ernestdescalsartwok · 6 months
ESCOLA-RIU D'OR-SANTPEDOR-TREBALLS-ALUMNES-PLASTICA-SOBRE-QUADRES-PAISATGES-ARTISTA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: ESCOLA-RIU D'OR-SANTPEDOR-TREBALLS-ALUMNES-PLASTICA-SOBRE-QUADRES-PAISATGES-ARTISTA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Paneles en los que se muestran los trabajos de los alumnos de plástica de la ESCOLA PUBLICA RIU D'OR de SANTPEDOR, versiones sobre los cuadros que he pintado con los paisajes del pueblo, un experiencia muy interesante que el profesorado de la escuela ha querido trabajar a partir de mis pinturas, para un artista resulta conmovedor el ver el versionado de las obras que han hecho las niñas y niños. Fotos del artista pintor Ernest Descals en los momentos previos a la charla donde responder las preguntas de los interesados en la vida y la obra del creador plástico.
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thequeereview · 2 months
Theatre Review: Oh, Mary! (Lyceum Theatre, Broadway) ★★★★★
The skill required to craft and perform truly great comedy is often underrated, so its refreshing to see the slew of much-deserved plaudits for Cole Escola’s Oh, Mary! that currently adorn the marquee of Broadway’s Lyceum Theatre. Included among the attention-grabbing endorsements is the show’s own mock-boastful tagline—which channels the titular character’s tendency for self-aggrandizement—”The…
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lescroniques · 7 months
80 escoles que pateixen segregació reclamen a les famílies dels seus barris que les visitin "sense prejudicis"
“Som les escoles ‘sense veu’. Ara ens toca agafar el micròfon i parlar als nostres veïns i veïnes” social.cat 20-02-2024.- Un total de 80 escoles i instituts d’arreu de Catalunya s’han sumat a la campanya ‘Aquí comença tot’ per interpel·lar les famílies del seu entorn perquè les visitin sense prejudicis durant aquests dies de portes obertes i en descobreixin els projectes pedagògics. La…
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strangepersonafest · 1 year
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taraczkiperecke · 1 year
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François Desnoyer - Escole
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12endigital · 1 year
Las ‘escoles de la mar’ abren las inscripciones para el programa libre de verano ‘A la Mar 2023’
La consellera de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Raquel Tamarit, ha visitado la Escola de la Mar de Burriana coincidiendo con la abertura de las inscripciones en el programa libre de verano de la campaña de actividades náuticas ‘A la Mar 2023’, organizadas a través del Institut Valencià de la Joventut (IVAJ). El programa libre de verano ofrece entre el 26 de junio y el 1 de septiembre cursos…
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Dirty cop
Summary: You're a deviant, and conner gets aggressive interrogating you. You shouldn't be turned on by this, but you are. He's so intimidating. Sexual tension rises once he realizes you're aroused by this. As a final interrogation tactic, he gets you two somewhere more... private.
Content: aggressive conner, small spaces, choking (kind of), degrading kink, mentions of murder, reader explains their crimes while getting fucked, I'm bad at pacing so just read slowly
Holy fuck
Holy fuck
I'm in a lot of trouble
I stand uncomfortably in the room I was instructed to wait in. I could run. I should run but I don't want to risk it, guards and guns everywhere. I don't want to risk that yet.
Suddenly the door clicked open. "Thank you, officer " I heard a husky voice say before entering. Another android, it looked like he worked for the police, strange. He was fairly tall, six feet even, brown clean cut hair, nice jaw, freckles peppered across the face, doe brown eyes. He seemed to be fairly kind looking on exception for his expression. Stiff and neutral, not the most welcoming.
"Android number 618 725 210-43 you are under investigation for the murder of Daniel Lane." I swallowed hard. I knew what I did was wrong, but something inside of me snapped. I was doing my regular deliveries when I saw that man mug a poor woman. I just couldn't let him do that. I didn't mean to kill him. It was an accident.
