Carmelldansen for Royalty Madfen 😁
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“Do you see this shit my liege?”
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ojbrush · 5 months
Theres something so sweet and cute about being passionate about something unlikely. I love being able to help people love the things they love even more. I love shipping cross ships with my friends and creating scenarios with them that wouldnt ever happen because they are From Different Medias. I love just drawing and making people happy with my art. I love when people smile when im in their presence. I Love Making People Happy There is too much negativity in the world and i like to spread. my own personality out into the world. even if i sometimes say mean stuff. i dont mean it. I love my friends and my family and the people who like me and my art and i love my partner
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jakowskis · 1 year
my day be so fine then boom i run into a lj comm dedicated to gwen bashing and it's got 2k posts & 500 members. what is WRONG with you people
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astrxealis · 1 year
irl best friend can finally play ffxiv again! (happy)
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far-from-official · 11 months
If you ever wanted to file the serial numbers off the prohibitedwish AU you made and just make a webcomic with the concept just know I would support you 1000% The dynamic and world you have made is so good and interesting even if it wasn't connected to adventure time.
I'll be uploading the entire series in Script format with Storybeats first on AO3, a webcomic is not ideal as tbh I dislike doing text boxes so much I animate it out of spite in storyboard format Oddly enough this AU is honestly could very much be connected to Adventure Time due to reasons I cannot elaborate until you guys see it yourself but the world they're in is called Iey This can be pronounced differently by each person. the point is that it's a parody of Ooo. Prismo says "Eee" while Scarab says it as 'Ey" some characters might say "Yi" like Howell or even "Yay" ! The world already takes place in the timeline after the War and magic just began settling in so remants of the war is strong in this one too as technology is still based of existing tech but magic is slowly being developed The biggest thing about this is that They're using the Enchiridion in this series, so it's already a huge sign for a series of unfortunate events to happen to them if you ask me
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voidyyzz · 5 months
UEE 😭🥺💧 Eu 💧💧 E E 😭😭 E EUE 🥺🥺😭 UUUUE 😭🥺💧🥺😭 ue 💧 ee 😭🥺 ue 🥺 e e e 😭. e 💧🥺😭 Uueuuue. 💧💧 ue 😭🥺 ee e 🥺🥺😭 eUEE 💧🥺💧 EEE 💧💧😭 U E 🥺😭 EE H 💧🥺😭 E EUU 💧🥺😭 UUEHH 🥺💧😭 EUEH 🥺😭💧💧 ue e 😭😭 eeeeee 💧💧💧 uu 🥺😭 hh 😭🥺 uUEEE 🥺😭💧 uuuue. 💧 weeUGHH ACK COUGH eweuhbEWUAHHH aaaAWAAaaHh huhGHHH huhgH SNIFFFF AAAGH. hhheuuh... hhhheuyh whimper ...hh-hhhhhghh... sniffle sniff weehhh.... hhhoo... hh...
so joyful 🌷🌷🌷🦋🦋 joypilled happycelled 🦋🌷🌷 joy joy yayy 😊😊🦋🌷 yayy😊😊🦋🦋 flower joy happ butterfly yay 🦋🌷🌷🌷🦋🦋 joyousfly 🦋🦋🦋🧐 jo 🌷🦋🦋🦋😊😊yay🦋🦋🌷😊😊🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂joyouslu 🌷🌷🦋🦋🦋🌷🌷………………….
i think they should explode💥💥💥💥💥i tjink we should explode they💥💥💥💥💥💥💥BOOOOMM PWWOOOSH💥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥💥i think they should be squished😢😭😭💔 i wwant to squish them💔💔💔little scrimblo😮😮😮😮😮😮squinkle binkle😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢silly billy😮😮😮 eillyy little creacture
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GAY!!!!! GAY!!!!!
Made by @o-sharkpop-o btw tytytytytytytytytytytytytyytyty SCREAMS AT YOU MAULS YOU SHAKES YOU THROWS YOU AROUND PUTS YOU IN A BLENDER /AFF /POS
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
A little bit more on I Feel You Linger In The Air (reincarnation, the novel version, and more)...
I am back home and recovering from a somewhat INSANELY stressful work trip (WHEW! TIRED!), and I've missed writing meta oh so very much, BUT! A couple of things will be happening in my meta life soon: The Old GMMTV Challenge Bad Buddy Meta Month starts next week (FINALLY, EEE!), Last Twilight starts tomorrow, the Den-Panuwat-penned-and-Only-Friends-adjacent series Playboyy starts next week -- we got a lot going on.
