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deefeeme · 5 days ago
La Plata, ciudad de película: Un recorrido por los escenarios del cine
La Plata, ciudad de película: Un recorrido por los escenarios del cine Descubre "#LaPlata, ciudad de película": un #WalkingTour gratuito por locaciones icónicas de filmes en la capital bonaerense.
La Municipalidad de La Plata ha lanzado una propuesta gratuita que invita a residentes y turistas a explorar los sitios más emblemáticos de la capital bonaerense a través de un Walking Tour. Bajo el nombre “La Plata, ciudad de película”, esta visita guiada recorre los escenarios donde se filmaron exitosos filmes nacionales e internacionales, ofreciendo una experiencia única que combina cine y…
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elcorreografico · 1 month ago
La Plata se consolida como destino turístico con un incremento del 19% en la oferta hotelera
La Plata se consolida como destino turístico con un incremento del 19% en la oferta hotelera La Plata se consolida como destino turístico con un 19% más de oferta hotelera y 200 mil visitas al Museo de Ciencias Naturales.
La ciudad de La Plata ha experimentado un notable crecimiento en su actividad turística durante 2024, consolidándose como un destino de creciente interés tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Este aumento se refleja en un incremento del 8% en la ocupación hotelera en comparación con el año anterior, según datos proporcionados por el Ente Municipal para la Actividad Turística (EMATUR). Este…
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human-antithesis · 1 year ago
Jaundice of Hookworm
Liquenficate cyclic ematurates Diametre of exploring Purpuric zones Xantelasma vulvar queratosis Glucagonoma acquire Endoscopic nodules Necrobiosis lipoided in volume Lupus begins to systematic erupt Malignant lentige grey melanome Worms displastic Serial exanthema Abrupt infraundinism jaundice Pseudo macerate Facial fermentation Herpetic syndromes of the tissue Cervico facial estomenal sores Sarna blists in venereal Sarco exudate Gastric affections Of periampular vater Post cyclic disorder In hook worms Reborning oclused neuropathia Ingurgitate pressuring The snaping dissect Congestive dolours intensifies Stimulates on oncotic fludges Neo maceration Intracapillar edema Muscle functions Flatulates in chapters Inflamatory consuming Maneuver tract Peripheric Vasoconstriction transist Blows in blobs Of the diaphragma Distate diafisis cyanosis Tellangiecstasia venal Oximetric pulp Regressive estracellular Clubbing eccema Blood flows with Tricuspid deranging Peri orbital destruction Filtrates enzymes Excreted peptines Slaughters the cortic Fluyds and tissues lies in dread Patophysiologyc formation Of the failure Nephron idiopathic with ascites Edemic intro costical Abdominal exudation Gland resseccion Disgusting the exhumed Abused cortic disfigurement On scalpels the pro lapsed Embryo ulcerates Consuming porto caval Varicous delight Bleeding spills On accurates randomized Dactillo rectal Sigmoidoscopic engendred Viscosity plasts sharing My perverse devast Fecal excretion in utter trans Suddative excoriate Spontaneous secoma Of gestiva blast Xifoid spasm blistering The tumorose Of the oral engorge Nicture oesophageal Blocks of sprue Succubed sodomized oblation Neo diafragmatic Pathologycal miccion Mixed with hematic Grubs of the dead Nephrology plasmatic Endo carcinoma And the diagnosis Of the imapaired excretion Edematous disordering Elastase morphometry Uro maxi litellive Fractures in blast In fertille scrotal senille expose Destruct the visceras forms Pustulating hooked And reproducted germs Purpuric glucid ingest In production of The oseal deformation Crust in adipose cutaneal Scid disrupt
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anesccon · 4 years ago
Pre/perinatal Causes
• Toxins and ecological elements Neurotoxins can enter and harm a kid's creating framework through the placenta during fetal turn of events. Therefore a kid may foster scholarly and social issues. Neurotoxins incorporate liquor (connected to fetal liquor condition), lead (connected to knowledge, learning and memory issues), mercury (connected to learning and advancement problems), tobacco (connected to testing practices and formative disabilities) and some food added substances (connected to higher paces of ADHD in kids). • Nutritional insufficiencies Supplements are required for development. An insufficiency of supplements during the most recent three months of pregnancy can diminish the quantity of synapses. A lack of folic corrosive (a B nutrient) could prompt a neural cylinder imperfection (NTD)— for instance, spina bifida (open spine). • Infections