jhesite · 9 months
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stellaluna33 · 4 months
When I was researching Medieval "honey cakes" for the Hobbit party and read about what that probably meant in Anglo-Saxon England (oats, honey, and maybe some kind of fat), I have realized that the "honey cakes" Beorn gave the dwarves (+Bilbo) for traveling were probably... Pretty much like a modern granola bar. 😆
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
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Casca de reis 🍰 a cake made of marzipan stuffed with candied sweet potato, candied egg yolk or pumpkin. It's made in the shape of a ring, a snake or another animal, and accompanied with dragée almonds, dried fruit, anise sweets, candied pumpkin and other candied fruits.
The casca is from the Valencian Country, where it's eaten on Three Wise Men Day (January 6th, the day we get the Christmas presents brought by the Three Wise Men), traditionally either brought by godparents as a gift for their godchildren or as a gift left by the Three Wise Men. Families can choose either this casca de reis or the other traditional dessert for the holiday, tortell de reis.
This recipe is documented since at least the year 1520, when it appears in the recipe book Llibre del Coc by Mestre Robert. The word "casca" (in diminutive, "casqueta") already appears in a list of sweets that are part of a poem by in Jaume Roig's famous book Espill, published in 1460.
1st photo and information from Tasta'l d'ací project about traditional Valencian cuisine.
2nd photo from Claudia&Julia cooking blog.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
And what if I said Betty is gonna try to hold Simon captive in whatever world or dimension she is in and is refusing to let him go even thought Fionna's world is actively dying. She doesn't want Simon to get hurt to hurt himself and even if he finds a better, not ice king way, she still won't let him cause in her eyes they can finally be together forever like this. Her whole speech or plea for him just for Simon to like look at her straight in the eyes and say some shit like.
"I don't want to live without you but I have to."
And with the look he gives her, she finally gets it even if it breaks her heart to accept that even if they were meant to be they were never meant to be always.
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penguin-scribbles · 9 months
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“Together, then!!”
hi macnacross reminded me of vampire world bubbline so this came out of it 🙃
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huariqueje · 9 months
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Dividing the cake on Twelfth Night - Anonymous engraver , 1842.
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frozenhi-chews · 7 months
I remember going through the monster kisser/romance tag and the sheer amount of posts that I had filtered out was astounding.
Guys. Can we just. KISS the monsters? Is asexual romance for monsters even a thing with people? I just wanna romance a monster, not anything else!!
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thevisualvamp · 9 months
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Let’s eat
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spectralscathath · 1 year
number 22 for the salt thing
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
idk if the whole fandom sleeps on this but like, the bits of the fandom I'VE seen have, and no fandom was specified for this so I’m gonna come out and say it: I like Endeavor’s arc in MHA. I like that he is a toxic, abusive father, a terrible husband, and just kinda the worst, and, key point here, I like that he figures out that he’s a bastard and realises ‘oh shit I need to do better’ and then has No Fucking Clue how to do it. Do I think it’s handled perfectly? God no, there’s problems in the writing, always will be. But I think it’s interesting, it’s intriguing, and that while I do understand people hating Enji for his actions and stuff, I think that flattening him down to just a one-note abuser actively robs the storyline of a complex and fascinating character.
I think my favourite thing about it as well is that Enji fucks it up constantly. He has no idea how to be a father, he has no idea how to be a civil human being, he knows how to be a hero in terms of doing the work side of the job (such as having the most solved cases on record or his agency focusing on all areas of heroism instead of specialising), but he can’t for the life of him be an inspiration or a leader. He’s self-centred, he’s hard-headed, he’s mean, he’s hot-tempered, he’s proud and ambitious, he can’t handle a single conversation without resorting to gruffness and intimidation, and these are flaws that he has baked into himself for decades, of course they’re not gonna just go away. I want to study him under a microscope, honestly. Here is a character who has so completely defined themselves by two things: being perfect at their job on paper, and being second best. And then, all of a sudden, for the first time in his life. He comes first. But not by any of his own merits, his hard work. Nope. He comes first by default. And he hates it.
But, then that lil finicky bit of his perfectionism comes into play, and now that he’s been handed the title that he’s spent so long trying to take, even if it isn’t how he wanted it, he’s still that stubborn fuck who’s gonna do his goddamn job, so he starts actually trying to figure out how to be what All Might was, and isn’t that so interesting, the duality of flaws? How his need to be the best made him a monster, and then, when circumstances changed, it set him on the road to try and atone. And I do mean ‘atone’. I’m definitely in the ‘this is an atonement, not a redemption’ camp. It's mostly semantics, and I’m definitely not up to date on the manga so god knows if it’s gonna get pulled off, but man, if this landing is stuck, I’d love it.
Following on from that: I’m absolutely on team ‘none of the Todorokis die at the end’. I think the best ending for the Todoroki family is that they all live, and they all keep getting to have interesting and different interactions with each other. Because the reactions to Enji from his family are the other best part of his arc. Stories thrive on drama and conflict, and this man is a walking fusion generator of the two. Rei wants nothing to do with him for good reason until she needs to work with him to help their son, she has her own demons to deal with as well. Fuyumi is forgiving to her father, but that doesn’t mean she’s not still angry at him, she has her own reasoning for doing so. Natsuo would be happy if he got to live the rest of his life never having to talk to his dad again but doesn’t want him dead. Dabi is just swinging wildly between every emotion known to man with the dial turned all the way up, his issues are all standing on top of each other in one emo trench coat that’s currently setting everything on fire before anyone can realise there’s a person behind the nightmare. And Shouto is also in this complicated space of sorta wanting stop being angry, not for Enji’s sake but for his own.