AND, AND! AND! I did myself something good while I was away. I HOUSED the novel version of I Feel You Linger in the Air, because, BECAUSE! I still can't help screaming mentally about that finale -- even though reading the novel actually made me realize that episode 12 of IFYLITA was a touch redundant.
Related to the IFYLITA novel and series: I got an ask in my inbox that somehow disappeared (@porjomkwan, if you're still out there -- thank you for the ask!) that asked about my thoughts on the theme of reincarnation in IFYLITA, and cited this fabulous post and reblog by @tipsyjaehyun and @clairedaring about this theme. Tipsy and Claire covered the majority of the ground that the drama series captures regarding reincarnation -- in particular, the GORGEOUS focus on the northern Thai blessing ceremony that calls back to a human host the 32 spirits that a host carries with them throughout their life/lives. Those spirits can be incarnated and/or reincarnated within repeated and/or beloved figures of the host's memories and reincarnated lives. (That explains why people like Ohm and Kaimook, in Jom's present life, are reincarnated as Khamsean and Fong Kaew in Jom's life of 1928 Chiang Mai. And it explains how Jom can continue to be called to different eras involving Yai, from Commander/Warrior/Mustache Yai of ancient Thailand, to 1928 Chiang Mai Khun Yai, to present-day Chiang Mai Yai Kanthorn.)
@clairedaring notes in their reblog that in the novel, the foundational theme of reincarnation AND of Jom and Yai being forever bound to each other is confirmed, directly and heavily, by Commander Yai. Claire quotes from the novel Commander/Warrior Yai speaking to Jom :
"Jom-Jao, listen, though you are fated to be apart from me, my love will never fade, and it will follow you like a holy spirit, protecting you in my place. No matter where fate brings you, no matter the danger you encounter, may those misfortunes fall upon my spirit instead of yours."
I want to confirm that this is my understanding and experience of the centering and grounding of reincarnation in the series as well (@porjomkwan, this answers your question to me!). And, this very much speaks to what I understand was a gentle criticism by Thai audiences towards the show as this season of the show ended -- because the Commander Yai period really sets in stone what Jom can expect for the rest of his live(s) regarding having Yai in his life again in another time period. In which case, I agree HEAVILY with @clairedaring that IFYLITA absolutely needs a season 2, because that Commander Yai period is so definitive of how this first season gets contextualized in the end of the entire piece.
A couple of other quick notes on the novel before I move to a comparative final point:
1) JOM. JOM IS A SASSY B IN THE NOVEL. DAMN! I honestly think Nonkul Chanon could DEF handle being a touch more sassy. "I'm a grown-ass man," Jom says at one point. Yes, you ARE, HONEY! Sassy B Jom courting and standing up to Commander Yai? It was a WONDERFUL story line. (BTW, the quality of the writing of the IFYLITA Y novel was, as expected, wanting, especially by way of a fan translation. But I have to agree with fans of the novel from Thailand and elsewhere, that the story itself was SOLID.)
2) The history behind the Commander Yai period is FABULOUS to learn about. (@tipsyjaehyun has some context about the various eras of Yai here, if you don't mind a few novel spoilers.) In particular, I spent a LOT of minutes reading about the lengthy reign of the Ayutthaya Kingdom in Thailand, and just -- as an Asian and an Asian-American watching Thai shows, getting deep into this reminds me of my own accountability and responsibility for trying to grasp what an average Thai viewer will bring by way of education-based historical awareness into shows like IFYLITA. This long Wikipedia article is a must read if you want to go deeper into IFYLITA context!
3) My third point on the novel leads into what I quickly want to note by way of at least one comparison to another show that did reincarnation themes differently, but also beautifully, by way of an original Y novel.
Until We Meet Again is a permanent FAVE of mine -- and it captures reincarnation, at least a different style of it, within its drama context. In UWMA's context, a red thread tied between the passed bodies of the lovers Korn and Intouch ensures that their spirits will find each other again in the future.
As noted within UWMA, different Asian cultures have different reads on the meaning of the red thread, from China, to Thailand, to elsewhere. This article notes northwestern and Vietnamese beliefs regarding the red thread, and this Wikipedia article notes the Chinese origins of the myths of the red thread. (Remember than in IFYLITA, the blessing ceremony of calling 32 spirits back to a host is cited as being from northern Thailand -- meaning, many of these myths, legends, and practices are utterly regional, and very tied to specific regional cultures that we can learn more about as viewers. Super cool.)