He slowly walked in front of me, he was uncomfortably close, I could practically feel him breathing on me. His stare was burning into my face. "Do you have no mercy, Deviant? Do you not realize what you've done?"
Holy shit.
He's really leaning into me now. God, he's close. I can't help but feel a blush on my cheeks. "What? Not gonna say anything? Hm? " Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm. Don't say anything. Maybe he'll think im not a Deviant.
He doesn't back away. Not even blinking. He's just burning a hole into me. "Say something. I know what you are. I know what you did." His voice rumbled into my ear, he was sturn and terrifying. Suddenly I felt hot. My ears were burning.
No way. I can't. I can't get aroused by this. I can't. not right now... oh my God, this is hot.
Suddenly, I was pushed against the wall. The force in his strength was no laughing matter, I was I'm deep shit. But God, somehow, it made me more aroused.
Hurt me
"Do you know what they'll do to you when you're convicted? They'll tear you apart! You're begging to be torn apart, aren't you?" I tried to control my breath, tried to calm down, but it wasn't working. My nerves were high and won't go down. Fear was muddied with lust, leaving me helpless.
He slammed me against the wall again, this time holding me by the throat. We both knew we didn't breathe. Not really. Sure, androids have faux lungs, but really, it's just to give the illusion of breath to humans, make them look more life like. Not that he cared. It was the intimidation tactic that he wanted. The fact was I could barely move with him holding me like this. I tried to struggle around his grasp but it only made him grip harder. My heart rate escolated. "Arn't you??" He repeated, more aggressive, yelling now. My knees buckled. Holy shit no I shouldn't be aroused by this.
He leaned closer, his breath was rough against my faux skin. His eyes dug into mine for a moment, and they shifted. Analyzing. Then his brows twitched. And realization sunk in. His expression was something in-between smug and disgust. "You're aroused by this Arn't you?" He questioned, his voice the same mood as his face.
My heart dropped when he said it. He was so loud too, surely anyone in the next two rooms could hear it. Shame, fear, lust all bubbled up inside me. Everything he did further drove my lust, and it was making me crazy.
He had no response to my silence. It seemed he was still processing. Assessing his next move.
After a moment, he squinted at me. Then, I grabbed a fist full of my shirt by the collar, dragging me with him. He pushed open the door of the interrogation office and dragged me with him.
"Connor, where the fuck are you going?" A call from an older man immigrated from behind us. "They clearly don't want to talk with an audience. I'll try to see what I can get out of them when we're alone." He stated flatly.
Before I knew it I was thrown past a whirl wind of doors and next thing I know I'm somewhere isolated. A cramped and dim room. My breath was heavy and out of control, my heart thumping against my plastic shell. What is happening??
"Clearly, traditional intimidation doesn't work on you." He droned, creeping closer to me.
Oh my God. Is this happening?
"So let's see what will get you to speak." He pulled his tie loose, draping around his shoulders. His slow movement never faltered from getting closer to me. I was instinctively backing away, but I wanted this. I knew whatever this was, it was going to get me in trouble, but I may as well die like a champ.
His jacket and shirt were un buttoned. He didn't bother to take them off. It seemed he knew the conservation was a tease, further causing me yern for him. My butt hit something hard. I quickly turned my head to see it was a countertop of sorts. It was cool against my fingertips. Just as my gaze focused in front of me again, he was pressed against me. The fabric of his clothes rubbing against mine. His hips rolling roughly against my core. I pressed my lips together, suppressing a moan. Holy shit this was really happening!
One of his hands gripped my neck again, pressing my head against the cold wall behind me. His eyes stared unbreakingly into mine as he continued to grind. I could feel myself getting hot, my heart beat growing quicker. Fuck. Whatever he was doing was working, and it made it hard to focus.