Light diseases, including physically sent contaminations, can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy. As reflected by the letters in the name, TORCH contaminations incorporate Toxoplasmosis, Other diseases (hepatitis B, syphilis, varicella-Zoster infection, HIV and Parovirus B19), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and Herpes simplex infection. These contaminations can cause formative anomalies in the unborn kid. Chorioamnionitis can be a reason for cerebral paralysis. • Hypoxia/asphyxia Perinatal asphyxia is the condition coming about because of an absence of oxygen (hypoxia). Hypoxic ischemia is deficient blood stream causing diminished blood oxygen content. In the event that a creating child in the uterus needs more oxygen, it might have hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (neurologic harm brought about by low oxygen). The impacts of extreme HIE can incorporate cerebral paralysis, scholarly impedances and epilepsy. • Complications during labor The defensive skull isn't full fledged upon entering the world making the mind defenseless against actual injury. The inventory of blood and oxygen from the umbilical line can likewise get influenced upon entering the world. As the cerebrum is reliant upon this stock of oxygen, hardship of oxygen can cause mind harm. • Prematurity/low birth weight Low birth weight may show development issues in the belly and has been related with a more noteworthy probability of creating psychological debilitations, discourse and language disabilities, consideration issues, social challenges, hyperactivity and learning weaknesses. Some may emerge due to related difficulties during labor. • Interaction impacts Various components, including heredity, quality articulation, the climate, irresistible illness, helpless sustenance, stress, drugs and different synthetics, can cooperate in complex approaches to cause some neurologic issues. Obtained Causes (created after birth) These are more uncommon than intrinsic reasons for neurologic issues, and include: • Immune problems Invulnerable confusion, like immune system encephalitis, can cause passionate difficulties, strange body developments and seizures. Youngsters with such issues can foster side effects more than a while and the conclusion is testing and oftentimes includes examination of blood and cerebrospinal liquid. neurologist el paso tx
o Encephalitis (irritation of the mind) can be brought about by numerous sorts of disease (typically popular). A few kids may foster neurologic long haul results following encephalitis, including memory issues, conduct changes, discourse impedances, and epilepsy. o Meningitis is brought about by a bacterial or viral contamination that arouses the meninges (layers encompassing the mind and spinal string). The irritation and growing can harm the mind and nerves. Intricacies are almost certain after bacterial meningitis than with viral meningitis. Enduring indications incorporate hearing debilitations, memory challenges, coordination and equilibrium issues, learning disabilities, epilepsy, cerebral paralysis, discourse weaknesses, and loss of vision. • Traumatic mind injury This happens when injury to the head brings about harm to the cerebrum. There are three fundamental sorts of awful mind injury (TBI): • Closed head wounds – where no harm is apparent; these are normal in fender benders. • Open wounds – where the cerebrum is uncovered and harmed by an item. • Crushing wounds where the head is squashed and cerebrum harm happens. Proof proposes that youngsters' minds are helpless to enduring harm from TBI because of an interruption of the sensory system during improvement. • Spinal line wounds Auto collisions, falls, or sports mishaps can cause spinal line wounds. The level of harm relies upon where the harm happens and which part of the body the harmed spinal region controls. Spinal wounds can prompt loss of muscle work. • Neoplasm Neoplasm is a strange mass of tissue delivering tumors. Tumors can create in the mind or spinal rope. They can be generous (noncancerous) or dangerous (malignant). Threatening tumors are the most risky, so early analysis is vital. Kind tumors can have neurologic outcomes as they increment tension on different pieces of the cerebrum, harming sound tissue. Indications incorporate seizures, appendage shortcoming, trouble strolling, discourse disabilities and gulping troubles, peculiar sensations, learning hindrances, testing practices, or vision and hearing debilitations. • Toxins Openness to natural synthetic substances or poisons during youth can prompt neurologic disability. Shut head wounds – where no harm is apparent; these are normal in fender benders.