In UMWA, Korn's and Intouch's spirits inhabit other bodies -- namely, Dean's and Pharm's personages. And Dean and Pharm take on some characteristics of the spirits they provide a home to, and, even more interestingly -- Dean's and Pharm's OWN behaviors reflect the regrets and/or resistances that Korn and Intouch bear to each other, with Korn's spirit being far more forward with love than he was when he was alive; and Intouch's spirit being far more fearful of that love, knowing in the end where his love led to -- their deaths.
In IFYLITA, we see Yai's spirit being reborn essentially into different version of Yai, and all of them called Yai. In the novel, Jom treats all of these Yais as Yais that he can fall in love with -- he is in love with all of them, because the spirit of Yai is essentially a singular spirit being reborn into various different versions of the body of Yai (quick spoiler: the modern-day Yai is only half-Thai).
I happen to REALLY love these various interpretations of reincarnation between these shows, and certainly many, many more shows and movies across Asia that touch upon reincarnation as an essential theme of HOPE, of love, of joy. The various ways in which these practices are regarded, from Buddhism, to Hinduism, to Shintoism, and other Asian spiritual practices, are fascinating to learn about, including their regional variances. And they speak very much to me as an Asian, as to how I learn about cultural practices, nuances, and mores. (A comparative cultural example is how food -- like, say, a dish like Hainanese chicken rice -- differs among Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.)
But also, as an Asian watching shows like UWMA and IFYLITA -- I *know* that when I'm watching a show that's based on spirit reincarnation, that I'm not necessarily watching a "sad" show. I remember, of the day dramas of Japan and Korea that I watched when I was younger, that I absorbed better understandings of ancestor worship and elder respect. If a house had an altar with a picture of a passed-on elderly relative -- surely it was understood that that relative had passed away and one could be sad about it. But their spirit is meant to be honored at the altar, and especially in Japanese and Korean family dramas with these kinds of scenes, you can see characters speaking to the pictures of those who have passed on, having conversations, and being the subject of annual ceremonies of honoring the dead.
In other words, what I utterly LOVED about the IFYLITA novel -- and what I truly hope a season 2 will capture -- is that the Yais of the various eras were not despondent when Jom left them. Those Yais knew that a future Yai would experience Jom again. Korn and Intouch knew their spirits would meet again one day: it was Dean and Pharm that needed to come together to make that happen.
I wrote quite a bit about the Asian cinematic tradition of sad and/or open-ended endings in my review of The Love of Siam, and I think one reason why I absolutely cannot shake IFYLITA from my system -- and even UWMA, too, although UWMA has a confirmed happy ending -- is that IFYLITA is utterly reflective of this practice of the open-ended ending, at least for the show's first season, because we KNOW, through reincarnation, that Jom WILL encounter Yai again. If you read the novel, you know that Commander Yai promises this. But even if you don't read the novel, and we never get a season 2 -- to see Yai Kanthorn strolling right into Jom's arms, without very much other context, is enough, at least for an Asian audience, to know that the spirits did their thing again. Dramatically, I do think the finale could use more finessing (cc @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm, to whom I said this when I finished the novel), but now that I have the novel's context, I know HOW the finale could have been improved.
I took this ask as a major excuse to just unwind more and more on a piece that I totally loved in IFYLITA, and I hope to heck that we get a second season. I am thrilled that I made IFYLITA my debut into Y series reading, because the story is just so solid, and as I often say about my really beloved shows -- IFYLITA does not shy away from being rooted in assumed knowledge about cultural practices that an Asian audience can automatically check into. It really felt familiar and homey to watch this incredibly made and well-told story about an enduring romance, and I'm so appreciative that IFYLITA will be a show I'll be holding close as this year closes out -- a year that started off on the strongest Asian note with the fabulous Moonlight Chicken. MLC and IFYLITA encapsulating 2023 for Asian audiences? We were fed really, really well.
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The Umbrella Academy season 2 episode 10
Oh good! I wanted to know details of Ben's death! 2006, huh
My blood is fucking boiling
How fucking DARE he
They are all grieving so much. They are children
God they suck towards each other and I know it's not their fault but GUYS YOUR BROTHER'S FUNERAL BE NICE TO EACH OTHER
Oh. Oh no. I dont- I don't think that true. Klaus, honey, did your selfishness and refusal to let your brother go prevent him from ever being able to leave you? Until- well until he saved Vanya? (It did not)
The implications of Klaus doing that blue hand thing here means that he's KNOWN how to do that. He knew he could do that in s1, that was NOT a new power, it was an old one he refused to use
FIVE "I do feel like I'm being held hostage most days"
Guyyyssss this is exactly like what happened with Ben's funeral all over againnnnn. Stop. Fightinggggg
Vanya I love you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
I hate this fucking family
I am taking away one of those fuck yous, as long as Klaus doesn't get out of this car
*deep breath* I am calm and I have hope for this fucking family
Oh holy shit
Oh so he can teleport with others!
