celestial-sapphicss · 9 months
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honeystarsss · 1 year
why does my mind always overcomplicate everything?
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roselise · 14 days
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🧸 ˚ ⊹ Hello, sweet friends ~ ! .˚ * . 🍓
Though I did share one recently I thought I’d share another outfit today to make up for how long I’ve been gone :D
Please be kind though! ♡
I don’t think I’ve ever had an outfit with a ballet bun here before, have I ??
(Which is interesting as I wear my hair like this quite often! My hair is usually up most days !! I’m not sure why I think it’s just more fun trying new things and playing with it?)
This is a more seasonal outfit with the brighter colors! Well I tried at least hehe :’)
How about you, my friends? Are you excited for the coming change in seasons ?? Do you have anything fun planned for it maybe ?? ♡ ♡
Things have been busy on my end so I’m sorry I’ve been so slow! Hopefully things are much more peaceful for you !!
Sending soft hugs, warm thoughts, and *much* encouragement for your week! I pray blessings over all my kind friends, and wish you the happiest day ever ~ !! ♡
XO 🍓 ˚ ⊹ .˚ * . 🤍
🎀 ˚ ⊹ .˚ * . 🧸
🤍 ⊹ .˚ * . 🍓 XO
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swift-perseides · 9 months
QSMP Fandom you must watch this masterpiece by MaepleTea on Youtube-
There's like, so many details and attention to the lore that I could honestly analyse it cut by cut, scene by scene, guys guys guys I refuse to see this video be forgotten-
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grzybjek · 11 months
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Stuff that I wont finish and doodles that arent worth posting on instagram. Enjoy these tumblr i love tumblr
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autismmydearwatson · 6 months
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listen okay Rasputin has lots of plans other than violence he has a whole toolbox of problem-solving strategies it's just that maybe tools one through three are "orbital strike" and four is "get someone else to do it"
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theshoesofatiredman · 9 months
I'm revisiting a part of The High School Survival Guide: Making the Most of the Best Time of Your Life (so far) by Adam Palmer. It's a Christian book despite the fact that the title makes it seem totally areligious, and I read parts of it when I was in high school. It was the first time I ever read about being gay in a book. I found a free version online and while I didn't think the Bible could shock me anymore my mouth dropped open at this:
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Apparently the MSG version of this passage really says the quiet part out loud. Gay people aren't even human / lose the knowledge of how to be human. Not sure how that works. There's such a dissonance between the tone of this verse and the tone of the text in the book too.
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GEE I WONDER WHY??? How strange that Christians, who believe their sacred text claims that homosexual acts strip people of God, love, and their humanity, view homosexuality as 'icky' and 'gross.' In fact, I would think they'd think much worse in that scenario and treat gay people far worse. In fact, it kinda seems like you're downplaying the absolutely brutal treatment and systemic discrimination of gay people that was carried out in the name of Jesus.
And all of this is being aimed at (presumably Christian) teenagers who think they might be gay. There's no real advice here other than to surrender to god and to seek accountability.
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I was keenly aware as a gay Christian that I was at the center of a culture war I did not want to be a part of. People out beyond my religious community were fighting for an acceptance and celebration of homosexuality that I thought was harmful and sinful. People inside my religious community had all kinds of incorrect ideas about gay people and I didn't think there was much space for me to be "out of the closet" even if I stayed single, celibate, and god-fearing. And I had no idea what to do about any of it.
I didn't come out to anyone until after high school. I prayed and I prayed and I prayed, and the weight was still heavy. God did not make it easier, did not lift the burden of homosexuality from me. I had plenty of accountability in my life, constantly watched by helicopter parents with Internet filters, confessing sin regularly in men's groups (both before and after I started to tell people I 'struggled with same-sex attraction). 'Accountability' only served to intensify my shame.
The only time things got easier was when I started to take God out of the equation, when I started to see my sexuality as a part of myself to embrace rather than excise. Christians will drone on and on about how Christ sets people free from their sins. In my experience, to be free of my sin I had to first be free of Christ.
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Twelve] Good Eats!
[henry, over the walkies] why am I hearing so much radio chatter? [camerman #1] (static) dan turned off his microphone! [henry] what!? [cameraman #1] i don't know!! i heard something about a llama, then they went outside and he turned his mic off!!! is he allowed to do that!?
The night was going smoothly (but for some hiccups with a few jokes that didn't land), right up until Ezra - in an effort for keeping up with his string of humor - implied that Daniel's mother was a llama. In-game, Dan cursed and stood up from the table - here, we see the exact moment that the smile dropped from his face.
The minute they got outside, Dan clicked his microphone off. Though we can't hear what exactly he explained to Ezra about why the joke bothered him, clearly it was enough to bring a Sincere Apology out of our poor aspiring star.