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mayieneversurrender-blog · 5 years ago
Book Review about the story "ABNKKBSNPAko"by: Bob-ong
Before I start my book review about the story of Roberto written by Bob Ong ,let me show you first the background of the author of this story. Bob Ong is a Filipino author, who has published numerous books. It all started when he published a little green book that borrows the design from a blackboard with writings that looks written with chalk. "ABNKKBSNPLAko" That's the title of his first book that can be considered a Pinoy Classic. It has humorous themes that made it popular, also because it reflects the life of Filipinos. His journey did not stop there though. He only started making us smile and be in awe with that creation of his. Year Published Book Title 2001 ABNKKBSNPLAko?! 2002 Bakit Baligtad Magbasa ng Libro ang mga Pilipino? 2003 Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas 2003 Alamat ng Gubat 2005 Stainless Longganisa 2007 Macarthur 2009 Kapitan Sino 2010 Ang mga Kaibigan ni Mama Susan 2011 Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin 2014 Si
         ABNKKBSNPLAKo?!              By:Bob Ong
In the story entitled ABNKKBSNPLAKo?! by Bob Ong, this reflect to the story of natural life of the main character (Roberto). The story talks about his kindergarten, elementary, highschool and college life. His not even a responsible student in his school days, he was very lazy to go to school early, he even not interested in school especially in his college life. As the story talks about of Roberto (the name of the main character), his life was not just simple and delectable,he experience a sort of stupidity and also an emature things comes out. His school days was ussualy reflects in real life of some student who was studying right now, because his story was a natural estate of fact in this generation.            As I read the story of  his status in his life, he can afford many things, just like he can study in college because his father can afford it due to his work in a ship maybe his father is a seaman, I dont know if it is,because it is  not stated there. But I don't understand him why he was somewhat an unenterested of his study, I don't know what was his personal reason maybe an error of his own perception or something. But despite to his irresponsible attitude he knows how to handle the circumstances he faced due to his irresponsible doings in and out of the schools. He have a attitude of facing his consequences by recovering his failed grades, for example, he took a summer class to recover his failed grades in college and also to become  advanced. The Number one issue of this story was his willingness to achieved his dreams, but how can he built his success if he was very lazy and irresponsible student? Many struggles he faced but one that mostly captured my heart was he was telling the truth to his family about what happen to him or in his study, he apologized, he was not doing it because the conscience attack him but he did it because this was right. He became a teacher after all, there are a lot of struggles that he encountered. At first he won't love his job but in the end he slowly understand what life is, the life of being teacher was not easy ,you've become a second mother of many students, and this is difficult, you need to adjust and understand in each individual.             I have many things that I realize and a lesson that can helps you to be guided  in the story of Bob Ong entitled BNKKBSNPLAKo. Many situations there that can rarely appreciated by the readers, stand for your own and be responsible enough to balance anything in this world, don't waste your time for unnecessary things, make your life worth it. SACRIFICE AND PATIENCE HELPS YOU TO BUILD YOUR SUCCESS.       Note to remember for those students including me, "RESPECT YOUR TEACHERS BECAUSE THEY ARE OUR HERO,OUR 2ND MENTOR AND A INSTRUMENT OF GOD FOR US TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL IN THE NEAR FUTURE.
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ineedacalicocat · 2 years ago
At this point jkkrs are just shameless lmao.. they just don't have self respect at this point. They keep pushing a ship which jk shows 100 times already how uninterested he was in. Jk and tae both are the same really. Jk said tae's name like 4 times already in the live before even tae comes himself. And jimin's name?? Not even once. Lol. Pathetic seriously. Jimin deserves way better than both of them. I even started to hate jk sometimes when he acts like this. He always used jimin acc to his moods. Let him be with tae or any other person he wants to i don't care now bcz at the end of the day nobody is ever gonna be a match in front of park jimin.
Yes man i dont understand these jikookers they lack osme intelligence i guess. Like why ship him with jk when there re more better options like eunwoo? Sbhajjssj pls tae and jungkook are so perfect for each other hahahahaha let them be pls sndjssjsjwj like this love is so old and boring can we get eunwoo instead? Like two dior ambassador together pls. Eunwoo is mor emature and handsome and an actual human being who jimin can have an actual conversation and who is not a jeouslos fake human being snsjsj an actual nice down to earth man. Like a fresh air. Pls can we start eunwomin instead? Sbsnsjsj im sicked and tired of jikook. I wanna see eunwoi and jimin interactions dndjsjs like its more fun. At least he is not toxic and very polite like jimin.