Big fan of the fact they repeatedly show us that Five has limits with his powers, that he can't use them when he's too tired
Luther holding Allison and Klaus to try and protect them
*O H*
Yup she uh. The answer to my question "does she have powers or is she with the commission" was "Yes"
Is her power the ability to mimic the powers of those she's faced?
"But unfortunately, they're family, so you're shit out of luck" Luther grew on me a lot this season
Oh no
Luther I think you're gonna have to breathe for her, or do cpr once she's "dead" okay cool, glad it was the first one, the second one was not ideal
How many children has she stolen over the years, turning into her little weapons
Get the fuck away from Harlan you bitch
Yes, yes they do. They are dysfunctional as hell and they keep hurting each other, but there's no doubt that there is love there
She's gonna stab Diego
Oh did five actually die with the group this time? Hey! He didn't have to out live them a third time! Wooo!
Well. Is this why season 3 is an alternate time line? Cause all these bitches dead. Wait. *big sigh* I'm going to have to relearn all these characters again aren't I? Fucking bullshit
Alright Harlan, it's all on you buddy, good luck
There's still 18 minutes left...
(I dont actually want Five dead, I just feel bad for the amount of trauma the poor guy has around his dead sibilings)
Yay! He's okay!
Herb and Dot!!!
So happy over each positive sibiling interaction I get
Klaus hugging Vanya!!!
Another shoe is gonna drop here
Are they gonna meet the Sparrows in these last couple minutes?
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Style, Kyman, cartters, crat, and Henrietta
Style: I SHIP IT SO HARD AHHHHH. I don’t really know when exactly I started shipping it, but I know some of the main contributors were the episodes “Super Best Friends”“You’re Getting Older/AssBurgers” and “Cupid Ye.” (Not to mention The Post Covid movies hehehe.) One of my favorite things about the ship is definitely their emaculate “yes, and” dynamic, and the way their traits compliment each other. I also looooveeee friends to lovers in teen romance, and adore domestic bliss in older romance. An unpopular opinion I suppose I have is that both Stan and Kyle are dorky loser assholes. Neither of them are “fem” or “masc.” They’re just stan and kyle. Kyle and Stan. OH AND ANOTHER UNPOPULAR OPINION I HAVE!!! They’re BOTH on the asexual spectrum!! Kyle is demigrey-sexual and Stan is sex repulsed asexual!! I will stand by this till I die.
Kyman: Urggg this one is iffy for me so I’m going to answer a mixture of both yes and no questions. I appreciate the ship from other people but don’t personally ship it because I like domestic bliss and fluff, and I can’t see them having a non-toxic dynamic. I’m all for a good enemies to lovers, but their situation is more complex than that. I feel like Kyle would never feel romantic love for Eric. He is definitely cursed to forever care about Eric, and have a deepest belief that he could somehow fix him that has the potential to verge into obsessive territory, but that’s all I see. One sided Kyman though? That’s literally just canon. Like fr Cartman is psychosexually obsessed with Kyle and if you don’t see that you did NOT watch the same show as me. I would probably like the ship more if Cartman showed lasting positive character development that wasn’t either shown to be fake or reversed for laughs.
Buttman: Euahhg. Sorry. I’ve NEVER liked this ship. I envoy their canon dynamic, and I know butters was taken a turn for the worse in more recent seasons, but I still HATE it. Because it’s abusive. At least with Kyman, Kyle and Cartman equal each other out in terms of hard-headedness. Even with his new changes in conviction in the recent seasons, if Cartters was real, it would end up like another damn heidi situation. Cartman would cling to Butters as a source of comfort and stability, while simultaneously belittling him and manipulating him. It would be so unhealthy. And I’m still not over Cartman laughing and watching as Butters was beat by his dad because of something Eric intentionally caused. As someone who grew up in a similar household to that of the Stotch’s, that scene makes me fucking sick. I… don’t really have anything positive to say about this ship tbh. It would probably be palatable to me if Butters was stronger willed, and if Eric showed more compassion to Butters in canon.