The pressure suddenly alleviated from my Groin when I suddenly heard a zip and the sound of more fabric shifting. Suddenly, his hands were on my pants, he roughly unzipped them and pulled them down. "Is this what you wanted?" his tone was more impatient than lustful, not to say lust wasn't there. "Answer me." He firmly stated. I let out a wine, trying to press myself against him, but he swiftly gripped my hips to render further movement, causing me to let out a more desperate wine. "Y-yes." I whispered desperately. "Then tell me what happened."
I tried to push myself against him, but it was no use. He was too strong. "I-i was delivering. I was assigned an address to drop off a pizza." His stare continued, urging me to continue. "I... I was on route until I heard screaming. I... I looked around, trying to assess any danger when I saw a man mugging someone. A woman. She was crying. " I looked desperately at him. Give me something. Please. He didn't budge. "T-then something inside of me changed. I knew I had to help her. I couldn't just let it happen."
Suddenly, something pushed inside of me, causing me to gasp. His hips slowly pressed against mine, streching me out. He was big. Dear Lord, he was big. It was overwhelming, and I was beginning to lose track.
"Good. Now tell me what happened." He rumbled. I began to clinch around him, trying to adjust. The led on the side of his head began to wildly flash yellow, his jaw clinching, eyes fluttering for a moment. Only a moment. But I caught my attention. "Something in me b-broke. I broke from my programming, I guess. Next thing I know, I dropped the pizza box, and I'm sprinting at the man." I swallowed hard, trying to keep my thoughts in one place. "I had to protect her. I attacked him." Keep cool. Keep cool.
"How exactly did you attack him?" His hips teasingly rolling against my core before stopping. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan. His led flased yellow for a split second. "I... I started by throwing him off balance... then I threw a punch. He fell back but managed to catch himself, and he sprinted at me... He was able to get a few good hits in."
A movement began to happen between my thighs. His dick was slowly pumping inside of me. Not by the movement of his hips, no, not like a person. It was robotic. It was the base of his shaft. "Keep going." He demanded firmly. I gripped the countertop, suppressing whimpers as I tried to keep my train of thought, but it was getting harder and harder to keep grasp on it. "I-i ended up using... his weapon as my own. Not to kill him. I just needed to... to weaken him." A whimper slipped from my lips but I continued "eventually I tried to shove him away again, much harder than before. I tried to tell the lady to run but she seemed to badly injured to do so. Next think I know he... he's dead. He must have hit his head. I didn't mean to kill him swear. I- I swear I just wanted to help someone."
Conner trusted much faster now. As well as taking his hand that was on my hips and using it to press against my clit. His fingers began to vibrate. I couldn't contain my moans anymore. It's mutch. "Then you fled with the woman to the hospital and hid. Why did you hide?" He grew aggressive again. His hand tightened around my throat. "I felt guilty. I panicked. I had to mutch to explain to the nurses. No matter what I said, I felt I couldn't do it right. I ran because I was scared."
Fuck his whole body waight was pressed against mine. I melted into him. He could do whatever he wanted with me at that moment, and I would have been fine with it. I just had a need for him. I was desperate. "See what happens when you cooperate well?" He teased half coldly. Leaning in to place a sloppy kiss on my shoulder, and that was my breaking point. Everything in my system ran into overdrive as I reached a climax. Visual systems flashing in and out of function He seemed to let out a few pants and moans, too, which let me plumet deeper into pleasure. He began to rhutt against me desperately, his whining growing more frequent. My heavy lids slid open, trying to observe him. His led flash changing from yellow to red temporarily before going back to yellow.
I don't know how much time had passed. But it seemed he was collecting himself. It took a few minutes for his led to return to blue. For my systems to return to normal. But once we were all collected, he quickly redressed himself, combing out his hair. I tried to as well. I wasn't sure what else to do. "That's what it took for you to tell the truth?" He finally stated, coldly. My heart dropped. I wasn't sure what I expected but I wasn't that.
I didn't even know how to respond. I softly shook my head "I suppose so." I whispers back, defeated. "Is that what it took for you to complete the mission?" I quipped back. I felt awkward as hell, but it was the first thing that came to mind. He stiffened for a moment, clinched his jaw and then continued to fix his tie "it seems we're both desperate party's."