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In a story entitled ABNKKBSNPLA KO? By bob ongs this reflected to the story of a natural life of a student which is Roberto it is all about on how everything started when he was still kindergarten, elementary, high school to college life. and it talks about how lazy he is and also the bad things that he do just like cutting classes, cheating and he is not interested in school especially when he is in college. he's life isn't easy he experience a sort of stupidity and also an emature things. the life of Roberto reflect to all students that are still studying because all of the stupidity that was done my Roberto is what students do nowadays to boys. base of want I've read Roberto has a good financial support because his father is a seaman, but I don't know if it is, because it is not stated there but I was confused but why is Roberto has a good financial support but he is not interested in school. I don't know what was his reason maybe Roberto wasn't want to go to school or something but even he was a irresponsible he can still know how to handle problems he has an attitude that even he was failed still how to managed it and he know what is the right thing to do like he joined the summer class so that he can passed. Roberto faces many challenges but he never think of giving up so the message of the story or what I've learned in the story is that if your goal is to success even you are naughty and stupid person you can success because a being naughty and stupid is not a hindrance. Because of the sacrifices of Roberto on his own he became a successful proffesional teacher but in first Roberto doesn't like his job but when he knew any understand what is the life and the feeling of being a teacher. I read this story not just because I wanted to learned something of it I read this because it was an inspiring story and it gives entertainment to me it was funny to read especially the stupid things Roberto do in a story💖.
Education is the key to success💖
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mytudoquehaposts · 6 years ago
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Nona edição #PremioSelmaBandeira By Marcus Assunção e Fafá Rocha. #Maceio A empresária do turismo alagoano , Betânia Barros @mbtouroficial foi merecidamente homenageada, pelos serviços prestados ao turismo alagoano ... Desde os tempos EMATUR ! ELA sabe e entende de tudo... #Tudoqueha #BeijodaAninha😘 #MulheresGuerreiras (em Maceió, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/aninhamonteirooficial/p/BvrynKlJBj9Ldqf8Pj9uKlqTPlg93e6_jJho_80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jx9aam0k5faj
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elevenrio · 6 years ago
MIlessis promove famtour em Puglia, Itália
Em parceria com a Puglia Promozione, a ENIT e a Alitália, a Milessis Operadora realiza um famtour por Puglia, Itália, para sete agências de viagens do Rio de Janeiro, Goiás e Minas Gerais, com cobertura exclusiva do Brasilturis. Os sócios da Milessis Alexandre e Margarete Milessis estão com o grupo para coletar as impressões e lançar em breve um produto especial para o público brasileiro. “Parcerias como essa permitem conhecer o destino em seu potencial total e oferecer produtos que realmente proporcionem ao turista a oportunidade de conhecer a região”, disse Alexandre Milessis, sócio-diretor da operadora.
Para Marianne Saramago, da agência Ematur, do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), a novidade é o que a motiva. “Conhecer uma região que eu não conhecia e fazer uma viagem que possibilita a criação de novos roteiros para uma destino ainda pouco conhecido pelos brasileiros é muito bom”, disse.
Ana Moufron, da Mouffron Consultoria de Viagens, que fica em Valença (RJ), se sente mais segura ao indicar não só o destino, mas os produtos que visita durante o famtour. “Conhecer o destino mais a fundo é essencial para vender. Estamos conhecendo detalhes de produtos muito especias”, disse ela.
Puglia é a região mais oriental da Itália. Banhada pelos mares Adriático e Jônico, tem uma cultura mediterrânea, mas com personalidade própria que proporciona experiências bem diversas em curtas distâncias.
Nesta primeira etapa do famtour, o grupo visitou Monopoli, Polignano a mare, Martina Franca, Alberobello, Fasano, Ostuni. Ainda estão previstas visitas em Lecce, Galantina, Galatone, Otranto, Pugnochiuso, Vieste, Andria, Trani e Bari.
Além de conhecer os destinos e hotéis, o grupo tem visitado propriedades que realizam festas de casamento. Em geral, a estimativa dos promotores do turismo em Puglia estimam que as festas de casamento na região chegam a ser 25% mais baratas que no Brasil.
Também participam do famtour Roberta Leivas, da BestLeivas Tur, e Fernanda Carvalho de Almeida, da Konexion Turismo, ambas do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) , Weber Cechetti, da Contactur Turismo, de Niterói (RJ), Anielle Bazi, da Specta Viagem, de Anápolis (GO), e Andrea Picorelli, da Picorelli Turismo, de Juiz de Fora (MG). Rogério Schaffer, da Alitália.
O post MIlessis promove famtour em Puglia, Itália apareceu primeiro em Brasilturis Jornal – Tudo sobre o mercado de turismo no Brasil.
O post MIlessis promove famtour em Puglia, Itália foi postando originalmente em Elen Venâncio Rio.