Crat: Oh lord. Uh, I was indoctrinated into this cult last year so. CRAT FOR THE WIN!!! (I don’t really genuinely ship it though. No hate to objectum truthers, it’s just forever only a crackship to me.)
I assume the last one is supposed to be Kenrietta? If it is then YAY! If not then, oops sorry ): Anyway, I ship it! It’s not my main Kenny ship, (I’m a bunny truther,) but I like it! I’m not sure exactly what my first sight of the ship was, but it may have been either @mysterionrisez or @saprozoicworm. Not sure though. Regardless, I love the idea of Kenny playing around with gender-fuckery, and/or being in a Mysterion kinda mood and Henrietta being all like, “Woah,,, that kinda goth…” Like their dynamic would be that one “doing whatever my hot witch girlfriend wants” meme with the guy in a summoning circle smiling. ALSO, Henrietta would 100% do Kenny’s makeup. EEE i just love it. I can’t see it as a long term thing, but they would DEFINITELY give it a go in highschool. Also, both of them are lesbians who are woman and also men and also neither at the same time. Fight me.
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It is imperative I ask about "Puggle Visions".
You must tell me.
Yay thank you for asking. So this one is the Master Emerald deciding to be an embarrassing and show off past visions of little baby Knuckles to his friends.
Its planned to be mostly wholesome and silly but there is of course a hint of angst from the whole "How was this little cutie alone" But even that gets reassurance cuz his friends are given the realisation the got a big, magical rock loving him and looking after him.
Its one of my smaller wips right now, but there's enough of it intact to present a snipet (even if it does end up as scattered and incomplete sentences as it gets towards the end😅)
Around them the world shifted to place them next to an ancient and overgrown statue. Amy’s face brightened the moment she set her eyes on it. “Oh! I recognize this, you were cleaning it last time I visited weren’t you?” Knuckles’ face flushed as he recognized the place too. “Yes, this statue is very important.” The echidna moved between his friends and their sight line of the cupped hands of the statue that rested in her lap. “So don’t get any closer. I can’t risk you damaging it. Tails was sure that was a lie, firstly because Knuckles was a terrible liar and it was the Guardian himself that told them that they were simply observers.  “Didn’t you say this was just a vision and we couldn’t touch anything?” The echidna got more flustered. “Well yes, but I- you- you can’t look.” “Look at what?” Sonic did his best to peer around Knuckles to look behind him but the echidna kept blocking his view. It was now perfectly clear what the Master Emerald was wanting to show them and Knuckles couldn’t feel more embarrassed. “None of your business” None of them moved but the world rotated slightly so that the statue that Knuckles was blocking was now in full view and a little red lump sitting in the lap of the statue caught the eyes of the onlookers. Knuckles grumbled and blushed as his friends' faces lit up at the sight of the mini him curled up and snoozing in the lap of the statue. Amy’s heart swelled as she took in the sight. The baby version of her friend was incredibly cute and a strong desire to scoop him up and cuddle him for hours settled itself in her. He was far smaller than any mammal baby she’d seen and It looked like he would fit perfectly in the palms of her hands. And… he was alone. Something so tiny had been all alone. She couldn’t tell how old he was and he had barely any quill or fur.  “Knuckles… you’re so small.” Knuckles shrugged. “Yeah well Echidna eggs are small. So echidna puggles are small.”
“You know, somehow I keep forgetting echidna come from eggs.” “And the quills. You’re missing so many.” 
“What? No I just haven’t grown them yet.”          “Wait. Are you telling me you’re born with your quills.”
“This statue always warms up. It's a nice nap spot
“EEE! You were so adorable as a baby!” If the Master Emerald could directly communicate with Amy it would’ve disputed that. Its Guardian was still the cutest thing in the whole world and growing older hadn’t changed that. Knuckles tensed his body to prevent himself from physically reacting to the Master Emerald’s gushing.  “I don’t know how i could’ve resesited scooping you up
“I’m pretty sure I would have bitten you.”
“Because if anyone tried to pick me up now I’ll bite”
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multi-fandom-agereg · 11 months
Hello hello it’s me again!! I saw that you know about eddsworld:,,,, Im a little shy to ask but do you think you could do the neighbors caregiver headcannons? Or just Eduardo if that’s easier!!