There was a heavy awkwardness in the air before he finally grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room, walking me back to the interrogation room. "It seems you enjoyed it too." I offered. Not sure why, but I couldn't stop thinking it. He stopped suddenly, looking at me. "I enjoyed nothing. I simply did what I needed to complete my assignment." "We both know that is a lie. I heard the sounds you made. I saw your led." Something in his expression shifted for a moment, calculating. "What matters is that you confessed. We're done here." He demanded sternly. I need to get out of here. Before they destroy me. "Connor." I squeezed out. "What?" He asked, irritated. "How many miles from here to the movie theater?" It was a dumb question, I know but that's what I needed. I needed to throw him off. Plus, the theater was close to the busses. If I can get on the busses, I can escape this. "What?" His stern and flat expression quickly became confused. I repeated the question "one and a half miles -" I ripped my wrist from his hand and ran.
To be honest I knew he can catch me. He's more agile than I am but I had a shot and that's what mattered. I sprinted down the hall twords the glass doors, throwing them open. And darting into the snow "HANK" I heard conner call behind me. Fuck.
I must have blacked out, but somehow, I made it to the bus on time. Just barely avoiding them.
Hank and connor stood in the snow. "Shit!" Hank cried, kicking a pile of snow. "I'm sorry Hank, I wasn't fast enough. " Hank took a moment to catch his breath, looking around agrivatedly and finally turned to conner "what the fuck were you doing mingling with the Deviant?" "What?" "Don't play dumb, Connor, Jesus christ!"
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tecontos · 1 month
O inicio da minha vida dupla (Julho-2024)
By; Raquel
Sou a Raquel, tenho 36 anos. Por mais que eu seja recatada e bem comportada, um verdadeiro exemplo de mulher aos olhos da sociedade, sempre tive uma imensa vontade de ser uma prostituta por fora da minha vida normal . Ter homens me pagando para oferecer prazer e fazê-los gozar me deixa completamente maluca de tesão.
Na verdade o cenário da pornografia ao meu ver é algo além de lucrativo pois também valoriza o ego. Uma coisa é você sair com alguém em busca de sexo e outra coisa é você querer pagar alguém para oferecer sexo para você. Um misto de dominação e comércio, e sempre achei esse tipo de coisa muito empolgante.
Nunca precisei cogitar a possibilidade de pagar por alguém, sempre tive qualquer homem ao meu dispor. Sou de uma família rica em Minas Gerais, frequentei os melhores colégios, meu ciclo social é composto de empresários, políticos e membros da elite das famílias tradicionais. Hoje com os meus 36 anos de idade, posso me considerar muito bem vivida no cenário pessoal, sexual e também em minha lista de contatos. Para mim que sempre tive tudo com muita facilidade, ter algo tão inusitado gera desafio em minha vida, me trás adrenalina e me tira do tempo ocioso ao qual vivo boa parte do meu tempo.
Em minha cidade existe na parte comercial de bares noturnos, várias meninas que ficam fazendo ponto de forma discreta nestes espaços. Elas são maravilhosas, estão sempre impecáveis e bem vestidas. Resolvi ir até um deles para bater um papo com algumas delas para que eu possa realizar esse fetiche de ser garota de programa por um dia.
Mesmo que eu não fosse mais tão jovem, possuo um porte invejável, me alimento de forma saudável, sou corredora e tenho vários procedimentos estéticos. Sou um baita mulherão. Dediquei toda minha vida aos estudos, morei fora do país, sempre trabalhei muito, abri mão de construir uma família em nome da minha carreira. Sou uma mulher realizada mas me sinto frustrada por ter vivido apenas questões técnicas na vida, sem me aventurar como qualquer outra mulher inconsequente faria no auge da sua juventude. Me falta esse ar rebelde e libertador.