If Enji was just a one-note character, the abuser using his hero status to get away with his crimes, then that would lose all the interesting interplay between the family. It takes all the teeth out of the Todoroki plotline. And Enji or Dabi dying at the end? Well, where’s the story supposed to go from there, it doesn’t fit, it’s a cop out for Enji’s plotline, which is all about ‘you are not allowed to escape the consequences of your actions, you must live to see the damage you have done and work to fix it’. Enji is a man defined by his need to work, and so work he must.
What a fun way to take a character. (Again reiterating that I’m not saying you have to like him but like. I think he’s very polarising for good reason and that often leads to people flattening him down into Pure Evil Abuser, and I feel like from what I’ve seen of the fandom, the interesting stuff about him gets lost in that.)
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askwhatsforlunch · 9 months
Kings' Crowns and Cakes
Some might think that the Festive Season ends with the first day of January; but indeed, we're only half-way through the revelries! Epiphany, celebrated on the 6th of January or the first Sunday after the 1st of January --or both and beyond, like in this house!-- commemorates the visit of the Magi, the Three Kings. In France, we feast on Kings' Cakes (or rather a pie with a frangipane filling encased in puff pastry) in the Northern half of the country, and on Kings' Crowns (brioches studded with candied peel and fruits) in the South. In theory... I was born in Paris, but I tend to favour Brioches des Rois over the Galettes des Rois! I also spent some of my early years in Montpellier in the South, where my sister, who prefers galettes, was born! Go figure! The truth is that they can both be very good, and even better if you try your hand at it and fill either with your favourite things! Here are a few Kings' Crowns and Cakes I baked over the years; hopefully something will suit your tastes... And, aother French tradition is to eat them throughout January, a good notion, I reckon!
Kings Crowns - Brioches des Rois
Citrus and Praliné Kings’ Crown 
Lemon and Honey Kings’ Crown 
Raspberry Kings’ Crown 
 Plum Kings’s Crown 
 Cardamom and Cinnamon Kings’ Crown 
 Caramel and Chocolate Kings’ Crown 
Kings’ Brioche
Kings' Cakes - Galettes des Rois
Pistachio and Cherry Kings' Cake 
Maple and Pecan Kings’ Cake 
Cranberry, Pomegranate and Satsuma Kings’ Cake 
Pecan, Walnut and Chocolate Kings’ Cake 
Honey and Pear Hazelnut King’s Cake 
Hazelnut and Chocolate King’s Cake 
Pistachio, Hazelnut and Almond Kings’ Cake 
Galette des Rois (Kings’ Cake)
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maypoleman1 · 9 months
6th January
Epiphany/Old Christmas Day
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Source: The Book of Christmas, The Enchanted World, Time-Life Books
Today is the Epiphany, the commemoration of the arrival of the Three Magi in Bethlehem to acknowledge and worship the infant Jesus. It is also the Twelfth and final day of Christmas. These days, the day is marked by not much more than the taking down of festive decorations, if they haven’t been already. Up until about 150 years ago, however, the Epiphany and the end of Christmas was celebrated in earnest, particularly as it meant a return to work the following day and the beginning of the slow progress towards the austerities of Lent. Parties involving fancy dress - participants were known as “guisers” - were common and during the revels, masked men would visit apple trees in the orchards and sprinkle cider at the root to guarantee a fine harvest in the coming summer. Another pagan survival, which still takes place in Haxey, Humberside, is the Haxey Hood, a rumbustious football match involving thirteen red-clad Boggans, officiated over by a Lord and a Fool. The ball - known as the Sway Hood - is awarded to the pub team who can get the ball past the Boggans and, if they manage this, the pub will be blessed with good luck in the New Year. It is thought the game originated as a fertility ritual involving bull sacrifice, whose head comprised a “football” after the feast.
Twelfth Night Cakes were also popular today and were intended to last the whole of the winter season: they have been entirely superseded by Christmas Cakes. Today was also Christmas Day under the old calendar and on Shetland, it is still known as Yule.
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A princess epiphany: moodboard
My ko fi    
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perlelas · 9 months
New ! (Epiphany Special)
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But who between the children and the cat will be the king ?
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fuzzysparrow · 9 months
We Three Kings of Orient Aren't
Written by John Henry Hopkins Jr. (1820-91) in 1857, the Christmas carol We Three Kings tells of the Biblical Magi that visited Jesus sometime after his birth, bringing him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. However, the event recounted in the Gospel of Matthew does not mention the number of Magi who were present or whether they were even kings. The mystery of these “wise men” remains today,…
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i don't know why but having all of these fucking awesome people in this awesome team, and then one of them's called timothy lawrence and i start breaking down hysterically
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thelondonwhisperer · 9 months
Zédel celebrates King’s Day with free meals
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Celebrating Epiphany/La Fête de Rois at Brasserie Zédel where those wearing a crown were treated to a free three-course meal including their famously delicious King’s cake 👑
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