🥪 The neighbor's as CGS {Eddsworld} 🏡
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🎀 ;; of course! (-from someone who was a fan of Eddsworld since 2014.) That show is very goated! This would probably make 12 year old me happy jsjs. I wasn't sure if you wanted all of the neighbors or just Eduardo in particular, so I decided to do everyone but Eduardo has more Headcanons than the other two <3 I didn't add Todd since he isn't really in the show, but if you wish to see a headcanon with them I would be more than happy to write something about them:] anyways enjoy! Ty for requesting!
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Jon 👑!
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👑 ; probably the most sweetest out of the trio. He doesn't agree with any mischief you think of, but is too shy to stop you from doing it.
👑 ; howeverrr if this mischief ends up with you or someone in danger, then he steps in. He wants to act tough but can't if you are so gosh darn adorable
👑 ; dressups and play dates with stuffies. He always gets so excited when he's invited to these! Literally invite him with your stuffies, he will get just as excited as you and your stuffies are
👑 ; very childish, you could even mistake him as a little at times instead of a CG. But in his opinion he thinks it adds wholesomeness into your regression. Everyone needs wholesomeness right?
👑 ; princess/prince/princex/majesty is the most common petnames he will call you! Really anything involving royalty is your petnames. Besides the occasionally slipping in the petname "bunny"
👑 ; baby spoiler without knowing it. Want cookies? He will get you them. Want to stay up later than normal? He will let you. Want a stuffie from the store? He will get it for you. Just do the baby eyes and you get what you want. Sometimes just a "please" will win him over
👑 ; no thought. Just Jon ✨
👑 ; oh yeah, this man loves cuddles. can you tell?
Mark 💌!
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💌 ; full of himself with alot of mistakes in his caregiver life
💌 ; don't get me wrong. He isn't doing anything on purpose, but he's doing the good in the wrong ways
💌 ; with Eduardo's help and Jon's advice he is doing his best he could for his little
💌 ; though he isn't bad at his job! He isn't a baby spoiler, but he LOVES giving you physical attention
💌 ; combing/styling your hair (if you have any), dressing you up like you're at a concert, and doing mini fashion shows! In his opinion those are the best to do
💌 ; the type of caregiver to be like "where does this go..??" While holding a sippy cup of yours. He's trying I promise
💌 ; not big on petnames, however he refers to you as "little one" when talking about you
💌 ; more like a big brother who just wants to make their little sibling happy
💌 ; usually refuses to watch the shows you want to watch with him, but the second it's on he is glued to the TV
Eduardo 🦸
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🦸 ; when you asked for this man to be your caregiver my man CRIED. (Happy tears of course)
🦸 ; acts like he's a strict CG at first glance. But is very patient and sweet to you
🦸 ; not at all a spoiler, but if you did something to earn it he'll buy you anything you want.
🦸 ; loves LOVES super heros. He has a habit of rambling it to his little about it. And sometimes would encourage you to dress up as super heros with him
🦸 ; (general headcanon) he's autistic! And he stims alot, and it's most just sounds. Such as; "yippee!, Yay!, Eee!, Yeee!" Or sometimes just straight up screaming. He tries to cut back the yelling part, but sometimes he just can't help but get excited
🦸 ; collects figurines of heros you can play with, you just have to be a bit careful with them
🦸 ; moderates the amount of sugar you drink/eat, knowing it's important to limit things like this. Even if it is a pain, you'll thank him later
🦸 ; "bud/little one/sweetheart/kiddo" is what he calls you. Of course adding ones you wish to be called If anything at all. But he respects your decision if you don't want to be called petnames
🦸 ; matching pajamas! He squeals whenever you two end up matching together. It's one of his favorite things to do
🦸 ; once when you had to be away from him for a few days (let's say school, college, work, whatever) he was too emotional about it for an entire week. Once you came back regressed, he ran to you and hugged you before spinning you in the air. (He misses you alot)
🦸 ; reads you bedtime stories literally every night before bed. He can never do without it
🦸 ; like jon, he's a cuddler. As a cuddler, he is a huge big spoon. Occasionally a head rester when you are sitting in his lap. He likes being touchy if you were comfortable with it
🦸 ; doesn't mind any petnames you call him, but melts if you were to call him "my hero/hero" he would get all stimmy and happy for a whole week
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atmymercy · 1 month
yes, i sincerely hope we both get to go on romantic candlelit dinners with our partners soon.
right, for a moment i thought i was feeling what they were going through as well, i hope they know they're not alone in all of this even if we haven't met yet. the king of swords made me feel so relieved that they're letting go of things that no longer serve them!
