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g55-mrdropitoff · 1 day ago
me tryna figure out why i like this bad bitch face so much
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loveemagicpeace · 1 day ago
🧚🏻‍♀️Astrology Notes🌊
People with 1st house placements are really good at presenting themselves. You are very good at expressing yourself. For ex.: Jupiter in 1st house- You have a lot of wisdom and knowledge. People like to listen to you. They see you as someone who is smart and has a lot of knowledge. It gives you confidence and a sense of freedom, especially in terms of how you look. You can be very careless, and you don't care what others think of you. Uranus in 1st house- u have unique approach to life and in a way that u look or dress. Sun in 1st house- u will always shine no matter what and u can also be in a spotlight a lot. You have a certain pride that you carry with you. Saturn in 1st house- You have a lot of maturity and things you've experienced. U can have sometimes hard time to express yourself. Mars in 1st house- Your energy is very noticeable. You are almost never afraid of anything.
12th house Synastry -Sometimes it feels like the person is reading your mind and sometimes they do exactly what you think. You sometimes feel like the person is taking something away from you. Example: you're watching a podcast in the evening that you really like and the next day that person posts the same podcast. There's always some kind of connection between you that's hard to explain.
Aquarius Venus-I often see them getting divorced or having unpredictable relationships. But divorces with this sign are quite common, in fact they are much more so than with someone who has Venus and Capricorn (they are very serious and cautious in love and it takes a long time to actually open up and build a life with someone). Aquarians can sometimes be more reckless and at the same time open to new things and if they feel the energy then they will quickly enter into a relationship. They also know how to get over someone quickly. Life goes on and so do they.
Sagittarius moon-they usually always have a belief in something whatever it is. They like something they can emotionally connect with. They will usually always look for a way that will fulfill them emotionally and give them some meaning. And they take a long time to get over something emotionally even if it doesn't seem that way. The trick with them is that they don't show that much emotion on the outside, so people often think they are very chill and cold.
2nd house is house of inner feelings, comfort, luxury, music, movies, food, what kind od food u love to eat. People with many planets here are more devoted to food and wanting to be comfortable. And they like to take the easy way out. They don't like to walk or do something for too long. They don't like to change their environment.
7th house stellium means there are many things you have to find out about yourself here. You can spend a long time searching for your personality. Thats why u can actually come off as a fake a lot of times. More than someone who has 12th house placements.
Countries ruled by Scorpio: Bavaria, Morocco, Norway, Syria. The places it rules are usually muddy streams, quiet ponds, swamps, vineyards, operating rooms.
Countries ruled by Libra: Austria, Argentina, China, Egypt, Japan, Tibet. The places it rules are harbors, golf courses, the tops of buildings, lobbies, closets, tables.
Countries ruled by Aries: Bulgaria, England, Denmark, Germany. The places it rules are hilly, dry, fireplaces, ceilings, hearths, rooms in the east and prominent corner buildings facing east.
Countries ruled by Cancer: North Africa, Netherlands, Paraguay, Scotland, New Zealand. The places it rules are: streams, springs, lakes, laundries, kitchens, homes.
If you want to sleep well, you can look at your 12th house and the moon. Because that will tell you where you will sleep better and which side is good when you sleep. Moon in Cancer means you’re highly sensitive to emotional and environmental changes. You likely sleep best when you feel safe, emotionally nurtured, and in a cozy, familiar environment. If something is emotionally off, it can disrupt your sleep, leading to vivid dreams or even insomnia. Mars in the 12th house, which means your sleep isn’t always restful. Mars here can create restlessness, active dreams, or even sleep disturbances because Mars is an action-oriented planet placed in a house of subconscious energies. Your dreams may be intense, symbolic, or even feel like past-life connections. Fire Moons (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-Might wake up in the middle of the night, especially with intense dreams.
Mercury in the 12th – Overthinking before bed, talking in sleep, or receiving messages through dreams. Jupiter in the 12th – Spiritual or prophetic dreams, dreams of foreign places or guides, may wake up feeling inspired.
People ruled by saturn have one side that is devish not meant in a bad way. But if you hurt them you will face the other side of them. Many people do not know that capricorns are very strong and that they can also be vengeful but their revenge is silent.
A lot of people when they have north node transit in 11th house & south node transit 11th house -they delete social networks or use them less. At that moment, you often feel that it is not something you connect with anymore. I also often notice that gemini rising & sagittarius rising delete social networks because they want to live their lives differently. Also, many people with virgo rising do not connect as much with social networks.