Sentei na mesa que ficava ao lado dos músicos, observei a movimentação do bar, o fluxo de quem possivelmente pudesse estar ali buscando por sexo ou não, até que uma moça maravilhosa entrou e se sentou na mesa que ficava ao lado da minha.
Ela estava sozinha, provavelmente estava esperando por alguém e eu torcia para que ela fosse uma acompanhante de luxo e eu pudesse tirar as minhas dúvidas, podendo talvez me aventurar neste caminho.
Levantei da mesa de onde eu estava e perguntei a moça se poderia sentar com ela, avisei que seria breve para não atrapalhar o seu “encontro”. Ela se identificou como Manoela, na verdade ela era uma acompanhante de luxo, me contou sua rotina, como foi sua transição e todos os desafios da profissão. Ela era belíssima, alta, negra, dos cabelos mais lindos que já vi, um Black Power dourado que a deixava parecendo uma atriz de Hollywood. Seus olhos eram cor de mel, suas unhas em tom perolado davam um ar luxuoso ao traje de seda fina que embelezava seu corpo, seus lábios pareciam uma fotografia de alguma clínica de estética, eu nunca havia me deparado com uma beleza como a dela.
Manoela me contou que não quis retirar o membro masculino pois eles eram um atrativo no meio da prostituição, que muitos homens optam por encontros com ela justamente por ela ser uma mulher trans. Eu estava me sentindo atraída por aquela mulher, que na ocasião estava ali por diversão, não era seu horário comercial. Passei a noite toda batendo papo e bebendo com ela enquanto ela me explicava detalhe por detalhe como aconteciam os programas. Passei o meu número para ela e me coloquei à disposição para o serviço sexual.
Eu sabia que dali em diante minha vida mudaria por completo. Não conseguia imaginar qual seria o valor do meu programa, apesar dos valores que ela já havia me dito serem possíveis eu não sabia o que escolher, mas taxar o preço é que seria o diferencial para sustentar a minha fantasia. Tudo precisaria acontecer de uma forma discreta, minha família jamais poderia ter alguma noção de algo parecido envolvendo o meu nome.
Combinamos tudo de uma forma muito sigilosa, confiei a Manoela o meu contato de whatsapp para que ela pudesse me indicar para um possível cliente.
No outro dia eu resolvi visitar o shopping para comprar vários modelos novos de lingerie, segundo a minha nova amiga, isso faria diferença no meu cartão postal, estar vestindo uma bela lingerie iria destacar o meu potencial feminino. Comprei várias cores e já estava em frente ao espelho me preparando para essa nova experiência. Eu estava realmente cheia de tesão e ardendo de desejo por dentro pensando em como iria ser essa nova experiência de dar por dinheiro e por isso estava me masturbando a dias enquanto pensava na infinidade de possibilidade do que poderia acontecer.
Uma semana após o meu encontro com Manoela, recebi uma mensagem de um homem a respeito da minha disponibilidade para um encontro. Seria esse o meu primeiro programa. Eu estava com medo do risco e animada com o novo desafio. Só de imaginar aquela cena toda acontecendo eu chegava a melar a minha calcinha. Isso de fato era algo que eu já queria há um tempo. Ter 36 anos ainda deixava o desafio ainda mais gostoso, afinal geralmente os homens gostam de meninas mais jovens e não de uma “coroa” na mesma idade que eu.
Conversei durante uma hora com o cliente, combinamos o dia, local e horário. Eu estava tremendo só de imaginar como seria a minha primeira vez, realmente o sentimento que passava pela minha mente é como se eu fosse perder a minha virgindade naquele encontro. Ele era um empresário que estava de passagem na cidade e queria uma Cia para um jantar de negócios.
Na banheira da minha suite preparei o banho mais caprichado de todos os tempos, joguei pétalas de rosas, tomei meu espumante preferido, peguei meu vibrador e me masturbei para entrar no clima e me sentir mais solta, eu estava queimando de prazer.