your reviews are a huge testament to your skills! i'm so grateful you've decided to share your gift to the world. you're such an amazing reader and i wish you the best in booking clients!
thank you so much for pulling that card and shedding more light on their situation. the last bit made me smile. <3
hello lilies!
hopefully in a fun location too! yep! i think we both deserve it! lol
i bet that really helped them more than you could know, honey! we're all connected in the 5D so sometimes just having someone you love and care about understand you can mean more than anything else you could need! aww! which is so beautiful so i'm glad you two could give that to each other! eee! i'm getting tickles along my shoulders in glee! omg! and i heard a giggle! like 'hehe!' so sounds like they're finding the joy in it again!
aww! i'm so glad you think so! because i know i do! my reviews are like me being the guide at a museum of my readings and i get to show you around and share a piece of my life and my life's work! aww! it's so romantic when you think about it! i love them so so much! oh gosh! i'm going to cry! lol "don't mind me and my tears as we enter my rembrandt stage in the next room!" lolol oh spirit, we're going to need tissue boxes in here! lol aww thank you, honey! i'm so grateful too! but it is also my pleasure to offer to share my gift with you because it means the world that you guys care and interact! i feel so connected to humanity and community when i get to read for you all. it helps me connect with my ancestors and spirit guides so much by learning from all of yours as well!
i can't help but feel like it's learning, wisdom, knowledge, intuition and love all being combined to create a beautiful moment of connection where two souls can feel understood and cared for. to get to be apart of your journey is so special and unique. it just makes me feel so fucking blessed! lol excuse my language! lolol love you, spirit! and i'm so glad i could make you smile, honey! it makes my tears one of joy! yay!
love & light!
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♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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marcobodtlives · 8 months
reincarnation AU related ask; preferably a modern AU, college age (don't have to be in college tho), maybe a recovering/sober Marco or Jean, definitely have one of them break up with the other because "I'm not good enough for you" but clearly they can't stay away from each other, 100% friends to lovers BUT PLEASE DONT LET IT BE TOO LONG UNTIL THEY KISS/GET TOGETHER I rather the angst be after they actually get together and navigate the relationship and so forth :] tbh angst prior to them getting together IS TOO OVERDONE
Okay okAY! Hi oh my gosh this was awesome, thank you! Super inspiring, so many ideas ☺️
Eee this was so fun to write, everyone send more!
Anon you’ve seasoned my brain broth of ideas and I loved writing these out for ya, inbox definitely staying wide open for any more ideas people may have (doesn’t even have to be about a reincarnation au!)
Okay yay! Here’s what I got, all under the cut:
Marco wouldn’t ever break things off with Jean, he’s too aware of the fact that it would hurt Jean. I also like to think that despite slightly underestimating himself, Marco is fairly secure in his self-image (he’s worked hard to get to this place).
Jean on the other hand… well he’s got some issues and tends to gaslight himself into thinking he’s 1) not good enough, 2) bad for Marco, and 3) better off letting Marco enjoy his college experience without being bogged down by the delinquent that’s been suspended twice for fighting Eren.
Perhaps he gets pulled up before a disciplinary board after a particularly rough fight with Eren goes wrong and they end up breaking a college statue or something similar. Maybe Marco (the kid with a squeaky clean record and stellar grades who works so hard to maintain a full-ride scholarship so there’s money left for his younger siblings to get the best opportunities) is also pulled into the meeting by proxy. (He was probably the one who pulled Jean away from the scuffle and got lumped in).
The stress the entire situation would cause Marco, the anxiety, the shame - all of it is stuff Jean is used to, but not Marco.
Instead of helping him through it, Jean freezes up and realises “I did this to him. I’m the cause of what Marco is having to face. I can’t put him through this, it’s not fair.”
He pulls back, suddenly and heartbreakingly (for Marco).
Jean is stubborn, but he can also be selfish. He doesn’t cope well with extended periods of ‘avoid Marco at all costs.’ So, his idea is to break off the odd-romantic-chemistry-thing they had, and limit themselves to friends.
They work their way up. Jean still keeps Marco at arms-length. He shuts down the uh… less than platonic feelings he definitely still holds for the other boy.
Jean still keeps him company while he studies, they still make flashcards together, and he still relentlessly insists on Marco taking breaks and keeping healthy. They still find the same seats next to each other at lunch, they still find themselves circling back to each other at every new corner and situation, as though hopelessly magnetised despite everything else.
Marco is Jean’s constant. He’s always there. But Jean keeps up the desperate “just friends” charade for a few weeks, or a couple months at most.