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deefeeme · 1 year ago
La Noche de las Vinotecas 2023: Descuentos, degustaciones y más en La Plata
#LaNochedelasVinotecas 2023: #Descuentos, #degustaciones y más en #LaPlata #vinos #bodegas #sabores
Este viernes, La Plata se viste de fiesta con la Noche de las Vinotecas, un evento organizado por la Cámara Argentina de Vinotecas y Afines en colaboración con la Municipalidad de La Plata. Descuentos, degustaciones y actividades nocturnas esperan a los amantes del vino en una noche llena de sorpresas. Descubriendo etiquetas y sabores La Noche de las Vinotecas tiene como objetivo principal…
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elcorreografico · 1 year ago
La Noche de las Vinotecas 2023: Descuentos, degustaciones y más en La Plata
#LaNochedelasVinotecas 2023: #Descuentos, #degustaciones y más en #LaPlata #vinos #bodegas #sabores
Este viernes, La Plata se viste de fiesta con la Noche de las Vinotecas, un evento organizado por la Cámara Argentina de Vinotecas y Afines en colaboración con la Municipalidad de La Plata. Descuentos, degustaciones y actividades nocturnas esperan a los amantes del vino en una noche llena de sorpresas. Descubriendo etiquetas y sabores La Noche de las Vinotecas tiene como objetivo principal…
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affairesasuivre · 6 years ago
Premature Evaluation: At The Drive In in·ter a·li·a
“Arcarsenal,” admittedly, is an impossibly high bar. But that’s it. That’s the standard. When you’re At The Drive In, nothing short of “Arcarsenal” is going to register as a thrilling introduction. The El Paso post-hardcore heroes haven’t given us an album since Relationship Of Command, the legend-sealing 2000 LP that briefly made them look like the future of rock ‘n’ roll. They’d released two albums before that, building up a fervent following as they honed their twisty and relentless take on screamo. 
And then Relationship Of Command came along and put them on the radio and MTV2, rocketing them into the consciousness of a far wider audience than ever before. Shortly afterward they broke up, splintering into one heady, ambitious prog band (the Mars Volta) and one straightforward punk act (Sparta) and leaving behind loads of untapped potential. Thus, that third album has served as the entry point for the vast majority of At The Drive In’s fans, myself included.
That means when most of us press play on an At The Drive In album, we expect nothing short of a breathtaking, body-clenching, deeply visceral experience. Relationship Of Command begins with “Arcarsenal,” arguably the three most exhilarating minutes of music ever to emerge from Texas. The moment at thestart of the second verse when the music stops just long enough for Cedric Bixler-Zavala to exclaim, “I must have read a thousand FA-CES!” will always make me want to punch through a wall in a fit of violent happiness. It’s almost impossible to hear that song without reacting physically — flailing your body around in ecstasy and thinking, holy shit and maybe letting out a joyous, wordless howl. And although it peaks with “Arcarsenal,” the album doesn’t stop there. Like most good rollercoasters, Relationship Of Command begins with its most exciting drop but keeps up the excitement with twists and turns all the way to the finish. Every song is electrifying on a surface level and dense with big ideas if you decide to dig deep. It’s a masterpiece.
The reunited At The Drive In seemed to understand that when I saw them perform at Rock On The Range last spring. Their eight-song set entirely comprised Relationship Of Command material, beginning with “Arcarsenal” and ending with breakout single “One Armed Scissor.” I went into it expecting a lightweight nostalgia trip and ended up getting an adrenaline rush so intense and rewarding that I immediately found myself craving a new ATDI album, not least of all as an excuse to bring their tour back to my city someday soon.
There was also the hope that this band could return after 17 years as vital as they left off. After all, as Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib writes at NPR, in their heyday At TheDrive In were “inserting representations of Latino culture and border politics into common conversation in a way that now, in the era of Trump, feels like foreshadowing.” Surely all the infuriating headlines of the past year could inspire some righteous new music from one of the most volatile punk bands of my lifetime?
Yeah… kind of? I guess? There are a few precious moments on in·ter a·li·a, ATDI’s long-awaited comeback album, that grip me like this band’s finest work — moments like the worthy “One Armed Scissor” sequel “Incurably Innocent,” which builds from the band’s trademark stop-start herks and jerks into one of those high-drama choruses that feel like the floor endlessly bottoming out beneath you — but those moments are few and far between. Mostly it’s just a competent At The Drive In album, one that sounds like the same band but does not elicit the same feelings. It’s fine.