If you have Venus in Gemini you must have an intellectual rapport with someone before your affections begin to blossom.  Basically, you have a lighthearted attitude toward love. Intense, heavy emo- tional commitments are like an anchor around your neck.  This position of Venus also stimulates a careless and free hand for spending money.
Venus in Leo are able to attract warm feelings on the part of others. You are extravagantly affectionate and generous, buying expensive gifts for those you love and praising them to the skies in front of other people. Needless to say you are drawn to the world of theater, and many of you are blessed with superb creative gifts. Though self-indulgent and pleasure-seeking, you are capable of making a great self-sacrifice for the happiness of some- one else.
Jupiter’s position in your chart indicates how outgoing and genial you are, whether you attract money and possessions, and in what career you will have the most luck.  Jupiter signifies the good things that come to you easily and with little effort. Jupiter can also be too much of a good thing, for its influence can make you extravagant, lazy and luxury-loving, profligate with money, and blindly optimistic. If things fall into your lap too easily, you never develop strength of character or spiritual wisdom.
Jupiter in Cancer-You are imaginative and sympathetic, and do well in creative pursuits. Old things have a special appeal to you. Anything involving food and drink also brings luck; many of you make successful chefs, restaurateurs, and cookbook writers.
Jupiter in Leo- You think big, are ambitious, and have a penchant for grandeur and extravagant display.  In professions where this is useful, such as the entertainment industry, the world of fashion, and high-powered selling jobs, you are predestined to succeed.
Jupiter in Aquarius- You usually find good fortune through your friends and unexpected opportunities. You are also endowed with a special aptitude for music. Many Jupiter-Aquarians become well known in that world. Aquarius is also the sign of the future, and as a native of this Jupiter position you tend to be successful in professions of the modern era— television, computers, electronics, aviation, and the space industry.
Jupiter in Pisces -are singled out for success in social or religious work, politics, and philanthropic organizations. Work that involves travel over water brings other opportunities into your life. You also have a deft touch with animals, would make a fine veterinarian, and many of you have lucrative businesses breeding horses, owning cattle ranches, and raising cats and dogs for show .
Uranus in 2nd house-You tend to have an unusual source of income or your money oppor- tunities pop up suddenly and unexpectedly. Antiques, curios, and collectibles are lucrative for you.
Jupiter in 2nd house-you tend to make money easily and have a talent for financial dealings. Other people are attracted to your expansive ways and you often benefit through social contacts. Traveling or the travel industry is another source of wealth for you.
Moon inn 3rd house-You tend to think emotionally and have a strong imagination. You dislike routine and your life is marked by many short trips. You have a good memory, often change your opinion. But you can also be very moody.
Sun in 4th house-You take pride in your home and family; from the time you were young you had a deep need to establish roots. One or both of your parents was a dominant influence in your life; in some cases you had to struggle for independence.
Mercury in 4th house-Your home is often a place of study or work, and the work you do may lead to changes in your residence. Your parents and early home life stimulated your curiosity to learn.
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political-us · 1 day ago
The U.S. energy consumption is expected to rise with the increasing adoption of AI, electric vehicles (EVs), and cryptocurrency mining, but the exact amount depends on multiple factors like efficiency improvements, grid expansion, and renewable energy adoption. Here’s a breakdown of how these technologies could impact energy demand:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Data Centers
• AI requires massive computing power, increasing electricity demand from data centers.
• In 2022, U.S. data centers consumed about 2.5% of total electricity (~200 terawatt-hours, TWh).
• AI workloads could double or triple data center energy use by 2030, potentially increasing U.S. electricity demand by 5%–10%.
• Efficiency Gains: AI hardware and software improvements may offset some of this demand.
2. Electric Vehicles (EVs)
• The transition to EVs will increase electricity demand but reduce oil consumption.
• If EV adoption reaches 50% of new car sales by 2030, transportation electricity demand could rise by 10%–15%.
• Smart Charging & Grid Management: If managed well, EVs could charge during off-peak hours to reduce strain on the grid.
3. Cryptocurrency Mining
• Crypto mining is highly energy-intensive. In 2023, Bitcoin mining alone consumed about 120 TWh globally, with the U.S. accounting for ~40% of that (~48 TWh).
• If crypto adoption and mining expand further, electricity demand could rise by 2%–5%.