Marco is smart enough to know that it’s less about them as a couple and more about Jean’s own web of insecurities that holds him back. He gives Jean as much time as he needs. As long as they’re still in each other’s lives, he’s happy and won’t push for more until Jean is ready.
It’s the rest of the group that stir things up.
After a while it becomes evident that half of them don’t even know Marco and Jean have broken up.
Eren, Reiner, Historia, Mikasa, and Annie are either oblivious or indifferent to any minute changes noticed between the two of them.
While Ymir, Connie, and Sasha actively berate Jean about it. They poke fun and (in their own way) help him realise he’s being cowardly by burying his head in the sand.
Armin and Bertholdt are open and honest in a raw, vulnerable way that pushes Jean to a precipice of realisation.
He isn’t doing this because he lost faith in the relationship. He’s doing this because he’s painfully aware of his own flaws, and he’s terrified of the part they’ll play in the unknown progression of his first serious relationship.
In light of this, things change again.
Marco and Jean are together, properly this time. Nobody’s foot is hovering out the door.
Jean is hesitant, sure, but Marco’s understanding in the face of everything Jean did has strengthened his ability to trust that he can actually lean on Marco when he doesn’t feel like he’s enough.
It’s odd really. Jean seeking support from the one person who he feels he isn’t good enough for.
It’s messy, it’s patchwork, it’s a jumble of feelings and insecurities, but it’s them. It’s what they are.
Jean is a wobbly rock in a stream of college stress and Marco is the moss that keeps him lodged in place, despite the ever-changing current.
And the current definitely comes.
You pick it, there are a world of options.
An accident on campus? A near-fatal injury that leaves someone (probably Marco) hurt, suffering, and (as anon mentioned) in need of recovery and sobriety? Family problems? Interpersonal conflicts? Lost scholarships? Failing classes?
Perhaps the sudden appearance of unexplainably vivid dreams of small towns, unmeasurable walls, large, genderless titan that leave blood, bodies, and lost soulmates in their wake?
So many possibilities, but throughout them all (as long as everyone remains alive) the two of them have each other.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
for the nosy ask game
10 13 37 and 41
Eee! Yay! Distraction questions 😍😍😍
Thank you for sending some!
10 - Do you have a secret side blog?
I do 👀 I'm still setting it up, but it's where I'm going to be posting my fic recommendations and reblogging things I'm currently reading, memes, fanart, ect to cut down on my posts
13 - Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
I did. I pulled them out when I found out I was pregnant. Went through having them done twice. I haven't decided if I want to redo them. If you have confidence issues with your boobs, highly recommend it. Instant confidence boost!
37 - Have any tattoos?
Oh yeah. I'm heavily tattooed and very good friends with my artists. One of them is my daughters Godmother 😅
41 - How many followers do you have?
I'm just under 1.6k. Currently working on a 2k celebration idea. If you have suggestions, let me know 😅
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seekingthestars · 6 months
1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 16, 23!
eee yay fun!!! (photocard asks)
1. favorite (overall) photocard
i don't know what it is about this one exactly, i just love.....he's so soft.....round......the hair......cutest 😭💗
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3. oldest photocard
this isn't technically a photocard (it was a card in a memory game thing i think??), but it kind of is, and it's from 2007 so it's the oldest! :)
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9. photo with a peace sign pose
heehee :3
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10. what idol(s) do you collect (bonus - how extensively) 
svt!! most specifically, woozi. i keep pretty much anything i draw in albums but i will occasionally trade for woozi and i absolutely do buy woozi pcs lol but i'd consider myself just a little above casual i guess?? i don't try to collect every pc, i only buy if i think they're super cute and i didn't pull them, and i won't spend very much lol
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11. is there an idol you wish you had more photocards of?
any of the bias pile!!
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16. a photocard with your favorite color 
blue :)
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23. who was the first idol you started collecting? (bonus - are you still collecting them?)
super junior - ryeowook! i joined that fandom shortly before they started including photocards in albums lol i am not still collecting, i quit a long time ago, but i still have them
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sophsicle · 8 months
I just finished reading hlayk in one sitting bc I wanted to read anything u write but it made me so emotional I cried like 10 times and then the nod to choices had me crying even more so I’m here to tell u it was beautiful writing and I loved it
eee yay! I'm so glad you liked it!!!! my lil bbs,
i will write about George and Blaise again I swear it maybe i'll do a romeo and juliet au with them or something :)
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