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Things get off on the wrong foot with “No Wolf Like The Present,” one of in·ter a·li·a’s weakest tracks. The best ATDI songs throttle you around in all directions without losing their furious sense of pace; here all that rhythmic tumult just makes the song feel disjointed, like they’re trying to rev up the engine but can’t get any momentum going. The former mastery of dynamics is so lacking that it might as well be the work of an At The Drive In tribute act. From a band that once led off an album with “Arcarsenal,” starting with such a bum note like a preemptive surrender.
Subsequent songs “Continuum” and “Tilting At The Univendor” slide much more snugly into that classic ATDI groove, veering from segment to jagged segment with wild abandon and a real sense of purpose. There’s just one problem with those, a problem that crops up many times throughout this album: Cedric Bixler-Zavala often abandons his distinctive wail in favor of cringeworthy hair-metal vocals that steer ATDI into Darkness territory. “Governed By Contagions” in particular induces whiplash, and not the good kind we’ve historically associated with this band; rather, it toggles so awkwardly between obnoxious and arresting that the end result is frustration at hearing a potential classic slip away into mediocrity.
“Torrentially Cutshaw,” “Call Broken Arrow,” “Pendulum In A Peasant Dress” — what can I say except these are all tracks that exist on this album, too. Thebrooding deep cut “Ghost-Tape No. 9″ at least results in a change of pace. As for the topical content: You’d think an At The Drive In song about convicted rapist police officer Daniel Holtzclaw would be cathartic to the extreme, but “Holtzclaw” is just kind of there, less a song than a venue for a narrative with a finale tacked on. The album at least ends on a high note with “Hostage Stamps,” one of those tracks that rekindles that breathless feeling of old, if only in fleeting glimpses.
Even these half-hearted compliments feel like a reach. The songwriting is not up to snuff. There are no hooks anywhere near as infectious as, for instance, the“Freight train coming!” bit from “Enfilade.” In terms of sheer intangible power, it’s like watching an aging athlete who’s lost a step. in·ter a·li·a is the kind of album you fear when a legendary band attempts a comeback, an act of going through the motions that seems to exist only as an excuse to keep playing the classics on tour. The best of these songs are not going to stir anything close to a Relationship Of Command response in you unless your connection with this band runs far deeper than mine. And maybe you’re exactly that kind of listener, with affection for early deep cuts that mean nothing to me and a belief that any new At The Drive In music is better than nothing. Personally, after a few spins through in·ter a·li·a, I’d rather have nothing.
in·ter a·li·a is out now on Rise Records.
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stellaly · 11 years ago
hello world !
I am a visual art student from the city of Melbourne and as a project, required to create a blog site. So… Anything to everything that's happening in my world I will posting it up on this new site. It's my first blog so I am excited for the future content I'll be presenting to you all! ENJOY! 
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elcorreografico · 2 years ago
Con Fan Fest, menús mundialistas y traslados gratuitos, La Plata invita a "vivir una experiencia Mundial"
Con Fan Fest, menús mundialistas y traslados gratuitos, La Plata invita a "vivir una experiencia Mundial"
La Plata fue elegida como una de las sedes del Mundial Sub-20 y la Municipalidad se prepara para recibir un importante número de turistas con ingeniosas propuestas gastronómicas, hoteleras y culturales. Fan Fest, platos típicos locales e internacionales de los principales países que compiten, junto a traslados gratuitos a los partidos y QR en los transportes públicos para incentivar el turismo en…
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elcorreografico · 2 years ago
La República de los Niños cuenta con un centro de información turística
#LaPlata #Turismo | La #RepúblicadelosNiños cuenta con un #centrode informaciónturística
La Municipalidad de La Plata abrió un centro de información turística sobre actividades locales en la República de los Niños, un sitio estratégico de la capital bonaerense en materia de turismo y recreación.“La ‘Repu’ es un lugar central por la cantidad de personas que llegan desde toda la provincia, a quienes se les informa acerca de todas las propuestas de La Plata para potenciar al sector y a…
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elcorreografico · 2 years ago
App "SmartTour La Plata": todas las actividades que propone en vacaciones
#Turismo #Servicios | App "#SmartTour #LaPlata": todas las actividades que propone en vacaciones
Avanza la temporada de verano y la App local ‘SmartTour La Plata‘ cuenta con toda la información necesaria para que los vecinos y turistas puedan saber las propuestas culturales, hoteleras, recreativas y gastronómicas que ofrece la capital bonaerense durante las vacaciones. De esta manera, tanto los residentes habituales como los visitantes que arriban desde distintos puntos del país y del…
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