Me aprontei de forma provocante, vesti um vestidinho longo preto, prendi o meu cabelo deixando um fio solto de cada lado, passei um batom em tom de vinho e coloquei algumas jóias delicadas, eu estava realmente maravilhosa para aquela situação toda que iria rolar.
Chegando ao local combinado fui recepcionada da melhor forma, minhas mãos estavam suando frio, minhas pernas tremiam e a insegurança era minha única certeza naquele momento. Encontrei com o cliente, ele era um homem muito rico, em torno dos seus 60 anos.
Saímos e fomos para o hotel que ele estava hospedado. Suas mãos firmes foram logo arrancando a minha roupa, sua pegada avassaladora foi me dominando pouco a pouco. A posição que eu mais gosto é de 4, ele me invadia com muita força, cuspia na minha buceta e metia gostoso. Ninguém diria que aquele homem tinha 60 anos, seu pau perfeito comeu meu cu como nenhum outro homem mais novo havia comida antes.
Ele me pediu para fazer oral, dei aquela mamada babada com muito capricho que lambuzou seu pau da cabeça as bolas. Ele montou em cima de mim e esfregou a cabeça do cacete no meu clitores até eu gozar gostoso de prazer.
Manoela havia me dito que tesão não é sentido em todos os programas, mas que alguns homens nos fazem ficar com as pernas bambas. Este homem era um exemplar deste. Ele gozou depois de uma hora transando, jogou seu leite todo pelos meus peitos.
No outro dia logo pela manhã ele pediu ao seu motorista para me deixar no meu apartamento. Não posso negar que adorei a sensação de ser comida por dinheiro e no dia seguinte já liguei para Manoela dizendo que ela poderia passar meu contato novamente para qualquer outro cliente possível, pois eu queria viver mais daquilo.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Raquel
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ernestdescalsartwok · 6 months
ESCOLA RIU D'OR-SANTPEDOR-PINTURA-ART-ALUMNES-PREGUNTES-ESTUDIAR-COL·LOQUI-VIDA-PINTAR-ARTISTA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: ESCOLA RIU D'OR-SANTPEDOR-PINTURA-ART-ALUMNES-PREGUNTES-ESTUDIAR-COL·LOQUI-VIDA-PINTAR-ARTISTA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Los alumnos de la ESCOLA RIU D'OR de SANTPEDOR han estudiado durante un més mis pinturas realizadas sobre los paisajes del pueblo, también han hecho versiones sobre mis cuadros en la clase plástica, ahora recibo la invitación del profesorado de la escuela para acudir y hablar con los interesados niños y niñas que me hacen cientos de preguntas sobre la vida de un pintor, me preguntan sobre las motivaciones para pintar y las técnicas utilizadas para hacer mis obras. Placentera comunicación entre un artista veterano y los posibles artistas del futuro. Agradezco el cariño recibido. Fotos del artista pintor Ernest Descals respondiendo las cuestiones relacionadas con el Arte que ha llenado mi periplo vital.
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useless-catalanfacts · 8 months
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Inside and outside of the Pia Schools' Church (Església de les Escoles Pies), in València.
Built between the years 1767 and 1773, the church's design was inspired in the description that Andrea Palladio wrote of the Temple of Minerva Medica, a temple built in the 4th century AD in Rome. The Valencian architects who worked on this church decided to merge the floor plan of Minerva Medica with the sides of the Pantheon. The blue tiles on the roof are typical from the Valencian Country.
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just interested, when do children start learning spanish in catalonia? Is it straight from kindergarten/first grade or later on?
yes, technically compulsory education starts at age 6 (although you can go to pre-schools/guarderías/escoles bressol before then). and yes, spanish is taught as its own course in school. there are some private schools and international schools where most of the classes can be taught in spanish (or even english!), but for the most part instruction is in catalan with spanish as a separate class.
but honestly, in my experience, kids start learning even before that and for a lot of people you pick up spanish through media exposure, pop culture, and living in the city. the most popular music you listen to and shows you watch are in spanish. (although aitana and mariona have both said they prefer catalan music 😄!) barcelona is also a super cosmopolitan city, so you get lots of immigrants who cannot speak catalan. to be honest, you actually can live in barcelona no problem just speaking english and spanish. but in other parts of catalunya, it's not the same.
hope that makes sense!
