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#happybirthday #emmastone #actress #Cruella #lalaland #thamazingspiderman #crazystupidlove #easya #zombieland #doubletap #KindsofKindness #PoorThings #TheCurse #thehelp #gangstersquad #aloha #birdman #battleofthesexes #thefavourite #IrrationalMan #MagicintheMoonlight #TheCroods
#happybirthday#emma stone#actress#cruella#la la land#the amazing spider man#crazy stupid love#easy a#zombieland#doubletap#kinds of kindness#poor things#thecurse#thehelp#gangster squad#aloha#birdman#battle of the sexes#the favourite#irrationalman#magicinthemoonlight#the croods
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Consensus EasyA Hackathon Winners: AI Agents, Gaming, Trading, Payments, NFT Platforms
Every successful crypto conference needs a Hackathon to showcase the ideas and projects that will usher in the next wave of Web3 ideas. Consensus Hong Kong—organized by EasyA, the start-up for developers—did just that and brought in hundreds of competitors to highlight the projects that look to take the industry to the next level. EasyA’s founders Dominic and Phil Kwok set out to create a…

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Just Be
Life is simple,but only as easyas we create it to be. We are the onesresisting the ease,creating complexitiesto explain the unexplainable; in this resistancewe prolong our suffering. A calm can be foundeven within a tumultuous mind. Be still, learn to let go;relax into the ease,the simplicity,just be. -akw- ___©2024 Angel K WillBlog Photo by Korhan Erdol from PexelsBe Peace. Flow Love. Life…
#be#calm#ease#I Am#let go#life#poem#poetry#relax#release#resist#serenity#simple#spiritual#suffering#tranquil
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#onlineshopping #adjustablebed #massage #zerogravity #electricbed #easya...
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchase #CommissionsEarned #ad
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XRPL Thrives: Over 1.4 Million Transactions in 2 Days
In the midst of a governance debate, the XRP Ledger (XRPL) has displayed unwavering resilience, boasting over 600 active nodes and approximately 132 validators. Despite contentious discussions, Panos, co-founder of Anodos Finance, announced the release of XRPL server Version 2.0.1, preparing validators for upcoming developments, including the introduction of Automated Market Makers (AMM).
The XRPL has not only weathered the storm of debates but has also experienced impressive growth in user activity. Over the past two days, the network has witnessed the creation of nearly 2,500 new XRP accounts and successfully processed over 1.4 million transactions, maintaining a robust throughput of 44 transactions per second.
A noteworthy stride in technological progress is the XRPL's potential for smart contract deployment. In collaboration with EasyA, Ripple has provided educational resources for developers interested in building decentralized applications (dApps), marking a significant expansion of XRPL's use cases.
Most validators have embraced the latest Ripple software version, emphasizing their commitment to network security and updates. Despite ongoing governance disputes, the XRPL stands as a dynamic and stable ecosystem, positioning itself as a promising platform with the capacity to handle increased activity, engage a thriving validator community, and foster the deployment of intelligent contracts. As it adapts and evolves, the XRPL remains well-positioned to navigate debates and champion innovation in the blockchain space.
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#happybirthday @McDowellMalc #malcommcdowell #actor #soran #startrek #generations #caligula #aclockworkorange #halloween #Thelma #TheWalk #FatherStu #timeaftertime #phineasandferb #easya #mozartinthejungle #bombshell #doomsday #theartist #BloodontheCrown #GossipGirl #SonofaCritch
#happybirthday#malcolm mcdowell#actor#soran#startrek#generations#caligula#a clockwork orange#halloween#thelma#thewalk#fatherstu#time after time#phineas and ferb#easy a#mozart in the jungle#bombshell#doomsday#the artist#bloodonthecrown#gossip girl#sonofacritch
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BYE this serenity song is mildly amusing he wants another EasyA moment so bad
Im trying to watch anyone but you and i skipped the entire opening bc thats the part i hated last time i tried to watch and everything is still so awkward. Like why is it filmed like a perfume ad and scripted like Episode
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Red is always fire! Reds in Tv/Films 1.6(final)
Olive Penderghast
Peter Pan
Lois Lane
Rose dewitt Bukater
Queen of hearts
Ruby Roundhouse
#redsinfilms#olive penderghast#easya#mystique#xmen#mcu universe#peter pan#peyerpan1953#enchanted#giselle#loislane#man of steel#dc universe#mad max#max#stranger things#rose dewitt bukater#titanic#queen of hearts#alice in wonderland#ruby roundhouse#jumanji series
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I'm due for a rewatch #easya #emmastone #amandabynes https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FhJq_lyi-/?igshid=rn01urwtfhtp
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#happybirthday #emmastone #actress #Cruella #lalaland #thamazingspiderman #crazystupidlove #easya #zombieland #thehelp #gangstersquad #aloha #birdman #battleofthesexes #thefavourite #IrrationalMan #MagicintheMoonlight #TheCroods #FriendswithBenefits #TheHouseBunny #PoorThings
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