• Renewables & Efficiency: Some mining operations are integrating solar/wind energy to reduce grid impact.
Overall Impact on U.S. Energy Use
• The U.S. currently consumes about 100 quadrillion BTUs (~4,000 TWh) annually.
• By 2035, AI, EVs, and crypto could increase electricity demand by 15%–25%, depending on adoption rates and efficiency improvements.
• The shift to renewables and nuclear will be critical in meeting this demand without increasing carbon emissions.
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soymajitomv · 2 days ago
No es normal lo que me transmites. Tu ENERGIA la tienes transparente.
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xponentialdesign · 3 days ago
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Glutropic Hills
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juelzsantana · 2 months ago
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velvetyaura · 4 months ago
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Girl with a pearl earring (2024)
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ghostfacethriller · 2 days ago
Atmosphere I need right now.
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reasonsforhope · 2 months ago
Here's the top 2 stories from each of Fix The News's six categories:
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1. A game-changing HIV drug was the biggest story of 2024
In what Science called the 'breakthrough of the year', researchers revealed in June that a twice-yearly drug called lenacapavir reduced HIV infections in a trial in Africa to zero—an astonishing 100% efficacy, and the closest thing to a vaccine in four decades of research. Things moved quick; by October, the maker of the drug, Gilead, had agreed to produce an affordable version for 120 resource-limited countries, and by December trials were underway for a version that could prevent infection with just a single shot per year. 'I got cold shivers. After all our years of sadness, particularly over vaccines, this truly is surreal.'
2. Another incredible year for disease elimination
Jordan became the first country to eliminate leprosy, Chad eliminated sleeping sickness, Guinea eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus, Belize, Jamaica, and Saint Vincent & the Grenadines eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis, India achieved the WHO target for eliminating black fever, India, Viet Nam and Pakistan eliminated trachoma, the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness, and Brazil and Timor Leste eliminated elephantiasis.
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15. The EU passed a landmark nature restoration law
When countries pass environmental legislation, it’s big news; when an entire continent mandates the protection of nature, it signals a profound shift. Under the new law, which passed on a knife-edge vote in June 2024, all 27 member states are legally required to restore at least 20% of land and sea by 2030, and degraded ecosystems by 2050. This is one of the world’s most ambitious pieces of legislation and it didn’t come easy; but the payoff will be huge - from tackling biodiversity loss and climate change to enhancing food security.
16. Deforestation in the Amazon halved in two years
Brazil’s space agency, INPE, confirmed a second consecutive year of declining deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. That means deforestation rates have roughly halved under Lula, and are now approaching all time lows. In Colombia, deforestation dropped by 36%, hitting a 23-year low. Bolivia created four new protected areas, a huge new new state park was created in Pará to protect some of the oldest and tallest tree species in the tropical Americas and a new study revealed that more of the Amazon is protected than we originally thought, with 62.4% of the rainforest now under some form of conservation management.
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39. Millions more children got an education
Staggering statistics incoming: between 2000 and 2023, the number of children and adolescents not attending school fell by nearly 40%, and Eastern and Southern Africa, achieved gender parity in primary education, with 25 million more girls are enrolled in primary school today than in the early 2000s. Since 2015, an additional 110 million children have entered school worldwide, and 40 million more young people are completing secondary school.
40. We fed around a quarter of the world's kids at school
Around 480 million students are now getting fed at school, up from 319 million before the pandemic, and 104 countries have joined a global coalition to promote school meals, School feeding policies are now in place in 48 countries in Africa, and this year Nigeria announced plans to expand school meals to 20 million children by 2025, Kenya committed to expanding its program from two million to ten million children by the end of the decade, and Indonesia pledged to provide lunches to all 78 million of its students, in what will be the world's largest free school meals program.
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50. Solar installations shattered all records
Global solar installations look set to reach an unprecedented 660GW in 2024, up 50% from 2023's previous record. The pace of deployment has become almost unfathomable - in 2010, it took a month to install a gigawatt, by 2016, a week, and in 2024, just 12 hours. Solar has become not just the cheapest form of new electricity in history, but the fastest-growing energy technology ever deployed, and the International Energy Agency said that the pace of deployment is now ahead of the trajectory required for net zero by 2050.  