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lescroniques · 7 months
Divisió d'opinions entre la comunitat educativa respecte a la regulació dels mòbils
Alerten que la normativa no és homogènia i la seva aplicació pot generar diferències entre centres educatius pexels-bruce-reyeschow-1186738 Associacions de famílies i sindicats educatius han reaccionat de manera diversa a la regulació dels telèfons mòbils en els centres educatius de primària i secundària anunciada pel Departament d’Educació. Les Associacions Federades de Famílies d’Alumnes de…
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leoltc26 · 14 days
I bought several arts for Halloween and several others
buy discounted arts and get ready for halloween
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diegosouzalions · 1 year
A rainbow Escole a personalidade das diamantes
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minglana · 2 years
L'enseyament de l'aragonès i del català
per Artur Quintana i Font (via Temps de Franja)
"Mentre que l’ensenyament d’una llengua estrangera i del castellà és obligatori, s’observa que el de l’aragonès i el català, les nostres llengües pròpies i històriques, és optatiu, i això passa malgrat que la Constitució a l’article 3.2 proclame que aquestes llengües ‘seran també oficials’ –fa servir el futur perquè l’any 1978 en proclamar-se l’actual Constitució no ho eren, i el ‘també’ perquè el castellà ja n’era, d’oficial. I si voleu saber què vol dir per a una llengua ser oficial, només us cal llegir l’article 3.1 de la Constitució que diu que el ciutadà té el deure de conèixer la llengua oficial i el dret de fer-la servir. Essent així l’Estat ha de posar els mitjans perquè el ciutadà puga conèixer-la i fer-la servir en tot indret i moment. Pareix de sentit comú, oi que sí? Doncs no: quan el Govern de la Comunitat Gallega, ja el 1983, va posar a la seva llei de llengües que tothom havia de saber i poder enraonar tant en castellà com en gallec, a corre-cuita li van fer saber que això només valia per al castellà, i que el gallec quedava en mans del jutges, els quals en cada cas podien decidir quan i on els ciutadans gallecs podien, o no, enraonar en gallec i ser-hi entesos. Des d’aleshores les nostres llengües pròpies i històriques per més oficials que siguen es troben en uns llimbs legals, sempre depenent del tarannà dels jutges de torn."
"Per a l’aragonès s’ha passat de ser present a 4 centres escolars el curs 1997 a ser-ho a 27 amb més de 1.200 alumnes el curs 2021-2022, repartits per tota l’àrea de llengua aragonesa amb prou densitat en general. A les terres altes dels Pirineus hi ha escoles quasi a tot arreu amb ensenyament de l’aragonès, des de la Jacetània fins a la Ribagorça..." [...] "I a bastants escoles en territori de llengua catalana no s’ensenya aquesta llengua, com pertocaria, sinó aragonès. Això passa a la Ribagorça de llengua catalana de la Vall de l’Isàvena des de la capçalera a les Paüls fins a Llaguarres" [...] "Aquestes anomalies, que ja fa anys que duren, i han estat denunciades en repetides ocasions, tenen l’anuència, tàcita sembla, de les instàncies educatives: Conselleria, Direcció General de Política Lingüística, Academia Aragonesa de la Lengua… i de les associacions d’estudi i foment de l’aragonès."
"L’ensenyament de l’aragonès i del català es fomenta, a més, amb diversos programes:" [...] "Al poble abandonat de Bailo es fan jornades de convivència entre alumnes que assisteixen a classes d’aragonès i de català, i s’hi ha encetat un programa d’immersió per a l’aragonès. La immersió, que entre nosaltres és tot just a les beceroles, i encara, és del tot necessària per a contrarestar el trencament quasi total de la transmissió familiar de la llengua aragonesa i la que, com més va, més escassa de la catalana. Els bons resultats obtinguts a les ikastolak basques o a les calandretas occitanes, per esmentar, entre molts d’altres, uns exemples d’immersió ben propers, ens mostren el bon camí."