@kawaiishitty they didn't end on a poor note!! But Ezra's jokes definitely did a number to their bars. 🥺
[ Part 2/2 ] 🌹
#ts4#ts4 screenshots#ts4 gameplay#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#ezra ruiz by kawaiishitty#||#HOOOO MAN. 🙏 ezra’s literally like ‘bro easy it was just a joke’#but if dan has One Topic you don’t approach - it’s his mother#even the simplest yo mama joke thrown at a bar will have his hand around your throat i’m not kidding fjdhfjd#when i saw the ‘listen to joke’ in dan’s queue and clicked on ezra and saw IMPLY MOTHER IS A LLAMA#i just… i bout collapsed#so daniel did turn off his mic which was my excuse not to write but#he didn’t explain many things In Detail but he did explain#that he was sorry for his reaction but he had to hear his father ridicule his mother for his entire life and#the blank space he has before they (his mom and siblings) left his dad still bothers him#things were said he wasn’t there to protect her from or stand up for her against#so he’s Very Sensitive even though he rarely talks abt his family#he apologized and ezra was horrified by what vague info he got#and he did Sincerely Apologize in-game it was precious#but wahhhh big emotional bias here but watching daniel hug someone bc they feel bad for how they hurt him#and comfort them instead of receive comfort (even though that is what ezra intends here which AIGHHH) is just heartbreakin to me#look at his eye in that last post this man has SEEN AND LOST THINGS…#but bwuh bless you ezra you genuine and precious sweetheart#it’s not your fault baby!!! :’(((#I REALLY EXPECTED THEM TO KISS I’M STILL. FCKING THROWN BY THIS
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gayofthefae · 5 months
Wait you guys......
Mike and Will are in love
No because like they're just...they're just a wholesome childhood friends to lovers slowburn I'm gonna rewatch like "aww you don't know yet".
Mike and Will are in love.
They fell in love from ages 12-16(?). That's so cute. What the hell. I just randomly starting thinking about it like it's just some show I just heard about or something and I'm like "aw cute trope". What a cute trope wtf. That's adorable. Two twelve year old boys in the 80s and they fall in love over the course of many years as they grapple with internalized homophobia and homophobia in their small town? That sounds like a GREAT show where can I watch it? That's adorable.
Mike and Will are in love. And...that's just the premise. That's just the premise of their plot. If you came up to me after you watched episode 1 for spoilers and you were like "What happens to Lucas? Dustin? Mike? That girl they found? The kid who went missing?" I could just be like "Dustin gains confidence and becomes besties with Mike's sister's boyfriend after they break up, Lucas meets this girl who's introduced next season and they're really good for each other, the girl gets adopted by the police chief and then into the Byers and has a great found family and independence arc, and the boy who went missing survives and he and Mike fall in love!"
And that'd just be like...right. I'd just be telling you what happens.
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smokestarrules · 1 year
So I finished watching Revue Starlight and it was amazing, phenomenal, incredible, and many other words! The one thing I’m stuck on is, why a giraffe? Why have I seen people talk about this show so much and nobody ever mentions the giraffe?! He’s just there, being a giraffe?! What the hell?!?!
Because he's us. He's the audience, watching from above, encouraging the story to play out as it does. He needs to be able to see from all angles, needs to be able to observe no matter how far away he is, and ultimately, his gaze is what causes the show to exist in the first place. He's the audience, and the audience needs to be able to see from a certain height, otherwise they won't enjoy the show at all.
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fyorina · 2 months
whenever i complain about something to my sister, i'm immediately humbled
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freebooter4ever · 1 month
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Anyway something something something me and my big blue judgemental eyes against the world im so fucking tired
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revvethasmythh · 11 months
Caleb: Part of me is selfish and wants to carve [what I did] out of my past
Nott: That's not selfish. That's important
Caleb: It's dangerous, not just to me
Nott: Oh. Well, I think I understand a little of that, too. There are things I want to change as well. Things.....that would be risky to change. But sometimes you have to take a big risk, if it's that important.
Caleb: That is true. You are my greatest friend
Nott: Little 'ole me?
Caleb: I like you because you are funny, but it's more than that. We will get you what you want. Even if there is some risk. Because if it's really important, it's worth the risk, ja?
Nott, steeling herself: Yes.
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ableedingpromise · 2 months
I wanna rework my profile and intro but I'm too lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaa
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ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 711: A new bike!!
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Pag 1
5: Retired from the first years' race:
Rokudai Renta
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Pag 3
1: Alright, okay
This is good
4: Watching the first years' race on Minegayama was exciting as always
“Will they be okay riding a a bike like that?”, I think stuff like that
5: Two years ago it was Onoda with his city bike..... and this year it was Rokudai especially
Since his was a cross-bike “remodeled as a road bike”
6: Here
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Pag 5
1: A week after the first years' race. Early morning
Sohoku high school's bicycle racing team morning practice
2: Waaaaa
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Pag 6
1: Re.... real road bikes are so amazing, teh....!!
2: Waaaaa
3: This is amazing, Kinaka-kun!!
It moves forward and forward amazingly!!
4: Shut up! You're saying “waaaa” and “aaaaah” too much
Aaaaaah, I'm sorry, teh!