51. Battery storage transformed the economics of renewables
Global battery storage capacity surged 76% in 2024, making investments in solar and wind energy much more attractive, and vice-versa. As with solar, the pace of change stunned even the most cynical observers. Price wars between the big Chinese manufacturers pushed battery costs to record lows, and global battery manufacturing capacity increased by 42%, setting the stage for future growth in both grid storage and electric vehicles - crucial for the clean flexibility required by a renewables-dominated electricity system. The world's first large-scale grid battery installation only went online seven years ago; by next year, global battery storage capacity will exceed that of pumped hydro.
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65. Democracy proved remarkably resilient in a record year of elections
More than two billion people went to the polls this year, and democracy fared far better than most people expected, with solid voter turnout, limited election manipulation, and evidence of incumbent governments being tamed. It wasn't all good news, but Indonesia saw the world's biggest one day election, Indian voters rejected authoritarianism, South Korea's democratic institutions did the same, Bangladesh promised free and fair elections following a 'people's victory', Senegal, Sri Lanka and Botswana saw peaceful transfers of power to new leaders after decades of single party rule, and Syria saw the end of one of the world's most horrific authoritarian regimes.
66. Global leaders committed to ending violence against children
In early November, while the eyes of the world were on the US election, an event took place that may prove to be a far more consequential for humanity. Five countries pledged to end corporal punishment in all settings, two more pledged to end it in schools, and another 12, including Bangladesh and Nigeria, accepted recommendations earlier in the year to end corporal punishment of children in all settings. In total, in 2024 more than 100 countries made some kind of commitment to ending violence against children. Together, these countries are home to hundreds of millions of children, with the WHO calling the move a 'fundamental shift.'
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73. Space exploration hit new milestones
NASA’s Europa Clipper began a 2.9 billion kilometre voyage to Jupiter to investigate a moon that may have conditions for life; astronomers identified an ice world with a possible atmosphere in the habitable zone; and the James Webb Telescope found the farthest known galaxy. Closer to Earth, China landed on the far side of the moon, the Polaris Dawn crew made a historic trip to orbit, and Starship moved closer to operational use – and maybe one day, to travel to Mars. 
74. Next-generation materials advanced
A mind-boggling year for material science. Artificial intelligence helped identify a solid-state electrolyte that could slash lithium use in batteries by 70%, and an Apple supplier announced a battery material that can deliver around 100 times better energy density. Researchers created an insulating synthetic sapphire material 1.25 nanometers thick, plus the world’s thinnest lens, just three atoms across. The world’s first functioning graphene-based semiconductor was unveiled (the long-awaited ‘wonder material’ may finally be coming of age!) and a team at Berkeley invented a fluffy yellow powder that could be a game changer for removing carbon from the atmosphere.
-via Fix The News, December 19, 2024
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yeesiine · 8 months ago
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This 📩
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noughtlux · 4 months ago
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When you do not need to say anything Drawings 9 x 6 cm 2024
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cosmicportal · 6 months ago
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loveemagicpeace · 2 months ago
🌌Lilith in Houses🌌
Lilith in 1st house- often gives an aura of mystery and intensity. People may find you captivating or intimidating because of the way you embody Lilith's energy. You exude confidence and a refusal to conform to societal expectations. This placement makes you fiercely independent, with a strong desire to define yourself on your own terms. There may be a natural rejection of norms or roles imposed by others, particularly around appearance, identity, or how you express yourself. This placement often grants an alluring physicality, whether through intense eyes, a commanding posture, or an unspoken confidence. People notice you when you walk into a room. You may exude a potent sexual energy, even if it's not intentional. This can make others project their desires or insecurities onto you.
Lilith in 2nd house- emphasizes themes of self-worth, material security, and values. This placement connects Lilith's raw, untamed energy with personal resources. You may struggle with or rebel against traditional ideas of value, especially how others define worth through money, possessions, or status. You may have moments of abundance or deprivation, leading to lessons about power, control, and attachment. The 2nd house relates to the physical senses, and Lilith here intensifies your connection to the sensual and material world. You might embrace your desires unapologetically, but there could also be guilt or societal judgment tied to indulgence or pleasure.
Lilith in 3rd house-This placement emphasizes themes of expressing your truth, breaking free from conventional ideas, and navigating power dynamics in how you share ideas and connect with others. You speak your truth boldly and unapologetically, often challenging societal norms or expectations. This directness can make you magnetic and compelling, but it may also provoke others or attract criticism. Your mind is drawn to taboo, forbidden, or unconventional topics that others shy away from discussing. Your words carry a deep emotional or sensual power, and you may have a natural gift for writing, speaking, or storytelling. Others may find your voice or ideas hypnotic, even if they don't always agree with you. Interactions with siblings or people in your close environment may involve power struggles, jealousy, or intense dynamics.