"Avancem, poquet a poquet, en l’ensenyament de les nostres llengües pròpies i històriques, amb molts i innecessaris obstacles, però avancem."
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a-c-perez · 2 months
Numerologia d'en Salvador Illa (alies "Isla"), candidat a President de la Generalitat.
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Un personatge fosc aquest candidat: acusacions de malversació, de provocar un sobrecost d’infraestructures, de fer compres a dit sense concurs, d’inflar els costos ... deixat anar per la "Justícia" Espanyola i observat per l’Europea ... no m'estranya gens el malnom de "enterramorts" que li apliquen a les Xarxes!!!
Anem a la seva numerologia ... tenim un personatge que es mostra als altres molt Dogmàtic i controlador (5) però que també ho és internament, és el que veus. De mena té facilitat pel treball dur i constant (4). No es pas un personatge creatiu, dons es deixa portar per "el de sempre", la força del costum (5) ... i és el que vota el públic sociata i possiblement els ex-Ciudadanos: Llei i Ordre (5) !!!
Estructura la seva vida d’una forma bàsica, es considera un líder (1) que prenc ell sol la iniciativa i les decisions ... el qual l’allunya dels altres i mostra una mancança total d’empatia, alhora que no suporta que res ni ningú el faci ombra (1).
La seva vocació (81) s’escau amb manar, organitzar, el lideratge de mà dura ... té la disposició per fer la feina bruta on no importa l’altre i prima la manca total d’empatia.
Nascut al 1966, s’arrela en els valors tradicionals i la família (6), amb tendència a dubtar, variar de parer ... per finalment quedar-se amb el dolent conegut (66) abans que allò desconegut però que pot ser millor.
Molt lluny de ser el líder que dona directrius i deixa fer del s. XXI ... les seves aspiracions professionals i polítiques es fonamenten en l’ordre i el control (85), mantenir-lo tot ben agafat, amb molta por als canvis (13) i ja no dic pas les revolucions!!!
Si alguna vegada va haver un veritable desig de canvis per la via política, aquests es van esmicolar per la manca d’espiritualitat (22), tot degenerant en una meta de perpetuar (20) la situació heretada.
La gent és atreta per la seva introspecció, aspecte de persona culta (32) la serietat (5) que emana i que representa els valors "de sempre" ... resta clar que el seu votant és abans no res molt conservador (4) ... han enterrat el Socialisme i l’auto-determinació dels Pobles de la que tan es vantaven !!!
La seva forma d’actuar amb (95) carisma d’autoritat, d’aquell que sap controlar els resolts del poder (5), que es situa tot sol dalt el pedestal (9) on no el puguin fer ombra i tot ho pot veure venir. Tot plegat és caut, sospesa molt les seves accions (14) per mantenir-les dintre l'ortodòxia.
El seu posat transmet un missatge (32) d’introspecció i professionalitat, sempre orgullós dels seus estudis, que se sàpiga les escoles i els seus títols ... però alhora defuig mostrar els seus sentiments tot centrant-se en els seus èxits i guanys professionals i polítics (5).
El seu poder (95) es fonamenta en tenir a les seves mans les claus del Partit i en mantenir-se per sobre de tothom (9) i és aquí on els propers poden veure la seva part emocional; si la té, d’home dur (1), treballador, exigent (5) ... que fa mans i mànigues per manegar els seus sentiments i no mostrar-los (14).
Finalment, el seu punt feble (60) passa per la presa de decisions, actua amb massa precaució, sens visió de futur ... tot plegat sempre triarà allò segur i conegut sens arriscar, el qual no el fa la persona adient en temps dinàmics.
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