Ah, I said it again, the
5: Well
It's a new bike.... and a “road” bike, I know the feeling of riding a new one for the first time!!
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Pag 7
2: Good grief, Rokudai
You're so lame, until when are you going to wear your middle school jersey
Ah- Kinaka-kun
You have time today after school?
3: Let's go to a bicycles shop
5: Waaa!
This one?
And this one is nice too, right?
What do you think, Kinaka-kun!!
6: Ahh... maybe the right one is better
Surprisingly, he has good taste....
7: Ahh.... after
8: then
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Pag 8
1: That time..... at the beginning..... when I made fun of you for being a manager and all that
For that
2: I'm sorry
3: I mean-that's... I thought you might still be worrying about that 
Well... that and, you, too
4: During the first years' race a week ago, I saw firsthand your riding, and on the summit's finish line
5: I lost
7: I acknowledge it!! That's!! You're amazing!!
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Pag 9
1: Saying always “that's” and “that” when speaking is bland, teh
Whaaaa!? You!! I'm apologizing honestly!!
2: I was joking, teh, I was joking, teh
3: Thank you, teh
4: I don't get praised much, so.... I felt awkward.... teh
6: If Kinaka-kun hadn't been there, I wouldn't have worked that hard, teh
7: Ah ah ah, is that so? Really?
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Pag 10
1: That color suits you!!
He's in a good mood now
2: Take the socks of the same color, that'd be cool
Eh, really!!
3: Let's keep going, how much money do you have!?
I have plenty, teh!! 200 yen!!
He can only buy the socks....
4: More importantly, Rokudai. You-
I'll bring him there again
5: You'll stay in the bicycle club, right?
Huh!? Yeah, that's right
That's!! And you're aiming for the top, right!?
Uhm... ah... of co....
6: Then that bike of yours won't do
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Pag 11
1: Huh
2: Bicycles races are for a specific type of bikes
And that's road-bikes
3: Your bike was originally a cross-bike for city riding, “remodeled as a road bike”
I don't hate that kind of things, but
The transmission forcibly attached to the handles installed in the dowel hole for the basket
4: A heavy frame that prioritize robustness, and a thin clank
5: Like that, in time of need, you can't fight!!
6: That's... uhm
Next time, I want to race you without any machine handicap!!
7: Race….. !?
8: Against..... me...?
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Pag 12
1: This time, I'll win officially!!
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Pag 13
1: What's up with them.... those two
Are so fast!!
They passed us!!
2: Let's pass them, Rokudai!!
Today's practice is to catch up with Kaburagi-san and the other second years who are ahead of us!!
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Pag 14
1: Which one of us will catch up first!!
It's a race!!
2: Yeah!! Teh!!
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Pag 15
2: With my skills and stamina, I can't catch up
I can only cling to him with everything I have, teh
As expected....
3: As expected, Kinaka-kun is strong, teh
This year's first years' race.....
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Pag 16
1: He's not the “winner” of the first years' race for nothing, teh!!
The first years are getting closer
They're coming, Issa, seriously
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Pag 17
3: First years' race results:
First place: Kinaka Tsugunao
4: And also, Kinaka-kun
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Pag 18
1: Kinaka-kun is kind
2: He came to talk to me after the first years' race
3: He became kinder to me in class, too
You forgot your eraser!? Here, I'll lend you mine!! Good grief
Ahh.... than you, teh
6: He started to worry about me
7: Maybe
He could feel that I was getting restless
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Pag 19
4: The day after the first years' race
5: Officially
7: ….. are you sure?
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Pag 20
1: Thank you for your help
Kai-chan and Kyou-chan quit the bicycles club
#yowamushi pedal#yowapeda#yowamushi pedal manga#yowapeda manga#yowamushi pedal spoilers#yowamushi pedal translations#ride 711#!!!!!!!!!!! Why is Watanabe so good!!!!! making me care about a character in literally just a few pages!!!!!#Kinaka!!!! I'm sorry i ever said something bad about you!! You are kinda lame but you're also a good boy!!#it's so nice the way he acts with roku-chan????? like i was expecting him to keep being rude to him and then slowly become friends#but instead he's just nice?? in a tsundere way sure but still#and i love the implication that he started taking care of him a little bc roku-chan was struggling#after kei and kyou left the team#its????? such a simple relationship but watanabe has so much talent in writing beautifully even the simplest things#really just one chapter and i already can see all the potential these two have#i mean ofc roku chan by himself but now also kinaka and both of them as a team#i like the friendly rivalry they have now!!#and now i'm wondering if perhaps kinaka will be on the team after all????#like ok one of the two spots if rokudai's for sure#but the other one??? until last chapter i was pretty sure it was danchiku#but tbh you never know it might  end up being kinaka after all#and theres always sugimoto mhhhh#i think danchiku is still the most probable but now i have my eyes on kinaka too#as i said- watanabe is a literl genius in writing and i am all here for him#its not easy to keep a sport manga exciting and interesting for more than 700 chapter but he sure can!!!
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