Lilith in 4th house- brings its raw, untamed energy into the domain of home, family, roots, and inner emotional life. This placement often highlights themes of rebellion against family norms, a complex relationship with the concept of home, and the need to reclaim personal power in private, emotional spaces. You may have experienced power struggles, rejection, or feelings of being the "black sheep" within your family. You might reject traditional or societal expectations about family roles, upbringing, or home life. Themes of shame, secrecy, or taboo may be present in your family history or early home life. Your inner emotional world is intense, raw, and unapologetically authentic. There's a powerful, magnetic quality to your personal and emotional space, making it a source of intrigue or fascination for others.People may feel drawn to the depth and authenticity of your emotional expression. Uncovering and embracing these truths can be part of your healing journey.
Lilith in 5th house-You have a powerful, magnetic presence and a unique way of expressing yourself. Creativity and passion are essential outlets for your individuality, often embracing themes of taboo, rebellion, or raw emotion. Relationships, especially romantic ones, are often charged with deep passion and intensity. You might attract partners who embody Lilith's qualities or experience power struggles, jealousy, or unconventional dynamics in love. There's a boldness in how you approach pleasure and sensuality, often challenging societal expectations. You may resist traditional ideas of romance, parenting, or creative expression. This could lead to unconventional relationships, artistic pursuits, or ways of experiencing joy.Early experiences might have led to suppression or shame around your creativity or enjoyment of life's pleasures. Your creative talents may lean toward the unconventional, controversial, or taboo.
Lilith in 6th house-This placement often highlights challenges and transformations in how you approach daily life, relationships with coworkers, and your sense of duty to yourself and others. It pushes you to redefine productivity, balance, and self-care on your own terms. You may resist rigid schedules, traditional work structures, or societal expectations about productivity. A desire for autonomy and freedom in your daily life often clashes with the demands of conformity. Relationships with coworkers or authority figures may involve power struggles, jealousy, or misunderstandings. You might feel undervalued or judged for your unconventional approach to work or problem-solving. Health may be a sensitive or transformative area for you, possibly involving struggles with chronic conditions, alternative medicine, or shadow work related to the body. You are drawn to healing modalities that embrace the holistic, taboo, or unconventional. Early experiences may have instilled feelings of inadequacy, leading to a drive for perfection or overworking yourself to prove your worth.
Lilith in 7th house-brings her intense, magnetic energy to relationships, partnerships, and the way you connect with others. This placement often highlights themes of power, attraction, rejection, and the quest for balance in one-on-one connections. It pushes you to confront shadow aspects of your relationships and reclaim your power in how you relate to others. You exude a mysterious, irresistible energy that often draws others to you. Relationships tend to be intense, passionate, and transformative, often involving power dynamics or taboo themes. You may experience unconventional or challenging dynamics in romantic or business partnerships.Power struggles, jealousy, or unbalanced dynamics could surface, prompting growth and self-awareness. You might feel drawn to people who reject societal norms, or you could face rejection yourself in relationships. This placement encourages you to understand the deeper reasons behind such dynamics and heal wounds of unworthiness. Relationships serve as mirrors, reflecting back your own unacknowledged aspects, both empowering and painful.
Lilith in 8th house-amplifies themes of transformation, intimacy, power, and the mysteries of life and death. This placement invites a deep exploration of taboo topics, hidden desires, and emotional or psychological depths. It often brings an intense connection to sexuality, shared resources, and spiritual rebirth, challenging societal norms and personal fears. You exude a magnetic and mysterious energy that draws others to you, often in profound and intense ways. Sexuality is a significant area of exploration and empowerment, though it may also involve struggles with shame, repression, or taboo. This placement encourages you to face fears and embrace the transformative power of the unknown. Intimate connections often involve themes of control, obsession, or vulnerability. You may attract partners who embody Lilith's intense energy or experience struggles around trust and merging. You have the ability to rise from the ashes, using these crises as catalysts for profound transformation. This placement often calls for shadow work, helping you heal wounds related to intimacy, power, and vulnerability. You have a natural ability to sense energies and delve into the mysteries of life and death. By owning your desires and vulnerabilities, you can transform pain into empowerment.
