is attached to write the script while James Wan (Aquaman) signed on to produce the feature film. As of now, there's no word on who will direct or star in the movie. The horror novel followed a writer named Ben Mears who traveled back to his hometown of Jerusalem's Lot (known as Salem's Lot for short) and found that everyone who once knew turned into a vampire. Salem's Lot was the focus of a TV movie in 1979 and a miniseries in 2004.
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King released The Long Walk in 1979 under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. It was notably the first novel that King wrote but he didn't release it until he was an established author. The Long Walk was set in a dystopian future ruled by a totalitarian dictator. The story centered on an annual walking contest where participants could be shot dead if they don't keep up their speed. George A. Romero had an interest in adapting the novel in the late '80s but it never came into fruition. In April 2018, New Line Cinema officially announced their plans to adapt the story into a movie. In late May 2019, André Øvredal signed on as director.
Related: Other Stephen King Stories Set in Derry
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In April 2019, Legendary Pictures announced their intent to adapt King's 2003 short story, Rest Stop. The tale, written for an issue of Esquire, focused on a man who intervened during a domestic dispute at a rest stop. Alex Perry Ross (Her Smell) has been confirmed to write and direct the feature film. Ross is expected to keep his script close to the source material by featuring a cat-and-mouse thriller. It was also revealed that some of the characters could be gender-swapped.
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George A. Romero was reportedly planning on developing a movie based on King's 1999 novel, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon but plans fell apart prior to the director's death. In August 2019, it was announced that the wife of the legendary director, Chris Romero, was taking on the project with Roy Lee (IT) and Jon Berg. The story followed a young girl who got lost in the woods during a hike. She wandered alone for nine days and due to the severe dehydration, she hallucinated, thinking she was talking to her idol, baseball player Tom Gordon. The young girl also thought she was being followed by a supernatural monster. The production team is currently searching for a writer and director for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon film.
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Firestarter - King's popular 1980 novel, Firestarter, is set to get another big-screen adaptation. The novel was previously adapted for a film in 1984. Drew Barrymore notably starred as the young girl with pyrokinetic abilities. The remake is coming from Universal and Blumhouse with Faith Akin set to direct. There have been no further details since the June 2018 announcement.
The Tommyknockers - King's 1987 sci-fi novel, The Tommyknockers, wasn't the author's favorite but it will indeed by the basis for yet another adaptation. The story about an alien spacecraft and mass hysteria was first made into a TV miniseries in 1993, starring Jimmy Smits and Marg Helgenberger. In March 2018, it was announced that James Wan and Roy Lee plan to produce the upcoming movie.
Related: Every Stephen King Movie Ranked, From Worst To Best
From a Buick 8 - King's 2002 horror novel, From a Buick 8, was first rumored to be made into a movie in 2005 through George A. Romero. Tobe Hooper then took over as director but the development stalled in 2009 due to financial issues. In 2018, it was announced that the movie adaptation was back on track with William Brent Bell set to write and direct.
Drunken Fireworks - The short story featured in King's collection, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, was set to become a film as stated by an announcement during June 2016. Drunken Fireworks focused on a clue-collar mechanic and a retired mob boss after they face off in a Fourth of July fireworks competition. James Franco was announced to star in the film and there was interest from the actor to direct as well. The script was reportedly being written by Matt Rager but no updates have been released in the last few years.
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Castle Rock - The horror anthology series created by Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason is inspired by the characters and themes invented by King. The Hulu original is set in King's fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine. Season 2 of Castle Rock premieres on October 23, 2019, and it will feature Lizzy Caplan as a younger version of Annie Wilkes, the character from Misery.
Mr. Mercedes - The third season of Mr. Mercedes is set to begin in mid-September 2019. The crime drama is based on King's trilogy, Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, and End of Watch. The story follows Bill Hodges, a retired detective, on the hunt of a killer that took the lives of sixteen people. Mr. Mercedes stars Brendan Gleeson. Harry Treadaway, Jharrel Jerome, and Holland Taylor.
Related: Castle Rock Reveals A Big Shining Connection
Lisey’s Story - King's 2006 novel, Lisey's Story, will be the basis of a miniseries on Apple TV+. The psychological horror tells the story of the widow of a famous author. The woman, Lisey, struggles to adapt to her everyday life while also sharing details into her dead husband's past. Julianne Moore will portray the role of Lisey and the TV series will be directed by Josh Boone.
The Outsider - The Outsider is one of King's more recent novels getting the screen adaptation. It will be the focus of an upcoming HBO miniseries starring Jason Bateman. The actor will portray a popular teacher accused of murdering and mutilating the body of a young boy. As the detective in the case follows the incident, he learns that something much more sinister was responsible.
The Dark Tower - King's popular book, The Dark Tower, received a film adaptation in 2017 with Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey. It wasn't received well by viewers and critics but that didn't slow down interest in future projects based on the series. In 2018, it was announced that Amazon was developing a show based on the books and it would serve as a reboot. Sam Strike and Jasper Pääkkönen were cast in the leads and the cast also includes Michael Rooker, Jerome Flynn, and Joana Ribeiro.
The Stand - King's 1978 post-apocalyptic horror will be remade into a miniseries for CBS All Access in the near future. The novel featured a world that was almost entirely wiped out due to a strain of influenza. There was talk about adapting the novel into a feature film for decades before it was turned into a miniseries in 1994. King rewrote the end of the novel for the upcoming show. The Stand will star James Marsden, Amber Heard, Odessa Young, and Henry Zaga.
Next: Who Is The Better Pennywise: Tim Curry Or Bill Skarsgard?
source https://screenrant.com/stephen-king-movies-after-it-2-release-dates/
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