Lilith in 9th house- channels her untamed, independent energy into the realms of philosophy, beliefs, travel, and higher learning. This placement emphasizes the rejection or rebellion against conventional ideologies, societal norms, and traditional education. It invites a journey of self-discovery and truth-seeking, often through unconventional means and experiences. You challenge traditional or dogmatic belief systems, often feeling at odds with societal or religious norms.A strong desire for freedom and independence drives your pursuit of knowledge, travel, or spiritual growth. Authority figures in education or religion may have tried to suppress your free-thinking nature. This placement often brings a resistance to being told what to believe or how to live. You are drawn to alternative philosophies, esoteric studies, and taboo topics in your quest for meaning. Your worldview is likely to be eclectic, shaped by personal experiences rather than traditional teachings. There's a strong pull toward adventure and experiences that push boundaries, whether through travel, education, or spiritual practices. You may seek the forbidden or dangerous, craving excitement and growth through bold exploration. Your wisdom comes from lived experiences and a deep connection to life's mysteries. This placement often indicates a powerful spiritual journey, marked by rejecting imposed beliefs to uncover a more authentic spiritual truth. You may explore mysticism, astrology, or other non-traditional paths.
Lilith in 10th house-This placement often highlights challenges and growth opportunities in navigating societal expectations, personal ambition, and how you present yourself to the world. You may feel drawn to careers or public roles that challenge societal norms or explore taboo topics. You might have a complicated relationship with authority figures, including bosses or societal structures. You exude a mysterious, captivating energy that can draw attention and admiration, though it may also provoke jealousy or criticism. Your public image may fluctuate between admiration and misunderstanding due to your unconventional approach. Early in life, you may face rejection, judgment, or struggles in gaining recognition for your efforts. These challenges often serve as catalysts for self-empowerment and a more authentic expression of your ambitions. Your professional life might involve subjects considered taboo, such as sexuality, power dynamics, or esotericism. You are deeply attuned to dynamics of power and control in professional settings, often learning to navigate these strategically.
Lilith in 11th house-This placement emphasizes independence, social dynamics, and a desire to challenge societal norms in the pursuit of authenticity. You may feel uncomfortable conforming to the expectations of social groups or communities. There's a strong desire to break free from groupthink and redefine what it means to belong. Your friendships may be unique, unconventional, or even controversial, with a strong attraction to those who share a sense of rebellion or independence. You may often be drawn to outsiders, misfits, or people who challenge the status quo. You have the potential to bring powerful transformation to groups or social causes, especially those that focus on personal freedom, equality, or unconventional ideals. Superficial or shallow group connections may feel limiting or draining. You seek deeper, more authentic bonds that allow you to express your individuality. Lilith here can give you a forward- thinking, progressive mindset, pushing you to question what the future of society or humanity should look like. You are likely to question the ideals, beliefs, or systems upheld by larger communities or society as a whole. You may also experience moments where you are marginalized or rejected by groups, only to later realize your own strength and independence.
Lilith in 12th house-channels her intense, mysterious energy into the subconscious, hidden realms, and the more shadowed aspects of life. This placement is often associated with deep, internalized struggles, the uncovering of repressed desires, and confronting hidden fears. Lilith in the 12th house often symbolizes the suppression of deep, primal desires or emotions, sometimes due to societal taboos or personal insecurities. There may be a tendency to keep hidden parts of yourself buried or to hide from your own truth, often because you fear being judged or misunderstood. This placement gives you a profound connection to the subconscious mind, where unacknowledged parts of yourself-such as hidden desires, fears, and traumas— reside. Lilith here can lead to a sense of isolation, whether physical or emotional. You may feel misunderstood or disconnected from others, yet this can also lead to profound self-reflection and inner growth. The 12th house is often associated with the spiritual or mystical, and Lilith here can indicate a deep, intuitive connection to unseen forces or the collective unconscious. Lilith in the 12th house challenges you to confront the darker, repressed parts of yourself, especially those parts that you may have been too afraid to acknowledge. There may be an unconscious resistance to control, authority, or restriction, often manifesting in self-sabotage or passive rebellion. You may unknowingly reject what others expect of you or what society imposes, especially when it conflicts with your internal truth. Therapy, shadow work, or spiritual healing practices may be particularly transformative for you, allowing you to release old wounds and reconnect with your authentic self.
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lazyyogi · 6 months ago
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children.
Khalil Gibran
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chibird · 7 months ago
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I am frog. Frog is me. 😅
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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